Theory Affine
section ‹ Affine ›
text ‹This theory defines affine transformations and established their
key properties.›
theory Affine
imports Translations LinearMaps
class Affine = Translations + LinearMaps
abbreviation affine :: "('a Point ⇒ 'a Point) ⇒ bool"
where "affine A ≡ ∃ L T . (linear L) ∧ (translation T) ∧ (A = T ∘ L)"
abbreviation affInvertible :: "('a Point ⇒ 'a Point) ⇒ bool"
where "affInvertible A ≡ affine A ∧ invertible A"
abbreviation isLinearPart :: "('a Point ⇒ 'a Point) ⇒ ('a Point ⇒ 'a Point) ⇒ bool"
where "isLinearPart A L ≡ (affine A) ∧ (linear L) ∧
(∃ T. (translation T ∧ A = T ∘ L))"
abbreviation isTranslationPart :: "('a Point ⇒ 'a Point) ⇒ ('a Point ⇒ 'a Point) ⇒ bool"
where "isTranslationPart A T ≡ (affine A) ∧ (translation T) ∧
(∃ L. (linear L ∧ A = T ∘ L))"
subsection ‹ Affine approximation ›
text ‹A key concept in the proof is affine approximation. We will eventually
assert that worldview transformation can be approximated by invertible affine
abbreviation affineApprox :: "('a Point ⇒ 'a Point) ⇒
('a Point ⇒ 'a Point => bool) ⇒
'a Point ⇒ bool"
where "affineApprox A f x ≡ (isFunction f) ∧
(affInvertible A) ∧ (diffApprox (asFunc A) f x)"
fun applyAffineToLine :: "('a Point ⇒ 'a Point)
⇒ 'a Point set ⇒ 'a Point set ⇒ bool"
where "applyAffineToLine A l l' ⟷ (affine A) ∧
(∃ T L b d . ((linear L) ∧ (translation T) ∧ (A = T ∘ L) ∧
(l = line b d) ∧ (l' = (line (A b) (L d)))))"
abbreviation affConstantOn :: "('a Point ⇒ 'Point) ⇒ 'a Point ⇒ 'a Point set ⇒ bool"
where "affConstantOn A x s ≡ (∃ε>0. ∀y∈s. (y within ε of x) ⟶ ((A y) = (A x)))"
lemma lemTranslationPartIsUnique:
assumes "isTranslationPart A T1"
and "isTranslationPart A T2"
shows "T1 = T2"
proof -
obtain L1 where T1: "linear L1 ∧ A = T1 ∘ L1" using assms(1) by auto
obtain L2 where T2: "linear L2 ∧ A = T2 ∘ L2" using assms(2) by auto
obtain t1 where t1: "∀ x. T1 x = (x ⊕ t1)" using assms(1) by auto
obtain t2 where t2: "∀ x. T2 x = (x ⊕ t2)" using assms(2) by auto
have "T1 origin = A origin" using T1 assms(1) by auto
also have "... = T2 origin" using T2 assms(2) by auto
finally have "T1 origin = T2 origin" by auto
hence "t1 = t2" using t1 t2 by auto
hence "∀ x. (T1 x = T2 x)" using t1 t2 by auto
thus ?thesis by auto
lemma lemLinearPartIsUnique:
assumes "isLinearPart A L1"
and "isLinearPart A L2"
shows "L1 = L2"
proof -
obtain T1 where T1: "translation T1 ∧ A = T1 ∘ L1" using assms(1) by auto
obtain T2 where T2: "translation T2 ∧ A = T2 ∘ L2" using assms(2) by auto
have 1: "isTranslationPart A T1" using assms(1) T1 by auto
