Theory AffineConeLemma
section ‹ AffineConeLemma ›
text ‹This theory shows that affine approximations preserve "insideness"
of points relative to cones.›
theory AffineConeLemma
imports KeyLemma TangentLineLemma Cardinalities
class AffineConeLemma = KeyLemma + TangentLineLemma + Cardinalities
lemma lemInverseOfAffInvertibleIsAffInvertible:
assumes "affInvertible A"
and "∀ x y . A x = y ⟷ A' y = x"
shows "affInvertible A'"
proof -
have invA': "invertible A'" using assms(2) by force
moreover have "affine A'"
proof -
obtain L T where LT: "(linear L) ∧ (translation T) ∧ (A = T ∘ L)"
using assms(1) by blast
then obtain t where t: "∀ x . T x = (x ⊕ t)" using LT by auto
have "invertible L"
proof -
{ fix q
define p where p: "p = A' (T q)"
hence Lpq: "(L p = q)"
proof -
have "A p = T q" using p assms(2) by simp
thus ?thesis using LT by auto
moreover have "(∀x. L x = q ⟶ x = p)"
proof -
{ fix x assume "L x = q"
hence "L x = L p" using Lpq by simp
hence "A x = A p" using LT by auto
hence "x = p" using assms(2) by force
thus ?thesis by auto
ultimately have "∃ p . (L p = q) ∧ (∀x. L x = q ⟶ x = p)" by blast
thus ?thesis by blast
then obtain L' where L': "∀ x y . L x = y ⟷ L' y = x" by metis
have linL: "linear L" using LT by auto
have linL': "linear L'"
proof -
have part1: "L' origin = origin" using linL L' by auto
have part2: "∀ a p . L' (a⊗p) = (a ⊗ (L' p))"
proof -
{ fix a p
have "L (L' p) = p" using L' by auto
hence "L (a ⊗ (L' p)) = (a ⊗ p)"
using linL lemLinearProps[of "L" "a" "(L' p)"] by auto
hence "(a ⊗ (L' p)) = (L' (a ⊗ p))" using L' by auto
thus ?thesis by auto
have "∀ p q . (L' (p ⊕ q) = ((L' p) ⊕ (L' q))) ∧ (L' (p ⊖ q) = ((L' p) ⊖ (L' q)))"
proof -
{ fix p q
have "(L ((L' p) ⊕ (L' q)) = ((L (L' p)) ⊕ (L (L' q))))
∧ (L ((L' p) ⊖ (L' q)) = ((L (L' p)) ⊖ (L (L' q))))"
using linL lemLinearProps[of "L" "0" "(L' p)" "(L' q)"] by auto
moreover have "L (L' p) = p ∧ L (L' q) = q" using L' by auto
ultimately have "(L ((L' p) ⊕ (L' q)) = (p ⊕ q)) ∧ (L ((L' p) ⊖ (L' q)) = (p ⊖ q))"
using L' by auto
hence "((L' p) ⊕ (L' q)) = L' (p ⊕ q) ∧ ((L' p) ⊖ (L' q)) = L' (p ⊖ q)"
using L' by force
thus ?thesis by force
thus ?thesis using part1 part2 by blast
define t' where t': "t' = (origin ⊖ (L' t))"
define T' where T': "T' = mkTranslation t'"
have transT': "translation T'" using T' t' by fastforce
have "A' = T' o L'"
proof -
{ fix q define p where p: "p = A' q"
hence "A p = q" using assms(2) by force
hence "((L p) ⊕ t) = q" using LT t by auto
hence "L p = (q ⊖ t)" using add_diff_eq by auto
hence "p = L' (q ⊖ t)" using L' by auto
hence "p = ((L' q) ⊖ (L' t))" using lemLinearProps[of "L'"] linL' by auto
hence "p = T' (L' q)" using T' t' by auto
hence "A' q = (T' o L') q" using p by auto
thus ?thesis by blast
thus ?thesis using linL' transT' by blast
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
lemma lemInsideRegularConeUnderAffInvertible:
assumes "affInvertible A"
