Theory Elementary_Logic

section ‹Elementary Logic›

theory Elementary_Logic

unbundle no funcset_syntax
notation funcset (infixr  60)

subsection ‹Proposition 5200›

proposition prop_5200:
  assumes "A  wffs⇘α⇙"
  shows " A =⇘αA"
  using assms and equality_reflexivity and dv_thm by simp

corollary hyp_prop_5200:
  assumes "is_hyps " and "A  wffs⇘α⇙"
  shows "  A =⇘αA"
  using derivability_implies_hyp_derivability[OF prop_5200[OF assms(2)] assms(1)] .

subsection ‹Proposition 5201 (Equality Rules)›

proposition prop_5201_1:
  assumes "  A" and "  A 𝒬 B"
  shows "  B"
proof -
  from assms(2) have "  A =⇘oB"
    unfolding equivalence_def .
  with assms(1) show ?thesis
    by (rule rule_R'[where p = "[]"]) auto

proposition prop_5201_2:
  assumes "  A =⇘αB"
  shows "  B =⇘αA"
proof -
  have "  A =⇘αA"
  proof (rule hyp_prop_5200)
    from assms show "is_hyps "
      by (blast elim: is_derivable_from_hyps.cases)
    show "A  wffs⇘α⇙"
      by (fact hyp_derivable_form_is_wffso[OF assms, THEN wffs_from_equality(1)])
  from this and assms show ?thesis
    by (rule rule_R'[where p = "[«,»]"]) (force+, fastforce dest: subforms_from_app)

proposition prop_5201_3:
  assumes "  A =⇘αB" and "  B =⇘αC"
  shows "  A =⇘αC"
  using assms by (rule rule_R'[where p = "[»]"]) (force+, fastforce dest: subforms_from_app)

proposition prop_5201_4:
  assumes "  A =⇘αβB" and "  C =⇘αD"
  shows "  A · C =⇘βB · D"
proof -
  have "  A · C =⇘βA · C"
  proof (rule hyp_prop_5200)
    from assms show "is_hyps "
      by (blast elim: is_derivable_from_hyps.cases)
    from assms have "A  wffs⇘αβ⇙" and "C  wffs⇘α⇙"
      using hyp_derivable_form_is_wffso and wffs_from_equality by blast+
    then show "A · C  wffs⇘β⇙"
      by auto
  from this and assms(1) have "  A · C =⇘βB · C"
    by (rule rule_R'[where p = "[»,«]"]) (force+, fastforce dest: subforms_from_app)
  from this and assms(2) show ?thesis
    by (rule rule_R'[where p = "[»,»]"]) (force+, fastforce dest: subforms_from_app)

proposition prop_5201_5:
  assumes "  A =⇘αβB" and "C  wffs⇘α⇙"
  shows "  A · C =⇘βB · C"
proof -
  have "  A · C =⇘βA · C"
  proof (rule hyp_prop_5200)
    from assms(1) show "is_hyps "
      by (blast elim: is_derivable_from_hyps.cases)
    have "A  wffs⇘αβ⇙"
      by (fact hyp_derivable_form_is_wffso[OF assms(1), THEN wffs_from_equality(1)])
    with assms(2) show "A · C  wffs⇘β⇙"
      by auto
  from this and assms(1) show ?thesis
    by (rule rule_R'[where p = "[»,«]"]) (force+, fastforce dest: subforms_from_app)

proposition prop_5201_6:
  assumes "  C =⇘αD" and "A  wffs⇘αβ⇙"
  shows "  A · C =⇘βA · D"
proof -
  have "  A · C =⇘βA · C"
  proof (rule hyp_prop_5200)
    from assms(1) show "is_hyps "
      by (blast elim: is_derivable_from_hyps.cases)
    have "C  wffs⇘α⇙"
      by (fact hyp_derivable_form_is_wffso[OF assms(1), THEN wffs_from_equality(1)])
    with assms(2) show "A · C  wffs⇘β⇙"
      by auto
  from this and assms(1) show ?thesis
    by (rule rule_R'[where p = "[»,»]"]) (force+, fastforce dest: subforms_from_app)

lemmas Equality_Rules = prop_5201_1 prop_5201_2 prop_5201_3 prop_5201_4 prop_5201_5 prop_5201_6

subsection ‹Proposition 5202 (Rule RR)›

proposition prop_5202:
  assumes " A =⇘αB   B =⇘αA"
  and "p  positions C" and "A ≼⇘pC" and "Cp  B  D"
  and "  C"
  shows "  D"
proof -
  from assms(5) have " C =⇘oC"
    using prop_5200 and hyp_derivable_form_is_wffso by blast
  moreover from assms(1) consider (a) " A =⇘αB" | (b) " B =⇘αA"
    by blast
  then have " A =⇘αB"
    by cases (assumption, fact Equality_Rules(2))
  ultimately have " C =⇘oD"
    by (rule rule_R[where p = "» # p"]) (use assms(2-4) in auto)
  then have "  C =⇘oD"
  proof -
    from assms(5) have "is_hyps "
      by (blast elim: is_derivable_from_hyps.cases)
    with  C =⇘oD show ?thesis
      by (fact derivability_implies_hyp_derivability)
  with assms(5) show ?thesis
    by (rule Equality_Rules(1)[unfolded equivalence_def])

lemmas rule_RR = prop_5202 (* synonym *)

subsection ‹Proposition 5203›

proposition prop_5203:
  assumes "A  wffs⇘α⇙" and "B  wffs⇘β⇙"
  and "v  vars A. ¬ is_bound v B"
  shows " (λxα⇙. B) · A =⇘βS {(x, α)  A} B"
using assms(2,1,3) proof induction
  case (var_is_wff β y)
  then show ?case
  proof (cases "yβ= xα⇙")
    case True
    then have "α = β"
      by simp
    moreover from assms(1) have " (λxα⇙. xα) · A =⇘αA"
      using axiom_4_2 by (intro axiom_is_derivable_from_no_hyps)
    moreover have "S {(x, α)  A} (xα) = A"
      by force
    ultimately show ?thesis
      using True by (simp only:)
    case False
    with assms(1) have " (λxα⇙. yβ) · A =⇘βyβ⇙"
      using axiom_4_1_var by (intro axiom_is_derivable_from_no_hyps)
    moreover from False have "S {(x, α)  A} (yβ) = yβ⇙"
      by auto
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by (simp only:)
  case (con_is_wff β c)
  from assms(1) have " (λxα⇙. c⦄⇘β) · A =⇘βc⦄⇘β⇙"
    using axiom_4_1_con by (intro axiom_is_derivable_from_no_hyps)
  moreover have "S {(x, α)  A} (c⦄⇘β) = c⦄⇘β⇙"
    by auto
  ultimately show ?case
    by (simp only:)
  case (app_is_wff γ β D C)
  from app_is_wff.prems(2) have not_bound_subforms: "v  vars A. ¬ is_bound v D  ¬ is_bound v C"
    using is_bound_in_app_homomorphism by fast
  from D  wffs⇘γβ⇙› have " (λxα⇙. D) · A =⇘γβS {(x, α)  A} D"
    using app_is_wff.IH(1)[OF assms(1)] and not_bound_subforms by simp
  moreover from C  wffs⇘γ⇙› have " (λxα⇙. C) · A =⇘γS {(x, α)  A} C"
    using app_is_wff.IH(2)[OF assms(1)] and not_bound_subforms by simp
  moreover have " (λxα⇙. D · C) · A =⇘β((λxα⇙. D) · A) · ((λxα⇙. C) · A)"
    using axiom_is_derivable_from_no_hyps[OF axiom_4_3[OF assms(1) D  wffs⇘γβ⇙› C  wffs⇘γ⇙›]] .
  ultimately show ?case
    using Equality_Rules(3,4) and substitute.simps(3) by presburger
  case (abs_is_wff β D γ y)
  then show ?case
  proof (cases "yγ= xα⇙")
    case True
    then have " (λxα⇙. λyγ⇙. D) · A =⇘γβλyγ⇙. D"
      using axiom_is_derivable_from_no_hyps[OF axiom_4_5[OF assms(1) abs_is_wff.hyps(1)]] by fast
    moreover from True have "S {(x, α)  A} (λyγ⇙. D) = λyγ⇙. D"
      using empty_substitution_neutrality
      by (simp add: singleton_substitution_simps(4) fmdrop_fmupd_same)
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by (simp only:)
    case False
    have "binders_at (λyγ⇙. D) [«] = {(y, γ)}"
      by simp
    then have "is_bound (y, γ) (λyγ⇙. D)"
      by fastforce
    with abs_is_wff.prems(2) have "(y, γ)  vars A"
      by blast
    with yγ xα⇙› have " (λxα⇙. λyγ⇙. D) · A =⇘γβλyγ⇙. (λxα⇙. D) · A"
      using axiom_4_4[OF assms(1) abs_is_wff.hyps(1)] and axiom_is_derivable_from_no_hyps by blast
    moreover have " (λxα⇙. D) · A =⇘βS {(x, α)  A} D"
    proof -
      have "p. yγ⇙ ≼⇘« # pλyγ⇙. D  yγ⇙ ≼⇘pD"
        using subforms_from_abs by fastforce
      from abs_is_wff.prems(2) have "v  vars A. ¬ is_bound v D"
        using is_bound_in_abs_body by fast
      then show ?thesis
        by (fact abs_is_wff.IH[OF assms(1)])
    ultimately have " (λxα⇙. λyγ⇙. D) · A =⇘γβλyγ⇙. S {(x, α)  A} D"
      by (rule rule_R[where p = "[»,«]"]) force+
    with False show ?thesis
      by simp

