Theory AffineConeLemma

  Author: Mike Stannett
  Date: Jan 2023

section ‹ AffineConeLemma ›

text ‹This theory shows that affine approximations preserve "insideness"
of points relative to cones.›

theory AffineConeLemma
  imports KeyLemma TangentLineLemma Cardinalities

class AffineConeLemma = KeyLemma + TangentLineLemma + Cardinalities

lemma lemInverseOfAffInvertibleIsAffInvertible:
  assumes "affInvertible A"
and       " x y . A x = y  A' y = x"
shows     "affInvertible A'"
proof -
  have invA': "invertible A'" using assms(2) by force
  moreover have "affine A'"
  proof - 
    obtain L T where LT: "(linear L)  (translation T)  (A = T  L)" 
      using assms(1) by blast
    then obtain t where t: " x . T x = (x  t)" using LT by auto

    have "invertible L" 
    proof -
      { fix q 
        define p where p: "p = A' (T q)"
        hence Lpq: "(L p = q)"
        proof -
          have "A p = T q" using p assms(2) by simp
          thus ?thesis using LT by auto
        moreover have "(x. L x = q  x = p)"
        proof -
          { fix x assume "L x = q"
            hence "L x = L p" using Lpq by simp
            hence "A x = A p" using LT by auto
            hence "x = p" using assms(2) by force
          thus ?thesis by auto
        ultimately have " p . (L p = q)  (x. L x = q  x = p)" by blast
      thus ?thesis by blast
    then obtain L' where L': " x y . L x = y  L' y = x" by metis

    have linL: "linear L" using LT by auto
    have linL': "linear L'" 
    proof -
      have part1: "L' origin = origin" using linL L' by auto
      have part2: " a p . L' (ap) = (a  (L' p))"
      proof -
        { fix a p
          have "L (L' p) = p" using L' by auto
          hence "L (a   (L' p)) = (a  p)" 
            using linL lemLinearProps[of "L" "a" "(L' p)"] by auto
          hence "(a   (L' p)) = (L' (a  p))" using L' by auto
        thus ?thesis by auto
      have " p q . (L' (p  q) = ((L' p)  (L' q)))   (L' (p  q) = ((L' p)  (L' q)))"
      proof -
        { fix p q
          have "(L ((L' p)  (L' q)) = ((L (L' p))  (L (L' q)))) 
                      (L ((L' p)  (L' q)) = ((L (L' p))  (L (L' q))))" 
            using linL lemLinearProps[of "L" "0" "(L' p)" "(L' q)"] by auto
          moreover have "L (L' p) = p  L (L' q) = q" using L' by auto
          ultimately have "(L ((L' p)  (L' q)) = (p  q))   (L ((L' p)  (L' q)) = (p  q))" 
            using L' by auto
          hence "((L' p)  (L' q)) = L' (p  q)  ((L' p)  (L' q)) = L' (p  q)"
            using L' by force
        thus ?thesis by force

      thus ?thesis using part1 part2 by blast

    define t' where t': "t' = (origin  (L' t))"
    define T' where T': "T' = mkTranslation t'"

    have transT': "translation T'" using T' t' by fastforce

    have "A' = T' o L'"
    proof -
      { fix q define p where p: "p = A' q"
        hence "A p = q" using assms(2) by force
        hence "((L p)  t) = q" using LT t by auto
        hence "L p = (q  t)" using add_diff_eq by auto
        hence "p = L' (q  t)" using L' by auto
        hence "p = ((L' q)  (L' t))" using lemLinearProps[of "L'"] linL' by auto
        hence "p = T' (L' q)" using T' t' by auto
        hence "A' q = (T' o L') q" using p by auto
      thus ?thesis by blast

    thus ?thesis using linL' transT' by blast

  ultimately show ?thesis by blast


lemma lemInsideRegularConeUnderAffInvertible:
  assumes "affInvertible A"
and       "insideRegularCone x p"
and       "regularConeSet (A x) = applyToSet (asFunc A) (regularConeSet x)"
shows     "insideRegularCone (A x) (A p)"
proof -
  define y  where y: "y = A x"
  define q  where q: "q = A p"
  define cx where cx: "cx = regularConeSet x"
  define cy where cy: "cy = regularConeSet y"

