Theory Winding_Number_Eval
section ‹Evaluate winding numbers by calculating Cauchy indices›
theory Winding_Number_Eval imports
subsection ‹Misc›
lemma not_on_closed_segmentI:
fixes z::"'a::euclidean_space"
assumes "norm (z - a) *⇩R (b - z) ≠ norm (b - z) *⇩R (z - a)"
shows "z ∉ closed_segment a b"
using assms by (auto simp add:between_mem_segment[symmetric] between_norm)
lemma not_on_closed_segmentI_complex:
fixes z::"complex"
assumes "(Re b - Re z) * (Im z - Im a) ≠ (Im b - Im z) * (Re z - Re a)"
shows "z ∉ closed_segment a b"
proof (cases "z≠a ∧ z≠b")
case True
then have "cmod (z - a)≠0" "cmod (b - z)≠0" by auto
then have "(Re b - Re z) * (Im z - Im a) = (Im b - Im z) * (Re z - Re a)" when
"cmod (z - a) * (Re b - Re z) = cmod (b - z) * (Re z - Re a)"
"cmod (z - a) * (Im b - Im z) = cmod (b - z) * (Im z - Im a)"
using that by algebra
then show ?thesis using assms
apply (intro not_on_closed_segmentI)
by (auto simp add:scaleR_complex.ctr simp del:Complex_eq)
case False
then have "(Re b - Re z) * (Im z - Im a) = (Im b - Im z) * (Re z - Re a)" by auto
then have False using assms by auto
then show ?thesis by auto
subsection ‹finite intersection with the two axes›
definition finite_axes_cross::"(real ⇒ complex) ⇒ complex ⇒ bool" where
"finite_axes_cross g z = finite {t. (Re (g t-z) = 0 ∨ Im (g t-z) = 0) ∧ 0 ≤ t ∧ t ≤ 1}"
lemma finite_cross_intros:
"⟦Re a≠Re z ∨ Re b ≠Re z; Im a≠Im z ∨ Im b≠Im z⟧⟹finite_axes_cross (linepath a b) z"
"⟦st ≠ tt; r ≠ 0⟧ ⟹ finite_axes_cross (part_circlepath z0 r st tt) z"
"⟦finite_axes_cross g1 z;finite_axes_cross g2 z⟧ ⟹ finite_axes_cross (g1+++g2) z"
proof -
assume asm:"Re a≠Re z ∨ Re b ≠Re z" "Im a≠Im z ∨ Im b≠Im z"
let ?S1="{t. Re (linepath a b t-z) = 0 ∧ 0 ≤ t ∧ t ≤ 1}"
and ?S2="{t. Im (linepath a b t-z) = 0 ∧ 0 ≤ t ∧ t ≤ 1}"
have "finite ?S1"
using linepath_half_finite_inter[of a "Complex 1 0" "Re z" b] asm(1)
by (auto simp add:inner_complex_def)
moreover have "finite ?S2"
using linepath_half_finite_inter[of a "Complex 0 1" "Im z" b] asm(2)
by (auto simp add:inner_complex_def)
moreover have "{t. (Re (linepath a b t-z) = 0 ∨ Im (linepath a b t-z) = 0) ∧ 0 ≤ t ∧ t ≤ 1}
= ?S1 ∪ ?S2"
by fast
ultimately show "finite_axes_cross (linepath a b) z"
unfolding finite_axes_cross_def by force
assume asm: "st ≠tt" "r≠0"
let ?S1="{t. Re (part_circlepath z0 r st tt t-z) = 0 ∧ 0 ≤ t ∧ t ≤ 1}"
and ?S2="{t. Im (part_circlepath z0 r st tt t-z) = 0 ∧ 0 ≤ t ∧ t ≤ 1}"
have "finite ?S1"
using part_circlepath_half_finite_inter[of st tt r "Complex 1 0" z0 "Re z"] asm
by (auto simp add:inner_complex_def Complex_eq_0)
moreover have "finite ?S2"
using part_circlepath_half_finite_inter[of st tt r "Complex 0 1" z0 "Im z"] asm
by (auto simp add:inner_complex_def Complex_eq_0)
moreover have "{t. (Re (part_circlepath z0 r st tt t-z) = 0
∨ Im (part_circlepath z0 r st tt t-z) = 0) ∧ 0 ≤ t ∧ t ≤ 1} = ?S1 ∪ ?S2"
by fast
ultimately show "finite_axes_cross (part_circlepath z0 r st tt) z"
unfolding finite_axes_cross_def by auto
assume asm:"finite_axes_cross g1 z" "finite_axes_cross g2 z"
let ?g1R="{t. Re (g1 t-z) = 0 ∧ 0 ≤ t ∧ t ≤ 1}"
and ?g1I="{t. Im (g1 t-z) = 0 ∧ 0 ≤ t ∧ t ≤ 1}"
and ?g2R="{t. Re (g2 t-z) = 0 ∧ 0 ≤ t ∧ t ≤ 1}"
and ?g2I="{t. Im (g2 t-z) = 0 ∧ 0 ≤ t ∧ t ≤ 1}"
have "finite ?g1R" "finite ?g1I"
proof -
have "{t. (Re (g1 t - z) = 0 ∨ Im (g1 t - z) = 0) ∧ 0 ≤ t ∧ t ≤ 1} = ?g1R ∪ ?g1I"
by force
then have "finite (?g1R ∪ ?g1I)"
using asm(1) unfolding finite_axes_cross_def by auto
then show "finite ?g1R" "finite ?g1I" by blast+
have "finite ?g2R" "finite ?g2I"
proof -
have "{t. (Re (g2 t - z) = 0 ∨ Im (g2 t - z) = 0) ∧ 0 ≤ t ∧ t ≤ 1} = ?g2R ∪ ?g2I"
by force
then have "finite (?g2R ∪ ?g2I)"
using asm(2) unfolding finite_axes_cross_def by auto
then show "finite ?g2R" "finite ?g2I" by blast+
let ?S1 = "{t. Re ((g1 +++ g2) t - z) = 0 ∧ 0 ≤ t ∧ t ≤ 1}"
and ?S2 = "{t. Im ((g1 +++ g2) t - z) = 0 ∧ 0 ≤ t ∧ t ≤ 1}"
have "finite ?S1"
using finite_half_joinpaths_inter[of g1 "Complex 1 0" "Re z" g2,simplified]
‹finite ?g1R› ‹finite ?g2R›
by (auto simp add:inner_complex_def)
moreover have "finite ?S2"
using finite_half_joinpaths_inter[of g1 "Complex 0 1" "Im z" g2,simplified]
‹finite ?g1I› ‹finite ?g2I›
by (auto simp add:inner_complex_def)
moreover have "{t. (Re ((g1 +++ g2) t - z) = 0 ∨ Im ((g1 +++ g2) t - z) = 0) ∧ 0 ≤ t ∧ t ≤ 1}
= ?S1 ∪ ?S2"
by force
ultimately show "finite_axes_cross (g1 +++ g2) z"
unfolding finite_axes_cross_def
by auto
lemma cindex_path_joinpaths:
assumes "finite_axes_cross g1 z" "finite_axes_cross g2 z"
and "path g1" "path g2" "pathfinish g1 = pathstart g2" "pathfinish g1≠z"
shows "cindex_path (g1+++g2) z = cindex_path g1 z + jumpF_pathstart g2 z
- jumpF_pathfinish g1 z + cindex_path g2 z"
proof -
define h12 where "h12 = (λt. Im ((g1+++g2) t - z) / Re ((g1+++g2) t - z))"
let ?h = "λg. λt. Im (g t - z) / Re (g t - z)"
have "cindex_path (g1+++g2) z = cindex 0 1 h12"
unfolding cindex_path_def h12_def by simp
also have "... = cindex 0 (1/2) h12 + jump h12 (1/2) + cindex (1/2) 1 h12"
proof (rule cindex_combine)
have "finite_axes_cross (g1+++g2) z" using assms by (auto intro:finite_cross_intros)
then have "finite {t. Re ((g1+++g2) t - z) = 0 ∧ 0≤t ∧ t≤1}"
unfolding finite_axes_cross_def by (auto elim:rev_finite_subset)
moreover have " jump h12 t = 0" when "Re ((g1 +++ g2) t - z) ≠ 0" "0 < t" "t < 1" for t
apply (rule jump_Im_divide_Re_0[of "λt. (g1+++g2) t- z",folded h12_def,OF _ that])
using assms by (auto intro:path_offset)
ultimately show "finite {x. jump h12 x ≠ 0 ∧ 0 < x ∧ x < 1}"
apply (elim rev_finite_subset)
by auto
qed auto
also have "... = cindex_path g1 z + jumpF_pathstart g2 z
- jumpF_pathfinish g1 z + cindex_path g2 z"
proof -
have "jump h12 (1/2) = jumpF_pathstart g2 z - jumpF_pathfinish g1 z "
proof -
have "jump h12 (1 / 2) = jumpF h12 (at_right (1 / 2)) - jumpF h12 (at_left (1 / 2))"
proof (cases "Re ((g1+++g2) (1/2) - z) = 0")
case False
have "jump h12 (1 / 2) = 0"
unfolding h12_def
apply (rule jump_Im_divide_Re_0)
using assms False by (auto intro:path_offset)
moreover have "jumpF h12 (at_right (1/2)) = 0"
unfolding h12_def
apply (intro jumpF_im_divide_Re_0)
subgoal using assms by (auto intro:path_offset)
subgoal using assms(5-6) False unfolding joinpaths_def pathfinish_def pathstart_def by auto
by auto
moreover have "jumpF h12 (at_left (1/2)) = 0"
unfolding h12_def
apply (intro jumpF_im_divide_Re_0)
subgoal using assms by (auto intro:path_offset)
subgoal using assms(5-6) False unfolding joinpaths_def pathfinish_def pathstart_def by auto
by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
case True
then have "Im ((g1 +++ g2) (1 / 2) - z) ≠ 0"
using assms(5,6)
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) Re_divide_numeral complex_Re_numeral complex_eq
divide_self_if joinpaths_def minus_complex.simps mult.commute mult.left_neutral
numeral_One pathfinish_def pathstart_def right_minus_eq times_divide_eq_left zero_neq_numeral)
show ?thesis
proof (rule jump_jumpF[of _ h12 "sgnx h12 (at_left (1/2))" "sgnx h12 (at_right (1/2))"])
define g where "g=(λt. (g1 +++ g2) t - z)"
have h12_def:"h12 = (λt. Im(g t)/Re(g t))" unfolding h12_def g_def by simp
have "path g" using assms unfolding g_def by (auto intro!:path_offset)
then have "isCont (λt. Im (g t)) (1 / 2)" "isCont (λt. Re (g t)) (1 / 2)"
unfolding path_def by (auto intro!:continuous_intros continuous_on_interior)
moreover have "Im (g (1/2)) ≠0"
using ‹Im ((g1 +++ g2) (1 / 2) - z) ≠ 0› unfolding g_def .
ultimately show "isCont (inverse ∘ h12) (1 / 2)"
unfolding h12_def comp_def
by (auto intro!: continuous_intros)
define l where "l ≡ sgnx h12 (at_left (1/2))"
define r where "r ≡ sgnx h12 (at_right (1/2))"
have *:"continuous_on ({0<..<1}- {t. h12 t = 0 ∧ 0 < t ∧ t < 1}) h12"
using ‹path g›[unfolded path_def] unfolding h12_def
apply (auto intro!: continuous_intros)
by (auto elim:continuous_on_subset)
have **:"finite {t. h12 t = 0 ∧ 0 < t ∧ t < 1}"
proof -
have "finite_axes_cross (g1 +++ g2) z"
using assms(1,2) finite_cross_intros(3)[of g1 z g2] by auto
then have "finite {t. (Re (g t) = 0 ∨ Im (g t) = 0) ∧ 0 < t ∧ t < 1}"
unfolding finite_axes_cross_def g_def
apply (elim rev_finite_subset)
by auto
then show ?thesis unfolding h12_def
by (simp add:disj_commute)
have "h12 sgnx_able at_left (1/2)" "l ≠ 0" "h12 sgnx_able at_right (1/2)" "r ≠ 0"
unfolding l_def r_def using finite_sgnx_at_left_at_right[OF ** * **]
by auto
then show "(h12 has_sgnx l) (at_left (1/2))" "(h12 has_sgnx r) (at_right (1/2))" "l≠0" "r≠0"
unfolding l_def r_def by (auto elim:sgnx_able_sgnx)
moreover have "jumpF h12 (at_right (1/2)) = jumpF_pathstart g2 z"
proof -
have " jumpF h12 (at_right (1 / 2)) = jumpF (h12 ∘ (λx. x / 2 + 1 / 2)) (at_right 0)"
using jumpF_linear_comp[of "1/2" h12 "1/2" 0,simplified] by simp
also have "jumpF (h12 ∘ (λx. x / 2 + 1 / 2)) (at_right 0) = jumpF_pathstart g2 z"
unfolding h12_def jumpF_pathstart_def
proof (rule jumpF_cong)
show "∀⇩F x in at_right 0. ((λt. Im ((g1 +++ g2) t - z) / Re ((g1 +++ g2) t - z))
∘ (λx. x / 2 + 1 / 2)) x = Im (g2 x - z) / Re (g2 x - z)"
unfolding eventually_at_right
apply (intro exI[where x="1/2"])
unfolding joinpaths_def by auto
qed simp
finally show ?thesis .
moreover have "jumpF h12 (at_left (1 / 2)) = jumpF_pathfinish g1 z"
proof -
have "jumpF h12 (at_left (1 / 2)) = jumpF (h12 ∘ (λx. x / 2)) (at_left 1)"
using jumpF_linear_comp[of "1/2" h12 0 1,simplified] by simp
also have "jumpF (h12 ∘ (λx. x / 2 )) (at_left 1) = jumpF_pathfinish g1 z"
unfolding h12_def jumpF_pathfinish_def
proof (rule jumpF_cong)
show " ∀⇩F x in at_left 1. ((λt. Im ((g1 +++ g2) t - z) / Re ((g1 +++ g2) t - z))
∘ (λx. x / 2)) x = Im (g1 x - z) / Re (g1 x - z)"
unfolding eventually_at_left
apply (intro exI[where x="1/2"])
unfolding joinpaths_def by auto
qed simp
finally show ?thesis .