have 2: "isTranslationPart A T2" using assms(2) T2 by auto
hence T1T2: "T1 = T2" using 1 2 lemTranslationPartIsUnique[of "A" "T1" "T2"] by auto
obtain t where t: "∀ x. T1 x = (x ⊕ t)" using T1 by auto
define T where "T = mkTranslation (origin ⊖ t)"
hence 3: "T ∘ A = L1" using T1 t lemInverseTranslation by auto
have "T ∘ A = L2" using T_def T2 t T1T2 lemInverseTranslation by auto
thus ?thesis using 3 by auto
lemma lemLinearImpliesAffine:
assumes "linear L"
shows "affine L"
proof -
have 1: "L = id ∘ L" by fastforce
thus ?thesis using assms lemIdIsTranslation by blast
lemma lemTranslationImpliesAffine:
assumes "translation T"
shows "affine T"
proof -
have "T = T ∘ id" by force
thus ?thesis using assms lemIdIsLinear by blast
lemma lemAffineDiff:
assumes "linear L"
and "∃ T . ((translation T) ∧ (A = T ∘ L))"
shows "((A p) ⊖ (A q)) = L (p ⊖ q)"
proof -
obtain T where T: "(translation T) ∧ (A = T ∘ L)" using assms(2) by auto
thus ?thesis using assms(1) by auto
lemma lemAffineImpliesTotalFunction:
assumes "affine A"
shows "isTotalFunction (asFunc A)"
by simp
lemma lemAffineEqualAtBase:
assumes "affineApprox A f x"
shows "∀y. (f x y) ⟷ (y = A x)"
proof -
have diff: "diffApprox (asFunc A) f x" using assms(1) by simp
{ fix y
assume y: "f x y"
hence "f x y ∧ (asFunc A) x (A x)" by auto
hence "A x = y" using diff lemApproxEqualAtBase[of "f" "x" "asFunc A" "y"]
by auto
hence l2r: "∀y . f x y ⟶ y = A x" by auto
{ obtain y where y: "f x y" using diff by auto
hence "y = A x" using l2r by auto
hence "f x (A x)" using y by auto
thus ?thesis using l2r by blast
lemma lemAffineOfPointOnLine:
assumes "(linear L) ∧ (translation T) ∧ (A = T ∘ L)"
and "x = (b ⊕ (a⊗d))"
shows "A x = ((A b) ⊕ (a ⊗ (L d)))"
proof -
have "(L x = ((L b) ⊕ (L (a ⊗ d)))) ∧ (L (a ⊗ d) = (a ⊗ (L d)))"
using assms by blast
hence "A x = T ((L b) ⊕ (a ⊗ (L d)))" using assms(1) by auto
also have "... = ((T (L b)) ⊕ (a ⊗ (L d)))"
using assms(1) lemTranslationSum[of "T" "L b" "a ⊗ (L d)"] by auto
finally show ?thesis using assms(1) by auto
lemma lemAffineOfLineIsLine:
assumes "isLine l"
shows "(applyAffineToLine A l l') ⟷ (affine A ∧ l' = applyToSet (asFunc A) l)"
proof -
{ assume lhs: "applyAffineToLine A l l'"
hence affA: "affine A" by fastforce
have "∃ T L b d . (linear L) ∧ (translation T) ∧ (A = T ∘ L) ∧
(l = line b d) ∧ (l' = (line (A b) (L d)))" using lhs by auto
then obtain T L b d where TL: "(linear L) ∧ (translation T) ∧ (A = T ∘ L) ∧
(l = line b d) ∧ (l' = (line (A b) (L d)))"
using lhs by blast
{ fix p'
{ assume "p' ∈ l'"
then obtain a where a: "p' = ( (A b) ⊕ (a ⊗ (L d)) )" using TL by auto
