Theory Syntax

section ‹Syntax›

theory Syntax

subsection ‹Type symbols›

datatype type =
  TInd (i)
| TBool (o)
| TFun type type (infixr  101)

primrec type_size :: "type  nat" where
  "type_size i = 1"
| "type_size o = 1"
| "type_size (α  β) = Suc (type_size α + type_size β)"

primrec subtypes :: "type  type set" where
  "subtypes i = {}"
| "subtypes o = {}"
| "subtypes (α  β) = {α, β}  subtypes α  subtypes β"

lemma subtype_size_decrease:
  assumes "α  subtypes β"
  shows "type_size α < type_size β"
  using assms by (induction rule: type.induct) force+

lemma subtype_is_not_type:
  assumes "α  subtypes β"
  shows "α  β"
  using assms and subtype_size_decrease by blast

lemma fun_type_atoms_in_subtypes:
  assumes "k < length ts"
  shows "ts ! k  subtypes (foldr (→) ts γ)"
  using assms by (induction ts arbitrary: k) (cases k, use less_Suc_eq_0_disj in fastforce+)

lemma fun_type_atoms_neq_fun_type:
  assumes "k < length ts"
  shows "ts ! k  foldr (→) ts γ"
  by (fact fun_type_atoms_in_subtypes[OF assms, THEN subtype_is_not_type])

subsection ‹Variables›

text ‹
  Unfortunately, the Nominal package does not support multi-sort atoms yet; therefore, we need to
  implement this support from scratch.

type_synonym var = "nat × type"

abbreviation var_name :: "var  nat" where
  "var_name  fst"

abbreviation var_type :: "var  type" where
  "var_type  snd"

lemma fresh_var_existence:
  assumes "finite (vs :: var set)"
  obtains x where "(x, α)  vs"
  using ex_new_if_finite[OF infinite_UNIV_nat]
proof -
  from assms obtain x where "x  var_name ` vs"
    using ex_new_if_finite[OF infinite_UNIV_nat] by fastforce
  with that show ?thesis
    by force

lemma fresh_var_name_list_existence:
  assumes "finite (ns :: nat set)"
  obtains ns' where "length ns' = n" and "distinct ns'" and "lset ns'  ns = {}"
using assms proof (induction n arbitrary: thesis)
  case 0
  then show ?case
    by simp
  case (Suc n)
  from assms obtain ns' where "length ns' = n" and "distinct ns'" and "lset ns'  ns = {}"
    using Suc.IH by blast
  moreover from assms obtain n' where "n'  lset ns'  ns"
    using ex_new_if_finite[OF infinite_UNIV_nat] by blast
    have "length (n' # ns') = Suc n" and "distinct (n' # ns')" and "lset (n' # ns')  ns = {}"
    by simp_all
  with Suc.prems(1) show ?case
    by blast

lemma fresh_var_list_existence:
  fixes xs :: "var list"
  and ns :: "nat set"
  assumes "finite ns"
  obtains vs' :: "var list"
  where "length vs' = length xs"
  and "distinct vs'"
  and "var_name ` lset vs'  (ns  var_name ` lset xs) = {}"
  and "map var_type vs' = map var_type xs"
proof -
  from assms(1) have "finite (ns  var_name ` lset xs)"
    by blast
  then obtain ns'
    where "length ns' = length xs"
    and "distinct ns'"
    and "lset ns'  (ns  var_name ` lset xs) = {}"
    by (rule fresh_var_name_list_existence)
  define vs'' where "vs'' = zip ns' (map var_type xs)"
  from vs''_def and length ns' = length xs have "length vs'' = length xs"
    by simp
  moreover from vs''_def and distinct ns' have "distinct vs''"
    by (simp add: distinct_zipI1)
  moreover have "var_name ` lset vs''  (ns  var_name ` lset xs) = {}"
    unfolding vs''_def
    using length ns' = length xs and lset ns'  (ns  var_name ` lset xs) = {}
    by (metis length_map set_map map_fst_zip)
  moreover from vs''_def have "map var_type vs'' = map var_type xs"
    by (simp add: length ns' = length xs)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by (fact that)

subsection ‹Constants›

type_synonym con = "nat × type"

subsection ‹Formulas›

datatype form =
  FVar var
| FCon con
| FApp form form (infixl · 200)
| FAbs var form

  "_FVar" :: "nat  type  form" (‹__ [899, 0] 900)
  "_FCon" :: "nat  type  form" (_⦄⇘_ [899, 0] 900)
  "_FAbs" :: "nat  type  form  form" ((4λ__⇙./ _) [0, 0, 104] 104)
  "_FVar"  FVar and
  "_FCon"  FCon and
  "_FAbs"  FAbs
  "xα⇙"  "CONST FVar (x, α)"
  "c⦄⇘α⇙"  "CONST FCon (c, α)"
  "λxα⇙. A"  "CONST FAbs (x, α) A"

subsection ‹Generalized operators›

text ‹Generalized application. We define ·𝒬 A [B1, B2, …, Bn]› as A · B1 · B2 · ⋯ · Bn:›

definition generalized_app :: "form  form list  form" (·𝒬 _ _› [241, 241] 241) where
  [simp]: "·𝒬 A Bs = foldl (·) A Bs"

text ‹Generalized abstraction. We define λ𝒬 [x1, …, xn] A› as λx1. ⋯ λxn. A›:›

definition generalized_abs :: "var list  form  form" (λ𝒬 _ _› [141, 141] 141) where
  [simp]: "λ𝒬 vs A = foldr (λ(x, α) B. λxα⇙. B) vs A"

fun form_size :: "form  nat" where
  "form_size (xα) = 1"
| "form_size (c⦄⇘α) = 1"
| "form_size (A · B) = Suc (form_size A + form_size B)"
| "form_size (λxα⇙. A) = Suc (form_size A)"

fun form_depth :: "form  nat" where
  "form_depth (xα) = 0"
| "form_depth (c⦄⇘α) = 0"
| "form_depth (A · B) = Suc (max (form_depth A) (form_depth B))"
| "form_depth (λxα⇙. A) = Suc (form_depth A)"

subsection ‹Subformulas›

fun subforms :: "form  form set" where
  "subforms (xα) = {}"
| "subforms (c⦄⇘α) = {}"
| "subforms (A · B) = {A, B}"
| "subforms (λxα⇙. A) = {A}"

datatype direction = Left («) | Right (»)
type_synonym position = "direction list"

fun positions :: "form  position set" where
  "positions (xα) = {[]}"
| "positions (c⦄⇘α) = {[]}"
| "positions (A · B) = {[]}  {« # p | p. p  positions A}  {» # p | p. p  positions B}"
| "positions (λxα⇙. A) = {[]}  {« # p | p. p  positions A}"

lemma empty_is_position [simp]:
  shows "[]  positions A"
  by (cases A rule: positions.cases) simp_all

