Theory Implement

section ‹Implementation›

theory Implement

  subsection ‹Syntax›

  (* TODO: this syntax has unnecessarily high inner binding strength, requiring extra parentheses
    the regular let syntax correctly uses inner binding strength 0: ("(2_ =/ _)" 10) *)
  no_syntax "_do_let" :: "[pttrn, 'a]  do_bind" ((‹indent=2 notation=‹infix do let››let _ =/ _) [1000, 13] 13)
  syntax "_do_let" :: "[pttrn, 'a]  do_bind" ((‹indent=2 notation=‹infix do let››let _ =/ _) 13)

  subsection ‹Monadic Refinement›

  lemmas [refine] = plain_nres_relI

  lemma vcg0:
    assumes "(f, g)  Id nres_rel"
    shows "g  h  f  h"
    using order_trans nres_relD[OF assms[param_fo, OF], THEN refine_IdD] by this
  lemma vcg1:
    assumes "(f, g)  Id  Id nres_rel"
    shows "g x  h x  f x  h x"
    using order_trans nres_relD[OF assms[param_fo, OF IdI], THEN refine_IdD] by this
  lemma vcg2:
    assumes "(f, g)  Id  Id  Id nres_rel"
    shows "g x y  h x y  f x y  h x y"
    using order_trans nres_relD[OF assms[param_fo, OF IdI IdI], THEN refine_IdD] by this

  lemma RETURN_nres_relD:
    assumes "(RETURN x, RETURN y)  A nres_rel"
    shows "(x, y)  A"
    using assms unfolding nres_rel_def by simp

  lemma FOREACH_rule_insert:
    assumes "finite S"
    assumes "I {} s"
    assumes " s. I S s  P s"
    assumes " T x s. T  S  I T s  x  S  x  T  f x s  SPEC (I (insert x T))"
    shows "FOREACH S f s  SPEC P"
  proof (rule FOREACH_rule[where I = "λ T s. I (S - T) s"])
    show "finite S" using assms(1) by this
    show "I (S - S) s" using assms(2) by simp
    show "P s" if "I (S - {}) s" for s using assms(3) that by simp
    fix x T s
    assume 1: "x  T" "T  S" "I (S - T) s"
    have "f x s  SPEC (I (insert x (S - T)))" using assms(4) 1 by blast
    also have "insert x (S - T) = S - (T - {x})" using 1(1, 2) by (simp add: it_step_insert_iff)
    finally show "f x s  SPEC (I (S - (T - {x})))" by this
  lemma FOREACH_rule_map:
    assumes "finite (dom g)"
    assumes "I Map.empty s"
    assumes " s. I g s  P s"
    assumes " h k v s. h m g  I h s  g k = Some v  k  dom h 
      f (k, v) s  SPEC (I (h (k  v)))"
    shows "FOREACH (map_to_set g) f s  SPEC P"
  proof (rule FOREACH_rule_insert[where I = "λ H s. I (set_to_map H) s"])
    show "finite (map_to_set g)" unfolding finite_map_to_set using assms(1) by this
    show "I (set_to_map {}) s" using assms(2) by simp
    show "P s" if "I (set_to_map (map_to_set g)) s" for s
      using assms(3) that unfolding map_to_set_inverse by this
    fix H x s
    assume 1: "H  map_to_set g" "I (set_to_map H) s" "x  map_to_set g" "x  H"
    obtain k v where 2: "x = (k, v)" by force
    have 3: "inj_on fst H" using inj_on_fst_map_to_set inj_on_subset 1(1) by blast
    have "f x s = f (k, v) s" unfolding 2 by rule
    also have "  SPEC (I ((set_to_map H) (k  v)))"
    proof (rule assms(4))
      show "set_to_map H m g"
        using 1(1) 3
        by (metis inj_on_fst_map_to_set map_leI map_to_set_inverse set_to_map_simp subset_eq)
      show "I (set_to_map H) s" using 1(2) by this
      show "g k = Some v" using 1(3) unfolding 2 map_to_set_def by simp
      show "k  dom (set_to_map H)"
        using 1(1, 3, 4) unfolding 2 set_to_map_dom
        by (metis fst_conv inj_on_fst_map_to_set inj_on_image_mem_iff)
    also have "(set_to_map H) (k  v) = (set_to_map H) (fst x  snd x)" unfolding 2 by simp
    also have " = set_to_map (insert x H)"
      using 1(1, 3, 4) by (metis inj_on_fst_map_to_set inj_on_image_mem_iff set_to_map_insert)
    finally show "f x s  SPEC (I (set_to_map (insert x H)))" by this
  lemma FOREACH_rule_insert_eq:
    assumes "finite S"
    assumes "X {} = s"
    assumes "X S = t"
    assumes " T x. T  S  x  S  x  T  f x (X T)  SPEC (HOL.eq (X (insert x T)))"
    shows "FOREACH S f s  SPEC (HOL.eq t)"
    by (rule FOREACH_rule_insert[where I = "HOL.eq  X"]) (use assms in auto)
  lemma FOREACH_rule_map_eq:
    assumes "finite (dom g)"
    assumes "X Map.empty = s"
    assumes "X g = t"
    assumes " h k v. h m g  g k = Some v  k  dom h 
      f (k, v) (X h)  SPEC (HOL.eq (X (h (k  v))))"
    shows "FOREACH (map_to_set g) f s  SPEC (HOL.eq t)"
    by (rule FOREACH_rule_map[where I = "HOL.eq  X"]) (use assms in auto)