define p where p: "p = (b ⊕ (a⊗d))"
hence "p' ∈ applyToSet (asFunc A) l" using a TL lemAffineOfPointOnLine by auto
hence "(p' ∈ l') ⟶ (p' ∈ applyToSet (asFunc A) l)" by auto
hence l2r: "l' ⊆ (applyToSet (asFunc A) l)" by auto
{ fix p'
{ assume "p' ∈ applyToSet (asFunc A) l"
then obtain p where p: "p ∈ l ∧ p' = A p" by auto
then obtain a where a: "p = (b ⊕ (a⊗d))" using TL by auto
hence "A p = ((A b) ⊕ (a ⊗ (L d)))" using TL lemAffineOfPointOnLine by auto
hence "p' ∈ l'" using TL p by auto
hence "(p' ∈ applyToSet (asFunc A) l) ⟶ (p' ∈ l')" using l2r by auto
hence "(applyToSet (asFunc A) l) ⊆ l'" by auto
hence "affine A ∧ l' = applyToSet (asFunc A) l" using affA l2r by auto
hence rtp1: "(applyAffineToLine A l l') ⟶ (affine A ∧ l' = applyToSet (asFunc A) l)"
by blast
{ assume rhs: "(affine A) ∧ (l' = applyToSet (asFunc A) l)"
obtain b d where bd: "l = line b d" using assms(1) by auto
obtain T L where TL: "(linear L) ∧ (translation T) ∧ (A = T ∘ L)"
using rhs by auto
{ fix p'
assume "p' ∈ l'"
then obtain p where p: "(p ∈ l) ∧ (A p = p')" using rhs by auto
then obtain a where a: "p = (b ⊕ (a⊗d))" using bd by auto
hence "A p = ((A b) ⊕ (a ⊗ (L d)))"
using TL lemAffineOfPointOnLine by auto
hence "p' ∈ line (A b) (L d)" using p by auto
hence l2r: "l' ⊆ line (A b) (L d)" by force
{ fix p'
assume "p' ∈ line (A b) (L d)"
then obtain a where a: "p' = ( (A b) ⊕ (a ⊗ (L d)) )" using TL by auto
define p where p: "p = (b ⊕ (a⊗d))"
hence "A p = ((A b) ⊕ (a ⊗ (L d)))"
using TL lemAffineOfPointOnLine by auto
hence "A p = p'" using a by simp
hence "p' ∈ applyToSet (asFunc A) l" using p bd by auto
hence "line (A b) (L d) = l'" using rhs l2r by blast
hence "applyAffineToLine A l l'" using TL bd by auto
hence "(affine A) ∧ (l' = applyToSet (asFunc A) l)
⟶ (applyAffineToLine A l l')"
by blast
thus ?thesis using rtp1 by blast
lemma lemOnLineUnderAffine:
assumes "(affine A) ∧ (onLine p l)"
shows "onLine (A p) (applyToSet (asFunc A) l)"
proof -
define l' where l': "l' = applyToSet (asFunc A) l"
have lineL: "isLine l" using assms by auto
hence Tll': "applyAffineToLine A l l'"
using lemAffineOfLineIsLine[of "l" "A" "l'"] assms l'
by blast
hence "∃ T' L b d . (linear L) ∧ (translation T') ∧ (A = T' ∘ L) ∧
(l = line b d) ∧ (l' = (line (A b) (L d)))" by force
then obtain T' L b d
where TLbd: "(linear L) ∧ (translation T') ∧ (A = T' ∘ L) ∧
(l = line b d) ∧ (l' = (line (A b) (L d)))" by blast
then obtain a where a: "p = (b ⊕ (a⊗d))" using assms by auto
hence "A p = ((A b) ⊕ (a ⊗ (L d)))" using lemAffineOfPointOnLine TLbd by auto
