Theory LinearMaps
section ‹ LinearMaps ›
text ‹This theory defines linear maps and establishes their main properties. ›
theory LinearMaps
imports Functions CauchySchwarz Matrices
class LinearMaps = Functions + CauchySchwarz + Matrices
abbreviation linear :: "('a Point ⇒ 'a Point) ⇒ bool" where
"linear L ≡ (L origin = origin)
∧ (∀ a p . L (a ⊗ p) = (a ⊗ (L p)))
∧ (∀ p q . L (p ⊕ q) = ((L p) ⊕ (L q)))
∧ (∀ p q . L (p ⊖ q) = ((L p) ⊖ (L q)))"
lemma lemLinearProps:
assumes "linear L"
shows "(L origin = origin) ∧ (L (a ⊗ p) = (a ⊗ (L p)))
∧ (L (p ⊕ q) = ((L p) ⊕ (L q)))
∧ (L (p ⊖ q) = ((L p) ⊖ (L q)))"
using assms by simp
lemma lemMatrixApplicationIsLinear: "linear (applyMatrix m)"
using lemDotScaleRight lemDotSumRight lemDotDiffRight
by fastforce
lemma lemLinearIsMatrixApplication:
assumes "linear L"
shows "∃ m . L = (applyMatrix m)"
proof -
define Lt where "Lt = L tUnit"
define Lx where "Lx = L xUnit"
define Ly where "Ly = L yUnit"
define Lz where "Lz = L zUnit"
define M where "M = transpose ⦇ trow = Lt, xrow = Lx, yrow = Ly, zrow = Lz ⦈"
have trowM: "trow M = ⦇ tval = (tval Lt), xval = (tval Lx),
yval = (tval Ly), zval = (tval Lz) ⦈"
using M_def by auto
have xrowM: "xrow M = ⦇ tval = (xval Lt), xval = (xval Lx),
yval = (xval Ly), zval = (xval Lz) ⦈"
using M_def by auto
have yrowM: "yrow M = ⦇ tval = (yval Lt), xval = (yval Lx),
yval = (yval Ly), zval = (yval Lz) ⦈"
using M_def by auto
have zrowM: "zrow M = ⦇ tval = (zval Lt), xval = (zval Lx),
yval = (zval Ly), zval = (zval Lz) ⦈"
using M_def by auto
{ fix u :: "'a Point"
define tvu where tvu: "tvu = ((tval u)⊗tUnit)"
define xvu where xvu: "xvu = ((xval u)⊗xUnit)"
define yvu where yvu: "yvu = ((yval u)⊗yUnit)"
define zvu where zvu: "zvu = ((zval u)⊗zUnit)"
have u: "u = (tvu ⊕ (xvu ⊕ (yvu ⊕ zvu)))"
using tvu xvu yvu zvu lemPointDecomposition[of "u"] by simp
have Mu: "applyMatrix M u = ⦇ tval = dot (trow M) u,
xval = dot (xrow M) u,
yval = dot (yrow M) u,
zval = dot (zrow M) u ⦈" by simp
have tvalMu: "tval (applyMatrix M u) =
(tval Lt)*(tval u) + (tval Lx)*(xval u) + (tval Ly)*(yval u) + (tval Lz)*(zval u)"
using Mu trowM by force
have xvalMu: "xval (applyMatrix M u) =
(xval Lt)*(tval u) + (xval Lx)*(xval u) + (xval Ly)*(yval u) + (xval Lz)*(zval u)"
using Mu xrowM by force
have yvalMu: "yval (applyMatrix M u) =
(yval Lt)*(tval u) + (yval Lx)*(xval u) + (yval Ly)*(yval u) + (yval Lz)*(zval u)"
using Mu yrowM by force
have zvalMu: "zval (applyMatrix M u) =
(zval Lt)*(tval u) + (zval Lx)*(xval u) + (zval Ly)*(yval u) + (zval Lz)*(zval u)"