fun subform_at :: "form  position  form" where
  "subform_at A [] = Some A"
| "subform_at (A · B) (« # p) = subform_at A p"
| "subform_at (A · B) (» # p) = subform_at B p"
| "subform_at (λxα⇙. A) (« # p) = subform_at A p"
| "subform_at _ _ = None"

fun is_subform_at :: "form  position  form  bool" ((_ ≼⇘_/ _) [51,0,51] 50) where
  "is_subform_at A [] A' = (A = A')"
| "is_subform_at C (« # p) (A · B) = is_subform_at C p A"
| "is_subform_at C (» # p) (A · B) = is_subform_at C p B"
| "is_subform_at C (« # p) (λxα⇙. A) = is_subform_at C p A"
| "is_subform_at _ _ _ = False"

lemma is_subform_at_alt_def:
  shows "A' ≼⇘pA = (case subform_at A p of Some B  B = A' | None  False)"
  by (induction A' p A rule: is_subform_at.induct) auto

lemma superform_existence:
  assumes "B ≼⇘p @ [d]C"
  obtains A where "B ≼⇘[d]A" and "A ≼⇘pC"
  using assms by (induction B p C rule: is_subform_at.induct) auto

lemma subform_at_subforms_con:
  assumes "c⦄⇘α⇙ ≼⇘pC"
  shows "A. A ≼⇘p @ [d]C"
  using assms by (induction "c⦄⇘α⇙" p C rule: is_subform_at.induct) auto

lemma subform_at_subforms_var:
  assumes "xα⇙ ≼⇘pC"
  shows "A. A ≼⇘p @ [d]C"
  using assms by (induction "xα⇙" p C rule: is_subform_at.induct) auto

lemma subform_at_subforms_app:
  assumes "A · B ≼⇘pC"
  shows "A ≼⇘p @ [«]C" and "B ≼⇘p @ [»]C"
  using assms by (induction "A · B" p C rule: is_subform_at.induct) auto

lemma subform_at_subforms_abs:
  assumes "λxα⇙. A ≼⇘pC"
  shows "A ≼⇘p @ [«]C"
  using assms by (induction "λxα⇙. A" p C rule: is_subform_at.induct) auto

lemma is_subform_implies_in_positions:
  assumes "B ≼⇘pA"
  shows "p  positions A"
  using assms by (induction rule: is_subform_at.induct) simp_all

lemma subform_size_decrease:
  assumes "A ≼⇘pB" and "p  []"
  shows "form_size A < form_size B"
  using assms by (induction A p B rule: is_subform_at.induct) force+

lemma strict_subform_is_not_form:
  assumes "p  []" and "A' ≼⇘pA"
  shows "A'  A"
  using assms and subform_size_decrease by blast

lemma no_right_subform_of_abs:
  shows "B. B ≼⇘» # pλxα⇙. A"
  by simp

lemma subforms_from_var:
  assumes "A ≼⇘pxα⇙"
  shows "A = xα⇙" and "p = []"
  using assms by (auto elim: is_subform_at.elims)

lemma subforms_from_con:
  assumes "A ≼⇘pc⦄⇘α⇙"
  shows "A = c⦄⇘α⇙" and "p = []"
  using assms by (auto elim: is_subform_at.elims)

lemma subforms_from_app:
  assumes "A ≼⇘pB · C"
  shows "
    (A = B · C  p = []) 
    (A  B · C 
      (p'  positions B. p = « # p'  A ≼⇘p'B)  (p'  positions C. p = » # p'  A ≼⇘p'C))"
  using assms and strict_subform_is_not_form
  by (auto simp add: is_subform_implies_in_positions elim: is_subform_at.elims)

lemma subforms_from_abs:
  assumes "A ≼⇘pλxα⇙. B"
  shows "(A = λxα⇙. B  p = [])  (A  λxα⇙. B  (p'  positions B. p = « # p'  A ≼⇘p'B))"
  using assms and strict_subform_is_not_form
  by (auto simp add: is_subform_implies_in_positions elim: is_subform_at.elims)

lemma leftmost_subform_in_generalized_app:
  shows "B ≼⇘replicate (length As) «·𝒬 B As"
  by (induction As arbitrary: B) (simp_all, metis replicate_append_same subform_at_subforms_app(1))

lemma self_subform_is_at_top:
  assumes "A ≼⇘pA"
  shows "p = []"
  using assms and strict_subform_is_not_form by blast

lemma at_top_is_self_subform:
  assumes "A ≼⇘[]B"
  shows "A = B"
  using assms by (auto elim: is_subform_at.elims)

lemma is_subform_at_uniqueness:
  assumes "B ≼⇘pA" and "C ≼⇘pA"
  shows "B = C"
  using assms by (induction A arbitrary: p B C) (auto elim: is_subform_at.elims)

lemma is_subform_at_existence:
  assumes "p  positions A"
  obtains B where "B ≼⇘pA"
  using assms by (induction A arbitrary: p) (auto elim: is_subform_at.elims, blast+)

lemma is_subform_at_transitivity:
  assumes "A ≼⇘p1B" and "B ≼⇘p2C"
  shows "A ≼⇘p2 @ p1C"
  using assms by (induction B p2 C arbitrary: A p1 rule: is_subform_at.induct) simp_all

lemma subform_nesting:
  assumes "strict_prefix p' p"
  and "B ≼⇘p'A"
  and "C ≼⇘pA"
  shows "C ≼⇘drop (length p') pB"
proof -
  from assms(1) have "p  []"
    using strict_prefix_simps(1) by blast
  with assms(1,3) show ?thesis
  proof (induction p arbitrary: C rule: rev_induct)
    case Nil
    then show ?case
      by blast
    case (snoc d p'')
    then show ?case
    proof (cases "p'' = p'")
      case True
      obtain A' where "C ≼⇘[d]A'" and "A' ≼⇘p'A"
        by (fact superform_existence[OF snoc.prems(2)[unfolded True]])
      from A' ≼⇘p'A and assms(2) have "A' = B"
        by (rule is_subform_at_uniqueness)
      with C ≼⇘[d]A' have "C ≼⇘[d]B"
        by (simp only:)
      with True show ?thesis
        by auto
      case False
      with snoc.prems(1) have "strict_prefix p' p''"
        using prefix_order.dual_order.strict_implies_order by fastforce
      then have "p''  []"
        by force
      moreover from snoc.prems(2) obtain A' where "C ≼⇘[d]A'" and "A' ≼⇘p''A"
        using superform_existence by blast
      ultimately have "A' ≼⇘drop (length p') p''B"
        using snoc.IH and strict_prefix p' p'' by blast
      with C ≼⇘[d]A' and snoc.prems(1) show ?thesis
        using is_subform_at_transitivity and prefix_length_less by fastforce

lemma loop_subform_impossibility:
  assumes "B ≼⇘pA"
  and "strict_prefix p' p"
  shows "¬ B ≼⇘p'A"
  using assms and prefix_length_less and self_subform_is_at_top and subform_nesting by fastforce

lemma nested_subform_size_decreases:
  assumes "strict_prefix p' p"
  and "B ≼⇘p'A"
  and "C ≼⇘pA"
  shows "form_size C < form_size B"
proof -
  from assms(1) have "p  []"
    by force
  have "C ≼⇘drop (length p') pB"
    by (fact subform_nesting[OF assms])
  moreover have "drop (length p') p  []"
    using prefix_length_less[OF assms(1)] by force
  ultimately show ?thesis
    using subform_size_decrease by simp

definition is_subform :: "form  form  bool" (infix  50) where
  [simp]: "A  B = (p. A ≼⇘pB)"

instantiation form :: ord

  "A  B  A  B"

