Theory Initialization

theory Initialization
imports UnitPropagate

(*    A D D    C L A U S E                                                       *)

lemma InvariantsAfterAddClause:
fixes state::State and clause :: Clause and Vbl :: "Variable set"
  "InvariantConsistent (getM state)"
  "InvariantUniq (getM state)"
  "InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF (getWatchList state) (getF state)" and
  "InvariantWatchListsUniq (getWatchList state)" and
  "InvariantWatchListsCharacterization (getWatchList state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)"
  "InvariantWatchesEl (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)" and
  "InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)" and
  "InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state) (getM state)"
  "InvariantConflictFlagCharacterization (getConflictFlag state) (getF state) (getM state)"
  "InvariantConflictClauseCharacterization (getConflictFlag state) (getConflictClause state) (getF state) (getM state)"
  "InvariantQCharacterization (getConflictFlag state) (getQ state) (getF state) (getM state)"
  "InvariantUniqQ (getQ state)"
  "InvariantGetReasonIsReason (getReason state) (getF state) (getM state) (set (getQ state))"
  "currentLevel (getM state) = 0"
  "(getConflictFlag state)  (getQ state) = []"
  "InvariantVarsM (getM state) F0 Vbl"
  "InvariantVarsQ (getQ state) F0 Vbl"
  "InvariantVarsF (getF state) F0 Vbl"
  "finite Vbl"
  "vars clause  vars F0"
  "let state' = (addClause clause state) in
      InvariantConsistent (getM state')  
      InvariantUniq (getM state')  
      InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF (getWatchList state') (getF state')  
      InvariantWatchListsUniq (getWatchList state')  
      InvariantWatchListsCharacterization (getWatchList state') (getWatch1 state') (getWatch2 state')  
      InvariantWatchesEl (getF state') (getWatch1 state') (getWatch2 state')  
      InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF state') (getWatch1 state') (getWatch2 state')  
      InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF state') (getWatch1 state') (getWatch2 state') (getM state')  
      InvariantConflictFlagCharacterization (getConflictFlag state') (getF state') (getM state')  
      InvariantConflictClauseCharacterization (getConflictFlag state') (getConflictClause state') (getF state') (getM state')  
      InvariantQCharacterization (getConflictFlag state') (getQ state') (getF state') (getM state')  
      InvariantGetReasonIsReason (getReason state') (getF state') (getM state') (set (getQ state'))  
      InvariantUniqQ (getQ state')  
      InvariantVarsQ (getQ state') F0 Vbl  
      InvariantVarsM (getM state') F0 Vbl  
      InvariantVarsF (getF state') F0 Vbl  
      currentLevel (getM state') = 0  
      ((getConflictFlag state')  (getQ state') = [])
  let ?clause' = "remdups (removeFalseLiterals clause (elements (getM state)))"

  have *: " l. l el ?clause'  ¬ literalFalse l (elements (getM state))"
    unfolding removeFalseLiterals_def
    by auto

  have "vars ?clause'  vars clause"
    using varsSubsetValuation[of "?clause'" "clause"]
    unfolding removeFalseLiterals_def
    by auto
  hence "vars ?clause'  vars F0"
    using vars clause  vars F0
    by simp

