Theory General_Weak_Convergence

(*  Title:   General_Weak_Convergence.thy
    Author:  Michikazu Hirata, Tokyo Institute of Technology

section ‹ General Weak Convergence ›
theory General_Weak_Convergence
  imports Lemmas_Levy_Prokhorov

text ‹ We formalize the notion of weak convergence and equivalent conditions.
       The formalization of weak convergence in HOL-Probability is restricted to
       probability measures on real numbers.
       Our formalization is generalized to finite measures on any metric spaces. ›

subsection ‹ Topology of Weak Convegence›
definition weak_conv_topology :: "'a topology  'a measure topology" where
"weak_conv_topology X 
    (f{f. continuous_map X euclideanreal f  (B. xtopspace X. ¦f x¦  B)}.
       Collect (openin (pullback_topology {N. sets N = sets (borel_of X)  finite_measure N}
                                          (λN. x. f x N) euclideanreal)))"

lemma topspace_weak_conv_topology[simp]:
 "topspace (weak_conv_topology X) = {N. sets N = sets (borel_of X)  finite_measure N}"
  unfolding weak_conv_topology_def openin_pullback_topology
  by(auto intro!: exI[where x="λx. 1"] exI[where x=1]) blast

lemma openin_weak_conv_topology_base:
  assumes f:"continuous_map X euclideanreal f" and B:"x. x  topspace X  ¦f x¦  B"
    and U:"open U"
  shows "openin (weak_conv_topology X) ((λN. x. f x N) -` U
                                          {N. sets N = sets (borel_of X)  finite_measure N})"
  using assms
  by(fastforce simp: weak_conv_topology_def openin_topology_generated_by_iff openin_pullback_topology
      intro!: Basis)

lemma continuous_map_weak_conv_topology:
  assumes f:"continuous_map X euclideanreal f" and B:"x. x  topspace X  ¦f x¦  B"
  shows "continuous_map (weak_conv_topology X) euclideanreal (λN. x. f x N)"
  using openin_weak_conv_topology_base[OF assms]
  by(auto simp: continuous_map_def Collect_conj_eq Int_commute Int_left_commute vimage_def)

lemma weak_conv_topology_minimal:
  assumes "topspace Y = {N. sets N = sets (borel_of X)  finite_measure N}"
    and "f B. continuous_map X euclideanreal f
                 (x. x  topspace X  ¦f x¦  B)  continuous_map Y euclideanreal (λN. x. f x N)"
  shows "openin (weak_conv_topology X) U  openin Y U"
  unfolding weak_conv_topology_def openin_topology_generated_by_iff
proof (induct rule: generate_topology_on.induct)
  case h:(Basis s)
  then obtain f B where f: "continuous_map X euclidean f" "x. xtopspace X  ¦f x¦  B"
    "openin (pullback_topology {N. sets N = sets (borel_of X)  finite_measure N} (λN. x. f x N) euclideanreal) s"
    by blast
  then obtain u where u:
    "open u" "s = (λN. x. f x N) -`u  {N. sets N = sets (borel_of X)  finite_measure N}"
    unfolding openin_pullback_topology by auto
  with assms(2)[OF f(1,2)]
  show ?case
    using assms(1) continuous_map_open by fastforce
qed auto

lemma weak_conv_topology_continuous_map_integral:
  assumes "continuous_map X euclideanreal f" "x. x  topspace X  ¦f x¦  B"
  shows "continuous_map (weak_conv_topology X) euclideanreal (λN. x. f x N)"
  unfolding continuous_map
proof safe
  fix U
  assume "openin euclideanreal U"
  then show "openin (weak_conv_topology X) {N  topspace (weak_conv_topology X). (x. f x N)  U}"
    unfolding weak_conv_topology_def openin_topology_generated_by_iff using assms
    by(auto intro!: Basis exI[where x=U] exI[where x=f] exI[where x=B] simp: openin_pullback_topology) blast
qed simp

subsection ‹Weak Convergence›
abbreviation weak_conv_on :: "('a  'b measure)  'b measure  'a filter  'b topology  bool"
   ( '((_)/ WC (_)') (_)/ on (_) [56, 55] 55) where
"weak_conv_on Ni N F X  limitin (weak_conv_topology X) Ni N F"

abbreviation weak_conv_on_seq :: "(nat  'b measure)  'b measure  'b topology  bool"
   ( '((_)/ WC (_)') on (_) [56, 55] 55) where
"weak_conv_on_seq Ni N X  weak_conv_on Ni N sequentially X"

subsection ‹ Limit in Topology of Weak Convegence ›
lemma weak_conv_on_def:
 "weak_conv_on Ni N F X 
   (F i in F. sets (Ni i) = sets (borel_of X)  finite_measure (Ni i))  sets N = sets (borel_of X)
        finite_measure N
        (f. continuous_map X euclideanreal f  (B. xtopspace X. ¦f x¦  B)
                ((λi. x. f x Ni i)  (x. f x N)) F)"
proof safe
  assume h:"weak_conv_on Ni N F X"
  then have 1:"sets N = sets (borel_of X)" "finite_measure N"
    using limitin_topspace by fastforce+
  then show "x. x  sets N  x  sets (borel_of X)" "x. x  sets (borel_of X)  x  sets N"
    "finite_measure N"
    by auto
  show 2:"F i in F. sets (Ni i) = sets (borel_of X)  finite_measure (Ni i)"
    using h by(cases "F = ") (auto simp: limitin_def)
  fix f B
  assume f:"continuous_map X euclideanreal f" and B:"xtopspace X. ¦f x¦  B"
  show "((λn. x. f x Ni n)  (x. f x N)) F"
    unfolding tendsto_iff
  proof safe
    fix r :: real
    assume [arith]:"r > 0"
    then have "openin
                  (weak_conv_topology X)
                  ((λN. x. f x N) -` (ball (x. f x N) r)
                     {N. sets N = sets (borel_of X)  finite_measure N})" (is "openin _ ?U")
      using f B by(auto intro!: openin_weak_conv_topology_base)
    moreover have "N  ?U"
      using h by (simp add: 1)
    ultimately have NnU:"F n in F. Ni n  ?U"
      using h limitinD by fastforce
    show "F n in F. dist (x. f x Ni n) (x. f x N) < r"
      by(auto intro!: eventuallyI[THEN eventually_mp[OF _ NnU]] simp: dist_real_def)
  assume h: "F i in F. sets (Ni i) = sets (borel_of X)  finite_measure (Ni i)"
             "sets N = sets (borel_of X)"
            "finite_measure N"
            "f. continuous_map X euclideanreal f  (B. xtopspace X. ¦f x¦  B)
                  ((λn. x. f x Ni n)  (x. f x N)) F"
  show "(Ni WC N) F on X "
    unfolding limitin_def
  proof safe
    show "N  topspace (weak_conv_topology X)"
      using h by auto
    fix U
    assume h':"openin (weak_conv_topology X) U" "N  U"
    show "F x in F. Ni x  U"
      using h'[simplified weak_conv_topology_def openin_topology_generated_by_iff]
    proof induction
      case Empty
      then show ?case
        by simp
      case (Int a b)
      then show ?case
        by (simp add: eventually_conj_iff)
      case (UN K)
      then show ?case
        using UnionI eventually_mono by fastforce
      case s:(Basis s)
      then obtain f where f: "continuous_map X euclidean f" "B. xtopspace X. ¦f x¦  B"
        "openin (pullback_topology {N. sets N = sets (borel_of X) 
         finite_measure N} (λN. x. f x N) euclideanreal) s"
        by blast
      then obtain u where u:
        "open u" "s = (λN. x. f x N) -`u  {N. sets N = sets (borel_of X)  finite_measure N}"
        unfolding openin_pullback_topology by auto
      have "(x. f x N)  u"
        using u s by blast
      moreover have "((λn. x. f x Ni n)  (x. f x N)) F"
        using f h by blast
      ultimately have 1:"F n in F.  (x. f x (Ni n))  u"
        by (simp add: tendsto_def u(1))
      show ?case
        by(auto intro!: eventuallyI[THEN eventually_mp[OF _ eventually_conj[OF 1 h(1)]]] simp: u(2))

