Theory Graph_Definition_Impl
section "Kruskal on Symmetric Directed Graph"
theory Graph_Definition_Impl
Kruskal_Impl Graph_Definition_Aux
subsection "Interpreting ‹Kruskl_Impl›"
locale fromlist = fixes
L :: "(nat × int × nat) list"
abbreviation "E≡set L"
abbreviation "V≡fst ` E ∪ (snd ∘ snd) ` E"
abbreviation "ind (E'::(nat × int × nat) set) ≡ ⦇nodes=V, edges=E'⦈"
abbreviation "subforest E' ≡ forest (ind E') ∧ subgraph (ind E') (ind E)"
lemma max_node_is_Max_V: " E = set la ⟹ max_node la = Max (insert 0 V)"
proof -
assume E: "E = set la"
have *: "fst ` set la ∪ (snd ∘ snd) ` set la
= (⋃x∈set la. case x of (x1, x1a, x2a) ⇒ {x1, x2a})"
by auto force
show ?thesis
unfolding E
by (auto simp add: max_node_def prod.case_distrib * )
lemma ind_valid_graph: "⋀E'. E' ⊆ E ⟹ valid_graph (ind E')"
unfolding valid_graph_def by force
lemma vE: "valid_graph (ind E)" apply(rule ind_valid_graph) by simp
lemma ind_valid_graph': "⋀E'. subgraph (ind E') (ind E) ⟹ valid_graph (ind E')"
apply(rule ind_valid_graph) by(auto simp: subgraph_def)
lemma add_edge_ind: "(a,w,b)∈E ⟹ add_edge a w b (ind F) = ind (insert (a,w,b) F)"
unfolding add_edge_def by force
lemma nodes_connected_ind_sym: "F⊆E ⟹ sym {(x, y) |x y. nodes_connected (ind F) x y}"
apply(frule ind_valid_graph)
unfolding sym_def using valid_graph.nodes_connected_sym by fast
lemma nodes_connected_ind_trans: "F⊆E ⟹ trans {(x, y) |x y. nodes_connected (ind F) x y}"
apply(frule ind_valid_graph)
unfolding trans_def using valid_graph.is_path_undir_append by fast
lemma part_equiv_nodes_connected_ind:
"F⊆E ⟹ part_equiv {(x, y) |x y. nodes_connected (ind F) x y}"
apply(rule) using nodes_connected_ind_trans nodes_connected_ind_sym by auto
sublocale s: Kruskal_Impl E V
"λe. {fst e, snd (snd e)}" "λu v (a,w,b). u=a ∧ v=b ∨ u=b ∧ v=a"
"λE'. { (a,b) |a b. nodes_connected (ind E') a b}"
"λ(u,w,v). w" id "PR_CONST (λ(u,w,v). RETURN (u,v))"
"PR_CONST (RETURN L)" "return L" "set L" "(λ(u,w,v). return (u,v))"
proof (unfold_locales, goal_cases)
show "finite E" by simp
fix E'
assume "forest (ind E') ∧ subgraph (ind E') ⦇nodes=V, edges=E⦈"
then show "E' ⊆ E" unfolding subgraph_def by auto
show "subforest {}" by (auto simp: subgraph_def forest_def valid_graph_def forest_axioms_def)
case (4 X Y)
then have *: "subgraph (ind Y) (ind X)" "subgraph (ind Y) (ind E)"
unfolding subgraph_def by auto
with 4 show ?case using forest.subgraph_forest by auto
case (5 u v)
have k: "valid_graph (ind {})" apply(rule ind_valid_graph) by simp
show ?case
apply auto
subgoal for p apply(cases p) by auto
subgoal for p apply(cases p) by auto
subgoal apply(rule exI[where x="[]"]) by auto
subgoal apply(rule exI[where x="[]"]) by force
case (6 E1 E2 u v)
have *: "valid_graph (ind E)" apply(rule ind_valid_graph) by simp
from 6 show ?case using valid_graph.augment_edge[of "ind E" "ind E1" "ind E2" u v, OF *]
unfolding subgraph_def by simp
case (7 F e u v)
then have f: "forest (ind F)" and s: "subgraph (ind F) (ind E)" by auto
from 7 have uv: "u∈V" "v∈V" by force+
obtain a w b where e: "e=(a,w,b)" apply(cases e) by auto
from e 7(3) have abuv: "u=a ∧ v=b ∨ u=b ∧ v=a" by auto
show ?case
assume "forest (ind (insert e F)) ∧ subgraph (ind (insert e F)) (ind E) "
then have "(∀(a, w, b)∈ insert e F.
