Theory JMM_Compiler_Type2
section ‹Compiler correctness for JMM heap implementation 2›
theory JMM_Compiler_Type2
theorem J2JVM_jmm_correct:
assumes wf: "wf_J_prog P"
and wf_start: "jmm_wf_start_state P C M vs"
shows "legal_execution P (jmm_J_ℰ P C M vs Running) (E, ws) ⟷
legal_execution (J2JVM P) (jmm_JVMd_ℰ (J2JVM P) C M vs Running) (E, ws)"
using JVMd_legal_typesafe[OF wt_J2JVM[OF wf], of C M vs Running, symmetric] wf_start
by(simp only: J_legal_typesafe[OF assms] J_JVM_conf_read.red_ℰ_eq_mexecd_ℰ[OF jmm'_J_JVM_conf_read assms] J2JVM_def o_apply compP1_def compP2_def legal_execution_compP heap_base.wf_start_state_compP jmm_typeof_addr_compP heap_base.heap_read_typed_compP)
theorem J2JVM_jmm_correct_weak:
assumes wf: "wf_J_prog P"
and wf_start: "jmm_wf_start_state P C M vs"
shows "weakly_legal_execution P (jmm_J_ℰ P C M vs Running) (E, ws) ⟷
weakly_legal_execution (J2JVM P) (jmm_JVMd_ℰ (J2JVM P) C M vs Running) (E, ws)"
using JVMd_weakly_legal_typesafe[OF wt_J2JVM[OF wf], of C M vs Running, symmetric] wf_start
by(simp only: J_weakly_legal_typesafe[OF assms] J_JVM_conf_read.red_ℰ_eq_mexecd_ℰ[OF jmm'_J_JVM_conf_read assms] J2JVM_def o_apply compP1_def compP2_def weakly_legal_execution_compP heap_base.wf_start_state_compP jmm_typeof_addr_compP heap_base.heap_read_typed_compP)
theorem J2JVM_jmm_correctly_synchronized:
assumes wf: "wf_J_prog P"
and wf_start: "jmm_wf_start_state P C M vs"
and ka: "⋃(ka_Val ` set vs) ⊆ set jmm.start_addrs"
shows "correctly_synchronized (J2JVM P) (jmm_JVMd_ℰ (J2JVM P) C M vs Running) ⟷
correctly_synchronized P (jmm_J_ℰ P C M vs Running)"
(is "?lhs ⟷ ?rhs")
assume ?lhs
show ?rhs unfolding correctly_synchronized_def
proof(intro strip)
fix E ws a a'
assume E: "E ∈ jmm_J_ℰ P C M vs Running"
and wf_exec: "P ⊢ (E, ws) √"
and sc: "sequentially_consistent P (E, ws)"
and actions: "a ∈ actions E" "a' ∈ actions E"
and conflict: "P,E ⊢ a † a'"
from E wf_exec sc
have "legal_execution P (jmm_J_ℰ P C M vs Running) (E, ws)"
by(rule sc_legal.SC_is_legal[OF J_allocated_progress.J_sc_legal[OF jmm_J_allocated_progress wf jmm_heap_read_typeable wf_start ka]])
hence "legal_execution (J2JVM P) (jmm_JVMd_ℰ (J2JVM P) C M vs Running) (E, ws)"
by(simp only: J2JVM_jmm_correct[OF wf wf_start])
hence "E ∈ jmm_JVMd_ℰ (J2JVM P) C M vs Running" "J2JVM P ⊢ (E, ws) √"
by(simp_all add: gen_legal_execution.simps)
moreover from sc have "sequentially_consistent (J2JVM P) (E, ws)"
by(simp add: J2JVM_def compP2_def)
moreover from conflict have "J2JVM P,E ⊢ a † a'"
by(simp add: J2JVM_def compP2_def)
ultimately have "J2JVM P,E ⊢ a ≤hb a' ∨ J2JVM P,E ⊢ a' ≤hb a"
using ‹?lhs› actions by(auto simp add: correctly_synchronized_def)
thus "P,E ⊢ a ≤hb a' ∨ P,E ⊢ a' ≤hb a"
by(simp add: J2JVM_def compP2_def)
assume ?rhs
show ?lhs unfolding correctly_synchronized_def
proof(intro strip)
fix E ws a a'
assume E: "E ∈ jmm_JVMd_ℰ (J2JVM P) C M vs Running"
and wf_exec: "J2JVM P ⊢ (E, ws) √"
and sc: "sequentially_consistent (J2JVM P) (E, ws)"
and actions: "a ∈ actions E" "a' ∈ actions E"
and conflict: "J2JVM P,E ⊢ a † a'"
from wf have "wf_jvm_prog (J2JVM P)" by(rule wt_J2JVM)
then obtain Φ where wf': "wf_jvm_prog⇘Φ⇙ (J2JVM P)"
by(auto simp add: wf_jvm_prog_def)
from wf_start have wf_start': "jmm_wf_start_state (J2JVM P) C M vs"
by(simp add: J2JVM_def compP2_def heap_base.wf_start_state_compP)
from E wf_exec sc
have "legal_execution (J2JVM P) (jmm_JVMd_ℰ (J2JVM P) C M vs Running) (E, ws)"
by(rule sc_legal.SC_is_legal[OF JVM_allocated_progress.JVM_sc_legal[OF jmm_JVM_allocated_progress wf' jmm_heap_read_typeable wf_start' ka]])
hence "legal_execution P (jmm_J_ℰ P C M vs Running) (E, ws)"
by(simp only: J2JVM_jmm_correct[OF wf wf_start])
hence "E ∈ jmm_J_ℰ P C M vs Running" "P ⊢ (E, ws) √"
by(simp_all add: gen_legal_execution.simps)
moreover from sc have "sequentially_consistent P (E, ws)"
by(simp add: J2JVM_def compP2_def)
moreover from conflict have "P,E ⊢ a † a'"
by(simp add: J2JVM_def compP2_def)
ultimately have "P,E ⊢ a ≤hb a' ∨ P,E ⊢ a' ≤hb a"
using ‹?rhs› actions by(auto simp add: correctly_synchronized_def)
thus "J2JVM P,E ⊢ a ≤hb a' ∨ J2JVM P,E ⊢ a' ≤hb a"
by(simp add: J2JVM_def compP2_def)