  show ?thesis
  proof (cases "clauseTrue ?clause' (elements (getM state))")
    case True
    thus ?thesis
      using assms
      unfolding addClause_def
      by simp
    case False
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "?clause' = []")
      case True
      thus ?thesis
        using assms
        using ¬ clauseTrue ?clause' (elements (getM state))
        unfolding addClause_def
        by simp
      case False
      thus ?thesis
      proof (cases "length ?clause' = 1")
        case True
        let ?state' = "assertLiteral (hd ?clause') False state"
        have "addClause clause state = exhaustiveUnitPropagate ?state'"
          using ¬ clauseTrue ?clause' (elements (getM state))
          using ¬ ?clause' = []
          using length ?clause' = 1
          unfolding addClause_def
          by (simp add: Let_def)
        from ?clause'  []
        have "hd ?clause'  set ?clause'"
          using hd_in_set[of "?clause'"]
          by simp
        with *
        have "¬ literalFalse (hd ?clause') (elements (getM state))"
          by simp
        hence "consistent (elements ((getM state) @ [(hd ?clause', False)]))"
          using assms
          unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
          using consistentAppendElement[of "elements (getM state)" "hd ?clause'"]
          by simp
        hence "consistent (elements (getM ?state'))"
          using assms
          using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "hd ?clause'" "False"]
          by simp
        from ¬ clauseTrue ?clause' (elements (getM state))
        have "uniq (elements (getM ?state'))"
          using assms
          using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "hd ?clause'" "False"]
          using hd ?clause'  set ?clause'
          unfolding InvariantUniq_def
          by (simp add: uniqAppendIff clauseTrueIffContainsTrueLiteral)
        have "InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF (getWatchList ?state') (getF ?state')" and
          "InvariantWatchListsUniq (getWatchList ?state')" and
          "InvariantWatchListsCharacterization (getWatchList ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state')"
          "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state')" and
          "InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state')"
          using assms
          using WatchInvariantsAfterAssertLiteral[of "state" "hd ?clause'" "False"]
          by (auto simp add: Let_def)
        have "InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state') (getM ?state')"
          using assms
          using InvariantWatchCharacterizationAfterAssertLiteral[of "state" "hd ?clause'" "False"]
          using uniq (elements (getM ?state'))
          using consistent (elements (getM ?state'))
          unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
          unfolding InvariantUniq_def
          using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "hd ?clause'" "False"]
          by (simp add: Let_def)
        have "InvariantConflictFlagCharacterization (getConflictFlag ?state') (getF ?state') (getM ?state')"
          using assms
          using InvariantConflictFlagCharacterizationAfterAssertLiteral[of "state" "hd ?clause'" "False"]
          using consistent (elements (getM ?state'))
          unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
          using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "hd ?clause'" "False"]
          by (simp add: Let_def)
        have "InvariantConflictClauseCharacterization (getConflictFlag ?state') (getConflictClause ?state') (getF ?state') (getM ?state')"
          using assms
          using InvariantConflictClauseCharacterizationAfterAssertLiteral[of "state" "hd ?clause'" "False"]
          by (simp add: Let_def)
        let ?state'' = "?state' getM := (getM ?state') @ [(hd ?clause', False)] "
        have "InvariantQCharacterization (getConflictFlag ?state') (getQ ?state') (getF ?state') (getM ?state')"
        proof (cases "getConflictFlag state")
          case True
          hence "getConflictFlag ?state'"
            using assms
            using assertLiteralConflictFlagEffect[of "state" "hd ?clause'" "False"]
            using uniq (elements (getM ?state'))
            using consistent (elements (getM ?state'))
            unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
            unfolding InvariantUniq_def
            using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "hd ?clause'" "False"]
            by (auto simp add: Let_def)
          thus ?thesis
            using assms
            unfolding InvariantQCharacterization_def
            by simp
          case False
          with (getConflictFlag state)  (getQ state) = []
          have "getQ state = []"
            by simp
          thus ?thesis
            using InvariantQCharacterizationAfterAssertLiteralNotInQ[of "state" "hd ?clause'" "False"]
            using assms
            using uniq (elements (getM ?state'))
            using consistent (elements (getM ?state'))
            unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
            unfolding InvariantUniq_def
            using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "hd ?clause'" "False"]
            by (auto simp add: Let_def)
        have "InvariantUniqQ (getQ ?state')"
          using assms
          using InvariantUniqQAfterAssertLiteral[of "state" "hd ?clause'" "False"]
          by (simp add: Let_def)
        have "currentLevel (getM ?state') = 0"
          using assms
          using ¬ clauseTrue ?clause' (elements (getM state))
          using ¬ ?clause' = []
          using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "hd ?clause'" "False"]
          unfolding addClause_def
          unfolding currentLevel_def
          by (simp add:Let_def markedElementsAppend)
        hence "InvariantGetReasonIsReason (getReason ?state') (getF ?state') (getM ?state') (set (getQ ?state'))"
          unfolding InvariantGetReasonIsReason_def
          using elementLevelLeqCurrentLevel[of _ "getM ?state'"]
          by auto
        have "var (hd ?clause')  vars F0"
          using ?clause'  []
          using hd_in_set[of "?clause'"]
          using vars ?clause'  vars F0
          using clauseContainsItsLiteralsVariable[of "hd ?clause'" "?clause'"]
          by auto
        hence "InvariantVarsQ (getQ ?state') F0 Vbl"
          "InvariantVarsM (getM ?state') F0 Vbl"
          "InvariantVarsF (getF ?state') F0 Vbl"
          using InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF (getWatchList state) (getF state)
          using InvariantWatchesEl (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)
          using InvariantWatchListsUniq (getWatchList state)
          using InvariantWatchListsCharacterization (getWatchList state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)
          using InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)
          using InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state) (getM state)
          using InvariantVarsF (getF state) F0 Vbl
          using InvariantVarsM (getM state) F0 Vbl
          using InvariantVarsQ (getQ state) F0 Vbl
          using consistent (elements (getM ?state'))
          using uniq (elements (getM ?state'))
          using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "hd ?clause'" "False"]
          using varsAppendValuation[of "elements (getM state)" "[hd ?clause']"]
          using InvariantVarsQAfterAssertLiteral[of "state" "hd ?clause'" "False" "F0" "Vbl"]
          unfolding InvariantVarsM_def
          unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
          unfolding InvariantUniq_def
          by (auto simp add: Let_def)
        have "exhaustiveUnitPropagate_dom ?state'"
          using exhaustiveUnitPropagateTermination[of "?state'" "F0" "Vbl"]
          using InvariantUniqQ (getQ ?state')
          using InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF (getWatchList ?state') (getF ?state')
          using InvariantWatchListsUniq (getWatchList ?state')
          using InvariantWatchListsCharacterization (getWatchList ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state')
          using InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state')
          using InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state')
          using InvariantQCharacterization (getConflictFlag ?state') (getQ ?state') (getF ?state') (getM ?state')
          using InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state') (getM ?state')
          using InvariantConflictFlagCharacterization (getConflictFlag ?state') (getF ?state') (getM ?state')
          using consistent (elements (getM ?state'))
          using uniq (elements (getM ?state'))
          using finite Vbl
          using InvariantVarsQ (getQ ?state') F0 Vbl
          using InvariantVarsM (getM ?state') F0 Vbl
          using InvariantVarsF (getF ?state') F0 Vbl
          unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
          unfolding InvariantUniq_def
          by simp
        show ?thesis
          using exhaustiveUnitPropagate_dom ?state'
          using InvariantsAfterExhaustiveUnitPropagate[of "?state'"]
          using InvariantConflictClauseCharacterizationAfterExhaustivePropagate[of "?state'"]
          using conflictFlagOrQEmptyAfterExhaustiveUnitPropagate[of "?state'"]
          using exhaustiveUnitPropagatePreservesCurrentLevel[of "?state'"]
          using InvariantGetReasonIsReasonAfterExhaustiveUnitPropagate[of "?state'"]
          using assms
          using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "hd ?clause'" "False"]
          unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
          unfolding InvariantUniq_def
          by (auto simp only:Let_def)
        case False
        thus ?thesis
        proof (cases "clauseTautology ?clause'")
          case True
          thus ?thesis
            using assms
            using ¬ ?clause' = []
            using ¬ clauseTrue ?clause' (elements (getM state))
            using length ?clause'  1
            unfolding addClause_def
            by simp
          case False
          from ¬ ?clause' = [] length ?clause'  1
          have "length ?clause' > 1"
            by (induct (?clause')) auto

          hence "nth ?clause' 0  nth ?clause' 1"
            using distinct_remdups[of "?clause'"]
            using nth_eq_iff_index_eq[of "?clause'" "0" "1"]
            using ¬ ?clause' = []
            by auto

          let ?state' = "let clauseIndex = length (getF state) in
                         let state'   = state getF := (getF state) @ [?clause'] in
                         let state''  = setWatch1 clauseIndex (nth ?clause' 0) state' in
                         let state''' = setWatch2 clauseIndex (nth ?clause' 1) state'' in