¬nodes_connected (delete_edge a w b (ind (insert e F))) a b)"
unfolding forest_def forest_axioms_def by auto
with e have i: "¬ nodes_connected (delete_edge a w b (ind (insert e F))) a b" by auto
have ii: "(delete_edge a w b (ind (insert e F))) = ind F"
using 7(2) e by (auto simp: delete_edge_def)
from i have "¬ nodes_connected (ind F) a b" using ii by auto
then show "(u, v) ∉ {(a, b) |a b. nodes_connected (ind F) a b}"
using 7(3) valid_graph.nodes_connected_sym[OF ind_valid_graph'[OF s]] e by auto
from s 7(2) have sg: "subgraph (ind (insert e F)) (ind E)"
unfolding subgraph_def by auto
assume "(u, v) ∉ {(a, b) |a b. nodes_connected (ind F) a b}"
with abuv have "(a, b) ∉ {(a, b) |a b. nodes_connected (ind F) a b}"
using valid_graph.nodes_connected_sym[OF ind_valid_graph'[OF s]]
by auto
then have nn: "~nodes_connected (ind F) a b" by auto
have "forest (add_edge a w b (ind F))" apply(rule forest.forest_add_edge[OF f _ _ nn])
using uv abuv by auto
then have f': "forest (ind (insert e F))" using 7(2) add_edge_ind by (auto simp add: e)
from f' sg show "forest (ind (insert e F)) ∧ subgraph (ind (insert e F)) (ind E) "
by auto
case (8 F)
then have s: "subgraph (ind F) (ind E)" unfolding subgraph_def by auto
from valid_graph.connected_VV[OF vE s]
show i: "{(x, y) |x y. nodes_connected (ind F) x y} ⊆ V×V" by simp
from valid_graph.connected_equiv[OF vE s]
show "equiv V {(x, y) |x y. nodes_connected (ind F) x y}" by simp
case (10 x y F e)
from 10 have xy: "x∈V" "y∈V" by force+
obtain a w b where e: "e=(a,w,b)" apply(cases e) by auto
from 10(4) have ad_eq: "add_edge a w b (ind F) = ind (insert e F)"
using e unfolding add_edge_def by (auto simp add: rev_image_eqI)
have *: "⋀x y. nodes_connected (add_edge a w b (ind F)) x y
= ((x, y) ∈ per_union {(x, y) |x y. nodes_connected (ind F) x y} a b)"
apply(rule valid_graph.nodes_connected_insert_per_union[of "ind E"])
subgoal apply(rule ind_valid_graph) by simp
subgoal using 10(3) by(auto simp: subgraph_def)
subgoal apply(rule part_equiv_nodes_connected_ind) by fact
using xy e 10(5) by auto
show ?case
using 10(5) e * ad_eq by auto
case 11
then show ?case by auto
case 12
then show ?case by auto
case 13
then show ?case by auto
case (14 a F e)
then obtain w where "e=(a,w,a)" by auto
with 14 have "a∈V" and p: "(a,w,a): edges (ind (insert e F))" by auto
then have *: "nodes_connected (delete_edge a w a (ind (insert e F))) a a"
apply (intro exI[where x="[]"]) by simp
have "∃(a, w, b)∈edges (ind (insert e F)).
