Theory JMM_Compiler

(*  Title:      JinjaThreads/MM/JMM_Compiler.thy
    Author:     Andreas Lochbihler

    Compiler correctness for the JMM

section ‹Compiler correctness for the JMM›

theory JMM_Compiler imports

lemma action_loc_aux_compP [simp]: "action_loc_aux (compP f P) = action_loc_aux P"
by(auto 4 4 elim!: action_loc_aux_cases)

lemma action_loc_compP: "action_loc (compP f P) = action_loc P"
by simp

lemma is_volatile_compP [simp]: "is_volatile (compP f P) = is_volatile P"
proof(rule ext)
  fix hT
  show "is_volatile (compP f P) hT = is_volatile P hT"
    by(cases hT) simp_all

lemma saction_compP [simp]: "saction (compP f P) = saction P"
by(simp add: saction.simps fun_eq_iff)

lemma sactions_compP [simp]: "sactions (compP f P) = sactions P"
by(rule ext)(simp only: sactions_def, simp)

lemma addr_locs_compP [simp]: "addr_locs (compP f P) = addr_locs P"
by(rule ext)(case_tac x, simp_all)

lemma syncronizes_with_compP [simp]: "synchronizes_with (compP f P) = synchronizes_with P"
by(simp add: synchronizes_with.simps fun_eq_iff)

lemma sync_order_compP [simp]: "sync_order (compP f P) = sync_order P"
by(simp add: sync_order_def fun_eq_iff)

lemma sync_with_compP [simp]: "sync_with (compP f P) = sync_with P"
by(simp add: sync_with_def fun_eq_iff)

lemma po_sw_compP [simp]: "po_sw (compP f P) = po_sw P"
by(simp add: po_sw_def fun_eq_iff)

lemma happens_before_compP: "happens_before (compP f P) = happens_before P"
by simp

lemma addr_loc_default_compP [simp]: "addr_loc_default (compP f P) = addr_loc_default P"
proof(intro ext)
  fix hT al
  show "addr_loc_default (compP f P) hT al = addr_loc_default P hT al"
    by(cases "(P, hT, al)" rule: addr_loc_default.cases) simp_all

lemma value_written_aux_compP [simp]: "value_written_aux (compP f P) = value_written_aux P"
proof(intro ext)
  fix a al
  show "value_written_aux (compP f P) a al = value_written_aux P a al"
    by(cases "(P, a, al)" rule: value_written_aux.cases)(simp_all add: value_written_aux.simps)

lemma value_written_compP [simp]: "value_written (compP f P) = value_written P"
by(simp add: fun_eq_iff value_written.simps)

lemma is_write_seen_compP [simp]: "is_write_seen (compP f P) = is_write_seen P"
by(simp add: fun_eq_iff is_write_seen_def)

lemma justification_well_formed_compP [simp]:
  "justification_well_formed (compP f P) = justification_well_formed P"
by(simp add: fun_eq_iff justification_well_formed_def)

lemma happens_before_committed_compP [simp]:
  "happens_before_committed (compP f P) = happens_before_committed P"
by(simp add: fun_eq_iff happens_before_committed_def)

lemma happens_before_committed_weak_compP [simp]:
  "happens_before_committed_weak (compP f P) = happens_before_committed_weak P"
by(simp add: fun_eq_iff happens_before_committed_weak_def)

lemma sync_order_committed_compP [simp]:
  "sync_order_committed (compP f P) = sync_order_committed P"
by(simp add: fun_eq_iff sync_order_committed_def)

lemma value_written_committed_compP [simp]:
  "value_written_committed (compP f P) = value_written_committed P"
by(simp add: fun_eq_iff value_written_committed_def)

lemma uncommitted_reads_see_hb_compP [simp]:
  "uncommitted_reads_see_hb (compP f P) = uncommitted_reads_see_hb P"
by(simp add: fun_eq_iff uncommitted_reads_see_hb_def)

lemma external_actions_committed_compP [simp]:
  "external_actions_committed (compP f P) = external_actions_committed P"
by(simp add: fun_eq_iff external_actions_committed_def)

lemma is_justified_by_compP [simp]: "is_justified_by (compP f P) = is_justified_by P"
by(simp add: fun_eq_iff is_justified_by.simps)

