Theory IICF_Impl_Heapmap

section ‹Implementation of Heaps by Arrays›
theory IICF_Impl_Heapmap
imports IICF_Abs_Heapmap "../IICF_Indexed_Array_List"

(* TODO/FIXME: Division setup of the code generator is a mess.
  TODO: Why does [code_unfold] not work to rewrite "x div 2"?
text ‹Some setup to circumvent the really inefficient implementation 
  of division in the code generator, which has to consider several
  cases for negative divisors and dividends. ›
definition [code_unfold]: 
  "efficient_nat_div2 n     
     nat_of_integer (fst (Code_Numeral.divmod_abs (integer_of_nat n) 2))"

lemma efficient_nat_div2[simp]: "efficient_nat_div2 n = n div 2"
  by (simp add: efficient_nat_div2_def nat_of_integer.rep_eq)

  type_synonym 'v hma = "nat list × ('v list)"
  sepref_decl_intf 'v i_hma is "nat list × (nat  'v)"

  locale hmstruct_impl = hmstruct prio for prio :: "'v::heap  'p::linorder"
    lemma param_prio: "(prio,prio)  Id  Id" by simp
    lemmas [sepref_import_param] = param_prio
    sepref_register prio

    fixes maxsize :: nat
    fixes prio :: "'v::heap  'p::linorder"
    notes [map_type_eqs] = map_type_eqI[Pure.of "TYPE((nat,'v) ahm)" "TYPE('v i_hma)"]

    interpretation hmstruct .
    interpretation hmstruct_impl .
    definition "hm_impl1_α  λ(pq,ml). 
      (pq,λk. if kset pq then Some (ml!k) else None)"

    definition "hm_impl1_invar  λ(pq,ml). 
        hmr_invar (hm_impl1_α (pq,ml))
       set pq  {0..<maxsize}  
       ((pq=[]  ml=[])  (length ml = maxsize))"  

    definition "hm_impl1_weak_invar  λ(pq,ml). 
        set pq  {0..<maxsize}  
       ((pq=[]  ml=[])  (length ml = maxsize))"  

    definition "hm_impl1_rel  br hm_impl1_α hm_impl1_invar"
    definition "hm_weak_impl'_rel  br hm_impl1_α hm_impl1_weak_invar"

    lemmas hm_impl1_rel_defs = 
      hm_impl1_rel_def hm_weak_impl'_rel_def hm_impl1_weak_invar_def hm_impl1_invar_def hm_impl1_α_def in_br_conv

    lemma hm_impl_α_fst_eq: 
        "(x1, x2) = hm_impl1_α (x1a, x2a)  x1 = x1a"
      unfolding hm_impl1_α_def by (auto split: if_split_asm)

    term hm_empty_op  
    definition hm_empty_op' :: "'v hma nres" 
      where "hm_empty_op'  do {
        let pq = op_ial_empty_sz maxsize;
        let ml = op_list_empty;
        RETURN (pq,ml)

    lemma hm_empty_op'_refine: "(hm_empty_op', hm_empty_op)  hm_impl1_relnres_rel"  
      apply (intro fun_relI nres_relI)
      unfolding hm_empty_op'_def hm_empty_op_def hm_impl1_rel_defs 
      by (auto simp: in_br_conv)

    definition hm_length' :: "'v hma  nat" where "hm_length'  λ(pq,ml). length pq"

    lemma hm_length'_refine: "(RETURN o hm_length',RETURN o hm_length)  hm_impl1_rel  nat_relnres_rel"
      apply (intro fun_relI nres_relI)
      unfolding hm_length'_def hm_length_def hm_impl1_rel_defs
      by (auto)
    term hm_key_of_op  
    definition "hm_key_of_op'  λ(pq,ml) i. ASSERT (i>0)  mop_list_get pq (i - 1)"
    lemma hm_key_of_op'_refine: "(hm_key_of_op', hm_key_of_op)  hm_impl1_rel  nat_rel  nat_relnres_rel"
      apply (intro fun_relI nres_relI)
      unfolding hm_key_of_op'_def hm_key_of_op_def hm_impl1_rel_defs
      by (auto)

    term hm_lookup  
    definition "hm_lookup_op'  λ(pq,ml) k. do {
      if (k<maxsize) then do {    ― ‹TODO: This check can be eliminated, but this will complicate refinement of keys in basic ops›
        let c = op_list_contains k pq;
        if c then do {
          v  mop_list_get ml k;
          RETURN (Some v)
        } else RETURN None
      } else RETURN None  
    lemma hm_lookup_op'_refine: "(uncurry hm_lookup_op', uncurry (RETURN oo hm_lookup)) 
       (hm_impl1_rel ×r nat_rel) f Idoption_relnres_rel"
      apply (intro frefI nres_relI)
      unfolding hm_lookup_op_def hm_lookup_op'_def o_def uncurry_def
      apply refine_vcg
      apply (auto simp: hm_impl1_rel_defs heapmap_α_def hmr_invar_def)

