Theory Sepref_Dijkstra
section ‹Imperative Implementation of Dijkstra's Shortest Paths Algorithm›
theory Sepref_Dijkstra
instantiation infty :: (heap) heap
apply standard
apply (rule_tac x="λInfty ⇒ 0 | Num a ⇒ to_nat a + 1" in exI)
apply (rule injI)
apply (auto split: infty.splits)
fun infty_assn where
"infty_assn A (Num x) (Num y) = A x y"
| "infty_assn A Infty Infty = emp"
| "infty_assn _ _ _ = false"
text ‹Connection with ‹infty_rel››
lemma infty_assn_pure_conv: "infty_assn (pure A) = pure (⟨A⟩infty_rel)"
apply (intro ext)
subgoal for x y by (cases x; cases y; simp add: pure_def)
lemmas [sepref_import_rewrite, fcomp_norm_unfold, sepref_frame_normrel_eqs] =
lemmas [constraint_simps] = infty_assn_pure_conv
lemma infty_assn_pure[safe_constraint_rules]: "is_pure A ⟹ is_pure (infty_assn A)"
by (auto simp: is_pure_conv infty_assn_pure_conv)
lemma infty_assn_id[simp]: "infty_assn id_assn = id_assn"
by (simp add: infty_assn_pure_conv)
lemma [safe_constraint_rules]: "IS_BELOW_ID R ⟹ IS_BELOW_ID (⟨R⟩infty_rel)"
by (auto simp: infty_rel_def IS_BELOW_ID_def)
sepref_register Num Infty
lemma Num_hnr[sepref_fr_rules]: "(return o Num,RETURN o Num)∈A⇧d →⇩a infty_assn A"
by sepref_to_hoare sep_auto
lemma Infty_hnr[sepref_fr_rules]: "(uncurry0 (return Infty),uncurry0 (RETURN Infty))∈unit_assn⇧k →⇩a infty_assn A"
by sepref_to_hoare sep_auto
sepref_register case_infty
lemma [sepref_monadify_arity]: "case_infty ≡ λ⇩2f1 f2 x. SP case_infty$f1$(λ⇩2x. f2$x)$x"
by simp
lemma [sepref_monadify_comb]: "case_infty$f1$f2$x ≡ (⤜)$(EVAL$x)$(λ⇩2x. SP case_infty$f1$f2$x)" by simp
lemma [sepref_monadify_comb]: "EVAL$(case_infty$f1$(λ⇩2x. f2 x)$x)
≡ (⤜)$(EVAL$x)$(λ⇩2x. SP case_infty$(EVAL $ f1)$(λ⇩2x. EVAL $ f2 x)$x)"
apply (rule eq_reflection)
by (simp split: infty.splits)
lemma infty_assn_ctxt: "infty_assn A x y = z ⟹ hn_ctxt (infty_assn A) x y = z"
by (simp add: hn_ctxt_def)
lemma infty_cases_hnr[sepref_prep_comb_rule, sepref_comb_rules]:
fixes A e e'
defines [simp]: "INVe ≡ hn_invalid (infty_assn A) e e'"
assumes FR: "Γ ⟹⇩t hn_ctxt (infty_assn A) e e' * F"
assumes Infty: "⟦e = Infty; e' = Infty⟧ ⟹ hn_refine (hn_ctxt (infty_assn A) e e' * F) f1' (hn_ctxt XX1 e e' * Γ1') R f1"
assumes Num: "⋀x1 x1a. ⟦e = Num x1; e' = Num x1a⟧ ⟹ hn_refine (hn_ctxt A x1 x1a * INVe * F) (f2' x1a) (hn_ctxt A' x1 x1a * hn_ctxt XX2 e e' * Γ2') R (f2 x1)"
assumes MERGE2[unfolded hn_ctxt_def]: "Γ1' ∨⇩A Γ2' ⟹⇩t Γ'"
shows "hn_refine Γ (case_infty f1' f2' e') (hn_ctxt (infty_assn A') e e' * Γ') R (case_infty$f1$(λ⇩2x. f2 x)$e)"
apply (rule hn_refine_cons_pre[OF FR])
apply1 extract_hnr_invalids
apply (cases e; cases e'; simp add: infty_assn.simps[THEN infty_assn_ctxt])
apply (rule hn_refine_cons[OF _ Infty _ entt_refl]; assumption?)
applyS (simp add: hn_ctxt_def)
apply (subst mult.commute, rule entt_fr_drop)
apply (rule entt_trans[OF _ MERGE2])
apply (simp add:)
apply (rule hn_refine_cons[OF _ Num _ entt_refl]; assumption?)
