Theory SatSolverVerification

(*    Title:              SatSolverVerification/SatSolverVerification.thy
      Author:             Filip Maric
      Maintainer:         Filip Maric <filip at>

section‹Verification of DPLL based SAT solvers.›
theory SatSolverVerification
imports CNF Trail

text‹This theory contains a number of lemmas used in verification of
different SAT solvers. Although this file does not contain any
theorems significant on their own, it is an essential part of the SAT
solver correctness proof because it contains most of the technical
details used in the proofs that follow. These lemmas serve as a basis
for partial correctness proof for pseudo-code implementation of modern
SAT solvers described in cite"JARrad", in terms of Hoare logic.›

subsection‹Literal Trail›
text‹LiteralTrail is a Trail consisting of literals, where decision literals are marked.›

type_synonym LiteralTrail = "Literal Trail"

abbreviation isDecision :: "('a × bool)  bool"
  where "isDecision l == marked l"

abbreviation lastDecision :: "LiteralTrail  Literal"
  where "lastDecision M == Trail.lastMarked M"

abbreviation decisions :: "LiteralTrail  Literal list"
  where "decisions M == Trail.markedElements M"

abbreviation decisionsTo :: "Literal  LiteralTrail  Literal list"
  where "decisionsTo M l == Trail.markedElementsTo M l"

abbreviation prefixBeforeLastDecision :: "LiteralTrail  LiteralTrail"
  where "prefixBeforeLastDecision M == Trail.prefixBeforeLastMarked M"

(*                            I N V A R I A N T S                           *)
text‹In this section a number of conditions will be formulated and
it will be shown that these conditions are invariant after applying
different DPLL-based transition rules.›

"InvariantConsistent (M::LiteralTrail) == consistent (elements M)"

"InvariantUniq (M::LiteralTrail) == uniq (elements M)"

"InvariantImpliedLiterals (F::Formula) (M::LiteralTrail) ==  l. l el elements M  formulaEntailsLiteral (F @ val2form (decisionsTo l M)) l"

"InvariantEquivalent (F0::Formula) (F::Formula) == equivalentFormulae F0 F"

"InvariantVarsM  (M::LiteralTrail) (F0::Formula) (Vbl::Variable set) == vars (elements M)  vars F0  Vbl"

"InvariantVarsF (F::Formula) (F0::Formula) (Vbl::Variable set) == vars F  vars F0  Vbl"

text‹The following invariants are used in conflict analysis.›
"InvariantCFalse (conflictFlag::bool) (M::LiteralTrail) (C::Clause) == conflictFlag  clauseFalse C (elements M)"

"InvariantCEntailed (conflictFlag::bool) (F::Formula) (C::Clause) == conflictFlag  formulaEntailsClause F C"

"InvariantReasonClauses (F::Formula) (M::LiteralTrail) == 
   literal. literal el (elements M)  ¬ literal el decisions M  
             ( clause. formulaEntailsClause F clause  isReason clause literal (elements M))"

(*           V E R I F I C A T I O N     L E M M A S                    *)
subsubsection‹Auxiliary lemmas›
text‹This section contains some auxiliary lemmas that additionally 
  characterize some of invariants that have been defined.›

(*-------------------------   InvariantImpliedLiterals    ---------------------*)
text‹Lemmas about @{term InvariantImpliedLiterals}.›
lemma InvariantImpliedLiteralsWeakerVariant:
  fixes M :: LiteralTrail and F :: Formula
  assumes " l. l el elements M  formulaEntailsLiteral (F @ val2form (decisionsTo l M)) l"
  shows " l. l el elements M  formulaEntailsLiteral (F @ val2form (decisions M)) l"
proof -
    fix l :: Literal
    assume "l el elements M"
    with assms 
    have "formulaEntailsLiteral (F @ val2form (decisionsTo l M)) l"
      by simp
    have "isPrefix (decisionsTo l M) (decisions M)"
      by (simp add: markedElementsToArePrefixOfMarkedElements)
    then obtain s :: Valuation 
      where "(decisionsTo l M) @ s = (decisions M)"
      using isPrefix_def [of "decisionsTo l M" "decisions M"]
      by auto
    hence "(decisions M) = (decisionsTo l M) @ s"
      by (rule sym)
    with formulaEntailsLiteral (F @ val2form (decisionsTo l M)) l
    have "formulaEntailsLiteral (F @ val2form (decisions M)) l"
      using formulaEntailsLiteralAppend [of "F @ val2form (decisionsTo l M)" "l" "val2form s"]
      by (auto simp add:formulaEntailsLiteralAppend val2formAppend)
  thus ?thesis
    by simp

lemma InvariantImpliedLiteralsAndElementsEntailLiteralThenDecisionsEntailLiteral: 
  fixes M :: LiteralTrail and F :: Formula and literal :: Literal
  assumes "InvariantImpliedLiterals F M" and "formulaEntailsLiteral (F @ (val2form (elements M))) literal"
  shows "formulaEntailsLiteral (F @ val2form (decisions M)) literal"
proof -
    fix valuation :: Valuation
    assume "model valuation (F @ val2form (decisions M))"
    hence "formulaTrue F valuation" and "formulaTrue (val2form (decisions M)) valuation" and "consistent valuation"
      by (auto simp add: formulaTrueAppend)
      fix l :: Literal
      assume "l el (elements M)"
      from InvariantImpliedLiterals F M
      have " l. l el (elements M)  formulaEntailsLiteral (F @ val2form (decisions M)) l"
        by (simp add: InvariantImpliedLiteralsWeakerVariant InvariantImpliedLiterals_def)
      with l el (elements M)
      have "formulaEntailsLiteral (F @ val2form (decisions M)) l"
        by simp
      with model valuation (F @ val2form (decisions M))
      have "literalTrue l valuation"
        by (simp add: formulaEntailsLiteral_def)
    hence "formulaTrue (val2form (elements M)) valuation"
      by (simp add: val2formFormulaTrue)
    with formulaTrue F valuation consistent valuation
    have "model valuation (F @ (val2form (elements M)))"
      by (auto simp add:formulaTrueAppend)
    with formulaEntailsLiteral (F @ (val2form (elements M))) literal
    have "literalTrue literal valuation"
      by (simp add: formulaEntailsLiteral_def)
  thus ?thesis 
    by (simp add: formulaEntailsLiteral_def)

lemma InvariantImpliedLiteralsAndFormulaFalseThenFormulaAndDecisionsAreNotSatisfiable: 
  fixes M :: LiteralTrail and F :: Formula
  assumes "InvariantImpliedLiterals F M" and "formulaFalse F (elements M)" 
  shows "¬ satisfiable (F @ val2form (decisions M))"
proof -
  from formulaFalse F (elements M)
  have "formulaFalse (F @ val2form (decisions M)) (elements M)"
    by (simp add: formulaFalseAppend)
  from InvariantImpliedLiterals F M
  have "formulaEntailsValuation (F @ val2form (decisions M)) (elements M)"
    unfolding formulaEntailsValuation_def
    unfolding InvariantImpliedLiterals_def
    using InvariantImpliedLiteralsWeakerVariant[of "M" "F"]
    by simp
  show ?thesis
    using formulaFalseInEntailedValuationIsUnsatisfiable [of "F @ val2form (decisions M)" "elements M"]
    by simp

lemma InvariantImpliedLiteralsHoldsForPrefix:
  fixes M :: LiteralTrail and prefix :: LiteralTrail and F :: Formula
  assumes "InvariantImpliedLiterals F M"  and "isPrefix prefix M" 
  shows "InvariantImpliedLiterals F prefix"
proof -
    fix l :: Literal
    assume *: "l el elements prefix"

    from * isPrefix prefix M
    have "l el elements M"
      unfolding isPrefix_def
      by auto

    from * and isPrefix prefix M
    have "decisionsTo l prefix = decisionsTo l M"
      using markedElementsToPrefixElement [of "prefix" "M" "l"]
      by simp

    from InvariantImpliedLiterals F M and l el elements M
    have "formulaEntailsLiteral (F @ val2form (decisionsTo l M)) l"
      by (simp add:InvariantImpliedLiterals_def)
    with decisionsTo l prefix = decisionsTo l M
    have "formulaEntailsLiteral (F @ val2form (decisionsTo l prefix)) l"
      by simp
  } thus ?thesis
    by (auto simp add: InvariantImpliedLiterals_def)

(*-------------------------   InvariantReasonClauses    ---------------------*)
text‹Lemmas about @{term InvariantReasonClauses}.›
lemma InvariantReasonClausesHoldsForPrefix:
  fixes F::Formula and M::LiteralTrail and p::LiteralTrail
  assumes "InvariantReasonClauses F M" and "InvariantUniq M"  and
  "isPrefix p M" 
  shows "InvariantReasonClauses F p"
  from InvariantReasonClauses F M
  have *: " literal. literal el elements M  ¬ literal el decisions M  
                    ( clause. formulaEntailsClause F clause  isReason clause literal (elements M))"
    unfolding InvariantReasonClauses_def 
    by simp
  from InvariantUniq M
  have "uniq (elements M)"
    unfolding InvariantUniq_def 
    by simp
    fix literal::Literal
    assume "literal el elements p" and "¬ literal el decisions p"
      from isPrefix p M literal el (elements p)
      have "literal el (elements M)"
        by (auto simp add: isPrefix_def)
      from isPrefix p M literal el (elements p) ¬ literal el (decisions p) uniq (elements M)
      have "¬ literal el decisions M"
        using markedElementsTrailMemPrefixAreMarkedElementsPrefix [of "M" "p" "literal"]
        by auto
      obtain clause::Clause where
        "formulaEntailsClause F clause" "isReason clause literal (elements M)"
        using *
        by auto
      with literal el elements p ¬  literal el decisions p isPrefix p M
      have "isReason clause literal (elements p)"
        using isReasonHoldsInPrefix[of "literal" "elements p" "elements M" "clause"]
        by (simp add:isPrefixElements)
      with formulaEntailsClause F clause
      have " clause. formulaEntailsClause F clause  isReason clause literal (elements p)"
        by auto
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding InvariantReasonClauses_def
    by auto

lemma InvariantReasonClausesHoldsForPrefixElements:
  fixes F::Formula and M::LiteralTrail and p::LiteralTrail
  assumes "InvariantReasonClauses F p" and
  "isPrefix p M" and
  "literal el (elements p)" and "¬ literal el decisions M"
  shows " clause. formulaEntailsClause F clause  isReason clause literal (elements M)"
proof -
  from isPrefix p M ¬ literal el (decisions M)
  have "¬ literal el (decisions p)"
    using markedElementsPrefixAreMarkedElementsTrail[of "p" "M" "literal"]
    by auto

  from InvariantReasonClauses F p literal el (elements p) ¬ literal el (decisions p) obtain clause :: Clause
    where "formulaEntailsClause F clause" "isReason clause literal (elements p)"
    unfolding InvariantReasonClauses_def
    by auto
  with isPrefix p M
  have "isReason clause literal (elements M)"
    using isReasonAppend [of "clause" "literal" "elements p"]
    by (auto simp add: isPrefix_def)
  with formulaEntailsClause F clause
  show ?thesis
    by auto

(*           V E R I F I C A T I O N     L E M M A S                    *)
subsubsection‹Transition rules preserve invariants›

text‹In this section it will be proved that the different DPLL-based
transition rules preserves given invariants. Rules are implicitly given
in their most general form. Explicit definition of transition rules will be
done in theories that describe specific solvers.›

(*                       A P P L Y    D E C I D E                       *)
text‹$Decide$ transition rule.›
lemma InvariantUniqAfterDecide: 
  fixes M :: LiteralTrail and literal :: Literal and M' :: LiteralTrail
  assumes "InvariantUniq M" and 
  "var literal  vars (elements M)" and
  "M' = M @ [(literal, True)]"
  shows "InvariantUniq M'"
proof -
  from InvariantUniq M
  have "uniq (elements M)"
    unfolding InvariantUniq_def 
    assume "¬ uniq (elements M')"
    with uniq (elements M) M' = M @ [(literal, True)]
    have "literal el (elements M)"
      using uniqButlastNotUniqListImpliesLastMemButlast [of "elements M'"]
      by auto
    hence "var literal  vars (elements M)"
      using valuationContainsItsLiteralsVariable [of "literal" "elements M"]
      by simp
    with var literal  vars (elements M)
    have "False"
      by simp
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding InvariantUniq_def
    by auto

lemma InvariantImpliedLiteralsAfterDecide: 
  fixes F :: Formula and M :: LiteralTrail and literal :: Literal and M' :: LiteralTrail
  assumes "InvariantImpliedLiterals F M" and
  "var literal  vars (elements M)" and
  "M' = M @ [(literal, True)]"
  shows "InvariantImpliedLiterals F M'"
proof -
    fix l :: Literal
    assume "l el elements M'"
    have "formulaEntailsLiteral (F @ val2form (decisionsTo l M')) l"
    proof (cases "l el elements M")
      case True
      with M' = M @ [(literal, True)]
      have "decisionsTo l M' = decisionsTo l M"
        by (simp add: markedElementsToAppend)
      with InvariantImpliedLiterals F M l el elements M
      show ?thesis
        by (simp add: InvariantImpliedLiterals_def)
      case False
      with l el elements M' and M' = M @ [(literal, True)]
      have "l = literal"
        by (auto split: if_split_asm)
      have "clauseEntailsLiteral [literal] literal" 
        by (simp add: clauseEntailsLiteral_def)
      have "[literal] el (F @ val2form (decisions M) @ [[literal]])"
        by simp
        have "isDecision (last (M @ [(literal, True)]))"
          by simp
        from var literal  vars (elements M)
        have "¬ literal el (elements M)"
          using valuationContainsItsLiteralsVariable[of "literal" "elements M"]
          by auto
        have "decisionsTo literal (M @ [(literal, True)])  = ((decisions M) @ [literal])"
          using lastTrailElementMarkedImpliesMarkedElementsToLastElementAreAllMarkedElements [of "M @ [(literal, True)]"]
          by (simp add:markedElementsAppend)
      show ?thesis
         using M' = M @ [(literal, True)] l = literal 
           clauseEntailsLiteralThenFormulaEntailsLiteral [of "[literal]" "F @ val2form (decisions M) @ [[literal]]" "literal"] 
         by (simp add:val2formAppend)
  thus ?thesis
    by (simp add:InvariantImpliedLiterals_def)