          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state')"
            using InvariantWatchesEl (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)
            using length ?clause' > 1
            using ?clause'  []
            using nth_mem[of "0" "?clause'"]
            using nth_mem[of "1" "?clause'"]
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            unfolding setWatch1_def
            unfolding setWatch2_def
            by (auto simp add: Let_def nth_append)
          have "InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state')"
            using InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)
            using nth ?clause' 0  nth ?clause' 1
            unfolding InvariantWatchesDiffer_def
            unfolding setWatch1_def
            unfolding setWatch2_def
            by (auto simp add: Let_def)
          have "InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF (getWatchList ?state') (getF ?state')"
            using InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF (getWatchList state) (getF state)
            unfolding InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF_def
            unfolding setWatch1_def
            unfolding setWatch2_def
            by (auto simp add:Let_def) (force)+
          have "InvariantWatchListsCharacterization (getWatchList ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state')"
            using InvariantWatchListsCharacterization (getWatchList state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)
            using InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF (getWatchList state) (getF state)
            using nth ?clause' 0  nth ?clause' 1
            unfolding InvariantWatchListsCharacterization_def
            unfolding InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF_def
            unfolding setWatch1_def
            unfolding setWatch2_def
            by (auto simp add:Let_def)
          have "InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state') (getM ?state')"
              fix c
              assume "0  c  c < length (getF ?state')"
              fix www1 www2
              assume "Some www1 = (getWatch1 ?state' c)" "Some www2 = (getWatch2 ?state' c)"
              have "watchCharacterizationCondition www1 www2 (getM ?state') (nth (getF ?state') c)  
                    watchCharacterizationCondition www2 www1 (getM ?state') (nth (getF ?state') c)"
              proof (cases "c < length (getF state)")
                case True
                hence "(nth (getF ?state') c) = (nth (getF state) c)"
                  unfolding setWatch1_def
                  unfolding setWatch2_def
                  by (auto simp add: Let_def nth_append)
                have "Some www1 = (getWatch1 state c)" "Some www2 = (getWatch2 state c)"
                  using True
                  using Some www1 = (getWatch1 ?state' c) Some www2 = (getWatch2 ?state' c)
                  unfolding setWatch1_def
                  unfolding setWatch2_def
                  by (auto simp add: Let_def)
                thus ?thesis
                  using InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state) (getM state)
                  unfolding InvariantWatchCharacterization_def
                  using (nth (getF ?state') c) = (nth (getF state) c)
                  using True
                  unfolding setWatch1_def
                  unfolding setWatch2_def
                  by (auto simp add: Let_def)
                case False
                with 0  c  c < length (getF ?state')
                have "c = length (getF state)"
                  unfolding setWatch1_def
                  unfolding setWatch2_def
                  by (auto simp add: Let_def)
                from InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state')
                obtain w1 w2 
                  "w1 el ?clause'" "w2 el ?clause'"
                  "getWatch1 ?state' (length (getF state)) = Some w1"
                  "getWatch2 ?state' (length (getF state)) = Some w2"
                  unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
                  unfolding setWatch2_def
                  unfolding setWatch1_def
                  by (auto simp add: Let_def)
                hence "w1 = www1" and "w2 = www2"
                  using Some www1 = (getWatch1 ?state' c) Some www2 = (getWatch2 ?state' c)
                  using c = length (getF state)
                  by auto
                have "¬ literalFalse  w1 (elements (getM ?state'))" 
                  "¬ literalFalse w2 (elements (getM ?state'))"
                  using w1 el ?clause' w2 el ?clause'
                  using *
                  unfolding setWatch2_def
                  unfolding setWatch1_def
                  by (auto simp add: Let_def)
                thus ?thesis
                  using w1 = www1 w2 = www2
                  unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
                  unfolding setWatch2_def
                  unfolding setWatch1_def
                  by (auto simp add: Let_def)
            } thus ?thesis
              unfolding InvariantWatchCharacterization_def
              by auto
          have " l. length (getF state)  set (getWatchList state l)"
            using InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF (getWatchList state) (getF state)            
            unfolding InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF_def
            by auto
          hence "InvariantWatchListsUniq (getWatchList ?state')"
            using InvariantWatchListsUniq (getWatchList state)
            using nth ?clause' 0  nth ?clause' 1
            unfolding InvariantWatchListsUniq_def
            unfolding setWatch1_def
            unfolding setWatch2_def
            by (auto simp add:Let_def uniqAppendIff)
          from * 
          have "¬ clauseFalse ?clause' (elements (getM state))"
            using ?clause'  []
            by (auto simp add: clauseFalseIffAllLiteralsAreFalse)
          hence "InvariantConflictFlagCharacterization (getConflictFlag ?state') (getF ?state') (getM ?state')"
            using InvariantConflictFlagCharacterization (getConflictFlag state) (getF state) (getM state)
            unfolding InvariantConflictFlagCharacterization_def
            unfolding setWatch1_def
            unfolding setWatch2_def
            by (auto simp add: Let_def formulaFalseIffContainsFalseClause)
          have "¬ ( l. isUnitClause ?clause' l (elements (getM state)))"
              assume "¬ ?thesis"
              then obtain l
                where "isUnitClause ?clause' l (elements (getM state))"
                by auto
              hence "l el ?clause'"
                unfolding isUnitClause_def
                by simp
              have " l'. l' el ?clause'  l  l'"
                from length ?clause' > 1
                obtain a1::Literal and a2::Literal
                  where "a1 el ?clause'" "a2 el ?clause'" "a1  a2"
                  using lengthGtOneTwoDistinctElements[of "?clause'"]
                  by (auto simp add: uniqDistinct) (force)
                thus ?thesis
                proof (cases "a1 = l")
                  case True
                  thus ?thesis
                    using a1  a2 a2 el ?clause'
                    by auto
                  case False
                  thus ?thesis
                    using a1 el ?clause'
                    by auto
              then obtain l'::Literal
                where "l  l'" "l' el ?clause'"
                by auto
              with * 
              have "¬ literalFalse l' (elements (getM state))"
                by simp
              hence "False"
                using isUnitClause ?clause' l (elements (getM state))
                using l  l' l' el ?clause'
                unfolding isUnitClause_def
                by auto
            } thus ?thesis
              by auto
          hence "InvariantQCharacterization (getConflictFlag ?state') (getQ ?state') (getF ?state') (getM ?state')"
            using assms
            unfolding InvariantQCharacterization_def
            unfolding setWatch2_def
            unfolding setWatch1_def
            by (auto simp add: Let_def)
          have "InvariantConflictClauseCharacterization (getConflictFlag state) (getConflictClause state) (getF state @ [?clause']) (getM state)"
          proof (cases "getConflictFlag state")
            case False
            thus ?thesis
              unfolding InvariantConflictClauseCharacterization_def
              by simp
            case True
            hence "getConflictClause state < length (getF state)"
              using InvariantConflictClauseCharacterization (getConflictFlag state) (getConflictClause state) (getF state) (getM state)
              unfolding InvariantConflictClauseCharacterization_def
              by (auto simp add: Let_def)
            hence "nth ((getF state) @ [?clause']) (getConflictClause state) = 
                   nth (getF state) (getConflictClause state)"
              by (simp add: nth_append)
            thus ?thesis
              using InvariantConflictClauseCharacterization (getConflictFlag state) (getConflictClause state) (getF state) (getM state)
              unfolding InvariantConflictClauseCharacterization_def
              by (auto simp add: Let_def clauseFalseAppendValuation)
          have "InvariantGetReasonIsReason (getReason ?state') (getF ?state') (getM ?state') (set (getQ ?state'))"
            using currentLevel (getM state) = 0
            using elementLevelLeqCurrentLevel[of _ "getM state"]
            unfolding setWatch1_def
            unfolding setWatch2_def
            unfolding InvariantGetReasonIsReason_def
            by (simp add: Let_def)
          have "InvariantVarsF (getF ?state') F0 Vbl"
            using InvariantVarsF (getF state) F0 Vbl
            using vars ?clause'  vars F0
            using varsAppendFormulae[of "getF state" "[?clause']"]
            unfolding setWatch2_def
            unfolding setWatch1_def
            unfolding InvariantVarsF_def
            by (auto simp add: Let_def)
          show ?thesis
            using assms
            using length ?clause' > 1
            using ¬ ?clause' = []
            using ¬ clauseTrue ?clause' (elements (getM state))
            using length ?clause'  1
            using ¬ clauseTautology ?clause'
            unfolding addClause_def
            unfolding setWatch1_def
            unfolding setWatch2_def
            by (auto simp add: Let_def)