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
moreover have "cindex 0 (1 / 2) h12 = cindex_path g1 z"
proof -
have "cindex 0 (1 / 2) h12 = cindex 0 1 (h12 ∘ (λx. x / 2))"
using cindex_linear_comp[of "1/2" 0 1 h12 0,simplified,symmetric] .
also have "... = cindex_path g1 z"
proof -
let ?g = " (λt. Im (g1 t - z) / Re (g1 t - z))"
have *:"jump (h12 ∘ (λx. x / 2)) x = jump ?g x" when "0<x" "x<1" for x
unfolding h12_def
proof (rule jump_cong)
show "∀⇩F x in at x. ((λt. Im ((g1 +++ g2) t - z) / Re ((g1 +++ g2) t - z))
∘ (λx. x / 2)) x = Im (g1 x - z) / Re (g1 x - z)"
unfolding eventually_at joinpaths_def comp_def using that
apply (intro exI[where x="(1-x)/2"])
by (auto simp add: dist_norm)
qed simp
then have "{x. jump (h12 ∘ (λx. x / 2)) x ≠ 0 ∧ 0 < x ∧ x < 1}
= {x. jump ?g x ≠ 0 ∧ 0 < x ∧ x < 1}"
by auto
then show ?thesis
unfolding cindex_def cindex_path_def
apply (elim sum.cong)
by (auto simp add:*)
finally show ?thesis .
moreover have "cindex (1 / 2) 1 h12 = cindex_path g2 z"
proof -
have "cindex (1 / 2) 1 h12 = cindex 0 1 (h12 ∘ (λx. x / 2 + 1 / 2))"
using cindex_linear_comp[of "1/2" 0 1 h12 "1/2",simplified,symmetric] .
also have "... = cindex_path g2 z"
proof -
let ?g = " (λt. Im (g2 t - z) / Re (g2 t - z))"
have *:"jump (h12 ∘ (λx. x / 2+1/2)) x = jump ?g x" when "0<x" "x<1" for x
unfolding h12_def
proof (rule jump_cong)
show "∀⇩F x in at x. ((λt. Im ((g1 +++ g2) t - z) / Re ((g1 +++ g2) t - z))
∘ (λx. x / 2+1/2)) x = Im (g2 x - z) / Re (g2 x - z)"
unfolding eventually_at joinpaths_def comp_def using that
apply (intro exI[where x="x/2"])
by (auto simp add: dist_norm)
qed simp
then have "{x. jump (h12 ∘ (λx. x / 2+1/2)) x ≠ 0 ∧ 0 < x ∧ x < 1}
= {x. jump ?g x ≠ 0 ∧ 0 < x ∧ x < 1}"
by auto
then show ?thesis
unfolding cindex_def cindex_path_def
apply (elim sum.cong)
by (auto simp add:*)
finally show ?thesis .
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
finally show ?thesis .
subsection ‹More lemmas related @{term cindex_pathE} / @{term jumpF_pathstart} / @{term jumpF_pathfinish}›
lemma cindex_pathE_linepath:
assumes "z∉closed_segment a b"
shows "cindex_pathE (linepath a b) z = (
let c1 = Re a - Re z;
c2 = Re b - Re z;
c3 = Im a * Re b + Re z * Im b + Im z * Re a - Im z * Re b - Im b * Re a - Re z * Im a;
d1 = Im a - Im z;
d2 = Im b - Im z
in if (c1>0 ∧ c2<0) ∨ (c1<0 ∧ c2>0) then
(if c3>0 then 1 else -1)
(if (c1=0 ⟷ c2≠0) ∧ (c1=0 ⟶d1≠0) ∧ (c2=0 ⟶ d2≠0) then
if (c1=0 ∧ (c2 >0 ⟷ d1>0)) ∨ (c2=0 ∧ (c1 >0 ⟷ d2<0)) then 1/2 else -1/2
else 0))"
proof -
define c1 c2 where "c1=Re a - Re z" and "c2=Re b - Re z"
define d1 d2 where "d1=Im a - Im z" and "d2=Im b - Im z"
let ?g = "linepath a b"
have ?thesis when "¬ ((c1>0 ∧ c2<0) ∨ (c1<0 ∧ c2>0))"
proof -
have "Re a= Re z ∧ Re b=Re z"
when "0<t" "t<1" and asm:"(1-t)*Re a + t * Re b = Re z" for t
unfolding c1_def c2_def using that
proof -
have ?thesis when "c1≤0" "c1≥0"
proof -
have "Re a=Re z" using that unfolding c1_def by auto
then show ?thesis using ‹0<t› ‹t<1› asm
apply (cases "Re b" "Re z" rule:linorder_cases)
apply (auto simp add:field_simps)
moreover have ?thesis when "c1≤0" "c2≤0"
proof -
have False when "c1<0"
proof -
have "(1 - t) * Re a < (1 - t) * Re z"
using ‹t<1› ‹c1<0› unfolding c1_def by auto
moreover have "t * Re b ≤ t* Re z" using ‹t>0› ‹c2≤0› unfolding c2_def by auto
ultimately have "(1 - t) * Re a + t * Re b < (1 - t) * Re z + t * Re z"
by auto
thus False using asm by (auto simp add:algebra_simps)
moreover have False when "c2<0"
proof -
have "(1 - t) * Re a ≤ (1 - t) * Re z"
using ‹t<1› ‹c1≤0› unfolding c1_def by auto
moreover have "t * Re b < t* Re z" using ‹t>0› ‹c2<0› unfolding c2_def by auto
ultimately have "(1 - t) * Re a + t * Re b < (1 - t) * Re z + t * Re z"
by auto
thus False using asm by (auto simp add:algebra_simps)
ultimately show ?thesis using that unfolding c1_def c2_def by argo
moreover have ?thesis when "c2≤0" "c2≥0"
proof -
have "Re b=Re z" using that unfolding c2_def by auto
then have "(1 - t) * Re a = (1-t)*Re z" using asm by (auto simp add:field_simps)
then have "Re a= Re z" using ‹t<1› by auto
then show ?thesis using ‹Re b=Re z› by auto
moreover have ?thesis when "c1≥0" "c2≥0"
proof -
have False when "c1>0"
proof -
have "(1 - t) * Re a > (1 - t) * Re z"
using ‹t<1› ‹c1>0› unfolding c1_def by auto
moreover have "t * Re b ≥ t* Re z" using ‹t>0› ‹c2≥0› unfolding c2_def by auto
ultimately have "(1 - t) * Re a + t * Re b > (1 - t) * Re z + t * Re z"
by auto
thus False using asm by (auto simp add:algebra_simps)
moreover have False when "c2>0"
proof -
have "(1 - t) * Re a ≥ (1 - t) * Re z"
using ‹t<1› ‹c1≥0› unfolding c1_def by auto
moreover have "t * Re b > t* Re z" using ‹t>0› ‹c2>0› unfolding c2_def by auto
ultimately have "(1 - t) * Re a + t * Re b > (1 - t) * Re z + t * Re z"
by auto
thus False using asm by (auto simp add:algebra_simps)
ultimately show ?thesis using that unfolding c1_def c2_def by argo
moreover have "c1≤0 ∨ c2≥0" "c1≥0 ∨ c2≤0" using ‹¬ ((c1>0 ∧ c2<0) ∨ (c1<0 ∧ c2>0))› by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by fast
then have "(∀t. 0<t ∧ t<1 ⟶ Re(linepath a b t - z) ≠ 0) ∨ (c1=0 ∧ c2=0)"
using that unfolding linepath_def c1_def c2_def by auto
moreover have ?thesis when asm:"∀t. 0<t ∧ t<1 ⟶ Re(linepath a b t - z) ≠ 0"
and "¬ (c1=0 ∧ c2=0)"
proof -
have cindex_ends:"cindex_pathE ?g z = jumpF_pathstart ?g z - jumpF_pathfinish ?g z"
proof -
define f where "f=(λt. Im (linepath a b t - z) / Re (linepath a b t - z))"
define left where "left = {x. jumpF f (at_left x) ≠ 0 ∧ 0 < x ∧ x ≤ 1}"
define right where "right = {x. jumpF f (at_right x) ≠ 0 ∧ 0 ≤ x ∧ x < 1}"
have jumpF_nz:"jumpF f (at_left x) = 0" "jumpF f (at_right x) = 0"
when "0<x" "x<1" for x
proof -
have "isCont f x" unfolding f_def
using asm[rule_format,of x] that
by (auto intro!:continuous_intros isCont_Im isCont_Re)
then have "continuous (at_left x) f" "continuous (at_right x) f"
using continuous_at_split by blast+
then show "jumpF f (at_left x) = 0" "jumpF f (at_right x) = 0"
using jumpF_not_infinity by auto
have "cindex_pathE ?g z = sum (λx. jumpF f (at_right x)) right
- sum (λx. jumpF f (at_left x)) left"
unfolding cindex_pathE_def cindexE_def right_def left_def
by (fold f_def,simp)
moreover have "sum (λx. jumpF f (at_right x)) right = jumpF_pathstart ?g z"
proof (cases " jumpF f (at_right 0) = 0")
case True
hence False if "x ∈ right" for x using that
by (cases "x = 0") (auto simp: jumpF_nz right_def)
then have "right = {}" by blast
then show ?thesis
unfolding jumpF_pathstart_def using True
apply (fold f_def)
by auto
case False
hence "x ∈ right ⟷ x = 0" for x using that
by (cases "x = 0") (auto simp: jumpF_nz right_def)
then have "right = {0}" by blast
then show ?thesis
unfolding jumpF_pathstart_def using False
apply (fold f_def)
by auto
moreover have "sum (λx. jumpF f (at_left x)) left = jumpF_pathfinish ?g z"
proof (cases " jumpF f (at_left 1) = 0")
case True
then have "left = {}"
unfolding left_def using jumpF_nz by force
then show ?thesis
unfolding jumpF_pathfinish_def using True
apply (fold f_def)
by auto
case False
then have "left = {1}"
unfolding left_def using jumpF_nz by force
then show ?thesis
unfolding jumpF_pathfinish_def using False
apply (fold f_def)
by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
moreover have jF_start:"jumpF_pathstart ?g z =
(if c1=0 ∧ c2 ≠0 ∧ d1 ≠0 then
if c2 >0 ⟷ d1 > 0 then 1/2 else -1/2
proof -
define f where "f=(λt. (Im b - Im a )* t + d1)"
define g where "g=(λt. (Re b - Re a )* t + c1)"
have jump_eq:"jumpF_pathstart (linepath a b) z = jumpF (λt. f t/g t) (at_right 0)"
unfolding jumpF_pathstart_def f_def linepath_def g_def d1_def c1_def
by (auto simp add:algebra_simps)
have ?thesis when "¬ (c1 =0 ∧ c2 ≠0 ∧ d1 ≠0)"
proof -
have "c2=0 ⟶ c1≠0" using ‹¬ (c1=0 ∧ c2=0)› by auto
moreover have "d1 =0 ⟶ c1≠0"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬ (d1 = 0 ⟶ c1 ≠ 0)"
then have "a=z" unfolding d1_def c1_def by (simp add: complex_eqI)
then have "z∈path_image (linepath a b)" by auto
then show False using ‹z∉closed_segment a b› by auto
moreover have ?thesis when "c1≠0"
proof -
have "jumpF (λt. f t/g t) (at_right 0) = 0"
apply (rule jumpF_not_infinity)
apply (unfold f_def g_def)
using that by (auto intro!: continuous_intros)
then show ?thesis using jump_eq using that by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using that by blast
moreover have ?thesis when "c1=0" "c2 ≠0" "d1 ≠0" "c2 >0 ⟷ d1 > 0"
proof -
have "(LIM x at_right 0. f x / g x :> at_top)"
proof -
have "(f ⤏ d1) (at_right 0)"
unfolding f_def by (auto intro!: tendsto_eq_intros)
moreover have "(g ⤏ 0) (at_right 0)"
unfolding g_def using ‹c1=0› by (auto intro!: tendsto_eq_intros)
moreover have "(g has_sgnx sgn d1) (at_right 0)"
proof -
have "(g has_sgnx sgn (c2-c1)) (at_right 0)"
unfolding g_def
apply (rule has_sgnx_derivative_at_right)
subgoal unfolding c2_def c1_def d1_def by (auto intro!: derivative_eq_intros)
subgoal using ‹c1=0› by auto
subgoal using ‹c1=0› ‹c2≠0› by auto
moreover have "sgn (c2-c1) = sgn d1" using that by fastforce
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
using filterlim_divide_at_bot_at_top_iff[of f d1 "at_right 0" g] ‹d1≠0› by auto
then have "jumpF (λt. f t/g t) (at_right 0) = 1/2" unfolding jumpF_def by auto
then show ?thesis using that jump_eq by auto
moreover have ?thesis when "c1=0" "c2 ≠0" "d1 ≠0" "¬ c2 >0 ⟷ d1 > 0"
proof -
have "(LIM x at_right 0. f x / g x :> at_bot)"
proof -
have "(f ⤏ d1) (at_right 0)"
unfolding f_def by (auto intro!: tendsto_eq_intros)
moreover have "(g ⤏ 0) (at_right 0)"
unfolding g_def using ‹c1=0› by (auto intro!: tendsto_eq_intros)
