Theory Space_of_Finite_Measures

(*  Title:   Space_of_Finite_Measures.thy
    Author:  Michikazu Hirata, Tokyo Institute of Technology

theory Space_of_Finite_Measures
  imports Prokhorov_Theorem

section ‹ Measurable Space of Finite Measures ›
subsection ‹ Measurable Space of Finite Measures ›
text ‹ We define the measurable space of all finite measures in the same way as @{term subprob_algebra}.›
definition finite_measure_algebra :: "'a measure  'a measure measure" where
  "finite_measure_algebra K =
    (SUP A  sets K. vimage_algebra {M. finite_measure M  sets M = sets K} (λM. emeasure M A) borel)"

lemma space_finite_measure_algebra:
  "space (finite_measure_algebra A) = {M. finite_measure M  sets M = sets A}"
  by (auto simp add:finite_measure_algebra_def space_Sup_eq_UN)

lemma finite_measure_algebra_cong: "sets M = sets N  finite_measure_algebra M = finite_measure_algebra N"
  by (simp add: finite_measure_algebra_def)

lemma measurable_emeasure_finite_measure_algebra[measurable]:
  "a  sets A  (λM. emeasure M a)  borel_measurable (finite_measure_algebra A)"
  by (auto intro!: measurable_Sup1 measurable_vimage_algebra1 simp: finite_measure_algebra_def)

lemma measurable_measure_finite_measure_algebra[measurable]:
  "a  sets A  (λM. measure M a)  borel_measurable (finite_measure_algebra A)"
  unfolding measure_def by measurable

lemma finite_measure_measurableD:
  assumes N: "N  measurable M (finite_measure_algebra S)" and x: "x  space M"
  shows "space (N x) = space S"
    and "sets (N x) = sets S"
    and "measurable (N x) K = measurable S K"
    and "measurable K (N x) = measurable K S"
  using measurable_space[OF N x]
  by (auto simp: space_finite_measure_algebra intro!: measurable_cong_sets dest: sets_eq_imp_space_eq)

ML fun finite_measure_cong thm ctxt = (
    val thm' = Thm.transfer' ctxt thm
    val free = thm' |> Thm.concl_of |> HOLogic.dest_Trueprop |> dest_comb |> fst |>
      dest_comb |> snd |> strip_abs_body |> head_of |> is_Free
    if free then ([], Measurable.add_local_cong (thm' RS @{thm finite_measure_measurableD(2)}) ctxt)
            else ([], ctxt)
  handle THM _ => ([], ctxt) | TERM _ => ([], ctxt))

setup Context.theory_map (Measurable.add_preprocessor "finite_measure_cong" subprob_cong)

  fixes K M N assumes K: "K  measurable M (finite_measure_algebra N)"

lemma finite_measure_space_kernel: "a  space M  finite_measure (K a)"
  using measurable_space[OF K] by (simp add: space_finite_measure_algebra)

lemma sets_finite_kernel: "a  space M  sets (K a) = sets N"
  using measurable_space[OF K] by (simp add: space_finite_measure_algebra)

lemma measurable_emeasure_finite_kernel[measurable]:
    "A  sets N  (λa. emeasure (K a) A)  borel_measurable M"
  using measurable_compose[OF K measurable_emeasure_finite_measure_algebra] .


lemma measurable_finite_measure_algebra:
  "(a. a  space M  finite_measure (K a)) 
  (a. a  space M  sets (K a) = sets N) 
  (A. A  sets N  (λa. emeasure (K a) A)  borel_measurable M) 
  K  measurable M (finite_measure_algebra N)"
  by (auto intro!: measurable_Sup2 measurable_vimage_algebra2 simp: finite_measure_algebra_def)

lemma measurable_finite_markov:
  "K  measurable M (finite_measure_algebra M) 
    (xspace M. finite_measure (K x)  sets (K x) = sets M) 
    (Asets M. (λx. emeasure (K x) A)  measurable M borel)"
  assume "(xspace M. finite_measure (K x)  sets (K x) = sets M) 
    (Asets M. (λx. emeasure (K x) A)  borel_measurable M)"
  then show "K  measurable M (finite_measure_algebra M)"
    by (intro measurable_finite_measure_algebra) auto
  assume "K  measurable M (finite_measure_algebra M)"
  then show "(xspace M. finite_measure (K x)  sets (K x) = sets M) 
    (Asets M. (λx. emeasure (K x) A)  borel_measurable M)"
    by (auto dest: finite_measure_space_kernel sets_finite_kernel)

