Theory MoreList

(*    Title:              SATSolverVerification/MoreList.thy
      Author:             Filip Maric
      Maintainer:         Filip Maric <filip at>


theory MoreList
imports Main "HOL-Library.Multiset"

text‹Theory contains some additional lemmas and functions for the
@{term List} datatype. Warning: some of these notions are obsolete
because they already exist in {\em List.thy} in similiar form.›

(*               last and butlast                        *)
subsection@{term "last"} and @{term "butlast"} - last element of list and elements before it›
lemma listEqualsButlastAppendLast: 
  assumes "list  []"
  shows "list = (butlast list) @ [last list]"
using assms
by (induct list) auto

lemma lastListInList [simp]: 
  assumes "list  []"
  shows "last list  set list"
using assms
by (induct list) auto

lemma butlastIsSubset: 
  shows "set (butlast list)  set list"
by (induct list) (auto split: if_split_asm)

lemma setListIsSetButlastAndLast: 
  shows "set list  set (butlast list)  {last list}" 
by (induct list) auto

lemma butlastAppend: 
  shows "butlast (list1 @ list2) = (if list2 = [] then butlast list1 else (list1 @ butlast list2))"
by (induct list1) auto

(*                   removeAll                           *)
subsection@{term removeAll} - element removal›

lemma removeAll_multiset:
  assumes "distinct a" "x  set a"
  shows "mset a = {#x#} + mset (removeAll x a)"
using assms
proof (induct a)
  case (Cons y a')
  thus ?case
  proof (cases "x = y")
    case True
    with distinct (y # a') x  set (y # a')
    have "¬  x  set a'"
      by auto
    hence "removeAll x a' = a'"
      by (rule removeAll_id)
    with x = y show ?thesis
      by (simp add: union_commute)
    case False
    with x  set (y # a') 
    have "x  set a'"
      by simp
    with distinct (y # a')
    have "x  y" "distinct a'"
      by auto
    hence "mset a' = {#x#} + mset (removeAll x a')"
      using x  set a'
      using Cons(1)
      by simp
    thus ?thesis
      using x  y
      by (simp add: union_assoc)
qed simp

lemma removeAll_map:
  assumes " x y. x  y  f x  f y"
  shows "removeAll (f x) (map f a) = map f (removeAll x a)"
using assms
by (induct a arbitrary: x) auto

(*                   uniq                                *)
subsection@{term uniq} - no duplicate elements.›
text@{term "(uniq list)"} holds iff there are no repeated elements
in a list.  Obsolete: same as @{term "distinct"} in {\em List.thy}.›

primrec uniq :: "'a list => bool"
"uniq [] = True" |
"uniq (h#t) = (h  set t  uniq t)"

lemma uniqDistinct:
"uniq l = distinct l"
by (induct l) auto

lemma uniqAppend: 
  assumes "uniq (l1 @ l2)" 
  shows "uniq l1" "uniq l2"
using assms
by (induct l1) auto

lemma uniqAppendIff: 
  "uniq (l1 @ l2) = (uniq l1  uniq l2  set l1  set l2 = {})" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
by (induct l1) auto

lemma uniqAppendElement: 
  assumes "uniq l" 
  shows "e  set l = uniq (l @ [e])"
using assms
by (induct l) (auto split: if_split_asm)

lemma uniqImpliesNotLastMemButlast:
  assumes "uniq l"
  shows "last l  set (butlast l)"
proof (cases "l = []")
  case True
  thus ?thesis
    using assms
    by simp
  case False
  hence "l = butlast l @ [last l]"
    by (rule listEqualsButlastAppendLast)
  with uniq l 
  have "uniq (butlast l)"
    using uniqAppend[of "butlast l" "[last l]"]
    by simp
  show ?thesis
    using assms
    using uniqAppendElement[of "butlast l" "last l"]
    by simp

lemma uniqButlastNotUniqListImpliesLastMemButlast: 
  assumes "uniq (butlast l)" "¬ uniq l" 
  shows "last l  set (butlast l)"
proof (cases "l = []")
  case True
  thus ?thesis
    using assms
    by auto
  case False
  hence "l = butlast l @ [(last l)]"
    by (rule listEqualsButlastAppendLast)
  thus ?thesis
    using assms
    using uniqAppendElement[of "butlast l" "last l"]
    by auto

