Theory From_Diagonal

section ‹From diagonal to off-diagonal›

theory From_Diagonal
  imports Closer_To_Diagonal


subsection ‹Lemma 11.2›

definition "ok_fun_11_2a  λk. real k powr (3/4) * log 2 k"

definition "ok_fun_11_2b  λμ k. k powr (39/40) * (log 2 μ + 3 * log 2 k)"

definition "ok_fun_11_2c  λμ k. - k * log 2 (1 - (2 / (1-μ)) * k powr (-1/40))"

definition "ok_fun_11_2  λμ k. 2 - ok_fun_71 μ k + ok_fun_11_2a k
      + max (ok_fun_11_2b μ k) (ok_fun_11_2c μ k)"

lemma ok_fun_11_2a: "ok_fun_11_2a  o(real)"
  unfolding ok_fun_11_2a_def
  by real_asymp

text ‹possibly, the functions that depend upon @{term μ} need a more refined analysis to cover 
a closed interval of possible values. But possibly not, as the text implies @{term "μ=2/5"}.›

lemma ok_fun_11_2b: "ok_fun_11_2b μ  o(real)"
  unfolding ok_fun_11_2b_def by real_asymp

lemma ok_fun_11_2c: "ok_fun_11_2c μ  o(real)"
unfolding ok_fun_11_2c_def
  by real_asymp

lemma ok_fun_11_2:
  assumes "0<μ" "μ<1" 
  shows "ok_fun_11_2 μ  o(real)"
  unfolding ok_fun_11_2_def
  by (simp add: assms const_smallo_real maxmin_in_smallo ok_fun_11_2a ok_fun_11_2b ok_fun_11_2c ok_fun_71 sum_in_smallo)

definition "Big_From_11_2      
   λμ k. Big_ZZ_8_6 μ k  Big_X_7_1 μ k  Big_Y_6_2 μ k  Big_Red_5_3 μ k  Big_Blue_4_1 μ k 
        1  μ^2 * real k  2 / (1-μ) * real k powr (-1/40) < 1  1/k < 1/2 - 3 * eps k"

lemma Big_From_11_2:
  assumes "0<μ0" "μ0  μ1" "μ1<1" 
  shows "k. μ. μ  {μ0..μ1}  Big_From_11_2 μ k"
proof -
  have A: "k. μ. μ0  μ  μ  μ1  1  μ2 * k"
  proof (intro eventually_all_geI0)
    show *: "x. 1  μ02 * real x"
      using 0<μ0 by real_asymp
    fix k μ
    assume "1  μ02 * real k" and "μ0  μ" "μ  μ1"
    with 0<μ0 show "1  μ2 * k"
      by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) mult_le_cancel_right of_nat_less_0_iff power_mono)
  have B: "k. μ. μ0  μ  μ  μ1  2 / (1-μ) * k powr (-1/40) < 1"
  proof (intro eventually_all_geI1)
    show "k. 2 / (1-μ1) * k powr (-1/40) < 1"
      by real_asymp
  qed (use assms in auto)
  have C: "k. 1/k < 1/2 - 3 * eps k"
    unfolding eps_def by real_asymp
  show ?thesis
    unfolding Big_From_11_2_def
    using assms Big_ZZ_8_6 Big_X_7_1 Big_Y_6_2 Big_Red_5_3 Big_Blue_4_1 A B C
    by (simp add: eventually_conj_iff all_imp_conj_distrib)  

text ‹Simply to prevent issues about the positioning of the function @{term real}
abbreviation "ratio  λμ s t. μ * (real s + real t) / real s"

