Theory VEBT_SuccPredImperative
theory VEBT_SuccPredImperative
imports VEBT_BuildupMemImp VEBT_Succ VEBT_Pred
context begin
interpretation VEBT_internal .
section ‹Imperative Successor›
partial_function (heap_time) vebt_succi::"VEBTi ⇒ nat ⇒ (nat option) Heap" where
"vebt_succi t x = (case t of (Leafi a b) ⇒(if x = 0 then (if b then return (Some 1) else return None)
else return None)|
(Nodei info deg treeArray summary) ⇒ (
case info of None ⇒ return None |
(Some mima) ⇒ ( if deg ≤ 1 then return None else
(if x < fst mima then return (Some (fst mima)) else
if x ≥ snd mima then return None else
do {
l <- lowi x (deg div 2);
h <- highi x (deg div 2);
aktnode <- Array_Time.nth treeArray h;
maxlow <- vebt_maxti aktnode;
if (maxlow ≠ None ∧ (Some l <⇩o maxlow))
then do {
succy <- vebt_succi aktnode l;
return ( Some (2^(deg div 2)) *⇩o Some h +⇩o succy)
else do {
succsum <- vebt_succi summary h;
if succsum = None then
return None
nextnode <- Array_Time.nth treeArray (the succsum);
minnext <- vebt_minti nextnode;
return (Some (2^(deg div 2)) *⇩o succsum +⇩o minnext)
context VEBT_internal begin
partial_function (heap_time) vebt_succi'::"VEBT ⇒ VEBTi ⇒ nat ⇒ (nat option) Heap" where
"vebt_succi' t ti x = (case ti of (Leafi a b) ⇒(if x = 0 then (if b then return (Some 1) else return None)
else return None)|
(Nodei info deg treeArray summary) ⇒ do { assert'( is_Node t);
let (info',deg',treeList,summary') =
(case t of Node info' deg' treeList summary' ⇒ (info',deg',treeList,summary'));
assert'(info'=info ∧ deg'=deg ∧ is_Node t);
case info of None ⇒ return None |
(Some mima) ⇒ (if deg ≤ 1 then return None else
(if x < fst mima then return (Some (fst mima)) else
if x ≥ snd mima then return None else
do {
l <- lowi x (deg div 2);
h <- highi x (deg div 2);
assert'(l = low x (deg div 2));
assert'(h = high x (deg div 2));
assert'(h < length treeList);
aktnode <- Array_Time.nth treeArray h;
let aktnode' = treeList!h;
maxlow <- vebt_maxti aktnode;
assert' (maxlow = vebt_maxt aktnode');
if (maxlow ≠ None ∧ (Some l <⇩o maxlow))
then do {
succy <- vebt_succi' aktnode' aktnode l;
return ( Some (2^(deg div 2)) *⇩o Some h +⇩o succy)
else do {
succsum <- vebt_succi' summary' summary h;
assert'(succsum = None ⟷ vebt_succ summary' h = None);
if succsum = None then do{
return None}
nextnode <- Array_Time.nth treeArray (the succsum);
minnext <- vebt_minti nextnode;
return (Some (2^(deg div 2)) *⇩o succsum +⇩o minnext)
theorem vebt_succi'_rf_abstr:"invar_vebt t n ⟹ <vebt_assn_raw t ti> vebt_succi' t ti x <λr. vebt_assn_raw t ti * ↑(r = vebt_succ t x)>"
proof(induction t x arbitrary: ti n rule: vebt_succ.induct)
case (1 uu b)
then show ?case by(subst vebt_succi'.simps) (cases ti; sep_auto)
case (2 uv uw n)
then show ?case by(subst vebt_succi'.simps) (cases ti; sep_auto)
case (3 ux uy uz va)
then show ?case by(subst vebt_succi'.simps) (cases ti; sep_auto)
case (4 v vc vd ve)
then show ?case by(subst vebt_succi'.simps) (cases ti; sep_auto)
