Theory Refine

section ‹Relations and Refinement›

theory Refine
  (* TODO Peter: list_set_rel is defined in Refine_Monadic.Refine_Foreach,
    but it should probably be somewhere in Automatic_Refinement as it has nothing to do
    with the nondeterminism monad *)

  (* TODO Peter:
    - there is some infrastructure for converting between predicates and sets using
      the constants rel2p and p2rel
    - however, HOL already has the pred_set_conv attributes
    - with some additional setup connecting the refinement framework relators to their
      lifting/transfer counterparts, the attribute to_set can be used to instantly convert
      lifting/transfer rules to set-based relation format
    - examples can be found throughout this theory (look for the to_set attribute)
  subsection ‹Predicate to Set Conversion Setup›

  (* TODO Peter: it would be nice if there were corresponding constants for all the relation predicates
    in Transfer.thy (left_total, left_unique, right_total, right_unique, bi_total, bi_unique *)
  lemma right_unique_pred_set_conv[pred_set_conv]: "right_unique = single_valuedp"
    unfolding right_unique_def single_valuedp_def by auto
  lemma bi_unique_pred_set_conv[pred_set_conv]: "bi_unique (λ x y. (x, y)  R)  bijective R"
    unfolding bi_unique_def bijective_def by blast

  text ‹useful for unfolding equality constants in theorems about predicates›
  lemma pred_Id: "HOL.eq = (λ x y. (x, y)  Id)" by simp
  lemma pred_bool_Id: "HOL.eq = (λ x y. (x, y)  (Id :: bool rel))" by simp
  lemma pred_nat_Id: "HOL.eq = (λ x y. (x, y)  (Id :: nat rel))" by simp
  lemma pred_set_Id: "HOL.eq = (λ x y. (x, y)  (Id :: 'a set rel))" by simp
  lemma pred_list_Id: "HOL.eq = (λ x y. (x, y)  (Id :: 'a list rel))" by simp
  lemma pred_stream_Id: "HOL.eq = (λ x y. (x, y)  (Id :: 'a stream rel))" by simp

  lemma eq_onp_Id_on_eq[pred_set_conv]: "eq_onp (λ a. a  A) = (λ x y. (x, y)  Id_on A)"
    unfolding eq_onp_def by auto
  lemma rel_fun_fun_rel_eq[pred_set_conv]:
    "rel_fun (λ x y. (x, y)  A) (λ x y. (x, y)  B) = (λ f g. (f, g)  A  B)"
    by (force simp: rel_fun_def fun_rel_def)
  lemma rel_prod_prod_rel_eq[pred_set_conv]:
    "rel_prod (λ x y. (x, y)  A) (λ x y. (x, y)  B) = (λ f g. (f, g)  A ×r B)"
    by (force simp: prod_rel_def elim: rel_prod.cases)
  lemma rel_sum_sum_rel_eq[pred_set_conv]:
    "rel_sum (λ x y. (x, y)  A) (λ x y. (x, y)  B) = (λ f g. (f, g)  A, B sum_rel)"
    by (force simp: sum_rel_def elim: rel_sum.cases)
  lemma rel_set_set_rel_eq[pred_set_conv]:
    "rel_set (λ x y. (x, y)  A) = (λ f g. (f, g)  A set_rel)"
    unfolding rel_set_def set_rel_def by simp
  lemma rel_option_option_rel_eq[pred_set_conv]:
    "rel_option (λ x y. (x, y)  A) = (λ f g. (f, g)  A option_rel)"
    by (force simp: option_rel_def elim: option.rel_cases)

  (* TODO Peter: pred_set_conv examples *)
  thm image_transfer image_transfer[to_set]
  thm fun_upd_transfer fun_upd_transfer[to_set]