lemma InvariantEquivalentZLAfterAddClause:
fixes Phi :: Formula and clause :: Clause and state :: State and Vbl :: "Variable set"
*:"(getSATFlag state = UNDEF  InvariantEquivalentZL (getF state) (getM state) Phi)  
   (getSATFlag state = FALSE  ¬ satisfiable Phi)"
  "InvariantConsistent (getM state)"
  "InvariantUniq (getM state)"
  "InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF (getWatchList state) (getF state)" and
  "InvariantWatchListsUniq (getWatchList state)" and
  "InvariantWatchListsCharacterization (getWatchList state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)"
  "InvariantWatchesEl (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)" and
  "InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)" and
  "InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state) (getM state)"
  "InvariantConflictFlagCharacterization (getConflictFlag state) (getF state) (getM state)"
  "InvariantQCharacterization (getConflictFlag state) (getQ state) (getF state) (getM state)"
  "InvariantUniqQ (getQ state)"
  "(getConflictFlag state)  (getQ state) = []"
  "currentLevel (getM state) = 0"
  "InvariantVarsM (getM state) F0 Vbl"
  "InvariantVarsQ (getQ state) F0 Vbl"
  "InvariantVarsF (getF state) F0 Vbl"
  "finite Vbl"
  "vars clause  vars F0"
"let state' = addClause clause state in
 let Phi' = Phi @ [clause] in
 let Phi'' = (if (clauseTautology clause) then Phi else Phi') in
 (getSATFlag state' = UNDEF  InvariantEquivalentZL (getF state') (getM state') Phi'')  
 (getSATFlag state' = FALSE  ¬satisfiable Phi'')"
  let ?clause' = "remdups (removeFalseLiterals clause (elements (getM state)))"

  from currentLevel (getM state) = 0 
  have "getM state = prefixToLevel 0 (getM state)"
    by (rule currentLevelZeroTrailEqualsItsPrefixToLevelZero)

  have **: " l. l el ?clause'  ¬ literalFalse l (elements (getM state))"
    unfolding removeFalseLiterals_def
    by auto

  have "vars ?clause'  vars clause"
    using varsSubsetValuation[of "?clause'" "clause"]
    unfolding removeFalseLiterals_def
    by auto
  hence "vars ?clause'  vars F0"
    using vars clause  vars F0
    by simp

  show ?thesis
  proof (cases "clauseTrue ?clause' (elements (getM state))")
    case True
    show ?thesis
      from True 
      have "clauseTrue clause (elements (getM state))"
        using clauseTrueRemoveDuplicateLiterals
        [of "removeFalseLiterals clause (elements (getM state))" "elements (getM state)"]
        using clauseTrueRemoveFalseLiterals
        [of "elements (getM state)" "clause"]
        using InvariantConsistent (getM state)
        unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
        by simp
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "getSATFlag state = UNDEF")
        case True
        thus ?thesis
          using *
          using clauseTrue clause (elements (getM state))
          using getM state = prefixToLevel 0 (getM state)
          using satisfiedClauseCanBeRemoved
          [of "getF state" "(elements (prefixToLevel 0 (getM state)))" "Phi" "clause"]
          using clauseTrue ?clause' (elements (getM state))
          unfolding addClause_def
          unfolding InvariantEquivalentZL_def
          by auto
        case False
        thus ?thesis
          using *
          using clauseTrue ?clause' (elements (getM state))
          using satisfiableAppend[of "Phi" "[clause]"]
          unfolding addClause_def
          by force
    case False
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "?clause' = []")
      case True
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "getSATFlag state = UNDEF")
        case True
        thus ?thesis
          using *
          using falseAndDuplicateLiteralsCanBeRemoved
          [of "getF state" "(elements (prefixToLevel 0 (getM state)))" "[]" "Phi" "clause"]
          using getM state = prefixToLevel 0 (getM state)
          using formulaWithEmptyClauseIsUnsatisfiable[of "(getF state @ val2form (elements (getM state)) @ [[]])"]
          using satisfiableEquivalent
          using ?clause' = []
          unfolding addClause_def
          unfolding InvariantEquivalentZL_def
          using satisfiableAppendTautology
          by auto
        case False
        thus ?thesis
          using ?clause' = []
          using *
          using satisfiableAppend[of "Phi" "[clause]"]
          unfolding addClause_def
          by force
      case False
      thus ?thesis
      proof (cases "length ?clause' = 1")
        case True
        from length ?clause' = 1
        have "[hd ?clause'] = ?clause'"
          using lengthOneCharacterisation[of "?clause'"]
          by simp

        with length ?clause' = 1
        have "val2form (elements (getM state)) @ [?clause'] = val2form ((elements (getM state)) @ ?clause')"
          using val2formAppend[of "elements (getM state)" "?clause'"]
          using val2formOfSingleLiteralValuation[of "?clause'"]
          by auto

