Theory Graph_Definition
section "Undirected Graphs as symmetric directed graphs"
theory Graph_Definition
subsection ‹Definition›
fun is_path_undir :: "('v, 'w) graph ⇒ 'v ⇒ ('v,'w) path ⇒ 'v ⇒ bool" where
"is_path_undir G v [] v' ⟷ v=v' ∧ v'∈nodes G" |
"is_path_undir G v ((v1,w,v2)#p) v'
⟷ v=v1 ∧ ((v1,w,v2)∈edges G ∨ (v2,w,v1)∈edges G) ∧ is_path_undir G v2 p v'"
abbreviation "nodes_connected G a b ≡ ∃p. is_path_undir G a p b"
definition degree :: "('v, 'w) graph ⇒ 'v ⇒ nat" where
"degree G v = card {e∈edges G. fst e = v ∨ snd (snd e) = v}"
locale forest = valid_graph G
for G :: "('v,'w) graph" +
assumes cycle_free:
"∀(a,w,b)∈E. ¬ nodes_connected (delete_edge a w b G) a b"
locale connected_graph = valid_graph G
for G :: "('v,'w) graph" +
assumes connected:
"∀v∈V. ∀v'∈V. nodes_connected G v v'"
locale tree = forest + connected_graph
locale finite_graph = valid_graph G
for G :: "('v,'w) graph" +
assumes finite_E: "finite E" and
finite_V: "finite V"
locale finite_weighted_graph = finite_graph G
for G :: "('v,'w::weight) graph"
definition subgraph :: "('v, 'w) graph ⇒ ('v, 'w) graph ⇒ bool" where
"subgraph G H ≡ nodes G = nodes H ∧ edges G ⊆ edges H"
definition edge_weight :: "('v, 'w) graph ⇒ 'w::weight" where
"edge_weight G ≡ sum (fst o snd) (edges G)"
definition edges_less_eq :: "('a × 'w::weight × 'a) ⇒ ('a × 'w × 'a) ⇒ bool"
where "edges_less_eq a b ≡ fst(snd a) ≤ fst(snd b)"
definition maximally_connected :: "('v, 'w) graph ⇒ ('v, 'w) graph ⇒ bool" where
"maximally_connected H G ≡ ∀v∈nodes G. ∀v'∈nodes G.
(nodes_connected G v v') ⟶ (nodes_connected H v v')"
definition spanning_forest :: "('v, 'w) graph ⇒ ('v, 'w) graph ⇒ bool" where
"spanning_forest F G ≡ forest F ∧ maximally_connected F G ∧ subgraph F G"
definition optimal_forest :: "('v, 'w::weight) graph ⇒ ('v, 'w) graph ⇒ bool" where
"optimal_forest F G ≡ (∀F'::('v, 'w) graph.
spanning_forest F' G ⟶ edge_weight F ≤ edge_weight F')"
definition minimum_spanning_forest :: "('v, 'w::weight) graph ⇒ ('v, 'w) graph ⇒ bool" where
"minimum_spanning_forest F G ≡ spanning_forest F G ∧ optimal_forest F G"
definition spanning_tree :: "('v, 'w) graph ⇒ ('v, 'w) graph ⇒ bool" where
"spanning_tree F G ≡ tree F ∧ subgraph F G"
definition optimal_tree :: "('v, 'w::weight) graph ⇒ ('v, 'w) graph ⇒ bool" where
"optimal_tree F G ≡ (∀F'::('v, 'w) graph.