    term hm_contains_key_op  
    definition "hm_contains_key_op'  λk (pq,ml). do {
      if (k<maxsize) then do {    ― ‹TODO: This check can be eliminated, but this will complicate refinement of keys in basic ops›
        RETURN (op_list_contains k pq)
      } else RETURN False  
    lemma hm_contains_key_op'_refine: "(uncurry hm_contains_key_op', uncurry hm_contains_key_op) 
       (nat_rel ×r hm_impl1_rel) f bool_relnres_rel"
      apply (intro frefI nres_relI)
      unfolding hm_contains_key_op_def hm_contains_key_op'_def o_def uncurry_def PR_CONST_def
      apply refine_vcg
      apply (auto simp: hm_impl1_rel_defs heapmap_α_def hmr_invar_def)

    term hm_valid 

    definition "hm_exch_op'  λ(pq,ml) i j. do {
      ASSERT (hm_valid (hm_impl1_α (pq,ml)) i);
      ASSERT (hm_valid (hm_impl1_α (pq,ml)) j);
      pq  mop_list_swap pq (i - 1) (j - 1);
      RETURN (pq,ml)

    lemma hm_impl1_relI:
      assumes "hmr_invar b"
      assumes "(a,b)hm_weak_impl'_rel"
      shows "(a,b)hm_impl1_rel"
      using assms
      unfolding hmr_rel_def hm_impl1_rel_def hm_weak_impl'_rel_def in_br_conv
        hm_impl1_weak_invar_def hm_impl1_invar_def
      by auto

    lemma hm_impl1_nres_relI:
      assumes "b n SPEC hmr_invar"
      assumes "(a,b)hm_weak_impl'_relnres_rel"
      shows "(a,b)hm_impl1_relnres_rel"
      using assms hm_impl1_relI
      apply (auto simp: pw_le_iff pw_leof_iff refine_pw_simps in_br_conv nres_rel_def)
      apply blast

    lemma hm_exch_op'_refine: "(hm_exch_op', hm_exch_op)  hm_impl1_rel  nat_rel  nat_rel  hm_impl1_relnres_rel"
      apply (intro fun_relI hm_impl1_nres_relI[OF hm_exch_op_invar])
      unfolding hm_exch_op'_def hm_exch_op_def
      apply (auto simp: pw_le_iff refine_pw_simps nres_rel_def
          hm_impl1_rel_def in_br_conv split: prod.splits)
      apply (auto simp: hm_impl1_α_def)
      unfolding hm_impl1_rel_defs
      apply auto

    term hm_index_op  

    definition "hm_index_op'  λ(pq,ml) k. 
      do {
        ASSERT (hm_impl1_invar (pq,ml)  heapmap_α (hm_impl1_α (pq,ml)) k  None  kset pq);
        i  mop_list_index pq k;
        RETURN (i+1)
    lemma hm_index_op'_refine: "(hm_index_op',hm_index_op) 
       hm_impl1_rel  nat_rel  nat_relnres_rel"  
      apply (intro fun_relI nres_relI)
      unfolding hm_index_op'_def hm_index_op_def hm_impl1_rel_defs
      apply (auto simp: pw_le_iff refine_pw_simps heapmap_α_def split: if_split_asm)

    definition hm_update_op' where
      "hm_update_op'  λ(pq,ml) i v. do {
        ASSERT (hm_valid (hm_impl1_α (pq,ml)) i  hm_impl1_invar (pq,ml));
        k  mop_list_get pq (i - 1);
        ml  mop_list_set ml k v;
        RETURN (pq, ml)
    lemma hm_update_op'_refine: "(hm_update_op', hm_update_op)  hm_impl1_rel  nat_rel  Id  hm_impl1_relnres_rel"  
      apply (intro fun_relI hm_impl1_nres_relI[OF hm_update_op_invar])
      unfolding hm_update_op'_def hm_update_op_def
      apply (auto simp: pw_le_iff refine_pw_simps nres_rel_def
          hm_impl1_rel_def in_br_conv split: prod.splits)
      apply (auto simp: hm_impl1_α_def)
      unfolding hm_impl1_rel_defs
      apply (auto simp: subset_code(1))
    term hm_butlast_op  

