Theory DRF_J

(*  Title:      JinjaThreads/MM/DRF_J.thy
    Author:     Andreas Lochbihler

section ‹JMM Instantiation for J›

theory DRF_J

primrec ka :: "'addr expr  'addr set"
  and kas :: "'addr expr list  'addr set"
  "ka (new C) = {}"
| "ka (newA Te) = ka e"
| "ka (Cast T e) = ka e"
| "ka (e instanceof T) = ka e"
| "ka (Val v) = ka_Val v"
| "ka (Var V) = {}"
| "ka (e1 «bop» e2) = ka e1  ka e2"
| "ka (V := e) = ka e"
| "ka (ae) = ka a  ka e"
| "ka (ae := e') = ka a  ka e  ka e'"
| "ka (a∙length) = ka a"
| "ka (eF{D}) = ka e"
| "ka (eF{D} := e') = ka e  ka e'"
| "ka (e∙compareAndSwap(DF, e', e'')) = ka e  ka e'  ka e''"
| "ka (eM(es)) = ka e  kas es"
| "ka {V:T=vo; e} = ka e  (case vo of None  {} | Some v  ka_Val v)"
| "ka (Synchronized x e e') = ka e  ka e'"
| "ka (InSynchronized x a e) = insert a (ka e)"
| "ka (e;; e') = ka e  ka e'"
| "ka (if (e) e1 else e2) = ka e  ka e1  ka e2"
| "ka (while (b) e) = ka b  ka e"
| "ka (throw e) = ka e"
| "ka (try e catch(C V) e') = ka e  ka e'"

| "kas [] = {}"
| "kas (e # es) = ka e  kas es" 

definition ka_locals :: "'addr locals  'addr set"
where "ka_locals xs = {a. Addr a  ran xs}"

lemma ka_Val_subset_ka_locals:
  "xs V = v  ka_Val v  ka_locals xs"
by(cases v)(auto simp add: ka_locals_def ran_def)

lemma ka_locals_update_subset: 
  "ka_locals (xs(V := None))  ka_locals xs"
  "ka_locals (xs(V  v))  ka_Val v  ka_locals xs"
by(auto simp add: ka_locals_def ran_def)

lemma ka_locals_empty [simp]: "ka_locals Map.empty = {}"
by(simp add: ka_locals_def)

lemma kas_append [simp]: "kas (es @ es') = kas es  kas es'"
by(induct es) auto

lemma kas_map_Val [simp]: "kas (map Val vs) = (ka_Val ` set vs)"
by(induct vs) auto

lemma ka_blocks:
  " length pns = length Ts; length vs = length Ts  
   ka (blocks pns Ts vs body) = (ka_Val ` set vs)  ka body"
by(induct pns Ts vs body rule: blocks.induct)(auto)

lemma WT_ka: "P,E  e :: T  ka e = {}"
  and WTs_kas: "P,E  es [::] Ts  kas es = {}"
by(induct rule: WT_WTs.inducts)(auto simp add: typeof_ka)

context J_heap_base begin

primrec J_known_addrs :: "'thread_id  'addr expr × 'addr locals  'addr set"
where "J_known_addrs t (e, xs) = insert (thread_id2addr t) (ka e  ka_locals xs  set start_addrs)"

lemma assumes wf: "wf_J_prog P" 
  and ok: "start_heap_ok"
  shows red_known_addrs_mono:
  "P,t  e, s -ta e', s'  J_known_addrs t (e', lcl s')  J_known_addrs t (e, lcl s)  new_obs_addrs tao"
  and reds_known_addrs_mono:
  "P,t  es, s [-ta→] es', s'  kas es'  ka_locals (lcl s')  insert (thread_id2addr t) (kas es  ka_locals (lcl s))  new_obs_addrs tao  set start_addrs"
proof(induct rule: red_reds.inducts)
  case RedVar thus ?case by(auto dest: ka_Val_subset_ka_locals)
  case RedLAss thus ?case by(auto simp add: ka_locals_def ran_def)
  case RedBinOp thus ?case by(auto dest: binop_known_addrs[OF ok])
  case RedBinOpFail thus ?case by(auto dest: binop_known_addrs[OF ok])
  case RedCall thus ?case
    by(auto simp add: ka_blocks new_obs_addrs_def wf_mdecl_def dest!: sees_wf_mdecl[OF wf] WT_ka)
  case (RedCallExternal s a T M Ts T D vs ta va h') thus ?case
    by(cases va)(auto dest!: red_external_known_addrs_mono[OF ok])
  case (BlockRed e h l V vo ta e' h' l')
  thus ?case using ka_locals_update_subset[where xs = l and V=V] ka_locals_update_subset[where xs = l' and V=V]
    apply(cases "l V")
    apply(auto simp del: fun_upd_apply del: subsetI)
    apply(blast dest: ka_Val_subset_ka_locals)+
qed(simp_all add: new_obs_addrs_def addr_of_sys_xcpt_start_addr[OF ok] subset_Un1 subset_Un2 subset_insert ka_Val_subset_new_obs_Addr_ReadMem ka_blocks del: fun_upd_apply, blast+)

lemma red_known_addrs_ReadMem:
  " P,t  e, s -ta e', s'; ReadMem ad al v  set tao   ad  J_known_addrs t (e, lcl s)"
  and reds_known_addrss_ReadMem:
  " P,t  es, s [-ta→] es', s'; ReadMem ad al v  set tao 
   ad  insert (thread_id2addr t) (kas es  ka_locals (lcl s))  set start_addrs"
proof(induct rule: red_reds.inducts)
  case RedCallExternal thus ?case by simp (blast dest: red_external_known_addrs_ReadMem)
  case (BlockRed e h l V vo ta e' h' l')
  thus ?case using ka_locals_update_subset[where xs = l and V=V] ka_locals_update_subset[where xs = l' and V=V]
    by(auto simp del: fun_upd_apply)
qed(simp_all, blast+)

lemma red_known_addrs_WriteMem:
  " P,t  e, s -ta e', s'; tao ! n = WriteMem ad al (Addr a); n < length tao 
   a  J_known_addrs t (e, lcl s)  a  new_obs_addrs (take n tao)"
  and reds_known_addrss_WriteMem:
  " P,t  es, s [-ta→] es', s'; tao ! n = WriteMem ad al (Addr a); n < length tao 
   a  insert (thread_id2addr t) (kas es  ka_locals (lcl s))  set start_addrs  new_obs_addrs (take n tao)"
proof(induct rule: red_reds.inducts)
  case RedCASSucceed thus ?case by(auto simp add: nth_Cons split: nat.split_asm)
  case RedCallExternal thus ?case by simp (blast dest: red_external_known_addrs_WriteMem)
  case (BlockRed e h l V vo ta e' h' l')
  thus ?case using ka_locals_update_subset[where xs = l and V=V] ka_locals_update_subset[where xs = l' and V=V]
    by(auto simp del: fun_upd_apply)
qed(simp_all, blast+)


context J_heap begin

  assumes wf: "wf_J_prog P" 
  and ok: "start_heap_ok"
  shows red_known_addrs_new_thread:
  " P,t  e, s -ta e', s'; NewThread t' x' h'  set tat 
   J_known_addrs t' x'  J_known_addrs t (e, lcl s)"
  and reds_known_addrss_new_thread:
  " P,t  es, s [-ta→] es', s'; NewThread t' x' h'  set tat 
   J_known_addrs t' x'  insert (thread_id2addr t) (kas es  ka_locals (lcl s)  set start_addrs)"
proof(induct rule: red_reds.inducts)
  case RedCallExternal thus ?case
    apply clarsimp
    apply(frule (1) red_external_new_thread_sub_thread)
    apply(frule (1) red_external_NewThread_idD)
    apply clarsimp
    apply(drule (1) addr2thread_id_inverse)
    apply simp
    apply(drule sub_Thread_sees_run[OF wf])
    apply clarsimp
    apply(auto 4 4 dest: sees_wf_mdecl[OF wf] WT_ka simp add: wf_mdecl_def)
  case (BlockRed e h l V vo ta e' h' l')
  thus ?case using ka_locals_update_subset[where xs = l and V=V] ka_locals_update_subset[where xs = l' and V=V]
    by(cases "l V")(auto simp del: fun_upd_apply)
qed(simp_all, blast+)

