Theory Classification
section ‹ Classification ›
text ‹This theory explains how to establish whether a point lies inside,
on or outside a cone.›
theory Classification
imports Cones Quadratics CauchySchwarz
text ‹ We want to establish where a point lies in relation to a cone, and will
later show that this relationship is preserved under relevant affine
transformations. We therefore need a classification scheme that relies on purely affine
concepts. To do this we consider lines that can be drawn through the point,
and ask how many points lie in the intersection of such a line and the cone.›
class Classification = Cones + Quadratics + CauchySchwarz
abbreviation vertex :: "'a Point ⇒ 'a Point ⇒ bool"
where "vertex x p ≡ (x = p)"
abbreviation insideRegularCone :: "'a Point ⇒ 'a Point ⇒ bool"
where "insideRegularCone x p ≡
(slopeFinite x p) ∧ (∃ v ∈ lineVelocity (lineJoining x p) . sNorm2 v < 1)"
abbreviation outsideRegularCone :: "'a Point ⇒ 'a Point ⇒ bool"
where "outsideRegularCone x p ≡
(x ≠ p) ∧
((slopeInfinite x p) ∨ (∃ v ∈ lineVelocity (lineJoining x p) . sNorm2 v > 1))"
abbreviation onRegularCone :: "'a Point ⇒ 'a Point ⇒ bool"
where "onRegularCone x p ≡ (x = p) ∨ (∃ v ∈ lineVelocity (lineJoining x p) . sNorm2 v = 1)"
lemma lemDrtnLineJoining:
assumes "l = lineJoining x p"
and "x ≠ p"
shows "(p ⊖ x) ∈ drtn l"
proof -
define d where d: "d = (p ⊖ x)"
have lprops: "onLine x l ∧ onLine p l"
using assms(1) lemLineJoiningContainsEndPoints by blast
hence "∃ x p . (x ≠ p) ∧ (onLine x l) ∧ (onLine p l) ∧ (d = (p ⊖ x))"
using assms(2) d by blast
thus ?thesis using d by auto
lemma lemVelocityLineJoining:
assumes "l = lineJoining x p"
and "v = velocityJoining origin (p ⊖ x)"
and "x ≠ p"
shows "v ∈ lineVelocity l"
proof -
define d where d: "d = (p ⊖ x)"
hence "d ∈ drtn l" using assms lemDrtnLineJoining by auto
hence "∃ d ∈ drtn l . v = velocityJoining origin d" using assms d by blast
thus ?thesis by auto
lemma lemSlopeLineJoining:
assumes "l = lineJoining p q"
and "p ≠ q"
shows "lineSlopeFinite l ⟷ slopeFinite p q"
proof -
have pql: "onLine p l ∧ onLine q l"
using assms(1) lemLineJoiningContainsEndPoints by auto
have l2r: "lineSlopeFinite l ⟶ slopeFinite p q"
proof -
{ assume "lineSlopeFinite l"
then obtain x y
where xy: "(onLine x l) ∧ (onLine y l) ∧ (x ≠ y) ∧ (slopeFinite x y)" by blast
hence lxy: "l = lineJoining x y" using lemLineAndPoints[of "x" "y" "l"] by auto
define tdiff where tdiff: "tdiff = tval y - tval x"
hence tdnot0: "tdiff ≠ 0" using xy by auto
obtain a where a: "p = (x ⊕ (a ⊗ (y⊖x)))" using pql lxy by auto
hence tvalp: "tval p = tval x + a*(tval y - tval x)" by simp
obtain b where b: "q = (x ⊕ (b ⊗ (y⊖x)))" using pql lxy by auto
hence tvalq: "tval q = tval x + b*(tval y - tval x)" by simp
have anotb: "b - a ≠ 0" using a b assms(2) by auto
have "tval q - tval p = (b - a)*tdiff"
using tdiff tvalp tvalq
by (simp add: local.left_diff_distrib')
hence "slopeFinite p q" using anotb tdnot0
by (metis local.diff_self local.divisors_zero)
thus ?thesis by auto
have r2l: "slopeFinite p q ⟶ lineSlopeFinite l" using pql assms(2) by blast
thus ?thesis using l2r by blast
lemma lemVelocityJoiningUsingPoints:
assumes "p ≠ q"
shows "velocityJoining p q = velocityJoining origin (q⊖p)"
proof -
define t1 where t1: "t1 = tval p - tval q"
define t2 where t2: "t2 = tval origin - tval (q⊖p)"
define v1 where v1: "v1 = (p⊖q)"
define v2 where v2: "v2 = (origin⊖(q⊖p))"
have ts: "t1 = t2" using t1 t2 by simp
{ assume "slopeFinite p q"
hence "(tval origin) - (tval (q⊖p)) ≠ 0" by simp
hence sf2: "slopeFinite origin (q⊖p)" using diff_self by metis
hence "sloper p q = sloper origin (q⊖p)" using t2 v2 sloper.simps
by auto
hence ?thesis by auto
hence sf: "slopeFinite p q ⟶ ?thesis" by auto
{ assume hyp: "¬ (slopeFinite p q)"
hence "¬ (slopeFinite origin (q⊖p))" using t1 t2 ts by simp
hence "sloper p q = sloper origin (q⊖p)" using hyp by simp
hence ?thesis by auto
thus ?thesis using sf by blast
lemma lemLineVelocityNonZeroImpliesFinite:
assumes "u ∈ lineVelocity l"
and "sNorm2 u ≠ 0"
shows "lineSlopeFinite l"
proof -
have "u ∈ { u . ∃ d ∈ drtn l . u = velocityJoining origin d }" using assms(1) by auto
then obtain d where d: "d ∈ drtn l ∧ u = velocityJoining origin d" by blast
hence "d ∈ { d . ∃ p q . (p ≠ q) ∧ (onLine p l) ∧ (onLine q l) ∧ (d = (q ⊖ p)) }"
by auto
then obtain p q where pq: "(p ≠ q) ∧ (onLine p l) ∧ (onLine q l) ∧ (d = (q ⊖ p))"
by blast
hence upq: "u = velocityJoining p q" using lemVelocityJoiningUsingPoints d by auto
{ assume "slopeInfinite p q"
hence "sloper p q = origin" by simp
hence "u = sOrigin" using upq by simp
hence "False" using assms(2) by auto
hence "slopeFinite p q" by auto
thus ?thesis using pq by blast
lemma lemLineVelocityUsingPoints:
assumes "slopeFinite p q"
and "onLine p l ∧ onLine q l"
shows "lineVelocity l = { velocityJoining p q }"
proof -
define v where v: "v = velocityJoining p q"
hence v': "v = velocityJoining origin (q⊖p)"
using lemVelocityJoiningUsingPoints[of "p" "q"] assms(1) by blast
have pnotq: "p ≠ q" using assms(1) by auto
hence l: "l = lineJoining p q" using lemLineAndPoints[of "p" "q" "l"] assms
by auto
hence vinlv: "v ∈ lineVelocity l"
using lemVelocityLineJoining[of "l" "p" "q" "v"] v' assms by blast
hence r2l: "{v} ⊆ lineVelocity l" by blast
{ fix u assume u: "u ∈ lineVelocity l"
hence "u = v"
using vinlv pnotq assms lemFiniteLineVelocityUnique[of "u" "l" "v"] by blast
hence "lineVelocity l ⊆ {v}" by blast
thus ?thesis using r2l v by blast
lemma lemSNorm2VelocityJoining:
assumes "slopeFinite x p"
and "v = velocityJoining x p"
shows "sqr (tval p - tval x) * sNorm2 v = sNorm2 (sComponent (p⊖x))"
proof -
have "sloper x p = ((1 / (tval x - tval p)) ⊗ (x ⊖ p))" using assms(1) by auto
hence "v = ((1/(tval x - tval p))⊗s (sComponent(x ⊖ p)))" using assms(2) by simp
hence "sNorm2 v = sqr (1/ (tval x - tval p)) * sNorm2 (sComponent (x⊖p))"
using lemSNorm2OfScaled assms(1) by blast
also have "… = sqr (1/ (tval p - tval x)) * sNorm2 (sComponent (p⊖x))"
using lemSSep2Symmetry assms(1) lemSqrDiffSymmetrical by simp
finally show ?thesis using assms(1) by simp
lemma lemOrthogalSpaceVectorExists:
shows "∃ w . (w ≠ sOrigin) ∧ (w ⊙s v) = 0"
proof -
obtain x y z where xyz: "v = mkSpace x y z" using Space.cases by blast
define w where w: "w = (if x = 0 then (mkSpace 1 0 0)
else (mkSpace (y/x) (-1) 0))"
have wnot0: "(w ≠ sOrigin)" using w by simp
moreover have orth: "(w ⊙s v) = 0"
proof -
{ assume x0: "x = 0"
hence "w = mkSpace 1 0 0" using w by simp
hence "(w ⊙s v) = 0" using x0 xyz by simp
hence case0: "x = 0 ⟶ ?thesis" by blast
{ assume xnot0: "x ≠ 0"
hence "w = mkSpace (y/x) (-1) 0" using w by simp
hence "(w ⊙s v) = 0" using xnot0 xyz by simp
hence "x ≠ 0 ⟶ ?thesis" by blast
thus ?thesis using case0 by blast
ultimately show ?thesis by force
lemma lemNonParallelVectorsExist:
shows "∃ w . ((w ≠ origin) ∧ (tval v = tval w)) ∧ (¬ (∃ α . (α ≠ 0) ∧ v = (α ⊗ w)))"
proof -
have cases: "xval v = 0 ∨ xval v ≠ 0" by auto
{ assume case1: "xval v = 0"
define diff where diff: "diff = (if ((v ⊕ xUnit) = origin) then (2⊗xUnit) else xUnit)"
define w where w: "w = (v ⊕ diff)"
hence w1: "(xval w) = 1" using case1 diff by auto
{ assume "∃ α . (α ≠ 0) ∧ v = (α ⊗ w)"
then obtain a where a: "(a ≠ 0) ∧ v = (a ⊗ w)" by auto
hence "xval v = a * xval w" by simp
hence "0 = a * 1" using case1 w1 by auto
hence "a = 0" by auto
hence "False" using a by blast
hence "(¬ (∃ α . (α ≠ 0) ∧ v = (α ⊗ w)))" by auto
moreover have "tval v = tval w" using w diff by auto
ultimately have "(w ≠ origin) ∧ (tval v = tval w) ∧ (¬ (∃ α . (α ≠ 0) ∧ v = (α ⊗ w)))"
using w1 by auto
hence lhs: "xval v = 0 ⟶ ?thesis" by blast
{ assume case2: "xval v ≠ 0"
define w where w: "w = (v ⊕ yUnit)"
hence wx: "xval w = xval v" using case2 by auto
