Theory Gamma_Asymptotics

  File:    Gamma_Asymptotics.thy
  Author:  Manuel Eberl

  The complete asymptotics of the real and complex logarithmic Gamma functions.
  Also of the real Polygamma functions (could be extended to the complex ones fairly easily
  if needed).
section ‹Complete asymptotics of the logarithmic Gamma function›
theory Gamma_Asymptotics

subsection ‹Auxiliary Facts›

(* TODO: could be automated with Laurent series expansions in the future *)
lemma stirling_limit_aux1: 
  "((λy. Ln (1 + z * of_real y) / of_real y)  z) (at_right 0)" for z :: complex
proof (cases "z = 0")
  case True
  then show ?thesis by simp
  case False
  have "((λy. ln (1 + z * of_real y)) has_vector_derivative 1 * z) (at 0)"
    by (rule has_vector_derivative_real_field) (auto intro!: derivative_eq_intros)
  then have "(λy. (Ln (1 + z * of_real y) - of_real y * z) / of_real ¦y¦) 0 0"
    by (auto simp add: has_vector_derivative_def has_derivative_def netlimit_at 
          scaleR_conv_of_real field_simps)
  then have "((λy. (Ln (1 + z * of_real y) - of_real y * z) / of_real ¦y¦)  0) (at_right 0)"
    by (rule filterlim_mono[OF _ _ at_le]) simp_all
  also have "?this  ((λy. Ln (1 + z * of_real y) / (of_real y) - z)  0) (at_right 0)"
    using eventually_at_right_less[of "0::real"]
    by (intro filterlim_cong refl) (auto elim!: eventually_mono simp: field_simps)
  finally show ?thesis by (simp only: LIM_zero_iff)
lemma stirling_limit_aux2: 
  "((λy. y * Ln (1 + z / of_real y))  z) at_top" for z :: complex
  using stirling_limit_aux1[of z] by (subst filterlim_at_top_to_right) (simp add: field_simps)

lemma Union_atLeastAtMost: 
  assumes "N > 0" 
  shows   "(n{0..<N}. {real n..real (n + 1)}) = {0..real N}"
proof (intro equalityI subsetI)
  fix x assume x: "x  {0..real N}"
  thus "x  (n{0..<N}. {real n..real (n + 1)})"
  proof (cases "x = real N")
    case True
    with assms show ?thesis by (auto intro!: bexI[of _ "N - 1"])
    case False
    with x have x: "x  0" "x < real N" by simp_all
    hence "x  real (nat x)" "x  real (nat x + 1)" by linarith+
    moreover from x have "nat x < N" by linarith
    ultimately have "n{0..<N}. x  {real n..real (n + 1)}"
      by (intro bexI[of _ "nat x"]) simp_all
    thus ?thesis by blast
qed auto

subsection ‹Cones in the complex plane›

definition complex_cone :: "real  real  complex set" where
  "complex_cone a b = {z. y{a..b}. z = rcis (norm z) y}"

abbreviation complex_cone' :: "real  complex set" where
  "complex_cone' a  complex_cone (-a) a"

lemma zero_in_complex_cone [simp, intro]: "a  b  0  complex_cone a b"
  by (auto simp: complex_cone_def)

lemma complex_coneE:
  assumes "z  complex_cone a b"
  obtains r α where "r  0" "α  {a..b}" "z = rcis r α"
proof -
  from assms obtain y where "y  {a..b}" "z = rcis (norm z) y"
    unfolding complex_cone_def by auto
  thus ?thesis using that[of "norm z" y] by auto

lemma arg_cis [simp]:
  assumes "x  {-pi<..pi}"
  shows   "Arg (cis x) = x"
  using assms by (intro cis_Arg_unique) auto

lemma arg_mult_of_real_left [simp]:
  assumes "r > 0"
  shows   "Arg (of_real r * z) = Arg z"
proof (cases "z = 0")
  case False
  thus ?thesis
    using Arg_bounded[of z] assms
    by (intro cis_Arg_unique) (auto simp: sgn_mult sgn_of_real cis_Arg)
qed auto

lemma arg_mult_of_real_right [simp]:
  assumes "r > 0"
  shows   "Arg (z * of_real r) = Arg z"
  by (subst mult.commute, subst arg_mult_of_real_left) (simp_all add: assms)

lemma arg_rcis [simp]:
  assumes "x  {-pi<..pi}" "r > 0"
  shows   "Arg (rcis r x) = x"
  using assms by (simp add: rcis_def)

lemma rcis_in_complex_cone [intro]: 
  assumes "α  {a..b}" "r  0"
  shows   "rcis r α  complex_cone a b"
  using assms by (auto simp: complex_cone_def)  

lemma arg_imp_in_complex_cone:
  assumes "Arg z  {a..b}"
  shows   "z  complex_cone a b"
proof -
  have "z = rcis (norm z) (Arg z)"
    by (simp add: rcis_cmod_Arg)
  also have "  complex_cone a b"
    using assms by auto
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma complex_cone_altdef:
  assumes "-pi < a" "a  b" "b  pi"
  shows   "complex_cone a b = insert 0 {z. Arg z  {a..b}}"
proof (intro equalityI subsetI)
  fix z assume "z  complex_cone a b"
  then obtain r α where *: "r  0" "α  {a..b}" "z = rcis r α"
    by (auto elim: complex_coneE)
  have "Arg z  {a..b}" if [simp]: "z  0"
  proof -
    have "r > 0" using that * by (subst (asm) *) auto
    hence "α  {a..b}"
      using *(1,2) assms by (auto simp: *(1))
    moreover from assms *(2) have "α  {-pi<..pi}"
      by auto
    ultimately show ?thesis using *(3) r > 0
      by (subst *) auto
  thus "z  insert 0 {z. Arg z  {a..b}}"
    by auto
qed (use assms in auto intro: arg_imp_in_complex_cone)

lemma nonneg_of_real_in_complex_cone [simp, intro]:
  assumes "x  0" "a  0" "0  b"
  shows   "of_real x  complex_cone a b"
proof -
  from assms have "rcis x 0  complex_cone a b"
    by (intro rcis_in_complex_cone) auto
  thus ?thesis by simp

lemma one_in_complex_cone [simp, intro]: "a  0  0  b  1  complex_cone a b"
  using nonneg_of_real_in_complex_cone[of 1] by (simp del: nonneg_of_real_in_complex_cone)

lemma of_nat_in_complex_cone [simp, intro]: "a  0  0  b  of_nat n  complex_cone a b"
  using nonneg_of_real_in_complex_cone[of "real n"] by (simp del: nonneg_of_real_in_complex_cone)

subsection ‹Another integral representation of the Beta function›

lemma complex_cone_inter_nonpos_Reals:
  assumes "-pi < a" "a  b" "b < pi"
  shows   "complex_cone a b  0 = {0}"
proof (safe elim!: nonpos_Reals_cases)
  fix x :: real
  assume "complex_of_real x  complex_cone a b" "x  0"
  hence "¬(x < 0)"
    using assms by (intro notI) (auto simp: complex_cone_altdef)
  with x  0 show "complex_of_real x = 0" by auto  
qed (use assms in auto)

  assumes a: "a > 0" and b: "b > (0 :: real)"
  shows has_integral_Beta_real': 
          "((λu. u powr (b - 1) / (1 + u) powr (a + b)) has_integral Beta a b) {0<..}"
    and Beta_conv_nn_integral:
          "Beta a b = (+u. ennreal (indicator {0<..} u * u powr (b - 1) / (1 + u) powr (a + b)) lborel)"
proof -
  define I where 
    "I = (+u. ennreal (indicator {0<..} u * u powr (b - 1) / (1 + u) powr (a + b)) lborel)"
  have "Gamma (a + b) > 0" "Beta a b > 0"
    using assms by (simp_all add: add_pos_pos Beta_def)
  from a b have "ennreal (Gamma a * Gamma b) =
    (+ t. ennreal (indicator {0..} t * t powr (a - 1) / exp t) lborel) *
    (+ t. ennreal (indicator {0..} t * t powr (b - 1) / exp t) lborel)"
    by (subst ennreal_mult') (simp_all add: Gamma_conv_nn_integral_real)
  also have " = (+t. +u. ennreal (indicator {0..} t * t powr (a - 1) / exp t) *
                            ennreal (indicator {0..} u * u powr (b - 1) / exp u) lborel lborel)"
    by (simp add: nn_integral_cmult nn_integral_multc)
  also have " = (+t. indicator {0<..} t * (+u. indicator {0..} u * t powr (a - 1) * u powr (b - 1)
                            / exp (t + u) lborel) lborel)"
    by (intro nn_integral_cong_AE AE_I[of _ _ "{0}"])
       (auto simp: indicator_def divide_ennreal ennreal_mult' [symmetric] exp_add mult_ac)
  also have " = (+t. indicator {0<..} t * (+u. indicator {0..} u * t powr (a - 1) * u powr (b - 1)
                            / exp (t + u) 
                    (density (distr lborel borel ((*) t)) (λx. ennreal ¦t¦))) lborel)"
    by (intro nn_integral_cong mult_indicator_cong, subst lborel_distr_mult' [symmetric]) auto
  also have " = (+(t::real). indicator {0<..} t * (+u. 
                     indicator {0..} (u * t) * t powr a *
                     (u * t) powr (b - 1) / exp (t + t * u) lborel) lborel)"
    by (intro nn_integral_cong mult_indicator_cong)
       (auto simp: nn_integral_density nn_integral_distr algebra_simps powr_diff
             simp flip: ennreal_mult)
  also have " = (+(t::real). +u. indicator ({0<..}×{0..}) (t, u) *
                     t powr a * (u * t) powr (b - 1) / exp (t * (u + 1)) lborel lborel)"
    by (subst nn_integral_cmult [symmetric], simp, intro nn_integral_cong)
       (auto simp: indicator_def zero_le_mult_iff algebra_simps)
  also have " = (+(t::real). +u. indicator ({0<..}×{0..}) (t, u) *
                     t powr (a + b - 1) * u powr (b - 1) / exp (t * (u + 1)) lborel lborel)"
    by (intro nn_integral_cong) (auto simp: powr_add powr_diff indicator_def powr_mult field_simps)
  also have " = (+(u::real). +t. indicator ({0<..}×{0..}) (t, u) *
                     t powr (a + b - 1) * u powr (b - 1) / exp (t * (u + 1)) lborel lborel)"
    by (rule lborel_pair.Fubini') auto
  also have " = (+(u::real). indicator {0..} u * (+t. indicator {0<..} t *
                     t powr (a + b - 1) * u powr (b - 1) / exp (t * (u + 1)) lborel) lborel)"
    by (intro nn_integral_cong mult_indicator_cong) (auto simp: indicator_def)
  also have " = (+(u::real). indicator {0<..} u * (+t. indicator {0<..} t *
                     t powr (a + b - 1) * u powr (b - 1) / exp (t * (u + 1)) lborel) lborel)"
    by (intro nn_integral_cong_AE AE_I[of _ _ "{0}"]) (auto simp: indicator_def)
  also have " = (+(u::real). indicator {0<..} u * (+t. indicator {0<..} t *
                     t powr (a + b - 1) * u powr (b - 1) / exp (t * (u + 1)) 
                    (density (distr lborel borel ((*) (1/(1+u)))) (λx. ennreal ¦1/(1+u)¦))) lborel)"
    by (intro nn_integral_cong mult_indicator_cong, subst lborel_distr_mult' [symmetric]) auto
  also have " = (+(u::real). indicator {0<..} u * 
                    (+t. ennreal (1 / (u + 1)) * ennreal (indicator {0<..} (t / (u + 1)) *
                     (t / (1+u)) powr (a + b - 1) * u powr (b - 1) / exp t)
                    lborel) lborel)"
    by (intro nn_integral_cong mult_indicator_cong)
       (auto simp: nn_integral_distr nn_integral_density add_ac)
  also have " = (+u. +t. indicator ({0<..}×{0<..}) (u, t) * 
                    1/(u+1) * (t / (u+1)) powr (a + b - 1) * u powr (b - 1) / exp t
                    lborel lborel)"
    by (subst nn_integral_cmult [symmetric], simp, intro nn_integral_cong)
       (auto simp: indicator_def field_simps divide_ennreal simp flip: ennreal_mult ennreal_mult')
  also have " = (+u. +t. ennreal (indicator {0<..} u * u powr (b - 1) / (1 + u) powr (a + b)) *
                            ennreal (indicator {0<..} t * t powr (a + b - 1) / exp t)
                    lborel lborel)"
    by (intro nn_integral_cong)
       (auto simp: indicator_def powr_add powr_diff powr_divide powr_minus divide_simps add_ac
             simp flip: ennreal_mult)
  also have " = I * (+t. indicator {0<..} t * t powr (a + b - 1) / exp t lborel)"
    by (simp add: nn_integral_cmult nn_integral_multc I_def)
  also have "(+t. indicator {0<..} t * t powr (a + b - 1) / exp t lborel) =
               ennreal (Gamma (a + b))"
    using assms
    by (subst Gamma_conv_nn_integral_real)
       (auto intro!: nn_integral_cong_AE[OF AE_I[of _ _ "{0}"]] 
             simp: indicator_def split: if_splits split_of_bool_asm)
  finally have "ennreal (Gamma a * Gamma b) = I * ennreal (Gamma (a + b))" .
  hence "ennreal (Gamma a * Gamma b) / ennreal (Gamma (a + b)) =
           I * ennreal (Gamma (a + b)) / ennreal (Gamma (a + b))" by simp
  also have " = I"
    using Gamma (a + b) > 0 by (intro ennreal_mult_divide_eq) auto
  also have "ennreal (Gamma a * Gamma b) / ennreal (Gamma (a + b)) =
               ennreal (Gamma a * Gamma b / Gamma (a + b))"
    using assms by (intro divide_ennreal) auto
  also have " = ennreal (Beta a b)"
    by (simp add: Beta_def)
  finally show *: "ennreal (Beta a b) = I" .