lemma weak_conv_on_def':
  assumes "i. sets (Ni i) = sets (borel_of X)" and "i. finite_measure (Ni i)"
    and "sets N = sets (borel_of X)" and "finite_measure N"
  shows "weak_conv_on Ni N F X
          (f. continuous_map X euclideanreal f  (B. xtopspace X. ¦f x¦  B)
                    ((λi. x. f x Ni i)  (x. f x N)) F)"
  using assms by(auto simp: weak_conv_on_def)

lemmas weak_conv_seq_def = weak_conv_on_def[where F=sequentially]

lemma weak_conv_on_const:
  "(i. Ni i = N)  sets N = sets (borel_of X)
    finite_measure N  weak_conv_on Ni N F X"
  by(auto simp: weak_conv_on_def)

lemmas weak_conv_on_seq_const = weak_conv_on_const[where F=sequentially]

context Metric_space

abbreviation "mweak_conv  (λNi N F. weak_conv_on Ni N F mtopology)"
abbreviation "mweak_conv_seq  λNi N. mweak_conv Ni N sequentially"

lemmas mweak_conv_def = weak_conv_on_def[where X=mtopology,simplified]
lemmas mweak_conv_seq_def = weak_conv_seq_def[where X=mtopology,simplified]


subsection ‹The Portmanteau Theorem›
locale mweak_conv_fin = Metric_space +
  fixes Ni :: "'b  'a measure" and N :: "'a measure" and F
  assumes sets_Ni:"F i in F. sets (Ni i) = sets (borel_of mtopology)"
      and sets_N[measurable_cong]: "sets N = sets (borel_of mtopology)"
      and finite_measure_Ni: "F i in F. finite_measure (Ni i)"
      and finite_measure_N: "finite_measure N"

interpretation N: finite_measure N
  by(simp add: finite_measure_N)

lemma space_N: "space N = M"
  using sets_eq_imp_space_eq[OF sets_N] by(auto simp: space_borel_of)

lemma space_Ni: "F i in F. space (Ni i) = M"
  by(rule eventually_mp[OF _ sets_Ni]) (auto simp: space_borel_of cong: sets_eq_imp_space_eq)

lemma eventually_Ni: "F i in F. space (Ni i) = M  sets (Ni i) = sets (borel_of mtopology)  finite_measure (Ni i)"
  by(intro eventually_conj space_Ni sets_Ni finite_measure_Ni)

lemma measure_converge_bounded':
  assumes "((λn. measure (Ni n) M)  measure N M) F"
  obtains K where "A. F x in F. measure (Ni x) A  K" "A. measure N A  K"
proof -
  have "measure N A  measure N M + 1" for A
    using N.bounded_measure[of A] by(simp add: space_N)
  moreover have "F x in F. measure (Ni x) A  measure N M + 1" for A
  proof(rule eventuallyI[THEN eventually_mp[OF _ eventually_conj[OF eventually_Ni tendstoD[OF assms,of 1]]]])
    fix x
    show "(space (Ni x) = M  sets (Ni x) = sets (borel_of mtopology)  finite_measure (Ni x)) 
          dist (measure (Ni x) M) (measure N M) < 1  measure (Ni x) A  measure N M + 1"
      using finite_measure.bounded_measure[of "Ni x" A]
      by(auto intro!: eventuallyI[THEN eventually_mp[OF _ tendstoD[OF assms,of 1]]] simp: dist_real_def)
  qed simp
  ultimately show ?thesis
    using that by blast

  assumes "F  " "F x in F. measure (Ni x) A  K" "measure N A  K"
  shows Liminf_measure_bounded: "Liminf F (λi. measure (Ni i) A) < " "0  Liminf F (λi. measure (Ni i) A)"
  and Limsup_measure_bounded: "Limsup F (λi. measure (Ni i) A) < " "0  Limsup F (λi. measure (Ni i) A)"
proof -
  have "Liminf F (λi. measure (Ni i) A)  K" "Limsup F (λi. measure (Ni i) A)  K"
    using assms by(auto intro!: Liminf_le Limsup_bounded)
  thus "Liminf F (λi. measure (Ni i) A) < " "Limsup F (λi. measure (Ni i) A) < "
    by auto
  show "0  Liminf F (λi. measure (Ni i) A)" "0  Limsup F (λi. measure (Ni i) A)"
    by(auto intro!: le_Limsup Liminf_bounded assms)

lemma mweak_conv1:
  fixes f:: "'a  real"
  assumes "mweak_conv Ni N F"
    and "uniformly_continuous_map Self euclidean_metric f"
  shows "(B. xM. ¦f x¦  B)  ((λn. integralL (Ni n) f)  integralL N f) F"
  using uniformly_continuous_imp_continuous_map[OF assms(2)] assms(1) by(auto simp: mweak_conv_def mtopology_of_def)