using Mu zrowM by force
hence Lu: "L u = ((L tvu) ⊕ ((L xvu) ⊕ ((L yvu) ⊕ (L zvu))))"
using assms u
lemLinearProps[of "L" "0" "tvu" "xvu ⊕ (yvu ⊕ zvu)"]
lemLinearProps[of "L" "0" "xvu" "yvu ⊕ zvu"]
by auto
have Ltvu: "L tvu = ((tval u)⊗Lt)"
using tvu Lt_def assms lemLinearProps[of "L" "tval u" "tUnit"] by auto
have Lxvu: "L xvu = ((xval u)⊗Lx)"
using xvu Lx_def assms lemLinearProps[of "L" "xval u" "xUnit"] by auto
have Lyvu: "L yvu = ((yval u)⊗Ly)"
using yvu Ly_def assms lemLinearProps[of "L" "yval u" "yUnit"] by auto
have Lzvu: "L zvu = ((zval u)⊗Lz)"
using zvu Lz_def assms lemLinearProps[of "L" "zval u" "zUnit"] by auto
hence Lu': "L u = (((tval u)⊗Lt) ⊕ (((xval u)⊗Lx)
⊕ (((yval u)⊗Ly) ⊕ ((zval u)⊗Lz))))"
using Lu Ltvu Lxvu Lyvu Lzvu by force
hence "L u = applyMatrix M u"
using Lu' add_assoc tvalMu xvalMu yvalMu zvalMu mult_commute by simp
hence "∀ u. L u = applyMatrix M u" by auto
thus ?thesis by force
lemma lemLinearIffMatrix: "linear L ⟷ (∃ M. L = applyMatrix M)"
using lemMatrixApplicationIsLinear lemLinearIsMatrixApplication
by auto
lemma lemIdIsLinear: "linear id"
by simp
lemma lemLinearIsBounded:
assumes "linear L"
shows "bounded L"
proof -
obtain M where M: "L = applyMatrix M" using assms lemLinearIffMatrix by auto
define tr where "tr = trow M"
define xr where "xr = xrow M"
define yr where "yr = yrow M"
define zr where "zr = zrow M"
define bnd where "bnd = (sqr(norm tr)+sqr(norm xr)+sqr(norm yr)+sqr(norm zr))"
define n
where n: "n = ⦇ tval=norm tr, xval=norm xr, yval=norm yr, zval=norm zr ⦈"
hence "bnd = dot n n" using bnd_def by auto
hence norm2n: "bnd = norm2 n" by simp
hence bndnonneg: "bnd ≥ 0" by simp
{ assume bndpos: "bnd > 0"
{ fix p :: "'a Point"
define q where "q = applyMatrix M p"
hence "q = ⦇ tval=dot tr p, xval=dot xr p,yval=dot yr p, zval=dot zr p ⦈"
using tr_def xr_def yr_def zr_def by auto
hence 1: "dot q q = sqr (dot tr p) + sqr (dot xr p)
+ sqr (dot yr p) + sqr(dot zr p)"
by auto
also have "… ≤ sqr (dot tr p) + sqr (dot xr p) + sqr (dot yr p)
+ (sqr(norm zr)*sqr(norm p))"
using lemCauchySchwarzSqr4[of "zr" "p"] lemNormSqrIsNorm2 by auto
also have "… ≤ sqr (dot tr p) + sqr (dot xr p) + (sqr(norm yr)*sqr(norm p))
+ (sqr(norm zr)*sqr(norm p))"
using lemCauchySchwarzSqr4[of "yr" "p"] lemNormSqrIsNorm2 by auto
also have "… ≤ sqr (dot tr p) + (sqr(norm xr)*sqr(norm p)) + (sqr(norm yr)*sqr(norm p))
+ (sqr(norm zr)*sqr(norm p))"
using lemCauchySchwarzSqr4[of "xr" "p"] lemNormSqrIsNorm2 by auto
also have "… ≤ (sqr(norm tr)*sqr(norm p)) + (sqr(norm xr)*sqr(norm p)) + (sqr(norm yr)*sqr(norm p))
