Theory AssertLiteral

(*    Title:              SatSolverVerification/AssertLiteral.thy
      Author:             Filip Maric
      Maintainer:         Filip Maric <filip at>

theory AssertLiteral
imports SatSolverCode

(*   G E T   N O N   W A T C H E D  U N F A L S I F I E D   L I T E R A L    *)

lemma getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteralSomeCharacterization:
fixes clause :: Clause and w1 :: Literal and w2 :: Literal and M :: LiteralTrail and l :: Literal
  "getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteral clause w1 w2 M = Some l"
  "l el clause" "l  w1" "l  w2" "¬ literalFalse l (elements M)"
using assms
by (induct clause) (auto split: if_split_asm)

lemma getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteralNoneCharacterization:
fixes clause :: Clause and w1 :: Literal and w2 :: Literal and M :: LiteralTrail
  "getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteral clause w1 w2 M = None"
  " l. l el clause  l  w1  l  w2  literalFalse l (elements M)"
using assms
by (induct clause) (auto split: if_split_asm)

(*   S W A P   W A T C H E S                                                 *)

lemma swapWatchesEffect:
fixes clause::nat and state::State and clause'::nat
  "getWatch1 (swapWatches clause state) clause' = (if clause = clause' then getWatch2 state clause' else getWatch1 state clause')" and
  "getWatch2 (swapWatches clause state) clause' = (if clause = clause' then getWatch1 state clause' else getWatch2 state clause')"
unfolding swapWatches_def
by auto

(*    N O T I F Y    W A T C H E S                                           *)

lemma notifyWatchesLoopPreservedVariables:
fixes literal :: Literal and Wl :: "nat list" and newWl :: "nat list" and state :: State 
  "InvariantWatchesEl (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)" and 
  " (c::nat). c  set Wl  0  c  c < length (getF state)"
  "let state' = (notifyWatches_loop literal Wl newWl state) in
   (getM state') = (getM state)  
   (getF state') = (getF state)  
   (getSATFlag state') = (getSATFlag state)  
   isPrefix (getQ state) (getQ state')
using assms
proof (induct Wl arbitrary: newWl state)
  case Nil
  thus ?case
    unfolding isPrefix_def
    by simp
  case (Cons clause Wl')
  from  (c::nat). c  set (clause # Wl')  0  c  c < length (getF state)
  have "0  clause  clause < length (getF state)"
    by auto
  then obtain wa::Literal and wb::Literal
    where "getWatch1 state clause = Some wa" and "getWatch2 state clause = Some wb"
    using Cons
    unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
    by auto
  show ?case
  proof (cases "Some literal = getWatch1 state clause")
    case True
    let ?state' = "swapWatches clause state"
    let ?w1 = wb
    have "getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1"
      using getWatch2 state clause = Some wb
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto
    let ?w2 = wa
    have "getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2"
      using getWatch1 state clause = Some wa
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto    
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))")
      case True
      from Cons(2)
      have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state')"
        unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
        unfolding swapWatches_def
        by auto
      have "getM ?state' = getM state  
        getF ?state' = getF state  
        getSATFlag ?state' = getSATFlag state  
        getQ ?state' = getQ state
        unfolding swapWatches_def
        by simp
      show ?thesis
        using Cons(1)[of "?state'" "clause # newWl"]
        using Cons(3)
        using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
        using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
        using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
        using literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
        by (simp add:Let_def)
      case False
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteral (nth (getF ?state') clause) ?w1 ?w2 (getM ?state')")
        case (Some l')
        hence "l' el (nth (getF ?state') clause)"
          using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteralSomeCharacterization
          by simp

        let ?state'' = "setWatch2 clause l' ?state'"

        from Cons(2)
        have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
          using l' el (nth (getF ?state') clause)
          unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by auto
        have "getM ?state'' = getM state 
          getF ?state'' = getF state  
          getSATFlag ?state'' = getSATFlag state  
          getQ ?state'' = getQ state"
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by simp
        show ?thesis
          using Cons(1)[of "?state''" "newWl"]
          using Cons(3)
          using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
          using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
          using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
          using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
          using Some
          by (simp add: Let_def)
        case None
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases "literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))")
          case True
          let ?state'' = "?state'getConflictFlag := True, getConflictClause := clause"
          from Cons(2)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by auto
          have "getM ?state'' = getM state 
          getF ?state'' = getF state  
          getSATFlag ?state'' = getSATFlag state  
            getQ ?state'' = getQ state"
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by simp
          show ?thesis
            using Cons(1)[of "?state''" "clause # newWl"]
            using Cons(3)
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using None
            using literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            by (simp add: Let_def)
          case False
          let ?state'' = "setReason ?w1 clause (?state'getQ := (if ?w1 el (getQ ?state') then (getQ ?state') else (getQ ?state') @ [?w1]))"
          from Cons(2)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          have "getM ?state'' = getM state 
            getF ?state'' = getF state  
            getSATFlag ?state'' = getSATFlag state  
            getQ ?state'' = (if ?w1 el (getQ state) then (getQ state) else (getQ state) @ [?w1])"
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          show ?thesis
            using Cons(1)[of "?state''" "clause # newWl"]
            using Cons(3)
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using None
            using ¬ literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            unfolding isPrefix_def
            by (auto simp add: Let_def split: if_split_asm)
    case False
    let ?state' = state
    let ?w1 = wa
    have "getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1"
      using getWatch1 state clause = Some wa
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto
    let ?w2 = wb
    have "getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2"
      using getWatch2 state clause = Some wb
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto    
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))")
      case True
      thus ?thesis
        using Cons
        using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
        using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
        using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
        using literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
        by (simp add:Let_def)
      case False
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteral (nth (getF ?state') clause) ?w1 ?w2 (getM ?state')")
        case (Some l')
        hence "l' el (nth (getF ?state')) clause"
          using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteralSomeCharacterization
          by simp

        let ?state'' = "setWatch2 clause l' ?state'"

        from Cons(2)
        have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
          using l' el (nth (getF ?state')) clause
          unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by auto
        have "getM ?state'' = getM state 
          getF ?state'' = getF state  
          getSATFlag ?state'' = getSATFlag state  
          getQ ?state'' = getQ state"
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by simp
        show ?thesis
          using Cons(1)[of "?state''"]
          using Cons(3)
          using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
          using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
          using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
          using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
          using Some
          by (simp add: Let_def)
        case None
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases "literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))")
          case True
          let ?state'' = "?state'getConflictFlag := True, getConflictClause := clause"
          from Cons(2)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            by auto
          have "getM ?state'' = getM state 
            getF ?state'' = getF state  
            getSATFlag ?state'' = getSATFlag state  
            getQ ?state'' = getQ state"
            by simp
          show ?thesis
            using Cons(1)[of "?state''"]
            using Cons(3)
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using None
            using literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            by (simp add: Let_def)
          case False
          let ?state'' = "setReason ?w1 clause (?state'getQ := (if ?w1 el (getQ ?state') then (getQ ?state') else (getQ ?state') @ [?w1]))"
          from Cons(2)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          have "getM ?state'' = getM state 
            getF ?state'' = getF state  
            getSATFlag ?state'' = getSATFlag state 
            getQ ?state'' = (if ?w1 el (getQ state) then (getQ state) else (getQ state) @ [?w1])"
            unfolding setReason_def
            by simp
          show ?thesis
            using Cons(1)[of "?state''"]
            using Cons(3)
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using None
            using ¬ literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            unfolding isPrefix_def
            by (auto simp add: Let_def split: if_split_asm)

lemma notifyWatchesStartQIreleveant:
fixes literal :: Literal and Wl :: "nat list" and newWl :: "nat list" and state :: State 
  "InvariantWatchesEl (getF stateA) (getWatch1 stateA) (getWatch2 stateA)" and 
  " (c::nat). c  set Wl  0  c  c < length (getF stateA)" and
  "getM stateA = getM stateB" and
  "getF stateA = getF stateB" and
  "getWatch1 stateA = getWatch1 stateB" and
  "getWatch2 stateA = getWatch2 stateB" and
  "getConflictFlag stateA = getConflictFlag stateB" and
  "getSATFlag stateA = getSATFlag stateB"
  "let state' = (notifyWatches_loop literal Wl newWl stateA) in
   let state'' = (notifyWatches_loop literal Wl newWl stateB) in
     (getM state') = (getM state'')  
     (getF state') = (getF state'')  
     (getSATFlag state') = (getSATFlag state'')  
     (getConflictFlag state') = (getConflictFlag state'')
using assms
proof (induct Wl arbitrary: newWl stateA stateB)
  case Nil
  thus ?case
    by simp
  case (Cons clause Wl')
  from  (c::nat). c  set (clause # Wl')  0  c  c < length (getF stateA)
  have "0  clause  clause < length (getF stateA)"
    by auto
  then obtain wa::Literal and wb::Literal
    where "getWatch1 stateA clause = Some wa" and "getWatch2 stateA clause = Some wb"
    using Cons
    unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
    by auto
  show ?case
  proof (cases "Some literal = getWatch1 stateA clause")
    case True
    hence "Some literal = getWatch1 stateB clause"
      using getWatch1 stateA = getWatch1 stateB
      by simp

    let ?state'A = "swapWatches clause stateA"
    let ?state'B = "swapWatches clause stateB"

      "getM ?state'A = getM ?state'B"
      "getF ?state'A = getF ?state'B"
      "getWatch1 ?state'A = getWatch1 ?state'B"
      "getWatch2 ?state'A = getWatch2 ?state'B"
      "getConflictFlag ?state'A = getConflictFlag ?state'B"
      "getSATFlag ?state'A = getSATFlag ?state'B"
      using Cons
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto

    let ?w1 = wb
    have "getWatch1 ?state'A clause = Some ?w1"
      using getWatch2 stateA clause = Some wb
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto
    hence "getWatch1 ?state'B clause = Some ?w1"
      using getWatch1 ?state'A = getWatch1 ?state'B
      by simp
    let ?w2 = wa
    have "getWatch2 ?state'A clause = Some ?w2"
      using getWatch1 stateA clause = Some wa
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto    
    hence "getWatch2 ?state'B clause = Some ?w2"
      using getWatch2 ?state'A = getWatch2 ?state'B
      by simp

    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'A))")
      case True
      hence "literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'B))"
        using getM ?state'A = getM ?state'B
        by simp
      from Cons(2)
      have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'A) (getWatch1 ?state'A) (getWatch2 ?state'A)"
        unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
        unfolding swapWatches_def
        by auto
      have "getM ?state'A = getM stateA  
        getF ?state'A = getF stateA  
        getSATFlag ?state'A = getSATFlag stateA  
        getQ ?state'A = getQ stateA
        unfolding swapWatches_def
        by simp
      have "getM ?state'B = getM stateB  
        getF ?state'B = getF stateB  
        getSATFlag ?state'B = getSATFlag stateB  
        getQ ?state'B = getQ stateB
        unfolding swapWatches_def
        by simp
      show ?thesis
        using Cons(1)[of "?state'A" "?state'B" "clause # newWl"]
        using getM ?state'A = getM ?state'B
        using getF ?state'A = getF ?state'B
        using getWatch1 ?state'A = getWatch1 ?state'B
        using getWatch2 ?state'A = getWatch2 ?state'B
        using getConflictFlag ?state'A = getConflictFlag ?state'B
        using getSATFlag ?state'A = getSATFlag ?state'B
        using Cons(3)
        using getWatch1 ?state'A clause = Some ?w1
        using getWatch2 ?state'A clause = Some ?w2
        using getWatch1 ?state'B clause = Some ?w1
        using getWatch2 ?state'B clause = Some ?w2
        using Some literal = getWatch1 stateA clause
        using Some literal = getWatch1 stateB clause
        using literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'A))
        using literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'B))
        by (simp add:Let_def)
      case False
      hence "¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'B))"
        using getM ?state'A = getM ?state'B
        by simp
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteral (nth (getF ?state'A) clause) ?w1 ?w2 (getM ?state'A)")
        case (Some l')
        hence "getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteral (nth (getF ?state'B) clause) ?w1 ?w2 (getM ?state'B) = Some l'"
          using getF ?state'A = getF ?state'B
          using getM ?state'A = getM ?state'B
          by simp

        have "l' el (nth (getF ?state'A) clause)"
          using Some
          using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteralSomeCharacterization
          by simp
        hence "l' el (nth (getF ?state'B) clause)"
          using getF ?state'A = getF ?state'B
          by simp

        let ?state''A = "setWatch2 clause l' ?state'A"
        let ?state''B = "setWatch2 clause l' ?state'B"

          "getM ?state''A = getM ?state''B"
          "getF ?state''A = getF ?state''B"
          "getWatch1 ?state''A = getWatch1 ?state''B"
          "getWatch2 ?state''A = getWatch2 ?state''B"
          "getConflictFlag ?state''A = getConflictFlag ?state''B"
          "getSATFlag ?state''A = getSATFlag ?state''B"
          using Cons
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          by auto

        from Cons(2)
        have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state''A) (getWatch1 ?state''A) (getWatch2 ?state''A)"
          using l' el (nth (getF ?state'A) clause)
          unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by auto
        have "getM ?state''A = getM stateA 
          getF ?state''A = getF stateA  
          getSATFlag ?state''A = getSATFlag stateA  
          getQ ?state''A = getQ stateA"
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by simp
        have "getM ?state''B = getM stateB  
          getF ?state''B = getF stateB  
          getSATFlag ?state''B = getSATFlag stateB  
          getQ ?state''B = getQ stateB
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by simp
        show ?thesis
          using Cons(1)[of "?state''A" "?state''B" "newWl"]
          using getM ?state''A = getM ?state''B
          using getF ?state''A = getF ?state''B
          using getWatch1 ?state''A = getWatch1 ?state''B
          using getWatch2 ?state''A = getWatch2 ?state''B
          using getConflictFlag ?state''A = getConflictFlag ?state''B
          using getSATFlag ?state''A = getSATFlag ?state''B
          using Cons(3)
          using getWatch1 ?state'A clause = Some ?w1
          using getWatch2 ?state'A clause = Some ?w2
          using getWatch1 ?state'B clause = Some ?w1
          using getWatch2 ?state'B clause = Some ?w2
          using Some literal = getWatch1 stateA clause
          using Some literal = getWatch1 stateB clause
          using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'A))
          using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'B))
          using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteral (nth (getF ?state'A) clause) ?w1 ?w2 (getM ?state'A) = Some l'
          using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteral (nth (getF ?state'B) clause) ?w1 ?w2 (getM ?state'B) = Some l'
          by (simp add:Let_def)
        case None
        hence "getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteral (nth (getF ?state'B) clause) ?w1 ?w2 (getM ?state'B) = None"
          using getF ?state'A = getF ?state'B getM ?state'A = getM ?state'B
          by simp
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases "literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'A))")
          case True
          hence "literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'B))"
            using getM ?state'A = getM ?state'B
            by simp

          let ?state''A = "?state'AgetConflictFlag := True, getConflictClause := clause"
          let ?state''B = "?state'BgetConflictFlag := True, getConflictClause := clause"
            "getM ?state''A = getM ?state''B"
            "getF ?state''A = getF ?state''B"
            "getWatch1 ?state''A = getWatch1 ?state''B"
            "getWatch2 ?state''A = getWatch2 ?state''B"
            "getConflictFlag ?state''A = getConflictFlag ?state''B"
            "getSATFlag ?state''A = getSATFlag ?state''B"
            using Cons
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by auto
          from Cons(2)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state''A) (getWatch1 ?state''A) (getWatch2 ?state''A)"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by auto
          have "getM ?state''A = getM stateA 
          getF ?state''A = getF stateA  
          getSATFlag ?state''A = getSATFlag stateA  
            getQ ?state''A = getQ stateA"
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by simp
          have "getM ?state''B = getM stateB 
          getF ?state''B = getF stateB  
          getSATFlag ?state''B = getSATFlag stateB  
            getQ ?state''B = getQ stateB"
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by simp
          show ?thesis
            using Cons(4) Cons(5)
            using Cons(1)[of "?state''A" "?state''B" "clause # newWl"]
            using getM ?state''A = getM ?state''B
            using getF ?state''A = getF ?state''B
            using getWatch1 ?state''A = getWatch1 ?state''B
            using getWatch2 ?state''A = getWatch2 ?state''B
            using getConflictFlag ?state''A = getConflictFlag ?state''B
            using getSATFlag ?state''A = getSATFlag ?state''B
            using Cons(3)
            using getWatch1 ?state'A clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state'A clause = Some ?w2
            using getWatch1 ?state'B clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state'B clause = Some ?w2
            using Some literal = getWatch1 stateA clause
            using Some literal = getWatch1 stateB clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'A))
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'B))
            using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteral (nth (getF ?state'A) clause) ?w1 ?w2 (getM ?state'A) = None
            using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteral (nth (getF ?state'B) clause) ?w1 ?w2 (getM ?state'B) = None
            using literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'A))
            using literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'B))
            by (simp add:Let_def)
          case False
          hence "¬ literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'B))"
            using getM ?state'A = getM ?state'B
            by simp
          let ?state''A = "setReason ?w1 clause (?state'AgetQ := (if ?w1 el (getQ ?state'A) then (getQ ?state'A) else (getQ ?state'A) @ [?w1]))"
          let ?state''B = "setReason ?w1 clause (?state'BgetQ := (if ?w1 el (getQ ?state'B) then (getQ ?state'B) else (getQ ?state'B) @ [?w1]))"
            "getM ?state''A = getM ?state''B"
            "getF ?state''A = getF ?state''B"
            "getWatch1 ?state''A = getWatch1 ?state''B"
            "getWatch2 ?state''A = getWatch2 ?state''B"
            "getConflictFlag ?state''A = getConflictFlag ?state''B"
            "getSATFlag ?state''A = getSATFlag ?state''B"
            using Cons
            unfolding setReason_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by auto

          from Cons(2)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state''A) (getWatch1 ?state''A) (getWatch2 ?state''A)"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          have "getM ?state''A = getM stateA 
            getF ?state''A = getF stateA  
            getSATFlag ?state''A = getSATFlag stateA  
            getQ ?state''A = (if ?w1 el (getQ stateA) then (getQ stateA) else (getQ stateA) @ [?w1])"
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          have "getM ?state''B = getM stateB 
            getF ?state''B = getF stateB  
            getSATFlag ?state''B = getSATFlag stateB  
            getQ ?state''B = (if ?w1 el (getQ stateB) then (getQ stateB) else (getQ stateB) @ [?w1])"
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          show ?thesis
            using Cons(4) Cons(5)
            using Cons(1)[of "?state''A" "?state''B" "clause # newWl"]
            using getM ?state''A = getM ?state''B
            using getF ?state''A = getF ?state''B
            using getWatch1 ?state''A = getWatch1 ?state''B
            using getWatch2 ?state''A = getWatch2 ?state''B
            using getConflictFlag ?state''A = getConflictFlag ?state''B
            using getSATFlag ?state''A = getSATFlag ?state''B
            using Cons(3)
            using getWatch1 ?state'A clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state'A clause = Some ?w2
            using getWatch1 ?state'B clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state'B clause = Some ?w2
            using Some literal = getWatch1 stateA clause
            using Some literal = getWatch1 stateB clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'A))
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'B))
            using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteral (nth (getF ?state'A) clause) ?w1 ?w2 (getM ?state'A) = None
            using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteral (nth (getF ?state'B) clause) ?w1 ?w2 (getM ?state'B) = None
            using ¬ literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'A))
            using ¬ literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'B))
            by (simp add:Let_def)
    case False
    hence "Some literal  getWatch1 stateB clause"
      using Cons
      by simp

    let ?state'A = stateA
    let ?state'B = stateB

      "getM ?state'A = getM ?state'B"
      "getF ?state'A = getF ?state'B"
      "getWatch1 ?state'A = getWatch1 ?state'B"
      "getWatch2 ?state'A = getWatch2 ?state'B"
      "getConflictFlag ?state'A = getConflictFlag ?state'B"
      "getSATFlag ?state'A = getSATFlag ?state'B"
      using Cons
      by auto

    let ?w1 = wa
    have "getWatch1 ?state'A clause = Some ?w1"
      using getWatch1 stateA clause = Some wa
      by auto
    hence "getWatch1 ?state'B clause = Some ?w1"
      using Cons
      by simp
    let ?w2 = wb
    have "getWatch2 ?state'A clause = Some ?w2"
      using getWatch2 stateA clause = Some wb
      by auto
    hence "getWatch2 ?state'B clause = Some ?w2"
      using Cons
      by simp

    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'A))")
      case True
      hence "literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'B))"
        using Cons
        by simp

      show ?thesis
        using Cons(1)[of "?state'A" "?state'B" "clause # newWl"]
        using Cons(2) Cons(3) Cons(4) Cons(5) Cons(6) Cons(7) Cons(8) Cons(9)
        using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 stateA clause
        using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 stateB clause
        using getWatch1 ?state'A clause = Some ?w1
        using getWatch1 ?state'B clause = Some ?w1
        using getWatch2 ?state'A clause = Some ?w2
        using getWatch2 ?state'B clause = Some ?w2
        using literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'A))
        using literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'B))
        by (simp add:Let_def)
      case False
      hence "¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'B))"
        using getM ?state'A = getM ?state'B
        by simp
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteral (nth (getF ?state'A) clause) ?w1 ?w2 (getM ?state'A)")
        case (Some l')
        hence "getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteral (nth (getF ?state'B) clause) ?w1 ?w2 (getM ?state'B) = Some l'"
          using getF ?state'A = getF ?state'B
          using getM ?state'A = getM ?state'B
          by simp

        have "l' el (nth (getF ?state'A) clause)"
          using Some
          using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteralSomeCharacterization
          by simp
        hence "l' el (nth (getF ?state'B) clause)"
          using getF ?state'A = getF ?state'B
          by simp

        let ?state''A = "setWatch2 clause l' ?state'A"
        let ?state''B = "setWatch2 clause l' ?state'B"

          "getM ?state''A = getM ?state''B"
          "getF ?state''A = getF ?state''B"
          "getWatch1 ?state''A = getWatch1 ?state''B"
          "getWatch2 ?state''A = getWatch2 ?state''B"
          "getConflictFlag ?state''A = getConflictFlag ?state''B"
          "getSATFlag ?state''A = getSATFlag ?state''B"
          using Cons
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by auto

        from Cons(2)
        have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state''A) (getWatch1 ?state''A) (getWatch2 ?state''A)"
          using l' el (nth (getF ?state'A) clause)
          unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by auto
        have "getM ?state''A = getM stateA 
          getF ?state''A = getF stateA  
          getSATFlag ?state''A = getSATFlag stateA  
          getQ ?state''A = getQ stateA"
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by simp
        show ?thesis
          using Cons(1)[of "?state''A" "?state''B" "newWl"]
          using getM ?state''A = getM ?state''B
          using getF ?state''A = getF ?state''B
          using getWatch1 ?state''A = getWatch1 ?state''B
          using getWatch2 ?state''A = getWatch2 ?state''B
          using getConflictFlag ?state''A = getConflictFlag ?state''B
          using getSATFlag ?state''A = getSATFlag ?state''B
          using Cons(3)
          using getWatch1 ?state'A clause = Some ?w1
          using getWatch2 ?state'A clause = Some ?w2
          using getWatch1 ?state'B clause = Some ?w1
          using getWatch2 ?state'B clause = Some ?w2
          using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 stateA clause
          using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 stateB clause
          using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'A))
          using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'B))
          using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteral (nth (getF ?state'A) clause) ?w1 ?w2 (getM ?state'A) = Some l'
          using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteral (nth (getF ?state'B) clause) ?w1 ?w2 (getM ?state'B) = Some l'
          by (simp add:Let_def)
        case None
        hence "getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteral (nth (getF ?state'B) clause) ?w1 ?w2 (getM ?state'B) = None"
          using getF ?state'A = getF ?state'B getM ?state'A = getM ?state'B
          by simp
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases "literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'A))")
          case True
          hence "literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'B))"
            using getM ?state'A = getM ?state'B
            by simp

          let ?state''A = "?state'AgetConflictFlag := True, getConflictClause := clause"
          let ?state''B = "?state'BgetConflictFlag := True, getConflictClause := clause"
            "getM ?state''A = getM ?state''B"
            "getF ?state''A = getF ?state''B"
            "getWatch1 ?state''A = getWatch1 ?state''B"
            "getWatch2 ?state''A = getWatch2 ?state''B"
            "getConflictFlag ?state''A = getConflictFlag ?state''B"
            "getSATFlag ?state''A = getSATFlag ?state''B"
            using Cons
            by auto
          from Cons(2)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state''A) (getWatch1 ?state''A) (getWatch2 ?state''A)"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            by auto
          have "getM ?state''A = getM stateA 
          getF ?state''A = getF stateA  
          getSATFlag ?state''A = getSATFlag stateA  
            getQ ?state''A = getQ stateA"
            by simp
          show ?thesis
            using Cons(4) Cons(5)
            using Cons(1)[of "?state''A" "?state''B" "clause # newWl"]
            using getM ?state''A = getM ?state''B
            using getF ?state''A = getF ?state''B
            using getWatch1 ?state''A = getWatch1 ?state''B
            using getWatch2 ?state''A = getWatch2 ?state''B
            using getConflictFlag ?state''A = getConflictFlag ?state''B
            using getSATFlag ?state''A = getSATFlag ?state''B
            using Cons(3)
            using getWatch1 ?state'A clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state'A clause = Some ?w2
            using getWatch1 ?state'B clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state'B clause = Some ?w2
            using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 stateA clause
            using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 stateB clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'A))
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'B))
            using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteral (nth (getF ?state'A) clause) ?w1 ?w2 (getM ?state'A) = None
            using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteral (nth (getF ?state'B) clause) ?w1 ?w2 (getM ?state'B) = None
            using literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'A))
            using literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'B))
            by (simp add:Let_def)
          case False
          hence "¬ literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'B))"
            using getM ?state'A = getM ?state'B
            by simp
          let ?state''A = "setReason ?w1 clause (?state'AgetQ := (if ?w1 el (getQ ?state'A) then (getQ ?state'A) else (getQ ?state'A) @ [?w1]))"
          let ?state''B = "setReason ?w1 clause (?state'BgetQ := (if ?w1 el (getQ ?state'B) then (getQ ?state'B) else (getQ ?state'B) @ [?w1]))"
            "getM ?state''A = getM ?state''B"
            "getF ?state''A = getF ?state''B"
            "getWatch1 ?state''A = getWatch1 ?state''B"
            "getWatch2 ?state''A = getWatch2 ?state''B"
            "getConflictFlag ?state''A = getConflictFlag ?state''B"
            "getSATFlag ?state''A = getSATFlag ?state''B"
            using Cons
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto

          from Cons(2)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state''A) (getWatch1 ?state''A) (getWatch2 ?state''A)"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          have "getM ?state''A = getM stateA 
            getF ?state''A = getF stateA  
            getSATFlag ?state''A = getSATFlag stateA  
            getQ ?state''A = (if ?w1 el (getQ stateA) then (getQ stateA) else (getQ stateA) @ [?w1])"
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          show ?thesis
            using Cons(4) Cons(5)
            using Cons(1)[of "?state''A" "?state''B" "clause # newWl"]
            using getM ?state''A = getM ?state''B
            using getF ?state''A = getF ?state''B
            using getWatch1 ?state''A = getWatch1 ?state''B
            using getWatch2 ?state''A = getWatch2 ?state''B
            using getConflictFlag ?state''A = getConflictFlag ?state''B
            using getSATFlag ?state''A = getSATFlag ?state''B
            using Cons(3)
            using getWatch1 ?state'A clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state'A clause = Some ?w2
            using getWatch1 ?state'B clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state'B clause = Some ?w2
            using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 stateA clause
            using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 stateB clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'A))
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'B))
            using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteral (nth (getF ?state'A) clause) ?w1 ?w2 (getM ?state'A) = None
            using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteral (nth (getF ?state'B) clause) ?w1 ?w2 (getM ?state'B) = None
            using ¬ literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'A))
            using ¬ literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'B))
            by (simp add:Let_def)

lemma notifyWatchesLoopPreservedWatches:
fixes literal :: Literal and Wl :: "nat list" and newWl :: "nat list" and state :: State 
  "InvariantWatchesEl (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)" and 
  " (c::nat). c  set Wl  0  c  c < length (getF state)"
  "let state' = (notifyWatches_loop literal Wl newWl state) in
      c. c  set Wl  (getWatch1 state' c) = (getWatch1 state c)  (getWatch2 state' c) = (getWatch2 state c)
using assms
proof (induct Wl arbitrary: newWl state)
  case Nil
  thus ?case
    by simp
  case (Cons clause Wl')
  from  (c::nat). c  set (clause # Wl')  0  c  c < length (getF state)
  have "0  clause  clause < length (getF state)"
    by auto
  then obtain wa::Literal and wb::Literal
    where "getWatch1 state clause = Some wa" and "getWatch2 state clause = Some wb"
    using Cons
    unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
    by auto
  show ?case
  proof (cases "Some literal = getWatch1 state clause")
    case True
    let ?state' = "swapWatches clause state"
    let ?w1 = wb
    have "getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1"
      using getWatch2 state clause = Some wb
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto
    let ?w2 = wa
    have "getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2"
      using getWatch1 state clause = Some wa
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto    
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))")
      case True
      from Cons(2)
      have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state')"
        unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
        unfolding swapWatches_def
        by auto
      have "getM ?state' = getM state  
        getF ?state' = getF state"
        unfolding swapWatches_def
        by simp
      show ?thesis
        using Cons(1)[of "?state'" "clause # newWl"]
        using Cons(3)
        using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
        using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
        using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
        using literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
        apply (simp add:Let_def)
        unfolding swapWatches_def
        by simp
      case False
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteral (nth (getF ?state') clause) ?w1 ?w2 (getM ?state')")
        case (Some l')
        hence "l' el (nth (getF ?state') clause)"
          using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteralSomeCharacterization
          by simp

        let ?state'' = "setWatch2 clause l' ?state'"

        from Cons(2)
        have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
          using l' el (nth (getF ?state') clause)
          unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by auto
        have "getM ?state'' = getM state 
          getF ?state'' = getF state"
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by simp
        show ?thesis
          using Cons(1)[of "?state''" "newWl"]
          using Cons(3)
          using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
          using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
          using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
          using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
          using Some
          apply (simp add: Let_def)
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          by simp
        case None
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases "literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))")
          case True
          let ?state'' = "?state'getConflictFlag := True, getConflictClause := clause"
          from Cons(2)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by auto
          have "getM ?state'' = getM state 
          getF ?state'' = getF state"
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by simp
          show ?thesis
            using Cons(1)[of "?state''" "clause # newWl"]
            using Cons(3)
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using None
            using literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            apply (simp add: Let_def)
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by simp
          case False
          let ?state'' = "setReason ?w1 clause (?state'getQ := (if ?w1 el (getQ ?state') then (getQ ?state') else (getQ ?state') @ [?w1]))"

