Theory FuncSet
section ‹Pi and Function Sets›
theory FuncSet
imports Main
abbrevs PiE = "Pi⇩E"
and PIE = "Π⇩E"
definition Pi :: "'a set ⇒ ('a ⇒ 'b set) ⇒ ('a ⇒ 'b) set"
where "Pi A B = {f. ∀x. x ∈ A ⟶ f x ∈ B x}"
definition extensional :: "'a set ⇒ ('a ⇒ 'b) set"
where "extensional A = {f. ∀x. x ∉ A ⟶ f x = undefined}"
definition "restrict" :: "('a ⇒ 'b) ⇒ 'a set ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'b"
where "restrict f A = (λx. if x ∈ A then f x else undefined)"
abbreviation funcset :: "'a set ⇒ 'b set ⇒ ('a ⇒ 'b) set"
where "funcset A B ≡ Pi A (λ_. B)"
open_bundle funcset_syntax
notation funcset (infixr ‹→› 60)
"_Pi" :: "pttrn ⇒ 'a set ⇒ 'b set ⇒ ('a ⇒ 'b) set"
(‹(‹indent=3 notation=‹binder Π∈››Π _∈_./ _)› 10)
"_lam" :: "pttrn ⇒ 'a set ⇒ ('a ⇒ 'b) ⇒ ('a ⇒ 'b)"
(‹(‹indent=3 notation=‹binder λ∈››λ_∈_./ _)› [0, 0, 3] 3)
"_Pi" ⇌ Pi and
"_lam" ⇌ restrict
"Π x∈A. B" ⇌ "CONST Pi A (λx. B)"
"λx∈A. f" ⇌ "CONST restrict (λx. f) A"
definition "compose" :: "'a set ⇒ ('b ⇒ 'c) ⇒ ('a ⇒ 'b) ⇒ ('a ⇒ 'c)"
where "compose A g f = (λx∈A. g (f x))"
subsection ‹Basic Properties of \<^term>‹Pi››
lemma Pi_I[intro!]: "(⋀x. x ∈ A ⟹ f x ∈ B x) ⟹ f ∈ Pi A B"
by (simp add: Pi_def)
lemma Pi_I'[simp]: "(⋀x. x ∈ A ⟶ f x ∈ B x) ⟹ f ∈ Pi A B"
by (simp add:Pi_def)
lemma funcsetI: "(⋀x. x ∈ A ⟹ f x ∈ B) ⟹ f ∈ A → B"
by (simp add: Pi_def)
lemma Pi_mem: "f ∈ Pi A B ⟹ x ∈ A ⟹ f x ∈ B x"
by (simp add: Pi_def)
lemma Pi_iff: "f ∈ Pi I X ⟷ (∀i∈I. f i ∈ X i)"
unfolding Pi_def by auto
lemma PiE [elim]: "f ∈ Pi A B ⟹ (f x ∈ B x ⟹ Q) ⟹ (x ∉ A ⟹ Q) ⟹ Q"
by (auto simp: Pi_def)
lemma Pi_cong: "(⋀w. w ∈ A ⟹ f w = g w) ⟹ f ∈ Pi A B ⟷ g ∈ Pi A B"
by (auto simp: Pi_def)
lemma funcset_id [simp]: "(λx. x) ∈ A → A"
by auto
lemma funcset_mem: "f ∈ A → B ⟹ x ∈ A ⟹ f x ∈ B"
by (simp add: Pi_def)
lemma funcset_image: "f ∈ A → B ⟹ f ` A ⊆ B"
by auto
lemma image_subset_iff_funcset: "F ` A ⊆ B ⟷ F ∈ A → B"
by auto
lemma funcset_to_empty_iff: "A → {} = (if A={} then UNIV else {})"
by auto
lemma Pi_eq_empty[simp]: "(Π x ∈ A. B x) = {} ⟷ (∃x∈A. B x = {})"
proof -
have "∃x∈A. B x = {}" if "⋀f. ∃y. y ∈ A ∧ f y ∉ B y"
using that [of "λu. SOME y. y ∈ B u"] some_in_eq by blast
then show ?thesis
by force
lemma Pi_empty [simp]: "Pi {} B = UNIV"
by (simp add: Pi_def)
lemma Pi_Int: "Pi I E ∩ Pi I F = (Π i∈I. E i ∩ F i)"
by auto
lemma Pi_UN:
fixes A :: "nat ⇒ 'i ⇒ 'a set"
assumes "finite I"
and mono: "⋀i n m. i ∈ I ⟹ n ≤ m ⟹ A n i ⊆ A m i"
shows "(⋃n. Pi I (A n)) = (Π i∈I. ⋃n. A n i)"
proof (intro set_eqI iffI)
fix f
assume "f ∈ (Π i∈I. ⋃n. A n i)"
then have "∀i∈I. ∃n. f i ∈ A n i"
by auto
from bchoice[OF this] obtain n where n: "f i ∈ A (n i) i" if "i ∈ I" for i
by auto
obtain k where k: "n i ≤ k" if "i ∈ I" for i
using ‹finite I› finite_nat_set_iff_bounded_le[of "n`I"] by auto
have "f ∈ Pi I (A k)"
proof (intro Pi_I)
fix i
assume "i ∈ I"
from mono[OF this, of "n i" k] k[OF this] n[OF this]
show "f i ∈ A k i" by auto
then show "f ∈ (⋃n. Pi I (A n))"
by auto
qed auto
lemma Pi_UNIV [simp]: "A → UNIV = UNIV"
by (simp add: Pi_def)
text ‹Covariance of Pi-sets in their second argument›
lemma Pi_mono: "(⋀x. x ∈ A ⟹ B x ⊆ C x) ⟹ Pi A B ⊆ Pi A C"
by auto
text ‹Contravariance of Pi-sets in their first argument›