  define f where "f = (λu. u powr (b - 1) / (1 + u) powr (a + b))"
  have "((λu. indicator {0<..} u * f u) has_integral Beta a b) UNIV"
    using * Beta a b > 0
    by (subst has_integral_iff_nn_integral_lebesgue)
       (auto simp: f_def measurable_completion nn_integral_completion I_def mult_ac)
  also have "(λu. indicator {0<..} u * f u) = (λu. if u  {0<..} then f u else 0)"
    by (auto simp: fun_eq_iff)
  also have "( has_integral Beta a b) UNIV  (f has_integral Beta a b) {0<..}"
    by (rule has_integral_restrict_UNIV)
  finally show  by (simp add: f_def)

lemma has_integral_Beta2:
  fixes a :: real
  assumes "a < -1/2"
  shows   "((λx. (1 + x ^ 2) powr a) has_integral Beta (- a - 1 / 2) (1 / 2) / 2) {0<..}"
proof -
  define f where "f = (λu. u powr (-1/2) / (1 + u) powr (-a))"
  define C where "C = Beta (-a-1/2) (1/2)"
  have I: "(f has_integral C) {0<..}"
    using has_integral_Beta_real'[of "-a-1/2" "1/2"] assms
    by (simp_all add: diff_divide_distrib f_def C_def)

  define g where "g = (λx. x ^ 2 :: real)"
  have bij: "bij_betw g {0<..} {0<..}"
    by (intro bij_betwI[of _ _ _ sqrt]) (auto simp: g_def)

  have "(f absolutely_integrable_on g ` {0<..}  integral (g ` {0<..}) f = C)"
    using I bij by (simp add: bij_betw_def has_integral_iff absolutely_integrable_on_def f_def)
  also have "?this  ((λx. ¦2 * x¦ *R f (g x)) absolutely_integrable_on {0<..} 
                         integral {0<..} (λx. ¦2 * x¦ *R f (g x)) = C)"
    using bij by (intro has_absolute_integral_change_of_variables_1' [symmetric])
                 (auto intro!: derivative_eq_intros simp: g_def bij_betw_def)
  finally have "((λx. ¦2 * x¦ * f (g x)) has_integral C) {0<..}"
    by (simp add: absolutely_integrable_on_def f_def has_integral_iff)
  also have "?this  ((λx::real. 2 * (1 + x2) powr a) has_integral C) {0<..}"
    by (intro has_integral_cong) (auto simp: f_def g_def powr_def exp_minus ln_realpow field_simps)
  finally have "((λx::real. 1/2 * (2 * (1 + x2) powr a)) has_integral 1/2 * C) {0<..}"
    by (intro has_integral_mult_right)
  thus ?thesis by (simp add: C_def)

lemma has_integral_Beta3:
  fixes a b :: real
  assumes "a < -1/2" and "b > 0"
  shows   "((λx. (b + x ^ 2) powr a) has_integral
             Beta (-a - 1/2) (1/2) / 2 * b powr (a + 1/2)) {0<..}"
proof -
  define C where "C = Beta (- a - 1 / 2) (1 / 2) / 2"
  have int: "nn_integral lborel (λx. indicator {0<..} x * (1 + x ^ 2) powr a) = C"
    using nn_integral_has_integral_lebesgue[OF _ has_integral_Beta2[OF assms(1)]]
    by (auto simp: C_def)
  have "nn_integral lborel (λx. indicator {0<..} x * (b + x ^ 2) powr a) =
        (+x. ennreal (indicat_real {0<..} (x * sqrt b) * (b + (x * sqrt b)2) powr a * sqrt b) lborel)"
    using assms
    by (subst lborel_distr_mult'[of "sqrt b"])
       (auto simp: nn_integral_density nn_integral_distr mult_ac simp flip: ennreal_mult)
  also have " = (+x. ennreal (indicat_real {0<..} x * (b * (1 + x ^ 2)) powr a * sqrt b) lborel)"
    using assms
    by (intro nn_integral_cong) (auto simp: indicator_def field_simps zero_less_mult_iff)
  also have " = (+x. ennreal (indicat_real {0<..} x * b powr (a + 1/2) * (1 + x ^ 2) powr a) lborel)"
    using assms
    by (intro nn_integral_cong) (auto simp: indicator_def powr_add powr_half_sqrt powr_mult)    
  also have " = b powr (a + 1/2) * (+x. ennreal (indicat_real {0<..} x * (1 + x ^ 2) powr a) lborel)"
    using assms by (subst nn_integral_cmult [symmetric]) (simp_all add: mult_ac flip: ennreal_mult)
  also have "(+x. ennreal (indicat_real {0<..} x * (1 + x ^ 2) powr a) lborel) = C"
    using int by simp
  also have "ennreal (b powr (a + 1/2)) * ennreal C = ennreal (C * b powr (a + 1/2))"
    using assms by (subst ennreal_mult) (auto simp: C_def mult_ac Beta_def)
  finally have *: "(+ x. ennreal (indicat_real {0<..} x * (b + x2) powr a) lborel) = " .
  hence "((λx. indicator {0<..} x * (b + x^2) powr a) has_integral C * b powr (a + 1/2)) UNIV"
    using assms
    by (subst has_integral_iff_nn_integral_lebesgue)
       (auto simp: C_def measurable_completion nn_integral_completion Beta_def)
  also have "(λx. indicator {0<..} x * (b + x^2) powr a) =
             (λx. if x  {0<..} then (b + x^2) powr a else 0)"
    by (auto simp: fun_eq_iff)
  finally show ?thesis
    by (subst (asm) has_integral_restrict_UNIV) (auto simp: C_def)

subsection ‹Asymptotics of the real $\log\Gamma$ function and its derivatives›

text ‹
  This is the error term that occurs in the expansion of @{term ln_Gamma}. It can be shown to 
  be of order $O(s^{-n})$.
definition stirling_integral :: "nat  'a :: {real_normed_div_algebra, banach}  'a" where
  "stirling_integral n s = 
     lim (λN. integral {0..N} (λx. of_real (pbernpoly n x) / (of_real x + s) ^ n))"

  fixes s :: complex assumes s: "s  0"
  fixes approx :: "nat  complex"
  defines "approx  (λN. 
    (n = 1..<N. s / of_nat n - ln (1 + s / of_nat n)) - (euler_mascheroni * s + ln s) - ― ‹⟶ ln_Gamma s›
    (ln_Gamma (of_nat N) - ln (2 * pi / of_nat N) / 2 - of_nat N * ln (of_nat N) + of_nat N) - ― ‹⟶ 0›
    s * (harm (N - 1) - ln (of_nat (N - 1)) - euler_mascheroni) + ― ‹⟶ 0›
    s * (ln (of_nat N + s) - ln (of_nat (N - 1))) - ― ‹⟶ 0›
    (1/2) * (ln (of_nat N + s) - ln (of_nat N)) +       ― ‹⟶ 0›
    of_nat N * (ln (of_nat N + s) - ln (of_nat N)) -  ― ‹⟶ s›
    (s - 1/2) * ln s - ln (2 * pi) / 2)"
qualified lemma
  assumes N: "N > 0"
  shows   integrable_pbernpoly_1:
            "(λx. of_real (-pbernpoly 1 x) / (of_real x + s)) integrable_on {0..real N}"
  and     integral_pbernpoly_1_aux:
            "integral {0..real N} (λx. -of_real (pbernpoly 1 x) / (of_real x + s)) = approx N"
  and     has_integral_pbernpoly_1:
            "((λx. pbernpoly 1 x /(x + s)) has_integral 
              (m<N. (of_nat m + 1 / 2 + s) * (ln (of_nat m + s) - 
                        ln (of_nat m + 1 + s)) + 1)) {0..real N}"
proof -
  let ?A = "(λn. {of_nat n..of_nat (n+1)}) ` {0..<N}"
  have has_integral: 
    "((λx. -pbernpoly 1 x / (x + s)) has_integral 
             (of_nat n + 1/2 + s) * (ln (of_nat (n + 1) + s) - ln (of_nat n + s)) - 1) 
           {of_nat n..of_nat (n + 1)}" for n
  proof (rule has_integral_spike)      
    have "((λx. (of_nat n + 1/2 + s) * (1 / (of_real x + s)) - 1) has_integral 
              (of_nat n + 1/2 + s) * (ln (of_real (real (n + 1)) + s) - ln (of_real (real n) + s)) - 1) 
            {of_nat n..of_nat (n + 1)}" 
      using s has_integral_const_real[of 1 "of_nat n" "of_nat (n + 1)"]
      by (intro has_integral_diff has_integral_mult_right fundamental_theorem_of_calculus)
         (auto intro!: derivative_eq_intros has_vector_derivative_real_field
               simp: has_real_derivative_iff_has_vector_derivative [symmetric] field_simps
    thus "((λx. (of_nat n + 1/2 + s) * (1 / (of_real x + s)) - 1) has_integral 
              (of_nat n + 1/2 + s) * (ln (of_nat (n + 1) + s) - ln (of_nat n + s)) - 1) 
            {of_nat n..of_nat (n + 1)}" by simp
    show "-pbernpoly 1 x / (x + s) = (of_nat n + 1/2 + s) * (1 / (x + s)) - 1"
         if "x  {of_nat n..of_nat (n + 1)} - {of_nat (n + 1)}" for x
    proof -
      have x: "x  real n" "x < real (n + 1)" using that by simp_all
      hence "floor x = int n" by linarith
      moreover from s x have "complex_of_real x  -s" 
        by (auto simp add: complex_eq_iff complex_nonpos_Reals_iff simp del: of_nat_Suc)
      ultimately show "-pbernpoly 1 x / (x + s) = (of_nat n + 1/2 + s) * (1 / (x + s)) - 1"
        by (auto simp: pbernpoly_def bernpoly_def frac_def divide_simps add_eq_0_iff2)
  qed simp_all
  hence *: "I. I?A  ((λx. -pbernpoly 1 x / (x + s)) has_integral 
              (Inf I + 1/2 + s) * (ln (Inf I + 1 + s) - ln (Inf I + s)) - 1) I"
    by (auto simp: add_ac)
  have "((λx. - pbernpoly 1 x / (x + s)) has_integral
          (I?A. (Inf I + 1 / 2 + s) * (ln (Inf I + 1 + s) - ln (Inf I + s)) - 1))
          (n{0..<N}. {real n..real (n + 1)})" (is "(_ has_integral ?i) _")
    apply (intro has_integral_Union * finite_imageI)
      apply (force intro!: negligible_atLeastAtMostI pairwiseI)+
  hence has_integral: "((λx. - pbernpoly 1 x / (x + s)) has_integral ?i) {0..real N}"
    by (subst has_integral_spike_set_eq)
       (use Union_atLeastAtMost assms in auto simp: intro!: empty_imp_negligible)
  hence "(λx. - pbernpoly 1 x / (x + s)) integrable_on {0..real N}"
    and integral:   "integral {0..real N} (λx. - pbernpoly 1 x / (x + s)) = ?i"
    by (simp_all add: has_integral_iff)
  show "(λx. - pbernpoly 1 x / (x + s)) integrable_on {0..real N}" by fact

  note has_integral_neg[OF has_integral]
  also have "-?i = (x<N. (of_nat x + 1 / 2 + s) * (ln (of_nat x + s) - ln (of_nat x + 1 + s)) + 1)" 
    by (subst sum.reindex) 
       (simp_all add: inj_on_def atLeast0LessThan algebra_simps sum_negf [symmetric])
  finally show has_integral: 
    "((λx. of_real (pbernpoly 1 x) / (of_real x + s)) has_integral ) {0..real N}" by simp
  note integral
  also have "?i = (n<N. (of_nat n + 1 / 2 + s) * 
                    (ln (of_nat n + 1 + s) - ln (of_nat n + s))) - N" (is "_ = ?S - _")
    by (subst sum.reindex) (simp_all add: inj_on_def sum_subtractf atLeast0LessThan)
  also have "?S = (n<N. of_nat n * (ln (of_nat n + 1 + s) - ln (of_nat n + s))) +
                    (s + 1 / 2) * (n<N. ln (of_nat (Suc n) + s) - ln (of_nat n + s))" 
    (is "_ = ?S1 + _ * ?S2") by (simp add: algebra_simps sum.distrib sum_subtractf sum_distrib_left)
  also have "?S2 = ln (of_nat N + s) - ln s" by (subst sum_lessThan_telescope) simp
  also have "?S1 = (n=1..<N. of_nat n * (ln (of_nat n + 1 + s) - ln (of_nat n + s)))"
    by (intro sum.mono_neutral_right) auto
  also have " = (n=1..<N. of_nat n * ln (of_nat n + 1 + s)) - (n=1..<N. of_nat n * ln (of_nat n + s))"
    by (simp add: algebra_simps sum_subtractf)
  also have "(n=1..<N. of_nat n * ln (of_nat n + 1 + s)) = 
               (n=1..<N. (of_nat n - 1) * ln (of_nat n + s)) + (N - 1) * ln (of_nat N + s)"
    by (induction N) (simp_all add: add_ac of_nat_diff)
  also have " - (n = 1..<N. of_nat n * ln (of_nat n + s)) =
               -(n=1..<N. ln (of_nat n + s)) + (N - 1) * ln (of_nat N + s)"
    by (induction N) (simp_all add: algebra_simps)
  also from s have neq: "s + of_nat x  0" for x
    by (auto simp:  complex_nonpos_Reals_iff complex_eq_iff)
  hence "(n=1..<N. ln (of_nat n + s)) = (n=1..<N. ln (of_nat n) + ln (1 + s/n))"
    by (intro sum.cong refl, subst Ln_times_of_nat [symmetric]) (auto simp: divide_simps add_ac)
  also have " = ln (fact (N - 1)) + (n=1..<N. ln (1 + s/n))"
    by (induction N) (simp_all add: Ln_times_of_nat fact_reduce add_ac)
  also have "(n=1..<N. ln (1 + s/n)) = -(n=1..<N. s / n - ln (1 + s/n)) + s * (n=1..<N. 1 / of_nat n)"
    by (simp add: sum_distrib_left sum_subtractf) 
  also from N have "ln (fact (N - 1)) = ln_Gamma (of_nat N :: complex)" 
    by (simp add: ln_Gamma_complex_conv_fact)
  also have "{1..<N} = {1..N - 1}" by auto
  hence "(n = 1..<N. 1 / of_nat n) = (harm (N - 1) :: complex)" 
    by (simp add: harm_def divide_simps)
  also have "- (ln_Gamma (of_nat N) + (- (n = 1..<N. s / of_nat n - ln (1 + s / of_nat n)) +
                 s * harm (N - 1))) + of_nat (N - 1) * ln (of_nat N + s) +
                (s + 1 / 2) * (ln (of_nat N + s) - ln s) - of_nat N = approx N"
    using N by (simp add: field_simps of_nat_diff ln_div approx_def Ln_of_nat 
                          ln_Gamma_complex_of_real [symmetric])
  finally show "integral {0..of_nat N} (λx. -of_real (pbernpoly 1 x) / (of_real x + s)) = " 
    by simp
lemma integrable_ln_Gamma_aux:
  shows   "(λx. of_real (pbernpoly n x) / (of_real x + s) ^ n) integrable_on {0..real N}"
proof (cases "n = 1")
  case True
  with s show ?thesis using integrable_neg[OF integrable_pbernpoly_1[of N]] 
    by (cases "N = 0") (simp_all add: integrable_negligible)
  case False
  from s have "of_real x + s  0" if "x  0" for x using that 
    by (auto simp: complex_eq_iff add_eq_0_iff2 complex_nonpos_Reals_iff)
  with False s show ?thesis
    by (auto intro!: integrable_continuous_real continuous_intros)
text ‹
  This following proof is based on ``Rudiments of the theory of the gamma function'' 
  by Bruce Berndt~cite"berndt".
lemma tendsto_of_real_0_I: 
  "(f  0) G  ((λx. (of_real (f x)))  (0 ::'a::real_normed_div_algebra)) G"
  using tendsto_of_real_iff by force

