Theory Correctness
section ‹Correctness of both stages›
theory Correctness
locale J_JVM_heap_conf_base =
addr2thread_id thread_id2addr
empty_heap allocate typeof_addr heap_read heap_write
addr2thread_id thread_id2addr
empty_heap allocate typeof_addr heap_read heap_write
hconf "compP1 P"
for addr2thread_id :: "('addr :: addr) ⇒ 'thread_id"
and thread_id2addr :: "'thread_id ⇒ 'addr"
and spurious_wakeups :: bool
and empty_heap :: "'heap"
and allocate :: "'heap ⇒ htype ⇒ ('heap × 'addr) set"
and typeof_addr :: "'heap ⇒ 'addr ⇀ htype"
and heap_read :: "'heap ⇒ 'addr ⇒ addr_loc ⇒ 'addr val ⇒ bool"
and heap_write :: "'heap ⇒ 'addr ⇒ addr_loc ⇒ 'addr val ⇒ 'heap ⇒ bool"
and hconf :: "'heap ⇒ bool"
and P :: "'addr J_prog"
definition bisimJ2JVM ::
"(('addr,'thread_id,'addr expr×'addr locals,'heap,'addr) state,
('addr,'thread_id,'addr option × 'addr frame list,'heap,'addr) state) bisim"
where "bisimJ2JVM = red_red0.mbisim ∘⇩B red0_Red1'.mbisim ∘⇩B mbisim_Red1'_Red1 ∘⇩B Red1_execd.mbisim"
definition tlsimJ2JVM ::
"('thread_id × ('addr, 'thread_id, 'heap) J_thread_action,
'thread_id × ('addr, 'thread_id, 'heap) jvm_thread_action) bisim"
where "tlsimJ2JVM = red_red0.mta_bisim ∘⇩B red0_Red1'.mta_bisim ∘⇩B (=) ∘⇩B Red1_execd.mta_bisim"
lemma compP2_has_method [simp]: "compP2 P ⊢ C has M ⟷ P ⊢ C has M"
by(auto simp add: compP2_def compP_has_method)
locale J_JVM_conf_read =
addr2thread_id thread_id2addr
empty_heap allocate typeof_addr heap_read heap_write
hconf "compP1 P"
for addr2thread_id :: "('addr :: addr) ⇒ 'thread_id"
and thread_id2addr :: "'thread_id ⇒ 'addr"
and spurious_wakeups :: bool
and empty_heap :: "'heap"
and allocate :: "'heap ⇒ htype ⇒ ('heap × 'addr) set"
and typeof_addr :: "'heap ⇒ 'addr ⇀ htype"
and heap_read :: "'heap ⇒ 'addr ⇒ addr_loc ⇒ 'addr val ⇒ bool"
and heap_write :: "'heap ⇒ 'addr ⇒ addr_loc ⇒ 'addr val ⇒ 'heap ⇒ bool"
and hconf :: "'heap ⇒ bool"
and P :: "'addr J_prog"
sublocale J_JVM_heap_conf_base by(unfold_locales)
theorem bisimJ2JVM_weak_bisim:
assumes wf: "wf_J_prog P"
shows "delay_bisimulation_diverge_final (mredT P) (execd_mthr.redT (J2JVM P)) bisimJ2JVM tlsimJ2JVM
(red_mthr.mτmove P) (execd_mthr.mτmove (J2JVM P)) red_mthr.mfinal exec_mthr.mfinal"
unfolding bisimJ2JVM_def tlsimJ2JVM_def J2JVM_def o_apply
apply(rule delay_bisimulation_diverge_final_compose)
apply(rule FWdelay_bisimulation_diverge.mthr_delay_bisimulation_diverge_final)
apply(rule red_red0_FWbisim[OF wf_prog_wwf_prog[OF wf]])
apply(rule delay_bisimulation_diverge_final_compose)
apply(rule FWdelay_bisimulation_diverge.mthr_delay_bisimulation_diverge_final)
apply(rule red0_Red1'_FWweak_bisim[OF wf])
apply(rule delay_bisimulation_diverge_final_compose)
apply(rule delay_bisimulation_diverge_final.intro)
apply(rule bisimulation_into_delay.delay_bisimulation)