  "A < B  A  B  A  B"

instance ..


instance form :: preorder
proof (standard, unfold less_eq_form_def less_form_def)
  fix A
  show "A  A"
    unfolding is_subform_def using is_subform_at.simps(1) by blast
  fix A and B and C
  assume "A  B" and "B  C"
  then show "A  C"
    unfolding is_subform_def using is_subform_at_transitivity by blast
  fix A and B
  show "A  B  A  B  A  B  ¬ B  A"
    unfolding is_subform_def
    by (metis is_subform_at.simps(1) not_less_iff_gr_or_eq subform_size_decrease)

lemma position_subform_existence_equivalence:
  shows "p  positions A  (A'. A' ≼⇘pA)"
  by (meson is_subform_at_existence is_subform_implies_in_positions)

lemma position_prefix_is_position:
  assumes "p  positions A" and "prefix p' p"
  shows "p'  positions A"
using assms proof (induction p rule: rev_induct)
  case Nil
  then show ?case
    by simp
  case (snoc d p'')
  from snoc.prems(1) have "p''  positions A"
    by (meson position_subform_existence_equivalence superform_existence)
  with snoc.prems(1,2) show ?case
    using snoc.IH by fastforce

subsection ‹Free and bound variables›

consts vars :: "'a  var set"

  "vars_form"  "vars :: form  var set"
  "vars_form_set"  "vars :: form set  var set" (* abuse of notation *)

fun vars_form :: "form  var set" where
  "vars_form (xα) = {(x, α)}"
| "vars_form (c⦄⇘α) = {}"
| "vars_form (A · B) = vars_form A  vars_form B"
| "vars_form (λxα⇙. A) = vars_form A  {(x, α)}"

fun vars_form_set :: "form set  var set" where
  "vars_form_set S = (A  S. vars A)"


abbreviation var_names :: "'a  nat set" where
  "var_names 𝒳  var_name ` (vars 𝒳)"

lemma vars_form_finiteness:
  fixes A :: form
  shows "finite (vars A)"
  by (induction rule: vars_form.induct) simp_all

lemma vars_form_set_finiteness:
  fixes S :: "form set"
  assumes "finite S"
  shows "finite (vars S)"
  using assms unfolding vars_form_set.simps using vars_form_finiteness by blast

lemma form_var_names_finiteness:
  fixes A :: form
  shows "finite (var_names A)"
  using vars_form_finiteness by blast

lemma form_set_var_names_finiteness:
  fixes S :: "form set"
  assumes "finite S"
  shows "finite (var_names S)"
  using assms and vars_form_set_finiteness by blast

consts free_vars :: "'a  var set"

  "free_vars_form"  "free_vars :: form  var set"
  "free_vars_form_set"  "free_vars :: form set  var set" (* abuse of notation *)

fun free_vars_form :: "form  var set" where
  "free_vars_form (xα) = {(x, α)}"
| "free_vars_form (c⦄⇘α) = {}"
| "free_vars_form (A · B) = free_vars_form A  free_vars_form B"
| "free_vars_form (λxα⇙. A) = free_vars_form A - {(x, α)}"

fun free_vars_form_set :: "form set  var set" where
  "free_vars_form_set S = (A  S. free_vars A)"


abbreviation free_var_names :: "'a  nat set" where
  "free_var_names 𝒳  var_name ` (free_vars 𝒳)"

lemma free_vars_form_finiteness:
  fixes A :: form
  shows "finite (free_vars A)"
  by (induction rule: free_vars_form.induct) simp_all

lemma free_vars_of_generalized_app:
  shows "free_vars (·𝒬 A Bs) = free_vars A  free_vars (lset Bs)"
  by (induction Bs arbitrary: A) auto

lemma free_vars_of_generalized_abs:
  shows "free_vars (λ𝒬 vs A) = free_vars A - lset vs"
  by (induction vs arbitrary: A) auto

lemma free_vars_in_all_vars:
  fixes A :: form
  shows "free_vars A  vars A"
proof (induction A)
  case (FVar v)
  then show ?case
    using surj_pair[of v] by force
  case (FCon k)
  then show ?case
    using surj_pair[of k] by force
  case (FApp A B)
  have "free_vars (A · B) = free_vars A  free_vars B"
    using free_vars_form.simps(3) .
  also from FApp.IH have "  vars A  vars B"
    by blast
  also have " = vars (A · B)"
    using vars_form.simps(3)[symmetric] .
  finally show ?case
    by (simp only:)
  case (FAbs v A)
  then show ?case
    using surj_pair[of v] by force

lemma free_vars_in_all_vars_set:
  fixes S :: "form set"
  shows "free_vars S  vars S"
  using free_vars_in_all_vars by fastforce

lemma singleton_form_set_vars:
  shows "vars {FVar y} = {y}"
  using surj_pair[of y] by force

fun bound_vars where
  "bound_vars (xα) = {}"
| "bound_vars (c⦄⇘α) = {}"
| "bound_vars (B · C) = bound_vars B  bound_vars C"
| "bound_vars (λxα⇙. B) = {(x, α)}  bound_vars B"

lemma vars_is_free_and_bound_vars:
  shows "vars A = free_vars A  bound_vars A"
  by (induction A) auto

fun binders_at :: "form  position  var set" where
  "binders_at (A · B) (« # p) = binders_at A p"
| "binders_at (A · B) (» # p) = binders_at B p"
| "binders_at (λxα⇙. A) (« # p) = {(x, α)}  binders_at A p"
| "binders_at A [] = {}"
| "binders_at A p = {}"

lemma binders_at_concat:
  assumes "A' ≼⇘pA"
  shows "binders_at A (p @ p') = binders_at A p  binders_at A' p'"
  using assms by (induction p A rule: is_subform_at.induct) auto

subsection ‹Free and bound occurrences›

definition occurs_at :: "var  position  form  bool" where
  [iff]: "occurs_at v p B  (FVar v ≼⇘pB)"

lemma occurs_at_alt_def:
  shows "occurs_at v [] (FVar v')  (v = v')"
  and "occurs_at v p (c⦄⇘α)  False"
  and "occurs_at v (« # p) (A · B)  occurs_at v p A"
  and "occurs_at v (» # p) (A · B)  occurs_at v p B"
  and "occurs_at v (« # p) (λxα⇙. A)  occurs_at v p A"
  and "occurs_at v (d # p) (FVar v')  False"
  and "occurs_at v (» # p) (λxα⇙. A)  False"
  and "occurs_at v [] (A · B)  False"
  and "occurs_at v [] (λxα⇙. A)  False"
  by (fastforce elim: is_subform_at.elims)+