lemma Pi_anti_mono: "A' ⊆ A ⟹ Pi A B ⊆ Pi A' B"
by auto
lemma prod_final:
assumes 1: "fst ∘ f ∈ Pi A B"
and 2: "snd ∘ f ∈ Pi A C"
shows "f ∈ (Π z ∈ A. B z × C z)"
proof (rule Pi_I)
fix z
assume z: "z ∈ A"
have "f z = (fst (f z), snd (f z))"
by simp
also have "… ∈ B z × C z"
by (metis SigmaI PiE o_apply 1 2 z)
finally show "f z ∈ B z × C z" .
lemma Pi_split_domain[simp]: "x ∈ Pi (I ∪ J) X ⟷ x ∈ Pi I X ∧ x ∈ Pi J X"
by (auto simp: Pi_def)
lemma Pi_split_insert_domain[simp]: "x ∈ Pi (insert i I) X ⟷ x ∈ Pi I X ∧ x i ∈ X i"
by (auto simp: Pi_def)
lemma Pi_cancel_fupd_range[simp]: "i ∉ I ⟹ x ∈ Pi I (B(i := b)) ⟷ x ∈ Pi I B"
by (auto simp: Pi_def)
lemma Pi_cancel_fupd[simp]: "i ∉ I ⟹ x(i := a) ∈ Pi I B ⟷ x ∈ Pi I B"
by (auto simp: Pi_def)
lemma Pi_fupd_iff: "i ∈ I ⟹ f ∈ Pi I (B(i := A)) ⟷ f ∈ Pi (I - {i}) B ∧ f i ∈ A"
using mk_disjoint_insert by fastforce
lemma fst_Pi: "fst ∈ A × B → A" and snd_Pi: "snd ∈ A × B → B"
by auto
subsection ‹Composition With a Restricted Domain: \<^term>‹compose››
lemma funcset_compose: "f ∈ A → B ⟹ g ∈ B → C ⟹ compose A g f ∈ A → C"
by (simp add: Pi_def compose_def restrict_def)
lemma compose_assoc:
assumes "f ∈ A → B"
shows "compose A h (compose A g f) = compose A (compose B h g) f"
using assms by (simp add: fun_eq_iff Pi_def compose_def restrict_def)
lemma compose_eq: "x ∈ A ⟹ compose A g f x = g (f x)"
by (simp add: compose_def restrict_def)
lemma surj_compose: "f ` A = B ⟹ g ` B = C ⟹ compose A g f ` A = C"
by (auto simp add: image_def compose_eq)
subsection ‹Bounded Abstraction: \<^term>‹restrict››
lemma restrict_cong: "I = J ⟹ (⋀i. i ∈ J =simp=> f i = g i) ⟹ restrict f I = restrict g J"
by (auto simp: restrict_def fun_eq_iff simp_implies_def)
lemma restrictI[intro!]: "(⋀x. x ∈ A ⟹ f x ∈ B x) ⟹ (λx∈A. f x) ∈ Pi A B"
by (simp add: Pi_def restrict_def)
lemma restrict_apply[simp]: "(λy∈A. f y) x = (if x ∈ A then f x else undefined)"
by (simp add: restrict_def)
lemma restrict_apply': "x ∈ A ⟹ (λy∈A. f y) x = f x"
by simp
lemma restrict_ext: "(⋀x. x ∈ A ⟹ f x = g x) ⟹ (λx∈A. f x) = (λx∈A. g x)"
by (simp add: fun_eq_iff Pi_def restrict_def)
lemma restrict_UNIV: "restrict f UNIV = f"
by (simp add: restrict_def)
lemma inj_on_restrict_eq [simp]: "inj_on (restrict f A) A ⟷ inj_on f A"
by (simp add: inj_on_def restrict_def)
lemma inj_on_restrict_iff: "A ⊆ B ⟹ inj_on (restrict f B) A ⟷ inj_on f A"
by (metis inj_on_cong restrict_def subset_iff)
lemma Id_compose: "f ∈ A → B ⟹ f ∈ extensional A ⟹ compose A (λy∈B. y) f = f"
by (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff compose_def extensional_def Pi_def)
lemma compose_Id: "g ∈ A → B ⟹ g ∈ extensional A ⟹ compose A g (λx∈A. x) = g"
by (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff compose_def extensional_def Pi_def)
lemma image_restrict_eq [simp]: "(restrict f A) ` A = f ` A"
by (auto simp add: restrict_def)
lemma restrict_restrict[simp]: "restrict (restrict f A) B = restrict f (A ∩ B)"
unfolding restrict_def by (simp add: fun_eq_iff)
lemma restrict_fupd[simp]: "i ∉ I ⟹ restrict (f (i := x)) I = restrict f I"
by (auto simp: restrict_def)
lemma restrict_upd[simp]: "i ∉ I ⟹ (restrict f I)(i := y) = restrict (f(i := y)) (insert i I)"
by (auto simp: fun_eq_iff)
lemma restrict_Pi_cancel: "restrict x I ∈ Pi I A ⟷ x ∈ Pi I A"