lemma InvariantVarsMAfterDecide: 
  fixes F :: Formula and F0 :: Formula and M :: LiteralTrail and literal :: Literal and M' :: LiteralTrail
  assumes "InvariantVarsM M F0 Vbl" and 
  "var literal  Vbl" and 
  "M' = M @ [(literal, True)]"
  shows "InvariantVarsM M' F0 Vbl"
proof -
  from InvariantVarsM M F0 Vbl
  have "vars (elements M)  vars F0  Vbl"
    by (simp only:InvariantVarsM_def)
  from M' = M @ [(literal, True)]
  have "vars (elements M') = vars (elements (M @ [(literal, True)]))"
    by simp
  also have "... = vars (elements M @ [literal])"
    by simp
  also have "... = vars (elements M)   vars [literal]"
    using varsAppendClauses [of "elements M" "[literal]"]
    by simp
  show ?thesis
    using vars (elements M)  (vars F0)  Vbl var literal  Vbl
    unfolding InvariantVarsM_def
    by auto

lemma InvariantConsistentAfterDecide: 
  fixes M :: LiteralTrail and literal :: Literal and M' :: LiteralTrail
  assumes "InvariantConsistent M" and 
  "var literal  vars (elements M)" and
  "M' = M @ [(literal, True)]"
  shows "InvariantConsistent M'"
proof -
  from InvariantConsistent M
  have "consistent (elements M)"
    unfolding InvariantConsistent_def 
    assume "inconsistent (elements M')"
    with M' = M @ [(literal, True)]
    have "inconsistent (elements M)  inconsistent [literal]  ( l. literalTrue l (elements M)  literalFalse l [literal])"
      using inconsistentAppend [of "elements M" "[literal]"]
      by simp
    with consistent (elements M) obtain l :: Literal 
      where "literalTrue l (elements M)" and "literalFalse l [literal]"
      by auto
    hence "(opposite l) = literal"
      by auto
    hence "var literal = var l"
      by auto
    with literalTrue l (elements M)
    have "var l  vars (elements M)"
      using valuationContainsItsLiteralsVariable [of "l" "elements M"]
      by simp
    with var literal = var l var literal  vars (elements M)
    have "False"
      by simp
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
    by auto

lemma InvariantReasonClausesAfterDecide:
  fixes F :: Formula and M :: LiteralTrail and M' :: LiteralTrail
  assumes "InvariantReasonClauses F M" and "InvariantUniq M" and
  "M' = M @ [(literal, True)]"
  shows "InvariantReasonClauses F M'"
proof -
    fix literal' :: Literal
    assume "literal' el elements M'" and "¬ literal' el decisions M'"
    have " clause. formulaEntailsClause F clause  isReason clause literal' (elements M')"
    proof (cases "literal' el elements M")
      case True
      with assms ¬ literal' el decisions M' obtain clause::Clause
        where "formulaEntailsClause F clause  isReason clause literal' (elements M')"
        using InvariantReasonClausesHoldsForPrefixElements [of "F" "M" "M'" "literal'"]
        by (auto simp add:isPrefix_def)
      thus ?thesis
        by auto
      case False
      with M' = M @ [(literal, True)] literal' el elements M'
      have "literal = literal'"
        by (simp split: if_split_asm)
      with M' = M @ [(literal, True)] 
      have "literal' el decisions M'"
        using markedElementIsMarkedTrue[of "literal" "M'"]
        by simp
      with ¬ literal' el decisions M'
      have "False"
        by simp
      thus ?thesis
        by simp
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding InvariantReasonClauses_def
    by auto

lemma InvariantCFalseAfterDecide:
  fixes conflictFlag::bool and M::LiteralTrail and C::Clause
  assumes "InvariantCFalse conflictFlag M C" and "M' = M @ [(literal, True)]"
  shows "InvariantCFalse conflictFlag M' C"
  unfolding InvariantCFalse_def
  assume "conflictFlag"
  show "clauseFalse C (elements M')"
  proof -
    from InvariantCFalse conflictFlag M C
    have "conflictFlag  clauseFalse C (elements M)"
      unfolding InvariantCFalse_def 
    with conflictFlag
    have "clauseFalse C (elements M)"
      by simp
    with M' = M @ [(literal, True)]
    show ?thesis
      by (simp add:clauseFalseAppendValuation)

(*             A P P L Y    U N I T   P R O P A G A T E                 *)
text‹$UnitPropagate$ transition rule.›

lemma InvariantImpliedLiteralsHoldsForUnitLiteral:
  fixes M :: LiteralTrail and F :: Formula and uClause :: Clause and uLiteral :: Literal
  assumes "InvariantImpliedLiterals F M" and
  "formulaEntailsClause F uClause" and "isUnitClause uClause uLiteral (elements M)" and
  "M' = M @ [(uLiteral, False)]"
  shows "formulaEntailsLiteral (F @ val2form (decisionsTo uLiteral M')) uLiteral"
  have "decisionsTo uLiteral M' = decisions M"
  proof -
    from isUnitClause uClause uLiteral (elements M)
    have "¬ uLiteral el (elements M)"
      by (simp add: isUnitClause_def)
    with M' = M @ [(uLiteral, False)]
    show ?thesis
      using markedElementsToAppend[of "uLiteral" "M" "[(uLiteral, False)]"]
      unfolding markedElementsTo_def
      by simp
  from formulaEntailsClause F uClause isUnitClause uClause uLiteral (elements M) 
  have "formulaEntailsLiteral (F @ val2form (elements M)) uLiteral"
    using unitLiteralIsEntailed [of "uClause" "uLiteral" "elements M" "F"]
    by simp
  with InvariantImpliedLiterals F M
  have "formulaEntailsLiteral (F @ val2form (decisions M)) uLiteral"
    by (simp add: InvariantImpliedLiteralsAndElementsEntailLiteralThenDecisionsEntailLiteral)
  show ?thesis
    by simp

lemma InvariantImpliedLiteralsAfterUnitPropagate:
  fixes M :: LiteralTrail and F :: Formula and uClause :: Clause and uLiteral :: Literal
  assumes "InvariantImpliedLiterals F M" and
  "formulaEntailsClause F uClause" and "isUnitClause uClause uLiteral (elements M)" and
  "M' = M @ [(uLiteral, False)]"
  shows "InvariantImpliedLiterals F M'"
proof -
    fix l :: Literal
    assume "l el (elements M')"
    have "formulaEntailsLiteral (F @ val2form (decisionsTo l M')) l"
    proof (cases "l el elements M")
      case True
      with InvariantImpliedLiterals F M
      have "formulaEntailsLiteral (F @ val2form (decisionsTo l M)) l"
        by (simp add:InvariantImpliedLiterals_def)
      from M' = M @ [(uLiteral, False)]
      have "(isPrefix M M')"
        by (simp add:isPrefix_def)
      with True
      have "decisionsTo l M' = decisionsTo l M"
        by (simp add: markedElementsToPrefixElement)
      show ?thesis
        by simp
      case False
      with l el (elements M') M' = M @ [(uLiteral, False)]
      have "l = uLiteral"
        by (auto split: if_split_asm)
      from assms
      have "formulaEntailsLiteral (F @ val2form (decisionsTo uLiteral M')) uLiteral"
        using InvariantImpliedLiteralsHoldsForUnitLiteral [of "F" "M" "uClause" "uLiteral" "M'"]
        by simp
      show ?thesis
        by simp
  thus ?thesis
    by (simp add:InvariantImpliedLiterals_def)

lemma InvariantVarsMAfterUnitPropagate: 
  fixes F :: Formula and F0 :: Formula and M :: LiteralTrail and uClause :: Clause and uLiteral :: Literal and M' :: LiteralTrail
  assumes "InvariantVarsM M F0 Vbl" and
  "var uLiteral  vars F0  Vbl" and
  "M' = M @ [(uLiteral, False)]"
  shows "InvariantVarsM M' F0 Vbl"
proof -
  from InvariantVarsM M F0 Vbl
  have "vars (elements M)   vars F0  Vbl"
    unfolding InvariantVarsM_def 
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding InvariantVarsM_def
    using var uLiteral  vars F0  Vbl
    using M' = M @ [(uLiteral, False)]
      varsAppendClauses [of "elements M" "[uLiteral]"]
    by auto

lemma InvariantConsistentAfterUnitPropagate:
  fixes M :: LiteralTrail and F :: Formula and M' :: LiteralTrail and uClause :: Clause and uLiteral :: Literal
  assumes "InvariantConsistent M" and
  "isUnitClause uClause uLiteral (elements M)" and
  "M' = M @ [(uLiteral, False)]"
  shows "InvariantConsistent M'"
proof -
  from InvariantConsistent M
  have "consistent (elements M)"
    unfolding InvariantConsistent_def 
  from isUnitClause uClause uLiteral (elements M)
  have "¬ literalFalse uLiteral (elements M)"
    unfolding isUnitClause_def
    by simp
    assume "inconsistent (elements M')"
    with M' = M @ [(uLiteral, False)]
    have "inconsistent (elements M)  inconsistent [unitLiteral]  ( l. literalTrue l (elements M)  literalFalse l [uLiteral])"
      using inconsistentAppend [of "elements M" "[uLiteral]"]
      by simp
    with consistent (elements M) obtain literal::Literal
      where "literalTrue literal (elements M)" and "literalFalse literal [uLiteral]"
      by auto
    hence "literal = opposite uLiteral"
      by auto
    with literalTrue literal (elements M) ¬ literalFalse uLiteral (elements M)
    have False
      by simp
  } thus ?thesis
    unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
    by auto

lemma InvariantUniqAfterUnitPropagate:
  fixes M :: LiteralTrail and F :: Formula and M' :: LiteralTrail and uClause :: Clause and uLiteral :: Literal
  assumes "InvariantUniq M" and
  "isUnitClause uClause uLiteral (elements M)" and
  "M' = M @ [(uLiteral, False)]"
  shows "InvariantUniq M'"
  from InvariantUniq M
  have "uniq (elements M)"
    unfolding InvariantUniq_def 
  from isUnitClause uClause uLiteral (elements M)
  have "¬ literalTrue uLiteral (elements M)"
    unfolding isUnitClause_def
    by simp
  show ?thesis
    using M' = M @ [(uLiteral, False)] uniqAppendElement[of "elements M" "uLiteral"]
    unfolding InvariantUniq_def
    by simp

lemma InvariantReasonClausesAfterUnitPropagate:
  fixes M :: LiteralTrail and F :: Formula and M' :: LiteralTrail and uClause :: Clause and uLiteral :: Literal
  assumes "InvariantReasonClauses F M" and
  "formulaEntailsClause F uClause" and "isUnitClause uClause uLiteral (elements M)" and
  "M' = M @ [(uLiteral, False)]"
  shows "InvariantReasonClauses F M'"
proof -
  from InvariantReasonClauses F M
  have *: "( literal. (literal el (elements M))  ¬ (literal el (decisions M))  
    ( clause. formulaEntailsClause F clause  (isReason clause literal (elements M))))"
    unfolding InvariantReasonClauses_def 
    by simp
    fix literal::Literal
    assume "literal el elements M'" "¬ literal el decisions M'"
    have " clause. formulaEntailsClause F clause  isReason clause literal (elements M')" 
    proof (cases "literal el elements M")
      case True
      with assms ¬ literal el decisions M' obtain clause::Clause
        where "formulaEntailsClause F clause  isReason clause literal (elements M')"
        using InvariantReasonClausesHoldsForPrefixElements [of "F" "M" "M'" "literal"]
        by (auto simp add:isPrefix_def)
      thus ?thesis
        by auto
      case False
      with literal el (elements M') M' = M @ [(uLiteral, False)]
      have "literal = uLiteral"
        by simp
      with M' = M @ [(uLiteral, False)] isUnitClause uClause uLiteral (elements M) formulaEntailsClause F uClause
      show ?thesis
        using isUnitClauseIsReason [of "uClause" "uLiteral" "elements M"]
        by auto
  } thus ?thesis
    unfolding InvariantReasonClauses_def
    by simp

lemma InvariantCFalseAfterUnitPropagate:
  fixes M :: LiteralTrail and F :: Formula and M' :: LiteralTrail and uClause :: Clause and uLiteral :: Literal
  assumes "InvariantCFalse conflictFlag M C" and
  "M' = M @ [(uLiteral, False)]"
  shows "InvariantCFalse conflictFlag M' C"
  from InvariantCFalse conflictFlag M C 
  have *: "conflictFlag  clauseFalse C (elements M)"
    unfolding InvariantCFalse_def 
    assume "conflictFlag" 
    with M' = M @ [(uLiteral, False)] * 
    have "clauseFalse C (elements M')"
      by (simp add:clauseFalseAppendValuation)
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding InvariantCFalse_def
    by simp