subsection ‹Proposition 5204›

proposition prop_5204:
  assumes "A  wffs⇘α⇙" and "B  wffs⇘β⇙" and "C  wffs⇘β⇙"
  and " B =⇘βC"
  and "v  vars A. ¬ is_bound v B  ¬ is_bound v C"
  shows " S {(x, α)  A} (B =⇘βC)"
proof -
  have " (λxα⇙. B) · A =⇘β(λxα⇙. B) · A"
  proof -
    have "(λxα⇙. B) · A  wffs⇘β⇙"
      using assms(1,2) by auto
    then show ?thesis
      by (fact prop_5200)
  from this and assms(4) have " (λxα⇙. B) · A =⇘β(λxα⇙. C) · A"
    by (rule rule_R[where p = "[»,«,«]"]) force+
  moreover from assms(1,2,5) have " (λxα⇙. B) · A =⇘βS {(x, α)  A} B"
    using prop_5203 by auto
  moreover from assms(1,3,5) have " (λxα⇙. C) · A =⇘βS {(x, α)  A} C"
    using prop_5203 by auto
  ultimately have " (S {(x, α)  A} B) =⇘β(S {(x, α)  A} C)"
    using Equality_Rules(2,3) by blast
  then show ?thesis
    by simp

subsection ‹Proposition 5205 ($\eta$-conversion)›

proposition prop_5205:
  shows " 𝔣αβ⇙ =⇘αβ(λyα⇙. 𝔣αβ· yα)"
proof -
  fix y
  assume "yα 𝔵α⇙"
  let ?A = "λyα⇙. 𝔣αβ· yα⇙"
  have " (𝔣αβ⇙ =⇘αβ?A) =⇘o𝔵α⇙. (𝔣αβ· 𝔵α⇙ =⇘β?A · 𝔵α)"
  proof -
    have " (𝔣αβ⇙ =⇘αβ𝔤αβ) =⇘o𝔵α⇙. (𝔣αβ· 𝔵α⇙ =⇘β𝔤αβ· 𝔵α)" (is " ?B =⇘o?C")
      using axiom_3[unfolded equivalence_def] by (rule axiom_is_derivable_from_no_hyps)
    have " S {(𝔤, αβ)  ?A} (?B =⇘o?C)"
    proof -
      have "?A  wffs⇘αβ⇙" and "?B  wffs⇘o⇙" and "?C  wffs⇘o⇙"
        by auto
      moreover have "v  vars ?A. ¬ is_bound v ?B  ¬ is_bound v ?C"
        fix v
        assume "v  vars ?A"
        have "vars ?B = {(𝔣, αβ), (𝔤, αβ)}" and "vars ?C = {(𝔣, αβ), (𝔵, α), (𝔤, αβ)}"
          by force+
        with yα 𝔵α⇙› have "(y, α)  vars ?B" and "(y, α)  vars ?C"
          by force+
        then have "¬ is_bound (y, α) ?B" and "¬ is_bound (y, α) ?C"
          using absent_var_is_not_bound by blast+
        moreover have "¬ is_bound (𝔣, αβ) ?B" and "¬ is_bound (𝔣, αβ) ?C"
          by code_simp+
        moreover from v  vars ?A have "v  {(y, α), (𝔣, αβ)}"
          by auto
        ultimately show "¬ is_bound v ?B  ¬ is_bound v ?C"
          by fast
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using  ?B =⇘o?C and prop_5204 by presburger
    then show ?thesis
      by simp
  moreover have " ?A · 𝔵α⇙ =⇘β𝔣αβ· 𝔵α⇙"
  proof -
    have "𝔵α wffs⇘α⇙" and "𝔣αβ· yα wffs⇘β⇙"
      by auto
    moreover have "v  vars (𝔵α). ¬ is_bound v (𝔣αβ· yα)"
      using yα 𝔵α⇙› by auto
    moreover have "S {(y, α)  𝔵α} (𝔣αβ· yα) =  𝔣αβ· 𝔵α⇙"
      by simp
    ultimately show ?thesis
      using prop_5203 by metis
  ultimately have " (𝔣αβ⇙ =⇘αβ?A) =⇘o𝔵α⇙. (𝔣αβ· 𝔵α⇙ =⇘β𝔣αβ· 𝔵α)"
    by (rule rule_R[where p = "[»,»,«,»]"]) force+
  moreover have " (𝔣αβ⇙ =⇘αβ𝔣αβ) =⇘o𝔵α⇙. (𝔣αβ· 𝔵α⇙ =⇘β𝔣αβ· 𝔵α)"
  proof -
    let ?A = "𝔣αβ⇙"
    have " (𝔣αβ⇙ =⇘αβ𝔤αβ) =⇘o𝔵α⇙. (𝔣αβ· 𝔵α⇙ =⇘β𝔤αβ· 𝔵α)" (is " ?B =⇘o?C")
      using axiom_3[unfolded equivalence_def] by (rule axiom_is_derivable_from_no_hyps)
    have " S {(𝔤, αβ)  ?A} (?B =⇘o?C)"
    proof -
      have "?A  wffs⇘αβ⇙" and "?B  wffs⇘o⇙" and "?C  wffs⇘o⇙"
        by auto
      moreover have "v  vars ?A. ¬ is_bound v ?B  ¬ is_bound v ?C"
        fix v
        assume "v  vars ?A"
        have "vars ?B = {(𝔣, αβ), (𝔤, αβ)}" and "vars ?C = {(𝔣, αβ), (𝔵, α), (𝔤, αβ)}"
          by force+
        with yα 𝔵α⇙› have "(y, α)  vars ?B" and "(y, α)  vars ?C"
          by force+
        then have "¬ is_bound (y, α) ?B" and "¬ is_bound (y, α) ?C"
          using absent_var_is_not_bound by blast+
        moreover have "¬ is_bound (𝔣, αβ) ?B" and "¬ is_bound (𝔣, αβ) ?C"
          by code_simp+
        moreover from v  vars ?Ahave "v  {(y, α), (𝔣, αβ)}"
          by auto
        ultimately show "¬ is_bound v ?B  ¬ is_bound v ?C"
          by fast
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using  ?B =⇘o?C and prop_5204 by presburger
    then show ?thesis
      by simp
  ultimately have " 𝔣αβ⇙ =⇘αβ(λyα⇙. 𝔣αβ· yα)"
    using Equality_Rules(1)[unfolded equivalence_def] and Equality_Rules(2) and prop_5200
    by (metis wffs_of_type_intros(1))
  note x_neq_y = this
  then have "§6": " 𝔣αβ⇙ =⇘αβλ𝔶α⇙. 𝔣αβ· 𝔶α⇙" (is " ?B =⇘_?C")
    by simp
  then have "§7": " (λ𝔵α⇙. 𝔣αβ· 𝔵α) =⇘αβ(λ𝔶α⇙. (λ𝔵α⇙. 𝔣αβ· 𝔵α) · 𝔶α)"
  proof -
    let ?A = "λ𝔵α⇙. 𝔣αβ· 𝔵α⇙"
    have "?A  wffs⇘αβ⇙" and "?B  wffs⇘αβ⇙" and "?C  wffs⇘αβ⇙"
      by auto
    moreover have "v  vars ?A. ¬ is_bound v ?B  ¬ is_bound v ?C"
      fix v
      assume "v  vars ?A"
      have "¬ is_bound (𝔵, α) ?B" and "¬ is_bound (𝔵, α) ?C"
        by code_simp+
      moreover have "¬ is_bound (𝔣, αβ) ?B" and "¬ is_bound (𝔣, αβ) ?C"
        by code_simp+
      moreover from v  vars ?Ahave "v  {(𝔵, α), (𝔣, αβ)}"
        by auto
      ultimately show "¬ is_bound v ?B  ¬ is_bound v ?C"
        by fast
    ultimately have " S {(𝔣, αβ)  ?A} (?B =⇘αβ?C)"
      using "§6" and prop_5204 by presburger
    then show ?thesis
      by simp
  have " (λ𝔵α⇙. 𝔣αβ· 𝔵α) =⇘αβ(λ𝔶α⇙. 𝔣αβ· 𝔶α)"
  proof -
    have " (λ𝔵α⇙. 𝔣αβ· 𝔵α) · 𝔶α⇙ =⇘β𝔣αβ· 𝔶α⇙"
    proof -
      have "𝔶α wffs⇘α⇙" and "𝔣αβ· 𝔵α wffs⇘β⇙"
        by auto
      moreover have "v  vars (𝔶α). ¬ is_bound v (𝔣αβ· 𝔵α)"
        by simp
      moreover have "S {(𝔵, α)  𝔶α} (𝔣αβ· 𝔵α) = 𝔣αβ· 𝔶α⇙"
        by simp
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using prop_5203 by metis
    from "§7" and this show ?thesis
      by (rule rule_R [where p = "[»,«]"]) force+
  with "§6" and x_neq_y[of y] show ?thesis
    using Equality_Rules(2,3) by blast