spanning_tree F' G ⟶ edge_weight F ≤ edge_weight F')"
definition minimum_spanning_tree :: "('v, 'w::weight) graph ⇒ ('v, 'w) graph ⇒ bool" where
"minimum_spanning_tree F G ≡ spanning_tree F G ∧ optimal_tree F G"
subsection ‹Helping lemmas›
lemma nodes_delete_edge[simp]:
"nodes (delete_edge v e v' G) = nodes G"
by (simp add: delete_edge_def)
lemma edges_delete_edge[simp]:
"edges (delete_edge v e v' G) = edges G - {(v,e,v')}"
by (simp add: delete_edge_def)
lemma subgraph_node:
assumes "subgraph H G"
shows "v ∈ nodes G ⟷ v ∈ nodes H"
using assms
unfolding subgraph_def
by simp
lemma delete_add_edge:
assumes "a ∈ nodes H"
assumes "c ∈ nodes H"
assumes "(a, w, c) ∉ edges H"
shows "delete_edge a w c (add_edge a w c H) = H"
using assms unfolding delete_edge_def add_edge_def
by (simp add: insert_absorb)
lemma swap_delete_add_edge:
assumes "(a, b, c) ≠ (x, y, z)"
shows "delete_edge a b c (add_edge x y z H) = add_edge x y z (delete_edge a b c H)"
using assms unfolding delete_edge_def add_edge_def
by auto
lemma swap_delete_edges: "delete_edge a b c (delete_edge x y z H)
= delete_edge x y z (delete_edge a b c H)"
unfolding delete_edge_def
by auto
context valid_graph
lemma valid_subgraph:
assumes "subgraph H G"
shows "valid_graph H"
using assms E_valid unfolding subgraph_def valid_graph_def
by blast
lemma is_path_undir_simps[simp, intro!]:
"is_path_undir G v [] v ⟷ v∈V"
"is_path_undir G v [(v,w,v')] v' ⟷ (v,w,v')∈E ∨ (v',w,v)∈E"
by (auto dest: E_validD)
lemma is_path_undir_memb[simp]:
"is_path_undir G v p v' ⟹ v∈V ∧ v'∈V"
apply (induct p arbitrary: v)
apply (auto dest: E_validD)
lemma is_path_undir_memb_edges:
assumes "is_path_undir G v p v'"
shows "∀(a,w,b) ∈ set p. (a,w,b) ∈ E ∨ (b,w,a) ∈ E"
using assms
by (induct p arbitrary: v) fastforce+
lemma is_path_undir_split:
"is_path_undir G v (p1@p2) v' ⟷ (∃u. is_path_undir G v p1 u ∧ is_path_undir G u p2 v')"
by (induct p1 arbitrary: v) auto
lemma is_path_undir_split'[simp]:
"is_path_undir G v (p1@(u,w,u')#p2) v'
⟷ is_path_undir G v p1 u ∧ ((u,w,u')∈E ∨ (u',w,u)∈E) ∧ is_path_undir G u' p2 v'"
by (auto simp add: is_path_undir_split)
lemma is_path_undir_sym:
assumes "is_path_undir G v p v'"
shows "is_path_undir G v' (rev (map (λ(u, w, u'). (u', w, u)) p)) v"
using assms
by (induct p arbitrary: v) (auto simp: E_validD)
lemma is_path_undir_subgraph:
assumes "is_path_undir H x p y"
assumes "subgraph H G"
shows "is_path_undir G x p y"
using assms is_path_undir.simps
unfolding subgraph_def
by (induction p arbitrary: x y) auto
lemma no_path_in_empty_graph:
assumes "E = {}"
assumes "p ≠ []"
shows "¬is_path_undir G v p v"
using assms by (cases p) auto
lemma is_path_undir_split_distinct:
assumes "is_path_undir G v p v'"
assumes "(a, w, b) ∈ set p ∨ (b, w, a) ∈ set p"
shows "(∃p' p'' u u'.
is_path_undir G v p' u ∧ is_path_undir G u' p'' v' ∧
length p' < length p ∧ length p'' < length p ∧
(u ∈ {a, b} ∧ u' ∈ {a, b}) ∧
(a, w, b) ∉ set p' ∧ (b, w, a) ∉ set p' ∧
(a, w, b) ∉ set p'' ∧ (b, w, a) ∉ set p'')"
using assms
proof (induction n == "length p" arbitrary: p v v' rule: nat_less_induct)
case 1
then obtain u u' where "(u, w, u') ∈ set p" and u: "u ∈ {a, b} ∧ u' ∈ {a, b}"
by blast
with split_list obtain p' p''
where p: "p = p' @ (u, w, u') # p''"
by fast
then have len_p': "length p' < length p" and len_p'': "length p'' < length p"
by auto
from 1 p have p': "is_path_undir G v p' u" and p'': "is_path_undir G u' p'' v'"
by auto
from 1 len_p' p' have "(a, w, b) ∈ set p' ∨ (b, w, a) ∈ set p' ⟶ (∃p'2 u2.