(*                   A P P L Y    B A C K T R A C K                     *)
text‹$Backtrack$ transition rule.›
lemma InvariantImpliedLiteralsAfterBacktrack:
  fixes F::Formula and M::LiteralTrail
  assumes "InvariantImpliedLiterals F M" and "InvariantUniq M" and "InvariantConsistent M" and 
  "decisions M  []" and "formulaFalse F (elements M)"
  "M' = (prefixBeforeLastDecision M) @ [(opposite (lastDecision M), False)]"
  shows "InvariantImpliedLiterals F M'"
proof -
  have "isPrefix (prefixBeforeLastDecision M) M"
    by (simp add: isPrefixPrefixBeforeLastMarked)
    fix l'::Literal
    assume "l' el (elements M')"
    let ?p = "(prefixBeforeLastDecision M)"
    let ?l = "lastDecision M"
    have "formulaEntailsLiteral (F @ val2form (decisionsTo l' M')) l'"
    proof (cases "l' el (elements ?p)")
      case True
      with isPrefix ?p M
      have "l' el (elements M)"
        using prefixElementsAreTrailElements[of "?p" "M"]
        by auto

      with InvariantImpliedLiterals F M 
      have "formulaEntailsLiteral (F @ val2form (decisionsTo l' M)) l'"
        unfolding InvariantImpliedLiterals_def
        by simp
      from M' = ?p @ [(opposite ?l, False)] True isPrefix ?p M
      have "(decisionsTo l' M') = (decisionsTo l' M)"
        using prefixToElementToPrefixElement[of "?p" "M" "l'"]
        unfolding markedElementsTo_def
        by (auto simp add: prefixToElementAppend)
      show ?thesis
        by auto
      case False
      with l' el (elements M') and M' = ?p @ [(opposite ?l, False)]
      have "?l = (opposite l')"
        by (auto split: if_split_asm)
      hence "l' = (opposite ?l)"
        by simp

      from InvariantUniq M and markedElements M  []
      have "(decisionsTo ?l M) = (decisions M)"
        unfolding InvariantUniq_def
        using markedElementsToLastMarkedAreAllMarkedElements
        by auto
      from decisions M  [] 
      have "?l el (elements M)"
        by (simp add: lastMarkedIsMarkedElement markedElementsAreElements)
      with InvariantConsistent M 
      have "¬ (opposite ?l) el (elements M)"
        unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
        by (simp add: inconsistentCharacterization)
      with isPrefix ?p M
      have "¬ (opposite ?l) el (elements ?p)"
        using prefixElementsAreTrailElements[of "?p" "M"]
        by auto
      with M' = ?p @ [(opposite ?l, False)] 
      have "decisionsTo (opposite ?l) M' = decisions ?p"
        using markedElementsToAppend [of "opposite ?l" "?p" "[(opposite ?l, False)]"]
        unfolding markedElementsTo_def
        by simp
      from InvariantUniq M decisions M  []
      have "¬ ?l el (elements ?p)"
        unfolding InvariantUniq_def
        using lastMarkedNotInPrefixBeforeLastMarked[of "M"]
        by simp
      hence "¬ ?l el (decisions ?p)"
        by (auto simp add: markedElementsAreElements)
      hence "(removeAll ?l (decisions ?p)) = (decisions ?p)"
        by (simp add: removeAll_id)
      hence "(removeAll ?l ((decisions ?p) @ [?l])) = (decisions ?p)"
        by simp
      from decisions M  [] False l' = (opposite ?l)
      have "(decisions ?p) @ [?l] = (decisions M)"
        using markedElementsAreElementsBeforeLastDecisionAndLastDecision[of "M"]
        by simp
      with (removeAll ?l ((decisions ?p) @ [?l])) = (decisions ?p)
      have "(decisions ?p) = (removeAll ?l (decisions M))"
        by simp
      from formulaFalse F (elements M) InvariantImpliedLiterals F M
      have "¬ satisfiable (F @ (val2form (decisions M)))"
        using InvariantImpliedLiteralsAndFormulaFalseThenFormulaAndDecisionsAreNotSatisfiable[of "F" "M"]
        by simp

      from decisions M  [] 
      have "?l el (decisions M)"
        unfolding lastMarked_def
        by simp
      hence "[?l] el val2form (decisions M)"
        using val2FormEl[of "?l" "(decisions M)"]
        by simp
      with ¬ satisfiable (F @ (val2form (decisions M)))
      have "formulaEntailsLiteral (removeAll [?l] (F @ val2form (decisions M))) (opposite ?l)"
        using unsatisfiableFormulaWithSingleLiteralClause[of "F @ val2form (decisions M)" "lastDecision M"]
        by auto
      show ?thesis
        using l' = (opposite ?l)
        using formulaEntailsLiteralRemoveAllAppend[of "[?l]" "F" "val2form (removeAll ?l (decisions M))" "opposite ?l"]
        by (auto simp add: val2FormRemoveAll)
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding InvariantImpliedLiterals_def
    by auto

lemma InvariantConsistentAfterBacktrack:
  fixes F::Formula and M::LiteralTrail
  assumes "InvariantUniq M" and "InvariantConsistent M" and
  "decisions M  []" and 
  "M' = (prefixBeforeLastDecision M) @ [(opposite (lastDecision M), False)]"
  shows "InvariantConsistent M'"
  from decisions M  [] InvariantUniq M
  have "¬ lastDecision M el elements (prefixBeforeLastDecision M)" 
    unfolding InvariantUniq_def
    using lastMarkedNotInPrefixBeforeLastMarked
    by simp
  from InvariantConsistent M 
  have "consistent (elements (prefixBeforeLastDecision M))"
    unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
    using isPrefixPrefixBeforeLastMarked[of "M"]
    using isPrefixElements[of "prefixBeforeLastDecision M" "M"]
    using consistentPrefix[of "elements (prefixBeforeLastDecision M)" "elements M"]
    by simp
  show ?thesis
    unfolding InvariantConsistent_def 
    using M' = (prefixBeforeLastDecision M) @ [(opposite (lastDecision M), False)]
    using inconsistentAppend[of "elements (prefixBeforeLastDecision M)" "[opposite (lastDecision M)]"]
    by (auto split: if_split_asm)

lemma InvariantUniqAfterBacktrack:
  fixes F::Formula and M::LiteralTrail
  assumes "InvariantUniq M" and "InvariantConsistent M" and
  "decisions M  []" and
  "M' = (prefixBeforeLastDecision M) @ [(opposite (lastDecision M), False)]"
  shows "InvariantUniq M'"
  from InvariantUniq M
  have "uniq (elements (prefixBeforeLastDecision M))"
    unfolding InvariantUniq_def
    using isPrefixPrefixBeforeLastMarked[of "M"]
    using isPrefixElements[of "prefixBeforeLastDecision M" "M"]
    using uniqListImpliesUniqPrefix
    by simp
  from decisions M  []
  have "lastDecision M el (elements M)"
    using lastMarkedIsMarkedElement[of "M"]
    using markedElementsAreElements[of "lastDecision M" "M"]
    by simp
  with InvariantConsistent M
  have "¬ opposite (lastDecision M) el (elements M)"
    unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
    using inconsistentCharacterization
    by simp
  hence "¬ opposite (lastDecision M) el (elements (prefixBeforeLastDecision M))"
    using isPrefixPrefixBeforeLastMarked[of "M"]
    using isPrefixElements[of "prefixBeforeLastDecision M" "M"]
    using prefixIsSubset[of "elements (prefixBeforeLastDecision M)" "elements M"]
    by auto
  show ?thesis
      M' = (prefixBeforeLastDecision M) @ [(opposite (lastDecision M), False)]
      uniqAppendElement[of "elements (prefixBeforeLastDecision M)" "opposite (lastDecision M)"]
    unfolding InvariantUniq_def
    by simp

lemma InvariantVarsMAfterBacktrack:
  fixes F::Formula and M::LiteralTrail
  assumes "InvariantVarsM M F0 Vbl"
  "decisions M  []" and
  "M' = (prefixBeforeLastDecision M) @ [(opposite (lastDecision M), False)]"
  shows "InvariantVarsM M' F0 Vbl"
  from decisions M  []
  have "lastDecision M el (elements M)"
    using lastMarkedIsMarkedElement[of "M"]
    using markedElementsAreElements[of "lastDecision M" "M"]
    by simp
  hence "var (lastDecision M)  vars (elements M)"
    using valuationContainsItsLiteralsVariable[of "lastDecision M" "elements M"]
    by simp
  have "vars (elements (prefixBeforeLastDecision M))  vars (elements M)"
    using isPrefixPrefixBeforeLastMarked[of "M"]
    using isPrefixElements[of "prefixBeforeLastDecision M" "M"]
    using varsPrefixValuation[of "elements (prefixBeforeLastDecision M)" "elements M"]
    by auto
  show ?thesis
    using assms
    using varsAppendValuation[of "elements (prefixBeforeLastDecision M)" "[opposite (lastDecision M)]"]
    unfolding InvariantVarsM_def
    by auto

(*                     A P P L Y    B A C K J U M P                     *)
text‹$Backjump$ transition rule.›

lemma InvariantImpliedLiteralsAfterBackjump:
  fixes F::Formula and M::LiteralTrail and p::LiteralTrail and bClause::Clause and bLiteral::Literal
  assumes "InvariantImpliedLiterals F M" and
  "isPrefix p M" and "formulaEntailsClause F bClause" and "isUnitClause bClause bLiteral (elements p)" and
  "M' = p @ [(bLiteral, False)]"
  shows "InvariantImpliedLiterals F M'"
proof -
  from InvariantImpliedLiterals F M isPrefix p M 
  have "InvariantImpliedLiterals F p"
    using InvariantImpliedLiteralsHoldsForPrefix [of "F" "M" "p"]
    by simp

  with assms
  show ?thesis
    using InvariantImpliedLiteralsAfterUnitPropagate [of "F" "p" "bClause" "bLiteral" "M'"]
    by simp

lemma InvariantVarsMAfterBackjump:
  fixes F::Formula and M::LiteralTrail and p::LiteralTrail and bClause::Clause and bLiteral::Literal
  assumes "InvariantVarsM M F0 Vbl" and
  "isPrefix p M" and "var bLiteral  vars F0  Vbl" and
  "M' = p @ [(bLiteral, False)]"
  shows "InvariantVarsM M' F0 Vbl"
proof -
  from InvariantVarsM M F0 Vbl
  have "vars (elements M)  vars F0  Vbl"
    unfolding InvariantVarsM_def
  from isPrefix p M
  have "vars (elements p)  vars (elements M)"
    using varsPrefixValuation [of "elements p" "elements M"]
    by (simp add: isPrefixElements)
  have "vars (elements p)  vars F0  Vbl"
    by simp

  with vars (elements p)  vars F0  Vbl assms
  show ?thesis
    using InvariantVarsMAfterUnitPropagate[of  "p" "F0" "Vbl" "bLiteral" "M'"]
    unfolding InvariantVarsM_def
    by simp

lemma InvariantConsistentAfterBackjump:
  fixes F::Formula and M::LiteralTrail and p::LiteralTrail and bClause::Clause and bLiteral::Literal
  assumes "InvariantConsistent M" and
  "isPrefix p M" and "isUnitClause bClause bLiteral (elements p)" and
  "M' = p @ [(bLiteral, False)]"
  shows "InvariantConsistent M'"
  from InvariantConsistent M
  have "consistent (elements M)"
    unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
  with isPrefix p M
  have "consistent (elements p)"
    using consistentPrefix [of "elements p" "elements M"]
    by (simp add: isPrefixElements)
  with assms
  show ?thesis
    using InvariantConsistentAfterUnitPropagate [of "p" "bClause" "bLiteral" "M'"]
    unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
    by simp

lemma InvariantUniqAfterBackjump:
  fixes F::Formula and M::LiteralTrail and p::LiteralTrail and bClause::Clause and bLiteral::Literal
  assumes "InvariantUniq M" and
  "isPrefix p M"  and "isUnitClause bClause bLiteral (elements p)" and
  "M' = p @ [(bLiteral, False)]" 
  shows "InvariantUniq M'"
proof -
  from InvariantUniq M
  have "uniq (elements M)"
    unfolding InvariantUniq_def
  with isPrefix p M
  have "uniq (elements p)"
    using uniqElementsTrailImpliesUniqElementsPrefix [of "p" "M"]
    by simp
  with assms
  show ?thesis
    using InvariantUniqAfterUnitPropagate[of "p" "bClause" "bLiteral" "M'"]
    unfolding InvariantUniq_def
    by simp

lemma InvariantReasonClausesAfterBackjump:
  fixes F::Formula and M::LiteralTrail and p::LiteralTrail and bClause::Clause and bLiteral::Literal
  assumes "InvariantReasonClauses F M" and "InvariantUniq M"  and
  "isPrefix p M"  and "isUnitClause bClause bLiteral (elements p)" and "formulaEntailsClause F bClause" and
  "M' = p @ [(bLiteral, False)]"
  shows "InvariantReasonClauses F M'"
proof -
  from InvariantReasonClauses F M InvariantUniq M isPrefix p M
  have "InvariantReasonClauses F p"
    by (rule InvariantReasonClausesHoldsForPrefix)
  with assms
  show ?thesis
    using InvariantReasonClausesAfterUnitPropagate [of "F" "p" "bClause" "bLiteral" "M'"]
    by simp