moreover have "(g has_sgnx - sgn d1) (at_right 0)"
proof -
have "(g has_sgnx sgn (c2-c1)) (at_right 0)"
unfolding g_def
apply (rule has_sgnx_derivative_at_right)
subgoal unfolding c2_def c1_def d1_def by (auto intro!: derivative_eq_intros)
subgoal using ‹c1=0› by auto
subgoal using ‹c1=0› ‹c2≠0› by auto
moreover have "sgn (c2-c1) = - sgn d1" using that by fastforce
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
using filterlim_divide_at_bot_at_top_iff[of f d1 "at_right 0" g] ‹d1≠0› by auto
then have "jumpF (λt. f t/g t) (at_right 0) = - 1/2" unfolding jumpF_def by auto
then show ?thesis using that jump_eq by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by fast
moreover have jF_finish:"jumpF_pathfinish ?g z =
(if c2=0 ∧ c1 ≠0 ∧ d2 ≠0 then
if c1 >0 ⟷ d2 > 0 then 1/2 else -1/2
proof -
define f where "f=(λt. (Im b - Im a )* t + (Im a - Im z))"
define g where "g=(λt. (Re b - Re a )* t + (Re a - Re z))"
have jump_eq:"jumpF_pathfinish (linepath a b) z = jumpF (λt. f t/g t) (at_left 1)"
unfolding jumpF_pathfinish_def f_def linepath_def g_def d1_def c1_def
by (auto simp add:algebra_simps)
have ?thesis when "¬ (c2 =0 ∧ c1 ≠0 ∧ d2 ≠0)"
proof -
have "c1=0 ⟶ c2≠0" using ‹¬ (c1=0 ∧ c2=0)› by auto
moreover have "d2 =0 ⟶ c2≠0"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬ (d2 = 0 ⟶ c2 ≠ 0)"
then have "b=z" unfolding d2_def c2_def by (simp add: complex_eqI)
then have "z∈path_image (linepath a b)" by auto
then show False using ‹z∉closed_segment a b› by auto
moreover have ?thesis when "c2≠0"
proof -
have "jumpF (λt. f t/g t) (at_left 1) = 0"
apply (rule jumpF_not_infinity)
apply (unfold f_def g_def)
using that unfolding c2_def by (auto intro!: continuous_intros)
then show ?thesis using jump_eq using that by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using that by blast
moreover have ?thesis when "c2=0" "c1 ≠0" "d2 ≠0" "c1 >0 ⟷ d2 > 0"
proof -
have "(LIM x at_left 1. f x / g x :> at_top)"
proof -
have "(f ⤏ d2) (at_left 1)"
unfolding f_def d2_def by (auto intro!: tendsto_eq_intros)
moreover have "(g ⤏ 0) (at_left 1)"
using ‹c2=0› unfolding g_def c2_def by (auto intro!: tendsto_eq_intros)
moreover have "(g has_sgnx sgn d2) (at_left 1)"
proof -
have "(g has_sgnx - sgn (c2-c1)) (at_left 1)"
unfolding g_def
apply (rule has_sgnx_derivative_at_left)
subgoal unfolding c2_def c1_def d1_def by (auto intro!: derivative_eq_intros)
subgoal using ‹c2=0› unfolding c2_def by auto
subgoal using ‹c2=0› ‹c1≠0› by auto
moreover have "- sgn (c2-c1) = sgn d2" using that by fastforce
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
using filterlim_divide_at_bot_at_top_iff[of f d2 "at_left 1" g] ‹d2≠0› by auto
then have "jumpF (λt. f t/g t) (at_left 1) = 1/2" unfolding jumpF_def by auto
then show ?thesis using that jump_eq by auto
moreover have ?thesis when "c2=0" "c1 ≠0" "d2 ≠0" "¬ c1 >0 ⟷ d2 > 0"
proof -
have "(LIM x at_left 1. f x / g x :> at_bot)"
proof -
have "(f ⤏ d2) (at_left 1)"
unfolding f_def d2_def by (auto intro!: tendsto_eq_intros)
moreover have "(g ⤏ 0) (at_left 1)"
using ‹c2=0› unfolding g_def c2_def by (auto intro!: tendsto_eq_intros)
moreover have "(g has_sgnx - sgn d2) (at_left 1)"
proof -
have "(g has_sgnx - sgn (c2-c1)) (at_left 1)"
unfolding g_def
apply (rule has_sgnx_derivative_at_left)
subgoal unfolding c2_def c1_def d1_def by (auto intro!: derivative_eq_intros)
subgoal using ‹c2=0› unfolding c2_def by auto
subgoal using ‹c2=0› ‹c1≠0› by auto
moreover have "sgn (c2-c1) = sgn d2" using that by fastforce
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
using filterlim_divide_at_bot_at_top_iff[of f d2 "at_left 1" g] ‹d2≠0› by auto
then have "jumpF (λt. f t/g t) (at_left 1) = - 1/2" unfolding jumpF_def by auto
then show ?thesis using that jump_eq by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by fast
ultimately show ?thesis using ‹¬ ((c1>0 ∧ c2<0) ∨ (c1<0 ∧ c2>0))›
apply (fold c1_def c2_def d1_def d2_def)
by auto
moreover have ?thesis when "c1=0" "c2=0"
proof -
have "(λt. Re (linepath a b t - z)) = (λ_. 0)"
using that unfolding linepath_def c1_def c2_def
by (auto simp add:algebra_simps)
then have "(λt. Im (linepath a b t - z) / Re (linepath a b t - z)) = (λ_. 0)"
by (metis div_by_0)
then have "cindex_pathE (linepath a b) z = 0"
unfolding cindex_pathE_def
by (auto intro: cindexE_constI)
thus ?thesis using ‹¬ ((c1>0 ∧ c2<0) ∨ (c1<0 ∧ c2>0))› that
apply (fold c1_def c2_def d1_def d2_def)
by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by fast
moreover have ?thesis when c1c2_diff_sgn:"(c1>0 ∧ c2<0) ∨ (c1<0 ∧ c2>0)"
proof -
define f where "f=(λt. (Im b - Im a )* t + (Im a - Im z))"
define g where "g=(λt. (Re b - Re a )* t + (Re a - Re z))"
define h where "h=(λt. f t/ g t)"
define c3 where "c3=Im(a)*Re(b)+Re(z)*Im(b)+Im(z)*Re(a) -Im(z)*Re(b) - Im(b)*Re(a) - Re(z)*Im(a)"
define u where "u = (Re z - Re a) / (Re b - Re a)"
let ?g = "λt. linepath a b t - z"
have "0<u" "u<1" "Re b - Re a≠0" using that unfolding u_def c1_def c2_def by (auto simp add:field_simps)
have "Re(?g u) = 0" "g u=0" unfolding linepath_def u_def g_def
apply (auto simp add:field_simps)
using ‹Re b - Re a≠0› by (auto simp add:field_simps)
moreover have "u1 = u2" when "Re(?g u1) = 0" "Re(?g u2) = 0" for u1 u2
proof -
have " (u1 - u2) * (Re b - Re a) = Re(?g u1) - Re(?g u2)"
unfolding linepath_def by (auto simp add:algebra_simps)
also have "... = 0" using that by auto
finally have "(u1 - u2) * (Re b - Re a) = 0" .
thus ?thesis using ‹Re b - Re a≠0› by auto
ultimately have re_g_iff:"Re(?g t) = 0 ⟷ t=u" for t by blast
have "cindex_pathE (linepath a b) z = jumpF h (at_right u) - jumpF h (at_left u)"
proof -
define left where "left = {x. jumpF h (at_left x) ≠ 0 ∧ 0 < x ∧ x ≤ 1}"
define right where "right = {x. jumpF h (at_right x) ≠ 0 ∧ 0 ≤ x ∧ x < 1}"
have jumpF_nz:"jumpF h (at_left x) = 0" "jumpF h (at_right x) = 0"
when "0≤x" "x≤1" "x≠u" for x
proof -
have "g x≠0"
using re_g_iff ‹x≠u› unfolding g_def linepath_def
by (metis ‹Re b - Re a ≠ 0› add_diff_cancel_left' diff_diff_eq2 diff_zero
nonzero_mult_div_cancel_left u_def)
then have "isCont h x"
unfolding h_def f_def g_def
by (auto intro!:continuous_intros)
then have "continuous (at_left x) h" "continuous (at_right x) h"
using continuous_at_split by blast+
then show "jumpF h (at_left x) = 0" "jumpF h(at_right x) = 0"
using jumpF_not_infinity by auto
have "cindex_pathE (linepath a b) z = sum (λx. jumpF h (at_right x)) right
- sum (λx. jumpF h (at_left x)) left"
proof -
have "cindex_pathE (linepath a b) z = cindexE 0 1 (λt. Im (?g t) / Re (?g t))"
unfolding cindex_pathE_def by auto
also have "... = cindexE 0 1 h"
proof -
have "(λt. Im (?g t) / Re (?g t)) = h"
unfolding h_def f_def g_def linepath_def
by (auto simp add:algebra_simps)
then show ?thesis by auto
also have "... = sum (λx. jumpF h (at_right x)) right - sum (λx. jumpF h (at_left x)) left"
unfolding cindexE_def left_def right_def by auto
finally show ?thesis .
moreover have "sum (λx. jumpF h (at_right x)) right = jumpF h (at_right u)"
proof (cases " jumpF h (at_right u) = 0")
case True
then have "right = {}"
unfolding right_def using jumpF_nz by force
then show ?thesis using True by auto
case False
then have "right = {u}"
unfolding right_def using jumpF_nz ‹0<u› ‹u<1› by fastforce
then show ?thesis by auto
moreover have "sum (λx. jumpF h (at_left x)) left = jumpF h (at_left u)"
proof (cases " jumpF h (at_left u) = 0")
case True
then have "left = {}"
unfolding left_def
apply safe
apply (case_tac "x=u")
using jumpF_nz ‹0<u› ‹u<1› by auto
then show ?thesis using True by auto
case False
then have "left = {u}"
unfolding left_def
apply safe
apply (case_tac "x=u")
using jumpF_nz ‹0<u› ‹u<1› by auto
then show ?thesis by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
moreover have "jump h u = (if c3>0 then 1 else -1)"
proof -
have "Re b-Re a≠0" using c1c2_diff_sgn unfolding c1_def c2_def by auto
have "jump (λt. Im(?g t) / Re(?g t)) u = jump h u"
apply (rule arg_cong2[where f=jump])
unfolding linepath_def h_def f_def g_def by (auto simp add:algebra_simps)
moreover have "jump (λt. Im(?g t) / Re(?g t)) u
= (if sgn (Re b -Re a) = sgn (Im(?g u)) then 1 else - 1)"
proof (rule jump_divide_derivative)
have "path ?g" using path_offset by auto
then have "continuous_on {0..1} (λt. Im(?g t))"
using continuous_on_Im path_def by blast
then show "isCont (λt. Im (?g t)) u"
unfolding path_def
apply (elim continuous_on_interior)
using ‹0<u› ‹u<1› by auto
show "Re(?g u) = 0" "Re b - Re a ≠ 0" using ‹Re(?g u) = 0› ‹Re b - Re a ≠ 0›
by auto
show "Im(?g u) ≠ 0"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬ Im (linepath a b u - z) ≠ 0 "
then have "?g u = 0" using ‹Re(?g u) = 0›
by (simp add: complex_eq_iff)
then have "z ∈ closed_segment a b" using ‹0<u› ‹u<1›
by (auto intro:linepath_in_path)
thus False using ‹z ∉ closed_segment a b› by simp
show "((λt. Re (linepath a b t - z)) has_real_derivative Re b - Re a) (at u)"
unfolding linepath_def by (auto intro!:derivative_eq_intros)
moreover have "sgn (Re b - Re a) = sgn (Im(?g u)) ⟷ c3 > 0"
proof -
have "Im(?g u) = c3/(Re b-Re a)"
proof -
define ba where "ba = Re b-Re a"
have "ba≠0" using ‹Re b - Re a ≠ 0› unfolding ba_def by auto
then show ?thesis
unfolding linepath_def u_def c3_def
apply (fold ba_def)
apply (auto simp add:field_simps)
by (auto simp add:algebra_simps ba_def)
then have "sgn (Re b - Re a) = sgn (Im(?g u)) ⟷ sgn (Re b - Re a) = sgn (c3/(Re b-Re a))"
by auto
also have "... ⟷ c3>0"
using ‹Re b-Re a≠0›
apply (cases "0::real" c3 rule:linorder_cases)
by (auto simp add:sgn_zero_iff)
finally show ?thesis .