lemma mweak_conv2:
  assumes "f:: 'a  real. uniformly_continuous_map Self euclidean_metric f  (B. xM. ¦f x¦  B)
            ((λn. integralL (Ni n) f)  integralL N f) F"
    and "closedin mtopology A"
  shows "Limsup F (λx. ereal (measure (Ni x) A))  ereal (measure N A)"
proof -
  consider "A = {}" | "F = " | "A  {}" "F  "
    by blast
  then show ?thesis
  proof cases
    assume "A = {}"
    then show ?thesis
      using Limsup_obtain linorder_not_less by fastforce
    assume A_ne: "A  {}" and F: "F  "
    have A[measurable]: "A  sets N" "F i in F. A  sets (Ni i)"
      using borel_of_closed[OF assms(2)] by(auto simp: sets_N eventually_mp[OF _ sets_Ni])
    have "((λn. measure (Ni n) M)  measure N M) F"
    proof -
      have 1:"((λn. measure (Ni n) (space (Ni n)))  measure N M) F"
        using assms(1)[of "λx. 1"] by(auto simp: space_N)
      show ?thesis
        by(rule tendsto_cong[THEN iffD1,OF eventually_mp[OF _ space_Ni] 1]) simp
    then obtain K where K: "A. F x in F. measure (Ni x) A  K" "A. measure N A  K"
      using measure_converge_bounded' by auto
    define Um where "Um  (λm. aA. mball a (1 / Suc m))"
    have Um_open: "openin mtopology (Um m)" for m
      by(auto simp: Um_def)
    hence Um_m[measurable]: "m. Um m  sets N" "m. F i in F. Um m  sets (Ni i)"
      by(auto simp: sets_N intro!: borel_of_open eventually_mono[OF sets_Ni])
    have A_Um: "A  Um m" for m
      using closedin_subset[OF assms(2)] by(fastforce simp: Um_def)
    have "fm:: _  real.  (x. fm x  0)  (x. fm x  1)  (xM - Um m. fm x = 0)  (xA. fm x = 1) 
                            uniformly_continuous_map Self euclidean_metric fm" for m
    proof -
      have 1: "closedin mtopology (M - Um m)"
        using Um_open[of m] by(auto simp: closedin_def Diff_Diff_Int Int_absorb1)
      have 2: "A  (M - Um m) = {}"
        using A_Um[of m] by blast
      have 3: "1 / Suc m  d x y" if "x  A" "y  M - Um m" for x y
      proof(rule ccontr)
        assume "¬ 1 / real (Suc m)  d x y"
        then have "d x y < 1 / (1 + real m)" by simp
        thus False
          using that closedin_subset[OF assms(2)] by(auto simp: Um_def)
      show ?thesis
        by (metis Urysohn_lemma_uniform[of Self,simplified mtopology_of_def,simplified,OF assms(2) 1 2 3,simplified] Diff_iff)
    then obtain fm :: "nat  _  real" where fm: "m x. fm m x  0" "m x. fm m x  1"
      "m x. x  A  fm m x = 1" "m x. x  M  x  Um m  fm m x = 0"
      "m. uniformly_continuous_map Self euclidean_metric (fm m)"
      by (metis Diff_iff)
    have fm_m[measurable]: "m. F i in F. fm m  borel_measurable (Ni i)" "m. fm m  borel_measurable N"
      using continuous_map_measurable[OF uniformly_continuous_imp_continuous_map[OF fm(5)]]
      by(auto simp: borel_of_euclidean mtopology_of_def eventually_mono[OF sets_Ni])
    have int_bounded:"F n in F. (x. fm m x Ni n)  K" for m
    proof(rule eventually_mono)
      show "F n in F. space (Ni n) = M  finite_measure (Ni n)  fm m  borel_measurable (Ni n) 
                       (x. fm m x Ni n)  (x. 1 Ni n)  (x. 1 Ni n)  K"
      proof(intro eventually_conj)
        show "F n in F. (x. fm m x Ni n)  (x. 1 Ni n)"
        proof(rule eventually_mono)
          show "F n in F. space (Ni n) = M  finite_measure (Ni n)  fm m  borel_measurable (Ni n)"
            by(intro eventually_conj space_Ni finite_measure_Ni fm_m)
          show "space (Ni n) = M  finite_measure (Ni n)  fm m  borel_measurable (Ni n)
                 (x. fm m x Ni n)  (x. 1 Ni n)" for n
            by(rule integral_mono, insert fm) (auto intro!: finite_measure.integrable_const_bound[where B=1])
        show "F n in F. (x. 1 Ni n)  K"
          by(rule eventually_mono[OF eventually_conj[OF K(1)[of M] space_Ni]]) simp
      qed(auto simp: space_Ni finite_measure_Ni fm_m)
    qed simp
    have 1: "Limsup F (λn. measure (Ni n) A)  measure N (Um m)" for m
    proof -
      have "Limsup F (λn. measure (Ni n) A) = Limsup F (λn. x. indicat_real A x Ni n)"
        by(intro Limsup_eq[OF eventually_mono[OF A(2)]]) simp
      also have "...  Limsup F (λn. x. fm m x Ni n)"
      proof(safe intro!: eventuallyI[THEN Limsup_mono[OF eventually_mp[OF _ eventually_conj[OF fm_m(1)[of m]
                  eventually_conj[OF finite_measure_Ni eventually_conj[OF A(2) int_bounded[of m]]]]]]])
        fix n
        assume h:"(x. fm m x Ni n)  K" "A  sets (Ni n)" "finite_measure (Ni n)" "fm m  borel_measurable (Ni n)"
        with fm show "ereal (x. indicat_real A x Ni n)  ereal (x. fm m x Ni n)"
          by(auto intro!: Limsup_mono integral_mono finite_measure.integrable_const_bound[where B=1]
              simp del: Bochner_Integration.integral_indicator) (auto simp: indicator_def)
      also have "... = (x. fm m x N)"
        using fm by(auto intro!: lim_imp_Limsup[OF F tendsto_ereal[OF assms(1)[OF fm(5)[of m]]]] exI[where x=1])
      also have "...  (x. indicat_real (Um m) x N)"
        unfolding ereal_less_eq(3) by(rule integral_mono, insert fm(4)[of _ m] fm(1,2))
          (auto intro!: N.integrable_const_bound[where B=1],auto simp: indicator_def space_N)
      also have "... = measure N (Um m)"
        by simp
      finally show ?thesis .
    have 2: "(λn. measure N (Um n))  measure N A"
    proof -
      have [simp]: "( (range Um)) = A"
        unfolding Um_def
        by(rule nbh_Inter_closure_of[OF A_ne _ _ _ LIMSEQ_Suc,simplified closure_of_closedin[OF assms(2)]],
           insert sets.sets_into_space[OF A(1)])
         (auto intro!: decseq_SucI simp: frac_le space_N lim_1_over_n)
      have [simp]: "monotone (≤) (λx y. y  x) Um"
        unfolding Um_def by(rule nbh_decseq) (auto intro!: decseq_SucI simp: frac_le)
      have "(λn. measure N (Um n))  measure N ( (range Um))"
        by(rule N.finite_Lim_measure_decseq) auto
      thus ?thesis by simp
    show ?thesis
      using 1 by(auto intro!: Lim_bounded2[OF tendsto_ereal[OF 2]])
  qed simp