(*                       A P P L Y    L E A R N                         *)
text‹$Learn$ transition rule.›

lemma InvariantImpliedLiteralsAfterLearn: 
  fixes F :: Formula and F' :: Formula and M :: LiteralTrail and C :: Clause
  assumes "InvariantImpliedLiterals F M" and
  "F' = F @ [C]"
  shows "InvariantImpliedLiterals F' M"
proof -
  from InvariantImpliedLiterals F M 
  have *: " l. l el (elements M)  formulaEntailsLiteral (F @ val2form (decisionsTo l M)) l"
    unfolding InvariantImpliedLiterals_def
    fix literal :: Literal
    assume "literal el (elements M)"
    with * 
    have "formulaEntailsLiteral (F @ val2form (decisionsTo literal M)) literal"
      by simp
    hence "formulaEntailsLiteral (F @ [C] @ val2form (decisionsTo literal M)) literal"
      have " clause::Clause. clause el (F @ val2form (decisionsTo literal M))  clause el (F @ [C] @ val2form (decisionsTo literal M))"
          fix clause :: Clause
          have "clause el (F @ val2form (decisionsTo literal M))  clause el (F @ [C] @ val2form (decisionsTo literal M))"
            assume "clause el (F @ val2form (decisionsTo literal M))"
            thus "clause el (F @ [C] @ val2form (decisionsTo literal M))"
              by auto
        } thus ?thesis
          by auto
      with formulaEntailsLiteral (F @ val2form (decisionsTo literal M)) literal
      show ?thesis
        by (rule formulaEntailsLiteralSubset)
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding InvariantImpliedLiterals_def
    using F' = F @ [C]
    by auto

lemma InvariantReasonClausesAfterLearn:
  fixes F :: Formula and F' :: Formula and M :: LiteralTrail and C :: Clause
  assumes "InvariantReasonClauses F M" and
  "formulaEntailsClause F C" and
  "F' = F @ [C]"
  shows "InvariantReasonClauses F' M"
proof -
    fix literal :: Literal
    assume "literal el elements M  ¬ literal el decisions M"
    with InvariantReasonClauses F M obtain clause::Clause
      where "formulaEntailsClause F clause" "isReason clause literal (elements M)"
      unfolding InvariantReasonClauses_def
      by auto
    from formulaEntailsClause F clause F' = F @ [C]
    have "formulaEntailsClause F' clause"
      by (simp add:formulaEntailsClauseAppend)
    with isReason clause literal (elements M)
    have " clause. formulaEntailsClause F' clause  isReason clause literal (elements M)"
      by auto
  } thus ?thesis
    unfolding InvariantReasonClauses_def
    by simp

lemma InvariantVarsFAfterLearn:
  fixes F0 :: Formula and F :: Formula and F' :: Formula and C :: Clause
  assumes "InvariantVarsF F F0 Vbl" and 
  "vars C  (vars F0)  Vbl" and
  "F' = F @ [C]"
  shows "InvariantVarsF F' F0 Vbl"
using assms
using varsAppendFormulae[of "F" "[C]"]
unfolding InvariantVarsF_def
by auto

lemma InvariantEquivalentAfterLearn: 
  fixes F0 :: Formula and F :: Formula and F' :: Formula and C :: Clause
  assumes "InvariantEquivalent F0 F" and 
  "formulaEntailsClause F C" and
  "F' = F @ [C]"
  shows "InvariantEquivalent F0 F'"
  from InvariantEquivalent F0 F
  have "equivalentFormulae F0 F"
    unfolding InvariantEquivalent_def
  with formulaEntailsClause F C F' = F @ [C]
  have "equivalentFormulae F0 (F @ [C])"
    using extendEquivalentFormulaWithEntailedClause [of "F0" "F" "C"]
    by simp
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding InvariantEquivalent_def
    using F' = F @ [C]
    by simp

lemma InvariantCEntailedAfterLearn:
  fixes F0 :: Formula and F :: Formula and F' :: Formula and C :: Clause
  assumes "InvariantCEntailed conflictFlag F C" and
  "F' = F @ [C]"
  shows "InvariantCEntailed conflictFlag F' C"
using assms
unfolding InvariantCEntailed_def
by (auto simp add:formulaEntailsClauseAppend)

(*                     A P P L Y    E X P L A I N                       *)
text‹$Explain$ transition rule.›

lemma InvariantCFalseAfterExplain: 
  fixes conflictFlag::bool and M::LiteralTrail and C::Clause and literal :: Literal
  assumes "InvariantCFalse conflictFlag M C" and
  "opposite literal el C" and "isReason reason literal (elements M)" and
  "C' = resolve C reason (opposite literal)"
  shows "InvariantCFalse conflictFlag M C'"
unfolding InvariantCFalse_def
  assume "conflictFlag"
  with InvariantCFalse conflictFlag M C
  have "clauseFalse C (elements M)"
    unfolding InvariantCFalse_def
    by simp
  hence "clauseFalse (removeAll (opposite literal) C) (elements M)"
    by (simp add: clauseFalseIffAllLiteralsAreFalse)
  from isReason reason literal (elements M)
  have "clauseFalse (removeAll literal reason) (elements M)"
    unfolding isReason_def
    by simp
  show "clauseFalse C' (elements M)"
    using C' = resolve C reason (opposite literal)
    resolveFalseClauses [of "opposite literal" "C" "elements M" "reason"]
    by simp

lemma InvariantCEntailedAfterExplain: 
  fixes conflictFlag::bool and M::LiteralTrail and C::Clause and literal :: Literal and reason :: Clause
  assumes "InvariantCEntailed conflictFlag F C" and
  "formulaEntailsClause F reason" and "C' = (resolve C reason (opposite l))"
  shows "InvariantCEntailed conflictFlag F C'"
unfolding InvariantCEntailed_def
  assume "conflictFlag"
  with InvariantCEntailed conflictFlag F C
  have "formulaEntailsClause F C"
    unfolding InvariantCEntailed_def
    by simp
  with formulaEntailsClause F reason
  show "formulaEntailsClause F C'"
    using C' = (resolve C reason (opposite l))
    by (simp add:formulaEntailsResolvent)

(*                     A P P L Y    C O N F L I C T                     *)
text‹$Conflict$ transition rule.›

lemma invariantCFalseAfterConflict:
  fixes conflictFlag::bool and conflictFlag'::bool and M::LiteralTrail and F :: Formula and clause :: Clause and C' :: Clause
  assumes "conflictFlag = False" and
  "formulaFalse F (elements M)" and "clause el F" "clauseFalse clause (elements M)" and
  "C' = clause" and "conflictFlag' = True"
  shows "InvariantCFalse conflictFlag' M C'"
unfolding InvariantCFalse_def
  from conflictFlag' = True
  show "clauseFalse C' (elements M)"
    using clauseFalse clause (elements M) C' = clause
    by simp
lemma invariantCEntailedAfterConflict:
  fixes conflictFlag::bool and conflictFlag'::bool and M::LiteralTrail and F :: Formula and clause :: Clause and C' :: Clause
  assumes "conflictFlag = False" and
  "formulaFalse F (elements M)" and "clause el F" and "clauseFalse clause (elements M)" and
  "C' = clause" and "conflictFlag' = True"
  shows "InvariantCEntailed conflictFlag' F C'"
unfolding InvariantCEntailed_def
  from conflictFlag' = True
  show "formulaEntailsClause F C'"
    using clause el F C' = clause
    by (simp add:formulaEntailsItsClauses)

(*                   U N S A T     R E P O R T                          *)
text‹UNSAT report›

lemma unsatReport: 
  fixes F :: Formula and M :: LiteralTrail and F0 :: Formula
  assumes "InvariantImpliedLiterals F M" and "InvariantEquivalent F0 F" and
  "decisions M = []" and "formulaFalse F (elements M)"
  shows "¬ satisfiable F0"
  have "formulaEntailsValuation F (elements M)"
      fix literal::Literal
      assume "literal el (elements M)"
      from decisions M = []
      have "decisionsTo literal M = []"
        by (simp add:markedElementsEmptyImpliesMarkedElementsToEmpty)
      with literal el (elements M) InvariantImpliedLiterals F M
      have "formulaEntailsLiteral F literal"
        unfolding InvariantImpliedLiterals_def
        by auto
    thus ?thesis
      unfolding formulaEntailsValuation_def
      by simp
  with formulaFalse F (elements M)
  have "¬ satisfiable F"
    by (simp add:formulaFalseInEntailedValuationIsUnsatisfiable)
  with InvariantEquivalent F0 F
  show ?thesis
    unfolding InvariantEquivalent_def
    by (simp add:satisfiableEquivalent)

lemma unsatReportExtensiveExplain:
  fixes F :: Formula and M :: LiteralTrail and F0 :: Formula and C :: Clause and conflictFlag :: bool
  assumes "InvariantEquivalent F0 F" and "InvariantCEntailed conflictFlag F C" and
  "conflictFlag" and "C = []"
  shows "¬ satisfiable F0"
  from conflictFlag InvariantCEntailed conflictFlag F C
  have "formulaEntailsClause F C"
    unfolding InvariantCEntailed_def
    by simp
  with C=[]
  have "¬ satisfiable F"
    by (simp add:formulaUnsatIffImpliesEmptyClause)
  with InvariantEquivalent F0 F
  show ?thesis
    unfolding InvariantEquivalent_def
    by (simp add:satisfiableEquivalent)

(*                       S A T     R E P O R T                          *)
text‹SAT Report›

lemma satReport:
  fixes F0 :: Formula and F :: Formula and M::LiteralTrail
  assumes "vars F0  Vbl" and "InvariantVarsF F F0 Vbl" and "InvariantConsistent M" and "InvariantEquivalent F0 F" and
  "¬ formulaFalse F (elements M)" and "vars (elements M)  Vbl"
  shows "model (elements M) F0"
  from InvariantConsistent M
  have "consistent (elements M)"
    unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
  from InvariantVarsF F F0 Vbl 
  have "vars F  vars F0  Vbl"
    unfolding InvariantVarsF_def
  with vars F0  Vbl 
  have "vars F  Vbl"
    by auto
  with vars (elements M)  Vbl
  have "vars F  vars (elements M)"
    by simp
  hence "formulaTrue F (elements M)  formulaFalse F (elements M)"
    by (simp add:totalValuationForFormulaDefinesItsValue)
  with ¬ formulaFalse F (elements M)
  have "formulaTrue F (elements M)"
    by simp
  have "model (elements M) F"
    by simp
  with InvariantEquivalent F0 F
  show ?thesis
    unfolding InvariantEquivalent_def
    unfolding equivalentFormulae_def
    by auto

subsection‹Different characterizations of backjumping›
text‹In this section, different characterization of applicability of
backjumping will be given.›

text‹The clause satisfies the @{term "Unique Implication Point (UIP)"} condition
  if the level of all its literals is stricly lower then the level of its last asserted literal›
"isUIP l c M ==
  isLastAssertedLiteral (opposite l) (oppositeLiteralList c)(elements M)   
  ( l'. l' el c  l'  l  elementLevel (opposite l') M < elementLevel (opposite l) M)"

text@{term "Backjump level"} is a nonegative integer such that it is stricly 
  lower than the level of the last asserted literal of a clause, and greater or 
  equal then levels of all its other literals.›
"isBackjumpLevel level l c M == 
  isLastAssertedLiteral (opposite l) (oppositeLiteralList c)(elements M)   
  0  level  level < elementLevel (opposite l) M 
  ( l'. l' el c  l'  l  elementLevel (opposite l') M  level)"

lemma lastAssertedLiteralHasHighestElementLevel: 
  fixes literal :: Literal and clause :: Clause and M :: LiteralTrail
  assumes "isLastAssertedLiteral literal clause (elements M)" and "uniq (elements M)"
  shows " l'. l' el clause  l' el elements M  elementLevel l' M <= elementLevel literal M"
proof -
    fix l' :: Literal
    assume "l' el clause" "l' el elements M"
    hence "elementLevel l' M <= elementLevel literal M"
    proof (cases "l' = literal")
      case True
      thus ?thesis
        by simp
      case False
      from isLastAssertedLiteral literal clause (elements M) 
      have "literalTrue literal (elements M)" 
        " l. l el clause  l  literal  ¬  precedes literal l (elements M)"
        by (auto simp add:isLastAssertedLiteral_def)
      with l' el clause False 
      have "¬ precedes literal l' (elements M)"
        by simp
      with False l' el (elements M) literalTrue literal (elements M)
      have "precedes l' literal (elements M)"
        using precedesTotalOrder [of "l'"  "elements M" "literal"]
        by simp
      with uniq (elements M)
      show ?thesis
        using elementLevelPrecedesLeq [of "l'" "literal" "M"]
        by auto
  thus ?thesis 
    by simp

text‹When backjump clause contains only a single literal, then the backjump level is 0.›
(* additional assumption: (elementLevel l M) > 0 *)
lemma backjumpLevelZero:
  fixes M :: LiteralTrail and C :: Clause and l :: Literal
  "isLastAssertedLiteral (opposite l) (oppositeLiteralList C) (elements M)" and
  "elementLevel (opposite l) M > 0" and
  "set C = {l}"
  "isBackjumpLevel 0 l C M"
  have " l'. l' el C  l'  l  elementLevel (opposite l') M  0"
      fix l'::Literal
      assume "l' el C  l'  l"
      hence "False"
        using set C = {l}
        by auto
    } thus ?thesis
      by auto
  with elementLevel (opposite l) M > 0
    isLastAssertedLiteral (opposite l) (oppositeLiteralList C) (elements M)
  show ?thesis
    unfolding isBackjumpLevel_def
    by auto

text‹When backjump clause contains more than one literal, then the level of the 
  second last asserted literal can be taken as a backjump level.›
lemma backjumpLevelLastLast:
  fixes M :: LiteralTrail and C :: Clause and l :: Literal
  "isUIP l C M" and
  "uniq (elements M)" and
  "clauseFalse C (elements M)" and
  "isLastAssertedLiteral (opposite ll) (removeAll (opposite l) (oppositeLiteralList C)) (elements M)"
  "isBackjumpLevel (elementLevel (opposite ll) M) l C M"
  from isUIP l C M 
  have "isLastAssertedLiteral (opposite l) (oppositeLiteralList C) (elements M)"
    unfolding isUIP_def
    by simp

  from isLastAssertedLiteral (opposite ll) (removeAll (opposite l) (oppositeLiteralList C)) (elements M)
  have "literalTrue (opposite ll) (elements M)" "(opposite ll) el (removeAll (opposite l) (oppositeLiteralList C))"
    unfolding isLastAssertedLiteral_def
    by auto

  have " l'. l' el (oppositeLiteralList C)  literalTrue l' (elements M)"
      fix l'::Literal
      assume "l' el oppositeLiteralList C"
      hence "opposite l' el C"
        using literalElListIffOppositeLiteralElOppositeLiteralList[of "opposite l'" "C"]
        by simp
      with clauseFalse C (elements M)
      have "literalTrue l' (elements M)"
        by (auto simp add: clauseFalseIffAllLiteralsAreFalse)
    thus ?thesis
      by simp