    lemma hm_butlast_op_invar: "hm_butlast_op hm n SPEC hmr_invar"
      unfolding hm_butlast_op_def h.butlast_op_def
      apply refine_vcg
      apply (clarsimp_all simp: hmr_rel_defs map_butlast distinct_butlast)
      apply safe

      apply (auto simp: in_set_conv_nth nth_butlast) []
      apply (metis Suc_pred len_greater_imp_nonempty length_greater_0_conv less_antisym)
      apply (auto dest: in_set_butlastD) []

      apply (metis One_nat_def append_butlast_last_id distinct_butlast last_conv_nth not_distinct_conv_prefix)

    definition hm_butlast_op' where
      "hm_butlast_op'  λ(pq,ml). do {
        ASSERT (hmr_invar (hm_impl1_α (pq,ml)));
        pq  mop_list_butlast pq;
        RETURN (pq,ml)

    lemma set_butlast_distinct_conv: 
      "distinct l  set (butlast l) = set l - {last l}"  
      by (cases l rule: rev_cases; auto)

    lemma hm_butlast_op'_refine: "(hm_butlast_op', hm_butlast_op)  hm_impl1_rel  hm_impl1_relnres_rel"  
      apply (intro fun_relI hm_impl1_nres_relI[OF hm_butlast_op_invar])
      unfolding hm_butlast_op'_def hm_butlast_op_def
      apply (auto simp: pw_le_iff refine_pw_simps nres_rel_def
          hm_impl1_rel_def in_br_conv split: prod.splits)
      apply (auto simp: hm_impl1_α_def)
      unfolding hm_impl1_rel_defs
      apply (auto simp: restrict_map_def) []


      apply (auto dest: in_set_butlastD) []
      apply (auto intro!: ext 
        simp: hmr_invar_def set_butlast_distinct_conv last_conv_nth
        dest: in_set_butlastD) []

    definition hm_append_op' 
      where "hm_append_op'  λ(pq,ml) k v. do {
        ASSERT (k  set pq  k<maxsize);
        ASSERT (hm_impl1_invar (pq,ml));
        pq  mop_list_append pq k;
        ml  (if length ml = 0 then mop_list_replicate maxsize v else RETURN ml);
        ml  mop_list_set ml k v;
        RETURN (pq,ml)

    lemma hm_append_op'_refine: "(uncurry2 hm_append_op', uncurry2 hm_append_op) 
       [λ((hm,k),v). k<maxsize]f (hm_impl1_rel ×r nat_rel) ×r Id  hm_impl1_relnres_rel"  
      apply (intro frefI hm_impl1_nres_relI[OF hm_append_op_invar])
      unfolding hm_append_op'_def hm_append_op_def
      apply (auto simp: pw_le_iff refine_pw_simps nres_rel_def
          hm_impl1_rel_def in_br_conv split: prod.splits)
      unfolding hm_impl1_rel_defs
      apply (auto simp: restrict_map_def hmr_invar_def split: prod.splits if_split_asm) 
    definition "hm_impl2_rel  prod_assn (ial_assn maxsize id_assn) (array_assn id_assn)"
    definition "hm_impl_rel  hr_comp hm_impl2_rel hm_impl1_rel"

    lemmas [fcomp_norm_unfold] = hm_impl_rel_def[symmetric]

    (*lemma hm_impl_rel_precise[constraint_rules]: "precise hm_impl_rel"
      unfolding hm_impl_rel_def hm_impl1_rel_def hm_impl2_rel_def
      by (constraint_rules)*)

    subsection ‹Implement Basic Operations›  

    lemma param_parent: "(efficient_nat_div2,h.parent)  Id  Id" 
      by (intro fun_relI) (simp add: h.parent_def)
    lemmas [sepref_import_param] = param_parent
    sepref_register h.parent

    lemma param_left: "(h.left,h.left)  Id  Id" by simp
    lemmas [sepref_import_param] = param_left
    sepref_register h.left

    lemma param_right: "(h.right,h.right)  Id  Id" by simp
    lemmas [sepref_import_param] = param_right
    sepref_register h.right

    abbreviation (input) "prio_rel  (Id::('p×'p) set)"

    lemma param_prio_le: "((≤), (≤))  prio_rel  prio_rel  bool_rel" by simp
    lemmas [sepref_import_param] = param_prio_le
    lemma param_prio_lt: "((<), (<))  prio_rel  prio_rel  bool_rel" by simp
    lemmas [sepref_import_param] = param_prio_lt