lemma red_New_same_addr_same:
  " convert_extTA extTA,P,t  e, s -ta e', s'; 
     tao ! i = NewHeapElem a x; i < length tao;
     tao ! j = NewHeapElem a x'; j < length tao 
   i = j"
  and reds_New_same_addr_same:
  " convert_extTA extTA,P,t  es, s [-ta→] es', s'; 
     tao ! i = NewHeapElem a x; i < length tao;
     tao ! j = NewHeapElem a x'; j < length tao 
   i = j"
apply(induct rule: red_reds.inducts)
apply(auto dest: red_external_New_same_addr_same simp add: nth_Cons split: nat.split_asm)


locale J_allocated_heap = allocated_heap +
  constrains addr2thread_id :: "('addr :: addr)  'thread_id"
  and thread_id2addr :: "'thread_id  'addr"
  and spurious_wakeups :: bool
  and empty_heap :: "'heap"
  and allocate :: "'heap  htype  ('heap × 'addr) set"
  and typeof_addr :: "'heap  'addr  htype"
  and heap_read :: "'heap  'addr  addr_loc  'addr val  bool"
  and heap_write :: "'heap  'addr  addr_loc  'addr val  'heap  bool"
  and P :: "'addr J_prog"

sublocale J_allocated_heap < J_heap

context J_allocated_heap begin

lemma red_allocated_mono: "P,t  e, s -ta e', s'  allocated (hp s)  allocated (hp s')"
  and reds_allocated_mono: "P,t  es, s [-ta→] es', s'  allocated (hp s)  allocated (hp s')"
by(induct rule: red_reds.inducts)(auto dest: allocate_allocatedD heap_write_allocated_same red_external_allocated_mono del: subsetI)

lemma red_allocatedD:
  " P,t  e, s -ta e', s'; NewHeapElem ad CTn  set tao   ad  allocated (hp s')  ad  allocated (hp s)"
  and reds_allocatedD:
  " P,t  es, s [-ta→] es', s'; NewHeapElem ad CTn  set tao   ad  allocated (hp s')  ad  allocated (hp s)"
by(induct rule: red_reds.inducts)(auto dest: allocate_allocatedD heap_write_allocated_same red_external_allocatedD)

lemma red_allocated_NewHeapElemD:
  " P,t  e, s -ta e', s'; ad  allocated (hp s'); ad  allocated (hp s)   CTn. NewHeapElem ad CTn  set tao"
  and reds_allocated_NewHeapElemD:
  " P,t  es, s [-ta→] es', s'; ad  allocated (hp s'); ad  allocated (hp s)   CTn. NewHeapElem ad CTn  set tao"
by(induct rule: red_reds.inducts)(auto dest: allocate_allocatedD heap_write_allocated_same red_external_NewHeapElemD)

lemma mred_allocated_multithreaded:
  "allocated_multithreaded addr2thread_id thread_id2addr empty_heap allocate typeof_addr heap_write allocated final_expr (mred P) P"
  fix t x m ta x' m'
  assume "mred P t (x, m) ta (x', m')"
  thus "allocated m  allocated m'"
    by(auto dest: red_allocated_mono del: subsetI simp add: split_beta)
  fix x t m ta x' m' ad CTn
  assume "mred P t (x, m) ta (x', m')"
    and "NewHeapElem ad CTn  set tao"
  thus "ad  allocated m'  ad  allocated m"
    by(auto dest: red_allocatedD simp add: split_beta)
  fix t x m ta x' m' ad
  assume "mred P t (x, m) ta (x', m')"
    and "ad  allocated m'" "ad  allocated m"
  thus "CTn. NewHeapElem ad CTn  set tao"
    by(auto dest: red_allocated_NewHeapElemD simp add: split_beta)
  fix t x m ta x' m' i a CTn j CTn'
  assume "mred P t (x, m) ta (x', m')"
    and "tao ! i = NewHeapElem a CTn" "i < length tao"
    and "tao ! j = NewHeapElem a CTn'" "j < length tao"
  thus "i = j" by(auto dest: red_New_same_addr_same simp add: split_beta)


sublocale J_allocated_heap < red_mthr: allocated_multithreaded 
  addr2thread_id thread_id2addr 
  empty_heap allocate typeof_addr heap_read heap_write allocated 
  final_expr "mred P" 
by(rule mred_allocated_multithreaded)

context J_allocated_heap begin

lemma mred_known_addrs: 
  assumes wf: "wf_J_prog P"
  and ok: "start_heap_ok"
  shows "known_addrs addr2thread_id thread_id2addr empty_heap allocate typeof_addr heap_write allocated J_known_addrs final_expr (mred P) P"
  fix t x m ta x' m'
  assume "mred P t (x, m) ta (x', m')"
  thus "J_known_addrs t x'  J_known_addrs t x  new_obs_addrs tao"
    by(auto del: subsetI simp add: split_beta dest: red_known_addrs_mono[OF wf ok])
  fix t x m ta x' m' t' x'' m''
  assume "mred P t (x, m) ta (x', m')"
    and "NewThread t' x'' m''  set tat"
  thus "J_known_addrs t' x''  J_known_addrs t x"
    by(auto del: subsetI simp add: split_beta dest: red_known_addrs_new_thread[OF wf ok])
  fix t x m ta x' m' ad al v
  assume "mred P t (x, m) ta (x', m')"
    and "ReadMem ad al v  set tao"
  thus "ad  J_known_addrs t x"
    by(auto simp add: split_beta dest: red_known_addrs_ReadMem)
  fix t x m ta x' m' n ad al ad'
  assume "mred P t (x, m) ta (x', m')"
    and "tao ! n = WriteMem ad al (Addr ad')" "n < length tao"
  thus "ad'  J_known_addrs t x  ad'  new_obs_addrs (take n tao)"
    by(auto simp add: split_beta dest: red_known_addrs_WriteMem)


context J_heap begin

lemma red_read_typeable:
  " convert_extTA extTA,P,t  e, s -ta e', s'; P,E,hp s  e : T; ReadMem ad al v  set tao  
   T'. P,hp s  ad@al : T'"
  and reds_read_typeable:
  " convert_extTA extTA,P,t  es, s [-ta→] es', s'; P,E,hp s  es [:] Ts; ReadMem ad al v  set tao  
   T'. P,hp s  ad@al : T'"
proof(induct arbitrary: E T and E Ts rule: red_reds.inducts)
  case RedAAcc thus ?case
    by(fastforce intro: addr_loc_type.intros simp add: nat_less_iff word_sle_eq)
  case RedFAcc thus ?case
    by(fastforce intro: addr_loc_type.intros)
  case RedCASSucceed thus ?case
    by(fastforce intro: addr_loc_type.intros)
  case RedCASFail thus ?case
    by(fastforce intro: addr_loc_type.intros)
  case RedCallExternal thus ?case
    by(auto intro: red_external_read_mem_typeable)
qed auto