text ‹the text refers to the actual Ramsey number but I don't see how that could work.
Theorem 11.1 will define @{term n} to be one less than the Ramsey number, hence we add that one back here.›
lemma (in Book) From_11_2:
  assumes "l=k"  
  assumes big: "Big_From_11_2 μ k"
  defines "  Step_class {red_step}" and "𝒮  Step_class {dboost_step}"
  defines "t  card " and "s  card 𝒮"
  defines "nV'  Suc nV"
  assumes 0: "card X0  nV div 2" and "p0  1/2"
  shows "log 2 nV'  k * log 2 (1/μ) + t * log 2 (1 / (1-μ)) + s * log 2 (ratio μ s t) + ok_fun_11_2 μ k"
proof -
  have big71: "Big_X_7_1 μ k" and big62: "Big_Y_6_2 μ k" and big86: "Big_ZZ_8_6 μ k" and big53: "Big_Red_5_3 μ k"
    and big41: "Big_Blue_4_1 μ k" and bigμ: "1  μ^2 * real k"
    and big_le1: "2 / (1-μ) * real k powr (-1/40) < 1"
    using big by (auto simp: Big_From_11_2_def)
  have bigμ1: "1  μ * real k"
    using bigμ μ01
    by (smt (verit, best) mult_less_cancel_right2 mult_right_mono of_nat_less_0_iff power2_eq_square)
  then have log2μk: "log 2 μ + log 2 k  0"
    using kn0 μ01 add_log_eq_powr by auto
  have bigμ2: "1  μ * (real k)2"
    unfolding power2_eq_square by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) bigμ1 μ01 mult_less_cancel_left1 mult_mono')
  define g where "g  λk. real k powr (3/4) * log 2 k"
  have g: "g  o(real)"
    unfolding g_def by real_asymp
  have bb_gt0: "bigbeta > 0"
    using big53 bigbeta_gt0 l=k by blast
  have "t < k"
    by (simp add: ℛ_def t_def red_step_limit)
  have "s < k"
    unfolding 𝒮_def s_def
    using bblue_dboost_step_limit big41 l=k by fastforce  

  have k34: "k powr (3/4)  k powr 1"
    using kn0 by (intro powr_mono) auto

  define g712 where "g712  λk. 2 - ok_fun_71 μ k + g k"
  have "nV'  2"
    using gorder_ge2 nV'_def by linarith
  have "nV'  4 * card X0"
    using 0 card_XY0 by (auto simp: nV'_def odd_iff_mod_2_eq_one)
  with μ01 have "2 powr (ok_fun_71 μ k - 2) * μ^k * (1-μ) ^ t * (bigbeta / μ) ^ s * nV'
       2 powr ok_fun_71 μ k * μ^k * (1-μ) ^ t * (bigbeta / μ) ^ s * card X0"
    using μ01 by (simp add: powr_diff mult.assoc bigbeta_ge0 mult_left_mono)
  also have "  card (Xseq halted_point)"
    using X_7_1 assms big71 by blast
  also have "  2 powr (g k)"
  proof -
    have "1/k < p0 - 3 * eps k"
    using big p0  1/2 by (auto simp: Big_From_11_2_def)
    also have "  pee halted_point"
      using Y_6_2_halted big62 assms by blast
    finally have "pee halted_point > 1/k" .
    moreover have "termination_condition (Xseq halted_point) (Yseq halted_point)"
      using halted_point_halted step_terminating_iff by blast
    ultimately have "card (Xseq halted_point)  RN k (nat real k powr (3/4))"
      using l=k pee_def termination_condition_def by auto
    then show ?thesis
      unfolding g_def by (smt (verit) RN34_le_2powr_ok kn0 of_nat_le_iff)
  finally have 58: "2 powr (g k)  2 powr (ok_fun_71 μ k - 2) * μ^k * (1-μ) ^ t * (bigbeta / μ) ^ s * nV'" .
  then have 59: "nV'  2 powr (g712 k) * (1/μ) ^ k * (1 / (1-μ)) ^ t * (μ / bigbeta) ^ s"
    using μ01 bb_gt0 by (simp add: g712_def powr_diff powr_add mult.commute divide_simps) argo