lemma uniqRemdups:
  shows "uniq (remdups x)"
by (induct x) auto

lemma uniqHeadTailSet:
  assumes "uniq l"
  shows "set (tl l) = (set l) - {hd l}"
using assms
by (induct l) auto

lemma uniqLengthEqCardSet:
assumes "uniq l"
shows "length l = card (set l)"
using assms
by (induct l) auto

lemma lengthGtOneTwoDistinctElements:
  "uniq l" "length l > 1" "l  []"
  " a1 a2. a1  set l  a2  set l  a1  a2"
  let ?a1 = "l ! 0"
  let ?a2 = "l ! 1"
  have "?a1  set l"
    using nth_mem[of "0" "l"]
    using assms
    by simp
  have "?a2  set l"
    using nth_mem[of "1" "l"]
    using assms
    by simp
  have "?a1  ?a2"
    using nth_eq_iff_index_eq[of "l" "0" "1"]
    using assms
    by (auto simp add: uniqDistinct)
  show ?thesis
    by auto

(*                   firstPos                            *)
subsection @{term firstPos} - first position of an element›
text@{term "firstPos"} returns the zero-based index of the first
  occurrence of an element int a list, or the length of the list if the
  element does not occur.›

primrec firstPos :: "'a => 'a list => nat"
"firstPos a [] = 0" |
"firstPos a (h # t) = (if a = h then 0 else 1 + (firstPos a t))"

lemma firstPosEqualZero:
  shows "(firstPos a (m # M') = 0) = (a = m)"
by (induct M') auto

lemma firstPosLeLength: 
  assumes "a  set l"
  shows "firstPos a l < length l"
using assms
by (induct l) auto

lemma firstPosAppend: 
  assumes "a  set l" 
  shows "firstPos a l = firstPos a (l @ l')"
using assms
by (induct l) auto

lemma firstPosAppendNonMemberFirstMemberSecond: 
  assumes "a  set l1" and  "a  set l2"
  shows "firstPos a (l1 @ l2) = length l1 + firstPos a l2"
using assms
by (induct l1) auto

lemma firstPosDomainForElements: 
  shows "(0  firstPos a l  firstPos a l < length l) = (a  set l)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
  by (induct l) auto

lemma firstPosEqual: 
  assumes "a  set l" and "b  set l" 
  shows "(firstPos a l = firstPos b l) = (a = b)" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
    assume "?lhs"
    hence "?rhs"
      using assms
    proof (induct l)
      case (Cons m l')
        assume "a = m"
        have "b = m"
          from a = m 
          have "firstPos a (m # l') = 0"
            by simp
          with Cons 
          have "firstPos b (m # l') = 0"
            by simp
          with b  set (m # l') 
          have "firstPos b (m # l') = 0"
            by simp
          thus ?thesis
            using firstPosEqualZero[of "b" "m" "l'"]
            by simp
        with a = m 
        have ?case
          by simp
      note * = this
        assume "b = m"
        have "a = m"
          from b = m 
          have "firstPos b (m # l') = 0"
            by simp
          with Cons 
          have "firstPos a (m # l') = 0"
            by simp
          with a  set (m # l') 
          have "firstPos a (m # l') = 0"
            by simp
          thus ?thesis
            using firstPosEqualZero[of "a" "m" "l'"]
            by simp
        with b = m 
        have ?case
          by simp
      note ** = this
        assume Q: "a  m" "b  m"
        from Q a  set (m # l')
        have "a  set l'"
          by simp
        from Q b  set (m # l')
        have "b  set l'"
          by simp
        from a  set l' b  set l' Cons
        have "firstPos a l' = firstPos b l'"
          by (simp split: if_split_asm)
        with Cons 
        have ?case
          by (simp split: if_split_asm)
      note *** = this
        have "a = m  b = m  a  m  b  m"
          by auto
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "a = m")
        case True
        thus ?thesis
          by (rule *)
        case False
        thus ?thesis
        proof (cases "b = m")
          case True
          thus ?thesis
            by (rule **)
          case False
          with a  m show ?thesis
            by (rule ***)
    qed simp
  } thus ?thesis
    by auto

lemma firstPosLast:
  assumes "l  []" "uniq l"
  shows "(firstPos x l = length l - 1) = (x = last l)"
using assms
by (induct l) auto