qualified lemma integral_pbernpoly_1:
  "(λN. integral {0..real N} (λx. pbernpoly 1 x / (x + s)))
      -ln_Gamma s - s + (s - 1 / 2) * ln s + ln (2 * pi) / 2"
proof -  
  have neq: "s + of_real x  0" if "x  0" for x :: real
    using that s by (auto simp: complex_eq_iff complex_nonpos_Reals_iff)
  have "(approx  ln_Gamma s - 0 - 0 + 0 - 0 + s - (s - 1/2) * ln s - ln (2 * pi) / 2) at_top"
    unfolding approx_def
  proof (intro tendsto_add tendsto_diff)
    from s have s': "s  0" by (auto simp: complex_nonpos_Reals_iff elim!: nonpos_Ints_cases)
    have "(λn. i=1..<n. s / of_nat i - ln (1 + s / of_nat i))  
             ln_Gamma s + euler_mascheroni * s + ln s" (is "?f  _")
      using ln_Gamma_series'_aux[OF s'] unfolding sums_def 
      by (subst filterlim_sequentially_Suc [symmetric], subst (asm) sum.atLeast1_atMost_eq [symmetric]) 
         (simp add: atLeastLessThanSuc_atLeastAtMost)
    thus "((λn. ?f n - (euler_mascheroni * s + ln s))  ln_Gamma s) at_top"
      by (auto intro: tendsto_eq_intros)
    show "(λx. complex_of_real (ln_Gamma (real x) - ln (2 * pi / real x) / 2 - 
                 real x * ln (real x) + real x))  0"
    proof (intro tendsto_of_real_0_I 
             filterlim_compose[OF tendsto_sandwich filterlim_real_sequentially])
      show "eventually (λx::real. ln_Gamma x - ln (2 * pi / x) / 2 - x * ln x + x  0) at_top"
        using eventually_ge_at_top[of "1::real"] 
        by eventually_elim (insert ln_Gamma_bounds(1), simp add: algebra_simps)
      show "eventually (λx::real. ln_Gamma x - ln (2 * pi / x) / 2 - x * ln x + x  
              1 / 12 * inverse x) at_top"
        using eventually_ge_at_top[of "1::real"] 
        by eventually_elim (insert ln_Gamma_bounds(2), simp add: field_simps)
      show "((λx::real. 1 / 12 * inverse x)  0) at_top"
        by real_asymp
    qed simp_all
    have "(λx. s * of_real (harm (x - 1) - ln (real (x - 1)) - euler_mascheroni))  
            s * of_real (euler_mascheroni - euler_mascheroni)"
      by (subst filterlim_sequentially_Suc [symmetric], intro tendsto_intros) 
         (insert euler_mascheroni_LIMSEQ, simp_all)
    also have "?this  (λx. s * (harm (x - 1) - ln (of_nat (x - 1)) - euler_mascheroni))  0"
      by (intro filterlim_cong refl eventually_mono[OF eventually_gt_at_top[of "1::nat"]])
         (auto simp: of_real_harm simp del: of_nat_diff)
    finally show "(λx. s * (harm (x - 1) - ln (of_nat (x - 1)) - euler_mascheroni))  0"  .
    have "((λx. ln (1 + (s + 1) / of_real x))  ln (1 + 0)) at_top" (is ?P)
      by (intro tendsto_intros tendsto_divide_0[OF tendsto_const]) 
         (simp_all add: filterlim_ident filterlim_at_infinity_conv_norm_at_top filterlim_abs_real)
    also have "ln (of_real (x + 1) + s) - ln (complex_of_real x) = ln (1 + (s + 1) / of_real x)" 
      if "x > 1" for x using that s
      using Ln_divide_of_real[of x "of_real (x + 1) + s", symmetric] neq[of "x+1"]
      by (simp add: field_simps Ln_of_real)
    hence "?P  ((λx. ln (of_real (x + 1) + s) - ln (of_real x))  0) at_top"
      by (intro filterlim_cong refl) 
         (auto intro: eventually_mono[OF eventually_gt_at_top[of "1::real"]])
    finally have "((λn. ln (of_real (real n + 1) + s) - ln (of_real (real n)))  0) at_top"
      by (rule filterlim_compose[OF _ filterlim_real_sequentially])
    hence "((λn. ln (of_nat n + s) - ln (of_nat (n - 1)))  0) at_top"
      by (subst filterlim_sequentially_Suc [symmetric]) (simp add: add_ac)
    thus "(λx. s * (ln (of_nat x + s) - ln (of_nat (x - 1))))  0"
      by (rule tendsto_mult_right_zero)
    have "((λx. ln (1 + s / of_real x))  ln (1 + 0)) at_top" (is ?P)
      by (intro tendsto_intros tendsto_divide_0[OF tendsto_const]) 
         (simp_all add: filterlim_ident  filterlim_at_infinity_conv_norm_at_top filterlim_abs_real)
    also have "ln (of_real x + s) - ln (of_real x) = ln (1 + s / of_real x)" if "x > 0" for x
      using Ln_divide_of_real[of x "of_real x + s"] neq[of x] that
      by (auto simp: field_simps Ln_of_real)
    hence "?P  ((λx. ln (of_real x + s) - ln (of_real x))  0) at_top"
      using s by (intro filterlim_cong refl) 
                 (auto intro: eventually_mono [OF eventually_gt_at_top[of "1::real"]])
    finally have "(λx. (1/2) * (ln (of_real (real x) + s) - ln (of_real (real x))))  0"        
      by (rule tendsto_mult_right_zero[OF filterlim_compose[OF _ filterlim_real_sequentially]])
    thus "(λx. (1/2) * (ln (of_nat x + s) - ln (of_nat x)))  0" by simp
    have "((λx. x * (ln (1 + s / of_real x)))  s) at_top" (is ?P) 
      by (rule stirling_limit_aux2)
    also have "ln (1 + s / of_real x) = ln (of_real x + s) - ln (of_real x)" if "x > 1" for x 
      using that s Ln_divide_of_real [of x "of_real x + s", symmetric] neq[of x]
      by (auto simp: Ln_of_real field_simps)
    hence "?P  ((λx. of_real x * (ln (of_real x + s) - ln (of_real x)))  s) at_top"
      by (intro filterlim_cong refl) 
         (auto intro: eventually_mono[OF eventually_gt_at_top[of "1::real"]])
    finally have "(λn. of_real (real n) * (ln (of_real (real n) + s) - ln (of_real (real n))))  s"
      by (rule filterlim_compose[OF _ filterlim_real_sequentially])
    thus "(λn. of_nat n * (ln (of_nat n + s) - ln (of_nat n)))  s" by simp
  qed simp_all
  also have "?this  ((λN. integral {0..real N} (λx. -pbernpoly 1 x / (x + s))) 
                         ln_Gamma s + s - (s - 1/2) * ln s - ln (2 * pi) / 2) at_top"
    using integral_pbernpoly_1_aux
    by (intro filterlim_cong refl) 
       (auto intro: eventually_mono[OF eventually_gt_at_top[of "0::nat"]])
  also have "(λN. integral {0..real N} (λx. -pbernpoly 1 x / (x + s))) =
               (λN. -integral {0..real N} (λx. pbernpoly 1 x / (x + s)))"
    by (simp add: fun_eq_iff)
  finally show ?thesis by (simp add: tendsto_minus_cancel_left [symmetric] algebra_simps)

qualified lemma pbernpoly_integral_conv_pbernpoly_integral_Suc:
  assumes "n  1"
  shows   "integral {0..real N} (λx. pbernpoly n x / (x + s) ^ n) =
             of_real (pbernpoly (Suc n) (real N)) / (of_nat (Suc n) * (s + of_nat N) ^ n) -
             of_real (bernoulli (Suc n)) / (of_nat (Suc n) * s ^ n) + of_nat n / of_nat (Suc n) * 
               integral {0..real N} (λx. of_real (pbernpoly (Suc n) x) / (of_real x + s) ^ Suc n)"
proof - 
  note [derivative_intros] = has_field_derivative_pbernpoly_Suc'
  define I where "I = -of_real (pbernpoly (Suc n) (of_nat N)) / (of_nat (Suc n) * (of_nat N + s) ^ n) +
            of_real (bernoulli (Suc n) / real (Suc n)) / s ^ n +
            integral {0..real N} (λx. of_real (pbernpoly n x) / (of_real x + s) ^ n)"
  have "((λx. (-of_nat n * inverse (of_real x + s) ^ Suc n) * 
          (of_real (pbernpoly (Suc n) x) / (of_nat (Suc n))))
          has_integral -I) {0..real N}"
  proof (rule integration_by_parts_interior_strong[OF bounded_bilinear_mult])
    fix x :: real assume x: "x  {0<..<real N} - real ` {0..N}"
    have "x  "
      assume "x  "
      then obtain n where "x = of_int n" by (auto elim!: Ints_cases)
      with x have x': "x = of_nat (nat n)" by simp
      from x show False by (auto simp: x')
    hence "((λx. of_real (pbernpoly (Suc n) x / of_nat (Suc n))) has_vector_derivative
        complex_of_real (pbernpoly n x)) (at x)"
      by (intro has_vector_derivative_of_real) (auto intro!: derivative_eq_intros)
    thus "((λx. of_real (pbernpoly (Suc n) x) / of_nat (Suc n)) has_vector_derivative
            complex_of_real (pbernpoly n x)) (at x)" by simp
    from x s have "complex_of_real x + s  0"
      by (auto simp: complex_eq_iff complex_nonpos_Reals_iff)
    thus "((λx. inverse (of_real x + s) ^ n) has_vector_derivative 
             - of_nat n * inverse (of_real x + s) ^ Suc n) (at x)" using x s assms
      by (auto intro!: derivative_eq_intros has_vector_derivative_real_field simp: divide_simps power_add [symmetric]
               simp del: power_Suc)
    have "complex_of_real x + s  0" if "x  0" for x 
      using that s by (auto simp: complex_eq_iff complex_nonpos_Reals_iff)
    thus "continuous_on {0..real N} (λx. inverse (of_real x + s) ^ n)" 
         "continuous_on {0..real N} (λx. complex_of_real (pbernpoly (Suc n) x) / of_nat (Suc n))"
      using assms s by (auto intro!: continuous_intros simp del: of_nat_Suc)
    have "((λx. inverse (of_real x + s) ^ n * of_real (pbernpoly n x)) has_integral
            pbernpoly (Suc n) (of_nat N) / (of_nat (Suc n) * (of_nat N + s) ^ n) -
            of_real (bernoulli (Suc n) / real (Suc n)) / s ^ n - -I) {0..real N}" 
      using integrable_ln_Gamma_aux[of n N] assms
      by (auto simp: I_def has_integral_integral divide_simps)
    thus "((λx. inverse (of_real x + s) ^ n * of_real (pbernpoly n x)) has_integral
              inverse (of_real (real N) + s) ^ n * (of_real (pbernpoly (Suc n) (real N)) / 
                  of_nat (Suc n)) -
              inverse (of_real 0 + s) ^ n * (of_real (pbernpoly (Suc n) 0) / of_nat (Suc n)) - - I)
            {0..real N}" by (simp_all add: field_simps)
  qed simp_all
  also have "(λx. - of_nat n * inverse (of_real x + s) ^ Suc n * (of_real (pbernpoly (Suc n) x) /
                         of_nat (Suc n))) =
             (λx. - (of_nat n / of_nat (Suc n) * of_real (pbernpoly (Suc n) x) / 
                         (of_real x + s) ^ Suc n))"
    by (simp add: divide_simps fun_eq_iff)
  finally have "((λx. - (of_nat n / of_nat (Suc n) * of_real (pbernpoly (Suc n) x) /
                            (of_real x + s) ^ Suc n)) has_integral - I) {0..real N}" .
  from has_integral_neg[OF this] show ?thesis
    by (auto simp add: I_def has_integral_iff algebra_simps integral_mult_right [symmetric] 
             simp del: power_Suc of_nat_Suc )

lemma pbernpoly_over_power_tendsto_0: 
  assumes "n > 0"
  shows   "(λx. of_real (pbernpoly (Suc n) (real x)) / (of_nat (Suc n) * (s + of_nat x) ^ n))  0"
proof -
  from s have neq: "s + of_nat n  0" for n
    by (auto simp: complex_eq_iff complex_nonpos_Reals_iff)
  obtain c where c: "x. norm (pbernpoly (Suc n) x)  c"
    using bounded_pbernpoly by auto
  have "eventually (λx. real x + Re s > 0) at_top"
    by real_asymp
  hence "eventually (λx. norm (of_real (pbernpoly (Suc n) (real x)) / 
                                    (of_nat (Suc n) * (s + of_nat x) ^ n)) 
                          (c / real (Suc n)) / (real x + Re s) ^ n) at_top"
    using eventually_gt_at_top[of "0::nat"]
  proof eventually_elim
    case (elim x)
    have "norm (of_real (pbernpoly (Suc n) (real x)) / 
                                    (of_nat (Suc n) * (s + of_nat x) ^ n)) 
            (c / real (Suc n)) / norm (s + of_nat x) ^ n" (is "_  ?rhs") using c[of x]
      by (auto simp: norm_divide norm_mult norm_power neq field_simps simp del: of_nat_Suc)
    also have "(real x + Re s)  cmod (s + of_nat x)"
      using complex_Re_le_cmod[of "s + of_nat x"] s by (auto simp add: complex_nonpos_Reals_iff)
    hence "?rhs  (c / real (Suc n)) / (real x + Re s) ^ n" using s elim c[of 0] neq[of x]
      by (intro divide_left_mono power_mono mult_pos_pos divide_nonneg_pos zero_less_power) auto
    finally show ?case .
  moreover have "(λx. (c / real (Suc n)) / (real x + Re s) ^ n)  0"
    using n > 0 by real_asymp
  ultimately show ?thesis by (rule Lim_null_comparison)

