Theory ComposableTMs
theory ComposableTMs
imports Turing
section ‹Making Turing Machines composable›
abbreviation "is_even n ≡ (n::nat) mod 2 = 0"
abbreviation "is_odd n ≡ (n::nat) mod 2 ≠ 0"
composable_tm :: "tprog ⇒ bool"
"composable_tm (p, off) = (length p ≥ 2 ∧ is_even (length p) ∧
(∀(a, s) ∈ set p. s ≤ length p div 2 + off ∧ s ≥ off))"
"composable_tm0 p ≡ composable_tm (p, 0)"
lemma step_in_range:
assumes h1: "¬ is_final (step0 c A)"
and h2: "composable_tm (A, 0)"
shows "fst (step0 c A) ≤ length A div 2"
using h1 h2
apply(cases c;cases "fst c";cases "hd (snd (snd c))")
by(auto simp add: Let_def case_prod_beta')
lemma steps_in_range:
assumes h1: "¬ is_final (steps0 (1, tap) A stp)"
and h2: "composable_tm (A, 0)"
shows "fst (steps0 (1, tap) A stp) ≤ length A div 2"
using h1
proof(induct stp)
case 0
then show "fst (steps0 (1, tap) A 0) ≤ length A div 2" using h2
by (auto)
case (Suc stp)
have ih: "¬ is_final (steps0 (1, tap) A stp) ⟹ fst (steps0 (1, tap) A stp) ≤ length A div 2" by fact
have h: "¬ is_final (steps0 (1, tap) A (Suc stp))" by fact
from ih h h2 show "fst (steps0 (1, tap) A (Suc stp)) ≤ length A div 2"
by (metis step_in_range step_red)
subsection ‹Definitin of function fix\_jumps and mk\_composable0›
fun fix_jumps :: "nat ⇒ tprog0 ⇒ tprog0" where
"fix_jumps smax [] = []" |
"fix_jumps smax (ins#inss) = (if (snd ins) ≤ smax
then ins # fix_jumps smax inss
else ((fst ins),0)#fix_jumps smax inss)"
fun mk_composable0 :: "tprog0 ⇒ tprog0" where
"mk_composable0 [] = [(Nop,0),(Nop,0)]" |
"mk_composable0 [i1] = fix_jumps 1 [i1,(Nop,0)]" |
"mk_composable0 (i1#i2#ins) = (let l = 2 + length ins
in if is_even l
then fix_jumps (l div 2) (i1#i2#ins)
else fix_jumps ((l div 2) + 1) ((i1#i2#ins)@[(Nop,0)]))"
subsection ‹Properties of function fix\_jumps›
lemma fix_jumps_len: "length (fix_jumps smax insl) = length insl"
by (induct insl) auto
lemma fix_jumps_le_smax: "∀x ∈ set (fix_jumps smax tm). (snd x) ≤ smax"
proof (rule filter_id_conv[THEN iffD1])
show "filter (λx. snd x ≤ smax) (fix_jumps smax tm) = fix_jumps smax tm"
by (induct tm)(auto)
lemma fix_jumps_nth_no_fix:
assumes "n < length tm" and "tm!n = ins" and "(snd ins) ≤ smax"
shows "(fix_jumps smax tm)!n = ins"
proof -
have "n < length tm ∧ tm!n = ins ∧ (snd ins) ≤ smax ⟶ (fix_jumps smax tm)!n = ins"
proof (induct tm arbitrary: n ins)
case Nil
then show ?case by auto
fix a tm n ins
assume IV: "⋀n' ins'. n' < length tm ∧ tm ! n' = ins' ∧ snd ins' ≤ smax ⟶ fix_jumps smax tm ! n' = ins'"
show "n < length (a # tm) ∧ (a # tm) ! n = ins ∧ snd ins ≤ smax ⟶ fix_jumps smax (a # tm) ! n = ins"
proof (cases n)
case 0
then show ?thesis by auto
fix nat
assume "n = Suc nat"
show "n < length (a # tm) ∧ (a # tm) ! n = ins ∧ snd ins ≤ smax ⟶ fix_jumps smax (a # tm) ! n = ins"
assume A: "n < length (a # tm) ∧ (a # tm) ! n = ins ∧ snd ins ≤ smax"
show "fix_jumps smax (a # tm) ! n = ins"
proof (cases "(snd a) ≤ smax")
case True
then have "fix_jumps smax (a # tm) ! (Suc nat) = (a # (fix_jumps smax tm)) ! Suc nat" by auto
also have "... = (fix_jumps smax tm) !nat" by auto
finally have "fix_jumps smax (a # tm) ! Suc nat = (fix_jumps smax tm) !nat" by auto
also with ‹n = Suc nat› A and IV have "... = ins" by auto
finally have "fix_jumps smax (a # tm) ! Suc nat = ins" by auto
with ‹n = Suc nat› show "fix_jumps smax (a # tm) ! n = ins" by auto
case False
then have "fix_jumps smax (a # tm) ! (Suc nat) = (((fst a),0) # (fix_jumps smax tm)) ! Suc nat" by auto
also have "... = (fix_jumps smax tm) !nat" by auto
finally have "fix_jumps smax (a # tm) ! Suc nat = (fix_jumps smax tm) !nat" by auto
also with ‹n = Suc nat› A and IV have "... = ins" by auto
finally have "fix_jumps smax (a # tm) ! Suc nat = ins" by auto
with ‹n = Suc nat› show "fix_jumps smax (a # tm) ! n = ins" by auto
with assms show ?thesis by auto
lemma fix_jumps_nth_fix:
assumes "n < length tm" and "tm!n = ins" and "¬(snd ins) ≤ smax"
shows "(fix_jumps smax tm)!n = ((fst ins),0)"
proof -
have "n < length tm ∧ tm!n = ins ∧ ¬(snd ins) ≤ smax ⟶ (fix_jumps smax tm)!n = ((fst ins),0)"
proof (induct tm arbitrary: n ins)
case Nil
then show ?case by auto
fix a tm n ins
assume IV: "⋀n' ins'. n' < length tm ∧ tm ! n' = ins' ∧ ¬(snd ins') ≤ smax ⟶ fix_jumps smax tm ! n' = (fst ins', 0)"
show "n < length (a # tm) ∧ (a # tm) ! n = ins ∧ ¬ snd ins ≤ smax ⟶ fix_jumps smax (a # tm) ! n = (fst ins, 0)"
proof (cases n)
case 0
then show ?thesis by auto
fix nat
assume "n = Suc nat"
show "n < length (a # tm) ∧ (a # tm) ! n = ins ∧ ¬ snd ins ≤ smax ⟶ fix_jumps smax (a # tm) ! n = (fst ins, 0)"
assume A: "n < length (a # tm) ∧ (a # tm) ! n = ins ∧ ¬ snd ins ≤ smax"
show "fix_jumps smax (a # tm) ! n = (fst ins, 0)"
proof (cases "(snd a) ≤ smax")
case True
then have "fix_jumps smax (a # tm) ! (Suc nat) = (a # (fix_jumps smax tm)) ! Suc nat" by auto
also have "... = (fix_jumps smax tm) !nat" by auto
finally have "fix_jumps smax (a # tm) ! Suc nat = (fix_jumps smax tm) !nat" by auto
also with ‹n = Suc nat› A and IV have "... = (fst ins, 0)" by auto
finally have "fix_jumps smax (a # tm) ! Suc nat = (fst ins, 0)" by auto
with ‹n = Suc nat› show "fix_jumps smax (a # tm) ! n = (fst ins, 0)" by auto
case False
then have "fix_jumps smax (a # tm) ! (Suc nat) = (((fst a),0) # (fix_jumps smax tm)) ! Suc nat" by auto
also have "... = (fix_jumps smax tm) !nat" by auto
finally have "fix_jumps smax (a # tm) ! Suc nat = (fix_jumps smax tm) !nat" by auto
also with ‹n = Suc nat› A and IV have "... = (fst ins, 0)" by auto
finally have "fix_jumps smax (a # tm) ! Suc nat = (fst ins, 0)" by auto
with ‹n = Suc nat› show "fix_jumps smax (a # tm) ! n = (fst ins, 0)" by auto
with assms show ?thesis by auto
subsection ‹Functions fix\_jumps and mk\_composable0 generate composable Turing Machines.›
lemma composable_tm0_fix_jumps_pre:
assumes "length tm ≥ 2" and "is_even (length tm)"
shows "length (fix_jumps (length tm div 2) tm) ≥ 2 ∧
is_even (length (fix_jumps (length tm div 2) tm)) ∧
(∀x ∈ set (fix_jumps (length tm div 2) tm).