(*                   precedes                            *)
subsection@{term precedes} - ordering relation induced by @{term firstPos}
definition precedes :: "'a => 'a => 'a list => bool"
"precedes a b l == (a  set l  b  set l   firstPos a l <= firstPos b l)"

lemma noElementsPrecedesFirstElement: 
  assumes "a  b"
  shows "¬ precedes a b (b # list)"
    assume "precedes a b (b # list)"
    hence "a  set (b # list)" "firstPos a (b # list) <= 0"
      unfolding precedes_def
      by (auto split: if_split_asm)
    hence  "firstPos a (b # list) = 0"
      by auto
    with a  b 
    have False
      using firstPosEqualZero[of "a" "b" "list"]
      by simp
  thus ?thesis
    by auto

lemma lastPrecedesNoElement:
assumes "uniq l"
shows "¬( a. a  last l  precedes (last l) a l)"
    assume "¬ ?thesis"
    then obtain "a"
      where "precedes (last l) a l" "a  last l"
      by auto
    hence "a  set l" "last l  set l" "firstPos (last l) l  firstPos a l"
      unfolding precedes_def
      by auto
    hence "length l - 1  firstPos a l"
      using firstPosLast[of "l" "last l"]
      using uniq l
      by force
    hence "firstPos a l = length l - 1"
      using firstPosDomainForElements[of "a" "l"]
      using a  set l
      by auto
    hence "a = last l"
      using firstPosLast[of "l" "last l"]
      using a  set l last l  set l
      using uniq l
      using firstPosEqual[of "a" "l" "last l"]
      by force
    with a  last l
    have False
      by simp
  thus ?thesis
    by auto

lemma precedesAppend: 
  assumes "precedes a b l" 
  shows "precedes a b (l @ l')"
  from precedes a b l 
  have "a  set l" "b  set l" "firstPos a l  firstPos b l"
    unfolding precedes_def
    by (auto split: if_split_asm)
  thus ?thesis
    using firstPosAppend[of "a" "l" "l'"]
    using firstPosAppend[of "b" "l" "l'"]
    unfolding precedes_def
    by simp

lemma precedesMemberHeadMemberTail: 
  assumes "a  set l1" and "b  set l1" and "b  set l2"
  shows "precedes a b (l1 @ l2)"
  from a  set l1 
  have "firstPos a l1 < length l1"
    using firstPosLeLength [of "a" "l1"]
    by simp
  from a  set l1 
  have "firstPos a (l1 @ l2) = firstPos a l1"
    using firstPosAppend[of "a" "l1" "l2"]
    by simp
  from b  set l1 b  set l2
  have "firstPos b (l1 @ l2) = length l1 + firstPos b l2"
    by (rule firstPosAppendNonMemberFirstMemberSecond)
  have "firstPos b l2  0"
    by auto
  show ?thesis
    unfolding precedes_def
    using a  set l1 b  set l2
    by simp

lemma precedesReflexivity: 
  assumes "a  set l"
  shows "precedes a a l"
using assms
unfolding precedes_def
by simp

lemma precedesTransitivity: 
  "precedes a b l" and "precedes b c l" 
  "precedes a c l"
using assms
unfolding precedes_def
by auto

lemma precedesAntisymmetry: 
  "a  set l" and "b  set l" and
  "precedes a b l" and "precedes b a l"
  "a = b"
  from assms
  have "firstPos a l = firstPos b l"
    unfolding precedes_def
    by auto
  thus ?thesis
    using firstPosEqual[of "a" "l" "b"]
    using assms
    by simp

lemma precedesTotalOrder: 
  assumes "a  set l" and "b  set l"
  shows "a=b  precedes a b l  precedes b a l"
using assms
unfolding precedes_def
by auto