lemma is_weakly_justified_by_compP [simp]: "is_weakly_justified_by (compP f P) = is_weakly_justified_by P"
by(simp add: fun_eq_iff is_weakly_justified_by.simps)

lemma legal_execution_compP: "legal_execution (compP f P) = legal_execution P"
by(simp add: fun_eq_iff gen_legal_execution.simps)

lemma weakly_legal_execution_compP: "weakly_legal_execution (compP f P) = weakly_legal_execution P"
by(simp add: fun_eq_iff gen_legal_execution.simps)

lemma most_recent_write_for_compP [simp]: 
  "most_recent_write_for (compP f P) = most_recent_write_for P"
by(simp add: fun_eq_iff most_recent_write_for.simps)

lemma sequentially_consistent_compP [simp]:
  "sequentially_consistent (compP f P) = sequentially_consistent P"
by(simp add: sequentially_consistent_def split_beta)

lemma conflict_compP [simp]: "non_volatile_conflict (compP f P) = non_volatile_conflict P"
by(simp add: fun_eq_iff non_volatile_conflict_def)

lemma correctly_synchronized_compP [simp]: 
  "correctly_synchronized (compP f P) = correctly_synchronized P"
by(simp add: fun_eq_iff correctly_synchronized_def)

lemma (in heap_base) heap_read_typed_compP [simp]:
  "heap_read_typed (compP f P) = heap_read_typed P"
by(intro ext)(simp add: heap_read_typed_def)

context J_JVM_heap_conf_base begin

definition if_bisimJ2JVM :: 
  "(('addr,'thread_id,status × 'addr expr×'addr locals,'heap,'addr) state, 
    ('addr,'thread_id,status × 'addr option × 'addr frame list,'heap,'addr) state) bisim"
  "if_bisimJ2JVM = 
   FWbisimulation_base.mbisim red_red0.init_fin_bisim red_red0.init_fin_bisim_wait B
   FWbisimulation_base.mbisim red0_Red1'.init_fin_bisim red0_Red1'.init_fin_bisim_wait B
   if_mbisim_Red1'_Red1 B 
   FWbisimulation_base.mbisim Red1_execd.init_fin_bisim Red1_execd.init_fin_bisim_wait"

definition if_tlsimJ2JVM ::
  "('thread_id × ('addr, 'thread_id, status × 'addr expr × 'addr locals,
                  'heap, 'addr, ('addr, 'thread_id) obs_event action) thread_action,
    'thread_id × ('addr, 'thread_id, status × 'addr jvm_thread_state,
                  'heap, 'addr, ('addr, 'thread_id) obs_event action) thread_action) bisim"
  "if_tlsimJ2JVM = 
   FWbisimulation_base.mta_bisim red_red0.init_fin_bisim B 
   FWbisimulation_base.mta_bisim red0_Red1'.init_fin_bisim B (=) B 
   FWbisimulation_base.mta_bisim Red1_execd.init_fin_bisim"


sublocale J_JVM_conf_read < red_mthr: if_τmultithreaded_wf final_expr "mred P" convert_RA "τMOVE P"

sublocale J_JVM_conf_read < execd_mthr: 
    "mexecd (compP2 (compP1 P))"
    "τMOVE2 (compP2 (compP1 P))"