and "insideRegularCone x p"
and "regularConeSet (A x) = applyToSet (asFunc A) (regularConeSet x)"
shows "insideRegularCone (A x) (A p)"
proof -
define y where y: "y = A x"
define q where q: "q = A p"
define cx where cx: "cx = regularConeSet x"
define cy where cy: "cy = regularConeSet y"
obtain A' where A': "∀ x y . A x = y ⟷ A' y = x" using assms(1) by metis
hence invA': "invertible A'" by force
have affA': "affine A'"
using A' assms(1) lemInverseOfAffInvertibleIsAffInvertible
by auto
have p': "A' q = p" using A' q by auto
have x': "A' y = x" using A' y by auto
have xnotp: "x ≠ p" using assms(2) by auto
have ynotq: "y ≠ q" using p' x' xnotp by auto
have cy': "cy = applyToSet (asFunc A) cx" using y cx cy assms(3) by auto
have cx': "cx = applyToSet (asFunc A') cy"
proof -
{ fix z assume "z ∈ cx"
hence "(A z) ∈ cy" using cy' by auto
hence "A' (A z) ∈ applyToSet (asFunc A') cy" by auto
hence "z ∈ applyToSet (asFunc A') cy" using A' by metis
hence l2r: "cx ⊆ applyToSet (asFunc A') cy" by blast
{ fix z assume rhs: "z ∈ applyToSet (asFunc A') cy"
hence "z ∈ { z . ∃ z' . z' ∈ cy ∧ (asFunc A') z' z }" by auto
then obtain z1 where z1: "z1 ∈ cy ∧ (asFunc A') z1 z" by blast
hence "z1 ∈ { z1 . ∃ z2 . z2 ∈ cx ∧ (asFunc A) z2 z1 }" using cy' by auto
then obtain z2 where z2: "z2 ∈ cx ∧ (asFunc A) z2 z1" by blast
hence "z = z2" using z1 A' by auto
hence "z ∈ cx" using z2 by auto
thus ?thesis using l2r by blast
have noton: "¬ onRegularCone y q"
proof -
{ assume on: "onRegularCone y q"
define lx where lx: "lx = lineJoining x p"
define ly where ly': "ly = applyToSet (asFunc A) lx"
have onlx: "onLine x lx ∧ onLine p lx"
using lemLineJoiningContainsEndPoints[of "lx" "x" "p"] lx by auto
have linelx: "isLine lx" using lx by blast
have linely: "applyAffineToLine A lx ly"
using lemAffineOfLineIsLine[of "lx" "A" "ly"] assms(1) ly' linelx by auto
have "∃ D . lx = line p D"
proof -
obtain b d where "lx = line b d" using linelx by blast
hence "lx = line p d" using lemSameLine[of "p" "b" "d"] onlx by auto
thus ?thesis by auto
then obtain D where D: "lx = line p D" by auto
have Dnot0: "D ≠ origin"
proof -
{ assume "D = origin"
hence "False" using D onlx xnotp by auto
thus ?thesis by auto
have ly: "ly = lineJoining y q"
proof -
have "applyToSet (asFunc A) {x,p} ⊆ applyToSet (asFunc A) lx" using onlx by auto
hence "{y,q} ⊆ ly" using y q ly' by auto
moreover have "isLine ly" using linely by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using lemLineAndPoints[of "y" "q" "ly"]
by (simp add: ynotq)
hence only: "{ y, q } ⊆ ly"
using lemLineJoiningContainsEndPoints[of "ly" "y" "q"] ly' by auto
have SxSy: "applyToSet (asFunc A) (lx ∩ cx) = (ly ∩ cy)"
using lemInvertibleOnMeet[of "A" "lx ∩ cx" "lx" "cx"] assms(1) ly' cy'
by auto
have cardx: "0 < card (lx ∩ cx) ≤ 2"
using lemInsideRegularConeImplies[of "x" "p" "D" "lx"]
assms(2) Dnot0 lx D cx
by fastforce
hence cardy: "card (ly ∩ cy) = card (lx ∩ cx)"