  obtain A' where A': " x y . A x = y  A' y = x" using assms(1) by metis
  hence invA': "invertible A'" by force
  have affA': "affine A'" 
    using A' assms(1) lemInverseOfAffInvertibleIsAffInvertible
    by auto

  have p': "A' q = p" using A' q by auto
  have x': "A' y = x" using A' y by auto

  have xnotp: "x  p" using assms(2) by auto
  have ynotq: "y  q" using p' x' xnotp by auto

  have cy': "cy = applyToSet (asFunc A) cx" using y cx cy assms(3) by auto
  have cx': "cx = applyToSet (asFunc A') cy"
  proof -
    { fix z assume "z  cx"
      hence "(A z)  cy" using cy' by auto
      hence "A' (A z)   applyToSet (asFunc A') cy" by auto
      hence "z  applyToSet (asFunc A') cy" using A' by metis
    hence l2r: "cx  applyToSet (asFunc A') cy" by blast
    { fix z assume rhs: "z  applyToSet (asFunc A') cy"
      hence "z  { z .  z' . z'  cy  (asFunc A') z' z }" by auto
      then obtain z1 where z1: "z1  cy  (asFunc A') z1 z" by blast
      hence "z1  { z1 .  z2 . z2  cx  (asFunc A) z2 z1 }" using cy' by auto
      then obtain z2 where z2: "z2  cx  (asFunc A) z2 z1" by blast
      hence "z = z2" using z1 A' by auto
      hence "z  cx" using z2 by auto
    thus ?thesis using l2r by blast

  (* q isn't onRegularCone y *)
  have noton: "¬ onRegularCone y q"
  proof -
    { assume on: "onRegularCone y q"

      define lx where lx: "lx = lineJoining x p"
      define ly where ly': "ly = applyToSet (asFunc A) lx"
      have onlx: "onLine x lx  onLine p lx" 
        using lemLineJoiningContainsEndPoints[of "lx" "x" "p"] lx by auto
      have linelx: "isLine lx" using lx by blast
      have linely: "applyAffineToLine A lx ly" 
        using lemAffineOfLineIsLine[of "lx" "A" "ly"] assms(1) ly' linelx by auto
      have " D . lx = line p D"
      proof -
        obtain b d where "lx = line b d" using linelx by blast
        hence "lx = line p d" using lemSameLine[of "p" "b" "d"] onlx by auto
        thus ?thesis by auto
      then obtain D where D: "lx = line p D" by auto
      have Dnot0: "D  origin"
      proof -
        { assume "D = origin"
          hence "False" using D onlx xnotp by auto
        thus ?thesis by auto
      have ly: "ly = lineJoining y q"
      proof -
        have "applyToSet (asFunc A) {x,p}  applyToSet (asFunc A) lx" using onlx by auto
        hence "{y,q}  ly" using y q ly' by auto
        moreover have "isLine ly" using linely by auto
        ultimately show ?thesis using lemLineAndPoints[of "y" "q" "ly"]
          by (simp add: ynotq)
      hence only: "{ y, q }  ly" 
        using lemLineJoiningContainsEndPoints[of "ly" "y" "q"] ly' by auto
      have SxSy: "applyToSet (asFunc A) (lx  cx) = (ly  cy)"
        using lemInvertibleOnMeet[of "A" "lx  cx" "lx" "cx"] assms(1) ly' cy' 
        by auto
      have cardx: "0 < card (lx  cx)  2" 
        using lemInsideRegularConeImplies[of "x" "p" "D" "lx"] 
              assms(2) Dnot0 lx D cx 
        by fastforce
      hence cardy: "card (ly  cy) = card (lx  cx)" 
        using lemSmallCardUnderInvertible[of "A" "lx  cx"] assms(1) SxSy by auto
      hence lycy: "ly  cy = ly" 
        using lemOnRegularConeIff[of "ly" "y" "q"] ly ynotq cy on
        by blast
      hence " p1 p2 p3 . (p1  ly  p2  ly  p3  ly)
                         (p1p2  p2p3  p3p1)"
        using lemCardOfLineIsBig[of "y" "q" "ly"] ynotq only linely by auto
      then obtain p1 p2 p3 
        where ps: "(p1  ly  p2  ly  p3  ly)  (p1p2  p2p3  p3p1)"
        by auto
      have not1: "card ly  1" using ps card_1_singleton_iff[of "ly"] by auto
      have not2: "card ly  2" using ps card_2_iff[of "ly"] by auto
      hence "¬ (0 < card (ly  cy)  2)" using lycy not1 by auto
      hence "False" using cardy cardx by auto
    thus ?thesis by blast

