Theory UTM

(* Title: thys/UTM.thy
   Author: Jian Xu, Xingyuan Zhang, and Christian Urban
   Modifications: Sebastiaan Joosten
   Modifications: Franz Regensburger (FABR) 08/2022
     - added some auxiliary lemmas
     - added subsections

chapter ‹Construction of a Universal Turing Machine›

theory UTM
  imports Recursive Abacus UF HOL.GCD Turing_Hoare

(* Initialize simpset: the following proofs depend on a cleaned up simpset *)
declare adjust.simps[simp del]
declare seq_tm.simps [simp del] 
declare shift.simps[simp del]
declare composable_tm.simps[simp del]
declare step.simps[simp del]
declare steps.simps[simp del]
declare fetch.simps[simp del]

section ‹Wang coding of input arguments›

text ‹
  The direct compilation of the universal function rec_F› can
  not give us the utm›, because rec_F› is of arity 2, where the
  first argument represents the Gödel coding of the TM being simulated
  and the second argument represents the right number (in Wang's
  coding) of the TM tape.  (Notice, the left number is always 0›
  at the very beginning). However, the utm› needs to simulate the execution
  of any TM which may take many input arguments.

  Therefore, an initialization TM needs to run before the TM compiled from rec_F›,
  and the sequential composition of these two TMs will give
  rise to the utm› we are seeking. The purpose of this initialization
  TM is to transform the multiple input arguments of the TM being
  simulated into Wang's coding, so that it can be consumed by the TM
  compiled from rec_F› as the second argument.

  However, this initialization TM (named wcode_tm›) can not be
  constructed by compiling from any recursive function, because every
  recursive function takes a fixed number of input arguments, while
  wcode_tm› needs to take varying number of arguments and
  tranform them into Wang's coding. Therefore, this section gives a
  direct construction of wcode_tm› with just some parts being
  obtained from recursive functions.


The TM used to generate the Wang's code of input arguments is divided into three TMs
 executed sequentially, namely $prepare$, $mainwork$ and $adjust$.
 According to the convention, the start state of ever TM is fixed to state $1$ while
 the final state is fixed to $0$.

The input and output of $prepare$ are illustrated respectively by Figure
\ref{prepare_input} and \ref{prepare_output}.

  [tbox/.style = {draw, thick, inner sep = 5pt}]
  \node (0) {};
  \node (1) [tbox, text height = 3.5pt, right = -0.9pt of 0] {$m$};
  \node (2) [tbox, right = -0.9pt of 1] {$0$};
  \node (3) [tbox, right = -0.9pt of 2] {$a_1$};
  \node (4) [tbox, right = -0.9pt of 3] {$0$};
  \node (5) [tbox, right = -0.9pt of 4] {$a_2$};
  \node (6) [right = -0.9pt of 5] {\ldots \ldots};
  \node (7) [tbox, right = -0.9pt of 6] {$a_n$};
  \draw [->, >=latex, thick] (1)+(0, -4\baseheight) -- (1);
\caption{The input of TM $prepare$} \label{prepare_input}

  \node (0) {};
  \node (1) [draw, text height = 3.5pt, right = -0.9pt of 0, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$m$};
  \node (2) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 1, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$0$};
  \node (3) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 2, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$0$};
  \node (4) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 3, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$a_1$};
  \node (5) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 4, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$0$};
  \node (6) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 5, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$a_2$};
  \node (7) [right = -0.9pt of 6] {\ldots \ldots};
  \node (8) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 7, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$a_n$};
  \node (9) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 8, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$0$};
  \node (10) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 9, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$0$};
  \node (11) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 10, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$1$};
  \draw [->, >=latex, thick] (10)+(0, -4\baseheight) -- (10);
\caption{The output of TM $prepare$} \label{prepare_output}

As shown in Figure \ref{prepare_input}, the input of $prepare$ is the
same as the the input of utm›, where $m$ is the Gödel coding of the TM
being interpreted and $a_1$ through $a_n$ are the $n$ input arguments
of the TM under interpretation. The purpose of $purpose$ is to
transform this initial tape layout to the one shown in Figure
\ref{prepare_output}, which is convenient for the generation of Wang's
coding of $a_1, \ldots, a_n$. The coding procedure starts from $a_n$
and ends after $a_1$ is encoded. The coding result is stored in an
accumulator at the end of the tape (initially represented by the $1$
two blanks right to $a_n$ in Figure \ref{prepare_output}). In Figure
\ref{prepare_output}, arguments $a_1, \ldots, a_n$ are separated by
two blanks on both ends with the rest so that movement conditions can
be implemented conveniently in subsequent TMs, because, by convention,
two consecutive blanks are usually used to signal the end or start of
a large chunk of data. The diagram of $prepare$ is given in Figure

     \node[circle,draw] (1) {$1$};
     \node[circle,draw] (2) at ($(1)+(0.3\basewidth, 0)$) {$2$};
     \node[circle,draw] (3) at ($(2)+(0.3\basewidth, 0)$) {$3$};
     \node[circle,draw] (4) at ($(3)+(0.3\basewidth, 0)$) {$4$};
     \node[circle,draw] (5) at ($(4)+(0.3\basewidth, 0)$) {$5$};
     \node[circle,draw] (6) at ($(5)+(0.3\basewidth, 0)$) {$6$};
     \node[circle,draw] (7) at ($(6)+(0.3\basewidth, 0)$) {$7$};
     \node[circle,draw] (8) at ($(7)+(0.3\basewidth, 0)$) {$0$};

     \draw [->, >=latex] (1) edge [loop above] node[above] {$S_1:L$} (1)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (1) -- node[above] {$S_0:S_1$} (2)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (2) edge [loop above] node[above] {$S_1:R$} (2)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (2) -- node[above] {$S_0:L$} (3)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (3) edge[loop above] node[above] {$S_1:S_0$} (3)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (3) -- node[above] {$S_0:R$} (4)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (4) edge[loop above] node[above] {$S_0:R$} (4)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (4) -- node[above] {$S_0:R$} (5)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (5) edge[loop above] node[above] {$S_1:R$} (5)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (5) -- node[above] {$S_0:R$} (6)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (6) edge[bend left = 50] node[below] {$S_1:R$} (5)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (6) -- node[above] {$S_0:R$} (7)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (7) edge[loop above] node[above] {$S_0:S_1$} (7)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (7) -- node[above] {$S_1:L$} (8)
\caption{The diagram of TM $prepare$} \label{prepare_diag}

The purpose of TM $mainwork$ is to compute Wang's encoding of $a_1,
\ldots, a_n$. Every bit of $a_1, \ldots, a_n$, including the separating bits,
is processed from left to right.
In order to detect the termination condition when the left most bit of $a_1$ is reached,
TM $mainwork$ needs to look ahead and consider three different situations at the start of
every iteration:
    \item The TM configuration for the first situation is shown in Figure
        where the accumulator is stored in $r$, both of the next two bits
        to be encoded are $1$. The configuration at the end of the iteration
        is shown in Figure \ref{mainwork_case_one_output}, where the first 1-bit has been
        encoded and cleared. Notice that the accumulator has been changed to
        $(r+1) \times 2$ to reflect the encoded bit.
    \item The TM configuration for the second situation is shown in Figure
        where the accumulator is stored in $r$, the next two bits
        to be encoded are $1$ and $0$. After the first
        $1$-bit was encoded and cleared, the second $0$-bit is difficult to detect
        and process. To solve this problem, these two consecutive bits are
        encoded in one iteration.  In this situation, only the first $1$-bit needs
        to be cleared since the second one is cleared by definition.
        The configuration at the end of the iteration
        is shown in Figure \ref{mainwork_case_two_output}.
        Notice that the accumulator has been changed to
        $(r+1) \times 4$ to reflect the two encoded bits.
    \item The third situation corresponds to the case when the last bit of $a_1$ is reached.
        The TM configurations at the start and end of the iteration are shown in
        Figure \ref{mainwork_case_three_input} and \ref{mainwork_case_three_output}
        respectively. For this situation, only the read write head needs to be moved to
        the left to prepare a initial configuration for TM $adjust$ to start with.
The diagram of $mainwork$ is given in Figure \ref{mainwork_diag}. The two rectangular nodes
labeled with $2 \times x$ and $4 \times x$ are two TMs compiling from recursive functions
so that we do not have to design and verify two quite complicated TMs.

  \node (0) {};
  \node (1) [draw, text height = 3.9pt, right = -0.9pt of 0, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$m$};
  \node (2) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 1, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$0$};
  \node (3) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 2, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$0$};
  \node (4) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 3, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$a_1$};
  \node (5) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 4, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$0$};
  \node (6) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 5, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$a_2$};
  \node (7) [right = -0.9pt of 6] {\ldots \ldots};
  \node (8) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 7, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$a_i$};
  \node (9) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 8, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$1$};
  \node (10) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 9, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$1$};
  \node (11) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 10, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$0$};
  \node (12) [right = -0.9pt of 11] {\ldots \ldots};
  \node (13) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 12, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$0$};
  \node (14) [draw, text height = 3.9pt, right = -0.9pt of 13, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$r$};
  \draw [->, >=latex, thick] (13)+(0, -4\baseheight) -- (13);
\caption{The first situation for TM $mainwork$ to consider} \label{mainwork_case_one_input}

  \node (0) {};
  \node (1) [draw, text height = 3.9pt, right = -0.9pt of 0, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$m$};
  \node (2) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 1, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$0$};
  \node (3) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 2, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$0$};
  \node (4) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 3, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$a_1$};
  \node (5) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 4, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$0$};
  \node (6) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 5, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$a_2$};
  \node (7) [right = -0.9pt of 6] {\ldots \ldots};
  \node (8) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 7, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$a_i$};
  \node (9) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 8, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$1$};
  \node (10) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 9, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$0$};
  \node (11) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 10, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$0$};
  \node (12) [right = -0.9pt of 11] {\ldots \ldots};
  \node (13) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 12, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$0$};
  \node (14) [draw, text height = 2.7pt, right = -0.9pt of 13, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$(r+1) \times 2$};
  \draw [->, >=latex, thick] (13)+(0, -4\baseheight) -- (13);
\caption{The output for the first case of TM $mainwork$'s processing}

  \node (0) {};
  \node (1) [draw, text height = 3.9pt, right = -0.9pt of 0, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$m$};
  \node (2) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 1, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$0$};
  \node (3) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 2, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$0$};
  \node (4) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 3, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$a_1$};
  \node (5) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 4, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$0$};
  \node (6) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 5, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$a_2$};
  \node (7) [right = -0.9pt of 6] {\ldots \ldots};
  \node (8) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 7, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$a_i$};
  \node (9) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 8, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$1$};
  \node (10) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 9, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$0$};
  \node (11) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 10, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$1$};
  \node (12) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 11, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$0$};
  \node (13) [right = -0.9pt of 12] {\ldots \ldots};
  \node (14) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 13, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$0$};
  \node (15) [draw, text height = 3.9pt, right = -0.9pt of 14, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$r$};
  \draw [->, >=latex, thick] (14)+(0, -4\baseheight) -- (14);
\caption{The second situation for TM $mainwork$ to consider} \label{mainwork_case_two_input}

  \node (0) {};
  \node (1) [draw, text height = 3.9pt, right = -0.9pt of 0, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$m$};
  \node (2) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 1, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$0$};
  \node (3) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 2, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$0$};
  \node (4) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 3, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$a_1$};
  \node (5) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 4, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$0$};
  \node (6) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 5, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$a_2$};
  \node (7) [right = -0.9pt of 6] {\ldots \ldots};
  \node (8) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 7, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$a_i$};
  \node (9) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 8, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$1$};
  \node (10) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 9, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$0$};
  \node (11) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 10, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$0$};
  \node (12) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 11, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$0$};
  \node (13) [right = -0.9pt of 12] {\ldots \ldots};
  \node (14) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 13, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$0$};
  \node (15) [draw, text height = 2.7pt, right = -0.9pt of 14, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$(r+1) \times 4$};
  \draw [->, >=latex, thick] (14)+(0, -4\baseheight) -- (14);
\caption{The output for the second case of TM $mainwork$'s processing}

  \node (0) {};
  \node (1) [draw, text height = 3.9pt, right = -0.9pt of 0, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$m$};
  \node (2) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 1, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$0$};
  \node (3) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 2, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$0$};
  \node (4) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 3, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$1$};
  \node (5) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 4, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$0$};
  \node (6) [right = -0.9pt of 5] {\ldots \ldots};
  \node (7) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 6, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$0$};
  \node (8) [draw, text height = 3.9pt, right = -0.9pt of 7, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$r$};
  \draw [->, >=latex, thick] (7)+(0, -4\baseheight) -- (7);
\caption{The third situation for TM $mainwork$ to consider} \label{mainwork_case_three_input}

  \node (0) {};
  \node (1) [draw, text height = 3.9pt, right = -0.9pt of 0, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$m$};
  \node (2) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 1, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$0$};
  \node (3) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 2, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$0$};
  \node (4) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 3, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$1$};
  \node (5) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 4, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$0$};
  \node (6) [right = -0.9pt of 5] {\ldots \ldots};
  \node (7) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 6, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$0$};
  \node (8) [draw, text height = 3.9pt, right = -0.9pt of 7, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$r$};
  \draw [->, >=latex, thick] (3)+(0, -4\baseheight) -- (3);
\caption{The output for the third case of TM $mainwork$'s processing}

     \node[circle,draw] (1) {$1$};
     \node[circle,draw] (2) at ($(1)+(0.3\basewidth, 0)$) {$2$};
     \node[circle,draw] (3) at ($(2)+(0.3\basewidth, 0)$) {$3$};
     \node[circle,draw] (4) at ($(3)+(0.3\basewidth, 0)$) {$4$};
     \node[circle,draw] (5) at ($(4)+(0.3\basewidth, 0)$) {$5$};
     \node[circle,draw] (6) at ($(5)+(0.3\basewidth, 0)$) {$6$};
     \node[circle,draw] (7) at ($(2)+(0, -7\baseheight)$) {$7$};
     \node[circle,draw] (8) at ($(7)+(0, -7\baseheight)$) {$8$};
     \node[circle,draw] (9) at ($(8)+(0.3\basewidth, 0)$) {$9$};
     \node[circle,draw] (10) at ($(9)+(0.3\basewidth, 0)$) {$10$};
     \node[circle,draw] (11) at ($(10)+(0.3\basewidth, 0)$) {$11$};
     \node[circle,draw] (12) at ($(11)+(0.3\basewidth, 0)$) {$12$};
     \node[draw] (13) at ($(6)+(0.3\basewidth, 0)$) {$2 \times x$};
     \node[circle,draw] (14) at ($(13)+(0.3\basewidth, 0)$) {$j_1$};
     \node[draw] (15) at ($(12)+(0.3\basewidth, 0)$) {$4 \times x$};
     \node[draw] (16) at ($(15)+(0.3\basewidth, 0)$) {$j_2$};
     \node[draw] (17) at ($(7)+(0.3\basewidth, 0)$) {$0$};

     \draw [->, >=latex] (1) edge[loop left] node[above] {$S_0:L$} (1)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (1) -- node[above] {$S_1:L$} (2)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (2) -- node[above] {$S_1:R$} (3)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (2) -- node[left] {$S_1:L$} (7)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (3) edge[loop above] node[above] {$S_1:S_0$} (3)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (3) -- node[above] {$S_0:R$} (4)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (4) edge[loop above] node[above] {$S_0:R$} (4)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (4) -- node[above] {$S_1:R$} (5)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (5) edge[loop above] node[above] {$S_1:R$} (5)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (5) -- node[above] {$S_0:S_1$} (6)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (6) edge[loop above] node[above] {$S_1:L$} (6)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (6) -- node[above] {$S_0:R$} (13)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (13) -- (14)
     \draw (14) -- ($(14)+(0, 6\baseheight)$) -- ($(1) + (0, 6\baseheight)$) node [above,midway] {$S_1:L$}
     \draw [->, >=latex] ($(1) + (0, 6\baseheight)$) -- (1)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (7) -- node[above] {$S_0:R$} (17)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (7) -- node[left] {$S_1:R$} (8)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (8) -- node[above] {$S_0:R$} (9)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (9) -- node[above] {$S_0:R$} (10)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (10) -- node[above] {$S_1:R$} (11)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (10) edge[loop above] node[above] {$S_0:R$} (10)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (11) edge[loop above] node[above] {$S_1:R$} (11)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (11) -- node[above] {$S_0:S_1$} (12)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (12) -- node[above] {$S_0:R$} (15)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (12) edge[loop above] node[above] {$S_1:L$} (12)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (15) -- (16)
     \draw (16) -- ($(16)+(0, -4\baseheight)$) -- ($(1) + (0, -18\baseheight)$) node [below,midway] {$S_1:L$}
     \draw [->, >=latex] ($(1) + (0, -18\baseheight)$) -- (1)
\caption{The diagram of TM $mainwork$} \label{mainwork_diag}

The purpose of TM $adjust$ is to encode the last bit of $a_1$. The initial and final configuration
of this TM are shown in Figure \ref{adjust_initial} and \ref{adjust_final} respectively.
The diagram of TM $adjust$ is shown in Figure \ref{adjust_diag}.

  \node (0) {};
  \node (1) [draw, text height = 3.9pt, right = -0.9pt of 0, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$m$};
  \node (2) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 1, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$0$};
  \node (3) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 2, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$0$};
  \node (4) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 3, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$1$};
  \node (5) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 4, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$0$};
  \node (6) [right = -0.9pt of 5] {\ldots \ldots};
  \node (7) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 6, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$0$};
  \node (8) [draw, text height = 3.9pt, right = -0.9pt of 7, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$r$};
  \draw [->, >=latex, thick] (3)+(0, -4\baseheight) -- (3);
\caption{Initial configuration of TM $adjust$} \label{adjust_initial}

  \node (0) {};
  \node (1) [draw, text height = 3.9pt, right = -0.9pt of 0, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$m$};
  \node (2) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 1, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$0$};
  \node (3) [draw, text height = 2.9pt, right = -0.9pt of 2, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$r+1$};
  \node (4) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 3, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$0$};
  \node (5) [draw, right = -0.9pt of 4, thick, inner sep = 5pt] {$0$};
  \node (6) [right = -0.9pt of 5] {\ldots \ldots};
  \draw [->, >=latex, thick] (1)+(0, -4\baseheight) -- (1);
\caption{Final configuration of TM $adjust$} \label{adjust_final}

     \node[circle,draw] (1) {$1$};
     \node[circle,draw] (2) at ($(1)+(0.3\basewidth, 0)$) {$2$};
     \node[circle,draw] (3) at ($(2)+(0.3\basewidth, 0)$) {$3$};
     \node[circle,draw] (4) at ($(3)+(0.3\basewidth, 0)$) {$4$};
     \node[circle,draw] (5) at ($(4)+(0.3\basewidth, 0)$) {$5$};
     \node[circle,draw] (6) at ($(5)+(0.3\basewidth, 0)$) {$6$};
     \node[circle,draw] (7) at ($(6)+(0.3\basewidth, 0)$) {$7$};
     \node[circle,draw] (8) at ($(4)+(0, -7\baseheight)$) {$8$};
     \node[circle,draw] (9) at ($(8)+(0.3\basewidth, 0)$) {$9$};
     \node[circle,draw] (10) at ($(9)+(0.3\basewidth, 0)$) {$10$};
     \node[circle,draw] (11) at ($(10)+(0.3\basewidth, 0)$) {$11$};
     \node[circle,draw] (12) at ($(11)+(0.3\basewidth, 0)$) {$0$};

     \draw [->, >=latex] (1) -- node[above] {$S_1:R$} (2)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (1) edge[loop above] node[above] {$S_0:S_1$} (1)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (2) -- node[above] {$S_1:R$} (3)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (3) edge[loop above] node[above] {$S_0:R$} (3)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (3) -- node[above] {$S_1:R$} (4)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (4) -- node[above] {$S_1:L$} (5)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (4) -- node[right] {$S_0:L$} (8)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (5) -- node[above] {$S_0:L$} (6)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (5) edge[loop above] node[above] {$S_1:S_0$} (5)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (6) -- node[above] {$S_1:R$} (7)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (6) edge[loop above] node[above] {$S_0:L$} (6)
     \draw (7) -- ($(7)+(0, 6\baseheight)$) -- ($(2) + (0, 6\baseheight)$) node [above,midway] {$S_0:S_1$}
     \draw [->, >=latex] ($(2) + (0, 6\baseheight)$) -- (2)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (8) edge[loop left] node[left] {$S_1:S_0$} (8)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (8) -- node[above] {$S_0:L$} (9)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (9) edge[loop above] node[above] {$S_0:L$} (9)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (9) -- node[above] {$S_1:L$} (10)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (10) edge[loop above] node[above] {$S_0:L$} (10)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (10) -- node[above] {$S_0:L$} (11)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (11) edge[loop above] node[above] {$S_1:L$} (11)
     \draw [->, >=latex] (11) -- node[above] {$S_0:R$} (12)
\caption{Diagram of TM $adjust$} \label{adjust_diag}

definition rec_twice :: "recf"
    "rec_twice = Cn 1 rec_mult [id 1 0, constn 2]"

definition rec_fourtimes  :: "recf"
    "rec_fourtimes = Cn 1 rec_mult [id 1 0, constn 4]"

definition abc_twice :: "abc_prog"
    "abc_twice = (let (aprog, ary, fp) = rec_ci rec_twice in 
                       aprog [+] dummy_abc ((Suc 0)))"

definition abc_fourtimes :: "abc_prog"
    "abc_fourtimes = (let (aprog, ary, fp) = rec_ci rec_fourtimes in 
                       aprog [+] dummy_abc ((Suc 0)))"

definition twice_ly :: "nat list"
    "twice_ly = layout_of abc_twice"

definition fourtimes_ly :: "nat list"
    "fourtimes_ly = layout_of abc_fourtimes"

definition twice_compile_tm :: "instr list"
    "twice_compile_tm= (tm_of abc_twice @ (shift (mopup_n_tm 1) (length (tm_of abc_twice) div 2)))"

definition twice_tm :: "instr list"
    "twice_tm = adjust0 twice_compile_tm"

definition fourtimes_compile_tm :: "instr list"
    "fourtimes_compile_tm= (tm_of abc_fourtimes @ (shift (mopup_n_tm 1) (length (tm_of abc_fourtimes) div 2)))"

definition fourtimes_tm :: "instr list"
    "fourtimes_tm = adjust0 fourtimes_compile_tm"

definition twice_tm_len :: "nat"
    "twice_tm_len = length twice_tm div 2"

definition wcode_main_first_part_tm:: "instr list"
                   [(L, 1), (L, 2), (L, 7), (R, 3),
                    (R, 4), (WB, 3), (R, 4), (R, 5),
                    (WO, 6), (R, 5), (R, 13), (L, 6),
                    (R, 0), (R, 8), (R, 9), (Nop, 8),
                    (R, 10), (WB, 9), (R, 10), (R, 11), 
                    (WO, 12), (R, 11), (R, twice_tm_len + 14), (L, 12)]"

definition wcode_main_tm :: "instr list"
    "wcode_main_tm = (wcode_main_first_part_tm @ shift twice_tm 12 @ [(L, 1), (L, 1)]
                    @ shift fourtimes_tm (twice_tm_len + 13) @ [(L, 1), (L, 1)])"

fun bl_bin :: "cell list  nat"
    "bl_bin [] = 0" 
  | "bl_bin (Bk # xs) = 2 * bl_bin xs"
  | "bl_bin (Oc # xs) = Suc (2 * bl_bin xs)"

declare bl_bin.simps[simp del]

type_synonym bin_inv_t = "cell list  nat  tape  bool"

fun wcode_before_double :: "bin_inv_t"
    "wcode_before_double ires rs (l, r) =
     ( ln rn. l = Bk # Bk # Bk(ln) @ Oc # ires  
               r = Oc((Suc (Suc rs))) @ Bk(rn ))"

declare wcode_before_double.simps[simp del]

fun wcode_after_double :: "bin_inv_t"
    "wcode_after_double ires rs (l, r) = 
     ( ln rn. l = Bk # Bk # Bk(ln) @ Oc # ires 
         r = Oc(Suc (Suc (Suc 2*rs))) @ Bk(rn))"

declare wcode_after_double.simps[simp del]

fun wcode_on_left_moving_1_B :: "bin_inv_t"
    "wcode_on_left_moving_1_B ires rs (l, r) = 
     ( ml mr rn. l = Bk(ml) @ Oc # Oc # ires  
               r = Bk(mr) @ Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(rn) 
               ml + mr > Suc 0  mr > 0)"

declare wcode_on_left_moving_1_B.simps[simp del]

fun wcode_on_left_moving_1_O :: "bin_inv_t"
    "wcode_on_left_moving_1_O ires rs (l, r) = 
     ( ln rn.
               l = Oc # ires  
               r = Oc # Bk(ln) @ Bk # Bk # Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(rn))"

declare wcode_on_left_moving_1_O.simps[simp del]

fun wcode_on_left_moving_1 :: "bin_inv_t"
    "wcode_on_left_moving_1 ires rs (l, r) = 
          (wcode_on_left_moving_1_B ires rs (l, r)  wcode_on_left_moving_1_O ires rs (l, r))"

declare wcode_on_left_moving_1.simps[simp del]

fun wcode_on_checking_1 :: "bin_inv_t"
    "wcode_on_checking_1 ires rs (l, r) = 
    ( ln rn. l = ires 
              r = Oc # Oc # Bk(ln) @ Bk # Bk # Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(rn))"

fun wcode_erase1 :: "bin_inv_t"
    "wcode_erase1 ires rs (l, r) = 
       ( ln rn. l = Oc # ires  
                 tl r = Bk(ln) @ Bk # Bk # Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(rn))"

declare wcode_erase1.simps [simp del]

fun wcode_on_right_moving_1 :: "bin_inv_t"
    "wcode_on_right_moving_1 ires rs (l, r) = 
       ( ml mr rn.        
             l = Bk(ml) @ Oc # ires  
             r = Bk(mr) @ Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(rn) 
             ml + mr > Suc 0)"

declare wcode_on_right_moving_1.simps [simp del] 
declare wcode_on_right_moving_1.simps[simp del]
fun wcode_goon_right_moving_1 :: "bin_inv_t"
    "wcode_goon_right_moving_1 ires rs (l, r) = 
      ( ml mr ln rn. 
            l = Oc(ml) @ Bk # Bk # Bk(ln) @ Oc # ires  
            r = Oc(mr) @ Bk(rn) 
            ml + mr = Suc rs)"

declare wcode_goon_right_moving_1.simps[simp del]

fun wcode_backto_standard_pos_B :: "bin_inv_t"
    "wcode_backto_standard_pos_B ires rs (l, r) = 
          ( ln rn. l =  Bk # Bk(ln) @ Oc # ires  
               r =  Bk # Oc((Suc (Suc rs))) @ Bk(rn ))"

declare wcode_backto_standard_pos_B.simps[simp del]

fun wcode_backto_standard_pos_O :: "bin_inv_t"
    "wcode_backto_standard_pos_O ires rs (l, r) = 
        ( ml mr ln rn. 
            l = Oc(ml) @ Bk # Bk # Bk(ln) @ Oc # ires 
            r = Oc(mr) @ Bk(rn) 
            ml + mr = Suc (Suc rs)  mr > 0)"

declare wcode_backto_standard_pos_O.simps[simp del]

fun wcode_backto_standard_pos :: "bin_inv_t"
    "wcode_backto_standard_pos ires rs (l, r) = (wcode_backto_standard_pos_B ires rs (l, r) 
                                            wcode_backto_standard_pos_O ires rs (l, r))"

declare wcode_backto_standard_pos.simps[simp del]

lemma bin_wc_eq: "bl_bin xs = bl2wc xs"
proof(induct xs)
  show " bl_bin [] = bl2wc []" 
    apply(simp add: bl_bin.simps)
  fix a xs
  assume "bl_bin xs = bl2wc xs"
  thus " bl_bin (a # xs) = bl2wc (a # xs)"
    apply(case_tac a, simp_all add: bl_bin.simps bl2wc.simps)
     apply(simp_all add: bl2nat.simps bl2nat_double)

lemma tape_of_nl_append_one: "lm  []   <lm @ [a]> = <lm> @ Bk # OcSuc a"
  apply(induct lm, auto simp: tape_of_nl_cons split:if_splits)

lemma tape_of_nl_rev: "rev (<lm::nat list>) = (<rev lm>)"
  apply(induct lm, simp, auto)
  apply(auto simp: tape_of_nl_cons tape_of_nl_append_one split: if_splits)
  apply(simp add: exp_ind[THEN sym])

lemma exp_1[simp]: "a(Suc 0) = [a]" 

lemma tape_of_nl_cons_app1: "(<a # xs @ [b]>) = (Oc(Suc a) @ Bk # (<xs@ [b]>))"
  apply(case_tac xs; simp add: tape_of_list_def  tape_of_nat_def)

lemma bl_bin_bk_oc[simp]:
  "bl_bin (xs @ [Bk, Oc]) = 
  bl_bin xs + 2*2^(length xs)"
  apply(simp add: bin_wc_eq)
  using bl2nat_cons_oc[of "xs @ [Bk]"]
  apply(simp add: bl2nat_cons_bk bl2wc.simps)

lemma tape_of_nat[simp]: "(<a::nat>) = Oc(Suc a)"
  apply(simp add: tape_of_nat_def)

lemma tape_of_nl_cons_app2: "(<c # xs @ [b]>) = (<c # xs> @ Bk # Oc(Suc b))"
proof(induct "length xs" arbitrary: xs c, simp add: tape_of_list_def)
  fix x xs c
  assume ind: "xs c. x = length xs  <c # xs @ [b]> = 
    <c # xs> @ Bk # Oc(Suc b)"
    and h: "Suc x = length (xs::nat list)" 
  show "<c # xs @ [b]> = <c # xs> @ Bk # Oc(Suc b)"
  proof(cases xs, simp add: tape_of_list_def)
    fix a list
    assume g: "xs = a # list"
    hence k: "<a # list @ [b]> =  <a # list> @ Bk # Oc(Suc b)"
      apply(rule_tac ind)
      using h
    from g and k show "<c # xs @ [b]> = <c # xs> @ Bk # Oc(Suc b)"
      apply(simp add: tape_of_list_def)

lemma length_2_elems[simp]: "length (<aa # a # list>) = Suc (Suc aa) + length (<a # list>)"
  apply(simp add: tape_of_list_def)

lemma bl_bin_addition[simp]: "bl_bin (Oc(Suc aa) @ Bk # tape_of_nat_list (a # lista) @ [Bk, Oc]) =
              bl_bin (Oc(Suc aa) @ Bk # tape_of_nat_list (a # lista)) + 
              2* 2^(length (Oc(Suc aa) @ Bk # tape_of_nat_list (a # lista)))"
  using bl_bin_bk_oc[of "Oc(Suc aa) @ Bk # tape_of_nat_list (a # lista)"]

declare replicate_Suc[simp del]