lemma measurable_finite_measure_algebra_generated:
  assumes eq: "sets N = sigma_sets Ω G" and "Int_stable G" "G  Pow Ω"
  assumes subsp: "a. a  space M  finite_measure (K a)"
  assumes sets: "a. a  space M  sets (K a) = sets N"
  assumes "A. A  G  (λa. emeasure (K a) A)  borel_measurable M"
  assumes Ω: "(λa. emeasure (K a) Ω)  borel_measurable M"
  shows "K  measurable M (finite_measure_algebra N)"
proof (rule measurable_finite_measure_algebra)
  fix a assume "a  space M" then show "finite_measure (K a)" "sets (K a) = sets N" by fact+
  interpret G: sigma_algebra Ω "sigma_sets Ω G"
    using G  Pow Ω by (rule sigma_algebra_sigma_sets)
  fix A assume "A  sets N" with assms(2,3) show "(λa. emeasure (K a) A)  borel_measurable M"
    unfolding sets N = sigma_sets Ω G
  proof (induction rule: sigma_sets_induct_disjoint)
    case (basic A) then show ?case by fact
    case empty then show ?case by simp
    case (compl A)
    have "(λa. emeasure (K a) (Ω - A))  borel_measurable M 
      (λa. emeasure (K a) Ω - emeasure (K a) A)  borel_measurable M"
      using G.sets_into_space sets eq compl finite_measure.emeasure_finite[OF subsp]
      by (intro measurable_cong emeasure_Diff) auto
    with compl Ω show ?case
      by simp
    case (union F)
    moreover have "(λa. emeasure (K a) (i. F i))  borel_measurable M 
        (λa. i. emeasure (K a) (F i))  borel_measurable M"
      using sets union eq
      by (intro measurable_cong suminf_emeasure[symmetric]) auto
    ultimately show ?case
      by auto

lemma space_finite_measure_algebra_empty: "space N = {}  space (finite_measure_algebra N) = {null_measure N}"
  by(fastforce simp: space_finite_measure_algebra space_empty_iff intro!: measure_eqI finite_measureI)

lemma sets_subprob_algebra_restrict:
  "sets (subprob_algebra M) = sets (restrict_space (finite_measure_algebra M) {N. subprob_space N})"
  (is "sets ?L = sets ?R")
proof -
  have 1:"id  measurable ?L ?R"
    using sets.sets_into_space[of _ M]
    by(auto intro!: measurable_restrict_space2 Int_stableI
                    measurable_finite_measure_algebra_generated[where Ω="space M" and G="sets M"]
              simp: space_subprob_algebra subprob_space_def sets.sigma_sets_eq)
  have 2:"id  measurable ?R ?L"
    using sets.sets_into_space[of _ M]
    by(auto intro!: measurable_subprob_algebra_generated[where Ω="space M" and G="sets M"] Int_stableI
        simp: sets.sigma_sets_eq space_restrict_space space_finite_measure_algebra measurable_restrict_space1)
  have 3: "space ?L = space ?R"
    by(auto simp: space_restrict_space space_subprob_algebra space_finite_measure_algebra subprob_space_def)
  have [simp]:"A. A  sets ?L  A  space ?R = A" "A. A  sets ?R  A  space ?L = A"
    using 3 sets.sets_into_space by auto
  show ?thesis
    using measurable_sets[OF 1] measurable_sets[OF 2] by auto

subsection ‹ Equivalence between Spaces of Finite Measures ›
text ‹Corollary 17.21~\cite{descriptiveset}.›
lemma(in Levy_Prokhorov) openin_lower_semicontinuous:
  assumes "openin mtopology U"
  shows "lower_semicontinuous_map LPm.mtopology (λN. measure N U)"
  unfolding lower_semicontinuous_map_liminf_real[OF LPm.first_countable_mtopology]
proof safe
  fix Ni N
  assume h:"limitin LPm.mtopology Ni N sequentially"
  then obtain K where K: "n. n  K  Ni n  𝒫"
    by(simp add: mtopology_of_def LPm.limit_metric_sequentially)
      (meson LPm.mbounded_alt_pos LPm.mbounded_empty)
  have h': "limitin LPm.mtopology (λn. Ni (n + K)) N sequentially"
    by (simp add: h limitin_sequentially_offset)
  interpret mweak_conv_fin M d "λn. Ni (n + K)" N sequentially
    using K h by(auto intro!: inP_mweak_conv_fin simp: mtopology_of_def dest: LPm.limitin_mspace)
  have "mweak_conv_seq (λn. Ni (n + K)) N"
    using K LPm.Self_def converge_imp_mweak_conv h' by auto
  hence "ereal (measure N U)  liminf (λx. ereal (measure (Ni (x + K)) U))"
    using assms by(simp add: mweak_conv_eq3) 
  thus "ereal (measure N U)  liminf (λx. ereal (measure (Ni x) U))"
    unfolding liminf_shift_k[of "λx. ereal (measure (Ni x) U)" K] .

lemma(in Levy_Prokhorov) closedin_upper_semicontinuous:
  assumes "closedin mtopology A"
  shows "upper_semicontinuous_map LPm.mtopology (λN. measure N A)"
  unfolding upper_semicontinuous_map_limsup_real[OF LPm.first_countable_mtopology]
proof safe
  fix Ni N
  assume h:"limitin LPm.mtopology Ni N sequentially"
  then obtain K where K: "n. n  K  Ni n  𝒫"
    by(simp add: mtopology_of_def LPm.limit_metric_sequentially)
      (meson LPm.mbounded_alt_pos LPm.mbounded_empty)
  have h': "limitin LPm.mtopology (λn. Ni (n + K)) N sequentially"
    by (simp add: h limitin_sequentially_offset)
  interpret mweak_conv_fin M d "λn. Ni (n + K)" N sequentially
    using K h by(auto intro!: inP_mweak_conv_fin simp: mtopology_of_def dest: LPm.limitin_mspace)
  have "mweak_conv_seq (λn. Ni (n + K)) N"
    using K LPm.Self_def converge_imp_mweak_conv h' by auto
  hence "limsup (λx. ereal (measure (Ni (x + K)) A))  ereal (measure N A)"
    using assms by(auto simp: mweak_conv_eq2)
  thus "limsup (λx. ereal (measure (Ni x) A))  ereal (measure N A)"
    unfolding limsup_shift_k[of "λx. ereal (measure (Ni x) A)" K] .