lemma convergent_stirling_integral:
  assumes "n > 0"
  shows   "convergent (λN. integral {0..real N} 
             (λx. of_real (pbernpoly n x) / (of_real x + s) ^ n))" (is "convergent (?f n)")
proof -
  have "convergent (?f (Suc n))" for n
  proof (induction n)
    case 0
    thus ?case using integral_pbernpoly_1 by (auto intro!: convergentI)
    case (Suc n)
    have "convergent (λN. ?f (Suc n) N -
            of_real (pbernpoly (Suc (Suc n)) (real N)) / 
                (of_nat (Suc (Suc n)) * (s + of_nat N) ^ Suc n) +
            of_real (bernoulli (Suc (Suc n)) / (real (Suc (Suc n)))) / s ^ Suc n)" 
      (is "convergent ?g")
      by (intro convergent_add convergent_diff Suc 
            convergent_const convergentI[OF pbernpoly_over_power_tendsto_0]) simp_all
    also have "?g = (λN. of_nat (Suc n) / of_nat (Suc (Suc n)) * ?f (Suc (Suc n)) N)" using s
      by (subst pbernpoly_integral_conv_pbernpoly_integral_Suc) 
         (auto simp: fun_eq_iff field_simps simp del: of_nat_Suc power_Suc)
    also have "convergent   convergent (?f (Suc (Suc n)))"
      by (intro convergent_mult_const_iff) (simp_all del: of_nat_Suc)
    finally show ?case .
  from this[of "n - 1"] assms show ?thesis by simp

lemma stirling_integral_conv_stirling_integral_Suc:
  assumes "n > 0"
  shows   "stirling_integral n s =
             of_nat n / of_nat (Suc n) * stirling_integral (Suc n) s -
             of_real (bernoulli (Suc n)) / (of_nat (Suc n) * s ^ n)"
proof -
  have "(λN. of_real (pbernpoly (Suc n) (real N)) / (of_nat (Suc n) * (s + of_nat N) ^ n) -
             of_real (bernoulli (Suc n)) / (real (Suc n) * s ^ n) +
             integral {0..real N} (λx. of_nat n / of_nat (Suc n) * 
                (of_real (pbernpoly (Suc n) x) / (of_real x + s) ^ Suc n)))
            0 - of_real (bernoulli (Suc n)) / (of_nat (Suc n) * s ^ n) +
                   of_nat n / of_nat (Suc n) * stirling_integral (Suc n) s" (is "?f  _")
    unfolding stirling_integral_def integral_mult_right
    using convergent_stirling_integral[of "Suc n"] assms s
    by (intro tendsto_intros pbernpoly_over_power_tendsto_0)
       (auto simp: convergent_LIMSEQ_iff simp del: of_nat_Suc)
  also have "?this  (λN. integral {0..real N} 
               (λx. of_real (pbernpoly n x) / (of_real x + s) ^ n)) 
               of_nat n / of_nat (Suc n) * stirling_integral (Suc n) s -
                 of_real (bernoulli (Suc n)) / (of_nat (Suc n) * s ^ n)" 
    using eventually_gt_at_top[of "0::nat"] pbernpoly_integral_conv_pbernpoly_integral_Suc[of n] 
          assms unfolding integral_mult_right
    by (intro filterlim_cong refl) (auto elim!: eventually_mono simp del: power_Suc)
  finally show ?thesis unfolding stirling_integral_def[of n] by (rule limI)

lemma stirling_integral_1_unfold:
  assumes "m > 0"
  shows   "stirling_integral 1 s = stirling_integral m s / of_nat m - 
             (k=1..<m. of_real (bernoulli (Suc k)) / (of_nat k * of_nat (Suc k) * s ^ k))"
proof -
  have "stirling_integral 1 s = stirling_integral (Suc m) s / of_nat (Suc m) -
          (k=1..<Suc m. of_real (bernoulli (Suc k)) / (of_nat k * of_nat (Suc k) * s ^ k))" for m
  proof (induction m)
    case (Suc m)
    let ?C = "(k = 1..<Suc m. of_real (bernoulli (Suc k)) / (of_nat k * of_nat (Suc k) * s ^ k))"
    note Suc.IH
    also have "stirling_integral (Suc m) s / of_nat (Suc m) = 
                 stirling_integral (Suc (Suc m)) s / of_nat (Suc (Suc m)) -
                 of_real (bernoulli (Suc (Suc m))) / 
                   (of_nat (Suc m) * of_nat (Suc (Suc m)) * s ^ Suc m)"
      (is "_ = ?A - ?B") by (subst stirling_integral_conv_stirling_integral_Suc)
                            (simp_all del: of_nat_Suc power_Suc add: divide_simps)
    also have "?A - ?B - ?C = ?A - (?B + ?C)" by (rule diff_diff_eq)
    also have "?B + ?C = (k = 1..<Suc (Suc m). of_real (bernoulli (Suc k)) /
                             (of_nat k * of_nat (Suc k) * s ^ k))" 
      using s by (simp add: divide_simps)
    finally show ?case .
  qed simp_all
  note this[of "m - 1"]
  also from assms have "Suc (m - 1) = m" by simp
  finally show ?thesis .
lemma ln_Gamma_stirling_complex:
  assumes "m > 0"
  shows   "ln_Gamma s = (s - 1 / 2) * ln s - s + ln (2 * pi) / 2 +
             (k=1..<m. of_real (bernoulli (Suc k)) / (of_nat k * of_nat (Suc k) * s ^ k)) - 
             stirling_integral m s / of_nat m"
proof -
  have "ln_Gamma s = (s - 1 / 2) * ln s - s + ln (2 * pi) / 2 - stirling_integral 1 s"
    using limI[OF integral_pbernpoly_1] by (simp add: stirling_integral_def algebra_simps)
  also have "stirling_integral 1 s = stirling_integral m s / of_nat m -
               (k = 1..<m. of_real (bernoulli (Suc k)) / (of_nat k * of_nat (Suc k) * s ^ k))"
    using assms by (rule stirling_integral_1_unfold)
  finally show ?thesis by simp

lemma LIMSEQ_stirling_integral:
  "n > 0  (λx. integral {0..real x} (λx. of_real (pbernpoly n x) / (of_real x + s) ^ n))
      stirling_integral n s" unfolding stirling_integral_def 
  using convergent_stirling_integral[of n] by (simp only: convergent_LIMSEQ_iff)


lemmas has_integral_of_real = has_integral_linear[OF _ bounded_linear_of_real, unfolded o_def]
lemmas integral_of_real = integral_linear[OF _ bounded_linear_of_real, unfolded o_def]

lemma integrable_ln_Gamma_aux_real:
  assumes "0 < s"
  shows   "(λx. pbernpoly n x / (x + s) ^ n) integrable_on {0..real N}"
proof -
  have "(λx. complex_of_real (pbernpoly n x / (x + s) ^ n)) integrable_on {0..real N}"
    using integrable_ln_Gamma_aux[of "of_real s" n N] assms by simp
  from integrable_linear[OF this bounded_linear_Re] show ?thesis 
    by (simp only: o_def Re_complex_of_real) 
  assumes "x > 0" "n > 0"
  shows   stirling_integral_complex_of_real:
            "stirling_integral n (complex_of_real x) = of_real (stirling_integral n x)"
    and   LIMSEQ_stirling_integral_real:
            "(λN. integral {0..real N} (λt. pbernpoly n t / (t + x) ^ n))
             stirling_integral n x"
    and   stirling_integral_real_convergent:
            "convergent (λN. integral {0..real N} (λt. pbernpoly n t / (t + x) ^ n))"
proof -
  have "(λN. integral {0..real N} (λt. of_real (pbernpoly n t / (t + x) ^ n)))
            stirling_integral n (complex_of_real x)"
    using LIMSEQ_stirling_integral[of "complex_of_real x" n] assms by simp
  hence "(λN. of_real (integral {0..real N} (λt. pbernpoly n t / (t + x) ^ n)))
            stirling_integral n (complex_of_real x)"
    using integrable_ln_Gamma_aux_real[OF assms(1), of n] 
    by (subst (asm) integral_of_real) simp
  from tendsto_Re[OF this] 
    have "(λN. integral {0..real N} (λt. pbernpoly n t / (t + x) ^ n))
            Re (stirling_integral n (complex_of_real x))" by simp
  thus "convergent (λN. integral {0..real N} (λt. pbernpoly n t / (t + x) ^ n))"
    by (rule convergentI)
  thus "(λN. integral {0..real N} (λt. pbernpoly n t / (t + x) ^ n))
           stirling_integral n x" unfolding stirling_integral_def
    by (simp add: convergent_LIMSEQ_iff)
  from tendsto_of_real[OF this, where 'a = complex] 
       integrable_ln_Gamma_aux_real[OF assms(1), of n]
    have "(λxa. integral {0..real xa} 
                    (λxa. complex_of_real (pbernpoly n xa) / (complex_of_real xa + x) ^ n))
              complex_of_real (stirling_integral n x)"
    by (subst (asm) integral_of_real [symmetric]) simp_all
  from LIMSEQ_unique[OF this LIMSEQ_stirling_integral[of "complex_of_real x" n]] assms
    show "stirling_integral n (complex_of_real x) = of_real (stirling_integral n x)" by simp

lemma ln_Gamma_stirling_real:
  assumes "x > (0 :: real)" "m > (0::nat)"
  shows   "ln_Gamma x = (x - 1 / 2) * ln x - x + ln (2 * pi) / 2 +
              (k = 1..<m. bernoulli (Suc k) / (of_nat k * of_nat (Suc k) * x ^ k)) -
              stirling_integral m x / of_nat m"
proof -
  from assms have "complex_of_real (ln_Gamma x) = ln_Gamma (complex_of_real x)"
    by (simp add: ln_Gamma_complex_of_real)
  also have "ln_Gamma (complex_of_real x) = complex_of_real (
                (x - 1 / 2) * ln x - x + ln (2 * pi) / 2 +
                (k = 1..<m. bernoulli (Suc k) / (of_nat k * of_nat (Suc k) * x ^ k)) -
                stirling_integral m x / of_nat m)" using assms
    by (subst ln_Gamma_stirling_complex[of _ m])
       (simp_all add: Ln_of_real stirling_integral_complex_of_real)
  finally show ?thesis by (subst (asm) of_real_eq_iff)

lemma stirling_integral_bound_aux:
  assumes n: "n > (1::nat)"
  obtains c where "s. Re s > 0  norm (stirling_integral n s)   c / Re s ^ (n - 1)"
proof -
  obtain c where c: "norm (pbernpoly n x)  c" for x by (rule bounded_pbernpoly[of n]) blast
  have c': "pbernpoly n x  c" for x using c[of x] by (simp add: abs_real_def split: if_splits)
  from c[of 0] have c_nonneg: "c  0" by simp
  have "norm (stirling_integral n s)  c / (real n - 1) / Re s ^ (n - 1)" if s: "Re s > 0" for s
  proof (rule Lim_norm_ubound[OF _ LIMSEQ_stirling_integral])
    have pos: "x + norm s > 0" if "x  0" for x using s that by (intro add_nonneg_pos) auto
    have nz: "of_real x + s  0" if "x  0" for x using s that by (auto simp: complex_eq_iff)
    let ?bound = "λN. c / (Re s ^ (n - 1) * (real n - 1)) - 
                        c / ((real N + Re s) ^ (n - 1) * (real n - 1))"
    show "eventually (λN. norm (integral {0..real N} 
              (λx. of_real (pbernpoly n x) / (of_real x + s) ^ n))  
            c / (real n - 1) / Re s ^ (n - 1)) at_top"
      using eventually_gt_at_top[of "0::nat"]
    proof eventually_elim
      case (elim N)
      let ?F = "λx. -c / ((x + Re s) ^ (n - 1) * (real n - 1))"
      from n s have "((λx. c / (x + Re s) ^ n) has_integral (?F (real N) - ?F 0)) {0..real N}"
        by (intro fundamental_theorem_of_calculus)
           (auto intro!: derivative_eq_intros simp: divide_simps power_diff add_eq_0_iff2
                   has_real_derivative_iff_has_vector_derivative [symmetric])      
      also have "?F (real N) - ?F 0 = ?bound N" by simp
      finally have *: "((λx. c / (x + Re s) ^ n) has_integral ?bound N) {0..real N}" .
      have "norm (integral {0..real N} (λx. of_real (pbernpoly n x) / (of_real x + s) ^ n)) 
              integral {0..real N} (λx. c / (x + Re s) ^ n)"
      proof (intro integral_norm_bound_integral integrable_ln_Gamma_aux s ballI)
        fix x assume x: "x  {0..real N}"
        have "norm (of_real (pbernpoly n x) / (of_real x + s) ^ n)  c / norm (of_real x + s) ^ n"
          unfolding norm_divide norm_power using c by (intro divide_right_mono) simp_all
        also have "  c / (x + Re s) ^ n" 
          using x c c_nonneg s nz[of x] complex_Re_le_cmod[of "of_real x + s"]
          by (intro divide_left_mono power_mono mult_pos_pos zero_less_power add_nonneg_pos) auto
        finally show "norm (of_real (pbernpoly n x) / (of_real x + s) ^ n)  " .
      qed (insert n s * pos nz c, auto simp: complex_nonpos_Reals_iff)
      also have " = ?bound N" using * by (simp add: has_integral_iff)
      also have "  c / (Re s ^ (n - 1) * (real n - 1))" using c_nonneg elim s n by simp
      also have " = c / (real n - 1) / (Re s ^ (n - 1))" by simp
      finally show "norm (integral {0..real N} (λx. of_real (pbernpoly n x) /
                      (of_real x + s) ^ n))  c / (real n - 1) / Re s ^ (n - 1)" .
  qed (insert s n, simp_all add: complex_nonpos_Reals_iff)
  thus ?thesis by (rule that)

lemma stirling_integral_bound_aux_integral1:
  fixes a b c :: real and n :: nat
  assumes "a  0" "b > 0" "c  0" "n > 1" "l < a - b" "r > a + b"
  shows "((λx. c / max b ¦x - a¦ ^ n) has_integral
           2*c*(n / (n - 1))/b^(n-1) - c/(n-1) * (1/(a-l)^(n-1) + 1/(r-a)^(n-1))) {l..r}"
proof -
  define x1 x2 where "x1 = a - b" and "x2 = a + b"
  define F1 where "F1 = (λx::real. c / (a - x) ^ (n - 1) / (n - 1))"
  define F3 where "F3 = (λx::real. -c / (x - a) ^ (n - 1) / (n - 1))"
  have deriv: "(F1 has_vector_derivative (c / (a - x) ^ n)) (at x within A)"
              "(F3 has_vector_derivative (c / (x - a) ^ n)) (at x within A)"
    if "x  a" for x :: real and A
    unfolding F1_def F3_def using assms that
    by (auto intro!: derivative_eq_intros simp: divide_simps power_diff add_eq_0_iff2
             simp flip: has_real_derivative_iff_has_vector_derivative)

  from assms have "((λx. c / (a - x) ^ n) has_integral (F1 x1 - F1 l)) {l..x1}"
    by (intro fundamental_theorem_of_calculus deriv) (auto simp: x1_def max_def split: if_splits)
  also have "?this  ((λx. c / max b ¦x - a¦ ^ n) has_integral (F1 x1 - F1 l)) {l..x1}"
    using assms
    by (intro has_integral_spike_finite_eq[of "{l}"]) (auto simp: x1_def max_def split: if_splits)
  finally have I1: "((λx. c / max b ¦x - a¦ ^ n) has_integral (F1 x1 - F1 l)) {l..x1}" .