    abbreviation "I_HM_UNF  TYPE(nat list × 'v list)"

    sepref_definition hm_length_impl is "RETURN o hm_length'" :: "hm_impl2_relkanat_assn"
      unfolding hm_length'_def hm_impl2_rel_def
      by sepref
    lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = hm_length_impl.refine[FCOMP hm_length'_refine]
    sepref_register "hm_length::(nat,'v) ahm  _"

    sepref_definition hm_key_of_op_impl is "uncurry hm_key_of_op'" :: "hm_impl2_relk*anat_assnk anat_assn"
      unfolding hm_key_of_op'_def hm_impl2_rel_def
      by sepref
    lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = hm_key_of_op_impl.refine[FCOMP hm_key_of_op'_refine]
    sepref_register "hm_key_of_op::(nat,'v) ahm  _"

      notes [id_rules] = itypeI[Pure.of maxsize "TYPE(nat)"]
      notes [sepref_import_param] = IdI[of maxsize]

    sepref_definition hm_lookup_impl is "uncurry hm_lookup_op'" :: "(hm_impl2_relk*anat_assnk aoption_assn id_assn)"
      unfolding hm_lookup_op'_def hm_impl2_rel_def
      by sepref
    lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = 
      hm_lookup_impl.refine[FCOMP hm_lookup_op'_refine]
    sepref_register "hm_lookup::(nat,'v) ahm  _" 

    sepref_definition hm_exch_op_impl is "uncurry2 hm_exch_op'" :: "hm_impl2_reld*anat_assnk*anat_assnk a hm_impl2_rel"
      unfolding hm_exch_op'_def hm_impl2_rel_def
      by sepref
    lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = hm_exch_op_impl.refine[FCOMP hm_exch_op'_refine]
    sepref_register "hm_exch_op::(nat,'v) ahm  _" 

    sepref_definition hm_index_op_impl is "uncurry hm_index_op'" :: "hm_impl2_relk*aid_assnk a id_assn"
      unfolding hm_index_op'_def hm_impl2_rel_def 
      by sepref
    lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = hm_index_op_impl.refine[FCOMP hm_index_op'_refine]
    sepref_register "hm_index_op::(nat,'v) ahm  _" 

    sepref_definition hm_update_op_impl is "uncurry2 hm_update_op'" :: "hm_impl2_reld*aid_assnk*aid_assnk a hm_impl2_rel"
      unfolding hm_update_op'_def hm_impl2_rel_def 
      by sepref
    lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = hm_update_op_impl.refine[FCOMP hm_update_op'_refine]
    sepref_register "hm_update_op::(nat,'v) ahm  _" 

    sepref_definition hm_butlast_op_impl is "hm_butlast_op'" :: "hm_impl2_reld a hm_impl2_rel"
      unfolding hm_butlast_op'_def hm_impl2_rel_def by sepref
    lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = hm_butlast_op_impl.refine[FCOMP hm_butlast_op'_refine]
    sepref_register "hm_butlast_op::(nat,'v) ahm  _"

    sepref_definition hm_append_op_impl is "uncurry2 hm_append_op'" :: "hm_impl2_reld *a id_assnk *a id_assnk a hm_impl2_rel"
      unfolding hm_append_op'_def hm_impl2_rel_def 
      apply (rewrite array_fold_custom_replicate)
      by sepref
    lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = hm_append_op_impl.refine[FCOMP hm_append_op'_refine]
    sepref_register "hm_append_op::(nat,'v) ahm  _" 

    subsection ‹Auxiliary Operations›

    lemmas [intf_of_assn] = intf_of_assnI[where R="hm_impl_rel :: (nat,'v) ahm  _" and 'a="'v i_hma"]

    sepref_definition hm_valid_impl is "uncurry (RETURN oo hm_valid)" :: "hm_impl_relk*anat_assnk a bool_assn "
      unfolding hm_valid_def[abs_def]
      by sepref
    lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = hm_valid_impl.refine
    sepref_register "hm_valid::(nat,'v) ahm  _"