apply(rule Red1'_Red1_bisim_into_weak[OF compP1_pres_wf[OF wf]])
apply(rule bisimulation_final.delay_bisimulation_final_base)
apply(rule Red1'_Red1_bisimulation_final[OF compP1_pres_wf[OF wf]])
apply(rule FWdelay_bisimulation_diverge.mthr_delay_bisimulation_diverge_final)
apply(rule Red1_exec1_FWwbisim[OF compP1_pres_wf[OF wf]])
lemma bisimJ2JVM_start:
assumes wf: "wf_J_prog P"
and start: "wf_start_state P C M vs"
shows "bisimJ2JVM (J_start_state P C M vs) (JVM_start_state (J2JVM P) C M vs)"
using assms
unfolding bisimJ2JVM_def J2JVM_def o_def
apply(intro bisim_composeI)
apply(erule (1) bisim_J_J0_start[OF wf_prog_wwf_prog])
apply(erule (1) bisim_J0_J1_start)
apply(erule bisim_J1_J1_start[OF compP1_pres_wf])
apply simp
apply(erule bisim_J1_JVM_start[OF compP1_pres_wf])
apply simp
fun exception :: "'addr expr × 'addr locals ⇒ 'addr option × 'addr frame list"
where "exception (Throw a, xs) = (⌊a⌋, [])"
| "exception _ = (None, [])"
definition mexception ::
"('addr,'thread_id,'addr expr×'addr locals,'heap,'addr) state ⇒
('addr,'thread_id,'addr option×'addr frame list,'heap,'addr) state"
"⋀ln. mexception s ≡
(locks s, (λt. case thr s t of ⌊(e, ln)⌋ ⇒ ⌊(exception e, ln)⌋ | None ⇒ None, shr s), wset s, interrupts s)"
declare compP1_def [simp del]
context J_JVM_heap_conf_base begin
lemma bisimJ2JVM_mfinal_mexception:
assumes bisim: "bisimJ2JVM s s'"
and fin: "exec_mthr.mfinal s'"
and fin': "red_mthr.mfinal s"
and tsNotEmpty: "thr s t ≠ None"
shows "s' = mexception s"
proof -
obtain ls ts m ws "is" where s: "s = (ls, (ts, m), ws, is)" by(cases s) fastforce
from bisim obtain s0 s1 where bisimJ0: "red_red0.mbisim s s0"
and bisim01: "red0_Red1'.mbisim s0 s1"
and bisim1JVM: "Red1_execd.mbisim s1 s'"
unfolding bisimJ2JVM_def by(fastforce simp add: mbisim_Red1'_Red1_def)
from bisimJ0 s have [simp]: "locks s0 = ls" "wset s0 = ws" "interrupts s0 = is"
and tbisimJ0: "⋀t. red_red0.tbisim (ws t = None) t (ts t) m (thr s0 t) (shr s0)"
by(auto simp add: red_red0.mbisim_def)
from bisim01 have [simp]: "locks s1 = ls" "wset s1 = ws" "interrupts s1 = is"
and tbisim01: "⋀t. red0_Red1'.tbisim (ws t = None) t (thr s0 t) (shr s0) (thr s1 t) (shr s1)"
by(auto simp add: red0_Red1'.mbisim_def)
from bisim1JVM have "locks s' = ls" "wset s' = ws" "interrupts s' = is"
and tbisim1JVM: "⋀t. Red1_execd.tbisim (ws t = None) t (thr s1 t) (shr s1) (thr s' t) (shr s')"
by(auto simp add: Red1_execd.mbisim_def)
then obtain ts' m' where s': "s' = (ls, (ts', m'), ws, is)" by(cases s') fastforce
{ fix t e x ln
assume tst: "ts t = ⌊((e, x), ln)⌋"
from tbisimJ0[of t] tst obtain e' exs' where ts0t: "thr s0 t = ⌊((e', exs'), ln)⌋"
and bisimtJ0: "bisim_red_red0 ((e, x), m) ((e', exs'), shr s0)"
by(auto simp add: red_red0.tbisim_def)