  have "((λx. c / b ^ n) has_integral (x2 - x1) * c / b ^ n) {x1..x2}"
    using has_integral_const_real[of "c / b ^ n" x1 x2] assms by (simp add: x1_def x2_def)
  also have "?this  ((λx. c / max b ¦x - a¦ ^ n) has_integral ((x2 - x1) * c / b ^ n)) {x1..x2}"
    by (intro has_integral_spike_finite_eq[of "{x1, x2}"])
       (auto simp: x1_def x2_def split: if_splits)
  finally have I2: "((λx. c / max b ¦x - a¦ ^ n) has_integral ((x2 - x1) * c / b ^ n)) {x1..x2}" .

  from assms have I3: "((λx. c / (x - a) ^ n) has_integral (F3 r - F3 x2)) {x2..r}"
    by (intro fundamental_theorem_of_calculus deriv) (auto simp: x2_def min_def split: if_splits)
  also have "?this  ((λx. c / max b ¦x - a¦ ^ n) has_integral (F3 r - F3 x2)) {x2..r}"
    using assms
    by (intro has_integral_spike_finite_eq[of "{r}"]) (auto simp: x2_def min_def split: if_splits)
  finally have I3: "((λx. c / max b ¦x - a¦ ^ n) has_integral (F3 r - F3 x2)) {x2..r}" .

  have "((λx. c / max b ¦x - a¦ ^ n) has_integral (F1 x1 - F1 l) + ((x2 - x1) * c / b ^ n) + (F3 r - F3 x2)) {l..r}"
    using assms
    by (intro has_integral_combine[OF _ _ has_integral_combine[OF _ _ I1 I2] I3])
       (auto simp: x1_def x2_def)
  also have "(F1 x1 - F1 l) + ((x2 - x1) * c / b ^ n) + (F3 r - F3 x2) =
             F1 x1 - F1 l + F3 r - F3 x2 + (x2 - x1) * c / b ^ n"
    by (simp add: algebra_simps)
  also have "x2 - x1 = 2 * b"
    using assms by (simp add: x2_def x1_def min_def max_def)
  also have "2 * b * c / b ^ n = 2 * c / b ^ (n - 1)"
    using assms by (simp add: power_diff field_simps)
  also have "F1 x1 - F1 l + F3 r - F3 x2 =
               c/(n-1) * (2/b^(n-1) - 1/(a-l)^(n-1) - 1/(r-a)^(n-1))"
    using assms by (simp add: x1_def x2_def F1_def F3_def field_simps del: of_nat_diff)
  also have " + 2 * c / b ^ (n - 1) =
             2*c*(1 + 1/(n-1))/b^(n-1) - c/(n-1) * (1/(a-l)^(n-1) + 1/(r-a)^(n-1))"
    using assms by (simp add: field_simps del: of_nat_diff)
  also have "1 + 1 / (n - 1) = n / (n - 1)"
    using assms by (simp add: field_simps)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma stirling_integral_bound_aux_integral2:
  fixes a b c :: real and n :: nat
  assumes "a  0" "b > 0" "c  0" "n > 1"
  obtains I where "((λx. c / max b ¦x - a¦ ^ n) has_integral I) {l..r}"
                  "I  2 * c * (n / (n - 1)) / b ^ (n-1)"
proof -
  define l' where "l' = min l (a - b - 1)"
  define r' where "r' = max r (a + b + 1)"

  define A where "A = 2 * c * (n / (n - 1)) / b ^ (n - 1)"
  define B where "B = c / real (n - 1) * (1 / (a - l') ^ (n - 1) + 1 / (r' - a) ^ (n - 1))"

  have has_int: "((λx. c / max b ¦x - a¦ ^ n) has_integral (A - B)) {l'..r'}"
    using assms unfolding A_def B_def
    by (intro stirling_integral_bound_aux_integral1) (auto simp: l'_def r'_def)
  have "(λx. c / max b ¦x - a¦ ^ n) integrable_on {l..r}"
    by (rule integrable_on_subinterval[OF has_integral_integrable[OF has_int]])
       (auto simp: l'_def r'_def)
  then obtain I where has_int': "((λx. c / max b ¦x - a¦ ^ n) has_integral I) {l..r}"
    by (auto simp: integrable_on_def)

  from assms have "I  A - B"
    by (intro has_integral_subset_le[OF _ has_int' has_int]) (auto simp: l'_def r'_def)
  also have "  A"
    using assms by (simp add: B_def l'_def r'_def)
  finally show ?thesis using that[of I] has_int' unfolding A_def by blast

lemma stirling_integral_bound_aux':
  assumes n: "n > (1::nat)" and α: "α  {0<..<pi}"
  obtains c where "s::complex. s  complex_cone' α - {0} 
                     norm (stirling_integral n s)  c / norm s ^ (n - 1)"
proof -
  obtain c where c: "norm (pbernpoly n x)  c" for x by (rule bounded_pbernpoly[of n]) blast
  have c': "pbernpoly n x  c" for x using c[of x] by (simp add: abs_real_def split: if_splits)
  from c[of 0] have c_nonneg: "c  0" by simp

  define D where "D = c * Beta (- (real_of_int (- int n) / 2) - 1 / 2) (1 / 2) / 2"
  define C where "C = max D (2*c*(n/(n-1))/sin α^(n-1))"

  have *: "norm (stirling_integral n s)  C / norm s ^ (n - 1)"
    if s: "s  complex_cone' α - {0}" for s :: complex
  proof (rule Lim_norm_ubound[OF _ LIMSEQ_stirling_integral])
    from s α have Arg: "¦Arg s¦  α" by (auto simp: complex_cone_altdef)
    have s': "s  0"
      using complex_cone_inter_nonpos_Reals[of "-α" α] α s  by auto
    from s have [simp]: "s  0" by auto

    show "eventually (λN. norm (integral {0..real N}
              (λx. of_real (pbernpoly n x) / (of_real x + s) ^ n))  
            C / norm s ^ (n - 1)) at_top"
      using eventually_gt_at_top[of "0::nat"]
    proof eventually_elim
      case (elim N)
      show ?case
      proof (cases "Re s > 0")
        case True
        have int: "((λx. c * (x^2 + norm s^2) powr (-n / 2)) has_integral
                  D * (norm s ^ 2) powr (-n / 2 + 1 / 2)) {0<..}"
          using has_integral_mult_left[OF has_integral_Beta3[of "-n/2" "norm s ^ 2"], of c] assms True
          unfolding D_def by (simp add: algebra_simps)
        hence int': "((λx. c * (x^2 + norm s^2) powr (-n / 2)) has_integral
                  D * (norm s ^ 2) powr (-n / 2 + 1 / 2)) {0..}"
          by (subst has_integral_interior [symmetric]) simp_all
        hence integrable: "(λx. c * (x^2 + norm s^2) powr (-n / 2)) integrable_on {0..}"
          by (simp add: has_integral_iff)

        have "norm (integral {0..real N} (λx. of_real (pbernpoly n x) / (of_real x + s) ^ n)) 
                integral {0..real N} (λx. c * (x^2 + norm s^2) powr (-n / 2))"
        proof (intro integral_norm_bound_integral s ballI integrable_ln_Gamma_aux)
          have [simp]: "{0<..} - {0::real..} = {}" "{0..} - {0<..} = {0::real}"
            by auto
          have "(λx. c * (x2 + (cmod s)2) powr (real_of_int (- int n) / 2)) integrable_on {0<..}"
            using int by (simp add: has_integral_iff)
          also have "?this  (λx. c * (x2 + (cmod s)2) powr (real_of_int (- int n) / 2)) integrable_on {0..}"
            by (intro integrable_spike_set_eq) auto
          finally show "(λx. c * (x2 + (cmod s)2) powr (real_of_int (- int n) / 2)) integrable_on
                   {0..real N}" by (rule integrable_on_subinterval) auto
          fix x assume x: "x  {0..real N}"
          have nz: "complex_of_real x + s  0"
            using True x by (auto simp: complex_eq_iff)
          have "norm (of_real (pbernpoly n x) / (of_real x + s) ^ n)  c / norm (of_real x + s) ^ n"
            unfolding norm_divide norm_power using c by (intro divide_right_mono) simp_all
          also have "  c / sqrt (x ^ 2 + norm s ^ 2) ^ n"
          proof (intro divide_left_mono mult_pos_pos zero_less_power power_mono)
            show "sqrt (x2 + (cmod s)2)  cmod (complex_of_real x + s)"
              using x True by (simp add: cmod_def algebra_simps power2_eq_square)
          qed (use x True c_nonneg assms nz in auto simp: add_nonneg_pos)
          also have "sqrt (x ^ 2 + norm s ^ 2) ^ n = (x ^ 2 + norm s ^ 2) powr (1/2 * n)"
            by (subst powr_powr [symmetric], subst powr_realpow)
               (auto simp: powr_half_sqrt add_nonneg_pos)
          also have "c /  = c * (x^2 + norm s^2) powr (-n / 2)"
            by (simp add: powr_minus field_simps)
          finally show "norm (complex_of_real (pbernpoly n x) / (complex_of_real x + s) ^ n)  " .
        qed fact+
        also have "  integral {0..} (λx. c * (x^2 + norm s^2) powr (-n / 2))"
          using c_nonneg
          by (intro integral_subset_le integrable integrable_on_subinterval[OF integrable]) auto
        also have " = D * (norm s ^ 2) powr (-n / 2 + 1 / 2)"
          using int' by (simp add: has_integral_iff)
        also have "(norm s ^ 2) powr (-n / 2 + 1 / 2) = norm s powr (2 * (-n / 2 + 1 / 2))"
          by (subst powr_powr [symmetric]) auto
        also have " = norm s powr (-real (n - 1))"
          using assms by (simp add: of_nat_diff)
        also have "D *  = D / norm s ^ (n - 1)"
          by (auto simp: powr_minus powr_realpow field_simps)
        also have "  C / norm s ^ (n - 1)"
          by (intro divide_right_mono) (auto simp: C_def)
        finally show "norm (integral {0..real N} (λx. of_real (pbernpoly n x) / (of_real x + s) ^ n))  " .


        case False
        have "cos ¦Arg s¦ = cos (Arg s)"
          by (simp add: abs_if)
        also have "cos (Arg s) = Re (rcis (norm s) (Arg s)) / norm s"
          by (subst Re_rcis) auto
        also have " = Re s / norm s"
          by (subst rcis_cmod_Arg) auto
        also have "  cos (pi / 2)"
          using False by (auto simp: field_simps)
        finally have "¦Arg s¦  pi / 2"
          using Arg α by (subst (asm) cos_mono_le_eq) auto

        have "sin α * norm s = sin (pi - α) * norm s"
          by simp
        also have "  sin (pi - ¦Arg s¦) * norm s"
          using α Arg ¦Arg s¦  pi / 2
          by (intro mult_right_mono sin_monotone_2pi_le) auto
        also have "sin ¦Arg s¦  0"
          using Arg_bounded[of s] by (intro sin_ge_zero) auto
        hence "sin (pi - ¦Arg s¦) = ¦sin ¦Arg s¦¦"
          by simp 
        also have " = ¦sin (Arg s)¦"
          by (simp add: abs_if)
        also have " * norm s = ¦Im (rcis (norm s) (Arg s))¦"
          by (simp add: abs_mult)
        also have " = ¦Im s¦"
          by (subst rcis_cmod_Arg) auto
        finally have abs_Im_ge: "¦Im s¦  sin α * norm s" .

        have [simp]: "Im s  0" "s  0"
          using s s  0 False
          by (auto simp: cmod_def zero_le_mult_iff complex_nonpos_Reals_iff)
        have "sin α > 0"
          using assms by (intro sin_gt_zero) auto
        obtain I where I: "((λx. c / max ¦Im s¦ ¦x + Re s¦ ^ n) has_integral I) {0..real N}"
                          "I  2*c*(n/(n-1)) / ¦Im s¦ ^ (n - 1)"
          using s c_nonneg assms False 
                stirling_integral_bound_aux_integral2[of "-Re s" "¦Im s¦" c n 0 "real N"] by auto
        have "norm (integral {0..real N} (λx. of_real (pbernpoly n x) / (of_real x + s) ^ n)) 
                integral {0..real N} (λx. c / max ¦Im s¦ ¦x + Re s¦ ^ n)"
        proof (intro integral_norm_bound_integral integrable_ln_Gamma_aux s ballI)
          show "(λx. c / max ¦Im s¦ ¦x + Re s¦ ^ n) integrable_on {0..real N}"
            using I(1) by (simp add: has_integral_iff)
          fix x assume x: "x  {0..real N}"
          have nz: "complex_of_real x + s  0"
            by (auto simp: complex_eq_iff)
          have "norm (complex_of_real (pbernpoly n x) / (complex_of_real x + s) ^ n) 
                  c / norm (complex_of_real x + s) ^ n"
            unfolding norm_divide norm_power using c[of x] by (intro divide_right_mono) simp_all
          also have "  c / max ¦Im s¦ ¦x + Re s¦ ^ n"
            using c_nonneg nz abs_Re_le_cmod[of "of_real x + s"] abs_Im_le_cmod[of "of_real x + s"]
            by (intro divide_left_mono power_mono mult_pos_pos zero_less_power)
               (auto simp: less_max_iff_disj)
          finally show "norm (complex_of_real (pbernpoly n x) / (complex_of_real x + s) ^ n)  " .
        qed (auto simp: complex_nonpos_Reals_iff)
        also have "  2*c*(n/(n-1)) / ¦Im s¦ ^ (n - 1)"
          using I by (simp add: has_integral_iff)
        also have "  2*c*(n/(n-1)) / (sin α * norm s) ^ (n - 1)"
          using sin α > 0 s c_nonneg abs_Im_ge
          by (intro divide_left_mono mult_pos_pos zero_less_power power_mono mult_nonneg_nonneg) auto
        also have " = 2*c*(n/(n-1))/sin α^(n-1) / norm s ^ (n - 1)"
          by (simp add: field_simps)
        also have "  C / norm s ^ (n - 1)"
          by (intro divide_right_mono) (auto simp: C_def)
        finally show ?thesis .
  qed (use that assms complex_cone_inter_nonpos_Reals[of "-α" α] α in auto)
  thus ?thesis by (rule that)