applyS (simp add: hn_ctxt_def)
apply (rule entt_star_mono)
apply1 (rule entt_fr_drop)
applyS (simp add: hn_ctxt_def)
apply1 (rule entt_trans[OF _ MERGE2])
applyS (simp add:)
lemma hnr_val[sepref_fr_rules]: "(return o Weight.val,RETURN o Weight.val) ∈ [λx. x≠Infty]⇩a (infty_assn A)⇧d → A"
apply sepref_to_hoare
subgoal for x y by (cases x; cases y; sep_auto)
fixes A :: "'a::weight ⇒ 'b ⇒ assn"
fixes plusi
assumes GA[unfolded GEN_ALGO_def, sepref_fr_rules]: "GEN_ALGO plusi (λf. (uncurry f,uncurry (RETURN oo (+)))∈A⇧k*⇩aA⇧k →⇩a A)"
sepref_thm infty_plus_impl is "uncurry (RETURN oo (+))" :: "((infty_assn A)⇧k *⇩a (infty_assn A)⇧k →⇩a infty_assn A)"
unfolding infty_plus_eq_plus[symmetric] infty_plus_def[abs_def]
by sepref
concrete_definition infty_plus_impl uses infty_plus_impl.refine_raw is "(uncurry ?impl,_)∈_"
lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = infty_plus_impl.refine
definition infty_less where
"infty_less lt a b ≡ case (a,b) of (Num a, Num b) ⇒ lt a b | (Num _, Infty) ⇒ True | _ ⇒ False"
lemma infty_less_param[param]:
"(infty_less,infty_less) ∈ (R→R→bool_rel) → ⟨R⟩infty_rel → ⟨R⟩infty_rel → bool_rel"
unfolding infty_less_def[abs_def]
by parametricity
lemma infty_less_eq_less: "infty_less (<) = (<)"
unfolding infty_less_def[abs_def]
apply (clarsimp intro!: ext)
subgoal for a b by (cases a; cases b; auto)
fixes A :: "'a::weight ⇒ 'b ⇒ assn"
fixes lessi
assumes GA[unfolded GEN_ALGO_def, sepref_fr_rules]: "GEN_ALGO lessi (λf. (uncurry f,uncurry (RETURN oo (<)))∈A⇧k*⇩aA⇧k →⇩a bool_assn)"
sepref_thm infty_less_impl is "uncurry (RETURN oo (<))" :: "((infty_assn A)⇧k *⇩a (infty_assn A)⇧k →⇩a bool_assn)"
unfolding infty_less_eq_less[symmetric] infty_less_def[abs_def]
by sepref
concrete_definition infty_less_impl uses infty_less_impl.refine_raw is "(uncurry ?impl,_)∈_"
lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = infty_less_impl.refine
lemma param_mpath': "(mpath',mpath')
∈ ⟨⟨A×⇩r B ×⇩r A⟩list_rel ×⇩r B⟩option_rel → ⟨⟨A×⇩r B ×⇩r A⟩list_rel⟩option_rel"
proof -
have 1: "mpath' = map_option fst"
apply (intro ext, rename_tac x)
apply (case_tac x)
apply simp
apply (rename_tac a)
apply (case_tac a)
apply simp
show ?thesis
unfolding 1
by parametricity
lemmas (in -) [sepref_import_param] = param_mpath'
lemma param_mpath_weight':
"(mpath_weight', mpath_weight') ∈ ⟨⟨A×⇩rB×⇩rA⟩list_rel ×⇩r B⟩option_rel → ⟨B⟩infty_rel"
by (auto elim!: option_relE simp: infty_rel_def top_infty_def)
lemmas [sepref_import_param] = param_mpath_weight'
context Dijkstra begin
lemmas impl_aux = mdijkstra_def[unfolded mdinit_def mpop_min_def mupdate_def]
lemma mdijkstra_correct:
"(mdijkstra, SPEC (is_shortest_path_map v0)) ∈ ⟨br αr res_invarm⟩nres_rel"
proof -
note mdijkstra_refines
also note dijkstra'_refines
also note dijkstra_correct
finally show ?thesis
by (rule nres_relI)
locale Dijkstra_Impl = fixes w_dummy :: "'W::{weight,heap}"
text ‹Weights›
sepref_register "0::'W"
lemmas [sepref_import_param] =
IdI[of "0::'W"]
abbreviation "weight_assn ≡ id_assn :: 'W ⇒ _"
lemma w_plus_param: "((+), (+)::'W⇒_) ∈ Id → Id → Id" by simp
lemma w_less_param: "((<), (<)::'W⇒_) ∈ Id → Id → Id" by simp
lemmas [sepref_import_param] = w_plus_param w_less_param
lemma [sepref_gen_algo_rules]:
"GEN_ALGO (return oo (+)) (λf. (uncurry f, uncurry (RETURN ∘∘ (+))) ∈ id_assn⇧k *⇩a id_assn⇧k →⇩a id_assn)"
"GEN_ALGO (return oo (<)) (λf. (uncurry f, uncurry (RETURN ∘∘ (<))) ∈ id_assn⇧k *⇩a id_assn⇧k →⇩a id_assn)"
by (sep_auto simp: GEN_ALGO_def pure_def intro!: hfrefI hn_refineI)+
lemma conv_prio_pop_min: "prio_pop_min m = do {
ASSERT (dom m ≠ {});
((k,v),m) ← mop_pm_pop_min id m;
RETURN (k,v,m)
unfolding prio_pop_min_def mop_pm_pop_min_def
by (auto simp: pw_eq_iff refine_pw_simps ran_def)
context fixes N :: nat and w_dummy::"'W::{heap,weight}" begin
interpretation Dijkstra_Impl w_dummy .