from tbisim01[of t] ts0t obtain e'' xs'' exs''
where ts1t: "thr s1 t = ⌊(((e'', xs''), exs''), ln)⌋"
and bisimt01: "bisim_red0_Red1 ((e', exs'), shr s0) (((e'', xs''), exs''), shr s1)"
by(auto simp add: red0_Red1'.tbisim_def)
from tbisim1JVM[of t] ts1t s' obtain xcp frs
where ts't: "ts' t = ⌊((xcp, frs), ln)⌋" and [simp]: "m' = shr s1"
and bisimt1JVM: "bisim1_list1 t m' (e'', xs'') exs'' xcp frs"
by(fastforce simp add: Red1_execd.tbisim_def)
from fin ts't s s' have [simp]: "frs = []" by(auto dest: exec_mthr.mfinalD)
from bisimt1JVM have [simp]: "exs'' = []" by(auto elim: bisim1_list1.cases)
from bisimt01 have [simp]: "exs' = []"
by(auto simp add: bisim_red0_Red1_def elim!: bisim_list1E elim: bisim_list.cases)
from tst fin' s have fine: "final e" by(auto dest: red_mthr.mfinalD)
hence "exception (e, x) = (xcp, frs)"
fix v
assume [simp]: "e = Val v"
from bisimtJ0 have "e' = Val v" by(auto elim!: bisim_red_red0.cases)
with bisimt01 have "e'' = Val v" by(auto simp add: bisim_red0_Red1_def elim: bisim_list1E)
with bisimt1JVM have "xcp = None" by(auto elim: bisim1_list1.cases)
thus ?thesis by simp
fix a
assume [simp]: "e = Throw a"
from bisimtJ0 have "e' = Throw a" by(auto elim!: bisim_red_red0.cases)
with bisimt01 have "e'' = Throw a" by(auto simp add: bisim_red0_Red1_def elim: bisim_list1E)
with bisimt1JVM have "xcp = ⌊a⌋" by(auto elim: bisim1_list1.cases)
thus ?thesis by simp
moreover from bisimtJ0 have "shr s0 = m" by(auto elim: bisim_red_red0.cases)
moreover from bisimt01 have "shr s1 = shr s0" by(auto simp add: bisim_red0_Red1_def)
ultimately have "ts' t = ⌊(exception (e, x), ln)⌋" "m' = m" using ts't by simp_all }
moreover {
fix t
assume "ts t = None"
with red_red0.mbisim_thrNone_eq[OF bisimJ0, of t] s have "thr s0 t = None" by simp
with bisim01 have "thr s1 t = None" by(auto simp add: red0_Red1'.mbisim_thrNone_eq)
with bisim1JVM s' have "ts' t = None" by(simp add: Red1_execd.mbisim_thrNone_eq) }
ultimately show ?thesis using s s' tsNotEmpty by(auto simp add: mexception_def fun_eq_iff)
context J_JVM_conf_read begin
theorem J2JVM_correct1:
fixes C M vs
defines s: "s ≡ J_start_state P C M vs"
and comps: "cs ≡ JVM_start_state (J2JVM P) C M vs"
assumes wf: "wf_J_prog P"
and wf_start: "wf_start_state P C M vs"
and red: "red_mthr.mthr.τRuns P s ξ"
obtains ξ'
where "execd_mthr.mthr.τRuns (J2JVM P) cs ξ'" "tllist_all2 tlsimJ2JVM (rel_option bisimJ2JVM) ξ ξ'"
and "⋀s'. ⟦ tfinite ξ; terminal ξ = ⌊s'⌋; red_mthr.mfinal s' ⟧
⟹ tfinite ξ' ∧ terminal ξ' = ⌊mexception s'⌋"
and "⋀s'. ⟦ tfinite ξ; terminal ξ = ⌊s'⌋; red_mthr.deadlock P s' ⟧
⟹ ∃cs'. tfinite ξ' ∧ terminal ξ' = ⌊cs'⌋ ∧ execd_mthr.deadlock (J2JVM P) cs' ∧ bisimJ2JVM s' cs'"
and "⟦ tfinite ξ; terminal ξ = None ⟧ ⟹ tfinite ξ' ∧ terminal ξ' = None"
and "¬ tfinite ξ ⟹ ¬ tfinite ξ'"
proof -