context J_JVM_conf_read begin

theorem if_bisimJ2JVM_weak_bisim:
  assumes wf: "wf_J_prog P"
  shows "delay_bisimulation_diverge_final
    (red_mthr.mthr.if.redT P) (execd_mthr.mthr.if.redT (J2JVM P)) if_bisimJ2JVM if_tlsimJ2JVM 
    red_mthr.if.mτmove execd_mthr.if.mτmove red_mthr.mthr.if.mfinal execd_mthr.mthr.if.mfinal"
apply (simp only: if_bisimJ2JVM_def if_tlsimJ2JVM_def J2JVM_def o_apply)
apply(rule delay_bisimulation_diverge_final_compose)
 apply(rule FWdelay_bisimulation_diverge.mthr_delay_bisimulation_diverge_final)
 apply(rule FWdelay_bisimulation_diverge.init_fin_FWdelay_bisimulation_diverge)
 apply(rule red_red0_FWbisim[OF wf_prog_wwf_prog[OF wf]])
apply(rule delay_bisimulation_diverge_final_compose)
 apply(rule FWdelay_bisimulation_diverge.mthr_delay_bisimulation_diverge_final)
 apply(rule FWdelay_bisimulation_diverge.init_fin_FWdelay_bisimulation_diverge)
 apply(rule red0_Red1'_FWweak_bisim[OF wf])
apply(rule delay_bisimulation_diverge_final_compose)
 apply(rule delay_bisimulation_diverge_final.intro)
  apply(rule bisimulation_into_delay.delay_bisimulation)
  apply(rule if_Red1'_Red1_bisim_into_weak[OF compP1_pres_wf[OF wf]])
 apply(rule bisimulation_final.delay_bisimulation_final_base)
 apply(rule if_Red1'_Red1_bisimulation_final[OF compP1_pres_wf[OF wf]])
apply(rule FWdelay_bisimulation_diverge.mthr_delay_bisimulation_diverge_final)
apply(rule FWdelay_bisimulation_diverge.init_fin_FWdelay_bisimulation_diverge)
apply(rule Red1_exec1_FWwbisim[OF compP1_pres_wf[OF wf]])

lemma if_bisimJ2JVM_start:
  assumes wf: "wf_J_prog P"
  and wf_start: "wf_start_state P C M vs"
  shows "if_bisimJ2JVM (init_fin_lift_state Running (J_start_state P C M vs))
                       (init_fin_lift_state Running (JVM_start_state (J2JVM P) C M vs))"
using assms
unfolding if_bisimJ2JVM_def J2JVM_def o_apply
apply(intro bisim_composeI)
   apply(rule FWbisimulation_base.init_fin_lift_state_mbisimI)
   apply(erule (1) bisim_J_J0_start[OF wf_prog_wwf_prog])
  apply(rule FWbisimulation_base.init_fin_lift_state_mbisimI)
  apply(erule (1) bisim_J0_J1_start)
 apply(erule if_bisim_J1_J1_start[OF compP1_pres_wf])
 apply simp
apply(rule FWbisimulation_base.init_fin_lift_state_mbisimI)
apply(erule bisim_J1_JVM_start[OF compP1_pres_wf])
apply simp

lemma red_Runs_eq_mexecd_Runs:
  fixes C M vs
  defines s: "s  init_fin_lift_state Running (J_start_state P C M vs)"
  and comps: "cs  init_fin_lift_state Running (JVM_start_state (J2JVM P) C M vs)"
  assumes wf: "wf_J_prog P"
  and wf_start: "wf_start_state P C M vs"
  shows "red_mthr.mthr.if.ℰ P s = execd_mthr.mthr.if.ℰ (J2JVM P) cs"
proof -
  from wf wf_start have bisim: "if_bisimJ2JVM s cs"
    unfolding s comps by(rule if_bisimJ2JVM_start)