(snd x) ≤ length (fix_jumps (length tm div 2) tm) div 2 + 0 ∧ (snd x) ≥ 0)"
show "2 ≤ length (fix_jumps (length tm div 2) tm)"
using assms by (auto simp add: fix_jumps_len)
show "is_even (length (fix_jumps (length tm div 2) tm)) ∧
(∀x∈set (fix_jumps (length tm div 2) tm). snd x ≤ length (fix_jumps (length tm div 2) tm) div 2 + 0 ∧ 0 ≤ snd x)"
show "is_even (length (fix_jumps (length tm div 2) tm))"
using assms by (auto simp add: fix_jumps_len)
show "∀x∈set (fix_jumps (length tm div 2) tm). snd x ≤ length (fix_jumps (length tm div 2) tm) div 2 + 0 ∧ 0 ≤ snd x"
by (auto simp add: fix_jumps_le_smax fix_jumps_len)
lemma composable_tm0_fix_jumps:
assumes "length tm ≥ 2" and "is_even (length tm)"
shows "composable_tm0 (fix_jumps (length tm div 2) tm)"
proof -
from assms have "length (fix_jumps (length tm div 2) tm) ≥ 2 ∧
is_even (length (fix_jumps (length tm div 2) tm)) ∧
(∀x ∈ set (fix_jumps (length tm div 2) tm).
(snd x) ≤ length (fix_jumps (length tm div 2) tm) div 2 + 0 ∧ (snd x) ≥ 0)"
by (rule composable_tm0_fix_jumps_pre)
then show ?thesis by auto
lemma fix_jumps_composable0_eq:
assumes "composable_tm0 tm"
shows "(fix_jumps (length tm div 2) tm) = tm"
proof -
from assms have major: "∀(a, s) ∈ set tm. s ≤ length tm div 2" by auto
then show "(fix_jumps (length tm div 2) tm) = tm"
by (induct rule: fix_jumps.induct)(auto)
lemma composable_tm0_mk_composable0: "composable_tm0 (mk_composable0 tm)"
proof (rule mk_composable0.cases)
assume "tm = []"
then show "composable_tm0 (mk_composable0 tm)"
by (auto simp add: composable_tm0_fix_jumps)
fix i1
assume "tm = [i1]"
then show "composable_tm0 (mk_composable0 tm)"
by (auto simp add: composable_tm0_fix_jumps)
fix i1 i2 ins
assume A: "tm = i1 # i2 # ins"
then show "composable_tm0 (mk_composable0 tm)"
proof (cases "is_even (2 + length ins)")
case True
then have "is_even (2 + length ins)" .
then have "mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins) = fix_jumps ((2 + length ins) div 2) (i1#i2#ins)"
by auto
also have "... = fix_jumps (length (i1#i2#ins) div 2) (i1#i2#ins)"
by auto
finally have "mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins) = fix_jumps (length (i1#i2#ins) div 2) (i1#i2#ins)"
by auto
moreover have "composable_tm0 (fix_jumps (length (i1#i2#ins) div 2) (i1#i2#ins))"
proof (rule composable_tm0_fix_jumps)
show "2 ≤ length (i1 # i2 # ins)" by auto
from ‹is_even (2 + length ins)› show "is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins))"
by (auto)
ultimately show "composable_tm0 (mk_composable0 tm)" using A by auto
case False
then have "(2 + length ins) mod 2 ≠ 0" .
then have "mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins) = fix_jumps (((2 + length ins) div 2) +1) ((i1#i2#ins)@[(Nop,0)])"
by auto
also have "... = fix_jumps ((length (i1#i2#ins) div 2) +1) ((i1#i2#ins)@[(Nop,0)])"
by auto
also have "... = fix_jumps (length (i1#i2#ins@[(Nop,0)]) div 2) ((i1#i2#ins)@[(Nop,0)])"
proof -
from ‹(2 + length ins) mod 2 ≠ 0›
have "length ins mod 2 ≠ 0" by arith
then have "length (i1 # i2 # ins ) mod 2 ≠ 0" by auto
have "(length (i1 # i2 # ins ) div 2) + 1 = length (i1 # i2 # ins @ [(Nop, 0)]) div 2"
proof -
from ‹length (i1 # i2 # ins ) mod 2 ≠ 0›
have "(length (i1 # i2 # ins ) div 2) + 1 = (length (i1 # i2 # ins) +1) div 2"
by (rule odd_div2_plus_1_eq)
also have "... = length (i1 # i2 # ins @ [(Nop, 0)]) div 2" by auto
finally show ?thesis by auto
then show "fix_jumps (length (i1 # i2 # ins) div 2 + 1) ((i1 # i2 # ins) @ [(Nop, 0)]) =
fix_jumps (length (i1 # i2 # ins @ [(Nop, 0)]) div 2) ((i1 # i2 # ins) @ [(Nop, 0)])"
by auto
finally have "mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins) =
fix_jumps (length (i1 # i2 # ins @ [(Nop, 0)]) div 2) ((i1 # i2 # ins) @ [(Nop, 0)])"
by auto
moreover have "composable_tm0 (fix_jumps (length (i1 # i2 # ins @ [(Nop, 0)]) div 2) (i1 # i2 # ins @ [(Nop, 0)]))"
proof (rule composable_tm0_fix_jumps)
show " 2 ≤ length (i1 # i2 # ins @ [(Nop, 0)])" by auto
show "is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins @ [(Nop, 0)]))"
proof -
from ‹(2 + length ins) mod 2 ≠ 0› have "length (i1 # i2 # ins) mod 2 ≠ 0" by auto
then have "is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins) +1)" by arith
moreover have "length (i1 # i2 # ins) +1 = length (i1 # i2 # ins @ [(Nop, 0)])" by auto
ultimately show "is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins @ [(Nop, 0)]))" by auto
ultimately show "composable_tm0 (mk_composable0 tm)" using A by auto
subsection ‹Functions mk\_composable0 is the identity on composable Turing Machines›
lemma mk_composable0_eq:
assumes "composable_tm0 tm"
shows "mk_composable0 tm = tm"
proof -
from assms have major: "length tm ≥ 2 ∧ is_even (length tm)" by auto
show "mk_composable0 tm = tm"
proof (rule mk_composable0.cases)
assume "tm = []"
with major have False by auto
then show "mk_composable0 tm = tm" by auto
fix i1
assume "tm = [i1]"
with major have False by auto
then show "mk_composable0 tm = tm" by auto
fix i1 i2 ins
assume A: "tm = i1 # i2 # ins"
then show " mk_composable0 tm = tm"
proof (cases "is_even (2 + length ins)")
case True
then have "is_even (2 + length ins)" .
then have "mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins) = fix_jumps ((2 + length ins) div 2) (i1#i2#ins)"
by auto
also have "... = fix_jumps (length (i1#i2#ins) div 2) (i1#i2#ins)"
by auto
finally have "mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins) = fix_jumps (length (i1#i2#ins) div 2) (i1#i2#ins)"
by auto
also have "fix_jumps (length (i1#i2#ins) div 2) (i1#i2#ins) = (i1#i2#ins)"
proof (rule fix_jumps_composable0_eq)
from assms and A show "composable_tm0 (i1 # i2 # ins)"
by auto
finally have "mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins) = i1 # i2 # ins" by auto
with A show "mk_composable0 tm = tm" by auto
case False
then have "(2 + length ins) mod 2 ≠ 0" by auto
then have "length (i1 # i2 # ins) mod 2 ≠ 0" by auto
with A have "length tm mod 2 ≠ 0" by auto
with assms have False by auto
then show ?thesis by auto
subsection ‹About the length of mk\_composable0 tm›
lemma length_mk_composable0_nil: "length (mk_composable0 []) = 2"
by auto
lemma length_mk_composable0_singleton: "length (mk_composable0 [i1]) = 2"
by auto
lemma length_mk_composable0_gt2_even: "is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins)) ⟹ length (mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins)) = length (i1#i2#ins)"
proof -
assume "is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins))"
then have "length (mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins)) = length (fix_jumps ((length (i1 # i2 # ins)) div 2) (i1#i2#ins))" by auto
also have "... = length (i1#i2#ins)" by (auto simp add: fix_jumps_len)
finally show "length (mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins)) = length (i1#i2#ins)" by auto
lemma length_mk_composable0_gt2_odd: "¬is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins)) ⟹ length (mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins)) = length (i1#i2#ins)+1"
proof -
assume "¬is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins))"
then have "length (mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins)) = length (fix_jumps (((length (i1 # i2 # ins)) div 2)+1) ((i1#i2#ins)@[(Nop,0)]))" by auto
also have "... = length ((i1#i2#ins)@[(Nop,0)])" by (auto simp add: fix_jumps_len)
finally show "length (mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins)) = length (i1#i2#ins) + 1" by auto
lemma length_mk_composable0_even: "⟦0 < length tm ; is_even (length tm) ⟧ ⟹ length (mk_composable0 tm) = length tm"
proof (rule mk_composable0.cases[of tm])
assume "0 < length tm"
and "is_even (length tm)"
and "tm = []"
then show ?thesis by auto
fix i1
assume "0 < length tm" and "is_even (length tm)" and "tm = [i1]"
then show ?thesis by auto
fix i1 i2 ins
assume "0 < length tm" and "is_even (length tm)" and "tm = i1 # i2 # ins"
then show ?thesis
proof (cases "is_even (2 + length ins)")
case True
then have "is_even (2 + length ins)" .
