Theory Big_Blue_Steps

section ‹Big Blue Steps: theorems›

theory Big_Blue_Steps imports Book


(*FIXME: move?*)
lemma gbinomial_is_prod: "(a gchoose k) = (i<k. (a - of_nat i) / (1 + of_nat i))"
  unfolding gbinomial_prod_rev
  by (induction k; simp add: divide_simps)

subsection ‹Preliminaries›

text ‹A bounded increasing sequence of finite sets eventually terminates›
lemma Union_incseq_finite:
  assumes fin: "n. finite (A n)" and N: "n. card (A n) < N" and "incseq A"
  shows "F k in sequentially.  (range A) = A k"
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume "¬ ?thesis"
  then have "k. lk.  (range A)  A l"
    using eventually_sequentially by force
  then have "k. lk. ml. A m  A l"
    by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) incseq A cSup_eq_maximum image_iff monotoneD nle_le rangeI)
  then have "k. lk. A l - A k  {}"
    by (metis incseq A diff_shunt_var monotoneD nat_le_linear subset_antisym)
  then obtain f where f: "k. f k  k  A (f k) - A k  {}"
    by metis
  have "card (A ((f^^i)0))  i" for i
  proof (induction i)
    case 0
    then show ?case
      by auto
    case (Suc i)
    have "card (A ((f ^^ i) 0)) < card (A (f ((f ^^ i) 0)))"
      by (metis Diff_cancel incseq A card_seteq f fin leI monotoneD)
    then show ?case
      using Suc by simp
  with N show False
    using linorder_not_less by auto

text ‹Two lemmas for proving "bigness lemmas" over a closed interval›

lemma eventually_all_geI0:
  assumes "F l in sequentially. P a l"  
          "l x. P a l; ax; xb; l  L  P x l"
  shows "F l in sequentially. x. a  x  x  b  P x l"
  by (smt (verit, del_insts) assms eventually_sequentially eventually_elim2)

lemma eventually_all_geI1:
  assumes "F l in sequentially. P b l"  
    "l x. P b l; ax; xb; l  L  P x l"
  shows "F l in sequentially. x. a  x  x  b  P x l"
  by (smt (verit, del_insts) assms eventually_sequentially eventually_elim2)

text ‹Mehta's binomial function: convex on the entire real line and coinciding with 
gchoose under weak conditions›

definition "mfact  λa k. if a < real k - 1 then 0 else prod (λi. a - of_nat i) {0..<k}"

text ‹Mehta's special rule for convexity, my proof›
lemma convex_on_extend:
  fixes f :: "real  real"
  assumes cf: "convex_on {k..} f" and mon: "mono_on {k..} f" 
    and fk: "x. x<k  f x = f k"
  shows "convex_on UNIV f"
proof (intro convex_on_linorderI)
  fix t x y :: real
  assume t: "0 < t" "t < 1" and "x < y"
  let ?u = "((1 - t) *R x + t *R y)"
  show "f ?u  (1 - t) * f x + t * f y"
  proof (cases "k  x")
    case True
    with x < y t show ?thesis
      by (intro convex_onD [OF cf]) auto
    case False
    then have "x < k" and fxk: "f x = f k" by (auto simp: fk)
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "k  y")
      case True
      then have "f y  f k"
        using mon mono_onD by auto
      have kle: "k  (1 - t) * k + t * y"
        using True segment_bound_lemma t by auto
      have fle: "f ((1 - t) *R k + t *R y)  (1 - t) * f k + t * f y"
        using t True by (intro convex_onD [OF cf]) auto
      with False
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "?u < k")
        case True
        then show ?thesis
          using f k  f y fxk fk segment_bound_lemma t by auto
        case False
        have "f ?u  f ((1 - t) *R k + t *R y)"
          using kle x < k False t by (intro mono_onD [OF mon]) auto
        then show ?thesis
          using fle fxk by auto
      case False
      with x < k show ?thesis
        by (simp add: fk convex_bound_lt order_less_imp_le segment_bound_lemma t)
qed auto

lemma convex_mfact: 
  assumes "k>0"
  shows "convex_on UNIV (λa. mfact a k)"
  unfolding mfact_def
proof (rule convex_on_extend)
  show "convex_on {real (k - 1)..} (λa. if a < real k - 1 then 0 else i = 0..<k. a - real i)"
    using convex_gchoose_aux [of k] assms
    apply (simp add: convex_on_def Ball_def)
    by (smt (verit, del_insts) distrib_right mult_cancel_right2 mult_left_mono)
  show "mono_on {real (k - 1)..} (λa. if a < real k - 1 then 0 else i = 0..<k. a - real i)"
    using k > 0 by (auto simp: mono_on_def intro!: prod_mono)
qed (use assms gr0_conv_Suc in force)

definition mbinomial :: "real  nat  real"
  where "mbinomial  λa k. mfact a k / fact k"

lemma convex_mbinomial: "k>0  convex_on UNIV (λx. mbinomial x k)"
  by (simp add: mbinomial_def convex_mfact convex_on_cdiv)

lemma mbinomial_eq_choose [simp]: "mbinomial (real n) k = n choose k"
  by (simp add: binomial_gbinomial gbinomial_prod_rev mbinomial_def mfact_def)

lemma mbinomial_eq_gchoose [simp]: "k  a  mbinomial a k = a gchoose k"
  by (simp add: gbinomial_prod_rev mbinomial_def mfact_def)

subsection ‹Preliminaries: Fact D1›

text ‹from appendix D, page 55›
lemma Fact_D1_73_aux:
  fixes σ::real and m b::nat  
  assumes σ: "0<σ" and bm: "real b < real m"
  shows  "((σ*m) gchoose b) * inverse (m gchoose b) = σ^b * (i<b. 1 - ((1-σ)*i) / (σ * (real m - real i)))"
proof -
  have "((σ*m) gchoose b) * inverse (m gchoose b) = (i<b. (σ*m - i) / (real m - real i))"
    using bm by (simp add: gbinomial_prod_rev prod_dividef atLeast0LessThan)
  also have " = σ^b * (i<b. 1 - ((1-σ)*i) / (σ * (real m - real i)))"
    using bm σ by (induction b) (auto simp: field_simps)
  finally show ?thesis .