subsection ‹Proposition 5206 ($\alpha$-conversion)›

proposition prop_5206:
  assumes "A  wffs⇘α⇙"
  and "(z, β)  free_vars A"
  and "is_free_for (zβ) (x, β) A"
  shows " (λxβ⇙. A) =⇘βα(λzβ⇙. S {(x, β)  zβ} A)"
proof -
  have "is_substitution {(x, β)  zβ}"
    by auto
  from this and assms(1) have "S {(x, β)  zβ} A  wffs⇘α⇙"
    by (fact substitution_preserves_typing)
  obtain y where "(y, β)  {(x, β), (z, β)}  vars A"
  proof -
    have "finite ({(x, β), (z, β)}  vars A)"
      using vars_form_finiteness by blast
    with that show ?thesis
      using fresh_var_existence by metis
  then have "(y, β)  (x, β)" and "(y, β)  (z, β)" and "(y, β)  vars A" and "(y, β)  free_vars A"
    using free_vars_in_all_vars by auto
  have "§1": " (λxβ⇙. A) =⇘βα(λyβ⇙. (λxβ⇙. A) · yβ)"
  proof -
    let ?A = "λxβ⇙. A"
    have *: " 𝔣βα⇙ =⇘βα(λyβ⇙. 𝔣βα· yβ)" (is " ?B =⇘_?C")
      by (fact prop_5205)
    moreover have " S {(𝔣, βα)  ?A} (?B =⇘βα?C)"
    proof -
      from assms(1) have "?A  wffs⇘βα⇙" and "?B  wffs⇘βα⇙" and "?C  wffs⇘βα⇙"
        by auto
      moreover have "v  vars ?A. ¬ is_bound v ?B  ¬ is_bound v ?C"
        fix v
        assume "v  vars ?A"
        then consider (a) "v = (x, β)" | (b) "v  vars A"
          by fastforce
        then show "¬ is_bound v ?B  ¬ is_bound v ?C"
        proof cases
          case a
          then show ?thesis
            using (y, β)  (x, β) by force
          case b
          then have "¬ is_bound v ?B"
            by simp
          moreover have "¬ is_bound v ?C"
            using b and (y, β)  vars A by code_simp force
          ultimately show ?thesis
            by blast
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using prop_5204 and * by presburger
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by simp
  then have "§2": " (λxβ⇙. A) =⇘βα(λyβ⇙. S {(x, β)  yβ} A)"
  proof -
    have " (λxβ⇙. A) · yβ⇙ =⇘αS {(x, β)  yβ} A" (is " (λxβ⇙. ?B) · ?A =⇘__")
    proof -
      have "?A  wffs⇘β⇙" and "?B  wffs⇘α⇙"
        by blast fact
      moreover have "v  vars ?A. ¬ is_bound v ?B"
        using (y, β)  vars A and absent_var_is_not_bound by auto
      ultimately show ?thesis
        by (fact prop_5203)
    with "§1" show ?thesis
      by (rule rule_R [where p = "[»,«]"]) force+
  have "§3": " (λzβ⇙. S {(x, β)  zβ} A) =⇘βα(λyβ⇙. (λzβ⇙. S {(x, β)  zβ} A) · yβ)"
  proof -
    let ?A = "λzβ⇙. S {(x, β)  zβ} A"
    have *: " 𝔣βα⇙ =⇘βα(λyβ⇙. 𝔣βα· yβ)" (is " ?B =⇘_?C")
      by (fact prop_5205)
    moreover have " S {(𝔣, βα)  ?A} (?B =⇘βα?C)"
    proof -
      have "?A  wffs⇘βα⇙" and "?B  wffs⇘βα⇙" and "?C  wffs⇘βα⇙"
        using S {(x, β)  zβ} A  wffs⇘α⇙› by auto
      moreover have "v  vars ?A. ¬ is_bound v ?B  ¬ is_bound v ?C"
        fix v
        assume "v  vars ?A"
        then consider (a) "v = (z, β)" | (b) "v  vars (S {(x, β)  zβ} A)"
          by fastforce
        then show "¬ is_bound v ?B  ¬ is_bound v ?C"
        proof cases
          case a
          then show ?thesis
            using (y, β)  (z, β) by auto
          case b
          then have "¬ is_bound v ?B"
            by simp
          moreover from b and (y, β)  vars A and (y, β)  (z, β) have "v  (y, β)"
            using renaming_substitution_minimal_change by blast
          then have "¬ is_bound v ?C"
            by code_simp simp
          ultimately show ?thesis
            by blast
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using prop_5204 and * by presburger
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by simp
  then have "§4": " (λzβ⇙. S {(x, β)  zβ} A) =⇘βα(λyβ⇙. S {(x, β)  yβ} A)"
  proof -
    have " (λzβ⇙. S {(x, β)  zβ} A) · yβ⇙ =⇘αS {(x, β)  yβ} A" (is " (λzβ⇙. ?B) · ?A =⇘__")
    proof -
      have "?A  wffs⇘β⇙" and "?B  wffs⇘α⇙"
        by blast fact
      moreover from (y, β)  vars A and (y, β)  (z, β) have "v  vars ?A. ¬ is_bound v ?B"
        using absent_var_is_not_bound and renaming_substitution_minimal_change by auto
      ultimately have " (λzβ⇙. S {(x, β)  zβ} A) · yβ⇙ =⇘αS {(z, β)  yβ} S {(x, β)  zβ} A"
        using prop_5203 by fast
      moreover have "S {(z, β)  yβ} S {(x, β)  zβ} A = S {(x, β)  yβ} A"
        by (fact renaming_substitution_composability[OF assms(2,3)])
      ultimately show ?thesis
        by (simp only:)
    with "§3" show ?thesis
      by (rule rule_R [where p = "[»,«]"]) auto
  ultimately show ?thesis
    using Equality_Rules(2,3) by blast