is_path_undir G v p'2 u2 ∧
length p'2 < length p' ∧
u2 ∈ {a, b} ∧
(a, w, b) ∉ set p'2 ∧ (b, w, a) ∉ set p'2)"
by metis
with len_p' p' u have p': "∃p' u. is_path_undir G v p' u ∧ length p' < length p ∧
u ∈ {a,b} ∧ (a, w, b) ∉ set p' ∧ (b, w, a) ∉ set p'"
by fastforce
from 1 len_p'' p'' have "(a, w, b) ∈ set p'' ∨ (b, w, a) ∈ set p'' ⟶ (∃p''2 u'2.
is_path_undir G u'2 p''2 v' ∧
length p''2 < length p'' ∧
u'2 ∈ {a, b} ∧
(a, w, b) ∉ set p''2 ∧ (b, w, a) ∉ set p''2)"
by metis
with len_p'' p'' u have "∃p'' u'. is_path_undir G u' p'' v'∧ length p'' < length p ∧
u' ∈ {a,b} ∧ (a, w, b) ∉ set p'' ∧ (b, w, a) ∉ set p''"
by fastforce
with p' show ?case by auto
lemma add_edge_is_path:
assumes "is_path_undir G x p y"
shows "is_path_undir (add_edge a b c G) x p y"
proof -
from E_valid have "valid_graph (add_edge a b c G)"
unfolding valid_graph_def add_edge_def
by auto
with assms is_path_undir.simps[of "add_edge a b c G"]
show "is_path_undir (add_edge a b c G) x p y"
by (induction p arbitrary: x y) auto
lemma add_edge_was_path:
assumes "is_path_undir (add_edge a b c G) x p y"
assumes "(a, b, c) ∉ set p"
assumes "(c, b, a) ∉ set p"
assumes "a ∈ V"
assumes "c ∈ V"
shows "is_path_undir G x p y"
proof -
from E_valid have "valid_graph (add_edge a b c G)"
unfolding valid_graph_def add_edge_def
by auto
with assms is_path_undir.simps[of "add_edge a b c G"]
show "is_path_undir G x p y"
by (induction p arbitrary: x y) auto
lemma delete_edge_is_path:
assumes "is_path_undir G x p y"
assumes "(a, b, c) ∉ set p"
assumes "(c, b, a) ∉ set p"
shows "is_path_undir (delete_edge a b c G) x p y"
proof -
from E_valid have "valid_graph (delete_edge a b c G)"
unfolding valid_graph_def delete_edge_def
by auto
with assms is_path_undir.simps[of "delete_edge a b c G"]
show ?thesis
by (induction p arbitrary: x y) auto
lemma delete_node_is_path:
assumes "is_path_undir G x p y"
assumes "x ≠ v"
assumes "v ∉ fst`set p ∪ snd`snd`set p"
shows "is_path_undir (delete_node v G) x p y"
using assms
unfolding delete_node_def
by (induction p arbitrary: x y) auto
lemma delete_edge_was_path:
assumes "is_path_undir (delete_edge a b c G) x p y"
shows "is_path_undir G x p y"
using assms
by (induction p arbitrary: x y) auto
lemma subset_was_path:
assumes "is_path_undir H x p y"
assumes "edges H ⊆ E"
assumes "nodes H ⊆ V"
shows "is_path_undir G x p y"
using assms
by (induction p arbitrary: x y) auto
lemma delete_node_was_path:
assumes "is_path_undir (delete_node v G) x p y"
shows "is_path_undir G x p y"
using assms
unfolding delete_node_def
by (induction p arbitrary: x y) auto
lemma add_edge_preserve_subgraph:
assumes "subgraph H G"
assumes "(a, w, b) ∈ E"
shows "subgraph (add_edge a w b H) G"
proof -
from assms E_validD have "a ∈ nodes H ∧ b ∈ nodes H"
unfolding subgraph_def by simp
with assms show ?thesis
unfolding subgraph_def
by auto
lemma delete_edge_preserve_subgraph:
assumes "subgraph H G"
shows "subgraph (delete_edge a w b H) G"
using assms
unfolding subgraph_def
by auto
lemma add_delete_edge:
assumes "(a, w, c) ∈ E"
shows "add_edge a w c (delete_edge a w c G) = G"
using assms E_validD unfolding delete_edge_def add_edge_def