definition occurs :: "var  form  bool" where
  [iff]: "occurs v B  (p  positions B. occurs_at v p B)"

lemma occurs_in_vars:
  assumes "occurs v A"
  shows "v  vars A"
  using assms by (induction A) force+

abbreviation strict_prefixes where
  "strict_prefixes xs  [ys  prefixes xs. ys  xs]"

definition in_scope_of_abs :: "var  position  form  bool" where
  [iff]: "in_scope_of_abs v p B  (
    p  [] 
      p'  lset (strict_prefixes p).
        case (subform_at B p') of
          Some (FAbs v' _)  v = v'
        | _  False

lemma in_scope_of_abs_alt_def:
  shows "
    in_scope_of_abs v p B
    p  []  (p'  positions B. C. strict_prefix p' p  FAbs v C ≼⇘p'B)"
  assume "in_scope_of_abs v p B"
  then show "p  []  (p'  positions B. C. strict_prefix p' p  FAbs v C ≼⇘p'B)"
    by (induction rule: subform_at.induct) force+
  assume "p  []  (p'  positions B. C. strict_prefix p' p  FAbs v C ≼⇘p'B)"
  then show "in_scope_of_abs v p B"
    by (induction rule: subform_at.induct) fastforce+

lemma in_scope_of_abs_in_left_app:
  shows "in_scope_of_abs v (« # p) (A · B)  in_scope_of_abs v p A"
  by force

lemma in_scope_of_abs_in_right_app:
  shows "in_scope_of_abs v (» # p) (A · B)  in_scope_of_abs v p B"
  by force

lemma in_scope_of_abs_in_app:
  assumes "in_scope_of_abs v p (A · B)"
  obtains p' where "(p = « # p'  in_scope_of_abs v p' A)  (p = » # p'  in_scope_of_abs v p' B)"
proof -
  from assms obtain d and p' where "p = d # p'"
    unfolding in_scope_of_abs_def by (meson list.exhaust)
  then show ?thesis
  proof (cases d)
    case Left
    with assms and p = d # p' show ?thesis
      using that and in_scope_of_abs_in_left_app by simp
    case Right
    with assms and p = d # p' show ?thesis
      using that and in_scope_of_abs_in_right_app by simp

lemma not_in_scope_of_abs_in_app:
  assumes "
      (p = « # p'  ¬ in_scope_of_abs v' p' A)
      (p = » # p'  ¬ in_scope_of_abs v' p' B)"
  shows "¬ in_scope_of_abs v' p (A · B)"
  using assms and in_scope_of_abs_in_app by metis

lemma in_scope_of_abs_in_abs:
  shows "in_scope_of_abs v (« # p) (FAbs v' B)  v = v'  in_scope_of_abs v p B"
  assume "in_scope_of_abs v (« # p) (FAbs v' B)"
  then obtain p' and C
    where "p'  positions (FAbs v' B)"
    and "strict_prefix p' (« # p)"
    and "FAbs v C ≼⇘p'FAbs v' B"
    unfolding in_scope_of_abs_alt_def by blast
  then show "v = v'  in_scope_of_abs v p B"
  proof (cases p')
    case Nil
    with FAbs v C ≼⇘p'FAbs v' B have "v = v'"
      by auto
    then show ?thesis
      by simp
    case (Cons d p'')
    with strict_prefix p' (« # p) have "d = «"
      by simp
    from FAbs v C ≼⇘p'FAbs v' B and Cons have "p''  positions B"
        (cases "(FAbs v C, p', FAbs v' B)" rule: is_subform_at.cases)
        (simp_all add: is_subform_implies_in_positions)
    moreover from FAbs v C ≼⇘p'FAbs v' B and Cons and d = « have "FAbs v C ≼⇘p''B"
      by (metis is_subform_at.simps(4)
    moreover from strict_prefix p' (« # p) and Cons have "strict_prefix p'' p"
      by auto
    ultimately have "in_scope_of_abs v p B"
      using in_scope_of_abs_alt_def by auto
    then show ?thesis
      by simp
  assume "v = v'  in_scope_of_abs v p B"
  then show "in_scope_of_abs v (« # p) (FAbs v' B)"
    unfolding in_scope_of_abs_alt_def
    using position_subform_existence_equivalence and surj_pair[of v']
    by force

lemma not_in_scope_of_abs_in_var:
  shows "¬ in_scope_of_abs v p (FVar v')"
  unfolding in_scope_of_abs_def by (cases p) simp_all

lemma in_scope_of_abs_in_vars:
  assumes "in_scope_of_abs v p A"
  shows "v  vars A"
using assms proof (induction A arbitrary: p)
  case (FVar v')
  then show ?case
    using not_in_scope_of_abs_in_var by blast
  case (FCon k)
  then show ?case
    using in_scope_of_abs_alt_def by (blast elim: is_subform_at.elims(2))
  case (FApp B C)
  from FApp.prems obtain d and p' where "p = d # p'"
    unfolding in_scope_of_abs_def by (meson neq_Nil_conv)
  then show ?case
  proof (cases d)
    case Left
    with FApp.prems and p = d # p' have "in_scope_of_abs v p' B"
      using in_scope_of_abs_in_left_app by blast
    then have "v  vars B"
      by (fact FApp.IH(1))
    then show ?thesis
      by simp
    case Right
    with FApp.prems and p = d # p' have "in_scope_of_abs v p' C"
      using in_scope_of_abs_in_right_app by blast
    then have "v  vars C"
      by (fact FApp.IH(2))
    then show ?thesis
      by simp
  case (FAbs v' B)
  then show ?case
  proof (cases "v = v'")
    case True
    then show ?thesis
      using surj_pair[of v] by force
    case False
    with FAbs.prems obtain p' and d where "p = d # p'"
      unfolding in_scope_of_abs_def by (meson neq_Nil_conv)
    then show ?thesis
    proof (cases d)
      case Left
      with FAbs.prems and False and p = d # p' have "in_scope_of_abs v p' B"
        using in_scope_of_abs_in_abs by blast
      then have "v  vars B"
        by (fact FAbs.IH)
      then show ?thesis
        using surj_pair[of v'] by force
      case Right
      with FAbs.prems and p = d # p' and False show ?thesis
        by (cases rule: is_subform_at.cases) auto

lemma binders_at_alt_def:
  assumes "p  positions A"
  shows "binders_at A p = {v | v. in_scope_of_abs v p A}"
  using assms and in_set_prefixes by (induction rule: binders_at.induct) auto

definition is_bound_at :: "var  position  form  bool" where
  [iff]: "is_bound_at v p B  occurs_at v p B  in_scope_of_abs v p B"