lemmas "α" = prop_5206 (* synonym *)

subsection ‹Proposition 5207 ($\beta$-conversion)›


private lemma bound_var_renaming_equality:
  assumes "A  wffs⇘α⇙"
  and "zγ yγ⇙"
  and "(z, γ)  vars A"
  shows " A =⇘αrename_bound_var (y, γ) z A"
using assms proof induction
  case (var_is_wff α x)
  then show ?case
    using prop_5200 by force
  case (con_is_wff α c)
  then show ?case
    using prop_5200 by force
  case (app_is_wff α β A B)
  then show ?case
    using Equality_Rules(4) by auto
  case (abs_is_wff β A α x)
  then show ?case
  proof (cases "(y, γ) = (x, α)")
    case True
    have " λyγ⇙. A =⇘γβλyγ⇙. A"
      by (fact abs_is_wff.hyps[THEN prop_5200[OF wffs_of_type_intros(4)]])
    moreover have " A =⇘βrename_bound_var (y, γ) z A"
      using abs_is_wff.IH[OF assms(2)] and abs_is_wff.prems(2) by fastforce
    ultimately have " λyγ⇙. A =⇘γβλyγ⇙. rename_bound_var (y, γ) z A"
      by (rule rule_R[where p = "[»,«]"]) force+
    have "
       λyγ⇙. rename_bound_var (y, γ) z A
        =⇘γβλzγ⇙. S {(y, γ)  zγ} (rename_bound_var (y, γ) z A)"
    proof -
      have "rename_bound_var (y, γ) z A  wffs⇘β⇙"
        using hyp_derivable_form_is_wffso[OF  A =⇘βrename_bound_var (y, γ) z A]
        by (blast dest: wffs_from_equality)
      moreover from abs_is_wff.prems(2) have "(z, γ)  free_vars (rename_bound_var (y, γ) z A)"
        using rename_bound_var_free_vars[OF abs_is_wff.hyps assms(2)] by simp
      moreover from abs_is_wff.prems(2) have "is_free_for (zγ) (y, γ) (rename_bound_var (y, γ) z A)"
        using is_free_for_in_rename_bound_var[OF abs_is_wff.hyps assms(2)] by simp
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using "α" by fast
    ultimately have " λyγ⇙. A =⇘γβλzγ⇙. S {(y, γ)  zγ} (rename_bound_var (y, γ) z A)"
      by (rule Equality_Rules(3))
    then show ?thesis
      using True by auto
    case False
    have " λxα⇙. A =⇘αβλxα⇙. A"
      by (fact abs_is_wff.hyps[THEN prop_5200[OF wffs_of_type_intros(4)]])
    moreover have " A =⇘βrename_bound_var (y, γ) z A"
      using abs_is_wff.IH[OF assms(2)] and abs_is_wff.prems(2) by fastforce
    ultimately have " λxα⇙. A =⇘αβλxα⇙. rename_bound_var (y, γ) z A"
      by (rule rule_R[where p = "[»,«]"]) force+
    then show ?thesis
      using False by auto

