Theory Graph_Definition_Aux
subsection "Auxiliary lemmas for graphs"
theory Graph_Definition_Aux
imports Graph_Definition SeprefUF
context valid_graph
lemma nodes_connected_sym: "nodes_connected G a b = nodes_connected G b a"
using is_path_undir_sym by auto
lemma Domain_nodes_connected: "Domain {(x, y) |x y. nodes_connected G x y} = V"
apply auto subgoal for x apply(rule exI[where x=x]) apply(rule exI[where x="[]"]) by auto
lemma Range_nodes_connected: "Range {(x, y) |x y. nodes_connected G x y} = V"
apply auto subgoal for x apply(rule exI[where x=x]) apply(rule exI[where x="[]"]) by auto
lemma nodes_connected_insert_per_union:
"(nodes_connected (add_edge a w b H) x y) ⟷ (x,y) ∈ per_union {(x,y)| x y. nodes_connected H x y} a b"
if "subgraph H G" and PER: "part_equiv {(x,y)| x y. nodes_connected H x y}"
and V: "a∈V" "b∈V" for x y
proof -
let ?uf = "{(x,y)| x y. nodes_connected H x y}"
from valid_subgraph[OF ‹subgraph H G›]
have valid_H: "valid_graph H" .
from ‹subgraph H G›
have nodes_H: "nodes H = V"
unfolding subgraph_def ..
with ‹a∈V› ‹b∈V›
have nodes_add_H: "nodes (add_edge a w b H) = nodes H"
by auto
have "Domain ?uf = nodes H" using valid_graph.Domain_nodes_connected[OF valid_H] .
show ?thesis
assume "nodes_connected (add_edge a w b H) x y"
then obtain p where p: "is_path_undir (add_edge a w b H) x p y"
by blast
from ‹a∈V› ‹b∈V› ‹Domain {(x,y)| x y. nodes_connected H x y} = nodes H› nodes_H
have [simp]: "a∈Domain (per_union ?uf a b)" "b∈Domain (per_union ?uf a b)"
by auto
from PER have PER': "part_equiv (per_union ?uf a b)"
by (auto simp: union_part_equivp)
show "(x,y) ∈ per_union ?uf a b"
proof (cases "(a, w, b) ∈ set p ∨ (b, w, a) ∈ set p")
case True
from valid_graph.is_path_undir_split_distinct[OF add_edge_valid[OF valid_H] p True]
obtain p' p'' u u' where
"is_path_undir (add_edge a w b H) x p' u ∧
is_path_undir (add_edge a w b H) u' p'' y" and
u: "u∈{a,b} ∧ u'∈{a,b}" and
"(a, w, b) ∉ set p' ∧ (b, w, a) ∉ set p' ∧
(a, w, b) ∉ set p'' ∧ (b, w, a) ∉ set p''"
by auto
with ‹a∈V› ‹b∈V› ‹Domain ?uf = nodes H› ‹subgraph H G›
valid_graph.add_edge_was_path[OF valid_H]
have "is_path_undir H x p' u ∧ is_path_undir H u' p'' y"
unfolding subgraph_def by auto
with V u nodes_H have comps: "(x,u) ∈ ?uf ∧ (u', y) ∈ ?uf" by auto
from comps have "(x,u) ∈ per_union ?uf a b" apply(intro per_union_impl)
by auto
also from u ‹a∈V› ‹b∈V› ‹Domain ?uf = nodes H› nodes_H
part_equiv_refl'[OF PER' ‹a∈Domain (per_union ?uf a b)›]
part_equiv_refl'[OF PER' ‹b∈Domain (per_union ?uf a b)›] part_equiv_sym[OF PER']
per_union_related[OF PER]
have "(u,u') ∈ per_union ?uf a b"
by auto
also (part_equiv_trans[OF PER']) from comps
have "(u',y) ∈ per_union ?uf a b" apply(intro per_union_impl)
by auto
finally (part_equiv_trans[OF PER']) show ?thesis by simp
case False
with ‹a∈V› ‹b∈V› nodes_H valid_graph.add_edge_was_path[OF valid_H p(1)]
have "is_path_undir H x p y"
by auto
with nodes_add_H have "(x,y)∈?uf" by auto
from per_union_impl[OF this] show ?thesis .