text ‹This is fact 4.2 (page 11) as well as equation (73), page 55.›
lemma Fact_D1_73:
  fixes σ::real and m b::nat  
  assumes σ: "0<σ" "σ1" and b: "real b  σ * m / 2"
  shows  "(σ*m) gchoose b  {σ^b * (real m gchoose b) * exp (- (real b ^ 2) / (σ*m)) .. σ^b * (m gchoose b)}"
proof (cases "m=0  b=0")
  case True
  then show ?thesis
    using True assms by auto
  case False
  then have "σ * m / 2 < real m"
    using σ by auto
  with b σ False have bm: "real b < real m"
    by linarith
  then have nonz: "m gchoose b  0"
    by (simp add: flip: binomial_gbinomial)
  have EQ: "((σ*m) gchoose b) * inverse (m gchoose b) = σ^b * (i<b. 1 - ((1-σ)*i) / (σ * (real m - real i)))" 
    using Fact_D1_73_aux 0<σ bm by blast
  also have "  σ ^ b * 1"
  proof (intro mult_left_mono prod_le_1 conjI)
    fix i assume "i  {..<b}"
    with b σ bm show "0  1 - (1 - σ) * i / (σ * (real m - i))"
      by (simp add: field_split_simps)
  qed (use σ bm in auto)
  finally have upper: "(σ*m) gchoose b  σ^b * (m gchoose b)"
    using nonz by (simp add: divide_simps flip: binomial_gbinomial)
  have *: "exp (-2 * real i / (σ*m))  1 - ((1-σ)*i) / (σ * (real m - real i))" if "i<b" for i
  proof -
    have "i  m"
      using bm that by linarith
    have exp_le: "1-x  exp (-2 * x)" if "0 x" "x  1/2" for x::real
    proof -
      have "exp (-2 * x)  inverse (1 + 2*x)"
        using exp_ge_add_one_self that by (simp add: exp_minus)
      also have "  1-x"
        using that by (simp add: mult_left_le field_simps)
      finally show ?thesis .
    have "exp (-2 * real i / (σ*m)) = exp (-2 * (i / (σ*m)))"
      by simp
    also have "  1 - i/(σ * m)"
    using b that by (intro exp_le) auto
    also have "  1 - ((1-σ)*i) / (σ * (real m - real i))"
      using σ b that i  m by (simp add: field_split_simps)
    finally show ?thesis .
  have "sum real {..<b}  real b ^ 2 / 2"
    by (induction b) (auto simp: power2_eq_square algebra_simps)
  with σ have "exp (- (real b ^ 2) / (σ*m))  exp (- (2 * (i<b. i) / (σ*m)))"
    by (simp add: mult_less_0_iff divide_simps)
  also have " = exp (i<b. -2 * real i / (σ*m))"
    by (simp add: sum_negf sum_distrib_left sum_divide_distrib)
  also have " = (i<b. exp (-2 * real i / (σ*m)))"
    using exp_sum by blast
  also have "  (i<b. 1 - ((1-σ)*i) / (σ * (real m - real i)))"
    using * by (force intro: prod_mono)
  finally have "exp (- (real b)2 / (σ * m))  (i<b. 1 - (1 - σ) * i / (σ * (real m - real i)))" .
  with EQ have "σ^b * exp (- (real b ^ 2) / (σ*m))  ((σ*m) gchoose b) * inverse (real m gchoose b)"
    by (simp add: σ)
  with σ bm have lower: "σ^b * (real m gchoose b) * exp (- (real b ^ 2) / (σ*m))  (σ*m) gchoose b"
    by (simp add: field_split_simps flip: binomial_gbinomial)
  with upper show ?thesis 
    by simp

text ‹Exact at zero, so cannot be done using the approximation method›
lemma exp_inequality_17:
  fixes x::real
  assumes "0  x" "x  1/7"
  shows "1 - 4*x/3  exp (-3*x/2)"
proof (cases "x  1/12")
  case True
  have "exp (-3*x/2)  1/(1 + (3*x)/2)"
    using exp_ge_add_one_self [of "3*x/2"] assms
    by (simp add: exp_minus divide_simps)
  also have "  1 - 4*x/3"
    using assms True mult_left_le [of "x*12"] by (simp add: field_simps)
  finally show ?thesis .
  case False
  with assms have "x  {1/12..1/7}"
    by auto
  then show ?thesis
    by (approximation 12 splitting: x=5)

text ‹additional part›
lemma Fact_D1_75:
  fixes σ::real and m b::nat  
  assumes σ: "0<σ" "σ<1" and b: "real b  σ * m / 2" and b': "b  m/7" and σ': "σ  7/15"
  shows  "(σ*m) gchoose b  exp (- (3 * real b ^ 2) / (4*m)) * σ^b * (m gchoose b)"
proof (cases "m=0  b=0")
  case True
  then show ?thesis
    using True assms by auto
  case False
  with b b' σ have bm: "real b < real m"
    by linarith
  have *: "exp (- 3 * real i / (2*m))  1 - ((1-σ)*i) / (σ * (real m - real i))" if "i<b" for i
  proof -
    have im: "0  i/m" "i/m  1/7"
      using b' that by auto
    have "exp (- 3* real i / (2*m))  1 - 4*i / (3*m)"
      using exp_inequality_17 [OF im] by (simp add: mult.commute)
    also have "  1 - 8*i / (7 * (real m - real b))"
    proof -
      have "real i * (real b * 7)  real i * real m"
        using b' by (simp add: mult_left_mono)
      then show ?thesis
        using b' by (simp add: field_split_simps)
    also have "  1 - ((1-σ)*i) / (σ * (real m - real i))"
    proof -
      have 1: "(1 - σ) / σ  8/7"
        using σ σ' that
        by (simp add: field_split_simps)
      have 2: "1 / (real m - real i)  1 / (real m - real b)"
        using σ σ' b'  that by (simp add: field_split_simps)
      have §: "(1 - σ) / (σ * (real m - real i))  8 / (7 * (real m - real b))"
        using mult_mono [OF 1 2] b' that by auto 
      show ?thesis
        using mult_left_mono [OF §, of i]
        by (simp add: mult_of_nat_commute)
    finally show ?thesis .
  have EQ: "((σ*m) gchoose b) * inverse (m gchoose b) = σ^b * (i<b. 1 - ((1-σ)*i) / (σ * (real m - real i)))" 
    using Fact_D1_73_aux 0<σ bm by blast
  have "sum real {..<b}  real b ^ 2 / 2"
    by (induction b) (auto simp: power2_eq_square algebra_simps)
  with σ have "exp (- (3 * real b ^ 2) / (4*m))  exp (- (3 * (i<b. i) / (2*m)))"
    by (simp add: mult_less_0_iff divide_simps)
  also have " = exp (i<b. -3 * real i / (2*m))"
    by (simp add: sum_negf sum_distrib_left sum_divide_distrib)
  also have " = (i<b. exp (-3 * real i / (2*m)))"
    using exp_sum by blast
  also have "  (i<b. 1 - ((1-σ)*i) / (σ * (real m - real i)))"
    using * by (force intro: prod_mono)
  finally have "exp (- (3 * real b ^ 2) / (4*m))  (i<b. 1 - (1-σ) * i / (σ * (real m - real i)))" .
  with EQ have "σ^b * exp (- (3 * real b ^ 2) / (4*m))  ((σ*m) gchoose b) / (m gchoose b)"
    by (simp add: assms field_simps)
  with σ bm show ?thesis
    by (simp add: field_split_simps flip: binomial_gbinomial)