then have "mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins) = fix_jumps ((2 + length ins) div 2) (i1#i2#ins)" by auto
moreover have "length (fix_jumps ((2 + length ins) div 2) (i1#i2#ins)) = length (i1#i2#ins)"
by (rule fix_jumps_len)
ultimately have "length (mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins)) = length (i1#i2#ins)" by auto
with ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› show ?thesis by auto
case False
with ‹is_even (length tm)› and ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› have False by auto
then show ?thesis by auto
lemma length_mk_composable0_odd: "⟦0 < length tm ; ¬is_even (length tm) ⟧ ⟹ length (mk_composable0 tm) = 1 + length tm"
proof (rule mk_composable0.cases[of tm])
assume "0 < length tm"
and "¬ is_even (length tm)"
and "tm = []"
then show ?thesis by auto
fix i1
assume "0 < length tm" and "¬is_even (length tm)" and "tm = [i1]"
then show ?thesis by auto
fix i1 i2 ins
assume "0 < length tm" and "¬is_even (length tm)" and "tm = i1 # i2 # ins"
then show ?thesis
proof (cases "is_even (2 + length ins)")
case True
with ‹¬is_even (length tm)› and ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› have False by auto
then show ?thesis by auto
case False
then have "¬is_even (2 + length ins)" by auto
then have "mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins) = fix_jumps (((2 + length ins) div 2)+1 ) ((i1#i2#ins)@[(Nop,0)])"
by auto
moreover have "length (fix_jumps ( ((2 + length ins) div 2)+1 ) ((i1#i2#ins)@[(Nop,0)])) = length ((i1#i2#ins)@[(Nop,0)])"
by (rule fix_jumps_len)
ultimately have "length (mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins)) = 1 + length (i1#i2#ins)" by auto
with ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› show ?thesis by auto
lemma length_tm_le_mk_composable0: "length tm ≤ length (mk_composable0 tm)"
proof (cases "length tm")
case 0
then show ?thesis by auto
case (Suc nat)
then have A: "length tm = Suc nat" .
show ?thesis
proof (cases "is_even (length tm)")
case True
with A show ?thesis by (auto simp add: length_mk_composable0_even)
case False
with A show ?thesis by (auto simp add: length_mk_composable0_odd)
subsection ‹Properties of function fetch with respect to function mk\_composable0›
lemma fetch_mk_composable0_Bk_too_short_Suc:
assumes "b = Bk" and "length tm ≤ 2*s"
shows "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (Nop, 0::nat)"
proof (rule mk_composable0.cases[of tm])
assume "tm = []"
then have "length (mk_composable0 tm) = 2" by auto
with ‹tm = []› have "(mk_composable0 tm) = [(Nop,0),(Nop,0)]" by auto
show "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (Nop, 0)"
proof (cases s)
assume "s=0"
with ‹length (mk_composable0 tm) = 2›
have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) Bk = ((mk_composable0 tm) ! (2*s))"
by (auto)
also with ‹s=0› and ‹(mk_composable0 tm) = [(Nop,0),(Nop,0)]› have "... = (Nop, 0::nat)" by auto
finally have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) Bk = (Nop, 0::nat)" by auto
with ‹b = Bk› show ?thesis by auto
case (Suc nat)
then have "s = Suc nat" .
with ‹length (mk_composable0 tm) = 2› have "length (mk_composable0 tm) ≤ 2*s" by auto
with ‹b = Bk› show ?thesis by (auto)
fix i1
assume "tm = [i1]"
then have "mk_composable0 tm = fix_jumps 1 [i1,(Nop,0)]" by auto
moreover have "length (fix_jumps 1 [i1,(Nop,0)]) = length [i1] +1" using fix_jumps_len by auto
ultimately have "length (mk_composable0 tm) = 2" using ‹tm = [i1]› by auto
show "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (Nop, 0)"
proof (cases s)
case 0
with ‹tm = [i1]› and ‹length tm ≤ 2*s› have False by auto
then show ?thesis by auto
case (Suc nat)
then have "s = Suc nat" .
with ‹length (mk_composable0 tm) = 2› have "length (mk_composable0 tm) ≤ 2*s" by arith
with ‹b = Bk› show ?thesis by (auto)
fix i1 i2 ins
assume "tm = i1 # i2 # ins"
show "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (Nop, 0)"
proof (cases "is_even (2 + length ins)")
case True
then have "is_even (2 + length ins)" .
with ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› have "mk_composable0 tm = fix_jumps ((2 + length ins) div 2) tm" by auto
moreover have "length(fix_jumps ((2 + length ins) div 2) tm) = length tm" using fix_jumps_len by auto
ultimately have "length (mk_composable0 tm) = length tm" by auto
with ‹length tm ≤ 2*s› have "length (mk_composable0 tm) ≤ 2*s" by auto
with ‹b = Bk› show ?thesis by auto
case False
then have "¬is_even (2 + length ins)" .
with ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins›
have "mk_composable0 tm = fix_jumps (((2 + length ins) div 2)+1) (tm@[(Nop,0)])" by auto
have "length(fix_jumps (((2 + length ins) div 2)+1) (tm@[(Nop,0)])) = length (tm@[(Nop,0)])" using fix_jumps_len by auto
ultimately have "length (mk_composable0 tm) = length tm +1" by auto
moreover from ‹¬is_even (2 + length ins)› and ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› have "¬is_even (length tm)" by auto
with ‹length tm ≤ 2*s› have "length tm +1 ≤ 2*s" by arith
with ‹length (mk_composable0 tm) = length tm +1› have "length (mk_composable0 tm) ≤ 2*s" by auto
with ‹b = Bk› show ?thesis by auto
lemma fetch_mk_composable0_Oc_too_short_Suc:
assumes "b = Oc" and "length tm ≤ 2*s+1"
shows "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (Nop, 0::nat)"
proof (rule mk_composable0.cases[of tm])
assume "tm = []"
then have "length (mk_composable0 tm) = 2" by auto
with ‹tm = []› have "(mk_composable0 tm) = [(Nop,0),(Nop,0)]" by auto
show "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (Nop, 0)"
proof (cases s)
assume "s=0"
with ‹length (mk_composable0 tm) = 2›
have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) Oc = ((mk_composable0 tm) ! (2*s+1))"
by (auto)
also with ‹s=0› and ‹(mk_composable0 tm) = [(Nop,0),(Nop,0)]› have "... = (Nop, 0::nat)" by auto
finally have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) Oc = (Nop, 0::nat)" by auto
with ‹b = Oc› show ?thesis by auto
case (Suc nat)
then have "s = Suc nat" .
with ‹length (mk_composable0 tm) = 2› have "length (mk_composable0 tm) ≤ 2*s" by auto
with ‹b = Oc› show ?thesis by (auto)
fix i1
assume "tm = [i1]"
then have "mk_composable0 tm = fix_jumps 1 [i1,(Nop,0)]" by auto
moreover have "length (fix_jumps 1 [i1,(Nop,0)]) = length [i1] +1" using fix_jumps_len by auto
ultimately have "length (mk_composable0 tm) = 2" using ‹tm = [i1]› by auto
show "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (Nop, 0)"
proof (cases s)
case 0
then have "s=0" .
with ‹length (mk_composable0 tm) = 2› have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) Oc = ((mk_composable0 tm) ! 1)"
by (auto)
also with ‹mk_composable0 tm = fix_jumps 1 [i1,(Nop,0)]› have "... = ((fix_jumps 1 [i1,(Nop,0)]) ! 1)"
by auto
also have "... = (Nop, 0)" by (cases "(snd i1) ≤ 1")(auto)
finally have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) Oc = (Nop, 0)" by auto
with ‹b = Oc› show ?thesis by auto
case (Suc nat)
then have "s = Suc nat" .
with ‹length (mk_composable0 tm) = 2› have "length (mk_composable0 tm) ≤ 2*s+1" by arith
with ‹b = Oc› show ?thesis by (auto)
fix i1 i2 ins
assume "tm = i1 # i2 # ins"
show "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (Nop, 0)"
proof (cases "is_even (2 + length ins)")
case True
then have "is_even (2 + length ins)" .
with ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› have "mk_composable0 tm = fix_jumps ((2 + length ins) div 2) tm" by auto
moreover have "length(fix_jumps ((2 + length ins) div 2) tm) = length tm" using fix_jumps_len by auto
ultimately have "length (mk_composable0 tm) = length tm" by auto
with ‹length tm ≤ 2*s+1› have "length (mk_composable0 tm) ≤ 2*s+1" by auto
with ‹b = Oc› show ?thesis by auto
case False
then have "¬is_even (2 + length ins)" .
with ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins›
have F1: "mk_composable0 tm = fix_jumps (((2 + length ins) div 2)+1) (tm@[(Nop,0)])" by auto
have "length(fix_jumps (((2 + length ins) div 2)+1) (tm@[(Nop,0)])) = length (tm@[(Nop,0)])"
using fix_jumps_len by auto
ultimately have "length (mk_composable0 tm) = length tm +1" by auto
moreover from ‹¬is_even (2 + length ins)› and ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins›
have "¬is_even (length tm)" by auto
from ‹length tm ≤ 2*s+1› have "(length tm) = (2*s+1) ∨ (length tm) < 2*s+1" by auto
then show ?thesis
assume "length tm = 2 * s + 1"
from ‹length tm = 2 * s + 1› and ‹length (mk_composable0 tm) = length tm +1› have "length (mk_composable0 tm) = 2*s + 2" by auto
from ‹length tm = 2 * s + 1› and ‹length (mk_composable0 tm) = length tm +1› have "length (mk_composable0 tm) > 2*s+1" by arith
with ‹b = Oc› have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = ((mk_composable0 tm) ! (2*s+1))" by (auto )
also with ‹length (mk_composable0 tm) = 2 * s + 2› have "... = (mk_composable0 tm) ! (length (mk_composable0 tm)-1)" by auto
also with F1 have "... = (fix_jumps (((2 + length ins) div 2)+1) (tm@[(Nop,0)])) ! (length (mk_composable0 tm)-1)" by auto
also have "... = (Nop, 0)"
proof (rule fix_jumps_nth_no_fix)
show "snd (Nop, 0) ≤ (2 + length ins) div 2 + 1" by auto
from ‹length (mk_composable0 tm) = length tm +1› show "length (mk_composable0 tm) - 1 < length (tm @ [(Nop, 0)])" by auto
from ‹length (mk_composable0 tm) = length tm +1› show "(tm @ [(Nop, 0)]) ! (length (mk_composable0 tm) - 1) = (Nop, 0)" by auto
finally show "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (Nop, 0)" by auto
assume "length tm < 2 * s + 1 "
with ‹¬is_even (length tm)› have "length tm +1 ≤ 2 * s + 1" by auto
with ‹length (mk_composable0 tm) = length tm +1› have "length (mk_composable0 tm) ≤ 2 * s + 1" by auto
with ‹b = Oc› show "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (Nop, 0::nat)"
by (auto)
lemma nth_append': "n < length xs ⟹ (xs @ ys) ! n = xs ! n" by (auto simp add: nth_append)
lemma fetch_mk_composable0_Bk_Suc_no_fix:
assumes "b = Bk"
and "2*s < length tm"
and "fetch tm (Suc s) b = (a, s')"
and "s' ≤ length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2"
shows "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = fetch tm (Suc s) b"
proof (rule mk_composable0.cases[of tm])
assume "tm = []"
with ‹length tm > 2*s› show ?thesis by auto
fix i1
assume "tm = [i1]"
have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (mk_composable0 tm)!(2*s)"
using ‹tm = [i1]› assms by auto
also have "(mk_composable0 tm)!(2*s) = (a, s')"
proof -
from ‹tm = [i1]› have "length (mk_composable0 tm) = 2" by auto
have "(mk_composable0 [i1])!(2*s) = (fix_jumps 1 [i1,(Nop,0)])!(2*s)" by auto
also have "... = (a, s')"
proof (rule fix_jumps_nth_no_fix)
from assms and ‹tm = [i1]› show "2 * s < length [i1, (Nop, 0)]" by auto
from assms and ‹tm = [i1]› show "[i1, (Nop, 0)] ! (2 * s) = (a, s')" by auto
from assms and ‹tm = [i1]› and ‹length (mk_composable0 tm) = 2› show "snd (a, s') ≤ 1" by auto
finally have "(mk_composable0 [i1])!(2*s) = (a, s')" by auto
with ‹tm = [i1]› show ?thesis by auto
finally have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (a, s')" by auto
with assms show ?thesis by auto
fix i1 i2 ins
assume "tm = i1 # i2 # ins"
have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (mk_composable0 tm)!(2*s)"
proof -
have "¬ length (mk_composable0 tm) ≤ 2 * Suc s - 2"
by (metis (no_types) add_diff_cancel_left' assms(2) le_trans length_tm_le_mk_composable0 mult_Suc_right not_less)
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: assms(1))
also have "(mk_composable0 tm)!(2*s) = (a, s')"
proof (cases "is_even (length tm)")
case True
then have "is_even (length tm)" .
with ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› have "is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins))" by auto
then have "length (mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins)) = length (i1#i2#ins)" by (rule length_mk_composable0_gt2_even)
from ‹is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins))›
have "(mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins))!(2*s) = (fix_jumps ((length (i1 # i2 # ins)) div 2) (i1#i2#ins))!(2*s)" by auto
also have "... = (a, s')"
proof (rule fix_jumps_nth_no_fix)
from assms and ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› show "2 * s < length (i1 # i2 # ins)" by auto
from assms and ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› show "(i1 # i2 # ins) ! (2 * s) = (a, s')" by auto
from assms and ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› and ‹length (mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins)) = length (i1#i2#ins)›
show "snd (a, s') ≤ length (i1 # i2 # ins) div 2" by auto
finally have "(mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins))!(2*s) = (a, s')" by auto
with ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› show ?thesis by auto
case False
then have "¬is_even (length tm)" .
with ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› have "¬is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins))" by auto
then have "length (mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins)) = length (i1#i2#ins) +1" by (rule length_mk_composable0_gt2_odd)
from ‹¬is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins))›
have "(mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins))!(2*s) = (fix_jumps (((length (i1 # i2 # ins)) div 2)+1) ((i1#i2#ins)@[(Nop,0)]))!(2*s)" by auto
also have "... = (a, s')"
proof (rule fix_jumps_nth_no_fix)
from assms and ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› show "2 * s < length ((i1 # i2 # ins) @ [(Nop, 0)])" by auto
have "((i1 # i2 # ins)@ [(Nop, 0)]) ! (2 * s) = ((i1 # i2 # ins)) ! (2 * s)"
proof (rule nth_append')
from assms and ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› show "2 * s < length (i1 # i2 # ins)" by auto
also from assms and ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› have "((i1 # i2 # ins)) ! (2 * s) = (a, s')" by auto
finally show "((i1 # i2 # ins)@ [(Nop, 0)]) ! (2 * s) = (a, s')" by auto
from assms and ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› and ‹length (mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins)) = length ((i1#i2#ins)) + 1›
show "snd (a, s') ≤ length (i1 # i2 # ins) div 2 + 1" by auto
finally have "(mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins))!(2*s) = (a, s')" by auto
with ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› show ?thesis by auto
finally have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (a, s')" by auto
with assms show ?thesis by auto
lemma fetch_mk_composable0_Bk_Suc_fix:
assumes "b = Bk"
and "2*s < length tm"
and "fetch tm (Suc s) b = (a, s')"
and "length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2 < s'"
shows "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (a, 0)"
proof (rule mk_composable0.cases[of tm])
assume "tm = []"
with ‹length tm > 2*s› show ?thesis by auto
fix i1
assume "tm = [i1]"
have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (mk_composable0 tm)!(2*s)"
using ‹tm = [i1]› assms(1) assms(2) by auto
also have "(mk_composable0 tm)!(2*s) = (a, 0)"
proof -
from ‹tm = [i1]› have "length (mk_composable0 tm) = 2" by auto
have "(mk_composable0 [i1])!(2*s) = (fix_jumps 1 [i1,(Nop,0)])!(2*s)" by auto
also have "... = (fst(a,s'), 0)"
proof (rule fix_jumps_nth_fix)
from assms and ‹tm = [i1]› show "2 * s < length [i1, (Nop, 0)]" by auto
from assms and ‹tm = [i1]› show "[i1, (Nop, 0)] ! (2 * s) = (a, s')" by auto
from assms and ‹tm = [i1]› and ‹length (mk_composable0 tm) = 2› show "¬snd (a, s') ≤ 1" by auto
finally have "(mk_composable0 [i1])!(2*s) = (a, 0)" by auto
with ‹tm = [i1]› show ?thesis by auto
finally have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (a, 0)" by auto
with assms show ?thesis by auto
fix i1 i2 ins
assume "tm = i1 # i2 # ins"
from assms have "fetch tm (Suc s) b = (tm ! (2*s))"
by (auto)
have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (mk_composable0 tm)!(2*s)"
using assms(1) assms(3) assms(4) le_trans length_tm_le_mk_composable0
by fastforce
also have "(mk_composable0 tm)!(2*s) = (a, 0)"
proof (cases "is_even (length tm)")
case True
then have "is_even (length tm)" .
with ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› have "is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins))" by auto
then have "length (mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins)) = length (i1#i2#ins)" by (rule length_mk_composable0_gt2_even)
from ‹is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins))›
have "(mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins))!(2*s) = (fix_jumps ((length (i1 # i2 # ins)) div 2) (i1#i2#ins))!(2*s)" by auto
also have "... = (fst(a,s'),0)"
proof (rule fix_jumps_nth_fix)
from assms and ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› show "2 * s < length (i1 # i2 # ins)" by auto
from assms and ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› show "(i1 # i2 # ins) ! (2 * s) = (a, s')" by auto
from assms and ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› and ‹length (mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins)) = length (i1#i2#ins)›
show "¬snd (a, s') ≤ length (i1 # i2 # ins) div 2" by auto
finally have "(mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins))!(2*s) = (fst(a,s'),0)" by auto
then have "(mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins))!(2*s) = (a,0)" by auto
with ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› show ?thesis by auto
case False
then have "¬is_even (length tm)" .
with ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› have "¬is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins))" by auto
then have "length (mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins)) = length (i1#i2#ins) +1" by (rule length_mk_composable0_gt2_odd)
from ‹¬is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins))›
have "(mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins))!(2*s) = (fix_jumps (((length (i1 # i2 # ins)) div 2)+1) ((i1#i2#ins)@[(Nop,0)]))!(2*s)" by auto
also have "... = (fst(a,s'), 0)"
proof (rule fix_jumps_nth_fix)
from assms and ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› show "2 * s < length ((i1 # i2 # ins) @ [(Nop, 0)])" by auto
have "((i1 # i2 # ins)@ [(Nop, 0)]) ! (2 * s) = ((i1 # i2 # ins)) ! (2 * s)"
proof (rule nth_append')
from assms and ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› show "2 * s < length (i1 # i2 # ins)" by auto
also from assms and ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› have "((i1 # i2 # ins)) ! (2 * s) = (a, s')" by auto
finally show "((i1 # i2 # ins)@ [(Nop, 0)]) ! (2 * s) = (a, s')" by auto
from assms and ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› and ‹length (mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins)) = length ((i1#i2#ins)) + 1›
have "s' > (length (i1 # i2 # ins) + 1) div 2" by auto
with ‹¬is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins))› have "s' > length (i1 # i2 # ins) div 2 + 1" by arith
then show "¬ snd (a, s') ≤ length (i1 # i2 # ins) div 2 + 1" by auto
finally have "(mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins))!(2*s) = (a, 0)" by auto
with ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› show ?thesis by auto
finally have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (a, 0)" by auto
with assms show ?thesis by auto
lemma fetch_mk_composable0_Oc_Suc_no_fix:
assumes "b = Oc"
and "2*s+1 < length tm"
and "fetch tm (Suc s) b = (a, s')"
and "s' ≤ length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2"
shows "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = fetch tm (Suc s) b"
proof (rule mk_composable0.cases[of tm])
assume "tm = []"
with ‹2*s+1 < length tm› show ?thesis by auto
fix i1
assume "tm = [i1]"
have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (mk_composable0 tm)!(2*s+1)"
using ‹tm = [i1]› assms(2) by auto
also have "(mk_composable0 tm)!(2*s+1) = (a, s')"
proof -
from ‹tm = [i1]› have "length (mk_composable0 tm) = 2" by auto
have "(mk_composable0 [i1])!(2*s+1) = (fix_jumps 1 [i1,(Nop,0)])!(2*s+1)" by auto
also have "... = (a, s')"
proof (rule fix_jumps_nth_no_fix)
from assms and ‹tm = [i1]› show "2 * s +1 < length [i1, (Nop, 0)]" by auto
from assms and ‹tm = [i1]› show "[i1, (Nop, 0)] ! (2 * s +1) = (a, s')" by auto
from assms and ‹tm = [i1]› and ‹length (mk_composable0 tm) = 2› show "snd (a, s') ≤ 1" by auto
finally have "(mk_composable0 [i1])!(2*s+1) = (a, s')" by auto
with ‹tm = [i1]› show ?thesis by auto
finally have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (a, s')" by auto
with assms show ?thesis by auto
fix i1 i2 ins
assume "tm = i1 # i2 # ins"
have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (mk_composable0 tm)!(2*s+1)"
proof -
have "¬ length (mk_composable0 tm) ≤ 2 * s + 1"
by (meson assms(2) le_trans length_tm_le_mk_composable0 not_less)
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: assms(1))
also have "(mk_composable0 tm)!(2*s+1) = (a, s')"
proof (cases "is_even (length tm)")
case True
then have "is_even (length tm)" .
with ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› have "is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins))" by auto
then have "length (mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins)) = length (i1#i2#ins)" by (rule length_mk_composable0_gt2_even)
from ‹is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins))›
have "(mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins))!(2*s+1) = (fix_jumps ((length (i1 # i2 # ins)) div 2) (i1#i2#ins))!(2*s+1)" by auto
also have "... = (a, s')"
proof (rule fix_jumps_nth_no_fix)
from assms and ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› show "2 * s+1 < length (i1 # i2 # ins)" by auto
from assms and ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› show "(i1 # i2 # ins) ! (2 * s+1) = (a, s')" by auto
from assms and ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› and ‹length (mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins)) = length (i1#i2#ins)›
show "snd (a, s') ≤ length (i1 # i2 # ins) div 2" by auto
finally have "(mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins))!(2*s+1) = (a, s')" by auto
with ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› show ?thesis by auto
case False
then have "¬is_even (length tm)" .
with ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› have "¬is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins))" by auto
then have "length (mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins)) = length (i1#i2#ins) +1" by (rule length_mk_composable0_gt2_odd)
from ‹¬is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins))›
have "(mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins))!(2*s+1) = (fix_jumps (((length (i1 # i2 # ins)) div 2)+1) ((i1#i2#ins)@[(Nop,0)]))!(2*s+1)" by auto
also have "... = (a, s')"
proof (rule fix_jumps_nth_no_fix)
from assms and ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› show "2 * s +1< length ((i1 # i2 # ins) @ [(Nop, 0)])" by auto
have "((i1 # i2 # ins)@ [(Nop, 0)]) ! (2 * s+1) = ((i1 # i2 # ins)) ! (2 * s+1)"
proof (rule nth_append')
from assms and ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› show "2 * s+1 < length (i1 # i2 # ins)" by auto
also from assms and ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› have "((i1 # i2 # ins)) ! (2 * s+1) = (a, s')" by auto
finally show "((i1 # i2 # ins)@ [(Nop, 0)]) ! (2 * s+1) = (a, s')" by auto
from assms and ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› and ‹length (mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins)) = length ((i1#i2#ins)) + 1›
show "snd (a, s') ≤ length (i1 # i2 # ins) div 2 + 1" by auto
finally have "(mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins))!(2*s+1) = (a, s')" by auto
with ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› show ?thesis by auto
finally have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (a, s')" by auto
with assms show ?thesis by auto
lemma fetch_mk_composable0_Oc_Suc_fix:
assumes "b = Oc"
and "2*s+1 < length tm"
and "fetch tm (Suc s) b = (a, s')"
and "length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2 < s'"
shows "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (a, 0)"
proof (rule mk_composable0.cases[of tm])
assume "tm = []"
with ‹length tm > 2*s+1› show ?thesis by auto
fix i1
assume "tm = [i1]"
have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (mk_composable0 tm)!(2*s+1)"
using ‹tm = [i1]› assms(2) by auto
also have "(mk_composable0 tm)!(2*s+1) = (a, 0)"
proof -
from ‹tm = [i1]› have "length (mk_composable0 tm) = 2" by auto
have "(mk_composable0 [i1])!(2*s+1) = (fix_jumps 1 [i1,(Nop,0)])!(2*s+1)" by auto
also have "... = (fst(a,s'), 0)"
proof (rule fix_jumps_nth_fix)
from assms and ‹tm = [i1]› show "2 * s+1 < length [i1, (Nop, 0)]" by auto
from assms and ‹tm = [i1]› show "[i1, (Nop, 0)] ! (2 * s+1) = (a, s')" by auto
from assms and ‹tm = [i1]› and ‹length (mk_composable0 tm) = 2› show "¬snd (a, s') ≤ 1" by auto
finally have "(mk_composable0 [i1])!(2*s+1) = (a, 0)" by auto
with ‹tm = [i1]› show ?thesis by auto
finally have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (a, 0)" by auto
with assms show ?thesis by auto
fix i1 i2 ins
assume "tm = i1 # i2 # ins"
from assms have "fetch tm (Suc s) b = (tm ! (2*s+1))"
by (auto)
have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (mk_composable0 tm)!(2*s+1)"
proof -
have "¬ length (mk_composable0 tm) ≤ 2 * s + 1"
by (meson assms(2) le_trans length_tm_le_mk_composable0 not_less)
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: assms(1))
also have "(mk_composable0 tm)!(2*s+1) = (a, 0)"
proof (cases "is_even (length tm)")
case True
then have "is_even (length tm)" .
with ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› have "is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins))" by auto
then have "length (mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins)) = length (i1#i2#ins)" by (rule length_mk_composable0_gt2_even)
from ‹is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins))›
have "(mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins))!(2*s+1) = (fix_jumps ((length (i1 # i2 # ins)) div 2) (i1#i2#ins))!(2*s+1)" by auto
also have "... = (fst(a,s'),0)"
proof (rule fix_jumps_nth_fix)
from assms and ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› show "2 * s +1 < length (i1 # i2 # ins)" by auto
from assms and ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› show "(i1 # i2 # ins) ! (2 * s +1) = (a, s')" by auto
from assms and ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› and ‹length (mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins)) = length (i1#i2#ins)›
show "¬snd (a, s') ≤ length (i1 # i2 # ins) div 2" by auto
finally have "(mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins))!(2*s+1) = (fst(a,s'),0)" by auto
then have "(mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins))!(2*s+1) = (a,0)" by auto
with ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› show ?thesis by auto
case False
then have "¬is_even (length tm)" .
with ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› have "¬is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins))" by auto
then have "length (mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins)) = length (i1#i2#ins) +1" by (rule length_mk_composable0_gt2_odd)
from ‹¬is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins))›
have "(mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins))!(2*s+1) = (fix_jumps (((length (i1 # i2 # ins)) div 2)+1) ((i1#i2#ins)@[(Nop,0)]))!(2*s+1)" by auto
also have "... = (fst(a,s'), 0)"
proof (rule fix_jumps_nth_fix)
from assms and ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› show "2 * s+1 < length ((i1 # i2 # ins) @ [(Nop, 0)])" by auto
have "((i1 # i2 # ins)@ [(Nop, 0)]) ! (2 * s +1) = ((i1 # i2 # ins)) ! (2 * s +1)"
proof (rule nth_append')
from assms and ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› show "2 * s +1 < length (i1 # i2 # ins)" by auto
also from assms and ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› have "((i1 # i2 # ins)) ! (2 * s +1) = (a, s')" by auto
finally show "((i1 # i2 # ins)@ [(Nop, 0)]) ! (2 * s +1) = (a, s')" by auto
from assms and ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› and ‹length (mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins)) = length ((i1#i2#ins)) + 1›
have "s' > (length (i1 # i2 # ins) + 1) div 2" by auto
with ‹¬is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins))› have "s' > length (i1 # i2 # ins) div 2 + 1" by arith
then show "¬ snd (a, s') ≤ length (i1 # i2 # ins) div 2 + 1" by auto
finally have "(mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins))!(2*s+1) = (a, 0)" by auto
with ‹tm = i1 # i2 # ins› show ?thesis by auto
finally have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (a, 0)" by auto
with assms show ?thesis by auto
subsection ‹Properties of function step0 with respect to function mk\_composable0›
lemma length_mk_composable0_div2_lt_imp_length_tm_le_times2:
assumes "length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2 < s'"
and "s' = Suc s2"
shows "length tm ≤ 2 * s2"
proof (cases "length tm")
case 0
then show ?thesis by auto
case (Suc nat)
then have "length tm = Suc nat" .
then show ?thesis
proof (cases "is_even (length tm)")
case True
then have "is_even (length tm)" .
from ‹length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2 < s'›
and ‹s' = Suc s2› have "length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2 < Suc s2" by auto
moreover from ‹is_even (length tm)› and ‹length tm = Suc nat›
have "length (mk_composable0 tm) = length tm"
by (auto simp add: length_mk_composable0_even)
ultimately have "length tm div 2 < Suc s2" by auto
with ‹is_even (length tm)› show ?thesis by (auto simp add: even_le_div2_imp_le_times_2)
case False
then have "¬ is_even (length tm)" .
from ‹length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2 < s'› and ‹s' = Suc s2›
have "length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2 < Suc s2" by auto
moreover from ‹¬is_even (length tm)›
and ‹length tm = Suc nat› have "length (mk_composable0 tm) = length tm +1"
by (auto simp add: length_mk_composable0_odd)
ultimately have "(length tm +1) div 2 < Suc s2" by auto
with ‹¬is_even (length tm)› show ?thesis by (auto simp add: odd_le_div2_imp_le_times_2)
lemma jump_out_of_pgm_is_final_next_step:
assumes "step0 (s, l, r) tm = (s', update a1 (l, r))"
and "s' = Suc s2" and "length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2 < s'"
shows "step0 (step0 (s, l, r) tm) tm = (0, snd (step0 (s, l, r) tm))"
proof -
from ‹length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2 < s'› and ‹s' = Suc s2› have "length tm ≤ 2 * s2"
by (rule length_mk_composable0_div2_lt_imp_length_tm_le_times2)
with assms have "step0 (step0 (s, l, r) tm) tm = step0 (s', update a1 (l, r)) tm" by auto
also have "... = (0::nat, update a1 (l, r))"
proof (cases "update a1 (l, r)")
fix l2 r2
assume "update a1 (l, r) = (l2, r2)"
then show ?thesis
proof (cases "read r2")
case Bk
then have "read r2 = Bk" .
moreover with ‹length tm ≤ 2 * s2› and ‹s' = Suc s2› fetch.simps
have "fetch tm s' Bk = (Nop, 0::nat)" by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by (auto simp add: ‹update a1 (l, r) = (l2, r2)› )
case Oc
then have "read r2 = Oc" .
moreover with ‹length tm ≤ 2 * s2› and ‹s' = Suc s2› fetch.simps
have "fetch tm s' Oc = (Nop, 0::nat)" by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by (auto simp add: ‹update a1 (l, r) = (l2, r2)› )
finally have "step0 (step0 (s, l, r) tm) tm = (0, update a1 (l, r)) " by auto
with ‹step0 (s, l, r) tm = (s', update a1 (l, r))› show ?thesis by auto
lemma step0_mk_composable0_after_one_step:
assumes "step0 (s, (l, r)) tm ≠ step0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm)"
shows "step0 (step0 (s, (l, r)) tm) tm = (0, snd((step0 (s, (l, r)) tm))) ∧
step0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) = (0, snd((step0 (s, (l, r)) tm)))"
proof (cases "(read r)"; cases s)
assume "read r = Bk" and "s = 0"
show "step0 (step0 (s, l, r) tm) tm = (0, snd (step0 (s, l, r) tm)) ∧ step0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) = (0, snd (step0 (s, l, r) tm))"
proof (cases "length tm ≤ 2*s")
case True
with ‹s = 0› show ?thesis by auto
case False
then have "2 * s < length tm" by auto
with ‹s = 0› show ?thesis by auto
assume "read r = Oc" and "s = 0"
show "step0 (step0 (s, l, r) tm) tm = (0, snd (step0 (s, l, r) tm)) ∧ step0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) = (0, snd (step0 (s, l, r) tm))"
proof (cases "length tm ≤ 2*s")
case True
then have "length tm ≤ 2 * s" .
with ‹s = 0› show ?thesis by auto
case False
then have "2 * s < length tm" by auto
with ‹s = 0› show ?thesis by auto
fix s1
assume "read r = Bk" and "s = Suc s1"
show ?thesis
proof (cases "length tm ≤ 2*s1")
assume "length tm ≤ 2 * s1"
with ‹read r = Bk› and ‹s = Suc s1› have "fetch tm (Suc s1) (read r) = (Nop, 0::nat)"
by (auto)
moreover have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s1) (read r) = (Nop, 0::nat)"
by (rule fetch_mk_composable0_Bk_too_short_Suc)(auto simp add: ‹read r = Bk› ‹length tm ≤ 2 * s1›)
ultimately have "fetch tm (Suc s1) (read r) = fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s1) (read r)" by auto
with ‹(read r) = Bk› and ‹s = Suc s1› have "step0 (s, l, r) tm = step0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm)" by auto
with assms have False by auto
then show ?thesis by auto
assume "¬ length tm ≤ 2 * s1"
then have "2*s1 < length tm" by auto
show "step0 (step0 (s, l, r) tm) tm = (0, snd (step0 (s, l, r) tm)) ∧
step0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) = (0, snd (step0 (s, l, r) tm))"
proof (cases "fetch tm (Suc s1) (read r)")
fix a1 s'
assume "fetch tm (Suc s1) (read r) = (a1, s')"
show ?thesis
proof (cases "s' ≤ length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2")
assume "s' ≤ length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2"
from ‹fetch tm (Suc s1) (read r) = (a1, s')›
and ‹2*s1 < length tm›
and ‹(read r) = Bk›
and ‹s' ≤ length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2›
have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s1) (read r) = fetch tm (Suc s1) (read r)"
using fetch_mk_composable0_Bk_Suc_no_fix by auto
with ‹(read r) = Bk› and ‹s = Suc s1› have "step0 (s, l, r) tm = step0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm)" by auto
with assms have False by auto
then show ?thesis by auto
assume "¬ s' ≤ length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2"
then have "length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2 < s'" by auto
then show ?thesis
proof (cases s')
assume "s' = 0"
with ‹length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2 < s'› have False by auto
then show ?thesis by auto
fix s2
assume "s' = Suc s2"
from ‹(read r) = Bk› and ‹s = Suc s1› and ‹fetch tm (Suc s1) (read r) = (a1, s')›
have "step0 (s, l, r) tm = (s', update a1 (l, r))" by auto
from this and ‹s' = Suc s2› and ‹length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2 < s'›
have "step0 (step0 (s, l, r) tm) tm = (0, snd (step0 (s, l, r) tm))"
by (rule jump_out_of_pgm_is_final_next_step)
moreover have "step0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) = (0, snd (step0 (s, l, r) tm))"
proof -
from ‹fetch tm (Suc s1) (read r) = (a1, s')›
and ‹2*s1 < length tm›
and ‹(read r) = Bk›
and ‹length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2 < s'›
have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s1) (read r) = (a1, 0)" using fetch_mk_composable0_Bk_Suc_fix by auto
with ‹(read r) = Bk› and ‹s = Suc s1› and ‹fetch tm (Suc s1) (read r) = (a1, s')›
show ?thesis by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
fix s1
assume "read r = Oc" and "s = Suc s1"
show ?thesis
proof (cases "length tm ≤ 2*s1+1")
assume "length tm ≤ 2 * s1+1"
with ‹read r = Oc› and ‹s = Suc s1› have "fetch tm (Suc s1) (read r) = (Nop, 0::nat)"
by (auto)
moreover have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s1) (read r) = (Nop, 0::nat)"
proof (rule fetch_mk_composable0_Oc_too_short_Suc)
from ‹(read r) = Oc› show "(read r) = Oc" .