context Levy_Prokhorov

text ‹ We show that the measurable space generated from @{term LPm.mtopology} is equal to
       @{term finite_measure_algebra (borel_of LPm.mtopology)}.›
lemma sets_LPm1: "sets (finite_measure_algebra (borel_of mtopology))
                   sets (borel_of LPm.mtopology)" (is "sets ?Giry  sets ?Levy")
proof safe
  have space_eq: "space ?Levy = space ?Giry"
    by(simp add: space_finite_measure_algebra space_borel_of) (auto simp add: 𝒫_def)
  have 1:"A. openin mtopology A  (λN. measure N A)  borel_measurable ?Levy"
    by(auto intro!: lower_semicontinuous_map_measurable openin_lower_semicontinuous)
  have m:"id  ?Levy M ?Giry"
  proof(rule measurable_finite_measure_algebra_generated[where Ω=M and G="{U. openin mtopology U}"])
    show "sets (borel_of mtopology) = sigma_sets M {U. openin mtopology U}"
      using sets_borel_of[of mtopology] by simp
    show "Int_stable {U. openin mtopology U}"
      by(auto intro!: Int_stableI)
    show "{U. openin mtopology U}  Pow M"
      using openin_subset[of mtopology] by auto
    show "a. a  space (borel_of LPm.mtopology)  finite_measure (id a)"
      by(simp add: space_borel_of) (simp add: 𝒫_def)
    show "a. a  space (borel_of LPm.mtopology)  sets (id a) = sets (borel_of mtopology)"
      by(simp add: space_borel_of) (simp add: 𝒫_def)
    fix A
    assume "A  {U. openin mtopology U}"
    then have "(λN. measure (id N) A)  borel_measurable (borel_of LPm.mtopology)"
      by(simp add: 1)
    then have 1:"(λN. ennreal (measure (id N) A))  borel_measurable (borel_of LPm.mtopology)"
      by simp
    have 2:"N. N  space (borel_of LPm.mtopology)  ennreal (measure (id N) A) = emeasure (id N) A"
      unfolding measure_def
      by(rule ennreal_enn2real)
        (simp add: finite_measure.emeasure_eq_measure space_eq space_finite_measure_algebra)
    show "(λN. emeasure (id N) A)  borel_measurable (borel_of LPm.mtopology)"
      using 1 measurable_cong[THEN iffD1,OF 2 1] by auto
    have "openin mtopology M"
      by simp
    then have "(λN. measure (id N) M)  borel_measurable (borel_of LPm.mtopology)"
      by(simp add: 1)
    then have 1:"(λN. ennreal (measure (id N) M))  borel_measurable (borel_of LPm.mtopology)"
      by simp
    have 2:"N. N  space (borel_of LPm.mtopology)  ennreal (measure (id N) M) = emeasure (id N) M"
      unfolding measure_def by(rule ennreal_enn2real)
        (simp add: finite_measure.emeasure_eq_measure space_eq space_finite_measure_algebra)
    show "(λN. emeasure (id N) M)  borel_measurable (borel_of LPm.mtopology)"
      using 1 measurable_cong[THEN iffD1,OF 2 1] by auto

  fix A
  assume A:"A  sets ?Giry"
  from measurable_sets[OF m this] have "A  space ?Levy  sets ?Levy"
    by simp
  moreover have "A  space ?Levy = A"
    by (simp add: A space_eq)
  ultimately show "A  sets ?Levy"
    by simp

lemma sets_LPm2:
  assumes mcomplete "separable_space mtopology"
  shows "sets (borel_of LPm.mtopology)  sets (finite_measure_algebra (borel_of mtopology))"
    (is "sets ?Levy  sets ?Giry")
proof -
  obtain 𝒪 where base: "countable 𝒪" "base_in mtopology 𝒪"
    using assms(2) second_countable_base_in separable_space_imp_second_countable by blast
  define funion_of_base where "funion_of_base   ` {U. finite U  U  𝒪}"
  have funion_of_base_ne: "funion_of_base  {}"
    by(auto simp: funion_of_base_def)
  have open_funion_of_base: "A. A  funion_of_base  openin mtopology A"
    using base_in_openin[OF base(2)] by(auto simp: funion_of_base_def )
  hence meas_funion_of_base[measurable]: "A. A  funion_of_base  A  sets (borel_of mtopology)"
    by(auto simp: borel_of_open)
  have countable_funion_of_base: "countable funion_of_base"
    using countable_Collect_finite_subset[OF base(1)] by(auto simp: funion_of_base_def)