case (5 v vg vh vi)
then show ?case by(subst vebt_succi'.simps) (cases ti; sep_auto)
case (6 mi ma va treeList summary x)
have setprop: "t ∈ set treeList ⟹ invar_vebt t (n div 2 )" for t using 6(3)
by (cases) simp+
have listlength: "length treeList = 2^(n - n div 2)" using 6(3)
by (cases) simp+
have sumprop: "invar_vebt summary (n - n div 2)" using 6(3)
by (cases) simp+
have xprop [simp]: " ¬ ma ≤ x ⟹ high x (Suc (va div 2)) < length treeList"
by (smt (z3) "6.prems" deg_deg_n div2_Suc_Suc div_le_dividend high_bound_aux listlength mi_ma_2_deg not_le_imp_less order.strict_trans ordered_cancel_comm_monoid_diff_class.add_diff_inverse)
hence xprop' [simp]: " ¬ ma ≤ x ⟹ x div (2 * 2 ^ (va div 2)) < length treeList" unfolding high_def by simp
show ?case
apply (cases ti)
prefer 2
apply simp
subgoal for x11 x12 x13 x14
supply [split del] = if_split
apply (subst vebt_succi'.simps; clarsimp split del: )
apply (assn_simp; intro normalize_rules)
apply simp
apply(auto split: if_split)
apply sep_auto
apply sep_auto
using "6.prems" geqmaxNone
apply fastforce
apply sep_auto
apply (extract_pre_pure dest: extract_pre_list_assn_lengthD)
apply (sep_auto simp: lowi_def low_def heap: highi_h)
apply(sep_auto heap: vebt_maxtilist)
apply sep_auto
apply(simp add: high_def low_def)
apply (rewrite in "<⌑>_<_>" list_assn_conv_idx)
apply(rewrite in "<⌑>_<_>" listI_assn_extract[where i="(x div (2 * 2 ^ (va div 2)))"])
apply (smt (z3) "6.prems" atLeastLessThan_iff deg_deg_n div2_Suc_Suc div_le_dividend dual_order.strict_trans2 high_bound_aux high_def le0 le_add_diff_inverse listlength mi_ma_2_deg nat_le_linear power_Suc)
apply (smt (z3) "6.prems" deg_deg_n div2_Suc_Suc div_le_dividend dual_order.strict_trans2 high_bound_aux high_def le_add_diff_inverse listlength mi_ma_2_deg nat_le_linear power_Suc)
apply(sep_auto heap: "6.IH"(1))
apply(simp add: low_def)
apply(simp add: high_def)
apply simp+
apply(rule setprop)
apply simp
subgoal for tree_is x
apply sep_auto
apply (smt (z3) "6.prems" deg_deg_n div2_Suc_Suc div_le_dividend dual_order.strict_trans2 high_bound_aux high_def le_add_diff_inverse less_shift listlength low_def mi_ma_2_deg nat_le_linear option.distinct(1) power_Suc)
apply(rule ent_trans[where Q=" vebt_assn_raw summary x14 * (x13 ↦⇩a tree_is )*
(list_assn vebt_assn_raw treeList tree_is)"])
apply (smt (z3) assn_aci(10) atLeastLessThan_iff entails_def leI less_nat_zero_code listI_assn_extract list_assn_conv_idx star_aci(2) xprop')
apply(rule ent_refl)
apply simp
apply sep_auto
apply(sep_auto heap: "6.IH"(2))
apply (simp add: high_def low_def)+
apply (rule sumprop)
apply(sep_auto heap: "6.IH"(2))
apply (simp add: high_def low_def)+
apply (rule sumprop)
apply sep_auto+
apply(simp add: high_def low_def)+
using helpyd listlength sumprop
apply presburger+
apply (sep_auto heap: vebt_mintilist)
using helpyd listlength sumprop
apply presburger
using helpyd listlength sumprop
apply presburger+