  lemma FOREACH_rule_map_map: "(FOREACH (map_to_set m) (λ (k, v). F k (f k v)),
    FOREACH (map_to_set (λ k. map_option (f k) (m k))) (λ (k, v). F k v))  Id  Id nres_rel"
  proof refine_vcg
    show "inj_on (λ (k, v). (k, f k v)) (map_to_set m)"
      unfolding map_to_set_def by rule auto
    show "map_to_set (λ k. map_option (f k) (m k)) = (λ (k, v). (k, f k v)) ` map_to_set m"
      unfolding map_to_set_def by auto
  qed auto

  subsection ‹Implementations for Sets Represented by Lists›

  lemma list_set_rel_Id_on[simp]: "Id_on A list_set_rel = Id list_set_rel  UNIV × Pow A"
    unfolding list_set_rel_def relcomp_unfold in_br_conv by auto

  lemma list_set_card[param]: "(length, card)  A list_set_rel  nat_rel"
    unfolding list_set_rel_def relcomp_unfold in_br_conv
    by (auto simp: distinct_card list_rel_imp_same_length)
  lemma list_set_insert[param]:
    assumes "y  Y"
    assumes "(x, y)  A" "(xs, Y)  A list_set_rel"
    shows "(x # xs, insert y Y)  A list_set_rel"
    using assms unfolding list_set_rel_def relcomp_unfold in_br_conv
    by (auto) (metis refine_list(2)[param_fo] distinct.simps(2) list.simps(15))
  lemma list_set_union[param]:
    assumes "X  Y = {}"
    assumes "(xs, X)  A list_set_rel" "(ys, Y)  A list_set_rel"
    shows "(xs @ ys, X  Y)  A list_set_rel"
    using assms unfolding list_set_rel_def relcomp_unfold in_br_conv
    by (auto) (meson param_append[param_fo] distinct_append set_union_code)
  lemma list_set_Union[param]:
    assumes " X Y. X  S  Y  S  X  Y  X  Y = {}"
    assumes "(xs, S)  A list_set_rel list_set_rel"
    shows "(concat xs, Union S)  A list_set_rel"
  proof -
    note distinct_map[iff]
    obtain zs where 1: "(xs, zs)  A list_set_rel list_rel" "S = set zs" "distinct zs"
      using assms(2) unfolding list_set_rel_def relcomp_unfold in_br_conv by auto
    obtain ys where 2: "(xs, ys)  A list_rel list_rel" "zs = map set ys" "list_all distinct ys"
      using 1(1)
      unfolding list_set_rel_def list_rel_compp
      unfolding relcomp_unfold mem_Collect_eq
      unfolding br_list_rel in_br_conv
      by auto
    have 20: "set a  S" "set b  S" "set a  set b" if "a  set ys" "b  set ys" "a  b" for a b
      using 1(3) that unfolding 1(2) 2(2) by (auto dest: inj_onD)
    have 3: "set a  set b = {}" if "a  set ys" "b  set ys" "a  b" for a b
      using assms(1) 20 that by auto
    have 4: "Union S = set (concat ys)" unfolding 1(2) 2(2) by simp
    have 5: "distinct (concat ys)"
      using 1(3) 2(2, 3) 3 unfolding list.pred_set by (blast intro: distinct_concat)
    have 6: "(concat xs, concat ys)  A list_rel" using 2(1) by parametricity
    show ?thesis unfolding list_set_rel_def relcomp_unfold in_br_conv using 4 5 6 by blast