from ‹length tm ≤ 2 * s1+1› show "length tm ≤ 2 * s1+1" .
ultimately have "fetch tm (Suc s1) (read r) = fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s1) (read r)" by auto
with ‹(read r) = Oc› and ‹s = Suc s1› have "step0 (s, l, r) tm = step0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm)" by auto
with assms have False by auto
then show ?thesis by auto
assume "¬ length tm ≤ 2 * s1+1"
then have "2*s1+1 < length tm" by auto
show "step0 (step0 (s, l, r) tm) tm = (0, snd (step0 (s, l, r) tm)) ∧
step0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) = (0, snd (step0 (s, l, r) tm))"
proof (cases "fetch tm (Suc s1) (read r)")
fix a1 s'
assume "fetch tm (Suc s1) (read r) = (a1, s')"
show ?thesis
proof (cases "s' ≤ length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2")
assume "s' ≤ length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2"
from ‹fetch tm (Suc s1) (read r) = (a1, s')›
and ‹2*s1+1 < length tm›
and ‹(read r) = Oc›
and ‹s' ≤ length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2›
have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s1) (read r) = fetch tm (Suc s1) (read r)"
using fetch_mk_composable0_Oc_Suc_no_fix by auto
with ‹(read r) = Oc› and ‹s = Suc s1› have "step0 (s, l, r) tm = step0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm)" by auto
with assms have False by auto
then show ?thesis by auto
assume "¬ s' ≤ length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2"
then have "length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2 < s'" by auto
then show ?thesis
proof (cases s')
assume "s' = 0"
with ‹length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2 < s'› have False by auto
then show ?thesis by auto
fix s2
assume "s' = Suc s2"
from ‹(read r) = Oc› and ‹s = Suc s1› and ‹fetch tm (Suc s1) (read r) = (a1, s')›
have "step0 (s, l, r) tm = (s', update a1 (l, r))" by auto
from this and ‹s' = Suc s2› and ‹length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2 < s'›
have "step0 (step0 (s, l, r) tm) tm = (0, snd (step0 (s, l, r) tm))"
by (rule jump_out_of_pgm_is_final_next_step)
moreover have "step0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) = (0, snd (step0 (s, l, r) tm))"
proof -
from ‹fetch tm (Suc s1) (read r) = (a1, s')›
and ‹2*s1+1 < length tm›
and ‹(read r) = Oc›
and ‹length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2 < s'›
have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s1) (read r) = (a1, 0)" using fetch_mk_composable0_Oc_Suc_fix by auto
with ‹(read r) = Oc› and ‹s = Suc s1› and ‹fetch tm (Suc s1) (read r) = (a1, s')›
show ?thesis by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
lemma step0_mk_composable0_eq_after_two_steps:
assumes "step0 (s, (l, r)) tm ≠ step0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm)"
shows "step0 (step0 (s, (l, r)) tm) tm = (0, snd((step0 (s, (l, r)) tm))) ∧
step0 (step0 (s, (l, r)) (mk_composable0 tm)) (mk_composable0 tm) = step0 (step0 (s, (l, r)) tm) tm"
proof -
from assms have A: "step0 (step0 (s, (l, r)) tm) tm = (0, snd((step0 (s, (l, r)) tm))) ∧
step0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) = (0, snd((step0 (s, (l, r)) tm)))"
by (rule step0_mk_composable0_after_one_step)
from A have A1: "step0 (step0 (s, (l, r)) tm) tm = (0, snd((step0 (s, (l, r)) tm)))" by auto
from A have A2: "step0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) = (0, snd((step0 (s, (l, r)) tm)))" by auto
show ?thesis
proof (cases "snd((step0 (s, (l, r)) tm))")
case (Pair a b)
assume "snd (step0 (s, l, r) tm) = (a, b)"
show ?thesis
proof -
from ‹snd (step0 (s, l, r) tm) = (a, b)› and ‹step0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) = (0, snd((step0 (s, (l, r)) tm)))›
have "step0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) = (0, (a,b))" by auto
then have "step0 (step0 (s, (l, r)) (mk_composable0 tm)) (mk_composable0 tm) = step0 (0, (a,b)) (mk_composable0 tm)" by auto
also have "... = (0, (a,b))" by auto
finally have "step0 (step0 (s, (l, r)) (mk_composable0 tm)) (mk_composable0 tm) = (0, (a,b))" by auto
moreover from A1 and ‹snd (step0 (s, l, r) tm) = (a, b)›
have "step0 (step0 (s, (l, r)) tm) tm = (0, (a,b))" by auto
ultimately have "step0 (step0 (s, (l, r)) (mk_composable0 tm)) (mk_composable0 tm) = step0 (step0 (s, (l, r)) tm) tm" by auto
with A1 show ?thesis by auto
subsection ‹Properties of function steps0 with respect to function mk\_composable0›
lemma "steps0 (s, (l, r)) tm 0 = steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) 0"
by auto
lemma mk_composable0_tm_at_most_one_diff_pre:
assumes "steps0 (s, (l, r)) tm stp ≠ steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) stp"
shows "0<stp ∧ (∃k. k<stp
∧ (∀i ≤ k. steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) i = steps0 (s, l, r) tm i)
∧ (∀j > k+1.
steps0 (s, l, r) tm (j) = (0, snd(steps0 (s, l, r) tm (k+1))) ∧
steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) j = steps0 (s, l, r) tm j))"
proof -
have "∃k<stp. (∀i≤k. ¬ steps0 (s, l, r) tm i ≠ steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) i) ∧ steps0 (s, l, r) tm (Suc k) ≠ steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc k)"
proof (rule ex_least_nat_less)
show "¬ steps0 (s, l, r) tm 0 ≠ steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) 0" by auto
from assms show "steps0 (s, l, r) tm stp ≠ steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) stp" by auto
then obtain k where w_k: "k < stp ∧ (∀i≤k. ¬ steps0 (s, l, r) tm i ≠ steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) i) ∧ steps0 (s, l, r) tm (Suc k) ≠ steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc k)" by blast
from w_k have F1: "k < stp" by auto
from w_k have F2: "⋀i. i≤k ⟹ ¬ steps0 (s, l, r) tm i ≠ steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) i" by auto
from w_k have F3: "steps0 (s, l, r) tm (k + 1) ≠ steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) (k + 1)" by auto
from F3 have F3': "(steps0 (s, l, r) tm (Suc k)) ≠ (steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc k))" by auto
have "¬(steps0 (s, l, r) tm k ≠ steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) k)" using F2 by auto
then have F4: "steps0 (s, l, r) tm k = steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) k" by auto
have X1: "steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc k) = step0 (steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) k) (mk_composable0 tm)" by (rule step_red)
have X2: "steps0 (s, l, r) tm (Suc k) = step0 (steps0 (s, l, r) tm k) tm" by (rule step_red)
from X1 and X2 and F3'
have "step0 (steps0 (s, l, r) tm k) tm ≠ step0 (steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) k) (mk_composable0 tm)" by auto
then have "∃ sk lk rk. steps0 (s, l, r) tm k = (sk, lk, rk) ∧
steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) k = (sk, lk, rk) ∧
step0 (sk, (lk, rk)) tm ≠ step0 (sk, lk, rk) (mk_composable0 tm)"
proof (cases "steps0 (s, l, r) tm k")
case (fields s' l' r')
then have "steps0 (s, l, r) tm k = (s', l', r')" .
moreover with ‹step0 (steps0 (s, l, r) tm k) tm ≠ step0 (steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) k) (mk_composable0 tm)› and F4
have "step0 (s', (l', r')) tm ≠ step0 (s', l', r') (mk_composable0 tm)" by auto
moreover from ‹steps0 (s, l, r) tm k = (s', l', r')› and F4
have "steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) k = (s', l', r')" by auto
ultimately have "steps0 (s, l, r) tm k = (s', l', r') ∧ steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) k = (s', l', r') ∧
step0 (s', (l', r')) tm ≠ step0 (s', l', r') (mk_composable0 tm)" by auto
then show ?thesis by blast
then obtain sk lk rk where
w_sk_lk_rk: "steps0 (s, l, r) tm k = (sk, lk, rk) ∧
steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) k = (sk, lk, rk) ∧
step0 (sk, (lk, rk)) tm ≠ step0 (sk, lk, rk) (mk_composable0 tm)" by blast
have Y1: "step0 (step0 (sk, (lk, rk)) tm) tm = (0, snd((step0 (sk, (lk, rk)) tm))) ∧
step0 (step0 (sk, (lk, rk)) (mk_composable0 tm)) (mk_composable0 tm) = step0 (step0 (sk, (lk, rk)) tm) tm"
proof (rule step0_mk_composable0_eq_after_two_steps)
from w_sk_lk_rk show "step0 (sk, lk, rk) tm ≠ step0 (sk, lk, rk) (mk_composable0 tm)" by auto
from Y1 and w_sk_lk_rk
have "step0 (step0 (steps0 (s, l, r) tm k) tm) tm = (0, snd((step0 (steps0 (s, l, r) tm k) tm)))" by auto
from Y1 and w_sk_lk_rk
have "step0 (step0 (steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) k) (mk_composable0 tm)) (mk_composable0 tm) = step0 (step0 (steps0 (s, l, r) tm k) tm) tm" by auto
have "steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) (k+2) = step0 (step0 (steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) k) (mk_composable0 tm)) (mk_composable0 tm)"
by (auto simp add: step_red[symmetric])
have "steps0 (s, l, r) tm (k+2) = step0 (step0 (steps0 (s, l, r) tm k) tm) tm"
by (auto simp add: step_red[symmetric])
from ‹step0 (step0 (steps0 (s, l, r) tm k) tm) tm = (0, snd((step0 (steps0 (s, l, r) tm k) tm)))›
and ‹steps0 (s, l, r) tm (k+2) = step0 (step0 (steps0 (s, l, r) tm k) tm) tm›
have "steps0 (s, l, r) tm (k+2) = (0, snd((step0 (steps0 (s, l, r) tm k) tm)))" by auto
then have N1: "steps0 (s, l, r) tm (k+2) = (0, snd(steps0 (s, l, r) tm (k+1)))" by (auto simp add: step_red[symmetric])
from ‹step0 (step0 (steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) k) (mk_composable0 tm)) (mk_composable0 tm) = step0 (step0 (steps0 (s, l, r) tm k) tm) tm›
have N2: "steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) (k+2) = steps0 (s, l, r) tm (k+2)" by (auto simp add: step_red[symmetric])
have N4: "∀j > k+1.