apply sep_auto
lemma TBOUND_vebt_succi:
defines foo_def: "⋀ t x. foo t x ≡ 7 * (1+height t)"
shows "TBOUND (vebt_succi' t ti x) (foo t x)"
apply (induction arbitrary: t ti x rule: vebt_succi'.fixp_induct)
apply (rule TBOUND_fi'_adm)
apply (rule TBOUND_empty)
apply TBOUND
apply(simp add: Let_def split!: VEBTi.splits VEBT.splits prod.splits option.splits if_splits)
apply(simp_all add: foo_def max_idx_list)
lemma vebt_succi_refines: "refines (vebt_succi ti x) (vebt_succi' t ti x)"
apply (induction arbitrary: t ti x rule: vebt_succi'.fixp_induct)
subgoal using refines_adm[where t = "λ arg. vebt_succi (snd (fst arg)) (snd arg)"]
by simp
subgoal by simp
subgoal for f t ti x
apply(subst vebt_succi.simps)
apply refines
lemma htt_vebt_succi: assumes "invar_vebt t n"
shows "<vebt_assn_raw t ti> vebt_succi ti x <λ r. vebt_assn_raw t ti * ↑(r = vebt_succ t x) >T[7 + 7*(nat ⌈lb n⌉)]"
apply (rule htt_refine[where c = "vebt_succi' t ti x"])
prefer 2
apply(rule vebt_succi_refines)
apply (rule httI_TBOUND)
apply(rule vebt_succi'_rf_abstr)
apply(rule assms)
apply(rule TBOUND_mono)
apply(rule TBOUND_vebt_succi)
apply simp
apply(rule Nat.eq_imp_le)
apply (metis assms nat_int heigt_uplog_rel)
context begin
interpretation VEBT_internal .
partial_function (heap_time) vebt_predi::"VEBTi ⇒ nat ⇒ (nat option) Heap" where
"vebt_predi t x = (case t of (Leafi a b) ⇒(if x ≥ 2then (if b then return (Some 1) else if a then return (Some 0) else return None)
else if x = 1 then (if a then return (Some 0) else return None) else return None)|
(Nodei info deg treeArray summary) ⇒ (
case info of None ⇒ return None |
(Some mima) ⇒ ( if deg ≤ 1 then return None else
(if x > snd mima then return (Some (snd mima)) else
do {
l <- lowi x (deg div 2);
h <- highi x (deg div 2);
aktnode <- Array_Time.nth treeArray h;
minlow <- vebt_minti aktnode;
if (minlow ≠ None ∧ (Some l >⇩o minlow))
then do {
predy <- vebt_predi aktnode l;
return ( Some (2^(deg div 2)) *⇩o Some h +⇩o predy)
else do {
predsum <- vebt_predi summary h;
if predsum = None then
if x > fst mima then
return (Some (fst mima))
return None
nextnode <- Array_Time.nth treeArray (the predsum);
maxnext <- vebt_maxti nextnode;
return (Some (2^(deg div 2)) *⇩o predsum +⇩o maxnext)
context VEBT_internal begin
section ‹Imperative Predecessor›
partial_function (heap_time) vebt_predi'::"VEBT ⇒ VEBTi ⇒ nat ⇒ (nat option) Heap" where
"vebt_predi' t ti x = (case ti of (Leafi a b) ⇒(if x ≥ 2then (if b then return (Some 1) else if a then return (Some 0) else return None)
else if x = 1 then (if a then return (Some 0) else return None) else return None)|
(Nodei info deg treeArray summary) ⇒ ( do { assert'( is_Node t);
let (info',deg',treeList,summary') =
(case t of Node info' deg' treeList summary' ⇒ (info',deg',treeList,summary'));
assert'(info'=info ∧ deg'=deg ∧ is_Node t);
case info of None ⇒ return None |
(Some mima) ⇒ ( if deg ≤ 1 then return None else