definition "drmap_assn2 ≡ IICF_Sepl_Binding.iam.assn
(pure (node_rel N))
(list_assn (prod_assn (pure (node_rel N)) (prod_assn weight_assn (pure (node_rel N)))))
concrete_definition mdijkstra' uses Dijkstra.impl_aux
sepref_definition dijkstra_imp is "uncurry mdijkstra'"
:: "(is_graph N (Id::('W×'W) set))⇧k *⇩a (pure (node_rel N))⇧k →⇩a drmap_assn2"
unfolding mdijkstra'_def
apply (subst conv_prio_pop_min)
apply (rewrite in "RETURN (_,⌑)" iam.fold_custom_empty)
apply (rewrite hm_fold_custom_empty_sz[of N])
apply (rewrite in "_(_ ↦ (⌑,0))" HOL_list.fold_custom_empty)
unfolding drmap_assn2_def
using [[id_debug, goals_limit = 1]]
by sepref
export_code dijkstra_imp checking SML_imp
text ‹The main correctness theorem›
thm Dijkstra.mdijkstra_correct
lemma mdijkstra'_aref: "(uncurry mdijkstra',uncurry (SPEC oo weighted_graph.is_shortest_path_map))
∈ [λ(G,v0). Dijkstra G v0]⇩f Id×⇩rId → ⟨br Dijkstra.αr Dijkstra.res_invarm⟩nres_rel"
using Dijkstra.mdijkstra_correct
by (fastforce intro!: frefI simp: mdijkstra'.refine[symmetric])
definition "drmap_assn N ≡ hr_comp (drmap_assn2 N) (br Dijkstra.αr Dijkstra.res_invarm)"
context notes [fcomp_norm_unfold] = drmap_assn_def[symmetric] begin
theorem dijkstra_imp_correct: "(uncurry (dijkstra_imp N), uncurry (SPEC ∘∘ weighted_graph.is_shortest_path_map))
∈ [λ(G, v0). v0 ∈ nodes G ∧ (∀(v, w, v') ∈ edges G. 0 ≤ w)]⇩a (is_graph N Id)⇧k *⇩a (node_assn N)⇧k → drmap_assn N"
apply (rule hfref_weaken_pre'[OF _ dijkstra_imp.refine[FCOMP mdijkstra'_aref]])
proof clarsimp
fix G :: "(nat,'w::{weight,heap}) graph" and v0
assume v0_is_node: "v0 ∈ nodes G"
and nonneg_weights: "∀(v, w, v') ∈ edges G. 0 ≤ w"
and "v0<N"
and RDOM: "rdomp (is_graph N Id) G"
from RDOM interpret valid_graph G unfolding is_graph_def rdomp_def by auto
from RDOM have [simp]: "finite V" unfolding is_graph_def rdomp_def by auto
from RDOM have "∀v∈V. {(w, v'). (v, w, v') ∈ E} ∈
Range (⟨Id ×⇩r node_rel N⟩list_set_rel)"
by (auto simp: succ_def is_graph_def rdomp_def)
hence "∀v∈V. finite {(w, v'). (v, w, v') ∈ E}"
unfolding list_set_rel_range by simp
hence "finite (Sigma V (λv. {(w, v'). (v, w, v') ∈ E}))"
by auto
also have "E ⊆ (Sigma V (λv. {(w, v'). (v, w, v') ∈ E}))"
using E_valid
by auto
finally (finite_subset[rotated]) have [simp]: "finite E" .
show "Dijkstra G v0"
apply (unfold_locales)
unfolding is_graph_def using v0_is_node nonneg_weights
by auto
corollary dijkstra_imp_rule: "
<is_graph n Id G Gi * ↑(v0 ∈ nodes G ∧ (∀(v, w, v') ∈ edges G. 0 ≤ w))>
dijkstra_imp n Gi v0
<λmi. (is_graph n Id) G Gi
* (∃⇩Am. drmap_assn n m mi * ↑(weighted_graph.is_shortest_path_map G v0 m)) >⇩t"
using dijkstra_imp_correct[to_hnr, of v0 G n v0 Gi]
unfolding hn_refine_def
apply (clarsimp)
apply (erule cons_rule[rotated -1])
apply (sep_auto simp: hn_ctxt_def pure_def is_graph_def)
apply (sep_auto simp: hn_ctxt_def)