lemma power2_12: "m  12  25 * m2  2^m"
proof (induction m)
  case 0
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Suc m)
  then consider "m=11" | "m12"
    by linarith
  then show ?case
  proof cases
    case 1
    then show ?thesis
      by auto
    case 2
    then have "Suc(m+m)  m*3" "m3"
      using Suc by auto
    then have "25 * Suc (m+m)  25 * (m*m)"
      by (metis le_trans mult_le_mono2)
    with Suc show ?thesis
      by (auto simp: power2_eq_square algebra_simps 2)

text ‹How @{term b} and @{term m} are obtained from @{term l}
definition b_of where "b_of  λl::nat. natl powr (1/4)"
definition m_of where "m_of  λl::nat. natl powr (2/3)"

definition "Big_Blue_4_1  
      λμ l. m_of l  12    l  (6/μ) powr (12/5)    l  15
                1  5/4 * exp (- real((b_of l)2) / ((μ - 2/l) * m_of l))    μ > 2/l
                2/l  (μ - 2/l) * ((5/4) powr (1/b_of l) - 1)"

text ‹Establishing the size requirements for 4.1.
   NOTE: it doesn't become clear until SECTION 9 that all bounds involving
     the parameter @{term μ} must hold for a RANGE of values›
lemma Big_Blue_4_1:
  assumes "0<μ0"
  shows "l. μ. μ  {μ0..μ1}  Big_Blue_4_1 μ l"
proof -
  have 3: "3 / μ0 > 0"
    using assms by force
  have 2: "μ0 * nat 3 / μ0 > 2"
    by (smt (verit, best) mult.commute assms of_nat_ceiling pos_less_divide_eq)
  have "l. 12  m_of l"
    unfolding m_of_def by real_asymp
  moreover have "l. μ. μ0  μ  μ  μ1  (6 / μ) powr (12 / 5)  l"
    using assms
    apply (intro eventually_all_geI0, real_asymp)
    by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) divide_pos_pos frac_le powr_mono2)
  moreover have "l. μ. μ0  μ  μ  μ1  4  5 * exp (- ((real (b_of l))2 / ((μ - 2/l) * real (m_of l))))"
  proof (intro eventually_all_geI0 [where L = "nat 3/μ0"])
    show "l. 4  5 * exp (- ((real (b_of l))2 / ((μ0 - 2/l) * real (m_of l))))"
    unfolding b_of_def m_of_def using assms by real_asymp
    fix l μ
    assume §: "4  5 * exp (- ((real (b_of l))2 / ((μ0 - 2/l) * real (m_of l))))"
      and "μ0  μ" "μ  μ1" and lel: "nat 3 / μ0  l"
    then have "l>0"
      using "3" by linarith
    then have 0: "m_of l > 0"
      using 3 by (auto simp: m_of_def)
    have "μ0 > 2/l"
      using lel assms by (auto simp: divide_simps mult.commute)
    then show "4  5 * exp (- ((real (b_of l))2 / ((μ - 2/l) * real (m_of l))))"
      using order_trans [OF §] by (simp add: "0" μ0  μ frac_le)
  moreover have "l. μ. μ0  μ  μ  μ1  2/l < μ"
    using assms by (intro eventually_all_geI0, real_asymp, linarith)
  moreover have "l. μ. μ0  μ  μ  μ1  2/l  (μ - 2/l) * ((5 / 4) powr (1 / real (b_of l)) - 1)"
  proof -
    have "l μ. μ0  μ  μ0 - 2/l  μ - 2/l"
      by (auto simp: divide_simps ge_one_powr_ge_zero mult.commute) 
    show ?thesis
      using assms
      unfolding b_of_def
      apply (intro eventually_all_geI0, real_asymp)
      by (smt (verit, best) divide_le_eq_1 ge_one_powr_ge_zero mult_right_mono of_nat_0_le_iff zero_le_divide_1_iff)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by (auto simp: Big_Blue_4_1_def eventually_conj_iff all_imp_conj_distrib)