thus ?thesis using l' TLbd by blast
lemma lemLineJoiningUnderAffine:
assumes "affine A"
shows "applyToSet (asFunc A) (lineJoining p q) = lineJoining (A p) (A q)"
proof -
obtain T L where TL: "translation T ∧ linear L ∧ A = T∘L" using assms(1) by auto
hence "((A q) ⊖ (A p)) = L (q⊖p)" by auto
{ fix a
have "(a⊗((A q) ⊖ (A p))) = L (a ⊗ (q⊖p))"
using TL lemLinearProps[of "L" "a" "q⊖p"] by force
hence as: "∀a. (a⊗((A q) ⊖ (A p))) = L (a ⊗ (q⊖p))" by auto
{ fix x'
assume "x' ∈ applyToSet (asFunc A) (lineJoining p q)"
then obtain x where x: "x ∈ (lineJoining p q) ∧ x' = A x" by force
then obtain a where a: "x = (p ⊕ (a⊗(q⊖p)))" by force
have expandL: "L (p ⊕ (a⊗(q⊖p))) = ((L p) ⊕ (L (a⊗(q⊖p))))"
using TL lemLinearProps[of "L" "0" "p" "(a⊗(q⊖p))"]
by fast
have "x' = A (p ⊕ (a⊗(q⊖p)))" using x a by fast
also have "... = (T (L (p ⊕ (a⊗(q⊖p)))))" using TL by force
also have "... = T ((L p) ⊕ (L (a⊗(q⊖p))))" using expandL by force
finally have "x' = ((T (L p)) ⊕ (L (a⊗(q⊖p))))"
using TL lemTranslationSum[of "T" "L p" "L (a⊗(q⊖p))"]
by auto
hence "x' ∈ lineJoining (A p) (A q)" using TL as by auto
hence l2r: "applyToSet (asFunc A) (lineJoining p q) ⊆ lineJoining (A p) (A q)"
by force
{ fix x'
assume "x' ∈ lineJoining (A p) (A q)"
hence "∃a . x' = ((T (L p)) ⊕ (a⊗((A q)⊖(A p))))"
using TL by auto
then obtain a where a: "x' = ((T (L p)) ⊕ (a⊗((A q)⊖(A p))))"
using TL by fast
hence "x' = ((T (L p)) ⊕ (L (a⊗(q⊖p))))" using as by force
also have "... = T ( (L p) ⊕ (L (a⊗(q⊖p))))"
using TL lemTranslationSum[of "T" "L p" "L (a⊗(q⊖p))"] by simp
also have "... = T ( L (p ⊕ (a⊗(q⊖p))) )"
using TL lemLinearProps[of "L" "0" "p" "a⊗(q⊖p)"] by auto
finally have "x' = A (p ⊕ (a⊗(q⊖p)))" using TL by auto
hence "x' ∈ applyToSet (asFunc A) (lineJoining p q)" by auto
thus ?thesis using l2r by auto
lemma lemAffineIsCts:
assumes "affine A"
shows "cts (asFunc A) x"
proof -
have "∃ T L . (translation T)∧(linear L)∧(A = T ∘ L)" using assms by auto
then obtain T L where TL: "(translation T)∧(linear L)∧(A = T ∘ L)" by auto
define f where f: "f = asFunc L"
define g where g: "g = asFunc T"
have 1: "cts f x" using f TL lemLinearIsCts[of "L" "x"] by auto
have 2: "∀y. (f x y) ⟶ (cts g y)"
using f g TL lemTranslationIsCts[of "T" "x"] by auto
have "cts (composeRel g f) x" using 1 2 lemCtsOfCtsIsCts[of "f" "x" "g"] by simp
thus ?thesis using f g TL by auto
lemma lemAffineContinuity:
assumes "affine A"
shows "∀ x. ∀ε>0. ∃δ>0 . ∀p. (p within δ of x) ⟶ ((A p) within ε of (A x))"
proof -
{ fix x
{ fix e
assume epos: "e > 0"
have "(asFunc A) x (A x) ∧ (cts (asFunc A) x)"