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
moreover have "jump h u = jumpF h (at_right u) - jumpF h (at_left u)"
proof (rule jump_jumpF)
have "f u≠0"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬ f u ≠ 0"
then have "z∈path_image (linepath a b)"
unfolding path_image_def
apply (rule_tac rev_image_eqI[of u])
using re_g_iff[of u,simplified] ‹0<u› ‹u<1›
unfolding f_def linepath_def
by (auto simp add:algebra_simps complex.expand)
then show False using ‹z∉closed_segment a b› by simp
then show "isCont (inverse ∘ h) u"
unfolding h_def comp_def f_def g_def
by (auto intro!: continuous_intros)
define hs where "hs = sgn ((f u) / (c2 -c1))"
show "(h has_sgnx -hs) (at_left u)" "(h has_sgnx hs) (at_right u)"
proof -
have ff:"(f has_sgnx sgn (f u)) (at_left u)" "(f has_sgnx sgn (f u)) (at_right u)"
proof -
have "(f ⤏ f u) (at u)"
unfolding f_def by (auto intro!:tendsto_intros)
then have " (f has_sgnx sgn (f u)) (at u)"
using tendsto_nonzero_has_sgnx[of f, OF _ ‹f u≠0›] by auto
then show "(f has_sgnx sgn (f u)) (at_left u)" "(f has_sgnx sgn (f u)) (at_right u)"
using has_sgnx_split by blast+
have gg:"(g has_sgnx - sgn (c2 - c1)) (at_left u)" "(g has_sgnx sgn (c2 - c1)) (at_right u)"
proof -
have "(g has_real_derivative c2 - c1) (at u)" unfolding g_def c1_def c2_def
by (auto intro!:derivative_eq_intros)
moreover have "c2 - c1 ≠ 0" using that by auto
ultimately show "(g has_sgnx sgn (c2 - c1)) (at_right u)"
"(g has_sgnx - sgn (c2 - c1)) (at_left u)"
using has_sgnx_derivative_at_right[of g "c2-c1" u]
has_sgnx_derivative_at_left[of g "c2-c1" u] ‹g u=0›
by auto
show "(h has_sgnx - hs) (at_left u)"
using has_sgnx_divide[OF ff(1) gg(1)] unfolding h_def hs_def
by auto
show "(h has_sgnx hs) (at_right u)"
using has_sgnx_divide[OF ff(2) gg(2)] unfolding h_def hs_def
by auto
show "hs≠0" "-hs≠0"
unfolding hs_def using ‹f u≠0› that by (auto simp add:sgn_if)
ultimately show ?thesis using that
apply (fold c1_def c2_def c3_def)
by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by fast
lemma cindex_path_linepath:
assumes "z∉path_image (linepath a b)"
shows "cindex_path (linepath a b) z = (
let c1=Re(a)-Re(z) ; c2=Re(b)-Re(z) ;
c3 = Im(a)*Re(b)+Re(z)*Im(b)+Im(z)*Re(a) -Im(z)*Re(b) - Im(b)*Re(a) - Re(z)*Im(a)
in if (c1>0 ∧ c2<0) ∨ (c1<0 ∧ c2>0) then (if c3>0 then 1 else -1) else 0)"
proof -
define c1 c2 where "c1=Re(a)-Re(z)" and "c2=Re(b)-Re(z)"
let ?g = "linepath a b"
have ?thesis when "¬ ((c1>0 ∧ c2<0) ∨ (c1<0 ∧ c2>0))"
proof -
have "Re a= Re z ∧ Re b=Re z"
when "0<t" "t<1" and asm:"(1-t)*Re a + t * Re b = Re z" for t
unfolding c1_def c2_def using that
proof -
have ?thesis when "c1≤0" "c1≥0"
proof -
have "Re a=Re z" using that unfolding c1_def by auto
then show ?thesis using ‹0<t› ‹t<1› asm
apply (cases "Re b" "Re z" rule:linorder_cases)
apply (auto simp add:field_simps)
moreover have ?thesis when "c1≤0" "c2≤0"
proof -
have False when "c1<0"
proof -
have "(1 - t) * Re a < (1 - t) * Re z"
using ‹t<1› ‹c1<0› unfolding c1_def by auto
moreover have "t * Re b ≤ t* Re z" using ‹t>0› ‹c2≤0› unfolding c2_def by auto
ultimately have "(1 - t) * Re a + t * Re b < (1 - t) * Re z + t * Re z"
by auto
thus False using asm by (auto simp add:algebra_simps)
moreover have False when "c2<0"
proof -
have "(1 - t) * Re a ≤ (1 - t) * Re z"
using ‹t<1› ‹c1≤0› unfolding c1_def by auto
moreover have "t * Re b < t* Re z" using ‹t>0› ‹c2<0› unfolding c2_def by auto
ultimately have "(1 - t) * Re a + t * Re b < (1 - t) * Re z + t * Re z"
by auto
thus False using asm by (auto simp add:algebra_simps)
ultimately show ?thesis using that unfolding c1_def c2_def by argo
moreover have ?thesis when "c2≤0" "c2≥0"
proof -
have "Re b=Re z" using that unfolding c2_def by auto
then have "(1 - t) * Re a = (1-t)*Re z" using asm by (auto simp add:field_simps)
then have "Re a= Re z" using ‹t<1› by auto
then show ?thesis using ‹Re b=Re z› by auto
moreover have ?thesis when "c1≥0" "c2≥0"
proof -
have False when "c1>0"
proof -
have "(1 - t) * Re a > (1 - t) * Re z"
using ‹t<1› ‹c1>0› unfolding c1_def by auto
moreover have "t * Re b ≥ t* Re z" using ‹t>0› ‹c2≥0› unfolding c2_def by auto
ultimately have "(1 - t) * Re a + t * Re b > (1 - t) * Re z + t * Re z"
by auto
thus False using asm by (auto simp add:algebra_simps)
moreover have False when "c2>0"
proof -
have "(1 - t) * Re a ≥ (1 - t) * Re z"
using ‹t<1› ‹c1≥0› unfolding c1_def by auto
moreover have "t * Re b > t* Re z" using ‹t>0› ‹c2>0› unfolding c2_def by auto
ultimately have "(1 - t) * Re a + t * Re b > (1 - t) * Re z + t * Re z"
by auto
thus False using asm by (auto simp add:algebra_simps)
ultimately show ?thesis using that unfolding c1_def c2_def by argo
moreover have "c1≤0 ∨ c2≥0" "c1≥0 ∨ c2≤0" using ‹¬ ((c1>0 ∧ c2<0) ∨ (c1<0 ∧ c2>0))› by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by fast
then have "(∀t. 0<t ∧ t<1 ⟶ Re(linepath a b t - z) ≠ 0) ∨ (Re a= Re z ∧ Re b=Re z)"
using that unfolding linepath_def by auto
moreover have ?thesis when asm:"∀t. 0<t ∧ t<1 ⟶ Re(linepath a b t - z) ≠ 0"
proof -
have "jump (λt. Im (linepath a b t - z) / Re (linepath a b t - z)) t = 0"
when "0<t" "t<1" for t
apply (rule jump_Im_divide_Re_0[of "λt. linepath a b t - z",
OF _ asm[rule_format]])
by (auto simp add:path_offset that)
then have "cindex_path (linepath a b) z = 0"
unfolding cindex_path_def cindex_def by auto
thus ?thesis using ‹¬ ((c1>0 ∧ c2<0) ∨ (c1<0 ∧ c2>0))›
apply (fold c1_def c2_def)
by auto
moreover have ?thesis when "Re a= Re z" "Re b=Re z"
proof -
have "(λt. Re (linepath a b t - z)) = (λ_. 0)"
unfolding linepath_def using ‹Re a= Re z› ‹Re b=Re z›
by (auto simp add:algebra_simps)
then have "(λt. Im (linepath a b t - z) / Re (linepath a b t - z)) = (λ_. 0)"
by (metis div_by_0)
then have "jump (λt. Im (linepath a b t - z) / Re (linepath a b t - z)) t = 0" for t
using jump_const by auto
then have "cindex_path (linepath a b) z = 0"
unfolding cindex_path_def cindex_def by auto
thus ?thesis using ‹¬ ((c1>0 ∧ c2<0) ∨ (c1<0 ∧ c2>0))›
apply (fold c1_def c2_def)
by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
moreover have ?thesis when c1c2_diff_sgn:"(c1>0 ∧ c2<0) ∨ (c1<0 ∧ c2>0)"
proof -
define c3 where "c3=Im(a)*Re(b)+Re(z)*Im(b)+Im(z)*Re(a) -Im(z)*Re(b) - Im(b)*Re(a) - Re(z)*Im(a)"
define u where "u = (Re z - Re a) / (Re b - Re a)"
let ?g = "λt. linepath a b t - z"
have "0<u" "u<1" "Re b - Re a≠0" using that unfolding u_def c1_def c2_def by (auto simp add:field_simps)
have "Re(?g u) = 0" unfolding linepath_def u_def
apply (auto simp add:field_simps)
using ‹Re b - Re a≠0› by (auto simp add:field_simps)
moreover have "u1 = u2" when "Re(?g u1) = 0" "Re(?g u2) = 0" for u1 u2
proof -
have " (u1 - u2) * (Re b - Re a) = Re(?g u1) - Re(?g u2)"
unfolding linepath_def by (auto simp add:algebra_simps)
also have "... = 0" using that by auto
finally have "(u1 - u2) * (Re b - Re a) = 0" .
thus ?thesis using ‹Re b - Re a≠0› by auto
ultimately have re_g_iff:"Re(?g t) = 0 ⟷ t=u" for t by blast
have "cindex_path (linepath a b) z = jump (λt. Im (?g t)/Re(?g t)) u"
proof -
define f where "f=(λt. Im (linepath a b t - z) / Re (linepath a b t - z))"
have "jump f t =0" when "t≠u" "0<t" "t<1" for t
unfolding f_def
apply (rule jump_Im_divide_Re_0)
using that re_g_iff by (auto simp add: path_offset)
then have "{x. jump f x ≠ 0 ∧ 0 < x ∧ x < 1} = (if jump f u=0 then {} else {u})"
using ‹0<u› ‹u<1›
apply auto
by fastforce
then show ?thesis
unfolding cindex_path_def cindex_def
apply (fold f_def)
by auto
moreover have "jump (λt. Im (?g t)/Re(?g t)) u = (if c3>0 then 1 else -1)"
proof -
have "Re b-Re a≠0" using c1c2_diff_sgn unfolding c1_def c2_def by auto
have "jump (λt. Im(?g t) / Re(?g t)) u
= (if sgn (Re b -Re a) = sgn (Im(?g u)) then 1 else - 1)"
proof (rule jump_divide_derivative)
have "path ?g" using path_offset by auto
then have "continuous_on {0..1} (λt. Im(?g t))"
using continuous_on_Im path_def by blast
then show "isCont (λt. Im (?g t)) u"
unfolding path_def
apply (elim continuous_on_interior)
using ‹0<u› ‹u<1› by auto
show "Re(?g u) = 0" "Re b - Re a ≠ 0" using ‹Re(?g u) = 0› ‹Re b - Re a ≠ 0›
by auto
show "Im(?g u) ≠ 0"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬ Im (linepath a b u - z) ≠ 0 "
then have "?g u = 0" using ‹Re(?g u) = 0›
by (simp add: complex_eq_iff)
thus False using assms ‹0<u› ‹u<1› unfolding path_image_def by fastforce
show "((λt. Re (linepath a b t - z)) has_real_derivative Re b - Re a) (at u)"
unfolding linepath_def by (auto intro!:derivative_eq_intros)
moreover have "sgn (Re b - Re a) = sgn (Im(?g u)) ⟷ c3 > 0"
proof -
have "Im(?g u) = c3/(Re b-Re a)"
proof -
define ba where "ba = Re b-Re a"
have "ba≠0" using ‹Re b - Re a ≠ 0› unfolding ba_def by auto
then show ?thesis
unfolding linepath_def u_def c3_def
apply (fold ba_def)
apply (auto simp add:field_simps)
by (auto simp add:algebra_simps ba_def)
then have "sgn (Re b - Re a) = sgn (Im(?g u)) ⟷ sgn (Re b - Re a) = sgn (c3/(Re b-Re a))"
by auto
also have "... ⟷ c3>0"
using ‹Re b-Re a≠0›
apply (cases "0::real" c3 rule:linorder_cases)
by (auto simp add:sgn_zero_iff)
finally show ?thesis .
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using c1c2_diff_sgn
apply (fold c1_def c2_def c3_def)
by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
lemma cindex_pathE_part_circlepath:
assumes "cmod (z-z0) ≠r" and "r>0" "0≤st" "st<tt" "tt≤2*pi"
shows "cindex_pathE (part_circlepath z r st tt) z0 = (
if ¦Re z - Re z0¦ < r then
θ = arccos ((Re z0 - Re z)/r);
β = 2*pi - θ
jumpF_pathstart (part_circlepath z r st tt) z0
(if st<θ ∧ θ<tt then if r * sin θ + Im z > Im z0 then -1 else 1 else 0)
(if st<β ∧ β < tt then if r * sin β + Im z > Im z0 then 1 else -1 else 0)
jumpF_pathfinish (part_circlepath z r st tt) z0
if ¦Re z - Re z0¦ = r then
jumpF_pathstart (part_circlepath z r st tt) z0
- jumpF_pathfinish (part_circlepath z r st tt) z0
else 0
proof -
define f where "f=(λi. r * sin i + Im z - Im z0)"
define g where "g=(λi. r * cos i + Re z - Re z0)"
define h where "h=(λt. f t / g t)"
have index_eq:"cindex_pathE (part_circlepath z r st tt) z0 = cindexE st tt h"
proof -
have "cindex_pathE (part_circlepath z r st tt) z0
= cindexE 0 1 ((λi. f i/g i) o (linepath st tt))"
unfolding cindex_pathE_def part_circlepath_def exp_Euler f_def g_def comp_def
by (simp add:cos_of_real sin_of_real algebra_simps)
also have "... = cindexE st tt (λi. f i/g i)"
unfolding linepath_def using cindexE_linear_comp[of "tt-st" 0 1 _ st] ‹st<tt›
by (simp add:algebra_simps)
also have "... = cindexE st tt h" unfolding h_def by simp
finally show ?thesis .
have jstart_eq:"jumpF_pathstart (part_circlepath z r st tt) z0 = jumpF h (at_right st)"
proof -
have "jumpF_pathstart (part_circlepath z r st tt) z0
= jumpF ((λi. f i/g i) o (linepath st tt)) (at_right 0) "
unfolding jumpF_pathstart_def part_circlepath_def exp_Euler f_def g_def comp_def
by (simp add:cos_of_real sin_of_real algebra_simps)
also have "... = jumpF (λi. f i/g i) (at_right st)"
unfolding linepath_def using jumpF_linear_comp(2)[of "tt-st" _ st 0] ‹st<tt›
by (simp add:algebra_simps)
also have "... = jumpF h (at_right st)" unfolding h_def by simp
finally show ?thesis .
have jfinish_eq:"jumpF_pathfinish (part_circlepath z r st tt) z0 = jumpF h (at_left tt)"
proof -
have "jumpF_pathfinish (part_circlepath z r st tt) z0
= jumpF ((λi. f i/g i) o (linepath st tt)) (at_left 1) "
unfolding jumpF_pathfinish_def part_circlepath_def exp_Euler f_def g_def comp_def
by (simp add:cos_of_real sin_of_real algebra_simps)
also have "... = jumpF (λi. f i/g i) (at_left tt)"
unfolding linepath_def using jumpF_linear_comp(1)[of "tt-st" _ st 1] ‹st<tt›
by (simp add:algebra_simps)
also have "... = jumpF h (at_left tt)" unfolding h_def by simp
finally show ?thesis .