context Book

proposition Blue_4_1:
  assumes "XV" and manyb: "many_bluish X"
    and big: "Big_Blue_4_1 μ l"
  shows "S T. good_blue_book X (S,T)  card S  l powr (1/4)"
proof -
  have lpowr0[simp]: "0  l powr r" for r
    by (metis ceiling_mono ceiling_zero powr_ge_zero)
  define b where "b  b_of l"
  define W where "W  {xX. bluish X x}"
  define m where "m  m_of l"
  have "m>0" "m  6" "m  12" "b>0"
    using big by (auto simp: Big_Blue_4_1_def m_def b_def b_of_def)
  have Wbig: "card W  RN k m"
    using manyb by (simp add: W_def m_def m_of_def many_bluish_def)
  with Red_Blue_RN obtain U where "U  W" and U_m_Blue: "size_clique m U Blue"
    by (metis W_def X  V mem_Collect_eq no_Red_clique subset_eq)
  then obtain "card U = m" and "clique U Blue" and "U  V" "finite U"
    by (simp add: finV finite_subset size_clique_def)
  have "finite X"
    using XV finV finite_subset by auto
  have "k  RN k m"
    using m12 by (simp add: RN_3plus')
  moreover have "card W  card X"
    by (simp add: W_def finite X card_mono)
  ultimately have "card X  l"
    using Wbig l_le_k by linarith
  then have "U  X"
    by (metis U_m_Blue card U = m le_eq_less_or_eq no_Blue_clique size_clique_smaller)
  then have "U  X"
    using W_def U  W by blast
  then have cardU_less_X: "card U < card X"
    by (meson XV finV finite_subset psubset_card_mono)
  with XV have cardXU: "card (X-U) = card X - card U"
    by (meson U  X card_Diff_subset finV finite_subset psubset_imp_subset)
  then have real_cardXU: "real (card (X-U)) = real (card X) - m"
    using card U = m cardU_less_X by linarith
  have [simp]: "m  card X"
    using card U = m cardU_less_X nless_le by blast
  have lpowr23: "real l powr (2/3)  real l powr 1"
    using ln0 by (intro powr_mono) auto
  then have "m  l" "mk"
    using l_le_k by (auto simp: m_def m_of_def)
  then have "m < RN k m"
    using 12  m RN_gt2 by auto
  also have cX: "RN k m  card X"
    using Wbig card W  card X by linarith
  finally have "card U < card X"
    using card U = m by blast
  text ‹First part of (10)›
  have "card U * (μ * card X - card U) = m * (μ * (card X - card U)) - (1-μ) * m2"
    using cardU_less_X by (simp add: card U = m algebra_simps of_nat_diff numeral_2_eq_2)
  also have "  real (card (Blue  all_edges_betw_un U (X-U)))"
  proof -
    have dfam: "disjoint_family_on (λu. Blue  all_edges_betw_un {u} (X-U)) U"
      by (auto simp: disjoint_family_on_def all_edges_betw_un_def)
    have "μ * (card X - card U)  card (Blue  all_edges_betw_un {u} (X-U)) + (1-μ) * m" 
      if "u  U" for u
    proof -
      have NBU: "Neighbours Blue u  U = U - {u}"
        using clique U Blue Red_Blue_all singleton_not_edge that 
        by (force simp: Neighbours_def clique_def)
      then have NBX_split: "(Neighbours Blue u  X) = (Neighbours Blue u  (X-U))  (U - {u})"
        using U  X by blast
      moreover have "Neighbours Blue u  (X-U)  (U - {u}) = {}"
        by blast
      ultimately have "card(Neighbours Blue u  X) = card(Neighbours Blue u  (X-U)) + (m - Suc 0)"
        by (simp add: card_Un_disjoint finite_Neighbours finite U card U = m that)
      then have "μ * (card X)  real (card (Neighbours Blue u  (X-U))) + real (m - Suc 0)"
        using W_def U  W bluish_def that by force
      then have "μ * (card X - card U) 
                 card (Neighbours Blue u  (X-U)) + real (m - Suc 0) - μ *card U"
        by (smt (verit) cardU_less_X nless_le of_nat_diff right_diff_distrib')
      then have *: "μ * (card X - card U)  real (card (Neighbours Blue u  (X-U))) + (1-μ)*m"
        using assms by (simp add: card U = m left_diff_distrib)
      have "inj_on (λx. {u,x}) (Neighbours Blue u  X)"
        by (simp add: doubleton_eq_iff inj_on_def)
      moreover have "(λx. {u,x}) ` (Neighbours Blue u  (X-U))  Blue  all_edges_betw_un {u} (X-U)"
        using Blue_E by (auto simp: Neighbours_def all_edges_betw_un_def)
      ultimately have "card (Neighbours Blue u  (X-U))  card (Blue  all_edges_betw_un {u} (X-U))"
        by (metis NBX_split card_inj_on_le finite_Blue finite_Int inj_on_Un)
      with * show ?thesis
        by auto
    then have "(card U) * (μ * real (card X - card U))
              (xU. card (Blue  all_edges_betw_un {x} (X-U)) + (1-μ) * m)"
      by (meson sum_bounded_below)
    then have "m * (μ * (card X - card U))
              (xU. card (Blue  all_edges_betw_un {x} (X-U))) + (1-μ) * m2"
      by (simp add: sum.distrib power2_eq_square card U = m mult_ac)
    also have "  card (uU. Blue  all_edges_betw_un {u} (X-U)) + (1-μ) * m2"
      by (simp add: dfam card_UN_disjoint' finite U flip: UN_simps)
    finally have "m * (μ * (card X - card U)) 
                 card (uU. Blue  all_edges_betw_un {u} (X-U)) + (1-μ) * m2" .
    moreover have "(uU. Blue  all_edges_betw_un {u} (X-U)) = (Blue  all_edges_betw_un U (X-U))"
      by (auto simp: all_edges_betw_un_def)
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by simp
  also have "  edge_card Blue U (X-U)"
    by (simp add: edge_card_def)
  finally have edge_card_XU: "edge_card Blue U (X-U)  card U * (μ * card X - card U)" .
  define σ where "σ  blue_density U (X-U)"
  then have "σ  0" by (simp add: gen_density_ge0)
  have "σ  1"
    by (simp add: σ_def gen_density_le1)
  have 6: "real (6*k)  real (2 + k*m)"
    by (metis mult.commute 6m mult_le_mono2 of_nat_mono trans_le_add2)
  then have km: "k + m  Suc (k * m)"
    using big l_le_k m  l by linarith
  have "m/2 * (2 + real k * (1-μ))  m/2 * (2 + real k)"
    using assms μ01 by (simp add: algebra_simps)
  also have "  (k - 1) * (m - 1)"
    using big l_le_k 6 mk by (simp add: Big_Blue_4_1_def algebra_simps add_divide_distrib km)
  finally  have "(m/2) * (2 + k * (1-μ))  RN k m"
    using RN_times_lower' [of k m] by linarith
  then have "μ - 2/k  (μ * card X - card U) / (card X - card U)"
    using kn0 assms cardU_less_X card U = m cX by (simp add: field_simps)
  also have "  σ"
    using m>0 card U = m cardU_less_X cardXU edge_card_XU
    by (simp add: σ_def gen_density_def divide_simps mult_ac)
  finally have eq10: "μ - 2/k  σ" .
  have "2 * b / m  μ - 2/k"
  proof -
    have 512: "5/12  (1::real)"
      by simp
    with big have "l powr (5/12)  ((6/μ) powr (12/5)) powr (5/12)"
      by (simp add: Big_Blue_4_1_def powr_mono2)
    then have lge: "l powr (5/12)  6/μ"
      using assms μ01 powr_powr by force
    have "2 * b  2 * (l powr (1/4) + 1)"
      by (simp add: b_def b_of_def del: zero_le_ceiling distrib_left_numeral)
    then have "2*b / m + 2/l  2 * (l powr (1/4) + 1) / l powr (2/3) + 2/l"
      by (simp add: m_def m_of_def frac_le ln0 del: zero_le_ceiling distrib_left_numeral)
    also have "  (2 * l powr (1/4) + 4) / l powr (2/3)"
      using ln0 lpowr23 by (simp add: pos_le_divide_eq pos_divide_le_eq add_divide_distrib algebra_simps)
    also have "  (2 * l powr (1/4) + 4 * l powr (1/4)) / l powr (2/3)"
      using big by (simp add: Big_Blue_4_1_def divide_right_mono ge_one_powr_ge_zero)
    also have " = 6 / l powr (5/12)"
      by (simp add: divide_simps flip: powr_add)
    also have "  μ"
      using lge assms μ01 by (simp add: divide_le_eq mult.commute)
    finally have "2*b / m + 2/l  μ" .
    then show ?thesis
      using l_le_k m>0 ln0
      by (smt (verit, best) frac_le of_nat_0_less_iff of_nat_mono)
  with eq10 have "2 / (m/b)  σ"
    by simp
  moreover have "l powr (2/3)  nat real l powr (2/3)"
    using of_nat_ceiling by blast
  ultimately have ble: "b  σ * m / 2"
    using mult_left_mono σ  0 big kn0 l_le_k 
    by (simp add: Big_Blue_4_1_def powr_diff b_def m_def divide_simps)
  then have "σ > 0"
    using 0 < b 0  σ less_eq_real_def by force