primrec new_types :: "('a, 'b, 'addr) exp  ty set"
  and new_typess :: "('a, 'b, 'addr) exp list  ty set"
  "new_types (new C) = {Class C}"
| "new_types (newA Te) = insert (T⌊⌉) (new_types e)"
| "new_types (Cast T e) = new_types e"
| "new_types (e instanceof T) = new_types e"
| "new_types (Val v) = {}"
| "new_types (Var V) = {}"
| "new_types (e1 «bop» e2) = new_types e1  new_types e2"
| "new_types (V := e) = new_types e"
| "new_types (ae) = new_types a  new_types e"
| "new_types (ae := e') = new_types a  new_types e  new_types e'"
| "new_types (a∙length) = new_types a"
| "new_types (eF{D}) = new_types e"
| "new_types (eF{D} := e') = new_types e  new_types e'"
| "new_types (e∙compareAndSwap(DF, e', e'')) = new_types e  new_types e'  new_types e''"
| "new_types (eM(es)) = new_types e  new_typess es"
| "new_types {V:T=vo; e} = new_types e"
| "new_types (Synchronized x e e') = new_types e  new_types e'"
| "new_types (InSynchronized x a e) = new_types e"
| "new_types (e;; e') = new_types e  new_types e'"
| "new_types (if (e) e1 else e2) = new_types e  new_types e1  new_types e2"
| "new_types (while (b) e) = new_types b  new_types e"
| "new_types (throw e) = new_types e"
| "new_types (try e catch(C V) e') = new_types e  new_types e'"

| "new_typess [] = {}"
| "new_typess (e # es) = new_types e  new_typess es"

lemma new_types_blocks:
  " length pns = length Ts; length vs = length Ts   new_types (blocks pns vs Ts e) = new_types e"
apply(induct rule: blocks.induct)

context J_heap_base begin

lemma WTrt_new_types_types: "P,E,h  e : T  new_types e  types P"
  and WTrts_new_typess_types: "P,E,h  es [:] Ts  new_typess es  types P"
by(induct rule: WTrt_WTrts.inducts) simp_all


lemma WT_new_types_types: "P,E  e :: T  new_types e  types P"
  and WTs_new_typess_types: "P,E  es [::] Ts  new_typess es  types P"
by(induct rule: WT_WTs.inducts) simp_all

context J_heap_conf begin

lemma red_New_typeof_addrD:
  " convert_extTA extTA,P,t  e, s -ta e', s'; new_types e  types P; hconf (hp s); NewHeapElem a x  set tao 
   typeof_addr (hp s') a = Some x"
  and reds_New_typeof_addrD:
  " convert_extTA extTA,P,t  es, s [-ta→] es', s'; new_typess es  types P; hconf (hp s); NewHeapElem a x  set tao 
   typeof_addr (hp s') a = Some x"
apply(induct rule: red_reds.inducts)
apply(auto dest: allocate_SomeD red_external_New_typeof_addrD)

lemma J_conf_read_heap_read_typed:
  "J_conf_read addr2thread_id thread_id2addr empty_heap allocate typeof_addr (heap_read_typed P) heap_write hconf P"
proof -
  interpret conf: heap_conf_read
    addr2thread_id thread_id2addr 
    empty_heap allocate typeof_addr "heap_read_typed P" heap_write hconf 
    by(rule heap_conf_read_heap_read_typed)
  show ?thesis by(unfold_locales)

lemma red_non_speculative_vs_conf:
  " convert_extTA extTA,P,t  e, s -ta e', s'; P,E,hp s  e : T;
    non_speculative P vs (llist_of (take n (map NormalAction tao))); vs_conf P (hp s) vs; hconf (hp s) 
   vs_conf P (hp s') (w_values P vs (take n (map NormalAction tao)))"
  and reds_non_speculative_vs_conf:
  " convert_extTA extTA,P,t  es, s [-ta→] es', s'; P,E,hp s  es [:] Ts;
    non_speculative P vs (llist_of (take n (map NormalAction tao))); vs_conf P (hp s) vs; hconf (hp s) 
   vs_conf P (hp s') (w_values P vs (take n (map NormalAction tao)))"
proof(induct arbitrary: E T and E Ts rule: red_reds.inducts)
  case (RedAAss h a U n i w V h' xs)
  from sint i < int n 0 <=s i have "nat (sint i) < n"
    by (simp add: word_sle_eq nat_less_iff)
  with typeof_addr h a = Array_type U n have "P,h  a@ACell (nat (sint i)) : U"
    by(auto intro: addr_loc_type.intros)
  moreover from heap_write h a (ACell (nat (sint i))) w h' have "h  h'" by(rule hext_heap_write)
  ultimately have "P,h'  a@ACell (nat (sint i)) : U" by(rule addr_loc_type_hext_mono)
  moreover from ‹typeof⇘hw = V P  V  U have "P,h  w :≤ U" by(simp add: conf_def)
  with h  h' have "P,h'  w :≤ U" by(rule conf_hext)
  ultimately have "T. P,h'  a@ACell (nat (sint i)) : T  P,h'  w :≤ T" by blast 
  thus ?case using RedAAss
    by(auto intro!: vs_confI split: if_split_asm dest: vs_confD simp add: take_Cons')(blast dest: vs_confD hext_heap_write intro: addr_loc_type_hext_mono conf_hext)+
  case (RedFAss h e D F v h' xs)
  hence "T. P,h'  e@CField D F : T  P,h'  v :≤ T"
    by(force dest!: hext_heap_write intro!: addr_loc_type.intros intro: typeof_addr_hext_mono type_of_hext_type_of simp add: conf_def)
  thus ?case using RedFAss
    by(auto intro!: vs_confI simp add: take_Cons' split: if_split_asm dest: vs_confD)(blast dest: vs_confD hext_heap_write intro: addr_loc_type_hext_mono conf_hext)+
  case (RedCASSucceed h a D F v v' h' l)
  hence "T. P,h'  a@CField D F : T  P,h'  v' :≤ T"
    by(force dest!: hext_heap_write intro!: addr_loc_type.intros intro: typeof_addr_hext_mono type_of_hext_type_of simp add: conf_def take_Cons')
  thus ?case using RedCASSucceed
    by(auto simp add: take_Cons' split: if_split_asm dest: vs_confD intro!: vs_confI)
      (blast dest: vs_confD hext_heap_write intro: addr_loc_type_hext_mono conf_hext)+
  case RedCallExternal thus ?case by(auto intro: red_external_non_speculative_vs_conf)
qed(auto dest: vs_conf_allocate hext_allocate intro: vs_conf_hext simp add: take_Cons')

lemma red_non_speculative_typeable:
  " convert_extTA extTA,P,t  e, s -ta e', s'; P,E,hp s  e : T;
    non_speculative P vs (llist_of (map NormalAction tao)); vs_conf P (hp s) vs; hconf (hp s) addr2thread_id thread_id2addr spurious_wakeups empty_heap allocate typeof_addr (heap_read_typed P) heap_write (convert_extTA extTA) P t e s ta e' s'"
  and reds_non_speculative_typeable:
  " convert_extTA extTA,P,t  es, s [-ta→] es', s'; P,E,hp s  es [:] Ts;
    non_speculative P vs (llist_of (map NormalAction tao)); vs_conf P (hp s) vs; hconf (hp s) 
   J_heap_base.reds addr2thread_id thread_id2addr spurious_wakeups empty_heap allocate typeof_addr (heap_read_typed P) heap_write (convert_extTA extTA) P t es s ta es' s'"
proof(induct arbitrary: E T and E Ts rule: red_reds.inducts)
  case RedCall thus ?case by(blast intro: J_heap_base.red_reds.RedCall)
  case RedCallExternal thus ?case
    by(auto intro: J_heap_base.red_reds.RedCallExternal red_external_non_speculative_typeable)
qed(auto intro: J_heap_base.red_reds.intros intro!: heap_read_typedI dest: vs_confD addr_loc_type_fun)