assume asm: "(x, y) ∈ per_union ?uf a b"
show "nodes_connected (add_edge a w b H) x y"
proof (cases "(x, y) ∈ ?uf")
case True
with nodes_add_H have "nodes_connected H x y"
by auto
with valid_graph.add_edge_is_path[OF valid_H] show ?thesis
by blast
case False
with asm part_equiv_sym[OF PER]
have "(x,a) ∈ ?uf ∧ (b,y) ∈ ?uf ∨
(x,b) ∈ ?uf ∧ (a,y) ∈ ?uf"
unfolding per_union_def
by auto
with ‹a∈V› ‹b∈V› nodes_H nodes_add_H obtain p q p' q'
where "is_path_undir H x p a ∧ is_path_undir H b q y ∨
is_path_undir H x p' b ∧ is_path_undir H a q' y"
by fastforce
with valid_graph.add_edge_is_path[OF valid_H]
have "is_path_undir (add_edge a w b H) x p a ∧
is_path_undir (add_edge a w b H) b q y ∨
is_path_undir (add_edge a w b H) x p' b ∧
is_path_undir (add_edge a w b H) a q' y"
by blast
with valid_graph.is_path_undir_split'[OF add_edge_valid[OF valid_H]]
have "is_path_undir (add_edge a w b H) x (p @ (a, w, b) # q) y ∨
is_path_undir (add_edge a w b H) x (p' @ (b, w, a) # q') y"
by auto
with valid_graph.is_path_undir_sym[OF add_edge_valid[OF valid_H]]
show ?thesis
by blast
lemma is_path_undir_append: "is_path_undir G v p1 u ⟹ is_path_undir G u p2 w
⟹ is_path_undir G v (p1@p2) w"
using is_path_undir_split by auto
assumes sg: "subgraph G1 G" "subgraph G2 G" and
p: "(u, v) ∈ {(a, b) |a b. nodes_connected G1 a b}"
and notinE2: "(u, v) ∉ {(a, b) |a b. nodes_connected G2 a b}"
shows "∃a b e. (a, b) ∉ {(a, b) |a b. nodes_connected G2 a b} ∧ e ∉ edges G2 ∧ e ∈ edges G1 ∧ (case e of (aa, w, ba) ⇒ a=aa ∧ b=ba ∨ a=ba ∧ b=aa)"
proof -
from sg have [simp]: "nodes G1 = nodes G" "nodes G2 = nodes G" unfolding subgraph_def by auto
from p obtain p where a: "is_path_undir G1 u p v" by blast
from notinE2 have b: "~(∃p. is_path_undir G2 u p v)" by auto
from a b show ?thesis
proof (induct p arbitrary: u)
case Nil
then have "u=v" "u∈nodes G1" by auto
then have "is_path_undir G2 u [] v" by auto
have "(u, v) ∈ {(a, b) |a b. nodes_connected G2 a b}"
apply auto
apply(rule exI[where x="[]"]) by fact
with Nil(2) show ?case by blast
case (Cons a p)
from Cons(2) obtain w x y u' where axy: "a=(u,w,u')" and 2: "(x=u ∧ y=u') ∨ (x=u' ∧ y=u)" and e': "is_path_undir G1 u' p v"
and uwE1: "(x,w,y) ∈ edges G1" apply(cases a) by auto
show ?case
proof (cases "(x,w,y)∈edges G2 ∨ (y,w,x)∈edges G2")
case True
have e2': "~(∃p. is_path_undir G2 u' p v)"
proof (rule ccontr, clarsimp)
fix p2
assume "is_path_undir G2 u' p2 v"
with True axy 2 have "is_path_undir G2 u (a#p2) v" by auto
with Cons(3) show False by blast
from Cons(1)[OF e' e2'] show ?thesis .
case False
assume e2': "~(∃p. is_path_undir G2 u' p v)"
from Cons(1)[OF e' e2'] have ?thesis .
} moreover {
assume e2': "∃p. is_path_undir G2 u' p v"
then obtain p1 where p1: "is_path_undir G2 u' p1 v" by auto
from False axy have "(x, w, y)∉edges G2" by auto
have "(u,u') ∉ {(a, b) |a b. nodes_connected G2 a b}"
proof(rule ccontr, auto simp add: )
fix p2
assume "is_path_undir G2 u p2 u'"
with p1 have "is_path_undir G2 u (p2@p1) v"
using valid_graph.is_path_undir_append[OF valid_subgraph[OF assms(2)]]
by auto
then show "False" using Cons(3) by blast
note uwE1
ultimately have ?thesis
apply -
apply(rule exI[where x="u"])
apply(rule exI[where x="u'"])
apply(rule exI[where x="(x,w,y)"])
using 2 by fastforce
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
lemma nodes_connected_refl: "a∈V ⟹ nodes_connected G a a"
apply(rule exI[where x="[]"]) by auto
lemma assumes sg: "subgraph H G"
shows connected_VV: "{(x, y) |x y. nodes_connected H x y} ⊆ V×V"
and connected_refl: "refl_on V {(x, y) |x y. nodes_connected H x y}"
and connected_trans: "trans {(x, y) |x y. nodes_connected H x y}"
and connected_sym: "sym {(x, y) |x y. nodes_connected H x y}"
and connected_equiv: "equiv V {(x, y) |x y. nodes_connected H x y}"
proof -