  lemma list_set_image[param]:
    assumes "inj_on g S"
    assumes "(f, g)  A  B" "(xs, S)  A list_set_rel"
    shows "(map f xs, g ` S)  B list_set_rel"
    using assms unfolding list_set_rel_def relcomp_unfold in_br_conv
    using param_map[param_fo] distinct_map by fastforce
  lemma list_set_bind[param]:
    assumes " x y. x  S  y  S  x  y  g x  g y = {}"
    assumes "(xs, S)  A list_set_rel" "(f, g)  A  B list_set_rel"
    shows "(xs  f, S  g)  B list_set_rel"
  proof -
    note [param] = list_set_autoref_filter list_set_autoref_isEmpty
    let ?xs = "filter (Not  is_Nil  f) xs"
    let ?S = "op_set_filter (Not  op_set_isEmpty  g) S"
    have 1: "inj_on g ?S" using assms(1) by (fastforce intro: inj_onI)
    have "xs  f = concat (map f ?xs)" by (induct xs) (auto split: list.split)
    also have "(,  (g ` ?S))  B list_set_rel" using assms 1 by parametricity auto
    also have " (g ` ?S) = S  g" by auto auto
    finally show ?thesis by this

  subsection ‹Autoref Setup›

  (* TODO: inline this? *)
  lemma dflt_ahm_rel_finite_nat: "finite_map_rel (nat_rel, V dflt_ahm_rel)" by tagged_solver


    interpretation autoref_syn by this
    lemma [autoref_op_pat]: "(Some  f) |` X  OP (λ f X. (Some  f) |` X) f X" by simp
    lemma [autoref_op_pat]: "(m ` S)  OP (λS m. (m ` S)) S m" by simp

    definition gen_UNION where
      "gen_UNION tol emp un X f  fold (un  f) (tol X) emp"

    lemma gen_UNION[autoref_rules_raw]:
      assumes PRIO_TAG_GEN_ALGO
      assumes to_list: "SIDE_GEN_ALGO (is_set_to_list A Rs1 tol)"
      assumes empty: "GEN_OP emp {} (B Rs3)"
      assumes union: "GEN_OP un union (B Rs2  B Rs3  B Rs3)"
      shows "(gen_UNION tol emp un, λA f.  (f ` A))  A Rs1  (A  B Rs2)  B Rs3"
    proof (intro fun_relI)
      note [unfolded autoref_tag_defs, param] = empty union
      fix f g T S
      assume 1[param]: "(T, S)  A Rs1" "(g, f)  A  B Rs2"
      obtain tsl' where
        [param]: "(tol T, tsl')  A list_rel"
        and IT': "RETURN tsl'  it_to_sorted_list (λ_ _. True) S"
        using to_list[unfolded autoref_tag_defs is_set_to_list_def] 1(1)
        by (rule is_set_to_sorted_listE)
      from IT' have 10: "S = set tsl'" "distinct tsl'" unfolding it_to_sorted_list_def by simp_all
      have "gen_UNION tol emp un T g = fold (un  g) (tol T) emp" unfolding gen_UNION_def by rule
      also have "(, fold (union  f) tsl' {})  B Rs3" by parametricity
      also have "fold (union  f) tsl' X = (f ` S)  X" for X
        unfolding 10(1) by (induct tsl' arbitrary: X) (auto)
      also have "(f ` S)  {} = (f ` S)" by simp
      finally show "(gen_UNION tol emp un T g, (f ` S))  B Rs3" by this