        let ?state' = "assertLiteral (hd ?clause') False state"
        have "addClause clause state = exhaustiveUnitPropagate ?state'"
          using ¬ clauseTrue ?clause' (elements (getM state))
          using ¬ ?clause' = []
          using length ?clause' = 1
          unfolding addClause_def
          by (simp add: Let_def)
        from ?clause'  []
        have "hd ?clause'  set ?clause'"
          using hd_in_set[of "?clause'"]
          by simp
        with **
        have "¬ literalFalse (hd ?clause') (elements (getM state))"
          by simp
        hence "consistent (elements ((getM state) @ [(hd ?clause', False)]))"
          using assms
          unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
          using consistentAppendElement[of "elements (getM state)" "hd ?clause'"]
          by simp
        hence "consistent (elements (getM ?state'))"
          using assms
          using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "hd ?clause'" "False"]
          by simp
        from ¬ clauseTrue ?clause' (elements (getM state))
        have "uniq (elements (getM ?state'))"
          using assms
          using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "hd ?clause'" "False"]
          using hd ?clause'  set ?clause'
          unfolding InvariantUniq_def
          by (simp add: uniqAppendIff clauseTrueIffContainsTrueLiteral)
        have "InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF (getWatchList ?state') (getF ?state')" and
          "InvariantWatchListsUniq (getWatchList ?state')" and
          "InvariantWatchListsCharacterization (getWatchList ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state')"
          "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state')" and
          "InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state')"
          using assms
          using WatchInvariantsAfterAssertLiteral[of "state" "hd ?clause'" "False"]
          by (auto simp add: Let_def)
        have "InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state') (getM ?state')"
          using assms
          using InvariantWatchCharacterizationAfterAssertLiteral[of "state" "hd ?clause'" "False"]
          using uniq (elements (getM ?state'))
          using consistent (elements (getM ?state'))
          unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
          unfolding InvariantUniq_def
          using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "hd ?clause'" "False"]
          by (simp add: Let_def)
        have "InvariantConflictFlagCharacterization (getConflictFlag ?state') (getF ?state') (getM ?state')"
          using assms
          using InvariantConflictFlagCharacterizationAfterAssertLiteral[of "state" "hd ?clause'" "False"]
          using consistent (elements (getM ?state'))
          unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
          using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "hd ?clause'" "False"]
          by (simp add: Let_def)
        have "InvariantQCharacterization (getConflictFlag ?state') (getQ ?state') (getF ?state') (getM ?state')"
        proof (cases "getConflictFlag state")
          case True
          hence "getConflictFlag ?state'"
            using assms
            using assertLiteralConflictFlagEffect[of "state" "hd ?clause'" "False"]
            using uniq (elements (getM ?state'))
            using consistent (elements (getM ?state'))
            unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
            unfolding InvariantUniq_def
            using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "hd ?clause'" "False"]
            by (auto simp add: Let_def)
          thus ?thesis
            using assms
            unfolding InvariantQCharacterization_def
            by simp
          case False
          with (getConflictFlag state)  (getQ state) = []
          have "getQ state = []"
            by simp
          thus ?thesis
            using InvariantQCharacterizationAfterAssertLiteralNotInQ[of "state" "hd ?clause'" "False"]
            using assms
            using uniq (elements (getM ?state'))
            using consistent (elements (getM ?state'))
            unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
            unfolding InvariantUniq_def
            using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "hd ?clause'" "False"]
            by (auto simp add: Let_def)
        have"InvariantUniqQ (getQ ?state')"
          using assms
          using InvariantUniqQAfterAssertLiteral[of "state" "hd ?clause'" "False"]
          by (simp add: Let_def)
        have "currentLevel (getM ?state') = 0"
          using assms
          using ¬ clauseTrue ?clause' (elements (getM state))
          using ¬ ?clause' = []
          using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "hd ?clause'" "False"]
          unfolding addClause_def
          unfolding currentLevel_def
          by (simp add:Let_def markedElementsAppend)
        have "var (hd ?clause')  vars F0"
          using ?clause'  []
          using hd_in_set[of "?clause'"]
          using vars ?clause'  vars F0
          using clauseContainsItsLiteralsVariable[of "hd ?clause'" "?clause'"]
          by auto
        hence "InvariantVarsM (getM ?state') F0 Vbl"
          "InvariantVarsQ (getQ ?state') F0 Vbl"
          "InvariantVarsF (getF ?state') F0 Vbl"
          using InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF (getWatchList state) (getF state)
          using InvariantWatchesEl (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)
          using InvariantWatchListsUniq (getWatchList state)
          using InvariantWatchListsCharacterization (getWatchList state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)
          using InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)
          using InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state) (getM state)
          using InvariantVarsF (getF state) F0 Vbl
          using InvariantVarsM (getM state) F0 Vbl
          using InvariantVarsQ (getQ state) F0 Vbl
          using consistent (elements (getM ?state'))
          using uniq (elements (getM ?state'))
          using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "hd ?clause'" "False"]
          using varsAppendValuation[of "elements (getM state)" "[hd ?clause']"]
          using InvariantVarsQAfterAssertLiteral[of "state" "hd ?clause'" "False" "F0" "Vbl"]
          unfolding InvariantVarsM_def
          unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
          unfolding InvariantUniq_def
          by (auto simp add: Let_def)
        have "exhaustiveUnitPropagate_dom ?state'"
          using exhaustiveUnitPropagateTermination[of "?state'" "F0" "Vbl"]
          using InvariantUniqQ (getQ ?state')
          using InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF (getWatchList ?state') (getF ?state')
          using InvariantWatchListsUniq (getWatchList ?state')
          using InvariantWatchListsCharacterization (getWatchList ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state')
          using InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state')
          using InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state')
          using InvariantQCharacterization (getConflictFlag ?state') (getQ ?state') (getF ?state') (getM ?state')
          using InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state') (getM ?state')
          using InvariantConflictFlagCharacterization (getConflictFlag ?state') (getF ?state') (getM ?state')
          using consistent (elements (getM ?state'))
          using uniq (elements (getM ?state'))
          using finite Vbl
          using InvariantVarsM (getM ?state') F0 Vbl
          using InvariantVarsQ (getQ ?state') F0 Vbl
          using InvariantVarsF (getF ?state') F0 Vbl
          unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
          unfolding InvariantUniq_def
          by simp
        have "¬ clauseTautology clause"
            assume "¬ ?thesis"
            then obtain l'
              where "l' el clause" "opposite l' el clause"
              by (auto simp add: clauseTautologyCharacterization)
            have False
            proof (cases "l' el ?clause'")
              case True
              have "opposite l' el ?clause'"
                  assume "¬ ?thesis"
                  hence "literalFalse l' (elements (getM state))"
                    using l' el clause
                    using opposite l' el clause
                    using ¬ clauseTrue ?clause' (elements (getM state))
                    using clauseTrueIffContainsTrueLiteral[of "?clause'" "elements (getM state)"]
                    unfolding removeFalseLiterals_def
                    by auto
                  hence False
                    using l' el ?clause'
                    unfolding removeFalseLiterals_def
                    by auto
                } thus ?thesis
                  by auto
              have " x. x el ?clause'  x = l'"
                using l' el ?clause'
                using length ?clause' = 1
                using lengthOneImpliesOnlyElement[of "?clause'" "l'"]
                by simp
              thus ?thesis
                using opposite l' el ?clause'
                by auto
              case False
              hence "literalFalse l' (elements (getM state))"
                using l' el clause
                unfolding removeFalseLiterals_def
                by simp
              hence "¬ literalFalse (opposite l') (elements (getM state))"
                using InvariantConsistent (getM state)
                unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
                by (auto simp add: inconsistentCharacterization)
              hence "opposite l' el ?clause'"
                using opposite l' el clause
                unfolding removeFalseLiterals_def
                by auto
              thus ?thesis
                using literalFalse l' (elements (getM state))
                using ¬ clauseTrue ?clause' (elements (getM state))
                by (simp add: clauseTrueIffContainsTrueLiteral)
          } thus ?thesis
            by auto
        note clc = calculation