from wf wf_start have bisim: "bisimJ2JVM s cs" unfolding s comps by(rule bisimJ2JVM_start)
note divfin = delay_bisimulation_diverge_final.delay_bisimulation_diverge[OF bisimJ2JVM_weak_bisim[OF wf]]
note divfin2 = delay_bisimulation_diverge_final.delay_bisimulation_final_base[OF bisimJ2JVM_weak_bisim[OF wf]]
from delay_bisimulation_diverge.simulation_τRuns1[OF divfin, OF bisim red] obtain ξ'
where exec: "execd_mthr.mthr.τRuns (J2JVM P) cs ξ'"
and tlsim: "tllist_all2 tlsimJ2JVM (rel_option bisimJ2JVM) ξ ξ'" by blast
moreover {
fix s'
assume fin: "tfinite ξ" and s': "terminal ξ = ⌊s'⌋" and final: "red_mthr.mfinal s'"
from delay_bisimulation_final_base.τRuns_terminate_final1[OF divfin2, OF red exec tlsim fin s' final]
obtain cs' where fin': "tfinite ξ'" and cs': "terminal ξ' = ⌊cs'⌋"
and final': "exec_mthr.mfinal cs'" by blast
from tlsim fin s' cs' have bisim': "bisimJ2JVM s' cs'" by(auto dest: tllist_all2_tfinite1_terminalD)
from red_mthr.mthr.τRuns_into_τrtrancl3p[OF red fin s']
have "thr s' start_tid ≠ None" unfolding s
by(rule red_mthr.τrtrancl3p_redT_thread_not_disappear)(simp add: start_state_def)
with bisim' final final' have [simp]: "cs' = mexception s'"
by(intro bisimJ2JVM_mfinal_mexception disjI1)
with fin' cs' have "tfinite ξ' ∧ terminal ξ' = ⌊mexception s'⌋" by simp }
moreover {
fix s'
assume fin: "tfinite ξ" and s': "terminal ξ = ⌊s'⌋" and dead: "red_mthr.deadlock P s'"
from tlsim fin s'
obtain cs' where "tfinite ξ'" and cs': "terminal ξ' = ⌊cs'⌋"
and bisim': "bisimJ2JVM s' cs'"
by(cases "terminal ξ'")(fastforce dest: tllist_all2_tfinite1_terminalD tllist_all2_tfiniteD)+
from bisim' obtain s0' s1' S1' where bisim0: "red_red0.mbisim s' s0'"
and bisim01: "red0_Red1'.mbisim s0' s1'"
and bisim11: "mbisim_Red1'_Red1 s1' S1'"
and bisim12: "Red1_execd.mbisim S1' cs'"
unfolding bisimJ2JVM_def by auto
note b0 = red_red0_FWbisim[OF wf_prog_wwf_prog[OF wf]]
note b01 = red0_Red1'_FWweak_bisim[OF wf]
note b01mthr = FWdelay_bisimulation_diverge.mbisim_delay_bisimulation[OF b01]
note b11 = Red1'_Red1_bisim_into_weak[OF compP1_pres_wf[OF wf]]
note b11delay = bisimulation_into_delay.delay_bisimulation[OF b11]
note b12 = Red1_exec1_FWwbisim[OF compP1_pres_wf[OF wf]]
note b12mthr = FWdelay_bisimulation_diverge.mbisim_delay_bisimulation[OF b12]
from FWdelay_bisimulation_diverge.deadlock1_imp_τs_deadlock2[OF b0, OF bisim0 dead, of convert_RA]
obtain s0'' where "red0_mthr.mthr.silent_moves P s0' s0''"
and bisim0': "red_red0.mbisim s' s0''"
and dead0: "red0_mthr.deadlock P s0''" by auto
from delay_bisimulation_diverge.simulation_silents1[OF b01mthr, OF bisim01 ‹red0_mthr.mthr.silent_moves P s0' s0''›]
obtain s1'' where "Red1_mthr.mthr.silent_moves False (compP1 P) s1' s1''"
and "red0_Red1'.mbisim s0'' s1''" by auto