using assms lemAffineIsCts[of "A" "x"] by auto
hence u: "(∀ε>0. ∃δ>0. (applyToSet (asFunc A) (ball x δ)) ⊆ ball (A x) ε)"
by force
then obtain d where d: "(d > 0) ∧
(applyToSet (asFunc A) (ball x d)) ⊆ ball (A x) e"
using epos by force
{ fix p
assume "p within d of x"
hence "(A p) within e of (A x)" using d lemSep2Symmetry by force
hence "∃d>0 . ∀p. (p within d of x) ⟶ ((A p) within e of (A x))"
using d by auto
hence "∀e>0. ∃d>0 . ∀p. (p within d of x) ⟶ ((A p) within e of (A x))"
by auto
thus ?thesis by auto
lemma lemAffOfAffIsAff:
assumes "(affine A) ∧ (affine B)"
shows "affine (B ∘ A)"
proof -
obtain TA LA TB LB where props:
"translation TA ∧ linear LA ∧ translation TB ∧ linear LB ∧
A = TA ∘ LA ∧ B = TB ∘ LB" using assms by blast
then obtain ta tb where ts: "(∀p. TA p = (p ⊕ ta)) ∧ (∀p. TB p = (p ⊕ tb))" by auto
{ fix p
have "(B ∘ A) p = ((LB ( (LA p) ⊕ ta )) ⊕ tb)" using props ts by force
also have "... = (((LB (LA p)) ⊕ (LB ta)) ⊕ tb)" using props by force
also have "... = (((LB∘LA) p) ⊕ ((LB ta)⊕tb))" using add_assoc by force
finally have "(B ∘ A) p = ((mkTranslation ((LB ta)⊕tb)) ∘ (LB∘LA)) p" by force
hence BA: "(B ∘ A) = (mkTranslation ((LB ta)⊕tb)) ∘ (LB∘LA)" by auto
define T where T: "T = mkTranslation ((LB ta)⊕tb)"
hence trans: "translation T" using lemMkTrans by blast
define L where L: "L = (LB∘LA)"
hence lin: "linear L" using lemLinOfLinIsLin[of "LA" "LB"] props by auto
hence "(translation T) ∧ (linear L) ∧ ((B∘A) = (T∘L))" using T L trans lin BA by auto
thus ?thesis by auto
lemma lemInverseAffine:
assumes "affInvertible A"
shows "∃A' . (affine A') ∧ (∀ p q . A p = q ⟷ A' q = p)"
proof -
obtain A' where A': "(∀ p q. A p = q ⟷ A' q = p)"
using assms by metis
obtain T L where TL: "translation T ∧ linear L ∧ (A = T ∘ L)" using assms(1) by auto
obtain T' where T': "(translation T') ∧ (∀ p q . T p = q ⟷ T' q = p)"
using TL lemInverseTrans[of "T"] by auto
{ fix p
{ fix q
assume Ap: "A p = q"
hence "T (L p) = q" using TL by auto
hence "L p = T' q" using T' by auto
hence "L p = (T' ∘ A) p" using Ap by auto
hence L: "L = (T' ∘ A)" by auto
{ fix q
obtain r where r: "(T' r = q)" using T' by auto
then obtain p where p: "(A p = r) ∧ (∀x. A x = r ⟶ x = p)" using A' by auto
hence 1: "L p = q" using L r by auto
{ fix x
assume "L x = q"
hence "T' (A x) = q" using L by auto
hence "A x = r" using r T' lemTranslationInjective[of "T'"] by force
hence "x = p" using p A' by blast
} hence "∃p . (L p = q) ∧ (∀x. L x = q ⟶ x = p)" using 1 by auto
hence invL: "invertible L" by blast
then obtain L' where L': "(linear L') ∧ (∀ p q . L p = q ⟷ L' q = p)"