nodes_connected (delete_edge a w b (ind (insert e F))) a b"
apply (rule bexI[where x="(a,w,a)"])
using * p by auto
have "¬ forest (ind (insert e F))"
unfolding forest_def forest_axioms_def by blast
then show ?case by auto
case (15 e)
then show ?case by auto
case 16
thus ?case by force
case 17
thus ?case by auto
case (18 a b)
then show ?case apply auto
subgoal for w apply(rule exI[where x="[(a, w, b)]"]) by force
subgoal for w apply(rule exI[where x="[(a, w, b)]"]) apply simp by blast
case 19
thus ?case by (auto split: prod.split )
case 20
thus ?case by auto
case 21
thus ?case apply sepref_to_hoare apply sep_auto by(auto simp: pure_fold list_assn_emp)
case (22 l)
then show ?case using max_node_is_Max_V by auto
case 23
then show ?case apply sepref_to_hoare by sep_auto
subsection ‹Showing the equivalence of minimum spanning forest definitions›
text ‹As the definition of the minimum spanning forest from the minWeightBasis algorithm differs
from the one of our graph formalization, we new show their equivalence.›
lemma spanning_forest_eq: "s.SpanningForest E' = spanning_forest (ind E') (ind E)"
proof rule
assume t: "s.SpanningForest E'"
have f: "(forest (ind E'))" and sub: "subgraph (ind E') (ind E)" and
n: "(∀x∈E - E'. ¬ (forest (ind ( insert x E')) ∧ subgraph (ind ( insert x E')) (ind E)))"
using t[unfolded s.SpanningForest_def ] by auto
have vE: "valid_graph (ind E)" apply(rule ind_valid_graph) by simp
have "⋀x. x∈E-E' ⟹ subgraph (ind ( insert x E')) (ind E)"
using sub unfolding subgraph_def by auto
with n have "(∀x∈E - E'. ¬ (forest (ind ( insert x E'))))" by blast
then have n': "(∀(a,w,b)∈edges (ind E) - edges (ind E'). ¬ (forest (add_edge a w b (ind E'))))"
using valid_graph.E_validD[OF vE] by(auto simp: add_edge_def insert_absorb)
have mc: "maximally_connected (ind E') (ind E)"
apply(rule valid_graph.forest_maximally_connected_incl_max1) by fact+
show " spanning_forest (ind E') (ind E)"
unfolding spanning_forest_def using f sub mc by blast
assume t: "spanning_forest (ind E') (ind E)"
have f: "(forest (ind E'))" and sub: "subgraph (ind E') (ind E)" and
n: "maximally_connected (ind E') (ind E)" using t[unfolded spanning_forest_def] by auto
have i: "⋀x. x∈E-E' ⟹ subgraph (ind ( insert x E')) (ind E)"
using sub unfolding subgraph_def by auto
have vE: "valid_graph (ind E)" apply(rule ind_valid_graph) by simp
have "∀(a, w, b)∈edges (ind E) - edges (ind E'). ¬ forest (add_edge a w b (ind E'))"
apply(rule valid_graph.forest_maximally_connected_incl_max2) by fact+
then have t: "⋀a w b. (a, w, b)∈edges (ind E) - edges (ind E')
⟹ ¬ forest (add_edge a w b (ind E'))"
by blast
have ii: "(∀x∈E - E'. ¬ (forest (ind ( insert x E'))))"
apply (auto simp: add_edge_def)
subgoal for a w b using t[of a w b] valid_graph.E_validD[OF vE]
by(auto simp: add_edge_def insert_absorb)
from i ii have
iii: "(∀x∈E - E'. ¬(forest (ind ( insert x E')) ∧ subgraph (ind ( insert x E')) (ind E)))"
by blast
show "s.SpanningForest E'"
unfolding s.SpanningForest_def using iii f sub by blast
lemma edge_weight_alt: "edge_weight G = sum (λ(u,w,v). w) (edges G)"
proof -