  have " l'. l' el C  l'  l   
    elementLevel (opposite l') M <= elementLevel (opposite ll) M"
      fix l' :: Literal
      assume "l' el C  l'  l"
      hence "(opposite l') el (oppositeLiteralList C)" "opposite l'  opposite l"
        using literalElListIffOppositeLiteralElOppositeLiteralList
        by auto
      hence "opposite l' el (removeAll (opposite l) (oppositeLiteralList C))"
        by simp
      from opposite l' el (oppositeLiteralList C)
         l'. l' el (oppositeLiteralList C)  literalTrue l' (elements M)
      have "literalTrue (opposite l') (elements M)"
        by simp

      with opposite l' el (removeAll (opposite l) (oppositeLiteralList C)) 
        isLastAssertedLiteral (opposite ll) (removeAll (opposite l) (oppositeLiteralList C)) (elements M)
        uniq (elements M)
      have "elementLevel (opposite l') M <= elementLevel (opposite ll) M"
        using lastAssertedLiteralHasHighestElementLevel[of "opposite ll" "removeAll (opposite l) (oppositeLiteralList C)" "M"]
        by auto
    thus ?thesis
      by simp
  from literalTrue (opposite ll) (elements M)
  have "elementLevel (opposite ll) M  0"
    by simp
  from (opposite ll) el (removeAll (opposite l) (oppositeLiteralList C))
  have "ll el C" and "ll  l"
    using literalElListIffOppositeLiteralElOppositeLiteralList[of "ll" "C"]
    by auto
  from isUIP l C M 
  have " l'. l' el C  l'  l  elementLevel (opposite l') M < elementLevel (opposite l) M"
    unfolding isUIP_def
    by simp
  with ll el C ll  l
  have "elementLevel (opposite ll) M < elementLevel (opposite l) M"
    by simp
  show ?thesis
    using isLastAssertedLiteral (opposite l) (oppositeLiteralList C) (elements M)
    unfolding isBackjumpLevel_def
    by simp

text‹if UIP is reached then there exists correct backjump level.›
(* additional assumption: (elementLevel l M) > 0 *)
lemma isUIPExistsBackjumpLevel:
  fixes M :: LiteralTrail and c :: Clause and l :: Literal
  "clauseFalse c (elements M)" and
  "isUIP l c M" and
  "uniq (elements M)" and
  "elementLevel (opposite l) M > 0"
  " level. (isBackjumpLevel level l c M)"
  from isUIP l c M
  have "isLastAssertedLiteral (opposite l) (oppositeLiteralList c) (elements M)"
    unfolding isUIP_def
    by simp
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases "set c = {l}")
    case True
    with elementLevel (opposite l) M > 0 isLastAssertedLiteral (opposite l) (oppositeLiteralList c) (elements M)
    have "isBackjumpLevel 0 l c M"
      using backjumpLevelZero[of "l" "c" "M"]
      by auto
    thus ?thesis
      by auto
    case False
    have " literal. isLastAssertedLiteral literal (removeAll (opposite l) (oppositeLiteralList c)) (elements M)"
      let ?ll = "getLastAssertedLiteral (oppositeLiteralList (removeAll l c)) (elements M)"
      from clauseFalse c (elements M)
      have "clauseFalse (removeAll l c) (elements M)"
        by (simp add:clauseFalseRemove)
      have "removeAll l c  []"
        have "(set c)  {l}  set (removeAll l c)"
          by auto
        from isLastAssertedLiteral (opposite l) (oppositeLiteralList c) (elements M) 
        have "(opposite l) el oppositeLiteralList c"
          unfolding isLastAssertedLiteral_def
          by simp
        hence "l el c"
          using literalElListIffOppositeLiteralElOppositeLiteralList[of "l" "c"]
          by simp
        hence "l  set c"
          by simp
          assume "¬ ?thesis"
          hence "set (removeAll l c) = {}"
            by simp
          with (set c)  {l}  set (removeAll l c)
          have "set c  {l}"
            by simp
          with l  set c
          have "set c = {l}"
            by auto
          with False
          have "False"
            by simp
        thus ?thesis
          by auto
      have "isLastAssertedLiteral ?ll (oppositeLiteralList (removeAll l c)) (elements M)"
        using uniq (elements M)
        using getLastAssertedLiteralCharacterization [of "removeAll l c" "elements M"] 
        by simp
      hence "isLastAssertedLiteral ?ll (removeAll (opposite l) (oppositeLiteralList c)) (elements M)"
        using oppositeLiteralListRemove[of "l" "c"]
        by simp
      thus ?thesis
        by auto
    then obtain ll::Literal where "isLastAssertedLiteral ll (removeAll (opposite l) (oppositeLiteralList c)) (elements M)"
      by auto
    with uniq (elements M) clauseFalse c (elements M) isUIP l c M 
    have "isBackjumpLevel (elementLevel ll M) l c M"
      using backjumpLevelLastLast[of "l" "c" "M" "opposite ll"]
      by auto
    thus ?thesis
      by auto

text‹Backjump level condition ensures that the backjump clause is
unit in the prefix to backjump level.›
lemma isBackjumpLevelEnsuresIsUnitInPrefix: 
  fixes M :: LiteralTrail and conflictFlag :: bool and c :: Clause and l :: Literal
  assumes "consistent (elements M)" and "uniq (elements M)" and
  "clauseFalse c (elements M)" and "isBackjumpLevel level l c M"
  shows "isUnitClause c l (elements (prefixToLevel level M))"
proof -
  from isBackjumpLevel level l c M 
  have "isLastAssertedLiteral (opposite l) (oppositeLiteralList c)(elements M)"
    "0  level"   "level < elementLevel (opposite l) M" and
    *: " l'. l' el c  l'  l  elementLevel (opposite l') M  level"
    unfolding isBackjumpLevel_def
    by auto

  from isLastAssertedLiteral (opposite l)(oppositeLiteralList c) (elements M)
  have "l el c" "literalTrue (opposite l) (elements M)"
    using isLastAssertedCharacterization [of "opposite l" "c" "elements M"]
    by auto

  have "¬ literalFalse l (elements (prefixToLevel level M))"
    using level < elementLevel (opposite l) M 0 <= level uniq (elements M)
    by (simp add: literalNotInEarlierLevelsThanItsLevel)
  have "¬ literalTrue l (elements (prefixToLevel level M))" 
  proof -
    from consistent (elements M) literalTrue (opposite l) (elements M)
    have "¬ literalFalse (opposite l) (elements M)"
      by (auto simp add:inconsistentCharacterization)
    thus ?thesis
      using isPrefixPrefixToLevel[of "level" "M"]
        prefixElementsAreTrailElements[of "prefixToLevel level M" "M"]
      unfolding prefixToLevel_def
      by auto
  have " l'. l' el c  l'  l  literalFalse l' (elements (prefixToLevel level M))"
  proof -
    fix l' :: Literal
    assume "l' el c" "l'  l"

    from l' el c clauseFalse c (elements M)
    have "literalFalse l' (elements M)"
      by (simp add:clauseFalseIffAllLiteralsAreFalse)

    have "literalFalse l' (elements (prefixToLevel level M))"
    proof -
      from l' el c l'  l
      have "elementLevel (opposite l') M <= level"
        using *
        by auto

      thus ?thesis
        using literalFalse l' (elements M) 
          0 <= level
          elementLevelLtLevelImpliesMemberPrefixToLevel[of "opposite l'" "M" "level"]
        by simp
  } thus ?thesis
    by auto
  show ?thesis
    using l el c
    unfolding isUnitClause_def
    by simp

text‹Backjump level is minimal if there is no smaller level which
       satisfies the backjump level condition. The following definition gives
       operative characterization of this notion.›
"isMinimalBackjumpLevel level l c M ==
     isBackjumpLevel level l c M  
     (if set c  {l} then 
         ( ll. ll el c  elementLevel (opposite ll) M = level) 
         level = 0

lemma isMinimalBackjumpLevelCharacterization:
"isUIP l c M"
"clauseFalse c (elements M)"
"uniq (elements M)"
"isMinimalBackjumpLevel level l c M = 
  (isBackjumpLevel level l c M  
   ( level'. level' < level  ¬ isBackjumpLevel level' l c M))" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
  assume "?lhs"
  show "?rhs"
  proof (cases "set c = {l}")
    case True
    thus ?thesis
      using ?lhs
      unfolding isMinimalBackjumpLevel_def
      by auto
    case False
    with ?lhs
    obtain ll 
      where "ll el c" "elementLevel (opposite ll) M = level" "isBackjumpLevel level l c M"
      unfolding isMinimalBackjumpLevel_def
      by auto
    have "l  ll"
      using isMinimalBackjumpLevel level l c M
      using elementLevel (opposite ll) M = level
      unfolding isMinimalBackjumpLevel_def
      unfolding isBackjumpLevel_def
      by auto
    show ?thesis
      using isBackjumpLevel level l c M
      using elementLevel (opposite ll) M = level
      using ll el c l  ll 
      unfolding isBackjumpLevel_def
      by force
  assume "?rhs"
  show "?lhs"
  proof (cases "set c = {l}")
    case True
    thus ?thesis
      using ?rhs
      using backjumpLevelZero[of "l" "c" "M"]
      unfolding isMinimalBackjumpLevel_def
      unfolding isBackjumpLevel_def
      by auto
    case False
    from ?rhs
    have "l el c"
      unfolding isBackjumpLevel_def
      using literalElListIffOppositeLiteralElOppositeLiteralList[of "l" "c"]
      unfolding isLastAssertedLiteral_def
      by simp

    let ?oll = "getLastAssertedLiteral (removeAll (opposite l) (oppositeLiteralList c)) (elements M)"

    have "clauseFalse (removeAll l c) (elements M)"
      using clauseFalse c (elements M)
      by (simp add: clauseFalseIffAllLiteralsAreFalse)
    have "removeAll l c  []"
        assume "¬ ?thesis"
        hence "set (removeAll l c) = {}"
          by simp
        hence "set c  {l}"
          by simp
        hence False
          using set c  {l}
          using l el c
          by auto
      } thus ?thesis
        by auto
    have "isLastAssertedLiteral ?oll (removeAll (opposite l) (oppositeLiteralList c)) (elements M)"
      using uniq (elements M)
      using getLastAssertedLiteralCharacterization[of "removeAll l c" "elements M"]
      using oppositeLiteralListRemove[of "l" "c"]
      by simp
    hence  "isBackjumpLevel  (elementLevel ?oll M) l c M"
      using assms
      using backjumpLevelLastLast[of "l" "c" "M" "opposite ?oll"]
      by auto

    have "?oll el (removeAll (opposite l) (oppositeLiteralList c))"
      using isLastAssertedLiteral ?oll (removeAll (opposite l) (oppositeLiteralList c)) (elements M)
      unfolding isLastAssertedLiteral_def
      by simp
    hence "?oll el (oppositeLiteralList c)" "?oll  opposite l"
      by auto
    hence "opposite ?oll el c"
      using literalElListIffOppositeLiteralElOppositeLiteralList[of "?oll" "oppositeLiteralList c"]
      by simp
    from ?oll  opposite l
    have "opposite ?oll  l"
      using oppositeSymmetry[of "?oll" "l"]
      by simp

    have "elementLevel ?oll M  level"
        assume "elementLevel ?oll M < level"
        hence "¬ isBackjumpLevel  (elementLevel ?oll M) l c M"
          using ?rhs
          by simp
        with isBackjumpLevel  (elementLevel ?oll M) l c M
        have False
          by simp
      } thus ?thesis
        by force
    from ?rhs
    have "elementLevel ?oll M  level"
      using opposite ?oll el c
      using opposite ?oll  l
      unfolding isBackjumpLevel_def
      by auto
    have "elementLevel ?oll M = level"
      by simp
    show ?thesis
      using opposite ?oll el c
      using elementLevel ?oll M = level
      using ?rhs
      using set c  {l}
      unfolding isMinimalBackjumpLevel_def
      by (auto simp del: set_removeAll)

lemma isMinimalBackjumpLevelEnsuresIsNotUnitBeforePrefix:
  fixes M :: LiteralTrail and conflictFlag :: bool and c :: Clause and l :: Literal
  assumes "consistent (elements M)" and "uniq (elements M)" and 
  "clauseFalse c (elements M)" "isMinimalBackjumpLevel level l c M" and
  "level' < level"
  shows "¬ ( l'. isUnitClause c l' (elements (prefixToLevel level' M)))"
  from isMinimalBackjumpLevel level l c M
  have "isUnitClause c l (elements (prefixToLevel level M))"
    using assms
    using isBackjumpLevelEnsuresIsUnitInPrefix[of "M" "c" "level" "l"]
    unfolding isMinimalBackjumpLevel_def
    by simp
  hence "¬ literalFalse l (elements (prefixToLevel level M))"
    unfolding isUnitClause_def
    by auto
  hence "¬ literalFalse  l (elements M)  elementLevel (opposite l) M > level"
    using elementLevelLtLevelImpliesMemberPrefixToLevel[of "l" "M" "level"]
    using elementLevelLtLevelImpliesMemberPrefixToLevel[of "opposite l" "M" "level"]
    by (force)+

  have "¬ literalFalse l (elements (prefixToLevel level' M))"
  proof (cases "¬ literalFalse l (elements M)")
    case True
    thus ?thesis
      using prefixIsSubset[of "elements (prefixToLevel level' M)" "elements M"]
      using isPrefixPrefixToLevel[of "level'" "M"]
      using isPrefixElements[of "prefixToLevel level' M" "M"]
      by auto
    case False
    with ¬ literalFalse l (elements M)  elementLevel (opposite l) M > level
    have "level < elementLevel (opposite l) M"
      by simp
    thus ?thesis
      using prefixToLevelElementsElementLevel[of "opposite l" "level'" "M"]
      using level' < level
      by auto

  show ?thesis
  proof (cases "set c  {l}")
    case True
    from isMinimalBackjumpLevel level l c M
    obtain ll 
      where "ll el c" "elementLevel (opposite ll) M = level"
      using set c  {l}
      unfolding isMinimalBackjumpLevel_def
      by auto
    hence "¬ literalFalse ll (elements (prefixToLevel level' M))"
      using literalNotInEarlierLevelsThanItsLevel[of "level'" "opposite ll" "M"]
      using level' < level
      by simp