  define a where "a  2 / (1-μ)"
  have ok_less1: "a * real k powr (-1/40) < 1"
    unfolding a_def using big_le1 by blast
  consider "s < k powr (39/40)" | "s  k powr (39/40)" "bigbeta  (1 - a * k powr (-1/40)) * (s / (s + t))"
    using ZZ_8_6 big86 a_def l=k by (force simp: s_def t_def 𝒮_def ℛ_def)
  then show ?thesis
  proof cases
    case 1
    define h where "h  λc k. real k powr (39/40) * (log 2 μ + real c * log 2 (real k))"
    have h: "h c  o(real)" for c
      unfolding h_def by real_asymp

    have le_h: "¦s * log 2 (ratio μ s t)¦  h 1 k"
    proof (cases "s>0")
      case True
      with s>0 have μeq: "ratio μ s t = μ * (1 + t/s)"
        by (auto simp: distrib_left add_divide_distrib)
      show ?thesis 
      proof (cases "log 2 (ratio μ s t)  0")
        case True
        have "s * (- log 2 (μ * (1 + t/s)))  real k powr (39/40) * (log 2 μ + log 2 (real k))"
        proof (intro mult_mono)
          show "s  k powr (39 / 40)"
            using "1" by linarith
          have "inverse (μ * (1 + t/s))  inverse μ"
            using μ01 inverse_le_1_iff by fastforce
          also have "  μ * k"
            using bigμ μ01 by (metis neq_iff mult.assoc mult_le_cancel_left_pos power2_eq_square right_inverse)
          finally have "inverse (μ * (1 + t/s))  μ * k" .
          moreover have "0 < μ * (1 + real t / real s)"
            using μ01 0 < s by (simp add: zero_less_mult_iff add_num_frac)
          ultimately have "- log 2 (μ * (1 + real t / real s))  log 2 (μ * k)"
            using μ01 kn0 by (simp add: zero_less_mult_iff flip: log_inverse log_mult)
          then show "- log 2 (μ * (1 + real t / real s))  log 2 μ + log 2 (real k)"
            using μ>0 kn0 log_mult by fastforce
        qed (use True μeq in auto)
        with s>0 bigμ1 True show ?thesis
          by (simp add: μeq h_def mult_le_0_iff)
        case False
        have lek: "1 + t/s  k"
        proof -
          have "real t  real t * real s"
            using True mult_le_cancel_left1 by fastforce
          then have "1 + t/s  1 + t"
            by (simp add: True pos_divide_le_eq)
          also have "  k"
            using t < k by linarith
          finally show ?thesis .
        have "¦s * log 2 (ratio μ s t)¦  k powr (39/40) * log 2 (ratio μ s t)"
          using False "1" by auto
        also have " = k powr (39/40) * (log 2 (μ * (1 + t/s)))"
          by (simp add: μeq)
        also have " = k powr (39/40) * (log 2 μ + log 2 (1 + t/s))"
          using μ01 by (smt (verit, best) divide_nonneg_nonneg log_mult of_nat_0_le_iff) 
        also have "  k powr (39/40) * (log 2 μ + log 2 k)"
          by (smt (verit, best) "1" Transcendental.log_mono divide_nonneg_nonneg lek 
              mult_le_cancel_left_pos of_nat_0_le_iff)
        also have "  h 1 k"
          unfolding h_def using kn0 by force
        finally show ?thesis .
    qed (use log2μk h_def in auto)