lemma precedesMap:
  assumes "precedes a b list" and " x y. x  y  f x  f y"
  shows "precedes (f a) (f b) (map f list)"
using assms
proof (induct list)
  case (Cons l list')
      assume "a = l"
      have ?case
        from a = l 
        have "firstPos (f a) (map f (l # list')) = 0"
          using firstPosEqualZero[of "f a" "f l" "map f list'"]
          by simp
        from precedes a b (l # list') 
        have "b  set (l # list')"
          unfolding precedes_def
          by simp
        hence "f b  set (map f (l # list'))"
          by auto
        hence "firstPos (f b) (map f (l # list'))   0"
          by auto
        show ?thesis
          using a = l f b  set (map f (l # list'))
          unfolding precedes_def
          by simp
      assume "b = l"
      with precedes a b (l # list')
      have "a = l"
        using noElementsPrecedesFirstElement[of "a" "l" "list'"]
        by auto
      from a = l b = l 
      have ?case
        unfolding precedes_def
        by simp
      assume "a  l" "b  l"
      with  x y. x  y  f x  f y
      have "f a  f l" "f b  f l"
        by auto
      from precedes a b (l # list') 
      have "b  set(l # list')" "a  set(l # list')" "firstPos a (l # list')  firstPos b (l # list')"
        unfolding precedes_def
        by auto
      with a  l b  l 
      have "a  set list'" "b  set list'" "firstPos a list'  firstPos b list'"
        by auto
      hence "precedes a b list'"
        unfolding precedes_def
        by simp
      with Cons
      have "precedes (f a) (f b) (map f list')"
        by simp
      with f a  f l f b  f l
      have ?case
        unfolding precedes_def
        by auto
    show ?case
      by auto
  case Nil
  thus ?case
    unfolding precedes_def
    by simp

lemma precedesFilter: 
  assumes "precedes a b list" and "f a" and "f b"
  shows "precedes a b (filter f list)"
using assms
proof(induct list)
  case (Cons l list')
  show ?case
    from precedes a b (l # list') 
    have "a  set(l # list')" "b  set(l # list')" "firstPos a (l # list')  firstPos b (l # list')"
      unfolding precedes_def
      by auto
    from f a a  set(l # list') 
    have "a  set(filter f (l # list'))"
      by auto
    from f b b  set(l # list') 
    have "b  set(filter f (l # list'))"
      by auto
    have "firstPos a (filter f (l # list'))  firstPos b (filter f (l # list'))"
        assume "a = l"
        with f a 
        have "firstPos a (filter f (l # list')) = 0"
          by auto
        with b  set (filter f (l # list')) 
        have ?thesis
          by auto
        assume "b = l"
        with precedes a b (l # list')
        have "a = b"
          using noElementsPrecedesFirstElement[of "a" "b" "list'"]
          by auto
        hence ?thesis
          by (simp add: precedesReflexivity)
        assume "a  l" "b  l"
        with precedes a b (l # list') 
        have "firstPos a list'  firstPos b list'"
          unfolding precedes_def
          by auto
        from a  l a  set (l # list') 
        have "a  set list'"
          by simp
        from b  l b  set (l # list') 
        have "b  set list'"
          by simp
        have "precedes a b list'"
          unfolding precedes_def
          by simp
        with f a f b Cons(1)
        have "precedes a b (filter f list')"
          by simp
        with a  l b  l
        have ?thesis
          unfolding precedes_def
          by auto
      show ?thesis
        by blast
    show ?thesis
      unfolding precedes_def
      by simp
qed simp

"precedesOrder list == {(a, b). precedes a b list  a  b}"

lemma transPrecedesOrder: 
  "trans (precedesOrder list)"
    fix x y z
    assume "precedes x y list" "x  y" "precedes y z list" "y  z"
    hence "precedes x z list" "x  z"
      using precedesTransitivity[of "x" "y" "list" "z"]
      using firstPosEqual[of "y" "list" "z"]
      unfolding precedes_def
      by auto
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding trans_def
    unfolding precedesOrder_def
    by blast