    have "l  ll"
      using isMinimalBackjumpLevel level l c M
      using elementLevel (opposite ll) M = level
      unfolding isMinimalBackjumpLevel_def
      unfolding isBackjumpLevel_def
      by auto
      assume "¬ ?thesis"
      then obtain l'
        where "isUnitClause c l' (elements (prefixToLevel level' M))"
        by auto
      have "False"
      proof (cases "l = l'")
        case True
        thus ?thesis
          using l  ll ll el c
          using ¬ literalFalse ll (elements (prefixToLevel level' M))
          using isUnitClause c l' (elements (prefixToLevel level' M))
          unfolding isUnitClause_def
          by auto
        case False
        have "l el c"
          using isMinimalBackjumpLevel level l c M
          unfolding isMinimalBackjumpLevel_def
          unfolding isBackjumpLevel_def
          unfolding isLastAssertedLiteral_def
          using literalElListIffOppositeLiteralElOppositeLiteralList[of "l" "c"]
          by simp
        thus ?thesis
          using False
          using ¬ literalFalse l (elements (prefixToLevel level' M))
          using isUnitClause c l' (elements (prefixToLevel level' M))
          unfolding isUnitClause_def
          by auto
    } thus ?thesis
      by auto
    case False
    with isMinimalBackjumpLevel level l c M
    have "level = 0"
      unfolding isMinimalBackjumpLevel_def
      by simp
    with level' < level
    show ?thesis
      by simp

text‹If all literals in a clause are decision literals, then UIP is reached.›
lemma allDecisionsThenUIP:
  fixes M :: LiteralTrail and c:: Clause
  assumes "(uniq (elements M))" and
  " l'. l' el c  (opposite l') el (decisions M)"
  "isLastAssertedLiteral (opposite l) (oppositeLiteralList c) (elements M)"
  shows "isUIP l c M"
  from isLastAssertedLiteral (opposite l) (oppositeLiteralList c) (elements M)
  have "l el c" "(opposite l) el (elements M)"
    and *: "l'. l' el (oppositeLiteralList c)  l'  opposite l  ¬ precedes (opposite l) l' (elements M)"
    unfolding isLastAssertedLiteral_def
    using "literalElListIffOppositeLiteralElOppositeLiteralList"
    by auto
  with  l'. l' el c  (opposite l') el (decisions M)
  have "(opposite l) el (decisions M)"
    by simp
    fix l' :: Literal
    assume "l' el c" "l'  l"
    hence "opposite l' el (oppositeLiteralList c)" and "opposite l'  opposite l"
      using literalElListIffOppositeLiteralElOppositeLiteralList[of "l'" "c"]
      by auto
    with * 
    have "¬ precedes (opposite l) (opposite l') (elements M)"
      by simp

    from l' el c  l. l el c  (opposite l) el (decisions M)
    have "(opposite l') el (decisions M)"
      by auto
    hence "(opposite l') el (elements M)"
      by (simp add:markedElementsAreElements)

    from (opposite l) el (elements M) (opposite l') el (elements M) l'  l 
      ¬ precedes (opposite l) (opposite l') (elements M) 
    have "precedes (opposite l') (opposite l) (elements M)"
      using precedesTotalOrder [of "opposite l" "elements M" "opposite l'"]
      by simp
    with uniq (elements M)
    have "elementLevel (opposite l') M <= elementLevel (opposite l) M"
      by (auto simp add:elementLevelPrecedesLeq)
    from uniq (elements M) (opposite l) el (decisions M) (opposite l') el (decisions M) l'  l
    have "elementLevel (opposite l) M  elementLevel (opposite l') M"
      using differentMarkedElementsHaveDifferentLevels[of "M" "opposite l" "opposite l'"]
      by simp
    have "elementLevel (opposite l') M < elementLevel (opposite l) M"
      by simp
  thus ?thesis
    using isLastAssertedLiteral (opposite l) (oppositeLiteralList c) (elements M)
    unfolding isUIP_def
    by simp

text‹If last asserted literal of a clause is a decision literal, then UIP is reached.›
lemma lastDecisionThenUIP:
  fixes M :: LiteralTrail and c:: Clause
  assumes "(uniq (elements M))" and
  "(opposite l) el (decisions M)"
  "clauseFalse c (elements M)"
  "isLastAssertedLiteral (opposite l) (oppositeLiteralList c) (elements M)"
  shows "isUIP l c M"
  from isLastAssertedLiteral (opposite l) (oppositeLiteralList c) (elements M)
  have "l el c" "(opposite l) el (elements M)"
    and *: "l'. l' el (oppositeLiteralList c)  l'  opposite l  ¬ precedes (opposite l) l' (elements M)"
    unfolding isLastAssertedLiteral_def
    using "literalElListIffOppositeLiteralElOppositeLiteralList"
    by auto
    fix l' :: Literal
    assume "l' el c" "l'  l"
    hence "opposite l' el (oppositeLiteralList c)" and "opposite l'  opposite l"
      using literalElListIffOppositeLiteralElOppositeLiteralList[of "l'" "c"]
      by auto
    with * 
    have "¬ precedes (opposite l) (opposite l') (elements M)"
      by simp

    have "(opposite l') el (elements M)"
      using l' el c clauseFalse c (elements M)
      by (simp add: clauseFalseIffAllLiteralsAreFalse)

    from (opposite l) el (elements M) (opposite l') el (elements M) l'  l 
      ¬ precedes (opposite l) (opposite l') (elements M) 
    have "precedes (opposite l') (opposite l) (elements M)"
      using precedesTotalOrder [of "opposite l" "elements M" "opposite l'"]
      by simp

    hence "elementLevel (opposite l') M < elementLevel (opposite l) M"
      using elementLevelPrecedesMarkedElementLt[of "M" "opposite l'" "opposite l"]
      using uniq (elements M)
      using opposite l el (decisions M)
      using l'  l
      by simp
  thus ?thesis
    using isLastAssertedLiteral (opposite l) (oppositeLiteralList c) (elements M)
    unfolding SatSolverVerification.isUIP_def
    by simp

text‹If all literals in a clause are decision literals, then there
exists a backjump level for that clause.›
lemma allDecisionsThenExistsBackjumpLevel:
  fixes M :: LiteralTrail and c:: Clause
  assumes "(uniq (elements M))" and
  " l'. l' el c  (opposite l') el (decisions M)"
  "isLastAssertedLiteral (opposite l) (oppositeLiteralList c) (elements M)"
  shows " level. (isBackjumpLevel level l c M)"
  from assms 
  have "isUIP l c M"
    using allDecisionsThenUIP
    by simp
  from isLastAssertedLiteral (opposite l) (oppositeLiteralList c) (elements M)
  have "l el c"
    unfolding isLastAssertedLiteral_def
    using literalElListIffOppositeLiteralElOppositeLiteralList
    by simp
  with  l'. l' el c  (opposite l') el (decisions M)
  have "(opposite l) el (decisions M)"
    by simp
  hence "elementLevel (opposite l) M > 0"
    using uniq (elements M)
      elementLevelMarkedGeq1[of "M" "opposite l"]
    by auto
  have "clauseFalse c (elements M)"
      fix l'::Literal
      assume "l' el c"
      with  l'. l' el c  (opposite l') el (decisions M)
      have "(opposite l') el (decisions M)"
        by simp
      hence "literalFalse l' (elements M)"
        using markedElementsAreElements
        by simp
    thus ?thesis
      using clauseFalseIffAllLiteralsAreFalse
      by simp
  show ?thesis
    using uniq (elements M)
    using isUIPExistsBackjumpLevel
    by simp

text‹$Explain$ is applicable to each non-decision literal in a clause.›
lemma explainApplicableToEachNonDecision:
  fixes F :: Formula and M :: LiteralTrail and conflictFlag :: bool and C :: Clause and literal :: Literal
  assumes "InvariantReasonClauses F M" and "InvariantCFalse conflictFlag M C" and
  "conflictFlag = True" and "opposite literal el C" and "¬ literal el (decisions M)"
  shows " clause. formulaEntailsClause F clause  isReason clause literal (elements M)"
  from conflictFlag = True InvariantCFalse conflictFlag M C
  have "clauseFalse C (elements M)"
    unfolding InvariantCFalse_def
    by simp
  with opposite literal el C
  have "literalTrue literal (elements M)"
    by (auto simp add:clauseFalseIffAllLiteralsAreFalse)
  with ¬ literal el (decisions M) InvariantReasonClauses F M
  show ?thesis
    unfolding InvariantReasonClauses_def
    by auto

(*                          T E R M I N A T I O N                         *)
text‹In this section different ordering relations will be defined. These 
  well-founded orderings will be the basic building blocks of termination 
  orderings that will prove the termination of the SAT solving procedures›

text‹First we prove a simple lemma about acyclic orderings.›
lemma transIrreflexiveOrderingIsAcyclic:
  assumes "trans r" and " x. (x, x)  r"
  shows "acyclic r"
proof (rule acyclicI)
    assume " x. (x, x)  r^+"
    then obtain x where "(x, x)  r^+"
      by auto
    from trans r
    have "r^+ = r"
      by (rule trancl_id)
    have "(x, x)  r"
      by simp
    with  x. (x, x)  r
    have False
      by simp
  thus " x. (x, x)  r^+"
    by auto

subsubsection‹Trail ordering›

text‹We define a lexicographic ordering of trails, based on the
number of literals on the different decision levels. It will be used
for transition rules that change the trail, i.e., for $Decide$,
$UnitPropagate$, $Backjump$ and $Backtrack$ transition rules.›

"decisionLess = {(l1::('a*bool), l2::('a*bool)). isDecision l1  ¬ isDecision l2}"
"lexLess = {(M1::'a Trail, M2::'a Trail). (M2, M1)  lexord decisionLess}"

text‹Following several lemmas will help prove that application of
some DPLL-based transition rules decreases the trail in the @{term
lexLess} ordering.›

lemma lexLessAppend:
  assumes "b  []" 
  shows "(a @ b, a)  lexLess"
  from b  []
  have " aa list. b = aa # list"
    by (simp add: neq_Nil_conv)
  then obtain aa::"'a × bool" and list :: "'a Trail"
    where "b = aa # list"
    by auto
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding lexLess_def
    unfolding lexord_def
    by simp

lemma lexLessBackjump:
  assumes "p = prefixToLevel level a" and "level >= 0" and "level < currentLevel a" 
  shows "(p @ [(x, False)], a)  lexLess"
  from assms
  have " rest. prefixToLevel level a @ rest = a  rest  []  isDecision (hd rest)"
    using isProperPrefixPrefixToLevel
    by auto
  with p = prefixToLevel level a 
  obtain rest 
    where "p @ rest = a  rest  []  isDecision (hd rest)"
    by auto
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding lexLess_def
    using lexord_append_left_rightI[of "hd rest" "(x, False)" "decisionLess" "p" "tl rest" "[]"]
    unfolding decisionLess_def
    by simp

lemma lexLessBacktrack:
  assumes "p = prefixBeforeLastDecision a" "decisions a  []"
  shows "(p @ [(x, False)], a)  lexLess"
using assms
using prefixBeforeLastMarkedIsPrefixBeforeLastLevel[of "a"]
using lexLessBackjump[of "p" "currentLevel a - 1" "a"]
unfolding currentLevel_def
by auto

text‹The following several lemmas prover that @{term lexLess} is
acyclic. This property will play an important role in building a
well-founded ordering based on @{term lexLess}.›
lemma transDecisionLess:
  shows "trans decisionLess"
    fix x::"('a*bool)" and y::"('a*bool)" and z::"('a*bool)"
    assume "(x, y)  decisionLess" 
    hence "¬ isDecision y"
      unfolding decisionLess_def
      by simp
    assume "(y, z)  decisionLess"
    hence "isDecision y"
      unfolding decisionLess_def
      by simp
    have False
      by simp
    hence "(x, z)  decisionLess"
      by simp
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding trans_def
    by blast

lemma translexLess: 
  shows "trans lexLess"
    fix x :: "'a Trail" and y :: "'a Trail" and z :: "'a Trail"
    assume "(x, y)  lexLess" and "(y, z)  lexLess"
    hence "(x, z)  lexLess"
      using lexord_trans transDecisionLess
      unfolding lexLess_def
      by simp
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding trans_def
    by blast

lemma irreflexiveDecisionLess:
  shows "(x, x)  decisionLess"
unfolding decisionLess_def
by simp

lemma irreflexiveLexLess: 
  shows "(x, x)  lexLess"
using lexord_irreflexive[of "decisionLess" "x"] irreflexiveDecisionLess
unfolding lexLess_def
by auto

lemma acyclicLexLess:
  shows "acyclic lexLess"
proof (rule transIrreflexiveOrderingIsAcyclic)
  show "trans lexLess"
    using translexLess
  show " x. (x, x)  lexLess"
    using irreflexiveLexLess
    by auto

text‹The @{term lexLess} ordering is not well-founded. In order to
  get a well-founded ordering, we restrict the @{term lexLess}
  ordering to cosistent and uniq trails with fixed variable set.›
definition "lexLessRestricted (Vbl::Variable set) == {(M1, M2). 
  vars (elements M1)  Vbl  consistent (elements M1)  uniq (elements M1) 
  vars (elements M2)  Vbl  consistent (elements M2)  uniq (elements M2) 
  (M1, M2)  lexLess}"

text‹First we show that the set of those trails is finite.›
lemma finiteVarsClause:
  fixes c :: Clause
  shows "finite (vars c)"
by (induct c) auto

lemma finiteVarsFormula:
  fixes F :: Formula
  shows "finite (vars F)"
proof (induct F)
  case (Cons c F)
  thus ?case
    using finiteVarsClause[of "c"]
    by simp
qed simp