have f: "fst o snd = (λ(u,w,v). w) " by auto
show ?thesis unfolding edge_weight_def f by (auto cong: )
lemma MSF_eq: "s.MSF E' = minimum_spanning_forest (ind E') (ind E)"
unfolding s.MSF_def minimum_spanning_forest_def optimal_forest_def
unfolding spanning_forest_eq edge_weight_alt
proof safe
fix F'
assume "spanning_forest (ind E') (ind E)"
and B: "(∀B'. spanning_forest (ind B') (ind E)
⟶ (∑(u, w, v)∈E'. w) ≤ (∑(u, w, v)∈B'. w))"
and sf: "spanning_forest F' (ind E)"
from sf have "subgraph F' (ind E)" by(auto simp: spanning_forest_def)
then have "F' = ind (edges F')" unfolding subgraph_def by auto
with B sf show "(∑(u, w, v)∈edges (ind E'). w) ≤ (∑(u, w, v)∈edges F'. w)" by auto
qed auto
lemma kruskal_correct:
"<emp> kruskal (return L) (λ(u,w,v). return (u,v)) ()
<λF. ↑ (distinct F ∧ set F ⊆ E ∧ minimum_spanning_forest (ind (set F)) (ind E))>⇩t"
using s.kruskal_correct_forest unfolding MSF_eq by auto
definition (in -) "kruskal_algo L = kruskal (return L) (λ(u,w,v). return (u,v)) ()"
subsection ‹Outside the locale›
definition "GD_from_list_α_weight L e = (case e of (u,w,v) ⇒ w)"
abbreviation "GD_from_list_α_graph G L ≡ ⦇nodes=fst ` (set G) ∪ (snd ∘ snd) ` (set G), edges=set L⦈"
lemma corr: "
<emp> kruskal_algo L
<λF. ↑ (set F ⊆ set L ∧
minimum_spanning_forest (GD_from_list_α_graph L F) (GD_from_list_α_graph L L))>⇩t"
by(sep_auto heap: fromlist.kruskal_correct simp: kruskal_algo_def )
lemma kruskal_correct: "<emp> kruskal_algo L
<λF. ↑ (set F ⊆ set L ∧
spanning_forest (GD_from_list_α_graph L F) (GD_from_list_α_graph L L)
∧ (∀F'. spanning_forest (GD_from_list_α_graph L F') (GD_from_list_α_graph L L)
⟶ sum (λ(u,w,v). w) (set F) ≤ sum (λ(u,w,v). w) (set F')))>⇩t"
proof -
interpret fromlist L by unfold_locales
have *: "⋀F'. edge_weight (ind F') = sum (λ(u,w,v). w) F'"
unfolding edge_weight_def apply auto by (metis fn_snd_conv fst_def)
show ?thesis using *
by (sep_auto heap: corr simp: minimum_spanning_forest_def optimal_forest_def)
subsection ‹Code export›
export_code kruskal_algo checking SML_imp
ML_val ‹
val export_nat = @{code integer_of_nat}
val import_nat = @{code nat_of_integer}
val export_int = @{code integer_of_int}
val import_int = @{code int_of_integer}
val import_list = map (fn (a,b,c) => (import_nat a, (import_int b, import_nat c)))
val export_list = map (fn (a,(b,c)) => (export_nat a, export_int b, export_nat c))
val export_Some_list = (fn SOME l => SOME (export_list l) | NONE => NONE)
fun kruskal l = @{code kruskal} (fn () => import_list l) (fn (a,(_,c)) => fn () => (a,c)) () ()
|> export_list
fun kruskal_algo l = @{code kruskal_algo} (import_list l) () |> export_list
val result = kruskal [(1,~9,2),(2,~3,3),(3,~4,1)]
val result4 = kruskal [(1,~100,4), (3,64,5), (1,13,2), (3,20,2), (2,5,5), (4,80,3), (4,40,5)]
val result' = kruskal_algo [(1,~9,2),(2,~3,3),(3,~4,1)]
val result1' = kruskal_algo [(1,~9,2),(2,~3,3),(3,~4,1),(1,5,3)]
val result2' = kruskal_algo [(1,~9,2),(2,~3,3),(3,~4,1),(1,~4,3)]
val result3' = kruskal_algo [(1,~9,2),(2,~3,3),(3,~4,1),(1,~4,1)]
val result4' = kruskal_algo [(1,~100,4), (3,64,5), (1,13,2), (3,20,2),
(2,5,5), (4,80,3), (4,40,5)]