have wy: "yval w = yval v + 1" using w by auto
{ assume "∃ α . (α ≠ 0) ∧ v = (α ⊗ w)"
then obtain a where a: "(a ≠ 0) ∧ v = (a ⊗ w)" by auto
hence xv: "xval v = a * xval w" by simp
hence a1: "xval v = a * xval v" using wx by simp
hence "a = 1" using case2 by simp
hence "yval v = yval w" using a by auto
hence "False" using wy by auto
hence "(¬ (∃ α . (α ≠ 0) ∧ v = (α ⊗ w)))" by auto
moreover have "tval v = tval w" using w by auto
moreover have "xval w ≠ 0" using w case2 by auto
ultimately have "(w ≠ origin) ∧(tval v = tval w) ∧ (¬ (∃ α . (α ≠ 0) ∧ v = (α ⊗ w)))"
by auto
hence rhs: "xval v ≠ 0 ⟶ ?thesis" by blast
thus ?thesis using cases lhs by auto
lemma lemConeContainsVertex:
shows "regularCone x x"
proof -
define d where d: "d = (tUnit ⊕ xUnit)"
define p where p: "p = (d ⊕ x)"
define l where l: "l = lineJoining x p"
define v where v: "v = velocityJoining origin d"
have xnotp: "x ≠ p"
proof -
{ assume "x = p"
hence "(d ⊕ x) = x" using p by auto
hence "d = origin" using add_cancel_left_left
by (metis dot.simps lemDotSumRight lemNullImpliesOrigin)
hence "False" using d by auto
thus ?thesis by auto
moreover have "d = (p ⊖ x)" using p by auto
ultimately have vel: "v ∈ lineVelocity l"
using l v d lemVelocityLineJoining[of "l" "x" "p" "v"] by blast
have lprops: "onLine x l ∧ onLine p l"
using xnotp l lemLineAndPoints[of "x" "p" "l"] by auto
have slope: "sNorm2 v = 1"
proof -
define sx where sx: "sx = ⦇ svalx = 1, svaly = 0, svalz = 0 ⦈"
have "slopeFinite origin d" using d by auto
hence "sloper origin d = ((1 / ((tval origin) - (tval d))) ⊗ (origin ⊖ d))" by simp
moreover have "… = ((-1) ⊗ (origin ⊖ d))" using d by auto
moreover have "… = d" by auto
ultimately have "sloper origin d = d" by simp
hence "velocityJoining origin d = sComponent d" by simp
hence "v = sx" using v d sx by auto
thus ?thesis using sx by auto
hence "v ∈ lineVelocity l ∧ sNorm2 v = 1" using vel by auto
hence "∃ l . (onLine x l) ∧(∃ v ∈ lineVelocity l . sNorm2 v = 1)"
using lprops by blast
thus ?thesis by blast
lemma lemConesExist:
shows "regularConeSet x ≠ {}"
proof -
have "x ∈ regularConeSet x" using lemConeContainsVertex by auto
thus ?thesis by blast
lemma lemRegularCone:
shows "((x = p) ∨ onRegularCone x p) ⟷ regularCone x p"
proof -
define l where l: "l = lineJoining x p"
hence lprops: "onLine p l ∧ onLine x l"
using lemLineJoiningContainsEndPoints by auto
define LHS where LHS: "LHS = ((x = p) ∨ (onRegularCone x p))"
define RHS where RHS: "RHS = (regularCone x p)"
have "LHS ⟶ RHS"
proof -
{ assume "x = p"
hence ?thesis using RHS lemConeContainsVertex by auto
hence case1: "x = p ⟶ regularCone x p" using LHS RHS by auto
{ assume "x≠p ∧ onRegularCone x p"
then obtain v where v: "v ∈ lineVelocity l ∧ sNorm2 v = 1" using l by blast
hence "∃ l . (onLine p l) ∧ (onLine x l) ∧ (∃ v ∈ lineVelocity l . sNorm2 v = 1)"
using lprops by blast
thus ?thesis using case1 LHS RHS by blast
moreover have "RHS ⟶ LHS"
proof -
{ assume rhs: "RHS"
have cases: "x = p ∨ x ≠ p" by auto
have case1: "x = p ⟶ (x = p ∨ onRegularCone x p)" by auto
{ assume xnotp: "x ≠ p"
then obtain l1 where
l1: "(onLine x l1) ∧ (onLine p l1)
∧ (∃ v ∈ lineVelocity l1 . sNorm2 v = 1)"
using rhs RHS by blast
hence "l1 = l" using xnotp l l1 lemLineAndPoints[of "x" "p" "l1"] by auto
hence "∃ v ∈ lineVelocity l . sNorm2 v = 1" using l1 by blast
hence "onRegularCone x p" using l by blast
hence "(x = p ∨ onRegularCone x p)" by blast
hence case2: "x ≠ p ⟶ LHS"
using l lprops LHS by blast
hence "(x = p ∨ onRegularCone x p)" using cases case1 LHS by blast
thus ?thesis using LHS RHS by auto
ultimately have "LHS ⟷ RHS" by blast
thus ?thesis using LHS RHS by fastforce
lemma lemSlopeInfiniteImpliesOutside:
assumes "x ≠ p"
and "slopeInfinite x p"
shows "∃ l p' . (p' ≠ p) ∧ onLine p' l ∧ onLine p l
∧ (l ∩ regularConeSet x = {})"
proof -
define dxp where dxp: "dxp = (x ⊖ p)"
hence "x = (dxp ⊕ p)" by simp
hence xdxp: "x = (p ⊕ dxp)" using add_commute by blast
have xp: "tval x = tval p" using assms(2) by blast
hence tvaldxp: "tval dxp = 0" using dxp by simp
obtain dnew where
dnew: "(dnew ≠ origin) ∧ (tval dnew = tval dxp) ∧ ¬(∃ α. α ≠ 0 ∧ dxp = (α ⊗ dnew))"
using lemNonParallelVectorsExist[of "dxp"]
by auto
hence tvaldnew: "tval dnew = 0" using tvaldxp by simp
define w where w: "w = (p ⊕ dnew)"
hence wmp: "(w ⊖ p) = dnew" by simp
have wx: "tval w = tval x"
proof -
have "tval dnew = tval x - tval p" using dnew dxp by auto
hence "tval w = tval p + (tval x - tval p)" using w by auto
thus ?thesis using add_commute diff_add_cancel by auto
define lw where lw: "lw = lineJoining w p"
have xNotOnLw: "¬ (x ∈ lw)"
proof -
{ assume "x ∈ lw"
then obtain a where a: "x = (w ⊕ (a ⊗ (p⊖w)))" using lw by auto
hence "(p ⊕ dxp) = ((p ⊕ dnew) ⊕ (a ⊗ (p⊖w)))" using xdxp w by auto
hence "dxp = (dnew ⊕ (a ⊗ (p⊖w)))" using add_assoc by auto
moreover have "(p⊖w) = ((-1) ⊗ (w⊖p))" by simp
hence "(a ⊗ (p⊖w)) = ((-a) ⊗ (w⊖p))" using lemScaleAssoc[of "a" "-1" "w⊖p"] by simp
ultimately have "dxp = (dnew ⊕ ((-a) ⊗ (w⊖p)))" by auto
hence "dxp = ((1 ⊗ dnew) ⊕ ((-a) ⊗ dnew))" using wmp by auto
hence "dxp = ((1-a) ⊗ dnew)" using left_diff_distrib' by fastforce
hence "(1-a) = 0" using dnew by blast
hence "a = 1" by simp
hence "x = (w ⊕ (p ⊖ w))" using a by auto
hence "x = p" by (simp add: local.add_diff_eq)
thus ?thesis using assms(1) by auto
have "dnew ≠ origin" using dnew by auto
hence wNotp: "w ≠ p" using w diff_self wmp by blast
hence pwOnLw: "onLine p lw ∧ onLine w lw"
using lw lemLineAndPoints[of "w" "p" "lw"] by auto
hence target1: "w ≠ p ∧ onLine w lw ∧ onLine p lw" using wNotp by auto
define MeetW where MeetW: "MeetW = lw ∩ regularConeSet x"
{ assume nonempty: "¬ (MeetW = {})"
then obtain z where z: "z ∈ MeetW" by blast
have zx: "tval z = tval x"
proof -
have "z ∈ lineJoining w p" using z MeetW lw by auto
then obtain a where a: "z = (w ⊕ (a ⊗ (p⊖w)))" by blast
have "tval (p⊖w) = 0" using w tvaldnew by auto
hence "tval z = tval w" using a by auto
thus ?thesis using wx by auto
have "regularCone x z" using z MeetW by auto
then obtain l1 where l1: "(onLine z l1) ∧ (onLine x l1)
∧ (∃ v ∈ lineVelocity l1 . sNorm2 v = 1)" by blast
then obtain v where v: "v ∈ lineVelocity l1 ∧ sNorm2 v = 1" by blast
hence "∃ d ∈ drtn l1 . v = velocityJoining origin d ∧ sNorm2 v = 1" by auto
then obtain d1 where d1: "d1 ∈ drtn l1 ∧ v = velocityJoining origin d1 ∧ sNorm2 v = 1"
by blast
hence "v ≠ sOrigin" by fastforce
hence "velocityJoining origin d1 ≠ sOrigin" using d1 by auto
hence drtnNotZero: "tval d1 ≠ 0" by auto
define d2 where d2: "d2 = (z ⊖ x)"
hence tvald2: "tval d2 = 0" using zx by simp
have zNotz: "x ≠ z" using xNotOnLw z MeetW by blast
hence "(x ≠ z) ∧ (onLine z l1) ∧ (onLine x l1) ∧ (d2 = (z ⊖ x))"
using l1 d2 by auto
hence "∃ x z . (x ≠ z) ∧ (onLine x l1) ∧ (onLine z l1) ∧ (d2 = (z ⊖ x))" by blast
hence "d2 ∈ drtn l1" by auto
then obtain b where b: "b ≠ 0 ∧ d1 = (b ⊗ d2)"
using lemDrtn[of "d2" "d1" "l1"] d1 by blast
hence "tval d1 = b * tval d2" by simp
hence "tval d1 = 0" using tvald2 by simp
hence "False" using drtnNotZero by auto
hence "MeetW = {}" by auto
hence "(w ≠ p) ∧ onLine w lw ∧ onLine p lw ∧ (lw ∩ regularConeSet x = {})"
using target1 MeetW by auto
thus ?thesis by blast
lemma lemClassification:
shows "(insideRegularCone x p) ∨ (vertex x p ∨ outsideRegularCone x p ∨ onRegularCone x p)"
proof -
define l where l: "l = lineJoining x p"
define v where v: "v = velocityJoining origin (p⊖x)"
{ assume xnotp: "x ≠ p"
hence vel: "v ∈ lineVelocity l"
using l v lemVelocityLineJoining[of "l" "x" "p" "v"] by auto
have "(sNorm2 v < 1) ∨ (sNorm2 v > 1) ∨ (sNorm2 v = 1)" by auto
hence ?thesis using xnotp l v vel by blast
hence "x ≠ p ⟶ ?thesis" by auto
moreover have "x = p ⟶ ?thesis" by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