          from Cons(2)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          have "getM ?state'' = getM state 
            getF ?state'' = getF state"
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by simp
          show ?thesis
            using Cons(1)[of "?state''" "clause # newWl"]
            using Cons(3)
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using None
            using ¬ literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            apply (simp add: Let_def)
            unfolding setReason_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by simp
    case False
    let ?state' = state
    let ?w1 = wa
    have "getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1"
      using getWatch1 state clause = Some wa
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto
    let ?w2 = wb
    have "getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2"
      using getWatch2 state clause = Some wb
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto    
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))")
      case True
      thus ?thesis
        using Cons
        using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
        using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
        using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
        using literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
        by (simp add:Let_def)
      case False
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteral (nth (getF ?state') clause) ?w1 ?w2 (getM ?state')")
        case (Some l')
        hence "l' el (nth (getF ?state')) clause"
          using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteralSomeCharacterization
          by simp

        let ?state'' = "setWatch2 clause l' ?state'"

        from Cons(2)
        have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
          using l' el (nth (getF ?state')) clause
          unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by auto
        have "getM ?state'' = getM state 
          getF ?state'' = getF state"
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by simp
        show ?thesis
          using Cons(1)[of "?state''"]
          using Cons(3)
          using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
          using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
          using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
          using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
          using Some
          apply (simp add: Let_def)
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by simp
        case None
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases "literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))")
          case True
          let ?state'' = "?state'getConflictFlag := True, getConflictClause := clause"
          from Cons(2)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            by auto
          have "getM ?state'' = getM state 
            getF ?state'' = getF state"
            by simp
          show ?thesis
            using Cons(1)[of "?state''"]
            using Cons(3)
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using None
            using literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            by (simp add: Let_def)
          case False
          let ?state'' = "setReason ?w1 clause (?state'getQ := (if ?w1 el (getQ ?state') then (getQ ?state') else (getQ ?state') @ [?w1]))"
          from Cons(2)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          have "getM ?state'' = getM state 
            getF ?state'' = getF state"
            unfolding setReason_def
            by simp
          show ?thesis
            using Cons(1)[of "?state''"]
            using Cons(3)
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using None
            using ¬ literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            apply (simp add: Let_def)
            unfolding setReason_def
            by simp

lemma InvariantWatchesElNotifyWatchesLoop:
fixes literal :: Literal and Wl :: "nat list" and newWl :: "nat list" and state :: State 
  "InvariantWatchesEl (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)" and 
  " (c::nat). c  set Wl  0  c  c < length (getF state)"
  "let state' = (notifyWatches_loop literal Wl newWl state) in
     InvariantWatchesEl (getF state') (getWatch1 state') (getWatch2 state')"
using assms
proof (induct Wl arbitrary: newWl state)
  case Nil
  thus ?case
    by simp
  case (Cons clause Wl')
  from  (c::nat). c  set (clause # Wl')  0  c  c < length (getF state)
  have "0  clause" and "clause < length (getF state)"
    by auto
  then obtain wa::Literal and wb::Literal
    where "getWatch1 state clause = Some wa" and "getWatch2 state clause = Some wb"
    using Cons
    unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
    by auto
  show ?case
  proof (cases "Some literal = getWatch1 state clause")
    case True
    let ?state' = "swapWatches clause state"
    let ?w1 = wb
    have "getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1"
      using getWatch2 state clause = Some wb
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto
    let ?w2 = wa
    have "getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2"
      using getWatch1 state clause = Some wa
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto    
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))")
      case True

      from Cons(2)
      have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state')"
        unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
        unfolding swapWatches_def
        by auto
      have "getF ?state' = getF state"
        unfolding swapWatches_def
        by simp
      show ?thesis
        using Cons
        using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
        using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
        using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
        using literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
        by (simp add: Let_def)
      case False
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteral (nth (getF ?state') clause) ?w1 ?w2 (getM ?state')")
        case (Some l')
        hence "l' el (nth (getF ?state') clause)"
          using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteralSomeCharacterization
          by simp

        let ?state'' = "setWatch2 clause l' ?state'"

        from Cons(2)
        have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
          using l' el (nth (getF ?state') clause)
          unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by auto
        have "getF ?state'' = getF state"
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by simp
        show ?thesis
          using Cons
          using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
          using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
          using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
          using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
          using Some
          by (simp add: Let_def)
        case None
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases "literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))")
          case True
          let ?state'' = "?state'getConflictFlag := True, getConflictClause := clause"
          from Cons(2)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by auto
          have "getF ?state'' = getF state"
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by simp
          show ?thesis
            using Cons
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using None
            using literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            by (simp add: Let_def)
          case False
          let ?state'' = "setReason ?w1 clause (?state'getQ := (if ?w1 el (getQ ?state') then (getQ ?state') else (getQ ?state') @ [?w1]))"

          from Cons(2)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          have "getF ?state'' = getF state"
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by simp
          show ?thesis
            using Cons
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using None
            using ¬ literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            by (simp add: Let_def)
    case False
    let ?state' = state
    let ?w1 = wa
    have "getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1"
      using getWatch1 state clause = Some wa
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto
    let ?w2 = wb
    have "getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2"
      using getWatch2 state clause = Some wb
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto    
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))")
      case True
      thus ?thesis
        using Cons
        using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
        using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
        using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
        using literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
        by (simp add:Let_def)
      case False
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteral (nth (getF ?state') clause) ?w1 ?w2 (getM ?state')")
        case (Some l')
        hence "l' el (nth (getF ?state') clause)"
          using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteralSomeCharacterization
          by simp

        let ?state'' = "setWatch2 clause l' ?state'"

        from Cons
        have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
          using l' el (nth (getF ?state') clause)
          unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by auto
        have "getF ?state'' = getF state"
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by simp
        show ?thesis
          using Cons
          using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
          using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
          using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
          using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
          using Some
          by (simp add: Let_def)
        case None
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases "literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))")
          case True
          let ?state'' = "?state'getConflictFlag := True, getConflictClause := clause"
          from Cons
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            by auto
          have "getF ?state'' = getF state"
            by simp
          show ?thesis
            using Cons
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using None
            using literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            by (simp add: Let_def)
          case False
          let ?state'' = "setReason ?w1 clause (?state'getQ := (if ?w1 el (getQ ?state') then (getQ ?state') else (getQ ?state') @ [?w1]))"
          from Cons(2)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          have "getF ?state'' = getF state"
            unfolding setReason_def
            by simp       
          show ?thesis
            using Cons
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using None
            using ¬ literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            by (simp add: Let_def)

lemma InvariantWatchesDifferNotifyWatchesLoop:
fixes literal :: Literal and Wl :: "nat list" and newWl :: "nat list" and state :: State 
  "InvariantWatchesEl (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)" and 
  "InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)" and 
  " (c::nat). c  set Wl  0  c  c < length (getF state)"
  "let state' = (notifyWatches_loop literal Wl newWl state) in
     InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF state') (getWatch1 state') (getWatch2 state')"
using assms
proof (induct Wl arbitrary: newWl state)
  case Nil
  thus ?case
    by simp
  case (Cons clause Wl')
  from  (c::nat). c  set (clause # Wl')  0  c  c < length (getF state)
  have "0  clause" and "clause < length (getF state)"
    by auto
  then obtain wa::Literal and wb::Literal
    where "getWatch1 state clause = Some wa" and "getWatch2 state clause = Some wb"
    using Cons
    unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
    by auto
  show ?case
  proof (cases "Some literal = getWatch1 state clause")
    case True
    let ?state' = "swapWatches clause state"
    let ?w1 = wb
    have "getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1"
      using getWatch2 state clause = Some wb
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto
    let ?w2 = wa
    have "getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2"
      using getWatch1 state clause = Some wa
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto    
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))")
      case True

      from Cons(2)
      have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state')"
        unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
        unfolding swapWatches_def
        by auto
      from Cons(3)
      have "InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state')"
        unfolding InvariantWatchesDiffer_def
        unfolding swapWatches_def
        by auto
      have "getF ?state' = getF state"
        unfolding swapWatches_def
        by simp
      show ?thesis
        using Cons(1)[of "?state'" "clause # newWl"]
        using Cons(4)
        using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
        using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
        using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
        using literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
        by (simp add: Let_def)
      case False
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteral (nth (getF ?state') clause) ?w1 ?w2 (getM ?state')")
        case (Some l')
        hence "l' el (nth (getF ?state') clause)" "l'  literal" "l'  ?w1" "l'  ?w2"
          using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteralSomeCharacterization
          using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
          using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
          using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          by auto

        let ?state'' = "setWatch2 clause l' ?state'"

        from Cons(2)
        have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
          using l' el (nth (getF ?state') clause)
          unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by auto
        from Cons(3)
        have "InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
          using l'  ?w1
          using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
          using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
          unfolding InvariantWatchesDiffer_def
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by auto
        have "getF ?state'' = getF state"
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by simp
        show ?thesis
          using Cons
          using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
          using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
          using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
          using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
          using Some
          by (simp add: Let_def)
        case None
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases "literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))")
          case True
          let ?state'' = "?state'getConflictFlag := True, getConflictClause := clause"
          from Cons(2)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by auto
          from Cons(3)
          have "InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesDiffer_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by auto
          have "getF ?state'' = getF state"
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by simp
          show ?thesis
            using Cons
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using None
            using literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            by (simp add: Let_def)
          case False
          let ?state'' = "setReason ?w1 clause (?state'getQ := (if ?w1 el (getQ ?state') then (getQ ?state') else (getQ ?state') @ [?w1]))"

          from Cons(2)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          from Cons(3)
          have "InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesDiffer_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          have "getF ?state'' = getF state"
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by simp
          show ?thesis
            using Cons
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using None
            using ¬ literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            by (simp add: Let_def)
    case False
    let ?state' = state
    let ?w1 = wa
    have "getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1"
      using getWatch1 state clause = Some wa
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto
    let ?w2 = wb
    have "getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2"
      using getWatch2 state clause = Some wb
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto       
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))")
      case True
      thus ?thesis
        using Cons
        using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
        using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
        using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
        using literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
        by (simp add:Let_def)
      case False
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteral (nth (getF ?state') clause) ?w1 ?w2 (getM ?state')")
        case (Some l')
        hence "l' el (nth (getF ?state') clause)" "l'  ?w1" "l'  ?w2"
          using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteralSomeCharacterization
          using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
          using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          by auto

        let ?state'' = "setWatch2 clause l' ?state'"

        from Cons(2)
        have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
          using l' el (nth (getF ?state') clause)
          unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by auto
        from Cons(3)
        have "InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
          using l'  ?w1
          using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
          using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
          unfolding InvariantWatchesDiffer_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by auto
        have "getF ?state'' = getF state"
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by simp
        show ?thesis
          using Cons
          using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
          using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
          using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
          using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
          using Some
          by (simp add: Let_def)
        case None
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases "literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))")
          case True
          let ?state'' = "?state'getConflictFlag := True, getConflictClause := clause"
          from Cons(2)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            by auto
          from Cons(3)
          have "InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesDiffer_def
            by auto
          have "getF ?state'' = getF state"
            by simp
          show ?thesis
            using Cons
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using None
            using literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            by (simp add: Let_def)
          case False
          let ?state'' = "setReason ?w1 clause (?state'getQ := (if ?w1 el (getQ ?state') then (getQ ?state') else (getQ ?state') @ [?w1]))"

          from Cons(2)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          from Cons(3)
          have "InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesDiffer_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          have "getF ?state'' = getF state"
            unfolding setReason_def
            by simp       
          show ?thesis
            using Cons
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using None
            using ¬ literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            by (simp add: Let_def)

lemma InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromFNotifyWatchesLoop:
fixes literal :: Literal and Wl :: "nat list" and newWl :: "nat list" and state :: State 
  "InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF (getWatchList state) (getF state)" and 
  "InvariantWatchesEl (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)" and 
  " (c::nat). c  set Wl  c  set newWl  0  c  c < length (getF state)"
  "let state' = (notifyWatches_loop literal Wl newWl state) in
     InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF (getWatchList state') (getF state')"
using assms
proof (induct Wl arbitrary: newWl state)
  case Nil
  thus ?case
    unfolding InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF_def
    by simp
  case (Cons clause Wl')
  from c. c  set (clause # Wl')  c  set newWl  0  c  c < length (getF state)
  have "0  clause" and "clause < length (getF state)"
    by auto
  then obtain wa::Literal and wb::Literal
    where "getWatch1 state clause = Some wa" and "getWatch2 state clause = Some wb"
    using Cons
    unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
    by auto
  show ?case
  proof (cases "Some literal = getWatch1 state clause")
    case True
    let ?state' = "swapWatches clause state"
    let ?w1 = wb
    have "getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1"
      using getWatch2 state clause = Some wb
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto
    let ?w2 = wa
    have "getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2"
      using getWatch1 state clause = Some wa
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto    
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))")
      case True

      from Cons(2)
      have "InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF (getWatchList ?state') (getF ?state')"
        unfolding swapWatches_def
        by auto
      from Cons(3)
      have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state')"
        unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
        unfolding swapWatches_def
        by auto
      have "(getF state) = (getF ?state')"
        unfolding swapWatches_def
        by simp
      show ?thesis
        using Cons
        using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
        using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
        using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
        using literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
        by (simp add: Let_def)
      case False
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteral (nth (getF ?state') clause) ?w1 ?w2 (getM ?state')")
        case (Some l')
        hence "l' el (nth (getF ?state') clause)"
          using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteralSomeCharacterization
          by simp

        let ?state'' = "setWatch2 clause l' ?state'"

        from Cons(2)
        have "InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF (getWatchList ?state'') (getF ?state'')"
          using clause < length (getF state)
          unfolding InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF_def
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by auto
        from Cons(3)
        have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
          using l' el (nth (getF ?state') clause)
          unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by auto
        have "(getF state) = (getF ?state'')"
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by simp
        show ?thesis
          using Cons
          using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
          using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
          using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
          using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
          using Some
          by (simp add: Let_def)
        case None
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases "literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))")
          case True
          let ?state'' = "?state'getConflictFlag := True, getConflictClause := clause"
          from Cons(2)
          have "InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF (getWatchList ?state'') (getF ?state'')"
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by auto
          from Cons(3)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by auto
          have "(getF state) = (getF ?state'')"
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by simp
          show ?thesis
            using Cons
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using None
            using literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            by (simp add: Let_def)
          case False
          let ?state'' = "setReason ?w1 clause (?state'getQ := (if ?w1 el (getQ ?state') then (getQ ?state') else (getQ ?state') @ [?w1]))"

          from Cons(2)
          have "InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF (getWatchList ?state'') (getF ?state'')"
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          from Cons(3)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          have "(getF state) = (getF ?state'')"
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by simp
          show ?thesis
            using Cons
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using None
            using ¬ literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            by (simp add: Let_def)
    case False
    let ?state' = state
    let ?w1 = wa
    have "getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1"
      using getWatch1 state clause = Some wa
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto
    let ?w2 = wb
    have "getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2"
      using getWatch2 state clause = Some wb
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto    
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))")
      case True
      thus ?thesis
        using Cons
        using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
        using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
        using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
        using literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
        by (simp add:Let_def)
      case False
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteral (nth (getF ?state') clause) ?w1 ?w2 (getM ?state')")
        case (Some l')
        hence "l' el (nth (getF ?state') clause)"
          using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteralSomeCharacterization
          by simp

        let ?state'' = "setWatch2 clause l' ?state'"

        from Cons(2)
        have "InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF (getWatchList ?state'') (getF ?state'')"
          using clause < length (getF state)
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          unfolding InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF_def
          by auto
        from Cons(3)
        have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
          using l' el (nth (getF ?state') clause)
          unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by auto
        have "(getF state) = (getF ?state'')"
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by simp
        show ?thesis
          using Cons
          using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
          using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
          using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
          using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
          using Some
          by (simp add: Let_def)
        case None
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases "literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))")
          case True
          let ?state'' = "?state'getConflictFlag := True, getConflictClause := clause"
          from Cons(3)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            by auto
          have "getF ?state'' = getF state"
            by simp
          show ?thesis
            using Cons
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using None
            using literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            by (simp add: Let_def)
          case False
          let ?state'' = "setReason ?w1 clause (?state'getQ := (if ?w1 el (getQ ?state') then (getQ ?state') else (getQ ?state') @ [?w1]))"

          from Cons(2)
          have "InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF (getWatchList ?state'') (getF ?state'')"
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          from Cons(3)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          have "getF ?state'' = getF state"
            unfolding setReason_def
            by simp
          show ?thesis
            using Cons
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using None
            using ¬ literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            by (simp add: Let_def)

lemma InvariantWatchListsCharacterizationNotifyWatchesLoop:
  fixes literal :: Literal and Wl :: "nat list" and newWl :: "nat list" and state :: State 
  "InvariantWatchesEl (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)" and 
  "InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)"
  "InvariantWatchListsUniq (getWatchList state)"
  " (c::nat). c  set Wl  0  c  c < length (getF state)"
  " (c::nat) (l::Literal). l  literal 
             (c  set (getWatchList state l)) = (Some l = getWatch1 state c  Some l = getWatch2 state c)"
  " (c::nat). (c  set newWl  c  set Wl) = (Some literal = (getWatch1 state c)  Some literal = (getWatch2 state c))"
  "set Wl  set newWl = {}"
  "uniq Wl"
  "uniq newWl"
  "let state' = (notifyWatches_loop literal Wl newWl state) in
     InvariantWatchListsCharacterization (getWatchList state') (getWatch1 state') (getWatch2 state') 
     InvariantWatchListsUniq (getWatchList state')"
using assms
proof (induct Wl arbitrary: newWl state)
  case Nil
  thus ?case
    unfolding InvariantWatchListsCharacterization_def
    unfolding InvariantWatchListsUniq_def
    by simp
  case (Cons clause Wl')
  from uniq (clause # Wl')
  have "clause  set Wl'"
    by (simp add:uniqAppendIff)

  have "set Wl'  set (clause # newWl) = {}"
    using Cons(8)
    using clause  set Wl'
    by simp

  have "uniq Wl'"
    using Cons(9)
    using uniqAppendIff
    by simp
  have "uniq (clause # newWl)"
    using Cons(10) Cons(8)
    using uniqAppendIff
    by force

  from c. c  set (clause # Wl')  0  c  c < length (getF state)
  have "0  clause" and "clause < length (getF state)"
    by auto
  then obtain wa::Literal and wb::Literal
    where "getWatch1 state clause = Some wa" and "getWatch2 state clause = Some wb"
    using Cons
    unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
    by auto
  show ?case
  proof (cases "Some literal = getWatch1 state clause")
    case True
    let ?state' = "swapWatches clause state"
    let ?w1 = wb
    have "getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1"
      using getWatch2 state clause = Some wb
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto
    let ?w2 = wa
    have "getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2"
      using getWatch1 state clause = Some wa
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))")
      case True
      from Cons(2)
      have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state')"
        unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
        unfolding swapWatches_def
        by auto
      from Cons(3)
      have "InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state')"
        unfolding InvariantWatchesDiffer_def
        unfolding swapWatches_def
        by auto
      from Cons(4)
      have "InvariantWatchListsUniq (getWatchList ?state')"
        unfolding InvariantWatchListsUniq_def
        unfolding swapWatches_def
        by auto
      have "(getF ?state') = (getF state)" and "(getWatchList ?state') = (getWatchList state)"
        unfolding swapWatches_def
        by auto
      have "c l. l  literal 
        (c  set (getWatchList ?state' l)) =
        (Some l = getWatch1 ?state' c  Some l = getWatch2 ?state' c)"
        using Cons(6)
        using (getWatchList ?state') = (getWatchList state)
        using swapWatchesEffect
        by auto
      have "c. (c  set (clause # newWl)  c  set Wl') =
        (Some literal = getWatch1 ?state' c  Some literal = getWatch2 ?state' c)"
        using Cons(7)
        using swapWatchesEffect
        by auto
      show ?thesis
        using Cons(1)[of "?state'" "clause # newWl"]
        using Cons(5)
        using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
        using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
        using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
        using literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
        using uniq Wl'
        using uniq (clause # newWl)
        using set Wl'  set (clause # newWl) = {}
        by (simp add: Let_def)
      case False
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteral (nth (getF ?state') clause) ?w1 ?w2 (getM ?state')")
        case (Some l')
        hence "l' el (nth (getF ?state') clause)" "l'  literal" "l'  ?w1" "l'  ?w2"
          using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteralSomeCharacterization
          using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
          using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
          using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          by auto
        let ?state'' = "setWatch2 clause l' ?state'"
        from Cons(2)
        have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
          using l' el (nth (getF ?state') clause)
          unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by auto
        from Cons(3)
        have "InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
          using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
          using l'  ?w1
          unfolding InvariantWatchesDiffer_def
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by simp
        have "clause  set (getWatchList state l')"
          using l'  literal
          using l'  ?w1 l'  ?w2
          using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
          using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
          using Cons(6)
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          by simp
        with Cons(4)
        have "InvariantWatchListsUniq (getWatchList ?state'')"
          unfolding InvariantWatchListsUniq_def
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          using uniqAppendIff
          by force
        have "(getF ?state'') = (getF state)" and 
          "(getWatchList ?state'') = (getWatchList state)(l' := clause # (getWatchList state l'))"
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by auto
        have "c l. l  literal 
          (c  set (getWatchList ?state'' l)) =
          (Some l = getWatch1 ?state'' c  Some l = getWatch2 ?state'' c)"
            fix c::nat and l::Literal
            assume "l  literal"
            have "(c  set (getWatchList ?state'' l)) = (Some l = getWatch1 ?state'' c  Some l = getWatch2 ?state'' c)"
            proof (cases "c = clause")
              case True
              show ?thesis
              proof (cases "l = l'")
                case True
                thus ?thesis
                  using c = clause
                  unfolding setWatch2_def
                  by simp
                case False
                show ?thesis
                  using Cons(6)
                  using (getWatchList ?state'') = (getWatchList state)(l' := clause # (getWatchList state l'))
                  using l  l'
                  using l  literal
                  using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
                  using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
                  using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
                  using c = clause
                  using swapWatchesEffect
                  unfolding swapWatches_def
                  unfolding setWatch2_def
                  by simp
              case False
              thus ?thesis
                using Cons(6)
                using l  literal
                using (getWatchList ?state'') = (getWatchList state)(l' := clause # (getWatchList state l'))
                using c  clause
                unfolding setWatch2_def
                using swapWatchesEffect[of "clause" "state" "c"]
                by auto
          thus ?thesis
            by simp
        have "c. (c  set newWl  c  set Wl') =
          (Some literal = getWatch1 ?state'' c  Some literal = getWatch2 ?state'' c)"
          show ?thesis
            fix c :: nat
            show "(c  set newWl  c  set Wl') =
              (Some literal = getWatch1 ?state'' c  Some literal = getWatch2 ?state'' c)"
              assume "c  set newWl  c  set Wl'"
              show "Some literal = getWatch1 ?state'' c  Some literal = getWatch2 ?state'' c"
                from c  set newWl  c  set Wl'
                have "Some literal = getWatch1 state c  Some literal = getWatch2 state c"
                  using Cons(7)
                  by auto
                from Cons(8) clause  set Wl' c  set newWl  c  set Wl'
                have "c  clause"
                  by auto
                show ?thesis
                  using Some literal = getWatch1 state c  Some literal = getWatch2 state c
                  using c  clause
                  using swapWatchesEffect
                  unfolding setWatch2_def
                  by simp
              assume "Some literal = getWatch1 ?state'' c  Some literal = getWatch2 ?state'' c"
              show "c  set newWl  c  set Wl'"
                have "Some literal  getWatch1 ?state'' clause   Some literal  getWatch2 ?state'' clause"
                  using l'  literal
                  using clause < length (getF state)
                  using InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)
                  using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
                  using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
                  using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
                  unfolding InvariantWatchesDiffer_def
                  unfolding setWatch2_def
                  unfolding swapWatches_def
                  by auto
                thus ?thesis
                  using Some literal = getWatch1 ?state'' c  Some literal = getWatch2 ?state'' c
                  using Cons(7)
                  using swapWatchesEffect
                  unfolding setWatch2_def
                  by (auto split: if_split_asm)
        have "c. (c  set (clause # newWl)  c  set Wl') =
          (Some literal = getWatch1 ?state' c  Some literal = getWatch2 ?state' c)"
          using Cons(7)
          using swapWatchesEffect
          by auto
        show ?thesis
          using Cons(1)[of "?state''" "newWl"]
          using Cons(5)
          using uniq Wl'
          using uniq newWl
          using set Wl'  set (clause # newWl) = {}
          using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
          using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
          using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
          using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
          using Some
          by (simp add: Let_def fun_upd_def)
        case None
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases "literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))")
          case True
          let ?state'' = "?state'getConflictFlag := True, getConflictClause := clause"
          from Cons(2)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by auto
          from Cons(3)
          have "InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesDiffer_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by auto
          from Cons(4)
          have "InvariantWatchListsUniq (getWatchList ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchListsUniq_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by auto
          have "(getF state) = (getF ?state'')" and "(getWatchList state) = (getWatchList ?state'')" 
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by auto
          have "c l. l  literal 
            (c  set (getWatchList ?state'' l)) =
            (Some l = getWatch1 ?state'' c  Some l = getWatch2 ?state'' c)"
            using Cons(6)
            using (getWatchList state) = (getWatchList ?state'')
            using swapWatchesEffect
            by auto
          have "c. (c  set (clause # newWl)  c  set Wl') =
            (Some literal = getWatch1 ?state'' c  Some literal = getWatch2 ?state'' c)"
            using Cons(7)
            using swapWatchesEffect
            by auto
          show ?thesis
            using Cons(1)[of "?state''" "clause # newWl"]
            using Cons(5)
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using None
            using literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using uniq Wl'
            using uniq (clause # newWl)
            using set Wl'  set (clause # newWl) = {}
            by (simp add: Let_def)
          case False
          let ?state'' = "setReason ?w1 clause (?state'getQ := (if ?w1 el (getQ ?state') then (getQ ?state') else (getQ ?state') @ [?w1]))"

          from Cons(2)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          from Cons(3)
          have "InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesDiffer_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          from Cons(4)
          have "InvariantWatchListsUniq (getWatchList ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchListsUniq_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          have "(getF state) = (getF ?state'')" and "(getWatchList state) = (getWatchList ?state'')" 
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          have "c l. l  literal 
            (c  set (getWatchList ?state'' l)) =
            (Some l = getWatch1 ?state'' c  Some l = getWatch2 ?state'' c)"
            using Cons(6)
            using (getWatchList state) = (getWatchList ?state'')
            using swapWatchesEffect
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          have "c. (c  set (clause # newWl)  c  set Wl') =
            (Some literal = getWatch1 ?state'' c  Some literal = getWatch2 ?state'' c)"
            using Cons(7)
            using swapWatchesEffect
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          show ?thesis
            using Cons(1)[of "?state''" "clause # newWl"]
            using Cons(5)
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using None
            using ¬ literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using uniq Wl'
            using uniq (clause # newWl)
            using set Wl'  set (clause # newWl) = {}
            by (simp add: Let_def)
    case False
    let ?state' = state
    let ?w1 = wa
    have "getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1"
      using getWatch1 state clause = Some wa
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto
    let ?w2 = wb
    have "getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2"
      using getWatch2 state clause = Some wb
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto    

    have "Some literal = getWatch2 state clause"
      using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
      using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
      using Some literal  getWatch1 state clause
      using Cons(7)
      by force