  have "sets ?Levy = sigma_sets 𝒫 {LPm.mball a ε |a ε. a  𝒫  0 < ε}"
    by(auto simp: borel_of_second_countable'[OF separable_LPm[OF assms(2),
                   simplified LPm.separable_space_iff_second_countable]
                  base_is_subbase[OF LPm.mtopology_base_in_balls]] intro!: sets_measure_of)
  also have "... = sigma_sets 𝒫 {LPm.mcball a ε |a ε. a  𝒫  0  ε}"
  proof(safe intro!: sigma_sets_eqI)
    fix L and e :: real
    assume h:"L  𝒫" and "0 < e"
    have "LPm.mball L e = (n. LPm.mcball L (e - 1 / (Suc n)))"
    proof safe
      fix N
      assume N: "N  LPm.mball L e"
      then obtain n where "1 / Suc n < e - LPm L N"
        by (meson LPm.in_mball diff_gt_0_iff_gt nat_approx_posE)
      thus "N  (n. LPm.mcball L (e - 1 / real (Suc n)))"
        using N by(auto intro!: exI[where x=n] simp: LPm.mcball_def)
      fix N n
      assume N: "N  LPm.mcball L (e - 1 / (Suc n))"
      with order.strict_trans1[of "LPm L N" "e - 1 / (Suc n)" e]
      show "N  LPm.mball L e"
        by auto
    also have "...  sigma_sets 𝒫 {LPm.mcball a ε |a ε. a  𝒫  0  ε}"
    proof(rule Union)
      fix n
      consider "e - 1 / real (Suc n) < 0" | "0  e - 1 / real (Suc n)" by fastforce
      then show "LPm.mcball L (e - 1 / real (Suc n))  sigma_sets 𝒫 {LPm.mcball a ε |a ε. a  𝒫  0  ε}"
      proof cases
        case 2
        then show ?thesis
          using h by fast
      qed(use LPm.mcball_eq_empty[of _ "e - 1 / real (Suc n)"] sigma_sets.Empty in auto)
    finally show "LPm.mball L e  sigma_sets 𝒫 {LPm.mcball a ε |a ε. a  𝒫  0  ε}" .
    fix L and e :: real
    assume h:"L  𝒫" "0  e"
    have "LPm.mcball L e = (n. LPm.mball L (e + 1 / Suc n))"
    proof safe
      fix N n
      assume "N  LPm.mcball L e"
      with order.strict_trans1[of "LPm L N" e "e + 1 / (Suc n)"]
      show "N  LPm.mball L (e + 1 / (Suc n))"
        by auto
      fix N
      assume hn:"N  (n. LPm.mball L (e + 1 / real (Suc n)))"
      then have N:"N  𝒫"
        by auto
      show "N  LPm.mcball L e"
      proof -
        have "LPm L N  e"
        proof(rule field_le_epsilon)
          fix l :: real
          assume "l > 0"
          then obtain n where "1 / (1 + real n) < l"
            using nat_approx_posE by auto
          with hn show "LPm L N  e + l"
            by(auto intro!: order.trans[of "LPm L N" "e + 1 / (1 + real n)" "e + l",OF less_imp_le])
        thus ?thesis
          using hn by auto
    also have "...  sigma_sets 𝒫 {LPm.mball a ε |a ε. a  𝒫  0 < ε}"
    proof(rule sigma_sets_Inter)
      fix n
      show "LPm.mball L (e + 1 / real (Suc n))  sigma_sets 𝒫 {LPm.mball a ε |a ε. a  𝒫  0 < ε}"
        using h by(auto intro!: exI[where x=L] exI[where x="e + 1 / (1 + real n)"] add_nonneg_pos)
    qed auto
    finally show "LPm.mcball L e  sigma_sets 𝒫 {LPm.mball a ε |a ε. a  𝒫  0 < ε}" .
  also have "... = sigma_sets (space ?Giry) {LPm.mcball a ε |a ε. a  𝒫  0  ε}"
    unfolding space_finite_measure_algebra 𝒫_def by meson
  also have "...  sets ?Giry"
  proof(rule sigma_sets_le_sets_iff[THEN iffD2])
    show "{LPm.mcball a ε |a ε. a  𝒫  0  ε}  sets ?Giry"
    proof safe
      fix L and e :: real
      assume L:"L  𝒫" and e:"0  e"
      then have sets_L: "sets (borel_of mtopology) = sets L" and "finite_measure L"
        by(auto simp: inP_D)
      interpret L: finite_measure L by fact
      have "LPm.mcball L e
       = (Afunion_of_base.
           (n. (λN. measure N A) -`
                  {..measure L (aA. mball a (e + 1 / (1 + real n))) + (e + 1 / (1 + real n))}  𝒫)
          (n. (λN. measure N
                 (aA. mball a (e + 1 / (1 + real n)))) -` {measure L A - (e + 1 / (1 + real n))..}  𝒫))"
        (is "_ = ?rhs")
        unfolding set_eq_iff
      proof(intro allI iffI)
        fix N
        assume N: "N  LPm.mcball L e"
        have sets_N: "sets (borel_of mtopology) = sets N" and "finite_measure N"
          using N by simp_all (auto simp: inP_D)
        then interpret N: finite_measure N by simp
        show "N ?rhs"
        proof safe
          fix A n
          assume [measurable]:"A  funion_of_base"
          have "LPm L N < e + 1 / (1 + real n)"
            by(rule order.strict_trans1[of "LPm L N" e "e + 1 / (1 + real n)"]) (use N in auto)
          thus "N  (λN. measure N A) -` {..measure L (aA. mball a (e + 1 / (1 + real n))) + (e + 1 / (1 + real n))}"
               "N  (λN. measure N (aA. mball a (e + 1 / (1 + real n)))) -` {measure L A - (e + 1 / (1 + real n))..}"
            using LPm_less_then[of L N "e + 1 / (1 + real n)" A] N L by auto
        qed(use N in auto)
        fix N
        assume "N  ?rhs"
        then have N: "N  𝒫"
          "A n. A  funion_of_base
          measure N A  measure L (aA. mball a (e + 1 / (1 + real n))) + (e + 1 / (1 + real n))"
          "A n. A  funion_of_base
          measure L A  measure N (aA. mball a (e + 1 / (1 + real n))) + (e + 1 / (1 + real n))"
          using funion_of_base_ne by (auto simp: diff_le_eq)
        then have sets_N: "sets (borel_of mtopology) = sets N"
          by(auto simp: inP_D)
        interpret N: finite_measure N
          using N by(auto simp: inP_D)
        have [measurable]: "A e. (aA. mball a e)  sets N" "A e. (aA. mball a e)  sets L"
          by(auto simp: sets_L[symmetric] sets_N[symmetric])
        have ne: "{e. e > 0  (A{U. openin mtopology U}.
                                   measure L A  measure N (aA. mball a e) + e 
                                   measure N A  measure L (aA. mball a e) + e)}  {}"
          using LPm_ne'[OF L.finite_measure_axioms N.finite_measure_axioms] by fastforce
        have "( {e. e > 0  (A{U. openin mtopology U}.
                                  measure L A  measure N (aA. mball a e) + e 