lemma lemQuadCoordinates:
assumes "p = (B ⊕ (α ⊗ D))"
and "a = mNorm2 D"
and "b = 2*(tval (B⊖x))*(tval D) - 2*((sComponent D) ⊙s (sComponent (B⊖x)))"
and "c = mNorm2 (B⊖x)"
shows "sqr (tval (p⊖x)) - sNorm2 (sComponent (p⊖x)) = a*(sqr α) + b*α + c"
proof -
define X where X: "X = (B⊖x)"
have pmx: "(p ⊖ x) = (X ⊕ (α ⊗ D))" using diff_add_eq assms X by simp
have pmxt: "tval p - tval x = tval X + α*tval D" using pmx by simp
have pmxs: "sComponent (p⊖x) = ((sComponent X) ⊕s (α ⊗s (sComponent D)))"
using pmx by simp
have tsqr: "sqr (tval (p⊖x))
= sqr (tval X) + α*(2*(tval X)*(tval D)) + (sqr α)*(sqr (tval D))"
using pmxt lemSqrSum[of "tval X" "α*(tval D)"] mult_assoc mult_commute by auto
have ssqr: "sNorm2 (sComponent (p⊖x))
= (sNorm2 (sComponent X))
+ α*(2*((sComponent X) ⊙s (sComponent D)))
+ (sqr α)*(sNorm2 (sComponent D))"
using lemSDotScaleRight lemSNorm2OfScaled lemSNorm2OfSum mult.left_commute pmxs
by presburger
hence "sqr (tval (p⊖x)) - sNorm2 (sComponent (p⊖x))
= ( sqr (tval X) + α*(2*(tval X)*(tval D)) + (sqr α)*(sqr (tval D)) )
- ((sNorm2 (sComponent X))
+ α*(2*((sComponent X) ⊙s (sComponent D)))
+ (sqr α)*(sNorm2 (sComponent D)) )"
using tsqr by auto
also have "…
= ( sqr (tval X) + α*(2*(tval X)*(tval D)) )
+ ( (sqr α)*(sqr (tval D)) - (sqr α)*(sNorm2 (sComponent D)) )
- ((sNorm2 (sComponent X))
+ α*(2*((sComponent X) ⊙s (sComponent D))))"
using diff_add_eq add_diff_eq diff_add_eq_diff_diff_swap by fastforce
also have "…
= sqr (tval X) +
( α*(2*(tval X)*(tval D)) - α*(2*((sComponent X) ⊙s (sComponent D))) )
+ ( (sqr α)*(sqr (tval D)) - (sqr α)*(sNorm2 (sComponent D)) )
- (sNorm2 (sComponent X))"
using diff_add_eq add_diff_eq diff_add_eq_diff_diff_swap add_commute by simp
also have "…
= sqr (tval X) + α*b + (sqr α)* a - (sNorm2 (sComponent X))"
using right_diff_distrib' assms(2) assms(3) X lemSDotCommute by presburger
also have "… = c + α*b + (sqr α)*a"
using right_diff_distrib' assms(4) X add_commute add_diff_eq by simp
finally show ?thesis using add_commute mult_commute add_assoc by auto
lemma lemConeCoordinates:
shows "(onRegularCone x p ⟷ sqr (tval p - tval x) = sNorm2 (sComponent (p⊖x)))
∧ (insideRegularCone x p ⟷ sqr (tval p - tval x) > sNorm2 (sComponent (p⊖x)))
∧ (outsideRegularCone x p ⟷ sqr (tval p - tval x) < sNorm2 (sComponent (p⊖x)))"
proof -
define tdiff where tdiff: "tdiff = tval p - tval x"
define sdiff where sdiff: "sdiff = sComponent (p⊖x)"
have cases: "x = p ∨ x ≠ p" by simp
have case1: "x = p ⟶ ?thesis"
proof -
{ assume xisp: "x = p"
hence on: "onRegularCone x p" by auto
moreover have both0: "sqr tdiff = 0 ∧ sNorm2 sdiff = 0"
using xisp tdiff sdiff by simp
ultimately have "onRegularCone x p ⟷ sqr tdiff = sNorm2 sdiff" by simp
moreover have "outsideRegularCone x p ⟷ sqr tdiff > sNorm2 sdiff"
proof -
have "¬outsideRegularCone x p" using xisp by simp
moreover have "¬ (sqr tdiff > sNorm2 sdiff)" using both0 by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
moreover have "insideRegularCone x p ⟷ sqr tdiff < sNorm2 sdiff"
proof -
have "¬insideRegularCone x p" using xisp by simp
moreover have "¬ (sqr tdiff < sNorm2 sdiff)" using both0 by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
ultimately have ?thesis using tdiff sdiff by blast
thus ?thesis by blast
have case2: "x ≠ p ⟶ ?thesis"
proof -
define l where l: "l = lineJoining x p"
hence onl: "onLine x l ∧ onLine p l" using lemLineJoiningContainsEndPoints by blast
define v where v: "v = velocityJoining x p"
{ assume xnotp: "x ≠ p"
{ assume sinf: "slopeInfinite x p"
hence t0: "sqr tdiff = 0" using tdiff by simp
hence "sdiff ≠ sOrigin" using xnotp sdiff tdiff by auto
hence "sNorm2 sdiff ≠ 0" using lemSpatialNullImpliesSpatialOrigin by blast
moreover have "sNorm2 sdiff ≥ 0" by simp
ultimately have "sNorm2 sdiff > 0" using lemGENZGT by auto
hence eqn: "sqr tdiff < sNorm2 sdiff" using t0 by auto
have out: "outsideRegularCone x p" using sinf xnotp by blast
have notin: "¬ insideRegularCone x p" using sinf by blast
have notgt: "¬ (sqr tdiff > sNorm2 sdiff)" using eqn by auto
have noton: "¬ onRegularCone x p"
proof -
{ assume "onRegularCone x p"
then obtain u where u: "u ∈ lineVelocity l ∧ sNorm2 u = 1"
using l xnotp by blast
hence "slopeFinite x p"
using xnotp lemLineVelocityNonZeroImpliesFinite[of "u" "l"]
zero_neq_one l
by fastforce
hence "False" using sinf by auto
thus ?thesis by blast
have noteq: "¬ (sqr tdiff = sNorm2 sdiff)" using eqn by auto
have outs: "(outsideRegularCone x p) ⟷ (sqr tdiff < sNorm2 sdiff)"
using out eqn by blast
have ins: "(insideRegularCone x p) ⟷ (sqr tdiff > sNorm2 sdiff)"
using notin notgt by blast
have ons: "(onRegularCone x p) ⟷ (sqr tdiff = sNorm2 sdiff)"
using noton noteq by blast
hence ?thesis using ins outs ons tdiff sdiff by blast
hence ifsinf: "slopeInfinite x p ⟶ ?thesis " by blast
{ assume sf: "slopeFinite x p"
hence lv: "lineVelocity l = {v}"
using lemLineVelocityUsingPoints[of "x" "p" "l"] v onl xnotp by auto
have formula: "sqr tdiff *(sNorm2 v) = sNorm2 sdiff"
using lemSNorm2VelocityJoining[of "x" "p" "v"] sf v tdiff sdiff by auto
{ assume "onRegularCone x p"
hence "(∃ v ∈ lineVelocity l . sNorm2 v = 1)" using xnotp l by auto
then obtain u where u: "u ∈ lineVelocity l ∧ sNorm2 u = 1" by blast
hence "u = v" using lv by blast
hence "sNorm2 v = 1" using u by auto
hence "sqr tdiff = sNorm2 sdiff" using formula by auto
hence on1: "(onRegularCone x p) ⟶ (sqr tdiff = sNorm2 sdiff)" by auto
{ assume "insideRegularCone x p"
hence "(∃ v ∈ lineVelocity l . sNorm2 v < 1)" using xnotp l by auto
then obtain u where u: "u ∈ lineVelocity l ∧ sNorm2 u < 1" by blast
hence "u = v" using lv by blast
hence vlt1: "sNorm2 v < 1" using u by auto
{ assume "sNorm2 v = 0"
hence v0: "v = sOrigin" using lemSpatialNullImpliesSpatialOrigin by auto
have "sloper x p = ((1/(tval x - tval p))⊗(x⊖p))" using sf by auto
hence "v = ((1/(tval x - tval p))⊗s (sComponent (x⊖p)))" using v by simp
hence "sOrigin = ((1/(tval x - tval p))⊗s (sComponent (x⊖p)))"
using v0 by force
hence "((tval x - tval p) ⊗s sOrigin) = sComponent (x⊖p)"
using lemSScaleAssoc[of "(tval x - tval p)" "1/(tval x - tval p)"
"(sComponent (x⊖p))"] sf
mult_eq_0_iff right_minus_eq by auto
hence s0: "sComponent (x⊖p) = sOrigin" by auto
hence pmxs: "sNorm2 sdiff = 0" using sdiff lemSSep2Symmetry by auto
have "tdiff ≠ 0" using tdiff xnotp s0 by auto
hence "sqr tdiff > sNorm2 sdiff" using pmxs lemSquaresPositive by auto
hence ifv0: "sNorm2 v = 0 ⟶ sqr tdiff > sNorm2 sdiff" by blast
{ assume vne0: "sNorm2 v ≠ 0"
hence "sNorm2 v > 0" using lemGENZGT by auto
moreover have tpos: "sqr tdiff > 0"
using sf lemSquaresPositive tdiff by auto
ultimately have lpos: "(sqr tdiff)*(sNorm2 v) > 0" by auto
hence rpos: "sNorm2 sdiff > 0" using formula by auto
hence "(sqr tdiff)*(sNorm2 v) < (sqr tdiff)" using tpos lpos vlt1
using lemMultPosLT1[of "sqr tdiff" "sNorm2 v"] tpos by auto
hence "sqr tdiff > sNorm2 sdiff" using formula by auto
hence "sNorm2 v ≠ 0 ⟶ sqr tdiff > sNorm2 sdiff" by auto
hence "sqr tdiff > sNorm2 sdiff" using ifv0 by blast
hence in1: "insideRegularCone x p ⟶ sqr tdiff > sNorm2 sdiff" by auto
{ assume out: "outsideRegularCone x p"
have xnotp: "(x ≠ p)" using out by simp
have "(∃ v ∈ lineVelocity (lineJoining x p) . sNorm2 v > 1)"
using sf out by blast
then obtain u where u: "u ∈ lineVelocity (lineJoining x p) ∧ (sNorm2 u > 1)"
by blast
hence "u = v" using lv l by blast
hence "sNorm2 v > 1" using u by auto
moreover have "sqr tdiff > 0" using sf tdiff lemSquaresPositive by auto
ultimately have "(sqr tdiff)*(sNorm2 v) > (sqr tdiff)"
using local.mult_strict_left_mono by fastforce
hence "sqr tdiff < sNorm2 sdiff" using formula by auto
hence out1: "(outsideRegularCone x p) ⟶ (sqr tdiff < sNorm2 sdiff)" by auto