lemma not_is_bound_at_in_var:
  shows "¬ is_bound_at v p (FVar v')"
  by (fastforce elim: is_subform_at.elims(2))

lemma not_is_bound_at_in_con:
  shows "¬ is_bound_at v p (FCon k)"
  by (fastforce elim: is_subform_at.elims(2))

lemma is_bound_at_in_left_app:
  shows "is_bound_at v (« # p) (B · C)  is_bound_at v p B"
  by auto

lemma is_bound_at_in_right_app:
  shows "is_bound_at v (» # p) (B · C)  is_bound_at v p C"
  by auto

lemma is_bound_at_from_app:
  assumes "is_bound_at v p (B · C)"
  obtains p' where "(p = « # p'  is_bound_at v p' B)  (p = » # p'  is_bound_at v p' C)"
proof -
  from assms obtain d and p' where "p = d # p'"
    using subforms_from_app by blast
  then show ?thesis
  proof (cases d)
    case Left
    with assms and that and p = d # p' show ?thesis
      using is_bound_at_in_left_app by simp
    case Right
    with assms and that and p = d # p' show ?thesis
      using is_bound_at_in_right_app by simp

lemma is_bound_at_from_abs:
  assumes "is_bound_at v (« # p) (FAbs v' B)"
  shows "v = v'  is_bound_at v p B"
  using assms by (fastforce elim: is_subform_at.elims)

lemma is_bound_at_from_absE:
  assumes "is_bound_at v p (FAbs v' B)"
  obtains p' where "p = « # p'" and "v = v'  is_bound_at v p' B"
proof -
  obtain x and α where "v' = (x, α)"
    by fastforce
  with assms obtain p' where "p = « # p'"
    using subforms_from_abs by blast
  with assms and that show ?thesis
    using is_bound_at_from_abs by simp

lemma is_bound_at_to_abs:
  assumes "(v = v'  occurs_at v p B)  is_bound_at v p B"
  shows "is_bound_at v (« # p) (FAbs v' B)"
unfolding is_bound_at_def proof
  from assms(1) show "occurs_at v (« # p) (FAbs v' B)"
    using surj_pair[of v'] by force
  from assms show "in_scope_of_abs v (« # p) (FAbs v' B)"
    using in_scope_of_abs_in_abs by auto

lemma is_bound_at_in_bound_vars:
  assumes "p  positions A"
  and "is_bound_at v p A  v  binders_at A p"
  shows "v  bound_vars A"
using assms proof (induction A arbitrary: p)
  case (FApp B C)
  from FApp.prems(2) consider (a) "is_bound_at v p (B · C)" | (b) "v  binders_at (B · C) p"
    by blast
  then show ?case
  proof cases
    case a
    then have "p  []"
      using occurs_at_alt_def(8) by blast
    then obtain d and p' where "p = d # p'"
      by (meson list.exhaust)
    with p  positions (B · C)
    consider (a1) "p = « # p'" and "p'  positions B" | (a2) "p = » # p'" and "p'  positions C"
      by force
    then show ?thesis
    proof cases
      case a1
      from a1(1) and is_bound_at v p (B · C) have "is_bound_at v p' B"
        using is_bound_at_in_left_app by blast
      with a1(2) have "v  bound_vars B"
        using FApp.IH(1) by blast
      then show ?thesis
        by simp
      case a2
      from a2(1) and is_bound_at v p (B · C) have "is_bound_at v p' C"
        using is_bound_at_in_right_app by blast
      with a2(2) have "v  bound_vars C"
        using FApp.IH(2) by blast
      then show ?thesis
        by simp
    case b
    then have "p  []"
      by force
    then obtain d and p' where "p = d # p'"
      by (meson list.exhaust)
    with p  positions (B · C)
    consider (b1) "p = « # p'" and "p'  positions B" | (b2) "p = » # p'" and "p'  positions C"
      by force
    then show ?thesis
    proof cases
      case b1
      from b1(1) and v  binders_at (B · C) p have "v  binders_at B p'"
        by force
      with b1(2) have "v  bound_vars B"
        using FApp.IH(1) by blast
      then show ?thesis
        by simp
      case b2
      from b2(1) and v  binders_at (B · C) p have "v  binders_at C p'"
        by force
      with b2(2) have "v  bound_vars C"
        using FApp.IH(2) by blast
      then show ?thesis
        by simp
  case (FAbs v' B)
  from FAbs.prems(2) consider (a) "is_bound_at v p (FAbs v' B)" | (b) "v  binders_at (FAbs v' B) p"
    by blast
  then show ?case
  proof cases
    case a
    then have "p  []"
      using occurs_at_alt_def(9) by force
    with p  positions (FAbs v' B) obtain p' where "p = « # p'" and "p'  positions B"
      by (cases "FAbs v' B" rule: positions.cases) fastforce+
    from p = « # p' and is_bound_at v p (FAbs v' B) have "v = v'  is_bound_at v p' B"
      using is_bound_at_from_abs by blast
    then consider (a1) "v = v'" | (a2) "is_bound_at v p' B"
      by blast
    then show ?thesis
    proof cases
      case a1
      then show ?thesis
        using surj_pair[of v'] by fastforce
      case a2
      then have "v  bound_vars B"
        using p'  positions B and FAbs.IH by blast
      then show ?thesis
        using surj_pair[of v'] by fastforce
    case b
    then have "p  []"
      by force
    with FAbs.prems(1) obtain p' where "p = « # p'" and "p'  positions B"
      by (cases "FAbs v' B" rule: positions.cases) fastforce+
    with b consider (b1) "v = v'" | (b2) "v  binders_at B p'"
      by (cases "FAbs v' B" rule: positions.cases) fastforce+
    then show ?thesis
    proof cases
      case b1
      then show ?thesis
        using surj_pair[of v'] by fastforce
      case b2
      then have "v  bound_vars B"
        using p'  positions B and FAbs.IH by blast
      then show ?thesis
        using surj_pair[of v'] by fastforce
qed fastforce+