+ (sqr(norm zr)*sqr(norm p))"
using lemCauchySchwarzSqr4[of "tr" "p"] lemNormSqrIsNorm2 by auto
finally have "dot q q ≤ (sqr(norm tr)*sqr(norm p)) + (sqr(norm xr)*sqr(norm p)) + (sqr(norm yr)*sqr(norm p))
+ (sqr(norm zr)*sqr(norm p))" by auto
hence "dot q q ≤ (sqr(norm tr)+sqr(norm xr)+sqr(norm yr)+sqr(norm zr))*sqr(norm p)"
using distrib_right by auto
hence "norm2 q ≤ bnd * sqr(norm p)" using bnd_def by simp
hence "norm2 (applyMatrix M p) ≤ bnd * norm2 p"
using q_def lemNormSqrIsNorm2 by simp
hence "∀ p. norm2 (applyMatrix M p) ≤ bnd * norm2 p" by auto
hence "∃ bnd > 0 . ∀ p. norm2 (applyMatrix M p) ≤ bnd * norm2 p"
using bndpos by auto
hence case1: "(bnd > 0) ⟶ (bounded (applyMatrix M))" by simp
{ assume bnd0: "bnd = 0"
hence "n = origin" using lemNullImpliesOrigin norm2n by auto
hence "(norm tr = 0) ∧ (norm xr = 0) ∧ (norm yr = 0) ∧ (norm zr = 0)"
using n by simp
hence allzero: "(tr = origin)∧(xr=origin)∧(yr=origin)∧(zr=origin)"
using lemZeroNorm by auto
define one where "one = (1::'a)"
hence onepos: "one > 0" by simp
{ fix p :: "'a Point"
have "applyMatrix M p = origin"
using allzero tr_def xr_def yr_def zr_def by auto
hence "norm2(applyMatrix M p) = 0" by auto
hence "norm2(applyMatrix M p) ≤ one * (norm2 p)" using onepos by auto
hence "∀ p . norm2(applyMatrix M p) ≤ one * (norm2 p)" by auto
hence "∃ one > 0 . ∀ p . norm2(applyMatrix M p) ≤ one * (norm2 p)"
using onepos by auto
hence "bounded (applyMatrix M)" by simp
hence case2: "(bnd = 0) ⟶ (bounded (applyMatrix M))" by simp
thus ?thesis using case1 case2 bndnonneg M by auto
lemma lemLinearIsCts:
assumes "linear L"
shows "cts (asFunc L) x"
proof -
{ fix x'
assume x': "x' = L x"
have "bounded L" using assms(1) lemLinearIsBounded[of "L"] by auto
then obtain bnd where bnd: "(bnd > 0) ∧ (∀p. norm2(L p) ≤ bnd*(norm2 p))"
by auto
then obtain bb where bb: "(bb > 0) ∧ (sqr bb) > bnd"
using bnd lemSquareExistsAbove[of "bnd"] by auto
{ fix p
have p1: "norm2 (L p) ≤ bnd*(norm2 p)" using bnd by simp
have "bnd*(norm2 p) ≤ (sqr bb)*(norm2 p)" using bb mult_mono by auto
hence "norm2 (L p) ≤ (sqr bb)*(norm2 p)" using p1 by simp
hence bbbnd: "∀p . norm2 (L p) ≤ (sqr bb)*(norm2 p)" by auto
{ fix e
assume epos: "e > 0"
define d where d: "d = e/bb"
hence dpos: "d > 0" using epos bb by simp
have "(d = e/bb) ∧ (bb ≠ 0)" using d bb by auto
hence esqr: "(sqr d)*(sqr bb) = sqr e" by simp
{ fix p'
assume p': "p' ∈ applyToSet (asFunc L) (ball x d)"
then obtain p where p: "(p ∈ ball x d) ∧ (p' = L p)" by auto
hence p_near_x: "p within d of x" using lemSep2Symmetry[of "p" "x"] by force