have finite_jFs:"finite_jumpFs h st tt"
proof -
note finite_ReZ_segments_imp_jumpFs[OF finite_ReZ_segments_part_circlepath
,of z r st tt z0,simplified]
then have "finite_jumpFs ((λi. f i/g i) o (linepath st tt)) 0 1"
unfolding h_def f_def g_def part_circlepath_def exp_Euler comp_def
by (simp add:cos_of_real sin_of_real algebra_simps)
then have "finite_jumpFs (λi. f i/g i) st tt"
unfolding linepath_def using finite_jumpFs_linear_pos[of "tt-st" _ st 0 1] ‹st<tt›
by (simp add:algebra_simps)
then show ?thesis unfolding h_def by auto
have g_imp_f:"g i = 0 ⟹ f i≠0" for i
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "g i = 0" "¬ f i ≠ 0 "
then have "r * sin i = Im (z0 - z)" "r * cos i = Re (z0 - z)"
unfolding f_def g_def by auto
then have "(r * sin i) ^2 + (r * cos i)^2 = Im (z0 - z) ^ 2 + Re (z0 - z) ^2"
by auto
then have "r^2 * (sin i ^2 + cos i^2) = Im (z0 - z) ^ 2 + Re (z0 - z) ^2"
by (auto simp only:algebra_simps power_mult_distrib)
then have "r^2 = cmod (z0-z) ^ 2"
unfolding cmod_def by auto
then have "r = cmod (z0-z)"
using ‹r>0› power2_eq_imp_eq by fastforce
then show False using ‹cmod (z-z0) ≠r› using norm_minus_commute by blast
have ?thesis when "¦Re z - Re z0¦ > r"
proof -
have "jumpF h (at_right x) = 0" "jumpF h (at_left x) = 0" for x
proof -
have "g x ≠0"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬ g x ≠ 0"
then have "cos x = (Re z0 - Re z) / r" unfolding g_def using ‹r>0›
by (auto simp add:field_simps)
then have "¦(Re z0 - Re z)/r¦ ≤ 1"
by (metis abs_cos_le_one)
then have "¦Re z0 - Re z¦ ≤ r"
using ‹r>0› by (auto simp add:field_simps)
then show False using that by auto
then have "isCont h x"
unfolding h_def f_def g_def by (auto intro:continuous_intros)
then show "jumpF h (at_right x) = 0" "jumpF h (at_left x) = 0"
using jumpF_not_infinity unfolding continuous_at_split by auto
then have "cindexE st tt h = 0" unfolding cindexE_def by auto
then show ?thesis using index_eq that by auto
moreover have ?thesis when "¦Re z - Re z0¦ = r"
proof -
define R where "R=(λS.{x. jumpF h (at_right x) ≠ 0 ∧ x∈S})"
define L where "L=(λS.{x. jumpF h (at_left x) ≠ 0 ∧ x∈S})"
define right where
"right = (λS. (∑x∈R S. jumpF h (at_right x)))"
define left where
"left = (λS. (∑x∈L S. jumpF h (at_left x)))"
have "cindex_pathE (part_circlepath z r st tt) z0 = cindexE st tt h"
using index_eq by simp
also have "... = right {st..<tt} - left {st<}"
unfolding cindexE_def right_def left_def R_def L_def by auto
also have "... = jumpF h (at_right st) + right {st<..<tt} - left {st<..<tt} - jumpF h (at_left tt)"
proof -
have "right {st..<tt} = jumpF h (at_right st) + right {st<..<tt}"
proof (cases "jumpF h (at_right st) =0")
case True
then have "R {st..<tt} = R {st<..<tt}"
unfolding R_def using less_eq_real_def by auto
then have "right {st..<tt} = right {st<..<tt}"
unfolding right_def by auto
then show ?thesis using True by auto
case False
have "finite (R {st..<tt})"
using finite_jFs unfolding R_def finite_jumpFs_def
by (auto elim:rev_finite_subset)
moreover have "st ∈ R {st..<tt}" using False ‹st<tt› unfolding R_def by auto
moreover have "R {st..<tt} - {st} = R {st<..<tt}" unfolding R_def by auto
ultimately show "right {st..<tt}= jumpF h (at_right st)
+ right {st<..<tt}"
using sum.remove[of "R {st..<tt}" st "λx. jumpF h (at_right x)"]
unfolding right_def by simp
moreover have "left {st<} = jumpF h (at_left tt) + left {st<..<tt}"
proof (cases "jumpF h (at_left tt) =0")
case True
then have "L {st<} = L {st<..<tt}"
unfolding L_def using less_eq_real_def by auto
then have "left {st<} = left {st<..<tt}"
unfolding left_def by auto
then show ?thesis using True by auto
case False
have "finite (L {st<})"
using finite_jFs unfolding L_def finite_jumpFs_def
by (auto elim:rev_finite_subset)
moreover have "tt ∈ L {st<}" using False ‹st<tt› unfolding L_def by auto
moreover have "L {st<} - {tt} = L {st<..<tt}" unfolding L_def by auto
ultimately show "left {st<}= jumpF h (at_left tt) + left {st<..<tt}"
using sum.remove[of "L {st<}" tt "λx. jumpF h (at_left x)"]
unfolding left_def by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
also have "... = jumpF h (at_right st) - jumpF h (at_left tt)"
proof -
define S where "S={x. (jumpF h (at_left x) ≠ 0 ∨ jumpF h (at_right x) ≠ 0) ∧ st < x ∧ x < tt}"
have "right {st<..<tt} = sum (λx. jumpF h (at_right x)) S"
unfolding right_def S_def R_def
apply (rule sum.mono_neutral_left)
subgoal using finite_jFs unfolding finite_jumpFs_def by (auto elim:rev_finite_subset)
subgoal by auto
subgoal by auto
moreover have "left {st<..<tt} = sum (λx. jumpF h (at_left x)) S"
unfolding left_def S_def L_def
apply (rule sum.mono_neutral_left)
subgoal using finite_jFs unfolding finite_jumpFs_def by (auto elim:rev_finite_subset)
subgoal by auto
subgoal by auto
ultimately have "right {st<..<tt} - left {st<..<tt}
= sum (λx. jumpF h (at_right x) - jumpF h (at_left x)) S"
by (simp add: sum_subtractf)
also have "... = 0"
proof -
have "jumpF h (at_right i) - jumpF h (at_left i) = 0" when "g i=0" for i
proof -
have "(LIM x at i. f x / g x :> at_bot) ∨ (LIM x at i. f x / g x :> at_top)"
proof -
have *: "f ─i→ f i" "g ─i→ 0" "f i ≠ 0"
using g_imp_f[OF ‹g i=0›] ‹g i=0› unfolding f_def g_def
by (auto intro!:tendsto_eq_intros)
have ?thesis when "Re z > Re z0"
proof -
have g_alt:"g = (λt. r * cos t + r)" unfolding g_def using ‹¦Re z - Re z0¦ = r› that by auto
have "(g has_sgnx 1) (at i)"
proof -
have "sgn (g t) = 1" when "t ≠ i " "dist t i < pi" for t
proof -
have "cos i = - 1" using ‹g i =0› ‹r>0› unfolding g_alt
by (metis add.inverse_inverse less_numeral_extra(3) mult_cancel_left
mult_minus1_right real_add_minus_iff)
then obtain k::int where k_def:"i = (2 * k + 1) * pi"
using cos_eq_minus1[of i] by auto
show ?thesis
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "sgn (g t) ≠ 1"
then have "cos t + 1≤0" using ‹r>0› unfolding g_alt
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) add_le_same_cancel1 add_minus_cancel
mult_le_cancel_left1 mult_le_cancel_right1 mult_minus_right mult_zero_left
sgn_pos zero_le_one)
then have "cos t = -1"
by (metis add.commute cos_ge_minus_one le_less not_less real_add_le_0_iff)
then obtain k'::int where k'_def:"t = (2 * k' + 1) * pi"
using cos_eq_minus1[of t] by auto
then have "t - i = 2 * pi*(k' - k)"
using k_def by (auto simp add:algebra_simps)
then have "2 * pi * ¦ (k' - k)¦ < pi"
using ‹dist t i < pi› by (simp add:dist_norm abs_mult)
from divide_strict_right_mono[OF this, of "2*pi",simplified] have "¦k' - k ¦ < 1/2"
by auto
then have "k=k'" by linarith
then have "t=i" using k_def k'_def by auto
then show False using ‹t≠i› by auto
then show ?thesis unfolding has_sgnx_def eventually_at
apply(intro exI[where x="pi"])
by auto
then show ?thesis using * filterlim_divide_at_bot_at_top_iff[of f "f i" "at i" g]
by (simp add: sgn_if)
moreover have ?thesis when "Re z < Re z0"
proof -
have g_alt:"g = (λt. r * cos t - r)" unfolding g_def using ‹¦Re z - Re z0¦ = r› that by auto
have "(g has_sgnx - 1) (at i)"
proof -
have "sgn (g t) = - 1" when "t ≠ i " "dist t i < pi" for t
proof -
have "cos i = 1" using ‹g i =0› ‹r>0› unfolding g_alt by simp
then obtain k::int where k_def:"i = (2 * k * pi)"
using cos_one_2pi_int[of i] by auto
show ?thesis
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "sgn (g t) ≠ - 1"
then have "cos t - 1≥0" using ‹r>0› unfolding g_alt
using mult_le_cancel_left1 by fastforce
then have "cos t = 1"
by (meson cos_le_one diff_ge_0_iff_ge le_less not_less)
then obtain k'::int where k'_def:"t = 2 * k'* pi"
using cos_one_2pi_int[of t] by auto
then have "t - i = 2 * pi*(k' - k)"
using k_def by (auto simp add:algebra_simps)
then have "2 * pi * ¦ (k' - k)¦ < pi"
using ‹dist t i < pi› by (simp add:dist_norm abs_mult)
from divide_strict_right_mono[OF this, of "2*pi",simplified] have "¦k' - k ¦ < 1/2"
by auto
then have "k=k'" by linarith
then have "t=i" using k_def k'_def by auto
then show False using ‹t≠i› by auto
then show ?thesis unfolding has_sgnx_def eventually_at
apply(intro exI[where x="pi"])
by auto
then show ?thesis using * filterlim_divide_at_bot_at_top_iff[of f "f i" "at i" g]
by (simp add: sgn_if)
moreover have "Re z≠ Re z0" using ‹¦Re z - Re z0¦ = r› ‹r>0› by fastforce
ultimately show ?thesis by fastforce
moreover have ?thesis when "(LIM x at i. f x / g x :> at_bot)"
proof -
have "jumpF h (at_right i) = - 1/2" "jumpF h (at_left i) = -1/2"
using that unfolding jumpF_def h_def filterlim_at_split by auto
then show ?thesis by auto
moreover have ?thesis when "(LIM x at i. f x / g x :> at_top)"
proof -
have "jumpF h (at_right i) = 1/2" "jumpF h (at_left i) = 1/2"
using that unfolding jumpF_def h_def filterlim_at_split by auto
then show ?thesis by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
moreover have "jumpF h (at_right i) - jumpF h (at_left i) = 0" when "g i≠0" for i
proof -
have "isCont h i" using that unfolding h_def f_def g_def
by (auto intro!:continuous_intros)
then have "jumpF h (at_right i) = 0" "jumpF h (at_left i) = 0"
using jumpF_not_infinity unfolding continuous_at_split by auto
then show ?thesis by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by (intro sum.neutral,auto)
finally show ?thesis by simp
also have "... = jumpF_pathstart (part_circlepath z r st tt) z0
- jumpF_pathfinish (part_circlepath z r st tt) z0"
using jstart_eq jfinish_eq by auto
finally have "cindex_pathE (part_circlepath z r st tt) z0 =
jumpF_pathstart (part_circlepath z r st tt) z0
- jumpF_pathfinish (part_circlepath z r st tt) z0"
then show ?thesis using that by auto
moreover have ?thesis when "¦Re z - Re z0¦ < r"
proof -
define zr where "zr= (Re z0 - Re z)/r"
define θ where "θ = arccos zr"
define β where "β = 2*pi - θ"
have "0<θ" "θ<pi"
proof -
have "- 1 < zr" "zr < 1"
using that ‹r>0› unfolding zr_def by (auto simp add:field_simps)
from arccos_lt_bounded[OF this] show "0<θ" "θ<pi"
unfolding θ_def by auto
have "g θ = 0" "g β = 0"
proof -
have "¦zr¦≤1" using that unfolding zr_def by auto
then have "cos θ = zr" "cos β = cos θ"
unfolding θ_def[folded zr_def] β_def by auto
then show "g θ = 0" "g β = 0" unfolding zr_def g_def using ‹r>0› by auto
have g_sgnx_θ:"(g has_sgnx 1) (at_left θ)" "(g has_sgnx -1) (at_right θ)"
proof -
have "(g has_real_derivative - r * sin θ) (at θ)"
unfolding g_def by (auto intro!:derivative_eq_intros)
moreover have "- r * sin θ <0"
using sin_gt_zero[OF ‹0<θ› ‹θ<pi›] ‹r>0› by auto
ultimately show "(g has_sgnx 1) (at_left θ)" "(g has_sgnx -1) (at_right θ)"
using has_sgnx_derivative_at_left[of g "- r * sin θ", OF _ ‹g θ=0›]
has_sgnx_derivative_at_right[of g "- r * sin θ", OF _ ‹g θ=0›]
by force+
have g_sgnx_β:"(g has_sgnx -1) (at_left β)" "(g has_sgnx 1) (at_right β)"
proof -
have "(g has_real_derivative - r * sin β) (at β)"
unfolding g_def by (auto intro!:derivative_eq_intros)
moreover have "pi<β" "β<2*pi" unfolding β_def using ‹0<θ› ‹θ<pi› by auto
from sin_lt_zero[OF this] ‹r>0› have "- r * sin β >0" by (simp add: mult_pos_neg)
ultimately show "(g has_sgnx -1) (at_left β)" "(g has_sgnx 1) (at_right β)"
using has_sgnx_derivative_at_left[of g "- r * sin β", OF _ ‹g β=0›]
has_sgnx_derivative_at_right[of g "- r * sin β", OF _ ‹g β=0›]
by force+
have f_tendsto: "(f ⤏ f i) (at_left i)" "(f ⤏ f i) (at_right i)"
and g_tendsto: "(g ⤏ g i) (at_left i)" "(g ⤏ g i) (at_right i)" for i
proof -
have "(f ⤏ f i) (at i)"
unfolding f_def by (auto intro!:tendsto_eq_intros)
then show "(f ⤏ f i) (at_left i)" "(f ⤏ f i) (at_right i)"
by (auto simp add: filterlim_at_split)
have "(g ⤏ g i) (at i)"
unfolding g_def by (auto intro!:tendsto_eq_intros)
then show "(g ⤏ g i) (at_left i)" "(g ⤏ g i) (at_right i)"
by (auto simp add: filterlim_at_split)
define θ_if::real where "θ_if = (if r * sin θ + Im z > Im z0 then -1 else 1)"
define β_if::real where "β_if = (if r * sin β + Im z > Im z0 then 1 else -1)"
have "jump (λi. f i/g i) θ = θ_if"
proof -
have ?thesis when "r * sin θ + Im z > Im z0"
proof -
have "f θ > 0" using that unfolding f_def by auto
have "(LIM x (at_left θ). f x / g x :> at_top)"
apply (subst filterlim_divide_at_bot_at_top_iff[of f "f θ" _ g])
using ‹f θ > 0› ‹g θ =0› f_tendsto g_tendsto[of θ] g_sgnx_θ by auto
moreover then have "¬ (LIM x (at_left θ). f x / g x :> at_bot)" by auto
moreover have "(LIM x (at_right θ). f x / g x :> at_bot)"
apply (subst filterlim_divide_at_bot_at_top_iff[of f "f θ" _ g])
using ‹f θ > 0› ‹g θ =0› f_tendsto g_tendsto[of θ] g_sgnx_θ by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using that unfolding jump_def θ_if_def by auto
moreover have ?thesis when "r * sin θ + Im z < Im z0"
proof -
have "f θ < 0" using that unfolding f_def by auto
have "(LIM x (at_left θ). f x / g x :> at_bot)"
apply (subst filterlim_divide_at_bot_at_top_iff[of f "f θ" _ g])
using ‹f θ < 0› ‹g θ =0› f_tendsto g_tendsto[of θ] g_sgnx_θ by auto
moreover have "(LIM x (at_right θ). f x / g x :> at_top)"
apply (subst filterlim_divide_at_bot_at_top_iff[of f "f θ" _ g])
using ‹f θ < 0› ‹g θ =0› f_tendsto g_tendsto[of θ] g_sgnx_θ by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using that unfolding jump_def θ_if_def by auto
moreover have "r * sin θ + Im z ≠ Im z0"
using g_imp_f[OF ‹g θ=0›] unfolding f_def by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by fastforce
moreover have "jump (λi. f i/g i) β = β_if"
proof -
have ?thesis when "r * sin β + Im z > Im z0"
proof -
have "f β > 0" using that unfolding f_def by auto
have "(LIM x (at_left β). f x / g x :> at_bot)"
apply (subst filterlim_divide_at_bot_at_top_iff[of f "f β" _ g])
using ‹f β > 0› ‹g β =0› f_tendsto g_tendsto[of β] g_sgnx_β by auto
moreover have "(LIM x (at_right β). f x / g x :> at_top)"
apply (subst filterlim_divide_at_bot_at_top_iff[of f "f β" _ g])
using ‹f β > 0› ‹g β =0› f_tendsto g_tendsto[of β] g_sgnx_β by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using that unfolding jump_def β_if_def by auto
moreover have ?thesis when "r * sin β + Im z < Im z0"
proof -
have "f β < 0" using that unfolding f_def by auto
have "(LIM x (at_left β). f x / g x :> at_top)"
apply (subst filterlim_divide_at_bot_at_top_iff[of f "f β" _ g])
using ‹f β < 0› ‹g β =0› f_tendsto g_tendsto[of β] g_sgnx_β by auto
moreover have "(LIM x (at_right β). f x / g x :> at_bot)"
apply (subst filterlim_divide_at_bot_at_top_iff[of f "f β" _ g])
using ‹f β < 0› ‹g β =0› f_tendsto g_tendsto[of β] g_sgnx_β by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using that unfolding jump_def β_if_def by auto
moreover have "r * sin β + Im z ≠ Im z0"
using g_imp_f[OF ‹g β=0›] unfolding f_def by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by fastforce
moreover have "jump (λi. f i / g i) x ≠ 0 ⟷ x=θ ∨ x=β" when "st<x" "x<tt" for x
assume "x = θ ∨ x = β"
then show "jump (λi. f i / g i) x ≠ 0"
using ‹jump (λi. f i/g i) θ = θ_if› ‹jump (λi. f i/g i) β = β_if›
unfolding θ_if_def β_if_def
by (metis add.inverse_inverse add.inverse_neutral of_int_0 one_neq_zero)
assume asm:"jump (λi. f i / g i) x ≠ 0"
let ?thesis = "x = θ ∨ x = β"
have "g x=0"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "g x ≠ 0"
then have "isCont (λi. f i / g i) x"
unfolding f_def g_def by (auto intro:continuous_intros)
then have "jump (λi. f i / g i) x = 0" using jump_not_infinity by simp
then show False using asm by auto
then have "cos x = zr" unfolding g_def zr_def using ‹r>0› by (auto simp add:field_simps)
have ?thesis when "x≤pi"
have "x≥0" using ‹st<x› ‹st≥0› by auto
then have "arccos (cos x) = x" using arccos_cos[of x] that by auto
then have "x=θ" unfolding θ_def ‹cos x=zr› by auto
then show ?thesis by auto
moreover have ?thesis when "¬ x≤pi"
proof -
have "x-2*pi≤0" "-pi≤x-2*pi" using that ‹x<tt› ‹tt≤2*pi› by auto
from arccos_cos2[OF this] have "arccos (cos (x - 2 * pi)) = 2*pi-x" by auto
then have "arccos (cos x) = 2*pi-x"
by (metis arccos cos_2pi_minus cos_ge_minus_one cos_le_one)
then have "x=β" unfolding β_def θ_def using ‹cos x =zr› by auto
then show ?thesis by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
then have "{x. jump (λi. f i / g i) x ≠ 0 ∧ st < x ∧ x < tt} = {θ,β} ∩ {st<..<tt}"
by force
moreover have "θ≠β" using β_def ‹θ < pi› by auto
ultimately have "cindex st tt h =
(if st<θ ∧ θ<tt then θ_if else 0)
(if st<β ∧ β < tt then β_if else 0)"
unfolding cindex_def h_def by fastforce
moreover have "cindexE st tt h = jumpF h (at_right st) + cindex st tt h - jumpF h (at_left tt)"
proof (rule cindex_eq_cindexE_divide[of st tt f g,folded h_def])
show "st < tt" using ‹st < tt› .