(if x > snd mima then return (Some (snd mima)) else
do {
l <- lowi x (deg div 2);
h <- highi x (deg div 2);
assert'(l = low x (deg div 2));
assert'(h = high x (deg div 2));
assert'(h < length treeList);
aktnode <- Array_Time.nth treeArray h;
let aktnode' = treeList!h;
minlow <- vebt_minti aktnode;
assert' (minlow = vebt_mint aktnode');
if (minlow ≠ None ∧ (Some l >⇩o minlow))
then do {
predy <- vebt_predi' aktnode' aktnode l;
return ( Some (2^(deg div 2)) *⇩o Some h +⇩o predy)
else do {
predsum <- vebt_predi' summary' summary h;
assert'(predsum = None ⟷ vebt_pred summary' h = None);
if predsum = None then
if x > fst mima then
return (Some (fst mima))
return None
nextnode <- Array_Time.nth treeArray (the predsum);
maxnext <- vebt_maxti nextnode;
return (Some (2^(deg div 2)) *⇩o predsum +⇩o maxnext)
theorem vebt_pred'_rf_abstr:"invar_vebt t n ⟹ <vebt_assn_raw t ti> vebt_predi' t ti x <λr. vebt_assn_raw t ti * ↑(r = vebt_pred t x)>"
proof(induction t x arbitrary: ti n rule: vebt_pred.induct)
case (1 uu uv)
then show ?case by(subst vebt_predi'.simps) (cases ti; sep_auto)
case (2 a uw)
then show ?case by(subst vebt_predi'.simps) (cases ti; sep_auto)
case (3 a b va)
then show ?case by(subst vebt_predi'.simps) (cases ti; sep_auto)
case (4 uy uz va vb)
then show ?case by(subst vebt_predi'.simps) (cases ti; sep_auto)
case (5 v vd ve vf)
then show ?case by(subst vebt_predi'.simps) (cases ti; sep_auto)
case (6 v vh vi vj)
then show ?case by(subst vebt_predi'.simps) (cases ti; sep_auto)
case (7 mi ma va treeList summary x)
have setprop: "t ∈ set treeList ⟹ invar_vebt t (n div 2 )" for t using 7(3)
by (cases) simp+
have listlength: "length treeList = 2^(n - n div 2)" using 7(3)
by (cases) simp+
have sumprop: "invar_vebt summary (n - n div 2)" using 7(3)
by (cases) simp+
have mimapr: "ma ≥ mi" using 7(3)
by (cases) simp+
show ?case
apply (cases ti)
prefer 2
apply simp
supply [split del] = if_split
apply (subst vebt_predi'.simps; clarsimp split del: )
apply (assn_simp; intro normalize_rules)
apply simp
apply(cases "ma < x")
apply simp
apply sep_auto
apply simp
apply (extract_pre_pure dest: extract_pre_list_assn_lengthD)
apply(sep_auto simp: highi_def)
apply (sep_auto simp: lowi_def)
apply sep_auto
apply(simp add: low_def)
apply sep_auto
apply(simp add: high_def)
apply sep_auto
apply (smt (z3) "7.prems" deg_deg_n div2_Suc_Suc div_le_dividend high_bound_aux high_def le_add_diff_inverse linorder_neqE_nat listlength mi_ma_2_deg order.strict_trans power_Suc)
apply sep_auto
apply (smt (z3) "7.prems" deg_deg_n div2_Suc_Suc div_le_dividend high_bound_aux high_def le_add_diff_inverse linorder_neqE_nat listlength mi_ma_2_deg order.strict_trans power_Suc)
apply (sep_auto heap: vebt_mintilist)
apply (smt (z3) "7.prems" deg_deg_n div2_Suc_Suc div_le_dividend high_bound_aux high_def le_add_diff_inverse linorder_neqE_nat listlength mi_ma_2_deg order.strict_trans power_Suc)
apply sep_auto
apply (rewrite in "<⌑>_<_>" list_assn_conv_idx)