  subsection ‹Relation Composition›

  lemma relcomp_trans_1[trans]:
    assumes "(f, g)  A1"
    assumes "(g, h)  A2"
    shows "(f, h)  A1 O A2"
    using relcompI assms by this
  lemma relcomp_trans_2[trans]:
    assumes "(f, g)  A1  B1"
    assumes "(g, h)  A2  B2"
    shows "(f, h)  A1 O A2  B1 O B2"
  proof -
    note assms(1)
    also note assms(2)
    also note
    finally show ?thesis by this
  lemma relcomp_trans_3[trans]:
    assumes "(f, g)  A1  B1  C1"
    assumes "(g, h)  A2  B2  C2"
    shows "(f, h)  A1 O A2  B1 O B2  C1 O C2"
  proof -
    note assms(1)
    also note assms(2)
    also note
      fun_rel_mono[OF order_refl
    finally show ?thesis by this
  lemma relcomp_trans_4[trans]:
    assumes "(f, g)  A1  B1  C1  D1"
    assumes "(g, h)  A2  B2  C2  D2"
    shows "(f, h)  A1 O A2  B1 O B2  C1 O C2  D1 O D2"
  proof -
    note assms(1)
    also note assms(2)
    also note
      fun_rel_mono[OF order_refl
      fun_rel_mono[OF order_refl
    finally show ?thesis by this
  lemma relcomp_trans_5[trans]:
    assumes "(f, g)  A1  B1  C1  D1  E1"
    assumes "(g, h)  A2  B2  C2  D2  E2"
    shows "(f, h)  A1 O A2  B1 O B2  C1 O C2  D1 O D2  E1 O E2"
  proof -
    note assms(1)
    also note assms(2)
    also note
      fun_rel_mono[OF order_refl
      fun_rel_mono[OF order_refl
      fun_rel_mono[OF order_refl
    finally show ?thesis by this

  subsection ‹Relation Basics›

  (* TODO Peter: these were copied from Sepref_HOL_Bindings, they should probably be part of
    $AFP/Automatic_Refinement *)
  lemma inv_fun_rel_eq[simp]: "(AB)¯ = A¯B¯"
    by (auto dest: fun_relD)
  lemma inv_option_rel_eq[simp]: "(Koption_rel)¯ = K¯option_rel"
    by (auto simp: option_rel_def)
  lemma inv_prod_rel_eq[simp]: "(P ×r Q)¯ = P¯ ×r Q¯"
    by (auto)
  lemma inv_sum_rel_eq[simp]: "(P,Qsum_rel)¯ = P¯,Q¯sum_rel"
    by (auto simp: sum_rel_def)
  lemma set_rel_converse[simp]: "(A set_rel)¯ = A¯ set_rel" unfolding set_rel_def by auto

  lemma build_rel_domain[simp]: "Domain (br α I) = Collect I" unfolding build_rel_def by auto
  lemma build_rel_range[simp]: "Range (br α I) = α ` Collect I" unfolding build_rel_def by auto
  lemma build_rel_image[simp]: "br α I `` A = α ` (A  Collect I)" unfolding build_rel_def by auto

  lemma prod_rel_domain[simp]: "Domain (A ×r B) = Domain A × Domain B" unfolding prod_rel_def by auto
  lemma prod_rel_range[simp]: "Range (A ×r B) = Range A × Range B" unfolding prod_rel_def by auto

  lemma member_Id_on[iff]: "(x, y)  Id_on A  x = y  y  A" unfolding Id_on_def by auto
  lemma bijective_Id_on[intro!, simp]: "bijective (Id_on A)" unfolding bijective_def by auto
  lemma relcomp_Id_on[simp]: "Id_on A O Id_on B = Id_on (A  B)" by auto

  lemma prod_rel_Id_on[simp]: "Id_on A ×r Id_on B = Id_on (A × B)" by auto
  lemma set_rel_Id_on[simp]: "Id_on S set_rel = Id_on (Pow S)" unfolding set_rel_def by auto

  subsection ‹Parametricity›

  lemmas basic_param[param] =
    option.rel_transfer[unfolded pred_bool_Id, to_set]
    All_transfer[unfolded pred_bool_Id, to_set]
    Ex_transfer[unfolded pred_bool_Id, to_set]

  lemma Sigma_param[param]: "(Sigma, Sigma)  A set_rel  (A  B set_rel)  A ×r B set_rel"
    unfolding Sigma_def by parametricity
  (* TODO: Lifting_Set.filter_transfer is too weak *)
  lemma set_filter_param[param]:
    "(Set.filter, Set.filter)  (A  bool_rel)  A set_rel  A set_rel"
    unfolding Set.filter_def fun_rel_def set_rel_def by blast
  lemma is_singleton_param[param]:
    assumes "bijective A"
    shows "(is_singleton, is_singleton)  A set_rel  bool_rel"
    using assms unfolding is_singleton_def set_rel_def bijective_def by auto blast+
  lemma the_elem_param[param]:
    assumes "is_singleton S" "is_singleton T"
    assumes "(S, T)  A set_rel"
    shows "(the_elem S, the_elem T)  A"
    using assms unfolding set_rel_def is_singleton_def by auto

  subsection ‹Lists›

  lemma list_all2_list_rel_conv[pred_set_conv]:
    "list_all2 (λ x y. (x, y)  R) = (λ x y. (x, y)  R list_rel)"
    unfolding list_rel_def by simp

  lemmas list_rel_single_valued[iff] = list_rel_sv_iff

  lemmas list_rel_simps[simp] =
    list.rel_conversep[to_set, symmetric]

  lemmas list_rel_param[param] =
    list.pred_transfer[unfolded pred_bool_Id, to_set, folded pred_list_listsp]
    list.rel_transfer[unfolded pred_bool_Id, to_set]

  lemmas null_param[param] = null_transfer[unfolded pred_bool_Id, to_set]