sublocale J_heap_base < red_mthr: 
    "mred P"
  for P

locale J_allocated_heap_conf = 
    addr2thread_id thread_id2addr
    empty_heap allocate typeof_addr heap_read heap_write hconf
    addr2thread_id thread_id2addr
    empty_heap allocate typeof_addr heap_read heap_write
  for addr2thread_id :: "('addr :: addr)  'thread_id"
  and thread_id2addr :: "'thread_id  'addr"
  and spurious_wakeups :: bool
  and empty_heap :: "'heap"
  and allocate :: "'heap  htype  ('heap × 'addr) set"
  and typeof_addr :: "'heap  'addr  htype"
  and heap_read :: "'heap  'addr  addr_loc  'addr val  bool"
  and heap_write :: "'heap  'addr  addr_loc  'addr val  'heap  bool"
  and hconf :: "'heap  bool"
  and allocated :: "'heap  'addr set"
  and P :: "'addr J_prog"

lemma mred_known_addrs_typing:
  assumes wf: "wf_J_prog P"
  and ok: "start_heap_ok"
  shows "known_addrs_typing addr2thread_id thread_id2addr empty_heap allocate typeof_addr heap_write allocated J_known_addrs final_expr (mred P) (λt x h. ET. sconf_type_ok ET t x h) P"
proof -
  interpret known_addrs
    addr2thread_id thread_id2addr
    empty_heap allocate typeof_addr heap_read heap_write 
    allocated J_known_addrs
    final_expr "mred P" P
    using wf ok by(rule mred_known_addrs)
  show ?thesis
    fix t x m ta x' m'
    assume "mred P t (x, m) ta (x', m')"
    thus "m  m'" by(auto dest: red_hext_incr simp add: split_beta)
    fix t x m ta x' m' vs
    assume red: "mred P t (x, m) ta (x', m')"
      and ts_ok: "ET. sconf_type_ok ET t x m"
      and vs: "vs_conf P m vs"
      and ns: "non_speculative P vs (llist_of (map NormalAction tao))"
    let ?mred = "J_heap_base.mred addr2thread_id thread_id2addr spurious_wakeups empty_heap allocate typeof_addr (heap_read_typed P) heap_write P"

    have lift: "lifting_inv final_expr ?mred sconf_type_ok"
      by(intro J_conf_read.lifting_inv_sconf_subject_ok J_conf_read_heap_read_typed wf)
    from ts_ok obtain ET where type: "sconf_type_ok ET t x m" ..
    with red vs ns have red': "?mred t (x, m) ta (x', m')"
      by(auto simp add: split_beta sconf_type_ok_def sconf_def type_ok_def dest: red_non_speculative_typeable)
    ultimately have "sconf_type_ok ET t x' m'" using type
      by(rule lifting_inv.invariant_red[where r="?mred"])
    thus "ET. sconf_type_ok ET t x' m'" ..
    { fix t'' x'' m''
      assume New: "NewThread t'' x'' m''  set tat"
      with red have "m'' = snd (x', m')" by(rule red_mthr.new_thread_memory)
      with lift red' type New
      show "ET. sconf_type_ok ET t'' x'' m''"
        by-(rule lifting_inv.invariant_NewThread[where r="?mred"], simp_all) }
    { fix t'' x''
      assume "ET. sconf_type_ok ET t'' x'' m"
      with lifting_inv.invariant_other[where r="?mred", OF lift red' type]
      show "ET. sconf_type_ok ET t'' x'' m'" by blast }
    fix t x m ta x' m' vs n
    assume red: "mred P t (x, m) ta (x', m')"
      and ts_ok: "ET. sconf_type_ok ET t x m"
      and vs: "vs_conf P m vs"
      and ns: "non_speculative P vs (llist_of (take n (map NormalAction tao)))"
    thus "vs_conf P m' (w_values P vs (take n (map NormalAction tao)))"
      by(cases x)(auto dest: red_non_speculative_vs_conf simp add: sconf_type_ok_def type_ok_def sconf_def)
    fix t x m ta x' m' ad al v
    assume "mred P t (x, m) ta (x', m')"
      and "ET. sconf_type_ok ET t x m"
      and "ReadMem ad al v  set tao"
    thus "T. P,m  ad@al : T"
      by(fastforce simp add: sconf_type_ok_def type_ok_def sconf_def split_beta dest: red_read_typeable)
    fix t x m ta x' m' ad hT
    assume "mred P t (x, m) ta (x', m')"
      and "ET. sconf_type_ok ET t x m"
      and "NewHeapElem ad hT  set tao"
    thus "typeof_addr m' ad = hT"
      by(auto dest: red_New_typeof_addrD[where x="hT"] dest!: WTrt_new_types_types simp add: split_beta sconf_type_ok_def sconf_def type_ok_def)


context J_allocated_heap_conf begin

lemma executions_sc:
  assumes wf: "wf_J_prog P"
  and wf_start: "wf_start_state P C M vs"
  and vs2: "(ka_Val ` set vs)  set start_addrs"
  shows "executions_sc_hb (J_ℰ P C M vs status) P"
  (is "executions_sc_hb ?E P")
proof -
  from wf_start obtain Ts T pns body D where ok: "start_heap_ok"
    and sees: "P  C sees M:TsT=(pns, body) in D"
    and vs1: "P,start_heap  vs [:≤] Ts" by cases auto
  interpret known_addrs_typing
    addr2thread_id thread_id2addr
    empty_heap allocate typeof_addr heap_read heap_write 
    allocated J_known_addrs
    final_expr "mred P" "λt x h. ET. sconf_type_ok ET t x h" P
    using wf ok by(rule mred_known_addrs_typing)
  from wf_prog_wf_syscls[OF wf] J_start_state_sconf_type_ok[OF wf wf_start]
  show ?thesis
  proof(rule executions_sc_hb)
    from wf sees have "wf_mdecl wf_J_mdecl P D (M, Ts, T, (pns, body))" by(rule sees_wf_mdecl)
    then obtain T' where len1: "length pns = length Ts" and wt: "P,[thisClass D,pns [↦] Ts]  body :: T'"
      by(auto simp add: wf_mdecl_def)
    from vs1 have len2: "length vs = length Ts" by(rule list_all2_lengthD)
    show "J_known_addrs start_tid ((λ(pns, body) vs. (blocks (this # pns) (Class (fst (method P C M)) # fst (snd (method P C M))) (Null # vs) body, Map.empty)) (the (snd (snd (snd (method P C M))))) vs)  allocated start_heap"
      using sees vs2 len1 len2 WT_ka[OF wt]
      by(auto simp add: split_beta start_addrs_allocated ka_blocks intro: start_tid_start_addrs[OF wf_prog_wf_syscls[OF wf] ok])


declare split_paired_Ex [simp del]

context J_progress begin

lemma ex_WTrt_simps:
  "P,E,h  e : T  E T. P,E,h  e : T"
by blast

abbreviation (input) J_non_speculative_read_bound :: nat
  where "J_non_speculative_read_bound  2"