lemma bl_bin_2[simp]: 
  "bl_bin (<aa # list>) + (4 * rs + 4) * 2 ^ (length (<aa # list>) - Suc 0)
  = bl_bin (Oc(Suc aa) @ Bk # <list @ [0]>) + rs * (2 * 2 ^ (aa + length (<list @ [0]>)))"
  apply(case_tac "list", simp add: add_mult_distrib)
  apply(simp add: tape_of_nl_cons_app2 add_mult_distrib)
  apply(simp add: tape_of_list_def)

lemma tape_of_nl_app_Suc: "((<list @ [Suc ab]>)) = (<list @ [ab]>) @ [Oc]"
proof(induct list)
  case (Cons a list)
  then show ?case by(cases list;simp_all add:tape_of_list_def exp_ind)
qed (simp add: tape_of_list_def exp_ind)

lemma bl_bin_3[simp]: "bl_bin (Oc # Oc(aa) @ Bk # <list @ [ab]> @ [Oc])
              = bl_bin (Oc # Oc(aa) @ Bk # <list @ [ab]>) +
              2^(length (Oc # Oc(aa) @ Bk # <list @ [ab]>))"
  apply(simp add: bin_wc_eq)
  apply(simp add: bl2nat_cons_oc bl2wc.simps)
  using bl2nat_cons_oc[of "Oc # Oc(aa) @ Bk # <list @ [ab]>"]
lemma bl_bin_4[simp]: "bl_bin (Oc # Oc(aa) @ Bk # <list @ [ab]>) + (4 * 2 ^ (aa + length (<list @ [ab]>)) +
         4 * (rs * 2 ^ (aa + length (<list @ [ab]>)))) =
       bl_bin (Oc # Oc(aa) @ Bk # <list @ [Suc ab]>) +
         rs * (2 * 2 ^ (aa + length (<list @ [Suc ab]>)))"
  apply(simp add: tape_of_nl_app_Suc)

declare tape_of_nat[simp del]

fun wcode_double_case_inv :: "nat  bin_inv_t"
    "wcode_double_case_inv st ires rs (l, r) = 
          (if st = Suc 0 then wcode_on_left_moving_1 ires rs (l, r)
          else if st = Suc (Suc 0) then wcode_on_checking_1 ires rs (l, r)
          else if st = 3 then wcode_erase1 ires rs (l, r)
          else if st = 4 then wcode_on_right_moving_1 ires rs (l, r)
          else if st = 5 then wcode_goon_right_moving_1 ires rs (l, r)
          else if st = 6 then wcode_backto_standard_pos ires rs (l, r)
          else if st = 13 then wcode_before_double ires rs (l, r)
          else False)"

declare wcode_double_case_inv.simps[simp del]

fun wcode_double_case_state :: "config  nat"
    "wcode_double_case_state (st, l, r) = 
   13 - st"

fun wcode_double_case_step :: "config  nat"
    "wcode_double_case_step (st, l, r) = 
      (if st = Suc 0 then (length l)
      else if st = Suc (Suc 0) then (length r)
      else if st = 3 then 
                 if hd r = Oc then 1 else 0
      else if st = 4 then (length r)
      else if st = 5 then (length r)
      else if st = 6 then (length l)
      else 0)"

fun wcode_double_case_measure :: "config  nat × nat"
    "wcode_double_case_measure (st, l, r) = 
     (wcode_double_case_state (st, l, r), 
      wcode_double_case_step (st, l, r))"

definition wcode_double_case_le :: "(config × config) set"
  where "wcode_double_case_le  (inv_image lex_pair wcode_double_case_measure)"

lemma wf_lex_pair[intro]: "wf lex_pair"
  by(auto  simp:lex_pair_def)

lemma wf_wcode_double_case_le[intro]: "wf wcode_double_case_le"
  by(auto  simp: wcode_double_case_le_def )

lemma fetch_wcode_main_tm[simp]:
  "fetch wcode_main_tm (Suc 0) Bk = (L, Suc 0)"
  "fetch wcode_main_tm (Suc 0) Oc = (L, Suc (Suc 0))"
  "fetch wcode_main_tm (Suc (Suc 0)) Oc = (R, 3)"
  "fetch wcode_main_tm (Suc (Suc 0)) Bk = (L, 7)"
  "fetch wcode_main_tm (Suc (Suc (Suc 0))) Bk = (R, 4)"
  "fetch wcode_main_tm (Suc (Suc (Suc 0))) Oc = (WB, 3)"
  "fetch wcode_main_tm 4 Bk = (R, 4)"
  "fetch wcode_main_tm 4 Oc = (R, 5)"
  "fetch wcode_main_tm 5 Oc = (R, 5)"
  "fetch wcode_main_tm 5 Bk = (WO, 6)"
  "fetch wcode_main_tm 6 Bk = (R, 13)"
  "fetch wcode_main_tm 6 Oc = (L, 6)"
  "fetch wcode_main_tm 7 Oc = (R, 8)"
  "fetch wcode_main_tm 7 Bk = (R, 0)"
  "fetch wcode_main_tm 8 Bk = (R, 9)"
  "fetch wcode_main_tm 9 Bk = (R, 10)"
  "fetch wcode_main_tm 9 Oc = (WB, 9)"
  "fetch wcode_main_tm 10 Bk = (R, 10)"
  "fetch wcode_main_tm 10 Oc = (R, 11)"
  "fetch wcode_main_tm 11 Bk = (WO, 12)"
  "fetch wcode_main_tm 11 Oc = (R, 11)"
  "fetch wcode_main_tm 12 Oc = (L, 12)"
  "fetch wcode_main_tm 12 Bk = (R, twice_tm_len + 14)"
  by(auto simp: wcode_main_tm_def wcode_main_first_part_tm_def fetch.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)

declare wcode_on_checking_1.simps[simp del]

lemmas wcode_double_case_inv_simps = 
  wcode_on_left_moving_1.simps wcode_on_left_moving_1_O.simps
  wcode_on_left_moving_1_B.simps wcode_on_checking_1.simps
  wcode_erase1.simps wcode_on_right_moving_1.simps
  wcode_goon_right_moving_1.simps wcode_backto_standard_pos.simps

lemma wcode_on_left_moving_1[simp]:
  "wcode_on_left_moving_1 ires rs (b, []) = False"
  "wcode_on_left_moving_1 ires rs (b, r)  b  []"
  by(auto simp: wcode_on_left_moving_1.simps wcode_on_left_moving_1_B.simps

lemma wcode_on_left_moving_1E[elim]: "wcode_on_left_moving_1 ires rs (b, Bk # list);
                tl b = aa  hd b # Bk # list = ba  
               wcode_on_left_moving_1 ires rs (aa, ba)"
  apply(simp only: wcode_on_left_moving_1.simps wcode_on_left_moving_1_O.simps
  apply(erule_tac disjE)
   apply(erule_tac exE)+
   apply(rename_tac ml mr rn)
   apply(case_tac ml, simp)
    apply(rule_tac x = "mr - Suc (Suc 0)" in exI, rule_tac x = rn in exI)
    apply (smt (verit) One_nat_def Suc_diff_Suc append_Cons empty_replicate list.sel(3) neq0_conv replicate_Suc
           replicate_app_Cons_same tl_append2 tl_replicate)
   apply(rule_tac disjI1)
   apply (metis add_Suc_shift less_SucI list.exhaust_sel list.inject list.simps(3) replicate_Suc_iff_anywhere)
  by simp

declare replicate_Suc[simp]

lemma wcode_on_moving_1_Elim[elim]: 
  "wcode_on_left_moving_1 ires rs (b, Oc # list); tl b = aa  hd b # Oc # list = ba 
     wcode_on_checking_1 ires rs (aa, ba)"
  apply(simp only: wcode_double_case_inv_simps)
  apply(erule_tac disjE)
   apply (metis cell.distinct(1) empty_replicate hd_append2 hd_replicate list.sel(1) not_gr_zero)
  apply force.

lemma wcode_on_checking_1_Elim[elim]: "wcode_on_checking_1 ires rs (b, Oc # ba);Oc # b = aa  list = ba
   wcode_erase1 ires rs (aa, ba)"
  apply(simp only: wcode_double_case_inv_simps)
  apply(erule_tac exE)+ by auto

lemma wcode_on_checking_1_simp[simp]:
  "wcode_on_checking_1 ires rs (b, []) = False" 
  "wcode_on_checking_1 ires rs (b, Bk # list) = False"
  by(auto simp: wcode_double_case_inv_simps)

lemma wcode_erase1_nonempty_snd[simp]: "wcode_erase1 ires rs (b, []) = False"
  apply(simp add: wcode_double_case_inv_simps)

lemma wcode_on_right_moving_1_nonempty_snd[simp]: "wcode_on_right_moving_1 ires rs (b, []) = False"
  apply(simp add: wcode_double_case_inv_simps)

lemma wcode_on_right_moving_1_BkE[elim]:
  "wcode_on_right_moving_1 ires rs (b, Bk # ba);  Bk # b = aa  list = b  
  wcode_on_right_moving_1 ires rs (aa, ba)"
  apply(simp only: wcode_double_case_inv_simps)
  apply(erule_tac exE)+
  apply(rename_tac ml mr rn)
  apply(rule_tac x = "Suc ml" in exI, rule_tac x = "mr - Suc 0" in exI,
      rule_tac x = rn in exI)
  apply(case_tac mr, simp, simp)

lemma wcode_on_right_moving_1_OcE[elim]: 
  "wcode_on_right_moving_1 ires rs (b, Oc # ba); Oc # b = aa  list = ba 
   wcode_goon_right_moving_1 ires rs (aa, ba)"
  apply(simp only: wcode_double_case_inv_simps)
  apply(erule_tac exE)+
  apply(rename_tac ml mr rn)
  apply(rule_tac x = "Suc 0" in exI, rule_tac x = "rs" in exI,
      rule_tac x = "ml - Suc (Suc 0)" in exI, rule_tac x = rn in exI)
  apply(case_tac mr, simp_all)
  apply(case_tac ml, simp, case_tac nat, simp, simp)

lemma wcode_erase1_BkE[elim]:
  assumes "wcode_erase1 ires rs (b, Bk # ba)" "Bk # b = aa  list = ba" "c = Bk # ba"
  shows "wcode_on_right_moving_1 ires rs (aa, ba)"
proof -
  from assms obtain rn ln where "b = Oc # ires"
    "tl (Bk # ba) = Bk  ln @ Bk # Bk # Oc  Suc rs @ Bk  rn"
    unfolding wcode_double_case_inv_simps by auto
  thus ?thesis using assms(2-) unfolding wcode_double_case_inv_simps
    apply(rule_tac x = "Suc 0" in exI, rule_tac x = "Suc (Suc ln)" in exI, 
        rule_tac x = rn in exI, simp add: exp_ind del: replicate_Suc)

lemma wcode_erase1_OcE[elim]: "wcode_erase1 ires rs (aa, Oc # list);  b = aa  Bk # list = ba  
  wcode_erase1 ires rs (aa, ba)"
  unfolding wcode_double_case_inv_simps
  by auto auto

lemma wcode_goon_right_moving_1_emptyE[elim]:
  assumes "wcode_goon_right_moving_1 ires rs (aa, [])" "b = aa  [Oc] = ba"
  shows "wcode_backto_standard_pos ires rs (aa, ba)"
proof -
  from assms obtain ml ln rn mr where "aa = Oc  ml @ Bk # Bk # Bk  ln @ Oc # ires"
    "[] = Oc  mr @ Bk  rn" "ml + mr = Suc rs"
    by(auto simp:wcode_double_case_inv_simps)
  thus ?thesis using assms(2)
    apply(simp only: wcode_double_case_inv_simps)
    apply(rule_tac disjI2)
    apply(simp only:wcode_backto_standard_pos_O.simps)
    apply(rule_tac x = ml in exI, rule_tac x = "Suc 0" in exI, rule_tac x = ln in exI,
        rule_tac x = rn in exI, simp)

lemma wcode_goon_right_moving_1_BkE[elim]: 
  assumes "wcode_goon_right_moving_1 ires rs (aa, Bk # list)" "b = aa  Oc # list = ba"
  shows "wcode_backto_standard_pos ires rs (aa, ba)"
proof -
  from assms obtain ln rn where "aa = Oc  Suc rs @ Bk  Suc (Suc ln) @ Oc # ires"
    "Bk # list = Bk  rn" "b = Oc  Suc rs @ Bk  Suc (Suc ln) @ Oc # ires" "ba = Oc # list"
    by(auto simp:wcode_double_case_inv_simps)
  thus ?thesis using assms(2)
    apply(simp only: wcode_double_case_inv_simps wcode_backto_standard_pos_O.simps)
    apply(rule_tac disjI2)
    apply(rule exI[of _ "Suc rs"], rule exI[of _ "Suc 0"], rule_tac x = ln in exI,
        rule_tac x = "rn - Suc 0" in exI, simp)
    apply(cases rn;auto)

lemma wcode_goon_right_moving_1_OcE[elim]: 
  assumes "wcode_goon_right_moving_1 ires rs (b, Oc # ba)" "Oc # b = aa  list = ba"
  shows "wcode_goon_right_moving_1 ires rs (aa, ba)"
proof -
  from assms obtain ml mr ln rn where
    "b = Oc  ml @ Bk # Bk # Bk  ln @ Oc # ires 
       Oc # ba = Oc  mr @ Bk  rn  ml + mr = Suc rs"
    unfolding wcode_double_case_inv_simps by auto
  with assms(2) show ?thesis unfolding wcode_double_case_inv_simps
    apply(rule_tac x = "Suc ml" in exI, rule_tac x = "mr - Suc 0" in exI, 
        rule_tac x = ln in exI, rule_tac x = rn in exI)
    apply(case_tac mr, simp, case_tac rn, simp_all)

lemma wcode_backto_standard_pos_BkE[elim]: "wcode_backto_standard_pos ires rs (b, Bk # ba); Bk # b = aa  list = ba 
   wcode_before_double ires rs (aa, ba)"
  apply(simp only: wcode_double_case_inv_simps wcode_backto_standard_pos_B.simps
      wcode_backto_standard_pos_O.simps wcode_before_double.simps)
  apply(erule_tac disjE)
   apply(erule_tac exE)+ 
  by auto

lemma wcode_backto_standard_pos_no_Oc[simp]: "wcode_backto_standard_pos ires rs ([], Oc # list) = False"
  apply(auto simp: wcode_backto_standard_pos.simps wcode_backto_standard_pos_B.simps

lemma wcode_backto_standard_pos_nonempty_snd[simp]: "wcode_backto_standard_pos ires rs (b, []) = False"
  apply(auto simp: wcode_backto_standard_pos.simps wcode_backto_standard_pos_B.simps

lemma wcode_backto_standard_pos_OcE[elim]: "wcode_backto_standard_pos ires rs (b, Oc # list); tl b = aa; hd b # Oc # list =  ba
        wcode_backto_standard_pos ires rs (aa, ba)"
  apply(simp only:  wcode_backto_standard_pos.simps wcode_backto_standard_pos_B.simps
  apply(erule_tac disjE)
  apply(erule_tac exE)+ 
  apply (rename_tac ml mr ln rn)
  apply(case_tac ml)
   apply(rule_tac disjI1, rule_tac conjI)
    apply(rule_tac x = ln  in exI, force, rule_tac x = rn in exI, force, force).

declare nth_of.simps[simp del]

lemma wcode_double_case_first_correctness:
  "let P = (λ (st, l, r). st = 13) in 
       let Q = (λ (st, l, r). wcode_double_case_inv st ires rs (l, r)) in 
       let f = (λ stp. steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk(m) @ Oc # Oc # ires, Bk # Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n)) wcode_main_tm stp) in
        n .P (f n)  Q (f (n::nat))"
proof -
  let ?P = "(λ (st, l, r). st = 13)"
  let ?Q = "(λ (st, l, r). wcode_double_case_inv st ires rs (l, r))"
  let ?f = "(λ stp. steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk(m) @ Oc # Oc # ires, Bk # Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n)) wcode_main_tm stp)"
  have " n. ?P (?f n)  ?Q (?f (n::nat))"
  proof(rule_tac halt_lemma2)
    show "wf wcode_double_case_le"
      by auto
    show " na. ¬ ?P (?f na)  ?Q (?f na) 
                   ?Q (?f (Suc na))  (?f (Suc na), ?f na)  wcode_double_case_le"
    proof(rule_tac allI, case_tac "?f na", simp)
      fix na a b c
      show "a  13  wcode_double_case_inv a ires rs (b, c) 
               (case step0 (a, b, c) wcode_main_tm of (st, x)  
                   wcode_double_case_inv st ires rs x)  
                (step0 (a, b, c) wcode_main_tm, a, b, c)  wcode_double_case_le"
        apply(rule_tac impI, simp add: wcode_double_case_inv.simps)
        apply(auto split: if_splits simp: step.simps, 
            case_tac [!] c, simp_all, case_tac [!] "(c::cell list)!0")
                            apply(simp_all add: wcode_double_case_inv.simps wcode_double_case_le_def
                      apply(auto split: if_splits)
    show "?Q (?f 0)"
      apply(simp add: steps.simps wcode_double_case_inv.simps 
      apply(rule_tac disjI1)
      apply(rule_tac x = "Suc m" in exI, simp)
      apply(rule_tac x = "Suc 0" in exI, simp)
    show "¬ ?P (?f 0)"
      apply(simp add: steps.simps)
  thus "let P = λ(st, l, r). st = 13;
    Q = λ(st, l, r). wcode_double_case_inv st ires rs (l, r);
    f = steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk(m) @ Oc # Oc # ires, Bk # Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n)) wcode_main_tm
    in n. P (f n)  Q (f n)"

lemma tm_append_shift_append_steps: 
  "steps0 (st, l, r) tp stp = (st', l', r'); 
  0 < st';
  length tp1 mod 2 = 0
   steps0 (st + length tp1 div 2, l, r) (tp1 @ shift tp (length tp1 div 2) @ tp2) stp 
  = (st' + length tp1 div 2, l', r')"
proof -
  assume h: 
    "steps0 (st, l, r) tp stp = (st', l', r')"
    "0 < st'"
    "length tp1 mod 2 = 0 "
  from h have 
    "steps (st + length tp1 div 2, l, r) (tp1 @ shift tp (length tp1 div 2), 0) stp = 
                            (st' + length tp1 div 2, l', r')"
    by(rule_tac tm_append_second_steps_eq, simp_all)
  then have "steps (st + length tp1 div 2, l, r) ((tp1 @ shift tp (length tp1 div 2)) @ tp2, 0) stp = 
                            (st' + length tp1 div 2, l', r')"
    using h
    apply(rule_tac tm_append_first_steps_eq, simp_all)
  thus "?thesis"
    by simp

lemma twice_lemma: "rec_exec rec_twice [rs] = 2*rs"
  by(auto simp: rec_twice_def rec_exec.simps)

lemma twice_tm_correct: 
  "stp ln rn. steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk # ires, Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n)) 
  (tm_of abc_twice @ shift (mopup_n_tm (Suc 0)) ((length (tm_of abc_twice) div 2))) stp =
  (0, Bk(ln) @ Bk # Bk # ires, Oc(Suc (2 * rs)) @ Bk(rn))"
proof(case_tac "rec_ci rec_twice")
  fix a b c
  assume h: "rec_ci rec_twice = (a, b, c)"
  have "stp m l. steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk # ires, <[rs]> @ Bk(n)) (tm_of abc_twice @ shift (mopup_n_tm (length [rs])) 
    (length (tm_of abc_twice) div 2)) stp = (0, Bk(m) @ Bk # Bk # ires, Oc(Suc (rec_exec rec_twice [rs])) @ Bk(l))"
    thm  recursive_compile_to_tm_correct1
  proof(rule_tac recursive_compile_to_tm_correct1)
    show "rec_ci rec_twice = (a, b, c)" by (simp add: h)
    show "terminate rec_twice [rs]"
      apply(rule_tac primerec_terminate, auto)
      apply(simp add: rec_twice_def, auto simp: constn.simps numeral_2_eq_2)
    show "tm_of abc_twice = tm_of (a [+] dummy_abc (length [rs]))"
      using h
      by(simp add: abc_twice_def)
  thus "?thesis"
    apply(simp add: tape_of_list_def tape_of_nat_def rec_exec.simps twice_lemma)

declare adjust.simps[simp]

lemma adjust_fetch0: 
  "0 < a; a  length ap div 2;  fetch ap a b = (aa, 0)
   fetch (adjust0 ap) a b = (aa, Suc (length ap div 2))"
  apply(case_tac b, auto 
      split: if_splits)
   apply(case_tac [!] a, auto simp: fetch.simps nth_of.simps)

lemma adjust_fetch_norm: 
  "st > 0;  st  length tp div 2; fetch ap st b = (aa, ns); ns  0
   fetch (adjust0 ap) st b = (aa, ns)"
  apply(case_tac b, auto simp: fetch.simps 
      split: if_splits)
   apply(case_tac [!] st, auto simp: fetch.simps nth_of.simps)

declare adjust.simps[simp del]

lemma adjust_step_eq: 
  assumes exec: "step0 (st,l,r) ap = (st', l', r')"
    and "composable_tm (ap, 0)"
    and notfinal: "st' > 0"
  shows "step0 (st, l, r) (adjust0 ap) = (st', l', r')"
  using assms
proof -
  have "st > 0"
    using assms
    by(case_tac st, simp_all add: step.simps fetch.simps)
  moreover hence "st  (length ap) div 2"
    using assms
    apply(case_tac "st  (length ap) div 2", simp)
    apply(case_tac st, auto simp: step.simps fetch.simps)
    apply(case_tac "read r", simp_all add: fetch.simps 
        nth_of.simps adjust.simps composable_tm.simps split: if_splits)
     apply(auto simp: mod_ex2)
  ultimately have "fetch (adjust0 ap) st (read r) = fetch ap st (read r)"
    using assms
    apply(case_tac "fetch ap st (read r)")
    apply(drule_tac adjust_fetch_norm, simp_all)
    apply(simp add: step.simps)
  thus "?thesis"
    using exec
    by(simp add: step.simps)

lemma adjust_steps_eq: 
  assumes exec: "steps0 (st,l,r) ap stp = (st', l', r')"
    and "composable_tm (ap, 0)"
    and notfinal: "st' > 0"
  shows "steps0 (st, l, r) (adjust0 ap) stp = (st', l', r')"
  using exec notfinal
proof(induct stp arbitrary: st' l' r')
  case 0
  thus "?case"
    by(simp add: steps.simps)
  case (Suc stp st' l' r')
  have ind: "st' l' r'. steps0 (st, l, r) ap stp = (st', l', r'); 0 < st' 
     steps0 (st, l, r) (adjust0 ap) stp = (st', l', r')" by fact
  have h: "steps0 (st, l, r) ap (Suc stp) = (st', l', r')" by fact
  have g:   "0 < st'" by fact
  obtain st'' l'' r'' where a: "steps0 (st, l, r) ap stp = (st'', l'', r'')"
    by (metis prod_cases3)
  hence c:"0 < st''"
    using h g
    apply(case_tac st'', auto)
  hence b: "steps0 (st, l, r) (adjust0 ap) stp = (st'', l'', r'')"
    using a
    by(rule_tac ind, simp_all)
  thus "?case"
    using assms a b h g
    apply(simp ) 
    apply(rule_tac adjust_step_eq, simp_all)

lemma adjust_halt_eq:
  assumes exec: "steps0 (1, l, r) ap stp = (0, l', r')"
    and composable_tm: "composable_tm (ap, 0)" 
  shows " stp. steps0 (Suc 0, l, r) (adjust0 ap) stp = 
        (Suc (length ap div 2), l', r')"
proof -
  have " stp. ¬ is_final (steps0 (1, l, r) ap stp)  (steps0 (1, l, r) ap (Suc stp) = (0, l', r'))"
    using exec
    by(erule_tac before_final)
  then obtain stpa where a: 
    "¬ is_final (steps0 (1, l, r) ap stpa)  (steps0 (1, l, r) ap (Suc stpa) = (0, l', r'))" ..
  obtain sa la ra where b:"steps0 (1, l, r) ap stpa = (sa, la, ra)"  by (metis prod_cases3)
  hence c: "steps0 (Suc 0, l, r) (adjust0 ap) stpa = (sa, la, ra)"
    using assms a
    apply(rule_tac adjust_steps_eq, simp_all)
  have d: "sa  length ap div 2"
    using steps_in_range[of  "(l, r)" ap stpa] a composable_tm b
  obtain ac ns where e: "fetch ap sa (read ra) = (ac, ns)"
    by (metis prod.exhaust)
  hence f: "ns = 0"
    using b a
    apply(simp add:  step.simps)
  have k: "fetch (adjust0 ap) sa (read ra) = (ac, Suc (length ap div 2))"
    using a b c d e f
    apply(rule_tac adjust_fetch0, simp_all)
  from a b e f k and c show "?thesis"
    apply(rule_tac x = "Suc stpa" in exI)
    apply(simp  , auto)
    apply(simp add: step.simps)

lemma composable_tm_twice_compile_tm [simp]: "composable_tm (twice_compile_tm, 0)"
  apply(simp only: twice_compile_tm_def)
  apply(rule_tac composable_tm_from_abacus, simp)

lemma twice_tm_change_term_state:
  " stp ln rn. steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk # ires, Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n)) twice_tm stp
     = (Suc twice_tm_len, Bk(ln) @ Bk # Bk # ires, Oc(Suc (2 * rs)) @ Bk(rn))"
proof -
  have "stp ln rn. steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk # ires, Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n)) 
    (tm_of abc_twice @ shift (mopup_n_tm (Suc 0)) ((length (tm_of abc_twice) div 2))) stp =
    (0, Bk(ln) @ Bk # Bk # ires, Oc(Suc (2 * rs)) @ Bk(rn))"
    by(rule_tac twice_tm_correct)
  then obtain stp ln rn where " steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk # ires, Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n)) 
    (tm_of abc_twice @ shift (mopup_n_tm (Suc 0)) ((length (tm_of abc_twice) div 2))) stp =
    (0, Bk(ln) @ Bk # Bk # ires, Oc(Suc (2 * rs)) @ Bk(rn))" by blast
  hence " stp. steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk # ires, Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n))
    (adjust0 twice_compile_tm) stp
     = (Suc (length twice_compile_tm div 2), Bk(ln) @ Bk # Bk # ires, Oc(Suc (2 * rs)) @ Bk(rn))"
    apply(rule_tac stp = stp in adjust_halt_eq)
     apply(simp add: twice_compile_tm_def, auto)
  then obtain stpb where 
    "steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk # ires, Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n))
    (adjust0 twice_compile_tm) stpb
     = (Suc (length twice_compile_tm div 2), Bk(ln) @ Bk # Bk # ires, Oc(Suc (2 * rs)) @ Bk(rn))" ..
  thus "?thesis"
    apply(simp add: twice_tm_def twice_tm_len_def)
    by metis

lemma length_wcode_main_first_part_tm_even[intro]: "length wcode_main_first_part_tm mod 2 = 0"
  apply(auto simp: wcode_main_first_part_tm_def)

lemma twice_tm_append_pre:
  "steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk # ires, Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n)) twice_tm stp
  = (Suc twice_tm_len, Bk(ln) @ Bk # Bk # ires, Oc(Suc (2 * rs)) @ Bk(rn))
    steps0 (Suc 0 + length wcode_main_first_part_tm div 2, Bk # Bk # ires, Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n))
     (wcode_main_first_part_tm @ shift twice_tm (length wcode_main_first_part_tm div 2) @
      ([(L, 1), (L, 1)] @ shift fourtimes_tm (twice_tm_len + 13) @ [(L, 1), (L, 1)])) stp 
    = (Suc (twice_tm_len) + length wcode_main_first_part_tm div 2, 
             Bk(ln) @ Bk # Bk # ires, Oc(Suc (2 * rs)) @ Bk(rn))"
  by(rule_tac tm_append_shift_append_steps, auto)

lemma twice_tm_append:
  " stp ln rn. steps0 (Suc 0 + length wcode_main_first_part_tm div 2, Bk # Bk # ires, Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n))
     (wcode_main_first_part_tm @ shift twice_tm (length wcode_main_first_part_tm div 2) @
      ([(L, 1), (L, 1)] @ shift fourtimes_tm (twice_tm_len + 13) @ [(L, 1), (L, 1)])) stp 
    = (Suc (twice_tm_len) + length wcode_main_first_part_tm div 2, Bk(ln) @ Bk # Bk # ires, Oc(Suc (2 * rs)) @ Bk(rn))"
  using twice_tm_change_term_state[of ires rs n]
  apply(erule_tac exE)
  apply(erule_tac exE)
  apply(erule_tac exE)
  apply(drule_tac twice_tm_append_pre)
  apply(rename_tac stp ln rn)
  apply(rule_tac x = stp in exI, rule_tac x = ln in exI, rule_tac x = rn in exI)

lemma mopup_mod2: "length (mopup_n_tm k) mod 2  = 0"
  by(auto simp: mopup_n_tm.simps)

lemma fetch_wcode_main_tm_Oc[simp]: "fetch wcode_main_tm (Suc (twice_tm_len + length wcode_main_first_part_tm div 2)) Oc
     = (L, Suc 0)"
  apply(subgoal_tac "length (twice_tm) mod 2 = 0")
   apply(simp add: wcode_main_tm_def nth_append fetch.simps wcode_main_first_part_tm_def 
      nth_of.simps twice_tm_len_def, auto)
  apply(simp add: twice_tm_def twice_compile_tm_def)
  using mopup_mod2[of 1]

lemma wcode_jump1: 
  " stp ln rn. steps0 (Suc (twice_tm_len) + length wcode_main_first_part_tm div 2,
                       Bk(m) @ Bk # Bk # ires, Oc(Suc (2 * rs)) @ Bk(n))
     wcode_main_tm stp 
    = (Suc 0, Bk(ln) @ Bk # ires, Bk # Oc(Suc (2 * rs)) @ Bk(rn))"
  apply(rule_tac x = "Suc 0" in exI, rule_tac x = "m" in exI, rule_tac x = n in exI)
  apply(simp add: steps.simps step.simps exp_ind)
  apply(case_tac m, simp_all)
  apply(simp add: exp_ind[THEN sym])

lemma wcode_main_first_part_len[simp]:
  "length wcode_main_first_part_tm = 24"
  apply(simp add: wcode_main_first_part_tm_def)