    definition gen_Image where
      "gen_Image tol1 mem2 emp3 ins3 X Y  fold
        (λ (a, b). if mem2 a Y then ins3 b else id) (tol1 X) emp3"

    lemma gen_Image[autoref_rules]:
      assumes PRIO_TAG_GEN_ALGO
      assumes to_list: "SIDE_GEN_ALGO (is_set_to_list (A ×r B) Rs1 tol1)"
      assumes member: "GEN_OP mem2 (∈) (A  A Rs2  bool_rel)"
      assumes empty: "GEN_OP emp3 {} (B Rs3)"
      assumes insert: "GEN_OP ins3 Set.insert (B  B Rs3  B Rs3)"
      shows "(gen_Image tol1 mem2 emp3 ins3, Image)  A ×r B Rs1  A Rs2  B Rs3"
    proof (intro fun_relI)
      note [unfolded autoref_tag_defs, param] = member empty insert
      fix T S X Y
      assume 1[param]: "(T, S)  A ×r B Rs1" "(Y, X)  A Rs2"
      obtain tsl' where
        [param]: "(tol1 T, tsl')  A ×r B list_rel"
        and IT': "RETURN tsl'  it_to_sorted_list (λ_ _. True) S"
        using to_list[unfolded autoref_tag_defs is_set_to_list_def] 1(1)
        by (rule is_set_to_sorted_listE)
      from IT' have 10: "S = set tsl'" "distinct tsl'" unfolding it_to_sorted_list_def by simp_all
      have "gen_Image tol1 mem2 emp3 ins3 T Y =
        fold (λ (a, b). if mem2 a Y then ins3 b else id) (tol1 T) emp3"
        unfolding gen_Image_def by rule
      also have "(, fold (λ (a, b). if a  X then Set.insert b else id) tsl' {})  B Rs3"
        by parametricity
      also have "fold (λ (a, b). if a  X then Set.insert b else id) tsl' M = S `` X  M" for M
        unfolding 10(1) by (induct tsl' arbitrary: M) (auto split: prod.splits)
      also have "S `` X  {} = S `` X" by simp
      finally show "(gen_Image tol1 mem2 emp3 ins3 T Y, S `` X)  B Rs3" by this