proposition prop_5207:
  assumes "A  wffs⇘α⇙" and "B  wffs⇘β⇙"
  and "is_free_for A (x, α) B"
  shows " (λxα⇙. B) · A =⇘βS {(x, α)  A} B"
using assms proof (induction "form_size B" arbitrary: B β rule: less_induct)
  case less
  from less(3,1,2,4) show ?case
  proof (cases B rule: wffs_of_type_cases)
    case (var_is_wff y)
    then show ?thesis
    proof (cases "yβ= xα⇙")
      case True
      then have "α = β"
        by simp
      moreover from assms(1) have " (λxα⇙. xα) · A =⇘αA"
        using axiom_4_2 by (intro axiom_is_derivable_from_no_hyps)
      moreover have "S {(x, α)  A} (xα) = A"
        by force
      ultimately show ?thesis
        unfolding True and var_is_wff by simp
      case False
      with assms(1) have " (λxα⇙. yβ) · A =⇘βyβ⇙"
        using axiom_4_1_var by (intro axiom_is_derivable_from_no_hyps)
      moreover from False have "S {(x, α)  A} (yβ) = yβ⇙"
        by auto
      ultimately show ?thesis
        unfolding False and var_is_wff by simp
    case (con_is_wff c)
     from assms(1) have " (λxα⇙. c⦄⇘β) · A =⇘βc⦄⇘β⇙"
      using axiom_4_1_con by (intro axiom_is_derivable_from_no_hyps)
    moreover have "S {(x, α)  A} (c⦄⇘β) = c⦄⇘β⇙"
      by auto
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by (simp only: con_is_wff)
    case (app_is_wff γ D C)
    have "form_size D < form_size B" and "form_size C < form_size B"
      unfolding app_is_wff(1) by simp_all
    from less(4)[unfolded app_is_wff(1)] have "is_free_for A (x, α) D" and "is_free_for A (x, α) C"
      using is_free_for_from_app by iprover+
    from is_free_for A (x, α) D have " (λxα⇙. D) · A =⇘γβS {(x, α)  A} D"
      by (fact less(1)[OF form_size D < form_size B assms(1) app_is_wff(2)])
    moreover from is_free_for A (x, α) C have " (λxα⇙. C) · A =⇘γS {(x, α)  A} C"
      by (fact less(1)[OF form_size C < form_size B assms(1) app_is_wff(3)])
    moreover have " (λxα⇙. D · C) · A =⇘β((λxα⇙. D) · A) · ((λxα⇙. C) · A)"
      by (fact axiom_4_3[OF assms(1) app_is_wff(2,3), THEN axiom_is_derivable_from_no_hyps])
    ultimately show ?thesis
      unfolding app_is_wff(1) using Equality_Rules(3,4) and substitute.simps(3) by presburger
    case (abs_is_wff δ D γ y)
    then show ?thesis
    proof (cases "yγ= xα⇙")
      case True
      with abs_is_wff(1) have " (λxα⇙. λyγ⇙. D) · A =⇘βλyγ⇙. D"
        using axiom_4_5[OF assms(1) abs_is_wff(3)] by (simp add: axiom_is_derivable_from_no_hyps)
      moreover have "S {(x, α)  A} (λyγ⇙. D) = λyγ⇙. D"
        using True by (simp add: empty_substitution_neutrality fmdrop_fmupd_same)
      ultimately show ?thesis
        unfolding abs_is_wff(2) by (simp only:)
      case False
      have "form_size D < form_size B"
        unfolding abs_is_wff(2) by simp
      have "is_free_for A (x, α) D"
        using is_free_for_from_abs[OF less(4)[unfolded abs_is_wff(2)]] and yγ xα⇙› by blast
      have " (λxα⇙. (λyγ⇙. D)) · A =⇘βλyγ⇙. S {(x, α)  A} D"
      proof (cases "(y, γ)  vars A")
        case True
        with yγ xα⇙› have " (λxα⇙. λyγ⇙. D) · A =⇘γδλyγ⇙. (λxα⇙. D) · A"
          using axiom_4_4[OF assms(1) abs_is_wff(3)] and axiom_is_derivable_from_no_hyps by auto
        moreover have " (λxα⇙. D) · A =⇘δS {(x, α)  A} D"
              fact less(1)
                [OF form_size D < form_size B assms(1) D  wffs⇘δ⇙› is_free_for A (x, α) D]
        ultimately show ?thesis
          unfolding abs_is_wff(1) by (rule rule_R[where p = "[»,«]"]) force+
        case False
        have "finite (vars {A, D})"
          using vars_form_finiteness and vars_form_set_finiteness by simp
        then obtain z where "(z, γ)  ({(x, α), (y, γ)}  vars {A, D})"
          using fresh_var_existence by (metis Un_insert_left finite.simps insert_is_Un)
        then have "zγ xα⇙" and "zγ yγ⇙" and "(z, γ)  vars {A, D}"
          by simp_all
        then show ?thesis
        proof (cases "(x, α)  free_vars D")
          case True
          define D' where "D' = S {(y, γ)  zγ} D"
          have "is_substitution {(y, γ)  zγ}"
            by auto
          with D  wffs⇘δ⇙› and D'_def have "D'  wffs⇘δ⇙"
            using substitution_preserves_typing by blast
          then have " (λxα⇙. λzγ⇙. D') · A =⇘γδλzγ⇙. (λxα⇙. D') · A"
            using zγ xα⇙› and (z, γ)  vars {A, D} and axiom_4_4[OF assms(1)]
            and axiom_is_derivable_from_no_hyps
            by auto
          moreover have "§2": " (λxα⇙. D') · A =⇘δD'"
          proof -
            have "form_size D' = form_size D"
              unfolding D'_def by (fact renaming_substitution_preserves_form_size)
            then have "form_size D' < form_size B"
              using form_size D < form_size B by simp
            moreover from zγ xα⇙› have "is_free_for A (x, α) D'"
              unfolding D'_def and is_free_for_def
              using substitution_preserves_freeness[OF True] and is_free_at_in_free_vars
              by fast
            ultimately have " (λxα⇙. D') · A =⇘δS {(x, α)  A} D'"
              using less(1) and assms(1) and D'  wffs⇘δ⇙› by simp
            moreover from zγ xα⇙› have "(x, α)  free_vars D'"
              unfolding D'_def using substitution_preserves_freeness[OF True] by fast
            then have "S {(x, α)  A} D' = D'"
              by (fact free_var_singleton_substitution_neutrality)
            ultimately show ?thesis
              by (simp only:)
          ultimately have "§3": " (λxα⇙. λzγ⇙. D') · A =⇘γδλzγ⇙. D'" (is  ?A3)
            by (rule rule_R[where p = "[»,«]"]) force+
          moreover have "§4": " (λyγ⇙. D) =⇘γδλzγ⇙. D'"
          proof -
            have "(z, γ)  free_vars D"
              using (z, γ)  vars {A, D} and free_vars_in_all_vars_set by auto
            moreover have "is_free_for (zγ) (y, γ) D"
              using (z, γ)  vars {A, D} and absent_var_is_free_for by force
            ultimately have " λyγ⇙. D =⇘γδλzγ⇙. S {(y, γ)  zγ} D"
              using "α"[OF D  wffs⇘δ⇙›] by fast
            then show ?thesis
              using D'_def by blast
          ultimately have "§5": " (λxα⇙. λyγ⇙. D) · A =⇘γδλyγ⇙. D"
          proof -
            note rule_RR' = rule_RR[OF disjI2]
            have "§51": " (λxα⇙. λyγ⇙. D) · A =⇘γδλzγ⇙. D'" (is  ?A51)
              by (rule rule_RR'[OF "§4", where p = "[«,»,«,«]" and C = "?A3"]) (use "§3" in force+)
            show ?thesis
              by (rule rule_RR'[OF "§4", where p = "[»]" and C = "?A51"]) (use "§51" in force+)
          then show ?thesis
            using free_var_singleton_substitution_neutrality[OF (x, α)  free_vars D]
            by (simp only: β = γδ)
          case False
          have "(y, γ)  free_vars A"
          proof (rule ccontr)
            assume "¬ (y, γ)  free_vars A"
            moreover from ¬ (x, α)  free_vars D obtain p
              where "p  positions D" and "is_free_at (x, α) p D"
              using free_vars_in_is_free_at by blast
            then have "« # p  positions (λyγ⇙. D)" and "is_free_at (x, α) (« # p) (λyγ⇙. D)"
              using is_free_at_to_abs[OF is_free_at (x, α) p D] and yγ xα⇙› by (simp, fast)
            moreover have "in_scope_of_abs (y, γ) (« # p) (λyγ⇙. D)"
              by force
            ultimately have "¬ is_free_for A (x, α) (λyγ⇙. D)"
              by blast
            with is_free_for A (x, α) B[unfolded abs_is_wff(2)] show False
              by contradiction
          define A' where "A' = rename_bound_var (y, γ) z A"
          have "A'  wffs⇘α⇙"
            unfolding A'_def by (fact rename_bound_var_preserves_typing[OF assms(1)])
          from (z, γ)  vars {A, D} have "(y, γ)  vars A'"
                OF assms(1) zγ yγ⇙› (y, γ)  free_vars A
            unfolding A'_def by simp
          from A'_def have "§6": " A =⇘αA'"
            using bound_var_renaming_equality[OF assms(1) zγ yγ⇙›] and (z, γ)  vars {A, D}
            by simp
          moreover have "§7": " (λxα⇙. λyγ⇙. D) · A' =⇘γδλyγ⇙. (λxα⇙. D) · A'" (is  ?A7)
            using axiom_4_4[OF A'  wffs⇘α⇙› D  wffs⇘δ⇙›]
            and (y, γ)  vars A' and yγ xα⇙› and axiom_is_derivable_from_no_hyps
            by auto
          ultimately have "§8": " (λxα⇙. λyγ⇙. D) · A =⇘γδλyγ⇙. (λxα⇙. D) · A"
          proof -
            note rule_RR' = rule_RR[OF disjI2]
            have "§81": " (λxα⇙. λyγ⇙. D) · A =⇘γδλyγ⇙. (λxα⇙. D) · A'" (is  ?A81)
              by (rule rule_RR'[OF "§6", where p = "[«,»,»]" and C = "?A7"]) (use "§7" in force+)
            show ?thesis
              by (rule rule_RR'[OF "§6", where p = "[»,«,»]" and C = "?A81"]) (use "§81" in force+)
          moreover have "form_size D < form_size B"
            unfolding abs_is_wff(2) by (simp only: form_size.simps(4) lessI)
          with assms(1) have "§9": " (λxα⇙. D) · A =⇘δS {(x, α)  A} D"
            using less(1) and D  wffs⇘δ⇙› and is_free_for A (x, α) D by (simp only:)
          ultimately show ?thesis
            unfolding β = γδ by (rule rule_R[where p = "[»,«]"]) force+
      then show ?thesis
        unfolding abs_is_wff(2) using False and singleton_substitution_simps(4) by simp