lemma finiteListDecompose:
  shows "finite {(a, b). l = a @ b}"
proof (induct l)
  case Nil
  thus ?case
    by simp
  case (Cons x l')
  thus ?case
    let "?S l" = "{(a, b). l = a @ b}"
    let "?S' x l'" = "{(a', b). a' = []  b = (x # l')  
                                ( a. a' = x # a  (a, b)  (?S l'))}"
    have "?S (x # l') = ?S' x l'"
      show "?S (x # l')  ?S' x l'"
        fix k
        assume "k  ?S (x # l')"
        then obtain a and b
          where "k = (a, b)" "x # l' = a @ b"
          by auto
        then obtain a' where "a' = x # a"
          by auto
        from k = (a, b) x # l' = a @ b 
        show "k  ?S' x l'"
          using SimpleLevi[of "a" "b" "x" "l'"]
          by auto
      show "?S' x l'  ?S (x # l')"
        fix k
        assume "k  ?S' x l'"
        then obtain a' and b where 
          "k = (a', b)" "a' = []  b = x # l'  ( a . a' = x # a  (a, b)  ?S l')"
          by auto
          assume "a' = []" "b = x # l'"
          with k = (a', b)
          have "k  ?S (x # l')"
            by simp
          assume " a. a' = x # a  (a, b)  ?S l'"
          then obtain a where
            "a' = x # a  (a, b)  ?S l'"
            by auto
          with k = (a', b)
          have "k  ?S (x # l')"
            by auto
        show "k  ?S (x # l')"
          by auto
    have "?S' x l' = 
      {(a', b). a' = []  b = x # l'}  {(a', b).  a. a' = x # a  (a, b)  ?S l'}"
      by auto
    have "finite {(a', b).  a. a' = x # a  (a, b)  ?S l'}"
      let ?h = "λ (a, b). (x # a, b)"
      have "{(a', b).  a. a' = x # a   (a, b)  ?S l'} = ?h ` {(a, b).  l' = a @ b}"
        by auto
      thus ?thesis
        using Cons(1)
        by auto
    have "finite {(a', b). a' = []  b = x # l'}"
      by auto
    show ?thesis
      by auto

lemma finiteListDecomposeSet:
  fixes L :: "'a list set"
  assumes "finite L"
  shows "finite {(a, b).  l. l  L  l = a @ b}"
  have "{(a, b).  l. l  L  l = a @ b} = ( l  L. {(a, b). l = a @ b})"
    by auto
  have "finite ( l  L. {(a, b). l = a @ b})"
  proof (rule finite_UN_I)
    from finite L
    show "finite L" 
    fix l
    assume "l  L"
    show "finite {(a, b). l = a @ b}"
      by (rule finiteListDecompose)
  show ?thesis
    by simp

lemma finiteUniqAndConsistentTrailsWithGivenVariableSet: 
  fixes V :: "Variable set"
  assumes "finite V"
  shows "finite {(M::LiteralTrail). vars (elements M) = V  uniq (elements M)  consistent (elements M)}"
        (is "finite (?trails V)")
using assms
proof induct
  case empty
  thus ?case
    have "?trails {} = {M. M = []}" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
      show "?lhs  ?rhs"
        fix M::LiteralTrail
        assume "M  ?lhs"
        hence "M = []"
          by (induct M) auto
        thus "M  ?rhs"
          by simp
      show "?rhs  ?lhs"
        fix M::LiteralTrail
        assume "M  ?rhs"
        hence "M = []"
          by simp
        thus "M  ?lhs"
          by (induct M) auto
    have "finite {M. M = []}"
      by auto
    show ?thesis
      by auto
  case (insert v V')
  thus ?case
    let "?trails' V'" = "{(M::LiteralTrail).  M' l d M''. 
                                M = M' @ [(l, d)] @ M'' 
                                M' @ M''  (?trails V') 
                                l  {Pos v, Neg v} 
                                d  {True, False}}"
    have "?trails (insert v V') = ?trails' V'"
      (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
      show "?lhs  ?rhs"
        fix M::LiteralTrail
        assume "M  ?lhs"
        hence "vars (elements M) = insert v V'" "uniq (elements M)" "consistent (elements M)"
          by auto
        hence "v  vars (elements M)"
          by simp
        hence " l. l el elements M  var l = v"
          by (induct M) auto
        then obtain l where "l el elements M" "var l = v"
          by auto
        hence " M' M'' d. M = M' @ [(l, d)] @ M''"
        proof (induct M)
          case (Cons m M1)
          thus ?case
          proof (cases "l = (element m)")
            case True
            then obtain d where "m = (l, d)"
              using eitherMarkedOrNotMarkedElement[of "m"]
              by auto
            hence "m # M1 = [] @ [(l, d)] @ M1"
              by simp
            then obtain M' M'' d where "m # M1 = M' @ [(l, d)] @ M''"
            thus ?thesis
              by auto
            case False
            with l el elements (m # M1)
            have "l el elements M1"
              by simp
            with Cons(1) var l = v
            obtain M1' M'' d where "M1 = M1' @ [(l, d)] @ M''"
              by auto
            hence "m # M1 = (m # M1') @ [(l, d)] @ M''"
              by simp
            then obtain M' M'' d where "m # M1 = M' @ [(l, d)] @ M''"
            thus ?thesis
              by auto
        qed simp
        then obtain M' M'' d where "M = M' @ [(l, d)] @ M''"
          by auto
        from var l = v
        have "l : {Pos v, Neg v}"
          by (cases l) auto
        have *: "vars (elements (M' @ M'')) = vars (elements M')  vars (elements M'')"
          using varsAppendClauses[of "elements M'" "elements M''"]
          by simp
        from M = M' @ [(l, d)] @ M'' var l = v
        have **: "vars (elements M) = (vars (elements M'))  {v}  (vars (elements M''))"
          using varsAppendClauses[of "elements M'" "elements ([(l, d)] @ M'')"]
          using varsAppendClauses[of "elements [(l, d)]" "elements M''"]
          by simp
        have ***: "vars (elements M) = vars (elements (M' @ M''))  {v}"
          using * **
          by simp
        have "M' @ M''  (?trails V')"
          from uniq (elements M) M = M' @ [(l, d)] @ M''
          have "uniq (elements (M' @ M''))"
            by (auto iff: uniqAppendIff)
          have "consistent (elements (M' @ M''))"
              assume "¬ consistent (elements (M' @ M''))"
              then obtain l' where "literalTrue l' (elements (M' @ M''))" "literalFalse l' (elements (M' @ M''))"
                by (auto simp add:inconsistentCharacterization)
              with M = M' @ [(l, d)] @ M''
              have "literalTrue l' (elements M)" "literalFalse l' (elements M)"
                by auto
              hence "¬ consistent (elements M)"
                by (auto simp add: inconsistentCharacterization)
              with consistent (elements M)
              have False
                by simp
            thus ?thesis
              by auto
          have "v  vars (elements (M' @ M''))"
              assume "v  vars (elements (M' @ M''))"
              with *
              have "v  vars (elements M')  v  vars (elements M'')"
                by simp
                assume "v  (vars (elements M'))"
                hence " l. var l = v  l el elements M'"
                  by (induct M') auto
                then obtain l' where "var l' = v" "l' el elements M'"
                  by auto
                from var l = v var l' = v
                have "l = l'  opposite l = l'"
                  using literalsWithSameVariableAreEqualOrOpposite[of "l" "l'"]
                  by simp
                  assume "l = l'"
                  with l' el elements M' M = M' @ [(l, d)] @ M''
                  have "¬ uniq (elements M)"
                    by (auto iff: uniqAppendIff)
                  with uniq (elements M)
                  have False
                    by simp
                  assume "opposite l = l'"
                  have "¬ consistent (elements M)"
                    from l' el elements M' M = M' @ [(l, d)] @ M''
                    have "literalTrue l' (elements M)"
                      by simp
                    from l' el elements M' opposite l = l' M = M' @ [(l, d)] @ M''
                    have "literalFalse l' (elements M)"
                      by simp
                    show ?thesis
                      by (auto simp add: inconsistentCharacterization)
                  with consistent (elements M)
                  have False
                    by simp
                have False
                  by auto
                assume "v  (vars (elements M''))"
                hence " l. var l = v  l el elements M''"
                  by (induct M'') auto
                then obtain l' where "var l' = v" "l' el (elements M'')"
                  by auto
                from var l = v var l' = v
                have "l = l'  opposite l = l'"
                  using literalsWithSameVariableAreEqualOrOpposite[of "l" "l'"]
                  by simp
                  assume "l = l'"
                  with l' el elements M'' M = M' @ [(l, d)] @ M''
                  have "¬ uniq (elements M)"
                    by (auto iff: uniqAppendIff)
                  with uniq (elements M)
                  have False
                    by simp
                  assume "opposite l = l'"
                  have "¬ consistent (elements M)"
                    from l' el elements M'' M = M' @ [(l, d)] @ M''
                    have "literalTrue l' (elements M)"
                      by simp
                    from l' el elements M'' opposite l = l' M = M' @ [(l, d)] @ M''
                    have "literalFalse l' (elements M)"
                      by simp
                    show ?thesis
                      by (auto simp add: inconsistentCharacterization)
                  with consistent (elements M)
                  have False
                    by simp
                have False
                  by auto
              have False
                by auto
            thus ?thesis
              by auto
            * ** ***
            v  vars (elements (M' @ M'')) 
            vars (elements M) = insert v V' 
            ¬ v  V'
          have "vars (elements (M' @ M'')) = V'"
            by (auto simp del: vars_clause_def)
          show ?thesis
            by simp
        show "M  ?rhs"
          by auto
      show "?rhs  ?lhs"
        fix M :: LiteralTrail
        assume "M  ?rhs"
        then obtain M' M'' l d where 
          "M = M' @ [(l, d)] @ M''"
          "vars (elements (M' @ M'')) = V'" 
          "uniq (elements (M' @ M''))" "consistent (elements (M' @ M''))" "l  {Pos v, Neg v}"
          by auto
        from l  {Pos v, Neg v}
        have "var l = v"
          by auto
        have *: "vars (elements (M' @ M'')) = vars (elements M')  vars (elements M'')"
          using varsAppendClauses[of "elements M'" "elements M''"]
          by simp
        from var l = v M = M' @ [(l, d)] @ M'' 
        have **: "vars (elements M) = vars (elements M')  {v}  vars (elements M'')"
          using varsAppendClauses[of "elements M'" "elements ([(l, d)] @ M'')"]
          using varsAppendClauses[of "elements [(l, d)]" "elements M''"]
          by simp
        from * ** vars (elements (M' @ M'')) = V'
        have "vars (elements M) = insert v V'"
          by (auto simp del: vars_clause_def)
        from *
          var l = v 
          v  V' 
          vars (elements (M' @ M'')) = V' 
        have "var l  vars (elements M')" "var l  vars (elements M'')"
          by auto
        from var l  vars (elements M')
        have "¬ literalTrue l (elements M')" "¬ literalFalse l (elements M')"
          using valuationContainsItsLiteralsVariable[of "l" "elements M'"]
          using valuationContainsItsLiteralsVariable[of "opposite l" "elements M'"]
          by auto
        from var l  vars (elements M'')
        have "¬ literalTrue l (elements M'')" "¬ literalFalse l (elements M'')"
          using valuationContainsItsLiteralsVariable[of "l" "elements M''"]
          using valuationContainsItsLiteralsVariable[of "opposite l" "elements M''"]
          by auto
        have "uniq (elements M)"
          using M = M' @ [(l, d)] @ M'' uniq (elements (M' @ M''))
            ¬ literalTrue l (elements M'') ¬ literalFalse l (elements M'')
            ¬ literalTrue l (elements M') ¬ literalFalse l (elements M')
          by (auto iff: uniqAppendIff)
        have "consistent (elements M)"
            assume "¬ consistent (elements M)"
            then obtain l' where "literalTrue l' (elements M)" "literalFalse l' (elements M)"
              by (auto simp add: inconsistentCharacterization)
            have False 
            proof (cases "l' = l")
              case True
              with literalFalse l' (elements M) M = M' @ [(l, d)] @ M'' 
              have "literalFalse l' (elements (M' @ M''))"
                using oppositeIsDifferentFromLiteral[of "l"]
                by (auto split: if_split_asm)
              with ¬ literalFalse l (elements M') ¬ literalFalse l (elements M'') l' = l
              show ?thesis
                by auto
              case False
              with literalTrue l' (elements M) M = M' @ [(l, d)] @ M'' 
              have "literalTrue l' (elements (M' @ M''))"
                by (auto split: if_split_asm)
              with consistent (elements (M' @ M''))
              have "¬ literalFalse l' (elements (M' @ M''))"
                by (auto simp add: inconsistentCharacterization)
              with literalFalse l' (elements M) M = M' @ [(l, d)] @ M'' 
              have "opposite l' = l"
                by (auto split: if_split_asm)
              with var l = v
              have "var l' = v"
                by auto
              with literalTrue l' (elements (M' @ M'')) vars (elements (M' @ M'')) = V'
              have "v  V'"
                using valuationContainsItsLiteralsVariable[of "l'" "elements (M' @ M'')"]
                by simp
              with v  V'
              show ?thesis
                by simp
          thus ?thesis
            by auto
        show "M  ?lhs"
          by auto
    let ?f = "λ ((M', M''), l, d). M' @ [(l, d)] @ M''"
    let ?Mset = "{(M', M''). M' @ M''  ?trails V'}"
    let ?lSet = "{Pos v, Neg v}"
    let ?dSet = "{True, False}"
    have "?trails' V' = ?f ` (?Mset × ?lSet × ?dSet)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
      show "?lhs  ?rhs"
        fix M :: LiteralTrail
        assume "M  ?lhs"
        then obtain M' M'' l d
          where P: "M = M' @ [(l, d)] @ M''" "M' @ M''  (?trails V')" "l  {Pos v, Neg v}" "d  {True, False}"
          by auto
        show "M  ?rhs"
          from P
          show "M = ?f ((M', M''), l, d)"
            by simp
          from P
          show "((M', M''), l, d)  ?Mset × ?lSet × ?dSet"
            by auto
      show "?rhs  ?lhs"
        fix M::LiteralTrail
        assume "M  ?rhs"
        then obtain p l d where P: "M = ?f (p, l, d)" "p  ?Mset" "l  ?lSet" "d  ?dSet"
          by auto
        from p  ?Mset
        obtain M' M'' where "M' @ M''  ?trails V'"
          by auto
        thus "M  ?lhs"
          using P
          by auto
    have "?Mset = {(M', M'').  l. l  ?trails V'  l = M' @ M''}"
      by auto
    hence "finite ?Mset"
      using insert(3)
      using finiteListDecomposeSet[of "?trails V'"]
      by simp
    show ?thesis
      by auto

