Theory Utilities
section ‹Utilities›
theory Utilities
subsection ‹Utilities for lists›
fun foldr1 :: "('a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a) ⇒ 'a list ⇒ 'a" where
"foldr1 f [x] = x"
| "foldr1 f (x # xs) = f x (foldr1 f xs)"
| "foldr1 f [] = undefined f"
abbreviation lset where "lset ≡ List.set"
lemma rev_induct2 [consumes 1, case_names Nil snoc]:
assumes "length xs = length ys"
and "P [] []"
and "⋀x xs y ys. length xs = length ys ⟹ P xs ys ⟹ P (xs @ [x]) (ys @ [y])"
shows "P xs ys"
using assms proof (induction xs arbitrary: ys rule: rev_induct)
case (snoc x xs)
then show ?case by (cases ys rule: rev_cases) simp_all
qed simp
subsection ‹Utilities for finite maps›
"_fmaplet" :: "['a, 'a] ⇒ fmaplet" (‹_ /$$:=/ _›)
"_fmaplets" :: "['a, 'a] ⇒ fmaplet" (‹_ /[$$:=]/ _›)
"_fmaplet" :: "['a, 'a] ⇒ fmaplet" (‹_ /↣/ _›)
"_fmaplets" :: "['a, 'a] ⇒ fmaplet" (‹_ /[↣]/ _›)
lemma fmdom'_fmap_of_list [simp]:
shows "fmdom' (fmap_of_list ps) = lset (map fst ps)"
by (induction ps) force+
lemma fmran'_singleton [simp]:
shows "fmran' {k ↣ v} = {v}"
proof -
have "v' ∈ fmran' {k ↣ v} ⟹ v' = v" for v'
proof -
assume "v' ∈ fmran' {k ↣ v}"
fix k'
have "fmdom' {k ↣ v} = {k}"
by simp
then show "v' = v"
proof (cases "k' = k")
case True
with ‹v' ∈ fmran' {k ↣ v}› show ?thesis
using fmdom'I by fastforce
case False
with ‹fmdom' {k ↣ v} = {k}› and ‹v' ∈ fmran' {k ↣ v}› show ?thesis
using fmdom'I by fastforce
moreover have "v ∈ fmran' {k ↣ v}"
by (simp add: fmran'I)
ultimately show ?thesis
by blast
lemma fmran'_fmupd [simp]:
assumes "m $$ x = None"
shows "fmran' (m(x ↣ y)) = {y} ∪ fmran' m"
using assms proof (intro subset_antisym subsetI)
fix x'
assume "m $$ x = None" and "x' ∈ fmran' (m(x ↣ y))"
then show "x' ∈ {y} ∪ fmran' m"
by (auto simp add: fmlookup_ran'_iff, metis option.inject)
fix x'
assume "m $$ x = None" and "x' ∈ {y} ∪ fmran' m"
then show "x' ∈ fmran' (m(x ↣ y))"
by (force simp add: fmlookup_ran'_iff)
lemma fmran'_fmadd [simp]:
assumes "fmdom' m ∩ fmdom' m' = {}"
shows "fmran' (m ++⇩f m') = fmran' m ∪ fmran' m'"
using assms proof (intro subset_antisym subsetI)
fix x
assume "fmdom' m ∩ fmdom' m' = {}" and "x ∈ fmran' (m ++⇩f m')"
then show "x ∈ fmran' m ∪ fmran' m'"
by (auto simp add: fmlookup_ran'_iff) meson
fix x
assume "fmdom' m ∩ fmdom' m' = {}" and "x ∈ fmran' m ∪ fmran' m'"
then show "x ∈ fmran' (m ++⇩f m')"
using fmap_disj_comm and fmlookup_ran'_iff by fastforce
lemma finite_fmran':
shows "finite (fmran' m)"
by (simp add: fmran'_alt_def)
lemma fmap_of_zipped_list_range:
assumes "length ks = length vs"
and "m = fmap_of_list (zip ks vs)"
and "k ∈ fmdom' m"
shows "m $$! k ∈ lset vs"
using assms by (induction arbitrary: m rule: list_induct2) auto
lemma fmap_of_zip_nth [simp]:
assumes "length ks = length vs"
and "distinct ks"
and "i < length ks"
shows "fmap_of_list (zip ks vs) $$! (ks ! i) = vs ! i"
using assms by (simp add: fmap_of_list.rep_eq map_of_zip_nth)
lemma fmap_of_zipped_list_fmran' [simp]:
assumes "distinct (map fst ps)"
shows "fmran' (fmap_of_list ps) = lset (map snd ps)"
using assms proof (induction ps)
case Nil
then show ?case
by auto
case (Cons p ps)
then show ?case
proof (cases "p ∈ lset ps")
case True
then show ?thesis
using Cons.prems by auto
case False
obtain k and v where "p = (k, v)"
by fastforce
with Cons.prems have "k ∉ fmdom' (fmap_of_list ps)"
by auto
then have "fmap_of_list (p # ps) = {k ↣ v} ++⇩f fmap_of_list ps"
using ‹p = (k, v)› and fmap_singleton_comm by fastforce
with Cons.prems have "fmran' (fmap_of_list (p # ps)) = {v} ∪ fmran' (fmap_of_list ps)"
by (simp add: ‹p = (k, v)›)
then have "fmran' (fmap_of_list (p # ps)) = {v} ∪ lset (map snd ps)"
using Cons.IH and Cons.prems by force
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: ‹p = (k, v)›)
lemma fmap_of_list_nth [simp]:
assumes "distinct (map fst ps)"