  define Φ where "Φ  v  X-U. card (Neighbours Blue v  U) choose b"
  text ‹now for the material between (10) and (11)›
  have "σ * real m / 2  m"
    using σ  1 m>0 by auto
  with ble have "b  m"
    by linarith
  have "μ^b * 1 * card X  (5/4 * σ^b) * (5/4 * exp(- real(b2) / (σ*m))) * (5/4 * (card X - m))"
  proof (intro mult_mono)
    have 2: "2/k  2/l"
      by (simp add: l_le_k frac_le ln0)
    also have "  (μ - 2/l) * ((5/4) powr (1/b) - 1)"
      using big by (simp add: Big_Blue_4_1_def b_def)
    also have "  σ * ((5/4) powr (1/b) - 1)"
      using "2" 0 < b eq10 by auto
    finally have "2 / real k  σ * ((5/4) powr (1/b) - 1)" .
    then have 1: "μ  (5/4)powr(1/b) * σ"
      using eq10 b>0 by (simp add: algebra_simps)
    show "μ ^ b  5/4 * σ ^ b"
      using power_mono[OF 1, of b] assms σ>0 b>0 μ01
      by (simp add: powr_mult powr_powr flip: powr_realpow)
    have "μ - 2/l  σ"
      using "2" eq10 by linarith
    moreover have "2/l < μ"
      using big by (auto simp: Big_Blue_4_1_def) 
    ultimately have "exp (- real(b2) / ((μ - 2/l) * m))  exp (- real (b2) / (σ * m))"
      using σ>0 m>0 by (simp add: frac_le)
    then show "1  5/4 * exp (- real(b2) / (σ * real m))"
      using big unfolding Big_Blue_4_1_def b_def m_def
      by (smt (verit, best) divide_minus_left frac_le mult_left_mono)
    have "25 * (real m * real m)  2 powr m"
      using of_nat_mono [OF power2_12 [OF 12  m]] by (simp add: power2_eq_square powr_realpow)
    then have "real (5 * m)   2 powr (real m / 2)"
      by (simp add: powr_half_sqrt_powr power2_eq_square real_le_rsqrt)
    have "card X > 2 powr (m/2)"
      by (metis RN_commute RN_lower_nodiag 6  m mk add_leE less_le_trans cX numeral_Bit0 of_nat_mono)
    ultimately have "5 * m  real (card X)"
      by linarith
    then show "card X  5/4 * (card X - m)"
      using card U = m cardU_less_X by simp
  qed (use 0  σ in auto)
  also have " = (125/64) * (σ^b) * exp(- (real b)2 / (σ*m)) * (card X - m)"
    by simp
  also have "  2 * (σ^b) * exp(- (real b)2 / (σ*m)) * (card X - m)"
    by (intro mult_right_mono) (auto simp: 0  σ)
  finally have "μ^b/2 * card X  σ^b * exp(- of_nat (b2) / (σ*m)) * card (X-U)"
    by (simp add: card U = m cardXU real_cardXU)
  also have "  1/(m choose b) * ((σ*m) gchoose b) * card (X-U)"
  proof (intro mult_right_mono)
    have "0 < real m gchoose b"
      by (metis b  m binomial_gbinomial of_nat_0_less_iff zero_less_binomial_iff)
    then have "σ ^ b * ((real m gchoose b) * exp (- ((real b)2 / (σ * real m))))  σ * real m gchoose b"
      using Fact_D1_73 [OF σ>0 σ1 ble] bm cardU_less_X 0 < σ
      by (simp add: field_split_simps binomial_gbinomial)
    then show "σ^b * exp (- real (b2) / (σ * m))  1/(m choose b) * (σ * m gchoose b)"
      using bm cardU_less_X 0 < σ 0 < m gchoose b
      by (simp add: field_split_simps binomial_gbinomial)
  qed auto
  also have "  1/(m choose b) * Φ"
    unfolding mult.assoc
  proof (intro mult_left_mono)
    have eeq: "edge_card Blue U (X-U) = (iX-U. card (Neighbours Blue i  U))"
    proof (intro edge_card_eq_sum_Neighbours)
      show "finite (X-U)"
        by (meson XV finV finite_Diff finite_subset)
    qed (use disjnt_def Blue_E in auto)
    have "(iX - U. card (Neighbours Blue i  U)) / (real (card X) - m) = blue_density U (X-U) * m"
      using m>0 by (simp add: gen_density_def real_cardXU card U = m eeq divide_simps)
    then have *: "(iX - U. real (card (Neighbours Blue i  U)) /R real (card (X-U))) = σ * m"
      by (simp add: σ_def divide_inverse_commute real_cardXU flip: sum_distrib_left)
    have "mbinomial (iX - U. real (card (Neighbours Blue i  U)) /R (card (X-U))) b 
          (iX - U. inverse (real (card (X-U))) * mbinomial (card (Neighbours Blue i  U)) b)"
    proof (rule convex_on_sum)
      show "finite (X-U)"
        using cardU_less_X zero_less_diff by fastforce
      show "convex_on UNIV (λa. mbinomial a b)"
        by (simp add: 0 < b convex_mbinomial)
      show "(iX - U. inverse (card (X-U))) = 1"
        using cardU_less_X cardXU by force
    qed (use U  X in auto)
    with ble 
    show "(σ*m gchoose b) * card (X-U)  Φ"
      unfolding * Φ_def 
      by (simp add: cardU_less_X cardXU binomial_gbinomial divide_simps flip: sum_distrib_left sum_divide_distrib)
  qed auto
  finally have 11: "μ^b / 2 * card X  Φ / (m choose b)"
    by simp 