lemma bound_vars_in_is_bound_at:
  assumes "v  bound_vars A"
  obtains p where "p  positions A" and "is_bound_at v p A  v  binders_at A p"
using assms proof (induction A arbitrary: thesis rule: bound_vars.induct)
  case (3 B C)
  from v  bound_vars (B · C) consider (a) "v  bound_vars B" | (b) "v  bound_vars C"
    by fastforce
  then show ?case
  proof cases
    case a
    with "3.IH"(1) obtain p where "p  positions B" and "is_bound_at v p B  v  binders_at B p"
      by blast
    from p  positions B have "« # p  positions (B · C)"
      by simp
    from is_bound_at v p B  v  binders_at B p
    consider (a1) "is_bound_at v p B" | (a2) "v  binders_at B p"
      by blast
    then show ?thesis
    proof cases
      case a1
      then have "is_bound_at v (« # p) (B · C)"
        using is_bound_at_in_left_app by blast
      then show ?thesis
        using "3.prems"(1) and is_subform_implies_in_positions by blast
      case a2
      then have "v  binders_at (B · C) (« # p)"
        by simp
      then show ?thesis
        using "3.prems"(1) and « # p  positions (B · C) by blast
    case b
    with "3.IH"(2) obtain p where "p  positions C" and "is_bound_at v p C  v  binders_at C p"
      by blast
    from p  positions C have "» # p  positions (B · C)"
      by simp
    from is_bound_at v p C  v  binders_at C p
    consider (b1) "is_bound_at v p C" | (b2) "v  binders_at C p"
      by blast
    then show ?thesis
    proof cases
      case b1
      then have "is_bound_at v (» # p) (B · C)"
        using is_bound_at_in_right_app by blast
      then show ?thesis
        using "3.prems"(1) and is_subform_implies_in_positions by blast
      case b2
      then have "v  binders_at (B · C) (» # p)"
        by simp
      then show ?thesis
        using "3.prems"(1) and » # p  positions (B · C) by blast
  case (4 x α B)
  from v  bound_vars (λxα⇙. B) consider (a) "v = (x, α)" | (b) "v  bound_vars B"
    by force
  then show ?case
  proof cases
    case a
    then have "v  binders_at (λxα⇙. B) [«]"
      by simp
    then show ?thesis
      using "4.prems"(1) and is_subform_implies_in_positions by fastforce
    case b
    with "4.IH"(1) obtain p where "p  positions B" and "is_bound_at v p B  v  binders_at B p"
      by blast
    from p  positions B have "« # p  positions (λxα⇙. B)"
      by simp
    from is_bound_at v p B  v  binders_at B p
    consider (b1) "is_bound_at v p B" | (b2) "v  binders_at B p"
      by blast
    then show ?thesis
    proof cases
      case b1
      then have "is_bound_at v (« # p) (λxα⇙. B)"
        using is_bound_at_to_abs by blast
      then show ?thesis
        using "4.prems"(1) and « # p  positions (λxα⇙. B) by blast
      case b2
      then have "v  binders_at (λxα⇙. B) (« # p)"
        by simp
      then show ?thesis
        using "4.prems"(1) and « # p  positions (λxα⇙. B) by blast
qed simp_all

lemma bound_vars_alt_def:
  shows "bound_vars A = {v | v p. p  positions A  (is_bound_at v p A  v  binders_at A p)}"
  using bound_vars_in_is_bound_at and is_bound_at_in_bound_vars
  by (intro subset_antisym subsetI CollectI, metis) blast

definition is_free_at :: "var  position  form  bool" where
  [iff]: "is_free_at v p B  occurs_at v p B  ¬ in_scope_of_abs v p B"

lemma is_free_at_in_var:
  shows "is_free_at v [] (FVar v')  v = v'"
  by simp

lemma not_is_free_at_in_con:
  shows "¬ is_free_at v [] (c⦄⇘α)"
  by simp

lemma is_free_at_in_left_app:
  shows "is_free_at v (« # p) (B · C)  is_free_at v p B"
  by auto

lemma is_free_at_in_right_app:
  shows "is_free_at v (» # p) (B · C)  is_free_at v p C"
  by auto

lemma is_free_at_from_app:
  assumes "is_free_at v p (B · C)"
  obtains p' where "(p = « # p'  is_free_at v p' B)  (p = » # p'  is_free_at v p' C)"
proof -
  from assms obtain d and p' where "p = d # p'"
    using subforms_from_app by blast
  then show ?thesis
  proof (cases d)
    case Left
    with assms and that and p = d # p' show ?thesis
      using is_free_at_in_left_app by blast
    case Right
    with assms and that and p = d # p' show ?thesis
      using is_free_at_in_right_app by blast

lemma is_free_at_from_abs:
  assumes "is_free_at v (« # p) (FAbs v' B)"
  shows "is_free_at v p B"
  using assms by (fastforce elim: is_subform_at.elims)

lemma is_free_at_from_absE:
  assumes "is_free_at v p (FAbs v' B)"
  obtains p' where "p = « # p'" and "is_free_at v p' B"
proof -
  obtain x and α where "v' = (x, α)"
    by fastforce
  with assms obtain p' where "p = « # p'"
    using subforms_from_abs by blast
  with assms and that show ?thesis
    using is_free_at_from_abs by blast

lemma is_free_at_to_abs:
  assumes "is_free_at v p B" and "v  v'"
  shows "is_free_at v (« # p) (FAbs v' B)"
unfolding is_free_at_def proof
  from assms(1) show "occurs_at v (« # p) (FAbs v' B)"
    using surj_pair[of v'] by fastforce
  from assms show "¬ in_scope_of_abs v (« # p) (FAbs v' B)"
    unfolding is_free_at_def using in_scope_of_abs_in_abs by presburger

lemma is_free_at_in_free_vars:
  assumes "p  positions A" and "is_free_at v p A"
  shows "v  free_vars A"
using assms proof (induction A arbitrary: p)
  case (FApp B C)
  from is_free_at v p (B · C) have "p  []"
    using occurs_at_alt_def(8) by blast
  then obtain d and p' where "p = d # p'"
    by (meson list.exhaust)
  with p  positions (B · C)
  consider (a) "p = « # p'" and "p'  positions B" | (b) "p = » # p'" and "p'  positions C"
    by force
  then show ?case
  proof cases
    case a
    from a(1) and is_free_at v p (B · C) have "is_free_at v p' B"
      using is_free_at_in_left_app by blast
    with a(2) have "v  free_vars B"
      using FApp.IH(1) by blast
    then show ?thesis
      by simp
    case b
    from b(1) and is_free_at v p (B · C) have "is_free_at v p' C"
      using is_free_at_in_right_app by blast
    with b(2) have "v  free_vars C"
      using FApp.IH(2) by blast
    then show ?thesis
      by simp
  case (FAbs v' B)
  from is_free_at v p (FAbs v' B) have "p  []"
    using occurs_at_alt_def(9) by force
  with p  positions (FAbs v' B) obtain p' where "p = « # p'" and "p'  positions B"
    by (cases "FAbs v' B" rule: positions.cases) fastforce+
  moreover from p = « # p' and is_free_at v p (FAbs v' B) have "is_free_at v p' B"
    using is_free_at_from_abs by blast
  ultimately have "v  free_vars B"
    using FAbs.IH by simp
  moreover from p = « # p' and is_free_at v p (FAbs v' B) have "v  v'"
    using in_scope_of_abs_in_abs by blast
  ultimately show ?case
    using surj_pair[of v'] by force
qed fastforce+