    (* Optimization *)
    definition "hm_the_lookup_op' hm k  do {
      let (pq,ml) = hm;
      ASSERT (heapmap_α (hm_impl1_α hm) k  None  hm_impl1_invar hm);
      v  mop_list_get ml k;
      RETURN v
    lemma hm_the_lookup_op'_refine: 
      "(hm_the_lookup_op', hm_the_lookup_op)  hm_impl1_rel  nat_rel  Idnres_rel"
      apply (intro fun_relI nres_relI)
      unfolding hm_the_lookup_op'_def hm_the_lookup_op_def
      apply refine_vcg
      apply (auto simp: hm_impl1_rel_defs heapmap_α_def hmr_invar_def split: if_split_asm)

    sepref_definition hm_the_lookup_op_impl is "uncurry hm_the_lookup_op'" :: "hm_impl2_relk*aid_assnk aid_assn"  
      unfolding hm_the_lookup_op'_def[abs_def] hm_impl2_rel_def
      by sepref
    lemmas hm_the_lookup_op_impl[sepref_fr_rules] = hm_the_lookup_op_impl.refine[FCOMP hm_the_lookup_op'_refine]
    sepref_register "hm_the_lookup_op::(nat,'v) ahm  _"

    sepref_definition hm_val_of_op_impl is "uncurry hm_val_of_op" :: "hm_impl_relk*aid_assnk a id_assn"
      unfolding hm_val_of_op_def by sepref
    lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = hm_val_of_op_impl.refine
    sepref_register "hm_val_of_op::(nat,'v) ahm  _"

    sepref_definition hm_prio_of_op_impl is "uncurry (PR_CONST hm_prio_of_op)" :: "hm_impl_relk*aid_assnk a id_assn"
      unfolding hm_prio_of_op_def[abs_def] PR_CONST_def by sepref
    lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = hm_prio_of_op_impl.refine
    sepref_register "PR_CONST hm_prio_of_op::(nat,'v) ahm  _"
    lemma [def_pat_rules]: "hmstruct.hm_prio_of_op$prio  PR_CONST hm_prio_of_op"
      by simp

    text ‹No code theorem preparation, as we define optimized version later›  
    sepref_definition (no_prep_code) hm_swim_op_impl is "uncurry (PR_CONST hm_swim_op)" :: "hm_impl_reld*anat_assnk a hm_impl_rel"
      unfolding hm_swim_op_def[abs_def] PR_CONST_def
      using [[goals_limit = 1]]
      by sepref
    lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = hm_swim_op_impl.refine
    sepref_register "PR_CONST hm_swim_op::(nat,'v) ahm  _"
    lemma [def_pat_rules]: "hmstruct.hm_swim_op$prio  PR_CONST hm_swim_op" by simp

    text ‹No code theorem preparation, as we define optimized version later›  
    sepref_definition (no_prep_code) hm_sink_op_impl is "uncurry (PR_CONST hm_sink_op)" :: "hm_impl_reld*anat_assnk a hm_impl_rel"
      unfolding hm_sink_op_def[abs_def] PR_CONST_def
      by sepref
    lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = hm_sink_op_impl.refine
    sepref_register "PR_CONST hm_sink_op::(nat,'v) ahm  _"
    lemma [def_pat_rules]: "hmstruct.hm_sink_op$prio  PR_CONST hm_sink_op" by simp

    sepref_definition hm_repair_op_impl is "uncurry (PR_CONST hm_repair_op)" :: "hm_impl_reld*anat_assnk a hm_impl_rel"
      unfolding hm_repair_op_def[abs_def] PR_CONST_def
      by sepref
    lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = hm_repair_op_impl.refine
    sepref_register "PR_CONST hm_repair_op::(nat,'v) ahm  _"
    lemma [def_pat_rules]: "hmstruct.hm_repair_op$prio  PR_CONST hm_repair_op" by simp

  subsection ‹Interface Operations›
  definition hm_rel_np where 
    "hm_rel_np  hr_comp hm_impl_rel heapmap_rel"
  lemmas [fcomp_norm_unfold] = hm_rel_np_def[symmetric]  

  definition hm_rel where
    "hm_rel K V  hr_comp hm_rel_np (the_pure K,the_pure Vmap_rel)"
  lemmas [fcomp_norm_unfold] = hm_rel_def[symmetric]  

  lemmas [intf_of_assn] = intf_of_assnI[where R="hm_rel K V" and 'a="('kk,'vv) i_map" for K V]

  lemma hm_rel_id_conv: "hm_rel id_assn id_assn = hm_rel_np"
    ― ‹Used for generic algorithms: Unfold with this, then let decl-impl compose with map_rel› again.›
    unfolding hm_rel_def by simp

  subsubsection ‹Synthesis›
  definition op_hm_empty_sz :: "nat  'kk'vv"
    where [simp]: "op_hm_empty_sz sz  op_map_empty"
  sepref_register "PR_CONST (op_hm_empty_sz maxsize)" :: "('k,'v) i_map"
  lemma [def_pat_rules]: "op_hm_empty_sz$maxsize  UNPROTECT (op_hm_empty_sz maxsize)" by simp