    lemma list_set_union_autoref[autoref_rules]:
      assumes "SIDE_PRECOND_OPT (a'  b' = {})"
      assumes "(a, a')  R list_set_rel"
      assumes "(b, b')  R list_set_rel"
      shows "(a @ b,
        (OP union ::: R list_set_rel  R list_set_rel  R list_set_rel) $ a' $ b') 
        R list_set_rel"
      using assms list_set_union unfolding autoref_tag_defs by blast
    lemma list_set_image_autoref[autoref_rules]:
      assumes INJ: "SIDE_PRECOND_OPT (inj_on f s)"
      assumes " xi x. (xi, x)  Ra  x  s  (fi xi, f $ x)  Rb"
      assumes LP: "(l,s)Ralist_set_rel"
      shows "(map fi l,
        (OP image ::: (Ra  Rb)  Ra list_set_rel  Rb list_set_rel) $ f $ s) 
        Rb list_set_rel"
    proof -
      from LP obtain l' where 1: "(l,l')Ralist_rel" and L'S: "(l',s)br set distinct"
        unfolding list_set_rel_def by auto
      have 2: "s = set l'" using L'S unfolding in_br_conv by auto
      have "(map fi l, map f l')Rblist_rel"
        using 1 L'S assms(3) unfolding 2 in_br_conv by induct auto
      also from INJ L'S have "(map f l',f`s)br set distinct"
        by (induct l' arbitrary: s) (auto simp: br_def dest: injD)
      finally (relcompI) show ?thesis unfolding autoref_tag_defs list_set_rel_def by this
    lemma list_set_UNION_autoref[autoref_rules]:
      assumes "SIDE_PRECOND_OPT ( x  S.  y  S. x  y  g x  g y = {})"
      assumes "(xs, S)  A list_set_rel" "(f, g)  A  B list_set_rel"
      shows "(xs  f,
        (OP (λA f.  (f ` A)) ::: A list_set_rel  (A  B list_set_rel)  B list_set_rel) $ S $ g) 
        B list_set_rel"
      using assms list_set_bind unfolding bind_UNION autoref_tag_defs by metis

    definition gen_equals where
      "gen_equals ball lu eq f g 
        ball f (λ (k, v). rel_option eq (lu k g) (Some v)) 
        ball g (λ (k, v). rel_option eq (lu k f) (Some v))"

    lemma gen_equals[autoref_rules]:
      assumes PRIO_TAG_GEN_ALGO
      assumes BALL: "GEN_OP ball op_map_ball (Rk, Rv Rm  (Rk ×r Rv  bool_rel)  bool_rel)"
      assumes LU: "GEN_OP lu op_map_lookup (Rk  Rk, Rv Rm  Rv option_rel)"
      assumes EQ: "GEN_OP eq HOL.eq (Rv  Rv  bool_rel)"
      shows "(gen_equals ball lu eq, HOL.eq)  Rk, Rv Rm  Rk, Rv Rm  bool_rel"
    proof (intro fun_relI)
      note [unfolded autoref_tag_defs, param] = BALL LU EQ
      fix fi f gi g
      assume [param]: "(fi, f)  Rk, Rv Rm" "(gi, g)  Rk, Rv Rm"
      have "gen_equals ball lu eq fi gi  ball fi (λ (k, v). rel_option eq (lu k gi) (Some v)) 
        ball gi (λ (k, v). rel_option eq (lu k fi) (Some v))"
        unfolding gen_equals_def by rule
      also have "ball fi (λ (k, v). rel_option eq (lu k gi) (Some v)) 
        op_map_ball f (λ (k, v). rel_option HOL.eq (op_map_lookup k g) (Some v))"
        by (rule IdD) (parametricity)
      also have "ball gi (λ (k, v). rel_option eq (lu k fi) (Some v)) 
        op_map_ball g (λ (k, v). rel_option HOL.eq (op_map_lookup k f) (Some v))"
        by (rule IdD) (parametricity)
      also have "op_map_ball f (λ (k, v). rel_option HOL.eq (op_map_lookup k g) (Some v)) 
        op_map_ball g (λ (k, v). rel_option HOL.eq (op_map_lookup k f) (Some v)) 
        ( a b. f a = Some b  g a = Some b)"
        unfolding op_map_ball_def map_to_set_def option.rel_eq op_map_lookup_def by auto
      also have "( a b. f a = Some b  g a = Some b)  f = g" using option.exhaust ext by metis
      finally show "(gen_equals ball lu eq fi gi, f = g)  bool_rel" by simp