                                  measure N A  measure L (aA. mball a e) + e)})  e"
        proof(safe intro!: cInf_le_iff_less[where f=id,simplified,THEN iffD2,OF ne])
          fix y
          assume y:"e < y"
          then obtain n where "1 / Suc n < y - e"
            by (meson diff_gt_0_iff_gt nat_approx_posE)
          hence n: "e + 1 / (1 + real n) < y" by simp
          show "i{e. 0 < e  (A{U. openin mtopology U}.
                                   measure L A  measure N (aA. mball a e) + e 
                                   measure N A  measure L (aA. mball a e) + e)}. i  y"
          proof(safe intro!: bexI[where x="e + 1 / (1 + real n)"])
            fix A
            assume A: "openin mtopology A"
            then have A'[measurable]: "A  sets L"  "A  sets N"
              by(auto simp: borel_of_open sets_N[symmetric] sets_L[symmetric])
            have "measure L A =  (measure L ` {K. compactin mtopology K  K  A})"
              by(auto intro!: L.inner_regular_Polish[OF Polish_space_mtopology[OF assms] sets_L])
            also have "...   (measure L ` {U. U funion_of_base  U  A})"
            proof(safe intro!: cSup_mono bdd_aboveI[where M="measure L (space L)"] L.bounded_measure)
              fix K
              assume K:"compactin mtopology K" "K  A"
              obtain 𝒰 where Aun: "A =  𝒰" "𝒰  𝒪"
                using A base by(auto simp: base_in_def)
              obtain  where F: "finite " "  𝒰" "K   "
                using compactinD[OF K(1),of "𝒰"] Aun K base_in_openin[OF base(2)] by blast
              hence Ffunion: "   funion_of_base" "   A"
                using F Aun K by (auto simp: funion_of_base_def)
              with F(3) show "ameasure L ` {U  funion_of_base. U  A}. measure L K  a"
                by(auto intro!: exI[where x=" "] L.finite_measure_mono meas_funion_of_base[simplified sets_L])
            qed auto
            also have "...   {measure N (aU. mball a (e + 1 / (1 + real n)))+(e+1 / (1+real n))
                                  | U. U  funion_of_base  U  A}"
              by(force intro!: cSup_mono N bdd_aboveI[where M="measure N (space N)+(e + 1/(1+real n))"] 
                              N.bounded_measure simp: funion_of_base_def)
            also have "...  measure N (aA. mball a (e + 1 / (1 + real n))) + (e + 1 / (1 + real n))"
              by(fastforce intro!:
                  cSup_le_iff[THEN iffD2] bdd_aboveI[where M="measure N (space N) +  (e + 1 / (1 + real n))"]
                  N.bounded_measure N.finite_measure_mono
                  simp: funion_of_base_def) 
            finally show "measure L A
                           measure N (aA. mball a (e + 1 / (1 + real n))) + (e + 1 / (1 + real n))" .
            have "measure N A =  (measure N ` {K. compactin mtopology K  K  A})"
              by(auto intro!: N.inner_regular_Polish[OF Polish_space_mtopology sets_N] assms)
            also have "...   (measure N ` {U. U  funion_of_base  U  A})"
            proof(safe intro!: cSup_mono bdd_aboveI[where M="measure N (space N)"] N.bounded_measure)
              fix K
              assume K:"compactin mtopology K" "K  A"
              obtain 𝒰 where Aun: "A =  𝒰" "𝒰  𝒪"
                using A base by(auto simp: base_in_def)
              obtain  where F: "finite " "  𝒰" "K   "
                using compactinD[OF K(1),of "𝒰"] Aun K base_in_openin[OF base(2)] by blast
              hence Ffunion: "   funion_of_base" "   A"
                using F Aun K by (auto simp: funion_of_base_def)
              with F(3) show "y measure N ` {U  funion_of_base. U  A}. measure N K  y"
                by(auto intro!: exI[where x=" "] N.finite_measure_mono meas_funion_of_base[simplified sets_N])
            qed auto
            also have "...   {measure L (aU. mball a (e + 1 / (1 + real n))) + (e + 1 / (1 + real n))
                                 | U. U  funion_of_base  U  A}"
              by(force intro!: cSup_mono N bdd_aboveI[where M="measure L (space L) +  (e + 1 / (1 + real n))"]
                               L.bounded_measure simp: funion_of_base_def)
            also have "...  measure L (aA. mball a (e + 1 / (1 + real n))) + (e + 1 / (1 + real n))"
              by(fastforce intro!:
                  cSup_le_iff[THEN iffD2] bdd_aboveI[where M="measure L (space L) +  (e + 1 / (1 + real n))"]
                  L.bounded_measure L.finite_measure_mono
                  simp: funion_of_base_def)
            finally show "measure N A  measure L (aA. mball a (e + 1 / (1 + real n))) + (e + 1 / (1 + real n))" .
          qed(insert e n, auto intro!: add_nonneg_pos)
        qed(fastforce intro!: bdd_belowI[where m=0])
        thus "N  LPm.mcball L e"
          using N(1) L by(auto simp: LPm_open)
      also have "...  sets ?Giry"
      proof -
        have h:"(λN. measure N A) -`
                  {..measure L (aA. mball a (e + 1 / (1 + real n))) + (e + 1 / (1 + real n))}  𝒫
                 sets ?Giry" (is ?m1)
               "(λN. measure N
                 (aA. mball a (e + 1 / (1 + real n)))) -` {measure L A - (e + 1 / (1 + real n))..}  𝒫
                 sets ?Giry" (is ?m2) if "Afunion_of_base" for A n
        proof -
          have P:"𝒫 = space ?Giry" unfolding 𝒫_def space_finite_measure_algebra by auto
          have [measurable]:"A  sets (borel_of mtopology)"
            "(aA. mball a (e + 1 / (1 + real n)))  sets (borel_of mtopology)"
            using that by simp (auto intro!: borel_of_open)
          show ?m1 ?m2
            by(auto intro!: measurable_sets simp: P)
        show ?thesis
          by(rule sets.countable_INT'[OF countable_funion_of_base funion_of_base_ne]) (use h in blast)
      finally show "LPm.mcball L e  sets ?Giry" .
  finally show ?thesis .