lemma assumes hrt: "heap_read_typeable hconf P"
  and vs: "vs_conf P (shr s) vs"
  and hconf: "hconf (shr s)"
  shows red_non_speculative_read:
  " P,t  e, (shr s, xs) -ta e', (h', xs'); E T. P,E,shr s  e : T;
    red_mthr.mthr.if.actions_ok s t ta; 
    I < length tao; tao ! I = ReadMem a'' al'' v; v'  w_values P vs (map NormalAction (take I tao)) (a'', al'');
    non_speculative P vs (llist_of (map NormalAction (take I tao))) 
   ta' e'' xs'' h''. P,t  e, (shr s, xs) -ta' e'', (h'', xs'')  
           red_mthr.mthr.if.actions_ok s t ta'  
           I < length ta'o  take I ta'o = take I tao  
           ta'o ! I = ReadMem a'' al'' v'  length ta'o  max J_non_speculative_read_bound (length tao)"
  and reds_non_speculative_read:
  " P,t  es, (shr s, xs) [-ta→] es', (h', xs'); E Ts. P,E,shr s  es [:] Ts;
     red_mthr.mthr.if.actions_ok s t ta;
    I < length tao; tao ! I = ReadMem a'' al'' v; v'  w_values P vs (map NormalAction (take I tao)) (a'', al'');
    non_speculative P vs (llist_of (map NormalAction (take I tao))) 
   ta' es'' xs'' h''. P,t  es, (shr s, xs) [-ta'→] es'', (h'', xs'')  
           red_mthr.mthr.if.actions_ok s t ta'  
           I < length ta'o  take I ta'o = take I tao  
           ta'o ! I = ReadMem a'' al'' v'  length ta'o  max J_non_speculative_read_bound (length tao)"
proof(induct e hxs"(shr s, xs)" ta e' hxs'"(h', xs')" 
        and es hxs"(shr s, xs)" ta es' hxs'"(h', xs')"
      arbitrary: xs xs' and xs xs' rule: red_reds.inducts)
  case (RedAAcc a U n i v e)
  hence [simp]: "I = 0" "al'' = ACell (nat (sint i))" "a'' = a" 
    and v': "v'  vs (a, ACell (nat (sint i)))" by simp_all
  from RedAAcc have adal: "P,shr s  a@ACell (nat (sint i)) : U"
    by(auto intro: addr_loc_type.intros simp add: nat_less_iff word_sle_eq)
  from v' vs adal have "P,shr s  v' :≤ U" by(auto dest!: vs_confD dest: addr_loc_type_fun)  
  with hrt adal have "heap_read (shr s) a (ACell (nat (sint i))) v'" using hconf by(rule heap_read_typeableD)
  with typeof_addr (shr s) a = Array_type U n 0 <=s i sint i < int n 
    red_mthr.mthr.if.actions_ok s t ReadMem a (ACell (nat (sint i))) v
  show ?case by(fastforce intro: red_reds.RedAAcc)
  case (RedFAcc a D F v)
  hence [simp]: "I = 0" "al'' = CField D F" "a'' = a"
    and v': "v'  vs (a, CField D F)" by simp_all
  from RedFAcc obtain E T where "P,E,shr s  addr aF{D} : T" by blast
  with RedFAcc have adal: "P,shr s  a@CField D F : T" by(auto 4 4 intro: addr_loc_type.intros)
  from v' vs adal have "P,shr s  v' :≤ T" by(auto dest!: vs_confD dest: addr_loc_type_fun)  
  with hrt adal have "heap_read (shr s) a (CField D F) v'" using hconf by(rule heap_read_typeableD)
  with red_mthr.mthr.if.actions_ok s t ReadMem a (CField D F) v
  show ?case by(fastforce intro: red_reds.RedFAcc)
  case (RedCASSucceed a D F v'' v''')
  hence [simp]: "I = 0" "al'' = CField D F" "a'' = a" "v'' = v" 
    and v': "v'  vs (a, CField D F)" by(auto simp add: take_Cons' split: if_split_asm)
  from RedCASSucceed.prems(1) obtain E T where
    "P,E,shr s  addr a∙compareAndSwap(DF, Val v'', Val v''') : T" by clarify
  then obtain T where adal: "P,shr s  a@CField D F : T" 
    and v'': "P,shr s  v'' :≤ T" and v''': "P,shr s  v''' :≤ T"
    by(fastforce intro: addr_loc_type.intros simp add: conf_def)
  from v' vs adal have "P,shr s  v' :≤ T" by(auto dest!: vs_confD dest: addr_loc_type_fun)  
  from hrt adal this hconf have read: "heap_read (shr s) a (CField D F) v'" by(rule heap_read_typeableD)
  show ?case
  proof(cases "v' = v''")
    case True
    then show ?thesis using RedCASSucceed 
      by(fastforce intro: red_reds.RedCASSucceed)
    case False
    then show ?thesis using read RedCASSucceed
      by(fastforce intro: RedCASFail)
  case (RedCASFail a D F v'' v''' v'''')
  hence [simp]: "I = 0" "al'' = CField D F" "a'' = a" "v'' = v" 
    and v': "v'  vs (a, CField D F)" by(auto simp add: take_Cons' split: if_split_asm)
  from RedCASFail.prems(1) obtain E T where
    "P,E,shr s  addr a∙compareAndSwap(DF, Val v''', Val v'''') : T" by(iprover)
  then obtain T where adal: "P,shr s  a@CField D F : T" 
    and v''': "P,shr s  v''' :≤ T" and v'''': "P,shr s  v'''' :≤ T"
    by(fastforce intro: addr_loc_type.intros simp add: conf_def)
  from v' vs adal have "P,shr s  v' :≤ T" by(auto dest!: vs_confD dest: addr_loc_type_fun)  
  from hrt adal this hconf have read: "heap_read (shr s) a (CField D F) v'" by(rule heap_read_typeableD)
  show ?case
  proof(cases "v' = v'''")
    case True
    from heap_write_total[OF hconf adal v''''] obtain h' where
      "heap_write (shr s) a (CField D F) v'''' h'" ..
    with read RedCASFail True show ?thesis 
      by(fastforce intro: RedCASSucceed)
    case False
    with read RedCASFail show ?thesis by(fastforce intro: red_reds.RedCASFail)
  case (RedCallExternal a U M Ts Tr D ps ta' va h' ta e')
  from P,t  aM(ps),hp (shr s, xs) -ta'→ext va,h'
  have red: "P,t  aM(ps),shr s -ta'→ext va,h'" by simp
  from RedCallExternal have aok: "red_mthr.mthr.if.actions_ok s t ta'" by simp
  from RedCallExternal have "I < length ta'o"
    and "ta'o ! I = ReadMem a'' al'' v"
    and "v'  w_values P vs (map NormalAction (take I ta'o)) (a'', al'')"
    and "non_speculative P vs (llist_of (map NormalAction (take I ta'o)))" by simp_all
  from red_external_non_speculative_read[OF hrt vs red aok hconf this]
    typeof_addr (hp (shr s, xs)) a = U 
    P  class_type_of U sees M: TsTr = Native in D ta = extTA2J P ta'
    I < length tao
  show ?case by(fastforce intro: red_reds.RedCallExternal)
  case NewArrayRed thus ?case by(clarsimp simp add: split_paired_Ex ex_WTrt_simps)(blast intro: red_reds.NewArrayRed)
  case CastRed thus ?case
    by(clarsimp simp add: split_paired_Ex ex_WTrt_simps)(blast intro: red_reds.CastRed)
  case InstanceOfRed thus ?case
    by(clarsimp simp add: split_paired_Ex ex_WTrt_simps)(blast intro: red_reds.InstanceOfRed)
  case BinOpRed1 thus ?case
    by(clarsimp simp add: split_paired_Ex ex_WTrt_simps)(blast intro: red_reds.BinOpRed1)
  case BinOpRed2 thus ?case
    by(clarsimp simp add: split_paired_Ex ex_WTrt_simps)(blast intro: red_reds.BinOpRed2)
  case LAssRed thus ?case
    by(clarsimp simp add: split_paired_Ex ex_WTrt_simps)(blast intro: red_reds.LAssRed)
  case AAccRed1 thus ?case
    by(clarsimp simp add: split_paired_Ex ex_WTrt_simps)(blast intro: red_reds.AAccRed1)
  case AAccRed2 thus ?case
    by(clarsimp simp add: split_paired_Ex ex_WTrt_simps)(blast intro: red_reds.AAccRed2)
  case AAssRed1 thus ?case
    by(clarsimp simp add: split_paired_Ex ex_WTrt_simps)(blast intro: red_reds.AAssRed1)
  case AAssRed2 thus ?case
    by(clarsimp simp add: split_paired_Ex ex_WTrt_simps)(blast intro: red_reds.AAssRed2)
  case AAssRed3 thus ?case
    by(clarsimp simp add: split_paired_Ex ex_WTrt_simps)(blast intro: red_reds.AAssRed3)+
  case ALengthRed thus ?case
    by(clarsimp simp add: split_paired_Ex ex_WTrt_simps)(blast intro: red_reds.ALengthRed)
  case FAccRed thus ?case
    by(clarsimp simp add: split_paired_Ex ex_WTrt_simps)(blast intro: red_reds.FAccRed)
  case FAssRed1 thus ?case
    by(clarsimp simp add: split_paired_Ex ex_WTrt_simps)(blast intro: red_reds.FAssRed1)
  case FAssRed2 thus ?case
    by(clarsimp simp add: split_paired_Ex ex_WTrt_simps)(blast intro: red_reds.FAssRed2)
  case CASRed1 thus ?case
    by(clarsimp simp add: split_paired_Ex ex_WTrt_simps)(blast intro: red_reds.CASRed1)
  case CASRed2 thus ?case
    by(clarsimp simp add: split_paired_Ex ex_WTrt_simps)(blast intro: red_reds.CASRed2)
  case CASRed3 thus ?case
    by(clarsimp simp add: split_paired_Ex ex_WTrt_simps)(blast intro: red_reds.CASRed3)
  case CallObj thus ?case
    by(clarsimp simp add: split_paired_Ex ex_WTrt_simps)(blast intro: red_reds.CallObj)
  case CallParams thus ?case
    by(clarsimp simp add: split_paired_Ex ex_WTrt_simps)(blast intro: red_reds.CallParams)
  case BlockRed thus ?case
    by(clarsimp simp add: split_paired_Ex ex_WTrt_simps)(fastforce intro: red_reds.BlockRed)+
  case SynchronizedRed1 thus ?case
    by(clarsimp simp add: split_paired_Ex ex_WTrt_simps)(blast intro: red_reds.SynchronizedRed1)
  case SynchronizedRed2 thus ?case
    by(clarsimp simp add: split_paired_Ex ex_WTrt_simps)(blast intro: red_reds.SynchronizedRed2)
  case SeqRed thus ?case
    by(clarsimp simp add: split_paired_Ex ex_WTrt_simps)(blast intro: red_reds.SeqRed)
  case CondRed thus ?case
    by(clarsimp simp add: split_paired_Ex ex_WTrt_simps)(blast intro: red_reds.CondRed)
  case ThrowRed thus ?case
    by(clarsimp simp add: split_paired_Ex ex_WTrt_simps)(blast intro: red_reds.ThrowRed)
  case TryRed thus ?case
    by(clarsimp simp add: split_paired_Ex ex_WTrt_simps)(blast intro: red_reds.TryRed)
  case ListRed1 thus ?case
    by(clarsimp simp add: split_paired_Ex ex_WTrt_simps)(blast intro: red_reds.ListRed1)
  case ListRed2 thus ?case
    by(clarsimp simp add: split_paired_Ex ex_WTrt_simps)(blast intro: red_reds.ListRed2)