steps0 (s, l, r) tm (j) = (0, snd(steps0 (s, l, r) tm (k+1))) ∧
steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) j = steps0 (s, l, r) tm j"
fix j
show "k + 1 < j ⟶ steps0 (s, l, r) tm j = (0, snd (steps0 (s, l, r) tm (k+1))) ∧ steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) j = steps0 (s, l, r) tm j"
proof (induct j)
case 0
then show ?case by auto
fix j
assume IV: "k + 1 < j ⟶ steps0 (s, l, r) tm j = (0, snd (steps0 (s, l, r) tm (k+1))) ∧ steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) j = steps0 (s, l, r) tm j"
show "k + 1 < Suc j ⟶ steps0 (s, l, r) tm (Suc j) = (0, snd (steps0 (s, l, r) tm (k+1))) ∧ steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc j) = steps0 (s, l, r) tm (Suc j)"
assume "k + 1 < Suc j"
then have "k + 1 ≤ j" by arith
then have "k + 1 = j ∨ k+1 < j" by arith
then show "steps0 (s, l, r) tm (Suc j) = (0, snd (steps0 (s, l, r) tm (k+1))) ∧ steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc j) = steps0 (s, l, r) tm (Suc j)"
assume "k + 1 = j"
with N1 and N2 show "steps0 (s, l, r) tm (Suc j) = (0, snd (steps0 (s, l, r) tm (k+1))) ∧
steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc j) = steps0 (s, l, r) tm (Suc j)"
by force
assume "k + 1 < j"
with IV
have Y4: "steps0 (s, l, r) tm j = (0, snd (steps0 (s, l, r) tm (k+1))) ∧ steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) j = steps0 (s, l, r) tm j" by auto
show "steps0 (s, l, r) tm (Suc j) = (0, snd (steps0 (s, l, r) tm (k+1))) ∧ steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc j) = steps0 (s, l, r) tm (Suc j)"
proof (cases " snd (steps0 (s, l, r) tm (k+1))")
case (Pair a b)
then have "snd (steps0 (s, l, r) tm (k + 1)) = (a, b)" .
with Y4 have "steps0 (s, l, r) tm j = (0,a,b) ∧ steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) j = (0,a,b)" by auto
then have "steps0 (s, l, r) tm (j+1) = (0,a,b) ∧ steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) (j+1) = (0,a,b)"
assume "steps0 (s, l, r) tm j = (0, a, b)" and "steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) j = (0, a, b)"
show "steps0 (s, l, r) tm (j + 1) = (0, a, b) ∧ steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) (j + 1) = (0, a, b)"
from ‹steps0 (s, l, r) tm j = (0, a, b)› show "steps0 (s, l, r) tm (j + 1) = (0, a, b)" by (rule stable_config_after_final_add_2)
from ‹steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) j = (0, a, b)› show "steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) (j + 1) = (0, a, b)" by (rule stable_config_after_final_add_2)
then have "steps0 (s, l, r) tm (Suc j) = (0, a, b) ∧ steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc j) = (0, a, b)" by auto
with ‹snd (steps0 (s, l, r) tm (k + 1)) = (a, b)› show ?thesis by auto
from F1 and F2 and N4 show ?thesis
by (metis neq0_conv not_less_zero)
lemma mk_composable0_tm_at_most_one_diff:
assumes "steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) stp ≠ steps0 (s, (l, r)) tm stp"
shows "0<stp ∧
(∀i < stp. steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) i = steps0 (s, l, r) tm i) ∧
(∀j > stp. steps0 (s, l, r) tm (j) = (0, snd(steps0 (s, l, r) tm stp)) ∧
steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) j = steps0 (s, l, r) tm j)"
proof -
from assms have "steps0 (s, (l, r)) tm stp ≠ steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) stp" by auto
then have A:
"0<stp ∧ (∃k. k<stp
∧ (∀i ≤ k. steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) i = steps0 (s, l, r) tm i)
∧ (∀j > k+1.
steps0 (s, l, r) tm (j) = (0, snd(steps0 (s, l, r) tm (k+1))) ∧
steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) j = steps0 (s, l, r) tm j))"
by (rule mk_composable0_tm_at_most_one_diff_pre)
then have F1: "0<stp" by auto
from A have "(∃k. k<stp
∧ (∀i ≤ k. steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) i = steps0 (s, l, r) tm i)
∧ (∀j > k+1.
steps0 (s, l, r) tm (j) = (0, snd(steps0 (s, l, r) tm (k+1))) ∧
steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) j = steps0 (s, l, r) tm j))" by auto
then obtain k where w_k:
∧ (∀i ≤ k. steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) i = steps0 (s, l, r) tm i)
∧ (∀j > k+1.
steps0 (s, l, r) tm (j) = (0, snd(steps0 (s, l, r) tm (k+1))) ∧
steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) j = steps0 (s, l, r) tm j)" by blast
then have "stp = k+1 ∨ k+1 < stp" by arith
then show ?thesis
assume "stp = k+1"
show ?thesis
from F1 show "0 < stp" by auto
from ‹stp = k+1› and w_k
show "(∀i<stp. steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) i = steps0 (s, l, r) tm i) ∧
(∀j>stp. steps0 (s, l, r) tm j = (0, snd (steps0 (s, l, r) tm stp)) ∧ steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) j = steps0 (s, l, r) tm j)" by auto
assume "k+1 < stp"
with w_k and assms have False by auto
then show ?thesis by auto
lemma mk_composable0_tm_at_most_one_diff':
assumes "steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) stp ≠ steps0 (s, (l, r)) tm stp"
shows "0 < stp ∧ (∃fl fr. snd(steps0 (s, l, r) tm stp) = (fl, fr) ∧
(∀i < stp. steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) i = steps0 (s, l, r) tm i) ∧
(∀j > stp. steps0 (s, l, r) tm j = (0, fl, fr) ∧
steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) j = (0, fl, fr) ))"
proof -
from assms have major: "0 < stp ∧
(∀i < stp. steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) i = steps0 (s, l, r) tm i) ∧
(∀j > stp. steps0 (s, l, r) tm (j) = (0, snd(steps0 (s, l, r) tm stp)) ∧
steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) j = steps0 (s, l, r) tm j)"
by (rule mk_composable0_tm_at_most_one_diff)
from major have F1: "0 < stp" by auto
from major have F2: "(∀i < stp. steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) i = steps0 (s, l, r) tm i) ∧
(∀j > stp. steps0 (s, l, r) tm (j) = (0, snd(steps0 (s, l, r) tm stp)) ∧
steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) j = steps0 (s, l, r) tm j)" by auto
then have "snd(steps0 (s, l, r) tm stp) = (fst(snd(steps0 (s, l, r) tm stp)), snd(snd(steps0 (s, l, r) tm stp)) )" by auto
with F2 have "snd(steps0 (s, l, r) tm stp) = (fst(snd(steps0 (s, l, r) tm stp)), snd(snd(steps0 (s, l, r) tm stp)) ) ∧
(∀i < stp. steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) i = steps0 (s, l, r) tm i) ∧
(∀j > stp. steps0 (s, l, r) tm j = (0, (fst(snd(steps0 (s, l, r) tm stp)), snd(snd(steps0 (s, l, r) tm stp)) )) ∧
steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) j = (0, (fst(snd(steps0 (s, l, r) tm stp)), snd(snd(steps0 (s, l, r) tm stp)) )))"
by auto
then have "(∃fl fr. snd(steps0 (s, l, r) tm stp) = (fl, fr) ∧
(∀i < stp. steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) i = steps0 (s, l, r) tm i) ∧
(∀j > stp. steps0 (s, l, r) tm j = (0, fl, fr) ∧
steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) j = (0, fl, fr)))" by blast
with F1 show ?thesis by auto