from FWdelay_bisimulation_diverge.deadlock1_imp_τs_deadlock2[OF b01, OF ‹red0_Red1'.mbisim s0'' s1''› dead0, of convert_RA]
obtain s1''' where "Red1_mthr.mthr.silent_moves False (compP1 P) s1'' s1'''"
and dead1: "Red1_mthr.deadlock False (compP1 P) s1'''"
and bisim01': "red0_Red1'.mbisim s0'' s1'''" by auto
from ‹Red1_mthr.mthr.silent_moves False (compP1 P) s1' s1''› ‹Red1_mthr.mthr.silent_moves False (compP1 P) s1'' s1'''›
have "Red1_mthr.mthr.silent_moves False (compP1 P) s1' s1'''" by(rule rtranclp_trans)
from delay_bisimulation_diverge.simulation_silents1[OF b11delay, OF bisim11 this]
obtain S1'' where "Red1_mthr.mthr.silent_moves True (compP1 P) S1' S1''"
and bisim11': "mbisim_Red1'_Red1 s1''' S1''" by auto
from bisim11' have "s1''' = S1''" by(simp add: mbisim_Red1'_Red1_def)
with dead1 have dead1': "Red1_mthr.deadlock True (compP1 P) S1''"
by(simp add: Red1_Red1'_deadlock_inv)
from delay_bisimulation_diverge.simulation_silents1[OF b12mthr, OF bisim12 ‹Red1_mthr.mthr.silent_moves True (compP1 P) S1' S1''›]
obtain cs'' where "execd_mthr.mthr.silent_moves (compP2 (compP1 P)) cs' cs''"
and "Red1_execd.mbisim S1'' cs''" by auto
from FWdelay_bisimulation_diverge.deadlock1_imp_τs_deadlock2[OF b12 ‹Red1_execd.mbisim S1'' cs''› dead1', of convert_RA]
obtain cs''' where "execd_mthr.mthr.silent_moves (compP2 (compP1 P)) cs'' cs'''"
and bisim12': "Red1_execd.mbisim S1'' cs'''"
and dead': "execd_mthr.deadlock (compP2 (compP1 P)) cs'''" by auto
from ‹execd_mthr.mthr.silent_moves (compP2 (compP1 P)) cs' cs''› ‹execd_mthr.mthr.silent_moves (compP2 (compP1 P)) cs'' cs'''›
have "execd_mthr.mthr.silent_moves (compP2 (compP1 P)) cs' cs'''" by(rule rtranclp_trans)
hence "cs''' = cs'" using execd_mthr.mthr.τRuns_terminal_stuck[OF exec ‹tfinite ξ'› ‹terminal ξ' = ⌊cs'⌋›]
by(cases rule: converse_rtranclpE)(fastforce simp add: J2JVM_def)+
with dead' have "execd_mthr.deadlock (J2JVM P) cs'" by(simp add: J2JVM_def)
hence "∃cs'. tfinite ξ' ∧ terminal ξ' = ⌊cs'⌋ ∧ execd_mthr.deadlock (J2JVM P) cs' ∧ bisimJ2JVM s' cs'"
using ‹tfinite ξ'› ‹terminal ξ' = ⌊cs'⌋› bisim' by blast }
moreover {
assume "tfinite ξ" and "terminal ξ = None"
hence "tfinite ξ' ∧ terminal ξ' = None" using tlsim tllist_all2_tfiniteD[OF tlsim]
by(cases "terminal ξ'")(auto dest: tllist_all2_tfinite1_terminalD) }
moreover {
assume "¬ tfinite ξ"
hence "¬ tfinite ξ'" using tlsim by(blast dest: tllist_all2_tfiniteD) }
ultimately show thesis by(rule that)
theorem J2JVM_correct2:
fixes C M vs
defines s: "s ≡ J_start_state P C M vs"
and comps: "cs ≡ JVM_start_state (J2JVM P) C M vs"
assumes wf: "wf_J_prog P"
and wf_start: "wf_start_state P C M vs"
and exec: "execd_mthr.mthr.τRuns (J2JVM P) cs ξ'"
obtains ξ
where "red_mthr.mthr.τRuns P s ξ" "tllist_all2 tlsimJ2JVM (rel_option bisimJ2JVM) ξ ξ'"