  interpret divfin: delay_bisimulation_diverge_final 
    "red_mthr.mthr.if.redT P" 
    "execd_mthr.mthr.if.redT (J2JVM P)"
    using wf by(rule if_bisimJ2JVM_weak_bisim)
  show ?thesis (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
  proof(intro equalityI subsetI)
    fix E
    assume "E  ?lhs"
    then obtain E' where E: "E = lconcat (lmap (λ(t, ta). llist_of (map (Pair t) tao)) (llist_of_tllist E'))"
      and E': "red_mthr.if.mthr.τRuns s E'"
      unfolding red_mthr.if.ℰ_conv_Runs by blast
    from divfin.simulation_τRuns1[OF bisim E']
    obtain E'' where E'': "execd_mthr.if.mthr.τRuns cs E''"
      and tlsim: "tllist_all2 if_tlsimJ2JVM (option.rel_option if_bisimJ2JVM) E' E''"
      unfolding J2JVM_def o_apply by blast
    let ?E = "lconcat (lmap (λ(t, ta). llist_of (map (Pair t) tao)) (llist_of_tllist E''))"
    from tlsim have "llist_all2 if_tlsimJ2JVM (llist_of_tllist E') (llist_of_tllist E'')"
      by(rule tllist_all2D_llist_all2_llist_of_tllist)
    hence "llist_all2 (=) (lmap (λ(t, ta). llist_of (map (Pair t) tao)) (llist_of_tllist E'))
                             (lmap (λ(t, ta). llist_of (map (Pair t) tao)) (llist_of_tllist E''))"
      unfolding llist_all2_lmap1 llist_all2_lmap2
      by(rule llist_all2_mono)(auto simp add: if_tlsimJ2JVM_def FWbisimulation_base.mta_bisim_def ta_bisim_def)
    hence "?E = E" unfolding llist.rel_eq E by simp
    also from E'' have "?E  ?rhs" unfolding J2JVM_def o_apply execd_mthr.if.ℰ_conv_Runs by blast
    finally (subst) show "E  ?rhs" .
    fix E
    assume "E  ?rhs"
    then obtain E' where E: "E = lconcat (lmap (λ(t, ta). llist_of (map (Pair t) tao)) (llist_of_tllist E'))"
      and E': "execd_mthr.if.mthr.τRuns cs E'"
      unfolding execd_mthr.if.ℰ_conv_Runs J2JVM_def o_apply by blast
    from divfin.simulation_τRuns2[OF bisim, simplified J2JVM_def o_apply, OF E']
    obtain E'' where E'': "red_mthr.if.mthr.τRuns s E''"
      and tlsim: "tllist_all2 if_tlsimJ2JVM (option.rel_option if_bisimJ2JVM) E'' E'" by blast
    let ?E = "lconcat (lmap (λ(t, ta). llist_of (map (Pair t) tao)) (llist_of_tllist E''))"
    from tlsim have "llist_all2 if_tlsimJ2JVM (llist_of_tllist E'') (llist_of_tllist E')"
      by(rule tllist_all2D_llist_all2_llist_of_tllist)
    hence "llist_all2 (=) (lmap (λ(t, ta). llist_of (map (Pair t) tao)) (llist_of_tllist E''))
                             (lmap (λ(t, ta). llist_of (map (Pair t) tao)) (llist_of_tllist E'))"
      unfolding llist_all2_lmap1 llist_all2_lmap2
      by(rule llist_all2_mono)(auto simp add: if_tlsimJ2JVM_def FWbisimulation_base.mta_bisim_def ta_bisim_def)
    hence "?E = E" unfolding llist.rel_eq E by simp
    also from E'' have "?E  ?lhs" unfolding red_mthr.if.ℰ_conv_Runs by blast
    finally (subst) show "E  ?lhs" .

lemma red_ℰ_eq_mexecd_ℰ:
  " wf_J_prog P; wf_start_state P C M vs 
   J_ℰ P C M vs Running = JVMd_ℰ (J2JVM P) C M vs Running"
by(simp only: red_Runs_eq_mexecd_Runs)

theorem J2JVM_jmm_correct:
  assumes wf: "wf_J_prog P"
  and wf_start: "wf_start_state P C M vs"
  shows "legal_execution P (J_ℰ P C M vs Running) (E, ws)  
         legal_execution (J2JVM P) (JVMd_ℰ (J2JVM P) C M vs Running) (E, ws)"
by(simp only: red_ℰ_eq_mexecd_ℰ[OF assms] J2JVM_def o_apply compP1_def compP2_def legal_execution_compP)

theorem J2JVM_jmm_correct_weak:
  assumes wf: "wf_J_prog P"
  and wf_start: "wf_start_state P C M vs"
  shows "weakly_legal_execution P (J_ℰ P C M vs Running) (E, ws)  
         weakly_legal_execution (J2JVM P) (JVMd_ℰ (J2JVM P) C M vs Running) (E, ws)"
by(simp only: red_ℰ_eq_mexecd_ℰ[OF assms] J2JVM_def o_apply compP1_def compP2_def weakly_legal_execution_compP)

theorem J2JVM_jmm_correctly_synchronized:
  assumes wf: "wf_J_prog P"
  and wf_start: "wf_start_state P C M vs"
  shows "correctly_synchronized (J2JVM P) (JVMd_ℰ (J2JVM P) C M vs Running)  
         correctly_synchronized P (J_ℰ P C M vs Running)"
by(simp only: red_ℰ_eq_mexecd_ℰ[OF assms] J2JVM_def o_apply compP1_def compP2_def correctly_synchronized_compP)