        show ?thesis
        proof (cases "getSATFlag state = UNDEF")
          case True
          hence "InvariantEquivalentZL (getF state) (getM state) Phi"
            using assms
            by simp
          hence "InvariantEquivalentZL (getF ?state') (getM ?state') (Phi @ [clause])"
            using *
            using falseAndDuplicateLiteralsCanBeRemoved
            [of "getF state" "(elements (prefixToLevel 0 (getM state)))" "[]" "Phi" "clause"]
            using [hd ?clause'] = ?clause'
            using getM state = prefixToLevel 0 (getM state)
            using currentLevel (getM state) = 0
            using prefixToLevelAppend[of "0" "getM state" "[(hd ?clause', False)]"]
            using InvariantWatchesEl (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)
            using InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF (getWatchList state) (getF state)
            using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "hd ?clause'" "False"]
            using val2form (elements (getM state)) @ [?clause'] = val2form ((elements (getM state)) @ ?clause')
            using ¬ ?clause' = []
            using ¬ clauseTrue ?clause' (elements (getM state))
            using length ?clause' = 1
            using getSATFlag state = UNDEF
            unfolding addClause_def
            unfolding InvariantEquivalentZL_def
            by (simp add: Let_def)
          hence "let state'' = addClause clause state in
            InvariantEquivalentZL (getF state'') (getM state'') (Phi @ [clause])  
            getSATFlag state'' = getSATFlag state"
            using clc
            using InvariantEquivalentZLAfterExhaustiveUnitPropagate[of "?state'" "Phi @ [clause]"]
            using exhaustiveUnitPropagatePreservedVariables[of "?state'"]
            using assms
            unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
            unfolding InvariantUniq_def
            using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "hd ?clause'" "False"]
            by (auto simp only: Let_def)
          thus ?thesis
            using True
            using ¬ clauseTautology clause
            by (auto simp only: Let_def split: if_split) 
          case False
          hence "getSATFlag state = FALSE" "¬ satisfiable Phi"
            using *
            by auto
          hence "getSATFlag ?state' = FALSE"
            using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "hd ?clause'" "False"]
            using assms
            by simp
          hence "getSATFlag (exhaustiveUnitPropagate ?state') = FALSE" 
            using clc
            using exhaustiveUnitPropagatePreservedVariables[of "?state'"]
            by (auto simp only: Let_def)
          have "¬ satisfiable (Phi @ [clause])"
            using satisfiableAppend[of "Phi" "[clause]"]
            using ¬ satisfiable Phi
            by auto
          show ?thesis
            using clc
            using ¬ clauseTautology clause
            by (simp only: Let_def) simp
        case False
        thus ?thesis
        proof (cases "clauseTautology ?clause'")
          case True
          hence "clauseTautology clause"
            unfolding removeFalseLiterals_def
            by (auto simp add: clauseTautologyCharacterization)
          show ?thesis
            using *
            using ¬ ?clause' = []
            using ¬ clauseTrue ?clause' (elements (getM state))
            using length ?clause'  1
            using satisfiableAppend[of "Phi" "[clause]"]
            unfolding addClause_def
            (* Tautology problem *)
            by (auto simp add: Let_def)
          case False
          have "¬ clauseTautology clause"
              assume "¬ ?thesis"
              then obtain l' 
                where "l' el clause" "opposite l' el clause"
                by (auto simp add: clauseTautologyCharacterization)
              have False
              proof (cases "l' el ?clause'")
                case True
                hence "¬ opposite l' el ?clause'"
                  using ¬ clauseTautology ?clause'
                  by (auto simp add: clauseTautologyCharacterization)
                hence "literalFalse (opposite l') (elements (getM state))"
                  using opposite l' el clause
                  unfolding removeFalseLiterals_def
                  by auto
                thus ?thesis
                  using ¬ clauseTrue ?clause' (elements (getM state))
                  using l' el ?clause'
                  by (simp add: clauseTrueIffContainsTrueLiteral)
                case False
                hence "literalFalse l' (elements (getM state))"
                  using l' el clause
                  unfolding removeFalseLiterals_def
                  by auto
                hence "¬ literalFalse (opposite l') (elements (getM state))"
                  using InvariantConsistent (getM state)
                  unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
                  by (auto simp add: inconsistentCharacterization)
                hence "opposite l' el ?clause'"
                  using opposite l' el clause
                  unfolding removeFalseLiterals_def
                  by auto
                thus ?thesis
                  using ¬ clauseTrue ?clause' (elements (getM state))
                  using literalFalse l' (elements (getM state))
                  by (simp add: clauseTrueIffContainsTrueLiteral)
            } thus ?thesis
              by auto
          show ?thesis
          proof (cases "getSATFlag state = UNDEF")
            case True
            show ?thesis
              using *
              using falseAndDuplicateLiteralsCanBeRemoved
              [of "getF state" "(elements (prefixToLevel 0 (getM state)))" "[]" "Phi" "clause"]
              using getM state = prefixToLevel 0 (getM state)
              using ¬ ?clause' = []
              using ¬ clauseTrue ?clause' (elements (getM state))
              using length ?clause'  1
              using ¬ clauseTautology ?clause'
              using ¬ clauseTautology clause
              using getSATFlag state = UNDEF
              unfolding addClause_def
              unfolding InvariantEquivalentZL_def
              unfolding setWatch1_def
              unfolding setWatch2_def
              using clauseOrderIrrelevant[of "getF state" "[?clause']" "val2form (elements (getM state))" "[]"]
              using equivalentFormulaeTransitivity[of 
                "getF state @ remdups (removeFalseLiterals clause (elements (getM state))) # val2form (elements (getM state))" 
                "getF state @ val2form (elements (getM state)) @ [remdups (removeFalseLiterals clause (elements (getM state)))]"
                "Phi @ [clause]"]
              by (auto simp add: Let_def)
            case False
            thus ?thesis
              using *
              using satisfiableAppend[of "Phi" "[clause]"]
              using ¬ clauseTrue ?clause' (elements (getM state))
              using length ?clause'  1
              using ¬ clauseTautology ?clause'
              using ¬ clauseTautology clause
              unfolding addClause_def
              unfolding setWatch1_def
              unfolding setWatch2_def
              by (auto simp add: Let_def)