    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))")
      case True
      from Cons(7) have
        "c. (c  set (clause # newWl)  c  set Wl') =
        (Some literal = getWatch1 state c  Some literal = getWatch2 state c)"
        by auto
      thus ?thesis
        using Cons(1)[of "?state'" "clause # newWl"]
        using Cons(2) Cons(3) Cons(4) Cons(5) Cons(6)
        using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
        using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
        using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
        using literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
        using uniq (clause # newWl)
        using uniq Wl'
        using set Wl'  set (clause # newWl) = {}
        by simp
      case False
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteral (nth (getF ?state') clause) ?w1 ?w2 (getM ?state')")
        case (Some l')
        hence "l' el (nth (getF ?state') clause)" "l'  literal" "l'  ?w1" "l'  ?w2"
          using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteralSomeCharacterization
          using Some literal = getWatch2 state clause
          using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
          using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
          by auto

        let ?state'' = "setWatch2 clause l' ?state'"

        from Cons(2)
        have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
          using l' el (nth (getF ?state') clause)
          unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by auto
        from Cons(3)
        have "InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
          using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
          using l'  ?w1
          unfolding InvariantWatchesDiffer_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by simp
        have "clause  set (getWatchList state l')"
          using l'  literal
          using l'  ?w1 l'  ?w2
          using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
          using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
          using Cons(6)
          by simp
        with Cons(4)
        have "InvariantWatchListsUniq (getWatchList ?state'')"
          unfolding InvariantWatchListsUniq_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          using uniqAppendIff
          by force
        have "(getF ?state'') = (getF state)" and 
          "(getWatchList ?state'') = (getWatchList state)(l' := clause # (getWatchList state l'))"
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by auto
        have "c l. l  literal 
          (c  set (getWatchList ?state'' l)) =
          (Some l = getWatch1 ?state'' c  Some l = getWatch2 ?state'' c)"
            fix c::nat and l::Literal
            assume "l  literal"
            have "(c  set (getWatchList ?state'' l)) = (Some l = getWatch1 ?state'' c  Some l = getWatch2 ?state'' c)"
            proof (cases "c = clause")
              case True
              show ?thesis
              proof (cases "l = l'")
                case True
                thus ?thesis
                  using c = clause
                  unfolding setWatch2_def
                  by simp
                case False
                show ?thesis
                  using Cons(6)
                  using (getWatchList ?state'') = (getWatchList state)(l' := clause # (getWatchList state l'))
                  using l  l'
                  using l  literal
                  using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
                  using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
                  using Some literal = getWatch2 state clause
                  using c = clause
                  unfolding setWatch2_def
                  by simp
              case False
              thus ?thesis
                using Cons(6)
                using l  literal
                using (getWatchList ?state'') = (getWatchList state)(l' := clause # (getWatchList state l'))
                using c  clause
                unfolding setWatch2_def
                by auto
          thus ?thesis
            by simp
        have "c. (c  set newWl  c  set Wl') =
          (Some literal = getWatch1 ?state'' c  Some literal = getWatch2 ?state'' c)"
          show ?thesis
            fix c :: nat
            show "(c  set newWl  c  set Wl') =
              (Some literal = getWatch1 ?state'' c  Some literal = getWatch2 ?state'' c)"
              assume "c  set newWl  c  set Wl'"
              show "Some literal = getWatch1 ?state'' c  Some literal = getWatch2 ?state'' c"
                from c  set newWl  c  set Wl'
                have "Some literal = getWatch1 state c  Some literal = getWatch2 state c"
                  using Cons(7)
                  by auto
                from Cons(8) clause  set Wl' c  set newWl  c  set Wl'
                have "c  clause"
                  by auto
                show ?thesis
                  using Some literal = getWatch1 state c  Some literal = getWatch2 state c
                  using c  clause
                  unfolding setWatch2_def
                  by simp
              assume "Some literal = getWatch1 ?state'' c  Some literal = getWatch2 ?state'' c"
              show "c  set newWl  c  set Wl'"
                have "Some literal  getWatch1 ?state'' clause   Some literal  getWatch2 ?state'' clause"
                  using l'  literal
                  using clause < length (getF state)
                  using InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)
                  using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
                  using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
                  using Some literal = getWatch2 state clause
                  unfolding InvariantWatchesDiffer_def
                  unfolding setWatch2_def
                  by auto
                thus ?thesis
                  using Some literal = getWatch1 ?state'' c  Some literal = getWatch2 ?state'' c
                  using Cons(7)
                  unfolding setWatch2_def
                  by (auto split: if_split_asm)
        have "c. (c  set (clause # newWl)  c  set Wl') =
          (Some literal = getWatch1 ?state' c  Some literal = getWatch2 ?state' c)"
          using Cons(7)
          by auto
        show ?thesis
          using Cons(1)[of "?state''" "newWl"]
          using Cons(5)
          using uniq Wl'
          using uniq newWl
          using set Wl'  set (clause # newWl) = {}
          using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
          using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
          using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
          using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
          using Some
          by (simp add: Let_def fun_upd_def)
        case None
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases "literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))")
          case True
          let ?state'' = "?state'getConflictFlag := True, getConflictClause := clause"
          from Cons(2)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            by auto
          from Cons(3)
          have "InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesDiffer_def
            by auto
          from Cons(4)
          have "InvariantWatchListsUniq (getWatchList ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchListsUniq_def
            by auto
          have "(getF state) = (getF ?state'')"
            by auto
          have "c l. l  literal 
            (c  set (getWatchList ?state'' l)) =
            (Some l = getWatch1 ?state'' c  Some l = getWatch2 ?state'' c)"
            using Cons(6)
            by simp
          have "c. (c  set (clause # newWl)  c  set Wl') =
            (Some literal = getWatch1 ?state'' c  Some literal = getWatch2 ?state'' c)"
            using Cons(7)
            by auto
          have "let state' = notifyWatches_loop literal Wl' (clause # newWl) ?state'' in 
                      InvariantWatchListsCharacterization (getWatchList state') (getWatch1 state') (getWatch2 state') 
                      InvariantWatchListsUniq (getWatchList state')"
            using Cons(1)[of "?state''" "clause # newWl"]
            using Cons(5)
            using uniq Wl'
            using uniq (clause # newWl)
            using set Wl'  set (clause # newWl) = {}
            apply (simp only: Let_def)
            by (simp (no_asm_use)) (simp)
          thus ?thesis
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using Some literal   getWatch1 state clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using None
            using literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            by (simp add: Let_def)
          case False
          let ?state'' = "setReason ?w1 clause (?state'getQ := (if ?w1 el (getQ ?state') then (getQ ?state') else (getQ ?state') @ [?w1]))"

          from Cons(2)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          from Cons(3)
          have "InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesDiffer_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          from Cons(4)
          have "InvariantWatchListsUniq (getWatchList ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchListsUniq_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          have "(getF state) = (getF ?state'')"
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          have "c l. l  literal 
            (c  set (getWatchList ?state'' l)) =
            (Some l = getWatch1 ?state'' c  Some l = getWatch2 ?state'' c)"
            using Cons(6)
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          have "c. (c  set (clause # newWl)  c  set Wl') =
            (Some literal = getWatch1 ?state'' c  Some literal = getWatch2 ?state'' c)"
            using Cons(7)
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          show ?thesis
            using Cons(1)[of "?state''" "clause # newWl"]
            using Cons(5)
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using None
            using ¬ literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using uniq Wl'
            using uniq (clause # newWl)
            using set Wl'  set (clause # newWl) = {}
            by (simp add: Let_def)

lemma NotifyWatchesLoopWatchCharacterizationEffect:
fixes literal :: Literal and Wl :: "nat list" and newWl :: "nat list" and state :: State
  "InvariantWatchesEl (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)" and 
  "InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)" and 
  "InvariantConsistent (getM state)" and
  "InvariantUniq (getM state)" and
  "InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state) M"
  " (c::nat). c  set Wl  0  c  c < length (getF state)" and
  "getM state = M @ [(opposite literal, decision)]"
  "uniq Wl"
  "  (c::nat). c  set Wl  Some literal = (getWatch1 state c)   Some literal = (getWatch2 state c)"

  "let state' = notifyWatches_loop literal Wl newWl state in
      (c::nat). c  set Wl  ( w1 w2.(Some w1 = (getWatch1 state' c)  Some w2 = (getWatch2 state' c))  
      (watchCharacterizationCondition w1 w2 (getM state') (nth (getF state') c)   
       watchCharacterizationCondition w2 w1 (getM state') (nth (getF state') c))
using assms
proof (induct Wl arbitrary: newWl state)
  case Nil
  thus ?case
    by simp
  case (Cons clause Wl')
  from  (c::nat). c  set (clause # Wl')  0  c  c < length (getF state)
  have "0  clause  clause < length (getF state)"
    by auto
  then obtain wa::Literal and wb::Literal
    where "getWatch1 state clause = Some wa" and "getWatch2 state clause = Some wb"
    using Cons
    unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
    by auto
  have "uniq Wl'" "clause  set Wl'"
    using Cons(9)
    by (auto simp add: uniqAppendIff)
  show ?case
  proof (cases "Some literal = getWatch1 state clause")
    case True
    let ?state' = "swapWatches clause state"
    let ?w1 = wb
    have "getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1"
      using getWatch2 state clause = Some wb
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto
    let ?w2 = wa
    have "getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2"
      using getWatch1 state clause = Some wa
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto
    with True have
      "?w2 = literal"
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by simp

    from InvariantWatchesEl (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)
    have "?w1 el (nth (getF state) clause)" "?w2 el (nth (getF state) clause)"
      using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
      using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
      using 0  clause  clause < length (getF state)
      unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto

    from InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)
    have "?w1  ?w2"
      using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
      using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
      using 0  clause  clause < length (getF state)
      unfolding InvariantWatchesDiffer_def
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto

    have "¬ literalFalse ?w2 (elements M)"
      using ?w2 = literal
      using Cons(5)
      using Cons(8)
      unfolding InvariantUniq_def
      by (simp add: uniqAppendIff)

    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))")
      case True

      let ?fState = "notifyWatches_loop literal Wl' (clause # newWl) ?state'"

      from Cons(2)
      have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state')"
        unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
        unfolding swapWatches_def
        by auto
      from Cons(3)
      have "InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state')"
        unfolding InvariantWatchesDiffer_def
        unfolding swapWatches_def
        by auto
      from Cons(4)
      have "InvariantConsistent (getM ?state')"
        unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
        unfolding swapWatches_def
        by simp
      from Cons(5)
      have "InvariantUniq (getM ?state')"
        unfolding InvariantUniq_def
        unfolding swapWatches_def
        by simp
      from Cons(6)
      have "InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state') M"
        unfolding swapWatches_def
        unfolding InvariantWatchCharacterization_def
        unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
        by simp
      have "getM ?state' = getM state"
        "getF ?state' = getF state"
        unfolding swapWatches_def
        by auto
      have "  (c::nat). c  set Wl'  Some literal = (getWatch1 ?state' c)   Some literal = (getWatch2 ?state' c)"
        using Cons(10)
        unfolding swapWatches_def
        by auto
      have "getWatch1 ?fState clause = getWatch1 ?state' clause  getWatch2 ?fState clause = getWatch2 ?state' clause"
        using clause  set Wl'
        using InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state') getF ?state' = getF state
        using Cons(7)
        using notifyWatchesLoopPreservedWatches[of "?state'" "Wl'" "literal" "clause # newWl" ]
        by (simp add: Let_def)
      have "watchCharacterizationCondition ?w1 ?w2 (getM ?fState) (getF ?fState ! clause) 
            watchCharacterizationCondition ?w2 ?w1 (getM ?fState) (getF ?fState ! clause)"
        have "(getM ?fState) = (getM state)  (getF ?fState = getF state)"
          using notifyWatchesLoopPreservedVariables[of "?state'" "Wl'" "literal" "clause # newWl"]
          using InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state') getF ?state' = getF state
          using Cons(7)
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          by (simp add: Let_def)
        have "¬ literalFalse ?w1 (elements M)"
          using literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state')) ?w1  ?w2 ?w2 = literal
          using Cons(4) Cons(8)
          unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          by (auto simp add: inconsistentCharacterization)
        have "elementLevel (opposite ?w2) (getM ?state') = currentLevel (getM ?state')"
          using ?w2 = literal
          using Cons(5) Cons(8)
          unfolding InvariantUniq_def
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          by (auto simp add: uniqAppendIff elementOnCurrentLevel)
        show ?thesis
          using getWatch1 ?fState clause = getWatch1 ?state' clause  getWatch2 ?fState clause = getWatch2 ?state' clause
          using ?w2 = literal ?w1  ?w2
          using ?w1 el (nth (getF state) clause)
          using literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
          unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
          using elementLevelLeqCurrentLevel[of "?w1" "getM ?state'"]
          using notifyWatchesLoopPreservedVariables[of "?state'" "Wl'" "literal" "clause # newWl"]
          using InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state') getF ?state' = getF state
          using Cons(7) 
          using Cons(8)
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          by (auto simp add: Let_def)
      show ?thesis
        using Cons(1)[of "?state'" "clause # newWl"]
        using Cons(7) Cons(8)
        using uniq Wl'
        using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
        using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
        using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
        using literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
        by (simp add: Let_def)
      case False
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteral (nth (getF ?state') clause) ?w1 ?w2 (getM ?state')")
        case (Some l')
        hence "l' el (nth (getF ?state') clause)" "l'  ?w1" "l'  ?w2" "¬ literalFalse l' (elements (getM ?state'))"
          using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
          using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
          using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteralSomeCharacterization
          by auto

        let ?state'' = "setWatch2 clause l' ?state'"
        let ?fState = "notifyWatches_loop literal Wl' newWl ?state''"

        from Cons(2)
        have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
          using l' el (nth (getF ?state') clause)
          unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by auto
        from Cons(3)
        have "InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
          using l'  ?w1
          using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
          using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
          unfolding InvariantWatchesDiffer_def
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by auto
        from Cons(4)
        have "InvariantConsistent (getM ?state'')"
          unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          by simp
        from Cons(5)
        have "InvariantUniq (getM ?state'')"
          unfolding InvariantUniq_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          by simp
        have "InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'') M"
            fix c::nat and ww1::Literal and ww2::Literal
            assume a: "0  c  c < length (getF ?state'')  Some ww1 = (getWatch1 ?state'' c)  Some ww2 = (getWatch2 ?state'' c)"
            assume b: "literalFalse ww1 (elements M)"
            have "(l. l el ((getF ?state'') ! c)  literalTrue l (elements M)  elementLevel l M  elementLevel (opposite ww1) M) 
                  (l. l el ((getF ?state'') ! c)  l  ww1  l  ww2  
                       literalFalse l (elements M)  elementLevel (opposite l) M  elementLevel (opposite ww1) M)"
            proof (cases "c = clause")
              case False
              thus ?thesis
                using a and b
                using Cons(6)
                unfolding InvariantWatchCharacterization_def
                unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
                unfolding swapWatches_def
                unfolding setWatch2_def
                by simp
              case True
              with a 
              have "ww1 = ?w1" and "ww2 = l'"
                using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
                using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2[THEN sym]
                unfolding setWatch2_def
                unfolding swapWatches_def
                by auto
              have "¬ (l. l el (getF state ! clause)  l  ?w1  l  ?w2  literalFalse l (elements M))"
                using Cons(8)
                using l'  ?w1 and l'  ?w2 l' el (nth (getF ?state') clause)
                using ¬ literalFalse l' (elements (getM ?state'))
                using a and b
                using c = clause
                unfolding swapWatches_def
                unfolding setWatch2_def
                by auto
              have "(l. l el (getF state ! clause)  literalTrue l (elements M)  
                elementLevel l M  elementLevel (opposite ?w1) M) 
                (l. l el (getF state ! clause)  l  ?w1  l  ?w2  literalFalse l (elements M))"
                using Cons(6)
                unfolding InvariantWatchCharacterization_def
                unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
                using 0  clause  clause < length (getF state)
                using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1[THEN sym]
                using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2[THEN sym]
                using literalFalse ww1 (elements M)
                using ww1 = ?w1
                unfolding setWatch2_def
                unfolding swapWatches_def
                by auto
              show ?thesis
                using ww1 = ?w1
                using c = clause
                unfolding setWatch2_def
                unfolding swapWatches_def
                by auto
            fix c::nat and ww1::Literal and ww2::Literal
            assume a: "0  c  c < length (getF ?state'')  Some ww1 = (getWatch1 ?state'' c)  Some ww2 = (getWatch2 ?state'' c)"
            assume b: "literalFalse ww2 (elements M)"
            have "(l. l el ((getF ?state'') ! c)  literalTrue l (elements M)  elementLevel l M  elementLevel (opposite ww2) M) 
                  (l. l el ((getF ?state'') ! c)  l  ww1  l  ww2  
                       literalFalse l (elements M)  elementLevel (opposite l) M  elementLevel (opposite ww2) M)"
            proof (cases "c = clause")
              case False
              thus ?thesis
                using a and b
                using Cons(6)
                unfolding InvariantWatchCharacterization_def
                unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
                unfolding swapWatches_def
                unfolding setWatch2_def
                by auto
              case True
              with a 
              have "ww1 = ?w1" and "ww2 = l'"
                using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
                using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2[THEN sym]
                unfolding setWatch2_def
                unfolding swapWatches_def
                by auto
              with ¬ literalFalse l' (elements (getM ?state')) b
              have False
                unfolding swapWatches_def
                by simp
              thus ?thesis
                by simp
          show ?thesis
            unfolding InvariantWatchCharacterization_def
            unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
            by blast
        have "  (c::nat). c  set Wl'  Some literal = (getWatch1 ?state'' c)   Some literal = (getWatch2 ?state'' c)"
          using Cons(10)
          using clause  set Wl'
          using swapWatchesEffect[of "clause" "state"]
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by simp
        have "getM ?state'' = getM state"
          "getF ?state'' = getF state"
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by auto
        have "getWatch1 ?state'' clause = Some ?w1" "getWatch2 ?state'' clause = Some l'"
          using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by auto
        hence "getWatch1 ?fState clause = getWatch1 ?state'' clause  getWatch2 ?fState clause = Some l'"
          using clause  set Wl'
          using InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'') getF ?state'' = getF state
          using Cons(7)
          using notifyWatchesLoopPreservedWatches[of "?state''" "Wl'" "literal" "newWl"]
          by (simp add: Let_def)
        have "watchCharacterizationCondition ?w1 l' (getM ?fState) (getF ?fState ! clause) 
          watchCharacterizationCondition l' ?w1 (getM ?fState) (getF ?fState ! clause)"
          have "(getM ?fState) = (getM state)" "(getF ?fState) = (getF state)"
            using notifyWatchesLoopPreservedVariables[of "?state''" "Wl'" "literal" "newWl"]
            using InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'') getF ?state'' = getF state
            using Cons(7)
            unfolding setWatch2_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by (auto simp add: Let_def)
          have "literalFalse ?w1 (elements M)  
            ( l. l el (nth (getF ?state'') clause)  literalTrue l (elements M)   elementLevel l M  elementLevel (opposite ?w1) M)"
            assume "literalFalse ?w1 (elements M)"
            show " l. l el (nth (getF ?state'') clause)  literalTrue l (elements M)   elementLevel l M  elementLevel (opposite ?w1) M"
              have "¬ ( l. l el (nth (getF state) clause)  l  ?w1  l  ?w2  literalFalse l (elements M))"
                using l' el (nth (getF ?state') clause) l'  ?w1 l'  ?w2 ¬ literalFalse l' (elements (getM ?state'))
                using Cons(8)
                unfolding swapWatches_def
                by auto

              from literalFalse ?w1 (elements M) Cons(6)
                "(l. l el (getF state ! clause)  literalTrue l (elements M)  elementLevel l M  elementLevel (opposite ?w1) M) 
                 (l. l el (getF state ! clause)  l  ?w1  l  ?w2  
                      literalFalse l (elements M)  elementLevel (opposite l) M  elementLevel (opposite ?w1) M)"
                using 0  clause  clause < length (getF state)
                using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1[THEN sym]
                using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2[THEN sym]
                unfolding InvariantWatchCharacterization_def
                unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
                unfolding swapWatches_def
                by simp
              with ¬ ( l. l el (nth (getF state) clause)  l  ?w1  l  ?w2  literalFalse l (elements M))
              have "l. l el (getF state ! clause)  literalTrue l (elements M)  elementLevel l M  elementLevel (opposite ?w1) M"
                by auto
              thus ?thesis
                unfolding setWatch2_def
                unfolding swapWatches_def
                by simp
          have "watchCharacterizationCondition l' ?w1 (getM ?fState) (getF ?fState ! clause)"
            using ¬ literalFalse l' (elements (getM ?state'))
            using getM ?fState = getM state 
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
            by simp
          have "watchCharacterizationCondition ?w1 l' (getM ?fState) (getF ?fState ! clause)"
          proof (cases "literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?fState))")
            case True
            hence "literalFalse ?w1 (elements M)"
              using notifyWatchesLoopPreservedVariables[of "?state''" "Wl'" "literal" "newWl"]
              using InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'') getF ?state'' = getF state
              using Cons(7) Cons(8)
              using ?w1  ?w2 ?w2 = literal
              unfolding setWatch2_def
              unfolding swapWatches_def
              by (simp add: Let_def)
            with literalFalse ?w1 (elements M)  
              ( l. l el (nth (getF ?state'') clause)  literalTrue l (elements M)   elementLevel l M  elementLevel (opposite ?w1) M)
            obtain l::Literal
              where "l el (nth (getF ?state'') clause)" and 
              "literalTrue l (elements M)" and 
              "elementLevel l M  elementLevel (opposite ?w1) M"
              by auto
            hence "elementLevel l (getM state)  elementLevel (opposite ?w1) (getM state)"
              using Cons(8)
              using literalTrue l (elements M) literalFalse ?w1 (elements M)
              using elementLevelAppend[of "l" "M" "[(opposite literal, decision)]"]
              using elementLevelAppend[of "opposite ?w1" "M" "[(opposite literal, decision)]"]
              by auto
            thus ?thesis
              using l el (nth (getF ?state'') clause) literalTrue l (elements M)
              using getM ?fState = getM state getF ?fState = getF state getM ?state'' = getM state getF ?state'' = getF state
              using Cons(8)
              unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
              by auto
            case False
            thus ?thesis
              unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
              by simp
          show ?thesis
            by simp
        show ?thesis
          using Cons(1)[of "?state''" "newWl"]
          using Cons(7) Cons(8)
          using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
          using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
          using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
          using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
          using getWatch1 ?state'' clause = Some ?w1
          using getWatch2 ?state'' clause = Some l'
          using Some
          using uniq Wl'
          by (simp add: Let_def)
        case None
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases "literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))")
          case True
          let ?state'' = "?state'getConflictFlag := True, getConflictClause := clause"
          let ?fState = "notifyWatches_loop literal Wl' (clause # newWl) ?state''"

          from Cons(2)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by auto
          from Cons(3)
          have "InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesDiffer_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by auto
          from Cons(4)
          have "InvariantConsistent (getM ?state')"
            unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by simp
          from Cons(5)
          have "InvariantUniq (getM ?state')"
            unfolding InvariantUniq_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by simp
          from Cons(6)
          have "InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state') M"
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            unfolding InvariantWatchCharacterization_def
            unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
            by simp
          have "  (c::nat). c  set Wl'  Some literal = (getWatch1 ?state'' c)   Some literal = (getWatch2 ?state'' c)"
            using Cons(10)
            using clause  set Wl'
            using swapWatchesEffect[of "clause" "state"]
            by simp
          have "getM ?state'' = getM state"
            "getF ?state'' = getF state"
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by auto
          have "getWatch1 ?fState clause = getWatch1 ?state'' clause  getWatch2 ?fState clause = getWatch2 ?state'' clause"
            using clause  set Wl'
            using InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'') getF ?state'' = getF state
            using Cons(7)
            using notifyWatchesLoopPreservedWatches[of "?state''" "Wl'" "literal" "clause # newWl" ]
            by (simp add: Let_def)
          have "literalFalse ?w1 (elements M)"
            using literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
              ?w1  ?w2 ?w2 = literal Cons(8)
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by auto

          have "¬ literalTrue ?w2 (elements M)"
            using Cons(4)
            using Cons(8)
            using ?w2 = literal
            using inconsistentCharacterization[of "elements M @ [opposite literal]"]
            unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
            by force

          have *: " l. l el (nth (getF state) clause)  l  ?w1  l  ?w2  
            literalFalse l (elements M)  elementLevel (opposite l) M  elementLevel (opposite ?w1) M"
            have "¬ ( l. l el (nth (getF state) clause)  literalTrue l (elements M))"
              assume " l. l el (nth (getF state) clause)  literalTrue l (elements M)"
              show "False"
                from  l. l el (nth (getF state) clause)  literalTrue l (elements M)
                obtain l 
                  where "l el (nth (getF state) clause)" "literalTrue l (elements M)"
                  by auto
                hence "l  ?w1" "l  ?w2"
                  using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
                  using ¬ literalTrue ?w2 (elements M)
                  unfolding swapWatches_def
                  using Cons(8)
                  by auto
                with l el (nth (getF state) clause)
                have "literalFalse l (elements (getM ?state'))"
                  using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
                  using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
                  using None
                  using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteralNoneCharacterization[of "nth (getF ?state') clause" "?w1" "?w2" "getM ?state'"]
                  unfolding swapWatches_def
                  by simp
                with l  ?w2 ?w2 = literal Cons(8)
                have "literalFalse l (elements M)"
                  unfolding swapWatches_def
                  by simp
                with Cons(4) literalTrue l (elements M)
                show ?thesis
                  unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
                  using Cons(8)
                  by (auto simp add: inconsistentCharacterization)
            with InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state) M
            show ?thesis
              unfolding InvariantWatchCharacterization_def
              using literalFalse ?w1 (elements M)
              using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1[THEN sym]
              using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2[THEN sym]
              using 0  clause  clause < length (getF state)
              unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
              unfolding swapWatches_def
              by (simp) (blast)
          have **: " l. l el (nth (getF ?state'') clause)  l  ?w1  l  ?w2  
                      literalFalse l (elements (getM ?state''))  
                      elementLevel (opposite l) (getM ?state'')  elementLevel (opposite ?w1) (getM ?state'')"

              fix l::Literal
              assume "l el (nth (getF ?state'') clause)  l  ?w1  l  ?w2"

              have "literalFalse l (elements (getM ?state''))  
                    elementLevel (opposite l) (getM ?state'')  elementLevel (opposite ?w1) (getM ?state'')"
                from * l el (nth (getF ?state'') clause)  l  ?w1  l  ?w2
                have "literalFalse l (elements M)" "elementLevel (opposite l) M  elementLevel (opposite ?w1) M"
                  unfolding swapWatches_def
                  by auto
                thus ?thesis
                  using elementLevelAppend[of "opposite l" "M" "[(opposite literal, decision)]"]
                  using literalFalse ?w1 (elements M)
                  using elementLevelAppend[of "opposite ?w1" "M" "[(opposite literal, decision)]"]
                  using Cons(8)
                  unfolding swapWatches_def
                  by simp
            thus ?thesis
              by simp

          have "(getM ?fState) = (getM state)" "(getF ?fState) = (getF state)"
            using notifyWatchesLoopPreservedVariables[of "?state''" "Wl'" "literal" "clause # newWl"]
            using InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'') getF ?state'' = getF state
            using Cons(7)
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by (auto simp add: Let_def)
          hence " l. l el (nth (getF ?fState) clause)  l  ?w1  l  ?w2  
                      literalFalse l (elements (getM ?fState))  
                      elementLevel (opposite l) (getM ?fState)  elementLevel (opposite ?w1) (getM ?fState)"
            using **
            using getM ?state'' = getM state
            using getF ?state'' = getF state
            by simp
          have " l. literalFalse l (elements (getM ?fState))  
                     elementLevel (opposite l) (getM ?fState)  elementLevel (opposite ?w2) (getM ?fState)"
            have "elementLevel (opposite ?w2) (getM ?fState) = currentLevel (getM ?fState)"
              using Cons(8)
              using (getM ?fState) = (getM state)
              using ¬ literalFalse ?w2 (elements M)
              using ?w2 = literal
              using elementOnCurrentLevel[of "opposite ?w2" "M" "decision"]
              by simp
            thus ?thesis
              by (simp add: elementLevelLeqCurrentLevel)
          show ?thesis
            using Cons(1)[of "?state''" "clause # newWl"]
            using Cons(7) Cons(8)
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using None
            using literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using uniq Wl'
            unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
            by (simp add: Let_def)
          case False

          let ?state'' = "setReason ?w1 clause (?state'getQ := (if ?w1 el (getQ ?state') then (getQ ?state') else (getQ ?state') @ [?w1]))"
          let ?fState = "notifyWatches_loop literal Wl' (clause # newWl) ?state''"

          from Cons(2)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by auto
          from Cons(3)
          have "InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesDiffer_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by auto
          from Cons(4)
          have "InvariantConsistent (getM ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by simp
          from Cons(5)
          have "InvariantUniq (getM ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantUniq_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by simp
          from Cons(6)
          have "InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'') M"
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            unfolding InvariantWatchCharacterization_def
            unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
            by simp
          have "  (c::nat). c  set Wl'  Some literal = (getWatch1 ?state'' c)   Some literal = (getWatch2 ?state'' c)"
            using Cons(10)
            using clause  set Wl'
            using swapWatchesEffect[of "clause" "state"]
            unfolding setReason_def
            by simp
          have "getM ?state'' = getM state"
            "getF ?state'' = getF state"
            unfolding setReason_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by auto
          have "getWatch1 ?state'' clause = Some ?w1" "getWatch2 ?state'' clause = Some ?w2"
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            unfolding setReason_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by auto
          have "getWatch1 ?fState clause = Some ?w1" "getWatch2 ?fState clause = Some ?w2"
            using getWatch1 ?state'' clause = Some ?w1 getWatch2 ?state'' clause = Some ?w2
            using clause  set Wl'
            using InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'') getF ?state'' = getF state
            using Cons(7)
            using notifyWatchesLoopPreservedWatches[of "?state''" "Wl'" "literal" "clause # newWl" ]
            by (auto simp add: Let_def)
          have "(getM ?fState) = (getM state)" "(getF ?fState) = (getF state)"
            using notifyWatchesLoopPreservedVariables[of "?state''" "Wl'" "literal" "clause # newWl"]
            using InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'') getF ?state'' = getF state
            using Cons(7)
            unfolding setReason_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by (auto simp add: Let_def)
          have "c. c  set Wl'  (w1 w2. Some w1 = getWatch1 ?fState c  Some w2 = getWatch2 ?fState c 
               watchCharacterizationCondition w1 w2 (getM ?fState) (getF ?fState ! c) 
               watchCharacterizationCondition w2 w1 (getM ?fState) (getF ?fState ! c))" and
               "?fState = notifyWatches_loop literal (clause # Wl') newWl state"
            using Cons(1)[of "?state''" "clause # newWl"]
            using Cons(7) Cons(8)
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using None
            using ¬ literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using uniq Wl'
            by (auto simp add: Let_def)
          have *: " l. l el (nth (getF ?state'') clause)  l  ?w1  l  ?w2  literalFalse l (elements (getM ?state''))"
            using None
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteralNoneCharacterization[of "nth (getF ?state') clause" "?w1" "?w2" "getM ?state'"]
            using Cons(8)
            unfolding setReason_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by auto

          have**: " l. l el (nth (getF ?fState) clause)  l  ?w1  l  ?w2  literalFalse l (elements (getM ?fState))"
            using (getM ?fState) = (getM state) (getF ?fState) = (getF state)
            using *
            using getM ?state'' = getM state
            using getF ?state'' = getF state
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by auto

          have ***: " l. literalFalse l (elements (getM ?fState))  
                     elementLevel (opposite l) (getM ?fState)  elementLevel (opposite ?w2) (getM ?fState)"
            have "elementLevel (opposite ?w2) (getM ?fState) = currentLevel (getM ?fState)"
              using Cons(8)
              using (getM ?fState) = (getM state)
              using ¬ literalFalse ?w2 (elements M)
              using ?w2 = literal
              using elementOnCurrentLevel[of "opposite ?w2" "M" "decision"]
              by simp
            thus ?thesis
              by (simp add: elementLevelLeqCurrentLevel)

          have "(w1 w2. Some w1 = getWatch1 ?fState clause  Some w2 = getWatch2 ?fState clause 
            watchCharacterizationCondition w1 w2 (getM ?fState) (getF ?fState ! clause) 
            watchCharacterizationCondition w2 w1 (getM ?fState) (getF ?fState ! clause))"
              fix w1 w2
              assume "Some w1 = getWatch1 ?fState clause  Some w2 = getWatch2 ?fState clause"
              hence "w1 = ?w1" "w2 = ?w2"
                using getWatch1 ?fState clause = Some ?w1
                using getWatch2 ?fState clause = Some ?w2
                by auto
              hence "watchCharacterizationCondition w1 w2 (getM ?fState) (getF ?fState ! clause) 
                watchCharacterizationCondition w2 w1 (getM ?fState) (getF ?fState ! clause)"
                unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
                using ** ***
                unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
                using (getM ?fState) = (getM state) (getF ?fState) = (getF state)
                using ¬ literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
                unfolding swapWatches_def
                by simp
            thus ?thesis
              by auto
          show ?thesis
            by simp
    case False
    let ?state' = state
    let ?w1 = wa
    have "getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1"
      using getWatch1 state clause = Some wa
      by auto
    let ?w2 = wb
    have "getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2"
      using getWatch2 state clause = Some wb
      by auto
    from ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
       (c::nat). c  set (clause # Wl')  Some literal = (getWatch1 state c)   Some literal = (getWatch2 state c)
    have "Some literal = getWatch2 state clause"
      by auto
    hence "?w2 = literal"
      using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
      by simp
    hence "literalFalse ?w2 (elements (getM state))"
      using Cons(8)
      by simp

    from InvariantWatchesEl (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)
    have "?w1 el (nth (getF state) clause)" "?w2 el (nth (getF state) clause)"
      using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
      using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
      using 0  clause  clause < length (getF state)
      unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
      by auto

    from InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)
    have "?w1  ?w2"
      using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
      using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
      using 0  clause  clause < length (getF state)
      unfolding InvariantWatchesDiffer_def
      by auto

    have "¬ literalFalse ?w2 (elements M)"
      using ?w2 = literal
      using Cons(5)
      using Cons(8)
      unfolding InvariantUniq_def
      by (simp add: uniqAppendIff)