and "j < length ps"
shows "fmap_of_list ps $$ ((map fst ps) ! j) = Some (map snd ps ! j)"
using assms by (induction j) (simp_all add: fmap_of_list.rep_eq)
lemma fmap_of_list_nth_split [simp]:
assumes "distinct xs"
and "j < length xs"
and "length ys = length xs" and "length zs = length xs"
shows "fmap_of_list (zip xs (take k ys @ drop k zs)) $$ (xs ! j) =
(if j < k then Some (take k ys ! j) else Some (drop k zs ! (j - k)))"
using assms proof (induction k arbitrary: xs ys zs j)
case 0
then show ?case
by (simp add: fmap_of_list.rep_eq map_of_zip_nth)
case (Suc k)
then show ?case
proof (cases xs)
case Nil
with Suc.prems(2) show ?thesis
by auto
case (Cons x xs')
let ?ps = "zip xs (take (Suc k) ys @ drop (Suc k) zs)"
from Cons and Suc.prems(3,4) obtain y and z and ys' and zs'
where "ys = y # ys'" and "zs = z # zs'"
by (metis length_0_conv neq_Nil_conv)
let ?ps' = "zip xs' (take k ys' @ drop k zs')"
from Cons have *: "fmap_of_list ?ps = fmap_of_list ((x, y) # ?ps')"
using ‹ys = y # ys'› and ‹zs = z # zs'› by fastforce
also have "… = {x ↣ y} ++⇩f fmap_of_list ?ps'"
proof -
from ‹ys = y # ys'› and ‹zs = z # zs'› have "fmap_of_list ?ps' $$ x = None"
using Cons and Suc.prems(1,3,4) by (simp add: fmdom'_notD)
then show ?thesis
using fmap_singleton_comm by fastforce
finally have "fmap_of_list ?ps = {x ↣ y} ++⇩f fmap_of_list ?ps'" .
then show ?thesis
proof (cases "j = 0")
case True
with ‹ys = y # ys'› and Cons show ?thesis
by simp
case False
then have "xs ! j = xs' ! (j - 1)"
by (simp add: Cons)
moreover from ‹ys = y # ys'› and ‹zs = z # zs'› have "fmdom' (fmap_of_list ?ps') = lset xs'"
using Cons and Suc.prems(3,4) by force
moreover from False and Suc.prems(2) and Cons have "j - 1 < length xs'"
using le_simps(2) by auto
ultimately have "fmap_of_list ?ps $$ (xs ! j) = fmap_of_list ?ps' $$ (xs' ! (j - 1))"
using Cons and * and Suc.prems(1) by auto
with Suc.IH and Suc.prems(1,3,4) and Cons have **: "fmap_of_list ?ps $$ (xs ! j) =
(if j - 1 < k then Some (take k ys' ! (j - 1)) else Some (drop k zs' ! ((j - 1) - k)))"
using ‹j - 1 < length xs'› and ‹ys = y # ys'› and ‹zs = z # zs'› by simp
then show ?thesis
proof (cases "j - 1 < k")
case True
with False and ** show ?thesis
using ‹ys = y # ys'› by auto
case False
from Suc.prems(1) and Cons and ‹j - 1 < length xs'› and ‹xs ! j = xs' ! (j - 1)› have "j > 0"
using nth_non_equal_first_eq by fastforce
with False have "j ≥ Suc k"
by simp
moreover have "fmap_of_list ?ps $$ (xs ! j) = Some (drop (Suc k) zs ! (j - Suc k))"
using ** and False and ‹zs = z # zs'› by fastforce
ultimately show ?thesis
by simp
lemma fmadd_drop_cancellation [simp]:
assumes "m $$ k = Some v"
shows "{k ↣ v} ++⇩f fmdrop k m = m"
using assms proof (induction m)
case fmempty
then show ?case
by simp
case (fmupd k' v' m')
then show ?case
proof (cases "k' = k")
case True
with fmupd.prems have "v = v'"
by fastforce
have "fmdrop k' (m'(k' ↣ v')) = m'"
unfolding fmdrop_fmupd_same using fmdrop_idle'[OF fmdom'_notI[OF fmupd.hyps]] by (unfold True)
then have "{k ↣ v} ++⇩f fmdrop k' (m'(k' ↣ v')) = {k ↣ v} ++⇩f m'"
by simp
then show ?thesis
using fmap_singleton_comm[OF fmupd.hyps] by (simp add: True ‹v = v'›)
case False
with fmupd.prems have "m' $$ k = Some v"
by force
from False have "{k ↣ v} ++⇩f fmdrop k (m'(k' ↣ v')) = {k ↣ v} ++⇩f (fmdrop k m')(k' ↣ v')"
by (simp add: fmdrop_fmupd)
also have "… = ({k ↣ v} ++⇩f fmdrop k m')(k' ↣ v')"
by fastforce
also from fmupd.prems and fmupd.IH[OF ‹m' $$ k = Some v›] have "… = m'(k' ↣ v')"
by force
finally show ?thesis .
lemma fmap_of_list_fmmap [simp]:
shows "fmap_of_list (map2 (λv' A'. (v', f A')) xs ys) = fmmap f (fmap_of_list (zip xs ys))"
unfolding fmmap_of_list
using cond_case_prod_eta
[where f = "λv' A'.(v', f A')" and g = "apsnd f", unfolded apsnd_conv, simplified]
by (rule arg_cong)