  (* TODO Peter: param_set is too restrictive *)
  thm param_set list.set_transfer[to_set]

  lemmas scan_param[param] = scan.transfer[to_set]
  lemma bind_param[param]: "(List.bind, List.bind)  A list_rel  (A  B list_rel)  B list_rel"
    unfolding List.bind_def by parametricity

  lemma set_id_param[param]: "(set, id)  A list_set_rel  A set_rel"
    unfolding list_set_rel_def relcomp_unfold in_br_conv by auto parametricity

  subsection ‹Streams›

  definition stream_rel :: "('a × 'b) set  ('a stream × 'b stream) set" where
    [to_relAPP]: "stream_rel R  {(x, y). stream_all2 (λ x y. (x, y)  R) x y}"

  lemma stream_all2_stream_rel_conv[pred_set_conv]:
    "stream_all2 (λ x y. (x, y)  R) = (λ x y. (x, y)  R stream_rel)"
    unfolding stream_rel_def by simp

  lemmas stream_rel_coinduct'[case_names stream_rel, coinduct set: stream_rel] =

  lemmas stream_rel_intros = stream.rel_intros[to_set]
  lemmas stream_rel_cases = stream.rel_cases[to_set]
  lemmas stream_rel_inject[iff] = stream.rel_inject[to_set]

  (* TODO: why is stream.right_unique_rel not generated as an iff rule? *)
  lemma stream_rel_single_valued[iff]: "single_valued (A stream_rel)  single_valued A"
    show "single_valued A" if "single_valued (A stream_rel)"
    proof (intro single_valuedI)
      fix x y z
      assume "(x, y)  A" "(x, z)  A"
      then have "(sconst x, sconst y)  A stream_rel" "(sconst x, sconst z)  A stream_rel"
        unfolding stream_rel_sconst[to_set] by this
      then have "sconst y = sconst z" using single_valuedD that by metis
      then show "y = z" by simp
    show "single_valued A  single_valued (A stream_rel)"
      using stream.right_unique_rel[to_set, to_set] by this

  lemmas stream_rel_simps[simp] =
    stream.rel_eq[unfolded pred_Id, THEN IdD, to_set]

  lemmas stream_rel_param[param] =
    stream.pred_transfer[unfolded pred_bool_Id, to_set, folded pred_stream_streamsp]
    stream.rel_transfer[unfolded pred_bool_Id, to_set]
    stream.corec_transfer[unfolded pred_bool_Id, to_set]

  (* TODO: why is this not generated by the datatype package when stream.Domainp_rel is? *)
  lemma stream_Rangep_rel: "Rangep (stream_all2 R) = pred_stream (Rangep R)"
  proof -
    have 1: "pred_stream (Rangep R) v" if "stream_all2 R u v" for u v
      using that by (coinduction arbitrary: u v) (auto elim: stream.rel_cases)
    have 2: "stream_all2 R (smap (λ y. SOME x. R x y) v) v" if "pred_stream (Rangep R) v" for v
      using that by (coinduction arbitrary: v) (auto intro: someI)
    show ?thesis using 1 2 by blast

  lemmas stream_rel_domain[simp] = stream.Domainp_rel[to_set]
  lemmas stream_rel_range[simp] = stream_Rangep_rel[to_set]

  lemma stream_param[param]:
    assumes"(HOL.eq, HOL.eq)  R  R  bool_rel"
    shows "(HOL.eq, HOL.eq)  R stream_rel  R stream_rel  bool_rel"
  proof -
    have "(stream_all2 HOL.eq, stream_all2 HOL.eq)  R stream_rel  R stream_rel  bool_rel"
      using assms by parametricity
    then show ?thesis unfolding stream.rel_eq by this

  lemmas szip_param[param] = szip_transfer[to_set]
  lemmas siterate_param[param] = siterate_transfer[to_set]
  lemmas sscan_param[param] = sscan.transfer[to_set]