    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))")
      case True

      let ?fState = "notifyWatches_loop literal Wl' (clause # newWl) ?state'"

      have "getWatch1 ?fState clause = getWatch1 ?state' clause  getWatch2 ?fState clause = getWatch2 ?state' clause"
        using clause  set Wl'
        using Cons(2) 
        using Cons(7)
        using notifyWatchesLoopPreservedWatches[of "?state'" "Wl'" "literal" "clause # newWl" ]
        by (simp add: Let_def)
      have "watchCharacterizationCondition ?w1 ?w2 (getM ?fState) (getF ?fState ! clause) 
            watchCharacterizationCondition ?w2 ?w1 (getM ?fState) (getF ?fState ! clause)"
        have "(getM ?fState) = (getM state)  (getF ?fState = getF state)"
          using notifyWatchesLoopPreservedVariables[of "?state'" "Wl'" "literal" "clause # newWl"]
          using Cons(2)
          using Cons(7)
          by (simp add: Let_def)
        have "¬ literalFalse ?w1 (elements M)"
          using literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state')) ?w1  ?w2 ?w2 = literal
          using Cons(4) Cons(8)
          unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
          by (auto simp add: inconsistentCharacterization)
        have "elementLevel (opposite ?w2) (getM ?state') = currentLevel (getM ?state')"
          using ?w2 = literal
          using Cons(5) Cons(8)
          unfolding InvariantUniq_def
          by (auto simp add: uniqAppendIff elementOnCurrentLevel)
        show ?thesis
          using getWatch1 ?fState clause = getWatch1 ?state' clause  getWatch2 ?fState clause = getWatch2 ?state' clause
          using ?w2 = literal ?w1  ?w2
          using ?w1 el (nth (getF state) clause)
          using literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
          unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
          using elementLevelLeqCurrentLevel[of "?w1" "getM ?state'"]
          using notifyWatchesLoopPreservedVariables[of "?state'" "Wl'" "literal" "clause # newWl"]
          using InvariantWatchesEl (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state) 
          using Cons(7) 
          using Cons(8)
          by (auto simp add: Let_def)
      show ?thesis
        using assms
        using Cons(1)[of "?state'" "clause # newWl"]
        using Cons(2) Cons(3) Cons(4) Cons(5) Cons(6) Cons(7) Cons(8) Cons(9) Cons(10)
        using uniq Wl'
        using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
        using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
        using Some literal = getWatch2 state clause
        using literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
        using ?w1  ?w2
        by (simp add:Let_def)
      case False
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteral (nth (getF ?state') clause) ?w1 ?w2 (getM ?state')")
        case (Some l')
        hence "l' el (nth (getF ?state') clause)" "l'  ?w1" "l'  ?w2" "¬ literalFalse l' (elements (getM ?state'))"
          using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
          using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
          using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteralSomeCharacterization
          by auto

        let ?state'' = "setWatch2 clause l' ?state'"
        let ?fState = "notifyWatches_loop literal Wl' newWl ?state''"

        from Cons(2)
        have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
          using l' el (nth (getF ?state') clause)
          unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by auto
        from Cons(3)
        have "InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
          using l'  ?w1
          using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
          using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
          unfolding InvariantWatchesDiffer_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by auto
        from Cons(4)
        have "InvariantConsistent (getM ?state'')"
          unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by simp
        from Cons(5)
        have "InvariantUniq (getM ?state'')"
          unfolding InvariantUniq_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by simp
        have "InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'') M"
            fix c::nat and ww1::Literal and ww2::Literal
            assume a: "0  c  c < length (getF ?state'')  Some ww1 = (getWatch1 ?state'' c)  Some ww2 = (getWatch2 ?state'' c)"
            assume b: "literalFalse ww1 (elements M)"
            have "(l. l el ((getF ?state'') ! c)  literalTrue l (elements M)  elementLevel l M  elementLevel (opposite ww1) M) 
                  (l. l el ((getF ?state'') ! c)  l  ww1  l  ww2  
                        literalFalse l (elements M)  elementLevel (opposite l) M  elementLevel (opposite ww1) M)"
            proof (cases "c = clause")
              case False
              thus ?thesis
                using a and b
                using Cons(6)
                unfolding InvariantWatchCharacterization_def
                unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
                unfolding setWatch2_def
                by simp
              case True
              with a 
              have "ww1 = ?w1" and "ww2 = l'"
                using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
                using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2[THEN sym]
                unfolding setWatch2_def
                by auto
              have "¬ (l. l el (getF state ! clause)  l  ?w1  l  ?w2  literalFalse l (elements M))"
                using Cons(8)
                using l'  ?w1 and l'  ?w2 l' el (nth (getF ?state') clause)
                using ¬ literalFalse l' (elements (getM ?state'))
                using a and b
                using c = clause
                unfolding setWatch2_def
                by auto
              have "(l. l el (getF state ! clause)  literalTrue l (elements M)  
                elementLevel l M  elementLevel (opposite ?w1) M) 
                (l. l el (getF state ! clause)  l  ?w1  l  ?w2  literalFalse l (elements M))"
                using Cons(6)
                unfolding InvariantWatchCharacterization_def
                unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
                using 0  clause  clause < length (getF state)
                using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1[THEN sym]
                using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2[THEN sym]
                using literalFalse ww1 (elements M)
                using ww1 = ?w1
                unfolding setWatch2_def
                by auto
              show ?thesis
                using ww1 = ?w1
                using c = clause
                unfolding setWatch2_def
                by auto
            fix c::nat and ww1::Literal and ww2::Literal
            assume a: "0  c  c < length (getF ?state'')  Some ww1 = (getWatch1 ?state'' c)  Some ww2 = (getWatch2 ?state'' c)"
            assume b: "literalFalse ww2 (elements M)"
            have "(l. l el ((getF ?state'') ! c)  literalTrue l (elements M)  elementLevel l M  elementLevel (opposite ww2) M) 
                  (l. l el ((getF ?state'') ! c)  l  ww1  l  ww2  
                       literalFalse l (elements M)  elementLevel (opposite l) M  elementLevel (opposite ww2) M)"
            proof (cases "c = clause")
              case False
              thus ?thesis
                using a and b
                using Cons(6)
                unfolding InvariantWatchCharacterization_def
                unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
                unfolding setWatch2_def
                by auto
              case True
              with a 
              have "ww1 = ?w1" and "ww2 = l'"
                using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
                using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2[THEN sym]
                unfolding setWatch2_def
                by auto
              with ¬ literalFalse l' (elements (getM ?state')) b
              have False
                by simp
              thus ?thesis
                by simp
          show ?thesis
            unfolding InvariantWatchCharacterization_def
            unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
            by blast
        have "  (c::nat). c  set Wl'  Some literal = (getWatch1 ?state'' c)   Some literal = (getWatch2 ?state'' c)"
          using Cons(10)
          using clause  set Wl'
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by simp
        have "getM ?state'' = getM state"
          "getF ?state'' = getF state"
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by auto
        have "getWatch1 ?state'' clause = Some ?w1" "getWatch2 ?state'' clause = Some l'"
          using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by auto
        hence "getWatch1 ?fState clause = getWatch1 ?state'' clause  getWatch2 ?fState clause = Some l'"
          using clause  set Wl'
          using InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'') getF ?state'' = getF state
          using Cons(7)
          using notifyWatchesLoopPreservedWatches[of "?state''" "Wl'" "literal" "newWl"]
          by (simp add: Let_def)
        have "watchCharacterizationCondition ?w1 l' (getM ?fState) (getF ?fState ! clause) 
          watchCharacterizationCondition l' ?w1 (getM ?fState) (getF ?fState ! clause)"
          have "(getM ?fState) = (getM state)" "(getF ?fState) = (getF state)"
            using notifyWatchesLoopPreservedVariables[of "?state''" "Wl'" "literal" "newWl"]
            using InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'') getF ?state'' = getF state
            using Cons(7)
            unfolding setWatch2_def
            by (auto simp add: Let_def)
          have "literalFalse ?w1 (elements M)  
            ( l. l el (nth (getF ?state'') clause)  literalTrue l (elements M)   elementLevel l M  elementLevel (opposite ?w1) M)"
            assume "literalFalse ?w1 (elements M)"
            show " l. l el (nth (getF ?state'') clause)  literalTrue l (elements M)   elementLevel l M  elementLevel (opposite ?w1) M"
              have "¬ ( l. l el (nth (getF state) clause)  l  ?w1  l  ?w2  literalFalse l (elements M))"
                using l' el (nth (getF ?state') clause) l'  ?w1 l'  ?w2 ¬ literalFalse l' (elements (getM ?state'))
                using Cons(8)
                unfolding swapWatches_def
                by auto

              from literalFalse ?w1 (elements M) Cons(6)
                "(l. l el (getF state ! clause)  literalTrue l (elements M)  elementLevel l M  elementLevel (opposite ?w1) M) 
                 (l. l el (getF state ! clause)  l  ?w1  l  ?w2  
                      literalFalse l (elements M)  elementLevel (opposite l) M  elementLevel (opposite ?w1) M)"
                using 0  clause  clause < length (getF state)
                using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1[THEN sym]
                using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2[THEN sym]
                unfolding InvariantWatchCharacterization_def
                unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
                by simp
              with ¬ ( l. l el (nth (getF state) clause)  l  ?w1  l  ?w2  literalFalse l (elements M))
              have "l. l el (getF state ! clause)  literalTrue l (elements M)  elementLevel l M  elementLevel (opposite ?w1) M"
                by auto
              thus ?thesis
                unfolding setWatch2_def
                by simp
          have "watchCharacterizationCondition l' ?w1 (getM ?fState) (getF ?fState ! clause)"
            using ¬ literalFalse l' (elements (getM ?state'))
            using getM ?fState = getM state 
            unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
            by simp
          have "watchCharacterizationCondition ?w1 l' (getM ?fState) (getF ?fState ! clause)"
          proof (cases "literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?fState))")
            case True
            hence "literalFalse ?w1 (elements M)"
              using notifyWatchesLoopPreservedVariables[of "?state''" "Wl'" "literal" "newWl"]
              using InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'') getF ?state'' = getF state
              using Cons(7) Cons(8)
              using ?w1  ?w2 ?w2 = literal
              unfolding setWatch2_def
              by (simp add: Let_def)
            with literalFalse ?w1 (elements M)  
              ( l. l el (nth (getF ?state'') clause)  literalTrue l (elements M)   elementLevel l M  elementLevel (opposite ?w1) M)
            obtain l::Literal
              where "l el (nth (getF ?state'') clause)" and 
              "literalTrue l (elements M)" and 
              "elementLevel l M  elementLevel (opposite ?w1) M"
              by auto
            hence "elementLevel l (getM state)  elementLevel (opposite ?w1) (getM state)"
              using Cons(8)
              using literalTrue l (elements M) literalFalse ?w1 (elements M)
              using elementLevelAppend[of "l" "M" "[(opposite literal, decision)]"]
              using elementLevelAppend[of "opposite ?w1" "M" "[(opposite literal, decision)]"]
              by auto
            thus ?thesis
              using l el (nth (getF ?state'') clause) literalTrue l (elements M)
              using getM ?fState = getM state getF ?fState = getF state getM ?state'' = getM state getF ?state'' = getF state
              using Cons(8)
              unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
              by auto
            case False
            thus ?thesis
              unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
              by simp
          show ?thesis
            by simp
        show ?thesis
          using Cons(1)[of "?state''" "newWl"]
          using Cons(7) Cons(8)
          using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
          using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
          using Some literal = getWatch2 state clause
          using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
          using getWatch1 ?state'' clause = Some ?w1
          using getWatch2 ?state'' clause = Some l'
          using Some
          using uniq Wl'
          using ?w1  ?w2
          by (simp add: Let_def)
        case None
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases "literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))")
          case True
          let ?state'' = "?state'getConflictFlag := True, getConflictClause := clause"
          let ?fState = "notifyWatches_loop literal Wl' (clause # newWl) ?state''"

          from Cons(2)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            by auto
          from Cons(3)
          have "InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesDiffer_def
            by auto
          from Cons(4)
          have "InvariantConsistent (getM ?state')"
            unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
            by simp
          from Cons(5)
          have "InvariantUniq (getM ?state')"
            unfolding InvariantUniq_def
            by simp
          from Cons(6)
          have "InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state') M"
            unfolding InvariantWatchCharacterization_def
            unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
            by simp
          have "  (c::nat). c  set Wl'  Some literal = (getWatch1 ?state'' c)   Some literal = (getWatch2 ?state'' c)"
            using Cons(10)
            using clause  set Wl'
            by simp
          have "getM ?state'' = getM state"
            "getF ?state'' = getF state"
            by auto
          have "getWatch1 ?fState clause = getWatch1 ?state'' clause  getWatch2 ?fState clause = getWatch2 ?state'' clause"
            using clause  set Wl'
            using InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'') getF ?state'' = getF state
            using Cons(7)
            using notifyWatchesLoopPreservedWatches[of "?state''" "Wl'" "literal" "clause # newWl" ]
            by (simp add: Let_def)
          have "literalFalse ?w1 (elements M)"
            using literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
              ?w1  ?w2 ?w2 = literal Cons(8)
            by auto

          have "¬ literalTrue ?w2 (elements M)"
            using Cons(4)
            using Cons(8)
            using ?w2 = literal
            using inconsistentCharacterization[of "elements M @ [opposite literal]"]
            unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
            by force

          have *: " l. l el (nth (getF state) clause)  l  ?w1  l  ?w2  
            literalFalse l (elements M)  elementLevel (opposite l) M  elementLevel (opposite ?w1) M"
            have "¬ ( l. l el (nth (getF state) clause)  literalTrue l (elements M))"
              assume " l. l el (nth (getF state) clause)  literalTrue l (elements M)"
              show "False"
                from  l. l el (nth (getF state) clause)  literalTrue l (elements M)
                obtain l 
                  where "l el (nth (getF state) clause)" "literalTrue l (elements M)"
                  by auto
                hence "l  ?w1" "l  ?w2"
                  using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
                  using ¬ literalTrue ?w2 (elements M)
                  using Cons(8)
                  by auto
                with l el (nth (getF state) clause)
                have "literalFalse l (elements (getM ?state'))"
                  using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
                  using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
                  using None
                  using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteralNoneCharacterization[of "nth (getF ?state') clause" "?w1" "?w2" "getM ?state'"]
                  by simp
                with l  ?w2 ?w2 = literal Cons(8)
                have "literalFalse l (elements M)"
                  by simp
                with Cons(4) literalTrue l (elements M)
                show ?thesis
                  unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
                  using Cons(8)
                  by (auto simp add: inconsistentCharacterization)
            with InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state) M
            show ?thesis
              unfolding InvariantWatchCharacterization_def
              using literalFalse ?w1 (elements M)
              using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1[THEN sym]
              using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2[THEN sym]
              using 0  clause  clause < length (getF state)
              unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
              by (simp) (blast)
          have **: " l. l el (nth (getF ?state'') clause)  l  ?w1  l  ?w2  
                      literalFalse l (elements (getM ?state''))  
                      elementLevel (opposite l) (getM ?state'')  elementLevel (opposite ?w1) (getM ?state'')"

              fix l::Literal
              assume "l el (nth (getF ?state'') clause)  l  ?w1  l  ?w2"

              have "literalFalse l (elements (getM ?state''))  
                    elementLevel (opposite l) (getM ?state'')  elementLevel (opposite ?w1) (getM ?state'')"
                from * l el (nth (getF ?state'') clause)  l  ?w1  l  ?w2
                have "literalFalse l (elements M)" "elementLevel (opposite l) M  elementLevel (opposite ?w1) M"
                  by auto
                thus ?thesis
                  using elementLevelAppend[of "opposite l" "M" "[(opposite literal, decision)]"]
                  using literalFalse ?w1 (elements M)
                  using elementLevelAppend[of "opposite ?w1" "M" "[(opposite literal, decision)]"]
                  using Cons(8)
                  by simp
            thus ?thesis
              by simp

          have "(getM ?fState) = (getM state)" "(getF ?fState) = (getF state)"
            using notifyWatchesLoopPreservedVariables[of "?state''" "Wl'" "literal" "clause # newWl"]
            using InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'') getF ?state'' = getF state
            using Cons(7)
            by (auto simp add: Let_def)
          hence " l. l el (nth (getF ?fState) clause)  l  ?w1  l  ?w2  
                      literalFalse l (elements (getM ?fState))  
                      elementLevel (opposite l) (getM ?fState)  elementLevel (opposite ?w1) (getM ?fState)"
            using **
            using getM ?state'' = getM state
            using getF ?state'' = getF state
            by simp
          have " l. literalFalse l (elements (getM ?fState))  
                     elementLevel (opposite l) (getM ?fState)  elementLevel (opposite ?w2) (getM ?fState)"
            have "elementLevel (opposite ?w2) (getM ?fState) = currentLevel (getM ?fState)"
              using Cons(8)
              using (getM ?fState) = (getM state)
              using ¬ literalFalse ?w2 (elements M)
              using ?w2 = literal
              using elementOnCurrentLevel[of "opposite ?w2" "M" "decision"]
              by simp
            thus ?thesis
              by (simp add: elementLevelLeqCurrentLevel)
          show ?thesis
            using Cons(1)[of "?state''" "clause # newWl"]
            using Cons(7) Cons(8)
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using Some literal = getWatch2 state clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using None
            using literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using uniq Wl'
            using ?w1  ?w2
            unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
            by (simp add: Let_def)
          case False

          let ?state'' = "setReason ?w1 clause (?state'getQ := (if ?w1 el (getQ ?state') then (getQ ?state') else (getQ ?state') @ [?w1]))"
          let ?fState = "notifyWatches_loop literal Wl' (clause # newWl) ?state''"

          from Cons(2)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          from Cons(3)
          have "InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesDiffer_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          from Cons(4)
          have "InvariantConsistent (getM ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by simp
          from Cons(5)
          have "InvariantUniq (getM ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantUniq_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by simp
          from Cons(6)
          have "InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'') M"
            unfolding setReason_def
            unfolding InvariantWatchCharacterization_def
            unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
            by simp
          have "  (c::nat). c  set Wl'  Some literal = (getWatch1 ?state'' c)   Some literal = (getWatch2 ?state'' c)"
            using Cons(10)
            using clause  set Wl'
            unfolding setReason_def
            by simp
          have "getM ?state'' = getM state"
            "getF ?state'' = getF state"
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          have "getWatch1 ?state'' clause = Some ?w1" "getWatch2 ?state'' clause = Some ?w2"
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          have "getWatch1 ?fState clause = Some ?w1" "getWatch2 ?fState clause = Some ?w2"
            using getWatch1 ?state'' clause = Some ?w1 getWatch2 ?state'' clause = Some ?w2
            using clause  set Wl'
            using InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'') getF ?state'' = getF state
            using Cons(7)
            using notifyWatchesLoopPreservedWatches[of "?state''" "Wl'" "literal" "clause # newWl" ]
            by (auto simp add: Let_def)
          have "(getM ?fState) = (getM state)" "(getF ?fState) = (getF state)"
            using notifyWatchesLoopPreservedVariables[of "?state''" "Wl'" "literal" "clause # newWl"]
            using InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'') getF ?state'' = getF state
            using Cons(7)
            unfolding setReason_def
            by (auto simp add: Let_def)
          have "c. c  set Wl'  (w1 w2. Some w1 = getWatch1 ?fState c  Some w2 = getWatch2 ?fState c 
               watchCharacterizationCondition w1 w2 (getM ?fState) (getF ?fState ! c) 
               watchCharacterizationCondition w2 w1 (getM ?fState) (getF ?fState ! c))" and
               "?fState = notifyWatches_loop literal (clause # Wl') newWl state"
            using Cons(1)[of "?state''" "clause # newWl"]
            using Cons(7) Cons(8)
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using Some literal = getWatch2 state clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using None
            using ¬ literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using uniq Wl'
            by (auto simp add: Let_def)
          have *: " l. l el (nth (getF ?state'') clause)  l  ?w1  l  ?w2  literalFalse l (elements (getM ?state''))"
            using None
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteralNoneCharacterization[of "nth (getF ?state') clause" "?w1" "?w2" "getM ?state'"]
            using Cons(8)
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto

          have**: " l. l el (nth (getF ?fState) clause)  l  ?w1  l  ?w2  literalFalse l (elements (getM ?fState))"
            using (getM ?fState) = (getM state) (getF ?fState) = (getF state)
            using *
            using getM ?state'' = getM state
            using getF ?state'' = getF state
            by auto

          have ***: " l. literalFalse l (elements (getM ?fState))  
                     elementLevel (opposite l) (getM ?fState)  elementLevel (opposite ?w2) (getM ?fState)"
            have "elementLevel (opposite ?w2) (getM ?fState) = currentLevel (getM ?fState)"
              using Cons(8)
              using (getM ?fState) = (getM state)
              using ¬ literalFalse ?w2 (elements M)
              using ?w2 = literal
              using elementOnCurrentLevel[of "opposite ?w2" "M" "decision"]
              by simp
            thus ?thesis
              by (simp add: elementLevelLeqCurrentLevel)

          have "(w1 w2. Some w1 = getWatch1 ?fState clause  Some w2 = getWatch2 ?fState clause 
            watchCharacterizationCondition w1 w2 (getM ?fState) (getF ?fState ! clause) 
            watchCharacterizationCondition w2 w1 (getM ?fState) (getF ?fState ! clause))"
              fix w1 w2
              assume "Some w1 = getWatch1 ?fState clause  Some w2 = getWatch2 ?fState clause"
              hence "w1 = ?w1" "w2 = ?w2"
                using getWatch1 ?fState clause = Some ?w1
                using getWatch2 ?fState clause = Some ?w2
                by auto
              hence "watchCharacterizationCondition w1 w2 (getM ?fState) (getF ?fState ! clause) 
                watchCharacterizationCondition w2 w1 (getM ?fState) (getF ?fState ! clause)"
                unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
                using ** ***
                unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
                using (getM ?fState) = (getM state) (getF ?fState) = (getF state)
                using ¬ literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
                by simp
            thus ?thesis
              by auto
          show ?thesis
            by simp

lemma NotifyWatchesLoopConflictFlagEffect:
fixes literal :: Literal and Wl :: "nat list" and newWl :: "nat list" and state :: State
  "InvariantWatchesEl (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)" and 
  " (c::nat). c  set Wl  0  c  c < length (getF state)" and
  "InvariantConsistent (getM state)"
  " (c::nat). c  set Wl  Some literal = (getWatch1 state c)   Some literal = (getWatch2 state c)"
  "literalFalse literal (elements (getM state))"
  "uniq Wl"
  "let state' = notifyWatches_loop literal Wl newWl state in
     getConflictFlag state' = 
        (getConflictFlag state  
         ( clause. clause  set Wl  clauseFalse (nth (getF state) clause) (elements (getM state))))"
using assms
proof (induct Wl arbitrary: newWl state)
  case Nil
  thus ?case
    by simp
  case (Cons clause Wl')
  from uniq (clause # Wl')
  have "uniq Wl'" and "clause  set Wl'"
    by (auto simp add: uniqAppendIff)

  from  (c::nat). c  set (clause # Wl')  0  c  c < length (getF state)
  have "0  clause" "clause < length (getF state)"
    by auto
  then obtain wa::Literal and wb::Literal
    where "getWatch1 state clause = Some wa" and "getWatch2 state clause = Some wb"
    using Cons
    unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
    by auto
  show ?case
  proof (cases "Some literal = getWatch1 state clause")
    case True
    let ?state' = "swapWatches clause state"
    let ?w1 = wb
    have "getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1"
      using getWatch2 state clause = Some wb
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto
    let ?w2 = wa
    have "getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2"
      using getWatch1 state clause = Some wa
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto

    from Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
      getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
    literalFalse literal (elements (getM state))
    have "literalFalse ?w2 (elements (getM state))"
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by simp

    from InvariantWatchesEl (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)
    have "?w1 el (nth (getF state) clause)"
      using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
      using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
      using clause < length (getF state)
      unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto

    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))")
      case True
      from Cons(2)
      have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state')"
        unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
        unfolding swapWatches_def
        by auto
      have "getF ?state' = getF state  
        getM ?state' = getM state  
        getConflictFlag ?state' = getConflictFlag state
        unfolding swapWatches_def
        by simp
      have "c. c  set Wl'  Some literal = getWatch1 ?state' c  Some literal = getWatch2 ?state' c"
        using Cons(5)
        unfolding swapWatches_def
        by auto
      have "¬ clauseFalse (nth (getF state) clause) (elements (getM state))"
        using ?w1 el (nth (getF state) clause)
        using literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
        using InvariantConsistent (getM state)
        unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
        unfolding swapWatches_def
          by (auto simp add: clauseFalseIffAllLiteralsAreFalse inconsistentCharacterization)
      show ?thesis
        using Cons(1)[of "?state'" "clause # newWl"]
        using Cons(3) Cons(4) Cons(6)
        using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
        using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
        using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
        using literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
        using uniq Wl'
        by (auto simp add:Let_def)
      case False
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteral (nth (getF ?state') clause) ?w1 ?w2 (getM ?state')")
        case (Some l')
        hence "l' el (nth (getF ?state') clause)" "¬ literalFalse l' (elements (getM ?state'))"
          using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteralSomeCharacterization
          by auto

        let ?state'' = "setWatch2 clause l' ?state'"

        from Cons(2)
        have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
          using l' el (nth (getF ?state') clause)
          unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by auto
        from Cons(4)
        have "InvariantConsistent (getM ?state'')"
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          by simp
        have "getM ?state'' = getM state 
          getF ?state'' = getF state  
          getConflictFlag ?state'' = getConflictFlag state"
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by simp
        have "c. c  set Wl'  Some literal = getWatch1 ?state'' c  Some literal = getWatch2 ?state'' c"
          using Cons(5)
          using clause  set Wl'
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by auto
        have "¬ clauseFalse (nth (getF state) clause) (elements (getM state))"
          using l' el (nth (getF ?state') clause) 
          using ¬ literalFalse l' (elements (getM ?state'))
          using InvariantConsistent (getM state)
          unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          by (auto simp add: clauseFalseIffAllLiteralsAreFalse inconsistentCharacterization)
        show ?thesis
          using Cons(1)[of "?state''" "newWl"]
          using Cons(3) Cons(4) Cons(6)
          using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
          using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
          using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
          using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
          using uniq Wl'
          using Some
          by (auto simp add: Let_def)
        case None
        hence " l. l el (nth (getF ?state') clause)  l  ?w1  l  ?w2  literalFalse l (elements (getM ?state'))"
          using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteralNoneCharacterization
          by simp
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases "literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))")
          case True
          let ?state'' = "?state'getConflictFlag := True, getConflictClause := clause"
          from Cons(2)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by auto
          from Cons(4)
          have "InvariantConsistent (getM ?state'')"
            unfolding setWatch2_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by simp
          have "getM ?state'' = getM state 
          getF ?state'' = getF state  
          getSATFlag ?state'' = getSATFlag state"
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by simp
          have "c. c  set Wl'  Some literal = getWatch1 ?state'' c  Some literal = getWatch2 ?state'' c"
            using Cons(5)
            using clause  set Wl'
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            unfolding setWatch2_def
            by auto
          have "clauseFalse (nth (getF state) clause) (elements (getM state))"
            using  l. l el (nth (getF ?state') clause)  l  ?w1  l  ?w2  literalFalse l (elements (getM ?state'))
            using literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using literalFalse ?w2 (elements (getM state))
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by (auto simp add: clauseFalseIffAllLiteralsAreFalse)
          show ?thesis
            using Cons(1)[of "?state''" "clause # newWl"]
            using Cons(3) Cons(4) Cons(6)
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using None
            using literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using uniq Wl'
            by (auto simp add: Let_def)
          case False
          let ?state'' = "setReason ?w1 clause (?state'getQ := (if ?w1 el (getQ ?state') then (getQ ?state') else (getQ ?state') @ [?w1]))"

          from Cons(2)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          from Cons(4)
          have "InvariantConsistent (getM ?state'')"
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by simp
          have "getM ?state'' = getM state 
            getF ?state'' = getF state  
            getSATFlag ?state'' = getSATFlag state"
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by simp
          have "c. c  set Wl'  Some literal = getWatch1 ?state'' c  Some literal = getWatch2 ?state'' c"
            using Cons(5)
            using clause  set Wl'
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          have "¬ clauseFalse (nth (getF state) clause) (elements (getM state))"
            using ?w1 el (nth (getF state) clause)
            using ¬ literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using InvariantConsistent (getM state)
            unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          by (auto simp add: clauseFalseIffAllLiteralsAreFalse inconsistentCharacterization)      
          show ?thesis
            using Cons(1)[of "?state''" "clause # newWl"]
            using Cons(3) Cons(4) Cons(6)
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using None
            using ¬ literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using uniq Wl'
            apply (simp add: Let_def)
            unfolding setReason_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by auto
    case False
    let ?state' = state
    let ?w1 = wa
    have "getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1"
      using getWatch1 state clause = Some wa
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto
    let ?w2 = wb
    have "getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2"
      using getWatch2 state clause = Some wb
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto

    from ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
       (c::nat). c  set (clause # Wl')  Some literal = (getWatch1 state c)   Some literal = (getWatch2 state c)
    have "Some literal = getWatch2 state clause"
      by auto
    hence "literalFalse ?w2 (elements (getM state))"
      getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
      literalFalse literal (elements (getM state))
      by simp

    from InvariantWatchesEl (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)
    have "?w1 el (nth (getF state) clause)"
      using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
      using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
      using clause < length (getF state)
      unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))")
      case True

      have "¬ clauseFalse (nth (getF state) clause) (elements (getM state))"
        using ?w1 el (nth (getF state) clause)
        using literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
        using InvariantConsistent (getM state)
        unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
        unfolding swapWatches_def
        by (auto simp add: clauseFalseIffAllLiteralsAreFalse inconsistentCharacterization)

      thus ?thesis
        using True
        using Cons(1)[of "?state'" "clause # newWl"]
        using Cons(2) Cons(3) Cons(4) Cons(5) Cons(6)
        using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
        using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
        using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
        using literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
        using uniq Wl'
        by (auto simp add:Let_def)
      case False
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteral (nth (getF ?state') clause) ?w1 ?w2 (getM ?state')")
        case (Some l')
        hence "l' el (nth (getF ?state') clause)" "¬ literalFalse l' (elements (getM ?state'))"
          using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteralSomeCharacterization
          by auto

        let ?state'' = "setWatch2 clause l' ?state'"