sublocale J_allocated_heap_conf < if_known_addrs_base
  final_expr "mred P" convert_RA 

declare split_paired_Ex [simp]
declare eq_upto_seq_inconsist_simps [simp del]

locale J_allocated_progress = 
    addr2thread_id thread_id2addr
    empty_heap allocate typeof_addr heap_read heap_write hconf
    addr2thread_id thread_id2addr
    empty_heap allocate typeof_addr heap_read heap_write hconf
  for addr2thread_id :: "('addr :: addr)  'thread_id"
  and thread_id2addr :: "'thread_id  'addr"
  and spurious_wakeups :: bool
  and empty_heap :: "'heap"
  and allocate :: "'heap  htype  ('heap × 'addr) set"
  and typeof_addr :: "'heap  'addr  htype"
  and heap_read :: "'heap  'addr  addr_loc  'addr val  bool"
  and heap_write :: "'heap  'addr  addr_loc  'addr val  'heap  bool"
  and hconf :: "'heap  bool"
  and allocated :: "'heap  'addr set"
  and P :: "'addr J_prog"

lemma non_speculative_read:
  assumes wf: "wf_J_prog P"
  and hrt: "heap_read_typeable hconf P"
  and wf_start: "wf_start_state P C M vs"
  and ka: "(ka_Val ` set vs)  set start_addrs"
  shows "red_mthr.if.non_speculative_read J_non_speculative_read_bound
      (init_fin_lift_state status (J_start_state P C M vs)) 
      (w_values P (λ_. {}) (map snd (lift_start_obs start_tid start_heap_obs)))"
  (is "red_mthr.if.non_speculative_read _ ?start_state ?start_vs")
proof(rule red_mthr.if.non_speculative_readI)
  fix ttas s' t x ta x' m' i ad al v v'
  assume τRed: "red_mthr.mthr.if.RedT P ?start_state ttas s'"
    and sc: "non_speculative P ?start_vs (llist_of (concat (map (λ(t, ta). tao) ttas)))"
    and ts't: "thr s' t = (x, no_wait_locks)"
    and red: "red_mthr.init_fin P t (x, shr s') ta (x', m')"
    and aok: "red_mthr.mthr.if.actions_ok s' t ta"
    and i: "i < length tao"
    and ns': "non_speculative P (w_values P ?start_vs (concat (map (λ(t, ta). tao) ttas))) (llist_of (take i tao))"
    and read: "tao ! i = NormalAction (ReadMem ad al v)"
    and v': "v'  w_values P ?start_vs (concat (map (λ(t, ta). tao) ttas) @ take i tao) (ad, al)" 

  from wf_start obtain Ts T pns body D where ok: "start_heap_ok"
    and sees: "P  C sees M:TsT = (pns, body) in D"
    and conf: "P,start_heap  vs [:≤] Ts" by cases auto

  let ?conv = "λttas. concat (map (λ(t, ta). tao) ttas)"
  let ?vs' = "w_values P ?start_vs (?conv ttas)"
  let ?wt_ok = "init_fin_lift_inv sconf_type_ok"
  let ?ET_start = "J_sconf_type_ET_start P C M"
  let ?start_obs = "map snd (lift_start_obs start_tid start_heap_obs)"
  let ?start_state = "init_fin_lift_state status (J_start_state P C M vs)"

  interpret known_addrs_typing
    addr2thread_id thread_id2addr
    empty_heap allocate typeof_addr heap_read heap_write 
    allocated J_known_addrs
    final_expr "mred P" "λt x h. ET. sconf_type_ok ET t x h" P
    using wf ok by(rule mred_known_addrs_typing)