by (simp add: insert_absorb)
lemma swap_add_edge_in_path:
assumes "is_path_undir (add_edge a w b G) v p v'"
assumes "(a,w',a') ∈ E ∨ (a',w',a) ∈ E"
shows "∃p. is_path_undir (add_edge a' w'' b G) v p v'"
using assms(1)
proof (induction p arbitrary: v)
case Nil
with assms(2) E_validD
have "is_path_undir (add_edge a' w'' b G) v [] v'"
by auto
then show ?case
by blast
case (Cons e p')
then obtain v2 x e_w where "e = (v2, e_w, x)"
using prod_cases3 by blast
with Cons(2)
have e: "e = (v, e_w, x)" and
edge_e: "(v, e_w, x) ∈ edges (add_edge a w b G)
∨ (x, e_w, v) ∈ edges (add_edge a w b G)" and
p': "is_path_undir (add_edge a w b G) x p' v'"
by auto
have "∃p. is_path_undir (add_edge a' w'' b G) v p x"
proof (cases "e = (a, w, b) ∨ e = (b, w, a)")
case True
from True e assms(2) E_validD
have "is_path_undir (add_edge a' w'' b G) v [(a,w',a'), (a',w'',b)] x
∨ is_path_undir (add_edge a' w'' b G) v [(b,w'',a'), (a',w',a)] x"
by auto
then show ?thesis
by blast
case False
with edge_e e
have "is_path_undir (add_edge a' w'' b G) v [e] x"
by (auto simp: E_validD)
then show ?thesis
by auto
with p' Cons.IH
and valid_graph.is_path_undir_split[OF add_edge_valid[OF valid_graph.intro[OF E_valid]]]
show ?case
by blast
lemma induce_maximally_connected:
assumes "subgraph H G"
assumes "∀(a,w,b)∈E. nodes_connected H a b"
shows "maximally_connected H G"
proof -
from valid_subgraph[OF ‹subgraph H G›]
have valid_H: "valid_graph H" .
have "(nodes_connected G v v') ⟶ (nodes_connected H v v')" (is "?lhs ⟶ ?rhs")
if "v∈V" and "v'∈V" for v v'
assume ?lhs
then obtain p where "is_path_undir G v p v'"
by blast
then show ?rhs
proof (induction p arbitrary: v v')
case Nil
with subgraph_node[OF assms(1)] show ?case
by (metis is_path_undir.simps(1))
case (Cons e p)
from prod_cases3 obtain a w b where awb: "e = (a, w, b)" .
with assms Cons.prems valid_graph.is_path_undir_sym[OF valid_H, of b _ a]
obtain p' where p': "is_path_undir H a p' b"
by fastforce
from assms awb Cons.prems Cons.IH[of b v']
obtain p'' where "is_path_undir H b p'' v'"
unfolding subgraph_def by auto
with Cons.prems awb assms p' valid_graph.is_path_undir_split[OF valid_H]
have "is_path_undir H v (p'@p'') v'"
by auto
then show ?case ..
with assms show ?thesis
unfolding maximally_connected_def
by auto
lemma add_edge_maximally_connected:
assumes "maximally_connected H G"
assumes "subgraph H G"
assumes "(a, w, b) ∈ E"
shows "maximally_connected (add_edge a w b H) G"
proof -
have "(nodes_connected G v v') ⟶ (nodes_connected (add_edge a w b H) v v')"
(is "?lhs ⟶ ?rhs") if vv': "v ∈ V" "v' ∈ V" for v v'
assume ?lhs
with ‹maximally_connected H G› vv' obtain p where "is_path_undir H v p v'"
unfolding maximally_connected_def
by auto
with valid_graph.add_edge_is_path[OF valid_subgraph[OF ‹subgraph H G›] this]
show ?rhs
by auto
then show ?thesis
unfolding maximally_connected_def
by auto
lemma delete_edge_maximally_connected:
assumes "maximally_connected H G"
assumes "subgraph H G"
assumes pab: "is_path_undir (delete_edge a w b H) a pab b"
shows "maximally_connected (delete_edge a w b H) G"
proof -
from valid_subgraph[OF ‹subgraph H G›]
have valid_H: "valid_graph H" .