  lemma streams_param[param]: "(streams, streams)  A set_rel  A stream_rel set_rel"
  proof (intro fun_relI set_relI)
    fix S T
    assume 1: "(S, T)  A set_rel"
    obtain f where 2: " x. x  S  f x  T  (x, f x)  A"
      using 1 unfolding set_rel_def by auto metis
    have 3: "f ` S  T" "(id, f)  Id_on S  A" using 2 by auto
    obtain g where 4: " y. y  T  g y  S  (g y, y)  A"
      using 1 unfolding set_rel_def by auto metis
    have 5: "g ` T  S" "(g, id)  Id_on T  A" using 4 by auto
    show " v  streams T. (u, v)  A stream_rel" if "u  streams S" for u
      show "smap f u  streams T" using smap_streams 3 that by blast
      have "(smap id u, smap f u)  A stream_rel" using 3 that by parametricity auto
      then show "(u, smap f u)  A stream_rel" by simp
    show " u  streams S. (u, v)  A stream_rel" if "v  streams T" for v
      show "smap g v  streams S" using smap_streams 5 that by blast
      have "(smap g v, smap id v)  A stream_rel" using 5 that by parametricity auto
      then show "(smap g v, v)  A stream_rel" by simp

  lemma holds_param[param]: "(holds, holds)  (A  bool_rel)  (A stream_rel  bool_rel)"
    unfolding holds.simps by parametricity
  lemma HLD_param[param]:
    assumes "single_valued A" "single_valued (A¯)"
    shows "(HLD, HLD)  A set_rel  A stream_rel  bool_rel"
    using assms unfolding HLD_def by parametricity
  lemma ev_param[param]: "(ev, ev)  (A stream_rel  bool_rel)  (A stream_rel  bool_rel)"
  proof safe
    fix P Q u v
    assume 1: "(P, Q)  A stream_rel  bool_rel" "(u, v)  A stream_rel"
    note 2 = 1[param_fo] stream_rel_param(3)[param_fo]
    show "ev Q v" if "ev P u" using that 2 by (induct arbitrary: v) (blast+)
    show "ev P u" if "ev Q v" using that 2 by (induct arbitrary: u) (blast+)
  lemma alw_param[param]: "(alw, alw)  (A stream_rel  bool_rel)  (A stream_rel  bool_rel)"
  proof safe
    fix P Q u v
    assume 1: "(P, Q)  A stream_rel  bool_rel" "(u, v)  A stream_rel"
    note 2 = 1[param_fo] stream_rel_param(3)[param_fo]
    show "alw Q v" if "alw P u" using that 2 by (coinduction arbitrary: u v) (auto, blast)
    show "alw P u" if "alw Q v" using that 2 by (coinduction arbitrary: u v) (auto, blast)

  subsection ‹Functional Relations›

  lemma br_set_rel: "br f P set_rel = br (image f) (λ A. Ball A P)"
    using br_set_rel_alt by (auto simp: build_rel_def)

  lemma br_list_rel: "br f P list_rel = br (map f) (list_all P)"
  proof safe
    fix u v
    show "(u, v)  br (map f) (list_all P)" if "(u, v)  br f P list_rel"
      using that unfolding build_rel_def by induct auto
    show "(u, v)  br f P list_rel" if "(u, v)  br (map f) (list_all P)"
      using that unfolding build_rel_def by (induct u arbitrary: v) (auto)

  lemma br_list_set_rel: "br f P list_set_rel = br (set  map f) (λ s. list_all P s  distinct (map f s))"
    unfolding list_set_rel_def br_list_rel
    unfolding br_chain
    by rule

  lemma br_fun_rel1: "Id  br f P = br (comp f) (All  comp P)"
    unfolding fun_rel_def Ball_def by (auto simp: build_rel_def)

  (* notes *)

  (* TODO Peter: the way ∘∘ and ∘∘∘ are declared, a lot of unexpected abbreviation folding takes place *)
  term "set  map f  map g  map h"
  (* in large expressions, this can introduce unneccessary paretheses and in general, makes
    things very hard to read *)
  (* it is even possible for other abbreviations to be torn apart by this *)
  term "set  sort"
  (* I think that there were even cases where eta-expanded terms were torn apart, but I
    do not have an example at the moment *)

  (* the following abbreviations work better, a term can only be abbreviated by comp_n if
    it contains the constant comp at least n times, thus they should only be folded back if
    the original term really had the right degree of "point-free-ness" *)
  abbreviation comp_2 (infixl "∘∘" 55) where "f ∘∘ g ≡ comp (comp f) g"
  abbreviation comp_3 (infixl "∘∘∘" 55) where "f ∘∘∘ g ≡ comp (comp (comp f)) g"
  abbreviation comp_4 (infixl "∘∘∘∘" 55) where "f ∘∘∘∘ g ≡ comp (comp (comp (comp f))) g"
  abbreviation comp_5 (infixl "∘∘∘∘∘" 55) where "f ∘∘∘∘∘ g ≡ comp (comp (comp (comp (comp f)))) g"
  (* since the root of the right hand side term is not a lambda abstraction, this
    abbreviation should also not be able to introduce any parentheses *)