(*    I N I T I A L I Z E                                                        *)

lemma InvariantsAfterInitializationStep:
  state :: State and Phi :: Formula and Vbl::"Variable set"
  "InvariantConsistent (getM state)"
  "InvariantUniq (getM state)"
  "InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF (getWatchList state) (getF state)" and
  "InvariantWatchListsUniq (getWatchList state)" and
  "InvariantWatchListsCharacterization (getWatchList state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)"
  "InvariantWatchesEl (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)" and
  "InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)" and
  "InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state) (getM state)"
  "InvariantConflictFlagCharacterization (getConflictFlag state) (getF state) (getM state)"
  "InvariantConflictClauseCharacterization (getConflictFlag state) (getConflictClause state) (getF state) (getM state)"
  "InvariantQCharacterization (getConflictFlag state) (getQ state) (getF state) (getM state)"
  "InvariantGetReasonIsReason (getReason state) (getF state) (getM state) (set (getQ state))"
  "InvariantUniqQ (getQ state)"
  "(getConflictFlag state)  (getQ state) = []"
  "currentLevel (getM state) = 0"
  "finite Vbl"
  "InvariantVarsM (getM state) F0 Vbl"
  "InvariantVarsQ (getQ state) F0 Vbl"
  "InvariantVarsF (getF state) F0 Vbl"
  "state' = initialize Phi state"
  "set Phi  set F0"
  "InvariantConsistent (getM state')  
   InvariantUniq (getM state')  
   InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF (getWatchList state') (getF state')  
   InvariantWatchListsUniq (getWatchList state')  
   InvariantWatchListsCharacterization (getWatchList state') (getWatch1 state') (getWatch2 state')  
   InvariantWatchesEl (getF state') (getWatch1 state') (getWatch2 state')  
   InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF state') (getWatch1 state') (getWatch2 state')  
   InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF state') (getWatch1 state') (getWatch2 state') (getM state')  
   InvariantConflictFlagCharacterization (getConflictFlag state') (getF state') (getM state')  
   InvariantConflictClauseCharacterization (getConflictFlag state') (getConflictClause state') (getF state') (getM state')  
   InvariantQCharacterization (getConflictFlag state') (getQ state') (getF state') (getM state')  
   InvariantUniqQ (getQ state')  
   InvariantGetReasonIsReason (getReason state') (getF state') (getM state') (set (getQ state'))  
   InvariantVarsM (getM state') F0 Vbl  
   InvariantVarsQ (getQ state') F0 Vbl  
   InvariantVarsF (getF state') F0 Vbl  
   ((getConflictFlag state')  (getQ state') = [])  
   currentLevel (getM state') = 0" (is "?Inv state'")
using assms
proof (induct Phi arbitrary: state)
  case Nil
  thus ?case
    by simp
  case (Cons clause Phi')
  let ?state' = "addClause clause state"
  have "?Inv ?state'"
    using Cons
    using InvariantsAfterAddClause[of "state" "F0" "Vbl" "clause"]
    using formulaContainsItsClausesVariables[of "clause" "F0"]
    by (simp add: Let_def)
  thus ?case
    using Cons(1)[of "?state'"] finite Vbl Cons(18) Cons(19) Cons(20) Cons(21) Cons(22)
    by (simp add: Let_def)

lemma InvariantEquivalentZLAfterInitializationStep:
fixes Phi :: Formula
  "(getSATFlag state = UNDEF  InvariantEquivalentZL (getF state) (getM state) (filter (λ c. ¬ clauseTautology c) Phi))  
   (getSATFlag state = FALSE  ¬ satisfiable (filter (λ c. ¬ clauseTautology c) Phi))"
  "InvariantConsistent (getM state)"
  "InvariantUniq (getM state)"
  "InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF (getWatchList state) (getF state)" and
  "InvariantWatchListsUniq (getWatchList state)" and
  "InvariantWatchListsCharacterization (getWatchList state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)"
  "InvariantWatchesEl (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)" and
  "InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)" and
  "InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state) (getM state)"
  "InvariantConflictFlagCharacterization (getConflictFlag state) (getF state) (getM state)"
  "InvariantConflictClauseCharacterization (getConflictFlag state) (getConflictClause state) (getF state) (getM state)"
  "InvariantQCharacterization (getConflictFlag state) (getQ state) (getF state) (getM state)"
  "InvariantNoDecisionsWhenConflict (getF state) (getM state) (currentLevel (getM state))"
  "InvariantNoDecisionsWhenUnit (getF state) (getM state) (currentLevel (getM state))"
  "InvariantGetReasonIsReason (getReason state) (getF state) (getM state) (set (getQ state))"
  "InvariantUniqQ (getQ state)"
  "finite Vbl"
  "InvariantVarsM (getM state) F0 Vbl"
  "InvariantVarsQ (getQ state) F0 Vbl"
  "InvariantVarsF (getF state) F0 Vbl"
  "(getConflictFlag state)  (getQ state) = []"
  "currentLevel (getM state) = 0"
  "F0 = Phi @ Phi'"
  "let state' = initialize Phi' state in
     (getSATFlag state' = UNDEF  InvariantEquivalentZL (getF state') (getM state') (filter (λ c. ¬ clauseTautology c) F0))  
     (getSATFlag state' = FALSE  ¬satisfiable (filter (λ c. ¬ clauseTautology c) F0))"
using assms
proof (induct Phi' arbitrary: state Phi)
  case Nil
  thus ?case
    unfolding prefixToLevel_def equivalentFormulae_def
    by simp
  case (Cons clause Phi'')
  let ?filt = "λ F. (filter (λ c. ¬ clauseTautology c) F)"
  let ?state' = "addClause clause state"
  let ?Phi' = "?filt Phi @ [clause]"
  let ?Phi'' = "if clauseTautology clause then ?filt Phi else ?Phi'"
  from Cons
  have "getSATFlag ?state' = UNDEF  InvariantEquivalentZL (getF ?state') (getM ?state') (?filt ?Phi'')  
        getSATFlag ?state' = FALSE  ¬ satisfiable (?filt ?Phi'')"
    using formulaContainsItsClausesVariables[of "clause" "F0"]
    using InvariantEquivalentZLAfterAddClause[of "state" "?filt Phi" "F0" "Vbl" "clause"]
    by (simp add:Let_def)
  hence "getSATFlag ?state' = UNDEF  InvariantEquivalentZL (getF ?state') (getM ?state') (?filt (Phi @ [clause])) 
         getSATFlag ?state' = FALSE  ¬ satisfiable (?filt (Phi @ [clause]))"
    by auto
  from Cons
  have "InvariantConsistent (getM ?state')  
   InvariantUniq (getM ?state')  
   InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF (getWatchList ?state') (getF ?state')  
   InvariantWatchListsUniq (getWatchList ?state')  
   InvariantWatchListsCharacterization (getWatchList ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state')  
   InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state')  
   InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state')  
   InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state') (getM ?state')  
   InvariantConflictFlagCharacterization (getConflictFlag ?state') (getF ?state') (getM ?state')  
   InvariantConflictClauseCharacterization (getConflictFlag ?state') (getConflictClause ?state') (getF ?state') (getM ?state')  
   InvariantQCharacterization (getConflictFlag ?state') (getQ ?state') (getF ?state') (getM ?state')  
   InvariantGetReasonIsReason (getReason ?state') (getF ?state') (getM ?state') (set (getQ ?state'))  
   InvariantUniqQ (getQ ?state')  
   InvariantVarsM (getM ?state') F0 Vbl  
   InvariantVarsQ (getQ ?state') F0 Vbl  
   InvariantVarsF (getF ?state') F0 Vbl  
   ((getConflictFlag ?state')  (getQ ?state') = [])  
   currentLevel (getM ?state') = 0"
    using formulaContainsItsClausesVariables[of "clause" "F0"]
    using InvariantsAfterAddClause
    by (simp add: Let_def)
  hence "InvariantNoDecisionsWhenConflict (getF ?state') (getM ?state') (currentLevel (getM ?state'))"
    "InvariantNoDecisionsWhenUnit (getF ?state') (getM ?state') (currentLevel (getM ?state'))"
    unfolding InvariantNoDecisionsWhenConflict_def
    unfolding InvariantNoDecisionsWhenUnit_def
    by auto
  show ?case
    using Cons(1)[of "?state'" "Phi @ [clause]"] finite Vbl Cons(23) Cons(24)
    by (simp add: Let_def)