    have β: "bigbeta  1 / (real k)2"
      using big53 bigbeta_ge_square l=k by blast
    then have "(μ / bigbeta) ^ s  (μ * (real k)2) ^ s"
      using bb_gt0 kn0 μ01 by (intro power_mono) (auto simp: divide_simps mult.commute)
    also have "  (μ * (real k)2) powr (k powr (39/40))"
      using μ01 bigμ2 1 by (smt (verit) powr_less_mono powr_one_eq_one powr_realpow)
    also have " = 2 powr (log 2 ((μ * (real k)2) powr (k powr (39/40))))"
      by (smt (verit, best) bigμ2 powr_gt_zero powr_log_cancel)
    also have " = 2 powr h 2 k"
      using μ01 bigμ2 kn0 by (simp add: log_powr log_nat_power log_mult h_def)
    finally have : "(μ / bigbeta) ^ s  2 powr h 2 k" .
    have : "nV'  2 powr (g712 k) * (1/μ) ^ k * (1 / (1-μ)) ^ t * 2 powr h 2 k"
      using 59 mult_left_mono [OF , of "2 powr (g712 k) * (1/μ) ^ k * (1 / (1-μ)) ^ t"]
      by (smt (verit) μ01 pos_prod_le powr_nonneg_iff zero_less_divide_iff zero_less_power)
    have *: "log 2 nV'  k * log 2 (1/μ) + t * log 2 (1 / (1-μ)) + (g712 k + h 2 k)"
      using μ01 nV'  2 by (simp add: log_mult log_nat_power order.trans [OF Transcendental.log_mono [OF _ _ ]])

    show ?thesis
    proof -
      have le_ok_fun: "g712 k + h 3 k  ok_fun_11_2 μ k"
        by (simp add: g712_def h_def ok_fun_11_2_def g_def ok_fun_11_2a_def ok_fun_11_2b_def)
      have h3: "h 3 k = h 1 k + h 2 k - real k powr (39/40) * log 2 μ"
        by (simp add: h_def algebra_simps)
      have "0  h 1 k + s * log 2 ((μ * real s + μ * real t) / s)"
        by (smt (verit, del_insts) of_nat_add distrib_left le_h)
      moreover have "log 2 μ < 0"
        using μ01 by simp
      ultimately have "g712 k + h 2 k  s * log 2 (ratio μ s t) + ok_fun_11_2 μ k"
        by (smt (verit, best) kn0 distrib_left h3 le_ok_fun nat_neq_iff of_nat_eq_0_iff pos_prod_lt powr_gt_zero)
      then show "log 2 nV'  k * log 2 (1/μ) + t * log 2 (1 / (1-μ)) + s * log 2 (ratio μ s t) + ok_fun_11_2 μ k"
        using "*" by linarith
    case 2
    then have "s > 0"
      using kn0 powr_gt_zero by fastforce
    define h where "h  λk. real k * log 2 (1 - a * k powr (-1/40))"
    have "s * log 2 (μ / bigbeta) = s * log 2 μ - s * log 2 (bigbeta)"
      using μ01 bb_gt0 2 by (simp add: log_divide algebra_simps)
    also have "  s * log 2 μ - s * log 2 ((1 - a * k powr (-1/40)) * (s / (s + t)))"
      using 2 s>0 ok_less1 by (intro diff_mono order_refl mult_left_mono Transcendental.log_mono) auto
    also have " = s * log 2 μ - s * (log 2 (1 - a * k powr (-1/40)) + log 2 (s / (s + t)))"
      using 0 < s a_def add_log_eq_powr big_le1 by auto
    also have " = s * log 2 (ratio μ s t) - s * log 2 (1 - a * k powr (-1/40))"
      using 0 < μ 0 < s minus_log_eq_powr by (auto simp flip: right_diff_distrib')
    also have " < s * log 2 (ratio μ s t) - h k"
    proof -
      have "log 2 (1 - a * real k powr (-1/40)) < 0"
        using μ01 kn0 a_def ok_less1 by auto
      with s<k show ?thesis
        by (simp add: h_def)
    finally have : "s * log 2 (μ / bigbeta) < s * log 2 (ratio μ s t) - h k" .
    show ?thesis
    proof -
      have le_ok_fun: "g712 k - h k  ok_fun_11_2 μ k"
        by (simp add: g712_def h_def ok_fun_11_2_def g_def ok_fun_11_2a_def a_def ok_fun_11_2c_def)
      have "log 2 nV'  s * log 2 (μ / bigbeta) + k * log 2 (1/μ) + t * log 2 (1 / (1-μ)) + (g712 k)"
      proof (intro order.trans [OF Transcendental.log_mono [OF _ _ 59]])
        show "log 2 (2 powr g712 k * (1/μ) ^ k * (1 / (1-μ)) ^ t * (μ / bigbeta) ^ s)
             s * log 2 (μ / bigbeta) + k * log 2 (1/μ) + t * log 2 (1 / (1-μ)) + g712 k"
          using bb_gt0 μ01 by (simp add: log_mult log_nat_power)
      qed (use nV'  2 in auto)
      with  le_ok_fun show "log 2 nV'  k * log 2 (1/μ) + t * log 2 (1 / (1-μ)) + s * log 2 (ratio μ s t) + ok_fun_11_2 μ k"
        by simp