have *: "⋀R S. Domain R ⊆ S ⟹ Range R ⊆ S ⟹ R ⊆ S×S" by auto
from sg have [simp]: "nodes H = V" by (auto simp: subgraph_def)
from sg valid_subgraph have v: "valid_graph H" by auto
from valid_graph.Domain_nodes_connected[OF this] valid_graph.Range_nodes_connected[OF this]
show i: "{(x, y) |x y. nodes_connected H x y} ⊆ V×V" apply(intro *) by auto
have ii: "⋀x. x ∈ V ⟹ (x, x) ∈ {(x, y) |x y. nodes_connected H x y}"
using valid_graph.nodes_connected_refl[OF v] by auto
show "refl_on V {(x, y) |x y. nodes_connected H x y}"
apply(rule refl_onI) by fact+
from valid_graph.is_path_undir_append[OF v]
show "trans {(x, y) |x y. nodes_connected H x y}" unfolding trans_def by fast
from valid_graph.nodes_connected_sym[OF v]
show "sym {(x, y) |x y. nodes_connected H x y}" unfolding sym_def by fast
show "equiv V {(x, y) |x y. nodes_connected H x y}" apply (rule equivI) by fact+
lemma forest_maximally_connected_incl_max1:
"forest H"
"subgraph H G"
shows "(∀(a,w,b)∈edges G - edges H. ¬ (forest (add_edge a w b H))) ⟹ maximally_connected H G"
proof -
from assms(2) have V[simp]: "nodes H = nodes G" unfolding subgraph_def by auto
assume pff: "(∀(a,w,b)∈E - edges H. ¬ (forest (add_edge a w b H)))"
{ fix u v
assume uv: "v∈V" "u∈V"
assume "nodes_connected G u v"
then have i: "(u, v) ∈ {(a, b) |a b. nodes_connected G a b}" by auto
have "nodes_connected H u v"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬nodes_connected H u v"
then have ii: "(u, v) ∉ {(a, b) |a b. nodes_connected H a b}" by auto
have "subgraph G G" by(auto simp: subgraph_def)
from augment_edge[OF this assms(2) i ii] obtain e a b where
k: "(a, b) ∉ {(a, b) |a b. nodes_connected H a b}"
and nn: "e ∉ edges H" "e ∈ E" and ee: "(case e of (aa, w, ba) ⇒ a=aa ∧ b=ba ∨ a=ba ∧ b=aa) "
by blast
obtain x w y where e: "e=(x,w,y)" apply(cases e) by auto
from e ee have "x=a ∧ y=b ∨ x=b ∧ y=a" by auto
with k have k': "¬ nodes_connected H x y"
using valid_graph.nodes_connected_sym[OF valid_subgraph[OF assms(2)]] by auto
have xy: "x∈V" "y∈V" using e nn(2) by (auto dest: E_validD)
then have nxy: "x∈nodes H" "y∈nodes H" by auto
from forest.forest_add_edge[OF assms(1) nxy k' ] have
"forest (add_edge x w y H)" .
moreover have "(x,w,y)∈E-edges H" using nn e by auto
ultimately show "False" using pff by blast
then show "maximally_connected H G"
unfolding maximally_connected_def by auto
lemma forest_maximally_connected_incl_max2:
"forest H"
"subgraph H G"
shows "maximally_connected H G ⟹ (∀(a,w,b)∈E - edges H. ¬ (forest (add_edge a w b H)))"
proof -
from assms(2) have V[simp]: "nodes H = nodes G" unfolding subgraph_def by auto
assume mc: "maximally_connected H G"
then have k: "⋀v v'. v∈V ⟹ v'∈V ⟹
nodes_connected G v v' ⟹ nodes_connected H v v'"
unfolding maximally_connected_def by auto
show "(∀(a,w,b)∈E - edges H. ¬ (forest (add_edge a w b H)))"
proof (safe)
fix x w y
assume i: "(x, w, y) ∈ E" and ni: "(x, w, y) ∉ edges H"
and f: "forest (add_edge x w y H)"
from i have xy: "x∈V" "y∈V" by (auto dest: E_validD)
from f have "∀(a,wa,b)∈insert (x, w, y) (edges H). ¬ nodes_connected (delete_edge a wa b (add_edge x w y H)) a b"
unfolding forest_def forest_axioms_def by auto
then have "¬ nodes_connected (delete_edge x w y (add_edge x w y H)) x y"
by auto
moreover have "(delete_edge x w y (add_edge x w y H)) = H"
using ni xy by(auto simp: add_edge_def delete_edge_def insert_absorb)
ultimately have "¬ nodes_connected H x y" by auto
moreover from i have "nodes_connected G x y" apply - apply(rule exI[where x="[(x,w,y)]"])
by (auto dest: E_validD)
ultimately show "False" using k[OF xy] by simp
lemma forest_maximally_connected_incl_max_conv:
"forest H"
"subgraph H G"
shows "maximally_connected H G = (∀(a,w,b)∈E - edges H. ¬ (forest (add_edge a w b H)))"
using assms forest_maximally_connected_incl_max2 forest_maximally_connected_incl_max1 by blast