        from Cons(2)
        have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
          using l' el (nth (getF ?state') clause)
          unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by auto
        from Cons(4)
        have "InvariantConsistent (getM ?state'')"
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by simp
        have "getM ?state'' = getM state 
          getF ?state'' = getF state  
          getConflictFlag ?state'' = getConflictFlag state"
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by simp
        have "c. c  set Wl'  Some literal = getWatch1 ?state'' c  Some literal = getWatch2 ?state'' c"
          using Cons(5)
          using clause  set Wl'
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by auto
        have "¬ clauseFalse (nth (getF state) clause) (elements (getM state))"
          using l' el (nth (getF ?state') clause) 
          using ¬ literalFalse l' (elements (getM ?state'))
          using InvariantConsistent (getM state)
          unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
          by (auto simp add: clauseFalseIffAllLiteralsAreFalse inconsistentCharacterization)
        show ?thesis
          using Cons(1)[of "?state''" "newWl"]
          using Cons(3) Cons(4) Cons(6)
          using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
          using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
          using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
          using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
          using uniq Wl'
          using Some
          by (auto simp add: Let_def)
        case None
        hence " l. l el (nth (getF ?state') clause)  l  ?w1  l  ?w2  literalFalse l (elements (getM ?state'))"
          using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteralNoneCharacterization
          by simp
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases "literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))")
          case True
          let ?state'' = "?state'getConflictFlag := True, getConflictClause := clause"
          from Cons(2)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            by auto
          from Cons(4)
          have "InvariantConsistent (getM ?state'')"
            unfolding setWatch2_def
            by simp
          have "getM ?state'' = getM state 
          getF ?state'' = getF state  
          getSATFlag ?state'' = getSATFlag state"
            by simp
          have "c. c  set Wl'  Some literal = getWatch1 ?state'' c  Some literal = getWatch2 ?state'' c"
            using Cons(5)
            using clause  set Wl'
            unfolding setWatch2_def
            by auto
          have "clauseFalse (nth (getF state) clause) (elements (getM state))"
            using  l. l el (nth (getF ?state') clause)  l  ?w1  l  ?w2  literalFalse l (elements (getM ?state'))
            using literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using literalFalse ?w2 (elements (getM state))
            by (auto simp add: clauseFalseIffAllLiteralsAreFalse)
          show ?thesis
            using Cons(1)[of "?state''" "clause # newWl"]
            using Cons(3) Cons(4) Cons(6)
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using None
            using literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using uniq Wl'
            by (auto simp add: Let_def)
          case False
          let ?state'' = "setReason ?w1 clause (?state'getQ := (if ?w1 el (getQ ?state') then (getQ ?state') else (getQ ?state') @ [?w1]))"

          from Cons(2)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          from Cons(4)
          have "InvariantConsistent (getM ?state'')"
            unfolding setReason_def
            by simp
          have "getM ?state'' = getM state 
            getF ?state'' = getF state  
            getSATFlag ?state'' = getSATFlag state"
            unfolding setReason_def
            by simp
          have "c. c  set Wl'  Some literal = getWatch1 ?state'' c  Some literal = getWatch2 ?state'' c"
            using Cons(5)
            using clause  set Wl'
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          have "¬ clauseFalse (nth (getF state) clause) (elements (getM state))"
            using ?w1 el (nth (getF state) clause)
            using ¬ literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using InvariantConsistent (getM state)
            unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
          by (auto simp add: clauseFalseIffAllLiteralsAreFalse inconsistentCharacterization)      
          show ?thesis
            using Cons(1)[of "?state''" "clause # newWl"]
            using Cons(3) Cons(4) Cons(6)
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using None
            using ¬ literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using uniq Wl'
            apply (simp add: Let_def)
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto

lemma NotifyWatchesLoopQEffect:
fixes literal :: Literal and Wl :: "nat list" and newWl :: "nat list" and state :: State
  "(getM state) = M @ [(opposite literal, decision)]" and
  "InvariantWatchesEl (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)" and 
  "InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)" and 
  " (c::nat). c  set Wl  0  c  c < length (getF state)" and
  "InvariantConsistent (getM state)" and
  " (c::nat). c  set Wl  Some literal = (getWatch1 state c)   Some literal = (getWatch2 state c)" and
  "uniq Wl" and
  "InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state) M"
  "let state' = notifyWatches_loop literal Wl newWl state in
      (( l. l  (set (getQ state') - set (getQ state))  
            ( clause. (clause el (getF state) 
                        literal el clause 
                        (isUnitClause clause l (elements (getM state)))))) 
      ( clause. clause  set Wl  
          ( l. (isUnitClause (nth (getF state) clause) l (elements (getM state)))  
                     l  (set (getQ state')))))" 
  (is "let state' = notifyWatches_loop literal Wl newWl state in (?Cond1 state' state  ?Cond2 Wl state' state)")
using assms
proof (induct Wl arbitrary: newWl state)
  case Nil
  thus ?case
    by simp
  case (Cons clause Wl')
  from uniq (clause # Wl')
  have "uniq Wl'" and "clause  set Wl'"
    by (auto simp add: uniqAppendIff)

  from  (c::nat). c  set (clause # Wl')  0  c  c < length (getF state)
  have "0  clause" "clause < length (getF state)"
    by auto
  then obtain wa::Literal and wb::Literal
    where "getWatch1 state clause = Some wa" and "getWatch2 state clause = Some wb"
    using Cons
    unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
    by auto

  from 0  clause clause < length (getF state)
  have "(nth (getF state) clause) el (getF state)"
    by simp

  show ?case
  proof (cases "Some literal = getWatch1 state clause")
    case True
    let ?state' = "swapWatches clause state"
    let ?w1 = wb
    have "getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1"
      using getWatch2 state clause = Some wb
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto
    let ?w2 = wa
    have "getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2"
      using getWatch1 state clause = Some wa
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto

    have "?w2 = literal"
      using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
      using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by simp
    hence "literalFalse ?w2 (elements (getM state))"
      using (getM state) = M @ [(opposite literal, decision)]
      by simp

    from InvariantWatchesEl (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)
    have "?w1 el (nth (getF state) clause)" "?w2 el (nth (getF state) clause)"
      using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
      using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
      using clause < length (getF state)
      unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto

    from InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)
    have "?w1  ?w2"
      using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
      using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
      using clause < length (getF state)
      unfolding InvariantWatchesDiffer_def
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto

    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))")
      case True
      from Cons(3)
      have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state')"
        unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
        unfolding swapWatches_def
        by auto
      from Cons(4)
      have "InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state')"
        unfolding InvariantWatchesDiffer_def
        unfolding swapWatches_def
        by auto
      have "getF ?state' = getF state  
        getM ?state' = getM state  
        getQ ?state' = getQ state  
        getConflictFlag ?state' = getConflictFlag state
        unfolding swapWatches_def
        by simp
      have "c. c  set Wl'  Some literal = getWatch1 ?state' c  Some literal = getWatch2 ?state' c"
        using Cons(7)
        unfolding swapWatches_def
        by auto
      have "InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state') M"
        using Cons(9)
        unfolding swapWatches_def
        unfolding InvariantWatchCharacterization_def
        by auto
      have "¬ ( l. isUnitClause (nth (getF state) clause) l (elements (getM state)))"
        using ?w1 el (nth (getF state) clause)
        using literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
        using InvariantConsistent (getM state)
        unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
        unfolding swapWatches_def
          by (auto simp add: isUnitClause_def inconsistentCharacterization)
      show ?thesis
        using Cons(1)[of "?state'" "clause # newWl"]
        using Cons(2) Cons(5) Cons(6)
        using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
        using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
        using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
        using literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
        using uniq Wl'
        by ( simp add:Let_def)
      case False
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteral (nth (getF ?state') clause) ?w1 ?w2 (getM ?state')")
        case (Some l')
        hence "l' el (nth (getF ?state') clause)" "¬ literalFalse l' (elements (getM ?state'))" "l'  ?w1" "l'  ?w2"
          using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteralSomeCharacterization
          by auto

        let ?state'' = "setWatch2 clause l' ?state'"

        from Cons(3)
        have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
          using l' el (nth (getF ?state') clause)
          unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by auto
        from Cons(4)
        have "InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
          using l'  ?w1
          using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
          using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
          unfolding InvariantWatchesDiffer_def
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by auto
        from Cons(6)
        have "InvariantConsistent (getM ?state'')"
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          by simp
        have "getM ?state'' = getM state 
          getF ?state'' = getF state  
          getQ ?state'' = getQ state  
          getConflictFlag ?state'' = getConflictFlag state"
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by simp
        have "c. c  set Wl'  Some literal = getWatch1 ?state'' c  Some literal = getWatch2 ?state'' c"
          using Cons(7)
          using clause  set Wl'
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by auto
        have "InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'') M"
            fix c::nat and ww1::Literal and ww2::Literal
            assume a: "0  c  c < length (getF ?state'')  Some ww1 = (getWatch1 ?state'' c)  Some ww2 = (getWatch2 ?state'' c)"
            assume b: "literalFalse ww1 (elements M)"
            have "(l. l el ((getF ?state'') ! c)  literalTrue l (elements M)  elementLevel l M  elementLevel (opposite ww1) M) 
                  (l. l el ((getF ?state'') ! c)  l  ww1  l  ww2  
                       literalFalse l (elements M)  elementLevel (opposite l) M  elementLevel (opposite ww1) M)"
            proof (cases "c = clause")
              case False
              thus ?thesis
                using a and b
                using Cons(9)
                unfolding InvariantWatchCharacterization_def
                unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
                unfolding swapWatches_def
                unfolding setWatch2_def
                by simp
              case True
              with a 
              have "ww1 = ?w1" and "ww2 = l'"
                using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
                using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2[THEN sym]
                unfolding setWatch2_def
                unfolding swapWatches_def
                by auto
              have "¬ (l. l el (getF state ! clause)  l  ?w1  l  ?w2  literalFalse l (elements M))"
                using Cons(2)
                using l'  ?w1 and l'  ?w2 l' el (nth (getF ?state') clause)
                using ¬ literalFalse l' (elements (getM ?state'))
                using a and b
                using c = clause
                unfolding swapWatches_def
                unfolding setWatch2_def
                by auto
              have "(l. l el (getF state ! clause)  literalTrue l (elements M)  
                elementLevel l M  elementLevel (opposite ?w1) M) 
                (l. l el (getF state ! clause)  l  ?w1  l  ?w2  literalFalse l (elements M))"
                using Cons(9)
                unfolding InvariantWatchCharacterization_def
                unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
                using clause < length (getF state)
                using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1[THEN sym]
                using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2[THEN sym]
                using literalFalse ww1 (elements M)
                using ww1 = ?w1
                unfolding setWatch2_def
                unfolding swapWatches_def
                by auto
              show ?thesis
                using ww1 = ?w1
                using c = clause
                unfolding setWatch2_def
                unfolding swapWatches_def
                by auto
            fix c::nat and ww1::Literal and ww2::Literal
            assume a: "0  c  c < length (getF ?state'')  Some ww1 = (getWatch1 ?state'' c)  Some ww2 = (getWatch2 ?state'' c)"
            assume b: "literalFalse ww2 (elements M)"
            have "(l. l el ((getF ?state'') ! c)  literalTrue l (elements M)  elementLevel l M  elementLevel (opposite ww2) M) 
                  (l. l el ((getF ?state'') ! c)  l  ww1  l  ww2  
                       literalFalse l (elements M)  elementLevel (opposite l) M  elementLevel (opposite ww2) M)"
            proof (cases "c = clause")
              case False
              thus ?thesis
                using a and b
                using Cons(9)
                unfolding InvariantWatchCharacterization_def
                unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
                unfolding swapWatches_def
                unfolding setWatch2_def
                by auto
              case True
              with a 
              have "ww1 = ?w1" and "ww2 = l'"
                using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
                using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2[THEN sym]
                unfolding setWatch2_def
                unfolding swapWatches_def
                by auto
              with ¬ literalFalse l' (elements (getM ?state')) b
              have False
                unfolding swapWatches_def
                by simp
              thus ?thesis
                by simp
          show ?thesis
            unfolding InvariantWatchCharacterization_def
            unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
            by blast
        have "¬ ( l. isUnitClause (nth (getF state) clause) l (elements (getM state)))"
          (* Depends on the watch characterization invariant *)
            assume "¬ ?thesis"
            then obtain l
              where "isUnitClause (nth (getF state) clause) l (elements (getM state))"
              by auto
            with l' el (nth (getF ?state') clause) ¬ literalFalse l' (elements (getM ?state'))
            have "l = l'"
              unfolding isUnitClause_def
              unfolding swapWatches_def
              by auto
            with l'  ?w1 have
              "literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))"
              using isUnitClause (nth (getF state) clause) l (elements (getM state))
              using ?w1 el (nth (getF state) clause)
              unfolding isUnitClause_def
              unfolding swapWatches_def
              by simp
            with ?w1  ?w2 ?w2 = literal
            have "literalFalse ?w1 (elements M)"
              unfolding swapWatches_def
              by simp

            from isUnitClause (nth (getF state) clause) l (elements (getM state))
            have "¬ ( l. (l el (nth (getF state) clause)  literalTrue l (elements (getM state))))"
              using containsTrueNotUnit[of _ "(nth (getF state) clause)" "elements (getM state)"]
              unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
              by auto

            from InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state) M
            clause < length (getF state)
              literalFalse ?w1 (elements M) 
              getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1 [THEN sym]
              getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2 [THEN sym]
            have "(l. l el (getF state ! clause)  literalTrue l (elements M)  elementLevel l M  elementLevel (opposite ?w1) M) 
                  (l. l el (getF state ! clause)  l  ?w1  l  ?w2  literalFalse l (elements M))"
              unfolding InvariantWatchCharacterization_def
              unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
              unfolding swapWatches_def
              by auto
            with ¬ ( l. (l el (nth (getF state) clause)  literalTrue l (elements (getM state))))
            have "(l. l el (getF state ! clause)  l  ?w1  l  ?w2  literalFalse l (elements M))"
              by auto
            with l' el (getF ?state' ! clause) l'  ?w1 l'  ?w2 ¬ literalFalse l' (elements (getM ?state'))
            have False
              unfolding swapWatches_def
              by simp
          thus ?thesis
            by auto
        show ?thesis
          using Cons(1)[of "?state''" "newWl"]
          using Cons(2) Cons(5) Cons(6)
          using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
          using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
          using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
          using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
          using uniq Wl'
          using Some
          by (simp add: Let_def)
        case None
        hence " l. l el (nth (getF ?state') clause)  l  ?w1  l  ?w2  literalFalse l (elements (getM ?state'))"
          using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteralNoneCharacterization
          by simp
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases "literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))")
          case True
          let ?state'' = "?state'getConflictFlag := True, getConflictClause := clause"
          from Cons(3)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by auto
          from Cons(4)
          have "InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesDiffer_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by auto
          from Cons(6)
          have "InvariantConsistent (getM ?state'')"
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by simp
          have "getM ?state'' = getM state 
          getF ?state'' = getF state  
          getQ ?state'' = getQ state  
          getSATFlag ?state'' = getSATFlag state"
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by simp
          have "c. c  set Wl'  Some literal = getWatch1 ?state'' c  Some literal = getWatch2 ?state'' c"
            using Cons(7)
            using clause  set Wl'
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by auto
          have "InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'') M"
            using Cons(9)
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            unfolding InvariantWatchCharacterization_def
            by auto
          have "clauseFalse (nth (getF state) clause) (elements (getM state))"
            using  l. l el (nth (getF ?state') clause)  l  ?w1  l  ?w2  literalFalse l (elements (getM ?state'))
            using literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using literalFalse ?w2 (elements (getM state))
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by (auto simp add: clauseFalseIffAllLiteralsAreFalse)
          hence "¬ ( l. isUnitClause (nth (getF state) clause) l (elements (getM state)))"
            unfolding isUnitClause_def
            by (simp add: clauseFalseIffAllLiteralsAreFalse)
          show ?thesis
            using Cons(1)[of "?state''" "clause # newWl"]
            using Cons(2) Cons(5) Cons(6)
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using None
            using literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using uniq Wl'
            by (simp add: Let_def)
          case False
          let ?state'' = "setReason ?w1 clause (?state'getQ := (if ?w1 el (getQ ?state') then (getQ ?state') else (getQ ?state') @ [?w1]))"

          from Cons(3)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          from Cons(4)
          have "InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesDiffer_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          from Cons(6)
          have "InvariantConsistent (getM ?state'')"
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by simp
          have "getM ?state'' = getM state 
            getF ?state'' = getF state  
            getSATFlag ?state'' = getSATFlag state  
            getQ ?state'' = (if ?w1 el (getQ state) then (getQ state) else (getQ state @ [?w1]))"
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by simp
          have "c. c  set Wl'  Some literal = getWatch1 ?state'' c  Some literal = getWatch2 ?state'' c"
            using Cons(7)
            using clause  set Wl'
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          have "InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'') M"
            using Cons(9)
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            unfolding InvariantWatchCharacterization_def
            by auto
          have "let state' = notifyWatches_loop literal Wl' (clause # newWl) ?state'' in 
                   ?Cond1 state' ?state''  ?Cond2 Wl' state' ?state''"
            using Cons(1)[of "?state''" "clause # newWl"]
            using Cons(2) Cons(5)
            using uniq Wl'
            by (simp add: Let_def)
          have "notifyWatches_loop literal Wl' (clause # newWl) ?state'' = notifyWatches_loop literal (clause # Wl') newWl state"
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using None
            using ¬ literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            by (simp add: Let_def)
          have "let state' = notifyWatches_loop literal (clause # Wl') newWl state in
                   ?Cond1 state' ?state''  ?Cond2 Wl' state' ?state''"
            by simp

          have "isUnitClause (nth (getF state) clause) ?w1 (elements (getM state))"
            using  l. l el (nth (getF ?state') clause)  l  ?w1  l  ?w2  literalFalse l (elements (getM ?state'))
            using ?w1 el (nth (getF state) clause)
            using ?w2 el (nth (getF state) clause)
            using literalFalse ?w2 (elements (getM state))
            using ¬ literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            unfolding isUnitClause_def
            by auto

          show ?thesis
              fix l::Literal
              assume "let state' = notifyWatches_loop literal (clause # Wl') newWl state in
                l  set (getQ state') - set (getQ state)"
              have "clause. clause el (getF state)  literal el clause  isUnitClause clause l (elements (getM state))"
              proof (cases "l  ?w1")
                case True
                hence "let state' = notifyWatches_loop literal (clause # Wl') newWl state in 
                   l  set (getQ state') - set (getQ ?state'')"
                  using let state' = notifyWatches_loop literal (clause # Wl') newWl state in
                    l  set (getQ state') - set (getQ state)
                  unfolding setReason_def
                  unfolding swapWatches_def
                  by (simp add:Let_def)
                with let state' = notifyWatches_loop literal (clause # Wl') newWl state in
                  ?Cond1 state' ?state''  ?Cond2 Wl' state' ?state''
                show ?thesis
                  unfolding setReason_def
                  unfolding swapWatches_def
                  by (simp add:Let_def del: notifyWatches_loop.simps)
                case False
                thus ?thesis
                  using (nth (getF state) clause) el (getF state)
                        ?w2 = literal
                        ?w2 el (nth (getF state) clause)
                        isUnitClause (nth (getF state) clause) ?w1 (elements (getM state))
                  by (auto simp add:Let_def)
            hence "let state' = notifyWatches_loop literal (clause # Wl') newWl state in
                ?Cond1 state' state"
              by simp
              fix c
              assume "c  set (clause # Wl')"
              have "let state' = notifyWatches_loop literal (clause # Wl') newWl state in 
                 l. isUnitClause (nth (getF state) c) l (elements (getM state))  l  set (getQ state')"
              proof (cases "c = clause")
                case True
                  fix l::Literal
                  assume "isUnitClause (nth (getF state) c) l (elements (getM state))"
                  with isUnitClause (nth (getF state) clause) ?w1 (elements (getM state)) c = clause
                  have "l = ?w1"
                    unfolding isUnitClause_def
                    by auto
                  have "isPrefix (getQ ?state'') (getQ (notifyWatches_loop literal Wl' (clause # newWl) ?state''))"
                    using InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')
                    using notifyWatchesLoopPreservedVariables[of "?state''" "Wl'" "literal" "clause # newWl"]
                    using Cons(5)
                    unfolding swapWatches_def
                    unfolding setReason_def
                    by (simp add: Let_def)
                  hence "set (getQ ?state'')  set (getQ (notifyWatches_loop literal Wl' (clause # newWl) ?state''))"
                    using prefixIsSubset[of "getQ ?state''" "getQ (notifyWatches_loop literal Wl' (clause # newWl) ?state'')"]
                    by auto
                  hence "l  set (getQ (notifyWatches_loop literal Wl' (clause # newWl) ?state''))"
                    using l = ?w1
                    unfolding swapWatches_def
                    unfolding setReason_def
                  by auto
              thus ?thesis
                using notifyWatches_loop literal Wl' (clause # newWl) ?state'' = notifyWatches_loop literal (clause # Wl') newWl state
                by (simp add:Let_def)
                case False
                hence "c  set Wl'"
                  using c  set (clause # Wl')
                  by simp
                  fix l::Literal
                  assume "isUnitClause (nth (getF state) c) l (elements (getM state))"
                  hence "isUnitClause (nth (getF ?state'') c) l (elements (getM ?state''))"
                    unfolding setReason_def
                    unfolding swapWatches_def
                    by simp
                  with let state' = notifyWatches_loop literal (clause # Wl') newWl state in
                    ?Cond1 state' ?state''  ?Cond2 Wl' state' ?state''
                    c  set Wl'
                  have "let state' = notifyWatches_loop literal (clause # Wl') newWl state in l  set (getQ state')"
                    by (simp add:Let_def)
                thus ?thesis
                  by (simp add:Let_def)
            hence "?Cond2 (clause # Wl') (notifyWatches_loop literal (clause # Wl') newWl state) state"
              by (simp add: Let_def)
            show ?thesis
              by (simp add:Let_def)
    case False
    let ?state' = state
    let ?w1 = wa
    have "getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1"
      using getWatch1 state clause = Some wa
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto
    let ?w2 = wb
    have "getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2"
      using getWatch2 state clause = Some wb
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto

    from ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
       (c::nat). c  set (clause # Wl')  Some literal = (getWatch1 state c)   Some literal = (getWatch2 state c)
    have "Some literal = getWatch2 state clause"
      by auto
    hence "?w2 = literal"
      using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
      by simp
    hence "literalFalse ?w2 (elements (getM state))"
      using Cons(2)
      by simp

    from InvariantWatchesEl (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)
    have "?w1 el (nth (getF state) clause)" "?w2 el (nth (getF state) clause)"
      using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
      using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
      using clause < length (getF state)
      unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto

    from InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)
    have "?w1  ?w2"
      using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
      using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
      using clause < length (getF state)
      unfolding InvariantWatchesDiffer_def
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))")
      case True
      have "¬ ( l. isUnitClause (nth (getF state) clause) l (elements (getM state)))"
        using ?w1 el (nth (getF state) clause)
        using literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
        using InvariantConsistent (getM state)
        unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
        by (auto simp add: isUnitClause_def inconsistentCharacterization)
      thus ?thesis
        using True
        using Cons(1)[of "?state'" "clause # newWl"]
        using Cons(2) Cons(3) Cons(4) Cons(5) Cons(6) Cons(7) Cons(8) Cons(9)
        using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
        using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
        using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
        using literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
        using uniq Wl'
        by (simp add:Let_def)
      case False
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteral (nth (getF ?state') clause) ?w1 ?w2 (getM ?state')")
        case (Some l')
        hence "l' el (nth (getF ?state') clause)" "¬ literalFalse l' (elements (getM ?state'))" "l'  ?w1" "l'  ?w2"
          using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteralSomeCharacterization
          by auto

        let ?state'' = "setWatch2 clause l' ?state'"

        from Cons(3)
        have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
          using l' el (nth (getF ?state') clause)
          unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by auto
        from Cons(4)
        have "InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
          using l'  ?w1
          using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
          using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
          unfolding InvariantWatchesDiffer_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by auto
        from Cons(6)
        have "InvariantConsistent (getM ?state'')"
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by simp
        have "getM ?state'' = getM state 
          getF ?state'' = getF state  
          getQ ?state'' = getQ state  
          getConflictFlag ?state'' = getConflictFlag state"
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by simp
        have "c. c  set Wl'  Some literal = getWatch1 ?state'' c  Some literal = getWatch2 ?state'' c"
          using Cons(7)
          using clause  set Wl'
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by auto
        have "InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'') M"
            fix c::nat and ww1::Literal and ww2::Literal
            assume a: "0  c  c < length (getF ?state'')  Some ww1 = (getWatch1 ?state'' c)  Some ww2 = (getWatch2 ?state'' c)"
            assume b: "literalFalse ww1 (elements M)"
            have "(l.  l el ((getF ?state'') ! c)  literalTrue l (elements M)  elementLevel l M  elementLevel (opposite ww1) M) 
              (l. l el (getF ?state'' ! c)  l  ww1  l  ww2  
                   literalFalse l (elements M)  elementLevel (opposite l) M  elementLevel (opposite ww1) M)"
            proof (cases "c = clause")
              case False
              thus ?thesis
                using a and b
                using Cons(9)
                unfolding InvariantWatchCharacterization_def
                unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
                unfolding setWatch2_def
                by auto
              case True
              with a 
              have "ww1 = ?w1" and "ww2 = l'"
                using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
                using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2[THEN sym]
                unfolding setWatch2_def
                by auto
              have "¬ (l. l el (getF state ! clause)  l  ?w1  l  ?w2  literalFalse l (elements M))"
                using l'  ?w1 and l'  ?w2 l' el (nth (getF ?state') clause)
                using ¬ literalFalse l' (elements (getM ?state'))
                using Cons(2)
                using a and b
                using c = clause
                unfolding setWatch2_def
                by auto
              have "(l. l el (getF state ! clause)  literalTrue l (elements M)  elementLevel l M  elementLevel (opposite ?w1) M) 
                    (l. l el (getF state ! clause)  l  ?w1  l  ?w2  literalFalse l (elements M))"
                using Cons(9)
                unfolding InvariantWatchCharacterization_def
                unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
                using clause < length (getF state)
                using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1[THEN sym]
                using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2[THEN sym]
                using literalFalse ww1 (elements M)
                using ww1 = ?w1
                unfolding setWatch2_def
                by auto
              show ?thesis
                using ww1 = ?w1
                using c = clause
                unfolding setWatch2_def
                by auto
            fix c::nat and ww1::Literal and ww2::Literal
            assume a: "0  c  c < length (getF ?state'')  Some ww1 = (getWatch1 ?state'' c)  Some ww2 = (getWatch2 ?state'' c)"
            assume b: "literalFalse ww2 (elements M)"
            have "(l.  l el ((getF ?state'') ! c)  literalTrue l (elements M)  elementLevel l M  elementLevel (opposite ww2) M) 
              (l. l el (getF ?state'' ! c)  l  ww1  l  ww2  
                   literalFalse l (elements M)  elementLevel (opposite l) M  elementLevel (opposite ww2) M)"
            proof (cases "c = clause")
              case False
              thus ?thesis
                using a and b
                using Cons(9)
                unfolding InvariantWatchCharacterization_def
                unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
                unfolding setWatch2_def
                by auto
              case True
              with a 
              have "ww1 = ?w1" and "ww2 = l'"
                using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
                using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2[THEN sym]
                unfolding setWatch2_def
                by auto
              with ¬ literalFalse l' (elements (getM ?state')) b
              have False
                unfolding setWatch2_def
                by simp
              thus ?thesis
                by simp
          show ?thesis
            unfolding InvariantWatchCharacterization_def
            unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
            by blast
        have "¬ ( l. isUnitClause (nth (getF state) clause) l (elements (getM state)))"
          (* Depends on the watch characterization invariant *)
            assume "¬ ?thesis"
            then obtain l
              where "isUnitClause (nth (getF state) clause) l (elements (getM state))"
              by auto
            with l' el (nth (getF ?state') clause) ¬ literalFalse l' (elements (getM ?state'))
            have "l = l'"
              unfolding isUnitClause_def
              by auto
            with l'  ?w1 have
              "literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))"
              using isUnitClause (nth (getF state) clause) l (elements (getM state))
              using ?w1 el (nth (getF state) clause)
              unfolding isUnitClause_def
              by simp
            with ?w1  ?w2 ?w2 = literal
            have "literalFalse ?w1 (elements M)"
              by simp

            from isUnitClause (nth (getF state) clause) l (elements (getM state))
            have "¬ ( l. (l el (nth (getF state) clause)  literalTrue l (elements (getM state))))"
              using containsTrueNotUnit[of _ "(nth (getF state) clause)" "elements (getM state)"]
              unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
              by auto

            from InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state) M
            clause < length (getF state)
              literalFalse ?w1 (elements M) 
              getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1 [THEN sym]
              getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2 [THEN sym]
            have "(l. l el (getF state ! clause)  literalTrue l (elements M)  elementLevel l M  elementLevel (opposite ?w1) M) 
                  (l. l el (getF state ! clause)  l  ?w1  l  ?w2  literalFalse l (elements M))"
              unfolding InvariantWatchCharacterization_def
              unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
              unfolding swapWatches_def
              by auto
            with ¬ ( l. (l el (nth (getF state) clause)  literalTrue l (elements (getM state))))
            have "(l. l el (getF state ! clause)  l  ?w1  l  ?w2  literalFalse l (elements M))"
              by auto
            with l' el (getF ?state' ! clause) l'  ?w1 l'  ?w2 ¬ literalFalse l' (elements (getM ?state'))
            have False
              unfolding swapWatches_def
              by simp
          thus ?thesis
            by auto
        show ?thesis
          using Cons(1)[of "?state''" "newWl"]
          using Cons(2) Cons(5) Cons(7)
          using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
          using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
          using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
          using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
          using uniq Wl'
          using Some
          by (simp add: Let_def)
        case None
        hence " l. l el (nth (getF ?state') clause)  l  ?w1  l  ?w2  literalFalse l (elements (getM ?state'))"
          using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteralNoneCharacterization
          by simp
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases "literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))")
          case True
          let ?state'' = "?state'getConflictFlag := True, getConflictClause := clause"
          from Cons(3)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            by auto
          from Cons(4)
          have "InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesDiffer_def
            by auto
          from Cons(6)
          have "InvariantConsistent (getM ?state'')"
            unfolding setWatch2_def
            by simp
          have "getM ?state'' = getM state 
          getF ?state'' = getF state  
          getSATFlag ?state'' = getSATFlag state"
            by simp
          have "c. c  set Wl'  Some literal = getWatch1 ?state'' c  Some literal = getWatch2 ?state'' c"
            using Cons(7)
            using clause  set Wl'
            unfolding setWatch2_def
            by auto
          have "InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'') M"
            using Cons(9)
            unfolding InvariantWatchCharacterization_def
            by auto
          have "clauseFalse (nth (getF state) clause) (elements (getM state))"
            using  l. l el (nth (getF ?state') clause)  l  ?w1  l  ?w2  literalFalse l (elements (getM ?state'))
            using literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using literalFalse ?w2 (elements (getM state))
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by (auto simp add: clauseFalseIffAllLiteralsAreFalse)
          hence "¬ ( l. isUnitClause (nth (getF state) clause) l (elements (getM state)))"
            unfolding isUnitClause_def
            by (simp add: clauseFalseIffAllLiteralsAreFalse)
          show ?thesis
            using Cons(1)[of "?state''" "clause # newWl"]
            using Cons(2) Cons(5) Cons(7)
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using None
            using literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using uniq Wl'
            by (simp add: Let_def)
          case False
          let ?state'' = "setReason ?w1 clause (?state'getQ := (if ?w1 el (getQ ?state') then (getQ ?state') else (getQ ?state') @ [?w1]))"