lemma wellFoundedPrecedesOrder:
  shows "wf (precedesOrder list)"
unfolding wf_eq_minimal
  show "Q a. a:Q  ( aMin  Q.  a'. (a', aMin)  precedesOrder list  a'  Q)"
      fix a :: "'a" and Q::"'a set"
      assume "a  Q"
      let ?listQ = "filter (λ x. x  Q) list"
      have " aMin  Q.  a'. (a', aMin)  precedesOrder list  a'  Q"
      proof (cases "?listQ = []")
        case True
        let ?aMin = a
        have " a'. (a', ?aMin)  precedesOrder list  a'  Q"
            fix a'
            assume "(a', ?aMin)  precedesOrder list"
            hence "a  set list"
              unfolding precedesOrder_def
              unfolding precedes_def
              by simp
            with a  Q
            have "a  set ?listQ"
              by (induct list) auto
            with ?listQ = [] 
            have "False"
              by simp
            hence "a'  Q"
              by simp
          thus ?thesis
            by simp
        with a  Q obtain aMin where "aMin  Q" " a'. (a', aMin)  precedesOrder list  a'  Q"
          by auto
        thus ?thesis
          by auto
        case False
        let ?aMin = "hd ?listQ"
        from False 
        have "?aMin  Q"
          by (induct list) auto
        have " a'. (a', ?aMin)  precedesOrder list  a'  Q"
          fix a'
            assume "(a', ?aMin)  precedesOrder list"
            hence "a'  set list" "precedes a' ?aMin list" "a'  ?aMin"
              unfolding precedesOrder_def
              unfolding precedes_def
              by auto
            have "a'  Q"
                assume "a'  Q"
                with ?aMin  Q precedes a' ?aMin list
                have "precedes a' ?aMin ?listQ"
                    using precedesFilter[of "a'" "?aMin" "list" "λ x. x  Q"]
                    by blast
                from a'  ?aMin 
                have "¬ precedes a' (hd ?listQ) (hd ?listQ # tl ?listQ)"
                  by (rule noElementsPrecedesFirstElement)
                with False precedes a' ?aMin ?listQ
                have "False"
                  by auto
              thus ?thesis
                by auto
          } thus "(a', ?aMin)  precedesOrder list  a'  Q"
            by simp
        with ?aMin  Q
        show ?thesis
    thus ?thesis
      by simp

(*                   prefix                              *)
subsection@{term isPrefix} - prefixes of list.›
text‹Check if a list is a prefix of another list. Obsolete: similiar
notion is defined in {\em List\_prefixes.thy}.›

  isPrefix :: "'a list => 'a list => bool"
  where "isPrefix p t = ( s. p @ s = t)"

lemma prefixIsSubset:
  assumes "isPrefix p l"
  shows "set p  set l"
using assms
unfolding isPrefix_def
by auto

lemma uniqListImpliesUniqPrefix:
assumes "isPrefix p l" and "uniq l"
shows "uniq p"
  from isPrefix p l obtain s
    where "p @ s = l"
    unfolding isPrefix_def
    by auto
  with uniq l
  show ?thesis
    using uniqAppend[of "p" "s"]
    by simp

lemma firstPosPrefixElement: 
  assumes "isPrefix p l" and "a  set p"
  shows "firstPos a p = firstPos a l"
  from isPrefix p l obtain s
    where "p @ s = l"
    unfolding isPrefix_def
    by auto
  with a  set p 
  show ?thesis
    using firstPosAppend[of "a" "p" "s"]
    by simp

lemma laterInPrefixRetainsPrecedes: 
  "isPrefix p l" and "precedes a b l" and "b  set p"
  "precedes a b p"
  from isPrefix p l obtain s
    where "p @ s = l"
    unfolding isPrefix_def
    by auto
  from precedes a b l 
  have "a  set l" "b  set l" "firstPos a l  firstPos b l"
    unfolding precedes_def
    by (auto split: if_split_asm)

  from p @ s = l b  set p 
  have "firstPos b l = firstPos b p"
    using firstPosAppend [of "b" "p" "s"]
    by simp

  show ?thesis
  proof (cases "a  set p")
    case True
    from p @ s = l a  set p 
    have "firstPos a l = firstPos a p"
      using firstPosAppend [of "a" "p" "s"]
      by simp

    from firstPos a l = firstPos a p firstPos b l = firstPos b p firstPos a l  firstPos b l
    a  set p b  set p
    show ?thesis
      unfolding precedes_def
      by simp
    case False
    from a  set p a  set l p @ s = l
    have "a  set s"
      by auto
    with a  set p p @ s = l
    have "firstPos a l = length p + firstPos a s"
      using firstPosAppendNonMemberFirstMemberSecond[of "a" "p" "s"]
      by simp
    from b  set p 
    have "firstPos b p < length p"
      by (rule firstPosLeLength)
    show ?thesis
      using firstPos b l = firstPos b p firstPos a l  firstPos b l
      by simp