    (* TODO: why don't we just SPEC a list and then use map_of ∘ enumerate, all of this
      could be done right in the implementation so we don't need a generic algorithm *)
    (* TODO: generic algorithms should really be generic, this is sort of specialized,
      replace with do { xs ← op_set_to_list S; RETURN (map_of (xs || [0 ..< length xs])) } *)
    definition op_set_enumerate :: "'a set  ('a  nat) nres" where
      "op_set_enumerate S  SPEC (λ f. dom f = S  inj_on f S)"

    lemma [autoref_itype]: "op_set_enumerate ::i Ai i_set i A, i_nati i_mapi i_nres" by simp
    lemma [autoref_hom]: "CONSTRAINT op_set_enumerate (A Rs  A, nat_rel Rm nres_rel)" by simp

    definition gen_enumerate where
      "gen_enumerate tol upd emp S  snd (fold (λ x (k, m). (Suc k, upd x k m)) (tol S) (0, emp))"

    lemma gen_enumerate[autoref_rules_raw]:
      assumes PRIO_TAG_GEN_ALGO
      assumes to_list: "SIDE_GEN_ALGO (is_set_to_list A Rs tol)"
      assumes empty: "GEN_OP emp op_map_empty (A, nat_rel Rm)"
      assumes update: "GEN_OP upd op_map_update (A  nat_rel  A, nat_rel Rm  A, nat_rel Rm)"
      shows "(λ S. RETURN (gen_enumerate tol upd emp S), op_set_enumerate) 
        A Rs  A, nat_rel Rm nres_rel"
      note [unfolded autoref_tag_defs, param] = empty update
      fix T S
      assume 1: "(T, S)  A Rs"
      obtain tsl' where
        [param]: "(tol T, tsl')  Alist_rel"
        and IT': "RETURN tsl'  it_to_sorted_list (λ_ _. True) S"
        using to_list[unfolded autoref_tag_defs is_set_to_list_def] 1
        by (rule is_set_to_sorted_listE)
      from IT' have 10: "S = set tsl'" "distinct tsl'" unfolding it_to_sorted_list_def by simp_all
      have 2: "dom (snd (fold (λ x (k, m). (Suc k, m (x  k))) tsl' (k, m))) = dom m  set tsl'"
        for k m by (induct tsl' arbitrary: k m) (auto)
      have 3: "inj_on (snd (fold (λ x (k, m). (Suc k, m (x  k))) tsl' (0, Map.empty))) (set tsl')"
        using 10(2) by (auto intro!: inj_onI simp: fold_map_of)
          (metis diff_zero distinct_Ex1 distinct_upt length_upt map_of_zip_nth option.simps(1))
      let ?f = "RETURN (snd (fold (λ x (k, m). (Suc k, op_map_update x k m)) tsl' (0, op_map_empty)))"
      have "(RETURN (gen_enumerate tol upd emp T), ?f)  A, nat_rel Rm nres_rel"
        unfolding gen_enumerate_def by parametricity
      also have "(?f, op_set_enumerate S)  Id nres_rel"
        unfolding op_set_enumerate_def using 2 3 10 by refine_vcg auto
      finally show "(RETURN (gen_enumerate tol upd emp T), op_set_enumerate S) 
        A, nat_rel Rm nres_rel" unfolding nres_rel_comp by simp

    lemma gen_enumerate_it_to_list[refine_transfer_post_simp]:
      "gen_enumerate (it_to_list it) =
       (λ upd emp S. snd (foldli (it_to_list it S) (λ _. True)
      (λ x s. case s of (k, m)  (Suc k, upd x k m)) (0, emp)))"
      unfolding gen_enumerate_def
      unfolding foldl_conv_fold[symmetric]
      unfolding foldli_foldl[symmetric]
      by rule

    definition gen_build where
      "gen_build tol upd emp f X  fold (λ x. upd x (f x)) (tol X) emp"