lemma stirling_integral_bound:
  assumes "n > 0"
  obtains c where 
    "s. Re s > 0  norm (stirling_integral n s)  c / Re s ^ n"
proof -
  let ?f = "λs. of_nat n / of_nat (Suc n) * stirling_integral (Suc n) s -
                  of_real (bernoulli (Suc n)) / (of_nat (Suc n) * s ^ n)"
  from stirling_integral_bound_aux[of "Suc n"] assms obtain c where 
    c: "s. Re s > 0  norm (stirling_integral (Suc n) s)  c / Re s ^ n" by auto
  define c1 where "c1 = real n / real (Suc n) * c"
  define c2 where "c2 = ¦bernoulli (Suc n)¦ / real (Suc n)"
  have c2_nonneg: "c2  0" by (simp add: c2_def)
  show ?thesis
  proof (rule that)
    fix s :: complex assume s: "Re s > 0"
    hence s': "s  0" by (auto simp: complex_nonpos_Reals_iff)
    have "stirling_integral n s = ?f s" using s' assms 
      by (rule stirling_integral_conv_stirling_integral_Suc)
    also have "norm   norm (of_nat n / of_nat (Suc n) * stirling_integral (Suc n) s) +
                           norm (of_real (bernoulli (Suc n)) / (of_nat (Suc n) * s ^ n))"
      by (rule norm_triangle_ineq4)
    also have " = real n / real (Suc n) * norm (stirling_integral (Suc n) s) +
                      c2 / norm s ^ n" (is "_ = ?A + ?B")
      by (simp add: norm_divide norm_mult norm_power c2_def field_simps del: of_nat_Suc)
    also have "?A  real n / real (Suc n) * (c / Re s ^ n)"
      by (intro mult_left_mono c s) simp_all
    also have " = c1 / Re s ^ n" by (simp add: c1_def)
    also have "c2 / norm s ^ n  c2 / Re s ^ n" using s c2_nonneg
      by (intro divide_left_mono power_mono complex_Re_le_cmod mult_pos_pos zero_less_power) auto
    also have "c1 / Re s ^ n + c2 / Re s ^ n = (c1 + c2) / Re s ^ n" 
      using s by (simp add: field_simps)
    finally show "norm (stirling_integral n s)  (c1 + c2) / Re s ^ n" by - simp_all

lemma stirling_integral_bound':
  assumes "n > 0" and "α  {0<..<pi}"
  obtains c where 
    "s::complex. s  complex_cone' α - {0}  norm (stirling_integral n s)  c / norm s ^ n"
proof -
  let ?f = "λs. of_nat n / of_nat (Suc n) * stirling_integral (Suc n) s -
                  of_real (bernoulli (Suc n)) / (of_nat (Suc n) * s ^ n)"
  from stirling_integral_bound_aux'[of "Suc n"] assms obtain c where 
    c: "s::complex. s  complex_cone' α - {0} 
            norm (stirling_integral (Suc n) s)  c / norm s ^ n" by auto
  define c1 where "c1 = real n / real (Suc n) * c"
  define c2 where "c2 = ¦bernoulli (Suc n)¦ / real (Suc n)"
  have c2_nonneg: "c2  0" by (simp add: c2_def)
  show ?thesis
  proof (rule that)
    fix s :: complex assume s: "s  complex_cone' α - {0}"
    have s': "s  0"
      using complex_cone_inter_nonpos_Reals[of "-α" α] assms s by auto
    have "stirling_integral n s = ?f s" using s' assms 
      by (intro stirling_integral_conv_stirling_integral_Suc) auto
    also have "norm   norm (of_nat n / of_nat (Suc n) * stirling_integral (Suc n) s) +
                           norm (of_real (bernoulli (Suc n)) / (of_nat (Suc n) * s ^ n))"
      by (rule norm_triangle_ineq4)
    also have " = real n / real (Suc n) * norm (stirling_integral (Suc n) s) +
                      c2 / norm s ^ n" (is "_ = ?A + ?B")
      by (simp add: norm_divide norm_mult norm_power c2_def field_simps del: of_nat_Suc)
    also have "?A  real n / real (Suc n) * (c / norm s ^ n)"
      by (intro mult_left_mono c s) simp_all
    also have " = c1 / norm s ^ n" by (simp add: c1_def)
    also have "c1 / norm s ^ n + c2 / norm s ^ n = (c1 + c2) / norm s ^ n" 
      using s by (simp add: divide_simps)
    finally show "norm (stirling_integral n s)  (c1 + c2) / norm s ^ n" by - simp_all

lemma stirling_integral_holomorphic [holomorphic_intros]:
  assumes m: "m > 0" and "A  0 = {}"
  shows   "stirling_integral m holomorphic_on A"  
proof -
  from assms have [simp]: "z  0" if "z  A" for z
    using that by auto
  let ?f = "λs::complex. of_nat m * ((s - 1 / 2) * Ln s - s + of_real (ln (2 * pi) / 2) +
          (k=1..<m. of_real (bernoulli (Suc k)) / (of_nat k * of_nat (Suc k) * s ^ k)) - 
          ln_Gamma s)"
  have "?f holomorphic_on A" using assms
    by (auto intro!: holomorphic_intros simp del: of_nat_Suc elim!: nonpos_Reals_cases)
  also have "?this  stirling_integral m holomorphic_on A" 
    using assms by (intro holomorphic_cong refl) 
                   (simp_all add: field_simps ln_Gamma_stirling_complex)
  finally show "stirling_integral m holomorphic_on A" .

lemma stirling_integral_continuous_on_complex [continuous_intros]:
  assumes m: "m > 0" and "A  0 = {}"
  shows   "continuous_on A (stirling_integral m :: _  complex)"
  by (intro holomorphic_on_imp_continuous_on stirling_integral_holomorphic assms)
lemma has_field_derivative_stirling_integral_complex:
  fixes x :: complex
  assumes "x  0" "n > 0"
  shows   "(stirling_integral n has_field_derivative deriv (stirling_integral n) x) (at x)"
  using assms
  by (intro holomorphic_derivI[OF stirling_integral_holomorphic, of n  "-0"]) auto

  assumes n: "n > 0" and "x > 0"
  shows   deriv_stirling_integral_complex_of_real:
            "(deriv ^^ j) (stirling_integral n) (complex_of_real x) =
               complex_of_real ((deriv ^^ j) (stirling_integral n) x)" (is "?lhs x = ?rhs x")
  and     differentiable_stirling_integral_real:
            "(deriv ^^ j) (stirling_integral n) field_differentiable at x" (is ?thesis2)
proof -
  let ?A = "{s. Re s > 0}"
  let ?f = "λj x. (deriv ^^ j) (stirling_integral n) (complex_of_real x)"
  let ?f' = "λj x. complex_of_real ((deriv ^^ j) (stirling_integral n) x)"
  have [simp]: "open ?A" by (simp add: open_halfspace_Re_gt)      

  have "?lhs x = ?rhs x  (deriv ^^ j) (stirling_integral n) field_differentiable at x" 
    if "x > 0" for x using that
  proof (induction j arbitrary: x)
    case 0
    have "((λx. Re (stirling_integral n (of_real x))) has_field_derivative 
                  Re (deriv (λx. stirling_integral n x) (of_real x))) (at x)" using 0 n
      by (auto intro!: derivative_intros has_vector_derivative_real_field
                 field_differentiable_derivI holomorphic_on_imp_differentiable_at[of _ ?A]
                 stirling_integral_holomorphic simp: complex_nonpos_Reals_iff)
    also have "?this  (stirling_integral n has_field_derivative 
             Re (deriv (λx. stirling_integral n x) (of_real x))) (at x)"
      using eventually_nhds_in_open[of "{0<..}" x] 0 n
      by (intro has_field_derivative_cong_ev refl) 
         (auto elim!: eventually_mono simp: stirling_integral_complex_of_real)
    finally have "stirling_integral n field_differentiable at x"
      by (auto simp: field_differentiable_def)
    with 0 n show ?case by (auto simp: stirling_integral_complex_of_real)
    case (Suc j x)
    note IH = conjunct1[OF Suc.IH] conjunct2[OF Suc.IH]
    have *: "(deriv ^^ Suc j) (stirling_integral n) (complex_of_real x) =
                 of_real ((deriv ^^ Suc j) (stirling_integral n) x)" if x: "x > 0" for x
    proof -
      have "deriv ((deriv ^^ j) (stirling_integral n)) (complex_of_real x) =
              vector_derivative (λx. (deriv ^^ j) (stirling_integral n) (of_real x)) (at x)"
        using n x
        by (intro vector_derivative_of_real_right [symmetric] 
                   holomorphic_on_imp_differentiable_at[of _ ?A] holomorphic_higher_deriv
                   stirling_integral_holomorphic) (auto simp: complex_nonpos_Reals_iff)
      also have " = vector_derivative (λx. of_real ((deriv ^^ j) (stirling_integral n) x)) (at x)"
        using eventually_nhds_in_open[of "{0<..}" x] x
        by (intro vector_derivative_cong_eq) (auto elim!: eventually_mono simp: IH(1))
      also have " = of_real (deriv ((deriv ^^ j) (stirling_integral n)) x)"
        by (intro vector_derivative_of_real_left holomorphic_on_imp_differentiable_at[of _ ?A]
              field_differentiable_imp_differentiable IH(2) x)
      finally show ?thesis by simp
    have "((λx. Re ((deriv ^^ Suc j) (stirling_integral n) (of_real x))) has_field_derivative 
             Re (deriv ((deriv ^^ Suc j) (stirling_integral n)) (of_real x))) (at x)"
      using Suc.prems n
      by (intro derivative_intros has_vector_derivative_real_field field_differentiable_derivI
                holomorphic_on_imp_differentiable_at[of _ ?A] stirling_integral_holomorphic
                holomorphic_higher_deriv) (auto simp: complex_nonpos_Reals_iff)
    also have "?this  ((deriv ^^ Suc j) (stirling_integral n) has_field_derivative 
                  Re (deriv ((deriv ^^ Suc j) (stirling_integral n)) (of_real x))) (at x)"  
      using eventually_nhds_in_open[of "{0<..}" x] Suc.prems *
      by (intro has_field_derivative_cong_ev refl) (auto elim!: eventually_mono)
    finally have "(deriv ^^ Suc j) (stirling_integral n) field_differentiable at x"
      by (auto simp: field_differentiable_def)
    with *[OF Suc.prems] show ?case by blast
  from this[OF assms(2)] show "?lhs x = ?rhs x" ?thesis2 by blast+

text ‹
  Unfortunately, asymptotic power series cannot, in general, be differentiated. However, since 
  @{term ln_Gamma} is holomorphic on the entire positive real half-space, we can differentiate 
  its asymptotic expansion after all.

  To do this, we use an ad-hoc version of the more general approach outlined in Erdelyi's
  ``Asymptotic Expansions'' for holomorphic functions: We bound the value of the $j$-th derivative 
  of the remainder term at some value $x$ by applying Cauchy's integral formula along a circle 
  centred at $x$ with radius $\frac{1}{2} x$.
lemma deriv_stirling_integral_real_bound:
  assumes m: "m > 0"
  shows   "(deriv ^^ j) (stirling_integral m)  O(λx::real. 1 / x ^ (m + j))"
proof -
  obtain c where c: "s. 0 < Re s  cmod (stirling_integral m s)  c / Re s ^ m"
    using stirling_integral_bound[OF m] by auto
  have "0  cmod (stirling_integral m 1)" by simp
  also have "  c" using c[of 1] by simp
  finally have c_nonneg: "c  0" .
  define B where "B = c * 2 ^ (m + Suc j)"
  define B' where "B' = B * fact j / 2"

  have "eventually (λx::real. norm ((deriv ^^ j) (stirling_integral m) x)  
          B' * norm (1 / x ^ (m+ j))) at_top"
    using eventually_gt_at_top[of "0::real"]
  proof eventually_elim
    case (elim x)
    have "s  0" if "s  cball (of_real x) (x/2)" for s :: complex
    proof -
      have "x - Re s  norm (of_real x - s)" using complex_Re_le_cmod[of "of_real x - s"] by simp
      also from that have "  x/2" by (simp add: dist_complex_def)
      finally show ?thesis using elim by (auto simp: complex_nonpos_Reals_iff)
    hence "((λu. stirling_integral m u / (u - of_real x) ^ Suc j) has_contour_integral
            complex_of_real (2 * pi) * 𝗂 / fact j * 
              (deriv ^^ j) (stirling_integral m) (of_real x)) (circlepath (of_real x) (x/2))"
      using m elim
      by (intro Cauchy_has_contour_integral_higher_derivative_circlepath 
                stirling_integral_continuous_on_complex stirling_integral_holomorphic) auto
    hence "norm (of_real (2 * pi) * 𝗂 / fact j * (deriv ^^ j) (stirling_integral m) (of_real x)) 
            B / x ^ (m + Suc j) * (2 * pi * (x / 2))"
    proof (rule has_contour_integral_bound_circlepath)
      fix u :: complex assume dist: "norm (u - of_real x) = x / 2"
      have "Re (of_real x - u)  norm (of_real x - u)" by (rule complex_Re_le_cmod)
      also have " = x / 2" using dist by (simp add: norm_minus_commute)
      finally have Re_u: "Re u  x/2" using elim by simp
      have "norm (stirling_integral m u / (u - of_real x) ^ Suc j)  
              c / Re u ^ m / (x / 2) ^ Suc j" using Re_u elim
        unfolding norm_divide norm_power dist
        by (intro divide_right_mono zero_le_power c) simp_all
      also have "  c / (x/2) ^ m / (x / 2) ^ Suc j" using c_nonneg elim Re_u
        by (intro divide_right_mono divide_left_mono power_mono) simp_all
      also have " = B / x ^ (m + Suc j)" using elim by (simp add: B_def field_simps power_add)
      finally show "norm (stirling_integral m u / (u - of_real x) ^ Suc j)  B / x ^ (m + Suc j)" .
    qed (insert elim c_nonneg, auto simp: B_def simp del: power_Suc)
    hence "cmod ((deriv ^^ j) (stirling_integral m) (of_real x))  B' / x ^ (j + m)"
      using elim by (simp add: field_simps norm_divide norm_mult norm_power B'_def)
    with elim m show ?case by (simp_all add: add_ac deriv_stirling_integral_complex_of_real)
  thus ?thesis by (rule bigoI)