corollary sets_LPm_eq_sets_finite_measure_algebra:
  assumes mcomplete "separable_space mtopology"
  shows "sets (borel_of LPm.mtopology) = sets (finite_measure_algebra (borel_of mtopology))"
  using sets_LPm1 sets_LPm2[OF assms] by simp


corollary weak_conv_topology_eq_finite_measure_algebra:
  assumes "Polish_space X"
  shows "sets (borel_of (weak_conv_topology X)) = sets (finite_measure_algebra (borel_of X))"
proof -
  obtain d where d:"Metric_space (topspace X) d" "Metric_space.mcomplete (topspace X) d"
    "Metric_space.mtopology (topspace X) d = X"
    by (metis Metric_space.topspace_mtopology assms completely_metrizable_space_def Polish_space_imp_completely_metrizable_space)
  then interpret Levy_Prokhorov "topspace X" d
    by (auto simp add: Levy_Prokhorov_def)
  have sep: "separable_space mtopology"
    by (simp add: assms d(3) Polish_space_imp_separable_space)
  show ?thesis
    using sets_LPm_eq_sets_finite_measure_algebra[OF d(2) sep] LPmtopology_eq_weak_conv_topology[OF sep]
    by(simp add: d)

corollary weak_conv_topology_eq_subprob_algebra:
  assumes "Polish_space X"
  shows "sets (borel_of (subtopology (weak_conv_topology X) {N. subprob_space N  sets N = sets (borel_of X)}))
         = sets (subprob_algebra (borel_of X))" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof -
  have "?lhs = sets (borel_of (subtopology (weak_conv_topology X) {N. sets N = sets (borel_of X)  subprob_space N}))"
    by meson
  also have "... = sets (borel_of (subtopology (weak_conv_topology X) {N. subprob_space N}))"
    using subtopology_restrict[of "weak_conv_topology X" "{N. subprob_space N}"]
    by(auto intro!: arg_cong[where f="λx. sets (borel_of x)"] simp: Collect_conj_eq[symmetric] subprob_space_def)
  also have "... = ?rhs"
    by(auto simp: borel_of_subtopology sets_subprob_algebra_restrict
        weak_conv_topology_eq_finite_measure_algebra[OF assms]
        intro!: sets_restrict_space_cong)
  finally show ?thesis .