(*                       List diff                       *)
subsection@{term "list_diff"} - the set difference operation on two lists.›

primrec list_diff :: "'a list  'a list  'a list"
"list_diff x [] = x" |
"list_diff x (y#ys) = list_diff (removeAll y x) ys"

lemma [simp]: 
  shows "list_diff [] y = []"
by (induct y) auto

lemma [simp]: 
  shows "list_diff (x # xs) y = (if x  set y then list_diff xs y else x # list_diff xs y)"
proof (induct y arbitrary: xs)
  case (Cons y ys)
  thus ?case
  proof (cases "x = y")
    case True
    thus ?thesis
      by simp
    case False
    thus ?thesis
    proof (cases "x  set ys")
      case True
      thus ?thesis
        using Cons
        by simp
      case False
      thus ?thesis
        using Cons
        by simp
qed simp

lemma listDiffIff:
  shows "(x  set a  x  set b) = (x  set (list_diff a b))"
by (induct a) auto

lemma listDiffDoubleRemoveAll: 
  assumes "x  set a"
  shows "list_diff b a = list_diff b (x # a)"
using assms
by (induct b) auto

lemma removeAllListDiff[simp]:
  shows "removeAll x (list_diff a b) = list_diff (removeAll x a) b"
by (induct a) auto

lemma listDiffRemoveAllNonMember:
  assumes "x  set a"
  shows "list_diff a b = list_diff a (removeAll x b)"
using assms
proof (induct b arbitrary: a)
  case (Cons y b')
  from x  set a 
  have "x  set (removeAll y a)"
    by auto
  thus ?case
  proof (cases "x = y")
    case False
    thus ?thesis
      using Cons(2)
      using Cons(1)[of "removeAll y a"]
      using x  set (removeAll y a)
      by auto
    case True
    thus ?thesis
      using Cons(1)[of "removeAll y a"]
      using x  set a
      using x  set (removeAll y a)
      by auto
qed simp

lemma listDiffMap: 
  assumes " x y. x  y  f x  f y"
  shows "map f (list_diff a b) = list_diff (map f a) (map f b)"
using assms
by (induct b arbitrary: a) (auto simp add: removeAll_map)

(*                       Remdups                         *)
subsection@{term remdups} - removing duplicates›
lemma remdupsRemoveAllCommute[simp]:
  shows "remdups (removeAll a list) = removeAll a (remdups list)"
by (induct list) auto

lemma remdupsAppend: 
  shows "remdups (a @ b) = remdups (list_diff a b) @ remdups b"
proof (induct a)
  case (Cons x a')
  thus ?case
    using listDiffIff[of "x" "a'" "b"]
    by auto
qed simp

lemma remdupsAppendSet: 
  shows "set (remdups (a @ b)) = set (remdups a @ remdups (list_diff b a))"
proof (induct a)
  case Nil
  thus ?case
    by auto
  case (Cons x a')
  thus ?case
  proof (cases "x  set a'")
    case True
    thus ?thesis
      using Cons
      using listDiffDoubleRemoveAll[of "x" "a'" "b"]
      by simp
    case False
    thus ?thesis
    proof (cases "x  set b")
      case True
      show ?thesis
        have "set (remdups (x # a') @ remdups (list_diff b (x # a'))) = 
          set (x # remdups a' @ remdups (list_diff b (x # a')))"
          using x  set a'
          by auto
        also have " = set (x # remdups a' @ remdups (list_diff (removeAll x b) a'))"
          by auto
        also have " = set (x # remdups a' @ remdups (removeAll x (list_diff b a')))"
          by simp
        also have " = set (remdups a' @ x # remdups (removeAll x (list_diff b a')))"
          by simp
        also have " = set (remdups a' @ x # removeAll x (remdups (list_diff b a')))"
          by (simp only: remdupsRemoveAllCommute)
        also have " = set (remdups a')  set (x # removeAll x (remdups (list_diff b a')))"
          by simp
        also have " = set (remdups a')  {x}  set (removeAll x (remdups (list_diff b a')))"
          by auto
        also have " = set (remdups a')  set (remdups (list_diff b a'))"
          from x  set a' x  set b
          have "x  set (list_diff b a')"
            using listDiffIff[of "x" "b" "a'"]
            by simp
          hence "x  set (remdups (list_diff b a'))"
            by auto
          thus ?thesis
            by auto
        also have " = set (remdups (a' @ b))"
          using Cons(1)
          by simp
        also have " = set (remdups ((x # a') @ b))"
          using x  set b
          by simp
        finally show ?thesis
          by simp
      case False
      thus ?thesis
        have "set (remdups (x # a') @ remdups (list_diff b (x # a'))) = 
          set (x # (remdups a') @ remdups (list_diff b (x # a')))"
          using x  set a'
          by auto
        also have " = set (x # remdups a' @ remdups (list_diff (removeAll x b) a'))"
          by auto
        also have " = set (x # remdups a' @ remdups (list_diff b a'))"
          using x  set b
          by auto
        also have " = {x}  set (remdups (a' @ b))"
          using Cons(1)
          by simp
        also have " = set (remdups ((x # a') @ b))"
          by auto
        finally show ?thesis
          by simp