apply(rewrite in "<⌑>_<_>" listI_assn_extract[where i="(x div (2 * 2 ^ (va div 2)))"])
apply (smt (z3) "7.prems" atLeastLessThan_iff deg_deg_n div2_Suc_Suc div_le_dividend high_bound_aux high_def le0 le_add_diff_inverse linorder_neqE_nat listlength mi_ma_2_deg order.strict_trans power_Suc)
apply (smt (z3) "7.prems" deg_deg_n div2_Suc_Suc div_le_dividend high_bound_aux high_def le_add_diff_inverse linorder_neqE_nat listlength mi_ma_2_deg order.strict_trans power_Suc)
apply (sep_auto heap: "7.IH"(1))
apply(simp add: high_def low_def)+
apply (smt (z3) "7.prems" deg_deg_n div2_Suc_Suc div_le_dividend high_bound_aux high_def le_add_diff_inverse linorder_neqE_nat listlength mi_ma_2_deg order.strict_trans power_Suc)
apply(rule DEADID.rel_refl)
apply (metis greater_shift option.simps(3))
apply(rule setprop)
apply(rule nth_mem)
apply (smt (z3) "7.prems" atLeastLessThan_iff deg_deg_n div2_Suc_Suc div_le_dividend high_bound_aux high_def le0 le_add_diff_inverse linorder_neqE_nat listlength mi_ma_2_deg order.strict_trans power_Suc)
apply simp
apply sep_auto
apply (smt (z3) "7.prems" deg_deg_n div2_Suc_Suc div_le_dividend dual_order.strict_trans2 greater_shift high_bound_aux high_def leI le_add_diff_inverse listlength low_def mi_ma_2_deg option.distinct(1) power_Suc)
apply (rule recomp)
apply (smt (z3) "7.prems" atLeastLessThan_iff deg_deg_n div2_Suc_Suc div_le_dividend high_bound_aux high_def le0 le_add_diff_inverse linorder_neqE_nat listlength mi_ma_2_deg order.strict_trans power_Suc)
apply (smt (z3) "7.prems" deg_deg_n div2_Suc_Suc div_le_dividend dual_order.strict_trans2 greater_shift high_bound_aux high_def leI le_add_diff_inverse listlength low_def mi_ma_2_deg option.distinct(1) power_Suc)
apply (rule recomp)
apply (smt (z3) "7.prems" atLeastLessThan_iff deg_deg_n div2_Suc_Suc div_le_dividend high_bound_aux high_def le0 le_add_diff_inverse linorder_neqE_nat listlength mi_ma_2_deg order.strict_trans power_Suc)
apply(sep_auto heap: "7.IH"(2))
apply(simp add: high_def low_def)+
apply (smt (z3) "7.prems" atLeastLessThan_iff deg_deg_n div2_Suc_Suc div_le_dividend high_bound_aux high_def le0 le_add_diff_inverse linorder_neqE_nat listlength mi_ma_2_deg order.strict_trans power_Suc)
apply(rule DEADID.rel_refl)
apply (simp add: low_def)
apply(rule sumprop)
apply sep_auto
apply(sep_auto simp: high_def low_def)+
apply (smt (z3) "7.prems" deg_deg_n div2_Suc_Suc div_le_dividend dual_order.strict_trans2 high_bound_aux high_def leI le_add_diff_inverse listlength mi_ma_2_deg power_Suc)
apply (simp add: high_def low_def)
apply (smt (z3) "7.prems" deg_deg_n div2_Suc_Suc div_le_dividend dual_order.strict_trans2 greater.elims(2) high_bound_aux high_def leI le_add_diff_inverse listlength mi_ma_2_deg power_Suc)
apply sep_auto
apply(sep_auto simp: high_def low_def)+
apply presburger
apply (smt (z3) greater.elims(2) high_def low_def power_Suc)
apply (simp add: high_def low_def)
apply sep_auto