  lemma hm_fold_custom_empty_sz: 
    "op_map_empty = op_hm_empty_sz sz"
    "Map.empty = op_hm_empty_sz sz"
    by auto

  sepref_definition hm_empty_op_impl is "uncurry0 hm_empty_op'" :: "unit_assnk a hm_impl2_rel"  
    unfolding hm_empty_op'_def hm_impl2_rel_def array.fold_custom_empty
    by sepref
  sepref_definition hm_insert_op_impl is "uncurry2 hm_insert_op" :: "[λ((k,_),_). k<maxsize]a id_assnk*aid_assnk*ahm_impl_reld  hm_impl_rel"
    unfolding hm_insert_op_def
    by sepref

  sepref_definition hm_is_empty_op_impl is "hm_is_empty_op" :: "hm_impl_relk a bool_assn"
    unfolding hm_is_empty_op_def
    by sepref

  sepref_definition hm_lookup_op_impl is "uncurry hm_lookup_op" :: "id_assnk*ahm_impl_relk a option_assn id_assn"
    unfolding hm_lookup_op_def by sepref

  sepref_definition hm_contains_key_impl is "uncurry hm_contains_key_op'" :: "id_assnk*ahm_impl2_relk a bool_assn"
    unfolding hm_contains_key_op'_def hm_impl2_rel_def
    by sepref

  sepref_definition hm_decrease_key_op_impl is "uncurry2 hm_decrease_key_op" :: "id_assnk*aid_assnk*ahm_impl_reld a hm_impl_rel"
    unfolding hm_decrease_key_op_def by sepref

  sepref_definition hm_increase_key_op_impl is "uncurry2 hm_increase_key_op" :: "id_assnk*aid_assnk*ahm_impl_reld a hm_impl_rel"
    unfolding hm_increase_key_op_def by sepref

  sepref_definition hm_change_key_op_impl is "uncurry2 hm_change_key_op" :: "id_assnk*aid_assnk*ahm_impl_reld a hm_impl_rel"
    unfolding hm_change_key_op_def by sepref

  sepref_definition hm_pop_min_op_impl is hm_pop_min_op :: "hm_impl_reld a prod_assn (prod_assn nat_assn id_assn) hm_impl_rel "
    unfolding hm_pop_min_op_def[abs_def]
    by sepref

  sepref_definition hm_remove_op_impl is "uncurry hm_remove_op" :: "id_assnk *a hm_impl_reld a hm_impl_rel"
    unfolding hm_remove_op_def[abs_def] by sepref

  sepref_definition hm_peek_min_op_impl is "hm_peek_min_op" :: "hm_impl_relk a prod_assn nat_assn id_assn"
    unfolding hm_peek_min_op_def[abs_def] hm_kv_of_op_def
    by sepref

  subsubsection ‹Setup of Refinements›

  sepref_decl_impl (no_register) hm_empty: 
    hm_empty_op_impl.refine[FCOMP hm_empty_op'_refine, FCOMP hm_empty_aref] .

  context fixes K assumes "IS_BELOW_ID K" begin
    lemmas mop_map_update_new_fref' = mop_map_update_new.fref[of K] 
    lemmas op_map_update_fref' = op_map_update.fref[of K] 

  sepref_decl_impl (ismop) hm_insert: hm_insert_op_impl.refine[FCOMP hm_insert_op_aref]
    uses mop_map_update_new_fref'
    unfolding IS_BELOW_ID_def
    apply (parametricity; auto simp: single_valued_below_Id)

  sepref_decl_impl hm_is_empty: hm_is_empty_op_impl.refine[FCOMP hm_is_empty_op_aref] .
  sepref_decl_impl hm_lookup: hm_lookup_op_impl.refine[FCOMP hm_lookup_op_aref] .

  sepref_decl_impl hm_contains_key: 
    hm_contains_key_impl.refine[FCOMP hm_contains_key_op'_refine, FCOMP hm_contains_key_op_aref]

  sepref_decl_impl (ismop) hm_decrease_key: hm_decrease_key_op_impl.refine[FCOMP hm_decrease_key_op_aref] .
  sepref_decl_impl (ismop) hm_increase_key: hm_increase_key_op_impl.refine[FCOMP hm_increase_key_op_aref] .
  sepref_decl_impl (ismop) hm_change_key: hm_change_key_op_impl.refine[FCOMP hm_change_key_op_aref] .
  sepref_decl_impl (ismop) hm_remove: hm_remove_op_impl.refine[FCOMP hm_remove_op_aref] .

  sepref_decl_impl (ismop) hm_pop_min: hm_pop_min_op_impl.refine[FCOMP hm_pop_min_op_aref] .
  sepref_decl_impl (ismop) hm_peek_min: hm_peek_min_op_impl.refine[FCOMP hm_peek_min_op_aref] .