by (auto simp: restrict_def Pi_def)
lemma sum_restrict' [simp]: "sum' (λi∈I. g i) I = sum' (λi. g i) I"
by (simp add: sum.G_def conj_commute cong: conj_cong)
lemma prod_restrict' [simp]: "prod' (λi∈I. g i) I = prod' (λi. g i) I"
by (simp add: prod.G_def conj_commute cong: conj_cong)
subsection ‹Bijections Between Sets›
text ‹The definition of \<^const>‹bij_betw› is in ‹Fun.thy›, but most of
the theorems belong here, or need at least \<^term>‹Hilbert_Choice›.›
lemma bij_betwI:
assumes "f ∈ A → B"
and "g ∈ B → A"
and g_f: "⋀x. x∈A ⟹ g (f x) = x"
and f_g: "⋀y. y∈B ⟹ f (g y) = y"
shows "bij_betw f A B"
unfolding bij_betw_def
show "inj_on f A"
by (metis g_f inj_on_def)
have "f ` A ⊆ B"
using ‹f ∈ A → B› by auto
have "B ⊆ f ` A"
by auto (metis Pi_mem ‹g ∈ B → A› f_g image_iff)
ultimately show "f ` A = B"
by blast
lemma bij_betw_imp_funcset: "bij_betw f A B ⟹ f ∈ A → B"
by (auto simp add: bij_betw_def)
lemma inj_on_compose: "bij_betw f A B ⟹ inj_on g B ⟹ inj_on (compose A g f) A"
by (auto simp add: bij_betw_def inj_on_def compose_eq)
lemma bij_betw_compose: "bij_betw f A B ⟹ bij_betw g B C ⟹ bij_betw (compose A g f) A C"
by (simp add: bij_betw_def inj_on_compose surj_compose)
lemma bij_betw_restrict_eq [simp]: "bij_betw (restrict f A) A B = bij_betw f A B"
by (simp add: bij_betw_def)
subsection ‹Extensionality›
lemma extensional_empty[simp]: "extensional {} = {λx. undefined}"
unfolding extensional_def by auto
lemma extensional_arb: "f ∈ extensional A ⟹ x ∉ A ⟹ f x = undefined"
by (simp add: extensional_def)
lemma restrict_extensional [simp]: "restrict f A ∈ extensional A"
by (simp add: restrict_def extensional_def)
lemma compose_extensional [simp]: "compose A f g ∈ extensional A"
by (simp add: compose_def)
lemma extensionalityI:
assumes "f ∈ extensional A"
and "g ∈ extensional A"
and "⋀x. x ∈ A ⟹ f x = g x"
shows "f = g"
using assms by (force simp add: fun_eq_iff extensional_def)
lemma extensional_restrict: "f ∈ extensional A ⟹ restrict f A = f"
by (rule extensionalityI[OF restrict_extensional]) auto
lemma extensional_subset: "f ∈ extensional A ⟹ A ⊆ B ⟹ f ∈ extensional B"
unfolding extensional_def by auto
lemma inv_into_funcset: "f ` A = B ⟹ (λx∈B. inv_into A f x) ∈ B → A"
by (unfold inv_into_def) (fast intro: someI2)
lemma compose_inv_into_id: "bij_betw f A B ⟹ compose A (λy∈B. inv_into A f y) f = (λx∈A. x)"
by (smt (verit, best) bij_betwE bij_betw_inv_into_left compose_def restrict_apply' restrict_ext)
lemma compose_id_inv_into: "f ` A = B ⟹ compose B f (λy∈B. inv_into A f y) = (λx∈B. x)"
by (smt (verit, best) compose_def f_inv_into_f restrict_apply' restrict_ext)
lemma extensional_insert[intro, simp]:
assumes "a ∈ extensional (insert i I)"
shows "a(i := b) ∈ extensional (insert i I)"
using assms unfolding extensional_def by auto
lemma extensional_Int[simp]: "extensional I ∩ extensional I' = extensional (I ∩ I')"
unfolding extensional_def by auto
lemma extensional_UNIV[simp]: "extensional UNIV = UNIV"
by (auto simp: extensional_def)
lemma restrict_extensional_sub[intro]: "A ⊆ B ⟹ restrict f A ∈ extensional B"
unfolding restrict_def extensional_def by auto
lemma extensional_insert_undefined[intro, simp]:
"a ∈ extensional (insert i I) ⟹ a(i := undefined) ∈ extensional I"
unfolding extensional_def by auto
lemma extensional_insert_cancel[intro, simp]:
"a ∈ extensional I ⟹ a ∈ extensional (insert i I)"
unfolding extensional_def by auto
subsection ‹Cardinality›
lemma card_inj: "f ∈ A → B ⟹ inj_on f A ⟹ finite B ⟹ card A ≤ card B"
by (rule card_inj_on_le) auto
lemma card_bij:
assumes "f ∈ A → B" "inj_on f A"
and "g ∈ B → A" "inj_on g B"
and "finite A" "finite B"
shows "card A = card B"
using assms by (blast intro: card_inj order_antisym)
subsection ‹Extensional Function Spaces›
definition PiE :: "'a set ⇒ ('a ⇒ 'b set) ⇒ ('a ⇒ 'b) set"
where "PiE S T = Pi S T ∩ extensional S"
abbreviation "Pi⇩E A B ≡ PiE A B"
"_PiE" :: "pttrn ⇒ 'a set ⇒ 'b set ⇒ ('a ⇒ 'b) set"
(‹(‹indent=3 notation=‹binder Π⇩E∈››Π⇩E _∈_./ _)› 10)
"_PiE" ⇌ Pi⇩E
"Π⇩E x∈A. B" ⇌ "CONST Pi⇩E A (λx. B)"
abbreviation extensional_funcset :: "'a set ⇒ 'b set ⇒ ('a ⇒ 'b) set" (infixr ‹→⇩E› 60)
where "A →⇩E B ≡ (Π⇩E i∈A. B)"
lemma extensional_funcset_def: "extensional_funcset S T = (S → T) ∩ extensional S"
by (simp add: PiE_def)
lemma PiE_empty_domain[simp]: "Pi⇩E {} T = {λx. undefined}"
unfolding PiE_def by simp
lemma PiE_UNIV_domain: "Pi⇩E UNIV T = Pi UNIV T"
unfolding PiE_def by simp
lemma PiE_empty_range[simp]: "i ∈ I ⟹ F i = {} ⟹ (Π⇩E i∈I. F i) = {}"
unfolding PiE_def by auto
lemma PiE_eq_empty_iff: "Pi⇩E I F = {} ⟷ (∃i∈I. F i = {})"
assume "Pi⇩E I F = {}"
show "∃i∈I. F i = {}"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬ ?thesis"
then have "∀i. ∃y. (i ∈ I ⟶ y ∈ F i) ∧ (i ∉ I ⟶ y = undefined)"
by auto
from choice[OF this]
obtain f where " ∀x. (x ∈ I ⟶ f x ∈ F x) ∧ (x ∉ I ⟶ f x = undefined)" ..
then have "f ∈ Pi⇩E I F"
by (auto simp: extensional_def PiE_def)
with ‹Pi⇩E I F = {}› show False
by auto
qed (auto simp: PiE_def)
lemma PiE_arb: "f ∈ Pi⇩E S T ⟹ x ∉ S ⟹ f x = undefined"
unfolding PiE_def by auto (auto dest!: extensional_arb)
lemma PiE_mem: "f ∈ Pi⇩E S T ⟹ x ∈ S ⟹ f x ∈ T x"
unfolding PiE_def by auto
lemma PiE_fun_upd: "y ∈ T x ⟹ f ∈ Pi⇩E S T ⟹ f(x := y) ∈ Pi⇩E (insert x S) T"
unfolding PiE_def extensional_def by auto
lemma fun_upd_in_PiE: "x ∉ S ⟹ f ∈ Pi⇩E (insert x S) T ⟹ f(x := undefined) ∈ Pi⇩E S T"
unfolding PiE_def extensional_def by auto
lemma PiE_insert_eq: "Pi⇩E (insert x S) T = (λ(y, g). g(x := y)) ` (T x × Pi⇩E S T)"
proof -
have "f ∈ (λ(y, g). g(x := y)) ` (T x × Pi⇩E S T)" if "f ∈ Pi⇩E (insert x S) T" "x ∉ S" for f
using that
by (auto intro!: image_eqI[where x="(f x, f(x := undefined))"] intro: fun_upd_in_PiE PiE_mem)
have "f ∈ (λ(y, g). g(x := y)) ` (T x × Pi⇩E S T)" if "f ∈ Pi⇩E (insert x S) T" "x ∈ S" for f
using that
by (auto intro!: image_eqI[where x="(f x, f)"] intro: fun_upd_in_PiE PiE_mem simp: insert_absorb)
ultimately show ?thesis
by (auto intro: PiE_fun_upd)
lemma PiE_Int: "Pi⇩E I A ∩ Pi⇩E I B = Pi⇩E I (λx. A x ∩ B x)"
by (auto simp: PiE_def)
lemma PiE_cong: "(⋀i. i∈I ⟹ A i = B i) ⟹ Pi⇩E I A = Pi⇩E I B"
unfolding PiE_def by (auto simp: Pi_cong)
lemma PiE_E [elim]:
assumes "f ∈ Pi⇩E A B"
obtains "x ∈ A" and "f x ∈ B x"
| "x ∉ A" and "f x = undefined"
using assms by (auto simp: Pi_def PiE_def extensional_def)
lemma PiE_I[intro!]:
"(⋀x. x ∈ A ⟹ f x ∈ B x) ⟹ (⋀x. x ∉ A ⟹ f x = undefined) ⟹ f ∈ Pi⇩E A B"