have "(nodes_connected G v v') ⟶ (nodes_connected (delete_edge a w b H) v v')"
(is "?lhs ⟶ ?rhs") if vv': "v ∈ V" "v' ∈ V" for v v'
assume ?lhs
with ‹maximally_connected H G› vv' obtain p where p: "is_path_undir H v p v'"
unfolding maximally_connected_def
by auto
show ?rhs
proof (cases "(a, w, b) ∈ set p ∨ (b, w, a) ∈ set p")
case True
with p valid_graph.is_path_undir_split_distinct[OF valid_H p, of a w b] obtain p' p'' u u'
where "is_path_undir H v p' u ∧ is_path_undir H u' p'' v'" and
u: "(u ∈ {a, b} ∧ u' ∈ {a, b})" and
"(a, w, b) ∉ set p' ∧ (b, w, a) ∉ set p' ∧
(a, w, b) ∉ set p'' ∧ (b, w, a) ∉ set p''"
by auto
with valid_graph.delete_edge_is_path[OF valid_H] obtain p' p''
where p': "is_path_undir (delete_edge a w b H) v p' u ∧
is_path_undir (delete_edge a w b H) u' p'' v'"
by blast
note dev_H = delete_edge_valid[OF valid_H]
note * = valid_graph.is_path_undir_split[OF dev_H, of a w b v]
from valid_graph.is_path_undir_sym[OF delete_edge_valid[OF valid_H] pab] obtain pab'
where "is_path_undir (delete_edge a w b H) b pab' a"
by auto
with assms u p' valid_graph.is_path_undir_split[OF dev_H, of a w b v p' p'' v']
*[of p' pab b] *[of "p'@pab" p'' v'] *[of p' pab' a] *[of "p'@pab'" p'' v']
show ?thesis by auto
case False
with valid_graph.delete_edge_is_path[OF valid_H p] show ?thesis
by auto
then show ?thesis
unfolding maximally_connected_def
by auto
lemma connected_impl_maximally_connected:
assumes "connected_graph H"
assumes subgraph: "subgraph H G"
shows "maximally_connected H G"
using assms
unfolding connected_graph_def connected_graph_axioms_def maximally_connected_def
by blast
lemma add_edge_is_connected:
"nodes_connected (add_edge a b c G) a c"
"nodes_connected (add_edge a b c G) c a"
using valid_graph.is_path_undir_simps(2)[OF
add_edge_valid[OF valid_graph_axioms], of a b c a b c]
add_edge_valid[OF valid_graph_axioms], of a b c c b a]
by fastforce+
lemma swap_edges:
assumes "nodes_connected (add_edge a w b G) v v'"
assumes "a ∈ V"
assumes "b ∈ V"
assumes "¬ nodes_connected G v v'"
shows "nodes_connected (add_edge v w' v' G) a b"
proof -
from assms(1) obtain p where p: "is_path_undir (add_edge a w b G) v p v'"
by auto
have awb: "(a, w, b) ∈ set p ∨ (b, w, a) ∈ set p"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬ ((a, w, b) ∈ set p ∨ (b, w, a) ∈ set p)"
with add_edge_was_path[OF p _ _ assms(2,3)] assms(4)
show False
by auto
from valid_graph.is_path_undir_split_distinct[OF
add_edge_valid[OF valid_graph_axioms] p awb]
obtain p' p'' u u' where
"is_path_undir (add_edge a w b G) v p' u ∧
is_path_undir (add_edge a w b G) u' p'' v'" and
u: "u ∈ {a, b} ∧ u' ∈ {a, b}" and
"(a, w, b) ∉ set p' ∧ (b, w, a) ∉ set p' ∧
(a, w, b) ∉ set p'' ∧ (b, w, a) ∉ set p'' "
by auto
with assms(2,3) add_edge_was_path
have paths: "is_path_undir G v p' u ∧
is_path_undir G u' p'' v'"
by blast
with is_path_undir_split[of v p' p'' v'] assms(4)