lemma wcode_double_case: 
  shows "stp ln rn. steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk(m) @ Oc # Oc # ires, Bk # Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n)) wcode_main_tm stp =
          (Suc 0, Bk # Bk(ln) @ Oc # ires, Bk # Oc(Suc (2 * rs + 2)) @ Bk(rn))"
    (is "stp ln rn. ?tm stp ln rn")
proof -
  from wcode_double_case_first_correctness[of ires rs m n] obtain na ln rn where
    "steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk  m @ Oc # Oc # ires, Bk # Oc # Oc  rs @ Bk  n) wcode_main_tm na
      = (13, Bk # Bk # Bk  ln @ Oc # ires, Oc # Oc # Oc  rs @ Bk  rn)"
    by(auto simp: wcode_double_case_inv.simps wcode_before_double.simps)
  hence "stp ln rn. steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk(m) @ Oc # Oc # ires, Bk # Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n)) wcode_main_tm stp =
          (13,  Bk # Bk # Bk(ln) @ Oc # ires, Oc(Suc (Suc rs)) @ Bk(rn))"
    by(case_tac "steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk(m) @ Oc # Oc # ires, 
           Bk # Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n)) wcode_main_tm na", auto)  
  from this obtain stpa lna rna where stp1: 
    "steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk(m) @ Oc # Oc # ires, Bk # Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n)) wcode_main_tm stpa = 
    (13, Bk # Bk # Bk(lna) @ Oc # ires, Oc(Suc (Suc rs)) @ Bk(rna))" by blast
  from twice_tm_append[of "Bk(lna) @ Oc # ires" "Suc rs" rna] obtain stp ln rn
    where "steps0 (Suc 0 + length wcode_main_first_part_tm div 2,
                   Bk # Bk # Bk  lna @ Oc # ires, Oc  Suc (Suc rs) @ Bk  rna)
                  (wcode_main_first_part_tm @ shift twice_tm (length wcode_main_first_part_tm div 2) @
                   [(L, 1), (L, 1)] @ shift fourtimes_tm (twice_tm_len + 13) @ [(L, 1), (L, 1)]) stp =
           (Suc twice_tm_len + length wcode_main_first_part_tm div 2, 
            Bk  ln @ Bk # Bk # Bk  lna @ Oc # ires, Oc  Suc (2 * Suc rs) @ Bk  rn)" by blast
  hence " stp ln rn. steps0 (13, Bk # Bk # Bk(lna) @ Oc # ires, Oc(Suc (Suc rs)) @ Bk(rna)) wcode_main_tm stp =
    (13 + twice_tm_len, Bk # Bk # Bk(ln) @ Oc # ires, Oc(Suc (Suc (Suc (2 *rs)))) @ Bk(rn))"
    using twice_tm_append[of "Bk(lna) @ Oc # ires" "Suc rs" rna]
    apply(rule_tac x = stp in exI, rule_tac x = "ln + lna" in exI, 
        rule_tac x = rn in exI)
    apply(simp add: wcode_main_tm_def)
    apply(simp add: replicate_Suc[THEN sym] replicate_add [THEN sym] del: replicate_Suc)
  from this obtain stpb lnb rnb where stp2: 
    "steps0 (13, Bk # Bk # Bk(lna) @ Oc # ires, Oc(Suc (Suc rs)) @ Bk(rna)) wcode_main_tm stpb =
    (13 + twice_tm_len, Bk # Bk # Bk(lnb) @ Oc # ires, Oc(Suc (Suc (Suc (2 *rs)))) @ Bk(rnb))" by blast
  from wcode_jump1[of lnb "Oc # ires" "Suc rs" rnb] obtain stp ln rn where
    "steps0 (Suc twice_tm_len + length wcode_main_first_part_tm div 2, 
             Bk  lnb @ Bk # Bk # Oc # ires, Oc  Suc (2 * Suc rs) @ Bk  rnb) wcode_main_tm stp =
     (Suc 0, Bk  ln @ Bk # Oc # ires, Bk # Oc  Suc (2 * Suc rs) @ Bk  rn)" by metis
  hence "steps0 (13 + twice_tm_len, Bk # Bk # Bk(lnb) @ Oc # ires,
    Oc(Suc (Suc (Suc (2 *rs)))) @ Bk(rnb)) wcode_main_tm stp = 
       (Suc 0,  Bk # Bk(ln) @ Oc # ires, Bk # Oc(Suc (Suc (Suc (2 *rs)))) @ Bk(rn))"
    apply(auto simp add: wcode_main_tm_def)
    apply(subgoal_tac "Bk(lnb) @ Bk # Bk # Oc # ires = Bk # Bk # Bk(lnb) @ Oc # ires", simp)
     apply(simp add: replicate_Suc[THEN sym] exp_ind[THEN sym] del: replicate_Suc)
    apply(simp add: replicate_Suc[THEN sym] exp_ind del: replicate_Suc)
  hence "stp ln rn. steps0 (13 + twice_tm_len, Bk # Bk # Bk(lnb) @ Oc # ires,
    Oc(Suc (Suc (Suc (2 *rs)))) @ Bk(rnb)) wcode_main_tm stp = 
       (Suc 0,  Bk # Bk(ln) @ Oc # ires, Bk # Oc(Suc (Suc (Suc (2 *rs)))) @ Bk(rn))"
    by blast
  from this obtain stpc lnc rnc where stp3: 
    "steps0 (13 + twice_tm_len, Bk # Bk # Bk(lnb) @ Oc # ires,
    Oc(Suc (Suc (Suc (2 *rs)))) @ Bk(rnb)) wcode_main_tm stpc = 
       (Suc 0,  Bk # Bk(lnc) @ Oc # ires, Bk # Oc(Suc (Suc (Suc (2 *rs)))) @ Bk(rnc))"
    by blast
  from stp1 stp2 stp3 have "?tm (stpa + stpb + stpc) lnc rnc" by simp
  thus "?thesis" by blast

(* Begin: fourtime_case*)
fun wcode_on_left_moving_2_B :: "bin_inv_t"
    "wcode_on_left_moving_2_B ires rs (l, r) =
     ( ml mr rn. l = Bk(ml) @ Oc # Bk # Oc # ires 
                 r = Bk(mr) @ Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(rn)  
                 ml + mr > Suc 0  mr > 0)"

fun wcode_on_left_moving_2_O :: "bin_inv_t"
    "wcode_on_left_moving_2_O ires rs (l, r) =
     ( ln rn. l = Bk # Oc # ires 
               r = Oc # Bk(ln) @ Bk # Bk # Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(rn))"

fun wcode_on_left_moving_2 :: "bin_inv_t"
    "wcode_on_left_moving_2 ires rs (l, r) = 
      (wcode_on_left_moving_2_B ires rs (l, r)  
      wcode_on_left_moving_2_O ires rs (l, r))"

fun wcode_on_checking_2 :: "bin_inv_t"
    "wcode_on_checking_2 ires rs (l, r) =
       ( ln rn. l = Oc#ires  
                 r = Bk # Oc # Bk(ln) @ Bk # Bk # Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(rn))"

fun wcode_goon_checking :: "bin_inv_t"
    "wcode_goon_checking ires rs (l, r) =
       ( ln rn. l = ires 
                 r = Oc # Bk # Oc # Bk(ln) @ Bk # Bk # Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(rn))"

fun wcode_right_move :: "bin_inv_t"
    "wcode_right_move ires rs (l, r) = 
     ( ln rn. l = Oc # ires 
                 r = Bk # Oc # Bk(ln) @ Bk # Bk # Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(rn))"

fun wcode_erase2 :: "bin_inv_t"
    "wcode_erase2 ires rs (l, r) = 
        ( ln rn. l = Bk # Oc # ires 
                 tl r = Bk(ln) @ Bk # Bk # Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(rn))"

fun wcode_on_right_moving_2 :: "bin_inv_t"
    "wcode_on_right_moving_2 ires rs (l, r) = 
        ( ml mr rn. l = Bk(ml) @ Oc # ires  
                     r = Bk(mr) @ Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(rn)  ml + mr > Suc 0)"

fun wcode_goon_right_moving_2 :: "bin_inv_t"
    "wcode_goon_right_moving_2 ires rs (l, r) = 
        ( ml mr ln rn. l = Oc(ml) @ Bk # Bk # Bk(ln) @ Oc # ires 
                        r = Oc(mr) @ Bk(rn)  ml + mr = Suc rs)"

fun wcode_backto_standard_pos_2_B :: "bin_inv_t"
    "wcode_backto_standard_pos_2_B ires rs (l, r) = 
           ( ln rn. l = Bk # Bk(ln) @ Oc # ires  
                     r = Bk # Oc(Suc (Suc rs)) @ Bk(rn))"

fun wcode_backto_standard_pos_2_O :: "bin_inv_t"
    "wcode_backto_standard_pos_2_O ires rs (l, r) = 
          ( ml mr ln rn. l = Oc(ml )@ Bk # Bk # Bk(ln) @ Oc # ires  
                          r = Oc(mr) @ Bk(rn)  
                          ml + mr = (Suc (Suc rs))  mr > 0)"

fun wcode_backto_standard_pos_2 :: "bin_inv_t"
    "wcode_backto_standard_pos_2 ires rs (l, r) = 
           (wcode_backto_standard_pos_2_O ires rs (l, r)  
           wcode_backto_standard_pos_2_B ires rs (l, r))"

fun wcode_before_fourtimes :: "bin_inv_t"
    "wcode_before_fourtimes ires rs (l, r) = 
          ( ln rn. l = Bk # Bk # Bk(ln) @ Oc # ires  
                    r = Oc(Suc (Suc rs)) @ Bk(rn))"

declare wcode_on_left_moving_2_B.simps[simp del] wcode_on_left_moving_2.simps[simp del]
  wcode_on_left_moving_2_O.simps[simp del] wcode_on_checking_2.simps[simp del]
  wcode_goon_checking.simps[simp del] wcode_right_move.simps[simp del]
  wcode_erase2.simps[simp del]
  wcode_on_right_moving_2.simps[simp del] wcode_goon_right_moving_2.simps[simp del]
  wcode_backto_standard_pos_2_B.simps[simp del] wcode_backto_standard_pos_2_O.simps[simp del]
  wcode_backto_standard_pos_2.simps[simp del]

lemmas wcode_fourtimes_invs = 
  wcode_on_left_moving_2_B.simps wcode_on_left_moving_2.simps
  wcode_on_left_moving_2_O.simps wcode_on_checking_2.simps
  wcode_goon_checking.simps wcode_right_move.simps
  wcode_on_right_moving_2.simps wcode_goon_right_moving_2.simps
  wcode_backto_standard_pos_2_B.simps wcode_backto_standard_pos_2_O.simps

fun wcode_fourtimes_case_inv :: "nat  bin_inv_t"
    "wcode_fourtimes_case_inv st ires rs (l, r) = 
           (if st = Suc 0 then wcode_on_left_moving_2 ires rs (l, r)
            else if st = Suc (Suc 0) then wcode_on_checking_2 ires rs (l, r)
            else if st = 7 then wcode_goon_checking ires rs (l, r)
            else if st = 8 then wcode_right_move ires rs (l, r)
            else if st = 9 then wcode_erase2 ires rs (l, r)
            else if st = 10 then wcode_on_right_moving_2 ires rs (l, r)
            else if st = 11 then wcode_goon_right_moving_2 ires rs (l, r)
            else if st = 12 then wcode_backto_standard_pos_2 ires rs (l, r)
            else if st = twice_tm_len + 14 then wcode_before_fourtimes ires rs (l, r)
            else False)"

declare wcode_fourtimes_case_inv.simps[simp del]

fun wcode_fourtimes_case_state :: "config  nat"
    "wcode_fourtimes_case_state (st, l, r) = 13 - st"

fun wcode_fourtimes_case_step :: "config  nat"
    "wcode_fourtimes_case_step (st, l, r) = 
         (if st = Suc 0 then length l
          else if st = 9 then 
           (if hd r = Oc then 1
            else 0)
          else if st = 10 then length r
          else if st = 11 then length r
          else if st = 12 then length l
          else 0)"

fun wcode_fourtimes_case_measure :: "config  nat × nat"
    "wcode_fourtimes_case_measure (st, l, r) = 
     (wcode_fourtimes_case_state (st, l, r), 
      wcode_fourtimes_case_step (st, l, r))"

definition wcode_fourtimes_case_le :: "(config × config) set"
  where "wcode_fourtimes_case_le  (inv_image lex_pair wcode_fourtimes_case_measure)"

lemma wf_wcode_fourtimes_case_le[intro]: "wf wcode_fourtimes_case_le"
  by(auto simp: wcode_fourtimes_case_le_def)

lemma nonempty_snd [simp]:
  "wcode_on_left_moving_2 ires rs (b, []) = False"
  "wcode_on_checking_2 ires rs (b, []) = False"
  "wcode_goon_checking ires rs (b, []) = False"
  "wcode_right_move ires rs (b, []) = False"
  "wcode_erase2 ires rs (b, []) = False"
  "wcode_on_right_moving_2 ires rs (b, []) = False"
  "wcode_backto_standard_pos_2 ires rs (b, []) = False"
  "wcode_on_checking_2 ires rs (b, Oc # list) = False"
  by(auto simp: wcode_fourtimes_invs) 

lemma gr1_conv_Suc:"Suc 0 < mr  ( nat. mr = Suc (Suc nat))" by presburger

lemma wcode_on_left_moving_2[simp]:
  "wcode_on_left_moving_2 ires rs (b, Bk # list)   wcode_on_left_moving_2 ires rs (tl b, hd b # Bk # list)"
  apply(simp only: wcode_fourtimes_invs)
  apply(erule_tac disjE)
   apply(erule_tac exE)+
   apply(simp add: gr1_conv_Suc exp_ind replicate_app_Cons_same hd_repeat_cases')
   apply (auto simp add: gr0_conv_Suc[symmetric] replicate_app_Cons_same hd_repeat_cases')
  by force+

lemma wcode_goon_checking_via_2 [simp]: "wcode_on_checking_2 ires rs (b, Bk # list)
          wcode_goon_checking ires rs (tl b, hd b # Bk # list)"
  unfolding wcode_fourtimes_invs by auto

lemma wcode_erase2_via_move [simp]: "wcode_right_move ires rs (b, Bk # list)   wcode_erase2 ires rs (Bk # b, list)"
  by (auto simp:wcode_fourtimes_invs ) auto

lemma wcode_on_right_moving_2_via_erase2[simp]:
  "wcode_erase2 ires rs (b, Bk # list)  wcode_on_right_moving_2 ires rs (Bk # b, list)"
  apply(auto simp:wcode_fourtimes_invs )
  apply(rule_tac x = "Suc (Suc 0)" in exI, simp add: exp_ind)
  by (metis replicate_Suc_iff_anywhere replicate_app_Cons_same)

lemma wcode_on_right_moving_2_move_Bk[simp]: "wcode_on_right_moving_2 ires rs (b, Bk # list)
        wcode_on_right_moving_2 ires rs (Bk # b, list)"
  apply(auto simp: wcode_fourtimes_invs) apply(rename_tac ml mr rn)
  apply(rule_tac x = "Suc ml" in exI, simp)
  apply(rule_tac x = "mr - 1" in exI, case_tac mr,auto)

lemma wcode_backto_standard_pos_2_via_right[simp]:
  "wcode_goon_right_moving_2 ires rs (b, Bk # list)  
                 wcode_backto_standard_pos_2 ires rs (b, Oc # list)"
  apply(simp add: wcode_fourtimes_invs, auto)
  by (metis add.right_neutral add_Suc_shift append_Cons list.sel(3)
      replicate.simps(1) replicate_Suc replicate_Suc_iff_anywhere self_append_conv2
      tl_replicate zero_less_Suc)

lemma wcode_on_checking_2_via_left[simp]: "wcode_on_left_moving_2 ires rs (b, Oc # list)  
                     wcode_on_checking_2 ires rs (tl b, hd b # Oc # list)"
  by(auto simp: wcode_fourtimes_invs)

lemma wcode_backto_standard_pos_2_empty_via_right[simp]:
  "wcode_goon_right_moving_2 ires rs (b, []) 
              wcode_backto_standard_pos_2 ires rs (b, [Oc])"
  by (auto simp add: wcode_fourtimes_invs) force

lemma wcode_goon_checking_cases[simp]: "wcode_goon_checking ires rs (b, Oc # list) 
  (b = []  wcode_right_move ires rs ([Oc], list)) 
  (b  []  wcode_right_move ires rs (Oc # b, list))"
  apply(simp only: wcode_fourtimes_invs)
  apply(erule_tac exE)+

lemma wcode_right_move_no_Oc[simp]: "wcode_right_move ires rs (b, Oc # list) = False"
  apply(auto simp: wcode_fourtimes_invs)

lemma wcode_erase2_Bk_via_Oc[simp]: "wcode_erase2 ires rs (b, Oc # list)
        wcode_erase2 ires rs (b, Bk # list)"
  apply(auto simp: wcode_fourtimes_invs)

lemma wcode_goon_right_moving_2_Oc_move[simp]:
  "wcode_on_right_moving_2 ires rs (b, Oc # list)
        wcode_goon_right_moving_2 ires rs (Oc # b, list)"
  apply(auto simp: wcode_fourtimes_invs)
  apply(rule_tac x = "Suc 0" in exI, auto)
  apply(rule_tac x = "ml - 2" in exI)
  apply(case_tac ml, simp, case_tac "ml - 1", simp_all)

lemma wcode_backto_standard_pos_2_exists[simp]: "wcode_backto_standard_pos_2 ires rs (b, Bk # list)
        (ln. b = Bk # Bk(ln) @ Oc # ires)  (rn. list = Oc(Suc (Suc rs)) @ Bk(rn))"
  by(simp add: wcode_fourtimes_invs)

lemma wcode_goon_right_moving_2_move_Oc[simp]: "wcode_goon_right_moving_2 ires rs (b, Oc # list) 
       wcode_goon_right_moving_2 ires rs (Oc # b, list)"
  apply(simp only:wcode_fourtimes_invs, auto)
  apply(rename_tac ml ln mr rn)
  apply(case_tac mr;force)

lemma wcode_backto_standard_pos_2_Oc_mv_hd[simp]:
  "wcode_backto_standard_pos_2 ires rs (b, Oc # list)    
             wcode_backto_standard_pos_2 ires rs (tl b, hd b # Oc # list)"
  apply(simp only: wcode_fourtimes_invs)
  apply(erule_tac disjE)
   apply(erule_tac exE)+ apply(rename_tac ml mr ln rn)
  by (case_tac ml, force,force,force)

lemma nonempty_fst[simp]:
  "wcode_on_left_moving_2 ires rs (b, Bk # list)  b  []"
  "wcode_on_checking_2 ires rs (b, Bk # list)  b  []"
  "wcode_goon_checking ires rs (b, Bk # list) = False"
  "wcode_right_move ires rs (b, Bk # list)  b []" 
  "wcode_erase2 ires rs (b, Bk # list)  b  []"
  "wcode_on_right_moving_2 ires rs (b, Bk # list)  b  []"
  "wcode_goon_right_moving_2 ires rs (b, Bk # list)  b  []"
  "wcode_backto_standard_pos_2 ires rs (b, Bk # list)   b  []"
  "wcode_on_left_moving_2 ires rs (b, Oc # list)  b  []"
  "wcode_goon_right_moving_2 ires rs (b, [])  b  []"
  "wcode_erase2 ires rs (b, Oc # list)  b  []"
  "wcode_on_right_moving_2 ires rs (b, Oc # list)  b  []"
  "wcode_goon_right_moving_2 ires rs (b, Oc # list)  b  []"
  "wcode_backto_standard_pos_2 ires rs (b, Oc # list)  b  []"
  by(auto simp: wcode_fourtimes_invs)

lemma wcode_fourtimes_case_first_correctness:
  shows "let P = (λ (st, l, r). st = twice_tm_len + 14) in 
  let Q = (λ (st, l, r). wcode_fourtimes_case_inv st ires rs (l, r)) in 
  let f = (λ stp. steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk(m) @ Oc # Bk # Oc # ires, Bk # Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n)) wcode_main_tm stp) in
   n .P (f n)  Q (f (n::nat))"
proof -
  let ?P = "(λ (st, l, r). st = twice_tm_len + 14)"
  let ?Q = "(λ (st, l, r). wcode_fourtimes_case_inv st ires rs (l, r))"
  let ?f = "(λ stp. steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk(m) @ Oc # Bk # Oc # ires, Bk # Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n)) wcode_main_tm stp)"
  have " n . ?P (?f n)  ?Q (?f (n::nat))"
  proof(rule_tac halt_lemma2)
    show "wf wcode_fourtimes_case_le"
      by auto
    have "¬ ?P (?f na)  ?Q (?f na) 
                  ?Q (?f (Suc na))  (?f (Suc na), ?f na)  wcode_fourtimes_case_le" for na
      apply(cases "?f na", rule_tac impI)
      apply(simp add: step.simps)
      apply(case_tac "snd (snd (?f na))", simp, case_tac [2] "hd (snd (snd (?f na)))", simp_all)
        apply(simp_all add: wcode_fourtimes_case_inv.simps
          wcode_fourtimes_case_le_def lex_pair_def split: if_splits)
      by(auto simp: wcode_backto_standard_pos_2.simps wcode_backto_standard_pos_2_O.simps
          wcode_backto_standard_pos_2_B.simps gr0_conv_Suc)
    thus " na. ¬ ?P (?f na)  ?Q (?f na) 
                  ?Q (?f (Suc na))  (?f (Suc na), ?f na)  wcode_fourtimes_case_le" by auto
    show "?Q (?f 0)"
      apply(simp add: steps.simps wcode_fourtimes_case_inv.simps)
      apply(simp add: wcode_on_left_moving_2.simps wcode_on_left_moving_2_B.simps 
      apply(rule_tac x = "Suc m" in exI, simp )
      apply(rule_tac x ="Suc 0" in exI, auto)
    show "¬ ?P (?f 0)"
      apply(simp add: steps.simps)
  thus "?thesis"
    apply(erule_tac exE, simp)

definition fourtimes_tm_len :: "nat"
    "fourtimes_tm_len = (length fourtimes_tm div 2)"

lemma primerec_rec_fourtimes_1[intro]: "primerec rec_fourtimes (Suc 0)"
  apply(auto simp: rec_fourtimes_def numeral_4_eq_4 constn.simps)
  by auto

lemma fourtimes_lemma: "rec_exec rec_fourtimes [rs] = 4 * rs"
  by(simp add: rec_exec.simps rec_fourtimes_def)

lemma fourtimes_tm_correct: 
  "stp ln rn. steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk # ires, Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n)) 
    (tm_of abc_fourtimes @ shift (mopup_n_tm 1) (length (tm_of abc_fourtimes) div 2)) stp =
       (0, Bk(ln) @ Bk # Bk # ires, Oc(Suc (4 * rs)) @ Bk(rn))"
proof(case_tac "rec_ci rec_fourtimes")
  fix a b c
  assume h: "rec_ci rec_fourtimes = (a, b, c)"
  have "stp m l. steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk # ires, <[rs]> @ Bk(n)) (tm_of abc_fourtimes @ shift (mopup_n_tm (length [rs])) 
    (length (tm_of abc_fourtimes) div 2)) stp = (0, Bk(m) @ Bk # Bk # ires, Oc(Suc (rec_exec rec_fourtimes [rs])) @ Bk(l))"
    thm recursive_compile_to_tm_correct1
  proof(rule_tac recursive_compile_to_tm_correct1)
    show "rec_ci rec_fourtimes = (a, b, c)" by (simp add: h)
    show "terminate rec_fourtimes [rs]"
      apply(rule_tac primerec_terminate)
      by auto
    show "tm_of abc_fourtimes = tm_of (a [+] dummy_abc (length [rs]))"
      using h
      by(simp add: abc_fourtimes_def)
  thus "?thesis"
    apply(simp add: tape_of_list_def tape_of_nat_def fourtimes_lemma)

lemma composable_fourtimes_tm[intro]: "composable_tm (fourtimes_compile_tm, 0)"
  apply(simp only: fourtimes_compile_tm_def)
  apply(rule_tac composable_tm_from_abacus, simp)

lemma fourtimes_tm_change_term_state:
  " stp ln rn. steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk # ires, Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n)) fourtimes_tm stp
     = (Suc fourtimes_tm_len, Bk(ln) @ Bk # Bk # ires, Oc(Suc (4 * rs)) @ Bk(rn))"
proof -
  have "stp ln rn. steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk # ires, Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n)) 
    (tm_of abc_fourtimes @ shift (mopup_n_tm 1) ((length (tm_of abc_fourtimes) div 2))) stp =
    (0, Bk(ln) @ Bk # Bk # ires, Oc(Suc (4 * rs)) @ Bk(rn))"
    by(rule_tac fourtimes_tm_correct)
  then obtain stp ln rn where 
    "steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk # ires, Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n)) 
    (tm_of abc_fourtimes @ shift (mopup_n_tm 1) ((length (tm_of abc_fourtimes) div 2))) stp =
    (0, Bk(ln) @ Bk # Bk # ires, Oc(Suc (4 * rs)) @ Bk(rn))" by blast
  hence " stp. steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk # ires, Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n))
    (adjust0 fourtimes_compile_tm) stp
     = (Suc (length fourtimes_compile_tm div 2), Bk(ln) @ Bk # Bk # ires, Oc(Suc (4 * rs)) @ Bk(rn))"
    apply(rule_tac stp = stp in adjust_halt_eq)
     apply(simp add: fourtimes_compile_tm_def, auto)
  then obtain stpb where 
    "steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk # ires, Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n))
    (adjust0 fourtimes_compile_tm) stpb
     = (Suc (length fourtimes_compile_tm div 2), Bk(ln) @ Bk # Bk # ires, Oc(Suc (4 * rs)) @ Bk(rn))" ..
  thus "?thesis"
    apply(simp add: fourtimes_tm_def fourtimes_tm_len_def)
    by metis

lemma length_twice_tm_even[intro]: "is_even (length twice_tm)"
  by(auto simp: twice_tm_def twice_compile_tm_def intro!:mopup_mod2)

lemma fourtimes_tm_append_pre:
  "steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk # ires, Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n)) fourtimes_tm stp
  = (Suc fourtimes_tm_len, Bk(ln) @ Bk # Bk # ires, Oc(Suc (4 * rs)) @ Bk(rn))
    steps0 (Suc 0 + length (wcode_main_first_part_tm @ 
              shift twice_tm (length wcode_main_first_part_tm div 2) @ [(L, 1), (L, 1)]) div 2,
       Bk # Bk # ires, Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n))
     ((wcode_main_first_part_tm @ 
  shift twice_tm (length wcode_main_first_part_tm div 2) @ [(L, 1), (L, 1)]) @ 
  shift fourtimes_tm (length (wcode_main_first_part_tm @ 
  shift twice_tm (length wcode_main_first_part_tm div 2) @ [(L, 1), (L, 1)]) div 2) @ ([(L, 1), (L, 1)])) stp 
  = ((Suc fourtimes_tm_len) + length (wcode_main_first_part_tm @ 
  shift twice_tm (length wcode_main_first_part_tm div 2) @ [(L, 1), (L, 1)]) div 2,
  Bk(ln) @ Bk # Bk # ires, Oc(Suc (4 * rs)) @ Bk(rn))"
  using length_twice_tm_even
  by(intro tm_append_shift_append_steps, auto)

lemma split_26_even[simp]: "(26 + l::nat) div 2 = l div 2 + 13" by(simp)

lemma twice_tm_len_plus_14[simp]: "twice_tm_len + 14 =  14 + length (shift twice_tm 12) div 2"
  apply(simp add: twice_tm_def twice_tm_len_def)

lemma fourtimes_tm_append:
  " stp ln rn. 
  steps0 (Suc 0 + length (wcode_main_first_part_tm @ shift twice_tm
  (length wcode_main_first_part_tm div 2) @ [(L, 1), (L, 1)]) div 2, 
  Bk # Bk # ires, Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n))
  ((wcode_main_first_part_tm @ shift twice_tm (length wcode_main_first_part_tm div 2) @
  [(L, 1), (L, 1)]) @ shift fourtimes_tm (twice_tm_len + 13) @ [(L, 1), (L, 1)]) stp 
  = (Suc fourtimes_tm_len + length (wcode_main_first_part_tm @ shift twice_tm
  (length wcode_main_first_part_tm div 2) @ [(L, 1), (L, 1)]) div 2, Bk(ln) @ Bk # Bk # ires,
                                                                 Oc(Suc (4 * rs)) @ Bk(rn))"
  using fourtimes_tm_change_term_state[of ires rs n]
  apply(erule_tac exE)
  apply(erule_tac exE)
  apply(erule_tac exE)
  apply(drule_tac fourtimes_tm_append_pre)
  apply(rule_tac x = stp in exI, rule_tac x = ln in exI, rule_tac x = rn in exI)
  apply(simp add: twice_tm_len_def)

lemma even_fourtimes_len: "length fourtimes_tm mod 2 = 0"
  apply(auto simp: fourtimes_tm_def fourtimes_compile_tm_def)
  by (metis mopup_mod2)

lemma twice_tm_even[simp]: "2 * (length twice_tm div 2) = length twice_tm"
  using length_twice_tm_even by arith

lemma fourtimes_tm_even[simp]: "2 * (length fourtimes_tm div 2) = length fourtimes_tm"
  using even_fourtimes_len
  by arith

lemma fetch_wcode_tm_14_Oc: "fetch wcode_main_tm (14 + length twice_tm div 2 + fourtimes_tm_len) Oc
             = (L, Suc 0)" 
  apply(subgoal_tac "14 = Suc 13")
   apply(simp only: fetch.simps add_Suc nth_of.simps wcode_main_tm_def)
   apply(simp add:length_twice_tm_even fourtimes_tm_len_def nth_append)
  by arith

lemma fetch_wcode_tm_14_Bk: "fetch wcode_main_tm (14 + length twice_tm div 2 + fourtimes_tm_len) Bk
             = (L, Suc 0)"
  apply(subgoal_tac "14 = Suc 13")
   apply(simp only: fetch.simps add_Suc nth_of.simps wcode_main_tm_def)
   apply(simp add:length_twice_tm_even fourtimes_tm_len_def nth_append)
  by arith

lemma fetch_wcode_tm_14 [simp]: "fetch wcode_main_tm (14 + length twice_tm div 2 + fourtimes_tm_len) b
             = (L, Suc 0)"
  apply(case_tac b, simp_all add:fetch_wcode_tm_14_Bk fetch_wcode_tm_14_Oc)

lemma wcode_jump2: 
  " stp ln rn. steps0 (twice_tm_len + 14 + fourtimes_tm_len
  , Bk # Bk # Bk(lnb) @ Oc # ires, Oc(Suc (4 * rs + 4)) @ Bk(rnb)) wcode_main_tm stp =
  (Suc 0, Bk # Bk(ln) @ Oc # ires, Bk # Oc(Suc (4 * rs + 4)) @ Bk(rn))"
  apply(rule_tac x = "Suc 0" in exI)
  apply(simp add: steps.simps)
  apply(rule_tac x = lnb in exI, rule_tac x = rnb in exI)
  apply(simp add: step.simps)