lemma mweak_conv3:
  assumes "A. closedin mtopology A  Limsup F (λn. measure (Ni n) A)  measure N A"
      and "((λn. measure (Ni n) M)  measure N M) F"
      and "openin mtopology U"
    shows "measure N U  Liminf F (λn. measure (Ni n) U)"
proof(cases "F = ")
  assume F: "F  "
  obtain K where K: "A. F x in F. measure (Ni x) A  K" "A. measure N M  K"
    using measure_converge_bounded'[OF assms(2)] by metis
  have U[measurable]: "U  sets N" "F i in F. U  sets (Ni i)"
    by(auto simp: sets_N borel_of_open assms eventually_mono[OF sets_Ni])
  have "ereal (measure N U) = measure N M - measure N (M - U)"
    by(simp add: N.finite_measure_compl[simplified space_N])
  also have "...  measure N M - Limsup F (λn. measure (Ni n) (M - U))"
    using assms(1)[OF openin_closedin[THEN iffD1,OF _ assms(3)]] openin_subset[OF assms(3)]
    by (metis ereal_le_real ereal_minus(1) ereal_minus_mono topspace_mtopology) 
  also have "... = measure N M + Liminf F (λn. - ereal (measure (Ni n) (M - U)))"
    by (metis ereal_Liminf_uminus minus_ereal_def)
  also have "...  = Liminf F (λn. measure (Ni n) M) + Liminf F (λn. - measure (Ni n) (M - U))"
    using tendsto_iff_Liminf_eq_Limsup[OF F,THEN iffD1,OF tendsto_ereal[OF assms(2)]] by simp
  also have "...  Liminf F (λn. ereal (measure (Ni n) M) + ereal (- measure (Ni n) (M - U)))"
    by(rule ereal_Liminf_add_mono) (use Liminf_measure_bounded[OF F K] in auto)
  also have "... = Liminf F (λn. measure (Ni n) U)"
    by(auto intro!: Liminf_eq eventually_mono[OF eventually_conj[OF U(2) eventually_conj[OF space_Ni finite_measure_Ni]]]
        simp: finite_measure.finite_measure_compl)
  finally show ?thesis .
qed simp

lemma mweak_conv3':
  assumes "U. openin mtopology U  measure N U  Liminf F (λn. measure (Ni n) U)"
      and "((λn. measure (Ni n) M)  measure N M) F"
      and "closedin mtopology A"
    shows "Limsup F (λn. measure (Ni n) A)  measure N A"
proof(cases "F = ")
  assume F: "F  "
  have A[measurable]: "A  sets N""F i in F. A  sets (Ni i)"
    by(auto simp: sets_N borel_of_closed assms eventually_mono[OF sets_Ni])
  have "Limsup F (λn. measure (Ni n) A) = Limsup F (λn. ereal (measure (Ni n) M) + ereal (- measure (Ni n) (M - A)))"
    by(auto intro!: Limsup_eq eventually_mono[OF eventually_conj[OF A(2) eventually_conj[OF space_Ni finite_measure_Ni]]]
        simp: finite_measure.finite_measure_compl)
  also have "...  Limsup F (λn. measure (Ni n) M) + Limsup F (λn. - measure (Ni n) (M - A))"
    by(rule ereal_Limsup_add_mono)
  also have "... =  Limsup F (λn. measure (Ni n) M) + Limsup F (λn. - ereal ( measure (Ni n) (M - A)))"
    by simp
  also have "... = Limsup F (λn. measure (Ni n) M) - Liminf F (λn. measure (Ni n) (M - A))"
    unfolding ereal_Limsup_uminus using minus_ereal_def by presburger 
  also have "... = measure N M - Liminf F (λn. measure (Ni n) (M - A))"
    by(simp add: lim_imp_Limsup[OF F tendsto_ereal[OF assms(2)]])
  also have "...  measure N M - measure N (M - A)"
    using assms(1)[OF openin_diff[OF openin_topspace assms(3)]] closedin_subset[OF assms(3)]
    by (metis assms(1,3) ereal_le_real ereal_minus(1) ereal_minus_mono open_in_mspace openin_diff) 
  also have "... = measure N A"
    by(simp add: N.finite_measure_compl[simplified space_N])
  finally show ?thesis .
qed simp

lemma mweak_conv4:
  assumes "A. closedin mtopology A  Limsup F (λn. measure (Ni n) A)  measure N A"
      and "U. openin mtopology U  measure N U  Liminf F (λn. measure (Ni n) U)"
      and [measurable]: "A  sets (borel_of mtopology)"
      and "measure N (mtopology frontier_of A) = 0"
    shows "((λn. measure (Ni n) A)  measure N A) F"
proof(cases "F = ")
  assume F: "F  "
  have [measurable]: "A  sets N" "mtopology closure_of A  sets N" "mtopology interior_of A  sets N"
    "mtopology frontier_of A  sets N"
    and A: "F i in F. A  sets (Ni i)" "F i in F. mtopology closure_of A  sets (Ni i)"
    "F i in F. mtopology interior_of A  sets (Ni i)" "F i in F. mtopology frontier_of A  sets (Ni i)"
    by(auto simp: sets_N borel_of_open borel_of_closed closedin_frontier_of eventually_mono[OF sets_Ni])
  have "Limsup F (λn. measure (Ni n) A)  Limsup F (λn. measure (Ni n) (mtopology closure_of A))"
    using sets.sets_into_space[OF assms(3)]
    by(fastforce intro!: Limsup_mono finite_measure.finite_measure_mono[OF _ closure_of_subset]
        eventually_mono[OF eventually_conj[OF finite_measure_Ni A(2)]] simp: space_borel_of)
  also have "...  measure N (mtopology closure_of A)"
    by(auto intro!: assms(1))
  also have "...  measure N (A  (mtopology frontier_of A))"
    using closure_of_subset[of A mtopology] sets.sets_into_space[OF assms(3)] interior_of_subset[of mtopology A]
    by(auto simp: space_borel_of interior_of_union_frontier_of[symmetric]
        simp del: interior_of_union_frontier_of intro!: N.finite_measure_mono)
  also have "...  measure N A + measure N (mtopology frontier_of A)"
    by(simp add: N.finite_measure_subadditive)
  also have "... = measure N A" by(simp add: assms)
  finally have 1: "Limsup F (λn. measure (Ni n) A)  measure N A" .
  have "ereal (measure N A) = measure N A - measure N (mtopology frontier_of A)"
    by(simp add: assms)
  also have "...  measure N (A - mtopology frontier_of A)"
    by(auto simp: N.finite_measure_Diff' intro!: N.finite_measure_mono)
  also have "...  measure N (mtopology interior_of A)"
    using closure_of_subset[OF sets.sets_into_space[OF assms(3),simplified space_borel_of]]
    by(auto intro!: N.finite_measure_mono simp: frontier_of_def)
  also have "...  Liminf F (λn. measure (Ni n) (mtopology interior_of A))"
    by(auto intro!: assms)
  also have "...  Liminf F (λn. measure (Ni n) A)"
    by(fastforce intro!: Liminf_mono finite_measure.finite_measure_mono interior_of_subset
        eventually_mono[OF eventually_conj[OF finite_measure_Ni A(1)]])
  finally have 2: "measure N A  Liminf F (λn. measure (Ni n) A)" .
  have "Liminf F (λn. measure (Ni n) A) = measure N A  Limsup F (λn. measure (Ni n) A) = measure N A"
    using 1 2 order.trans[OF 2 Liminf_le_Limsup[OF F]] order.trans[OF Liminf_le_Limsup[OF F] 1] antisym
    by blast
  thus ?thesis
    by (metis F lim_ereal tendsto_Limsup)
qed simp