by (simp add: PiE_def extensional_def)
lemma PiE_mono: "(⋀x. x ∈ A ⟹ B x ⊆ C x) ⟹ Pi⇩E A B ⊆ Pi⇩E A C"
by auto
lemma PiE_iff: "f ∈ Pi⇩E I X ⟷ (∀i∈I. f i ∈ X i) ∧ f ∈ extensional I"
by (simp add: PiE_def Pi_iff)
lemma restrict_PiE_iff: "restrict f I ∈ Pi⇩E I X ⟷ (∀i ∈ I. f i ∈ X i)"
by (simp add: PiE_iff)
lemma ext_funcset_to_sing_iff [simp]: "A →⇩E {a} = {λx∈A. a}"
by (auto simp: PiE_def Pi_iff extensionalityI)
lemma PiE_restrict[simp]: "f ∈ Pi⇩E A B ⟹ restrict f A = f"
by (simp add: extensional_restrict PiE_def)
lemma restrict_PiE[simp]: "restrict f I ∈ Pi⇩E I S ⟷ f ∈ Pi I S"
by (auto simp: PiE_iff)
lemma PiE_eq_subset:
assumes ne: "⋀i. i ∈ I ⟹ F i ≠ {}" "⋀i. i ∈ I ⟹ F' i ≠ {}"
and eq: "Pi⇩E I F = Pi⇩E I F'"
and "i ∈ I"
shows "F i ⊆ F' i"
fix x
assume "x ∈ F i"
with ne have "∀j. ∃y. (j ∈ I ⟶ y ∈ F j ∧ (i = j ⟶ x = y)) ∧ (j ∉ I ⟶ y = undefined)"
by auto
from choice[OF this] obtain f
where f: " ∀j. (j ∈ I ⟶ f j ∈ F j ∧ (i = j ⟶ x = f j)) ∧ (j ∉ I ⟶ f j = undefined)" ..
then have "f ∈ Pi⇩E I F"
by (auto simp: extensional_def PiE_def)
then have "f ∈ Pi⇩E I F'"
using assms by simp
then show "x ∈ F' i"
using f ‹i ∈ I› by (auto simp: PiE_def)
lemma PiE_eq_iff_not_empty:
assumes ne: "⋀i. i ∈ I ⟹ F i ≠ {}" "⋀i. i ∈ I ⟹ F' i ≠ {}"
shows "Pi⇩E I F = Pi⇩E I F' ⟷ (∀i∈I. F i = F' i)"
proof (intro iffI ballI)
fix i
assume eq: "Pi⇩E I F = Pi⇩E I F'"
assume i: "i ∈ I"
show "F i = F' i"
using PiE_eq_subset[of I F F', OF ne eq i]
using PiE_eq_subset[of I F' F, OF ne(2,1) eq[symmetric] i]
by auto
qed (auto simp: PiE_def)
lemma PiE_eq_iff: "Pi⇩E I F = Pi⇩E I F' ⟷ (∀i∈I. F i = F' i) ∨ ((∃i∈I. F i = {}) ∧ (∃i∈I. F' i = {}))"
proof (intro iffI disjCI)
assume eq[simp]: "Pi⇩E I F = Pi⇩E I F'"
assume "¬ ((∃i∈I. F i = {}) ∧ (∃i∈I. F' i = {}))"
then have "(∀i∈I. F i ≠ {}) ∧ (∀i∈I. F' i ≠ {})"
using PiE_eq_empty_iff[of I F] PiE_eq_empty_iff[of I F'] by auto
with PiE_eq_iff_not_empty[of I F F'] show "∀i∈I. F i = F' i"
by auto
assume "(∀i∈I. F i = F' i) ∨ (∃i∈I. F i = {}) ∧ (∃i∈I. F' i = {})"
then show "Pi⇩E I F = Pi⇩E I F'"
using PiE_eq_empty_iff[of I F] PiE_eq_empty_iff[of I F'] by (auto simp: PiE_def)
lemma extensional_funcset_fun_upd_restricts_rangeI:
"∀y ∈ S. f x ≠ f y ⟹ f ∈ (insert x S) →⇩E T ⟹ f(x := undefined) ∈ S →⇩E (T - {f x})"
unfolding extensional_funcset_def extensional_def
by (auto split: if_split_asm)
lemma extensional_funcset_fun_upd_extends_rangeI:
assumes "a ∈ T" "f ∈ S →⇩E (T - {a})"
shows "f(x := a) ∈ insert x S →⇩E T"
using assms unfolding extensional_funcset_def extensional_def by auto
lemma subset_PiE:
"PiE I S ⊆ PiE I T ⟷ PiE I S = {} ∨ (∀i ∈ I. S i ⊆ T i)" (is "?lhs ⟷ _ ∨ ?rhs")
proof (cases "PiE I S = {}")
case False
moreover have "?lhs = ?rhs"
assume L: ?lhs
have "⋀i. i∈I ⟹ S i ≠ {}"
using False PiE_eq_empty_iff by blast
with L show ?rhs
by (simp add: PiE_Int PiE_eq_iff inf.absorb_iff2)
qed auto
ultimately show ?thesis
by simp
qed simp
lemma PiE_eq: "PiE I S = PiE I T ⟷ PiE I S = {} ∧ PiE I T = {} ∨ (∀i ∈ I. S i = T i)"
by (auto simp: PiE_eq_iff PiE_eq_empty_iff)
lemma PiE_UNIV [simp]: "PiE UNIV (λi. UNIV) = UNIV"
by blast
lemma image_projection_PiE:
"(λf. f i) ` (PiE I S) = (if PiE I S = {} then {} else if i ∈ I then S i else {undefined})"
proof -