  define Ω where "Ω  nsets U b"  ―‹Choose a random subset of size @{term b}
  have cardΩ: "card Ω = m choose b"
    by (simp add: Ω_def card U = m)
  then have finΩ: "finite Ω" and "Ω  {}" and "card Ω > 0"
    using b  m not_less by fastforce+
  define M where "M  uniform_count_measure Ω"
  interpret P: prob_space M
    using M_def b  m cardΩ finΩ prob_space_uniform_count_measure by force
  have measure_eq: "measure M C = (if C  Ω then card C / card Ω else 0)" for C
    by (simp add: M_def finΩ measure_uniform_count_measure_if) 

  define Int_NB where "Int_NB  λS. vS. Neighbours Blue v  (X-U)"
  have sum_card_NB: "(AΩ. card ((Neighbours Blue ` A)  Y)) 
                     = (vY. card (Neighbours Blue v  U) choose b)"
    if "finite Y" "Y  X-U" for Y
    using that
  proof (induction Y)
    case (insert y Y)
    have *: "Ω  {A. xA. y  Neighbours Blue x} = nsets (Neighbours Blue y  U) b"
      "Ω  - {A. xA. y  Neighbours Blue x} = Ω - nsets (Neighbours Blue y  U) b"
      "[Neighbours Blue y  U]⇗b Ω"
      using insert.prems by (auto simp: Ω_def nsets_def in_Neighbours_iff insert_commute)
    then show ?case
      using insert finΩ 
      by (simp add: Int_insert_right sum_Suc sum.If_cases if_distrib [of card] 
          sum.subset_diff flip: insert.IH)
  qed auto

  have "(xΩ. card (if x = {} then UNIV else  (Neighbours Blue ` x)  (X-U))) 
        = (xΩ. card ( (Neighbours Blue ` x)  (X-U)))"
    unfolding Ω_def nsets_def using 0 < b by (force intro: sum.cong)
  also have " = (vX - U. card (Neighbours Blue v  U) choose b)"
    by (metis sum_card_NB XV dual_order.refl finV finite_Diff rev_finite_subset)
  finally have "sum (card o Int_NB) Ω = Φ"
    by (simp add: Ω_def Φ_def Int_NB_def)
  have "ennreal (P.expectation (λS. card (Int_NB S))) = sum (card o Int_NB) Ω / (card Ω)"
    using integral_uniform_count_measure M_def finΩ by fastforce
  ultimately have P: "P.expectation (λS. card (Int_NB S)) = Φ / (m choose b)"
    by (metis Bochner_Integration.integral_nonneg cardΩ divide_nonneg_nonneg ennreal_inj of_nat_0_le_iff)
  have False if "S. S  Ω  card (Int_NB S) < Φ / (m choose b)"
  proof -
    define L where "L  (λS. Φ / real (m choose b) - card (Int_NB S)) ` Ω"
    have "finite L" "L  {}"
      using L_def finΩ  Ω{} by blast+
    define ε where "ε  Min L"
    have "ε > 0"
      using that finΩ Ω  {} by (simp add: L_def ε_def)
    then have "S. S  Ω  card (Int_NB S)  Φ / (m choose b) - ε"
      using Min_le [OF finite L] by (fastforce simp: algebra_simps ε_def L_def)
    then have "P.expectation (λS. card (Int_NB S))  Φ / (m choose b) - ε"
      using P P.not_empty not_integrable_integral_eq ε > 0
      by (intro P.integral_le_const) (fastforce simp: M_def space_uniform_count_measure)+
    then show False
      using P 0 < ε by auto
  then obtain S where "S  Ω" and Sge: "card (Int_NB S)  Φ / (m choose b)"
    using linorder_not_le by blast
  then have "S  U"
    by (simp add: Ω_def nsets_def subset_iff)
  have "card S = b" "clique S Blue"
    using S  Ω U  V clique U Blue smaller_clique 
    unfolding Ω_def nsets_def size_clique_def by auto
  have "Φ / (m choose b)  μ^b * card X / 2"
    using 11 by simp
  then have S: "card (Int_NB S)  μ^b * card X / 2"
    using Sge by linarith
  obtain v where "v  S"
    using 0 < b card S = b by fastforce
  have "all_edges_betw_un S (S  Int_NB S)  Blue"
    using clique S Blue
    unfolding all_edges_betw_un_def Neighbours_def clique_def Int_NB_def by fastforce
  then have "good_blue_book X (S, Int_NB S)"
    using SU v  S U  X S card S = b
    unfolding good_blue_book_def book_def size_clique_def Int_NB_def disjnt_iff
    by blast
  then show ?thesis
    by (metis card S = b b_def b_of_def of_nat_ceiling)