lemma mweak_conv5:
  assumes "A. A  sets (borel_of mtopology)  measure N (mtopology frontier_of A) = 0
                 ((λn. measure (Ni n) A)  measure N A) F"
  shows "mweak_conv Ni N F"
proof(cases "F = ")
  assume F: "F  "
  show ?thesis
    unfolding mweak_conv_def
  proof safe
    fix f B
    assume h:"continuous_map mtopology euclideanreal f" "xM. ¦f x¦  B"
    have "((λn. measure (Ni n) M)  measure N M) F"
      using frontier_of_topspace[of mtopology] by(auto intro!: assms borel_of_open)
    then obtain K where K: "A. F x in F. measure (Ni x) A  K" "A. measure N A  K"
      using measure_converge_bounded' by metis
    from continuous_map_measurable[OF h(1)]
    have f[measurable]:"f  borel_measurable N" "F i in F. f  borel_measurable (Ni i)"
      by(auto cong: measurable_cong_sets simp: sets_N borel_of_euclidean intro!: eventually_mono[OF sets_Ni])
    have f_int[simp]: "integrable N f" "F i in F. integrable (Ni i) f"
      using h by(auto intro!: N.integrable_const_bound[where B=B] finite_measure.integrable_const_bound[where B=B]
          eventually_mono[OF eventually_conj[OF eventually_conj[OF space_Ni f(2)] finite_measure_Ni]] simp: space_N)
    show "((λn. x. f x Ni n)  (x. f x N)) F"
    proof(cases "B > 0")
      case False
      with h(2) have 1:"x. x  space N  f x = 0" "F i in F. x. x  space (Ni i)  f x = 0"
        by (fastforce simp: space_N intro!: eventually_mono[OF space_Ni])+
      thus ?thesis
        by(auto cong: Bochner_Integration.integral_cong
            intro!: tendsto_cong[where g="λx. 0" and f="(λn. x. f x Ni n)",THEN iffD2] eventually_mono[OF 1(2)])
      case B[arith]:True
      show ?thesis
      proof(cases "K > 0")
        case False
        then have 1:"measure N A = 0" "F x in F. measure (Ni x) M = 0" for A
          using K(2)[of A] measure_nonneg[of _ A] measure_le_0_iff
          by(fastforce intro!: eventuallyI[THEN eventually_mp[OF _ K(1)[of M]]])+
        hence "N = null_measure (borel_of mtopology)"
          by(auto intro!: measure_eqI simp: sets_N N.emeasure_eq_measure)
        moreover have "F x in F. Ni x = null_measure (borel_of mtopology)"
          using order.trans[where c=0,OF finite_measure.bounded_measure]
          by(intro eventually_mono[OF eventually_conj[OF eventually_conj[OF space_Ni eventually_conj[OF finite_measure_Ni sets_Ni]] 1(2)]] measure_eqI)
            (auto simp: finite_measure.emeasure_eq_measure measure_le_0_iff)
        ultimately show ?thesis
          by (simp add: eventually_mono tendsto_eventually)
        case [arith]:True
        show ?thesis
          unfolding tendsto_iff LIMSEQ_def dist_real_def
        proof safe
          fix r :: real
          assume r[arith]: "r > 0"
          define ν where "ν  distr N borel f"
          have sets_nu[measurable_cong, simp]: "sets ν = sets borel"
            by(simp add: ν_def)
          interpret ν: finite_measure ν
            by(auto simp: ν_def N.finite_measure_distr)
          have "(1 / 6) * (r / K) * (1 / B) > 0"
            by auto        
          from nat_approx_posE[OF this]
          obtain N' where N': "1 / (Suc N') < (1 / 6) * (r / K) * (1 / B)"
            by auto
          from mult_strict_right_mono[OF this B] have N'':"B / (Suc N') <  (1 / 6) * (r / K)"
            by auto
          have "tn  {B / Suc N' * (real n - 1) - B<..<B / Suc N' * real n - B}. measure ν {tn} = 0" for n
          proof(rule ccontr)
            assume "¬ (tn  {B / Suc N' * (real n - 1) - B<..<B / Suc N' * real n - B}. measure ν {tn} = 0)"
            then have "{B / Suc N' * (real n - 1) - B<..<B / Suc N' * real n - B}  {x. measure ν {x}  0}"
              by auto
            moreover have "uncountable {B / Suc N' * (real n - 1) - B<..<B / Suc N' * real n - B}"
              unfolding uncountable_open_interval right_diff_distrib by auto
            ultimately show False
              using ν.countable_support by(meson countable_subset)
          then obtain tn where tn: "n. B / Suc N' * (real n - 1) - B < tn n" "n. tn n < B / Suc N' * real n - B"
            "n. measure ν {tn n} = 0"
            by (metis greaterThanLessThan_iff)
          have t0: "tn 0 < - B"
            using tn(2)[of 0] by simp
          have tN: "B < tn (Suc (2 * (Suc N')))" 
          proof -
            have "B * (2 + 2 * real N') / (1 + real N') = 2 * B"
              by(auto simp: divide_eq_eq)
            with tn(1)[of "Suc (2 * (Suc N'))"] show ?thesis
              by simp
          define Aj where "Aj  (λj. f -` {tn j..<tn (Suc j)}  M)"
          have sets_Aj[measurable]: "j. Aj j  sets N" "F i in F.  j. Aj j  sets (Ni i)"
            using measurable_sets[OF f(1)]
            by(auto simp: Aj_def space_N intro!: eventually_mono[OF eventually_conj[OF space_Ni f(2)]])
          have m_f: "measure N (mtopology frontier_of (Aj j)) = 0" for j
          proof -
            have "measure N (mtopology frontier_of (Aj j)) = measure N (mtopology closure_of (Aj j) - mtopology interior_of (Aj j))"
              by(simp add: frontier_of_def)
            also have "...  measure ν {tn j, tn (Suc j)}"
            proof -
              have [simp]: "{x  M. tn j  f x  f x  tn (Suc j)} = f -` {tn (Suc j)}  M"
                "{x  M. tn j < f x  f x < tn (Suc j)} =  f -` {tn j<..<tn (Suc j)}  M"
                by auto
              have "mtopology closure_of (Aj j)   f -` {tn (Suc j)}  M"
                by(rule closure_of_minimal,insert closedin_continuous_map_preimage[OF h(1),of "{tn (Suc j)}"])
                  (auto simp: Aj_def)
              moreover have "f -` {tn j<..<tn (Suc j)}  M  mtopology interior_of (Aj j)"
                by(rule interior_of_maximal,insert openin_continuous_map_preimage[OF h(1),of "{tn j<..<tn (Suc j)}"])
                  (auto simp: Aj_def)
              ultimately have "mtopology closure_of (Aj j) - mtopology interior_of (Aj j)  f -` {tn j,tn (Suc j)}  M"
                by(fastforce dest: contra_subsetD)
              with closedin_subset[OF closedin_closure_of,of mtopology "Aj j"] show ?thesis
                by(auto simp: ν_def measure_distr intro!: N.finite_measure_mono) (auto simp: space_N)
            also have "...  measure ν {tn j} + measure ν {tn (Suc j)}"
              using ν.finite_measure_subadditive[of "{tn (Suc j)}" "{tn j}"] by auto
            also have "... = 0"
              by(simp add: tn)
            finally show ?thesis
              by (simp add: measure_le_0_iff)
          hence conv:"((λn. measure (Ni n) (Aj j))  measure N (Aj j)) F" for j
            by(auto intro!: assms simp: sets_N[symmetric] sets_Ni)
          have fil1:"F n in F. ¦tn j¦ * ¦measure (Ni n) (Aj j) - measure N (Aj j)¦ < r / (3 * (Suc (Suc (2 * Suc N'))))" for j
          proof(cases "¦tn j¦ = 0")
            case pos:False
            then have "r / (3 * (Suc (Suc (2 * Suc N')))) * (1 / ¦tn j¦) > 0"
              by auto
            with conv[of j]
            have 1:"F n in F. ¦measure (Ni n) (Aj j) - measure N (Aj j)¦
                                 < r / (3 * (Suc (Suc (2 * Suc N')))) * (1 / ¦tn j¦)"
              unfolding tendsto_iff dist_real_def by metis
            have "F n in F. ¦tn j¦ * ¦measure (Ni n) (Aj j) - measure N (Aj j)¦ < r / (3 * (Suc (Suc (2 * Suc N'))))"
            proof(rule eventuallyI[THEN eventually_mp[OF _ 1]])
              show "¦measure (Ni n) (Aj j) - measure N (Aj j)¦ < r / real (3 * Suc (Suc (2 * Suc N'))) * (1 / ¦tn j¦)
                     ¦tn j¦ * ¦measure (Ni n) (Aj j) - measure N (Aj j)¦ < r / real (3 * Suc (Suc (2 * Suc N')))" for n          
                using mult_less_cancel_right_pos[of "¦tn j¦" "¦measure (Ni n) (Aj j) - measure N (Aj j)¦"
                    "r / real (3 * Suc (Suc (2 * Suc N'))) * (1 / ¦tn j¦)"] pos by(simp add: mult.commute)
            thus ?thesis by auto
          qed auto
          hence fil1:"F n in F. j{..Suc (2 * Suc N')}. ¦tn j¦ * ¦measure (Ni n) (Aj j) - measure N (Aj j)¦
                                                           < r / (3 * (Suc (Suc (2 * Suc N'))))"
            by(auto intro!: eventually_ball_finite)
          have tn_strictmono: "strict_mono tn"
            unfolding strict_mono_Suc_iff
          proof safe
            fix n
            show "tn n < tn (Suc n)"
              using tn(1)[of "Suc n"] tn(2)[of n] by auto
          from strict_mono_less[OF this] have Aj_disj: "disjoint_family Aj"
            by(auto simp: disjoint_family_on_def Aj_def) (metis linorder_not_le not_less_eq order_less_le order_less_trans)