have in2: "(sqr tdiff > sNorm2 sdiff) ⟶ (insideRegularCone x p)"
proof -
{ assume lhs: "sqr tdiff > sNorm2 sdiff"
{ assume "¬ insideRegularCone x p"
hence options: "onRegularCone x p ∨ outsideRegularCone x p"
using lemClassification xnotp by blast
{ assume "onRegularCone x p"
hence "sqr tdiff = sNorm2 sdiff" using xnotp on1 by blast
hence "False" using lhs by auto
hence notOn: "¬onRegularCone x p" by blast
{ assume "outsideRegularCone x p"
hence "sqr tdiff < sNorm2 sdiff" using xnotp out1 by blast
hence "False" using lhs by auto
hence notIn: "¬outsideRegularCone x p" by blast
hence "False" using notOn options by blast
hence "insideRegularCone x p" by blast
thus ?thesis by blast
have out2: "(sqr tdiff < sNorm2 sdiff) ⟶ (outsideRegularCone x p)"
proof -
{ assume lhs: "sqr tdiff < sNorm2 sdiff"
{ assume "¬ outsideRegularCone x p"
hence options: "onRegularCone x p ∨ insideRegularCone x p"
using lemClassification xnotp by blast
{ assume "onRegularCone x p"
hence "sqr tdiff = sNorm2 sdiff" using xnotp on1 by blast
hence "False" using lhs by auto
hence notOn: "¬onRegularCone x p" by blast
{ assume "insideRegularCone x p"
hence "sqr tdiff > sNorm2 sdiff" using xnotp in1 by blast
hence "False" using lhs by auto
hence notIn: "¬insideRegularCone x p" by blast
hence "False" using notOn options by blast
hence "outsideRegularCone x p" by blast
thus ?thesis by blast
have on2: "(sqr tdiff = sNorm2 sdiff) ⟶ (onRegularCone x p)"
proof -
{ assume lhs: "sqr tdiff = sNorm2 sdiff"
{ assume "¬ onRegularCone x p"
hence options: "outsideRegularCone x p ∨ insideRegularCone x p"
using lemClassification xnotp by blast
{ assume "outsideRegularCone x p"
hence "sqr tdiff < sNorm2 sdiff" using xnotp out1 by blast
hence "False" using lhs by auto
hence notOut: "¬outsideRegularCone x p" by blast
{ assume "insideRegularCone x p"
hence "sqr tdiff > sNorm2 sdiff" using xnotp in1 by blast
hence "False" using lhs by auto
hence notIn: "¬insideRegularCone x p" by blast
hence "False" using notOut options by blast
hence "onRegularCone x p" by blast
thus ?thesis by blast
hence ?thesis using in1 in2 out1 out2 on1 on2 tdiff sdiff by blast
hence "slopeFinite x p ⟶ ?thesis" by blast
hence ?thesis using ifsinf by blast
thus ?thesis by blast
thus ?thesis using cases case1 by blast
lemma lemConeCoordinates1:
shows "p ∈ regularConeSet x ⟷ norm2 (p⊖x) = 2*sqr (tval p - tval x)"
proof -
define tdiff where tdiff: "tdiff = tval p - tval x"
hence tdiff': "tdiff = tval (p⊖x)" by simp
define sdiff where sdiff: "sdiff = (sComponent (p⊖x))"
have n: "norm2 (p⊖x) = sqr tdiff + sNorm2 sdiff"
using lemNorm2Decomposition sdiff tdiff' by blast
have reg: "onRegularCone x p ⟷ sqr tdiff = sNorm2 sdiff"
using lemConeCoordinates tdiff sdiff by blast
{ assume "p ∈ regularConeSet x"
hence "onRegularCone x p" using lemRegularCone[of "x" "p"] by auto
hence "sqr tdiff = sNorm2 sdiff" using reg by blast
hence "norm2 (p⊖x) = 2*sqr tdiff" using n mult_2 by force
hence l2r: "p ∈ regularConeSet x ⟶ norm2 (p⊖x) = 2*sqr tdiff" by auto
{ assume "norm2 (p⊖x) = 2*sqr tdiff"
hence "sqr tdiff + sNorm2 sdiff = 2*sqr tdiff" using n by auto
hence "sNorm2 sdiff = sqr tdiff" using mult_2 add_diff_eq by auto
hence "onRegularCone x p" using reg by auto
hence "p ∈ regularConeSet x"
using lemConeContainsVertex lemRegularCone[of "x" "p"] by blast
hence "norm2 (p⊖x) = 2*sqr tdiff ⟶ p ∈ regularConeSet x" by blast
thus ?thesis using l2r tdiff by blast
lemma lemWhereLineMeetsCone:
assumes "a = mNorm2 D"
and "b = 2*(tval (B⊖x))*(tval D) - 2*((sComponent D) ⊙s (sComponent (B⊖x)))"
and "c = mNorm2 (B⊖x)"
shows "qroot a b c α ⟷ regularCone x (B ⊕ (α⊗D))"
proof -
{ fix α assume α: "qroot a b c α"
define p where p: "p = (B ⊕ (α⊗D))"
hence "mNorm2 (p⊖x) = a*(sqr α) + b*α + c"
using lemQuadCoordinates[of "p" "B" "α" "D" "a" "b" "x" "c"] assms by auto
hence "sqr (tval (p⊖x)) - sNorm2 (sComponent (p⊖x)) = 0" using α by auto
hence "onRegularCone x p" using lemConeCoordinates[of "x" "p"] by auto
hence "regularCone x (B ⊕ (α⊗D))" using lemRegularCone p by blast
hence l2r: "qroot a b c α ⟶ regularCone x (B ⊕ (α⊗D))" by blast
{ assume reg: "regularCone x (B ⊕ (α⊗D))"
define p where p: "p = (B ⊕ (α⊗D))"
hence "onRegularCone x p" using lemRegularCone reg by blast
hence "sqr (tval (p⊖x)) - sNorm2 (sComponent (p⊖x)) = 0"
using lemConeCoordinates[of "x" "p"] by auto
hence "a*(sqr α) + b*α + c = 0"
using lemQuadCoordinates[of "p" "B" "α" "D" "a" "b" "x" "c"] p assms
by auto
hence "qroot a b c α" by auto
hence "regularCone x (B ⊕ (α⊗D)) ⟶ qroot a b c α" by auto
thus ?thesis using l2r by blast
lemma lemLineMeetsCone1:
assumes "¬ (x ∈ l)"
and "isLine l"
and "S = l ∩ regularConeSet x"
and l: "l = line B D"
and X: "X = (B ⊖ x)"
and a: "a = mNorm2 D"
and b: "b = 2*(tval X)*(tval D) - 2*((sComponent D) ⊙s (sComponent X))"
and c: "c = mNorm2 X"
shows "(qcase1 a b c ⟶ S = {B})"
proof -
{ assume hyp1: "qcase1 a b c"
have impa: "norm2 D = 2*sqr (tval D)"
proof -
have "a = 0" using hyp1 by simp
hence "sqr (tval D) = sNorm2 (sComponent D)" using a by auto
hence "onRegularCone origin D"
using lemConeCoordinates[of "origin" "D"] by auto
hence "regularCone origin D" using lemRegularCone by blast
thus ?thesis using lemConeCoordinates1 by auto
have impb: "(D⊙X) = 2 * tval X * tval D"
proof -
have "2*(tval X)*(tval D) = 2*((sComponent D) ⊙s (sComponent X))"
using hyp1 b by auto
hence "(tval X)*(tval D) = ((sComponent D) ⊙s (sComponent X))"
by (simp add: mult_assoc)
thus ?thesis using mult_2 lemDotDecomposition[of "X" "D"]
lemSDotCommute mult_assoc lemDotCommute by metis
have impc: "norm2 X = 2*sqr (tval X)"
proof -
have "sqr (tval X) = sNorm2 (sComponent X)" using hyp1 c by auto
hence "onRegularCone x B" using X lemConeCoordinates by auto
hence "regularCone x B" using lemRegularCone by blast
thus ?thesis using X lemConeCoordinates1 by auto
have allOnCone: "∀ α . regularCone x (B ⊕ (α ⊗ D))"
proof -
{ fix α
define y where y: "y = (B ⊕ (α ⊗ D))"
have "qroot a b c α" using hyp1 by simp
hence "regularCone x y"
using lemWhereLineMeetsCone[of "a" "D" "b" "B" "x" "c" "α"] using y assms by auto
thus ?thesis by auto
have "tval D = 0"
proof -
{ assume Dnot0: "tval D ≠ 0"
define α where α: "α = (tval x - tval B)/(tval D)"
define y where y: "y = (B ⊕ (α⊗D))"
hence yOnl: "y ∈ l" using l by blast
hence ty0: "tval y = tval x"
proof -
have "tval y = tval ((B ⊕ (α⊗D)))" using y by auto
also have "… = tval B + α*(tval D)" by simp
also have "… = tval B + (tval x - tval B)/(tval D)*(tval D)" using α by simp
also have "… = tval B + (tval x - tval B)" using Dnot0 by simp
finally show ?thesis using add_commute local.diff_add_cancel by auto
have "regularCone x y" using y allOnCone by blast
hence "norm2 (y⊖x) = 2*sqr (tval y - tval x)"
using lemConeCoordinates1 by auto
hence "norm2 (y⊖x) = 0" using ty0 by auto
hence "(y⊖x) = origin" using lemNullImpliesOrigin by blast
hence "y = x" by simp
hence "False" using yOnl assms by blast
thus ?thesis by blast
hence "norm2 D = 0" using impa by auto
hence D0: "D = origin" using lemNullImpliesOrigin by auto
have B0: "B = (B ⊕ (0⊗D))" by simp
have "regularCone x (B ⊕ (0⊗D))" using allOnCone by blast
hence BonCone: "regularCone x B"
using B0 by (metis (mono_tags, lifting))
hence BinS: "B ∈ S" using assms BonCone B0 l by blast
hence SisB: "S = {B}"
proof -
{ fix y assume y: "y ∈ S"
then obtain α where "y = (B ⊕ (α⊗D))" using assms l by blast
hence "y = B" using D0 by simp
hence "y ∈ {B}" by blast
hence "S ⊆ {B}" by blast
thus ?thesis using BinS by blast
thus ?thesis by auto
lemma lemLineMeetsCone2:
assumes "¬ (x ∈ l)"
and "isLine l"
and "S = l ∩ regularConeSet x"
and l: "l = line B D"
and X: "X = (B ⊖ x)"
and "a = mNorm2 D"
and "b = 2*(tval (B⊖x))*(tval D) - 2*((sComponent D) ⊙s (sComponent (B⊖x)))"