          from Cons(3)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          from Cons(4)
          have "InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesDiffer_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          from Cons(6)
          have "InvariantConsistent (getM ?state'')"
            unfolding setReason_def
            by simp
          have "getM ?state'' = getM state 
            getF ?state'' = getF state  
            getSATFlag ?state'' = getSATFlag state"
            unfolding setReason_def
            by simp
          have "c. c  set Wl'  Some literal = getWatch1 ?state'' c  Some literal = getWatch2 ?state'' c"
            using Cons(7)
            using clause  set Wl'
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          have "InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'') M"
            using Cons(9)
            unfolding InvariantWatchCharacterization_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          have "let state' = notifyWatches_loop literal Wl' (clause # newWl) ?state'' in 
                   ?Cond1 state' ?state''  ?Cond2 Wl' state' ?state''"
            using Cons(1)[of "?state''" "clause # newWl"]
            using Cons(2) Cons(5) Cons(6) Cons(7)
            using uniq Wl'
            by (simp add: Let_def)
          have "notifyWatches_loop literal Wl' (clause # newWl) ?state'' = notifyWatches_loop literal (clause # Wl') newWl state"
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using None
            using ¬ literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            by (simp add: Let_def)
          have "let state' = notifyWatches_loop literal (clause # Wl') newWl state in
                   ?Cond1 state' ?state''  ?Cond2 Wl' state' ?state''"
            by simp

          have "isUnitClause (nth (getF state) clause) ?w1 (elements (getM state))"
            using  l. l el (nth (getF ?state') clause)  l  ?w1  l  ?w2  literalFalse l (elements (getM ?state'))
            using ?w1 el (nth (getF state) clause)
            using ?w2 el (nth (getF state) clause)
            using literalFalse ?w2 (elements (getM state))
            using ¬ literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            unfolding isUnitClause_def
            by auto

          show ?thesis
              fix l::Literal
              assume "let state' = notifyWatches_loop literal (clause # Wl') newWl state in
                l  set (getQ state') - set (getQ state)"
              have "clause. clause el (getF state)  literal el clause  isUnitClause clause l (elements (getM state))"
              proof (cases "l  ?w1")
                case True
                hence "let state' = notifyWatches_loop literal (clause # Wl') newWl state in 
                   l  set (getQ state') - set (getQ ?state'')"
                  using let state' = notifyWatches_loop literal (clause # Wl') newWl state in
                    l  set (getQ state') - set (getQ state)
                  unfolding setReason_def
                  unfolding swapWatches_def
                  by (simp add:Let_def)
                with let state' = notifyWatches_loop literal (clause # Wl') newWl state in
                  ?Cond1 state' ?state''  ?Cond2 Wl' state' ?state''
                show ?thesis
                  unfolding setReason_def
                  unfolding swapWatches_def
                  by (simp add:Let_def del: notifyWatches_loop.simps)
                case False
                thus ?thesis
                  using (nth (getF state) clause) el (getF state) isUnitClause (nth (getF state) clause) ?w1 (elements (getM state))
                        ?w2 = literal
                        ?w2 el (nth (getF state) clause)
                  by (auto simp add:Let_def)
            hence "let state' = notifyWatches_loop literal (clause # Wl') newWl state in
                ?Cond1 state' state"
              by simp
              fix c
              assume "c  set (clause # Wl')"
              have "let state' = notifyWatches_loop literal (clause # Wl') newWl state in 
                 l. isUnitClause (nth (getF state) c) l (elements (getM state))  l  set (getQ state')"
              proof (cases "c = clause")
                case True
                  fix l::Literal
                  assume "isUnitClause (nth (getF state) c) l (elements (getM state))"
                  with isUnitClause (nth (getF state) clause) ?w1 (elements (getM state)) c = clause
                  have "l = ?w1"
                    unfolding isUnitClause_def
                    by auto
                  have "isPrefix (getQ ?state'') (getQ (notifyWatches_loop literal Wl' (clause # newWl) ?state''))"
                    using InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')
                    using notifyWatchesLoopPreservedVariables[of "?state''" "Wl'" "literal" "clause # newWl"]
                    using Cons(5)
                    unfolding swapWatches_def
                    unfolding setReason_def
                    by (simp add: Let_def)
                  hence "set (getQ ?state'')  set (getQ (notifyWatches_loop literal Wl' (clause # newWl) ?state''))"
                    using prefixIsSubset[of "getQ ?state''" "getQ (notifyWatches_loop literal Wl' (clause # newWl) ?state'')"]
                    by auto
                  hence "l  set (getQ (notifyWatches_loop literal Wl' (clause # newWl) ?state''))"
                    using l = ?w1
                    unfolding swapWatches_def
                    unfolding setReason_def
                  by auto
              thus ?thesis
                using notifyWatches_loop literal Wl' (clause # newWl) ?state'' = notifyWatches_loop literal (clause # Wl') newWl state
                by (simp add:Let_def)
                case False
                hence "c  set Wl'"
                  using c  set (clause # Wl')
                  by simp
                  fix l::Literal
                  assume "isUnitClause (nth (getF state) c) l (elements (getM state))"
                  hence "isUnitClause (nth (getF ?state'') c) l (elements (getM ?state''))"
                    unfolding setReason_def
                    unfolding swapWatches_def
                    by simp
                  with let state' = notifyWatches_loop literal (clause # Wl') newWl state in
                    ?Cond1 state' ?state''  ?Cond2 Wl' state' ?state''
                    c  set Wl'
                  have "let state' = notifyWatches_loop literal (clause # Wl') newWl state in l  set (getQ state')"
                    by (simp add:Let_def)
                thus ?thesis
                  by (simp add:Let_def)
            hence "?Cond2 (clause # Wl') (notifyWatches_loop literal (clause # Wl') newWl state) state"
              by (simp add: Let_def)
            show ?thesis
              by (simp add:Let_def)

lemma InvariantUniqQAfterNotifyWatchesLoop:
fixes literal :: Literal and Wl :: "nat list" and newWl :: "nat list" and state :: State 
  "InvariantWatchesEl (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)" and 
  " (c::nat). c  set Wl  0  c  c < length (getF state)" and
  "InvariantUniqQ (getQ state)"
  "let state' = notifyWatches_loop literal Wl newWl state in
       InvariantUniqQ (getQ state')
using assms
proof (induct Wl arbitrary: newWl state)
  case Nil
  thus ?case
    by simp
  case (Cons clause Wl')
  from  (c::nat). c  set (clause # Wl')  0  c  c < length (getF state)
  have "0  clause  clause < length (getF state)"
    by auto
  then obtain wa::Literal and wb::Literal
    where "getWatch1 state clause = Some wa" and "getWatch2 state clause = Some wb"
    using Cons
    unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
    by auto
  show ?case
  proof (cases "Some literal = getWatch1 state clause")
    case True
    let ?state' = "swapWatches clause state"
    let ?w1 = wb
    have "getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1"
      using getWatch2 state clause = Some wb
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto
    let ?w2 = wa
    have "getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2"
      using getWatch1 state clause = Some wa
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto    
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))")
      case True
      from Cons(2)
      have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state')"
        unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
        unfolding swapWatches_def
        by auto
      have "getM ?state' = getM state  
        getF ?state' = getF state  
        getQ ?state' = getQ state
        unfolding swapWatches_def
        by simp
      show ?thesis
        using Cons(1)[of "?state'" "clause # newWl"]
        using Cons(3) Cons(4)
        using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
        using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
        using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
        using literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
        by (simp add:Let_def)
      case False
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteral (nth (getF ?state') clause) ?w1 ?w2 (getM ?state')")
        case (Some l')
        hence "l' el (nth (getF ?state') clause)"
          using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteralSomeCharacterization
          by simp

        let ?state'' = "setWatch2 clause l' ?state'"

        from Cons(2)
        have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
          using l' el (nth (getF ?state') clause)
          unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by auto
        have "getM ?state'' = getM state 
          getF ?state'' = getF state  
          getQ ?state'' = getQ state"
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by simp
        show ?thesis
          using Cons(1)[of "?state''" "newWl"]
          using Cons(3) Cons(4)
          using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
          using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
          using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
          using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
          using Some
          by (simp add: Let_def)
        case None
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases "literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))")
          case True
          let ?state'' = "?state'getConflictFlag := True, getConflictClause := clause"
          from Cons(2)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by auto
          have "getM ?state'' = getM state 
          getF ?state'' = getF state  
            getQ ?state'' = getQ state"
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by simp
          show ?thesis
            using Cons(1)[of "?state''" "clause # newWl"]
            using Cons(3) Cons(4)
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using None
            using literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            by (simp add: Let_def)
          case False
          let ?state'' = "setReason ?w1 clause (?state'getQ := (if ?w1 el (getQ ?state') then (getQ ?state') else (getQ ?state') @ [?w1]))"
          from Cons(2)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          have "getM ?state'' = getM state"
            "getF ?state'' = getF state"
            "getQ ?state'' = (if ?w1 el (getQ state) then (getQ state) else (getQ state) @ [?w1])"
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          have "uniq (getQ ?state'')"
            using Cons(4)
            using getQ ?state'' = (if ?w1 el (getQ state) then (getQ state) else (getQ state) @ [?w1])
            unfolding InvariantUniqQ_def
            by (simp add: uniqAppendIff)
          show ?thesis
            using Cons(1)[of "?state''" "clause # newWl"]
            using Cons(3)
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using None
            using ¬ literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            unfolding isPrefix_def
            unfolding InvariantUniqQ_def
            by (simp add: Let_def split: if_split_asm)
    case False
    let ?state' = state
    let ?w1 = wa
    have "getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1"
      using getWatch1 state clause = Some wa
      by auto
    let ?w2 = wb
    have "getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2"
      using getWatch2 state clause = Some wb
      by auto    
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))")
      case True
      thus ?thesis
        using Cons
        using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
        using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
        using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
        using literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
        by (simp add:Let_def)
      case False
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteral (nth (getF ?state') clause) ?w1 ?w2 (getM ?state')")
        case (Some l')
        hence "l' el (nth (getF ?state')) clause"
          using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteralSomeCharacterization
          by simp

        let ?state'' = "setWatch2 clause l' ?state'"

        from Cons(2)
        have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
          using l' el (nth (getF ?state')) clause
          unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by auto
        have "getM ?state'' = getM state 
          getF ?state'' = getF state  
          getQ ?state'' = getQ state"
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by simp
        show ?thesis
          using Cons(1)[of "?state''"]
          using Cons(3) Cons(4)
          using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
          using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
          using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
          using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
          using Some
          by (simp add: Let_def)
        case None
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases "literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))")
          case True
          let ?state'' = "?state'getConflictFlag := True, getConflictClause := clause"
          from Cons(2)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            by auto
          have "getM ?state'' = getM state 
            getF ?state'' = getF state  
            getQ ?state'' = getQ state"
            by simp
          show ?thesis
            using Cons(1)[of "?state''"]
            using Cons(3) Cons(4)
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using None
            using literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            by (simp add: Let_def)
          case False
          let ?state'' = "setReason ?w1 clause (?state'getQ := (if ?w1 el (getQ ?state') then (getQ ?state') else (getQ ?state') @ [?w1]))"
          from Cons(2)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          have "getM ?state'' = getM state"
            "getF ?state'' = getF state"
            "getQ ?state'' = (if ?w1 el (getQ state) then (getQ state) else (getQ state) @ [?w1])"
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          have "uniq (getQ ?state'')"
            using Cons(4)
            using getQ ?state'' = (if ?w1 el (getQ state) then (getQ state) else (getQ state) @ [?w1])
            unfolding InvariantUniqQ_def
            by (simp add: uniqAppendIff)
          show ?thesis
            using Cons(1)[of "?state''"]
            using Cons(3)
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using None
            using ¬ literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            unfolding isPrefix_def
            unfolding InvariantUniqQ_def
            by (simp add: Let_def split: if_split_asm)

lemma InvariantConflictClauseCharacterizationAfterNotifyWatches:
  "(getM state) = M @ [(opposite literal, decision)]" and
  "InvariantWatchesEl (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)" and 
  " (c::nat). c  set Wl  0  c  c < length (getF state)" and
  " (c::nat). c  set Wl  Some literal = (getWatch1 state c)   Some literal = (getWatch2 state c)" and
  "InvariantConflictClauseCharacterization (getConflictFlag state) (getConflictClause state) (getF state) (getM state)"
  "uniq Wl"
  "let state' = (notifyWatches_loop literal Wl newWl state) in
   InvariantConflictClauseCharacterization (getConflictFlag state') (getConflictClause state') (getF state') (getM state')"
using assms
proof (induct Wl arbitrary: newWl state)
  case Nil
  thus ?case
    by simp
  case (Cons clause Wl')

  from uniq (clause # Wl')
  have "clause  set Wl'" "uniq Wl'"
    by (auto simp add:uniqAppendIff)

  from  (c::nat). c  set (clause # Wl')  0  c  c < length (getF state)
  have "0  clause  clause < length (getF state)"
    by auto
  then obtain wa::Literal and wb::Literal
    where "getWatch1 state clause = Some wa" and "getWatch2 state clause = Some wb"
    using Cons
    unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
    by auto
  show ?case
  proof (cases "Some literal = getWatch1 state clause")
    case True
    let ?state' = "swapWatches clause state"
    let ?w1 = wb
    have "getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1"
      using getWatch2 state clause = Some wb
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto
    let ?w2 = wa
    have "getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2"
      using getWatch1 state clause = Some wa
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto

    with True have
      "?w2 = literal"
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by simp
    hence "literalFalse ?w2 (elements (getM state))"
      using Cons(2)
      by simp

    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))")
      case True
      from Cons(3)
      have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state')"
        unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
        unfolding swapWatches_def
        by auto
      have "c. c  set Wl'  Some literal = getWatch1 ?state' c  Some literal = getWatch2 ?state' c"
        using Cons(5)
        unfolding swapWatches_def
        by auto
      have "getM ?state' = getM state  
        getF ?state' = getF state  
        getConflictFlag ?state' = getConflictFlag state  
        getConflictClause ?state' = getConflictClause state
        unfolding swapWatches_def
        by simp
      show ?thesis
        using Cons(1)[of "?state'" "clause # newWl"]
        using Cons(2) Cons(4) Cons(6) Cons(7)
        using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
        using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
        using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
        using literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
        using uniq Wl'
        by (simp add:Let_def)
      case False
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteral (nth (getF ?state') clause) ?w1 ?w2 (getM ?state')")
        case (Some l')
        hence "l' el (nth (getF ?state') clause)"
          using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteralSomeCharacterization
          by simp

        let ?state'' = "setWatch2 clause l' ?state'"

        from Cons(3)
        have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
          using l' el (nth (getF ?state') clause)
          unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by auto
        have "  (c::nat). c  set Wl'  Some literal = (getWatch1 ?state'' c)   Some literal = (getWatch2 ?state'' c)"
          using Cons(5)
          using clause  set Wl'
          using swapWatchesEffect[of "clause" "state"]
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by simp
        have "getM ?state'' = getM state 
          getF ?state'' = getF state  
          getConflictFlag ?state'' = getConflictFlag state  
          getConflictClause ?state'' = getConflictClause state"
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by simp
        show ?thesis
          using Cons(1)[of "?state''" "newWl"]
          using Cons(2) Cons(4) Cons(6) Cons(7)
          using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
          using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
          using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
          using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
          using Some
          using uniq Wl'
          by (simp add: Let_def)
        case None
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases "literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))")
          case True
          let ?state'' = "?state'getConflictFlag := True, getConflictClause := clause"
          from Cons(3)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by auto
          have "getM ?state'' = getM state 
            getF ?state'' = getF state  
            getConflictFlag ?state''  
            getConflictClause ?state'' = clause"
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by simp
          have "  (c::nat). c  set Wl'  Some literal = (getWatch1 ?state'' c)   Some literal = (getWatch2 ?state'' c)"
            using Cons(5)
            using clause  set Wl'
            using swapWatchesEffect[of "clause" "state"]
            by simp
          have " l. l el (nth (getF ?state'') clause)  l  ?w1  l  ?w2  literalFalse l (elements (getM ?state''))"
            using None
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteralNoneCharacterization[of "nth (getF ?state') clause" "?w1" "?w2" "getM ?state'"]
            unfolding setReason_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by auto

          hence "clauseFalse (nth (getF state) clause) (elements (getM state))"
            using literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using literalFalse ?w2 (elements (getM state))
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by (auto simp add: clauseFalseIffAllLiteralsAreFalse)
          have "(nth (getF state) clause) el (getF state)"
            using 0  clause  clause < length (getF state)
            using nth_mem[of "clause" "getF state"]
            by simp
          show ?thesis
            using Cons(1)[of "?state''" "clause # newWl"]
            using Cons(2) Cons(4) Cons(6) Cons(7)
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using None
            using literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using uniq Wl'
            using 0  clause  clause < length (getF state)
            unfolding InvariantConflictClauseCharacterization_def
            by (simp add: Let_def)
          case False
          let ?state'' = "setReason ?w1 clause (?state'getQ := (if ?w1 el (getQ ?state') then (getQ ?state') else (getQ ?state') @ [?w1]))"
          from Cons(3)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          have "getM ?state'' = getM state"
            "getF ?state'' = getF state"
            "getConflictFlag ?state'' = getConflictFlag state"
            "getConflictClause ?state'' = getConflictClause state"
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          have "  (c::nat). c  set Wl'  Some literal = (getWatch1 ?state'' c)   Some literal = (getWatch2 ?state'' c)"
            using Cons(5)
            using clause  set Wl'
            using swapWatchesEffect[of "clause" "state"]
            unfolding setReason_def
            by simp
          show ?thesis
            using Cons(1)[of "?state''" "clause # newWl"]
            using Cons(2) Cons(4) Cons(6) Cons(7)
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using None
            using ¬ literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using uniq Wl'
            by (simp add: Let_def)
    case False
    let ?state' = state
    let ?w1 = wa
    have "getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1"
      using getWatch1 state clause = Some wa
      by auto
    let ?w2 = wb
    have "getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2"
      using getWatch2 state clause = Some wb
      by auto

    from ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
       (c::nat). c  set (clause # Wl')  Some literal = (getWatch1 state c)   Some literal = (getWatch2 state c)
    have "Some literal = getWatch2 state clause"
      by auto
    hence "?w2 = literal"
      using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
      by simp
    hence "literalFalse ?w2 (elements (getM state))"
      using Cons(2)
      by simp

    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))")
      case True
      thus ?thesis
        using Cons(1)[of "?state'" "clause # newWl"]
        using Cons(2) Cons(3) Cons(4) Cons(5) Cons(6) Cons(7)
        using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
        using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
        using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
        using literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
        using uniq Wl'
        by (simp add:Let_def)
      case False
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteral (nth (getF ?state') clause) ?w1 ?w2 (getM ?state')")
        case (Some l')
        hence "l' el (nth (getF ?state')) clause"
          using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteralSomeCharacterization
          by simp

        let ?state'' = "setWatch2 clause l' ?state'"

        from Cons(3)
        have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
          using l' el (nth (getF ?state')) clause
          unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by auto
        have "getM ?state'' = getM state 
          getF ?state'' = getF state  
          getQ ?state'' = getQ state  
          getConflictFlag ?state'' = getConflictFlag state  
          getConflictClause ?state'' = getConflictClause state"
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by simp
        have "  (c::nat). c  set Wl'  Some literal = (getWatch1 ?state'' c)   Some literal = (getWatch2 ?state'' c)"
          using Cons(5)
          using clause  set Wl'
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by simp
        show ?thesis
          using Cons(1)[of "?state''" "newWl"]
          using Cons(2) Cons(4) Cons(6) Cons(7)
          using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
          using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
          using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
          using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
          using Some
          using uniq Wl'
          by (simp add: Let_def)
        case None
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases "literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))")
          case True
          let ?state'' = "?state'getConflictFlag := True, getConflictClause := clause"
          from Cons(3)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            by auto
          have "getM ?state'' = getM state 
            getF ?state'' = getF state  
            getQ ?state'' = getQ state  
            getConflictFlag ?state''  
            getConflictClause ?state'' = clause"
            by simp
          have "  (c::nat). c  set Wl'  Some literal = (getWatch1 ?state'' c)   Some literal = (getWatch2 ?state'' c)"
            using Cons(5)
            using clause  set Wl'
            by simp
          have " l. l el (nth (getF ?state'') clause)  l  ?w1  l  ?w2  literalFalse l (elements (getM ?state''))"
            using None
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteralNoneCharacterization[of "nth (getF ?state') clause" "?w1" "?w2" "getM ?state'"]
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          hence "clauseFalse (nth (getF state) clause) (elements (getM state))"
            using literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using literalFalse ?w2 (elements (getM state))
            by (auto simp add: clauseFalseIffAllLiteralsAreFalse)
          have "(nth (getF state) clause) el (getF state)"
            using 0  clause  clause < length (getF state)
            using nth_mem[of "clause" "getF state"]
            by simp
          show ?thesis
            using Cons(1)[of "?state''"]
            using Cons(2) Cons(4) Cons(6) Cons(7)
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using None
            using literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using uniq Wl'
            using 0  clause  clause < length (getF state)
            unfolding InvariantConflictClauseCharacterization_def
            by (simp add: Let_def)
          case False
          let ?state'' = "setReason ?w1 clause (?state'getQ := (if ?w1 el (getQ ?state') then (getQ ?state') else (getQ ?state') @ [?w1]))"
          from Cons(3)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          have "getM ?state'' = getM state"
            "getF ?state'' = getF state"
            "getConflictFlag ?state'' = getConflictFlag state"
            "getConflictClause ?state'' = getConflictClause state"
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          have "  (c::nat). c  set Wl'  Some literal = (getWatch1 ?state'' c)   Some literal = (getWatch2 ?state'' c)"
            using Cons(5)
            using clause  set Wl'
            unfolding setReason_def
            by simp
          show ?thesis
            using Cons(1)[of "?state''"]
            using Cons(2) Cons(4) Cons(6) Cons(7)
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using None
            using ¬ literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using uniq Wl'
            by (simp add: Let_def)

lemma InvariantGetReasonIsReasonQSubset:
  assumes "Q  Q'" and
  "InvariantGetReasonIsReason GetReason F M Q'"
  "InvariantGetReasonIsReason GetReason F M Q"
using assms
unfolding InvariantGetReasonIsReason_def
by auto

lemma InvariantGetReasonIsReasonAfterNotifyWatches:
  "InvariantWatchesEl (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)" and 
  " (c::nat). c  set Wl  0  c  c < length (getF state)" and
  " (c::nat). c  set Wl  Some literal = (getWatch1 state c)   Some literal = (getWatch2 state c)" and
  "uniq Wl"
  "getM state = M @ [(opposite literal, decision)]"
  "InvariantGetReasonIsReason (getReason state) (getF state) (getM state) Q"
  "let state' = notifyWatches_loop literal Wl newWl state in
   let Q' = Q  (set (getQ state') - set (getQ state)) in
     InvariantGetReasonIsReason (getReason state') (getF state') (getM state') Q'"
using assms
proof (induct Wl arbitrary: newWl state Q)
  case Nil
  thus ?case
    by simp
  case (Cons clause Wl')

  from uniq (clause # Wl')
  have "clause  set Wl'" "uniq Wl'"
    by (auto simp add:uniqAppendIff)

  from  (c::nat). c  set (clause # Wl')  0  c  c < length (getF state)
  have "0  clause  clause < length (getF state)"
    by auto
  then obtain wa::Literal and wb::Literal
    where "getWatch1 state clause = Some wa" and "getWatch2 state clause = Some wb"
    using Cons
    unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
    by auto
  show ?case
  proof (cases "Some literal = getWatch1 state clause")
    case True
    let ?state' = "swapWatches clause state"
    let ?w1 = wb
    have "getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1"
      using getWatch2 state clause = Some wb
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto
    let ?w2 = wa
    have "getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2"
      using getWatch1 state clause = Some wa
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto
    with True have
      "?w2 = literal"
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by simp
    hence "literalFalse ?w2 (elements (getM state))"
      using Cons(6)
      by simp

    from InvariantWatchesEl (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)
    have "?w1 el (nth (getF state) clause)" "?w2 el (nth (getF state) clause)"
      using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
      using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
      using 0  clause  clause < length (getF state)
      unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto

    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))")
      case True
      from Cons(2)
      have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state') (getWatch1 ?state') (getWatch2 ?state')"
        unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
        unfolding swapWatches_def
        by auto 
      have "c. c  set Wl'  Some literal = getWatch1 ?state' c  Some literal = getWatch2 ?state' c"
        using Cons(4)
        unfolding swapWatches_def
        by auto
      have "getM ?state' = getM state  
        getF ?state' = getF state  
        getQ ?state' = getQ state  
        getReason ?state' = getReason state
        unfolding swapWatches_def
        by simp
      show ?thesis
        using Cons(1)[of "?state'" "Q" "clause # newWl"]
        using Cons(3) Cons(6) Cons(7)
        using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
        using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
        using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
        using literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
        using uniq Wl'
        by (simp add:Let_def)
      case False
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteral (nth (getF ?state') clause) ?w1 ?w2 (getM ?state')")
        case (Some l')
        hence "l' el (nth (getF ?state') clause)"
          using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteralSomeCharacterization
          by simp

        let ?state'' = "setWatch2 clause l' ?state'"

        from Cons(2)
        have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
          using l' el (nth (getF ?state') clause)
          unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by auto
        have "  (c::nat). c  set Wl'  Some literal = (getWatch1 ?state'' c)   Some literal = (getWatch2 ?state'' c)"
          using Cons(4)
          using clause  set Wl'
          using swapWatchesEffect[of "clause" "state"]
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by simp
        have "getM ?state'' = getM state 
          getF ?state'' = getF state  
          getQ ?state'' = getQ state  
          getReason ?state'' = getReason state"
          unfolding swapWatches_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by simp
        show ?thesis
          using Cons(1)[of "?state''" "Q" "newWl"]
          using Cons(3) Cons(6) Cons(7)
          using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
          using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
          using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
          using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
          using Some
          using uniq Wl'
          by (simp add: Let_def)
        case None
        hence " l. l el (nth (getF ?state') clause)  l  ?w1  l  ?w2  literalFalse l (elements (getM ?state'))"
          using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteralNoneCharacterization
          by simp
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases "literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))")
          case True
          let ?state'' = "?state'getConflictFlag := True, getConflictClause := clause"
          from Cons(2)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by auto
          have "c. c  set Wl'  Some literal = getWatch1 ?state'' c  Some literal = getWatch2 ?state'' c"
            using Cons(4)
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by auto
          have "getM ?state'' = getM state 
            getF ?state'' = getF state  
            getQ ?state'' = getQ state  
            getReason ?state'' = getReason state"
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by simp
          show ?thesis
            using Cons(1)[of "?state''" "Q""clause # newWl"]
            using Cons(3) Cons(6) Cons(7)
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using None
            using literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using uniq Wl'
            by (simp add: Let_def)
          case False
          let ?state'' = "setReason ?w1 clause (?state'getQ := (if ?w1 el (getQ ?state') then (getQ ?state') else (getQ ?state') @ [?w1]))"
          let ?state0 = "notifyWatches_loop literal Wl' (clause # newWl) ?state''"

          from Cons(2)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          have "getM ?state'' = getM state"
            "getF ?state'' = getF state"
            "getQ ?state'' = (if ?w1 el (getQ state) then (getQ state) else (getQ state) @ [?w1])"
            "getReason ?state'' = (getReason state)(?w1 := Some clause)"
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          hence "  (c::nat). c  set Wl'  Some literal = (getWatch1 ?state'' c)   Some literal = (getWatch2 ?state'' c)"
            using Cons(4)
            using clause  set Wl'
            using swapWatchesEffect[of "clause" "state"]
            unfolding setReason_def
            by simp
          have "isUnitClause (nth (getF state) clause) ?w1 (elements (getM state))"
            using  l. l el (nth (getF ?state') clause)  l  ?w1  l  ?w2  literalFalse l (elements (getM ?state'))
            using ?w1 el (nth (getF state) clause)
            using ?w2 el (nth (getF state) clause)
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using ¬ literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using literalFalse ?w2 (elements (getM state))
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            unfolding isUnitClause_def
            by auto
          hence "InvariantGetReasonIsReason (getReason ?state'') (getF ?state'') (getM ?state'') (Q  {?w1})"
            using Cons(7)
            using getM ?state'' = getM state
            using getF ?state'' = getF state
            using getQ ?state'' = (if ?w1 el (getQ state) then (getQ state) else (getQ state) @ [?w1])
            using getReason ?state'' = (getReason state)(?w1 := Some clause)
            using 0  clause  clause < length (getF state)
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using isUnitClause (nth (getF state) clause) ?w1 (elements (getM state))
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            unfolding InvariantGetReasonIsReason_def
            by auto
          have "(λa. if a = ?w1 then Some clause else getReason state a) = getReason ?state''"
            unfolding setReason_def
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by (auto simp add: fun_upd_def)
          have "InvariantGetReasonIsReason (getReason ?state0) (getF ?state0) (getM ?state0) 
                  (Q  (set (getQ ?state0) - set (getQ ?state''))  {?w1})"
            using Cons(1)[of "?state''" "Q  {?w1}" "clause # newWl"]
            using Cons(3) Cons(6) Cons(7)
            using uniq Wl'
            by (simp add: Let_def split: if_split_asm)
          have "(Q  (set (getQ ?state0) - set (getQ state)))  (Q  (set (getQ ?state0) - set (getQ ?state''))  {?w1})"
            using getQ ?state'' = (if ?w1 el (getQ state) then (getQ state) else (getQ state) @ [?w1])
            unfolding swapWatches_def
            by auto
          have "InvariantGetReasonIsReason (getReason ?state0) (getF ?state0) (getM ?state0) 
                  (Q  (set (getQ ?state0) - set (getQ state)))"
            using InvariantGetReasonIsReasonQSubset[of "Q  (set (getQ ?state0) - set (getQ state))" 
              "Q  (set (getQ ?state0) - set (getQ ?state''))  {?w1}" "getReason ?state0" "getF ?state0" "getM ?state0"]
            by simp
          have "notifyWatches_loop literal (clause # Wl') newWl state = ?state0"
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using None
            using ¬ literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using uniq Wl'
            by (simp add: Let_def)
          show ?thesis
            by simp
    case False
    let ?state' = state
    let ?w1 = wa
    have "getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1"
      using getWatch1 state clause = Some wa
      by auto
    let ?w2 = wb
    have "getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2"
      using getWatch2 state clause = Some wb
      by auto

    have "?w2 = literal"
      using 0  clause  clause < length (getF state)
      using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
      using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
      using Cons(4)
      using False
      by simp

    hence "literalFalse ?w2 (elements (getM state))"
      using Cons(6)
      by simp

    from InvariantWatchesEl (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)
    have "?w1 el (nth (getF state) clause)" "?w2 el (nth (getF state) clause)"
      using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
      using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
      using 0  clause  clause < length (getF state)
      unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
      unfolding swapWatches_def
      by auto