definition stirling_sum where
  "stirling_sum j m x = 
     (-1) ^ j * (k = 1..<m. (of_real (bernoulli (Suc k)) * pochhammer (of_nat k) j / (of_nat k *
                                 of_nat (Suc k))) * inverse x ^ (k + j))"
definition stirling_sum' where
  "stirling_sum' j m x = 
     (-1) ^ (Suc j) * (km. (of_real (bernoulli' k) * 
       pochhammer (of_nat (Suc k)) (j - 1) * inverse x ^ (k + j)))"

lemma stirling_sum_complex_of_real:
  "stirling_sum j m (complex_of_real x) = complex_of_real (stirling_sum j m x)"
  by (simp add: stirling_sum_def pochhammer_of_real [symmetric] del: of_nat_Suc)

lemma stirling_sum'_complex_of_real:
  "stirling_sum' j m (complex_of_real x) = complex_of_real (stirling_sum' j m x)"
  by (simp add: stirling_sum'_def pochhammer_of_real [symmetric] del: of_nat_Suc)

lemma has_field_derivative_stirling_sum_complex [derivative_intros]:
  "Re x > 0  (stirling_sum j m has_field_derivative stirling_sum (Suc j) m x) (at x)"
    unfolding stirling_sum_def [abs_def] sum_distrib_left
    by (rule DERIV_sum) (auto intro!: derivative_eq_intros simp del: of_nat_Suc 
                              simp: pochhammer_Suc power_diff)

lemma has_field_derivative_stirling_sum_real [derivative_intros]:
  "x > (0::real)  (stirling_sum j m has_field_derivative stirling_sum (Suc j) m x) (at x)"
    unfolding stirling_sum_def [abs_def] sum_distrib_left
    by (rule DERIV_sum) (auto intro!: derivative_eq_intros simp del: of_nat_Suc 
                              simp: pochhammer_Suc power_diff)

lemma has_field_derivative_stirling_sum'_complex [derivative_intros]:
  assumes "j > 0" "Re x > 0"
  shows   "(stirling_sum' j m has_field_derivative stirling_sum' (Suc j) m x) (at x)"
proof (cases j)
  case (Suc j')
  from assms have [simp]: "x  0" by auto
  define c where "c = (λn. (-1) ^ Suc j * complex_of_real (bernoulli' n) * 
                          pochhammer (of_nat (Suc n)) j')"
  define T where "T = (λn x. c n * inverse x ^ (j + n))"
  define T' where "T' = (λn x. - (of_nat (j + n)) * c n * inverse x ^ (Suc (j + n)))"
  have "((λx. km. T k x) has_field_derivative (km. T' k x)) (at x)" using assms Suc
    by (intro DERIV_sum)
       (auto simp: T_def T'_def intro!: derivative_eq_intros 
             simp: field_simps power_add [symmetric]  simp del: of_nat_Suc power_Suc of_nat_add)
  also have "(λx. (km. T k x)) = stirling_sum' j m"
    by (simp add: Suc T_def c_def stirling_sum'_def fun_eq_iff add_ac mult.assoc sum_distrib_left)
  also have "(km. T' k x) = stirling_sum' (Suc j) m x"
    by (simp add: T'_def c_def Suc stirling_sum'_def sum_distrib_left 
          sum_distrib_right algebra_simps pochhammer_Suc)
  finally show ?thesis .
qed (insert assms, simp_all)
lemma has_field_derivative_stirling_sum'_real [derivative_intros]:
  assumes "j > 0" "x > (0::real)"
  shows   "(stirling_sum' j m has_field_derivative stirling_sum' (Suc j) m x) (at x)"
proof (cases j)
  case (Suc j')
  from assms have [simp]: "x  0" by auto
  define c where "c = (λn. (-1) ^ Suc j * (bernoulli' n) * pochhammer (of_nat (Suc n)) j')"
  define T where "T = (λn x. c n * inverse x ^ (j + n))"
  define T' where "T' = (λn x. - (of_nat (j + n)) * c n * inverse x ^ (Suc (j + n)))"
  have "((λx. km. T k x) has_field_derivative (km. T' k x)) (at x)" using assms Suc
    by (intro DERIV_sum)
       (auto simp: T_def T'_def intro!: derivative_eq_intros 
             simp: field_simps power_add [symmetric]  simp del: of_nat_Suc power_Suc of_nat_add)
  also have "(λx. (km. T k x)) = stirling_sum' j m"
    by (simp add: Suc T_def c_def stirling_sum'_def fun_eq_iff add_ac mult.assoc sum_distrib_left)
  also have "(km. T' k x) = stirling_sum' (Suc j) m x"
    by (simp add: T'_def c_def Suc stirling_sum'_def sum_distrib_left 
          sum_distrib_right algebra_simps pochhammer_Suc)
  finally show ?thesis .
qed (insert assms, simp_all)

lemma higher_deriv_stirling_sum_complex:
  "Re x > 0  (deriv ^^ i) (stirling_sum j m) x = stirling_sum (i + j) m x"
proof (induction i arbitrary: x)
  case (Suc i)
  have "deriv ((deriv ^^ i) (stirling_sum j m)) x = deriv (stirling_sum (i + j) m) x"
    using eventually_nhds_in_open[of "{x. Re x > 0}" x] Suc.prems
    by (intro deriv_cong_ev refl) (auto elim!: eventually_mono simp: open_halfspace_Re_gt Suc.IH)
  also from Suc.prems have " = stirling_sum (Suc (i + j)) m x"
    by (intro DERIV_imp_deriv has_field_derivative_stirling_sum_complex)
  finally show ?case by simp
qed simp_all

definition Polygamma_approx :: "nat  nat  'a  'a :: {real_normed_field, ln}" where
  "Polygamma_approx j m = 
     (deriv ^^ j) (λx. (x - 1 / 2) * ln x - x + of_real (ln (2 * pi)) / 2 + stirling_sum 0 m x)"
lemma Polygamma_approx_Suc: "Polygamma_approx (Suc j) m = deriv (Polygamma_approx j m)"
  by (simp add: Polygamma_approx_def)  

lemma Polygamma_approx_0: 
  "Polygamma_approx 0 m x = (x - 1/2) * ln x - x + of_real (ln (2*pi)) / 2 + stirling_sum 0 m x"
  by (simp add: Polygamma_approx_def)
lemma Polygamma_approx_1_complex: 
  "Re x > 0  
     Polygamma_approx (Suc 0) m x = ln x - 1 / (2*x) + stirling_sum (Suc 0) m x"
  unfolding Polygamma_approx_Suc Polygamma_approx_0
  by (intro DERIV_imp_deriv) 
     (auto intro!: derivative_eq_intros elim!: nonpos_Reals_cases simp: field_simps)
lemma Polygamma_approx_1_real: 
  "x > (0 :: real)  
     Polygamma_approx (Suc 0) m x = ln x - 1 / (2*x) + stirling_sum (Suc 0) m x"
  unfolding Polygamma_approx_Suc Polygamma_approx_0
  by (intro DERIV_imp_deriv) 
     (auto intro!: derivative_eq_intros elim!: nonpos_Reals_cases simp: field_simps)
lemma stirling_sum_2_conv_stirling_sum'_1:
  fixes x :: "'a :: {real_div_algebra, field_char_0}"
  assumes "m > 0" "x  0"
  shows   "stirling_sum' 1 m x = 1 / x + 1 / (2 * x^2) + stirling_sum 2 m x"
proof -
  have pochhammer_2: "pochhammer (of_nat k) 2 = of_nat k * of_nat (Suc k)" for k 
    by (simp add: pochhammer_Suc eval_nat_numeral add_ac)
  have "stirling_sum 2 m x = 
          (k = Suc 0..<m. of_real (bernoulli' (Suc k)) * inverse x ^ Suc (Suc k))"
    unfolding stirling_sum_def pochhammer_2 power2_minus power_one mult_1_left
    by (intro sum.cong refl)
       (simp_all add: stirling_sum_def pochhammer_2 power2_eq_square divide_simps bernoulli'_def
                 del: of_nat_Suc power_Suc)
  also have "1 / (2 * x^2) +  = 
               (k=0..<m. of_real (bernoulli' (Suc k)) * inverse x ^ Suc (Suc k))" using assms
    by (subst (2) sum.atLeast_Suc_lessThan) (simp_all add: power2_eq_square field_simps)
  also have "1 / x +  = (k=0..<Suc m. of_real (bernoulli' k) * inverse x ^ Suc k)"
    by (subst sum.atLeast0_lessThan_Suc_shift) (simp_all add: bernoulli'_def divide_simps)
  also have " = (km. of_real (bernoulli' k) * inverse x ^ Suc k)"
    by (intro sum.cong) auto
  also have " = stirling_sum' 1 m x" by (simp add: stirling_sum'_def)
  finally show ?thesis by (simp add: add_ac)

lemma Polygamma_approx_2_real: 
  assumes "x > (0::real)" "m > 0"
  shows   "Polygamma_approx (Suc (Suc 0)) m x = stirling_sum' 1 m x"
proof -
  have "Polygamma_approx (Suc (Suc 0)) m x = deriv (Polygamma_approx (Suc 0) m) x" 
    by (simp add: Polygamma_approx_Suc)
  also have " = deriv (λx. ln x - 1 / (2*x) + stirling_sum (Suc 0) m x) x"
    using eventually_nhds_in_open[of "{0<..}" x] assms
    by (intro deriv_cong_ev) (auto elim!: eventually_mono simp: Polygamma_approx_1_real)
  also have " = 1 / x + 1 / (2*x^2) + stirling_sum (Suc (Suc 0)) m x" using assms
    by (intro DERIV_imp_deriv) (auto intro!: derivative_eq_intros 
           elim!: nonpos_Reals_cases simp: field_simps power2_eq_square)
  also have " = stirling_sum' 1 m x" using stirling_sum_2_conv_stirling_sum'_1[of m x] assms
    by (simp add: eval_nat_numeral)
  finally show ?thesis .
lemma Polygamma_approx_2_complex: 
  assumes "Re x > 0" "m > 0"
  shows   "Polygamma_approx (Suc (Suc 0)) m x = stirling_sum' 1 m x"
proof -
  have "Polygamma_approx (Suc (Suc 0)) m x = deriv (Polygamma_approx (Suc 0) m) x" 
    by (simp add: Polygamma_approx_Suc)
  also have " = deriv (λx. ln x - 1 / (2*x) + stirling_sum (Suc 0) m x) x"
    using eventually_nhds_in_open[of "{s. Re s > 0}" x] assms
    by (intro deriv_cong_ev)
       (auto simp: open_halfspace_Re_gt elim!: eventually_mono simp: Polygamma_approx_1_complex)
  also have " = 1 / x + 1 / (2*x^2) + stirling_sum (Suc (Suc 0)) m x" using assms
    by (intro DERIV_imp_deriv) (auto intro!: derivative_eq_intros 
           elim!: nonpos_Reals_cases simp: field_simps power2_eq_square)
  also have " = stirling_sum' 1 m x" using stirling_sum_2_conv_stirling_sum'_1[of m x] assms
      by (subst stirling_sum_2_conv_stirling_sum'_1) (auto simp: eval_nat_numeral)
  finally show ?thesis .
lemma Polygamma_approx_ge_2_real: 
  assumes "x > (0::real)" "m > 0"
  shows   "Polygamma_approx (Suc (Suc j)) m x = stirling_sum' (Suc j) m x"
using assms(1)
proof (induction j arbitrary: x)
  case (0 x)
  with assms show ?case by (simp add: Polygamma_approx_2_real)
  case (Suc j x)
  have "Polygamma_approx (Suc (Suc (Suc j))) m x = deriv (Polygamma_approx (Suc (Suc j)) m) x"
    by (simp add: Polygamma_approx_Suc)
  also have " = deriv (stirling_sum' (Suc j) m) x"
    using eventually_nhds_in_open[of "{0<..}" x] Suc.prems
    by (intro deriv_cong_ev refl) (auto elim!: eventually_mono simp: Suc.IH)
  also have " = stirling_sum' (Suc (Suc j)) m x" using Suc.prems
    by (intro DERIV_imp_deriv derivative_intros) simp_all
  finally show ?case .
lemma Polygamma_approx_ge_2_complex:
  assumes "Re x > 0" "m > 0"
  shows   "Polygamma_approx (Suc (Suc j)) m x = stirling_sum' (Suc j) m x"
using assms(1)
proof (induction j arbitrary: x)
  case (0 x)
  with assms show ?case by (simp add: Polygamma_approx_2_complex)
  case (Suc j x)
  have "Polygamma_approx (Suc (Suc (Suc j))) m x = deriv (Polygamma_approx (Suc (Suc j)) m) x"
    by (simp add: Polygamma_approx_Suc)
  also have " = deriv (stirling_sum' (Suc j) m) x"
    using eventually_nhds_in_open[of "{x. Re x > 0}" x] Suc.prems
    by (intro deriv_cong_ev refl) (auto elim!: eventually_mono simp: Suc.IH open_halfspace_Re_gt)
  also have " = stirling_sum' (Suc (Suc j)) m x" using Suc.prems
    by (intro DERIV_imp_deriv derivative_intros) simp_all
  finally show ?case .