  ― ‹Realized as generic algorithm. Note that we use @{term id_assn} for the elements.›
  sepref_definition hm_upd_op_impl is "uncurry2 (RETURN ooo op_map_update)" :: "[λ((k,_),_). k<maxsize]a id_assnk *a id_assnk *a (hm_rel id_assn id_assn)d  hm_rel id_assn id_assn"
    unfolding op_pm_set_gen_impl by sepref

  sepref_decl_impl hm_upd_op_impl.refine[unfolded hm_rel_id_conv] uses op_map_update_fref'
    unfolding IS_BELOW_ID_def
    apply (parametricity; auto simp: single_valued_below_Id)


interpretation hm: map_custom_empty "PR_CONST (op_hm_empty_sz maxsize)"
  apply unfold_locales by simp

lemma op_hm_empty_sz_hnr[sepref_fr_rules]:
  "(uncurry0 (hm_empty_op_impl maxsize), uncurry0 (RETURN (PR_CONST (op_hm_empty_sz maxsize))))  unit_assnk a hm_rel maxsize prio K V"
  using hm_empty_hnr by simp

subsection ‹Manual fine-tuning of code-lemmas›
(* TODO: Integrate into Sepref-tool optimization phase! *)

notes [simp del] = CNV_def efficient_nat_div2

lemma nested_case_bind: 
  "(case p of (a,b)  bind (case a of (a1,a2)  m a b a1 a2) (f a b)) 
  = (case p of ((a1,a2),b)  bind (m (a1,a2) b a1 a2) (f (a1,a2) b))"
  "(case p of (a,b)  bind (case b of (b1,b2)  m a b b1 b2) (f a b)) 
  = (case p of (a,b1,b2)  bind (m a (b1,b2) b1 b2) (f a (b1,b2)))"
  by (simp_all split: prod.splits)

lemma it_case: "(case p of (a,b)  f p a b) = (case p of (a,b)  f (a,b) a b)"
  by (auto split: prod.split)

lemma c2l: "(case p of (a,b)  bind (m a b) (f a b)) = 
  do { let (a,b) = p; bind (m a b) (f a b)}" by simp

lemma bind_Let: "do { x  do { let y = v; (f y :: 'a Heap)}; g x } = do { let y=v; x  f y; g x }" by auto
lemma bind_case: "do { x  (case y of (a,b)  f a b); (g x :: 'a Heap) } = do { let (a,b) = y; x  f a b; g x }"
  by (auto split: prod.splits)

lemma bind_case_mvup: "do { x  f; case y of (a,b)  g a b x } 
  = do { let (a,b) = y; x  f; (g a b x :: 'a Heap) }"
  by (auto split: prod.splits)

lemma if_case_mvup: "(if b then case p of (x1,x2)  f x1 x2 else e)
  = (case p of (x1,x2)  if b then f x1 x2 else e)" by auto

lemma nested_case: "(case p of (a,b)  (case p of (c,d)  f a b c d)) =
  (case p of (a,b)  f a b a b)"
  by (auto split: prod.split)

lemma split_prod_bound: "(λp. f p) = (λ(a,b). f (a,b))" by auto

lemma bpc_conv: "do { (a,b)  (m::(_*_) Heap); f a b } = do {
  ab  (m);
  f (fst ab) (snd ab)
  apply (subst (2) split_prod_bound)
  by simp

lemma it_case_pp: "(case p of ((p1,p2))  case p of ((p1',p2'))  f p1 p2 p1' p2')
  = (case p of ((p1,p2))  f p1 p2 p1 p2)"
  by (auto split: prod.split)

lemma it_case_ppp: "(case p of ((p1,p2),p3)  case p of ((p1',p2'),p3')  f p1 p2 p3 p1' p2' p3')
  = (case p of ((p1,p2),p3)  f p1 p2 p3 p1 p2 p3)"
  by (auto split: prod.split)

lemma it_case_pppp: "(case a1 of
              (((a, b), c), d) 
                case a1 of
                (((a', b'), c'), d')  f a b c d a' b' c' d') =
       (case a1 of
              (((a, b), c), d)  f a b c d a b c d)"
  by (auto split: prod.splits)