using TL lemInverseLinear[of "L"] by blast
{ fix p q
have "A' q = p ⟷ T (L p) = q" using A' TL by auto
also have "... ⟷ T' q = L p" using T' by auto
also have "... ⟷ L p = T' q" by auto
also have "... ⟷ L' (T' q) = p" using L' by auto
finally have "A' q = p ⟷ (L'∘T') q = p" by auto
hence "A' = L' ∘ T'" by auto
hence "affine A'" using lemAffOfAffIsAff[of "T'" "L'"]
lemTranslationImpliesAffine[of "T'"] T'
lemLinearImpliesAffine[of "L'"] L'
by auto
thus ?thesis using A' by auto
lemma lemAffineApproxDomainTranslation:
assumes "translation T"
and "affineApprox A f x"
and "∀ p q . T p = q ⟷ T' q = p"
shows "affineApprox (A∘T) (composeRel f (asFunc T)) (T' x)"
proof -
define A0 where A0: "A0 = A ∘ T"
define g where g: "g = composeRel f (asFunc T)"
have ToT': "∀ p . T (T' p) = p" using assms(3) by force
have T'oT: "∀ p . T' (T p) = p" using assms(3) by force
obtain t where t: "∀ p . T p = (p ⊕ t)" using assms(1) by force
hence mkT: "T = mkTranslation t" by force
{ fix p q
have "T' p = q ⟷ T q = p" using assms(3) by auto
also have "... ⟷ (q ⊕ t) = p" using t by auto
also have "... ⟷ q = (p ⊕ (origin ⊖ t))" by force
finally have "T' p = q ⟷ q = (p ⊕ (origin ⊖ t))" by force
hence "T' p = q ⟷ q = mkTranslation (origin ⊖ t) p" by force
hence mkT': "T' = mkTranslation (origin ⊖ t)" by force
hence transT': "translation T'" using lemMkTrans by blast
have funcF: "isFunction f" using assms(2) by auto
hence rtp3a: "isFunction g" using g by auto
have affA: "affine A" using assms(2) by auto
hence rtp3b: "affine A0"
using lemAffOfAffIsAff[of "T" "A"] lemTranslationImpliesAffine[of "T"]
A0 affA assms(1)
by blast
{ fix q
obtain p where p: "(A p = q) ∧ (∀x. A x = q ⟶ x = p)" using assms(2) by blast
define p0 where p0: "p0 = T' p"
hence Tp0: "T p0 = p" using assms(3) by blast
hence 1: "A0 p0 = q" using A0 p by auto
{ fix x
assume "A0 x = q"
hence "T x = p" using A0 p by fastforce
hence "x = p0" using Tp0 assms(1) lemTranslationInjective[of "T"] by force
hence "∀x. A0 x = q ⟶ x = p0" by auto
hence "∃p0. (A0 p0 = q) ∧ (∀x. A0 x = q ⟶ x = p0)" using 1 by auto
hence rtp3c: "invertible A0" by auto
have "diffApprox (asFunc A) f x" using assms(2) by auto
hence dAx: "(definedAt f x) ∧
(∀ ε > 0 . (∃ δ > 0 . (∀ y .
( (y within δ of x)
( (definedAt f y) ∧ (∀ u v . (f y u ∧ (asFunc A) y v) ⟶
( sep2 v u ) ≤ (sqr ε) * sep2 y x ))) )
))" by blast
hence "(definedAt f x) ∧ (x = T (T' x))" using assms(1) ToT' by auto
hence rtp3d1: "(definedAt g (T' x))" using g by auto
{ fix e
assume epos: "e > 0"
then obtain d where d: "(d > 0) ∧ (∀ y .