          have Aj_un: "M = (i{..Suc (2 * Suc N')}. Aj i)"
            show "M   (Aj ` {..Suc (2 * Suc N')})"
              fix x
              assume x:"x  M"
              with h(2) tN t0 have h':"tn 0 < f x" "f x < tn (Suc (2 * Suc N'))"
                by fastforce+
              define n where "n  LEAST n. f x < tn (Suc n)"
              have "f x < tn (Suc n)"
                unfolding n_def by(rule LeastI_ex) (use h' in auto)
              moreover have "tn n  f x"
                by (metis Least_le Suc_n_not_le_n h'(1) less_eq_real_def linorder_not_less n_def not0_implies_Suc)
              moreover have "n  2 * Suc N'"
                unfolding n_def by(rule Least_le) (use h' in auto)
              ultimately show "x   (Aj ` {..Suc (2 * Suc N')})"
                by(auto simp: Aj_def x)
          qed(auto simp: Aj_def)
          define h where "h  (λx. iSuc (2 * (Suc N')). tn i * indicat_real (Aj i) x)"
          have h[measurable]: "h  borel_measurable N" "F i in F. h  borel_measurable (Ni i)"
            by(auto simp: h_def simp del: sum.atMost_Suc sum_mult_indicator intro!: borel_measurable_sum eventually_mono[OF sets_Aj(2)])
          have h_f: "h x  f x" if "x  M" for x
          proof -
            from that disjoint_family_onD[OF Aj_disj]
            obtain n where n: "x  Aj n" "n  Suc (2 * Suc N')" "m. m  n  x  Aj m"
              by(auto simp: Aj_un)
            have "h x = (iSuc (2 * (Suc N')). if i = n then tn i else 0)"
              unfolding h_def by(rule Finite_Cartesian_Product.sum_cong_aux) (use n in auto)
            also have "... = tn n"
              using n by auto
            also have "...  f x"
              using n(1) by(auto simp: Aj_def)
            finally show ?thesis .
          have f_h: "f x < h x + (1 / 3) * (r / enn2real K)" if "x  M" for x
          proof -
            from that disjoint_family_onD[OF Aj_disj]
            obtain n where n: "x  Aj n" "n  Suc (2 * Suc N')" "m. m  n  x  Aj m"
              by(auto simp: Aj_un)
            have "h x = (iSuc (2 * (Suc N')). if i = n then tn i else 0)"
              unfolding h_def by(rule Finite_Cartesian_Product.sum_cong_aux) (use n in auto)
            also have "... = tn n"
              using n by auto
            finally have hx: "h x = tn n" .
            have "f x < tn (Suc n)"
              using n by(auto simp: Aj_def)
            hence "f x - tn n < tn (Suc n) - tn n" by auto
            also have "... < B / real (Suc N') * real (Suc n) - (B / real (Suc N') * (real n - 1))"
              using tn(1)[of n] tn(2)[of "Suc n"] by auto
            also have "... = 2 * B / real (Suc N')"
              by(auto simp: diff_divide_distrib[symmetric]) (simp add: ring_distribs(1) right_diff_distrib)
            also have "... < (1 / 3) * (r / enn2real K)"
              using N'' by auto
            finally show ?thesis
              using hx by simp
          with h_f have fh:"x. x  M  ¦f x - h x¦ <  (1 / 3) * (r / enn2real K)"
            by fastforce
          have h_bounded: "¦h x¦  (iSuc (2 * (Suc N')). ¦tn i¦)" for x
            unfolding h_def by(rule order.trans[OF sum_abs[of "λi. tn i * indicat_real (Aj i) x"
                    "{..Suc (2 * (Suc N'))}"] sum_mono]) (auto simp: indicator_def)
          hence h_int[simp]: "integrable N h" "F i in F. integrable (Ni i) h"
            by(auto intro!: N.integrable_const_bound[where B="iSuc (2 * (Suc N')). ¦tn i¦"]
                finite_measure.integrable_const_bound[where B="iSuc (2 * (Suc N')). ¦tn i¦"]
                eventually_mono[OF eventually_conj[OF finite_measure_Ni h(2)]])
          show "F n in F. ¦(x. f x Ni n) - (x. f x N)¦ < r"
          proof(safe intro!: eventually_mono[OF eventually_conj[OF K(1)[of M]
                                eventually_conj[OF eventually_conj[OF fil1 h_int(2)]
                                   eventually_conj[OF f_int(2)
                                      eventually_conj[OF eventually_conj[OF finite_measure_Ni space_Ni]
            fix n
            assume n:"j{..Suc (2 * Suc N')}.
              ¦tn j¦ * ¦measure (Ni n) (Aj j) - measure N (Aj j)¦ < r / real (3 * Suc (Suc (2 * Suc N')))"
                     "measure (Ni n) (space (Ni n))  K"
               and h_intn[simp]:"integrable (Ni n) h" and f_intn[simp]:"integrable (Ni n) f"
               and sets_Aj2[measurable]:"j. Aj j  sets (Ni n)"
               and space_Ni:"M = space (Ni n)"
               and "finite_measure (Ni n)"
            interpret Ni: finite_measure "(Ni n)" by fact
            have "¦(x. f x Ni n) - (x. f x N)¦
                   = ¦(x. f x - h x Ni n) + ((x. h x Ni n) - (x. h x N)) - (x. f x - h x N)¦"
              by(simp add: Bochner_Integration.integral_diff[OF f_int(1) h_int(1)] Bochner_Integration.integral_diff[OF f_intn h_intn])
            also have "...  ¦x. f x - h x Ni n¦ + ¦(x. h x Ni n) - (x. h x N)¦ + ¦x. f x - h x N¦"
              by linarith
            also have "...  (x. ¦f x - h x¦ Ni n) + ¦(x. h x Ni n) - (x. h x N)¦ + (x. ¦f x - h x¦ N)"
              using integral_abs_bound by (simp add: add_mono del: f_int f_intn)
            also have "...  r / 3 + ¦(x. h x Ni n) - (x. h x N)¦ + r / 3"
            proof -
              have "(x. ¦f x - h x¦ Ni n)  (x. (1 / 3) * (r / enn2real K) Ni n)"
                by(rule integral_mono) (insert fh, auto simp: space_Ni order.strict_implies_order)
              also have "... = measure (Ni n) (space (Ni n)) / K * (r / 3)"
                by auto
              also have "...  r / 3"
                by(rule mult_left_le_one_le) (use n space_Ni in auto)
              finally have 1:"(x. ¦f x - h x¦ Ni n)  r / 3" .
              have "(x. ¦f x - h x¦ N)  (x. (1 / 3) * (r / K) N)"
                by(rule integral_mono) (insert fh, auto simp: space_N order.strict_implies_order)
              also have "... = measure N (space N) / enn2real K * (r / 3)"
                by auto
              also have "...  r / 3"
                by(rule mult_left_le_one_le) (use K space_N in auto)
              finally show ?thesis
                using 1 by auto
            also have "... < r"
            proof -
              have "¦(x. h x Ni n) - (x. h x N)¦
                    = ¦(x. (iSuc (2 * (Suc N')). tn i * indicat_real (Aj i) x) Ni n)
                       - (x. (iSuc (2 * (Suc N')). tn i * indicat_real (Aj i) x) N)¦"
                by(simp add: h_def)
              also have "... = ¦(iSuc (2 * (Suc N')). (x. tn i * indicat_real (Aj i) x Ni n))
                                - (iSuc (2 * (Suc N')). (x. tn i * indicat_real (Aj i) x N))¦"
              proof -
                have 1: "(x. (iSuc (2 * (Suc N')). tn i * indicat_real (Aj i) x) Ni n)
                          = (iSuc (2 * (Suc N')). (x. tn i * indicat_real (Aj i) x Ni n))"
                  by(rule Bochner_Integration.integral_sum) (use integrable_real_mult_indicator sets_Aj2 in blast) 
                have 2: "(x. (iSuc (2 * (Suc N')). tn i * indicat_real (Aj i) x) N)
                          = (iSuc (2 * (Suc N')). (x. tn i * indicat_real (Aj i) x N))"
                  by(rule Bochner_Integration.integral_sum) (use integrable_real_mult_indicator sets_Aj(1) in blast) 
                show ?thesis
                  by(simp only: 1 2)
              also have "... = ¦(iSuc (2 * (Suc N')). tn i * measure (Ni n) (Aj i))
                                - (iSuc (2 * (Suc N')). tn i * measure N (Aj i))¦"
                by simp
              also have "... = ¦iSuc (2 * (Suc N')). tn i * (measure (Ni n) (Aj i) - measure N (Aj i))¦"
                by(auto simp: sum_subtractf right_diff_distrib)
              also have "...  (iSuc (2 * (Suc N')). ¦tn i * (measure (Ni n) (Aj i) - measure N (Aj i))¦)"
                by(rule sum_abs)
              also have "...  (iSuc (2 * (Suc N')). ¦tn i¦ * ¦(measure (Ni n) (Aj i) - measure N (Aj i))¦)"
                by(simp add: abs_mult)
              also have "... < (iSuc (2 * (Suc N')). r / (3 * (Suc (Suc (2 * Suc N')))))"
                by(rule sum_strict_mono) (use n in auto)
              also have "... = real (Suc (Suc (2 * Suc N'))) * (1 / (Suc (Suc (2 * Suc N'))) * (r / 3))"
                by auto
              also have "... = r / 3"
                unfolding mult.assoc[symmetric] by simp
              finally show ?thesis by auto
            finally show "¦(x. f x Ni n) - (x. f x N)¦ < r" .
  qed(auto simp: sets_N finite_measure_N intro!: eventually_mono[OF eventually_Ni])
qed (simp add: mweak_conv_def sets_Ni sets_N finite_measure_N)