private lemmas inlines = hm_append_op_impl_def ial_append_def
    marl_length_def marl_append_def hm_length_impl_def ial_length_def
    hm_valid_impl_def hm_prio_of_op_impl_def hm_val_of_op_impl_def hm_key_of_op_impl_def
    ial_get_def hm_the_lookup_op_impl_def heap_array_set_def marl_get_def
    it_case_ppp it_case_pppp bind_case bind_case_mvup nested_case if_case_mvup

schematic_goal [code]: "hm_insert_op_impl maxsize prio hm k v = ?f"
  unfolding hm_insert_op_impl_def
  apply (rule CNV_eqD)
  apply (simp add: inlines  cong: if_cong)
  by (rule CNV_I)

schematic_goal "hm_swim_op_impl prio hm i  ?f"
  unfolding hm_swim_op_impl_def 
  apply (rule eq_reflection)
  apply (rule CNV_eqD)
  apply (simp add: inlines efficient_nat_div2  
    cong: if_cong)
  by (rule CNV_I)

lemma hm_swim_op_impl_code[code]: "hm_swim_op_impl prio hm i  ccpo.fixp (fun_lub Heap_lub) (fun_ord Heap_ord)
       (λcf (a1, a2).
           case a1 of
           ((a1b, a2b), a2a) 
             case a1b of
             (a, b)  do {
               let d2 = efficient_nat_div2 a2; 
               if 0 < d2  d2  b
               then do {
                      x  (case a1b of (a, n)  Array.nth a) (d2 - Suc 0);
                      x  Array.nth a2a x;
                      xa  (case a1b of (a, n)  Array.nth a) (a2 - Suc 0);
                      xa  Array.nth a2a xa;
                      if prio x  prio xa then return a1
                      else do {
                             x'g  hm_exch_op_impl a1 a2 (d2);
                             cf (x'g, d2)
               else return a1
       (hm, i)"
  unfolding hm_swim_op_impl_def 
  apply (rule eq_reflection)
  apply (simp add: inlines efficient_nat_div2 Let_def 
    cong: if_cong)

prepare_code_thms hm_swim_op_impl_code

schematic_goal hm_sink_opt_impl_code[code]: "hm_sink_op_impl prio hm i  ?f"
  unfolding hm_sink_op_impl_def 
  apply (rule eq_reflection)
  apply (rule CNV_eqD)
  apply (simp add: inlines 
    cong: if_cong)
  by (rule CNV_I)

prepare_code_thms hm_sink_opt_impl_code

export_code hm_swim_op_impl in SML_imp module_name Test

schematic_goal hm_change_key_opt_impl_code[code]: "
  hm_change_key_op_impl prio k v hm  ?f"
  unfolding hm_change_key_op_impl_def 
  apply (rule eq_reflection)
  apply (rule CNV_eqD)
  apply (simp add: inlines hm_contains_key_impl_def ial_contains_def
    hm_change_key_op_impl_def hm_index_op_impl_def hm_update_op_impl_def
    cong: if_cong split: prod.splits)

schematic_goal hm_change_key_opt_impl_code[code]: "
  hm_change_key_op_impl prio k v hm  case hm of (((a, b), ba), x2) 
       (do {
              x  Array.nth ba k;
              xa  Array.nth a x;
              xa  Array.upd xa v x2;
              hm_repair_op_impl prio (((a, b), ba), xa) (Suc x)
  unfolding hm_change_key_op_impl_def 
  apply (rule eq_reflection)
  apply (simp add: inlines hm_contains_key_impl_def ial_contains_def
    hm_change_key_op_impl_def hm_index_op_impl_def hm_update_op_impl_def
    cong: if_cong split: prod.splits)

schematic_goal hm_set_opt_impl_code[code]: "hm_upd_op_impl maxsize prio hm k v  ?f"
  unfolding hm_upd_op_impl_def 
  apply (rule eq_reflection)
  apply (rule CNV_eqD)
  apply (simp add: inlines hm_contains_key_impl_def ial_contains_def
    hm_change_key_op_impl_def hm_index_op_impl_def hm_update_op_impl_def
    cong: if_cong)
  by (rule CNV_I)

schematic_goal hm_pop_min_opt_impl_code[code]: "hm_pop_min_op_impl prio hm  ?f"
  unfolding hm_pop_min_op_impl_def 
  apply (rule eq_reflection)
  apply (rule CNV_eqD)
  apply (simp add: inlines hm_contains_key_impl_def ial_contains_def
    hm_change_key_op_impl_def hm_index_op_impl_def hm_update_op_impl_def
    hm_butlast_op_impl_def ial_butlast_def
    cong: if_cong)
  by (rule CNV_I)

  checking SML_imp