and "c = mNorm2 (B⊖x)"
shows "qcase2 a b c ⟶ S = {}"
proof -
{ assume hyp2: "qcase2 a b c"
{ assume "S ≠ {}"
then obtain y where y: "y ∈ S" by auto
then obtain α where α: "y = (B ⊕ (α⊗D))" using assms by blast
hence "regularCone x (B ⊕ (α⊗D))" using y assms by blast
hence "qroot a b c α"
using lemWhereLineMeetsCone[of "a" "D" "b" "B" "x" "c" "α"] assms
by auto
hence "False" using lemQCase2[of "a" "b" "c"] hyp2 by auto
hence "S = {}" by auto
thus ?thesis by auto
lemma lemLineMeetsCone3:
assumes "¬ (x ∈ l)"
and "isLine l"
and "S = l ∩ regularConeSet x"
and l: "l = line B D"
and X: "X = (B ⊖ x)"
and a: "a = mNorm2 D"
and b: "b = 2*(tval X)*(tval D) - 2*((sComponent D) ⊙s (sComponent X))"
and c: "c = sqr (tval X) - sNorm2 (sComponent X)"
and y3: "y3 = (B ⊕ ((-c/b)⊗D))"
shows "qcase3 a b c ⟶ S = {y3}"
proof -
{ assume hyp3: "qcase3 a b c"
define T where T: "T = {y3}"
have "S ⊆ T"
proof -
{ fix y assume y: "y ∈ S"
then obtain r where r: "y = (B ⊕ (r⊗D))" using l assms by blast
hence "regularCone x y" using y assms by auto
hence abcr: "qroot a b c r"
using a b c r X
lemWhereLineMeetsCone[of "a" "D" "b" "B" "x" "c" "r"]
by auto
hence "r = -c/b" using lemQCase3[of "a" "b" "c" "r"] abcr hyp3 by blast
hence "y = y3" using y3 r by auto
hence "y ∈ T" using T by blast
thus ?thesis by auto
moreover have "T ⊆ S"
proof -
{ fix y assume "y ∈ T"
hence y: "y = (B ⊕ ((-c/b)⊗D))" using T assms by blast
have "qroot a b c (-c/b)" using lemQCase3 hyp3 by auto
hence rc: "regularCone x y"
using hyp3 assms y lemWhereLineMeetsCone[of "a" "D" "b" "B" "x" "c" "(-c/b)"]
by auto
have "y ∈ l" using assms y by blast
hence "y ∈ S" using rc assms by auto
thus ?thesis by blast
ultimately have "S = {y3}" using T by auto
thus ?thesis by blast
lemma lemLineMeetsCone4:
assumes "¬ (x ∈ l)"
and "isLine l"
and "S = l ∩ regularConeSet x"
and l: "l = line B D"
and X: "X = (B ⊖ x)"
and a: "a = mNorm2 D"
and b: "b = 2*(tval X)*(tval D) - 2*((sComponent D) ⊙s (sComponent X))"
and c: "c = sqr (tval X) - sNorm2 (sComponent X)"
shows "(qcase4 a b c ⟶ S = {})"
proof -
{ assume hyp4: "qcase4 a b c"
{ assume "S ≠ {}"
then obtain y where y: "y ∈ S" by blast
then obtain r where r: "y = (B ⊕ (r⊗D))" using l assms by blast
hence "regularCone x y" using y assms by auto
hence abcr: "qroot a b c r"
using a b c r X
lemWhereLineMeetsCone[of "a" "D" "b" "B" "x" "c" "r"]
by auto
hence "False" using lemQCase4 hyp4 by auto
hence "S = {}" by auto
thus ?thesis by blast
lemma lemLineMeetsCone5:
assumes "¬ (x ∈ l)"
and "isLine l"
and "S = l ∩ regularConeSet x"
and l: "l = line B D"
and X: "X = (B ⊖ x)"
and a: "a = mNorm2 D"
and b: "b = 2*(tval X)*(tval D) - 2*((sComponent D) ⊙s (sComponent X))"
and c: "c = sqr (tval X) - sNorm2 (sComponent X)"
and y5: "y5 = (B ⊕ ((-b/(2*a))⊗D))"
shows "(qcase5 a b c ⟶ S = {y5})"
proof -
{ assume hyp5: "qcase5 a b c"
define T where T: "T = {y5}"
have "S ⊆ T"
proof -
{ fix y assume y: "y ∈ S"
then obtain r where r: "y = (B ⊕ (r⊗D))" using l assms by blast
hence "regularCone x y" using y assms by auto
hence abcr: "qroot a b c r"
using a b c r X
lemWhereLineMeetsCone[of "a" "D" "b" "B" "x" "c" "r"]
by auto
hence "r = -b/(2*a)" using lemQCase5 abcr hyp5 by blast
hence "y = y5" using r y5 by auto
hence "y ∈ T" using T by blast
thus ?thesis by blast
moreover have "T ⊆ S"
proof -
{ fix y assume "y ∈ T"
hence y: "y = (B ⊕ ( (-b/(2*a))⊗D))" using T assms by blast
have "qroot a b c (-b/(2*a))" using lemQCase5 hyp5 by blast
hence rc: "regularCone x y"
using hyp5 assms y lemWhereLineMeetsCone[of "a" "D" "b" "B" "x" "c" "(-b/(2*a))"]
by auto
have "y ∈ l" using assms y by blast
hence "y ∈ S" using rc assms by auto
thus ?thesis by blast
ultimately have "S = {y5}" using T by auto
thus ?thesis by blast
lemma lemLineMeetsCone6:
assumes "¬ (x ∈ l)"
and "isLine l"
and "S = l ∩ regularConeSet x"
and l: "l = line B D"
and X: "X = (B ⊖ x)"
and a: "a = mNorm2 D"
and b: "b = 2*(tval X)*(tval D) - 2*((sComponent D) ⊙s (sComponent X))"
and c: "c = sqr (tval X) - sNorm2 (sComponent X)"
and ym: "ym = (B ⊕ (((-b - (sqrt (discriminant a b c))) / (2*a)) ⊗ D))"
and yp: "yp = (B ⊕ (((-b + (sqrt (discriminant a b c))) / (2*a)) ⊗ D))"
shows "(qcase6 a b c ⟶ (ym ≠ yp) ∧ S = {ym, yp})"
proof -
{ assume hyp6: "qcase6 a b c"
define T where T: "T = {ym, yp}"
define rm where rm: "rm = (-b - (sqrt (discriminant a b c))) / (2*a)"
define rp where rp: "rp = (-b + (sqrt (discriminant a b c))) / (2*a)"
have ymnotyp: "ym ≠ yp"
proof -
define d where d: "d = discriminant a b c"
define sd where sd: "sd = sqrt d"
have sdnot0: "sqrt d ≠ 0"
proof -
have dpos: "d > 0" using d hyp6 by simp
hence "hasRoot d" using AxEField by auto
thus ?thesis using lemSquareOfSqrt[of "d"] dpos by auto
have Dnot0: "D ≠ origin"
proof -
{ assume "D = origin"
hence "a = 0" using a by simp
hence "False" using hyp6 by simp
thus ?thesis by auto
have rmnotrp: "rm ≠ rp"
proof -
{ assume "rm = rp"
hence "(-b - sd) / (2*a) = (-b + sd)/(2*a)" using sd d rm rp by simp
hence "-b-sd = -b+sd" using hyp6 by simp
hence "-sd = sd" using add_left_imp_eq diff_conv_add_uminus by metis
hence "False" using sdnot0 sd by simp
thus ?thesis by auto
{ assume "ym = yp"
hence "(B ⊕ (rm ⊗ D)) = (B ⊕ (rp ⊗ D))" using ym yp rm rp by auto
hence "(rm ⊗ D) = (rp ⊗ D)" by simp
hence "((rm - rp)⊗D) = origin" by auto
hence "rm - rp = 0" using Dnot0 by auto
hence "False" using rmnotrp by auto
thus ?thesis by auto
have "S ⊆ T"
proof -
{ fix y assume y: "y ∈ S"
then obtain r where r: "y = (B ⊕ (r⊗D))" using l assms by blast
hence "regularCone x y" using y assms by auto
hence abcr: "qroot a b c r"
using a b c r X
lemWhereLineMeetsCone[of "a" "D" "b" "B" "x" "c" "r"]
by auto
hence "qroots a b c = {rp, rm}"
using lemQCase6[of "a" "b" "c" "sqrt (discriminant a b c)" "rp" "rm"]
rp rm hyp6 by auto
hence rchoice: "(r = rm ∨ r = rp)" using abcr by blast
hence ychoice: "(y = ym ∨ y = yp)" using r ym yp rm rp by blast
hence yinT: "y ∈ T" using T by blast
thus ?thesis by auto
moreover have "T ⊆ S"
proof -
{ fix y assume "y ∈ T"
hence y: "y = ym ∨ y = yp" using T assms by blast
have "qroot a b c rm" using rm lemQCase6 hyp6 by blast
hence rcm: "regularCone x ym"
using hyp6 assms ym rm lemWhereLineMeetsCone[of "a" "D" "b" "B" "x" "c" "rm"]
by auto
have "qroot a b c rp" using rp lemQCase6 hyp6 by blast
hence rcp: "regularCone x yp"
using hyp6 assms yp rp lemWhereLineMeetsCone[of "a" "D" "b" "B" "x" "c" "rp"]
by auto
hence "regularCone x y" using rcm y by blast
moreover have "y ∈ l" using assms y by blast
ultimately have "y ∈ S" using assms by blast
thus ?thesis by blast
ultimately have "(ym ≠ yp) ∧ S = {ym, yp}" using T ymnotyp by auto
thus ?thesis by blast
lemma lemConeLemma1:
assumes "¬ (x ∈ l)"
and "isLine l"
and "S = l ∩ regularConeSet x"
shows "finite S ∧ card S ≤ 2"
proof -
obtain B D where BD: "l = line B D" using assms(2) by auto
define X where X: "X = (B ⊖ x)"
define a where a: "a = mNorm2 D"
define b where b: "b = 2*(tval X)*(tval D) - 2*((sComponent D) ⊙s (sComponent X))"
define c where c: "c = sqr (tval X) - sNorm2 (sComponent X)"
have "qcase1 a b c ⟶ ?thesis"
using assms X a b c lemLineMeetsCone1[of "x" "l" "S" "B" "D" "X" "a" "b" "c"] BD
by auto
moreover have "qcase2 a b c ⟶ ?thesis"
using assms X a b c lemLineMeetsCone2[of "x" "l" "S" "B" "D" "X" "a" "b" "c"] BD
by auto
moreover have "qcase3 a b c ⟶ ?thesis"
using assms X a b c lemLineMeetsCone3[of "x" "l" "S" "B" "D" "X" "a" "b" "c"] BD
by auto
moreover have "qcase4 a b c ⟶ ?thesis"
using assms X a b c lemLineMeetsCone4[of "x" "l" "S" "B" "D" "X" "a" "b" "c"] BD
by auto
moreover have "qcase5 a b c ⟶ ?thesis"
using assms X a b c lemLineMeetsCone5[of "x" "l" "S" "B" "D" "X" "a" "b" "c"] BD
by auto
moreover have "qcase6 a b c ⟶ ?thesis"
proof -
{ assume hyp6: "qcase6 a b c"