have "u ≠ u'"
by blast
from paths assms add_edge_is_path
have paths': "is_path_undir (add_edge v w' v' G) v p' u ∧
is_path_undir (add_edge v w' v' G) u' p'' v'"
by blast
note * = add_edge_valid[OF valid_graph_axioms]
from add_edge_is_connected obtain p''' where
"is_path_undir (add_edge v w' v' G) v' p''' v"
by blast
with paths' valid_graph.is_path_undir_split[OF *, of v w' v' u' p'' p''' v]
have "is_path_undir (add_edge v w' v' G) u' (p''@p''') v"
by auto
with paths' valid_graph.is_path_undir_split[OF *, of v w' v' u' "p''@p'''" p' u]
have "is_path_undir (add_edge v w' v' G) u' (p''@p'''@p') u"
by auto
with u ‹u ≠ u'› valid_graph.is_path_undir_sym[OF * this]
show ?thesis
by auto
lemma subgraph_impl_connected:
assumes "connected_graph H"
assumes subgraph: "subgraph H G"
shows "connected_graph G"
using assms is_path_undir_subgraph[OF _ subgraph] valid_graph_axioms
unfolding connected_graph_def connected_graph_axioms_def maximally_connected_def
by blast
lemma add_node_connected:
assumes "∀a∈V - {v}. ∀b∈V - {v}. nodes_connected G a b"
assumes "(v, w, v') ∈ E ∨ (v', w, v) ∈ E"
assumes "v ≠ v'"
shows "∀a∈V. ∀b∈V. nodes_connected G a b"
proof -
have "nodes_connected G a b" if a: "a∈V" and b: "b∈V" for a b
proof (cases "a = v")
case True
show ?thesis
proof (cases "b = v")
case True
with ‹a = v› a is_path_undir_simps(1) show ?thesis
by blast
case False
from assms(2) have "v' ∈ V"
by (auto simp: E_validD)
with b assms(1) ‹b ≠ v› ‹v ≠ v'› have "nodes_connected G v' b"
by blast
with assms(2) ‹a = v› is_path_undir.simps(2)[of G v v w v' _ b]
show ?thesis
by blast
case False
show ?thesis
proof (cases "b = v")
case True
from assms(2) have "v' ∈ V"
by (auto simp: E_validD)
with a assms(1) ‹a ≠ v› ‹v ≠ v'› have "nodes_connected G a v'"
by blast
with assms(2) ‹b = v› is_path_undir.simps(2)[of G v v w v' _ a]
show ?thesis
by blast
case False
with ‹a ≠ v› assms(1) a b show ?thesis
by simp
then show ?thesis by simp
context connected_graph
lemma maximally_connected_impl_connected:
assumes "maximally_connected H G"
assumes subgraph: "subgraph H G"
shows "connected_graph H"
using assms connected_graph_axioms valid_subgraph[OF subgraph]
unfolding connected_graph_def connected_graph_axioms_def maximally_connected_def
by auto
context forest
lemmas delete_edge_valid' = delete_edge_valid[OF valid_graph_axioms]
lemma delete_edge_from_path:
assumes "nodes_connected G a b"
assumes "subgraph H G"
assumes "¬ nodes_connected H a b"
shows "∃(x, w, y) ∈ E - edges H. (¬ nodes_connected (delete_edge x w y G) a b) ∧
(nodes_connected (add_edge a w' b (delete_edge x w y G)) x y)"
proof -
from assms(1) obtain p where "is_path_undir G a p b"
by auto
from this assms(3) show ?thesis
proof (induction n == "length p" arbitrary: p a b rule: nat_less_induct)
case 1
from valid_subgraph[OF assms(2)] have valid_H: "valid_graph H" .