subsection ‹Proposition 5208›

proposition prop_5208:
  assumes "vs  []" and "B  wffs⇘β⇙"
  shows " ·𝒬 (λ𝒬 vs B) (map FVar vs) =⇘βB"
using assms(1) proof (induction vs rule: list_nonempty_induct)
  case (single v)
  obtain x and α where "v = (x, α)"
    by fastforce
  then have "·𝒬 (λ𝒬 [v] B) (map FVar [v]) = (λxα⇙. B) · xα⇙"
    by simp
  moreover have " (λxα⇙. B) · xα⇙ =⇘βB"
  proof -
    have "is_free_for (xα) (x, α) B"
      by fastforce
    then have " (λxα⇙. B) · xα⇙ =⇘βS {(x, α)  xα} B"
      by (rule prop_5207 [OF wffs_of_type_intros(1) assms(2)])
    then show ?thesis
      using identity_singleton_substitution_neutrality by (simp only:)
  ultimately show ?case
    by (simp only:)
  case (cons v vs)
  obtain x and α where "v = (x, α)"
    by fastforce
  have " ·𝒬 (λ𝒬 (v # vs) B) (map FVar (v # vs)) =⇘β·𝒬 (λ𝒬 vs B) (map FVar vs)"
  proof -
    have "·𝒬 (λ𝒬 (v # vs) B) (map FVar (v # vs))  wffs⇘β⇙"
    proof -
      have "λ𝒬 (v # vs) B  wffs⇘foldr (→) (map snd (v # vs)) β⇙"
        using generalized_abs_wff [OF assms(2)] by blast
      have "k < length (map FVar (v # vs)). map FVar (v # vs) ! k  wffs⇘map snd (v # vs) ! k⇙"
      proof safe
        fix k
        assume *: "k < length (map FVar (v # vs))"
        moreover obtain x and α where "(v # vs) ! k = (x, α)"
          by fastforce
        with * have "map FVar (v # vs) ! k = xα⇙" and "map snd (v # vs) ! k = α"
          by (metis length_map nth_map snd_conv)+
        ultimately show "map FVar (v # vs) ! k  wffs⇘map snd (v # vs) ! k⇙"
          by fastforce
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using generalized_app_wff[where As = "map FVar (v # vs)" and ts = "map snd (v # vs)"] by simp
    then have "
       ·𝒬 (λ𝒬 (v # vs) B) (map FVar (v # vs)) =⇘β·𝒬 (λ𝒬 (v # vs) B) (map FVar (v # vs))"
      by (fact prop_5200)
    then have "
       ·𝒬 (λ𝒬 (v # vs) B) (map FVar (v # vs)) =⇘β·𝒬 ((λ𝒬 (v # vs) B) · FVar v) (map FVar vs)"
      by simp
    moreover have " (λ𝒬 (v # vs) B) · FVar v =⇘foldr (→) (map snd vs) β(λ𝒬 vs B)"
    proof -
      have " (λ𝒬 (v # vs) B) · FVar v =⇘foldr (→) (map snd vs) βS {v  FVar v} (λ𝒬 vs B)"
      proof -
        from v = (x, α) have "λ𝒬 (v # vs) B = λxα⇙. λ𝒬 vs B"
          by simp
        have "λ𝒬 vs B  wffs⇘foldr (→) (map snd vs) β⇙"
          using generalized_abs_wff[OF assms(2)] by blast
        moreover have "is_free_for (xα) (x, α) (λ𝒬 vs B)"
          by fastforce
        have " (λxα⇙. λ𝒬 vs B) · xα⇙ =⇘foldr (→) (map snd vs) βS {(x, α)  xα} λ𝒬 vs B"
          by (rule prop_5207 [OF wffs_of_type_intros(1)])
        with v = (x, α) show ?thesis
          by simp
    then show ?thesis
      using identity_singleton_substitution_neutrality by (simp only:)
    ultimately show ?thesis
    proof (induction rule: rule_R [where p = "[»] @ replicate (length vs) «"])
      case occ_subform
      then show ?case
        unfolding equality_of_type_def using leftmost_subform_in_generalized_app
        by (metis append_Cons append_Nil is_subform_at.simps(3) length_map)
      case replacement
      then show ?case
        unfolding equality_of_type_def using leftmost_subform_in_generalized_app_replacement
        and is_subform_implies_in_positions and leftmost_subform_in_generalized_app
        by (metis append_Cons append_Nil length_map replace_right_app)
  moreover have " ·𝒬 (λ𝒬 vs B) (map FVar vs) =⇘βB"
    by (fact cons.IH)
  ultimately show ?case
    by (rule rule_R [where p = "[»]"]) auto

subsection ‹Proposition 5209›

proposition prop_5209:
  assumes "A  wffs⇘α⇙" and "B  wffs⇘β⇙" and "C  wffs⇘β⇙"
  and " B =⇘βC"
  and "is_free_for A (x, α) (B =⇘βC)"
  shows " S {(x, α)  A} (B =⇘βC)"
proof -
  have " (λxα⇙. B) · A =⇘β(λxα⇙. B) · A"
  proof -
    have "(λxα⇙. B) · A  wffs⇘β⇙"
      using assms(1,2) by blast
    then show ?thesis
      by (fact prop_5200)
  from this and assms(4) have " (λxα⇙. B) · A =⇘β(λxα⇙. C) · A"
    by (rule rule_R [where p = "[»,«,«]"]) force+
  moreover have " (λxα⇙. B) · A =⇘βS {(x, α)  A} B"
  proof -
    from assms(5)[unfolded equality_of_type_def] have "is_free_for A (x, α) (Q⇘β· B)"
      by (rule is_free_for_from_app)
    then have "is_free_for A (x, α) B"
      by (rule is_free_for_from_app)
    with assms(1,2) show ?thesis
      by (rule prop_5207)
  moreover have " (λxα⇙. C) · A =⇘βS {(x, α)  A} C"
  proof -
    from assms(5)[unfolded equality_of_type_def] have "is_free_for A (x, α) C"
      by (rule is_free_for_from_app)
    with assms(1,3) show ?thesis
      by (rule prop_5207)
  ultimately have " (S {(x, α)  A} B) =⇘β(S {(x, α)  A} C)"
    using Equality_Rules(2,3) by blast
  then show ?thesis
    by simp

subsection ‹Proposition 5210›

proposition prop_5210:
  assumes "B  wffs⇘β⇙"
  shows " T⇘o⇙ =⇘o(B =⇘βB)"
proof -
  have "§1": "
      ((λ𝔶β⇙. 𝔶β) =⇘ββ(λ𝔶β⇙. 𝔶β))
      =⇘o𝔵β⇙. ((λ𝔶β⇙. 𝔶β) · 𝔵β⇙ =⇘β(λ𝔶β⇙. 𝔶β) · 𝔵β)"
  proof -
    have " (𝔣ββ⇙ =⇘ββ𝔤ββ) =⇘o𝔵β⇙. (𝔣ββ· 𝔵β⇙ =⇘β𝔤ββ· 𝔵β)" (is " ?B =⇘o?C")
      using axiom_3[unfolded equivalence_def] by (rule axiom_is_derivable_from_no_hyps)
    moreover have "(λ𝔶β⇙. 𝔶β)  wffs⇘ββ⇙" and "?B  wffs⇘o⇙" and "?C  wffs⇘o⇙"
      by auto
    moreover have "is_free_for (λ𝔶β⇙. 𝔶β) (𝔣, ββ) (?B =⇘o?C)"
      by simp
    ultimately have " S {(𝔣, ββ)  (λ𝔶β⇙. 𝔶β)} (?B =⇘o?C)" (is " ?S")
      using prop_5209 by presburger
    moreover have "?S =
        (λ𝔶β⇙. 𝔶β) =⇘ββ𝔤ββ) =⇘o𝔵β⇙. ((λ𝔶β⇙. 𝔶β) · 𝔵β⇙ =⇘β𝔤ββ· 𝔵β)" (is "_ = ?B' =⇘o?C'")
      by simp
    ultimately have " ?B' =⇘o?C'"
      by (simp only:)
    moreover from (λ𝔶β⇙. 𝔶β)  wffs⇘ββ⇙› have "?B'  wffs⇘o⇙" and "?C'  wffs⇘o⇙"
      by auto
    moreover have "is_free_for (λ𝔶β⇙. 𝔶β) (𝔤, ββ) (?B' =⇘o?C')"
      by simp
    ultimately have " S {(𝔤, ββ)  (λ𝔶β⇙. 𝔶β)} (?B' =⇘o?C')" (is " ?S'")
      using prop_5209[OF (λ𝔶β⇙. 𝔶β)  wffs⇘ββ⇙›] by blast
    then show ?thesis
      by simp
  then have " (λ𝔵β⇙. T⇘o⇙) =⇘βo(λ𝔵β⇙. (𝔵β⇙ =⇘β𝔵β))"
  proof -
    have "λ𝔶β⇙. 𝔶β wffs⇘ββ⇙"
      by blast
    then have " λ𝔶β⇙. 𝔶β⇙ =⇘ββλ𝔶β⇙. 𝔶β⇙"
      by (fact prop_5200)
    with "§1" have " 𝔵β⇙. ((λ𝔶β⇙. 𝔶β) · 𝔵β⇙ =⇘β(λ𝔶β⇙. 𝔶β) · 𝔵β)"
      using rule_R and is_subform_at.simps(1) by blast
    moreover have " (λ𝔶β⇙. 𝔶β) · 𝔵β⇙ =⇘β𝔵β⇙"
      using axiom_4_2[OF wffs_of_type_intros(1)] by (rule axiom_is_derivable_from_no_hyps)
    ultimately have " 𝔵β⇙. (𝔵β⇙ =⇘β(λ𝔶β⇙. 𝔶β) · 𝔵β)"
      by (rule rule_R[where p = "[»,«,«,»]"]) auto
    from this and  (λ𝔶β⇙. 𝔶β) · 𝔵β⇙ =⇘β𝔵β⇙› have " 𝔵β⇙. (𝔵β⇙ =⇘β𝔵β)"
      by (rule rule_R[where p = "[»,«,»]"]) auto
    then show ?thesis
      unfolding forall_def and PI_def by (fold equality_of_type_def)
  from this and assms have 3: " (λ𝔵β⇙. T⇘o⇙) · B =⇘o(λ𝔵β⇙. (𝔵β⇙ =⇘β𝔵β)) · B"
    by (rule Equality_Rules(5))
  then show ?thesis
  proof -
    have " (λ𝔵β⇙. T⇘o⇙) · B =⇘o⇙ T⇘o⇙"
      using prop_5207[OF assms true_wff] by fastforce
    from 3 and this have " T⇘o⇙ =⇘o(λ𝔵β⇙. (𝔵β⇙ =⇘β𝔵β)) · B"
      by (rule rule_R[where p = "[«,»]"]) auto
    moreover have " (λ𝔵β⇙. (𝔵β⇙ =⇘β𝔵β)) · B =⇘o(B =⇘βB)"
    proof -
      have "𝔵β⇙ =⇘β𝔵β wffs⇘o⇙" and "is_free_for B (𝔵, β) (𝔵β⇙ =⇘β𝔵β)"
        by (blast, intro is_free_for_in_equality is_free_for_in_var)
      moreover have "S {(𝔵, β)  B} (𝔵β⇙ =⇘β𝔵β) = (B =⇘βB)"
        by simp
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using prop_5207[OF assms] by metis
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by (rule rule_R [where p = "[»]"]) auto