  (* q isn't outsideRegularCone y *)
  have notout: "¬ outsideRegularCone y q"
  proof -
    { assume out: "outsideRegularCone y q"
      hence "( l q' . (q'  q)  onLine q' l  onLine q l
                                           (l  cy = {}))" 
        using lemOutsideRegularConeImplies[of "y" "q"] cy
        by auto
      then obtain l q' 
        where l: "(q'  q)  onLine q' l  onLine q l  (l  cy = {})" by blast

      define lx where lx: "lx = applyToSet (asFunc A') l"
      have "(lx  cx) = applyToSet (asFunc A') (l  cy)"
        using lemInvertibleOnMeet[of "A'" "l  cy" "l" "cy"]
              invA' lx cx' by auto
      hence "(lx  cx) = applyToSet (asFunc A'){}" using l by auto
      hence int0: "(lx  cx) = {}" by simp

      (* CARD = 0 *)
      hence card0: "card (lx  cx) = 0" by simp

      (* BUT: 0 < CARD ≤ 2 *)
      have linelx: "isLine lx" 
      proof -
        have "isLine l" using l by blast
        thus ?thesis using lemAffineOfLineIsLine[of "l" "A'" "lx"] lx affA' 
          by auto

      have ponlx: "onLine p lx" 
      proof -
        have "q  l" using l by simp
        thus ?thesis using lx p' linelx by auto

      have " D . lx = line p D"
      proof -
        obtain b d where "lx = line b d" using linelx by blast
        hence "lx = line p d" using lemSameLine[of "p" "b" "d"] ponlx by auto
        thus ?thesis by auto
      then obtain D where D: "lx = line p D" by auto
      have Dnot0: "D  origin"
      proof -
        { assume D0: "D = origin"
          have allp: " pt. onLine pt lx  pt = p"
          proof -
            { fix pt assume "onLine pt lx"
              then obtain a where "pt = (p  (a  D))" using D by auto
              hence "pt = p" using D0 by simp
            thus ?thesis by blast

          define p1 where p1: "p1 = A' q'"
          have AA': " pt . A (A' pt) = pt" by (simp add: A')

          hence "p1  p"
          proof -
            { assume pp: "p1 = p"
              hence  "A (A' q') = A (A' q)" using p' p1 by auto
              hence "q' = q" using AA' by simp
              hence "False" using l by auto
            thus ?thesis by auto

          moreover have "onLine p1 lx" 
          proof -
            have "p1 = A' q'" using l p1 by blast
            hence "p1  applyToSet (asFunc A') l" using l by auto
            hence "p1  lx" by (simp add: lx)
            thus ?thesis using linelx by auto

          ultimately have "False" using l allp by blast
        thus ?thesis by auto

      have "0 < card (lx  cx)  2" 
        using lemInsideRegularConeImplies[of "x" "p" "D" "lx"] 
              assms(2) Dnot0 D cx 
        by blast

      hence "False" using card0 by simp
    thus ?thesis by blast

  hence "¬ (vertex y q)  ¬(onRegularCone y q)  ¬(outsideRegularCone y q)"
    using ynotq noton notout by blast
  hence "insideRegularCone y q" using lemInsideCone[of "y" "q"]
    by fastforce
  thus ?thesis using y q by blast

end (* of class AffineConeLemma *)
end (* of theory AffineConeLemma *)