define ym where ym: "ym = (B ⊕ (((-b - (sqrt (discriminant a b c))) / (2*a)) ⊗ D))"
define yp where yp: "yp = (B ⊕ (((-b + (sqrt (discriminant a b c))) / (2*a)) ⊗ D))"
have "(ym ≠ yp) ∧ S = { ym, yp }"
using assms X a b c ym yp hyp6
lemLineMeetsCone6[of "x" "l" "S" "B" "D" "X" "a" "b" "c" "ym" "yp"] BD
by auto
hence "card S = 2" using card_2_iff by blast
hence "finite S ∧ card S ≤ 2" using card.infinite by fastforce
thus ?thesis by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using lemQuadraticCasesComplete by blast
lemma lemConeLemma2:
assumes "¬ (regularCone x w)"
shows "∃ l . (onLine w l) ∧ (¬ (x ∈ l)) ∧ (card (l ∩ (regularConeSet x)) = 2)"
proof -
have xnotw: "x ≠ w" using assms lemConeContainsVertex by blast
have iftvalsequal: "tval x = tval w ⟶ ?thesis"
proof -
{ assume ts: "tval x = tval w"
define l where l: "l = line w tUnit"
hence wonl: "onLine w l"
proof -
have "w = (w ⊕ (0⊗tUnit))" by simp
thus ?thesis using l by blast
have xnotinl: "¬(x ∈ l)"
proof -
{ assume "x ∈ l"
then obtain a where a: "x = (w ⊕ (a⊗tUnit))" using l by blast
hence "tval x = tval w + a" by simp
hence "a = 0" using ts by simp
hence "x = w" using a by simp
hence "False" using xnotw by simp
thus ?thesis by blast
have "card (l ∩ (regularConeSet x)) = 2"
proof -
define S where S: "S = l ∩ regularConeSet x"
hence cardS: "finite S ∧ card S ≤ 2"
using xnotinl l lemConeLemma1[of "x" "l" "S"] by blast
have "(sNorm2 (sComponent (w⊖x))) ≥ 0" by simp
hence sExists: "hasRoot (sNorm2 (sComponent (w⊖x)))" using AxEField by auto
define s where s: "s = sqrt (sNorm2 (sComponent (w⊖x)))"
define yp where yp: "yp = (w ⊕ (s⊗tUnit))"
define ym where ym: "ym = (w ⊖ (s⊗tUnit))"
have ypnotym: "yp ≠ ym"
proof -
{ assume "yp = ym"
hence "(w ⊕ (s⊗tUnit)) = (w ⊖ (s⊗tUnit))" using yp ym by auto
hence "tval w + s = tval w - s" by simp
hence "s = 0"
by (metis local.add_cancel_right_right
local.double_zero_sym local.lemDiffSumCancelMiddle)
hence "sNorm2 (sComponent (w⊖x)) = sqr 0"
using s lemSquareOfSqrt[of "sNorm2 (sComponent (w⊖x))" "s"] sExists
by auto
hence "norm2 (w⊖x) = 0" using lemNorm2Decomposition ts by auto
hence "(w⊖x) = origin" using lemNullImpliesOrigin by blast
hence "w = x" by simp
hence "False" using xnotw by simp
thus ?thesis by auto
have ypinl: "yp ∈ l" using yp l by blast
have yminl: "ym ∈ l"
proof -
have "ym = (w ⊕ ((-s)⊗tUnit))" using ym by simp
thus ?thesis using l by blast
have ypcone: "yp ∈ regularConeSet x"
proof -
have "(yp ⊖ x) = ((w ⊕ (s⊗tUnit)) ⊖ x)" using yp by auto
hence "tval (yp ⊖ x) = s" using ts by simp
hence tsqr: "sqr (tval (yp⊖x)) = (sNorm2 (sComponent (w⊖x)))"
using s sExists lemSquareOfSqrt AxEField by blast
hence "sComponent (yp⊖x) = sComponent ((w ⊕ (s⊗tUnit)) ⊖ x)" using yp by auto
also have "… = ((sComponent (w ⊕ (s⊗tUnit))) ⊖s (sComponent x))" by simp
also have "… = (((sComponent w) ⊕s (sComponent (s⊗tUnit))) ⊖s (sComponent x))" by simp
also have "… = ((sComponent w) ⊖s (sComponent x))" by simp
finally have "sComponent (yp⊖x) = sComponent (w⊖x)" by simp
hence ssqr: "sNorm2 (sComponent (yp⊖x)) = (sNorm2 (sComponent (w⊖x)))"
by auto
hence "sqr (tval (yp⊖x)) = (sNorm2 (sComponent (yp⊖x)))" using tsqr by auto
hence "onRegularCone x yp" using lemConeCoordinates[of "x" "yp"] by auto
thus ?thesis using lemRegularCone by blast
have ymcone: "ym ∈ regularConeSet x"
proof -
have "(ym ⊖ x) = ((w ⊖ (s⊗tUnit)) ⊖ x)" using ym by auto
hence "tval (ym ⊖ x) = tval (w ⊖ (s⊗tUnit)) - tval x" by simp
also have "… = (tval w - tval(s⊗tUnit)) - tval x" by simp
also have "… = (tval w - s) - tval w" using ts by simp
finally have "tval (ym⊖x) = -s" using diff_right_commute
by (metis local.add_implies_diff local.uminus_add_conv_diff)
hence "sqr (tval (ym⊖x)) = sqr s" by simp
hence tsqr: "sqr (tval (ym⊖x)) = (sNorm2 (sComponent (w⊖x)))"
using s sExists lemSquareOfSqrt AxEField by force
hence "sComponent (ym⊖x) = sComponent ((w ⊖ (s⊗tUnit)) ⊖ x)" using ym by auto
also have "… = ((sComponent (w ⊖ (s⊗tUnit))) ⊖s (sComponent x))" by simp
also have "… = (((sComponent w) ⊖s (sComponent (s⊗tUnit))) ⊖s (sComponent x))" by simp
also have "… = ((sComponent w) ⊖s (sComponent x))" by simp
finally have "sComponent (ym⊖x) = sComponent (w⊖x)" by simp
hence ssqr: "sNorm2 (sComponent (ym⊖x)) = (sNorm2 (sComponent (w⊖x)))"
by auto
hence "sqr (tval (ym⊖x)) = (sNorm2 (sComponent (ym⊖x)))" using tsqr by auto
hence "onRegularCone x ym" using lemConeCoordinates[of "x" "ym"] by auto
thus ?thesis using lemRegularCone by blast
define T where T: "T = {yp, ym}"
hence "T ⊆ S" using ypinl ypcone yminl ymcone S by auto
hence TleS: "card T ≤ card S" using cardS card_mono by blast
have cardT: "card T = 2" using T ypnotym card_2_iff by blast
hence "(2 ≤ card S) ∧ finite S ∧ card S ≤ 2" using TleS cardS by auto
thus ?thesis using S by simp
hence ?thesis using xnotinl wonl by blast
thus ?thesis by auto
have iftvalsne: "tval x ≠ tval w ⟶ ?thesis"
proof -
{ assume ts: "tval x ≠ tval w"
define x0 where x0: "x0 = mkPoint (tval w) (xval x) (yval x) (zval x)"
have xnotx0: "x ≠ x0" using x0 ts by (metis Point.select_convs(1))
have tdiff0: "tval w = tval x0" using x0 by simp
define dir where dir: "dir = (if (w≠x0) then (w⊖x0) else xUnit)"
hence tdir0: "tval dir = 0"
proof -
{ assume "w≠x0"
hence "dir = (w⊖x0)" using dir by simp
hence wnotx0: "(w≠x0) ⟶ ?thesis" using tdiff0 by auto
{ assume "w = x0"
hence "dir = xUnit" using dir by simp
hence "(w=x0) ⟶ ?thesis" by simp
thus ?thesis using wnotx0 by auto
define l where l: "l = lineJoining x0 (dir⊕x0)"
hence lprops: "l = line x0 dir" using dir by auto
hence wonl: "onLine w l"
proof -
{ assume wnotx0: "w ≠ x0"
hence "dir = (w⊖x0)" using dir by simp
hence "(dir⊕x0) = ((w⊖x0)⊕x0)" by simp
hence "w = (dir ⊕ x0)" using diff_add_eq by auto
hence ?thesis using dir lemLineJoiningContainsEndPoints l by blast
moreover have "(w=x0) ⟶ ?thesis" using lemLineJoiningContainsEndPoints l by blast
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
then obtain A where A: "w = (x0 ⊕ (A ⊗ dir ))" using l by auto
have xnotinl: "¬(x ∈ l)"
proof -
{ assume "x ∈ l"
then obtain a where a: "x = (x0 ⊕ (a⊗dir))" using l by auto
hence "tval x = tval x0" using tdir0 by simp
hence "False" using ts tdiff0 by auto
thus ?thesis by blast
have "card (l ∩ (regularConeSet x)) = 2"
proof -
define S where S: "S = l ∩ regularConeSet x"
hence cardS: "finite S ∧ card S ≤ 2"
using xnotinl l lemConeLemma1[of "x" "l" "S"] by blast
have "(sNorm2 (sComponent (w⊖x0))) ≥ 0" by simp
hence sExists: "hasRoot (sNorm2 (sComponent (w⊖x0)))" using AxEField by auto
define s where s: "s = sqrt (sNorm2 (sComponent (w⊖x0)))"
define unit where unit: "unit = (if (w = x0) then xUnit else ((1/s)⊗(w⊖x0)))"
have tunit0: "tval unit = 0"
proof -
{ assume "w = x0"
hence "unit = xUnit" using unit by simp
hence "w=x0 ⟶ ?thesis" by auto
moreover have "w≠x0 ⟶ ?thesis"
proof -
{ assume wnotx0: "w ≠ x0"
hence "unit = ((1/s)⊗dir)" using unit dir by simp
thus ?thesis using tdir0 by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
have snot0: "w ≠ x0 ⟶ s ≠ 0"
proof -
{ assume wnotx0: "w ≠ x0"
hence "norm2 (w⊖x0) > 0"
using local.lemNotEqualImpliesSep2Pos by presburger
also have "norm2 (w⊖x0) = sNorm2 (sComponent (w⊖x0))"
using tdiff0 lemNorm2Decomposition[of "w⊖x0"] by auto
finally have s2pos: "sNorm2 (sComponent (w⊖x0)) > 0" by auto
{ assume "s = 0"
hence "False" using lemSquareOfSqrt[of "sNorm2 (sComponent (w⊖x0))" "s"]
s2pos s sExists by auto
hence "s ≠ 0" by auto
thus ?thesis by auto
hence unit1: "sNorm2 (sComponent unit) = 1"
proof -
have case0: "w=x0 ⟶ ?thesis" using unit by auto
have case1: "w≠x0 ⟶ ?thesis"
proof -
{ assume case1: "w ≠ x0"
have "unit = ((1/s)⊗(w⊖x0))" using unit case1 by simp
hence "sComponent unit = ((1/s) ⊗s (sComponent (w⊖x0)))" by simp