lemma finiteUniqAndConsistentTrailsWithGivenVariableSuperset: 
  fixes V :: "Variable set"
  assumes "finite V"
  shows "finite {(M::LiteralTrail). vars (elements M)  V  uniq (elements M)  consistent (elements M)}" (is "finite (?trails V)")
  have "{M. vars (elements M)  V  uniq (elements M)  consistent (elements M)} = 
    ( v  Pow V.{M. vars (elements M) = v  uniq (elements M)  consistent (elements M)})"
    by auto
  have "finite ( v  Pow V.{M. vars (elements M) = v  uniq (elements M)  consistent (elements M)})"
  proof (rule finite_UN_I)
    from finite V
    show "finite (Pow V)"
      by simp
    fix v
    assume "v  Pow V"
    with finite V
    have "finite v"
      by (auto simp add: finite_subset)
    thus "finite {M. vars (elements M) = v  uniq (elements M)  consistent (elements M)}"
      using finiteUniqAndConsistentTrailsWithGivenVariableSet[of "v"]
      by simp
  show ?thesis
    by simp

text‹Since the restricted ordering is acyclic and its domain is
finite, it has to be well-founded.›
lemma wfLexLessRestricted:
  assumes "finite Vbl"
  shows "wf (lexLessRestricted Vbl)"
proof (rule finite_acyclic_wf)
  show "finite (lexLessRestricted Vbl)"
    let ?X = "{(M1, M2). 
      consistent (elements M1)  uniq (elements M1)  vars (elements M1)  Vbl 
      consistent (elements M2)  uniq (elements M2)  vars (elements M2)  Vbl}"
    let ?Y = "{M. vars (elements M)  Vbl  uniq (elements M)  consistent (elements M)}"
    have "?X = ?Y × ?Y"
      by auto
    have "finite ?Y"
      using finiteUniqAndConsistentTrailsWithGivenVariableSuperset[of "Vbl"]
        finite Vbl
      by auto
    have "finite ?X"
      by simp
    have "lexLessRestricted Vbl  ?X"
      unfolding lexLessRestricted_def
      by auto
    show ?thesis
      by (simp add: finite_subset)
  show "acyclic (lexLessRestricted Vbl)"
      assume "¬ ?thesis"
      then obtain x where "(x, x)  (lexLessRestricted Vbl)^+"
        unfolding acyclic_def
        by auto
      have "lexLessRestricted Vbl  lexLess"
        unfolding lexLessRestricted_def
        by auto
      have "(lexLessRestricted Vbl)^+  lexLess^+"
        fix a
        assume "a  (lexLessRestricted Vbl)^+"
        with lexLessRestricted Vbl  lexLess
        show "a  lexLess^+"
          using trancl_mono[of "a" "lexLessRestricted Vbl" "lexLess"]
          by blast
      with (x, x)  (lexLessRestricted Vbl)^+
      have "(x, x)  lexLess^+"
        by auto
      have "trans lexLess"
        using translexLess
      hence "lexLess^+ = lexLess"
        by (rule trancl_id)
      have "(x, x)  lexLess"
        by auto
      with irreflexiveLexLess[of "x"]
      have False
        by simp
    thus ?thesis
      by auto

text@{term lexLessRestricted} is also transitive.›
lemma transLexLessRestricted:
  shows "trans (lexLessRestricted Vbl)"
    fix x::LiteralTrail and y::LiteralTrail and z::LiteralTrail
    assume "(x, y)  lexLessRestricted Vbl" "(y, z)  lexLessRestricted Vbl"
    hence "(x, z)  lexLessRestricted Vbl"
      unfolding lexLessRestricted_def
      using translexLess
      unfolding trans_def
      by auto
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding trans_def
    by blast

subsubsection‹Conflict clause ordering›

text‹The ordering of conflict clauses is the multiset ordering induced by the ordering of elements in the trail.
Since, resolution operator is defined so that it removes all occurrences of clashing literal, it is also neccessary 
to remove duplicate literals before comparison.›

"multLess M = inv_image  (mult (precedesOrder (elements M))) (λ x. mset (remdups (oppositeLiteralList x)))"

text‹The following lemma will help prove that application of the
$Explain$ DPLL transition rule decreases the conflict clause in the
@{term multLess} ordering.›
lemma multLessResolve:
  "opposite l el C" and
  "isReason reason l (elements M)"
  "(resolve C reason (opposite l), C)  multLess  M"
  let ?X = "mset (remdups (oppositeLiteralList C))"
  let ?Y = "mset (remdups (oppositeLiteralList (resolve C reason (opposite l))))"
  let ?ord = "precedesOrder (elements M)"
  have "(?Y, ?X)  (mult1 ?ord)"
    let ?Z = "mset (remdups (oppositeLiteralList (removeAll (opposite l) C)))"
    let ?W = "mset (remdups (oppositeLiteralList (removeAll l (list_diff reason C))))"
    let ?a = "l"
    from (opposite l) el C
    have "?X = ?Z + {#?a#}"
      using removeAll_multiset[of "remdups (oppositeLiteralList C)" "l"]
      using oppositeLiteralListRemove[of "opposite l" "C"]
      using literalElListIffOppositeLiteralElOppositeLiteralList[of "l" "oppositeLiteralList C"]
      by auto
    have "?Y = ?Z + ?W" 
      have "list_diff (oppositeLiteralList (removeAll l reason)) (oppositeLiteralList (removeAll (opposite l) C)) = 
        oppositeLiteralList (removeAll l (list_diff reason C))"
        from isReason reason l (elements M)
        have "opposite l  set (removeAll l reason)"
          unfolding isReason_def
          by auto
        hence "list_diff (removeAll l reason) (removeAll (opposite l) C) = list_diff (removeAll l reason) C"
          using listDiffRemoveAllNonMember[of "opposite l" "removeAll l reason" "C"]
          by simp
        thus ?thesis
          unfolding oppositeLiteralList_def
          using listDiffMap[of "opposite" "removeAll l reason" "removeAll (opposite l) C"]
          by auto
      thus ?thesis
        unfolding resolve_def
        using remdupsAppendMultiSet[of "oppositeLiteralList (removeAll (opposite l) C)" "oppositeLiteralList (removeAll l reason)"]
        unfolding oppositeLiteralList_def
        by auto
    have " b. b ∈# ?W  (b, ?a)  ?ord"
        fix b
        assume "b ∈# ?W"
        hence "opposite b  set (removeAll l reason)"
          from b ∈# ?W 
          have "b el remdups (oppositeLiteralList (removeAll l (list_diff reason C)))"
            by simp
          hence "opposite b el removeAll l (list_diff reason C)"
            using literalElListIffOppositeLiteralElOppositeLiteralList[of "opposite b" "removeAll l (list_diff reason C)"]
            by auto
          hence "opposite b el list_diff (removeAll l reason) C"
            by simp
          thus ?thesis
            using listDiffIff[of "opposite b" "removeAll l reason" "C"]
            by simp
        with isReason reason l (elements M)
        have "precedes b l (elements M)" "b  l"
          unfolding isReason_def
          unfolding precedes_def
          by auto
        hence "(b, ?a)  ?ord"
          unfolding precedesOrder_def
          by simp
      thus ?thesis
        by auto
    have " a M0 K. ?X = M0 + {#a#}  ?Y = M0 + K  (b. b ∈# K  (b, a)  ?ord)"
      by blast
    thus ?thesis
      unfolding mult1_def
      by auto
  hence "(?Y, ?X)  (mult1 ?ord)+"
    by simp
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding multLess_def
    unfolding mult_def
    unfolding inv_image_def
    by auto

lemma multLessListDiff:
  "(a, b)  multLess M"
  "(list_diff a x, b)  multLess M"
  let ?pOrd = "precedesOrder (elements M)"
  let ?f = "λ l. remdups (map opposite l)"
  have "trans ?pOrd"
    using transPrecedesOrder[of "elements M"]
    by simp

  have  "(mset (?f a), mset (?f b))  mult ?pOrd"
    using assms
    unfolding multLess_def
    unfolding oppositeLiteralList_def
    by simp
  have "multiset_le (mset (list_diff (?f a) (?f x)))
                    (mset (?f a))
    using trans ?pOrd
    using multisetLeListDiff[of "?pOrd" "?f a" "?f x"]
    by simp
  have "(mset (list_diff (?f a) (?f x)), mset (?f b))  mult ?pOrd"
    unfolding multiset_le_def
    unfolding mult_def
    by auto

  thus ?thesis
    unfolding multLess_def
    unfolding oppositeLiteralList_def
    by (simp add: listDiffMap remdupsListDiff)

lemma multLessRemdups:
  "(a, b)  multLess M"
  "(remdups a, remdups b)  multLess M  
   (remdups a, b)  multLess M  
   (a, remdups b)  multLess M"
    fix l
    have "remdups (map opposite l) = remdups (map opposite (remdups l))"
      by (induct l) auto
  thus ?thesis
    using assms
    unfolding multLess_def
    unfolding oppositeLiteralList_def
    by simp

text‹Now we show that @{term multLess} is well-founded.›
lemma wfMultLess: 
  shows "wf (multLess M)"
  have "wf (precedesOrder (elements M))"
    by (simp add: wellFoundedPrecedesOrder)
  hence "wf (mult (precedesOrder (elements M)))"
    by (simp add: wf_mult)
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding multLess_def
    using wf_inv_image[of "(mult (precedesOrder (elements M)))"]
    by auto

subsubsection‹ConflictFlag ordering›

text‹A trivial ordering on Booleans. It will be used for the
$Conflict$ transition rule.›
  "boolLess = {(True, False)}"

text‹We show that it is well-founded›
lemma transBoolLess:
  shows "trans boolLess"
    fix x::bool and y::bool and z::bool
    assume "(x, y)  boolLess"
    hence "x = True" "y = False"
      unfolding boolLess_def
      by auto
    assume "(y, z)  boolLess"
    hence "y = True" "z = False"
      unfolding boolLess_def
      by auto
    from y = False y = True
    have False
      by simp
    hence "(x, z)  boolLess"
      by simp
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding trans_def
    by blast

lemma wfBoolLess:
  shows "wf boolLess"
proof (rule finite_acyclic_wf)
  show "finite boolLess"
    unfolding boolLess_def
    by simp
  have "boolLess^+ = boolLess"
    using transBoolLess
    by simp
  thus "acyclic boolLess"
    unfolding boolLess_def
    unfolding acyclic_def
    by auto

subsubsection‹Formulae ordering›

text‹A partial ordering of formulae, based on a membersip of a
single fixed clause. This ordering will be used for the $Learn$
transtion rule.›
definition "learnLess (C::Clause) == {((F1::Formula), (F2::Formula)). C el F1  ¬ C el F2}"

text‹We show that it is well founded›
lemma wfLearnLess:
  fixes C::Clause
  shows "wf (learnLess C)"
unfolding wf_eq_minimal
    show "Q F. F  Q  (FminQ. F'. (F', Fmin)  learnLess C  F'  Q)"
        fix F::Formula and Q::"Formula set"
        assume "F  Q"
        have "FminQ. F'. (F', Fmin)  learnLess C  F'  Q"
        proof (cases " Fc  Q. C el Fc")
          case True
          then obtain Fc where "Fc  Q" "C el Fc"
            by auto
          have "F'. (F', Fc)  learnLess C  F'  Q"
            fix F'
            show "(F', Fc)  learnLess C  F'  Q"
              assume "(F', Fc)  learnLess C"
              hence "¬ C el Fc"
                unfolding learnLess_def
                by auto
              with C el Fc have False
                by simp
              thus "F'  Q"
                by simp
          with Fc  Q
          show ?thesis
            by auto
          case False
          have "F'. (F', F)  learnLess C  F'  Q"
            fix F'
            show "(F', F)  learnLess C  F'  Q"
              assume "(F', F)  learnLess C"
              hence "C el F'"
                unfolding learnLess_def
                by simp
              with False
              show "F'  Q"
                by auto
          with F  Q 
          show ?thesis
            by auto
      thus ?thesis
        by auto

subsubsection‹Properties of well-founded relations.›
lemma wellFoundedEmbed: 
  fixes rel :: "('a × 'a) set" and rel' :: "('a × 'a) set"
  assumes " x y. (x, y)  rel  (x, y)  rel'" and "wf rel'"
  shows "wf rel"
unfolding wf_eq_minimal
  show "Q x. x  Q  (zminQ. z. (z, zmin)  rel  z  Q)"
      fix x::"'a" and Q::"'a set"
      assume "x  Q"
      have "zminQ. z. (z, zmin)  rel  z  Q"
        from wf rel' x  Q
        obtain zmin::"'a"
          where "zmin  Q" and "z. (z, zmin)  rel'  z  Q"
          unfolding wf_eq_minimal
          by auto
          fix z::"'a"
          assume "(z, zmin)  rel"
          have "z  Q"
            from  x y. (x, y)  rel  (x, y)  rel' (z, zmin)  rel
            have "(z, zmin)  rel'"
              by simp
            with z. (z, zmin)  rel'  z  Q
            show ?thesis
              by simp
        with zmin  Q
        show ?thesis
          by auto
    thus ?thesis
      by auto