show ?case
proof (cases p)
case Nil
with 1(2) have "a = b"
by simp
with 1(2) assms(2) have "is_path_undir H a [] b"
unfolding subgraph_def
by auto
with 1(3) show ?thesis
by blast
case (Cons e p')
obtain a2 a' w where "e = (a2, w, a')"
using prod_cases3 by blast
with 1(2) Cons have e: "e = (a, w, a')"
by simp
with 1(2) Cons obtain e1 e2 where e12: "e = (e1, w, e2) ∨ e = (e2, w, e1)" and
edge_e12: "(e1, w, e2) ∈ E"
by auto
from 1(2) Cons e have "is_path_undir G a' p' b"
by simp
with is_path_undir_split_distinct[OF this, of a w a'] Cons
obtain p'_dst u' where p'_dst: "is_path_undir G u' p'_dst b ∧ u' ∈ {a, a'}" and
e_not_in_p': "(a, w, a') ∉ set p'_dst ∧ (a', w, a) ∉ set p'_dst" and
len_p': "length p'_dst < length p"
by fastforce
show ?thesis
proof (cases "u' = a'")
case False
with 1 len_p' p'_dst show ?thesis
by auto
case True
with p'_dst have path_p': "is_path_undir G a' p'_dst b"
by auto
show ?thesis
proof (cases "(e1, w, e2) ∈ edges H")
case True
have "¬ nodes_connected H a' b"
assume "nodes_connected H a' b"
then obtain p_H where "is_path_undir H a' p_H b"
by auto
with True e12 e have "is_path_undir H a (e#p_H) b"
by auto
with 1(3) show False
by simp
with path_p' 1(1) len_p' obtain x z y where xy: "(x, z, y) ∈ E - edges H" and
IH1: "(¬nodes_connected (delete_edge x z y G) a' b)" and
IH2: "(nodes_connected (add_edge a' w' b (delete_edge x z y G)) x y)"
by blast
with True have xy_neq_e: "(x,z,y) ≠ (e1, w, e2)"
by auto
have thm1: "¬ nodes_connected (delete_edge x z y G) a b"
assume "nodes_connected (delete_edge x z y G) a b"
then obtain p_e where "is_path_undir (delete_edge x z y G) a p_e b"
by auto
with edge_e12 e12 e xy_neq_e
have "is_path_undir (delete_edge x z y G) a' ((a', w, a)#p_e) b"
by auto
with IH1 show False
by blast
from IH2 obtain p_xy
where "is_path_undir (add_edge a' w' b (delete_edge x z y G)) x p_xy y"
by auto
from valid_graph.swap_add_edge_in_path[OF delete_edge_valid' this, of w a w'] edge_e12
e12 e edges_delete_edge[of x z y G] xy_neq_e
have thm2: "nodes_connected (add_edge a w' b (delete_edge x z y G)) x y"
by blast
with thm1 show ?thesis
using xy by auto
case False
have thm1: "¬ nodes_connected (delete_edge e1 w e2 G) a b"
assume "nodes_connected (delete_edge e1 w e2 G) a b"
then obtain p_e where p_e: "is_path_undir (delete_edge e1 w e2 G) a p_e b"
by auto
from delete_edge_is_path[OF path_p', of e1 w e2] e_not_in_p' e12 e
have "is_path_undir (delete_edge e1 w e2 G) a' p'_dst b"
by auto
with valid_graph.is_path_undir_sym[OF delete_edge_valid' this]
obtain p_rev where "is_path_undir (delete_edge e1 w e2 G) b p_rev a'"
by auto
with p_e valid_graph.is_path_undir_split[OF delete_edge_valid']
have "is_path_undir (delete_edge e1 w e2 G) a (p_e@p_rev) a'"
by auto
with cycle_free edge_e12 e12 e
and valid_graph.is_path_undir_sym[OF delete_edge_valid' this]
show False
unfolding valid_graph_def
by auto
note ** = delete_edge_is_path[OF path_p', of e1 w e2]
from valid_graph.is_path_undir_split[OF add_edge_valid[OF delete_edge_valid']]
valid_graph.add_edge_is_path[OF delete_edge_valid' **, of a w' b]
valid_graph.is_path_undir_simps(2)[OF add_edge_valid[OF delete_edge_valid'],
of a w' b e1 w e2 b w' a]
e_not_in_p' e12 e
have "is_path_undir (add_edge a w' b (delete_edge e1 w e2 G)) a' (p'_dst@[(b,w',a)]) a"
by auto
with valid_graph.is_path_undir_sym[OF add_edge_valid[OF delete_edge_valid'] this]
e12 e
have "nodes_connected (add_edge a w' b (delete_edge e1 w e2 G)) e1 e2"