show "∀x∈{}. g x = 0 ⟶ f x ≠ 0" using g_imp_f by auto
show "continuous_on {} f" "continuous_on {} g"
unfolding f_def g_def by (auto intro!:continuous_intros)
let ?S1="{t. Re (part_circlepath z r st tt t-z0) = 0 ∧ 0 ≤ t ∧ t ≤ 1}"
let ?S2="{t. Im (part_circlepath z r st tt t-z0) = 0 ∧ 0 ≤ t ∧ t ≤ 1}"
define G where "G={t. g (linepath st tt t) = 0 ∧ 0 ≤ t ∧ t ≤ 1}"
define F where "F={t. f (linepath st tt t) = 0 ∧ 0 ≤ t ∧ t ≤ 1}"
define vl where "vl=(λx. (x-st)/(tt-st))"
have "finite G" "finite F"
proof -
have "finite {t. Re (part_circlepath z r st tt t-z0) = 0 ∧ 0 ≤ t ∧ t ≤ 1}"
"finite {t. Im (part_circlepath z r st tt t-z0) = 0 ∧ 0 ≤ t ∧ t ≤ 1}"
using part_circlepath_half_finite_inter[of st tt r "Complex 1 0" z "Re z0"]
part_circlepath_half_finite_inter[of st tt r "Complex 0 1" z "Im z0"] ‹st<tt› ‹r>0›
by (auto simp add:inner_complex_def Complex_eq_0)
moreover have
"Re (part_circlepath z r st tt t-z0) = 0 ⟷ g (linepath st tt t) = 0"
"Im (part_circlepath z r st tt t-z0) = 0 ⟷ f (linepath st tt t) = 0"
for t
unfolding cindex_pathE_def part_circlepath_def exp_Euler f_def g_def comp_def
by (auto simp add:cos_of_real sin_of_real algebra_simps)
ultimately show "finite G" "finite F" unfolding G_def F_def
by auto
then have "finite (linepath st tt ` F)" "finite (linepath st tt ` G)"
by auto
moreover have
"{x. f x = 0 ∧ st ≤ x ∧ x ≤ tt} ⊆ linepath st tt ` F"
"{x. g x = 0 ∧ st ≤ x ∧ x ≤ tt} ⊆ linepath st tt ` G"
proof -
have *: "linepath st tt (vl t) = t" "vl t≥0 ⟷ t≥st" "vl t≤1 ⟷t≤tt" for t
unfolding linepath_def vl_def using ‹tt>st›
apply (auto simp add:divide_simps)
by (simp add:algebra_simps)
then show
"{x. f x = 0 ∧ st ≤ x ∧ x ≤ tt} ⊆ linepath st tt `F"
"{x. g x = 0 ∧ st ≤ x ∧ x ≤ tt} ⊆ linepath st tt `G"
unfolding F_def G_def
by (clarify|rule_tac x="vl x" in rev_image_eqI,auto)+
ultimately have
"finite {x. f x = 0 ∧ st ≤ x ∧ x ≤ tt}"
"finite {x. g x = 0 ∧ st ≤ x ∧ x ≤ tt}"
by (auto elim:rev_finite_subset)
from finite_UnI[OF this] show "finite {x. (f x = 0 ∨ g x = 0) ∧ st ≤ x ∧ x ≤ tt}"
by (elim rev_finite_subset,auto)
ultimately show ?thesis
unfolding Let_def
apply (fold zr_def θ_def β_def θ_if_def β_if_def)+
using jstart_eq jfinish_eq index_eq that by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by fastforce
lemma jumpF_pathstart_part_circlepath:
assumes "st<tt" "r>0" "cmod (z-z0) ≠r"
shows "jumpF_pathstart (part_circlepath z r st tt) z0 = (
if r * cos st + Re z - Re z0 = 0 then
Δ = r* sin st + Im z - Im z0
if (sin st > 0 ∨ cos st=1 ) ∧ Δ < 0
∨ (sin st < 0 ∨ cos st=-1 ) ∧ Δ > 0 then
- 1/2)
else 0)"
proof -
define f where "f=(λi. r * sin i + Im z - Im z0)"
define g where "g=(λi. r * cos i + Re z - Re z0)"
have jumpF_eq:"jumpF_pathstart (part_circlepath z r st tt) z0 = jumpF (λi. f i/g i) (at_right st)"
proof -
have "jumpF_pathstart (part_circlepath z r st tt) z0
= jumpF ((λi. f i/g i) o linepath st tt) (at_right 0)"
unfolding jumpF_pathstart_def part_circlepath_def exp_Euler f_def g_def comp_def
by (simp add:cos_of_real sin_of_real algebra_simps)
also have "... = jumpF (λi. f i/g i) (at_right st)"
using jumpF_linear_comp(2)[of "tt-st" "(λi. f i/g i)" st 0,symmetric] ‹st<tt›
unfolding linepath_def by (auto simp add:algebra_simps)
finally show ?thesis .
have g_has_sgnx1:"(g has_sgnx 1) (at_right st)" when "g st=0" "sin st < 0 ∨ cos st=-1"
proof -
have ?thesis when "sin st<0"
proof -
have "(g has_sgnx sgn (- r * sin st)) (at_right st)"
apply (rule has_sgnx_derivative_at_right[of g "- r * sin st" st])
subgoal unfolding g_def by (auto intro!:derivative_eq_intros)
subgoal using ‹g st=0› .
subgoal using ‹r>0› ‹sin st<0› by (simp add: mult_pos_neg)
then show ?thesis using ‹r>0› that by (simp add: sgn_mult)
moreover have ?thesis when "cos st = -1"
proof -
have "g i > 0" when "st<i" "i<st+pi" for i
proof -
obtain k where k_def:"st = 2 * of_int k * pi+ pi"
using ‹cos st = -1› by (metis cos_eq_minus1 distrib_left mult.commute mult.right_neutral)
have "cos (i-st) < 1" using cos_monotone_0_pi[of 0 "i-st" ] that by auto
moreover have "cos (i-st) = - cos i"
apply (rule cos_eq_neg_periodic_intro[of _ _ "-k-1"])
unfolding k_def by (auto simp add:algebra_simps)
ultimately have "cos i>-1" by auto
then have "cos st<cos i" using ‹cos st=-1› by auto
have "0 = r * cos st + Re z - Re z0"
using ‹g st = 0› unfolding g_def by auto
also have "... < r * cos i + Re z - Re z0"
using ‹cos st < cos i› ‹r>0› by auto
finally show ?thesis unfolding g_def by auto
then show ?thesis
unfolding has_sgnx_def eventually_at_right
apply (intro exI[where x="st+pi"])
by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using that(2) by auto
have g_has_sgnx2:"(g has_sgnx -1) (at_right st)" when "g st=0" "sin st > 0 ∨ cos st=1"
proof -
have ?thesis when "sin st>0"
proof -
have "(g has_sgnx sgn (- r * sin st)) (at_right st)"
apply (rule has_sgnx_derivative_at_right[of _ "- r * sin st"])
subgoal unfolding g_def by (auto intro!:derivative_eq_intros)
subgoal using ‹g st=0› .
subgoal using ‹r>0› ‹sin st>0› by (simp add: mult_pos_neg)
then show ?thesis using ‹r>0› that by (simp add: sgn_mult)
moreover have ?thesis when "cos st=1"
proof -
have "g i < 0" when "st<i" "i<st+pi" for i
proof -
obtain k where k_def:"st = 2 * of_int k * pi"
using ‹cos st=1› cos_one_2pi_int by auto
have "cos (i-st) < 1" using cos_monotone_0_pi[of 0 "i-st" ] that by auto
moreover have "cos (i-st) = cos i"
apply (rule cos_eq_periodic_intro[of _ _ "-k"])
unfolding k_def by (auto simp add:algebra_simps)
ultimately have "cos i<1" by auto
then have "cos st>cos i" using ‹cos st=1› by auto
have "0 = r * cos st + Re z - Re z0"
using ‹g st = 0› unfolding g_def by auto
also have "... > r * cos i + Re z - Re z0"
using ‹cos st > cos i› ‹r>0› by auto
finally show ?thesis unfolding g_def by auto
then show ?thesis
unfolding has_sgnx_def eventually_at_right
apply (intro exI[where x="st+pi"])
by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using that(2) by auto
have ?thesis when "r * cos st + Re z - Re z0 ≠ 0"
proof -
have "g st ≠0" using that unfolding g_def by auto
then have "continuous (at_right st) (λi. f i / g i)"
unfolding f_def g_def by (auto intro!:continuous_intros)
then have "jumpF (λi. f i/g i) (at_right st) = 0"
using jumpF_not_infinity[of "at_right st" "(λi. f i/g i)"] by auto
then show ?thesis using jumpF_eq that by auto
moreover have ?thesis when "r * cos st + Re z - Re z0 = 0"
"(sin st > 0 ∨ (cos st=1) ) ∧ f st < 0
∨ (sin st < 0 ∨ (cos st=-1) ) ∧ f st > 0"
proof -
have "g st = 0" "f st≠0" and g_cont: "continuous (at_right st) g" and f_cont:"continuous (at_right st) f"
using that unfolding g_def f_def by (auto intro!:continuous_intros)
have "(g has_sgnx sgn (f st)) (at_right st)"
using g_has_sgnx1[OF ‹g st=0›] g_has_sgnx2[OF ‹g st=0›] that(2) by auto
then have "LIM x at_right st. f x / g x :> at_top"
apply (subst filterlim_divide_at_bot_at_top_iff[of f "f st" "at_right st" g])
using ‹f st≠0› ‹g st = 0› g_cont f_cont by (auto simp add: continuous_within)
then have "jumpF (λi. f i/g i) (at_right st) = 1/2"
unfolding jumpF_def by auto
then show ?thesis using jumpF_eq that unfolding f_def by auto
moreover have ?thesis when "r * cos st + Re z - Re z0 = 0"
"¬ ((sin st > 0 ∨ cos st=1 ) ∧ f st < 0
∨ (sin st < 0 ∨ cos st=-1 ) ∧ f st > 0)"
proof -
define neq1 where "neq1 = (∀k::int. st ≠ 2*k*pi)"
define neq2 where "neq2 = (∀k::int. st ≠ 2*k*pi+pi)"
have "g st = 0" and g_cont: "continuous (at_right st) g" and f_cont:"continuous (at_right st) f"
using that unfolding g_def f_def by (auto intro!:continuous_intros)
have "f st≠0"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬ f st ≠ 0"
then have "f st = 0" by auto
then have "Im (z0 - z) =r * sin st " "Re (z0 - z) = r * cos st" using ‹g st=0›
unfolding f_def g_def by (auto simp add:algebra_simps)
then have "cmod (z0 - z) = sqrt((r * sin st)^2 + (r * cos st)^2)"
unfolding cmod_def by auto
also have "... = sqrt (r^2 * ((sin st)^2 + (cos st)^2))"
by (auto simp only:algebra_simps power_mult_distrib)
also have "... = r"
using ‹r>0› by simp
finally have "cmod (z0 - z) = r" .