lemma wcode_fourtimes_case:
  shows "stp ln rn.
  steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk(m) @ Oc # Bk # Oc # ires, Bk # Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n)) wcode_main_tm stp =
  (Suc 0, Bk # Bk(ln) @ Oc # ires, Bk # Oc(Suc (4*rs + 4)) @ Bk(rn))"
proof -
  have "stp ln rn.
  steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk(m) @ Oc # Bk # Oc # ires, Bk # Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n)) wcode_main_tm stp =
  (twice_tm_len + 14, Bk # Bk # Bk(ln) @ Oc # ires, Oc(Suc (rs + 1)) @ Bk(rn))"
    using wcode_fourtimes_case_first_correctness[of ires rs m n]
    by (auto simp add: wcode_fourtimes_case_inv.simps) auto
  from this obtain stpa lna rna where stp1:
    "steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk(m) @ Oc # Bk # Oc # ires, Bk # Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n)) wcode_main_tm stpa =
  (twice_tm_len + 14, Bk # Bk # Bk(lna) @ Oc # ires, Oc(Suc (rs + 1)) @ Bk(rna))" by blast
  have "stp ln rn. steps0 (twice_tm_len + 14, Bk # Bk # Bk(lna) @ Oc # ires, Oc(Suc (rs + 1)) @ Bk(rna))
                     wcode_main_tm stp =
          (twice_tm_len + 14 + fourtimes_tm_len, Bk # Bk # Bk(ln) @ Oc # ires,  Oc(Suc (4*rs + 4)) @ Bk(rn))"
    using fourtimes_tm_append[of " Bk(lna) @ Oc # ires" "rs + 1" rna]
    apply(erule_tac exE)
    apply(erule_tac exE)
    apply(erule_tac exE)
    apply(simp add: wcode_main_tm_def) apply(rename_tac stp ln rn)
    apply(rule_tac x = stp in exI, 
        rule_tac x = "ln + lna" in exI,
        rule_tac x = rn in exI, simp)
    apply(simp add: replicate_Suc[THEN sym] replicate_add[THEN sym] del: replicate_Suc)
  from this obtain stpb lnb rnb where stp2:
    "steps0 (twice_tm_len + 14, Bk # Bk # Bk(lna) @ Oc # ires, Oc(Suc (rs + 1)) @ Bk(rna))
                     wcode_main_tm stpb =
       (twice_tm_len + 14 + fourtimes_tm_len, Bk # Bk # Bk(lnb) @ Oc # ires,  Oc(Suc (4*rs + 4)) @ Bk(rnb))"
    by blast
  have "stp ln rn. steps0 (twice_tm_len + 14 + fourtimes_tm_len,
    Bk # Bk # Bk(lnb) @ Oc # ires,  Oc(Suc (4*rs + 4)) @ Bk(rnb))
    wcode_main_tm stp =
    (Suc 0, Bk # Bk(ln) @ Oc # ires, Bk # Oc(Suc (4*rs + 4)) @ Bk(rn))"
    apply(rule wcode_jump2)
  from this obtain stpc lnc rnc where stp3: 
    "steps0 (twice_tm_len + 14 + fourtimes_tm_len,
    Bk # Bk # Bk(lnb) @ Oc # ires,  Oc(Suc (4*rs + 4)) @ Bk(rnb))
    wcode_main_tm stpc =
    (Suc 0, Bk # Bk(lnc) @ Oc # ires, Bk # Oc(Suc (4*rs + 4)) @ Bk(rnc))"
    by blast
  from stp1 stp2 stp3 show "?thesis"
    apply(rule_tac x = "stpa + stpb + stpc" in exI,
        rule_tac x = lnc in exI, rule_tac x = rnc in exI)

fun wcode_on_left_moving_3_B :: "bin_inv_t"
    "wcode_on_left_moving_3_B ires rs (l, r) = 
       ( ml mr rn. l = Bk(ml) @ Oc # Bk # Bk # ires 
                    r = Bk(mr) @ Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(rn)  
                    ml + mr > Suc 0  mr > 0 )"

fun wcode_on_left_moving_3_O :: "bin_inv_t"
    "wcode_on_left_moving_3_O ires rs (l, r) = 
         ( ln rn. l = Bk # Bk # ires 
                   r = Oc # Bk(ln) @ Bk # Bk # Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(rn))"

fun wcode_on_left_moving_3 :: "bin_inv_t"
    "wcode_on_left_moving_3 ires rs (l, r) = 
       (wcode_on_left_moving_3_B ires rs (l, r)   
        wcode_on_left_moving_3_O ires rs (l, r))"

fun wcode_on_checking_3 :: "bin_inv_t"
    "wcode_on_checking_3 ires rs (l, r) = 
         ( ln rn. l = Bk # ires 
             r = Bk # Oc # Bk(ln) @ Bk # Bk # Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(rn))"

fun wcode_goon_checking_3 :: "bin_inv_t"
    "wcode_goon_checking_3 ires rs (l, r) = 
         ( ln rn. l = ires 
             r = Bk # Bk # Oc # Bk(ln) @ Bk # Bk # Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(rn))"

fun wcode_stop :: "bin_inv_t"
    "wcode_stop ires rs (l, r) = 
          ( ln rn. l = Bk # ires 
             r = Bk # Oc # Bk(ln) @ Bk # Bk # Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(rn))"

fun wcode_halt_case_inv :: "nat  bin_inv_t"
    "wcode_halt_case_inv st ires rs (l, r) = 
          (if st = 0 then wcode_stop ires rs (l, r)
           else if st = Suc 0 then wcode_on_left_moving_3 ires rs (l, r)
           else if st = Suc (Suc 0) then wcode_on_checking_3 ires rs (l, r)
           else if st = 7 then wcode_goon_checking_3 ires rs (l, r)
           else False)"

fun wcode_halt_case_state :: "config  nat"
    "wcode_halt_case_state (st, l, r) = 
           (if st = 1 then 5
            else if st = Suc (Suc 0) then 4
            else if st = 7 then 3
            else 0)"

fun wcode_halt_case_step :: "config  nat"
    "wcode_halt_case_step (st, l, r) = 
         (if st = 1 then length l
         else 0)"

fun wcode_halt_case_measure :: "config  nat × nat"
    "wcode_halt_case_measure (st, l, r) = 
     (wcode_halt_case_state (st, l, r), 
      wcode_halt_case_step (st, l, r))"

definition wcode_halt_case_le :: "(config × config) set"
  where "wcode_halt_case_le  (inv_image lex_pair wcode_halt_case_measure)"

lemma wf_wcode_halt_case_le[intro]: "wf wcode_halt_case_le"
  by(auto simp: wcode_halt_case_le_def)

declare wcode_on_left_moving_3_B.simps[simp del] wcode_on_left_moving_3_O.simps[simp del]  
  wcode_on_checking_3.simps[simp del] wcode_goon_checking_3.simps[simp del] 
  wcode_on_left_moving_3.simps[simp del] wcode_stop.simps[simp del]

lemmas wcode_halt_invs = 
  wcode_on_left_moving_3_B.simps wcode_on_left_moving_3_O.simps
  wcode_on_checking_3.simps wcode_goon_checking_3.simps 
  wcode_on_left_moving_3.simps wcode_stop.simps

lemma wcode_on_left_moving_3_mv_Bk[simp]: "wcode_on_left_moving_3 ires rs (b, Bk # list)
  wcode_on_left_moving_3 ires rs (tl b, hd b # Bk # list)"
  apply(simp only: wcode_halt_invs)
  apply(erule_tac disjE)
   apply(erule_tac exE)+ apply(rename_tac ml mr rn)
   apply(case_tac ml, simp)
    apply(rule_tac x = "mr - 2" in exI, rule_tac x = rn in exI)
    apply(case_tac mr, force, simp add: exp_ind del: replicate_Suc)
    apply(case_tac "mr - 1", force, simp add: exp_ind del: replicate_Suc)
   apply force
  apply force

lemma wcode_goon_checking_3_cases[simp]: "wcode_goon_checking_3 ires rs (b, Bk # list)  
  (b = []  wcode_stop ires rs ([Bk], list)) 
  (b  []  wcode_stop ires rs (Bk # b, list))"
  apply(auto simp: wcode_halt_invs)

lemma wcode_on_checking_3_mv_Oc[simp]: "wcode_on_left_moving_3 ires rs (b, Oc # list)  
               wcode_on_checking_3 ires rs (tl b, hd b # Oc # list)"
  by(simp add:wcode_halt_invs)

lemma wcode_3_nonempty[simp]:
  "wcode_on_left_moving_3 ires rs (b, []) = False"
  "wcode_on_checking_3 ires rs (b, []) = False"
  "wcode_goon_checking_3 ires rs (b, []) = False"
  "wcode_on_left_moving_3 ires rs (b, Oc # list)  b  []"
  "wcode_on_checking_3 ires rs (b, Oc # list) = False"
  "wcode_on_left_moving_3 ires rs (b, Bk # list)  b  []"
  "wcode_on_checking_3 ires rs (b, Bk # list)  b  []"
  "wcode_goon_checking_3 ires rs (b, Oc # list) = False"
  by(auto simp: wcode_halt_invs)

lemma wcode_goon_checking_3_mv_Bk[simp]: "wcode_on_checking_3 ires rs (b, Bk # list)  
  wcode_goon_checking_3 ires rs (tl b, hd b # Bk # list)"
  apply(auto simp: wcode_halt_invs)

lemma t_halt_case_correctness: 
  shows "let P = (λ (st, l, r). st = 0) in 
       let Q = (λ (st, l, r). wcode_halt_case_inv st ires rs (l, r)) in 
       let f = (λ stp. steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk(m) @ Oc # Bk # Bk # ires, Bk # Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n)) wcode_main_tm stp) in
        n .P (f n)  Q (f (n::nat))"
proof -
  let ?P = "(λ (st, l, r). st = 0)"
  let ?Q = "(λ (st, l, r). wcode_halt_case_inv st ires rs (l, r))"
  let ?f = "(λ stp. steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk(m) @ Oc # Bk # Bk # ires, Bk # Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n)) wcode_main_tm stp)"
  have " n. ?P (?f n)  ?Q (?f (n::nat))"
  proof(rule_tac halt_lemma2)
    show "wf wcode_halt_case_le" by auto
    { fix na
      obtain a b c where abc:"?f na = (a,b,c)" by(cases "?f na",auto)
      hence "¬ ?P (?f na)  ?Q (?f na) 
                    ?Q (?f (Suc na))  (?f (Suc na), ?f na)  wcode_halt_case_le"
        apply(simp add: step.simps)
        apply(cases c;cases "hd c")
           apply(auto simp: wcode_halt_case_le_def lex_pair_def split: if_splits)
    thus " na. ¬ ?P (?f na)  ?Q (?f na)  
                    ?Q (?f (Suc na))  (?f (Suc na), ?f na)  wcode_halt_case_le" by blast     
    show "?Q (?f 0)"
      apply(simp add: steps.simps wcode_halt_invs)
      apply(rule_tac x = "Suc m" in exI, simp)
      apply(rule_tac x = "Suc 0" in exI, auto)
    show "¬ ?P (?f 0)"
      apply(simp add: steps.simps)
  thus "?thesis"

declare wcode_halt_case_inv.simps[simp del]
lemma leading_Oc[intro]: " xs. (<rev list @ [aa::nat]> :: cell list) = Oc # xs"
  apply(case_tac "rev list", simp)
  apply(simp add: tape_of_nl_cons)

lemma wcode_halt_case:
  "stp ln rn. steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk(m) @ Oc # Bk # Bk # ires, Bk # Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n))
  wcode_main_tm stp  = (0, Bk # ires, Bk # Oc # Bk(ln) @ Bk # Bk # Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(rn))"
proof -
  let ?P = "λ(st, l, r). st = 0"
  let ?Q = "λ(st, l, r). wcode_halt_case_inv st ires rs (l, r)"
  let ?f = "steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk  m @ Oc # Bk # Bk # ires, Bk # Oc  Suc rs @ Bk  n) wcode_main_tm"
  from t_halt_case_correctness[of ires rs m n] obtain n where "?P (?f n)  ?Q (?f n)" by metis
  thus ?thesis
    apply(simp add: wcode_halt_case_inv.simps wcode_stop.simps)
    apply(case_tac "steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk(m) @ Oc # Bk # Bk # ires,
                Bk # Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n)) wcode_main_tm n")
    apply(auto simp: wcode_halt_case_inv.simps wcode_stop.simps)
    by auto

lemma bl_bin_one[simp]: "bl_bin [Oc] = 1"
  apply(simp add: bl_bin.simps)

lemma twice_power[intro]: "2 * 2 ^ a = Suc (Suc (2 * bl_bin (Oc  a)))"
  apply(induct a, auto simp: bl_bin.simps)
declare replicate_Suc[simp del]

lemma wcode_main_tm_lemma_pre:
  "args  []; lm = <args::nat list>  
        stp ln rn. steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk(m) @ rev lm @ Bk # Bk # ires, Bk # Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n)) wcode_main_tm
      = (0, Bk # ires, Bk # Oc # Bk(ln) @ Bk # Bk # Oc(bl_bin lm + rs * 2^(length lm - 1) ) @ Bk(rn))"
proof(induct "length args" arbitrary: args lm rs m n, simp)
  fix x args lm rs m n
  assume ind:
    "args lm rs m n.
    x = length args; (args::nat list)  []; lm = <args>
     stp ln rn.
    steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk(m) @ rev lm @ Bk # Bk # ires, Bk # Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n)) wcode_main_tm stp =
    (0, Bk # ires, Bk # Oc # Bk(ln) @ Bk # Bk # Oc(bl_bin lm + rs * 2 ^ (length lm - 1)) @ Bk(rn))"
    and h: "Suc x = length args" "(args::nat list)  []" "lm = <args>"
  from h have " (a::nat) xs. args = xs @ [a]"
    apply(rule_tac x = "last args" in exI)
    apply(rule_tac x = "butlast args" in exI, auto)
  from this obtain a xs where "args = xs @ [a]" by blast
  from h and this show
    "stp ln rn.
    steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk(m) @ rev lm @ Bk # Bk # ires, Bk # Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n)) wcode_main_tm stp =
    (0, Bk # ires, Bk # Oc # Bk(ln) @ Bk # Bk # Oc(bl_bin lm + rs * 2 ^ (length lm - 1)) @ Bk(rn))"
  proof(case_tac "xs::nat list", simp)
    show "stp ln rn.
          steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk  m @ Oc  Suc a @ Bk # Bk # ires, Bk # Oc  Suc rs @ Bk  n) wcode_main_tm stp =
          (0, Bk # ires, Bk # Oc # Bk  ln @ Bk # Bk # Oc  (bl_bin (Oc  Suc a) + rs * 2 ^ a) @ Bk  rn)"
    proof(induct "a" arbitrary: m n rs ires, simp)
      fix m n rs ires
      show "stp ln rn.
          steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk  m @ Oc # Bk # Bk # ires, Bk # Oc  Suc rs @ Bk  n) wcode_main_tm stp =
          (0, Bk # ires, Bk # Oc # Bk  ln @ Bk # Bk # Oc  Suc rs @ Bk  rn)"
        apply(rule_tac wcode_halt_case)
      fix a m n rs ires
      assume ind2:
        "m n rs ires.
           stp ln rn.
              steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk  m @ Oc  Suc a @ Bk # Bk # ires, Bk # Oc  Suc rs @ Bk  n) wcode_main_tm stp =
              (0, Bk # ires, Bk # Oc # Bk  ln @ Bk # Bk # Oc  (bl_bin (Oc  Suc a) + rs * 2 ^ a) @ Bk  rn)"
      show " stp ln rn.
          steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk  m @ Oc  Suc (Suc a) @ Bk # Bk # ires, Bk # Oc  Suc rs @ Bk  n) wcode_main_tm stp =
          (0, Bk # ires, Bk # Oc # Bk  ln @ Bk # Bk # Oc  (bl_bin (Oc  Suc (Suc a)) + rs * 2 ^ Suc a) @ Bk  rn)"
      proof -
        have "stp ln rn.
          steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk(m) @ rev (<Suc a>) @ Bk # Bk # ires, Bk # Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n)) wcode_main_tm stp =
          (Suc 0, Bk # Bk(ln) @ rev (<a>) @ Bk # Bk # ires, Bk # Oc(Suc (2 * rs + 2)) @ Bk(rn))"
          apply(simp add: tape_of_nat)
          using wcode_double_case[of m "Oc(a) @ Bk # Bk # ires" rs n]
          apply(simp add: replicate_Suc)
        from this obtain stpa lna rna where stp1:  
          "steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk(m) @ rev (<Suc a>) @ Bk # Bk # ires, Bk # Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n)) wcode_main_tm stpa =
          (Suc 0, Bk # Bk(lna) @ rev (<a>) @ Bk # Bk # ires, Bk # Oc(Suc (2 * rs + 2)) @ Bk(rna))" by blast
        moreover have 
          "stp ln rn.
          steps0 (Suc 0,  Bk # Bk(lna) @ rev (<a::nat>) @ Bk # Bk # ires, Bk # Oc(Suc (2 * rs + 2)) @ Bk(rna)) wcode_main_tm stp =
          (0, Bk # ires, Bk # Oc # Bk(ln) @ Bk # Bk # Oc(bl_bin (<a>) + (2*rs + 2)  * 2 ^ a) @ Bk(rn))"
          using ind2[of lna ires "2*rs + 2" rna] by(simp add: tape_of_list_def tape_of_nat_def)   
        from this obtain stpb lnb rnb where stp2:  
          "steps0 (Suc 0,  Bk # Bk(lna) @ rev (<a>) @ Bk # Bk # ires, Bk # Oc(Suc (2 * rs + 2)) @ Bk(rna)) wcode_main_tm stpb =
          (0, Bk # ires, Bk # Oc # Bk(lnb) @ Bk # Bk # Oc(bl_bin (<a>) + (2*rs + 2)  * 2 ^ a) @ Bk(rnb))"
          by blast
        from stp1 and stp2 show "?thesis"
          apply(rule_tac x = "stpa + stpb" in exI,
              rule_tac x = lnb in exI, rule_tac x = rnb in exI, simp add: tape_of_nat_def)
          apply(simp add:  bl_bin.simps replicate_Suc)
    fix aa list
    assume g: "Suc x = length args" "args  []" "lm = <args>" "args = xs @ [a::nat]" "xs = (aa::nat) # list"
    thus "stp ln rn. steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk(m) @ rev lm @ Bk # Bk # ires, Bk # Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n)) wcode_main_tm stp =
      (0, Bk # ires, Bk # Oc # Bk(ln) @ Bk # Bk # Oc(bl_bin lm + rs * 2 ^ (length lm - 1)) @ Bk(rn))"
   proof(induct a arbitrary: m n rs args lm, simp_all add: tape_of_nl_rev del: subst_all, 
        simp only: tape_of_nl_cons_app1, simp del: subst_all)
      fix m n rs args lm
      have "stp ln rn.
        steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk(m) @ Oc # Bk # rev (<(aa::nat) # list>) @ Bk # Bk # ires,
        Bk # Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n)) wcode_main_tm stp =
        (Suc 0, Bk # Bk(ln) @ rev (<aa # list>) @ Bk # Bk # ires, 
        Bk # Oc(Suc (4*rs + 4)) @ Bk(rn))"
      proof(simp add: tape_of_nl_rev)
        have " xs. (<rev list @ [aa]>) = Oc # xs" by auto           
        from this obtain xs where "(<rev list @ [aa]>) = Oc # xs" ..
        thus "stp ln rn.
            steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk(m) @ Oc # Bk # <rev list @ [aa]> @ Bk # Bk # ires,
            Bk # Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n)) wcode_main_tm stp =
            (Suc 0, Bk # Bk(ln) @ <rev list @ [aa]> @ Bk # Bk # ires, Bk # Oc(5 + 4 * rs) @ Bk(rn))"
          using wcode_fourtimes_case[of m "xs @ Bk # Bk # ires" rs n]
      from this obtain stpa lna rna where stp1:
        "steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk(m) @ Oc # Bk # rev (<aa # list>) @ Bk # Bk # ires,
        Bk # Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n)) wcode_main_tm stpa =
        (Suc 0, Bk # Bk(lna) @ rev (<aa # list>) @ Bk # Bk # ires, 
        Bk # Oc(Suc (4*rs + 4)) @ Bk(rna))" by blast
      from g have 
        " stp ln rn. steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk(lna) @ rev (<(aa::nat) # list>) @ Bk # Bk # ires, 
        Bk # Oc(Suc (4*rs + 4)) @ Bk(rna)) wcode_main_tm stp = (0, Bk # ires, 
        Bk # Oc # Bk(ln) @ Bk # Bk # Oc(bl_bin (<aa#list>)+ (4*rs + 4) * 2^(length (<aa#list>) - 1) ) @ Bk(rn))"
        apply(rule_tac args = "(aa::nat)#list" in ind, simp_all)
      from this obtain stpb lnb rnb where stp2:
        "steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk(lna) @ rev (<(aa::nat) # list>) @ Bk # Bk # ires, 
         Bk # Oc(Suc (4*rs + 4)) @ Bk(rna)) wcode_main_tm stpb = (0, Bk # ires, 
         Bk # Oc # Bk(lnb) @ Bk # Bk # Oc(bl_bin (<aa#list>)+ (4*rs + 4) * 2^(length (<aa#list>) - 1) ) @ Bk(rnb))"
        by blast
      from stp1 and stp2 and h
      show "stp ln rn.
         steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk(m) @ Oc # Bk # <rev list @ [aa]> @ Bk # Bk # ires,
         Bk # Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n)) wcode_main_tm stp =
         (0, Bk # ires, Bk # Oc # Bk(ln) @ Bk #
         Bk # Oc(bl_bin (Oc(Suc aa) @ Bk # <list @ [0]>) + rs * (2 * 2 ^ (aa + length (<list @ [0]>)))) @ Bk(rn))"
        apply(rule_tac x = "stpa + stpb" in exI, rule_tac x = lnb in exI,
            rule_tac x = rnb in exI, simp add: tape_of_nl_rev)
      fix ab m n rs args lm
      assume ind2:
        " m n rs args lm.
         lm = <aa # list @ [ab]>; args = aa # list @ [ab]
          stp ln rn.
         steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk(m) @ <ab # rev list @ [aa]> @ Bk # Bk # ires,
         Bk # Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n)) wcode_main_tm stp =
         (0, Bk # ires, Bk # Oc # Bk(ln) @ Bk #
         Bk # Oc(bl_bin (<aa # list @ [ab]>) + rs * 2 ^ (length (<aa # list @ [ab]>) - Suc 0)) @ Bk(rn))"
        and k: "args = aa # list @ [Suc ab]" "lm = <aa # list @ [Suc ab]>"
      show "stp ln rn.
         steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk(m) @ <Suc ab # rev list @ [aa]> @ Bk # Bk # ires,
         Bk # Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n)) wcode_main_tm stp =
         (0, Bk # ires,Bk # Oc # Bk(ln) @ Bk # 
         Bk # Oc(bl_bin (<aa # list @ [Suc ab]>) + rs * 2 ^ (length (<aa # list @ [Suc ab]>) - Suc 0)) @ Bk(rn))"
      proof(simp add: tape_of_nl_cons_app1)
        have "stp ln rn.
           steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk(m) @ Oc(Suc (Suc ab)) @ Bk # <rev list @ [aa]> @ Bk # Bk # ires, 
           Bk # Oc # Oc(rs) @ Bk(n)) wcode_main_tm stp
           = (Suc 0, Bk # Bk(ln) @ Oc(Suc ab) @ Bk # <rev list @ [aa]> @ Bk # Bk # ires,
           Bk # Oc(Suc (2*rs + 2)) @ Bk(rn))"
          using wcode_double_case[of m "Oc(ab) @ Bk # <rev list @ [aa]> @ Bk # Bk # ires"
              rs n]
          apply(simp add: replicate_Suc)
        from this obtain stpa lna rna where stp1:
          "steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk(m) @ Oc(Suc (Suc ab)) @ Bk # <rev list @ [aa]> @ Bk # Bk # ires, 
           Bk # Oc # Oc(rs) @ Bk(n)) wcode_main_tm stpa
           = (Suc 0, Bk # Bk(lna) @ Oc(Suc ab) @ Bk # <rev list @ [aa]> @ Bk # Bk # ires,
           Bk # Oc(Suc (2*rs + 2)) @ Bk(rna))" by blast
        from k have 
          " stp ln rn. steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk(lna) @ <ab # rev list @ [aa]> @ Bk # Bk # ires,
           Bk # Oc(Suc (2*rs + 2)) @ Bk(rna)) wcode_main_tm stp
           = (0, Bk # ires, Bk # Oc # Bk(ln) @ Bk #
           Bk # Oc(bl_bin (<aa # list @ [ab]> ) +  (2*rs + 2)* 2^(length (<aa # list @ [ab]>) - Suc 0)) @ Bk(rn))"
          apply(rule_tac ind2, simp_all)
        from this obtain stpb lnb rnb where stp2: 
          "steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk(lna) @  <ab # rev list @ [aa]> @ Bk # Bk # ires,
           Bk # Oc(Suc (2*rs + 2)) @ Bk(rna)) wcode_main_tm stpb
           = (0, Bk # ires, Bk # Oc # Bk(lnb) @ Bk #
           Bk # Oc(bl_bin (<aa # list @ [ab]> ) +  (2*rs + 2)* 2^(length (<aa # list @ [ab]>) - Suc 0)) @ Bk(rnb))" 
          by blast
        from stp1 and stp2 show 
          "stp ln rn.
           steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk(m) @ Oc(Suc (Suc ab)) @ Bk # <rev list @ [aa]> @ Bk # Bk # ires,
           Bk # Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n)) wcode_main_tm stp =
           (0, Bk # ires, Bk # Oc # Bk(ln) @ Bk # Bk # 
           Oc(bl_bin (Oc(Suc aa) @ Bk # <list @ [Suc ab]>) + rs * (2 * 2 ^ (aa + length (<list @ [Suc ab]>)))) 
           @ Bk(rn))"
          apply(rule_tac x = "stpa + stpb" in exI, rule_tac x = lnb in exI,
              rule_tac x = rnb in exI, simp add: tape_of_nl_cons_app1 replicate_Suc)

definition wcode_prepare_tm :: "instr list"
         [(WO, 2), (L, 1), (L, 3), (R, 2), (R, 4), (WB, 3),
          (R, 4), (R, 5), (R, 6), (R, 5), (R, 7), (R, 5),
          (WO, 7), (L, 0)]"

fun wprepare_add_one :: "nat  nat list  tape  bool"
    "wprepare_add_one m lm (l, r) = 
      ( rn. l = [] 
               (r = <m # lm> @ Bk(rn)  
                r = Bk # <m # lm> @ Bk(rn)))"

fun wprepare_goto_first_end :: "nat  nat list  tape  bool"
    "wprepare_goto_first_end m lm (l, r) = 
      ( ml mr rn. l = Oc(ml) 
                      r = Oc(mr) @ Bk # <lm> @ Bk(rn) 
                      ml + mr = Suc (Suc m))"

fun wprepare_erase :: "nat  nat list  tape   bool"
    "wprepare_erase m lm (l, r) = 
     ( rn. l = Oc(Suc m)  
               tl r = Bk # <lm> @ Bk(rn))"

fun wprepare_goto_start_pos_B :: "nat  nat list  tape  bool"
    "wprepare_goto_start_pos_B m lm (l, r) = 
     ( rn. l = Bk # Oc(Suc m) 
               r = Bk # <lm> @ Bk(rn))"

fun wprepare_goto_start_pos_O :: "nat  nat list  tape  bool"
    "wprepare_goto_start_pos_O m lm (l, r) = 
     ( rn. l = Bk # Bk # Oc(Suc m) 
               r = <lm> @ Bk(rn))"

fun wprepare_goto_start_pos :: "nat  nat list  tape  bool"
    "wprepare_goto_start_pos m lm (l, r) = 
       (wprepare_goto_start_pos_B m lm (l, r) 
        wprepare_goto_start_pos_O m lm (l, r))"

fun wprepare_loop_start_on_rightmost :: "nat  nat list  tape  bool"
    "wprepare_loop_start_on_rightmost m lm (l, r) = 
     ( rn mr. rev l @ r = Oc(Suc m) @ Bk # Bk # <lm> @ Bk(rn)  l  [] 
                       r = Oc(mr) @ Bk(rn))"

fun wprepare_loop_start_in_middle :: "nat  nat list  tape  bool"
    "wprepare_loop_start_in_middle m lm (l, r) =
     ( rn (mr:: nat) (lm1::nat list). 
  rev l @ r = Oc(Suc m) @ Bk # Bk # <lm> @ Bk(rn)  l  [] 
  r = Oc(mr) @ Bk # <lm1> @ Bk(rn)  lm1  [])"

fun wprepare_loop_start :: "nat  nat list  tape  bool"
    "wprepare_loop_start m lm (l, r) = (wprepare_loop_start_on_rightmost m lm (l, r)  
                                      wprepare_loop_start_in_middle m lm (l, r))"

fun wprepare_loop_goon_on_rightmost :: "nat  nat list  tape  bool"
    "wprepare_loop_goon_on_rightmost m lm (l, r) = 
     ( rn. l = Bk # <rev lm> @ Bk # Bk # Oc(Suc m) 
               r = Bk(rn))"

fun wprepare_loop_goon_in_middle :: "nat  nat list  tape  bool"
    "wprepare_loop_goon_in_middle m lm (l, r) = 
     ( rn (mr:: nat) (lm1::nat list). 
  rev l @ r = Oc(Suc m) @ Bk # Bk # <lm> @ Bk(rn)  l  [] 
                     (if lm1 = [] then r = Oc(mr) @ Bk(rn) 
                     else r = Oc(mr) @ Bk # <lm1> @ Bk(rn))  mr > 0)"

fun wprepare_loop_goon :: "nat  nat list  tape  bool"
    "wprepare_loop_goon m lm (l, r) = 
              (wprepare_loop_goon_in_middle m lm (l, r)  
               wprepare_loop_goon_on_rightmost m lm (l, r))"

fun wprepare_add_one2 :: "nat  nat list  tape  bool"
    "wprepare_add_one2 m lm (l, r) =
          ( rn. l = Bk # Bk # <rev lm> @ Bk # Bk # Oc(Suc m) 
               (r = []  tl r = Bk(rn)))"

fun wprepare_stop :: "nat  nat list  tape  bool"
    "wprepare_stop m lm (l, r) = 
         ( rn. l = Bk # <rev lm> @ Bk # Bk # Oc(Suc m) 
               r = Bk # Oc # Bk(rn))"

fun wprepare_inv :: "nat  nat  nat list  tape  bool"
    "wprepare_inv st m lm (l, r) = 
        (if st = 0 then wprepare_stop m lm (l, r) 
         else if st = Suc 0 then wprepare_add_one m lm (l, r)
         else if st = Suc (Suc 0) then wprepare_goto_first_end m lm (l, r)
         else if st = Suc (Suc (Suc 0)) then wprepare_erase m lm (l, r)
         else if st = 4 then wprepare_goto_start_pos m lm (l, r)
         else if st = 5 then wprepare_loop_start m lm (l, r)
         else if st = 6 then wprepare_loop_goon m lm (l, r)
         else if st = 7 then wprepare_add_one2 m lm (l, r)
         else False)"

fun wprepare_stage :: "config  nat"
    "wprepare_stage (st, l, r) = 
      (if st  1  st  4 then 3
       else if st = 5  st = 6 then 2
       else 1)"

fun wprepare_state :: "config  nat"
    "wprepare_state (st, l, r) = 
       (if st = 1 then 4
        else if st = Suc (Suc 0) then 3
        else if st = Suc (Suc (Suc 0)) then 2
        else if st = 4 then 1
        else if st = 7 then 2
        else 0)"

fun wprepare_step :: "config  nat"
    "wprepare_step (st, l, r) = 
      (if st = 1 then (if hd r = Oc then Suc (length l)
                       else 0)
       else if st = Suc (Suc 0) then length r
       else if st = Suc (Suc (Suc 0)) then (if hd r = Oc then 1
                            else 0)
       else if st = 4 then length r
       else if st = 5 then Suc (length r)
       else if st = 6 then (if r = [] then 0 else Suc (length r))
       else if st = 7 then (if (r  []  hd r = Oc) then 0
                            else 1)
       else 0)"