hence "sNorm2 (sComponent unit) = sqr (1/s) * sNorm2 (sComponent (w⊖x0))"
using lemSNorm2OfScaled[of "(1/s)" "sComponent (w⊖x0)"]
by auto
also have "… = sqr (1/s) * sqr s"
using lemSquareOfSqrt[of "sNorm2 (sComponent (w⊖x0))" "s"] sExists s
by auto
finally have "sNorm2 (sComponent unit) = 1" using snot0 case1 by simp
thus ?thesis by auto
thus ?thesis using case0 by blast
define dt where dt: "dt = tval w - tval x"
define mdt where mdt: "mdt = -dt"
define yp where yp: "yp = (x0 ⊕ (dt ⊗ unit))"
define ym where ym: "ym = (x0 ⊖ (dt ⊗ unit))"
hence ymalt: "ym = (x0 ⊕ (mdt ⊗ unit))" using mdt by simp
have ypnotym: "yp ≠ ym"
proof -
{ assume "yp = ym"
hence "(x0 ⊕ (dt⊗unit)) = (x0 ⊖ (dt⊗unit))" using yp ym by auto
hence "((x0 ⊕ (dt⊗unit)) ⊕ (dt⊗unit)) = x0" by auto
hence "(x0 ⊕ (2⊗(dt⊗unit))) = x0" using add_assoc mult_2 by auto
hence "((x0 ⊕ (2⊗(dt⊗unit))) ⊖ x0) = origin" by simp
hence "(2⊗(dt⊗unit)) = origin" using add_diff_eq by auto
hence "False" using unit1 ts dt by simp
thus ?thesis by auto
have ypinl: "yp ∈ l"
proof -
{ assume "w = x0"
hence "yp = (w ⊕ (dt⊗dir))" using dir unit yp by simp
hence "∃ a . yp = (w ⊕ (a ⊗ dir))" using yp by auto
hence wx0: "w=x0 ⟶ ?thesis" using l by auto
{ assume wnotx0: "w ≠ x0"
hence u: "unit = ((1/s)⊗dir)" using unit dir by auto
hence "yp = (x0 ⊕ ((dt/s)⊗dir))" using lemScaleAssoc yp by auto
hence "∃ a . yp = (x0 ⊕ (a⊗dir))" using snot0 by blast
hence "w≠x0 ⟶ ?thesis" using l by auto
thus ?thesis using wx0 by blast
have yminl: "ym ∈ l"
proof -
{ assume "w = x0"
hence "ym = (x0 ⊕ (mdt⊗dir))" using dir unit ymalt by simp
hence "∃ a . ym = (x0 ⊕ (a ⊗ dir))" using ym by auto
hence wx0: "w=x0 ⟶ ?thesis" using l by auto
{ assume wnotx0: "w ≠ x0"
hence u: "unit = ((1/s)⊗dir)" using unit dir by auto
hence "ym = (x0 ⊕ ((mdt/s)⊗dir))" using lemScaleAssoc ymalt by auto
hence "∃ a . ym = (x0 ⊕ (a⊗dir))" using snot0 by blast
hence "w≠x0 ⟶ ?thesis" using l by auto
thus ?thesis using wx0 by blast
have ypcone: "yp ∈ regularConeSet x"
proof -
have "sNorm2 (sComponent (yp⊖x0)) = sqr dt"
proof -
have "yp = (x0 ⊕ (dt ⊗ unit))" using yp by simp
hence "(yp ⊖ x0) = (dt ⊗ unit)" using add_diff_eq diff_add_eq by auto
hence "sComponent (yp ⊖ x0) = (dt ⊗s (sComponent unit))" by auto
thus ?thesis
using lemSNorm2OfScaled[of "dt" "sComponent unit"] unit1 by auto
hence "sNorm2 (sComponent (yp⊖x)) = sqr dt" using x0 by simp
also have "… = sqr (tval (yp⊖x))" using dt tunit0 yp tdiff0 by simp
finally have "sNorm2 (sComponent (yp⊖x)) = sqr (tval (yp⊖x))" by blast
hence "onRegularCone x yp" using lemConeCoordinates[of "x" "yp"] by auto
thus ?thesis using lemRegularCone by blast
have ymcone: "ym ∈ regularConeSet x"
proof -
have "sNorm2 (sComponent (ym⊖x0)) = sqr dt"
proof -
have "ym = (x0 ⊕ (mdt ⊗ unit))" using ymalt by simp
hence "(ym ⊖ x0) = (mdt ⊗ unit)" using add_diff_eq diff_add_eq by auto
hence "sComponent (ym ⊖ x0) = (mdt ⊗s (sComponent unit))" by auto
thus ?thesis
using lemSNorm2OfScaled[of "mdt" "sComponent unit"] unit1 mdt by auto
hence "sNorm2 (sComponent (ym⊖x)) = sqr dt" using x0 by simp
also have "… = sqr (tval (ym⊖x))" using ym mdt dt tunit0 tdiff0 by auto
finally have "sNorm2 (sComponent (ym⊖x)) = sqr (tval (ym⊖x))" by blast
hence "onRegularCone x ym" using lemConeCoordinates[of "x" "ym"] by auto
thus ?thesis using lemRegularCone by blast
define T where T: "T = {yp, ym}"
hence "T ⊆ S" using ypinl ypcone yminl ymcone S by auto
hence TleS: "card T ≤ card S" using cardS card_mono by blast
have cardT: "card T = 2" using T ypnotym card_2_iff by blast
hence "(2 ≤ card S) ∧ finite S ∧ card S ≤ 2" using TleS cardS by auto
thus ?thesis using S by simp
hence ?thesis using xnotinl wonl by blast
thus ?thesis by auto
thus ?thesis using iftvalsequal by blast
lemma lemLineInsideRegularConeHasFiniteSlope:
assumes "insideRegularCone x p"
and "l = lineJoining x p"
shows "lineSlopeFinite l"
proof -
{ assume converse: "¬ (lineSlopeFinite l)"
hence slope: "slopeInfinite x p"
using assms lemSlopeLineJoining[of "l"] by blast
hence "False" using assms(1) assms(2) slope by simp
thus ?thesis by auto
lemma lemInvertibleOnMeet:
assumes "invertible f"
and "S = A ∩ B"
shows "applyToSet (asFunc f) S = (applyToSet (asFunc f) A) ∩ (applyToSet (asFunc f) B)"
proof -
define S' where S': "S' = applyToSet (asFunc f) S"
define A' where A': "A' = applyToSet (asFunc f) A"
define B' where B': "B' = applyToSet (asFunc f) B"
have "S' ⊆ A' ∩ B'"
proof -
{ fix s' assume "s' ∈ S'"
then obtain s where s: "s ∈ S ∧ f s = s'" using S' by auto
have inA: "s' ∈ A'"
proof -
have "s ∈ A" using assms s by auto
thus ?thesis using s A' by auto
have inB: "s' ∈ B'"
proof -
have "s ∈ B" using assms s by auto
thus ?thesis using s B' by auto
hence "s' ∈ A' ∩ B'" using inA by auto
thus ?thesis by auto
moreover have "A' ∩ B' ⊆ S'"
proof -
{ fix s' assume s': "s' ∈ A' ∩ B'"
then obtain a where a: "a ∈ A ∧ f a = s'" using A' by auto
obtain b where b: "b ∈ B ∧ f b = s'" using s' B' by auto
have "(∃ p . (f p = s') ∧ (∀x. f x = s' ⟶ x = p))" using assms(1) by auto
then obtain p where p: "(f p = s') ∧ (∀x. f x = s' ⟶ x = p)" by auto
hence "a = b" using a b by blast
hence "a ∈ S ∧ f a = s'" using a b assms(2) by auto
hence "s' ∈ S'" using S' by auto
thus ?thesis by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using S' A' B' by auto
lemma lemInsideCone:
shows "insideRegularCone x p ⟷
¬(vertex x p ∨ outsideRegularCone x p ∨ onRegularCone x p)"
proof -
{ assume lhs: "insideRegularCone x p"
hence "(slopeFinite x p) ∧ (∃ v ∈ lineVelocity (lineJoining x p) . sNorm2 v < 1)"
by auto
hence rtp1: "¬(vertex x p)" by blast
define l where l: "l = lineJoining x p"
obtain vin where vin: "vin ∈ lineVelocity l ∧ sNorm2 vin < 1" using l lhs by blast
hence vs: "∀ v . v ∈ lineVelocity l ⟶ sNorm2 v < 1"
proof -
{ fix v assume v: "v ∈ lineVelocity l"
have "slopeFinite x p" using lhs by blast
moreover have "onLine x l ∧ onLine p l" using l lemLineJoiningContainsEndPoints
by auto
ultimately have "v = vin"
using rtp1 v vin lemFiniteLineVelocityUnique[of "v" "l" "vin"] by blast
thus ?thesis using vin by blast
{ assume "outsideRegularCone x p"
then obtain v where v: "v ∈ lineVelocity l ∧ sNorm2 v > 1" using l lhs by blast
hence "sNorm2 v < 1" using vs by blast
hence "False" using v by force
hence rtp2: "¬ outsideRegularCone x p" by blast
{ assume "onRegularCone x p"
then obtain v where v: "v ∈ lineVelocity l ∧ sNorm2 v = 1" using l lhs by blast
hence "sNorm2 v < 1" using vs by blast
hence "False" using v by force
hence rtp3: "¬ onRegularCone x p" by blast
hence "¬(vertex x p ∨ outsideRegularCone x p ∨ onRegularCone x p)"
using rtp1 rtp2 by blast
hence l2r: "insideRegularCone x p ⟶
¬(vertex x p ∨ outsideRegularCone x p ∨ onRegularCone x p)"
by blast
{ assume rhs: "¬(vertex x p ∨ outsideRegularCone x p ∨ onRegularCone x p)"
define v where v: "v = (insideRegularCone x p)"
define z where z: "z = (vertex x p ∨ outsideRegularCone x p ∨ onRegularCone x p)"
hence "v ∨ z" using v z lemClassification[of "x" "p"] by auto
hence "insideRegularCone x p" using rhs v z by blast
thus ?thesis using l2r by blast
lemma lemOnRegularConeIff:
assumes "l = lineJoining x p"
shows "onRegularCone x p ⟷ (l ∩ regularConeSet x = l)"
proof -
{ assume rc: "onRegularCone x p"
hence reg: "regularCone x p" using lemRegularCone by blast
define S where S: "S = l ∩ regularConeSet x"
have SinL: "S ⊆ l" using S by blast
have "l ⊆ S"
proof -
{ fix q assume q: "q ∈ l"
then obtain a where a: "q = (x ⊕ (a ⊗ (p⊖x)))" using assms by blast
hence qmx: "(q⊖x) = (a ⊗ (p⊖x))" by simp
hence "sqr (tval (q⊖x)) = sqr (tval (a ⊗ (p⊖x)))" by auto
also have "… = (sqr a)*(sqr (tval p - tval x))" using lemSqrMult by auto
also have "… = (sqr a)*(sNorm2 (sComponent (p⊖x)))"
using rc lemConeCoordinates[of "x" "p"] by auto