have "(λf. f i) ` Pi⇩E I S = S i" if "i ∈ I" "f ∈ PiE I S" for f
proof -
have "x ∈ S i ⟹ ∃f∈Pi⇩E I S. x = f i" for x
using that
by (force intro: bexI [where x="λk. if k=i then x else f k"])
then show ?thesis
using that by force
then show ?thesis
by (smt (verit) PiE_arb equals0I image_cong image_constant image_empty)
lemma PiE_singleton:
assumes "f ∈ extensional A"
shows "PiE A (λx. {f x}) = {f}"
proof -
have "g = f" if "g ∈ PiE A (λx. {f x})" for g
proof -
from that have "g x = f x" for x
using assms by (cases "x ∈ A") (auto simp: extensional_def)
then show ?thesis by (simp add: fun_eq_iff)
with assms show ?thesis
by (auto simp: extensional_def)
lemma PiE_eq_singleton: "(Π⇩E i∈I. S i) = {λi∈I. f i} ⟷ (∀i∈I. S i = {f i})"
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) PiE_eq PiE_singleton insert_not_empty restrict_apply' restrict_extensional)
lemma PiE_over_singleton_iff: "(Π⇩E x∈{a}. B x) = (⋃b ∈ B a. {λx ∈ {a}. b})"
proof -
have "∃xa∈B a. x = (λx∈{a}. xa)" if "x a ∈ B a" and "x ∈ extensional {a}" for x
using that PiE_singleton by fastforce
then show ?thesis
by (auto simp: PiE_iff split: if_split_asm)
lemma all_PiE_elements:
"(∀z ∈ PiE I S. ∀i ∈ I. P i (z i)) ⟷ PiE I S = {} ∨ (∀i ∈ I. ∀x ∈ S i. P i x)"
(is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof (cases "PiE I S = {}")
case False
then obtain f where f: "⋀i. i ∈ I ⟹ f i ∈ S i"
by fastforce
show ?thesis
assume L: ?lhs
have "P i x"
if "i ∈ I" "x ∈ S i" for i x
proof -
have "(λj ∈ I. if j=i then x else f j) ∈ PiE I S"
by (simp add: f that(2))
then have "P i ((λj ∈ I. if j=i then x else f j) i)"
using L that by blast
with that show ?thesis
by simp
then show ?rhs
by (simp add: False)
qed fastforce
qed simp
lemma PiE_ext: "⟦x ∈ PiE k s; y ∈ PiE k s; ⋀i. i ∈ k ⟹ x i = y i⟧ ⟹ x = y"
by (metis ext PiE_E)
subsubsection ‹Injective Extensional Function Spaces›
lemma extensional_funcset_fun_upd_inj_onI:
assumes "f ∈ S →⇩E (T - {a})"
and "inj_on f S"
shows "inj_on (f(x := a)) S"
using assms
unfolding extensional_funcset_def by (auto intro!: inj_on_fun_updI)
lemma extensional_funcset_extend_domain_inj_on_eq:
assumes "x ∉ S"
shows "{f. f ∈ (insert x S) →⇩E T ∧ inj_on f (insert x S)} =
(λ(y, g). g(x:=y)) ` {(y, g). y ∈ T ∧ g ∈ S →⇩E (T - {y}) ∧ inj_on g S}"
proof -
have False if "f ∈ S →⇩E T - {a}" and "a = (if y = x then a else f y)" and "y ∈ S" for a f y
using assms that by (auto dest!: PiE_mem split: if_split_asm)
have "∃b. b ∈ S →⇩E T - {f x} ∧ inj_on b S ∧ f = b(x := f x)"
if "f ∈ insert x S →⇩E T" and "inj_on f S" and "∀xb∈S. f x ≠ f xb" for f
using that
unfolding inj_on_def
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) PiE_restrict fun_upd_apply fun_upd_triv insert_Diff insert_iff
restrict_PiE_iff restrict_upd)
ultimately show ?thesis
using assms
apply (auto simp: image_iff intro: extensional_funcset_fun_upd_inj_onI
extensional_funcset_fun_upd_extends_rangeI del: PiE_I PiE_E)
apply (smt (verit, best) PiE_cong PiE_mem inj_on_def insertCI)
apply blast
lemma extensional_funcset_extend_domain_inj_onI:
assumes "x ∉ S"
shows "inj_on (λ(y, g). g(x := y)) {(y, g). y ∈ T ∧ g ∈ S →⇩E (T - {y}) ∧ inj_on g S}"
using assms
by (simp add: inj_on_def) (metis PiE_restrict fun_upd_apply restrict_fupd)