fun wcode_prepare_measure :: "config  nat × nat × nat"
    "wcode_prepare_measure (st, l, r) = 
     (wprepare_stage (st, l, r), 
      wprepare_state (st, l, r), 
      wprepare_step (st, l, r))"

definition wcode_prepare_le :: "(config × config) set"
  where "wcode_prepare_le  (inv_image lex_triple wcode_prepare_measure)"

lemma wf_wcode_prepare_le[intro]: "wf wcode_prepare_le"
  by(auto simp: wcode_prepare_le_def 

declare wprepare_add_one.simps[simp del] wprepare_goto_first_end.simps[simp del]
  wprepare_erase.simps[simp del] wprepare_goto_start_pos.simps[simp del]
  wprepare_loop_start.simps[simp del] wprepare_loop_goon.simps[simp del]
  wprepare_add_one2.simps[simp del]

lemmas wprepare_invs = wprepare_add_one.simps wprepare_goto_first_end.simps
  wprepare_erase.simps wprepare_goto_start_pos.simps
  wprepare_loop_start.simps wprepare_loop_goon.simps

declare wprepare_inv.simps[simp del]

lemma fetch_wcode_prepare_tm[simp]:
  "fetch wcode_prepare_tm (Suc 0) Bk = (WO, 2)"
  "fetch wcode_prepare_tm (Suc 0) Oc = (L, 1)"
  "fetch wcode_prepare_tm (Suc (Suc 0)) Bk = (L, 3)"
  "fetch wcode_prepare_tm (Suc (Suc 0)) Oc = (R, 2)"
  "fetch wcode_prepare_tm (Suc (Suc (Suc 0))) Bk = (R, 4)"
  "fetch wcode_prepare_tm (Suc (Suc (Suc 0))) Oc = (WB, 3)"
  "fetch wcode_prepare_tm 4 Bk = (R, 4)"
  "fetch wcode_prepare_tm 4 Oc = (R, 5)"
  "fetch wcode_prepare_tm 5 Oc = (R, 5)"
  "fetch wcode_prepare_tm 5 Bk = (R, 6)"
  "fetch wcode_prepare_tm 6 Oc = (R, 5)"
  "fetch wcode_prepare_tm 6 Bk = (R, 7)"
  "fetch wcode_prepare_tm 7 Oc = (L, 0)"
  "fetch wcode_prepare_tm 7 Bk = (WO, 7)"
  unfolding fetch.simps wcode_prepare_tm_def nth_of.simps
    numeral_eqs_upto_12 by auto

lemma wprepare_add_one_nonempty_snd[simp]: "lm  []  wprepare_add_one m lm (b, []) = False"
  apply(simp add: wprepare_invs)

lemma wprepare_goto_first_end_nonempty_snd[simp]: "lm  []  wprepare_goto_first_end m lm (b, []) = False"
  apply(simp add: wprepare_invs)

lemma wprepare_erase_nonempty_snd[simp]: "lm  []  wprepare_erase m lm (b, []) = False"
  apply(simp add: wprepare_invs)

lemma wprepare_goto_start_pos_nonempty_snd[simp]: "lm  []  wprepare_goto_start_pos m lm (b, []) = False"
  apply(simp add: wprepare_invs)

lemma wprepare_loop_start_empty_nonempty_fst[simp]: "lm  []; wprepare_loop_start m lm (b, [])  b  []"
  apply(simp add: wprepare_invs)

lemma rev_eq: "rev xs = rev ys  xs = ys" by auto

lemma wprepare_loop_goon_Bk_empty_snd[simp]: "lm  []; wprepare_loop_start m lm (b, [])  
                                  wprepare_loop_goon m lm (Bk # b, [])"
  apply(simp only: wprepare_invs)
  apply(erule_tac disjE)
   apply(rule_tac disjI2)
   apply(simp, auto)
  apply(rule_tac rev_eq, simp add: tape_of_nl_rev)

lemma wprepare_loop_goon_nonempty_fst[simp]: "lm  []; wprepare_loop_goon m lm (b, [])  b  []"
  apply(simp only: wprepare_invs, auto)

lemma wprepare_add_one2_Bk_empty[simp]:"lm  []; wprepare_loop_goon m lm (b, [])  
  wprepare_add_one2 m lm (Bk # b, [])"
  apply(simp only: wprepare_invs, auto split: if_splits)

lemma wprepare_add_one2_nonempty_fst[simp]: "wprepare_add_one2 m lm (b, [])  b  []"
  apply(simp only: wprepare_invs, auto)

lemma wprepare_add_one2_Oc[simp]: "wprepare_add_one2 m lm (b, [])  wprepare_add_one2 m lm (b, [Oc])"
  apply(simp only: wprepare_invs, auto)

lemma Bk_not_tape_start[simp]: "(Bk # list = <(m::nat) # lm> @ ys) = False"
  apply(case_tac lm, auto simp: tape_of_nl_cons replicate_Suc)

lemma wprepare_goto_first_end_cases[simp]:
  "lm  []; wprepare_add_one m lm (b, Bk # list)
        (b = []  wprepare_goto_first_end m lm ([], Oc # list))  
           (b  []  wprepare_goto_first_end m lm (b, Oc # list))"
  apply(simp only: wprepare_invs)
  apply(auto simp: tape_of_nl_cons split: if_splits)
  apply(cases lm, auto simp add:tape_of_list_def replicate_Suc)

lemma wprepare_goto_first_end_Bk_nonempty_fst[simp]:
  "wprepare_goto_first_end m lm (b, Bk # list)  b  []"
  apply(simp only: wprepare_invs , auto simp: replicate_Suc)

declare replicate_Suc[simp]

lemma wprepare_erase_elem_Bk_rest[simp]: "wprepare_goto_first_end m lm (b, Bk # list) 
                          wprepare_erase m lm (tl b, hd b # Bk # list)"
  by(simp add: wprepare_invs)

lemma wprepare_erase_Bk_nonempty_fst[simp]: "wprepare_erase m lm (b, Bk # list)  b  []"
  by(simp add: wprepare_invs)

lemma wprepare_goto_start_pos_Bk[simp]: "wprepare_erase m lm (b, Bk # list)  
                           wprepare_goto_start_pos m lm (Bk # b, list)"
  apply(simp only: wprepare_invs, auto)

lemma wprepare_add_one_Bk_nonempty_snd[simp]: "wprepare_add_one m lm (b, Bk # list)  list  []"
  apply(simp only: wprepare_invs)
  apply(case_tac lm, simp_all add: tape_of_list_def tape_of_nat_def, auto)

lemma wprepare_goto_first_end_nonempty_snd_tl[simp]:
  "lm  [];  wprepare_goto_first_end m lm (b, Bk # list)  list  []"
  by(simp only: wprepare_invs, auto)

lemma wprepare_erase_Bk_nonempty_list[simp]: "lm  []; wprepare_erase m lm (b, Bk # list)  list  []"
  apply(simp only: wprepare_invs, auto)

lemma wprepare_goto_start_pos_Bk_nonempty[simp]: "lm  [];  wprepare_goto_start_pos m lm (b, Bk # list)  list  []"
  by(cases lm;cases list;simp only: wprepare_invs, auto)

lemma wprepare_goto_start_pos_Bk_nonempty_fst[simp]: "lm  [];  wprepare_goto_start_pos m lm (b, Bk # list)  b  []"
  apply(simp only: wprepare_invs)

lemma wprepare_loop_goon_Bk_nonempty[simp]: "lm  []; wprepare_loop_goon m lm (b, Bk # list)  b  []"
  apply(simp only: wprepare_invs, auto)

lemma wprepare_loop_goon_wprepare_add_one2_cases[simp]: "lm  []; wprepare_loop_goon m lm (b, Bk # list)  
  (list = []  wprepare_add_one2 m lm (Bk # b, []))  
  (list  []  wprepare_add_one2 m lm (Bk # b, list))"
  unfolding wprepare_invs
  apply(cases list;auto split:nat.split if_splits)
  by (metis list.sel(3) tl_replicate)

lemma wprepare_add_one2_nonempty[simp]: "wprepare_add_one2 m lm (b, Bk # list)  b  []"
  apply(simp only: wprepare_invs, simp)

lemma wprepare_add_one2_cases[simp]: "wprepare_add_one2 m lm (b, Bk # list)  
      (list = []  wprepare_add_one2 m lm (b, [Oc]))  
      (list  []  wprepare_add_one2 m lm (b, Oc # list))"
  apply(simp only:  wprepare_invs, auto)

lemma wprepare_goto_first_end_cases_Oc[simp]: "wprepare_goto_first_end m lm (b, Oc # list)
        (b = []  wprepare_goto_first_end m lm ([Oc], list))  
           (b  []  wprepare_goto_first_end m lm (Oc # b, list))"
  apply(simp only:  wprepare_invs, auto)
   apply(rule_tac x = 1 in exI, auto) apply(rename_tac ml mr rn)
  apply(case_tac mr, simp_all add: )
  apply(case_tac ml, simp_all add: )
  apply(rule_tac x = "Suc ml" in exI, simp_all add: )
  apply(rule_tac x = "mr - 1" in exI, simp)

lemma wprepare_erase_nonempty[simp]: "wprepare_erase m lm (b, Oc # list)  b  []"
  apply(simp only: wprepare_invs, auto simp: )

lemma wprepare_erase_Bk[simp]: "wprepare_erase m lm (b, Oc # list)
   wprepare_erase m lm (b, Bk # list)"
  apply(simp  only:wprepare_invs, auto simp: )

lemma wprepare_goto_start_pos_Bk_move[simp]: "lm  []; wprepare_goto_start_pos m lm (b, Bk # list)
        wprepare_goto_start_pos m lm (Bk # b, list)"
  apply(simp only:wprepare_invs, auto)
          apply(case_tac [!] lm, simp, simp_all)

lemma wprepare_loop_start_b_nonempty[simp]: "wprepare_loop_start m lm (b, aa)  b  []"
  apply(simp only:wprepare_invs, auto)
lemma exists_exp_of_Bk[elim]: "Bk # list = Oc(mr) @ Bk(rn)   rn. list = Bk(rn)"
  apply(case_tac mr, simp_all)
  apply(case_tac rn, simp_all)

lemma wprepare_loop_start_in_middle_Bk_False[simp]: "wprepare_loop_start_in_middle m lm (b, [Bk]) = False"

declare wprepare_loop_start_in_middle.simps[simp del]

declare wprepare_loop_start_on_rightmost.simps[simp del] 
  wprepare_loop_goon_in_middle.simps[simp del]
  wprepare_loop_goon_on_rightmost.simps[simp del]

lemma wprepare_loop_goon_in_middle_Bk_False[simp]: "wprepare_loop_goon_in_middle m lm (Bk # b, []) = False"
  apply(simp add: wprepare_loop_goon_in_middle.simps, auto)

lemma wprepare_loop_goon_Bk[simp]: "lm  []; wprepare_loop_start m lm (b, [Bk]) 
  wprepare_loop_goon m lm (Bk # b, [])"
  unfolding wprepare_invs
  apply(auto simp add: wprepare_loop_goon_on_rightmost.simps 
  apply(rule_tac rev_eq)
  apply(simp add: tape_of_nl_rev)
  apply(simp add: exp_ind replicate_Suc[THEN sym] del: replicate_Suc)

lemma wprepare_loop_goon_in_middle_Bk_False2[simp]: "wprepare_loop_start_on_rightmost m lm (b, Bk # a # lista)
  wprepare_loop_goon_in_middle m lm (Bk # b, a # lista) = False"
  apply(auto simp: wprepare_loop_start_on_rightmost.simps

lemma wprepare_loop_goon_on_rightbmost_Bk_False[simp]: "lm  []; wprepare_loop_start_on_rightmost m lm (b, Bk # a # lista)
     wprepare_loop_goon_on_rightmost m lm (Bk # b, a # lista)"
  apply(simp only: wprepare_loop_start_on_rightmost.simps
      wprepare_loop_goon_on_rightmost.simps, auto simp: tape_of_nl_rev)
   apply(simp add: replicate_Suc[THEN sym] exp_ind tape_of_nl_rev del: replicate_Suc)
  by (meson Cons_replicate_eq)

lemma wprepare_loop_goon_in_middle_Bk_False3[simp]: 
  assumes "lm  []" "wprepare_loop_start_in_middle m lm (b, Bk # a # lista)"
  shows "wprepare_loop_goon_in_middle m lm (Bk # b, a # lista)" (is "?t1")
    and "wprepare_loop_goon_on_rightmost m lm (Bk # b, a # lista) = False" (is ?t2)
proof -
  from assms obtain rn mr lm1 where *:"rev b @ Oc  mr @ Bk # <lm1> = Oc # Oc  m @ Bk # Bk # <lm>"
    "b  []" "Bk # a # lista = Oc  mr @ Bk # <lm1::nat list> @ Bk  rn" "lm1  []"
    by(auto simp add: wprepare_loop_start_in_middle.simps)
  thus ?t1 apply(simp add: wprepare_loop_start_in_middle.simps
        wprepare_loop_goon_in_middle.simps, auto)
    apply(rule_tac x = rn in exI, simp)
    apply(case_tac mr, simp_all add: )
    apply(case_tac lm1, simp)
    apply(rule_tac x = "Suc (hd lm1)" in exI, simp)
    apply(rule_tac x = "tl lm1" in exI)
    apply(case_tac "tl lm1", simp_all add: tape_of_list_def  tape_of_nat_def)
  from * show ?t2 
    apply(simp add: wprepare_loop_start_in_middle.simps
        wprepare_loop_goon_on_rightmost.simps del:split_head_repeat, auto simp del:split_head_repeat)
     apply(case_tac mr)
      apply(case_tac  "lm1::nat list", simp_all, case_tac "tl lm1", simp_all)
      apply(auto simp add: tape_of_list_def )
      apply(case_tac [!] rna, simp_all add: )
     apply(case_tac mr, simp_all add: )
     apply(case_tac lm1, simp, case_tac list, simp)
     apply(simp_all add: tape_of_nat_def)
    by (metis Bk_not_tape_start tape_of_list_def tape_of_nat_list.elims)

lemma wprepare_loop_goon_Bk2[simp]: "lm  []; wprepare_loop_start m lm (b, Bk # a # lista)  
  wprepare_loop_goon m lm (Bk # b, a # lista)"
  apply(simp add: wprepare_loop_start.simps 
  apply(erule_tac disjE, simp, auto)

lemma start_2_goon:
  "lm  []; wprepare_loop_start m lm (b, Bk # list) 
   (list = []  wprepare_loop_goon m lm (Bk # b, [])) 
  (list  []  wprepare_loop_goon m lm (Bk # b, list))"
  apply(case_tac list, auto)

lemma add_one_2_add_one: "wprepare_add_one m lm (b, Oc # list)
   (hd b = Oc  (b = []  wprepare_add_one m lm ([], Bk # Oc # list)) 
                     (b  []  wprepare_add_one m lm (tl b, Oc # Oc # list))) 
  (hd b  Oc  (b = []  wprepare_add_one m lm ([], Bk # Oc # list)) 
                 (b  []  wprepare_add_one m lm (tl b, hd b # Oc # list)))"
  unfolding wprepare_add_one.simps by auto

lemma wprepare_loop_start_on_rightmost_Oc[simp]: "wprepare_loop_start_on_rightmost m lm (b, Oc # list)  
  wprepare_loop_start_on_rightmost m lm (Oc # b, list)"
  apply(simp add: wprepare_loop_start_on_rightmost.simps)
  by (metis Cons_replicate_eq cell.distinct(1) list.sel(3) self_append_conv2 tl_append2 tl_replicate)

lemma wprepare_loop_start_in_middle_Oc[simp]:
  assumes "wprepare_loop_start_in_middle m lm (b, Oc # list)"
  shows "wprepare_loop_start_in_middle m lm (Oc # b, list)"
proof -
  from assms obtain mr lm1 rn
    where "rev b @ Oc  mr @ Bk # <lm1::nat list> = Oc # Oc  m @ Bk # Bk # <lm>"
      "Oc # list = Oc  mr @ Bk # <lm1> @ Bk  rn" "lm1  []"
    by(auto simp add: wprepare_loop_start_in_middle.simps)
  thus ?thesis 
    apply(auto simp add: wprepare_loop_start_in_middle.simps)
    apply(rule_tac x = rn in exI, auto)
    apply(case_tac mr, simp, simp add: )
    apply(rule_tac x = "mr - 1" in exI, simp)
    apply(rule_tac x = lm1 in exI, simp)

lemma start_2_start: "wprepare_loop_start m lm (b, Oc # list)  
       wprepare_loop_start m lm (Oc # b, list)"
  apply(simp add: wprepare_loop_start.simps)
  apply(erule_tac disjE, simp_all )

lemma wprepare_loop_goon_Oc_nonempty[simp]: "wprepare_loop_goon m lm (b, Oc # list)  b  []"
  apply(simp add: wprepare_loop_goon.simps     

lemma wprepare_goto_start_pos_Oc_nonempty[simp]: "wprepare_goto_start_pos m lm (b, Oc # list)  b  []"
  apply(simp add: wprepare_goto_start_pos.simps)

lemma wprepare_loop_goon_on_rightmost_Oc_False[simp]: "wprepare_loop_goon_on_rightmost m lm (b, Oc # list) = False"
  apply(simp add: wprepare_loop_goon_on_rightmost.simps)

lemma wprepare_loop1: "rev b @ Oc(mr) =  Oc(Suc m) @ Bk # Bk # <lm>; 
         b  []; 0 < mr; Oc # list = Oc(mr) @ Bk(rn)
        wprepare_loop_start_on_rightmost m lm (Oc # b, list)"
  apply(simp add: wprepare_loop_start_on_rightmost.simps)
  apply(rule_tac x = rn in exI, simp)
  apply(case_tac mr, simp, simp)

lemma wprepare_loop2: "rev b @ Oc(mr) @ Bk # <a # lista> = Oc(Suc m) @ Bk # Bk # <lm>;
                b  []; Oc # list = Oc(mr) @ Bk # <(a::nat) # lista> @ Bk(rn)
         wprepare_loop_start_in_middle m lm (Oc # b, list)"
  apply(simp add: wprepare_loop_start_in_middle.simps)
  apply(rule_tac x = rn in exI, simp)
  apply(case_tac mr, simp_all add: ) apply(rename_tac nat)
  apply(rule_tac x = nat in exI, simp)
  apply(rule_tac x = "a#lista" in exI, simp)

lemma wprepare_loop_goon_in_middle_cases[simp]: "wprepare_loop_goon_in_middle m lm (b, Oc # list) 
                wprepare_loop_start_on_rightmost m lm (Oc # b, list) 
                wprepare_loop_start_in_middle m lm (Oc # b, list)"
  apply(simp add: wprepare_loop_goon_in_middle.simps split: if_splits) apply(rename_tac lm1)
  apply(case_tac lm1, simp_all add: wprepare_loop1 wprepare_loop2)

lemma wprepare_add_one_b[simp]: "wprepare_add_one m lm (b, Oc # list)
        b = []  wprepare_add_one m lm ([], Bk # Oc # list)"
  "wprepare_loop_goon m lm (b, Oc # list)
    wprepare_loop_start m lm (Oc # b, list)"
   apply(auto simp add: wprepare_add_one.simps wprepare_loop_goon.simps

lemma wprepare_loop_start_on_rightmost_Oc2[simp]: "wprepare_goto_start_pos m [a] (b, Oc # list)
               wprepare_loop_start_on_rightmost m [a] (Oc # b, list) "
  apply(auto simp: wprepare_goto_start_pos.simps 
      wprepare_loop_start_on_rightmost.simps) apply(rename_tac rn)
  apply(rule_tac x = rn in exI, simp)
  apply(simp add: replicate_Suc[THEN sym] exp_ind del: replicate_Suc)

lemma wprepare_loop_start_in_middle_2_Oc[simp]:  "wprepare_goto_start_pos m (a # aa # listaa) (b, Oc # list)
       wprepare_loop_start_in_middle m (a # aa # listaa) (Oc # b, list)"
  apply(auto simp: wprepare_goto_start_pos.simps
      wprepare_loop_start_in_middle.simps) apply(rename_tac rn)
  apply(rule_tac x = rn in exI, simp)
  apply(simp add: exp_ind[THEN sym])
  apply(rule_tac x = a in exI, rule_tac x = "aa#listaa" in exI, simp)
  apply(simp add: tape_of_nl_cons)

lemma wprepare_loop_start_Oc2[simp]: "lm  []; wprepare_goto_start_pos m lm (b, Oc # list)
        wprepare_loop_start m lm (Oc # b, list)"
  by(cases lm;cases "tl lm", auto simp add: wprepare_loop_start.simps)

lemma wprepare_add_one2_Oc_nonempty[simp]: "wprepare_add_one2 m lm (b, Oc # list)  b  []"
  apply(auto simp: wprepare_add_one2.simps)

lemma add_one_2_stop:
  "wprepare_add_one2 m lm (b, Oc # list)      
    wprepare_stop m lm (tl b, hd b # Oc # list)"
  apply(simp add: wprepare_add_one2.simps)

declare wprepare_stop.simps[simp del]

lemma wprepare_correctness:
  assumes h: "lm  []"
  shows "let P = (λ (st, l, r). st = 0) in 
  let Q = (λ (st, l, r). wprepare_inv st m lm (l, r)) in 
  let f = (λ stp. steps0 (Suc 0, [], (<m # lm>)) wcode_prepare_tm stp) in
     n .P (f n)  Q (f n)"
proof -
  let ?P = "(λ (st, l, r). st = 0)"
  let ?Q = "(λ (st, l, r). wprepare_inv st m lm (l, r))"
  let ?f = "(λ stp. steps0 (Suc 0, [], (<m # lm>)) wcode_prepare_tm stp)"
  have " n. ?P (?f n)  ?Q (?f n)"
  proof(rule_tac halt_lemma2)
    show " n. ¬ ?P (?f n)  ?Q (?f n)  
                 ?Q (?f (Suc n))  (?f (Suc n), ?f n)  wcode_prepare_le"
      using h
      apply(rule_tac allI, rule_tac impI) apply(rename_tac n)
      apply(case_tac "?f n", simp add: step.simps) apply(rename_tac c)
      apply(case_tac c, simp, case_tac [2] aa)
        apply(simp_all add: wprepare_inv.simps wcode_prepare_le_def lex_triple_def lex_pair_def
          split: if_splits) (* slow *)
         apply(simp_all add: start_2_goon  start_2_start
          add_one_2_add_one add_one_2_stop)
      apply(auto simp: wprepare_add_one2.simps)
  qed (auto simp add: steps.simps wprepare_inv.simps wprepare_invs)
  thus "?thesis"

lemma composable_tm_wcode_prepare_tm[intro]: "composable_tm (wcode_prepare_tm, 0)"
  apply(simp add:composable_tm.simps wcode_prepare_tm_def)

lemma is_28_even[intro]: "(28 + (length twice_compile_tm + length fourtimes_compile_tm)) mod 2 = 0"
  by(auto simp: twice_compile_tm_def fourtimes_compile_tm_def)

lemma b_le_28[elim]: "(a, b)  set wcode_main_first_part_tm 
  b  (28 + (length twice_compile_tm + length fourtimes_compile_tm)) div 2"
  apply(auto simp: wcode_main_first_part_tm_def twice_tm_def)

lemma composable_tm_change_termi:
  assumes "composable_tm (tp, 0)"
  shows "list_all (λ(acn, st). (st  Suc (length tp div 2))) (adjust0 tp)"
proof -
  { fix acn st n
    assume "tp ! n = (acn, st)" "n < length tp" "0 < st"
    hence "(acn, st)set tp" by (metis nth_mem)
    with assms composable_tm.simps have "st  length tp div 2 + 0" by auto
    hence "st  Suc (length tp div 2)" by auto
  thus ?thesis
    by(auto simp: composable_tm.simps List.list_all_length adjust.simps split: if_splits prod.split)

lemma composable_tm_shift:
  assumes "list_all (λ(acn, st). (st  y)) tp"
  shows "list_all (λ(acn, st). (st  y + off)) (shift tp off)"
proof -
  have [dest!]:" P Q n. n. Q n  P n  Q n  P n" by metis
  from assms show ?thesis by(auto simp: composable_tm.simps List.list_all_length shift.simps)

declare length_tp'[simp del]

lemma length_mopup_1[simp]: "length (mopup_n_tm (Suc 0)) = 16"
  apply(auto simp: mopup_n_tm.simps)

lemma twice_plus_28_elim[elim]: "(a, b)  set (shift (adjust0 twice_compile_tm) 12)  
  b  (28 + (length twice_compile_tm + length fourtimes_compile_tm)) div 2"
  apply(simp add: twice_compile_tm_def fourtimes_compile_tm_def)
proof -
  assume g: "(a, b)
     set (shift
              (tm_of abc_twice @
               shift (mopup_n_tm (Suc 0)) (length (tm_of abc_twice) div 2))
              (Suc ((length (tm_of abc_twice) + 16) div 2)))
  moreover have "length (tm_of abc_twice) mod 2 = 0" by auto
  moreover have "length (tm_of abc_fourtimes) mod 2 = 0" by auto
  ultimately have "list_all (λ(acn, st). (st  (60 + (length (tm_of abc_twice) + length (tm_of abc_fourtimes))) div 2)) 
    (shift (adjust0 twice_compile_tm) 12)"
  proof(auto simp add: mod_ex1)
    assume "even (length (tm_of abc_twice))"
    then obtain q where q:"length (tm_of abc_twice) = 2 * q" by auto
    assume "even (length (tm_of abc_fourtimes))"
    then obtain qa where qa:"length (tm_of abc_fourtimes) = 2 * qa" by auto
    note h = q qa
    hence "list_all (λ(acn, st). st  (18 + (q + qa)) + 12) (shift (adjust0 twice_compile_tm) 12)"
    proof(rule_tac composable_tm_shift twice_compile_tm_def)
      have "list_all (λ(acn, st). st  Suc (length twice_compile_tm div 2)) (adjust0 twice_compile_tm)"
        by(rule_tac composable_tm_change_termi, auto)
      thus "list_all (λ(acn, st). st  18 + (q + qa)) (adjust0 twice_compile_tm)"
        using h
        apply(simp add: twice_compile_tm_def, auto simp: List.list_all_length)
    thus "list_all (λ(acn, st). st  30 + (length (tm_of abc_twice) div 2 + length (tm_of abc_fourtimes) div 2))
     (shift (adjust0 twice_compile_tm) 12)" using h
      by simp
  thus "b  (60 + (length (tm_of abc_twice) + length (tm_of abc_fourtimes))) div 2"
    using g
    apply(auto simp:twice_compile_tm_def)
    apply(simp add: Ball_set[THEN sym])
    apply(erule_tac x = "(a, b)" in ballE, simp, simp)

lemma length_plus_28_elim2[elim]: "(a, b)  set (shift (adjust0 fourtimes_compile_tm) (twice_tm_len + 13)) 
   b  (28 + (length twice_compile_tm + length fourtimes_compile_tm)) div 2"
  apply(simp add: twice_compile_tm_def fourtimes_compile_tm_def twice_tm_len_def)
proof -
  assume g: "(a, b)
     set (shift
             (adjust (tm_of abc_fourtimes @ shift (mopup_n_tm (Suc 0)) (length (tm_of abc_fourtimes) div 2))
               (Suc ((length (tm_of abc_fourtimes) + 16) div 2)))
             (length twice_tm div 2 + 13))"
  moreover have "length (tm_of abc_twice) mod 2 = 0" by auto
  moreover have "length (tm_of abc_fourtimes) mod 2 = 0" by auto
  ultimately have "list_all (λ(acn, st). (st  (60 + (length (tm_of abc_twice) + length (tm_of abc_fourtimes))) div 2)) 
    (shift (adjust0 (tm_of abc_fourtimes @ shift (mopup_n_tm (Suc 0))
    (length (tm_of abc_fourtimes) div 2))) (length twice_tm div 2 + 13))"
  proof(auto simp: mod_ex1 twice_tm_def twice_compile_tm_def)
    assume "even (length (tm_of abc_twice))"
    then obtain q where q:"length (tm_of abc_twice) = 2 * q" by auto
    assume "even (length (tm_of abc_fourtimes))"
    then obtain qa where qa:"length (tm_of abc_fourtimes) = 2 * qa" by auto
    note h = q qa
    hence "list_all (λ(acn, st). st  (9 + qa + (21 + q)))
      (shift (adjust0 (tm_of abc_fourtimes @ shift (mopup_n_tm (Suc 0)) qa)) (21 + q))"
    proof(rule_tac composable_tm_shift twice_compile_tm_def)
      have "list_all (λ(acn, st). st  Suc (length (tm_of abc_fourtimes @ shift 
        (mopup_n_tm (Suc 0)) qa) div 2)) (adjust0 (tm_of abc_fourtimes @ shift (mopup_n_tm (Suc 0)) qa))"
        apply(rule_tac composable_tm_change_termi)
        using composable_fourtimes_tm h
        apply(simp add: fourtimes_compile_tm_def)
      thus "list_all (λ(acn, st). st  9 + qa)
        (adjust (tm_of abc_fourtimes @ shift (mopup_n_tm (Suc 0)) qa)
          (Suc (length (tm_of abc_fourtimes @ shift (mopup_n_tm (Suc 0)) qa) div
        using h
    thus "list_all
     (λ(acn, st). st  30 + (length (tm_of abc_twice) div 2 + length (tm_of abc_fourtimes) div 2))
       (adjust (tm_of abc_fourtimes @ shift (mopup_n_tm (Suc 0)) (length (tm_of abc_fourtimes) div 2))
         (9 + length (tm_of abc_fourtimes) div 2))
       (21 + length (tm_of abc_twice) div 2))"
      apply(subgoal_tac "qa + q = q + qa")
       apply(simp add: h)
  thus "b  (60 + (length (tm_of abc_twice) + length (tm_of abc_fourtimes))) div 2"
    using g
    apply(simp add: Ball_set[THEN sym])
    apply(erule_tac x = "(a, b)" in ballE, simp, simp)

lemma composable_tm_wcode_main_tm[intro]: "composable_tm (wcode_main_tm, 0)"
  by(auto simp: wcode_main_tm_def composable_tm.simps
      twice_tm_def fourtimes_tm_def )