  from wf sees have "wf_mdecl wf_J_mdecl P D (M, Ts, T, (pns, body))" by(rule sees_wf_mdecl)
  then obtain T' where len1: "length pns = length Ts" and wt: "P,[thisClass D,pns [↦] Ts]  body :: T'"
    by(auto simp add: wf_mdecl_def)
  from conf have len2: "length vs = length Ts" by(rule list_all2_lengthD)

  from wf wf_start have ts_ok_start: "ts_ok (init_fin_lift (λt x h. ET. sconf_type_ok ET t x h)) (thr ?start_state) (shr ?start_state)"
    unfolding ts_ok_init_fin_lift_init_fin_lift_state shr_start_state by(rule J_start_state_sconf_type_ok)
  have sc': "non_speculative P ?start_vs (lmap snd (lconcat (lmap (λ(t, ta). llist_of (map (Pair t) tao)) (llist_of ttas))))"
    using sc by(simp add: lmap_lconcat llist.map_comp o_def split_def lconcat_llist_of[symmetric])

  from start_state_vs_conf[OF wf_prog_wf_syscls[OF wf]]
  have vs_conf_start: "vs_conf P (shr ?start_state) ?start_vs"
    by(simp add:init_fin_lift_state_conv_simps start_state_def split_beta)
  with τRed ts_ok_start sc
  have wt': "ts_ok (init_fin_lift (λt x h. ET. sconf_type_ok ET t x h)) (thr s') (shr s')"
    and vs': "vs_conf P (shr s') ?vs'" by(rule if_RedT_non_speculative_invar)+

  from red i read obtain e xs e' xs' ta'
    where x: "x = (Running, e, xs)" and x': "x' = (Running, e', xs')"
    and ta: "ta = convert_TA_initial (convert_obs_initial ta')"
    and red': "P,t  e, (shr s', xs) -ta' e', (m', xs')"
    by cases fastforce+
  from ts't wt' x obtain E T where wte: "P,E,shr s'  e : T"
    and hconf: "hconf (shr s')"
    by(auto dest!: ts_okD simp add: sconf_type_ok_def sconf_def type_ok_def)

  have aok': "red_mthr.mthr.if.actions_ok s' t ta'" using aok unfolding ta by simp

  from i read v' ta ns' have "i < length ta'o" and "ta'o ! i = ReadMem ad al v" 
    and "v'  w_values P ?vs' (map NormalAction (take i ta'o)) (ad, al)"
    and "non_speculative P ?vs' (llist_of (map NormalAction (take i ta'o)))"
    by(simp_all add: take_map)

  from red_non_speculative_read[OF hrt vs' hconf red' _ aok' this] wte
  obtain ta'' e'' xs'' h''
    where red'': "P,t  e, (shr s', xs) -ta'' e'', (h'', xs'')"
    and aok'': "red_mthr.mthr.if.actions_ok s' t ta''"
    and i'': "i < length ta''o"
    and eq'': "take i ta''o = take i ta'o"
    and read'': "ta''o ! i = ReadMem ad al v'"
    and len'': "length ta''o  max J_non_speculative_read_bound (length ta'o)" by blast

  let ?x' = "(Running, e'', xs'')"
  let ?ta' = "convert_TA_initial (convert_obs_initial ta'')"
  from red'' have "red_mthr.init_fin P t (x, shr s') ?ta' (?x', h'')"
    unfolding x by -(rule red_mthr.init_fin.NormalAction, simp)
  moreover from aok'' have "red_mthr.mthr.if.actions_ok s' t ?ta'" by simp
  moreover from i'' have "i < length ?ta'o" by simp
  moreover from eq'' have "take i ?ta'o = take i tao" unfolding ta by(simp add: take_map)
  moreover from read'' i'' have "?ta'o ! i = NormalAction (ReadMem ad al v')" by(simp add: nth_map)
  moreover from len'' have "length ?ta'o  max J_non_speculative_read_bound (length tao)"
    unfolding ta by simp
  show "ta' x'' m''. red_mthr.init_fin P t (x, shr s') ta' (x'', m'') 
                      red_mthr.mthr.if.actions_ok s' t ta' 
                      i < length ta'o  take i ta'o = take i tao 
                      ta'o ! i = NormalAction (ReadMem ad al v')  
                      length ta'o  max J_non_speculative_read_bound (length tao)"
    by blast

lemma J_cut_and_update:
  assumes wf: "wf_J_prog P"
  and hrt: "heap_read_typeable hconf P"
  and wf_start: "wf_start_state P C M vs"
  and ka: "(ka_Val ` set vs)  set start_addrs"
  shows "red_mthr.if.cut_and_update (init_fin_lift_state status (J_start_state P C M vs))
           (mrw_values P Map.empty (map snd (lift_start_obs start_tid start_heap_obs)))"
proof -
  from wf_start obtain Ts T pns body D where ok: "start_heap_ok"
    and sees: "P  C sees M: TsT = (pns, body) in D"
    and conf: "P,start_heap  vs [:≤] Ts" by cases auto

  interpret known_addrs_typing
    addr2thread_id thread_id2addr
    empty_heap allocate typeof_addr heap_read heap_write 
    allocated J_known_addrs
    final_expr "mred P" "λt x h. ET. sconf_type_ok ET t x h" P
    using wf ok by(rule mred_known_addrs_typing)

  let ?start_vs = "w_values P (λ_. {}) (map snd (lift_start_obs start_tid start_heap_obs))"
  let ?wt_ok = "init_fin_lift_inv sconf_type_ok"
  let ?ET_start = "J_sconf_type_ET_start P C M"
  let ?start_obs = "map snd (lift_start_obs start_tid start_heap_obs)"
  let ?start_state = "init_fin_lift_state status (J_start_state P C M vs)"

  from wf sees have "wf_mdecl wf_J_mdecl P D (M, Ts, T, (pns, body))" by(rule sees_wf_mdecl)
  then obtain T' where len1: "length pns = length Ts" and wt: "P,[thisClass D,pns [↦] Ts]  body :: T'"
    by(auto simp add: wf_mdecl_def)
  from conf have len2: "length vs = length Ts" by(rule list_all2_lengthD)

  note wf_prog_wf_syscls[OF wf] non_speculative_read[OF wf hrt wf_start ka]
  from wf wf_start have ts_ok_start: "ts_ok (init_fin_lift (λt x h. ET. sconf_type_ok ET t x h)) (thr ?start_state) (shr ?start_state)"
    unfolding ts_ok_init_fin_lift_init_fin_lift_state shr_start_state by(rule J_start_state_sconf_type_ok)
  have ka: "J_known_addrs start_tid ((λ(pns, body) vs. (blocks (this # pns) (Class (fst (method P C M)) # fst (snd (method P C M))) (Null # vs) body, Map.empty)) (the (snd (snd (snd (method P C M))))) vs)  allocated start_heap"
    using sees ka len1 len2 WT_ka[OF wt]
    by(auto simp add: split_beta start_addrs_allocated ka_blocks intro: start_tid_start_addrs[OF wf_prog_wf_syscls[OF wf] ok])
  ultimately show ?thesis by(rule non_speculative_read_into_cut_and_update)

lemma J_drf:
  assumes wf: "wf_J_prog P"
  and hrt: "heap_read_typeable hconf P"
  and wf_start: "wf_start_state P C M vs"
  and ka: "(ka_Val ` set vs)  set start_addrs"
  shows "drf (J_ℰ P C M vs status) P"
proof -
  from wf_start obtain Ts T pns body D where ok: "start_heap_ok"
    and sees: "P  C sees M: TsT = (pns, body) in D"
    and conf: "P,start_heap  vs [:≤] Ts" by cases auto