subsubsection ‹Misc properties of functions, composition and restriction from HOL Light›
lemma function_factors_left_gen:
"(∀x y. P x ∧ P y ∧ g x = g y ⟶ f x = f y) ⟷ (∃h. ∀x. P x ⟶ f x = h(g x))"
(is "?lhs = ?rhs")
assume L: ?lhs
then show ?rhs
apply (rule_tac x="f ∘ inv_into (Collect P) g" in exI)
unfolding o_def
by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) f_inv_into_f imageI inv_into_into mem_Collect_eq)
qed auto
lemma function_factors_left: "(∀x y. (g x = g y) ⟶ (f x = f y)) ⟷ (∃h. f = h ∘ g)"
using function_factors_left_gen [of "λx. True" g f] unfolding o_def by blast
lemma function_factors_right_gen: "(∀x. P x ⟶ (∃y. g y = f x)) ⟷ (∃h. ∀x. P x ⟶ f x = g(h x))"
by metis
lemma function_factors_right: "(∀x. ∃y. g y = f x) ⟷ (∃h. f = g ∘ h)"
unfolding o_def by metis
lemma restrict_compose_right: "restrict (g ∘ restrict f S) S = restrict (g ∘ f) S"
by auto
lemma restrict_compose_left: "f ` S ⊆ T ⟹ restrict (restrict g T ∘ f) S = restrict (g ∘ f) S"
by fastforce
subsubsection ‹Cardinality›
lemma finite_PiE: "finite S ⟹ (⋀i. i ∈ S ⟹ finite (T i)) ⟹ finite (Π⇩E i ∈ S. T i)"
by (induct S arbitrary: T rule: finite_induct) (simp_all add: PiE_insert_eq)
lemma inj_combinator: "x ∉ S ⟹ inj_on (λ(y, g). g(x := y)) (T x × Pi⇩E S T)"
proof (safe intro!: inj_onI ext)
fix f y g z
assume "x ∉ S"
assume fg: "f ∈ Pi⇩E S T" "g ∈ Pi⇩E S T"
assume "f(x := y) = g(x := z)"
then have *: "⋀i. (f(x := y)) i = (g(x := z)) i"
unfolding fun_eq_iff by auto
from this[of x] show "y = z" by simp
fix i from *[of i] ‹x ∉ S› fg show "f i = g i"
by (auto split: if_split_asm simp: PiE_def extensional_def)
lemma card_PiE: "finite S ⟹ card (Π⇩E i ∈ S. T i) = (∏ i∈S. card (T i))"
proof (induct rule: finite_induct)
case empty
then show ?case
by auto
case (insert x S)
then show ?case
by (simp add: PiE_insert_eq inj_combinator card_image card_cartesian_product)
lemma card_funcsetE: "finite A ⟹ card (A →⇩E B) = card B ^ card A"
by (subst card_PiE) auto
lemma card_inj_on_subset_funcset:
assumes finB: "finite B"
and finC: "finite C"
and AB: "A ⊆ B"
shows "card {f ∈ B →⇩E C. inj_on f A} =
card C^(card B - card A) * prod ((-) (card C)) {0 ..< card A}"
proof -
define D where "D = B - A"
from AB have B: "B = A ∪ D" and disj: "A ∩ D = {}"
unfolding D_def by auto
have sub: "card B - card A = card D"
unfolding D_def using finB AB
by (metis card_Diff_subset finite_subset)
from finB B have "finite A" "finite D" by auto
then show ?thesis
unfolding sub unfolding B using disj
proof (induct A rule: finite_induct)
case empty
from card_funcsetE[OF this(1), of C] show ?case
by auto
case (insert a A)
have "{f. f ∈ insert a A ∪ D →⇩E C ∧ inj_on f (insert a A)} =
{f(a := c) | f c. f ∈ A ∪ D →⇩E C ∧ inj_on f A ∧ c ∈ C - f ` A}"
(is "?l = ?r")
show "?r ⊆ ?l"
by (auto intro: inj_on_fun_updI split: if_splits)
have "f ∈ ?r" if f: "f ∈ ?l" for f
proof -
let ?g = "f(a := undefined)"
let ?h = "?g(a := f a)"
have mem: "f a ∈ C - ?g ` A" using insert(1,2,4,5) f by auto
from f have f: "f ∈ insert a A ∪ D →⇩E C" "inj_on f (insert a A)" by auto
hence "?g ∈ A ∪ D →⇩E C" "inj_on ?g A" using ‹a ∉ A› ‹insert a A ∩ D = {}›
by (auto split: if_splits simp: inj_on_def)
with mem have "?h ∈ ?r" by blast
also have "?h = f" by auto
finally show ?thesis .