by blast
with thm1 show ?thesis
using False edge_e12 by auto
lemma forest_add_edge:
assumes "a ∈ V"
assumes "b ∈ V"
assumes "¬ nodes_connected G a b"
shows "forest (add_edge a w b G)"
proof -
from assms(3) have "¬ is_path_undir G a [(a, w, b)] b"
by blast
with assms(2) have awb: "(a, w, b) ∉ E ∧ (b, w, a) ∉ E"
by auto
have "¬ nodes_connected (delete_edge v w' v' (add_edge a w b G)) v v'"
if e: "(v,w',v')∈ edges (add_edge a w b G)" for v w' v'
proof (cases "(v,w',v') = (a, w, b)")
case True
with assms awb delete_add_edge[of a G b w]
show ?thesis by simp
case False
with e have e': "(v,w',v')∈ edges G"
by auto
show ?thesis
assume asm: "nodes_connected (delete_edge v w' v' (add_edge a w b G)) v v'"
with swap_delete_add_edge[OF False, of G]
valid_graph.swap_edges[OF delete_edge_valid', of a w b v w' v' v v' w']
add_delete_edge[OF e'] cycle_free assms(1,2) e'
have "nodes_connected G a b"
by force
with assms show False
by simp
with cycle_free add_edge_valid[OF valid_graph_axioms] show ?thesis
unfolding forest_def forest_axioms_def by auto
lemma forest_subsets:
assumes "valid_graph H"
assumes "edges H ⊆ E"
assumes "nodes H ⊆ V"
shows "forest H"
proof -
have "¬ nodes_connected (delete_edge a w b H) a b"
if e: "(a, w, b)∈edges H" for a w b
assume asm: "nodes_connected (delete_edge a w b H) a b"
from ‹edges H ⊆ E›
have edges: "edges (delete_edge a w b H) ⊆ edges (delete_edge a w b G)"
by auto
from ‹nodes H ⊆ V›
have nodes: "nodes (delete_edge a w b H) ⊆ nodes (delete_edge a w b G)"
by auto
from asm valid_graph.subset_was_path[OF delete_edge_valid' _ edges nodes]
have "nodes_connected (delete_edge a w b G) a b"
by auto
with cycle_free e ‹edges H ⊆ E› show False
by blast
with assms(1) show ?thesis
unfolding forest_def forest_axioms_def
by auto
lemma subgraph_forest:
assumes "subgraph H G"
shows "forest H"
using assms forest_subsets valid_subgraph
unfolding subgraph_def
by simp
lemma forest_delete_edge: "forest (delete_edge a w c G)"
using forest_subsets[OF delete_edge_valid']
unfolding delete_edge_def
by auto
lemma forest_delete_node: "forest (delete_node n G)"
using forest_subsets[OF delete_node_valid[OF valid_graph_axioms]]
unfolding delete_node_def
by auto
context finite_graph
lemma finite_subgraphs: "finite {T. subgraph T G}"
proof -
from finite_E have "finite {E'. E' ⊆ E}"
by simp
then have "finite {⦇nodes = V, edges = E'⦈| E'. E' ⊆ E}"
by simp
also have "{⦇nodes = V, edges = E'⦈| E'. E' ⊆ E} = {T. subgraph T G}"
unfolding subgraph_def
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) old.unit.exhaust select_convs(1) select_convs(2) surjective)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma minimum_spanning_forest_impl_tree:
assumes "minimum_spanning_forest F G"
assumes valid_G: "valid_graph G"
assumes "connected_graph F"
shows "minimum_spanning_tree F G"
using assms valid_graph.connected_impl_maximally_connected[OF valid_G]
unfolding minimum_spanning_forest_def minimum_spanning_tree_def
spanning_forest_def spanning_tree_def tree_def
optimal_forest_def optimal_tree_def
by auto
lemma minimum_spanning_forest_impl_tree2:
assumes "minimum_spanning_forest F G"
assumes connected_G: "connected_graph G"
shows "minimum_spanning_tree F G"
using assms connected_graph.maximally_connected_impl_connected[OF connected_G]
minimum_spanning_forest_impl_tree connected_graph.axioms(1)[OF connected_G]
unfolding minimum_spanning_forest_def spanning_forest_def
by auto