Theory VEBT_Example
section ‹Interface Usage Example›
theory VEBT_Example
imports VEBT_Intf_Imperative VEBT_Example_Setup
subsection ‹Test Program›
definition "test n xs ys ≡ do {
t ← vebt_buildupi n;
t ← mfold (λx s. vebt_inserti s x) (0#xs) t;
let f = (λx. if⇩m vebt_memberi t x then return x else the $⇩m (vebt_predi t x));
mmap f ys
subsection ‹Correctness without Time›
text ‹The non-time part of our datastructure is fully integrated into sep-auto›
lemma fold_list_rl[sep_heap_rules]: "∀x∈set xs. x<2^n ⟹ hoare_triple
(vebt_assn n s t)
(mfold (λx s. vebt_inserti s x) xs t)
(λt'. vebt_assn n (s ∪ set xs) t')"
proof (induction xs arbitrary: s t)
case Nil
then show ?case by sep_auto
case (Cons a xs)
note Cons.IH[sep_heap_rules]
show ?case using Cons.prems
by sep_auto
lemma test_hoare: "⟦∀x∈set xs. x<2^n; n>0⟧ ⟹
<emp> (test n xs ys) <λr. ↑(r = map (λy. (GREATEST y'. y'∈insert 0 (set xs) ∧ y'≤y)) ys) >⇩t "
unfolding test_def
supply R = mmap_pure_aux[where f="(λy. (GREATEST y'. y'∈insert 0 (set xs) ∧ y'≤y))"]
apply (sep_auto decon: R)
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) GreatestI_ex_nat zero_le_numeral)
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Greatest_equality le_eq_less_or_eq)
apply sep_auto
apply (auto simp: is_pred_in_set_def)
by (smt (z3) GreatestI_nat le_neq_implies_less less_eq_nat.simps(1))
by (smt (z3) GreatestI_nat mult.right_neutral nat_less_le power_eq_0_iff power_mono_iff)
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Greatest_le_nat less_imp_le)
apply sep_auto
subsection ‹Time Bound Reasoning›
text ‹
We use some ad-hoc reasoning to also show the time-bound of our test program.
A generalization of such methods, or the integration of this entry into existing
reasoning frameworks with time is left to future work.
lemma insert_time_pure[cond_TBOUND]:"a < 2^n ⟹
§vebt_assn n S ti§ TBOUND (vebt_inserti ti a) (13 + 13 * nat ⌈log 2 (real n)⌉)"
by(rule htt_elim, rule vebt_inserti_rule, simp)
lemma member_time_pure[cond_TBOUND]:"§vebt_assn n S ti§ TBOUND (vebt_memberi ti a) (5 + 5 * nat ⌈log 2 (real n)⌉)"
by(rule htt_elim, rule vebt_memberi_rule)
lemma pred_time_pure[cond_TBOUND]:"§vebt_assn n S ti§ TBOUND (vebt_predi ti a) (7 + 7 * nat ⌈log 2 (real n)⌉)"
by(rule htt_elim, rule vebt_predi_rule)
lemma TBOUND_mfold[cond_TBOUND]:"
(⋀ x. x ∈ set xs ⟹ x < 2^n) ⟹
§ vebt_assn n S ti § TBOUND (mfold (λx s. vebt_inserti s x) xs ti) (length xs * (13 + 13 * nat ⌈log 2 n ⌉) + 1)"
apply(induction xs arbitrary: ti S)
apply(subst mfold.simps)
apply(cond_TBOUND, simp)
apply sep_auto
subgoal for a xs ti S
apply(rule cond_TBOUND_mono[where b = "(13 + 13 * nat ⌈log 2 (real n)⌉) + (length xs * (13 + 13 * nat ⌈log 2 (real n)⌉) + 1)"])
apply(rule cond_TBOUND, auto|(rule vebt_heap_rules(3), auto))+
lemma TBOUND_mmap[cond_TBOUND]:
defines b_def: "b ys n ≡ 1 + length ys * ( 5 + 5 * nat ⌈log 2 (real n)⌉ + 9 + 7 * nat ⌈log 2 (real n)⌉)"
shows "§ vebt_assn n S ti § TBOUND
(mmap (λx. if⇩m vebt_memberi ti x then return x
else vebt_predi ti x ⤜ (λx. return (the x))) ys) (b ys n)"
apply(induction ys arbitrary:)
apply(subst mmap.simps)
unfolding b_def
apply(rule cond_TBOUND_mono[where b = 1], rule cond_TBOUND_return, simp)
apply sep_auto
subgoal for a ys
apply(rule cond_TBOUND_mono[
where b = "((5 + 5 * nat ⌈log 2 (real n)⌉) + max 1 ((7 + 7 * nat ⌈log 2 (real n)⌉) + 1))
+(b ys n + 1)"])
apply(rule cond_TBOUND_bind[where Q = "λ r. vebt_assn n S ti"])
apply(rule cond_TBOUND | rule mmap_pres | sep_auto | rule cond_TBOUND_cons)+
unfolding b_def
apply simp
lemma TBOUND_test[cond_TBOUND]: "⟦∀x∈set xs. x<2^n; n>0 ⟧ ⟹
§ ↑ (n> 0) § TBOUND (test n xs ys) (10 * 2^n + (
( length (0#xs) * (13 + 13 * nat ⌈log 2 n ⌉) + 1) +
(1 + length ys * ( 5 + 5 * nat ⌈log 2 (real n)⌉ + 9 + 7 * nat ⌈log 2 (real n)⌉))))"
unfolding test_def
apply(cond_TBOUND| rule htt_elim[OF vebt_buildupi_rule] | sep_auto)+
lemma test_hoare_with_time: "⟦∀x∈set xs. x<2^n; n>0⟧ ⟹
<emp> (test n xs ys) <λr. ↑(r = map (λy. (GREATEST y'. y'∈insert 0 (set xs) ∧ y'≤y)) ys) * true >
T[10 * 2 ^ n +
(length (0 # xs) * (13 + 13 * nat ⌈log 2 (real n)⌉) + 1 +
(1 + length ys * (5 + 5 * nat ⌈log 2 (real n)⌉ + 9 + 7 * nat ⌈log 2 (real n)⌉)))]"
apply(rule htt_intro, rule test_hoare, simp+)
apply(rule cond_TBOUND_mono, rule cond_TBOUND_cons)
apply(rule TBOUND_test, simp+)