  from J_cut_and_update[OF assms] wf_prog_wf_syscls[OF wf] J_start_state_sconf_type_ok[OF wf wf_start] show ?thesis
  proof(rule known_addrs_typing.drf[OF mred_known_addrs_typing[OF wf ok]])
    from wf sees have "wf_mdecl wf_J_mdecl P D (M, Ts, T, (pns, body))" by(rule sees_wf_mdecl)
    then obtain T' where len1: "length pns = length Ts" and wt: "P,[thisClass D,pns [↦] Ts]  body :: T'"
      by(auto simp add: wf_mdecl_def)
    from conf have len2: "length vs = length Ts" by(rule list_all2_lengthD)
    show "J_known_addrs start_tid ((λ(pns, body) vs. (blocks (this # pns) (Class (fst (method P C M)) # fst (snd (method P C M))) (Null # vs) body, Map.empty)) (the (snd (snd (snd (method P C M))))) vs)  allocated start_heap"
      using sees ka len1 len2 WT_ka[OF wt]
      by(auto simp add: split_beta start_addrs_allocated ka_blocks intro: start_tid_start_addrs[OF wf_prog_wf_syscls[OF wf] ok])

lemma J_sc_legal:
  assumes wf: "wf_J_prog P"
  and hrt: "heap_read_typeable hconf P"
  and wf_start: "wf_start_state P C M vs"
  and ka: "(ka_Val ` set vs)  set start_addrs"
  shows "sc_legal (J_ℰ P C M vs status) P"
proof -
  from wf_start obtain Ts T pns body D where ok: "start_heap_ok"
    and sees: "P  C sees M: TsT = (pns, body) in D"
    and conf: "P,start_heap  vs [:≤] Ts" by cases auto
  interpret known_addrs_typing
    addr2thread_id thread_id2addr
    empty_heap allocate typeof_addr heap_read heap_write 
    allocated J_known_addrs
    final_expr "mred P" "λt x h. ET. sconf_type_ok ET t x h" P
    using wf ok by(rule mred_known_addrs_typing)

  let ?start_vs = "w_values P (λ_. {}) (map snd (lift_start_obs start_tid start_heap_obs))"
  let ?wt_ok = "init_fin_lift_inv sconf_type_ok"
  let ?ET_start = "J_sconf_type_ET_start P C M"
  let ?start_obs = "map snd (lift_start_obs start_tid start_heap_obs)"
  let ?start_state = "init_fin_lift_state status (J_start_state P C M vs)"

  from wf sees have "wf_mdecl wf_J_mdecl P D (M, Ts, T, (pns, body))" by(rule sees_wf_mdecl)
  then obtain T' where len1: "length pns = length Ts" and wt: "P,[thisClass D,pns [↦] Ts]  body :: T'"
    by(auto simp add: wf_mdecl_def)
  from conf have len2: "length vs = length Ts" by(rule list_all2_lengthD)

  note wf_prog_wf_syscls[OF wf] non_speculative_read[OF wf hrt wf_start ka]
  from wf wf_start have ts_ok_start: "ts_ok (init_fin_lift (λt x h. ET. sconf_type_ok ET t x h)) (thr ?start_state) (shr ?start_state)"
    unfolding ts_ok_init_fin_lift_init_fin_lift_state shr_start_state by(rule J_start_state_sconf_type_ok)
  moreover have ka_allocated: "J_known_addrs start_tid ((λ(pns, body) vs. (blocks (this # pns) (Class (fst (method P C M)) # fst (snd (method P C M))) (Null # vs) body, Map.empty)) (the (snd (snd (snd (method P C M))))) vs)  allocated start_heap"
    using sees ka len1 len2 WT_ka[OF wt]
    by(auto simp add: split_beta start_addrs_allocated ka_blocks intro: start_tid_start_addrs[OF wf_prog_wf_syscls[OF wf] ok])
  ultimately have "red_mthr.if.hb_completion ?start_state (lift_start_obs start_tid start_heap_obs)"
    by(rule non_speculative_read_into_hb_completion)

  thus ?thesis using wf_prog_wf_syscls[OF wf] J_start_state_sconf_type_ok[OF wf wf_start]
    by(rule sc_legal)(rule ka_allocated)

lemma J_jmm_consistent:
  assumes wf: "wf_J_prog P"
  and hrt: "heap_read_typeable hconf P"
  and wf_start: "wf_start_state P C M vs"
  and ka: "(ka_Val ` set vs)  set start_addrs"
  shows "jmm_consistent (J_ℰ P C M vs status) P"
  (is "jmm_consistent ?ℰ P")
proof -
  interpret drf "?ℰ" P using assms by(rule J_drf)
  interpret sc_legal "?ℰ" P using assms by(rule J_sc_legal)
  show ?thesis by unfold_locales

lemma J_ex_sc_exec:
  assumes wf: "wf_J_prog P"
  and hrt: "heap_read_typeable hconf P"
  and wf_start: "wf_start_state P C M vs"
  and ka: "(ka_Val ` set vs)  set start_addrs"
  shows "E ws. E  J_ℰ P C M vs status  P  (E, ws)   sequentially_consistent P (E, ws)"
  (is "E ws. _  ?ℰ  _")
proof -
  interpret jmm: executions_sc_hb ?ℰ P using assms by -(rule executions_sc)

  let ?start_state = "init_fin_lift_state status (J_start_state P C M vs)"
  let ?start_mrw = "mrw_values P Map.empty (map snd (lift_start_obs start_tid start_heap_obs))"

  from red_mthr.if.sequential_completion_Runs[OF red_mthr.if.cut_and_update_imp_sc_completion[OF J_cut_and_update[OF assms]] ta_seq_consist_convert_RA]
  obtain ttas where Red: "red_mthr.mthr.if.mthr.Runs P ?start_state ttas"
    and sc: "ta_seq_consist P ?start_mrw (lconcat (lmap (λ(t, ta). llist_of tao) ttas))" by blast
  let ?E = "lappend (llist_of (lift_start_obs start_tid start_heap_obs)) (lconcat (lmap (λ(t, ta). llist_of (map (Pair t) tao)) ttas))"
  from Red have "?E  ?ℰ" by(blast intro: red_mthr.mthr.if.ℰ.intros)
  moreover from Red have tsa: "thread_start_actions_ok ?E"
    by(blast intro: red_mthr.thread_start_actions_ok_init_fin red_mthr.mthr.if.ℰ.intros)
  from sc have "ta_seq_consist P Map.empty (lmap snd ?E)"
    unfolding lmap_lappend_distrib lmap_lconcat llist.map_comp split_def o_def lmap_llist_of map_map snd_conv
    by(simp add: ta_seq_consist_lappend ta_seq_consist_start_heap_obs)
  from ta_seq_consist_imp_sequentially_consistent[OF tsa jmm.ℰ_new_actions_for_fun[OF ?E  ?ℰ] this]
  obtain ws where "sequentially_consistent P (?E, ws)" "P  (?E, ws) " by iprover
  ultimately show ?thesis by blast

theorem J_consistent:
  assumes wf: "wf_J_prog P"
  and hrt: "heap_read_typeable hconf P"
  and wf_start: "wf_start_state P C M vs"
  and ka: "(ka_Val ` set vs)  set start_addrs"
  shows "E ws. legal_execution P (J_ℰ P C M vs status) (E, ws)"
proof -
  let ?ℰ = "J_ℰ P C M vs status"
  interpret sc_legal "?ℰ" P using assms by(rule J_sc_legal)
  from J_ex_sc_exec[OF assms]
  obtain E ws where "E  ?ℰ" "P  (E, ws) " "sequentially_consistent P (E, ws)" by blast
  hence "legal_execution P ?ℰ (E, ws)" by(rule SC_is_legal)
  thus ?thesis by blast