lemma free_vars_in_is_free_at:
  assumes "v  free_vars A"
  obtains p where "p  positions A" and "is_free_at v p A"
using assms proof (induction A arbitrary: thesis rule: free_vars_form.induct)
  case (3 A B)
  from v  free_vars (A · B) consider (a) "v  free_vars A" | (b) "v  free_vars B"
    by fastforce
  then show ?case
  proof cases
    case a
    with "3.IH"(1) obtain p where "p  positions A" and "is_free_at v p A"
      by blast
    from p  positions A have "« # p  positions (A · B)"
      by simp
    moreover from is_free_at v p A have "is_free_at v (« # p) (A · B)"
      using is_free_at_in_left_app by blast
    ultimately show ?thesis
      using "3.prems"(1) by presburger
    case b
    with "3.IH"(2) obtain p where "p  positions B" and "is_free_at v p B"
      by blast
    from p  positions B have "» # p  positions (A · B)"
      by simp
    moreover from is_free_at v p B have "is_free_at v (» # p) (A · B)"
      using is_free_at_in_right_app by blast
    ultimately show ?thesis
      using "3.prems"(1) by presburger
  case (4 x α A)
  from v  free_vars (λxα⇙. A) have "v  free_vars A - {(x, α)}" and "v  (x, α)"
    by simp_all
  then have "v  free_vars A"
    by blast
  with "4.IH" obtain p where "p  positions A" and "is_free_at v p A"
    by blast
  from p  positions A have "« # p  positions (λxα⇙. A)"
    by simp
  moreover from is_free_at v p A and v  (x, α) have "is_free_at v (« # p) (λxα⇙. A)"
    using is_free_at_to_abs by blast
  ultimately show ?case
    using "4.prems"(1) by presburger
qed simp_all

lemma free_vars_alt_def:
  shows "free_vars A = {v | v p. p  positions A  is_free_at v p A}"
  using free_vars_in_is_free_at and is_free_at_in_free_vars
  by (intro subset_antisym subsetI CollectI, metis) blast

text ‹
  In the following definition, note that the variable immeditately preceded by λ› counts as a bound

definition is_bound :: "var  form  bool" where
  [iff]: "is_bound v B  (p  positions B. is_bound_at v p B  v  binders_at B p)"

lemma is_bound_in_app_homomorphism:
  shows "is_bound v (A · B)  is_bound v A  is_bound v B"
  assume "is_bound v (A · B)"
  then obtain p where "p  positions (A · B)" and "is_bound_at v p (A · B)  v  binders_at (A · B) p"
    by auto
  then have "p  []"
    by fastforce
  with p  positions (A · B) obtain p' and d where "p = d # p'"
    by auto
  from is_bound_at v p (A · B)  v  binders_at (A · B) p
  consider (a) "is_bound_at v p (A · B)" | (b) "v  binders_at (A · B) p"
    by blast
  then show "is_bound v A  is_bound v B"
  proof cases
    case a
    then show ?thesis
    proof (cases d)
      case Left
      then have "p'  positions A"
        using p = d # p' and p  positions (A · B) by fastforce
      moreover from is_bound_at v p (A · B) have "occurs_at v p' A"
        using Left and p = d # p' and is_subform_at.simps(2) by force
      moreover from is_bound_at v p (A · B) have "in_scope_of_abs v p' A"
        using Left and p = d # p' by fastforce
      ultimately show ?thesis
        by auto
      case Right
      then have "p'  positions B"
        using p = d # p' and p  positions (A · B) by fastforce
      moreover from is_bound_at v p (A · B) have "occurs_at v p' B"
        using Right and p = d # p' and is_subform_at.simps(3) by force
      moreover from is_bound_at v p (A · B) have "in_scope_of_abs v p' B"
        using Right and p = d # p' by fastforce
      ultimately show ?thesis
        by auto
    case b
    then show ?thesis
    proof (cases d)
      case Left
      then have "p'  positions A"
        using p = d # p' and p  positions (A · B) by fastforce
      moreover from v  binders_at (A · B) p have "v  binders_at A p'"
        using Left and p = d # p' by force
      ultimately show ?thesis
        by auto
      case Right
      then have "p'  positions B"
        using p = d # p' and p  positions (A · B) by fastforce
      moreover from v  binders_at (A · B) p have "v  binders_at B p'"
        using Right and p = d # p' by force
      ultimately show ?thesis
        by auto
  assume "is_bound v A  is_bound v B"
  then show "is_bound v (A · B)"
  proof (rule disjE)
    assume "is_bound v A"
    then obtain p where "p  positions A" and "is_bound_at v p A  v  binders_at A p"
      by auto
    from p  positions A have "« # p  positions (A · B)"
      by auto
    from is_bound_at v p A  v  binders_at A p
    consider (a) "is_bound_at v p A" | (b) "v  binders_at A p"
      by blast
    then show "is_bound v (A · B)"
    proof cases
      case a
      then have "occurs_at v (« # p) (A · B)"
        by auto
      moreover from a have "is_bound_at v (« # p) (A · B)"
        by force
      ultimately show "is_bound v (A · B)"
        using « # p  positions (A · B) by blast
      case b
      then have "v  binders_at (A · B) (« # p)"
        by auto
      then show "is_bound v (A · B)"
        using « # p  positions (A · B) by blast
    assume "is_bound v B"
    then obtain p where "p  positions B" and "is_bound_at v p B  v  binders_at B p"
      by auto
    from p  positions B have "» # p  positions (A · B)"
      by auto
    from is_bound_at v p B  v  binders_at B p
    consider (a) "is_bound_at v p B" | (b) "v  binders_at B p"
      by blast
    then show "is_bound v (A · B)"
    proof cases
      case a
      then have "occurs_at v (» # p) (A · B)"
        by auto
      moreover from a have "is_bound_at v (» # p) (A · B)"
        by force
      ultimately show "is_bound v (A · B)"
        using » # p  positions (A · B) by blast
      case b
      then have "v  binders_at (A · B) (» # p)"
        by auto
      then show "is_bound v (A · B)"
        using » # p  positions (A · B) by blast

lemma is_bound_in_abs_body:
  assumes "is_bound v A"
  shows "is_bound v (λxα⇙. A)"
using assms unfolding is_bound_def proof
  fix p
  assume "p  positions A" and "is_bound_at v p A  v  binders_at A p"
  moreover from p  positions A have "« # p  positions (λxα⇙. A)"
    by simp
  ultimately consider (a) "is_bound_at v p A" | (b) "v  binders_at A p"
    by blast
  then show "p  positions (λxα⇙. A). is_bound_at v p (λxα⇙. A)  v  binders_at (λxα⇙. A) p"
  proof cases
    case a
    then have "is_bound_at v (« # p) (λxα⇙. A)"
      by force
    with « # p  positions (λxα⇙. A) show ?thesis
      by blast
    case b
    then have "v  binders_at (λxα⇙. A) (« # p)"
      by simp
    with « # p  positions (λxα⇙. A) show ?thesis
      by blast

lemma absent_var_is_not_bound:
  assumes "v  vars A"
  shows "¬ is_bound v A"
  using assms and binders_at_alt_def and in_scope_of_abs_in_vars by blast

lemma bound_vars_alt_def2:
  shows "bound_vars A = {v  vars A. is_bound v A}"
  unfolding bound_vars_alt_def using absent_var_is_not_bound by fastforce