lemma remdupsAppendMultiSet: 
  shows "mset (remdups (a @ b)) = mset (remdups a @ remdups (list_diff b a))"
proof (induct a)
  case Nil
  thus ?case
    by auto
  case (Cons x a')
  thus ?case
  proof (cases "x  set a'")
    case True
    thus ?thesis
      using Cons
      using listDiffDoubleRemoveAll[of "x" "a'" "b"]
      by simp
    case False
    thus ?thesis
    proof (cases "x  set b")
      case True
      show ?thesis
        have "mset (remdups (x # a') @ remdups (list_diff b (x # a'))) = 
          mset (x # remdups a' @ remdups (list_diff b (x # a')))"
          have "remdups (x # a') = x # remdups a'"
            using x  set a'
            by auto
          thus ?thesis
            by simp
        also have " = mset (x # remdups a' @ remdups (list_diff (removeAll x b) a'))"
          by auto
        also have " = mset (x # remdups a' @ remdups (removeAll x (list_diff b a')))"
          by simp
        also have " = mset (remdups a' @ x # remdups (removeAll x (list_diff b a')))"
          by (simp add: union_assoc)
        also have " = mset (remdups a' @ x # removeAll x (remdups (list_diff b a')))"
          by (simp only: remdupsRemoveAllCommute)
        also have " = mset (remdups a') + mset (x # removeAll x (remdups (list_diff b a')))"
          by simp
        also have " = mset (remdups a') + {#x#} + mset (removeAll x (remdups (list_diff b a')))"
          by simp
        also have " = mset (remdups a') + mset (remdups (list_diff b a'))"
          from x  set a' x  set b
          have "x  set (list_diff b a')"
            using listDiffIff[of "x" "b" "a'"]
            by simp
          hence "x  set (remdups (list_diff b a'))"
            by auto
          thus ?thesis
            using removeAll_multiset[of "remdups (list_diff b a')" "x"]
            by (simp add: union_assoc)
        also have " = mset (remdups (a' @ b))"
          using Cons(1)
          by simp
        also have " = mset (remdups ((x # a') @ b))"
          using x  set b
          by simp
        finally show ?thesis
          by simp
      case False
      thus ?thesis
        have "mset (remdups (x # a') @ remdups (list_diff b (x # a'))) = 
          mset (x # remdups a' @ remdups (list_diff b (x # a')))"
          have "remdups (x # a') = x # remdups a'"
            using x  set a'
            by auto
          thus ?thesis
            by simp
        also have " = mset (x # remdups a' @ remdups (list_diff (removeAll x b) a'))"
          by auto
        also have " = mset (x # remdups a' @ remdups (list_diff b a'))"
          using x  set b
          using removeAll_id[of "x" "b"]
          by simp
        also have " = {#x#} + mset (remdups (a' @ b))"
          using Cons(1)
          by (simp add: union_commute)
        also have " = mset (remdups ((x # a') @ b))"
          using x  set a' x  set b
          by (auto simp add: union_commute)
        finally show ?thesis
          by simp
lemma remdupsListDiff:
"remdups (list_diff a b) = list_diff (remdups a) (remdups b)"
proof(induct a)
  case Nil
  thus ?case
    by simp
  case (Cons x a')
  thus ?case
    using listDiffIff[of "x" "a'" "b"]
    by auto

(*                       Multiset                        *)

(* Repetition of lemmas from Multiset.thy -
   neccessary for r which I do not know how to represent as order instance. *)