    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))")
      case True
      thus ?thesis
        using Cons(1)[of "state" "Q" "clause # newWl"]
        using Cons(2) Cons(3) Cons(4) Cons(5) Cons(6) Cons(7)
        using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
        using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
        using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
        using literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
        using uniq Wl'
        by (simp add:Let_def)
      case False
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteral (nth (getF ?state') clause) ?w1 ?w2 (getM ?state')")
        case (Some l')
        hence "l' el (nth (getF ?state')) clause"
          using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteralSomeCharacterization
          by simp

        let ?state'' = "setWatch2 clause l' ?state'"

        from Cons(2)
        have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
          using l' el (nth (getF ?state')) clause
          unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by auto
        have "c. c  set Wl'  Some literal = getWatch1 ?state'' c  Some literal = getWatch2 ?state'' c"
          using Cons(4)
          using clause  set Wl'
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by simp
        have "getM ?state'' = getM state 
          getF ?state'' = getF state  
          getQ ?state'' = getQ state  
          getReason ?state'' = getReason state"
          unfolding setWatch2_def
          by simp
        show ?thesis
          using Cons(1)[of "?state''"]
          using Cons(3) Cons(6) Cons(7)
          using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
          using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
          using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
          using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
          using uniq Wl'
          using Some
          by (simp add: Let_def)
        case None
        hence " l. l el (nth (getF ?state') clause)  l  ?w1  l  ?w2  literalFalse l (elements (getM ?state'))"
          using getNonWatchedUnfalsifiedLiteralNoneCharacterization
          by simp

        show ?thesis
        proof (cases "literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))")
          case True
          let ?state'' = "?state'getConflictFlag := True, getConflictClause := clause"
          from Cons(2)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            by auto
          have "c. c  set Wl'  Some literal = getWatch1 ?state'' c  Some literal = getWatch2 ?state'' c"
            using Cons(4)
            using clause  set Wl'
            unfolding setWatch2_def
            by simp
          have "getM ?state'' = getM state 
            getF ?state'' = getF state  
            getQ ?state'' = getQ state  
            getReason ?state'' = getReason state"
            by simp
          show ?thesis
            using Cons(1)[of "?state''"]
            using Cons(3) Cons(6) Cons(7)
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using None
            using literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using uniq Wl'
            by (simp add: Let_def)
          case False
          let ?state'' = "setReason ?w1 clause (?state'getQ := (if ?w1 el (getQ ?state') then (getQ ?state') else (getQ ?state') @ [?w1]))"
          let ?state0 = "notifyWatches_loop literal Wl' (clause # newWl) ?state''"

          from Cons(2)
          have "InvariantWatchesEl (getF ?state'') (getWatch1 ?state'') (getWatch2 ?state'')"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          have "getM ?state'' = getM state"
            "getF ?state'' = getF state"
            "getQ ?state'' = (if ?w1 el (getQ state) then (getQ state) else (getQ state) @ [?w1])"
            "getReason ?state'' = (getReason state)(?w1 := Some clause)"
            unfolding setReason_def
            by auto
          hence "  (c::nat). c  set Wl'  Some literal = (getWatch1 ?state'' c)   Some literal = (getWatch2 ?state'' c)"
            using Cons(4)
            using clause  set Wl'
            unfolding setReason_def
            by simp
          have "isUnitClause (nth (getF state) clause) ?w1 (elements (getM state))"
            using  l. l el (nth (getF ?state') clause)  l  ?w1  l  ?w2  literalFalse l (elements (getM ?state'))
            using ?w1 el (nth (getF state) clause)
            using ?w2 el (nth (getF state) clause)
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using ¬ literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using literalFalse ?w2 (elements (getM state))
            unfolding isUnitClause_def
            by auto
          hence "InvariantGetReasonIsReason (getReason ?state'') (getF ?state'') (getM ?state'') (Q  {?w1})"
            using Cons(7)
            using getM ?state'' = getM state
            using getF ?state'' = getF state
            using getQ ?state'' = (if ?w1 el (getQ state) then (getQ state) else (getQ state) @ [?w1])
            using getReason ?state'' = (getReason state)(?w1 := Some clause)
            using 0  clause  clause < length (getF state)
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using isUnitClause (nth (getF state) clause) ?w1 (elements (getM state))
            unfolding InvariantGetReasonIsReason_def
            by auto
          have "(λa. if a = ?w1 then Some clause else getReason state a) = getReason ?state''"
            unfolding setReason_def
            by (auto simp add: fun_upd_def)
          have "InvariantGetReasonIsReason (getReason ?state0) (getF ?state0) (getM ?state0) 
                  (Q  (set (getQ ?state0) - set (getQ ?state''))  {?w1})"
            using Cons(1)[of "?state''" "Q  {?w1}" "clause # newWl"]
            using Cons(3) Cons(6) Cons(7)
            using uniq Wl'
            by (simp add: Let_def split: if_split_asm)
          have "(Q  (set (getQ ?state0) - set (getQ state)))  (Q  (set (getQ ?state0) - set (getQ ?state''))  {?w1})"
            using getQ ?state'' = (if ?w1 el (getQ state) then (getQ state) else (getQ state) @ [?w1])
            by auto
          have "InvariantGetReasonIsReason (getReason ?state0) (getF ?state0) (getM ?state0) 
                  (Q  (set (getQ ?state0) - set (getQ state)))"
            using InvariantGetReasonIsReasonQSubset[of "Q  (set (getQ ?state0) - set (getQ state))" 
              "Q  (set (getQ ?state0) - set (getQ ?state''))  {?w1}" "getReason ?state0" "getF ?state0" "getM ?state0"]
            by simp
          have "notifyWatches_loop literal (clause # Wl') newWl state = ?state0"
            using getWatch1 ?state' clause = Some ?w1
            using getWatch2 ?state' clause = Some ?w2
            using ¬ Some literal = getWatch1 state clause
            using ¬ literalTrue ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using None
            using ¬ literalFalse ?w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            using uniq Wl'
            by (simp add: Let_def)
          show ?thesis
            by simp

(*  A S S E R T   L I T E R A L                                             *)

lemma assertLiteralEffect:
fixes state::State and l::Literal and d::bool
"InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF (getWatchList state) (getF state)"
"InvariantWatchesEl (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)"
"(getM (assertLiteral l d state)) = (getM state) @ [(l, d)]" and 
"(getF (assertLiteral l d state)) = (getF state)" and
"(getSATFlag (assertLiteral l d state)) = (getSATFlag state)" and
"isPrefix (getQ state) (getQ (assertLiteral l d state))"
using assms
unfolding assertLiteral_def
unfolding notifyWatches_def
unfolding InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF_def
using notifyWatchesLoopPreservedVariables[of "(stategetM := getM state @ [(l, d)])" "getWatchList (stategetM := getM state @ [(l, d)]) (opposite l)"]
by (auto simp add: Let_def)

lemma WatchInvariantsAfterAssertLiteral:
  "InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF (getWatchList state) (getF state)" and
  "InvariantWatchListsUniq (getWatchList state)" and
  "InvariantWatchListsCharacterization (getWatchList state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)" and
  "InvariantWatchesEl (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)" and 
  "InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)"
  "let state' = (assertLiteral literal decision state) in
     InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF (getWatchList state') (getF state')  
     InvariantWatchListsUniq (getWatchList state')  
     InvariantWatchListsCharacterization (getWatchList state') (getWatch1 state') (getWatch2 state')  
     InvariantWatchesEl (getF state') (getWatch1 state') (getWatch2 state')  
     InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF state') (getWatch1 state') (getWatch2 state')
using assms
unfolding assertLiteral_def
unfolding notifyWatches_def
using InvariantWatchesElNotifyWatchesLoop[of "stategetM := getM state @ [(literal, decision)]" "getWatchList state (opposite literal)" "opposite literal" "[]"]
using InvariantWatchesDifferNotifyWatchesLoop[of "stategetM := getM state @ [(literal, decision)]" "getWatchList state (opposite literal)" "opposite literal" "[]"]
using InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromFNotifyWatchesLoop[of "stategetM := getM state @ [(literal, decision)]" "getWatchList state (opposite literal)" "[]" "opposite literal"]
using InvariantWatchListsCharacterizationNotifyWatchesLoop[of "stategetM := getM state @ [(literal, decision)]" "(getWatchList (stategetM := getM state @ [(literal, decision)]) (opposite literal))" "opposite literal" "[]"]
unfolding InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF_def
unfolding InvariantWatchListsCharacterization_def
unfolding InvariantWatchListsUniq_def
by (auto simp add: Let_def)

lemma InvariantWatchCharacterizationAfterAssertLiteral:
  "InvariantConsistent ((getM state) @ [(literal, decision)])" and
  "InvariantUniq ((getM state) @ [(literal, decision)])" and
  "InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF (getWatchList state) (getF state)" and
  "InvariantWatchListsUniq (getWatchList state)" and
  "InvariantWatchListsCharacterization (getWatchList state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)"
  "InvariantWatchesEl (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)" and 
  "InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)" and 
  "InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state) (getM state)"
  "let state' = (assertLiteral literal decision state) in
      InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF state') (getWatch1 state') (getWatch2 state') (getM state')"
  let ?state = "stategetM := getM state @ [(literal, decision)]"
  let ?state' = "assertLiteral literal decision state"
  have *: "c. c  set (getWatchList ?state (opposite literal)) 
            (w1 w2. Some w1 = getWatch1 ?state' c  Some w2 = getWatch2 ?state' c 
                     watchCharacterizationCondition w1 w2 (getM ?state') (getF ?state' ! c) 
                     watchCharacterizationCondition w2 w1 (getM ?state') (getF ?state' ! c))"
    using assms
    using NotifyWatchesLoopWatchCharacterizationEffect[of "?state" "getM state" "getWatchList ?state (opposite literal)" "opposite literal" "decision" "[]"]
    unfolding InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF_def
    unfolding InvariantWatchListsUniq_def
    unfolding InvariantWatchListsCharacterization_def
    unfolding assertLiteral_def
    unfolding notifyWatches_def
    by (simp add: Let_def)
    fix c
    assume "0  c" and "c < length (getF ?state')"
    fix w1::Literal and w2::Literal
    assume "Some w1 = getWatch1 ?state' c" "Some w2 = getWatch2 ?state' c"
    have "watchCharacterizationCondition w1 w2 (getM ?state') (getF ?state' ! c) 
          watchCharacterizationCondition w2 w1 (getM ?state') (getF ?state' ! c)"
    proof (cases "c  set (getWatchList ?state (opposite literal))")
      case True
      thus ?thesis
        using *
        using Some w1 = getWatch1 ?state' c Some w2 = getWatch2 ?state' c
        by auto
      case False
      hence "Some (opposite literal)  getWatch1 state c" and "Some (opposite literal)  getWatch2 state c"
        using InvariantWatchListsCharacterization (getWatchList state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)
        unfolding InvariantWatchListsCharacterization_def
        by auto
      from assms False
      have "getWatch1 ?state' c = getWatch1 state c" and "getWatch2 ?state' c = getWatch2 state c"
        using notifyWatchesLoopPreservedWatches[of "?state" "getWatchList ?state (opposite literal)" "opposite literal" "[]"]
        using False
        unfolding assertLiteral_def
        unfolding notifyWatches_def
        unfolding InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF_def
        by (auto simp add: Let_def)
      have "w1  opposite literal" "w2  opposite literal"
        using Some w1 = getWatch1 ?state' c and Some w2 = getWatch2 ?state' c
        by auto

      have "watchCharacterizationCondition w1 w2 (getM state) (getF state ! c)" and
           "watchCharacterizationCondition w2 w1 (getM state) (getF state ! c)"
        using InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state) (getM state)
        using Some w1 = getWatch1 ?state' c and Some w2 = getWatch2 ?state' c
        using getWatch1 ?state' c = getWatch1 state c and getWatch2 ?state' c = getWatch2 state c
        unfolding InvariantWatchCharacterization_def
        using c < length (getF ?state')
        using assms
        using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "literal" "decision"]
        by auto

      have "watchCharacterizationCondition w1 w2 (getM ?state') ((getF ?state') ! c)"
          assume "literalFalse w1 (elements (getM ?state'))"
            with w1  opposite literal
            have "literalFalse w1 (elements (getM state))"
            using assms
            using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "literal" "decision"]
            by simp
          with watchCharacterizationCondition w1 w2 (getM state) (getF state ! c)
          have "( l. l el ((getF state) ! c)  literalTrue l (elements (getM state))
             elementLevel l (getM state)  elementLevel (opposite w1) (getM state))  
            (l. l el (getF state ! c)  l  w1  l  w2 
            literalFalse l (elements (getM state))  
            elementLevel (opposite l) (getM state)  elementLevel (opposite w1) (getM state))" (is "?a state  ?b state")
            unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
            using assms
            using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "literal" "decision"]
            using w1  opposite literal
            by simp
          have "?a ?state'  ?b ?state'"
          proof (cases "?b state")
            case True
            show ?thesis
                fix l
                assume "l el (nth (getF ?state') c)" "l  w1" "l  w2"
                have "literalFalse l (elements (getM ?state'))  
                      elementLevel (opposite l) (getM ?state')  elementLevel (opposite w1) (getM ?state')"
                  from True l el (nth (getF ?state') c) l  w1 l  w2
                  have "literalFalse l (elements (getM state))"
                    "elementLevel (opposite l) (getM state)  elementLevel (opposite w1) (getM state)"
                    using assms 
                    using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "literal" "decision"]
                    by auto
                  thus ?thesis
                    using literalFalse w1 (elements (getM state))
                    using elementLevelAppend[of "opposite w1" "getM state" "[(literal, decision)]"]
                    using elementLevelAppend[of "opposite l" "getM state" "[(literal, decision)]"]
                    using assms 
                    using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "literal" "decision"]
                    by auto
              thus ?thesis
                by simp
            case False
            with ?a state  ?b state
            obtain l::Literal
              where "l el (getF state ! c)" "literalTrue l (elements (getM state))" 
              "elementLevel l (getM state)  elementLevel (opposite w1) (getM state)"
              by auto
            from w1  opposite literal
              literalFalse w1 (elements (getM ?state'))
            have "elementLevel (opposite w1) ((getM state) @ [(literal, decision)]) = elementLevel (opposite w1) (getM state)"
              using assms
              using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "literal" "decision"]
              unfolding elementLevel_def
              by (simp add: markedElementsToAppend)
            from literalTrue l (elements (getM state))
            have "elementLevel l ((getM state) @ [(literal, decision)]) = elementLevel l (getM state)"
              unfolding elementLevel_def
              by (simp add: markedElementsToAppend)
            have "elementLevel l ((getM state) @ [(literal, decision)])  elementLevel (opposite w1) ((getM state) @ [(literal, decision)])"
              using elementLevel l (getM state)  elementLevel (opposite w1) (getM state)
              by simp
            thus ?thesis
              using l el (getF state ! c) literalTrue l (elements (getM state))
              using assms
              using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "literal" "decision"]
              by auto
        thus ?thesis
          unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
          by auto
      have "watchCharacterizationCondition w2 w1 (getM ?state') ((getF ?state') ! c)"
          assume "literalFalse w2 (elements (getM ?state'))"
            with w2  opposite literal
            have "literalFalse w2 (elements (getM state))"
            using assms
            using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "literal" "decision"]
            by simp
          with watchCharacterizationCondition w2 w1 (getM state) (getF state ! c)
          have "( l. l el ((getF state) ! c)  literalTrue l (elements (getM state))
             elementLevel l (getM state)  elementLevel (opposite w2) (getM state))  
            (l. l el (getF state ! c)  l  w2  l  w1 
            literalFalse l (elements (getM state))  
            elementLevel (opposite l) (getM state)  elementLevel (opposite w2) (getM state))" (is "?a state  ?b state")
            unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
            using assms
            using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "literal" "decision"]
            using w2  opposite literal
            by simp
          have "?a ?state'  ?b ?state'"
          proof (cases "?b state")
            case True
            show ?thesis
                fix l
                assume "l el (nth (getF ?state') c)" "l  w1" "l  w2"
                have "literalFalse l (elements (getM ?state'))  
                      elementLevel (opposite l) (getM ?state')  elementLevel (opposite w2) (getM ?state')"
                  from True l el (nth (getF ?state') c) l  w1 l  w2
                  have "literalFalse l (elements (getM state))"
                    "elementLevel (opposite l) (getM state)  elementLevel (opposite w2) (getM state)"
                    using assms 
                    using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "literal" "decision"]
                    by auto
                  thus ?thesis
                    using literalFalse w2 (elements (getM state))
                    using elementLevelAppend[of "opposite w2" "getM state" "[(literal, decision)]"]
                    using elementLevelAppend[of "opposite l" "getM state" "[(literal, decision)]"]
                    using assms 
                    using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "literal" "decision"]
                    by auto
              thus ?thesis
                by simp
            case False
            with ?a state  ?b state
            obtain l::Literal
              where "l el (getF state ! c)" "literalTrue l (elements (getM state))" 
              "elementLevel l (getM state)  elementLevel (opposite w2) (getM state)"
              by auto
            from w2  opposite literal
              literalFalse w2 (elements (getM ?state'))
            have "elementLevel (opposite w2) ((getM state) @ [(literal, decision)]) = elementLevel (opposite w2) (getM state)"
              using assms
              using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "literal" "decision"]
              unfolding elementLevel_def
              by (simp add: markedElementsToAppend)
            from literalTrue l (elements (getM state))
            have "elementLevel l ((getM state) @ [(literal, decision)]) = elementLevel l (getM state)"
              unfolding elementLevel_def
              by (simp add: markedElementsToAppend)
            have "elementLevel l ((getM state) @ [(literal, decision)])  elementLevel (opposite w2) ((getM state) @ [(literal, decision)])"
              using elementLevel l (getM state)  elementLevel (opposite w2) (getM state)
              by simp
            thus ?thesis
              using l el (getF state ! c) literalTrue l (elements (getM state))
              using assms
              using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "literal" "decision"]
              by auto
        thus ?thesis
          unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
          by auto
      show ?thesis
        by simp
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding InvariantWatchCharacterization_def
    by (simp add: Let_def)

lemma assertLiteralConflictFlagEffect:
  "InvariantConsistent ((getM state) @ [(literal, decision)])"
  "InvariantUniq ((getM state) @ [(literal, decision)])"
  "InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF (getWatchList state) (getF state)"
  "InvariantWatchListsUniq (getWatchList state)"
  "InvariantWatchListsCharacterization (getWatchList state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)"
  "InvariantWatchesEl (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)"
  "InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state) (getM state)"
"let state' = assertLiteral literal decision state in
    getConflictFlag state' = (getConflictFlag state  
                                 ( clause. clause el (getF state)  
                                            opposite literal el clause  
                                            clauseFalse clause ((elements (getM state)) @ [literal])))"
  let ?state = "stategetM := getM state @ [(literal, decision)]"
  let ?state' = "assertLiteral literal decision state"

  have "getConflictFlag ?state' = (getConflictFlag state  
          ( clause. clause  set (getWatchList ?state (opposite literal))  
                     clauseFalse (nth (getF ?state) clause) (elements (getM ?state))))"
    using NotifyWatchesLoopConflictFlagEffect[of "?state" 
      "getWatchList ?state (opposite literal)"
      "opposite literal" "[]"]
    using InvariantConsistent ((getM state) @ [(literal, decision)])
    using InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF (getWatchList state) (getF state)
    using InvariantWatchListsUniq (getWatchList state)
    using InvariantWatchListsCharacterization (getWatchList state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)
    using InvariantWatchesEl (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)
    unfolding InvariantWatchListsUniq_def
    unfolding InvariantWatchListsCharacterization_def
    unfolding InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF_def
    unfolding assertLiteral_def
    unfolding notifyWatches_def
    by (simp add: Let_def)
  have "( clause. clause  set (getWatchList ?state (opposite literal))  
                     clauseFalse (nth (getF ?state) clause) (elements (getM ?state))) = 
        ( clause. clause el (getF state)  
                     opposite literal el clause  
                     clauseFalse clause ((elements (getM state)) @ [literal]))" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
    assume "?lhs"
    then obtain clause
      where "clause  set (getWatchList ?state (opposite literal))" 
      "clauseFalse (nth (getF ?state) clause) (elements (getM ?state))"
      by auto

    have "getWatch1 ?state clause = Some (opposite literal)  getWatch2 ?state clause = Some (opposite literal)"
      "clause < length (getF ?state)"
      " w1 w2. getWatch1 ?state clause = Some w1  getWatch2 ?state clause = Some w2  
      w1 el (nth (getF ?state) clause)  w2 el (nth (getF ?state) clause)"
      using clause  set (getWatchList ?state (opposite literal))
      using assms
      unfolding InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF_def
      unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
      unfolding InvariantWatchListsCharacterization_def
      by auto
    hence "(nth (getF ?state) clause) el (getF ?state)"
      "opposite literal el (nth (getF ?state) clause)"
      using nth_mem[of "clause" "getF ?state"]
      by auto
    thus "?rhs"
      using clauseFalse (nth (getF ?state) clause) (elements (getM ?state))
      by auto
    assume "?rhs"
    then obtain clause
      where "clause el (getF ?state)" 
      "opposite literal el clause"
      "clauseFalse clause ((elements (getM state)) @ [literal])"
      by auto
    then obtain ci
      where "clause = (nth (getF ?state) ci)" "ci < length (getF ?state)"
      by (auto simp add: in_set_conv_nth)
    from ci < length (getF ?state)
    obtain w1 w2
      where "getWatch1 state ci = Some w1" "getWatch2 state ci = Some w2" 
      "w1 el (nth (getF state) ci)" "w2 el (nth (getF state) ci)"
      using assms
      unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
      by auto
    have " getWatch1 state ci = Some (opposite literal)  getWatch2 state ci = Some (opposite literal)"
        assume "¬ ?thesis"
        with clauseFalse clause ((elements (getM state)) @ [literal])
          clause = (nth (getF ?state) ci)
          getWatch1 state ci = Some w1 getWatch2 state ci = Some w2
          w1 el (nth (getF state) ci) w2 el (nth (getF state) ci)
        have "literalFalse w1 (elements (getM state))" "literalFalse w2 (elements (getM state))"
          by (auto simp add: clauseFalseIffAllLiteralsAreFalse)

        from InvariantConsistent ((getM state) @ [(literal, decision)])
        clauseFalse clause ((elements (getM state)) @ [literal])
        have "¬ ( l. l el clause  literalTrue l (elements (getM state)))"
          unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
          by (auto simp add: inconsistentCharacterization clauseFalseIffAllLiteralsAreFalse)

        from InvariantUniq ((getM state) @ [(literal, decision)])
        have "¬ literalTrue literal (elements (getM state))"
          unfolding InvariantUniq_def
          by (auto simp add: uniqAppendIff)
        from InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state) (getM state)
          literalFalse w1 (elements (getM state)) literalFalse w2 (elements (getM state))
          ¬ ( l. l el clause  literalTrue l (elements (getM state)))
          getWatch1 state ci = Some w1[THEN sym] 
          getWatch2 state ci = Some w2[THEN sym]
          ci < length (getF ?state)
          clause = (nth (getF ?state) ci)
        have " l. l el clause  l  w1  l  w2  literalFalse l (elements (getM state))"
          unfolding InvariantWatchCharacterization_def
          unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
          by auto
        hence "literalTrue literal (elements (getM state))"
          using ¬ (getWatch1 state ci = Some (opposite literal)  getWatch2 state ci = Some (opposite literal))
          using opposite literal el clause
          using getWatch1 state ci = Some w1
          using getWatch2 state ci = Some w2
          by auto
        with ¬ literalTrue literal (elements (getM state))
        have False
          by simp
      thus ?thesis
        by auto
    show "?lhs"
      using assms
      using clauseFalse clause ((elements (getM state)) @ [literal])
      unfolding InvariantWatchListsCharacterization_def
      by force
  show ?thesis
    by auto

lemma InvariantConflictFlagCharacterizationAfterAssertLiteral:
  "InvariantConsistent ((getM state) @ [(literal, decision)])"
  "InvariantWatchesEl (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)" and 
  "InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)" and 
  "InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF (getWatchList state) (getF state)" and
  "InvariantWatchListsUniq (getWatchList state)" and
  "InvariantWatchListsCharacterization (getWatchList state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)"
  "InvariantWatchesEl (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)" and
  "InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state) (getM state)"
  "InvariantConflictFlagCharacterization (getConflictFlag state) (getF state) (getM state)"
  "let state' = (assertLiteral literal decision state) in
      InvariantConflictFlagCharacterization (getConflictFlag state') (getF state') (getM state')"
  let ?state = "stategetM := getM state @ [(literal, decision)]"
  let ?state' = "assertLiteral literal decision state"

  have *:"getConflictFlag ?state' = (getConflictFlag state  
          ( clause. clause  set (getWatchList ?state (opposite literal))  
                     clauseFalse (nth (getF ?state) clause) (elements (getM ?state))))"
    using NotifyWatchesLoopConflictFlagEffect[of "?state" 
      "getWatchList ?state (opposite literal)"
      "opposite literal" "[]"]
    using InvariantWatchesEl (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)
    using InvariantConsistent ((getM state) @ [(literal, decision)])
    using InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF (getWatchList state) (getF state)
    using InvariantWatchListsUniq (getWatchList state)
    using InvariantWatchListsCharacterization (getWatchList state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)
    unfolding InvariantWatchListsUniq_def
    unfolding InvariantWatchListsCharacterization_def
    unfolding InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF_def
    unfolding assertLiteral_def
    unfolding notifyWatches_def
    by (simp add: Let_def)

  hence "getConflictFlag state  getConflictFlag ?state'"
    by simp

  show ?thesis
  proof (cases "getConflictFlag state")
    case True
    thus ?thesis
      using InvariantConflictFlagCharacterization (getConflictFlag state) (getF state) (getM state)
      using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "literal" "decision"]
      using getConflictFlag state  getConflictFlag ?state'
      using assms
      unfolding InvariantConflictFlagCharacterization_def
      by (auto simp add: Let_def formulaFalseAppendValuation)
    case False
    hence "¬ formulaFalse (getF state) (elements (getM state))"
      using InvariantConflictFlagCharacterization (getConflictFlag state) (getF state) (getM state)
      unfolding InvariantConflictFlagCharacterization_def
      by simp

    have **: " clause. clause  set (getWatchList ?state (opposite literal))  
                          0  clause  clause < length (getF ?state)  
                          ¬ clauseFalse (nth (getF ?state) clause) (elements (getM ?state))"
        fix clause
        assume "clause  set (getWatchList ?state (opposite literal))" and
          "0  clause  clause < length (getF ?state)"

        from 0  clause  clause < length (getF ?state)
        obtain w1::Literal and w2::Literal
          where "getWatch1 ?state clause = Some w1" and
                "getWatch2 ?state clause = Some w2" and
                "w1 el (nth (getF ?state) clause)" and
                "w2 el (nth (getF ?state) clause)"
          using InvariantWatchesEl (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)
          unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
          by auto

        have "¬ clauseFalse (nth (getF ?state) clause) (elements (getM ?state))" 
          from clause  set (getWatchList ?state (opposite literal))
          have "w1  opposite literal" and
               "w2  opposite literal"
            using InvariantWatchListsCharacterization (getWatchList state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)
            using getWatch1 ?state clause = Some w1 and getWatch2 ?state clause = Some w2
            unfolding InvariantWatchListsCharacterization_def
            by auto

          from ¬ formulaFalse (getF state) (elements (getM state))
          have "¬ clauseFalse (nth (getF ?state) clause) (elements (getM state))"
            using  0  clause  clause < length (getF ?state)
            by (simp add: formulaFalseIffContainsFalseClause)
          show ?thesis
          proof (cases "literalFalse w1 (elements (getM state))  literalFalse w2 (elements (getM state))")
            case True
            (* Depends on the watch characterization invariant *)
            with InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state) (getM state)
            have $: "( l. l el (nth (getF state) clause)  literalTrue l (elements (getM state)))  
                  ( l. l el (nth (getF state) clause)  
                         l  w1  l  w2  literalFalse l (elements (getM state)))
              using getWatch1 ?state clause = Some w1[THEN sym]
              using getWatch2 ?state clause = Some w2[THEN sym]
              using 0  clause  clause < length (getF ?state)
              unfolding InvariantWatchCharacterization_def
              unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
              by auto

            thus ?thesis
            proof (cases " l. l el (nth (getF state) clause)  
                            l  w1  l  w2  literalFalse l (elements (getM state))")
              case True
              have "¬ literalFalse w1 (elements (getM state))  ¬ literalFalse w2 (elements (getM state))"
                from ¬ clauseFalse (nth (getF ?state) clause) (elements (getM state))
                obtain l::Literal
                  where "l el (nth (getF ?state) clause)" and "¬ literalFalse l (elements (getM state))"
                  by (auto simp add: clauseFalseIffAllLiteralsAreFalse)
                with True
                show ?thesis
                  by auto
              hence "¬ literalFalse w1 (elements (getM ?state))  ¬ literalFalse w2 (elements (getM ?state))"
                using w1  opposite literal and w2  opposite literal
                by auto
              thus ?thesis
                using w1 el (nth (getF ?state) clause) w2 el (nth (getF ?state) clause)
                by (auto simp add: clauseFalseIffAllLiteralsAreFalse)
              case False
              then obtain l::Literal
              where "l el (nth (getF state) clause)" and "literalTrue l (elements (getM state))"
                using $
                by auto
              thus ?thesis
                using InvariantConsistent ((getM state) @ [(literal, decision)])
                unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
                by (auto simp add: clauseFalseIffAllLiteralsAreFalse inconsistentCharacterization)
            case False
            thus ?thesis
              using w1 el (nth (getF ?state) clause) and
                w1  opposite literal
              by (auto simp add: clauseFalseIffAllLiteralsAreFalse)
      } thus ?thesis
        by simp