definition is_free :: "var  form  bool" where
  [iff]: "is_free v B  (p  positions B. is_free_at v p B)"

subsection ‹Free variables for a formula in another formula›

definition is_free_for :: "form  var  form  bool" where
  [iff]: "is_free_for A v B 
      v'  free_vars A.
        p  positions B.
          is_free_at v p B  ¬ in_scope_of_abs v' p B

lemma is_free_for_absent_var [intro]:
  assumes "v  vars B"
  shows "is_free_for A v B"
  using assms and occurs_def and is_free_at_def and occurs_in_vars by blast

lemma is_free_for_in_var [intro]:
  shows "is_free_for A v (xα)"
  using subforms_from_var(2) by force

lemma is_free_for_in_con [intro]:
  shows "is_free_for A v (c⦄⇘α)"
  using subforms_from_con(2) by force

lemma is_free_for_from_app:
  assumes "is_free_for A v (B · C)"
  shows "is_free_for A v B" and "is_free_for A v C"
proof -
    fix v'
    assume "v'  free_vars A"
    then have "p  positions B. is_free_at v p B  ¬ in_scope_of_abs v' p B"
    proof (intro ballI impI)
      fix p
      assume "v'  free_vars A" and "p  positions B" and "is_free_at v p B"
      from p  positions B have "« # p  positions (B · C)"
        by simp
      moreover from is_free_at v p B have "is_free_at v (« # p) (B · C)"
        using is_free_at_in_left_app by blast
      ultimately have "¬ in_scope_of_abs v' (« # p) (B · C)"
        using assms and v'  free_vars A by blast
      then show "¬ in_scope_of_abs v' p B"
        by simp
  then show "is_free_for A v B"
    by force
    fix v'
    assume "v'  free_vars A"
    then have "p  positions C. is_free_at v p C  ¬ in_scope_of_abs v' p C"
    proof (intro ballI impI)
      fix p
      assume "v'  free_vars A" and "p  positions C" and "is_free_at v p C"
      from p  positions C have "» # p  positions (B · C)"
        by simp
      moreover from is_free_at v p C have "is_free_at v (» # p) (B · C)"
        using is_free_at_in_right_app by blast
      ultimately have "¬ in_scope_of_abs v' (» # p) (B · C)"
        using assms and v'  free_vars A by blast
      then show "¬ in_scope_of_abs v' p C"
        by simp
  then show "is_free_for A v C"
    by force

lemma is_free_for_to_app [intro]:
  assumes "is_free_for A v B" and "is_free_for A v C"
  shows "is_free_for A v (B · C)"
unfolding is_free_for_def proof (intro ballI impI)
  fix v' and p
  assume "v'  free_vars A" and "p  positions (B · C)" and "is_free_at v p (B · C)"
  from is_free_at v p (B · C) have "p  []"
    using occurs_at_alt_def(8) by force
  then obtain d and p' where "p = d # p'"
    by (meson list.exhaust)
  with p  positions (B · C)
  consider (b) "p = « # p'" and "p'  positions B" | (c) "p = » # p'" and "p'  positions C"
    by force
  then show "¬ in_scope_of_abs v' p (B · C)"
  proof cases
    case b
    from b(1) and is_free_at v p (B · C) have "is_free_at v p' B"
      using is_free_at_in_left_app by blast
    with assms(1) and v'  free_vars A and p'  positions B have "¬ in_scope_of_abs v' p' B"
      by simp
    with b(1) show ?thesis
      using in_scope_of_abs_in_left_app by simp
    case c
    from c(1) and is_free_at v p (B · C) have "is_free_at v p' C"
      using is_free_at_in_right_app by blast
    with assms(2) and v'  free_vars A and p'  positions C have "¬ in_scope_of_abs v' p' C"
      by simp
    with c(1) show ?thesis
      using in_scope_of_abs_in_right_app by simp

lemma is_free_for_in_app:
  shows "is_free_for A v (B · C)  is_free_for A v B  is_free_for A v C"
  using is_free_for_from_app and is_free_for_to_app by iprover

lemma is_free_for_to_abs [intro]:
  assumes "is_free_for A v B" and "(x, α)  free_vars A"
  shows "is_free_for A v (λxα⇙. B)"
unfolding is_free_for_def proof (intro ballI impI)
  fix v' and p
  assume "v'  free_vars A" and "p  positions (λxα⇙. B)" and "is_free_at v p (λxα⇙. B)"
  from is_free_at v p (λxα⇙. B) have "p  []"
    using occurs_at_alt_def(9) by force
  with p  positions (λxα⇙. B) obtain p' where "p = « # p'" and "p'  positions B"
    by force
  then show "¬ in_scope_of_abs v' p (λxα⇙. B)"
  proof -
    from p = « # p' and is_free_at v p (λxα⇙. B) have "is_free_at v p' B"
      using is_free_at_from_abs by blast
    with assms(1) and v'  free_vars A and p'  positions B have "¬ in_scope_of_abs v' p' B"
      by force
    moreover from v'  free_vars A and assms(2) have "v'  (x, α)"
      by blast
    ultimately show ?thesis
      using p = « # p' and in_scope_of_abs_in_abs by auto

lemma is_free_for_from_abs:
  assumes "is_free_for A v (λxα⇙. B)" and "v  (x, α)"
  shows "is_free_for A v B"
unfolding is_free_for_def proof (intro ballI impI)
  fix v' and p
  assume "v'  free_vars A" and "p  positions B" and "is_free_at v p B"
  then show "¬ in_scope_of_abs v' p B"
  proof -
    from is_free_at v p B and assms(2) have "is_free_at v (« # p) (λxα⇙. B)"
      by (rule is_free_at_to_abs)
    moreover from p  positions B have "« # p  positions (λxα⇙. B)"
      by simp
    ultimately have "¬ in_scope_of_abs v' (« # p) (λxα⇙. B)"
      using assms and v'  free_vars A by blast
    then show ?thesis
      using in_scope_of_abs_in_abs by blast

lemma closed_is_free_for [intro]:
  assumes "free_vars A = {}"
  shows "is_free_for A v B"
  using assms by force

lemma is_free_for_closed_form [intro]:
  assumes "free_vars B = {}"
  shows "is_free_for A v B"
  using assms and is_free_at_in_free_vars by blast

lemma is_free_for_alt_def:
  shows "
    is_free_for A v B
        p  positions B  is_free_at v p B  p  [] 
        (v'  free_vars A. p' C. strict_prefix p' p  FAbs v' C ≼⇘p'B)
  unfolding is_free_for_def
  using in_scope_of_abs_alt_def and is_subform_implies_in_positions
  by meson

lemma binding_var_not_free_for_in_abs:
  assumes "is_free x B" and "x  w"
  shows "¬ is_free_for (FVar w) x (FAbs w B)"
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume "¬ ¬ is_free_for (FVar w) x (FAbs w B)"
  then have "