text ‹Lemma 4.3›
proposition bblue_step_limit:
  assumes big: "Big_Blue_4_1 μ l"
  shows "card (Step_class {bblue_step})  l powr (3/4)"
proof -
  define BBLUES where "BBLUES  λr. {m. m < r  stepper_kind m = bblue_step}"
  have cardB_ge: "card (Bseq n)  b_of l * card(BBLUES n)"
    for n
  proof (induction n)
    case 0 then show ?case by (auto simp: BBLUES_def)
    case (Suc n)
    show ?case
    proof (cases "stepper_kind n = bblue_step")
      case True
      have [simp]: "card (insert n (BBLUES n)) = Suc (card (BBLUES n))"
        by (simp add: BBLUES_def)
      have card_B': "card (Bseq (Suc n))  b_of l * card (BBLUES n)"
        using Suc.IH
        by (meson Bseq_Suc_subset card_mono finite_Bseq le_trans)

      define S where "S  fst (choose_blue_book (Xseq n, Yseq n, Aseq n, Bseq n))"
      have BSuc: "Bseq (Suc n) = Bseq n  S" 
        and manyb: "many_bluish (Xseq n)" 
        and cbb: "choose_blue_book (Xseq n, Yseq n, Aseq n, Bseq n) = (S, Xseq (Suc n))" 
        and same: "Aseq (Suc n) = Aseq n" "Yseq (Suc n) = Yseq n"
        using True
        by (force simp: S_def step_kind_defs next_state_def split: prod.split if_split_asm)+  

      have l14: "l powr (1/4)  card S"
        using Blue_4_1 [OF Xseq_subset_V manyb big]
        by (smt (verit, best) choose_blue_book_works best_blue_book_is_best cbb finite_Xseq of_nat_mono)
      then have ble: "b_of l  card S"
        using b_of_def nat_ceiling_le_eq by presburger
      have S: "good_blue_book (Xseq n) (S, Xseq (Suc n))"
        by (metis cbb choose_blue_book_works finite_Xseq)
      then have "card S  best_blue_book_card (Xseq n)"
        by (simp add: best_blue_book_is_best finite_Xseq)
      have finS: "finite S"
        using ln0 l14 card.infinite by force 
      have "disjnt (Bseq n) (Xseq n)"
        using valid_state_seq [of n]
        by (auto simp: Bseq_def Xseq_def valid_state_def disjoint_state_def disjnt_iff split: prod.split_asm)
      then have dBS: "disjnt (Bseq n) S"
        using S cbb by (force simp: good_blue_book_def book_def disjnt_iff) 
      have eq: "BBLUES(Suc n) = insert n (BBLUES n)"
        using less_Suc_eq True unfolding BBLUES_def by blast
      then have "b_of l * card (BBLUES (Suc n)) = b_of l + b_of l * card (BBLUES n)"
        by auto
      also have "  card (Bseq n) + card S"
        using ble card_B' Suc.IH by linarith
      also have "  card (Bseq n  S)"
        using ble dBS by (simp add: card_Un_disjnt finS finite_Bseq)
      finally have **: "b_of l * card (BBLUES (Suc n))  card (Bseq (Suc n))"
        using order.trans BSuc by argo 
      then show ?thesis
        by (simp add: BBLUES_def)
      case False
      then have "BBLUES(Suc n) = BBLUES n"
        using less_Suc_eq by (auto simp: BBLUES_def) 
      then show ?thesis
        by (metis Bseq_Suc_subset Suc.IH card_mono finite_Bseq le_trans)
  { assume §: "card (Step_class {bblue_step}) > l powr (3/4)"
    then have fin: "finite (Step_class {bblue_step})"
      using card.infinite by fastforce
    then obtain n where n: "(Step_class {bblue_step}) = {m. m<n  stepper_kind m = bblue_step}"
      using Step_class_iterates by blast
    with § have card_gt: "card{m. m<n  stepper_kind m = bblue_step} > l powr (3/4)"
      by (simp add: n)
    have "l = l powr (1/4) * l powr (3/4)"
      by (simp flip: powr_add)
    also have "  b_of l * l powr (3/4)"
      by (simp add: b_of_def mult_mono')
    also have "  b_of l * card{m. m<n  stepper_kind m = bblue_step}"
      using card_gt less_eq_real_def by fastforce
    also have "  card (Bseq n)"
      using cardB_ge step of_nat_mono unfolding BBLUES_def by blast
    also have " < l"
      by (simp add: Bseq_less_l)
    finally have False
      by simp
  then show ?thesis by force

lemma red_steps_eq_A:
  defines "REDS  λr. {i. i < r  stepper_kind i = red_step}"
  shows "card(REDS n) = card (Aseq n)"
proof (induction n)
  case 0
  then show ?case
    by (auto simp: REDS_def)
  case (Suc n)
  show ?case
  proof (cases "stepper_kind n = red_step")
    case True
    then have [simp]: "REDS (Suc n) = insert n (REDS n)" "card (insert n (REDS n)) = Suc (card (REDS n))"
      by (auto simp: REDS_def)
    have Aeq: "Aseq (Suc n) = insert (choose_central_vx (Xseq n,Yseq n,Aseq n,Bseq n)) (Aseq n)"
      using Suc.prems True 
      by (auto simp: step_kind_defs next_state_def split: if_split_asm prod.split)
    have "finite (Xseq n)"
      using finite_Xseq by presburger
    then have "choose_central_vx (Xseq n,Yseq n,Aseq n,Bseq n)  Xseq n"
      using True
      by (simp add: step_kind_defs choose_central_vx_X split: if_split_asm prod.split_asm)
    moreover have "disjnt (Xseq n) (Aseq n)"
      using valid_state_seq by (simp add: valid_state_def disjoint_state_def)
    ultimately have "choose_central_vx (Xseq n,Yseq n,Aseq n,Bseq n)  Aseq n"
      by (simp add: disjnt_iff)
    then show ?thesis
      by (simp add: Aeq Suc.IH finite_Aseq)
    case False
    then have "REDS(Suc n) = REDS n"
      using less_Suc_eq unfolding REDS_def by blast
    moreover have "Aseq (Suc n) = Aseq n"
      using False
      by (auto simp: step_kind_defs degree_reg_def next_state_def split: prod.split)
    ultimately show ?thesis
      using Suc.IH by presburger