lemma mweak_conv_eq: "mweak_conv Ni N F
  (f::'a  real. continuous_map mtopology euclidean f  (B. xM. ¦f x¦  B)
                       ((λn. x. f x Ni n)  (x. f x N)) F)"
  by(auto simp: sets_N mweak_conv_def finite_measure_N
        intro!: eventually_mono[OF eventually_conj[OF finite_measure_Ni sets_Ni]])

lemma mweak_conv_eq1: "mweak_conv Ni N F
  (f::'a  real. uniformly_continuous_map Self euclidean_metric f  (B. xM. ¦f x¦  B)
                       ((λn. x. f x Ni n)  (x. f x N)) F)"
  assume h:"f::'a  real. uniformly_continuous_map Self euclidean_metric f  (B. xM. ¦f x¦  B)
                             ((λn. x. f x Ni n)  (x. f x N)) F"
  have 1:"((λn. measure (Ni n) M)  measure N M) F"
  proof -
    have 1:"((λn. measure (Ni n) (space (Ni n)))  measure N M) F"
      using h[rule_format,OF uniformly_continuous_map_const[THEN iffD2,of _ 1]]
      by(auto simp: space_N)
    show ?thesis
      by(auto intro!: tendsto_cong[THEN iffD1,OF _ 1] eventually_mono[OF space_Ni])
  have "A. closedin mtopology A  Limsup F (λn. measure (Ni n) A)  measure N A"
   and "U. openin mtopology U  measure N U  Liminf F (λn. measure (Ni n) U)"
    using mweak_conv2[OF h[rule_format]] mweak_conv3[OF _ 1] by auto
  hence "A. A  sets (borel_of mtopology)  measure N (mtopology frontier_of A) = 0 
              ((λn. measure (Ni n) A)  measure N A) F"
    using mweak_conv4 by auto
  with mweak_conv5 show "mweak_conv Ni N F" by auto
qed(use mweak_conv1 in auto)