using lemSmallCardUnderInvertible[of "A" "lx ∩ cx"] assms(1) SxSy by auto
hence lycy: "ly ∩ cy = ly"
using lemOnRegularConeIff[of "ly" "y" "q"] ly ynotq cy on
by blast
hence "∃ p1 p2 p3 . (p1 ∈ ly ∧ p2 ∈ ly ∧ p3 ∈ ly)
∧ (p1≠p2 ∧ p2≠p3 ∧ p3≠p1)"
using lemCardOfLineIsBig[of "y" "q" "ly"] ynotq only linely by auto
then obtain p1 p2 p3
where ps: "(p1 ∈ ly ∧ p2 ∈ ly ∧ p3 ∈ ly) ∧ (p1≠p2 ∧ p2≠p3 ∧ p3≠p1)"
by auto
have not1: "card ly ≠ 1" using ps card_1_singleton_iff[of "ly"] by auto
have not2: "card ly ≠ 2" using ps card_2_iff[of "ly"] by auto
hence "¬ (0 < card (ly ∩ cy) ≤ 2)" using lycy not1 by auto
hence "False" using cardy cardx by auto
thus ?thesis by blast
have notout: "¬ outsideRegularCone y q"
proof -
{ assume out: "outsideRegularCone y q"
hence "(∃ l q' . (q' ≠ q) ∧ onLine q' l ∧ onLine q l
∧ (l ∩ cy = {}))"
using lemOutsideRegularConeImplies[of "y" "q"] cy
by auto
then obtain l q'
where l: "(q' ≠ q) ∧ onLine q' l ∧ onLine q l ∧ (l ∩ cy = {})" by blast
define lx where lx: "lx = applyToSet (asFunc A') l"
have "(lx ∩ cx) = applyToSet (asFunc A') (l ∩ cy)"
using lemInvertibleOnMeet[of "A'" "l ∩ cy" "l" "cy"]
invA' lx cx' by auto
hence "(lx ∩ cx) = applyToSet (asFunc A'){}" using l by auto
hence int0: "(lx ∩ cx) = {}" by simp
hence card0: "card (lx ∩ cx) = 0" by simp
have linelx: "isLine lx"
proof -
have "isLine l" using l by blast
thus ?thesis using lemAffineOfLineIsLine[of "l" "A'" "lx"] lx affA'
by auto
have ponlx: "onLine p lx"
proof -
have "q ∈ l" using l by simp
thus ?thesis using lx p' linelx by auto
have "∃ D . lx = line p D"
proof -
obtain b d where "lx = line b d" using linelx by blast
hence "lx = line p d" using lemSameLine[of "p" "b" "d"] ponlx by auto
thus ?thesis by auto
then obtain D where D: "lx = line p D" by auto
have Dnot0: "D ≠ origin"
proof -
{ assume D0: "D = origin"
have allp: "∀ pt. onLine pt lx ⟶ pt = p"
proof -
{ fix pt assume "onLine pt lx"
then obtain a where "pt = (p ⊕ (a ⊗ D))" using D by auto
hence "pt = p" using D0 by simp
thus ?thesis by blast
define p1 where p1: "p1 = A' q'"
have AA': "∀ pt . A (A' pt) = pt" by (simp add: A')
hence "p1 ≠ p"
proof -
{ assume pp: "p1 = p"
hence "A (A' q') = A (A' q)" using p' p1 by auto
hence "q' = q" using AA' by simp
hence "False" using l by auto
thus ?thesis by auto
moreover have "onLine p1 lx"
proof -
have "p1 = A' q'" using l p1 by blast
hence "p1 ∈ applyToSet (asFunc A') l" using l by auto
hence "p1 ∈ lx" by (simp add: lx)
thus ?thesis using linelx by auto
ultimately have "False" using l allp by blast
thus ?thesis by auto
have "0 < card (lx ∩ cx) ≤ 2"
using lemInsideRegularConeImplies[of "x" "p" "D" "lx"]
assms(2) Dnot0 D cx
by blast
hence "False" using card0 by simp
thus ?thesis by blast
hence "¬ (vertex y q) ∧ ¬(onRegularCone y q) ∧ ¬(outsideRegularCone y q)"
using ynotq noton notout by blast
hence "insideRegularCone y q" using lemInsideCone[of "y" "q"]
by fastforce
thus ?thesis using y q by blast