( (y within d of x)
( (definedAt f y) ∧ (∀ u v . (f y u ∧ (asFunc A) y v) ⟶
( sep2 v u ) ≤ (sqr e) * sep2 y x ))) )"
using dAx by force
{ fix y
assume "y within d of (T' x)"
hence "(T y) within d of (T (T' x))" using assms(1) lemBallTranslation by auto
hence "(T y) within d of x" using ToT' by auto
hence "(definedAt f (T y)) ∧ (∀ u v . (f (T y) u ∧ (asFunc A) (T y) v) ⟶
( sep2 v u ) ≤ (sqr e) * sep2 (T y) x )"
using d by blast
hence "(definedAt g y) ∧ (∀ u v . (g y u ∧ (asFunc A0) y v) ⟶
( sep2 v u ) ≤ (sqr e) * sep2 (T y) x )" using g A0 by auto
hence "(definedAt g y) ∧ (∀ u v . (g y u ∧ (asFunc A0) y v) ⟶
( sep2 v u ) ≤ (sqr e) * sep2 y (T' x) )"
using transT' lemTranslationPreservesSep2[of "T'" "T y" "x"] T'oT
by auto
hence "∃d > 0. ∀y . (y within d of (T' x)) ⟶
(definedAt g y) ∧ (∀ u v . (g y u ∧ (asFunc A0) y v) ⟶
( sep2 v u ) ≤ (sqr e) * sep2 y (T' x) )"
using d by fast
hence rtp3d2: "∀e>0. ∃d > 0. ∀y . (y within d of (T' x)) ⟶
(definedAt g y) ∧ (∀ u v . (g y u ∧ (asFunc A0) y v) ⟶
( sep2 v u ) ≤ (sqr e) * sep2 y (T' x) )"
by auto
hence rtp3d: "diffApprox (asFunc A0) g (T' x)" using rtp3d1 by fast
have rtp3: "affineApprox A0 g (T' x)" using rtp3a rtp3b rtp3c rtp3d by blast
thus ?thesis using A0 g by fast
lemma lemAffineApproxRangeTranslation:
assumes "translation T"
and "affineApprox A f x"
shows "affineApprox (T∘A) (composeRel (asFunc T) f) x"
proof -
define A0 where A0: "A0 = T ∘ A"
define g where g: "g = composeRel (asFunc T) f"
obtain T' where T': "(translation T') ∧ (∀ p q . T p = q ⟷ T' q = p)"
using assms(1) lemInverseTrans[of "T"] by auto
have ToT': "∀ p . T (T' p) = p" using T' by force
have T'oT: "∀ p . T' (T p) = p" using T' by force
obtain t where t: "∀ p . T p = (p ⊕ t)" using assms(1) by auto
hence mkT: "T = mkTranslation t" by auto
{ fix p q
have "T' p = q ⟷ T q = p" using T' by auto
also have "... ⟷ (q ⊕ t) = p" using t by auto
also have "... ⟷ q = (p ⊕ (origin ⊖ t))" by force
finally have "T' p = q ⟷ q = (p ⊕ (origin ⊖ t))" by force
hence "T' p = q ⟷ q = mkTranslation (origin ⊖ t) p" by force
hence mkT': "T' = mkTranslation (origin ⊖ t)" by auto
hence transT': "translation T'" using lemMkTrans by blast
have funcF: "isFunction f" using assms(2) by auto
hence rtp3a: "isFunction g" using g by auto
have affA: "affine A" using assms(2) by auto
hence rtp3b: "affine A0"
using lemAffOfAffIsAff[of "A" "T"] lemTranslationImpliesAffine[of "T"]
A0 affA assms(1)
by blast
{ fix q
obtain p where p: "(A p = T' q) ∧ (∀x. A x = T' q ⟶ x = p)" using assms(2) by blast
hence "T' q = A p" by auto
hence "T (A p) = q" using T' ToT' by auto
hence 1: "A0 p = q" using A0 by auto
{ fix x
assume "A0 x = q"
hence "T (A x) = q" using A0 by auto
hence "T' (T (A x)) = T' q" by auto
hence "A x = T' q" using T'oT by auto
hence "x = p" using p by auto
hence "∀x. A0 x = q ⟶ x = p" by auto
hence "∃p0. (A0 p0 = q) ∧ (∀x. A0 x = q ⟶ x = p0)" using 1 by auto
hence rtp3c: "invertible A0" by auto
have "diffApprox (asFunc A) f x" using assms(2) by auto
hence dAx: "(definedAt f x) ∧
(∀ ε > 0 . (∃ δ > 0 . (∀ y .
( (y within δ of x)
( (definedAt f y) ∧ (∀ u v . (f y u ∧ (asFunc A) y v) ⟶
( sep2 v u ) ≤ (sqr ε) * sep2 y x ))) )
))" by blast
hence rtp3d1: "definedAt g x" using g by auto
{ fix e
assume epos: "e > 0"
then obtain d where d: "(d > 0) ∧ (∀ y .