subsection ‹Proposition 5211›

proposition prop_5211:
  shows " (To 𝒬 To) =⇘o⇙ T⇘o⇙"
proof -
  have const_T_wff: "(λxo⇙. T⇘o⇙)  wffs⇘oo⇙" for x
   by blast
  have "§1": " (λ𝔶o⇙. T⇘o⇙) · To 𝒬 (λ𝔶o⇙. T⇘o⇙) · F⇘o⇙ =⇘o𝔵o⇙. (λ𝔶o⇙. T⇘o⇙) · 𝔵o⇙"
  proof -
    have " 𝔤oo· To 𝒬 𝔤oo· F⇘o⇙ =⇘o𝔵o⇙. 𝔤oo· 𝔵o⇙" (is " ?B =⇘o?C")
      using axiom_1[unfolded equivalence_def] by (rule axiom_is_derivable_from_no_hyps)
    moreover have "?B  wffs⇘o⇙" and "?C  wffs⇘o⇙"
      by auto
    moreover have "is_free_for (λ𝔶o⇙. T⇘o⇙) (𝔤, oo) (?B =⇘o?C)"
      by simp
    ultimately have " S {(𝔤, oo)  (λ𝔶o⇙. T⇘o⇙)} (?B =⇘o?C)"
      using const_T_wff and prop_5209 by presburger
    then show ?thesis
      by simp
  then have " To 𝒬 T⇘o⇙ =⇘o𝔵o⇙. T⇘o⇙"
  proof -
    have T_β_redex: " (λ𝔶o⇙. T⇘o⇙) · A =⇘o⇙ T⇘o⇙" if "A  wffs⇘o⇙" for A
      using that and prop_5207[OF that true_wff] by fastforce
    from "§1" and T_β_redex[OF true_wff]
    have " To 𝒬 (λ𝔶o⇙. T⇘o⇙) · F⇘o⇙ =⇘o𝔵o⇙. (λ𝔶o⇙. T⇘o⇙) · 𝔵o⇙"
      by (rule rule_R[where p = "[«,»,«,»]"]) force+
    from this and T_β_redex[OF false_wff] have " To 𝒬 T⇘o⇙ =⇘o𝔵o⇙. (λ𝔶o⇙. T⇘o⇙) · 𝔵o⇙"
      by (rule rule_R[where p = "[«,»,»]"]) force+
    from this and T_β_redex[OF wffs_of_type_intros(1)] show ?thesis
      by (rule rule_R[where p = "[»,»,«]"]) force+
  moreover have " T⇘o⇙ =⇘o𝔵o⇙. T⇘o⇙"
    using prop_5210[OF const_T_wff] by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis
    using Equality_Rules(2,3) by blast

lemma true_is_derivable:
  shows " To"
  unfolding true_def using Q_wff by (rule prop_5200)

subsection ‹Proposition 5212›

proposition prop_5212:
  shows " To 𝒬 To"
proof -
  have " To"
    by (fact true_is_derivable)
  moreover have " (To 𝒬 To) =⇘o⇙ T⇘o⇙"
    by (fact prop_5211)
  then have " To 𝒬 (To 𝒬 To)"
    unfolding equivalence_def by (fact Equality_Rules(2))
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by (rule Equality_Rules(1))

subsection ‹Proposition 5213›

proposition prop_5213:
  assumes " A =⇘αB" and " C =⇘βD"
  shows " (A =⇘αB) 𝒬 (C =⇘βD)"
proof -
  from assms have "A  wffs⇘α⇙" and "C  wffs⇘β⇙"
    using hyp_derivable_form_is_wffso and wffs_from_equality by blast+
  have " T⇘o⇙ =⇘o(A =⇘αA)"
    by (fact prop_5210[OF A  wffs⇘α⇙›])
  moreover have " A =⇘αB"
    by fact
  ultimately have " T⇘o⇙ =⇘o(A =⇘αB)"
    by (rule rule_R[where p = "[»,»]"]) force+
  have " T⇘o⇙ =⇘o(C =⇘βC)"
    by (fact prop_5210[OF C  wffs⇘β⇙›])
  moreover have " C =⇘βD"
    by fact
  ultimately have " T⇘o⇙ =⇘o(C =⇘βD)"
    by (rule rule_R[where p = "[»,»]"]) force+
  then show ?thesis
  proof -
    have " To 𝒬 To"
      by (fact prop_5212)
    from this and  T⇘o⇙ =⇘o(A =⇘αB) have " (A =⇘αB) 𝒬 To"
      by (rule rule_R[where p = "[«,»]"]) force+
    from this and  T⇘o⇙ =⇘o(C =⇘βD) show ?thesis
      by (rule rule_R[where p = "[»]"]) force+