    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "getConflictFlag ?state'")
      case True
      from ¬ getConflictFlag state getConflictFlag ?state'
      obtain clause::nat
        "clause  set (getWatchList ?state (opposite literal))" and
         "clauseFalse (nth (getF ?state) clause) (elements (getM ?state))"
        using *
        by auto
      from InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF (getWatchList state) (getF state)
        clause  set (getWatchList ?state (opposite literal))
      have "(nth (getF ?state) clause) el (getF ?state)"
        unfolding InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF_def
        using nth_mem
        by simp
      with clauseFalse (nth (getF ?state) clause) (elements (getM ?state)) 
      have "formulaFalse (getF ?state) (elements (getM ?state))"
        by (auto simp add: Let_def formulaFalseIffContainsFalseClause)  
      thus ?thesis
        using ¬ getConflictFlag state getConflictFlag ?state'
        unfolding InvariantConflictFlagCharacterization_def
        using assms
        using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "literal" "decision"]
        by (simp add: Let_def)
      case False
      hence " clause::nat. clause  set (getWatchList ?state (opposite literal))  
        ¬ clauseFalse (nth (getF ?state) clause) (elements (getM ?state))"
        using *
        by auto
      with **
      have " clause. 0  clause  clause < length (getF ?state)  
                          ¬ clauseFalse (nth (getF ?state) clause) (elements (getM ?state))"
        by auto
      hence "¬ formulaFalse (getF ?state) (elements (getM ?state))"
        by (auto simp add:set_conv_nth formulaFalseIffContainsFalseClause)
      thus ?thesis
        using ¬ getConflictFlag state ¬ getConflictFlag ?state'
        using assms
        unfolding InvariantConflictFlagCharacterization_def
        by (auto simp add: Let_def assertLiteralEffect)

lemma InvariantConflictClauseCharacterizationAfterAssertLiteral:
  "InvariantWatchesEl (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)" and 
  "InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF (getWatchList state) (getF state)"
  "InvariantWatchListsCharacterization (getWatchList state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)" and
  "InvariantWatchListsUniq (getWatchList state)"
  "InvariantConflictClauseCharacterization (getConflictFlag state) (getConflictClause state) (getF state) (getM state)"
  "let state' = assertLiteral literal decision state in
   InvariantConflictClauseCharacterization (getConflictFlag state') (getConflictClause state') (getF state') (getM state')"
  let ?state0 = "state getM := getM state @ [(literal, decision)]"
  show ?thesis
    using assms
    using InvariantConflictClauseCharacterizationAfterNotifyWatches[of "?state0" "getM state" "opposite literal" "decision" 
    "getWatchList ?state0 (opposite literal)" "[]"]
    unfolding assertLiteral_def
    unfolding notifyWatches_def
    unfolding InvariantWatchListsUniq_def
    unfolding InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF_def
    unfolding InvariantWatchListsCharacterization_def
    unfolding InvariantConflictClauseCharacterization_def
    by (simp add: Let_def clauseFalseAppendValuation)

lemma assertLiteralQEffect:
  "InvariantConsistent ((getM state) @ [(literal, decision)])"
  "InvariantUniq ((getM state) @ [(literal, decision)])"
  "InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF (getWatchList state) (getF state)"
  "InvariantWatchListsUniq (getWatchList state)"
  "InvariantWatchListsCharacterization (getWatchList state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)"
  "InvariantWatchesEl (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)"
  "InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)"
  "InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state) (getM state)"
"let state' = assertLiteral literal decision state in
    set (getQ state') = set (getQ state)  
           { ul. ( uc. uc el (getF state)  
                        opposite literal el uc  
                        isUnitClause uc ul ((elements (getM state)) @ [literal])) }" 
   (is "let state' = assertLiteral literal decision state in
    set (getQ state') = set (getQ state)  ?ulSet")
    let ?state' = "stategetM := getM state @ [(literal, decision)]"
    let ?state'' = "assertLiteral literal decision state"
    have "set (getQ ?state'') - set (getQ state)  ?ulSet"
      unfolding assertLiteral_def
      unfolding notifyWatches_def
      using assms
      using NotifyWatchesLoopQEffect[of "?state'" "getM state" "opposite literal" "decision" "getWatchList ?state' (opposite literal)" "[]"]
      unfolding InvariantWatchListsCharacterization_def
      unfolding InvariantWatchListsUniq_def
      unfolding InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF_def
      using set_conv_nth[of "getF state"]
      by (auto simp add: Let_def)
    have "?ulSet  set (getQ ?state'')"
      fix ul
      assume "ul  ?ulSet"
      then obtain uc
        where "uc el (getF state)" "opposite literal el uc" "isUnitClause uc ul ((elements (getM state)) @ [literal])"
        by auto
      then obtain uci
        where "uc = (nth (getF state) uci)" "uci < length (getF state)"
        using set_conv_nth[of "getF state"]
        by auto
      let ?w1 = "getWatch1 state uci"
      let ?w2 = "getWatch2 state uci"

      have "?w1 = Some (opposite literal)  ?w2 = Some (opposite literal)"
          assume "¬ ?thesis"
          from InvariantWatchesEl (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)
          obtain wl1 wl2
            where "?w1 = Some wl1" "?w2 = Some wl2" "wl1 el (getF state ! uci)" "wl2 el (getF state ! uci)"
            unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
            using uci < length (getF state)
            by force

          with InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state) (getM state)
          have "watchCharacterizationCondition wl1 wl2 (getM state) (getF state ! uci)"
               "watchCharacterizationCondition wl2 wl1 (getM state) (getF state ! uci)"
            using uci < length (getF state)
            unfolding InvariantWatchCharacterization_def
            by auto

          from isUnitClause uc ul ((elements (getM state)) @ [literal])
          have "¬ ( l. l el uc  (literalTrue l ((elements (getM state)) @ [literal])))"
            using containsTrueNotUnit
            using InvariantConsistent ((getM state) @ [(literal, decision)])
            unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
            by auto
          from InvariantUniq ((getM state) @ [(literal, decision)])
          have "¬ literal el (elements (getM state))"
            unfolding InvariantUniq_def
            by (simp add: uniqAppendIff)
          from ¬ ?thesis 
            ?w1 = Some wl1 ?w2 = Some wl2
          have "wl1  opposite literal" "wl2  opposite literal"
            by auto

          from InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)
          have "wl1  wl2"
            using ?w1 = Some wl1 ?w2 = Some wl2
            unfolding InvariantWatchesDiffer_def
            using uci < length (getF state)
            by auto
          have "literalFalse wl1 (elements (getM state))  literalFalse wl2 (elements (getM state))"
          proof (cases "ul = wl1")
            case True
            with wl1  wl2
            have "ul  wl2"
              by simp
            with isUnitClause uc ul ((elements (getM state)) @ [literal])
              wl2  opposite literal wl2 el (getF state ! uci)
              uc = (getF state ! uci)
            show ?thesis
              unfolding isUnitClause_def
              by auto
            case False
            with isUnitClause uc ul ((elements (getM state)) @ [literal])
              wl1  opposite literal wl1 el (getF state ! uci)
              uc = (getF state ! uci)
            show ?thesis
              unfolding isUnitClause_def
              by auto

          with  watchCharacterizationCondition wl1 wl2 (getM state) (getF state ! uci)
            watchCharacterizationCondition wl2 wl1 (getM state) (getF state ! uci)
            ¬ ( l. l el uc  (literalTrue l ((elements (getM state)) @ [literal])))
            uc = (getF state ! uci)
            ?w1 = Some wl1 ?w2 = Some wl2
          have " l. l el uc  l  wl1  l  wl2  literalFalse l (elements (getM state))"
            unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
            by auto
          with wl1  opposite literal wl2  opposite literal opposite literal el uc
          have "literalTrue literal (elements (getM state))"
            by auto
          with ¬ literal el (elements (getM state))
          have False
            by simp
        } thus ?thesis
          by auto
      with InvariantWatchListsCharacterization (getWatchList state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)
      have "uci  set (getWatchList state (opposite literal))"
        unfolding InvariantWatchListsCharacterization_def
        by auto

      thus "ul  set (getQ ?state'')"
        using uc el (getF state) 
        using isUnitClause uc ul ((elements (getM state)) @ [literal])
        using uc = (getF state ! uci)
        unfolding assertLiteral_def
        unfolding notifyWatches_def
        using assms
        using NotifyWatchesLoopQEffect[of "?state'" "getM state" "opposite literal" "decision" "getWatchList ?state' (opposite literal)" "[]"]
        unfolding InvariantWatchListsCharacterization_def
        unfolding InvariantWatchListsUniq_def
        unfolding InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF_def
        by (auto simp add: Let_def)
    have "set (getQ state)  set (getQ ?state'')"
      using assms
      using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "literal" "decision"]
      using prefixIsSubset[of "getQ state" "getQ ?state''"]
      by simp
    show ?thesis
      by (auto simp add: Let_def)

lemma InvariantQCharacterizationAfterAssertLiteral:
  "InvariantConsistent ((getM state) @ [(literal, decision)])"
  "InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF (getWatchList state) (getF state)" and
  "InvariantWatchListsUniq (getWatchList state)" and
  "InvariantWatchListsCharacterization (getWatchList state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)"
  "InvariantWatchesEl (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)" and
  "InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)" and
  "InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state) (getM state)"
  "InvariantConflictFlagCharacterization (getConflictFlag state) (getF state) (getM state)"
  "InvariantQCharacterization (getConflictFlag state) (getQ state) (getF state) (getM state)"
  "let state' = (assertLiteral literal decision state) in
      InvariantQCharacterization (getConflictFlag state') (removeAll literal (getQ state')) (getF state') (getM state')"
  let ?state = "stategetM := getM state @ [(literal, decision)]"
  let ?state' = "assertLiteral literal decision state"

  have *:"l. l  set (getQ ?state') - set (getQ ?state) 
            (clause. clause el (getF ?state)  isUnitClause clause l (elements (getM ?state)))"
    using NotifyWatchesLoopQEffect[of "?state" "getM state" "opposite literal" "decision"   "getWatchList ?state (opposite literal)" "[]"]
    using assms
    unfolding InvariantWatchListsUniq_def
    unfolding InvariantWatchListsCharacterization_def
    unfolding InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF_def
    unfolding InvariantWatchCharacterization_def
    unfolding assertLiteral_def
    unfolding notifyWatches_def
    by (auto simp add: Let_def)

  have **: " clause. clause  set (getWatchList ?state (opposite literal))  
              ( l. (isUnitClause (nth (getF ?state) clause) l (elements (getM ?state)))  
                      l  (set (getQ ?state')))"
    using NotifyWatchesLoopQEffect[of "?state" "getM state" "opposite literal" "decision" "getWatchList ?state (opposite literal)" "[]"]
    using assms
    unfolding InvariantWatchListsUniq_def
    unfolding InvariantWatchListsCharacterization_def
    unfolding InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF_def
    unfolding InvariantWatchCharacterization_def
    unfolding assertLiteral_def
    unfolding notifyWatches_def
    by (simp add: Let_def)

  have "getConflictFlag state  getConflictFlag ?state'"
    have "getConflictFlag ?state' = (getConflictFlag state  
            ( clause. clause  set (getWatchList ?state (opposite literal))  
                       clauseFalse (nth (getF ?state) clause) (elements (getM ?state))))"
      using NotifyWatchesLoopConflictFlagEffect[of "?state" 
        "getWatchList ?state (opposite literal)"
        "opposite literal" "[]"]
      using assms
      unfolding InvariantWatchListsUniq_def
      unfolding InvariantWatchListsCharacterization_def
      unfolding InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF_def
      unfolding assertLiteral_def
      unfolding notifyWatches_def
      by (simp add: Let_def)
    thus ?thesis
      by simp

    assume "¬ getConflictFlag ?state'"
    with getConflictFlag state  getConflictFlag ?state'
    have "¬ getConflictFlag state"
      by simp

    have "l. l el (removeAll literal (getQ ?state')) =
             (c. c el (getF ?state')  isUnitClause c l (elements (getM ?state')))"
      fix l::Literal
      show "l el (removeAll literal (getQ ?state')) =
             (c. c el (getF ?state')  isUnitClause c l (elements (getM ?state')))"
        assume "l el (removeAll literal (getQ ?state'))"
        hence "l el (getQ ?state')" "l  literal"
          by auto
        show "c. c el (getF ?state')  isUnitClause c l (elements (getM ?state'))"
        proof (cases "l el (getQ state)")
          case True
          from ¬ getConflictFlag state
            InvariantQCharacterization (getConflictFlag state) (getQ state) (getF state) (getM state)
            l el (getQ state)
          obtain c::Clause
            where "c el (getF state)" "isUnitClause c l (elements (getM state))"
            unfolding InvariantQCharacterization_def
            by auto

          show ?thesis
          proof (cases "l  opposite literal")
            case True
            hence "opposite l  literal"
              by auto
            from isUnitClause c l (elements (getM state))
              opposite l  literal l  literal
            have "isUnitClause c l ((elements (getM state) @ [literal]))"
              using isUnitClauseAppendValuation[of "c" "l" "elements (getM state)" "literal"]
              by simp
            thus ?thesis
              using assms
              using c el (getF state)
              using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "literal" "decision"]
              by auto
            case False
            hence "opposite l = literal"
              by simp

            from isUnitClause c l (elements (getM state))
            have "clauseFalse c (elements (getM ?state'))"
              using assms
              using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "literal" "decision"]
              using unitBecomesFalse[of "c" "l" "elements (getM state)"]
              using opposite l = literal
              by simp
            with c el (getF state)
            have "formulaFalse (getF state) (elements (getM ?state'))"
              by (auto simp add: formulaFalseIffContainsFalseClause)
            from assms
            have "InvariantConflictFlagCharacterization (getConflictFlag ?state') (getF ?state') (getM ?state')"
              using InvariantConflictFlagCharacterizationAfterAssertLiteral
              by (simp add: Let_def)
            with formulaFalse (getF state) (elements (getM ?state'))
            have "getConflictFlag ?state'"
              using assms
              using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "literal" "decision"]
              unfolding InvariantConflictFlagCharacterization_def
              by auto
            with ¬ getConflictFlag ?state'
            show ?thesis
              by simp
          case False
          then obtain c::Clause
            where "c el (getF ?state')  isUnitClause c l (elements (getM ?state'))"
            using *
            using l el (getQ ?state')
            using assms
            using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "literal" "decision"]
            by auto
          thus ?thesis
            using formulaEntailsItsClauses[of "c" "getF ?state'"]
            by auto
        assume "c. c el (getF ?state')  isUnitClause c l (elements (getM ?state'))"
        then obtain c::Clause
          where "c el (getF ?state')" "isUnitClause c l (elements (getM ?state'))"
          by auto
        then obtain ci::nat
          where "0  ci" "ci < length (getF ?state')" "c = (nth (getF ?state') ci)"
          using set_conv_nth[of "getF ?state'"]
          by auto
        then obtain w1::Literal and w2::Literal
          where "getWatch1 state ci = Some w1" and "getWatch2 state ci = Some w2" and 
          "w1 el c" and "w2 el c"
          using InvariantWatchesEl (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state) 
          using c = (nth (getF ?state') ci)
          unfolding InvariantWatchesEl_def
          using assms
          using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "literal" "decision"]
          by auto
        hence "w1  w2"
          using ci < length (getF ?state')
          using InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)
          unfolding InvariantWatchesDiffer_def
          using assms
          using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "literal" "decision"]
          by auto

        show "l el (removeAll literal (getQ ?state'))"
        proof (cases "isUnitClause c l (elements (getM state))")
          case True
          with InvariantQCharacterization (getConflictFlag state) (getQ state) (getF state) (getM state)
            ¬ getConflictFlag state
            c el (getF ?state') 
          have "l el (getQ state)"
            using assms
            using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "literal" "decision"]
            unfolding InvariantQCharacterization_def
            by auto
          have "isPrefix (getQ state) (getQ ?state')"
            using assms
            using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "literal" "decision"]
            by simp
          then obtain Q' 
            where "(getQ state) @ Q' = (getQ ?state')"
            unfolding isPrefix_def
            by auto
          have "l el (getQ ?state')"
            using l el (getQ state)
            (getQ state) @ Q' = (getQ ?state')[THEN sym]
            by simp
          have "l  literal"
            using isUnitClause c l (elements (getM ?state'))
            using assms
            using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "literal" "decision"]
            unfolding isUnitClause_def
            by simp
          show ?thesis
            by auto
          case False
            (* The clause was not unit in M but it became unit in M' *)
          thus ?thesis
          proof (cases "ci  set (getWatchList ?state (opposite literal))")
            case True
            with ** 
              isUnitClause c l (elements (getM ?state'))
              c = (nth (getF ?state') ci)
            have "l  set (getQ ?state')"
              using assms
              using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "literal" "decision"]
              by simp
            have "l  literal"
              using isUnitClause c l (elements (getM ?state'))
              unfolding isUnitClause_def
              using assms
              using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "literal" "decision"]
              by simp
            show ?thesis
              by simp
            case False
            with InvariantWatchListsCharacterization (getWatchList state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)
            have "w1  opposite literal" "w2  opposite literal"
              using getWatch1 state ci = Some w1 and getWatch2 state ci = Some w2
              unfolding InvariantWatchListsCharacterization_def
              by auto
            have "literalFalse w1 (elements (getM state))  literalFalse w2 (elements (getM state))"
                assume "¬ ?thesis"
                hence "¬ literalFalse w1 (elements (getM ?state'))" "¬ literalFalse w2 (elements (getM ?state'))"
                  using w1  opposite literal and w2  opposite literal
                  using assms
                  using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "literal" "decision"]
                  by auto
                with w1  w2 w1 el c w2 el c
                have  "¬ isUnitClause c l (elements (getM ?state'))"
                  unfolding isUnitClause_def
                  by auto
              with isUnitClause c l (elements (getM ?state'))
              show ?thesis
                by auto
                (* Depends on the watch characterization invariant *)
            with InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state) (getM state)
            have $: "( l. l el c  literalTrue l (elements (getM state)))  
                     ( l. l el c  
                         l  w1  l  w2  literalFalse l (elements (getM state)))
              using ci < length (getF ?state')
              using c = (nth (getF ?state') ci)
              using getWatch1 state ci = Some w1[THEN sym] and getWatch2 state ci = Some w2[THEN sym]
              using assms
              using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "literal" "decision"]
              unfolding InvariantWatchCharacterization_def
              unfolding watchCharacterizationCondition_def
              by auto
            thus ?thesis
            proof(cases " l. l el c  l  w1  l  w2  literalFalse l (elements (getM state))")
              case True
              with isUnitClause c l (elements (getM ?state'))
              have "literalFalse w1 (elements (getM state))  
                      ¬ literalFalse w2 (elements (getM state))  ¬ literalTrue w2 (elements (getM state))  l = w2"
                   "literalFalse w2 (elements (getM state))  
                      ¬ literalFalse w1 (elements (getM state))  ¬ literalTrue w1 (elements (getM state))  l = w1"
                unfolding isUnitClause_def
                using assms
                using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "literal" "decision"]
                by auto
              with literalFalse w1 (elements (getM state))  literalFalse w2 (elements (getM state))
              have "(literalFalse w1 (elements (getM state))  ¬ literalFalse w2 (elements (getM state))  ¬ literalTrue w2 (elements (getM state))  l = w2)  
                    (literalFalse w2 (elements (getM state))  ¬ literalFalse w1 (elements (getM state))  ¬ literalTrue w1 (elements (getM state))  l = w1)"
                by blast
              hence "isUnitClause c l (elements (getM state))"
                using w1 el c w2 el c True
                unfolding isUnitClause_def
                by auto
              thus ?thesis
                using ¬ isUnitClause c l (elements (getM state))
                by simp
              case False
              then obtain l'::Literal where 
                "l' el c" "literalTrue l' (elements (getM state))"
                using $
                by auto
              hence "literalTrue l' (elements (getM ?state'))"
                using assms
                using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "literal" "decision"]
                by auto
              from InvariantConsistent ((getM state) @ [(literal, decision)])
                l' el c literalTrue l' (elements (getM ?state'))
              show ?thesis
                using containsTrueNotUnit[of "l'" "c" "elements (getM ?state')"]
                using isUnitClause c l (elements (getM ?state'))
                using assms
                using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "literal" "decision"]
                unfolding InvariantConsistent_def
                by auto
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding InvariantQCharacterization_def
    by simp

lemma AssertLiteralStartQIreleveant:
fixes literal :: Literal and Wl :: "nat list" and newWl :: "nat list" and state :: State 
  "InvariantWatchesEl (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)" and 
  "InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF (getWatchList state) (getF state)"
  "let state' = (assertLiteral literal decision (state getQ := Q' )) in
   let state'' = (assertLiteral literal decision (state getQ := Q'' )) in
   (getM state') = (getM state'')  
   (getF state') = (getF state'')  
   (getSATFlag state') = (getSATFlag state'')  
   (getConflictFlag state') = (getConflictFlag state'')
using assms
unfolding assertLiteral_def
unfolding notifyWatches_def
unfolding InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF_def
using notifyWatchesStartQIreleveant[of 
"state getQ := Q', getM := getM state @ [(literal, decision)] "
"getWatchList (stategetM := getM state @ [(literal, decision)]) (opposite literal)" 
"state getQ := Q'', getM := getM state @ [(literal, decision)] " 
"opposite literal" "[]"]
by (simp add: Let_def)

lemma assertedLiteralIsNotUnit:
  "InvariantConsistent ((getM state) @ [(literal, decision)])"
  "InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF (getWatchList state) (getF state)" and
  "InvariantWatchListsUniq (getWatchList state)" and
  "InvariantWatchListsCharacterization (getWatchList state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)"
  "InvariantWatchesEl (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)" and
  "InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)" and
  "InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state) (getM state)"
  "let state' = assertLiteral literal decision state in
      ¬ literal  (set (getQ state') - set(getQ state))"
    let ?state = "stategetM := getM state @ [(literal, decision)]"
    let ?state' = "assertLiteral literal decision state"

    assume "¬ ?thesis"
    have *:"l. l  set (getQ ?state') - set (getQ ?state) 
            (clause. clause el (getF ?state)  isUnitClause clause l (elements (getM ?state)))"
      using NotifyWatchesLoopQEffect[of "?state" "getM state" "opposite literal" "decision"   "getWatchList ?state (opposite literal)" "[]"]
      using assms
      unfolding InvariantWatchListsUniq_def
      unfolding InvariantWatchListsCharacterization_def
      unfolding InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF_def
      unfolding InvariantWatchCharacterization_def
      unfolding assertLiteral_def
      unfolding notifyWatches_def
      by (auto simp add: Let_def)
    with ¬ ?thesis
    obtain clause
      where "isUnitClause clause literal (elements (getM ?state))"
      by (auto simp add: Let_def)
    hence "False"
      unfolding isUnitClause_def
      by simp
  thus ?thesis
    by auto

lemma InvariantQCharacterizationAfterAssertLiteralNotInQ:
  "InvariantConsistent ((getM state) @ [(literal, decision)])"
  "InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF (getWatchList state) (getF state)" and
  "InvariantWatchListsUniq (getWatchList state)" and
  "InvariantWatchListsCharacterization (getWatchList state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)"
  "InvariantWatchesEl (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)" and
  "InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)" and
  "InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state) (getM state)"
  "InvariantConflictFlagCharacterization (getConflictFlag state) (getF state) (getM state)"
  "InvariantQCharacterization (getConflictFlag state) (getQ state) (getF state) (getM state)"
  "¬ literal el (getQ state)"
  "let state' = (assertLiteral literal decision state) in
      InvariantQCharacterization (getConflictFlag state') (getQ state') (getF state') (getM state')"
  let ?state' = "assertLiteral literal decision state"
  have "InvariantQCharacterization (getConflictFlag ?state') (removeAll literal (getQ ?state')) (getF ?state') (getM ?state')"
    using assms
    using InvariantQCharacterizationAfterAssertLiteral
    by (simp add: Let_def)
  have "¬ literal el (getQ ?state')"
    using assms
    using assertedLiteralIsNotUnit[of "state" "literal" "decision"]
    by (simp add: Let_def)
  hence "removeAll literal (getQ ?state') = getQ ?state'"
    using removeAll_id[of "literal" "getQ ?state'"]
    by simp
  show ?thesis
    by (simp add: Let_def)

lemma InvariantUniqQAfterAssertLiteral:
  "InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF (getWatchList state) (getF state)" and
  "InvariantWatchesEl (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)" and
  "InvariantUniqQ (getQ state)"
  "let state' = assertLiteral literal decision state in
      InvariantUniqQ (getQ state')"
using assms
using InvariantUniqQAfterNotifyWatchesLoop[of "stategetM := getM state @ [(literal, decision)]"
"getWatchList (stategetM := getM state @ [(literal, decision)]) (opposite literal)"
"opposite literal" "[]"]
unfolding assertLiteral_def
unfolding notifyWatches_def
unfolding InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF_def  
by (auto simp add: Let_def)

lemma InvariantsNoDecisionsWhenConflictNorUnitAfterAssertLiteral:
  "InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF (getWatchList state) (getF state)" and
  "InvariantWatchesEl (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)" and
  "InvariantConflictFlagCharacterization (getConflictFlag state) (getF state) (getM state)"
  "InvariantQCharacterization (getConflictFlag state) (getQ state) (getF state) (getM state)"
  "InvariantNoDecisionsWhenConflict (getF state) (getM state) (currentLevel (getM state))"
  "InvariantNoDecisionsWhenUnit (getF state) (getM state) (currentLevel (getM state))"
  "decision  ¬ (getConflictFlag state)  (getQ state) = []"
  "let state' = assertLiteral literal decision state in
       InvariantNoDecisionsWhenConflict (getF state') (getM state') (currentLevel (getM state'))  
       InvariantNoDecisionsWhenUnit (getF state') (getM state') (currentLevel (getM state'))"
    let ?state' = "assertLiteral literal decision state"
    fix level
    assume "level < currentLevel (getM ?state')"
    have "¬ formulaFalse (getF ?state') (elements (prefixToLevel level (getM ?state')))  
          ¬ (clause literal. clause el (getF ?state') 
                isUnitClause clause literal (elements (prefixToLevel level (getM ?state'))))" 
    proof (cases "level < currentLevel (getM state)")
      case True
      hence "prefixToLevel level (getM ?state') = prefixToLevel level (getM state)"
        using assms
        using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "literal" "decision"]
        by (auto simp add: prefixToLevelAppend)
      have "¬ formulaFalse (getF state) (elements (prefixToLevel level (getM state)))"
        using InvariantNoDecisionsWhenConflict (getF state) (getM state) (currentLevel (getM state))
        using level < currentLevel (getM state)
        unfolding InvariantNoDecisionsWhenConflict_def
        by simp
      have "¬ (clause literal. clause el (getF state)  
                isUnitClause clause literal (elements (prefixToLevel level (getM state))))"
        using InvariantNoDecisionsWhenUnit (getF state) (getM state) (currentLevel (getM state))
        using level < currentLevel (getM state)
        unfolding InvariantNoDecisionsWhenUnit_def
        by simp
      show ?thesis
        using assms
        using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "literal" "decision"]
        by auto
      case False
      thus ?thesis
      proof (cases "decision")
        case False
        hence "currentLevel (getM ?state') = currentLevel (getM state)"
          using assms
          using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "literal" "decision"]
          unfolding currentLevel_def
          by (auto simp add: markedElementsAppend)
        thus ?thesis 
          using ¬ (level < currentLevel (getM state))
          using level < currentLevel (getM ?state')
          by simp
        case True
        hence "currentLevel (getM ?state') = currentLevel (getM state) + 1"
          using assms
          using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "literal" "decision"]
          unfolding currentLevel_def
          by (auto simp add: markedElementsAppend)
        hence "level = currentLevel (getM state)"
          using ¬ (level < currentLevel (getM state))
          using level < currentLevel (getM ?state')
          by simp
        hence "prefixToLevel level (getM ?state') = (getM state)"
          using decision
          using assms
          using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "literal" "decision"]
          using prefixToLevelAppend[of "currentLevel (getM state)" "getM state" "[(literal, True)]"]
          by auto
        thus ?thesis
          using decision
          using decision  ¬ (getConflictFlag state)  (getQ state) = []
          using InvariantConflictFlagCharacterization (getConflictFlag state) (getF state) (getM state)       
          using InvariantQCharacterization (getConflictFlag state) (getQ state) (getF state) (getM state)
          unfolding InvariantConflictFlagCharacterization_def
          unfolding InvariantQCharacterization_def
          using assms
          using assertLiteralEffect[of "state" "literal" "decision"]
          by simp
  } thus ?thesis
    unfolding InvariantNoDecisionsWhenConflict_def
    unfolding InvariantNoDecisionsWhenUnit_def
    by auto

lemma InvariantVarsQAfterAssertLiteral:
  "InvariantConsistent ((getM state) @ [(literal, decision)])"
  "InvariantUniq ((getM state) @ [(literal, decision)])"
  "InvariantWatchListsContainOnlyClausesFromF (getWatchList state) (getF state)"
  "InvariantWatchListsUniq (getWatchList state)"
  "InvariantWatchListsCharacterization (getWatchList state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)"
  "InvariantWatchesEl (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)"
  "InvariantWatchesDiffer (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state)"
  "InvariantWatchCharacterization (getF state) (getWatch1 state) (getWatch2 state) (getM state)"  
  "InvariantVarsQ (getQ state) F0 Vbl"
  "InvariantVarsF (getF state) F0 Vbl"
  "let state' = assertLiteral literal decision state in
     InvariantVarsQ (getQ state') F0 Vbl"
  let ?Q' = "{ul. uc. uc el (getF state) 
                  (opposite literal) el uc  isUnitClause uc ul (elements (getM state) @ [literal])}"
  let ?state' = "assertLiteral literal decision state"
  have "vars ?Q'  vars (getF state)"
    fix vbl::Variable
    assume "vbl  vars ?Q'"
    then obtain ul::Literal
      where "ul  ?Q'" "var ul = vbl"
      by auto
    then obtain uc::Clause
      where "uc el (getF state)"  "isUnitClause uc ul (elements (getM state) @ [literal])"
      by auto
    hence "vars uc  vars (getF state)" "var ul  vars uc"
      using formulaContainsItsClausesVariables[of "uc" "getF state"]
      using clauseContainsItsLiteralsVariable[of "ul" "uc"]
      unfolding isUnitClause_def
      by auto
    thus "vbl  vars (getF state)"
      using var ul = vbl
      by auto
  thus ?thesis
    using assms
    using assertLiteralQEffect[of "state" "literal" "decision"]
    using varsClauseVarsSet[of "getQ ?state'"]
    using varsClauseVarsSet[of "getQ state"]
    unfolding InvariantVarsQ_def
    unfolding InvariantVarsF_def
    by (auto simp add: Let_def)