    lemma gen_build[autoref_rules]:
      assumes PRIO_TAG_GEN_ALGO
      assumes to_list: "SIDE_GEN_ALGO (is_set_to_list A Rs tol)"
      assumes empty: "GEN_OP emp op_map_empty (A, B Rm)"
      assumes update: "GEN_OP upd op_map_update (A  B  A, B Rm  A, B Rm)"
      shows "(λ f X. gen_build tol upd emp f X, λ f X. (Some  f) |` X) 
        (A  B)  A Rs  A, B Rm"
    proof (intro fun_relI)
      note [unfolded autoref_tag_defs, param] = empty update
      fix f g T S
      assume 1[param]: "(g, f)  A  B" "(T, S)  A Rs"
      obtain tsl' where
        [param]: "(tol T, tsl')  Alist_rel"
        and IT': "RETURN tsl'  it_to_sorted_list (λ_ _. True) S"
        using to_list[unfolded autoref_tag_defs is_set_to_list_def] 1(2)
        by (rule is_set_to_sorted_listE)
      from IT' have 10: "S = set tsl'" "distinct tsl'" unfolding it_to_sorted_list_def by simp_all
      have "gen_build tol upd emp g T = fold (λ x. upd x (g x)) (tol T) emp"
        unfolding gen_build_def by rule
      also have "(, fold (λ x. op_map_update x (f x)) tsl' op_map_empty)  A, B Rm"
        by parametricity
      also have "fold (λ x. op_map_update x (f x)) tsl' m = m ++ (Some  f) |` S" for m
        unfolding 10 op_map_update_def
        by (induct tsl' arbitrary: m rule: rev_induct) (auto simp add: restrict_map_insert)
      also have "op_map_empty ++ (Some  f) |` S = (Some  f) |` S" by simp
      finally show "(gen_build tol upd emp g T, (Some  f) |` S)  A, B Rm" by this

    definition "to_list it s  it s top Cons Nil"

    lemma map2set_to_list:
      assumes "GEN_ALGO_tag (is_map_to_list Rk unit_rel R it)"
      shows "is_set_to_list Rk (map2set_rel R) (to_list (map_iterator_dom  (foldli  it)))"
    unfolding is_set_to_list_def is_set_to_sorted_list_def
    proof safe
      fix f g
      assume 1: "(f, g)  Rk map2set_rel R"
      obtain xs where 2: "(it_to_list (map_iterator_dom  (foldli  it)) f, xs)  Rk list_rel"
        "RETURN xs  it_to_sorted_list (λ _ _. True) g"
        using map2set_to_list[OF assms] 1
        unfolding is_set_to_list_def is_set_to_sorted_list_def
        by auto
      have 3: "map_iterator_dom (foldli xs) top (#) a =
        rev (map_iterator_dom (foldli xs) (λ _. True) (λ x l. l @ [x]) (rev a))"
          for xs :: "('k × unit) list" and a
          unfolding map_iterator_dom_def set_iterator_image_def set_iterator_image_filter_def
          by (induct xs arbitrary: a) (auto)
      show " xs. (to_list (map_iterator_dom  (foldli  it)) f, xs)  Rk list_rel 
        RETURN xs  it_to_sorted_list (λ _ _. True) g"
      proof (intro exI conjI)
        have "to_list (map_iterator_dom  (foldli  it)) f =
          rev (it_to_list (map_iterator_dom  (foldli  it)) f)"
          unfolding to_list_def it_to_list_def by (simp add: 3)
        also have "(rev (it_to_list (map_iterator_dom  (foldli  it)) f), rev xs)  Rk list_rel"
          using 2(1) by parametricity
        finally show "(to_list (map_iterator_dom  (foldli  it)) f, rev xs)  Rk list_rel" by this
        show "RETURN (rev xs)  it_to_sorted_list (λ _ _. True) g"
          using 2(2) unfolding it_to_sorted_list_def by auto

    lemma CAST_to_list[autoref_rules_raw]:
      assumes PRIO_TAG_GEN_ALGO
      assumes "SIDE_GEN_ALGO (is_set_to_list A Rs tol)"
      shows "(tol, CAST)  A Rs  A list_set_rel"
      using assms(2) unfolding autoref_tag_defs is_set_to_list_def
      by (auto simp: it_to_sorted_list_def list_set_rel_def in_br_conv elim!: is_set_to_sorted_listE)