then show False using ‹cmod (z-z0) ≠r› by (simp add: norm_minus_commute)
have "(sin st > 0 ∨ (cos st=1) ) ∧ f st > 0 ∨ (sin st < 0 ∨ (cos st=-1) ) ∧ f st < 0"
proof -
have "sin st = 0 ⟷ cos st=-1 ∨ cos st=1"
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) add.right_neutral cancel_comm_monoid_add_class.diff_cancel
cos_diff cos_zero mult_eq_0_iff power2_eq_1_iff power2_eq_square sin_squared_eq)
moreover have "((sin st ≤ 0 ∧ cos st ≠1 ) ∨ f st > 0) ∧ ((sin st ≥ 0 ∧ cos st≠-1) ∨ f st < 0)"
using that(2) ‹f st≠0› by argo
ultimately show ?thesis by (meson linorder_neqE_linordered_idom not_le)
then have "(g has_sgnx - sgn (f st)) (at_right st)"
using g_has_sgnx1[OF ‹g st=0›] g_has_sgnx2[OF ‹g st=0›] by auto
then have "LIM x at_right st. f x / g x :> at_bot"
apply (subst filterlim_divide_at_bot_at_top_iff[of f "f st" "at_right st" g])
using ‹f st≠0› ‹g st = 0› g_cont f_cont by (auto simp add: continuous_within)
then have "jumpF (λi. f i/g i) (at_right st) = -1/2"
unfolding jumpF_def by auto
then show ?thesis using jumpF_eq that unfolding f_def by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by fast
lemma jumpF_pathfinish_part_circlepath:
assumes "st<tt" "r>0" "cmod (z-z0) ≠r"
shows "jumpF_pathfinish (part_circlepath z r st tt) z0 = (
if r * cos tt + Re z - Re z0 = 0 then
Δ = r* sin tt + Im z - Im z0
if (sin tt > 0 ∨ cos tt=-1 ) ∧ Δ < 0
∨ (sin tt < 0 ∨ cos tt=1 ) ∧ Δ > 0 then
- 1/2
else 0)"
proof -
define f where "f=(λi. r * sin i + Im z - Im z0)"
define g where "g=(λi. r * cos i + Re z - Re z0)"
have jumpF_eq:"jumpF_pathfinish (part_circlepath z r st tt) z0 = jumpF (λi. f i/g i) (at_left tt)"
proof -
have "jumpF_pathfinish (part_circlepath z r st tt) z0
= jumpF ((λi. f i/g i) o linepath st tt) (at_left 1)"
unfolding jumpF_pathfinish_def part_circlepath_def exp_Euler f_def g_def comp_def
by (simp add:cos_of_real sin_of_real algebra_simps)
also have "... = jumpF (λi. f i/g i) (at_left tt)"
using jumpF_linear_comp(1)[of "tt-st" "(λi. f i/g i)" st 1,symmetric] ‹st<tt›
unfolding linepath_def by (auto simp add:algebra_simps)
finally show ?thesis .
have g_has_sgnx1:"(g has_sgnx -1) (at_left tt)" when "g tt=0" "sin tt < 0 ∨ cos tt=1"
proof -
have ?thesis when "sin tt<0"
proof -
have "(g has_sgnx - sgn (- r * sin tt)) (at_left tt)"
apply (rule has_sgnx_derivative_at_left[of _ "- r * sin tt"])
subgoal unfolding g_def by (auto intro!:derivative_eq_intros)
subgoal using ‹g tt=0› .
subgoal using ‹r>0› ‹sin tt<0› by (simp add: mult_pos_neg)
then show ?thesis using ‹r>0› that by (simp add: sgn_mult)
moreover have ?thesis when "cos tt=1"
proof -
have "g i < 0" when "tt-pi<i" "i<tt" for i
proof -
obtain k where k_def:"tt = 2 * of_int k * pi"
using ‹cos tt=1› cos_one_2pi_int by auto
have "cos (i-tt) < 1"
using cos_monotone_0_pi[of 0 "tt-i" ] that cos_minus[of "tt-i",simplified] by auto
moreover have "cos (i-tt) = cos i"
apply (rule cos_eq_periodic_intro[of _ _ "-k"])
unfolding k_def by (auto simp add:algebra_simps)
ultimately have "cos i<1" by auto
then have "cos tt>cos i" using ‹cos tt=1› by auto
have "0 = r * cos tt + Re z - Re z0"
using ‹g tt = 0› unfolding g_def by auto
also have "... > r * cos i + Re z - Re z0"
using ‹cos tt > cos i› ‹r>0› by auto
finally show ?thesis unfolding g_def by auto
then show ?thesis
unfolding has_sgnx_def eventually_at_left
apply (intro exI[where x="tt-pi"])
by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using that(2) by auto
have g_has_sgnx2:"(g has_sgnx 1) (at_left tt)" when "g tt=0" "sin tt > 0 ∨ cos tt=-1"
proof -
have ?thesis when "sin tt>0"
proof -
have "(g has_sgnx - sgn (- r * sin tt)) (at_left tt)"
apply (rule has_sgnx_derivative_at_left[of _ "- r * sin tt"])
subgoal unfolding g_def by (auto intro!:derivative_eq_intros)
subgoal using ‹g tt=0› .
subgoal using ‹r>0› ‹sin tt>0› by (simp add: mult_pos_neg)
then show ?thesis using ‹r>0› that by (simp add: sgn_mult)
moreover have ?thesis when "cos tt = -1"
proof -
have "g i > 0" when "tt-pi<i" "i<tt" for i
proof -
obtain k where k_def:"tt = 2 * of_int k * pi+ pi"
using ‹cos tt = -1› by (metis cos_eq_minus1 distrib_left mult.commute mult.right_neutral)
have "cos (i-tt) < 1"
using cos_monotone_0_pi[of 0 "tt-i" ] that cos_minus[of "tt-i",simplified]
by auto
moreover have "cos (i-tt) = - cos i"
apply (rule cos_eq_neg_periodic_intro[of _ _ "-k-1"])
unfolding k_def by (auto simp add:algebra_simps)
ultimately have "cos i>-1" by auto
then have "cos tt<cos i" using ‹cos tt=-1› by auto
have "0 = r * cos tt + Re z - Re z0"
using ‹g tt = 0› unfolding g_def by auto
also have "... < r * cos i + Re z - Re z0"
using ‹cos tt < cos i› ‹r>0› by auto
finally show ?thesis unfolding g_def by auto
then show ?thesis
unfolding has_sgnx_def eventually_at_left
apply (intro exI[where x="tt-pi"])
by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using that(2) by auto
have ?thesis when "r * cos tt + Re z - Re z0 ≠ 0"
proof -
have "g tt ≠0" using that unfolding g_def by auto
then have "continuous (at_left tt) (λi. f i / g i)"
unfolding f_def g_def by (auto intro!:continuous_intros)
then have "jumpF (λi. f i/g i) (at_left tt) = 0"
using jumpF_not_infinity[of "at_left tt" "(λi. f i/g i)"] by auto
then show ?thesis using jumpF_eq that by auto
moreover have ?thesis when "r * cos tt + Re z - Re z0 = 0"
"(sin tt > 0 ∨ cos tt=-1 ) ∧ f tt < 0
∨ (sin tt < 0 ∨ cos tt=1 ) ∧ f tt > 0"
proof -
have "g tt = 0" "f tt≠0" and g_cont: "continuous (at_left tt) g" and f_cont:"continuous (at_left tt) f"
using that unfolding g_def f_def by (auto intro!:continuous_intros)
have "(g has_sgnx - sgn (f tt)) (at_left tt)"
using g_has_sgnx1[OF ‹g tt=0›] g_has_sgnx2[OF ‹g tt=0›] that(2) by auto
then have "LIM x at_left tt. f x / g x :> at_bot"
apply (subst filterlim_divide_at_bot_at_top_iff[of f "f tt" "at_left tt" g])
using ‹f tt≠0› ‹g tt = 0› g_cont f_cont by (auto simp add: continuous_within)
then have "jumpF (λi. f i/g i) (at_left tt) = - 1/2"
unfolding jumpF_def by auto
then show ?thesis using jumpF_eq that unfolding f_def by auto
moreover have ?thesis when "r * cos tt + Re z - Re z0 = 0"
"¬ ((sin tt > 0 ∨ cos tt=-1 ) ∧ f tt < 0
∨ (sin tt < 0 ∨ cos tt=1 ) ∧ f tt > 0)"
proof -
have "g tt = 0" and g_cont: "continuous (at_left tt) g" and f_cont:"continuous (at_left tt) f"
using that unfolding g_def f_def by (auto intro!:continuous_intros)
have "f tt≠0"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬ f tt ≠ 0"
then have "f tt = 0" by auto
then have "Im (z0 - z) =r * sin tt " "Re (z0 - z) = r * cos tt" using ‹g tt=0›
unfolding f_def g_def by (auto simp add:algebra_simps)
then have "cmod (z0 - z) = sqrt((r * sin tt)^2 + (r * cos tt)^2)"
unfolding cmod_def by auto
also have "... = sqrt (r^2 * ((sin tt)^2 + (cos tt)^2))"
by (auto simp only:algebra_simps power_mult_distrib)
also have "... = r"
using ‹r>0› by simp
finally have "cmod (z0 - z) = r" .
then show False using ‹cmod (z-z0) ≠r› by (simp add: norm_minus_commute)
have "(sin tt > 0 ∨ cos tt=-1 ) ∧ f tt > 0 ∨ (sin tt < 0 ∨ cos tt=1 ) ∧ f tt < 0"
proof -
have "sin tt = 0 ⟷ cos tt=-1 ∨ cos tt=1"
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) add.right_neutral cancel_comm_monoid_add_class.diff_cancel
cos_diff cos_zero mult_eq_0_iff power2_eq_1_iff power2_eq_square sin_squared_eq)
moreover have "((sin tt ≤ 0 ∧ cos tt ≠-1 ) ∨ f tt > 0) ∧ ((sin tt ≥ 0 ∧ cos tt≠1) ∨ f tt < 0)"
using that(2) ‹f tt≠0› by argo
ultimately show ?thesis by (meson linorder_neqE_linordered_idom not_le)
then have "(g has_sgnx sgn (f tt)) (at_left tt)"
using g_has_sgnx1[OF ‹g tt=0›] g_has_sgnx2[OF ‹g tt=0›] by auto
then have "LIM x at_left tt. f x / g x :> at_top"
apply (subst filterlim_divide_at_bot_at_top_iff[of f "f tt" "at_left tt" g])
using ‹f tt≠0› ‹g tt = 0› g_cont f_cont by (auto simp add: continuous_within)
then have "jumpF (λi. f i/g i) (at_left tt) = 1/2"
unfolding jumpF_def by auto
then show ?thesis using jumpF_eq that unfolding f_def by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by fast
fixes z0 z::complex and r::real
defines "upper ≡ cindex_pathE (part_circlepath z r 0 pi) z0"
and "lower ≡ cindex_pathE (part_circlepath z r pi (2*pi)) z0"
shows cindex_pathE_circlepath_upper:
"⟦cmod (z0-z) < r⟧ ⟹ upper = -1"
"⟦Im (z0-z) > r; ¦Re (z0 - z)¦ < r⟧ ⟹ upper = 1"
"⟦Im (z0-z) < -r; ¦Re (z0 - z)¦ < r⟧ ⟹ upper = -1"
"⟦¦Re (z0 - z)¦ > r; r>0⟧ ⟹ upper = 0"
and cindex_pathE_circlepath_lower:
"⟦cmod (z0-z) < r⟧ ⟹ lower = -1"
"⟦Im (z0-z) > r; ¦Re (z0 - z)¦ < r⟧ ⟹ lower = -1"
"⟦Im (z0-z) < -r; ¦Re (z0 - z)¦ < r⟧ ⟹ lower = 1"
"⟦¦Re (z0 - z)¦ > r; r>0⟧ ⟹ lower = 0"
proof -
assume assms:"cmod (z0-z) < r"
have zz_facts:"-r<Re z - Re z0" "Re z - Re z0<r" "r>0"
subgoal using assms complex_Re_le_cmod le_less_trans by fastforce
subgoal by (metis assms complex_Re_le_cmod le_less_trans minus_complex.simps(1) norm_minus_commute)
subgoal using assms le_less_trans norm_ge_zero by blast
define θ where "θ = arccos ((Re z0 - Re z) / r)"
have θ_bound:"0 < θ ∧ θ < pi"
unfolding θ_def
apply (rule arccos_lt_bounded)
using zz_facts by (auto simp add:field_simps)
have Im_sin:"abs (Im z0 - Im z) < r * sin θ"
proof -
define zz where "zz=z0-z"
have "sqrt ((Re zz)⇧2 + (Im zz)⇧2) < r"
using assms unfolding zz_def cmod_def .