subsection ‹Proposition 5214›

proposition prop_5214:
  shows " To 𝒬 F⇘o⇙ =⇘o⇙ F⇘o⇙"
proof -
  have id_on_o_is_wff: "(λ𝔵o⇙. 𝔵o)  wffs⇘oo⇙"
    by blast
  have "§1": " (λ𝔵o⇙. 𝔵o) · To 𝒬 (λ𝔵o⇙. 𝔵o) · F⇘o⇙ =⇘o𝔵o⇙. (λ𝔵o⇙. 𝔵o) · 𝔵o⇙"
  proof -
    have " 𝔤oo· To 𝒬 𝔤oo· F⇘o⇙ =⇘o𝔵o⇙. 𝔤oo· 𝔵o⇙" (is " ?B =⇘o?C")
      using axiom_1[unfolded equivalence_def] by (rule axiom_is_derivable_from_no_hyps)
    moreover have "?B  wffs⇘o⇙" and "?C  wffs⇘o⇙" and "is_free_for (λ𝔵o⇙. 𝔵o) (𝔤, oo) (?B =⇘o?C)"
      by auto
    ultimately have " S {(𝔤, oo)  (λ𝔵o⇙. 𝔵o)} (?B =⇘o?C)"
      using id_on_o_is_wff and prop_5209 by presburger
    then show ?thesis
      by simp
  then have " To 𝒬 F⇘o⇙ =⇘o𝔵o⇙. 𝔵o⇙"
  proof -
    have id_β_redex: " (λ𝔵o⇙. 𝔵o) · A =⇘oA" if "A  wffs⇘o⇙" for A
      by (fact axiom_is_derivable_from_no_hyps[OF axiom_4_2[OF that]])
    from "§1" and id_β_redex[OF true_wff]
    have " To 𝒬 (λ𝔵o⇙. 𝔵o) · F⇘o⇙ =⇘o𝔵o⇙. (λ𝔵o⇙. 𝔵o) · 𝔵o⇙"
      by (rule rule_R[where p = "[«,»,«,»]"]) force+
    from this and id_β_redex[OF false_wff] have " To 𝒬 F⇘o⇙ =⇘o𝔵o⇙. (λ𝔵o⇙. 𝔵o) · 𝔵o⇙"
      by (rule rule_R[where p = "[«,»,»]"]) force+
    from this and id_β_redex[OF wffs_of_type_intros(1)] show ?thesis
      by (rule rule_R[where p = "[»,»,«]"]) force+
  then show ?thesis
    by simp

subsection ‹Proposition 5215 (Universal Instantiation)›

proposition prop_5215:
  assumes "  xα⇙. B" and "A  wffs⇘α⇙"
  and "is_free_for A (x, α) B"
  shows "  S {(x, α)  A} B"
proof -
  from assms(1) have "is_hyps "
    by (blast elim: is_derivable_from_hyps.cases)
  from assms(1) have "  (λ𝔵α⇙. T⇘o⇙) =⇘αo(λxα⇙. B)"
    by simp
  with assms(2) have "  (λ𝔵α⇙. T⇘o⇙) · A =⇘o(λxα⇙. B) · A"
    by (intro Equality_Rules(5))
  then have "  T⇘o⇙ =⇘oS {(x, α)  A} B"
  proof -
    have "  (λ𝔵α⇙. T⇘o⇙) · A =⇘o⇙ T⇘o⇙"
    proof -
      have " (λ𝔵α⇙. T⇘o⇙) · A =⇘o⇙ T⇘o⇙"
        using prop_5207[OF assms(2) true_wff is_free_for_in_true] and derived_substitution_simps(1)
        by (simp only:)
      from this and is_hyps  show ?thesis
        by (rule derivability_implies_hyp_derivability)
    moreover have "  (λxα⇙. B) · A =⇘oS {(x, α)  A} B"
    proof -
      have "B  wffs⇘o⇙"
        using hyp_derivable_form_is_wffso[OF assms(1)] by (fastforce elim: wffs_from_forall)
      with assms(2,3) have " (λxα⇙. B) · A =⇘oS {(x, α)  A} B"
        using prop_5207 by (simp only:)
      from this and is_hyps  show ?thesis
        by (rule derivability_implies_hyp_derivability)
    ultimately show ?thesis
      using   (λ𝔵α⇙. T⇘o⇙) · A =⇘o(λxα⇙. B) · A and Equality_Rules(2,3) by meson
  then show ?thesis
  proof -
    have "  To"
      by (fact derivability_implies_hyp_derivability[OF true_is_derivable is_hyps ])
    from this and   T⇘o⇙ =⇘oS {(x, α)  A} B show ?thesis
      by (rule Equality_Rules(1)[unfolded equivalence_def])

lemmas "∀I" = prop_5215 (* synonym *)

subsection ‹Proposition 5216›

proposition prop_5216:
  assumes "A  wffs⇘o⇙"
  shows " (To 𝒬 A) =⇘oA"
proof -
  let ?B = "λ𝔵o⇙. (To 𝒬 𝔵o⇙ =⇘o𝔵o)"
  have B_is_wff: "?B  wffs⇘oo⇙"
    by auto
  have "§1": " ?B · To 𝒬 ?B · F⇘o⇙ =⇘o𝔵o⇙. ?B · 𝔵o⇙"
  proof -
    have " 𝔤oo· To 𝒬 𝔤oo· F⇘o⇙ =⇘o𝔵o⇙. 𝔤oo· 𝔵o⇙" (is " ?C =⇘o?D")
      using axiom_1[unfolded equivalence_def] by (rule axiom_is_derivable_from_no_hyps)
    moreover have "?C  wffs⇘o⇙" and "?D  wffs⇘o⇙" and "is_free_for ?B (𝔤, oo) (?C =⇘o?D)"
      by auto
    ultimately have " S {(𝔤, oo)  ?B} (?C =⇘o?D)"
      using B_is_wff and prop_5209 by presburger
    then show ?thesis
      by simp
  have *: "is_free_for A (𝔵, o) (To 𝒬 𝔵o⇙ =⇘o𝔵o)" for A
    by (intro is_free_for_in_conj is_free_for_in_equality is_free_for_in_true is_free_for_in_var)
  have " (To 𝒬 T⇘o⇙ =⇘o⇙ T⇘o⇙) 𝒬 (To 𝒬 F⇘o⇙ =⇘o⇙ F⇘o⇙)"
    by (fact prop_5213[OF prop_5211 prop_5214])
  have " (To 𝒬 T⇘o⇙ =⇘o⇙ T⇘o⇙) 𝒬 (To 𝒬 F⇘o⇙ =⇘o⇙ F⇘o⇙) =⇘o𝔵o⇙. (To 𝒬 𝔵o⇙ =⇘o𝔵o)"
  proof -
    have B_β_redex: " ?B · A =⇘o(To 𝒬 A =⇘oA)" if "A  wffs⇘o⇙" for A
    proof -
      have "To 𝒬 𝔵o⇙ =⇘o𝔵o wffs⇘o⇙"
        by blast
      moreover have "S {(𝔵, o)  A} (To 𝒬 𝔵o⇙ =⇘o𝔵o) = (To 𝒬 A =⇘oA)"
        by simp
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using * and prop_5207[OF that] by metis
    from "§1" and B_β_redex[OF true_wff]
    have " (To 𝒬 T⇘o⇙ =⇘o⇙ T⇘o⇙) 𝒬 ?B · F⇘o⇙ =⇘o𝔵o⇙. ?B · 𝔵o⇙"
      by (rule rule_R[where p = "[«,»,«,»]"]) force+
    from this and B_β_redex[OF false_wff]
    have " (To 𝒬 T⇘o⇙ =⇘o⇙ T⇘o⇙) 𝒬 (To 𝒬 F⇘o⇙ =⇘o⇙ F⇘o⇙) =⇘o𝔵o⇙. ?B · 𝔵o⇙"
      by (rule rule_R[where p = "[«,»,»]"]) force+
    from this and B_β_redex[OF wffs_of_type_intros(1)] show ?thesis
      by (rule rule_R[where p = "[»,»,«]"]) force+
  ultimately have " 𝔵o⇙. (To 𝒬 𝔵o⇙ =⇘o𝔵o)"
    by (rule rule_R[where p = "[]"]) fastforce+
  show ?thesis
    using "∀I"[OF  𝔵o⇙. (To 𝒬 𝔵o⇙ =⇘o𝔵o) assms *] by simp

subsection ‹Proposition 5217›

proposition prop_5217:
  shows " (T⇘o⇙ =⇘o⇙ F⇘o⇙) =⇘o⇙ F⇘o⇙"
proof -
  let ?B = "λ𝔵o⇙. (T⇘o⇙ =⇘o𝔵o)"
  have B_is_wff: "?B  wffs⇘oo⇙"
    by auto
  have *: "is_free_for A (𝔵, o) (T⇘o⇙ =⇘o𝔵o)" for A
    by (intro is_free_for_in_equality is_free_for_in_true is_free_for_in_var)
  have "§1": "