have "norm2 (L (p⊖x)) ≤ (sqr bb) * norm2 (p⊖x)" using bbbnd by blast
hence 1: "norm2 (L (p⊖x)) ≤ (sqr bb) * (sep2 p x)" by auto
have "(sqr bb)*(sep2 p x) < (sqr bb)*(sqr d)"
using lemMultPosLT bb p_near_x by auto
hence 2: "norm2 (L (p⊖x)) < (sqr bb) * (sqr d)" using 1 by simp
have "(L (p⊖x)) = ((L p) ⊖ (L x))" using assms(1) by auto
hence "norm2 (L (p⊖x)) = sep2 p' x'" using p x' by force
hence "sep2 p' x' < (sqr bb) * (sqr d)" using 2 by simp
hence "sep2 p' x' < sqr e" using d bb by auto
hence "p' ∈ ball x' e" using lemSep2Symmetry by auto
hence "applyToSet (asFunc L) (ball x d) ⊆ ball x' e" by auto
hence "∃d>0. applyToSet (asFunc L) (ball x d) ⊆ ball x' e"
using dpos by auto
hence "∀e>0. ∃d>0. applyToSet (asFunc L) (ball x d) ⊆ ball x' e"
by auto
thus ?thesis by auto
lemma lemLinOfLinIsLin:
assumes "(linear A) ∧ (linear B)"
shows "linear (B ∘ A)"
proof -
have 1: "(B ∘ A) origin = origin" using assms by auto
have 2: "∀ a p . (B ∘ A)(a ⊗ p) = (a ⊗ ((B ∘ A) p))" using assms by auto
have 3: "∀ p q . (B ∘ A) (p ⊕ q) = (((B ∘ A) p) ⊕ ((B ∘ A) q))" using assms by auto
have 4: "∀ p q . (B ∘ A) (p ⊖ q) = (((B ∘ A) p) ⊖ ((B ∘ A) q))" using assms by auto
thus ?thesis using 1 2 3 by force
lemma lemInverseLinear:
assumes "linear A"
and "invertible A"
shows "∃A' . (linear A') ∧ (∀ p q. A p = q ⟷ A' q = p)"
proof -
obtain L where L: "(∀ p q. A p = q ⟷ L q = p)"
using assms(2) by metis
have 1: "L origin = origin" using assms L by auto
{ fix p' q' a
obtain p where p: "(A p = p') ∧ (∀z. A z = p' ⟶ z = p)" using assms(2) by blast
obtain q where q: "(A q = q') ∧ (∀z. A z = q' ⟶ z = q)" using assms(2) by blast
have "L (a ⊗ p') = L ( a ⊗ (A p) )" using p by auto
also have "... = L ( A ( a ⊗ p ) )" using assms(1) by auto
also have "... = (a ⊗ p)" using L by blast
finally have 2: "L (a ⊗ p') = (a ⊗ (L p'))" using p L by auto
have "L (p' ⊕ q') = L ((A p) ⊕ (A q))" using p q by auto
also have "... = L( A (p ⊕ q) )" using assms(1) by auto
also have "... = (p ⊕ q)" using p q L by auto
finally have 3: "L (p' ⊕ q') = ( (L p') ⊕ (L q') )" using p q L by auto
have "L (p' ⊖ q') = L ((A p) ⊖ (A q))" using p q by auto
also have "... = L( A (p ⊖ q) )" using assms(1) by auto
also have "... = (p ⊖ q)" using p q L by auto
finally have 4: "L (p' ⊖ q') = ( (L p') ⊖ (L q') )" using p q L by auto
hence "(L origin = origin) ∧
(L (a ⊗ p') = (a ⊗ (L p'))) ∧
(L (p' ⊕ q') = ( (L p') ⊕ (L q') )) ∧
(L (p' ⊖ q') = ( (L p') ⊖ (L q') ))"
using 1 2 3 by auto
hence "linear L" by auto
thus ?thesis using L by auto