proposition red_step_eq_Aseq: "card (Step_class {red_step}) = card (Aseq halted_point)"
proof -
  have "card{i. i < halted_point  stepper_kind i = red_step} = card (Aseq halted_point)"
    by (rule red_steps_eq_A)
  moreover have "(Step_class {red_step}) = {i. i < halted_point  stepper_kind i = red_step}"
    using halted_point_minimal' by (fastforce simp: Step_class_def)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by argo

proposition red_step_limit: "card (Step_class {red_step}) < k"
  using Aseq_less_k red_step_eq_Aseq by presburger

proposition bblue_dboost_step_limit:
  assumes big: "Big_Blue_4_1 μ l"
  shows "card (Step_class {bblue_step}) + card (Step_class {dboost_step}) < l"
proof -
  define BDB where "BDB  λr. {i. i < r  stepper_kind i  {bblue_step,dboost_step}}"
  have *: "card(BDB n)  card B"  ―‹looks clunky but gives access to all state components›
    if "stepper n = (X,Y,A,B)" for n X Y A B
    using that
  proof (induction n arbitrary: X Y A B)
    case 0
    then show ?case
      by (auto simp: BDB_def)
    case (Suc n)
    obtain X' Y' A' B' where step_n: "stepper n = (X',Y',A',B')"
      by (metis surj_pair)
    then obtain "valid_state (X',Y',A',B')" and "V_state (X',Y',A',B')"
      and disjst: "disjoint_state(X',Y',A',B')" and "finite X'"
      by (metis finX valid_state_def valid_state_stepper)
    have "B'  B"
      using Suc.prems by (auto simp: next_state_def Let_def degree_reg_def step_n split: prod.split_asm if_split_asm)
    show ?case
    proof (cases "stepper_kind n  {bblue_step,dboost_step}")
      case True
      then have "BDB (Suc n) = insert n (BDB n)"
        by (auto simp: BDB_def)
      moreover have "card (insert n (BDB n)) = Suc (card (BDB n))"
        by (simp add: BDB_def)
      ultimately have card_Suc[simp]: "card (BDB (Suc n)) = Suc (card (BDB n))"
        by presburger
      have card_B': "card (BDB n)  card B'"
        using step_n BDB_def Suc.IH by blast
      consider "stepper_kind n = bblue_step" | "stepper_kind n = dboost_step"
        using True by force
      then have Bigger: "B'  B"
      proof cases
        case 1
        then have "¬ termination_condition X' Y'"
          by (auto simp: stepper_kind_def step_n)
        with 1 obtain S where "A' = A" "Y' = Y" and manyb: "many_bluish X'" 
          and cbb: "choose_blue_book (X',Y,A,B') = (S,X)" and le_cardB: "B = B'  S"
          using Suc.prems 
          by (auto simp: step_kind_defs next_state_def step_n split: prod.split_asm if_split_asm)
        then obtain "X'  V" "finite X'"
          using Xseq_subset_V finite X' step_n stepper_XYseq by blast
        then have "l powr (1/4)  real (card S)"
          using Blue_4_1 [OF _ manyb big]
          by (smt (verit, best) of_nat_mono best_blue_book_is_best cbb choose_blue_book_works)
        then have "S  {}"
          using ln0 by fastforce
        moreover have "disjnt B' S"
          using choose_blue_book_subset [OF finite X'] disjst cbb
          unfolding disjoint_state_def
          by (smt (verit) in_mono A' = A Y' = Y disjnt_iff
        ultimately show ?thesis
          by (metis B'  B disjnt_Un1 disjnt_self_iff_empty le_cardB psubsetI)
        case 2
        then have "choose_central_vx (X',Y',A',B')  X'"
          unfolding step_kind_defs 
          by (auto simp: finite X' choose_central_vx_X step_n split: if_split_asm)
        moreover have "disjnt B' X'"
          using disjst disjnt_sym by (force simp: disjoint_state_def)
        ultimately have "choose_central_vx (X',Y',A',B')  B'"
          by (meson disjnt_iff)
        then show ?thesis
          using 2 Suc.prems 
          by (auto simp: step_kind_defs next_state_def step_n split: if_split_asm)
      moreover have "finite B"
        by (metis Suc.prems V_state_stepper finB)
      ultimately show ?thesis
        by (metis card_B' card_Suc card_seteq le_trans not_less_eq_eq psubset_eq)
      case False
      then have "BDB (Suc n) = BDB n"
        using less_Suc_eq unfolding BDB_def by blast
      with B'  B Suc show ?thesis
        by (metis V_state_stepper card_mono finB le_trans step_n)
  have less_l: "card (BDB n) < l" for n
    by (meson card_B_limit * order.trans linorder_not_le prod_cases4)
  moreover have fin: "n. finite (BDB n)" "incseq BDB"
    by (auto simp: BDB_def incseq_def)
  ultimately have **: "n.  (range BDB) = BDB n"
    using Union_incseq_finite by blast
  then have "finite ( (range BDB))"
    using BDB_def eventually_sequentially by force
  moreover have Uneq: " (range BDB) = Step_class {bblue_step,dboost_step}"
    by (auto simp: Step_class_def BDB_def)
  ultimately have fin: "finite (Step_class {bblue_step,dboost_step})"
    by fastforce
  obtain n where " (range BDB) = BDB n"
    using ** by force
  then have "card (BDB n) = card (Step_class {bblue_step}  Step_class {dboost_step})"
    by (metis Step_class_insert Uneq)
  also have " = card (Step_class {bblue_step}) + card (Step_class {dboost_step})"
    by (simp add: card_Un_disjnt disjnt_Step_class)
  finally show ?thesis
    by (metis less_l)