lemma mweak_conv_eq2: "mweak_conv Ni N F
  ((λn. measure (Ni n) M)  measure N M) F  (A. closedin mtopology A
        Limsup F (λn. measure (Ni n) A)  measure N A)"
proof safe
  assume "mweak_conv Ni N F"
  note h = this[simplified mweak_conv_eq1]
  show 1:"((λn. measure (Ni n) M)  measure N M) F"
  proof -
    have 1:"((λn. measure (Ni n) (space (Ni n)))  measure N M) F"
      using h[rule_format,OF uniformly_continuous_map_const[THEN iffD2,of _ 1]]
      by(auto simp: space_N)
    show ?thesis
      by(auto intro!: tendsto_cong[THEN iffD1,OF _ 1] eventually_mono[OF space_Ni])
  show "A. closedin mtopology A  Limsup F (λn. measure (Ni n) A)  measure N A"
    using mweak_conv2[OF h[rule_format]] by auto
  assume h: "((λn. measure (Ni n) M)  measure N M) F"
    "A. closedin mtopology A  Limsup F (λn. measure (Ni n) A)  measure N A"
  then have "A. closedin mtopology A  Limsup F (λn. measure (Ni n) A)  measure N A"
   and "U. openin mtopology U  measure N U  Liminf F (λn. measure (Ni n) U)"
    using mweak_conv3 by auto
  hence "A. A  sets (borel_of mtopology)  measure N (mtopology frontier_of A) = 0
           ((λn. measure (Ni n) A)  measure N A) F"
    using mweak_conv4 by auto
  with mweak_conv5 show "mweak_conv Ni N F" by auto

lemma mweak_conv_eq3: "mweak_conv Ni N F
  ((λn. measure (Ni n) M)  measure N M) F 
     (U. openin mtopology U  measure N U  Liminf F (λn. measure (Ni n) U))"
proof safe
  assume "mweak_conv Ni N F"
  note h = this[simplified mweak_conv_eq1]
  show 1:"((λn. measure (Ni n) M)  measure N M) F"
  proof -
    have 1:"((λn. measure (Ni n) (space (Ni n)))  measure N M) F"
      using h[rule_format,OF uniformly_continuous_map_const[THEN iffD2,of _ 1]]
      by(auto simp: space_N)
    show ?thesis
      by(auto intro!: tendsto_cong[THEN iffD1,OF _ 1] eventually_mono[OF space_Ni])
  show "U. openin mtopology U  measure N U  Liminf F (λn. measure (Ni n) U)"
    using mweak_conv2[OF h[rule_format]] mweak_conv3[OF _ 1] by auto
  assume h: "((λn. measure (Ni n) M)  measure N M) F"
    "U. openin mtopology U  measure N U  Liminf F (λn. measure (Ni n) U)"
  then have "A. closedin mtopology A  Limsup F (λn. measure (Ni n) A)  measure N A"
   and "U. openin mtopology U  measure N U  Liminf F (λn. measure (Ni n) U)"
    using mweak_conv3' by auto
  hence "A. A  sets (borel_of mtopology)  measure N (mtopology frontier_of A) = 0
               ((λn. measure (Ni n) A)  measure N A) F"
    using mweak_conv4 by auto
  with mweak_conv5 show "mweak_conv Ni N F" by auto

lemma mweak_conv_eq4: "mweak_conv Ni N F
  (A  sets (borel_of mtopology). measure N (mtopology frontier_of A) = 0
                                       ((λn. measure (Ni n) A)  measure N A) F)"
proof safe
  assume "mweak_conv Ni N F"
  note h = this[simplified mweak_conv_eq1]
  have 1:"((λn. measure (Ni n) M)  measure N M) F"
  proof -
    have 1:"((λn. measure (Ni n) (space (Ni n)))  measure N M) F"
      using h[rule_format,OF uniformly_continuous_map_const[THEN iffD2,of _ 1]]
      by(auto simp: space_N)
    show ?thesis
      by(auto intro!: tendsto_cong[THEN iffD1,OF _ 1] eventually_mono[OF space_Ni])
  have "A. closedin mtopology A  Limsup F (λn. measure (Ni n) A)  measure N A"
   and "U. openin mtopology U  measure N U  Liminf F (λn. measure (Ni n) U)"
    using mweak_conv2[OF h[rule_format]] mweak_conv3[OF _ 1] by auto
  thus "A. A  sets (borel_of mtopology)  measure N (mtopology frontier_of A) = 0
              ((λn. measure (Ni n) A)  measure N A) F"
    using mweak_conv4 by auto
qed(use mweak_conv5 in auto)

corollary mweak_conv_imp_limit_space:
  assumes "mweak_conv Ni N F"
  shows "((λi. measure (Ni i) M)  measure N M) F"
  using assms by(simp add: mweak_conv_eq3)


  assumes "metrizable_space X"
    and "F i in F. sets (Ni i) = sets (borel_of X)" "F i in F. finite_measure (Ni i)"
    and "sets N = sets (borel_of X)" "finite_measure N"
  shows weak_conv_on_eq1:
    "weak_conv_on Ni N F X
       ((λn. measure (Ni n) (topspace X))  measure N (topspace X)) F
         (A. closedin X A  Limsup F (λn. measure (Ni n) A)  measure N A)" (is ?eq1)
    and weak_conv_on_eq2:
    "weak_conv_on Ni N F X
       ((λn. measure (Ni n) (topspace X))  measure N (topspace X)) F
            (U. openin X U  measure N U  Liminf F (λn. measure (Ni n) U))" (is ?eq2)
    and weak_conv_on_eq3:
    "weak_conv_on Ni N F X
       (A  sets (borel_of X). measure N (X frontier_of A) = 0
            ((λn. measure (Ni n) A)  measure N A) F)" (is ?eq3)
proof -
  obtain d where d: "Metric_space (topspace X) d" "Metric_space.mtopology (topspace X) d = X"
    by (metis Metric_space.topspace_mtopology assms(1) metrizable_space_def)
  then interpret mweak_conv_fin "topspace X" d Ni N
    by(auto simp: mweak_conv_fin_def mweak_conv_fin_axioms_def assms)  
  show ?eq1 ?eq2 ?eq3
    using mweak_conv_eq2 mweak_conv_eq3 mweak_conv_eq4 unfolding d(2) by blast+