lemma prepare_mainpart_lemma:
  "args  []  
   stp ln rn. steps0 (Suc 0, [], <m # args>) (wcode_prepare_tm |+| wcode_main_tm) stp
              = (0,  Bk # Oc(Suc m), Bk # Oc # Bk(ln) @ Bk # Bk # Oc(bl_bin (<args>)) @ Bk(rn))"
proof -
  let ?P1 = "(λ (l, r). (l::cell list) = []  r = <m # args>)"
  let ?Q1 = "(λ (l, r). wprepare_stop m args (l, r))"
  let ?P2 = ?Q1
  let ?Q2 = "(λ (l, r). ( ln rn. l = Bk # Oc(Suc m) 
                           r =  Bk # Oc # Bk(ln) @ Bk # Bk # Oc(bl_bin (<args>)) @ Bk(rn)))"
  let ?P3 = "λ tp. False"
  assume h: "args  []"
  have " ?P1 wcode_prepare_tm |+| wcode_main_tm ?Q2"
  proof(rule_tac Hoare_plus_halt)
    show " ?P1  wcode_prepare_tm ?Q1 "
    proof(rule_tac Hoare_haltI, auto)
      show "n. is_final (steps0 (Suc 0, [], <m # args>) wcode_prepare_tm n) 
        wprepare_stop m args holds_for steps0 (Suc 0, [], <m # args>) wcode_prepare_tm n"
        using wprepare_correctness[of args m,OF h]
        apply(auto simp add: wprepare_inv.simps)
        by (metis holds_for.simps is_finalI)
    show " ?P2  wcode_main_tm ?Q2"
    proof(rule_tac Hoare_haltI, auto)
      fix l r
      assume "wprepare_stop m args (l, r)"
      thus "n. is_final (steps0 (Suc 0, l, r) wcode_main_tm n) 
              (λ(l, r). l = Bk # Oc # Oc  m  (ln rn. r = Bk # Oc # Bk  ln @ 
        Bk # Bk # Oc  bl_bin (<args>) @ Bk  rn)) holds_for steps0 (Suc 0, l, r) wcode_main_tm n"
      proof(auto simp: wprepare_stop.simps)
        fix rn
        show " n. is_final (steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # <rev args> @ Bk # Bk # Oc # Oc  m, Bk # Oc # Bk  rn) wcode_main_tm n) 
          (λ(l, r). l = Bk # Oc # Oc  m 
          (ln rn. r = Bk # Oc # Bk  ln @
          Bk # Bk # Oc  bl_bin (<args>) @
          Bk  rn)) holds_for steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # <rev args> @ Bk # Bk # Oc # Oc  m, Bk # Oc # Bk  rn) wcode_main_tm n"
          using wcode_main_tm_lemma_pre[of "args" "<args>" 0 "Oc(Suc m)" 0 rn,OF h refl]
          apply(auto simp: tape_of_nl_rev)
          apply(rename_tac stp ln rna)
          apply(rule_tac x = stp in exI, auto)
    show "composable_tm0 wcode_prepare_tm"
      by auto
  then obtain n 
    where " tp. (case tp of (l, r)  l = []  r = <m # args>) 
       (is_final (steps0 (1, tp) (wcode_prepare_tm |+| wcode_main_tm) n) 
            (λ(l, r).
                ln rn.
                   l = Bk # Oc  Suc m 
                   r = Bk # Oc # Bk  ln @ Bk # Bk # Oc  bl_bin (<args>) @ Bk  rn) holds_for steps0 (1, tp) (wcode_prepare_tm |+| wcode_main_tm) n)"
    unfolding Hoare_halt_def by auto
  thus "?thesis"
    apply(rule_tac x = n in exI)
    apply(case_tac "(steps0 (Suc 0, [], <m # args>)
      (adjust0 wcode_prepare_tm @ shift wcode_main_tm (length wcode_prepare_tm div 2)) n)")
    apply(auto simp: seq_tm.simps)

definition tinres :: "cell list  cell list  bool"
    "tinres xs ys = (n. xs = ys @ Bk  n  ys = xs @ Bk  n)"

lemma tinres_fetch_congr[simp]:  "tinres r r'  
  fetch t ss (read r) = 
  fetch t ss (read r')"
  apply(simp add: fetch.simps, auto split: if_splits simp: tinres_def)
  using hd_replicate apply fastforce
  using hd_replicate apply fastforce

lemma nonempty_hd_tinres[simp]: "tinres r r'; r  []; r'  []  hd r = hd r'"
  apply(auto simp: tinres_def)

lemma tinres_nonempty[simp]:
  "tinres r []; r  []  hd r = Bk"
  "tinres [] r'; r'  []  hd r' = Bk"
  "tinres r [];  r  []  tinres (tl r) []"
  "tinres r r'  tinres (b # r) (b # r')"
  by(auto simp: tinres_def)

lemma ex_move_tl[intro]: "na. tl r = tl (r @ Bk(n)) @ Bk(na)  tl (r @ Bk(n)) = tl r @ Bk(na)"
  apply(case_tac r, simp)
  by(case_tac n, auto)

lemma tinres_tails[simp]: "tinres r r'  tinres (tl r) (tl r')"
  apply(auto simp: tinres_def)
  by(case_tac r', auto)

lemma tinres_empty[simp]: 
  "tinres [] r'  tinres [] (tl r')"
  "tinres r []  tinres (Bk # tl r) [Bk]"
  "tinres r []  tinres (Oc # tl r) [Oc]"
  by(auto simp: tinres_def)

lemma tinres_step2:
  assumes "tinres r r'" "step0 (ss, l, r) t = (sa, la, ra)" "step0 (ss, l, r') t = (sb, lb, rb)"
  shows "la = lb  tinres ra rb  sa = sb"
proof (cases "fetch t ss (read r')")
  case (Pair a b)
  have sa:"sa = sb" using assms Pair by(force simp: step.simps)
  have "la = lb  tinres ra rb" using assms Pair
    by(cases a, auto simp: step.simps split: if_splits)
  thus ?thesis using sa by auto

lemma tinres_steps2: 
  "tinres r r'; steps0 (ss, l, r) t stp = (sa, la, ra); steps0 (ss, l, r') t stp = (sb, lb, rb)
     la = lb  tinres ra rb  sa = sb"
proof(induct stp arbitrary: sa la ra sb lb rb)
  case (Suc stp sa la ra sb lb rb)
  then show ?case 
    apply(case_tac "(steps0 (ss, l, r) t stp)")
    apply(case_tac "(steps0 (ss, l, r') t stp)")
  proof -
    fix stp a b c aa ba ca
    assume ind: "sa la ra sb lb rb. steps0 (ss, l, r) t stp = (sa, la, ra); 
    steps0 (ss, l, r') t stp = (sb, lb, rb)  la = lb  tinres ra rb  sa = sb"
      and h: " tinres r r'" "step0 (steps0 (ss, l, r) t stp) t = (sa, la, ra)"
      "step0 (steps0 (ss, l, r') t stp) t = (sb, lb, rb)" "steps0 (ss, l, r) t stp = (a, b, c)" 
      "steps0 (ss, l, r') t stp = (aa, ba, ca)"
    have "b = ba  tinres c ca  a = aa"
      apply(rule_tac ind, simp_all add: h)
    thus "la = lb  tinres ra rb  sa = sb"
      apply(rule_tac l = b  and r = c  and ss = a and r' = ca   
          and t = t in tinres_step2)
      using h
        apply(simp, simp, simp)
qed (simp add: steps.simps)

definition wcode_adjust_tm :: "instr list"
    "wcode_adjust_tm = [(WO, 1), (R, 2), (Nop, 2), (R, 3), (R, 3), (R, 4), 
                   (L, 8), (L, 5), (L, 6), (WB, 5), (L, 6), (R, 7), 
                   (WO, 2), (Nop, 7), (L, 9), (WB, 8), (L, 9), (L, 10), 
                    (L, 11), (L, 10), (R, 0), (L, 11)]"

lemma fetch_wcode_adjust_tm[simp]:
  "fetch wcode_adjust_tm (Suc 0) Bk = (WO, 1)"
  "fetch wcode_adjust_tm (Suc 0) Oc = (R, 2)"
  "fetch wcode_adjust_tm (Suc (Suc 0)) Oc = (R, 3)"
  "fetch wcode_adjust_tm (Suc (Suc (Suc 0))) Oc = (R, 4)"
  "fetch wcode_adjust_tm  (Suc (Suc (Suc 0))) Bk = (R, 3)"
  "fetch wcode_adjust_tm 4 Bk = (L, 8)"
  "fetch wcode_adjust_tm 4 Oc = (L, 5)"
  "fetch wcode_adjust_tm 5 Oc = (WB, 5)"
  "fetch wcode_adjust_tm 5 Bk = (L, 6)"
  "fetch wcode_adjust_tm 6 Oc = (R, 7)"
  "fetch wcode_adjust_tm 6 Bk = (L, 6)"
  "fetch wcode_adjust_tm 7 Bk = (WO, 2)"
  "fetch wcode_adjust_tm 8 Bk = (L, 9)"
  "fetch wcode_adjust_tm 8 Oc = (WB, 8)"
  "fetch wcode_adjust_tm 9 Oc = (L, 10)"
  "fetch wcode_adjust_tm 9 Bk = (L, 9)"
  "fetch wcode_adjust_tm 10 Bk = (L, 11)"
  "fetch wcode_adjust_tm 10 Oc = (L, 10)"
  "fetch wcode_adjust_tm 11 Oc = (L, 11)"
  "fetch wcode_adjust_tm 11 Bk = (R, 0)"
  by(auto simp: fetch.simps wcode_adjust_tm_def nth_of.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)

fun wadjust_start :: "nat  nat  tape  bool"
    "wadjust_start m rs (l, r) = 
         ( ln rn. l = Bk # Oc(Suc m) 
                   tl r = Oc # Bk(ln) @ Bk # Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(rn))"

fun wadjust_loop_start :: "nat  nat  tape  bool"
    "wadjust_loop_start m rs (l, r) = 
          ( ln rn ml mr. l = Oc(ml) @ Bk # Oc(Suc m)  
                          r = Oc # Bk(ln) @ Bk # Oc(mr) @ Bk(rn) 
                          ml + mr = Suc (Suc rs)  mr > 0)"

fun wadjust_loop_right_move :: "nat  nat  tape  bool"
    "wadjust_loop_right_move m rs (l, r) = 
   ( ml mr nl nr rn. l = Bk(nl) @ Oc # Oc(ml) @ Bk # Oc(Suc m) 
                      r = Bk(nr) @ Oc(mr) @ Bk(rn) 
                      ml + mr = Suc (Suc rs)  mr > 0 
                      nl + nr > 0)"

fun wadjust_loop_check :: "nat  nat  tape  bool"
    "wadjust_loop_check m rs (l, r) = 
  ( ml mr ln rn. l = Oc # Bk(ln) @ Bk # Oc # Oc(ml) @ Bk # Oc(Suc m) 
                  r = Oc(mr) @ Bk(rn)  ml + mr = (Suc rs))"

fun wadjust_loop_erase :: "nat  nat  tape  bool"
    "wadjust_loop_erase m rs (l, r) = 
    ( ml mr ln rn. l = Bk(ln) @ Bk # Oc # Oc(ml) @ Bk # Oc(Suc m) 
                    tl r = Oc(mr) @ Bk(rn)  ml + mr = (Suc rs)  mr > 0)"

fun wadjust_loop_on_left_moving_O :: "nat  nat  tape  bool"
    "wadjust_loop_on_left_moving_O m rs (l, r) = 
      ( ml mr ln rn. l = Oc(ml) @ Bk # Oc(Suc m )
                      r = Oc # Bk(ln) @ Bk # Bk # Oc(mr) @ Bk(rn) 
                      ml + mr = Suc rs  mr > 0)"

fun wadjust_loop_on_left_moving_B :: "nat  nat  tape  bool"
    "wadjust_loop_on_left_moving_B m rs (l, r) = 
      ( ml mr nl nr rn. l = Bk(nl) @ Oc # Oc(ml) @ Bk # Oc(Suc m) 
                         r = Bk(nr) @ Bk # Bk # Oc(mr) @ Bk(rn)  
                         ml + mr = Suc rs  mr > 0)"

fun wadjust_loop_on_left_moving :: "nat  nat  tape  bool"
    "wadjust_loop_on_left_moving m rs (l, r) = 
       (wadjust_loop_on_left_moving_O m rs (l, r) 
       wadjust_loop_on_left_moving_B m rs (l, r))"

fun wadjust_loop_right_move2 :: "nat  nat  tape  bool"
    "wadjust_loop_right_move2 m rs (l, r) = 
        ( ml mr ln rn. l = Oc # Oc(ml) @ Bk # Oc(Suc m) 
                        r = Bk(ln) @ Bk # Bk # Oc(mr) @ Bk(rn) 
                        ml + mr = Suc rs  mr > 0)"

fun wadjust_erase2 :: "nat  nat  tape  bool"
    "wadjust_erase2 m rs (l, r) = 
     ( ln rn. l = Bk(ln) @ Bk # Oc # Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk # Oc(Suc m) 
                     tl r = Bk(rn))"

fun wadjust_on_left_moving_O :: "nat  nat  tape  bool"
    "wadjust_on_left_moving_O m rs (l, r) = 
        ( rn. l = Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk # Oc(Suc m) 
                  r = Oc # Bk(rn))"

fun wadjust_on_left_moving_B :: "nat  nat  tape  bool"
    "wadjust_on_left_moving_B m rs (l, r) = 
         ( ln rn. l = Bk(ln) @ Oc # Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk # Oc(Suc m) 
                   r = Bk(rn))"

fun wadjust_on_left_moving :: "nat  nat  tape  bool"
    "wadjust_on_left_moving m rs (l, r) = 
      (wadjust_on_left_moving_O m rs (l, r) 
       wadjust_on_left_moving_B m rs (l, r))"

fun wadjust_goon_left_moving_B :: "nat  nat  tape  bool"
    "wadjust_goon_left_moving_B m rs (l, r) = 
        ( rn. l = Oc(Suc m)  
               r = Bk # Oc(Suc (Suc rs)) @ Bk(rn))"

fun wadjust_goon_left_moving_O :: "nat  nat  tape  bool"
    "wadjust_goon_left_moving_O m rs (l, r) = 
      ( ml mr rn. l = Oc(ml) @ Bk # Oc(Suc m) 
                      r = Oc(mr) @ Bk(rn)  
                      ml + mr = Suc (Suc rs)  mr > 0)"

fun wadjust_goon_left_moving :: "nat  nat  tape  bool"
    "wadjust_goon_left_moving m rs (l, r) = 
            (wadjust_goon_left_moving_B m rs (l, r) 
             wadjust_goon_left_moving_O m rs (l, r))"

fun wadjust_backto_standard_pos_B :: "nat  nat  tape  bool"
    "wadjust_backto_standard_pos_B m rs (l, r) =
        ( rn. l = []  
               r = Bk # Oc(Suc m )@ Bk # Oc(Suc (Suc rs)) @ Bk(rn))"

fun wadjust_backto_standard_pos_O :: "nat  nat  tape  bool"
    "wadjust_backto_standard_pos_O m rs (l, r) = 
      ( ml mr rn. l = Oc(ml) 
                      r = Oc(mr) @ Bk # Oc(Suc (Suc rs)) @ Bk(rn)  
                      ml + mr = Suc m  mr > 0)"

fun wadjust_backto_standard_pos :: "nat  nat  tape  bool"
    "wadjust_backto_standard_pos m rs (l, r) = 
        (wadjust_backto_standard_pos_B m rs (l, r)  
        wadjust_backto_standard_pos_O m rs (l, r))"

fun wadjust_stop :: "nat  nat  tape  bool"
    "wadjust_stop m rs (l, r) =
        ( rn. l = [Bk]  
               r = Oc(Suc m )@ Bk # Oc(Suc (Suc rs)) @ Bk(rn))"

declare wadjust_start.simps[simp del]  wadjust_loop_start.simps[simp del]
  wadjust_loop_right_move.simps[simp del]  wadjust_loop_check.simps[simp del]
  wadjust_loop_erase.simps[simp del] wadjust_loop_on_left_moving.simps[simp del]
  wadjust_loop_right_move2.simps[simp del] wadjust_erase2.simps[simp del]
  wadjust_on_left_moving_O.simps[simp del] wadjust_on_left_moving_B.simps[simp del]
  wadjust_on_left_moving.simps[simp del] wadjust_goon_left_moving_B.simps[simp del]
  wadjust_goon_left_moving_O.simps[simp del] wadjust_goon_left_moving.simps[simp del]
  wadjust_backto_standard_pos.simps[simp del] wadjust_backto_standard_pos_B.simps[simp del]
  wadjust_backto_standard_pos_O.simps[simp del] wadjust_stop.simps[simp del]

fun wadjust_inv :: "nat  nat  nat  tape  bool"
    "wadjust_inv st m rs (l, r) = 
       (if st = Suc 0 then wadjust_start m rs (l, r) 
        else if st = Suc (Suc 0) then wadjust_loop_start m rs (l, r)
        else if st = Suc (Suc (Suc 0)) then wadjust_loop_right_move m rs (l, r)
        else if st = 4 then wadjust_loop_check m rs (l, r)
        else if st = 5 then wadjust_loop_erase m rs (l, r)
        else if st = 6 then wadjust_loop_on_left_moving m rs (l, r)
        else if st = 7 then wadjust_loop_right_move2 m rs (l, r)
        else if st = 8 then wadjust_erase2 m rs (l, r)
        else if st = 9 then wadjust_on_left_moving m rs (l, r)
        else if st = 10 then wadjust_goon_left_moving m rs (l, r)
        else if st = 11 then wadjust_backto_standard_pos m rs (l, r)
        else if st = 0 then wadjust_stop m rs (l, r)
        else False

declare wadjust_inv.simps[simp del]

fun wadjust_phase :: "nat  config  nat"
    "wadjust_phase rs (st, l, r) = 
         (if st = 1 then 3 
          else if st  2  st  7 then 2
          else if st  8  st  11 then 1
          else 0)"

fun wadjust_stage :: "nat  config  nat"
    "wadjust_stage rs (st, l, r) = 
           (if st  2  st  7 then 
                  rs - length (takeWhile (λ a. a = Oc) 
                          (tl (dropWhile (λ a. a = Oc) (rev l @ r))))
            else 0)"

fun wadjust_state :: "nat  config  nat"
    "wadjust_state rs (st, l, r) = 
       (if st  2  st  7 then 8 - st
        else if st  8  st  11 then 12 - st
        else 0)"

fun wadjust_step :: "nat  config  nat"
    "wadjust_step rs (st, l, r) = 
       (if st = 1 then (if hd r = Bk then 1
                        else 0) 
        else if st = 3 then length r
        else if st = 5 then (if hd r = Oc then 1
                             else 0)
        else if st = 6 then length l
        else if st = 8 then (if hd r = Oc then 1
                             else 0)
        else if st = 9 then length l
        else if st = 10 then length l
        else if st = 11 then (if hd r = Bk then 0
                              else Suc (length l))
        else 0)"

fun wadjust_measure :: "(nat × config)  nat × nat × nat × nat"
    "wadjust_measure (rs, (st, l, r)) = 
     (wadjust_phase rs (st, l, r), 
      wadjust_stage rs (st, l, r),
      wadjust_state rs (st, l, r), 
      wadjust_step rs (st, l, r))"

definition wadjust_le :: "((nat × config) × nat × config) set"
  where "wadjust_le  (inv_image lex_square wadjust_measure)"

lemma wf_lex_square[intro]: "wf lex_square"
  by(auto simp: Abacus.lex_pair_def lex_square_def 

lemma wf_wadjust_le[intro]: "wf wadjust_le"
  by(auto  simp: wadjust_le_def
      Abacus.lex_triple_def Abacus.lex_pair_def)

lemma wadjust_start_snd_nonempty[simp]: "wadjust_start m rs (c, []) = False"
  apply(auto simp: wadjust_start.simps)

lemma wadjust_loop_right_move_fst_nonempty[simp]: "wadjust_loop_right_move m rs (c, [])  c  []"
  apply(auto simp: wadjust_loop_right_move.simps)

lemma wadjust_loop_check_fst_nonempty[simp]: "wadjust_loop_check m rs (c, [])  c  []"
  apply(simp only: wadjust_loop_check.simps, auto)

lemma wadjust_loop_start_snd_nonempty[simp]: "wadjust_loop_start m rs (c, []) = False"
  apply(simp add: wadjust_loop_start.simps)

lemma wadjust_erase2_singleton[simp]: "wadjust_loop_check m rs (c, [])  wadjust_erase2 m rs (tl c, [hd c])"
  apply(simp only: wadjust_loop_check.simps wadjust_erase2.simps, auto)

lemma wadjust_loop_on_left_moving_snd_nonempty[simp]:
  "wadjust_loop_on_left_moving m rs (c, []) = False"
  "wadjust_loop_right_move2 m rs (c, []) = False"
  "wadjust_erase2 m rs ([], []) = False"
  by(auto simp: wadjust_loop_on_left_moving.simps

lemma wadjust_on_left_moving_B_Bk1[simp]: "wadjust_on_left_moving_B m rs 
                 (Oc # Oc # Oc(rs) @ Bk # Oc # Oc(m), [Bk])"
  apply(simp add: wadjust_on_left_moving_B.simps, auto)

lemma wadjust_on_left_moving_B_Bk2[simp]: "wadjust_on_left_moving_B m rs 
                 (Bk(n) @ Bk # Oc # Oc # Oc(rs) @ Bk # Oc # Oc(m), [Bk])"
  apply(simp add: wadjust_on_left_moving_B.simps , auto)
  apply(rule_tac x = "Suc n" in exI, simp add: exp_ind del: replicate_Suc)

lemma wadjust_on_left_moving_singleton[simp]: "wadjust_erase2 m rs (c, []); c  [] 
            wadjust_on_left_moving m rs (tl c, [hd c])" unfolding wadjust_erase2.simps
  apply(auto simp add: wadjust_on_left_moving.simps)
   apply (metis (no_types, lifting) empty_replicate hd_append hd_replicate list.sel(1) list.sel(3)
      self_append_conv2 tl_append2 tl_replicate
      wadjust_on_left_moving_B_Bk1 wadjust_on_left_moving_B_Bk2)+

lemma wadjust_erase2_cases[simp]: "wadjust_erase2 m rs (c, [])
     (c = []  wadjust_on_left_moving m rs ([], [Bk]))  
       (c  []  wadjust_on_left_moving m rs (tl c, [hd c]))"

lemma wadjust_on_left_moving_nonempty[simp]:
  "wadjust_on_left_moving m rs ([], []) = False"
  "wadjust_on_left_moving_O m rs (c, []) = False"
   apply(auto simp: wadjust_on_left_moving.simps 
      wadjust_on_left_moving_O.simps wadjust_on_left_moving_B.simps)

lemma wadjust_on_left_moving_B_singleton_Bk[simp]:
  " wadjust_on_left_moving_B m rs (c, []); c  []; hd c = Bk 
                                      wadjust_on_left_moving_B m rs (tl c, [Bk])"
  apply(auto simp add: wadjust_on_left_moving_B.simps hd_append)
  by (metis cell.distinct(1) empty_replicate list.sel(1) tl_append2 tl_replicate)

lemma wadjust_on_left_moving_B_singleton_Oc[simp]:
  "wadjust_on_left_moving_B m rs (c, []); c  []; hd c = Oc 
                                  wadjust_on_left_moving_O m rs (tl c, [Oc])"
  apply(auto simp add: wadjust_on_left_moving_B.simps wadjust_on_left_moving_O.simps hd_append)
   apply (metis cell.distinct(1) empty_replicate hd_replicate list.sel(3) self_append_conv2)+

lemma wadjust_on_left_moving_singleton2[simp]:
  "wadjust_on_left_moving m rs (c, []); c  []  
  wadjust_on_left_moving m rs (tl c, [hd c])"
  apply(simp add: wadjust_on_left_moving.simps)
  apply(case_tac "hd c", simp_all)

lemma wadjust_nonempty[simp]: "wadjust_goon_left_moving m rs (c, []) = False"
  "wadjust_backto_standard_pos m rs (c, []) = False"
  by(auto simp: wadjust_goon_left_moving.simps wadjust_goon_left_moving_B.simps
      wadjust_goon_left_moving_O.simps wadjust_backto_standard_pos.simps
      wadjust_backto_standard_pos_B.simps wadjust_backto_standard_pos_O.simps)

lemma wadjust_loop_start_no_Bk[simp]: "wadjust_loop_start m rs (c, Bk # list) = False"
  apply(auto simp: wadjust_loop_start.simps)

lemma wadjust_loop_check_nonempty[simp]: "wadjust_loop_check m rs (c, b)  c  []"
  apply(simp only: wadjust_loop_check.simps, auto)

lemma wadjust_erase2_via_loop_check_Bk[simp]: "wadjust_loop_check m rs (c, Bk # list)
                wadjust_erase2 m rs (tl c, hd c # Bk # list)"
  by (auto simp: wadjust_loop_check.simps wadjust_erase2.simps)

declare wadjust_loop_on_left_moving_O.simps[simp del]
  wadjust_loop_on_left_moving_B.simps[simp del]

lemma wadjust_loop_on_left_moving_B_via_erase[simp]: "wadjust_loop_erase m rs (c, Bk # list); hd c = Bk
     wadjust_loop_on_left_moving_B m rs (tl c, Bk # Bk # list)"
  unfolding wadjust_loop_erase.simps wadjust_loop_on_left_moving_B.simps
  apply(erule_tac exE)+
  apply(rename_tac ml mr ln rn)
  apply(rule_tac x = ml in exI, rule_tac x = mr in exI, 
      rule_tac x = ln in exI, rule_tac x = 0 in exI)
  apply(case_tac ln, auto)
  apply(simp add: exp_ind [THEN sym])

lemma wadjust_loop_on_left_moving_O_Bk_via_erase[simp]:
  "wadjust_loop_erase m rs (c, Bk # list); c  []; hd c = Oc 
             wadjust_loop_on_left_moving_O m rs (tl c, Oc # Bk # list)"
  apply(auto simp: wadjust_loop_erase.simps wadjust_loop_on_left_moving_O.simps)
  by (metis cell.distinct(1) empty_replicate hd_append hd_replicate list.sel(1))

lemma wadjust_loop_on_left_moving_Bk_via_erase[simp]: "wadjust_loop_erase m rs (c, Bk # list); c  []  
                wadjust_loop_on_left_moving m rs (tl c, hd c # Bk # list)"
  apply(case_tac "hd c", simp_all add:wadjust_loop_on_left_moving.simps)

lemma wadjust_loop_on_left_moving_B_Bk_move[simp]:
  "wadjust_loop_on_left_moving_B m rs (c, Bk # list); hd c = Bk
      wadjust_loop_on_left_moving_B m rs (tl c, Bk # Bk # list)"
  apply(simp only: wadjust_loop_on_left_moving_B.simps)
  apply(erule_tac exE)+
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) cell.distinct(1) list.sel(1)
      replicate_Suc_iff_anywhere self_append_conv2 tl_append2 tl_replicate)

lemma wadjust_loop_on_left_moving_O_Oc_move[simp]:
  "wadjust_loop_on_left_moving_B m rs (c, Bk # list); hd c = Oc
     wadjust_loop_on_left_moving_O m rs (tl c, Oc # Bk # list)"
  apply(simp only: wadjust_loop_on_left_moving_O.simps 
  by (metis cell.distinct(1) empty_replicate hd_append hd_replicate list.sel(3) self_append_conv2)

lemma wadjust_loop_erase_nonempty[simp]: "wadjust_loop_erase m rs (c, b)  c  []"
  "wadjust_loop_on_left_moving m rs (c, b)  c  []"
  "wadjust_loop_right_move2 m rs (c, b)  c  []"
  "wadjust_erase2 m rs (c, Bk # list)  c  []"
  "wadjust_on_left_moving m rs (c,b)  c  []"
  "wadjust_on_left_moving_O m rs (c, Bk # list) = False"
  "wadjust_goon_left_moving m rs (c, b)  c  []"
  "wadjust_loop_on_left_moving_O m rs (c, Bk # list) = False"
  by(auto simp: wadjust_loop_erase.simps wadjust_loop_on_left_moving.simps 
      wadjust_loop_on_left_moving_O.simps wadjust_loop_on_left_moving_B.simps
      wadjust_loop_right_move2.simps wadjust_erase2.simps
      wadjust_on_left_moving_B.simps wadjust_goon_left_moving.simps

lemma wadjust_loop_on_left_moving_Bk_move[simp]:
  "wadjust_loop_on_left_moving m rs (c, Bk # list)
             wadjust_loop_on_left_moving m rs (tl c, hd c # Bk # list)"
  apply(simp add: wadjust_loop_on_left_moving.simps)
  apply(case_tac "hd c", simp_all)

lemma wadjust_loop_start_Oc_via_Bk_move[simp]: 
  "wadjust_loop_right_move2 m rs (c, Bk # list)   wadjust_loop_start m rs (c, Oc # list)"
  apply(auto simp: wadjust_loop_right_move2.simps wadjust_loop_start.simps replicate_app_Cons_same)
  by (metis add_Suc replicate_Suc)

lemma wadjust_on_left_moving_Bk_via_erase[simp]: "wadjust_erase2 m rs (c, Bk # list)  
                 wadjust_on_left_moving m rs (tl c, hd c # Bk # list)"
  apply(auto simp: wadjust_erase2.simps wadjust_on_left_moving.simps replicate_app_Cons_same
      wadjust_on_left_moving_O.simps wadjust_on_left_moving_B.simps)
   apply (metis exp_ind replicate_append_same)+

lemma wadjust_on_left_moving_B_Bk_drop_one: "wadjust_on_left_moving_B m rs (c, Bk # list); hd c = Bk
     wadjust_on_left_moving_B m rs (tl c, Bk # Bk # list)"
  apply(auto simp: wadjust_on_left_moving_B.simps)
  by (metis cell.distinct(1) hd_append list.sel(1) tl_append2 tl_replicate)

lemma wadjust_on_left_moving_B_Bk_drop_Oc: "wadjust_on_left_moving_B m rs (c, Bk # list); hd c = Oc
     wadjust_on_left_moving_O m rs (tl c, Oc # Bk # list)"
  apply(auto simp: wadjust_on_left_moving_O.simps wadjust_on_left_moving_B.simps)
  by (metis cell.distinct(1) empty_replicate hd_append hd_replicate list.sel(3) self_append_conv2)

lemma wadjust_on_left_moving_B_drop[simp]: "wadjust_on_left_moving  m rs (c, Bk # list)   
                  wadjust_on_left_moving m rs (tl c, hd c # Bk # list)"
  by(cases "hd c", auto simp:wadjust_on_left_moving.simps wadjust_on_left_moving_B_Bk_drop_one

lemma wadjust_goon_left_moving_O_no_Bk[simp]: "wadjust_goon_left_moving_O m rs (c, Bk # list) = False"
  by (auto simp add: wadjust_goon_left_moving_O.simps)

lemma wadjust_backto_standard_pos_via_left_Bk[simp]:
  "wadjust_goon_left_moving m rs (c, Bk # list) 
  wadjust_backto_standard_pos m rs (tl c, hd c # Bk # list)"
  by(case_tac "hd c", simp_all add: wadjust_backto_standard_pos.simps wadjust_goon_left_moving.simps
      wadjust_goon_left_moving_B.simps wadjust_backto_standard_pos_O.simps)

lemma wadjust_loop_right_move_Oc[simp]:
  "wadjust_loop_start m rs (c, Oc # list)  wadjust_loop_right_move m rs (Oc # c, list)"
  apply(auto simp add: wadjust_loop_start.simps wadjust_loop_right_move.simps
      simp del:split_head_repeat)
  apply(rename_tac ln rn ml mr)
  apply(rule_tac x = ml in exI, rule_tac x = mr in exI, 
      rule_tac x = 0 in exI, simp)
  apply(rule_tac x = "Suc ln" in exI, simp add: exp_ind del: replicate_Suc)