corollary weak_conv_topology_eq_prob_algebra:
  assumes "Polish_space X"
  shows "sets (borel_of (subtopology (weak_conv_topology X) {N. prob_space N  sets N = sets (borel_of X)}))
         = sets (prob_algebra (borel_of X))" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof -
  have "?lhs = sets (borel_of (subtopology
                            (subtopology (weak_conv_topology X) {N. subprob_space N  sets N = sets (borel_of X)})
                            {N. prob_space N}))"
    by(auto simp: subtopology_subtopology Collect_conj_eq[symmetric] dest:prob_space_imp_subprob_space
        intro!: arg_cong[where f="λx. sets (borel_of (subtopology _ x))"])
  also have "... = sets (restrict_space (borel_of (subtopology (weak_conv_topology X)
                             {N. subprob_space N  sets N = sets (borel_of X)})) {N. prob_space N})"
    by(simp add: borel_of_subtopology)
  also have "... = sets (restrict_space (subprob_algebra (borel_of X)) {N. prob_space N})"
    by(simp cong: sets_restrict_space_cong add: weak_conv_topology_eq_subprob_algebra[OF assms])
  also have "... = ?rhs"
    by(simp add: prob_algebra_def)
  finally show ?thesis .

subsection ‹ Standardness ›
lemma closedin_weak_conv_topology_r:
  "closedin (weak_conv_topology X) {N. sets N = sets (borel_of X)  N (space N)  ennreal r}"
proof(rule closedin_limitin)
  fix Ni N
  assume h:"U. Ni U  topspace (weak_conv_topology X)"
    "limitin (weak_conv_topology X) Ni N (nhdsin_sets (weak_conv_topology X) N)"
         "U. N  U  openin (weak_conv_topology X) U
                Ni U  {N. sets N = sets (borel_of X)  emeasure N (space N)  ennreal r}"
  have x: "sets N = sets (borel_of X)" "finite_measure N"
    using limitin_topspace[OF h(2)] by auto
  interpret N: finite_measure N
    by fact
  interpret Ni: finite_measure "Ni i" for i
    using h(1) by simp
  have "f. continuous_map X euclideanreal f  (B. x topspace X. abs (f x)  B)
             ((λn. x. f x Ni n)  (x. f x N)) (nhdsin_sets (weak_conv_topology X) N)"
    using h(2) by(auto simp: weak_conv_on_def)
  from this[of "λx. 1"]
  have "((λn. measure (Ni n) (space (Ni n)))  measure N (space N)) (nhdsin_sets (weak_conv_topology X) N)"
    by auto
  hence "((λn. Ni n (space (Ni n)))  N (space N)) (nhdsin_sets (weak_conv_topology X) N)"
    by (simp add: N.emeasure_eq_measure Ni.emeasure_eq_measure)
  hence "emeasure N (space N)  ennreal r"
   using limitin_topspace[OF h(2)] h(3) by(auto intro!: tendsto_upperbound eventually_nhdsin_setsI)
  thus "N  {N. sets N = sets (borel_of X)  emeasure N (space N)  ennreal r}"
    using x by blast
qed (auto intro!: finite_measureI simp: top.extremum_unique)

lemma closedin_weak_conv_topology_subprob:
  "closedin (weak_conv_topology X) {N. subprob_space N  sets N = sets (borel_of X)}"
proof(rule closedin_limitin)
  fix Ni N
  assume h:"U. Ni U  topspace (weak_conv_topology X)"
    "limitin (weak_conv_topology X) Ni N (nhdsin_sets (weak_conv_topology X) N)"
         "U. N  U  openin (weak_conv_topology X) U
               Ni U  {N. subprob_space N  sets N = sets (borel_of X)}"
  have x: "sets N = sets (borel_of X)" "finite_measure N"
    using limitin_topspace[OF h(2)] by auto
  have X:"topspace X  {}"
    using h(3)[OF limitin_topspace[OF h(2)],simplified openin_topspace]
    by(auto simp: subprob_space_def space_borel_of subprob_space_axioms_def cong: sets_eq_imp_space_eq)
  interpret N: finite_measure N
    by fact
  interpret Ni: finite_measure "Ni i" for i
    using h(1) by simp
  have "f. continuous_map X euclideanreal f  (B. x topspace X. abs (f x)  B)
              ((λn. x. f x Ni n)  (x. f x N)) (nhdsin_sets (weak_conv_topology X) N)"
    using h by(auto simp: weak_conv_on_def)
  from this[of "λx. 1"]
  have "((λn. measure (Ni n) (space (Ni n)))  measure N (space N)) (nhdsin_sets (weak_conv_topology X) N)"
    by auto
  hence 1:"((λn. Ni n (space (Ni n)))  N (space N)) (nhdsin_sets (weak_conv_topology X) N)"
    by (simp add: N.emeasure_eq_measure Ni.emeasure_eq_measure)
  hence "emeasure N (space N)  1"
    using limitin_topspace[OF h(2)] h(3)
    by(auto intro!: tendsto_upperbound[OF 1] eventually_nhdsin_setsI dest:subprob_space.subprob_emeasure_le_1)
  hence "subprob_space N"
    using X by(auto intro!: subprob_spaceI simp: sets_eq_imp_space_eq[OF x(1)] space_borel_of)
  thus "N  {N. subprob_space N  sets N = sets (borel_of X)}"
    using x h(3) by fast
qed (auto simp: subprob_space_def)