and "⋀cs'. ⟦ tfinite ξ'; terminal ξ' = ⌊cs'⌋; exec_mthr.mfinal cs' ⟧
⟹ ∃s'. tfinite ξ ∧ terminal ξ = ⌊s'⌋ ∧ cs' = mexception s' ∧ bisimJ2JVM s' cs'"
and "⋀cs'. ⟦ tfinite ξ'; terminal ξ' = ⌊cs'⌋; execd_mthr.deadlock (J2JVM P) cs' ⟧
⟹ ∃s'. tfinite ξ ∧ terminal ξ = ⌊s'⌋ ∧ red_mthr.deadlock P s' ∧ bisimJ2JVM s' cs'"
and "⟦ tfinite ξ'; terminal ξ' = None ⟧ ⟹ tfinite ξ ∧ terminal ξ = None"
and "¬ tfinite ξ' ⟹ ¬ tfinite ξ"
proof -
from wf wf_start have bisim: "bisimJ2JVM s cs" unfolding s comps by(rule bisimJ2JVM_start)
note divfin = delay_bisimulation_diverge_final.delay_bisimulation_diverge[OF bisimJ2JVM_weak_bisim[OF wf]]
note divfin2 = delay_bisimulation_diverge_final.delay_bisimulation_final_base[OF bisimJ2JVM_weak_bisim[OF wf]]
from delay_bisimulation_diverge.simulation_τRuns2[OF divfin, OF bisim exec] obtain ξ
where red: "red_mthr.mthr.τRuns P s ξ"
and tlsim: "tllist_all2 tlsimJ2JVM (rel_option bisimJ2JVM) ξ ξ'" by blast
moreover {
fix cs'
assume fin: "tfinite ξ'" and cs': "terminal ξ' = ⌊cs'⌋" and final: "exec_mthr.mfinal cs'"
from delay_bisimulation_final_base.τRuns_terminate_final2[OF divfin2, OF red exec tlsim fin cs' final]
obtain s' where fin': "tfinite ξ" and s': "terminal ξ = ⌊s'⌋"
and final': "red_mthr.mfinal s'" by blast
from tlsim fin s' cs' have bisim': "bisimJ2JVM s' cs'" by(auto dest: tllist_all2_tfinite2_terminalD)
from red_mthr.mthr.τRuns_into_τrtrancl3p[OF red fin' s']
have "thr s' start_tid ≠ None" unfolding s
by(rule red_mthr.τrtrancl3p_redT_thread_not_disappear)(simp add: start_state_def)
with bisim' final final' have [simp]: "cs' = mexception s'"
by(intro bisimJ2JVM_mfinal_mexception)
with fin' s' bisim' have "∃s'. tfinite ξ ∧ terminal ξ = ⌊s'⌋ ∧ cs' = mexception s' ∧ bisimJ2JVM s' cs'" by simp }
moreover {
fix cs'
assume fin: "tfinite ξ'" and cs': "terminal ξ' = ⌊cs'⌋" and dead': "execd_mthr.deadlock (J2JVM P) cs'"
from tlsim fin cs'
obtain s' where "tfinite ξ" and s': "terminal ξ = ⌊s'⌋"
and bisim': "bisimJ2JVM s' cs'"
by(cases "terminal ξ")(fastforce dest: tllist_all2_tfinite2_terminalD tllist_all2_tfiniteD)+
from bisim' obtain s0' s1' S1' where bisim0: "red_red0.mbisim s' s0'"
and bisim01: "red0_Red1'.mbisim s0' s1'"
and bisim11: "mbisim_Red1'_Red1 s1' S1'"
and bisim12: "Red1_execd.mbisim S1' cs'"
unfolding bisimJ2JVM_def by auto
note b0 = red_red0_FWbisim[OF wf_prog_wwf_prog[OF wf]]
note b0mthr = FWdelay_bisimulation_diverge.mbisim_delay_bisimulation[OF b0]
note b01 = red0_Red1'_FWweak_bisim[OF wf]
note b01mthr = FWdelay_bisimulation_diverge.mbisim_delay_bisimulation[OF b01]
note b11 = Red1'_Red1_bisim_into_weak[OF compP1_pres_wf[OF wf]]
note b11delay = bisimulation_into_delay.delay_bisimulation[OF b11]
note b12 = Red1_exec1_FWwbisim[OF compP1_pres_wf[OF wf]]