lemma wadjust_loop_check_Oc[simp]:
  assumes "wadjust_loop_right_move m rs (c, Oc # list)" 
  shows "wadjust_loop_check m rs (Oc # c, list)"
proof -
  from assms obtain ml mr nl nr rn
    where "c = Bk  nl @ Oc # Oc  ml @ Bk # Oc  m @ [Oc]"
      "Oc # list = Bk  nr @ Oc  mr @ Bk  rn"
      "ml + mr = Suc (Suc rs)" "0 < mr" "0 < nl + nr"
    unfolding wadjust_loop_right_move.simps exp_ind 
      wadjust_loop_check.simps by auto
  hence "ln. Oc # c = Oc # Bk  ln @ Bk # Oc # Oc  ml @ Bk # Oc  Suc m"
    "rn. list = Oc  (mr - 1) @ Bk  rn" "ml + (mr - 1) = Suc rs"
    by(cases nl;cases nr;cases mr;force simp add: wadjust_loop_right_move.simps exp_ind 
        wadjust_loop_check.simps replicate_append_same)+
  thus ?thesis unfolding wadjust_loop_check.simps by auto

lemma wadjust_loop_erase_move_Oc[simp]: "wadjust_loop_check m rs (c, Oc # list)  
               wadjust_loop_erase m rs (tl c, hd c # Oc # list)"
  apply(simp only: wadjust_loop_check.simps wadjust_loop_erase.simps)
  apply(erule_tac exE)+
  using Cons_replicate_eq by fastforce

lemma wadjust_loop_on_move_no_Oc[simp]:
  "wadjust_loop_on_left_moving_B m rs (c, Oc # list) = False"
  "wadjust_loop_right_move2 m rs (c, Oc # list) = False"
  "wadjust_loop_on_left_moving m rs (c, Oc # list)
            wadjust_loop_right_move2 m rs (Oc # c, list)"
  "wadjust_on_left_moving_B m rs (c, Oc # list) = False"
  "wadjust_loop_erase m rs (c, Oc # list)  
                wadjust_loop_erase m rs (c, Bk # list)"
  by(auto simp: wadjust_loop_on_left_moving_B.simps wadjust_loop_on_left_moving_O.simps
      wadjust_loop_right_move2.simps replicate_app_Cons_same wadjust_loop_on_left_moving.simps
      wadjust_on_left_moving_B.simps wadjust_loop_erase.simps)

lemma wadjust_goon_left_moving_B_Bk_Oc: "wadjust_on_left_moving_O m rs (c, Oc # list); hd c = Bk  
         wadjust_goon_left_moving_B m rs (tl c, Bk # Oc # list)"
  apply(auto simp: wadjust_on_left_moving_O.simps 
      wadjust_goon_left_moving_B.simps )

lemma wadjust_goon_left_moving_O_Oc_Oc: "wadjust_on_left_moving_O m rs (c, Oc # list); hd c = Oc
     wadjust_goon_left_moving_O m rs (tl c, Oc # Oc # list)"
  apply(auto simp: wadjust_on_left_moving_O.simps 
      wadjust_goon_left_moving_O.simps )
  apply(auto simp:  numeral_2_eq_2)

lemma wadjust_goon_left_moving_Oc[simp]: "wadjust_on_left_moving m rs (c, Oc # list)  
              wadjust_goon_left_moving m rs (tl c, hd c # Oc # list)"
  by(cases "hd c"; force simp: wadjust_on_left_moving.simps wadjust_goon_left_moving.simps
      wadjust_goon_left_moving_B_Bk_Oc wadjust_goon_left_moving_O_Oc_Oc)+

lemma left_moving_Bk_Oc[simp]: "wadjust_goon_left_moving_O m rs (c, Oc # list); hd c = Bk 
                wadjust_goon_left_moving_B m rs (tl c, Bk # Oc # list)"
  apply(auto simp: wadjust_goon_left_moving_O.simps wadjust_goon_left_moving_B.simps hd_append
      dest!: gr0_implies_Suc)
   apply (metis cell.distinct(1) empty_replicate hd_replicate list.sel(3) self_append_conv2)
  by (metis add_cancel_right_left cell.distinct(1) hd_replicate replicate_Suc_iff_anywhere)

lemma  left_moving_Oc_Oc[simp]: "wadjust_goon_left_moving_O m rs (c, Oc # list); hd c = Oc  
  wadjust_goon_left_moving_O m rs (tl c, Oc # Oc # list)"
  apply(auto simp: wadjust_goon_left_moving_O.simps wadjust_goon_left_moving_B.simps)
  apply(rename_tac mlx mrx rnx)
  apply(rule_tac x = "mlx - 1" in exI, simp)
  apply(case_tac mlx, simp_all add: )
  apply(rule_tac x = "Suc mrx" in exI, auto simp: )

lemma wadjust_goon_left_moving_B_no_Oc[simp]:
  "wadjust_goon_left_moving_B m rs (c, Oc # list) = False"
  apply(auto simp: wadjust_goon_left_moving_B.simps)

lemma wadjust_goon_left_moving_Oc_move[simp]: "wadjust_goon_left_moving m rs (c, Oc # list)  
  wadjust_goon_left_moving m rs (tl c, hd c # Oc # list)"
  by(cases "hd c",auto simp: wadjust_goon_left_moving.simps)

lemma wadjust_backto_standard_pos_B_no_Oc[simp]:
  "wadjust_backto_standard_pos_B m rs (c, Oc # list) = False"
  apply(simp add: wadjust_backto_standard_pos_B.simps)

lemma wadjust_backto_standard_pos_O_no_Bk[simp]:
  "wadjust_backto_standard_pos_O m rs (c, Bk # xs) = False"
  by(simp add: wadjust_backto_standard_pos_O.simps)

lemma wadjust_backto_standard_pos_B_Bk_Oc[simp]:
  "wadjust_backto_standard_pos_O m rs ([], Oc # list)  
  wadjust_backto_standard_pos_B m rs ([], Bk # Oc # list)"
  apply(auto simp: wadjust_backto_standard_pos_O.simps

lemma wadjust_backto_standard_pos_B_Bk_Oc_via_O[simp]: 
  "wadjust_backto_standard_pos_O m rs (c, Oc # list); c  []; hd c = Bk
   wadjust_backto_standard_pos_B m rs (tl c, Bk # Oc # list)"
  apply(simp add:wadjust_backto_standard_pos_O.simps 
      wadjust_backto_standard_pos_B.simps, auto)

lemma wadjust_backto_standard_pos_B_Oc_Oc_via_O[simp]: "wadjust_backto_standard_pos_O m rs (c, Oc # list); c  []; hd c = Oc
            wadjust_backto_standard_pos_O m rs (tl c, Oc # Oc # list)"
  apply(simp add: wadjust_backto_standard_pos_O.simps, auto)
  by force

lemma wadjust_backto_standard_pos_cases[simp]: "wadjust_backto_standard_pos m rs (c, Oc # list)
   (c = []  wadjust_backto_standard_pos m rs ([], Bk # Oc # list))  
 (c  []  wadjust_backto_standard_pos m rs (tl c, hd c # Oc # list))"
  apply(auto simp: wadjust_backto_standard_pos.simps)
  apply(case_tac "hd c", simp_all)

lemma wadjust_loop_right_move_nonempty_snd[simp]: "wadjust_loop_right_move m rs (c, []) = False"
proof -
  {fix nl ml mr rn nr
    have "(c = Bk  nl @ Oc # Oc  ml @ Bk # Oc  Suc m 
        [] = Bk  nr @ Oc  mr @ Bk  rn  ml + mr = Suc (Suc rs)  0 < mr  0 < nl + nr) =
    False" by auto
  } note t=this
  thus ?thesis unfolding wadjust_loop_right_move.simps t by blast

lemma wadjust_loop_erase_nonempty_snd[simp]: "wadjust_loop_erase m rs (c, []) = False"
  apply(simp only: wadjust_loop_erase.simps, auto)

lemma wadjust_loop_erase_cases2[simp]: "Suc (Suc rs) = a;  wadjust_loop_erase m rs (c, Bk # list)
   a - length (takeWhile (λa. a = Oc) (tl (dropWhile (λa. a = Oc) (rev (tl c) @ hd c # Bk # list))))
  < a - length (takeWhile (λa. a = Oc) (tl (dropWhile (λa. a = Oc) (rev c @ Bk # list)))) 
  a - length (takeWhile (λa. a = Oc) (tl (dropWhile (λa. a = Oc) (rev (tl c) @ hd c # Bk # list)))) =
  a - length (takeWhile (λa. a = Oc) (tl (dropWhile (λa. a = Oc) (rev c @ Bk # list))))"
  apply(simp only: wadjust_loop_erase.simps)
  apply(rule_tac disjI2)
  apply(case_tac c, simp, simp)

lemma dropWhile_exp1: "dropWhile (λa. a = Oc) (Oc(n) @ xs) = dropWhile (λa. a = Oc) xs"
  apply(induct n, simp_all add: )
lemma takeWhile_exp1: "takeWhile (λa. a = Oc) (Oc(n) @ xs) = Oc(n) @ takeWhile (λa. a = Oc) xs"
  apply(induct n, simp_all add: )

lemma wadjust_correctness_helper_1:
  assumes "Suc (Suc rs) = a" " wadjust_loop_right_move2 m rs (c, Bk # list)"
  shows "a - length (takeWhile (λa. a = Oc) (tl (dropWhile (λa. a = Oc) (rev c @ Oc # list))))
                 < a - length (takeWhile (λa. a = Oc) (tl (dropWhile (λa. a = Oc) (rev c @ Bk # list))))"
proof -
  have "ml + mr = Suc rs  0 < mr 
       rs - (ml + length (takeWhile (λa. a = Oc) list))
       < Suc rs -
         (ml +
           (takeWhile (λa. a = Oc)
             (Bk  ln @ Bk # Bk # Oc  mr @ Bk  rn))) "
    for ml mr ln rn
    by(cases ln, auto)
  thus ?thesis using assms
    by (auto simp: wadjust_loop_right_move2.simps dropWhile_exp1 takeWhile_exp1)

lemma wadjust_correctness_helper_2:
  "Suc (Suc rs) = a;  wadjust_loop_on_left_moving m rs (c, Bk # list)
   a - length (takeWhile (λa. a = Oc) (tl (dropWhile (λa. a = Oc) (rev (tl c) @ hd c # Bk # list))))
  < a - length (takeWhile (λa. a = Oc) (tl (dropWhile (λa. a = Oc) (rev c @ Bk # list)))) 
  a - length (takeWhile (λa. a = Oc) (tl (dropWhile (λa. a = Oc) (rev (tl c) @ hd c # Bk # list)))) =
  a - length (takeWhile (λa. a = Oc) (tl (dropWhile (λa. a = Oc) (rev c @ Bk # list))))"
  apply(subgoal_tac "c  []")
   apply(case_tac c, simp_all)

lemma wadjust_loop_check_empty_false[simp]: "wadjust_loop_check m rs ([], b) = False"
  apply(simp add: wadjust_loop_check.simps)

lemma wadjust_loop_check_cases: "Suc (Suc rs) = a;  wadjust_loop_check m rs (c, Oc # list)
   a - length (takeWhile (λa. a = Oc) (tl (dropWhile (λa. a = Oc) (rev (tl c) @ hd c # Oc # list))))
  < a - length (takeWhile (λa. a = Oc) (tl (dropWhile (λa. a = Oc) (rev c @ Oc # list)))) 
  a - length (takeWhile (λa. a = Oc) (tl (dropWhile (λa. a = Oc) (rev (tl c) @ hd c # Oc # list)))) =
  a - length (takeWhile (λa. a = Oc) (tl (dropWhile (λa. a = Oc) (rev c @ Oc # list))))"
  apply(case_tac "c", simp_all)

lemma wadjust_loop_erase_cases_or: 
  "Suc (Suc rs) = a;  wadjust_loop_erase m rs (c, Oc # list)
   a - length (takeWhile (λa. a = Oc) (tl (dropWhile (λa. a = Oc) (rev c @ Bk # list))))
  < a - length (takeWhile (λa. a = Oc) (tl (dropWhile (λa. a = Oc) (rev c @ Oc # list)))) 
  a - length (takeWhile (λa. a = Oc) (tl (dropWhile (λa. a = Oc) (rev c @ Bk # list)))) =
  a - length (takeWhile (λa. a = Oc) (tl (dropWhile (λa. a = Oc) (rev c @ Oc # list))))"
  apply(simp add: wadjust_loop_erase.simps)
  apply(rule_tac disjI2)
  apply(simp add: dropWhile_exp1 takeWhile_exp1)

lemmas wadjust_correctness_helpers = wadjust_correctness_helper_2 wadjust_correctness_helper_1 wadjust_loop_erase_cases_or wadjust_loop_check_cases

declare numeral_2_eq_2[simp del]

lemma wadjust_start_Oc[simp]: "wadjust_start m rs (c, Bk # list)
        wadjust_start m rs (c, Oc # list)"
  apply(auto simp: wadjust_start.simps)

lemma wadjust_stop_Bk[simp]: "wadjust_backto_standard_pos m rs (c, Bk # list)
        wadjust_stop m rs (Bk # c, list)"
  apply(auto simp: wadjust_backto_standard_pos.simps 
      wadjust_stop.simps wadjust_backto_standard_pos_B.simps)

lemma wadjust_loop_start_Oc[simp]:
  assumes "wadjust_start m rs (c, Oc # list)"
  shows "wadjust_loop_start m rs (Oc # c, list)"
proof -
  from assms[unfolded wadjust_start.simps] obtain ln rn where
    "c = Bk # Oc # Oc  m" "list = Oc # Bk  ln @ Bk # Oc # Oc  rs @ Bk  rn"
  hence "Oc # c = Oc  1 @ Bk # Oc  Suc m 
       list = Oc # Bk  ln @ Bk # Oc Suc rs @ Bk  rn  1 + (Suc rs) = Suc (Suc rs)  0 < Suc rs"
    by auto
  thus ?thesis unfolding wadjust_loop_start.simps by blast

lemma erase2_Bk_if_Oc[simp]:" wadjust_erase2 m rs (c, Oc # list)
        wadjust_erase2 m rs (c, Bk # list)"
  apply(auto simp: wadjust_erase2.simps)

lemma wadjust_loop_right_move_Bk[simp]: "wadjust_loop_right_move m rs (c, Bk # list)
     wadjust_loop_right_move m rs (Bk # c, list)"
  apply(simp only: wadjust_loop_right_move.simps)
  apply(erule_tac exE)+
  apply auto
   apply (metis cell.distinct(1) empty_replicate hd_append hd_replicate less_SucI
      list.sel(1) list.sel(3) neq0_conv replicate_Suc_iff_anywhere tl_append2 tl_replicate)+

lemma wadjust_correctness:
  shows "let P = (λ (len, st, l, r). st = 0) in 
  let Q = (λ (len, st, l, r). wadjust_inv st m rs (l, r)) in 
  let f = (λ stp. (Suc (Suc rs),  steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Oc(Suc m), 
                Bk # Oc # Bk(ln) @ Bk #  Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(rn)) wcode_adjust_tm stp)) in
     n .P (f n)  Q (f n)"
proof -
  let ?P = "(λ (len, st, l, r). st = 0)"
  let ?Q = "λ (len, st, l, r). wadjust_inv st m rs (l, r)"
  let ?f = "λ stp. (Suc (Suc rs),  steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Oc(Suc m), 
                Bk # Oc # Bk(ln) @ Bk # Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(rn)) wcode_adjust_tm stp)"
  have " n. ?P (?f n)  ?Q (?f n)"
  proof(rule_tac halt_lemma2)
    show "wf wadjust_le" by auto
    { fix n assume a:"¬ ?P (?f n)  ?Q (?f n)"
      have "?Q (?f (Suc n))  (?f (Suc n), ?f n)  wadjust_le"
      proof(cases "?f n")
        case (fields a b c d)
        then show ?thesis proof(cases d)
          case Nil
          then show ?thesis using a fields apply(simp add: step.simps)
            apply(simp_all only: wadjust_inv.simps split: if_splits)
                        apply(simp_all add: wadjust_inv.simps wadjust_le_def
                Abacus.lex_triple_def Abacus.lex_pair_def lex_square_def  split: if_splits).
          case (Cons aa list)
          then show ?thesis using a fields Nil Cons
            apply((case_tac aa); simp add: step.simps)
             apply(simp_all only: wadjust_inv.simps split: if_splits)
                               apply(simp_all add: wadjust_inv.simps wadjust_le_def
                Abacus.lex_triple_def Abacus.lex_pair_def lex_square_def  split: if_splits).
    thus " n. ¬ ?P (?f n)  ?Q (?f n)  
                 ?Q (?f (Suc n))  (?f (Suc n), ?f n)  wadjust_le" by auto
    show "?Q (?f 0)" by(auto simp add: steps.simps wadjust_inv.simps wadjust_start.simps)
    show "¬ ?P (?f 0)" by (simp add: steps.simps)
  thus"?thesis" by simp

lemma composable_tm_wcode_adjust_tm[intro]: "composable_tm (wcode_adjust_tm, 0)"
  by(auto simp: wcode_adjust_tm_def composable_tm.simps)

lemma bl_bin_nonzero[simp]: "args  []  bl_bin (<args::nat list>) > 0"
  by(cases args)
    (auto simp: tape_of_nl_cons bl_bin.simps)

lemma wcode_lemma_pre':
  "args  []  
   stp rn. steps0 (Suc 0, [], <m # args>) 
              ((wcode_prepare_tm |+| wcode_main_tm) |+| wcode_adjust_tm) stp
  = (0,  [Bk],  Oc(Suc m) @ Bk # Oc(Suc (bl_bin (<args>))) @ Bk(rn))" 
proof -
  let ?P1 = "λ (l, r). l = []  r = <m # args>"
  let ?Q1 = "λ(l, r). l = Bk # Oc(Suc m) 
    (ln rn. r = Bk # Oc # Bk(ln) @ Bk # Bk # Oc(bl_bin (<args>)) @ Bk(rn))"
  let ?P2 = ?Q1
  let ?Q2 = "λ (l, r). (wadjust_stop m (bl_bin (<args>) - 1) (l, r))"
  let ?P3 = "λ tp. False"
  assume h: "args  []"
  hence a: "bl_bin (<args>) > 0"
    using h by simp
  hence "?P1 (wcode_prepare_tm |+| wcode_main_tm) |+| wcode_adjust_tm ?Q2"
  proof(rule_tac Hoare_plus_halt)
    show "composable_tm (wcode_prepare_tm |+| wcode_main_tm, 0)"
      by(rule_tac seq_tm_composable, auto)
    show "?P1 wcode_prepare_tm |+| wcode_main_tm ?Q1"
    proof(rule_tac Hoare_haltI, auto)
        "n. is_final (steps0 (Suc 0, [], <m # args>) (wcode_prepare_tm |+| wcode_main_tm) n) 
        (λ(l, r). l = Bk # Oc # Oc  m 
        (ln rn. r = Bk # Oc # Bk  ln @ Bk # Bk # Oc  bl_bin (<args>) @ Bk  rn))
        holds_for steps0 (Suc 0, [], <m # args>) (wcode_prepare_tm |+| wcode_main_tm) n"
        using h prepare_mainpart_lemma[of args m]
        apply(auto) apply(rename_tac stp ln rn)
        apply(rule_tac x = stp in exI, simp)
        apply(rule_tac x = ln in exI, auto)
    show "?P2 wcode_adjust_tm ?Q2"
    proof(rule_tac Hoare_haltI, auto del: replicate_Suc)
      fix ln rn
      obtain n a b where "steps0
        (Suc 0, Bk # Oc  m @ [Oc],
         Bk # Oc # Bk  ln @ Bk # Bk # Oc  (bl_bin (<args>) - Suc 0) @ Oc # Bk  rn)
        wcode_adjust_tm n = (0, a, b)"
        "wadjust_inv 0 m (bl_bin (<args>) - Suc 0) (a, b)"
        using wadjust_correctness[of m "bl_bin (<args>) - 1" "Suc ln" rn,unfolded Let_def]
        by(simp del: replicate_Suc add: replicate_Suc[THEN sym] exp_ind, auto)
      thus "n. is_final (steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Oc # Oc  m, 
        Bk # Oc # Bk  ln @ Bk # Bk # Oc  bl_bin (<args>) @ Bk  rn) wcode_adjust_tm n) 
        wadjust_stop m (bl_bin (<args>) - Suc 0) holds_for steps0
        (Suc 0, Bk # Oc # Oc  m, Bk # Oc # Bk  ln @ Bk # Bk # Oc  bl_bin (<args>) @ Bk  rn) wcode_adjust_tm n"
        apply(rule_tac x = n in exI)
        using a
        apply(case_tac "bl_bin (<args>)", simp, simp del: replicate_Suc add: exp_ind wadjust_inv.simps)
        by (simp add: replicate_append_same)
  thus "?thesis"
    apply(simp add: Hoare_halt_def, auto)
    apply(rename_tac n)
    apply(case_tac "(steps0 (Suc 0, [], <(m::nat) # args>) 
      ((wcode_prepare_tm |+| wcode_main_tm) |+| wcode_adjust_tm) n)")
    apply(rule_tac x = n in exI, auto simp: wadjust_stop.simps)
    using a
    apply(case_tac "bl_bin (<args>)", simp_all)

text ‹
  The initialization TM wcode_tm›.
definition wcode_tm :: "instr list"
    "wcode_tm = (wcode_prepare_tm |+| wcode_main_tm) |+| wcode_adjust_tm"

text ‹
  The correctness of wcode_tm›.

lemma wcode_lemma_1:
  "args  []  
   stp ln rn. steps0 (Suc 0, [], <m # args>)  (wcode_tm) stp = 
              (0,  [Bk],  Oc(Suc m) @ Bk # Oc(Suc (bl_bin (<args>))) @ Bk(rn))"
  apply(simp add: wcode_lemma_pre' wcode_tm_def del: replicate_Suc)

lemma wcode_lemma: 
  "args  []  
   stp ln rn. steps0 (Suc 0, [], <m # args>)  (wcode_tm) stp = 
              (0,  [Bk],  <[m ,bl_bin (<args>)]> @ Bk(rn))"
  using wcode_lemma_1[of args m]
  apply(simp add: wcode_tm_def tape_of_list_def tape_of_nat_def)

section ‹The Universal TM›

text ‹
  This section gives the explicit construction of {\em Universal Turing Machine}, defined as utm› and proves its 
  correctness. It is pretty easy by composing the partial results we have got so far.

subsection ‹Definition of the machine utm›

definition utm :: "instr list"
    "utm = (let (aprog, rs_pos, a_md) = rec_ci rec_F in 
          let abc_F = aprog [+] dummy_abc (Suc (Suc 0)) in 
          (wcode_tm |+| (tm_of abc_F @ shift (mopup_n_tm (Suc (Suc 0))) (length (tm_of abc_F) div 2))))"

definition f_aprog :: "abc_prog"
    "f_aprog  (let (aprog, rs_pos, a_md) = rec_ci rec_F in 
                       aprog [+] dummy_abc (Suc (Suc 0)))"

definition f_tprog_tm :: "instr list"
    "f_tprog_tm = tm_of (f_aprog)"

definition utm_with_two_args :: "instr list"
     f_tprog_tm @ shift (mopup_n_tm (Suc (Suc 0))) (length f_tprog_tm div 2)"

definition utm_pre_tm :: "instr list"
    "utm_pre_tm = wcode_tm |+| utm_with_two_args"

(* SPIKE FABR: some lemmas for clarification *)

lemma fabr_spike_1:
  "utm_with_two_args = tm_of (fst (rec_ci rec_F) [+] dummy_abc (Suc (Suc 0))) @ shift (mopup_n_tm (Suc (Suc 0)))
                  (length (tm_of (fst (rec_ci rec_F) [+] dummy_abc (Suc (Suc 0)))) div 2)"
proof (cases "rec_ci rec_F")
  case (fields a b c)
  then show ?thesis
    by (simp add: fields f_aprog_def f_tprog_tm_def utm_with_two_args_def)

lemma fabr_spike_2:
  "utm = wcode_tm |+| 
              tm_of (fst (rec_ci rec_F) [+] dummy_abc (Suc (Suc 0))) @ shift (mopup_n_tm (Suc (Suc 0)))
                    (length (tm_of (fst (rec_ci rec_F) [+] dummy_abc (Suc (Suc 0)))) div 2)"   
proof (cases "rec_ci rec_F")
  case (fields a b c)
  then show ?thesis
    by (simp add: fields f_aprog_def f_tprog_tm_def utm_def)

theorem fabr_spike_3: "utm = wcode_tm |+| utm_with_two_args"
  using fabr_spike_1 fabr_spike_2
  by auto

corollary fabr_spike_4: "utm = utm_pre_tm"
  using fabr_spike_3 utm_pre_tm_def
  by auto


lemma tinres_step1: 
  assumes "tinres l l'" "step (ss, l, r) (t, 0) = (sa, la, ra)" 
    "step (ss, l', r) (t, 0) = (sb, lb, rb)"
  shows "tinres la lb  ra = rb  sa = sb"
proof(cases "r")
  case Nil
  then show ?thesis using assms
    by (cases "(fetch t ss Bk)";cases "fst (fetch t ss Bk)";auto simp:step.simps split:if_splits)
  case (Cons a list)
  then show ?thesis using assms
    by (cases "(fetch t ss a)";cases "fst (fetch t ss a)";auto simp:step.simps split:if_splits)

lemma tinres_steps1: 
  "tinres l l'; steps (ss, l, r) (t, 0) stp = (sa, la, ra); 
                 steps (ss, l', r) (t, 0) stp = (sb, lb, rb)
     tinres la lb  ra = rb  sa = sb"
proof (induct stp arbitrary: sa la ra sb lb rb)
  case (Suc stp)
  then show ?case apply simp 
    apply(case_tac "(steps (ss, l, r) (t, 0) stp)")
    apply(case_tac "(steps (ss, l', r) (t, 0) stp)")
  proof -
    fix stp sa la ra sb lb rb a b c aa ba ca
    assume ind: "sa la ra sb lb rb. steps (ss, l, r) (t, 0) stp = (sa, (la::cell list), ra); 
          steps (ss, l', r) (t, 0) stp = (sb, lb, rb)  tinres la lb  ra = rb  sa = sb"
      and h: " tinres l l'" "step (steps (ss, l, r) (t, 0) stp) (t, 0) = (sa, la, ra)"
      "step (steps (ss, l', r) (t, 0) stp) (t, 0) = (sb, lb, rb)" "steps (ss, l, r) (t, 0) stp = (a, b, c)" 
      "steps (ss, l', r) (t, 0) stp = (aa, ba, ca)"
    have "tinres b ba  c = ca  a = aa"
      using ind h by metis
    thus "tinres la lb  ra = rb  sa = sb"
      using tinres_step1 h by metis
qed (simp add: steps.simps)

lemma tinres_some_exp[simp]: 
  "tinres (Bk  m @ [Bk, Bk]) la  m. la = Bk  m" unfolding tinres_def
proof -
  let ?c1 = "λ n. Bk  m @ [Bk, Bk] = la @ Bk  n"
  let ?c2 = "λ n. la = (Bk  m @ [Bk, Bk]) @ Bk  n"
  assume "n. ?c1 n  ?c2 n"
  then obtain n where "?c1 n  ?c2 n" by auto
  then consider "?c1 n" | "?c2 n" by blast
  thus ?thesis proof(cases)
    case 1
    hence "Bk  Suc (Suc m) = la @ Bk  n"
      by (metis exp_ind append_Cons append_eq_append_conv2 self_append_conv2)
    hence "la = Bk  (Suc (Suc m) - n)"
      by (metis replicate_add append_eq_append_conv diff_add_inverse2 length_append length_replicate)
    then show ?thesis by auto
    case 2
    hence "la = Bk  (m + Suc (Suc n))"
      by (metis append_Cons append_eq_append_conv2 replicate_Suc replicate_add self_append_conv2)
    then show ?thesis by blast

lemma utm_with_two_args_halt_eq: 
  assumes composable_tm: "composable_tm (tp, 0)"
    and exec: "steps0 (Suc 0, Bk(l), <lm::nat list>) tp stp = (0, Bk(m), Oc(rs)@Bk(n))"
    and resutl: "0 < rs"
  shows "stp m n. steps0 (Suc 0, [Bk], <[code tp, bl2wc (<lm>)]> @ Bk(i)) utm_with_two_args stp = 
                                                (0, Bk(m), Oc(rs) @ Bk(n))"
proof -
  obtain ap arity fp where a: "rec_ci rec_F = (ap, arity, fp)"
    by (metis prod_cases3) 
  moreover have b: "rec_exec rec_F [code tp, (bl2wc (<lm>))] = (rs - Suc 0)"
    using assms
    apply(rule_tac F_correct, simp_all)
  have " stp m l. steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk # [], <[code tp, bl2wc (<lm>)]> @ Bki)
    (f_tprog_tm @ shift (mopup_n_tm (length [code tp, bl2wc (<lm>)])) (length f_tprog_tm div 2)) stp
    = (0, Bkm @ Bk # Bk # [], OcSuc (rec_exec rec_F [code tp, (bl2wc (<lm>))]) @ Bkl)"  
  proof(rule_tac recursive_compile_to_tm_correct1)
    show "rec_ci rec_F = (ap, arity, fp)" using a by simp
    show "terminate rec_F [code tp, bl2wc (<lm>)]"
      using assms
      by(rule_tac terminate_F, simp_all)
    show "f_tprog_tm = tm_of (ap [+] dummy_abc (length [code tp, bl2wc (<lm>)]))"
      using a
      apply(simp add: f_tprog_tm_def f_aprog_def numeral_2_eq_2)
  then obtain stp m l where 
    "steps0 (Suc 0, Bk # Bk # [], <[code tp, bl2wc (<lm>)]> @ Bki)
    (f_tprog_tm @ shift (mopup_n_tm (length [code tp, (bl2wc (<lm>))])) (length f_tprog_tm div 2)) stp
    = (0, Bkm @ Bk # Bk # [], OcSuc (rec_exec rec_F [code tp, (bl2wc (<lm>))]) @ Bkl)" by blast
  hence " m. steps0 (Suc 0, [Bk], <[code tp, bl2wc (<lm>)]> @ Bki)
    (f_tprog_tm @ shift (mopup_n_tm 2) (length f_tprog_tm div 2)) stp
    = (0, Bkm, OcSuc (rs - 1) @ Bkl)"
  proof -
    assume g: "steps0 (Suc 0, [Bk, Bk], <[code tp, bl2wc (<lm>)]> @ Bk  i)
      (f_tprog_tm @ shift (mopup_n_tm (length [code tp, bl2wc (<lm>)])) (length f_tprog_tm div 2)) stp =
      (0, Bk  m @ [Bk, Bk], Oc  Suc ((rec_exec rec_F [code tp, bl2wc (<lm>)])) @ Bk  l)"
    moreover have "tinres [Bk, Bk] [Bk]"
      apply(auto simp: tinres_def)
    moreover obtain sa la ra where "steps0 (Suc 0, [Bk], <[code tp, bl2wc (<lm>)]> @ Bki)
    (f_tprog_tm @ shift (mopup_n_tm 2) (length f_tprog_tm div 2)) stp = (sa, la, ra)"
      apply(case_tac "steps0 (Suc 0, [Bk], <[code tp, bl2wc (<lm>)]> @ Bki)
    (f_tprog_tm @ shift (mopup_n_tm 2) (length f_tprog_tm div 2)) stp", auto)
    ultimately show "?thesis"
      using b
      apply(drule_tac la = "Bkm @ [Bk, Bk]" in tinres_steps1, auto simp: numeral_2_eq_2)
  thus "?thesis"
    apply(rule_tac x = stp in exI, simp add: utm_with_two_args_def)
    using assms
    apply(case_tac rs, simp_all add: numeral_2_eq_2)