using helpypredd listlength sumprop apply simp
using helpypredd listlength sumprop apply simp
apply sep_auto
apply(rule cons_pre_rule)
apply(sep_auto heap: vebt_maxti_h)
apply (rewrite in "<⌑>_<_>" list_assn_conv_idx)
apply (rewrite in "<⌑>_<_>" listI_assn_extract[where i="the (vebt_pred summary (x div (2 * 2 ^ (va div 2))))"])
apply (metis atLeastLessThan_iff helpypredd le0 listlength option.sel sumprop)
apply (metis helpypredd listlength option.sel sumprop)
apply (simp add: algebra_simps)
apply(rule cons_pre_rule)
apply(rule ext)
using helpypredd listlength sumprop apply presburger
apply(sep_auto heap: vebt_maxti_h)
apply (rewrite in "<⌑>_<_>" list_assn_conv_idx)
apply (rewrite in "<⌑>_<_>" listI_assn_extract[where i="the (vebt_pred summary (x div (2 * 2 ^ (va div 2))))"])
apply (metis atLeastLessThan_iff helpypredd le0 listlength option.sel sumprop)
apply (metis helpypredd listlength option.sel sumprop)
apply simp
apply(sep_auto heap: vebt_maxti_h)
apply sep_auto
apply (smt (z3) "7.prems" deg_deg_n div2_Suc_Suc div_le_dividend dual_order.strict_trans2 high_bound_aux high_def leI le_add_diff_inverse listlength mi_ma_2_deg option.distinct(1) option.sel power_Suc)
apply (smt (z3) "7.prems" deg_deg_n div2_Suc_Suc div_le_dividend dual_order.strict_trans2 greater.elims(2) high_bound_aux high_def leI le_add_diff_inverse listlength mi_ma_2_deg option.distinct(1) option.sel power_Suc)
apply(rule txe)
using helpypredd listlength sumprop apply presburger
apply (smt (z3) "7.prems" deg_deg_n div2_Suc_Suc div_le_dividend dual_order.strict_trans2 greater.elims(2) high_bound_aux high_def leI le_add_diff_inverse listlength mi_ma_2_deg option.distinct(1) option.sel power_Suc)
apply(rule txe)
using helpypredd listlength sumprop apply presburger
lemma TBOUND_vebt_predi:
defines foo_def: "⋀ t x. foo t x ≡ 7 * (1+height t)"
shows "TBOUND (vebt_predi' t ti x) (foo t x)"
apply (induction arbitrary: t ti x rule: vebt_predi'.fixp_induct)
apply (rule TBOUND_fi'_adm)
apply (rule TBOUND_empty)
apply TBOUND
apply (simp add: Let_def split!: VEBTi.splits VEBT.splits option.splits prod.splits if_splits)
apply(simp_all add: foo_def max_idx_list)
lemma vebt_predi_refines: "refines (vebt_predi ti x) (vebt_predi' t ti x)"
apply (induction arbitrary: t ti x rule: vebt_predi'.fixp_induct)
subgoal using refines_adm[where t = "λ arg. vebt_predi (snd (fst arg)) (snd arg)"]
by simp
subgoal by simp
subgoal for f t ti x
apply(subst vebt_predi.simps)
apply refines
lemma htt_vebt_predi: assumes "invar_vebt t n"
shows "<vebt_assn_raw t ti> vebt_predi ti x <λ r. vebt_assn_raw t ti * ↑(r = vebt_pred t x) >T[7 + 7*(nat ⌈lb n⌉)]"
apply (rule htt_refine[where c = "vebt_predi' t ti x"])
prefer 2
apply(rule vebt_predi_refines)
apply (rule httI_TBOUND)
apply(rule vebt_pred'_rf_abstr)
apply(rule assms)
apply(rule TBOUND_mono)
apply(rule TBOUND_vebt_predi)
apply simp
apply(rule Nat.eq_imp_le)
apply (metis assms nat_int heigt_uplog_rel)