from FWdelay_bisimulation_diverge.deadlock2_imp_τs_deadlock1[OF b12 bisim12, of convert_RA] dead'
obtain S1'' where "Red1_mthr.mthr.silent_moves True (compP1 P) S1' S1''"
and bisim12': "Red1_execd.mbisim S1'' cs'"
and dead': "Red1_mthr.deadlock True (compP1 P) S1''" by(auto simp add: J2JVM_def)
from delay_bisimulation_diverge.simulation_silents2[OF b11delay, OF bisim11 ‹Red1_mthr.mthr.silent_moves True (compP1 P) S1' S1''›]
obtain s1'' where "Red1_mthr.mthr.silent_moves False (compP1 P) s1' s1''"
and bisim11': "mbisim_Red1'_Red1 s1'' S1''" by blast
from bisim11' have "s1'' = S1''" by(simp add: mbisim_Red1'_Red1_def)
with dead' have dead1: "Red1_mthr.deadlock False (compP1 P) s1''"
by(simp add: Red1_Red1'_deadlock_inv)
from delay_bisimulation_diverge.simulation_silents2[OF b01mthr, OF bisim01 ‹Red1_mthr.mthr.silent_moves False (compP1 P) s1' s1''›]
obtain s0'' where "red0_mthr.mthr.silent_moves P s0' s0''"
and bisim01': "red0_Red1'.mbisim s0'' s1''" by auto
from FWdelay_bisimulation_diverge.deadlock2_imp_τs_deadlock1[OF b01 bisim01' dead1, of convert_RA]
obtain s0''' where "red0_mthr.mthr.silent_moves P s0'' s0'''"
and bisim01'': "red0_Red1'.mbisim s0''' s1''"
and dead0: "red0_mthr.deadlock P s0'''" by auto
from ‹red0_mthr.mthr.silent_moves P s0' s0''› ‹red0_mthr.mthr.silent_moves P s0'' s0'''›
have "red0_mthr.mthr.silent_moves P s0' s0'''" by(rule rtranclp_trans)
from delay_bisimulation_diverge.simulation_silents2[OF b0mthr, OF bisim0 this]
obtain s'' where "red_mthr.mthr.silent_moves P s' s''"
and "red_red0.mbisim s'' s0'''" by blast
from FWdelay_bisimulation_diverge.deadlock2_imp_τs_deadlock1[OF b0 ‹red_red0.mbisim s'' s0'''› dead0, of convert_RA]
obtain s''' where "red_mthr.mthr.silent_moves P s'' s'''"
and "red_red0.mbisim s''' s0'''"
and dead: "red_mthr.deadlock P s'''" by blast
from ‹red_mthr.mthr.silent_moves P s' s''› ‹red_mthr.mthr.silent_moves P s'' s'''›
have "red_mthr.mthr.silent_moves P s' s'''" by(rule rtranclp_trans)
hence "s''' = s'" using red_mthr.mthr.τRuns_terminal_stuck[OF red ‹tfinite ξ› ‹terminal ξ = ⌊s'⌋›]
by(cases rule: converse_rtranclpE) fastforce+
with dead have "red_mthr.deadlock P s'" by(simp)
hence "∃s'. tfinite ξ ∧ terminal ξ = ⌊s'⌋ ∧ red_mthr.deadlock P s' ∧ bisimJ2JVM s' cs'"
using ‹tfinite ξ› ‹terminal ξ = ⌊s'⌋› bisim' by blast }
moreover {
assume "tfinite ξ'" and "terminal ξ' = None"
hence "tfinite ξ ∧ terminal ξ = None" using tlsim tllist_all2_tfiniteD[OF tlsim]
by(cases "terminal ξ")(auto dest: tllist_all2_tfinite2_terminalD) }
moreover {
assume "¬ tfinite ξ'"
hence "¬ tfinite ξ" using tlsim by(blast dest: tllist_all2_tfiniteD) }
ultimately show thesis by(rule that)
declare compP1_def [simp]
theorem wt_J2JVM: "wf_J_prog P ⟹ wf_jvm_prog (J2JVM P)"
unfolding J2JVM_def o_def
by(rule wt_compP2)(rule compP1_pres_wf)