lemma Polygamma_approx_complex_of_real:
  assumes "x > 0" "m > 0"
  shows   "Polygamma_approx j m (complex_of_real x) = of_real (Polygamma_approx j m x)"
proof (cases j)
  case 0
  with assms show ?thesis by (simp add: Polygamma_approx_0 Ln_of_real stirling_sum_complex_of_real)
  case [simp]: (Suc j')
  thus ?thesis
  proof (cases j')
    case 0
    with assms show ?thesis 
      by (simp add: Polygamma_approx_1_complex 
                    Polygamma_approx_1_real stirling_sum_complex_of_real Ln_of_real)
    case (Suc j'')
    with assms show ?thesis
      by (simp add: Polygamma_approx_ge_2_complex Polygamma_approx_ge_2_real 
lemma higher_deriv_Polygamma_approx [simp]: 
  "(deriv ^^ j) (Polygamma_approx i m) = Polygamma_approx (j + i) m"
  by (simp add: Polygamma_approx_def funpow_add)
lemma stirling_sum_holomorphic [holomorphic_intros]:
  "0  A  stirling_sum j m holomorphic_on A"
  unfolding stirling_sum_def by (intro holomorphic_intros) auto
lemma Polygamma_approx_holomorphic [holomorphic_intros]:
  "Polygamma_approx j m holomorphic_on {s. Re s > 0}"
  unfolding Polygamma_approx_def
  by (intro holomorphic_intros) (auto simp: open_halfspace_Re_gt elim!: nonpos_Reals_cases)
lemma higher_deriv_lnGamma_stirling:
  assumes m: "m > 0"
  shows   "(λx::real. (deriv ^^ j) ln_Gamma x - Polygamma_approx j m x)  O(λx. 1 / x ^ (m + j))"
proof -
  have "eventually (λx. ¦(deriv ^^ j) ln_Gamma x - Polygamma_approx j m x¦ =
                          inverse (real m) * ¦(deriv ^^ j) (stirling_integral m) x¦) at_top"
    using eventually_gt_at_top[of "0::real"]
  proof eventually_elim
    case (elim x)
    note x = this
    have "F y in nhds (complex_of_real x). y  - 0"
      using elim by (intro eventually_nhds_in_open) auto
    hence "(deriv ^^ j) (λx. ln_Gamma x - Polygamma_approx 0 m x) (complex_of_real x) =
            (deriv ^^ j) (λx. (-inverse (of_nat m)) * stirling_integral m x) (complex_of_real x)"
      using x m
      by (intro higher_deriv_cong_ev refl)
         (auto elim!: eventually_mono simp: ln_Gamma_stirling_complex Polygamma_approx_def 
            field_simps open_halfspace_Re_gt stirling_sum_def)
    also have " = - inverse (of_nat m) * (deriv ^^ j) (stirling_integral m) (of_real x)" using x m
      by (intro higher_deriv_cmult[of _ "-0"] stirling_integral_holomorphic)
         (auto simp: open_halfspace_Re_gt)
    also have "(deriv ^^ j) (λx. ln_Gamma x - Polygamma_approx 0 m x) (complex_of_real x) = 
                 (deriv ^^ j) ln_Gamma (of_real x) - (deriv ^^ j) (Polygamma_approx 0 m) (of_real x)"
      using x 
      by (intro higher_deriv_diff[of _ "{s. Re s > 0}"])
         (auto intro!: holomorphic_intros elim!: nonpos_Reals_cases simp: open_halfspace_Re_gt)
    also have "(deriv ^^ j) (Polygamma_approx 0 m) (complex_of_real x) =
                 of_real (Polygamma_approx j m x)" using x m
      by (simp add: Polygamma_approx_complex_of_real)
    also have "norm (- inverse (of_nat m) * (deriv ^^ j) (stirling_integral m) (complex_of_real x)) = 
                 inverse (real m) * ¦(deriv ^^ j) (stirling_integral m) x¦"
      using x m by (simp add: norm_mult norm_inverse deriv_stirling_integral_complex_of_real)
    also have "(deriv ^^ j) ln_Gamma (complex_of_real x) = of_real ((deriv ^^ j) ln_Gamma x)" using x
      by (simp add: higher_deriv_ln_Gamma_complex_of_real)
    also have "norm ( - of_real (Polygamma_approx j m x)) = 
                 ¦(deriv ^^ j) ln_Gamma x - Polygamma_approx j m x¦"
      by (simp only: of_real_diff [symmetric] norm_of_real)
    finally show ?case .
  from bigthetaI_cong[OF this] m
    have "(λx::real. (deriv ^^ j) ln_Gamma x - Polygamma_approx j m x)  
             Θ(λx. (deriv ^^ j) (stirling_integral m) x)" by simp
  also have "(λx::real. (deriv ^^ j) (stirling_integral m) x)  O(λx. 1 / x ^ (m + j))" using m
      by (rule deriv_stirling_integral_real_bound)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma Polygamma_approx_1_real':
  assumes x: "(x::real) > 0" and m: "m > 0"
  shows   "Polygamma_approx 1 m x = ln x - (k = Suc 0..m. bernoulli' k * inverse x ^ k / real k)"
proof -
  have "Polygamma_approx 1 m x = ln x - (1 / (2 * x) + 
          (k=Suc 0..<m. bernoulli (Suc k) * inverse x ^ Suc k / real (Suc k)))"
    (is "_ = _ - (_ + ?S)") using x by (simp add: Polygamma_approx_1_real stirling_sum_def)
  also have "?S = (k=Suc 0..<m. bernoulli' (Suc k) * inverse x ^ Suc k / real (Suc k))"
    by (intro sum.cong refl) (simp_all add: bernoulli'_def)
  also have "1 / (2 * x) +  = 
               (k=0..<m. bernoulli' (Suc k) * inverse x ^ Suc k / real (Suc k))" using m
    by (subst (2) sum.atLeast_Suc_lessThan) (simp_all add: field_simps)
  also have " = (k = Suc 0..m. bernoulli' k * inverse x ^ k / real k)" using assms
    by (subst sum.shift_bounds_Suc_ivl [symmetric]) (simp add: atLeastLessThanSuc_atLeastAtMost)
  finally show ?thesis .

  assumes m: "m > 0"
  shows   ln_Gamma_real_asymptotics:
            "(λx. ln_Gamma x - ((x - 1 / 2) * ln x - x + ln (2 * pi) / 2 +
                     (k = 1..<m. bernoulli (Suc k) / (real k * real (Suc k)) / x^k)))
                 O(λx. 1 / x ^ m)" (is ?th1)
    and   Digamma_real_asymptotics:
            "(λx. Digamma x - (ln x - (k=1..m. bernoulli' k / real k / x ^ k)))
                 O(λx. 1 / (x ^ Suc m))" (is ?th2)
    and   Polygamma_real_asymptotics: "j > 0  
             (λx. Polygamma j x - (- 1) ^ Suc j * (km. bernoulli' k *
                     pochhammer (real (Suc k)) (j - 1) / x ^ (k + j))) 
                 O(λx. 1 / x ^ (m+j+1))" (is "_  ?th3")
proof -
  define G :: "nat  real  real" where 
    "G = (λm. if m = 0 then ln_Gamma else Polygamma (m - 1))"
  have *: "(λx. G j x - h x)  O(λx. 1 / x ^ (m + j))"
    if "x::real. x > 0  Polygamma_approx j m x = h x" for j h
  proof -
    have "(λx. G j x - h x)  
            Θ(λx. (deriv ^^ j) ln_Gamma x - Polygamma_approx j m x)" (is "_  Θ(?f)")
      using that
      by (intro bigthetaI_cong) (auto intro: eventually_mono[OF eventually_gt_at_top[of "0::real"]]
            simp del: funpow.simps simp: higher_deriv_ln_Gamma_real G_def)
    also have "?f  O(λx::real. 1 / x ^ (m + j))" using m
      by (rule higher_deriv_lnGamma_stirling)
    finally show ?thesis .
  note [[simproc del: simplify_landau_sum]]
  from *[OF Polygamma_approx_0] assms show ?th1 
    by (simp add: G_def Polygamma_approx_0 stirling_sum_def field_simps)
  from *[OF Polygamma_approx_1_real'] assms show ?th2 by (simp add: G_def field_simps)
  assume j: "j > 0"
  from *[OF Polygamma_approx_ge_2_real, of "j - 1"] assms j show ?th3
    by (simp add: G_def stirling_sum'_def power_add power_diff field_simps)

subsection ‹Asymptotics of the complex Gamma function›

text ‹
  The m›-th order remainder of Stirling's formula for $\log\Gamma$ is $O(s^{-m})$ uniformly over
  any complex cone $\text{Arg}(z) \leq \alpha$, $z\neq 0$ for any angle
  $\alpha\in(0, \pi)$. This means that there is bounded by $c z^{-m}$ for some constant $c$ for
  all $z$ in this cone.
  fixes F and α
  assumes α: "α  {0<..<pi}"
  defines "F  principal (complex_cone' α - {0})"

lemma stirling_integral_bigo:
  fixes m :: nat
  assumes m: "m > 0"
  shows   "stirling_integral m  O[F](λs. 1 / s ^ m)"
proof -
  obtain c where c: "s. s  complex_cone' α - {0}  norm (stirling_integral m s)  c / norm s ^ m"
    using stirling_integral_bound'[OF m > 0 α] by blast
  have "0  norm (stirling_integral m 1 :: complex)"
    by simp
  also have "  c"
    using c[of 1] α by simp
  finally have "c  0" .

  have "eventually (λs. s  complex_cone' α - {0}) F"
    unfolding F_def by (auto simp: eventually_principal)
  hence "eventually (λs. norm (stirling_integral m s) 
                     c * norm (1 / s ^ m)) F"
    by eventually_elim (use c in simp add: norm_divide norm_power)
  thus "stirling_integral m  O[F](λs. 1 / s ^ m)"
    by (intro bigoI[of _ c]) auto


text ‹
  The following is a more explicit statement of this:
theorem ln_Gamma_complex_asymptotics_explicit:
  fixes m :: nat and α :: real
  assumes "m > 0" and "α  {0<..<pi}"
  obtains C :: real and R :: "complex  complex"
  where "s::complex. s  0 
               ln_Gamma s = (s - 1/2) * ln s - s + ln (2 * pi) / 2 +
                            (k=1..<m. bernoulli (k+1) / (k * (k+1) * s ^ k)) - R s"
    and "s. s  0  ¦Arg s¦  α  norm (R s)  C / norm s ^ m"    
proof -
  obtain c where c: "s. s  complex_cone' α - {0}  norm (stirling_integral m s)  c / norm s ^ m"
    using stirling_integral_bound'[OF assms] by blast
  have "0  norm (stirling_integral m 1 :: complex)"
    by simp
  also have "  c"
    using c[of 1] assms by simp
  finally have "c  0" .
  define R where "R = (λs::complex. stirling_integral m s / of_nat m)"
  show ?thesis
  proof (rule that)
    from ln_Gamma_stirling_complex[of _ m] assms show
           "s::complex. s  0 
               ln_Gamma s = (s - 1 / 2) * ln s - s + ln (2 * pi) / 2 +
               (k=1..<m. bernoulli (k+1) / (k * (k+1) * s ^ k)) - R s"
      by (auto simp add: R_def algebra_simps)
    show "s. s  0  ¦Arg s¦  α  cmod (R s)  c / real m / cmod s ^ m"
    proof (safe, goal_cases)
      case (1 s)
      show ?case
        using 1 c[of s] assms
        by (auto simp: complex_cone_altdef abs_le_iff R_def norm_divide field_simps)

text ‹
  Lastly, we can also derive the asymptotics of $\Gamma$ itself:
  \[\Gamma(z) \sim \sqrt{2\pi / z} \left(\frac{z}{e}\right)^z\]
  uniformly for $|z|\to\infty$ within the cone $\text{Arg}(z) \leq \alpha$ for $\alpha\in(0,\pi)$:

  fixes F and α
  assumes α: "α  {0<..<pi}"
  defines "F  inf at_infinity (principal (complex_cone' α))"

lemma Gamma_complex_asymp_equiv:
  "Gamma ∼[F] (λs. sqrt (2 * pi) * (s / exp 1) powr s / s powr (1 / 2))"
proof -
  define I :: "complex  complex" where "I = stirling_integral 1"
  have "eventually (λs. s  complex_cone' α) F"
    by (auto simp: eventually_inf_principal F_def)
  moreover have "eventually (λs. s  0) F"
    unfolding F_def eventually_inf_principal
    using eventually_not_equal_at_infinity by eventually_elim auto
  ultimately have "eventually (λs. Gamma s =
                     sqrt (2 * pi) * (s / exp 1) powr s / s powr (1 / 2) / exp (I s)) F"
  proof eventually_elim
    case (elim s)
    from elim have s': "s  0"
      using complex_cone_inter_nonpos_Reals[of "-α" α] α by auto
    from elim have [simp]: "s  0" by auto      
    from s' have "Gamma s = exp (ln_Gamma s)"
      unfolding Gamma_complex_altdef using nonpos_Ints_subset_nonpos_Reals by auto
    also from s' have "ln_Gamma s = (s-1/2) * Ln s - s + complex_of_real (ln (2 * pi) / 2) - I s"
      by (subst ln_Gamma_stirling_complex[of _ 1]) (simp_all add: exp_add exp_diff I_def)
    also have "exp  = exp ((s - 1 / 2) * Ln s) / exp s *
                        exp (complex_of_real (ln (2 * pi) / 2)) / exp (I s)"
      unfolding exp_diff exp_add by (simp add: exp_diff exp_add)
    also have "exp ((s - 1 / 2) * Ln s) = s powr (s - 1 / 2)"
      by (simp add: powr_def)
    also have "exp (complex_of_real (ln (2 * pi) / 2)) = sqrt (2 * pi)"
      by (subst exp_of_real) (auto simp: powr_def simp flip: powr_half_sqrt)
    also have "exp s = exp 1 powr s"
      by (simp add: powr_def)
    also have "s powr (s - 1 / 2) / exp 1 powr s = (s powr s / exp 1 powr s) / s powr (1/2)"
      by (subst powr_diff) auto
    also have *: "Ln (s / exp 1) = Ln s - 1"
      using Ln_divide_of_real[of "exp 1" s] by (simp flip: exp_of_real)
    hence "s powr s / exp 1 powr s = (s / exp 1) powr s"
      unfolding powr_def by (subst *) (auto simp: exp_diff field_simps)
    finally show "Gamma s = sqrt (2 * pi) * (s / exp 1) powr s / s powr (1 / 2) / exp (I s)"
      by (simp add: algebra_simps)
  hence "Gamma ∼[F] (λs. sqrt (2 * pi) * (s / exp 1) powr s / s powr (1 / 2) / exp (I s))"
    by (rule asymp_equiv_refl_ev)
  also have " ∼[F] (λs. sqrt (2 * pi) * (s / exp 1) powr s / s powr (1 / 2) / 1)"
  proof (intro asymp_equiv_intros)
    have "F  principal (complex_cone' α - {0})"
      unfolding le_principal F_def eventually_inf_principal
      using eventually_not_equal_at_infinity by eventually_elim auto
    moreover have "I  O[principal (complex_cone' α - {0})](λs. 1 / s)"
      using stirling_integral_bigo[of α 1] α unfolding F_def by (simp add: I_def)
    ultimately have "I  O[F](λs. 1 / s)"
      by (rule landau_o.big.filter_mono)
    also have "(λs. 1 / s)  o[F](λs. 1)"
    proof (rule landau_o.smallI)
      fix c :: real
      assume c: "c > 0"
      hence "eventually (λz::complex. norm z  1 / c) at_infinity"
        by (auto simp: eventually_at_infinity)
      moreover have "eventually (λz::complex. z  0) at_infinity"
        by (rule eventually_not_equal_at_infinity)
      ultimately show "eventually (λz::complex. norm (1 / z)  c * norm (1 :: complex)) F"
        unfolding F_def eventually_inf_principal
        by eventually_elim (use c > 0 in auto simp: norm_divide field_simps)
    finally have "I  o[F](λs. 1)" .
    from smalloD_tendsto[OF this] have [tendsto_intros]: "(I  0) F"
      by simp
    show "(λx. exp (I x)) ∼[F] (λx. 1)"
      by (rule asymp_equivI' tendsto_eq_intros refl | simp)+
  finally show ?thesis by simp