lemma closedin_weak_conv_topology_prob:
  "closedin (weak_conv_topology X) {N. prob_space N  sets N = sets (borel_of X)}"
proof(rule closedin_limitin)
  fix Ni N
  assume h:"U. Ni U  topspace (weak_conv_topology X)"
    "limitin (weak_conv_topology X) Ni N (nhdsin_sets (weak_conv_topology X) N)"
         "U. N  U  openin (weak_conv_topology X) U
               Ni U  {N. prob_space N  sets N = sets (borel_of X)}"
  have x: "sets N = sets (borel_of X)" "finite_measure N"
    using limitin_topspace[OF h(2)] by auto
  interpret N: finite_measure N
    by fact
  interpret Ni: finite_measure "Ni i" for i
    using h(1) by simp
  have "f. continuous_map X euclideanreal f  (B. x topspace X. abs (f x)  B)
              ((λn. x. f x Ni n)  (x. f x N)) (nhdsin_sets (weak_conv_topology X) N)"
    using h by(auto simp: weak_conv_on_def)
  from this[of "λx. 1"]
  have "((λn. measure (Ni n) (space (Ni n)))  measure N (space N)) (nhdsin_sets (weak_conv_topology X) N)"
    by auto
  hence "((λn. 1)  measure N (space N)) (nhdsin_sets (weak_conv_topology X) N)"
    using x h
    by(auto intro!: tendsto_cong[where f="λn. measure (Ni n) (space (Ni n))"
                     and g="λn. 1",THEN iffD1] eventually_nhdsin_setsI prob_space.prob_space)
  hence "measure N (space N) = 1"
    by (metis nhdsin_sets_bot h(2) limitin_topspace tendsto_const_iff)
  hence "prob_space N"
    by (simp add: N.emeasure_eq_measure prob_spaceI)
  thus "N  {N. prob_space N  sets N = sets (borel_of X)}"
    using x by blast
qed (auto simp: prob_space.finite_measure)

  assumes "standard_borel M"
  shows standard_borel_finite_measure_algebra: "standard_borel (finite_measure_algebra M)"
    and standard_borel_ne_finite_measure_algebra: "standard_borel_ne (finite_measure_algebra M)"
    and standard_borel_subprob_algebra: "standard_borel (subprob_algebra M)"
    and standard_borel_prob_algebra: "standard_borel (prob_algebra M)"
proof -
  interpret sbn: standard_borel M by fact
  obtain X where X: "Polish_space X" "sets M = sets (borel_of X)"
    using sbn.Polish_space by blast
  show 1:"standard_borel (finite_measure_algebra M)"
    by (metis X finite_measure_algebra_cong Polish_space_weak_conv_topology standard_borel.intro weak_conv_topology_eq_finite_measure_algebra)
  moreover have "null_measure M  space (finite_measure_algebra M)"
    by(auto simp: space_finite_measure_algebra intro!: finite_measureI)
  ultimately show "standard_borel_ne (finite_measure_algebra M)"
    using standard_borel_ne_axioms_def standard_borel_ne_def by force
  show "standard_borel (subprob_algebra M)"
    using Polish_space_closedin[OF Polish_space_weak_conv_topology[OF X(1)] closedin_weak_conv_topology_subprob] 
    by(auto cong: subprob_algebra_cong
            simp: X(2) weak_conv_topology_eq_subprob_algebra[OF X(1),symmetric] standard_borel_def)
  show "standard_borel (prob_algebra M)"
    using Polish_space_closedin[OF Polish_space_weak_conv_topology[OF X(1)] closedin_weak_conv_topology_prob] 
    by(auto cong: prob_algebra_cong
            simp: X(2) weak_conv_topology_eq_prob_algebra[OF X(1),symmetric] standard_borel_def)

  assumes "standard_borel_ne M"
  shows standard_borel_ne_subprob_algebra: "standard_borel_ne (subprob_algebra M)"
    and standard_borel_ne_prob_algebra: "standard_borel_ne (prob_algebra M)"
proof -
  obtain x where x: "x  space M"
    using assms standard_borel_ne.space_ne by auto
  then have "return M x  space (subprob_algebra M)" "return M x  space (prob_algebra M)"
    using prob_space_return
    by(auto intro!: prob_space_imp_subprob_space simp: space_subprob_algebra space_prob_algebra)
  thus "standard_borel_ne (subprob_algebra M)" "standard_borel_ne (prob_algebra M)"
    using assms standard_borel_subprob_algebra standard_borel_prob_algebra
    by(auto simp: standard_borel_ne_def standard_borel_ne_axioms_def)