lemma InvariantsAfterInitialization:
  "let state' = (initialize F0 initialState) in
       InvariantConsistent (getM state')  
       InvariantUniq (getM state')  
       InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF (getWatchList state') (getF state')  
       InvariantWatchListsUniq (getWatchList state')  
       InvariantWatchListsCharacterization (getWatchList state') (getWatch1 state') (getWatch2 state')  
       InvariantWatchesEl (getF state') (getWatch1 state') (getWatch2 state')  
       InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF state') (getWatch1 state') (getWatch2 state')  
       InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF state') (getWatch1 state') (getWatch2 state') (getM state')  
       InvariantConflictFlagCharacterization (getConflictFlag state') (getF state') (getM state')  
       InvariantConflictClauseCharacterization (getConflictFlag state') (getConflictClause state') (getF state') (getM state')  
       InvariantQCharacterization (getConflictFlag state') (getQ state') (getF state') (getM state')  
       InvariantNoDecisionsWhenConflict (getF state') (getM state') (currentLevel (getM state'))  
       InvariantNoDecisionsWhenUnit (getF state') (getM state') (currentLevel (getM state'))  
       InvariantGetReasonIsReason (getReason state') (getF state') (getM state') (set (getQ state'))  
       InvariantUniqQ (getQ state')  
       InvariantVarsM (getM state') F0 {}  
       InvariantVarsQ (getQ state') F0 {}  
       InvariantVarsF (getF state') F0 {}  
       ((getConflictFlag state')  (getQ state') = [])  
       currentLevel (getM state') = 0"
using InvariantsAfterInitializationStep[of "initialState" "{}" "F0" "initialize F0 initialState" "F0"]
unfolding initialState_def
unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
unfolding InvariantUniq_def
unfolding InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF_def
unfolding InvariantWatchListsUniq_def
unfolding InvariantWatchListsCharacterization_def
unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
unfolding InvariantWatchesDiffer_def
unfolding InvariantWatchCharacterization_def
unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
unfolding InvariantConflictFlagCharacterization_def
unfolding InvariantConflictClauseCharacterization_def
unfolding InvariantQCharacterization_def
unfolding InvariantUniqQ_def
unfolding InvariantNoDecisionsWhenConflict_def
unfolding InvariantNoDecisionsWhenUnit_def
unfolding InvariantGetReasonIsReason_def
unfolding InvariantVarsM_def
unfolding InvariantVarsQ_def
unfolding InvariantVarsF_def
unfolding currentLevel_def
by (simp) (force)

lemma InvariantEquivalentZLAfterInitialization:
fixes F0 :: Formula
  "let state' = (initialize F0 initialState) in
   let F0' = (filter (λ c. ¬ clauseTautology c) F0) in
     (getSATFlag state' = UNDEF  InvariantEquivalentZL (getF state') (getM state') F0')  
     (getSATFlag state' = FALSE  ¬ satisfiable F0')"
using InvariantEquivalentZLAfterInitializationStep[of "initialState" "[]" "{}" "F0" "F0"]
unfolding initialState_def
unfolding InvariantEquivalentZL_def
unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
unfolding InvariantUniq_def
unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
unfolding InvariantWatchesDiffer_def
unfolding InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF_def
unfolding InvariantWatchListsUniq_def
unfolding InvariantWatchListsCharacterization_def
unfolding InvariantWatchCharacterization_def
unfolding InvariantConflictFlagCharacterization_def
unfolding InvariantConflictClauseCharacterization_def
unfolding InvariantQCharacterization_def
unfolding InvariantNoDecisionsWhenConflict_def
unfolding InvariantNoDecisionsWhenUnit_def
unfolding InvariantGetReasonIsReason_def
unfolding InvariantVarsM_def
unfolding InvariantVarsQ_def
unfolding InvariantVarsF_def
unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
unfolding InvariantUniqQ_def
unfolding prefixToLevel_def
unfolding equivalentFormulae_def
unfolding currentLevel_def
by (auto simp add: Let_def)