( (y within d of x)
( (definedAt f y) ∧ (∀ u v . (f y u ∧ (asFunc A) y v) ⟶
( sep2 v u ) ≤ (sqr e) * sep2 y x ))) )"
using dAx by auto
{ fix y
assume "y within d of x"
hence "(definedAt f y) ∧ (∀ u v . (f y u ∧ (asFunc A) y v) ⟶
( sep2 v u ) ≤ (sqr e) * sep2 y x )" using d by force
hence "(definedAt g y) ∧ (∀ u v . (f y u ∧ (asFunc A) y v) ⟶
( sep2 v u ) ≤ (sqr e) * sep2 y x )" using g by force
hence "(definedAt g y) ∧ (∀ u v . (g y u ∧ (asFunc A0) y v) ⟶
( sep2 v u ) ≤ (sqr e) * sep2 y x )"
using g A0 assms(1) lemBallTranslation by force
hence "∃d>0. ∀y . (y within d of x) ⟶
(definedAt g y) ∧ (∀ u v . (g y u ∧ (asFunc A0) y v) ⟶
( sep2 v u ) ≤ (sqr e) * sep2 y x )"
using d by force
hence rtp3d2: "∀e>0. ∃d > 0. ∀y . (y within d of x) ⟶
(definedAt g y) ∧ (∀ u v . (g y u ∧ (asFunc A0) y v) ⟶
( sep2 v u ) ≤ (sqr e) * sep2 y x )"
by auto
hence rtp3d: "diffApprox (asFunc A0) g x" using rtp3d1 by auto
hence rtp3: "affineApprox A0 g x" using rtp3a rtp3b rtp3c rtp3d by auto
thus ?thesis using g A0 mkT by best
lemma lemAffineIdentity:
assumes "affine A"
and "e > 0"
and "∀ y . (y within e of x) ⟶ (A y = y)"
shows "A = id"
proof -
obtain T L where TL: "translation T ∧ linear L ∧ A = T∘L" using assms(1) by auto
have "x within e of x" using assms(2) by auto
hence xfixed: "A x = x" using assms(3) by auto
{ fix p
define d where d: "d = (p ⊖ x)"
then obtain a where a: "(a > 0) ∧ (norm2 (a⊗d) < sqr e)"
using assms(2) lemSmallPoints[of "e" "d"] by auto
define p' where p': "p' = ((a⊗d)⊕x)"
hence p'fixed: "A p' = p'" using a assms(3) lemSep2Symmetry by auto
have p'x: "(p' ⊖ x) = (a ⊗ (p ⊖ x))" using p' d by auto
hence "((1/a)⊗(p'⊖x)) = (p⊖x)" using a lemScaleAssoc[of "1/a" "a" "p⊖x"] by auto
hence p: "p = (((1/a)⊗(p'⊖x)) ⊕ x)" by auto
hence "L p = L (((1/a)⊗(p'⊖x)) ⊕ x)" by auto
also have "... = ((L ((1/a)⊗(p'⊖x))) ⊕ (L x))" using TL by blast
also have "... = ((L x) ⊕ (L ((1/a)⊗(p'⊖x))))" using add_commute by simp
finally have "A p = ((A x) ⊕ (L ((1/a)⊗(p'⊖x))))"
using TL lemTranslationSum by auto
hence 1: "A p = (x ⊕ (L ((1/a)⊗(p'⊖x))))" using xfixed by auto
have "(L ((1/a)⊗(p'⊖x))) = ((1/a) ⊗ (L (p'⊖x)))" using TL by blast
also have "... = ((1/a) ⊗ ( (L p') ⊖ (L x) ))" using TL by auto
also have "... = ((1/a) ⊗ ( (A p') ⊖ (A x) ))" using TL by auto
also have "... = ((1/a) ⊗ (p' ⊖ x))" using p'fixed xfixed by auto
finally have "(L ((1/a)⊗(p'⊖x))) = (p⊖x)" using p by auto
hence "A p = (x ⊕ (p ⊖ x))" using 1 by auto
hence "A p = p" using add_diff_eq by auto
thus ?thesis by auto