subsection ‹Lemma 11.3›

text ‹same remark as in Lemma 11.2 about the use of the Ramsey number in the conclusion›
lemma (in Book) From_11_3:
  assumes "l=k"  
  assumes big: "Big_Y_6_1 μ k"
  defines "  Step_class {red_step}" and "𝒮  Step_class {dboost_step}"
  defines "t  card " and "s  card 𝒮"
  defines "nV'  Suc nV"
  assumes 0: "card Y0  nV div 2" and "p0  1/2"
  shows "log 2 nV'  log 2 (RN k (k-t)) + s + t + 2 - ok_fun_61 k"
proof -
  define RS where "RS  Step_class {red_step,dboost_step}"
  have "RS =   𝒮"
    using Step_class_insert ℛ_def 𝒮_def RS_def by blast
  moreover obtain "finite " "finite 𝒮"
    by (simp add: ℛ_def 𝒮_def)
  moreover have "disjnt  𝒮"
    using ℛ_def 𝒮_def disjnt_Step_class by auto
  ultimately have card_RS: "card RS = t+s"
    by (simp add: t_def s_def card_Un_disjnt)
  have 4: "nV'/4  card Y0"
    using 0 card_XY0 by (auto simp: nV'_def odd_iff_mod_2_eq_one)
  have ge0: "0  2 powr ok_fun_61 k * p0 ^ card RS"
    using p0_01 by fastforce
  have "nV'  2"
    using gorder_ge2 nV'_def by linarith
  have "2 powr (- real s - real t + ok_fun_61 k - 2) * nV' = 2 powr (ok_fun_61 k - 2) * (1/2) ^ card RS * nV'"
    by (simp add: powr_add powr_diff powr_minus power_add powr_realpow divide_simps card_RS)
  also have "  2 powr (ok_fun_61 k - 2) * p0 ^ card RS * nV'"
    using power_mono [OF p0  1/2] nV'  2 by auto
  also have "  2 powr (ok_fun_61 k) * p0 ^ card RS * (nV'/4)"
    by (simp add: divide_simps powr_diff split: if_split_asm)
  also have "  2 powr (ok_fun_61 k) * p0 ^ card RS * card Y0"
    using   mult_left_mono [OF 4 ge0 ] by simp
  also have "  card (Yseq halted_point)"
    using Y_6_1 big l=k by (auto simp: RS_def divide_simps split: if_split_asm)
  finally have "2 powr (- real s - real t + ok_fun_61 k - 2) * nV'  card (Yseq halted_point)" .
  { assume "card (Yseq halted_point)  RN k (k-t)"
    then obtain K where K: "K  Yseq halted_point" and "size_clique (k-t) K Red  size_clique k K Blue"
      by (metis RN_commute Red_Blue_RN Yseq_subset_V)
    then have KRed: "size_clique (k-t) K Red"
      using l=k no_Blue_clique by blast
    have "card (K  Aseq halted_point) = k"
    proof (subst card_Un_disjnt)
      show "finite K" "finite (Aseq halted_point)"
        using K finite_Aseq finite_Yseq infinite_super by blast+
      show "disjnt K (Aseq halted_point)"
        using valid_state_seq[of halted_point] K disjnt_subset1
        by (auto simp: valid_state_def disjoint_state_def)
      have "card (Aseq halted_point) = t"
        using red_step_eq_Aseq ℛ_def t_def by presburger
      then show "card K + card (Aseq halted_point) = k"
        using Aseq_less_k[OF] nat_less_le KRed size_clique_def by force
    moreover have "clique (K  Aseq halted_point) Red"
    proof -
      obtain "K  V" "Aseq halted_point  V"
        by (meson Aseq_subset_V KRed size_clique_def)
      moreover have "clique K Red"
        using KRed size_clique_def by blast
      moreover have "clique (Aseq halted_point) Red"
        by (meson A_Red_clique valid_state_seq)
      moreover have "all_edges_betw_un (Aseq halted_point) (Yseq halted_point)  Red"
        using valid_state_seq[of halted_point] K
        by (auto simp: valid_state_def RB_state_def all_edges_betw_un_Un2)
      then have "all_edges_betw_un K (Aseq halted_point)  Red"
        using K all_edges_betw_un_mono2 all_edges_betw_un_commute by blast
      ultimately show ?thesis
        by (simp add: local.clique_Un)
    ultimately have "size_clique k (K  Aseq halted_point) Red"
      using KRed Aseq_subset_V by (auto simp: size_clique_def)
    then have False
      using no_Red_clique by blast
  ultimately have *: "2 powr (- real s - real t + ok_fun_61 k - 2) * nV' < RN k (k-t)"
    by fastforce
  have "- real s - real t + ok_fun_61 k - 2 + log 2 nV' = log 2 (2 powr (- real s - real t + ok_fun_61 k - 2) * nV')"
    using add_log_eq_powr nV'  2 by auto
  also have "  log 2 (RN k (k-t))"
    using "*" Transcendental.log_mono nV'  2 less_eq_real_def by auto
  finally show "log 2 nV'  log 2 (RN k (k - t)) + real s + real t + 2 - ok_fun_61 k"
    by linarith