then have "(Re zz)⇧2 + (Im zz)⇧2 < r^2"
by (metis cmod_power2 dvd_refl linorder_not_le norm_complex_def power2_le_imp_le
real_sqrt_power zero_le_power_eq_numeral)
then have "(Im zz)⇧2 < r^2 - (Re zz)^2" by auto
then have "abs (Im zz) < sqrt (r^2 - (Re zz)^2)"
by (simp add: real_less_rsqrt)
then show ?thesis
unfolding θ_def zz_def
apply (subst sin_arccos_abs)
subgoal using zz_facts by auto
subgoal using ‹r>0› by (auto simp add:field_simps divide_simps real_sqrt_divide)
show "upper = - 1"
proof -
have "jumpF_pathstart (part_circlepath z r 0 pi) z0 = 0"
apply (subst jumpF_pathstart_part_circlepath)
using zz_facts assms by (auto simp add: norm_minus_commute)
moreover have "jumpF_pathfinish (part_circlepath z r 0 pi) z0 = 0"
apply (subst jumpF_pathfinish_part_circlepath)
using zz_facts assms by (auto simp add: norm_minus_commute)
ultimately show ?thesis using assms zz_facts θ_bound Im_sin unfolding upper_def
apply (subst cindex_pathE_part_circlepath)
by (fold θ_def,auto simp add: norm_minus_commute)
show "lower = - 1"
proof -
have "jumpF_pathstart (part_circlepath z r pi (2*pi)) z0 = 0"
apply (subst jumpF_pathstart_part_circlepath)
using zz_facts assms by (auto simp add: norm_minus_commute)
moreover have "jumpF_pathfinish (part_circlepath z r pi (2*pi)) z0 = 0"
apply (subst jumpF_pathfinish_part_circlepath)
using zz_facts assms by (auto simp add: norm_minus_commute)
ultimately show ?thesis using assms zz_facts θ_bound Im_sin unfolding lower_def
apply (subst cindex_pathE_part_circlepath)
by (fold θ_def,auto simp add: norm_minus_commute)
assume assms:"¦Re (z0 - z)¦ > r" "r>0"
show "upper = 0" using assms unfolding upper_def
apply (subst cindex_pathE_part_circlepath)
apply auto
by (metis abs_Re_le_cmod abs_minus_commute eucl_less_le_not_le minus_complex.simps(1))
show "lower = 0"
using assms unfolding lower_def
apply (subst cindex_pathE_part_circlepath)
apply auto
by (metis abs_Re_le_cmod abs_minus_commute eucl_less_le_not_le minus_complex.simps(1))
assume assms:"¦Re (z0 - z)¦ < r"
then have "r>0" by auto
define θ where "θ = arccos ((Re z0 - Re z) / r)"
have θ_bound:"0 < θ ∧ θ < pi"
unfolding θ_def
apply (rule arccos_lt_bounded)
using assms by (auto simp add:field_simps)
note norm_minus_commute[simp]
have jumpFs:
"jumpF_pathstart (part_circlepath z r 0 pi) z0 = 0"
"jumpF_pathfinish (part_circlepath z r 0 pi) z0 = 0"
"jumpF_pathstart (part_circlepath z r pi (2*pi)) z0 = 0"
"jumpF_pathfinish (part_circlepath z r pi (2*pi)) z0 = 0"
when "cmod (z0 - z) ≠ r"
subgoal by (subst jumpF_pathstart_part_circlepath,use assms that in auto)
subgoal by (subst jumpF_pathfinish_part_circlepath,use assms that in auto)
subgoal by (subst jumpF_pathstart_part_circlepath,use assms that in auto)
subgoal by (subst jumpF_pathfinish_part_circlepath,use assms that in auto)
show "upper = 1" "lower = -1" when "Im (z0-z) > r"
proof -
have "cmod (z0 - z) ≠ r"
using that assms abs_Im_le_cmod abs_le_D1 not_le by blast
moreover have "Im z0 - Im z > r * sin θ"
proof -
have "r * sin θ ≤ r"
using ‹r>0› by auto
also have "... < Im z0 - Im z" using that by auto
finally show ?thesis .
ultimately show "upper = 1" using assms jumpFs θ_bound that unfolding upper_def
apply (subst cindex_pathE_part_circlepath)
by (fold θ_def,auto)
have "Im z - Im z0 < r * sin θ"
proof -
have "Im z - Im z0 <0" using that ‹r>0› by auto
moreover have "r * sin θ>0" using ‹r>0› θ_bound by (simp add: sin_gt_zero)
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
then show "lower = -1" using ‹cmod (z0 - z) ≠ r› ‹Im z0 - Im z > r * sin θ›
assms jumpFs θ_bound that unfolding lower_def
apply (subst cindex_pathE_part_circlepath)
by (fold θ_def,auto)
show "upper = - 1" "lower = 1" when "Im (z0-z) < -r"
proof -
have "cmod (z0 - z) ≠ r"
using that assms
by (metis abs_Im_le_cmod abs_le_D1 minus_complex.simps(2) minus_diff_eq neg_less_iff_less
norm_minus_cancel not_le)
moreover have "Im z - Im z0 > r * sin θ"
proof -
have "r * sin θ ≤ r"
using ‹r>0› by auto
also have "... < Im z - Im z0" using that by auto
finally show ?thesis .
moreover have "Im z0 - Im z < r * sin θ"
proof -
have "Im z0 - Im z<0" using that ‹r>0› by auto
moreover have "r * sin θ>0" using ‹r>0› θ_bound by (simp add: sin_gt_zero)
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
ultimately show "upper = - 1" using assms jumpFs θ_bound that unfolding upper_def
apply (subst cindex_pathE_part_circlepath)
by (fold θ_def,auto)
show "lower = 1"
using ‹Im z0 - Im z < r * sin θ› ‹Im z - Im z0 > r * sin θ› ‹cmod (z0 - z) ≠ r›
assms jumpFs θ_bound that unfolding lower_def
apply (subst cindex_pathE_part_circlepath)
by (fold θ_def,auto)
lemma jumpF_pathstart_linepath:
"jumpF_pathstart (linepath a b) z =
(if Re a = Re z ∧ Im a≠Im z ∧ Re b ≠ Re a then
if (Im a>Im z ∧ Re b > Re a) ∨ (Im a<Im z ∧ Re b < Re a) then 1/2 else -1/2
else 0)"
proof -
define f where "f=(λt. (Im b - Im a )* t + (Im a - Im z))"
define g where "g=(λt. (Re b - Re a )* t + (Re a - Re z))"
have jump_eq:"jumpF_pathstart (linepath a b) z = jumpF (λt. f t/g t) (at_right 0)"
unfolding jumpF_pathstart_def f_def linepath_def g_def
by (auto simp add:algebra_simps)
have ?thesis when "Re a≠Re z"
proof -
have "jumpF_pathstart (linepath a b) z = 0"
unfolding jumpF_pathstart_def
apply (rule jumpF_im_divide_Re_0)
apply auto
by (auto simp add:linepath_def that)
then show ?thesis using that by auto
moreover have ?thesis when "Re a=Re z" "Im a = Im z"
proof -
define c where "c=(Im b - Im a) / (Re b - Re a)"
have "jumpF (λt. f t/g t) (at_right 0) = jumpF (λ_. c) (at_right 0)"
proof (rule jumpF_cong)
show "∀⇩F x in at_right 0. f x / g x = c"
unfolding eventually_at_right f_def g_def c_def using that
apply (intro exI[where x=1])
by auto
qed simp
then show ?thesis using jump_eq that by auto
moreover have ?thesis when "Re a=Re z" "Re b = Re a"
proof -
have "(λt. f t/g t) = (λ_. 0)" unfolding f_def g_def using that by auto
then have "jumpF (λt. f t/g t) (at_right 0) = jumpF (λ_. 0) (at_right 0)" by auto
then show ?thesis using jump_eq that by auto
moreover have ?thesis when "Re a = Re z" "(Im a>Im z ∧ Re b > Re a) ∨ (Im a<Im z ∧ Re b < Re a)"
proof -
have "LIM x at_right 0. f x / g x :> at_top"
apply (subst filterlim_divide_at_bot_at_top_iff[of _ "Im a - Im z"])
unfolding f_def g_def using that
by (auto intro!:tendsto_eq_intros sgnx_eq_intros)
then have "jumpF (λt. f t/g t) (at_right 0) = 1/2"
unfolding jumpF_def by simp
then show ?thesis using jump_eq that by auto
moreover have ?thesis when "Re a = Re z" "Im a≠Im z" "Re b ≠ Re a"
"¬ ((Im a>Im z ∧ Re b > Re a) ∨ (Im a<Im z ∧ Re b < Re a))"
proof -
have "(Im a>Im z ∧ Re b < Re a) ∨ (Im a<Im z ∧ Re b > Re a)"
using that by argo
then have "LIM x at_right 0. f x / g x :> at_bot"
apply (subst filterlim_divide_at_bot_at_top_iff[of _ "Im a - Im z"])
unfolding f_def g_def using that
by (auto intro!:tendsto_eq_intros sgnx_eq_intros)
moreover then have "¬ (LIM x at_right 0. f x / g x :> at_top)"
using filterlim_at_top_at_bot by fastforce
ultimately have "jumpF (λt. f t/g t) (at_right 0) = - 1/2"
unfolding jumpF_def by simp
then show ?thesis using jump_eq that by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by fast
lemma jumpF_pathfinish_linepath:
"jumpF_pathfinish (linepath a b) z =
(if Re b = Re z ∧ Im b ≠Im z ∧ Re b ≠ Re a then
if (Im b>Im z ∧ Re a > Re b) ∨ (Im b<Im z ∧ Re a < Re b) then 1/2 else -1/2
else 0)"
proof -
define f where "f=(λt. (Im b - Im a )* t + (Im a - Im z))"
define g where "g=(λt. (Re b - Re a )* t + (Re a - Re z))"
have jump_eq:"jumpF_pathfinish (linepath a b) z = jumpF (λt. f t/g t) (at_left 1)"
unfolding jumpF_pathfinish_def f_def linepath_def g_def
by (auto simp add:algebra_simps)
have ?thesis when "Re b≠Re z"
proof -
have "jumpF_pathfinish (linepath a b) z = 0"
unfolding jumpF_pathfinish_def
apply (rule jumpF_im_divide_Re_0)
apply auto
by (auto simp add:linepath_def that)
then show ?thesis using that by auto
moreover have ?thesis when "Re z=Re b" "Im z = Im b"
proof -
define c where "c=(Im a - Im b) / (Re a - Re b)"
have "jumpF (λt. f t/g t) (at_left 1) = jumpF (λ_. c) (at_left 1)"
proof (rule jumpF_cong)
have "f x / g x = c" when "x<1" for x
proof -
have "f x / g x = ((Im a - Im b)*(1-x))/((Re a - Re b)*(1-x))"
unfolding f_def g_def
by (auto simp add:algebra_simps ‹Re z=Re b› ‹Im z = Im b›)
also have "... = c"
using that unfolding c_def by auto
finally show ?thesis .
then show "∀⇩F x in at_left 1. f x / g x = c"
unfolding eventually_at_left using that
apply (intro exI[where x=0])
by auto
qed simp
then show ?thesis using jump_eq that by auto
moreover have ?thesis when "Re a=Re z" "Re b = Re a"
proof -
have "(λt. f t/g t) = (λ_. 0)" unfolding f_def g_def using that by auto
then have "jumpF (λt. f t/g t) (at_left 1) = jumpF (λ_. 0) (at_left 1)" by auto
then show ?thesis using jump_eq that by auto
moreover have ?thesis when "Re b = Re z" "(Im b>Im z ∧ Re a > Re b) ∨ (Im b<Im z ∧ Re a < Re b)"
proof -
have "LIM x at_left 1. f x / g x :> at_top"
proof -
have "(g has_real_derivative Re b - Re a) (at 1)"
unfolding g_def by (auto intro!:derivative_eq_intros)
from has_sgnx_derivative_at_left[OF this]
have "(g has_sgnx sgn (Im b - Im z)) (at_left 1)"
using that unfolding g_def by auto
then show ?thesis
apply (subst filterlim_divide_at_bot_at_top_iff[of _ "Im b - Im z"])
unfolding f_def g_def using that by (auto intro!:tendsto_eq_intros)
then have "jumpF (λt. f t/g t) (at_left 1) = 1/2"
unfolding jumpF_def by simp
then show ?thesis using jump_eq that by auto
moreover have ?thesis when "Re b = Re z" "Im b≠Im z" "Re b ≠ Re a"
"¬ ((Im b>Im z ∧ Re a > Re b) ∨ (Im b<Im z ∧ Re a < Re b))"
proof -
have "(Im b>Im z ∧ Re a < Re b) ∨ (Im b<Im z ∧ Re a > Re b)"
using that by argo
have "LIM x at_left 1. f x / g x :> at_bot"
proof -
have "(g has_real_derivative Re b - Re a) (at 1)"
unfolding g_def by (auto intro!:derivative_eq_intros)
from has_sgnx_derivative_at_left[OF this]
have "(g has_sgnx - sgn (Im b - Im z)) (at_left 1)"
using that unfolding g_def by auto
then show ?thesis
apply (subst filterlim_divide_at_bot_at_top_iff[of _ "Im b - Im z"])
unfolding f_def g_def using that by (auto intro!:tendsto_eq_intros )
moreover then have "¬ (LIM x at_left 1. f x / g x :> at_top)"
using filterlim_at_top_at_bot by fastforce
ultimately have "jumpF (λt. f t/g t) (at_left 1) = - 1/2"
unfolding jumpF_def by simp
then show ?thesis using jump_eq that by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by argo
subsection ‹Setting up the method for evaluating winding numbers›
lemma pathfinish_pathstart_partcirclepath_simps:
"pathstart (part_circlepath z0 r (3*pi/2) tt) = z0 - Complex 0 r"
"pathstart (part_circlepath z0 r (2*pi) tt) = z0 + r"
"pathfinish (part_circlepath z0 r st (3*pi/2)) = z0 - Complex 0 r"
"pathfinish (part_circlepath z0 r st (2*pi)) = z0 + r"
"pathstart (part_circlepath z0 r 0 tt) = z0 + r"
"pathstart (part_circlepath z0 r (pi/2) tt) = z0 + Complex 0 r"
"pathstart (part_circlepath z0 r (pi) tt) = z0 - r"
"pathfinish (part_circlepath z0 r st 0) = z0+r"
"pathfinish (part_circlepath z0 r st (pi/2)) = z0 + Complex 0 r"
"pathfinish (part_circlepath z0 r st (pi)) = z0 - r"
unfolding part_circlepath_def linepath_def pathstart_def pathfinish_def exp_Euler
apply(simp, subst sin.minus_1[symmetric],subst cos.minus_1[symmetric])
by (simp add: complex_of_real_i)
by (simp add: complex_of_real_i)
apply(simp, subst sin.minus_1[symmetric],subst cos.minus_1[symmetric])
by (simp add: complex_of_real_i)
by (simp_all add: complex_of_real_i)
lemma winding_eq_intro:
"finite_ReZ_segments g z ⟹
valid_path g ⟹
z ∉ path_image g ⟹
pathfinish g = pathstart g ⟹
- of_real(cindex_pathE g z) =2*n ⟹
winding_number g z = (n::complex)"
apply (subst winding_number_cindex_pathE[of g z])
by (auto simp add:field_simps)
named_theorems winding_intros and winding_simps
lemmas [winding_intros] =
lemmas [winding_simps] =
method rep_subst =
(subst cindex_pathE_joinpaths; rep_subst)?
text ‹
The method "eval\_winding" @{term 1} will try to simplify of the form @{term "winding_number g z = n"} where
@{term n} is an integer and @{term g} is a closed path comprised of @{term linepath},
@{term part_circlepath} and @{term joinpaths}.
Suppose @{term "g=l1+++l2"}, usually, the key behind the success of this framework is whether we can prove
@{term "z ∉ path_image l1"}, @{term "z ∉ path_image l2"} and calculate @{term "cindex_pathE l1 z"}
and @{term "cindex_pathE l2 z"}.
method eval_winding =
((rule_tac winding_eq_intro;
, auto simp only:winding_simps del:notI intro!:winding_intros
, tactic ‹distinct_subgoals_tac›)