    (* TODO: do we really need stronger versions of all these small lemmata? *)
    lemma param_foldli:
      assumes "(xs, ys)  Ra list_rel"
      assumes "(c, d)  Rs  bool_rel"
      assumes " x y. (x, y)  Ra  x  set xs  y  set ys  (f x, g y)  Rs  Rs"
      assumes "(a, b)  Rs"
      shows "(foldli xs c f a, foldli ys d g b)  Rs"
    using assms
    proof (induct arbitrary: a b)
      case 1
      then show ?case by simp
      case (2 x y xs ys)
      show ?case
      proof (cases "c a")
        case True
        have 10: "(c a, d b)  bool_rel" using 2 by parametricity
        have 20: "d b" using 10 True by auto
        have 30: "(foldli xs c f (f x a), foldli ys d g (g y b))  Rs"
          by (auto intro!: 2 2(5)[THEN fun_relD])
        show ?thesis using True 20 30 by simp
        case False
        have 10: "(c a, d b)  bool_rel" using 2 by parametricity
        have 20: "¬ d b" using 10 False by auto
        show ?thesis unfolding foldli.simps using False 20 2 by simp
    lemma det_fold_sorted_set:
      assumes 1: "det_fold_set ordR c' f' σ' result"
      assumes 2: "is_set_to_sorted_list ordR Rk Rs tsl"
      assumes SREF[param]: "(s,s')RkRs"
      assumes [param]:  "(c,c')Id"
      assumes [param]: " x y. (x, y)  Rk  y  s'  (f x,f' y)  "
      assumes [param]: "(σ,σ')"
      shows "(foldli (tsl s) c f σ, result s')  "
    proof -
      obtain tsl' where
        n[param]: "(tsl s,tsl')  Rklist_rel"
        and IT: "RETURN tsl'  it_to_sorted_list ordR s'"
        using 2 SREF
        by (rule is_set_to_sorted_listE)
      from IT have suen: "s' = set tsl'"
        unfolding it_to_sorted_list_def by simp_all
      have "(foldli (tsl s) c f σ, foldli tsl' c' f' σ')  "
        using assms(4, 5, 6) n unfolding suen
        using param_foldli[OF n assms(4)] assms by simp
      also have "foldli tsl' c' f' σ' = result s'"
        using 1 IT
        unfolding det_fold_set_def it_to_sorted_list_def
        by simp
      finally show ?thesis .
    lemma det_fold_set:
      assumes "det_fold_set (λ_ _. True) c' f' σ' result"
      assumes "is_set_to_list Rk Rs tsl"
      assumes "(s,s')RkRs"
      assumes "(c,c')Id"
      assumes " x y. (x, y)  Rk  y  s'  (f x, f' y)  "
      assumes "(σ,σ')"
      shows "(foldli (tsl s) c f σ, result s')  "
      using assms unfolding is_set_to_list_def by (rule det_fold_sorted_set)
    lemma gen_image[autoref_rules_raw]:
      assumes PRIO_TAG_GEN_ALGO
      assumes IT: "SIDE_GEN_ALGO (is_set_to_list Rk Rs1 it1)"
      assumes INS: "GEN_OP ins2 Set.insert (Rk'Rk'Rs2Rk'Rs2)"
      assumes EMPTY: "GEN_OP empty2 {} (Rk'Rs2)"
      assumes " xi x. (xi, x)  Rk  x  s  (fi xi, f $ x)  Rk'"
      assumes "(l, s)  RkRs1"
      shows "(gen_image (λ x. foldli (it1 x)) empty2 ins2 fi l,
        (OP image ::: (RkRk')  (RkRs1)  (Rk'Rs2)) $ f $ s)  (Rk'Rs2)"
    proof -
      note [unfolded autoref_tag_defs, param] = INS EMPTY
      note 1 = det_fold_set[OF foldli_image IT[unfolded autoref_tag_defs]]
      show ?thesis using assms 1 unfolding gen_image_def autoref_tag_defs by parametricity