then show "?l ⊆ ?r" by auto
also have "… = (λ (f, c). f (a := c)) `
(Sigma {f . f ∈ A ∪ D →⇩E C ∧ inj_on f A} (λ f. C - f ` A))"
by auto
also have "card (...) = card (Sigma {f . f ∈ A ∪ D →⇩E C ∧ inj_on f A} (λ f. C - f ` A))"
proof (rule card_image, intro inj_onI, clarsimp, goal_cases)
case (1 f c g d)
let ?f = "f(a := c, a := undefined)"
let ?g = "g(a := d, a := undefined)"
from 1 have id: "f(a := c) = g(a := d)"
by auto
from fun_upd_eqD[OF id]
have cd: "c = d"
by auto
from id have "?f = ?g"
by auto
also have "?f = f" using `f ∈ A ∪ D →⇩E C` insert(1,2,4,5)
by (intro ext, auto)
also have "?g = g" using `g ∈ A ∪ D →⇩E C` insert(1,2,4,5)
by (intro ext, auto)
finally show "f = g ∧ c = d"
using cd by auto
also have "… = (∑f∈{f ∈ A ∪ D →⇩E C. inj_on f A}. card (C - f ` A))"
by (rule card_SigmaI, rule finite_subset[of _ "A ∪ D →⇩E C"],
insert ‹finite C› ‹finite D› ‹finite A›, auto intro!: finite_PiE)
also have "… = (∑f∈{f ∈ A ∪ D →⇩E C. inj_on f A}. card C - card A)"
by (rule sum.cong[OF refl], subst card_Diff_subset, insert ‹finite A›, auto simp: card_image)
also have "… = (card C - card A) * card {f ∈ A ∪ D →⇩E C. inj_on f A}"
by simp
also have "… = card C ^ card D * ((card C - card A) * prod ((-) (card C)) {0..<card A})"
using insert by (auto simp: ac_simps)
also have "(card C - card A) * prod ((-) (card C)) {0..<card A} =
prod ((-) (card C)) {0..<Suc (card A)}" by simp
also have "Suc (card A) = card (insert a A)" using insert by auto
finally show ?case .
subsection ‹The pigeonhole principle›
text ‹
An alternative formulation of this is that for a function mapping a finite set ‹A› of
cardinality ‹m› to a finite set ‹B› of cardinality ‹n›, there exists an element ‹y ∈ B› that
is hit at least $\lceil \frac{m}{n}\rceil$ times. However, since we do not have real numbers
or rounding yet, we state it in the following equivalent form:
lemma pigeonhole_card:
assumes "f ∈ A → B" "finite A" "finite B" "B ≠ {}"
shows "∃y∈B. card (f -` {y} ∩ A) * card B ≥ card A"
proof -
from assms have "card B > 0"
by auto
define M where "M = Max ((λy. card (f -` {y} ∩ A)) ` B)"
have "A = (⋃y∈B. f -` {y} ∩ A)"
using assms by auto
also have "card … = (∑i∈B. card (f -` {i} ∩ A))"
using assms by (subst card_UN_disjoint) auto
also have "… ≤ (∑i∈B. M)"
unfolding M_def using assms by (intro sum_mono Max.coboundedI) auto
also have "… = card B * M"
by simp
finally have *: "M * card B ≥ card A"
by (simp add: mult_ac)
from assms have "M ∈ (λy. card (f -` {y} ∩ A)) ` B"
unfolding M_def by (intro Max_in) auto
with * show ?thesis
by blast