"multiset_le a b r == a = b  (a, b)  mult r"

lemma multisetEmptyLeI:
  "multiset_le {#} a r"
unfolding multiset_le_def
using one_step_implies_mult[of "a" "{#}" r "{#}"]
by auto

lemma multisetUnionLessMono2:
  "trans r  (b1, b2)  mult r  (a + b1, a + b2)  mult r"
unfolding mult_def
apply (erule trancl_induct)
apply (blast intro: mult1_union transI)
apply (blast intro: mult1_union transI trancl_trans)

lemma multisetUnionLessMono1:
  "trans r  (a1, a2)  mult r  (a1 + b, a2 + b)  mult r"
  by (metis multisetUnionLessMono2 union_commute)

lemma multisetUnionLeMono2:
  "trans r"
  "multiset_le b1 b2 r"
  "multiset_le (a + b1) (a + b2) r"
using assms
unfolding multiset_le_def
using multisetUnionLessMono2[of "r" "b1" "b2" "a"]
by auto

lemma multisetUnionLeMono1:
  "trans r"
  "multiset_le a1 a2 r"
  "multiset_le (a1 + b) (a2 + b) r"
using assms
unfolding multiset_le_def
using multisetUnionLessMono1[of "r" "a1" "a2" "b"]
by auto

lemma multisetLeTrans:
  "trans r"
  "multiset_le x y r"
  "multiset_le y z r"
  "multiset_le x z r"
using assms
unfolding multiset_le_def
unfolding mult_def
by (blast intro: trancl_trans)

lemma multisetUnionLeMono:
  "trans r"
  "multiset_le a1 a2 r"
  "multiset_le b1 b2 r"
  "multiset_le (a1 + b1) (a2 + b2) r"
using assms
using multisetUnionLeMono1[of "r" "a1" "a2" "b1"]
using multisetUnionLeMono2[of "r" "b1" "b2" "a2"]
using multisetLeTrans[of "r" "a1 + b1" "a2 + b1" "a2 + b2"]
by simp

lemma multisetLeListDiff:
  "trans r"
  "multiset_le (mset (list_diff a b)) (mset a) r"
proof (induct a)
  case Nil
  thus ?case
    unfolding multiset_le_def
    by simp
  case (Cons x a')
  thus ?case
    using assms
    using multisetEmptyLeI[of "{#x#}" "r"]
    using multisetUnionLeMono[of "r" "mset (list_diff a' b)" "mset a'" "{#}" "{#x#}"]
    using multisetUnionLeMono1[of "r" "mset (list_diff a' b)" "mset a'" "{#x#}"]
    by auto

(*                       Levi                            *)
subsection‹Levi's lemma›

text‹Obsolete: these two lemmas are already proved as @{term
append_eq_append_conv2} and @{term append_eq_Cons_conv}.›

lemma FullLevi: 
  shows "(x @ y = z @ w) = 
                (x = z  y = w  
                ( t. z @ t = x  t @ y = w)  
                ( t. x @ t = z  t @ w = y))" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
  assume "?rhs"
  thus "?lhs"
    by auto
  assume "?lhs"
  thus "?rhs"
  proof (induct x arbitrary: z)
    case (Cons a x')
    show ?case
    proof (cases "z = []")
      case True
      with (a # x') @ y = z @ w
      obtain t where "z @ t = a # x'" "t @ y = w"
        by auto
      thus ?thesis
        by auto
      case False
      then obtain b and z' where "z = b # z'"
        by (auto simp add: neq_Nil_conv)
      with (a # x') @ y = z @ w
      have "x' @ y = z' @ w" "a = b"
        by auto
      with Cons(1)[of "z'"]
      have "x' = z'  y = w  (t. z' @ t = x'  t @ y = w)  (t. x' @ t = z'  t @ w = y)"
        by simp
      with a = b z = b # z' 
      show ?thesis
        by auto
  qed simp

lemma SimpleLevi:
  shows "(p @ s = a # list) = 
             ( p = []  s = a # list  
              ( t. p = a # t  t @ s = list))"
by (induct p) auto

subsection‹Single element lists›
lemma lengthOneCharacterisation:
  shows "(length l = 1) = (l = [hd l])"
by (induct l) auto

lemma lengthOneImpliesOnlyElement:
  assumes "length l = 1" and "a : set l"
  shows " a'. a' : set l  a' = a"
proof (cases l) 
  case (Cons literal' clause')
  with assms 
  show ?thesis 
    by auto
qed simp