subsection ‹Theorem 11.1›

(* actually it is undefined when k=0 or x=1; Lean puts ln(0) = 0.
definition FF :: "nat  real  real  real" where
  "FF  λk x y. log 2 (RN k (natreal k - x * real k)) / real k + x + y"

definition GG :: "real  real  real  real" where
  "GG  λμ x y. log 2 (1/μ) + x * log 2 (1/(1-μ)) + y * log 2 (μ * (x+y) / y)"

definition FF_bound :: "nat  real  real" where
  "FF_bound  λk u. FF k 0 u + 1"

lemma log2_RN_ge0: "0  log 2 (RN k k) / k"
proof (cases "k=0")
  case False
  then have "RN k k  1"
    by (simp add: RN_eq_0_iff leI)
  then show ?thesis
    by simp
qed auto

(* even with ln(0) = 0, the singularity requires its own case*)
lemma le_FF_bound:
  assumes x: "x  {0..1}" and "y  {0..u}" 
  shows "FF k x y  FF_bound k u"
proof (cases "k - x*k = 0")
  case True  ―‹to handle the singularity›
  with assms log2_RN_ge0[of k] show ?thesis
    by (simp add: True FF_def FF_bound_def log_def)
  case False
  with gr0I have "k>0" by fastforce
  with False assms have *: "0 < k - x*k"
    using linorder_neqE_linordered_idom by fastforce
  have le_k: "k - x*k  k"
    using x by auto
  then have le_k: "nat k - x*k  k"
    by linarith
  have "log 2 (RN k (nat k - x*k)) / k  log 2 (RN k k) / k"
  proof (intro divide_right_mono Transcendental.log_mono)
    show "0 < real (RN k (nat k - x*k))"
      by (metis RN_eq_0_iff k>0 gr_zeroI * of_nat_0_less_iff zero_less_nat_eq) 
  qed (auto simp: RN_mono le_k)
  then show ?thesis
    using assms False le_SucE by (fastforce simp: FF_def FF_bound_def)