lemma composable_tm_wcode_tm[intro]: "composable_tm (wcode_tm, 0)"
  apply(simp add: wcode_tm_def)
  apply(rule_tac seq_tm_composable)
   apply(rule_tac seq_tm_composable, auto)

lemma utm_halt_lemma_pre: 
  assumes "composable_tm (tp, 0)"
    and result: "0 < rs"
    and args: "args  []"
    and exec: "steps0 (Suc 0, Bk(i), <args::nat list>) tp stp = (0, Bk(m), Oc(rs)@Bk(k))"
  shows "stp m n. steps0 (Suc 0, [], <code tp # args>) utm_pre_tm stp = 
                                                (0, Bk(m), Oc(rs) @ Bk(n))"
proof -
  let ?Q2 = "λ (l, r). ( ln rn. l = Bk(ln)  r = Oc(rs) @ Bk(rn))"
  let ?P1 = "λ (l, r). l = []  r = <code tp # args>"
  let ?Q1 = "λ (l, r). (l = [Bk] 
    ( rn. r = Oc(Suc (code tp)) @ Bk # Oc(Suc (bl_bin (<args>))) @ Bk(rn)))"
  let ?P2 = ?Q1
  let ?P3 = "λ (l, r). False"
  have "?P1 (wcode_tm |+| utm_with_two_args) ?Q2"
  proof(rule_tac Hoare_plus_halt)
    show "composable_tm (wcode_tm, 0)" by auto
    show "?P1 wcode_tm ?Q1"
      apply(rule_tac Hoare_haltI, auto)
      using wcode_lemma_1[of args "code tp"] args
      by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) holds_for.simps is_finalI
    show "?P2 utm_with_two_args ?Q2"
    proof(rule_tac Hoare_haltI, auto)
      fix rn
      show "n. is_final (steps0 (Suc 0, [Bk], Oc # Oc  code tp @ Bk # Oc # Oc  bl_bin (<args>) @ Bk  rn) utm_with_two_args n) 
        (λ(l, r). (ln. l = Bk  ln) 
        (rn. r = Oc  rs @ Bk  rn)) holds_for steps0 (Suc 0, [Bk],
        Oc # Oc  code tp @ Bk # Oc # Oc  bl_bin (<args>) @ Bk  rn) utm_with_two_args n"
        using utm_with_two_args_halt_eq[of tp i "args" stp m rs k rn] assms
        apply(auto simp: bin_wc_eq tape_of_list_def tape_of_nat_def)
        apply(rename_tac stpa) apply(rule_tac x = stpa in exI, simp)
  thus "?thesis"
    apply(auto simp: Hoare_halt_def utm_pre_tm_def)
    apply(case_tac "steps0 (Suc 0, [], <code tp # args>) (wcode_tm |+| utm_with_two_args) n",simp)
    by auto

subsection ‹The correctness of utm, the halt case›

lemma utm_halt_lemma': 
  assumes composable_tm: "composable_tm (tp, 0)"
    and result: "0 < rs"
    and args: "args  []"
    and exec: "steps0 (Suc 0, Bk(i), <args::nat list>) tp stp = (0, Bk(m), Oc(rs)@Bk(k))"
  shows "stp m n. steps0 (Suc 0, [], <code tp # args>) utm stp = 
                                                (0, Bk(m), Oc(rs) @ Bk(n))"
  using utm_halt_lemma_pre[of tp rs args i stp m k] assms
  apply(simp add: utm_pre_tm_def utm_with_two_args_def utm_def f_aprog_def f_tprog_tm_def)
  apply(case_tac "rec_ci rec_F", simp)

definition TSTD:: "config  bool"
    "TSTD c = (let (st, l, r) = c in 
             st = 0  ( m. l = Bk(m))  ( rs n. r = Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n)))"

lemma nstd_case1: "0 < a  NSTD (trpl_code (a, b, c))"
  by(simp add: NSTD.simps trpl_code.simps)

lemma nonzero_bl2wc[simp]: "m. b  Bk(m)  0 < bl2wc b"
proof -
  have "m. b  Bk  m  bl2wc b = 0  False" proof(induct b)
    case (Cons a b)
    then show ?case
      apply(simp add: bl2wc.simps, case_tac a, simp_all 
          add: bl2nat.simps bl2nat_double)
      apply(case_tac " m. b = Bk(m)", erule exE)
       apply(metis append_Nil2 replicate_Suc_iff_anywhere) 
      by simp
  qed auto
  thus "m. b  Bk(m)  0 < bl2wc b" by auto

lemma nstd_case2: "m. b  Bk(m)  NSTD (trpl_code (a, b, c))"
  apply(simp add: NSTD.simps trpl_code.simps)

lemma even_not_odd[elim]: "Suc (2 * x) = 2 * y  RR"
proof(induct x arbitrary: y)
  case (Suc x) thus ?case by(cases y;auto)
qed auto

declare replicate_Suc[simp del]

lemma bl2nat_zero_eq[simp]: "(bl2nat c 0 = 0) = (n. c = Bk(n))"
proof(induct c)
  case (Cons a c)
  then show ?case by (cases a;auto simp: bl2nat.simps bl2nat_double Cons_replicate_eq)
qed (auto simp: bl2nat.simps)

lemma bl2wc_exp_ex: 
  "Suc (bl2wc c) = 2 ^  m   rs n. c = Oc(rs) @ Bk(n)"
proof(induct c arbitrary: m)
  case (Cons a c m)
  { fix n
    have "Bk # Bk  n = Oc  0 @ Bk  Suc n" by (auto simp:replicate_Suc)
    hence "rs na. Bk # Bk  n = Oc  rs @ Bk  na" by blast
  with Cons show ?case apply(cases a, auto)
     apply(case_tac m, simp_all add: bl2wc.simps, auto)
    apply(simp add: bl2wc.simps bl2nat.simps bl2nat_double Cons)
    apply(case_tac m, simp, simp add: bin_wc_eq bl2wc.simps twice_power )
    by (metis Cons.hyps Suc_pred bl2wc.simps neq0_conv power_not_zero
        replicate_Suc_iff_anywhere zero_neq_numeral)
qed (simp add: bl2wc.simps bl2nat.simps)

lemma lg_bin: 
  assumes "rs n. c  Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n)" 
    "bl2wc c = 2 ^ lg (Suc (bl2wc c)) 2 - Suc 0"
  shows "bl2wc c = 0"
proof -
  from assms obtain rs nat n where *:"2 ^ rs - Suc 0 = nat"
    "c = Oc  rs @ Bk  n" 
    using bl2wc_exp_ex[of c "lg (Suc (bl2wc c)) 2"]
    by(case_tac "(2::nat) ^ lg (Suc (bl2wc c)) 2", 
        simp, simp, erule_tac exE, erule_tac exE, simp)
  have r:"bl2wc (Oc  rs) = nat" 
    by (metis "*"(1) bl2nat_exp_zero bl2wc.elims)
  hence "Suc (bl2wc c) = 2^rs" using *
    by(case_tac "(2::nat)^rs", auto)
  thus ?thesis using * assms(1)
    apply(drule_tac bl2wc_exp_ex, simp, erule_tac exE, erule_tac exE)
    by(case_tac rs, simp, simp)

lemma nstd_case3: 
  "rs n. c  Oc(Suc rs) @ Bk(n)   NSTD (trpl_code (a, b, c))"
  apply(simp add: NSTD.simps trpl_code.simps)
  apply(drule_tac lg_bin, simp_all)

lemma NSTD_1: "¬ TSTD (a, b, c)
     rec_exec rec_NSTD [trpl_code (a, b, c)] = Suc 0"
  using NSTD_lemma1[of "trpl_code (a, b, c)"]
    NSTD_lemma2[of "trpl_code (a, b, c)"]
  apply(simp add: TSTD_def)
  apply(erule_tac disjE, erule_tac nstd_case1)
  apply(erule_tac disjE, erule_tac nstd_case2)
  apply(erule_tac nstd_case3)

lemma nonstop_t_uhalt_eq:
  "composable_tm (tp, 0);
  steps0 (Suc 0, Bk(l), <lm>) tp stp = (a, b, c);
  ¬ TSTD (a, b, c)
   rec_exec rec_nonstop [code tp, bl2wc (<lm>), stp] = Suc 0"
  apply(simp add: rec_nonstop_def rec_exec.simps)
      "rec_exec rec_conf [code tp, bl2wc (<lm>), stp] =
  trpl_code (a, b, c)", simp)
   apply(erule_tac NSTD_1)
  using rec_t_eq_steps[of tp l lm stp]

lemma nonstop_true:
  "composable_tm (tp, 0);
   stp. (¬ TSTD (steps0 (Suc 0, Bk(l), <lm>) tp stp))
   y. rec_exec rec_nonstop ([code tp, bl2wc (<lm>), y]) = (Suc 0)"
proof fix y
  assume a:"composable_tm0 tp" "stp. ¬ TSTD (steps0 (Suc 0, Bk  l, <lm>) tp stp)"
  hence "¬ TSTD (steps0 (Suc 0, Bk  l, <lm>) tp y)" by auto
  thus "rec_exec rec_nonstop [code tp, bl2wc (<lm>), y] = Suc 0"
    by (cases "steps0 (Suc 0, Bk(l), <lm>) tp y")
      (auto intro: nonstop_t_uhalt_eq[OF a(1)])

lemma cn_arity:  "rec_ci (Cn n f gs) = (a, b, c)  b = n"
  by(case_tac "rec_ci f", simp add: rec_ci.simps)

lemma mn_arity: "rec_ci (Mn n f) = (a, b, c)  b = n"
  by(case_tac "rec_ci f", simp add: rec_ci.simps)

lemma f_aprog_uhalt: 
  assumes "composable_tm (tp,0)"
    and unhalt:  " stp. (¬ TSTD (steps0 (Suc 0, Bk(l), <lm>) tp stp))"
    and compile: "rec_ci rec_F = (F_ap, rs_pos, a_md)"
  shows "λ nl. nl = [code tp, bl2wc (<lm>)] @ 0(a_md - rs_pos ) @ suflm (F_ap) "
  using compile
proof(simp only: rec_F_def)
  assume h: "rec_ci (Cn (Suc (Suc 0)) rec_valu [Cn (Suc (Suc 0)) rec_right [Cn (Suc (Suc 0)) 
    rec_conf [ (Suc (Suc 0)) 0, (Suc (Suc 0)) (Suc 0), rec_halt]]]) =
    (F_ap, rs_pos, a_md)"
  moreover hence "rs_pos = Suc (Suc 0)"
    using cn_arity 
    by simp
  moreover obtain ap1 ar1 ft1 where a: "rec_ci 
    (Cn (Suc (Suc 0)) rec_right 
    [Cn (Suc (Suc 0)) rec_conf [ (Suc (Suc 0)) 0, (Suc (Suc 0)) (Suc 0), rec_halt]]) = (ap1, ar1, ft1)"
    by(case_tac "rec_ci (Cn (Suc (Suc 0)) rec_right [Cn (Suc (Suc 0)) 
      rec_conf [ (Suc (Suc 0)) 0, (Suc (Suc 0)) (Suc 0), rec_halt]])", auto)
  moreover hence b: "ar1 = Suc (Suc 0)"
    using cn_arity by simp
  ultimately show "?thesis"
  proof(rule_tac i = 0 in cn_unhalt_case, auto)
    fix anything
    obtain ap2 ar2 ft2 where c: 
      "rec_ci (Cn (Suc (Suc 0)) rec_conf [ (Suc (Suc 0)) 0, (Suc (Suc 0)) (Suc 0), rec_halt])
      = (ap2, ar2, ft2)" 
      by(case_tac "rec_ci (Cn (Suc (Suc 0)) rec_conf
        [ (Suc (Suc 0)) 0, (Suc (Suc 0)) (Suc 0), rec_halt])", auto)
    moreover hence d:"ar2 = Suc (Suc 0)"
      using cn_arity by simp
    ultimately have "λnl. nl = [code tp, bl2wc (<lm>)] @ 0  (ft1 - Suc (Suc 0)) @ anything ap1 "
      using a b c d
    proof(rule_tac i = 0 in cn_unhalt_case, auto)
      fix anything
      obtain ap3 ar3 ft3 where e: "rec_ci rec_halt = (ap3, ar3, ft3)"
        by(case_tac "rec_ci rec_halt", auto)
      hence f: "ar3 = Suc (Suc 0)"
        using mn_arity
        by(simp add: rec_halt_def)
      have "λnl. nl = [code tp, bl2wc (<lm>)] @ 0  (ft2 - Suc (Suc 0)) @ anything ap2 "
        using c d e f
      proof(rule_tac i = 2 in cn_unhalt_case, auto simp: rec_halt_def)
        fix anything
        have "λnl. nl = [code tp, bl2wc (<lm>)] @ 0  (ft3 - Suc (Suc 0)) @ anything ap3 "
          using e f
        proof(rule_tac mn_unhalt_case, auto simp: rec_halt_def)
          fix i
          show "terminate rec_nonstop [code tp, bl2wc (<lm>), i]"
            by(rule_tac primerec_terminate, auto)
          fix i
          show "0 < rec_exec rec_nonstop [code tp, bl2wc (<lm>), i]"
            using assms
            by(drule_tac nonstop_true, auto)
        thus "λnl. nl = code tp # bl2wc (<lm>) # 0  (ft3 - Suc (Suc 0)) @ anything ap3 " by simp
        fix apj arj ftj j  anything
        assume "j<2" "rec_ci ([ (Suc (Suc 0)) 0, (Suc (Suc 0)) (Suc 0), Mn (Suc (Suc 0)) rec_nonstop] ! j) = (apj, arj, ftj)"
        hence "λnl. nl = [code tp, bl2wc (<lm>)] @ 0  (ftj - arj) @ anything apj
          λnl. nl = [code tp, bl2wc (<lm>)] @
            rec_exec ([ (Suc (Suc 0)) 0, (Suc (Suc 0)) (Suc 0), Mn (Suc (Suc 0)) rec_nonstop] ! j) [code tp, bl2wc (<lm>)] # 
               0  (ftj - Suc arj) @ anything"
          apply(rule_tac recursive_compile_correct)
           apply(case_tac j, auto)
           apply(rule_tac [!] primerec_terminate)
        thus "λnl. nl = code tp # bl2wc (<lm>) # 0  (ftj - arj) @ anything apj
          λnl. nl = code tp # bl2wc (<lm>) # rec_exec ([ (Suc (Suc 0)) 0, (Suc (Suc 0))
          (Suc 0), Mn (Suc (Suc 0)) rec_nonstop] ! j) [code tp, bl2wc (<lm>)] # 0  (ftj - Suc arj) @ anything"
          by simp
        fix j
        assume "(j::nat) < 2"
        thus "terminate ([ (Suc (Suc 0)) 0, (Suc (Suc 0)) (Suc 0), Mn (Suc (Suc 0)) rec_nonstop] ! j)
          [code tp, bl2wc (<lm>)]"
          by(case_tac j, auto intro!: primerec_terminate)
      thus "λnl. nl = code tp # bl2wc (<lm>) # 0  (ft2 - Suc (Suc 0)) @ anything ap2 "
        by simp
    thus "λnl. nl = code tp # bl2wc (<lm>) # 0  (ft1 - Suc (Suc 0)) @ anything ap1 " by simp

lemma uabc_uhalt': 
  "composable_tm (tp, 0);
   stp. (¬ TSTD (steps0 (Suc 0, Bk(l), <lm>) tp stp));
  rec_ci rec_F = (ap, pos, md)
   λ nl. nl = [code tp, bl2wc (<lm>)] ap "
proof(frule_tac F_ap = ap and rs_pos = pos and a_md = md
    and suflm = "[]" in f_aprog_uhalt, auto simp: abc_Hoare_unhalt_def, 
    case_tac "abc_steps_l (0, [code tp, bl2wc (<lm>)]) ap n", simp)
  fix n a b
  assume h: 
    "n. abc_notfinal (abc_steps_l (0, code tp # bl2wc (<lm>) # 0  (md - pos)) ap n) ap"
    "abc_steps_l (0, [code tp, bl2wc (<lm>)]) ap n = (a, b)" 
    "composable_tm (tp, 0)" 
    "rec_ci rec_F = (ap, pos, md)"
  moreover have a: "ap  []"
    using h rec_ci_not_null[of "rec_F" pos md] by auto
  ultimately show "a < length ap"
  proof(erule_tac x = n in allE)
    assume g: "abc_notfinal (abc_steps_l (0, code tp # bl2wc (<lm>) # 0  (md - pos)) ap n) ap"
    obtain ss nl where b : "abc_steps_l (0, code tp # bl2wc (<lm>) # 0  (md - pos)) ap n = (ss, nl)"
      by (metis prod.exhaust)
    then have c: "ss < length ap"
      using g by simp
    thus "?thesis"
      using a b c
      using abc_list_crsp_steps[of "[code tp, bl2wc (<lm>)]"
          "md - pos" ap n ss nl] h

lemma uabc_uhalt: 
  "composable_tm (tp, 0); 
   stp. (¬ TSTD (steps0 (Suc 0, Bk(l), <lm>) tp stp))
   λ nl. nl = [code tp, bl2wc (<lm>)] f_aprog  "
proof -
  obtain a b c where abc:"rec_ci rec_F = (a,b,c)" by (cases "rec_ci rec_F") force
  assume a:"composable_tm (tp, 0)" " stp. (¬ TSTD (steps0 (Suc 0, Bk(l), <lm>) tp stp))"
  from uabc_uhalt'[OF a abc] abc_Hoare_plus_unhalt1
  show "λ nl. nl = [code tp, bl2wc (<lm>)] f_aprog "
    by(simp add: f_aprog_def abc)

lemma tutm_uhalt': 
  assumes composable_tm:  "composable_tm (tp,0)"
    and unhalt: " stp. (¬ TSTD (steps0 (1, Bk(l), <lm>) tp stp))"
  shows " stp. ¬ is_final (steps0 (1, [Bk, Bk], <[code tp, bl2wc (<lm>)]>) utm_with_two_args stp)"
  unfolding utm_with_two_args_def
proof(rule_tac compile_correct_unhalt, auto)
  show "f_tprog_tm = tm_of f_aprog"
    by(simp add:  f_tprog_tm_def)
  show "crsp (layout_of f_aprog) (0, [code tp, bl2wc (<lm>)]) (Suc 0, [Bk, Bk], <[code tp, bl2wc (<lm>)]>)  []"
    by(auto simp: crsp.simps start_of.simps)
  fix stp a b
  show "abc_steps_l (0, [code tp, bl2wc (<lm>)]) f_aprog stp = (a, b)  a < length f_aprog"
    using assms
    apply(drule_tac uabc_uhalt, auto simp: abc_Hoare_unhalt_def)
    by(erule_tac x = stp in allE, erule_tac x = stp in allE, simp) 

lemma tinres_commute: "tinres r r'  tinres r' r"
  apply(auto simp: tinres_def)

lemma inres_tape:
  "steps0 (st, l, r) tp stp = (a, b, c); steps0 (st, l', r') tp stp = (a', b', c'); 
  tinres l l'; tinres r r'
   a = a'  tinres b b'  tinres c c'"
proof(case_tac "steps0 (st, l', r) tp stp")
  fix aa ba ca
  assume h: "steps0 (st, l, r) tp stp = (a, b, c)" 
    "steps0 (st, l', r') tp stp = (a', b', c')"
    "tinres l l'" "tinres r r'"
    "steps0 (st, l', r) tp stp = (aa, ba, ca)"
  have "tinres b ba  c = ca  a = aa"
    using h
    apply(rule_tac tinres_steps1, auto)
  moreover have "b' = ba  tinres c' ca  a' =  aa"
    using h
    apply(rule_tac tinres_steps2, auto intro: tinres_commute)
  ultimately show "?thesis"
    apply(auto intro: tinres_commute)

lemma tape_normalize:
  assumes " stp. ¬ is_final(steps0 (Suc 0, [Bk,Bk], <[code tp, bl2wc (<lm>)]>) utm_with_two_args stp)"
  shows   " stp. ¬ is_final (steps0 (Suc 0, Bk(m), <[code tp, bl2wc (<lm>)]> @ Bk(n)) utm_with_two_args stp)"
    (is " stp. ?P stp")
  fix stp
  from assms[rule_format,of stp] show "?P stp"
    apply(case_tac "steps0 (Suc 0, Bk(m), <[code tp, bl2wc (<lm>)]> @ Bk(n)) utm_with_two_args stp", simp)
    apply(case_tac "steps0 (Suc 0, [Bk, Bk], <[code tp, bl2wc (<lm>)]>) utm_with_two_args stp", simp)
    apply(drule_tac inres_tape, auto)
     apply(auto simp: tinres_def)
    apply(case_tac "m > Suc (Suc 0)")
     apply(rule_tac x = "m - Suc (Suc 0)" in exI) 
     apply(case_tac m, simp_all)
     apply(metis Suc_lessD Suc_pred replicate_Suc)
    apply(rule_tac x = "2 - m" in exI, simp add: replicate_add[THEN sym])
    apply(simp only: numeral_2_eq_2, simp add: replicate_Suc)

lemma tutm_uhalt: 
  "composable_tm (tp,0);
     stp. (¬ TSTD (steps0 (Suc 0, Bk(l), <args>) tp stp))
    stp. ¬ is_final (steps0 (Suc 0, Bk(m), <[code tp, bl2wc (<args>)]> @ Bk(n)) utm_with_two_args stp)"
  apply(rule_tac tape_normalize)
  apply(rule_tac tutm_uhalt'[simplified], simp_all)

lemma utm_uhalt_lemma_pre:
  assumes composable_tm: "composable_tm (tp, 0)"
    and exec: " stp. (¬ TSTD (steps0 (Suc 0, Bk(l), <args>) tp stp))"
    and args: "args  []"
  shows " stp. ¬ is_final (steps0 (Suc 0, [], <code tp # args>)  utm_pre_tm stp)"
proof -
  let ?P1 = "λ (l, r). l = []  r = <code tp # args>"
  let ?Q1 = "λ (l, r). (l = [Bk] 
             ( rn. r = Oc(Suc (code tp)) @ Bk # Oc(Suc (bl_bin (<args>))) @ Bk(rn)))"
  let ?P2 = ?Q1
  have "?P1 (wcode_tm |+| utm_with_two_args) "
  proof(rule_tac Hoare_plus_unhalt)
    show "composable_tm (wcode_tm, 0)" by auto
    show "?P1 wcode_tm ?Q1"
      apply(rule_tac Hoare_haltI, auto)
      using wcode_lemma_1[of args "code tp"] args
      by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) holds_for.simps is_finalI
    show "?P2 utm_with_two_args "
    proof(rule_tac Hoare_unhaltI, auto)
      fix n rn
      assume h: "is_final (steps0 (Suc 0, [Bk], Oc  Suc (code tp) @ Bk # Oc  Suc (bl_bin (<args>)) @ Bk  rn) utm_with_two_args n)"
      have " stp. ¬ is_final (steps0 (Suc 0, Bk(Suc 0), <[code tp, bl2wc (<args>)]> @ Bk(rn)) utm_with_two_args stp)"
        using assms
        apply(rule_tac tutm_uhalt, simp_all)
      thus "False"
        using h
        apply(erule_tac x = n in allE)
        apply(simp add: tape_of_list_def bin_wc_eq tape_of_nat_def)
  thus "?thesis"
    apply(simp add: Hoare_unhalt_def utm_pre_tm_def)

subsection ‹The correctness of utm, the unhalt case.›

lemma utm_uhalt_lemma':
  assumes composable_tm: "composable_tm (tp, 0)"
    and unhalt: " stp. (¬ TSTD (steps0 (Suc 0, Bk(l), <args>) tp stp))"
    and args: "args  []"
  shows "  stp. ¬ is_final (steps0 (Suc 0, [], <code tp # args>)  utm stp)"
  using utm_uhalt_lemma_pre[of tp l args] assms
  apply(simp add: utm_pre_tm_def utm_with_two_args_def utm_def f_aprog_def f_tprog_tm_def)
  apply(case_tac "rec_ci rec_F", simp)

lemma utm_halt_lemma:
  assumes composable_tm: "composable_tm (p, 0)"
    and result: "rs > 0"
    and args: "(args::nat list)  []"
    and exec: "(λtp. tp = (Bki, <args>)) p (λtp. tp = (Bkm, Ocrs @ Bkk))" 
  shows "(λtp. tp = ([], <code p # args>)) utm (λtp. ( m n. tp = (Bkm, Ocrs @ Bkn)))"
proof -
  let ?steps0 = "steps0 (Suc 0, [], <code p # args>)"
  let ?stepsBk = "steps0 (Suc 0, Bki, <args>) p"
  from wcode_lemma_1[OF args,of "code p"] obtain stp ln rn where
    wcl1:"?steps0 wcode_tm stp =
     (0, [Bk], Oc  Suc (code p) @ Bk # Oc  Suc (bl_bin (<args>)) @ Bk  rn)" by fast
  from exec Hoare_halt_def obtain n where
    n:"λtp. tp = (Bk  i, <args>) p λtp. tp = (Bk  m, Oc  rs @ Bk  k)"
    "is_final (?stepsBk n)"
    "(λtp. tp = (Bk  m, Oc  rs @ Bk  k)) holds_for steps0 (Suc 0, Bk  i, <args>) p n"
    by auto
  obtain a where a:"a = fst (rec_ci rec_F)" by blast
  have "(λ (l, r). l = []  r = <code p # args>)  (wcode_tm |+| utm_with_two_args)
          (λ (l, r). ( m. l = Bkm)  ( n. r = Ocrs @ Bkn))"
  proof(rule_tac Hoare_plus_halt)
    show "λ(l, r). l = []  r = <code p # args> wcode_tm λ (l, r). (l = [Bk] 
    ( rn. r = Oc(Suc (code p)) @ Bk # Oc(Suc (bl_bin (<args>))) @ Bk(rn)))"
      using wcl1 by (auto intro!:Hoare_haltI exI[of _ stp])
    have " stp. (?stepsBk stp = (0, Bkm, Ocrs @ Bkk))"
      using n by (case_tac "?stepsBk n", auto)
    then obtain stp where k: "steps0 (Suc 0, Bki, <args>) p stp = (0, Bkm, Ocrs @ Bkk)"
    thus "λ(l, r). l = [Bk]  (rn. r = Oc  Suc (code p) @ Bk # Oc  Suc (bl_bin (<args>)) @ Bk  rn)
      utm_with_two_args λ(l, r). (m. l = Bk  m)  (n. r = Oc  rs @ Bk  n)"
    proof(rule_tac Hoare_haltI, auto)
      fix rn
      from utm_with_two_args_halt_eq[OF assms(1) k assms(2),of rn] assms k
      have " ma n stp. steps0 (Suc 0, [Bk], <[code p, bl2wc (<args>)]> @ Bk  rn) utm_with_two_args stp =
       (0, Bk  ma, Oc  rs @ Bk  n)" by (auto simp add: bin_wc_eq)
      then obtain stpx m' n' where
        t:"steps0 (Suc 0, [Bk], <[code p, bl2wc (<args>)]> @ Bk  rn) utm_with_two_args stpx =
       (0, Bk  m', Oc  rs @ Bk  n')" by auto
      show "n. is_final (steps0 (Suc 0, [Bk], Oc  Suc (code p) @ Bk # Oc  Suc (bl_bin (<args>)) @ Bk  rn) utm_with_two_args n) 
             (λ(l, r). (m. l = Bk  m)  (n. r = Oc  rs @ Bk  n)) holds_for steps0 
         (Suc 0, [Bk], Oc  Suc (code p) @ Bk # Oc  Suc (bl_bin (<args>)) @ Bk  rn) utm_with_two_args n"      
        using t
        by(auto simp: bin_wc_eq tape_of_list_def tape_of_nat_def intro:exI[of _ stpx])
    show "composable_tm0 wcode_tm" by auto
  then obtain n where
    "is_final (?steps0 (wcode_tm |+| utm_with_two_args) n)" 
    "(λ(l, r). (m. l = Bk  m) 
           (n. r = Oc  rs @ Bk  n)) holds_for ?steps0 (wcode_tm |+| utm_with_two_args) n"
    by(auto simp add: Hoare_halt_def a)
  thus "?thesis"
    apply(case_tac "rec_ci rec_F")
    apply(auto simp add: utm_def Hoare_halt_def)
    apply(case_tac "(?steps0 (wcode_tm |+| utm_with_two_args) n)")
    apply(rule_tac x="n" in exI)
    apply(auto simp add:a utm_with_two_args_def f_aprog_def f_tprog_tm_def)

lemma utm_halt_lemma2:
  assumes composable_tm: "composable_tm (p, 0)"
    and args: "(args::nat list)  []"
    and exec: "(λtp. tp = ([], <args>)) p (λtp. tp = (Bkm, <(n::nat)> @ Bkk))" 
  shows "(λtp. tp = ([], <code p # args>)) utm (λtp. ( m k. tp = (Bkm, <n> @ Bkk)))"
  using utm_halt_lemma[OF assms(1) _ assms(2), where i="0"]
  using assms(3)
  by(simp add: tape_of_nat_def)

lemma utm_unhalt_lemma: 
  assumes composable_tm: "composable_tm (p, 0)"
    and unhalt: "(λtp. tp = (Bki, <args>)) p "
    and args: "args  []"
  shows "(λtp. tp = ([], <code p # args>)) utm "
proof -
  have "(¬ TSTD (steps0 (Suc 0, Bk(i), <args>) p stp))" for stp
    (* in unhalt, we substitute inner 'forall' n→stp *)
    using unhalt[unfolded Hoare_unhalt_def,rule_format,OF refl,of stp]
    by(cases "steps0 (Suc 0, Bk  i, <args>) p stp",auto simp: Hoare_unhalt_def TSTD_def)
  then have " stp. ¬ is_final (steps0 (Suc 0, [], <code p # args>)  utm stp)"
    using assms by(intro utm_uhalt_lemma', auto)
  thus "?thesis" by(simp add: Hoare_unhalt_def)

lemma utm_unhalt_lemma2: 
  assumes "composable_tm (p, 0)"
    and "(λtp. tp = ([], <args>)) p "
    and "args  []"
  shows "(λtp. tp = ([], <code p # args>)) utm "
  using utm_unhalt_lemma[OF assms(1), where i="0"]
  using assms(2-3)
  by(simp add: tape_of_nat_def)