also have "… = sNorm2 ( a ⊗s (sComponent (p⊖x)) )"
using lemSNorm2OfScaled[of "a" "(sComponent (p⊖x))"] by auto
also have "… = sNorm2 (sComponent ( a ⊗ (p⊖x) ))" by simp
finally have "sqr (tval (q⊖x)) = sNorm2 (sComponent (q⊖x) )" using qmx by simp
hence "onRegularCone x q" using lemConeCoordinates[of "x" "q"] by auto
hence "regularCone x q" using lemRegularCone by blast
hence "q ∈ S" using S q by auto
hence "∀ q . q ∈ l ⟶ q ∈ S" by blast
thus ?thesis by blast
hence "(l ∩ regularConeSet x = l)" using S SinL by blast
hence l2r: "onRegularCone x p ⟶ (l ∩ regularConeSet x = l)" by blast
{ assume rhs: "(l ∩ regularConeSet x = l)"
have "p ∈ l"
using lemLineJoiningContainsEndPoints[of "l" "x" "p"] assms(1) by auto
hence "regularCone x p" using rhs by blast
hence "onRegularCone x p" using lemRegularCone by blast
thus ?thesis using l2r by blast
lemma lemOutsideRegularConeImplies:
shows "outsideRegularCone x p
⟶ (∃ l p' . (p' ≠ p) ∧ onLine p' l ∧ onLine p l
∧ (l ∩ regularConeSet x = {}))"
proof -
{ assume lhs: "outsideRegularCone x p"
hence xnotp: "(x ≠ p)" by auto
hence formula: "sqr (tval p - tval x) < sNorm2 (sComponent (p⊖x))"
using lemConeCoordinates[of "x" "p"] using lhs by auto
have cases: "(slopeInfinite x p) ∨
((slopeFinite x p) ∧
(∃ v ∈ lineVelocity (lineJoining x p) . sNorm2 v > 1))"
using lhs by blast
have case1: "slopeInfinite x p ⟶
(∃ l p' . (p' ≠ p) ∧ onLine p' l ∧ onLine p l
∧ (l ∩ regularConeSet x = {}))"
using xnotp lemSlopeInfiniteImpliesOutside
by blast
have case2:
"((slopeFinite x p) ∧ (∃ v ∈ lineVelocity (lineJoining x p) . sNorm2 v > 1))
⟶ (∃ l p' . (p' ≠ p) ∧ onLine p' l ∧ onLine p l
∧ (l ∩ regularConeSet x = {}))"
proof -
define l where l: "l = lineJoining x p"
hence onl: "onLine x l ∧ onLine p l" using lemLineJoiningContainsEndPoints by blast
{ assume hyp: "(slopeFinite x p) ∧
(∃ v ∈ lineVelocity (lineJoining x p) . sNorm2 v > 1)"
then obtain v where v: "v ∈ lineVelocity l ∧ sNorm2 v > 1"
using l by blast
define x0 where x0: "x0 = mkPoint (tval p) (xval x) (yval x) (zval x)"
define dsqr where dsqr: "dsqr = norm2 (p ⊖ x0)"
define d where d: "d = sqrt dsqr"
have dExists: "hasRoot dsqr" using dsqr lemNorm2NonNeg AxEField by auto
have xnotp: "x ≠ p" using hyp by auto
have dnot0: "d ≠ 0"
proof -
{ assume d0: "d = 0"
hence "dsqr = 0" using lemSquareOfSqrt[of "dsqr" "d"] dExists d by auto
hence "(p⊖x0) = origin" using dsqr lemNullImpliesOrigin[of "(p⊖x0)"] by auto
hence "p = x0" by simp
hence "sloper x p = ((1/(tval x - tval p))⊗(x⊖x0))" using x0 by auto
moreover have "sComponent (x⊖x0) = sOrigin" using x0 by simp
ultimately have "velocityJoining x p = sOrigin" using hyp by auto
hence "sOrigin ∈ lineVelocity l"
using lemLineVelocityUsingPoints[of "x" "p" "l"] l hyp xnotp onl by auto
hence "sOrigin = v"
using lemFiniteLineVelocityUnique[of "sOrigin" "l" "v"]
hyp v onl xnotp by blast
hence "sNorm2 v = 0" by auto
hence "False" using v by auto
thus ?thesis by auto
hence dsqrnot0: "dsqr ≠ 0"
using d dExists lemSquareOfSqrt[of "dsqr" "d"] lemZeroRoot by blast
have dpos: "d > 0"
using d theI'[of "isNonNegRoot dsqr"] lemSqrt dExists dnot0 by auto
define T where T: "T = tval p"
define radius where radius: "radius = tval p - tval x"
define R0 where R0: "R0 = sComponent (p⊖x)"
have R0gtRadius: "sqr radius < sNorm2 R0" using formula radius R0 by auto
have dsqr': "dsqr = sNorm2 R0"
proof -
have "sComponent x = sComponent x0" using x0 by simp
hence "R0 = sComponent (p ⊖ x0)" using R0 by auto
moreover have "tval (p⊖x0) = 0" using x0 by simp
ultimately show ?thesis using lemNorm2Decomposition dsqr by auto
hence radialnot0: "R0 ≠ sOrigin" using dsqrnot0 by auto
obtain D0 where D0: "D0 ≠ sOrigin ∧ ((D0 ⊙s R0) = 0)"
using lemOrthogalSpaceVectorExists[of "R0"] by auto
define D where D: "D = stPoint 0 D0"
define L where L: "L = line p D"
hence pOnLine: "onLine p L"
using lemLineJoiningContainsEndPoints[of "L" "p" "(p⊕D)"] by auto
have meetEmpty: "L ∩ regularConeSet x = {}"
proof -
{ assume "L ∩ regularConeSet x ≠ {}"
then obtain Q where Q: "Q ∈ L ∩ regularConeSet x" by blast
then obtain α where α: "Q = (p ⊕ (α ⊗ D))" using L by blast
have "((p ⊕ (α ⊗ D))⊖x) = ((p⊖x) ⊕ (α⊗D))"
using add_diff_eq diff_add_eq by auto
hence Qmx: "(Q ⊖ x) = ((p⊖x) ⊕ (α⊗D))" using α by simp
hence Qmxt: "tval Q - tval x = tval (p⊖x)" using D by simp
have "sComponent (Q⊖x) = sComponent ((p⊖x) ⊕ (α⊗D))" using Qmx by simp
also have "… = ((sComponent (p⊖x)) ⊕s (sComponent (α⊗D)))" by simp
finally have "sNorm2 (sComponent (Q⊖x))
= sNorm2 ((sComponent (p⊖x)) ⊕s (sComponent (α⊗D)))" by simp
also have "… = sNorm2 (R0 ⊕s (α ⊗s D0))" using R0 D by auto
also have "… = sNorm2 R0 + 2*(R0 ⊙s (α ⊗s D0)) + sNorm2 (α ⊗s D0)"
using lemSNorm2OfSum[of "R0" "(α ⊗s D0)"] by auto
finally have
"sNorm2 (sComponent (Q⊖x)) = sNorm2 R0 + 2*(R0 ⊙s (α ⊗s D0)) + sNorm2 (α ⊗s D0)"
by auto
moreover have "(R0 ⊙s (α ⊗s D0)) = 0"
using D0 lemSDotCommute lemSDotScaleRight by simp
moreover have "sNorm2 (α ⊗s D0) ≥ 0" by simp
ultimately have "sNorm2 (sComponent (Q⊖x)) ≥ sNorm2 R0" by simp
hence Qmxs: "sNorm2 (sComponent (Q⊖x)) > sqr radius"
using R0gtRadius by simp
hence "sqr (tval Q - tval x) < sNorm2 (sComponent (Q⊖x))"
using radius Qmxt by simp
hence "¬ (onRegularCone x Q)"
using lemConeCoordinates[of "x" "Q"] by force
hence "¬ (regularCone x Q)" using lemRegularCone by blast
hence "False" using Q by blast
thus ?thesis by blast
define p' where p': "p' = (p ⊕ D)"
have Dnot0: "D ≠ origin" using D D0 by auto
hence "p' ≠ p"
proof -
{ assume "p' = p"
hence "(p ⊕ D) = p" using p' by auto
hence "((p ⊕ D) ⊖ p) = origin" by simp
hence "D = origin" using add_diff_cancel by auto
hence "False" using Dnot0 by auto
thus ?thesis by blast
moreover have "onLine p' L" using L p' by auto
ultimately have target1: "p' ≠ p ∧ onLine p' L" by blast
hence "(∃ l p' . (p' ≠ p) ∧ onLine p' l ∧ onLine p l
∧ (l ∩ regularConeSet x = {}))" using meetEmpty pOnLine by blast
thus ?thesis by blast
hence "(∃ l p' . (p' ≠ p) ∧ onLine p' l ∧ onLine p l
∧ (l ∩ regularConeSet x = {}))"
using cases case1 by blast
hence l2r: "outsideRegularCone x p ⟶
(∃ l p' . (p' ≠ p) ∧ onLine p' l ∧ onLine p l
∧ (l ∩ regularConeSet x = {}))"
by blast
thus ?thesis by blast
lemma lemTimelikeInsideCone:
assumes "insideRegularCone x p"
shows "timelike (p ⊖ x)"
proof -
have "tval p - tval x ≠ 0" using assms by auto
hence tdiffpos: "sqr (tval p - tval x) > 0" using lemSquaresPositive by auto
define l where l: "l = lineJoining x p"
hence "slopeFinite x p ∧ (∃ v . v ∈ lineVelocity l ∧ sNorm2 v < 1)"
using assms by auto
then obtain v where v: "v ∈ lineVelocity l ∧ sNorm2 v < 1"
using assms by blast
have "lineVelocity l = { velocityJoining x p }"
using lemLineVelocityUsingPoints[of "x" "p" "l"] assms
lemLineJoiningContainsEndPoints l
by blast
hence vv: "v = velocityJoining x p ∧ sNorm2 v < 1" using v by auto
hence formula: "sqr (tval p - tval x)*(sNorm2 v) = sNorm2 (sComponent (p⊖x))"
using lemSNorm2VelocityJoining[of "x" "p" "v"] assms by blast
have cases: "sNorm2 v = 0 ∨ sNorm2 v > 0"
using local.add_less_zeroD local.not_less_iff_gr_or_eq
by blast
have case1: "sNorm2 v > 0 ⟶ timelike (p ⊖ x)"
proof -
define snv where snv: "snv = sNorm2 v"
{ assume "sNorm2 v > 0"
hence "0 < snv < 1" using vv snv by auto
moreover have "sqr (tval p - tval x)*snv = sNorm2 (sComponent (p⊖x))"
using formula snv by simp
ultimately have "sqr (tval p - tval x) > sNorm2 (sComponent (p⊖x))"
using lemMultPosLT[of "sqr (tval p - tval x)" "snv"]
tdiffpos by force
hence "timelike (p⊖x)" by auto
thus ?thesis using snv by auto
{ assume "sNorm2 v = 0"
hence "sNorm2 (sComponent (p ⊖ x)) = 0" using formula by auto
hence "timelike (p⊖x)" using tdiffpos by auto
hence case2: "sNorm2 v = 0 ⟶ timelike (p⊖x)" by auto
thus ?thesis using case1 cases by auto