lemma FF2: "y'  y  FF k x y'  FF k x y"
  by (simp add: FF_def)

lemma FF_GG_bound:
  assumes μ: "0 < μ" "μ < 1" and x: "x  {0..1}" and y: "y  {0..μ * x / (1-μ) + η}" 
  shows "min (FF k x y) (GG μ x y) + η  FF_bound k (μ / (1-μ) + η) + η"
proof -
  have FF_ub: "FF k x y  FF_bound k (μ / (1-μ) + η)"
  proof (rule order.trans)
    show "FF k x y  FF_bound k y"
      using x y by (simp add: le_FF_bound)
    have "y  μ / (1-μ) + η"
      using x y μ by simp (smt (verit, best) frac_le mult_left_le)
    then show "FF_bound k y  FF_bound k (μ / (1-μ) + η)"
      by (simp add: FF_bound_def FF_def)
  show ?thesis
    using FF_ub by auto

context P0_min

definition "ok_fun_11_1  λμ k. max (ok_fun_11_2 μ k) (2 - ok_fun_61 k)"

lemma ok_fun_11_1:
  assumes "0<μ" "μ<1" 
  shows "ok_fun_11_1 μ  o(real)"
  unfolding ok_fun_11_1_def
  by (simp add: assms const_smallo_real maxmin_in_smallo ok_fun_11_2 ok_fun_61 sum_in_smallo)

lemma eventually_ok111_le_η:
  assumes "η > 0" and μ: "0<μ" "μ<1" 
  shows "k. ok_fun_11_1 μ k / k  η"
proof -
  have "(λk. ok_fun_11_1 μ k / k)  o(λk. 1)"
    using eventually_mono ok_fun_11_1 [OF μ] by (fastforce simp: smallo_def divide_simps)
  with assms have "k. ¦ok_fun_11_1 μ k¦ / k  η"
    by (auto simp: smallo_def)
  then show ?thesis
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) eventually_mono abs_divide abs_le_D1 abs_of_nat)

lemma eventually_powr_le_η:
  assumes "η > 0" 
  shows "k. (2 / (1-μ)) * k powr (-1/20)  η"
  using assms by real_asymp

definition "Big_From_11_1  
   λη μ k. Big_From_11_2 μ k  Big_ZZ_8_5 μ k  Big_Y_6_1 μ k  ok_fun_11_1 μ k / k  η/2
          (2 / (1-μ)) * k powr (-1/20)  η/2 
          Big_Closer_10_1 (1/101) (natk/100)  3 / (k * ln 2)  η/2  k3"

text ‹In sections 9 and 10 (and by implication all proceeding sections), we needed to consider 
  a closed interval of possible values of @{term μ}. Let's hope, maybe not here. 
The fact below can only be proved with the strict inequality @{term "η > 0"}, 
which is why it is also strict in the theorems depending on this property.›
lemma Big_From_11_1:
  assumes "η > 0" "0<μ" "μ<1" 
  shows "k. Big_From_11_1 η μ k"
proof -
  have "l. Big_Closer_10_1 (1/101) l"
    by (rule Big_Closer_10_1) auto
  then have a: "k. Big_Closer_10_1 (1/101) (natk/100)"
    unfolding eventually_sequentially
    by (meson le_divide_eq_numeral1(1) le_natceiling_iff nat_ceiling_le_eq)
  have b: "k. 3 / (k * ln 2)  η/2"
    using η>0 by real_asymp
  show ?thesis
  unfolding Big_From_11_1_def
  using assms a b Big_From_11_2[of μ μ] Big_ZZ_8_5[of μ μ] Big_Y_6_1[of μ μ]
  using eventually_ok111_le_η[of "η/2"] eventually_powr_le_η [of "η/2"]
  by (auto simp: eventually_conj_iff all_imp_conj_distrib eventually_sequentially)

text ‹The actual proof of theorem 11.1 is now combined with the development of section 12,
since the concepts seem to be inescapably mixed up.›

end (*P0_min*)
