Theory ComposableTMs

(* Title: thys/ComposableTMs.thy
   Author: Jian Xu, Xingyuan Zhang, and Christian Urban
   Modifications: Sebastiaan Joosten
   Modifications and comments by Franz Regensburger (FABR) 02/2022

   * added function mk_composable0 that generates composable TMs from non-composable TMs
     such that the overall behaviour of the TM is preserved.

     This is important for the proof of the existence of uncomputable functions
     respectively undecidable sets and relations.

theory ComposableTMs
  imports Turing

section ‹Making Turing Machines composable›

(* Well-formedness of Turing machine programs
 * For certain inputs programs tm with ¬(composable_tm tm) may reach
 * the final state with a standard tape!
 * These machines are no junk. They are simply not composable via |+|

abbreviation "is_even n  (n::nat) mod 2 = 0"
abbreviation "is_odd n  (n::nat) mod 2  0"

  composable_tm :: "tprog  bool"
    "composable_tm (p, off) = (length p  2  is_even (length p)  
                    ((a, s)  set p. s  length p div 2 + off  s  off))"

  "composable_tm0 p  composable_tm (p, 0)"

lemma step_in_range: 
  assumes h1: "¬ is_final (step0 c A)"
    and h2: "composable_tm (A, 0)"
  shows "fst (step0 c A)  length A div 2"
  using h1 h2
  apply(cases c;cases "fst c";cases "hd (snd (snd c))")
  by(auto simp add: Let_def case_prod_beta')

lemma steps_in_range: 
  assumes h1: "¬ is_final (steps0 (1, tap) A stp)"
    and h2: "composable_tm (A, 0)"
  shows "fst (steps0 (1, tap) A stp)  length A div 2"
  using h1
proof(induct stp)
  case 0
  then show "fst (steps0 (1, tap) A 0)  length A div 2" using h2
    by (auto)
  case (Suc stp)
  have ih: "¬ is_final (steps0 (1, tap) A stp)  fst (steps0 (1, tap) A stp)  length A div 2" by fact
  have h: "¬ is_final (steps0 (1, tap) A (Suc stp))" by fact
  from ih h h2 show "fst (steps0 (1, tap) A (Suc stp))  length A div 2"
    by (metis step_in_range step_red)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* New by FABR                                                              *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)

subsection ‹Definitin of function fix\_jumps and mk\_composable0›

fun fix_jumps  :: "nat  tprog0  tprog0" where
  "fix_jumps smax [] = []" |
  "fix_jumps smax (ins#inss) = (if (snd ins)  smax
                                then ins # fix_jumps smax inss
                                else ((fst ins),0)#fix_jumps smax inss)"

fun mk_composable0 :: "tprog0  tprog0" where
  "mk_composable0 []   = [(Nop,0),(Nop,0)]" |
  "mk_composable0 [i1] = fix_jumps 1 [i1,(Nop,0)]" |
  "mk_composable0 (i1#i2#ins) = (let l = 2 + length ins
                        in if is_even l
                           then fix_jumps (l div 2)       (i1#i2#ins)
                           else fix_jumps ((l div 2) + 1) ((i1#i2#ins)@[(Nop,0)]))"

subsection ‹Properties of function fix\_jumps›

lemma fix_jumps_len: "length (fix_jumps smax insl) = length insl"
  by (induct insl) auto

lemma fix_jumps_le_smax: "x  set (fix_jumps smax tm). (snd x)  smax"
proof (rule filter_id_conv[THEN iffD1])
  show "filter (λx. snd x  smax) (fix_jumps smax tm) = fix_jumps smax tm"
    by (induct tm)(auto)

lemma fix_jumps_nth_no_fix:
  assumes "n < length tm" and "tm!n = ins" and "(snd ins)  smax"
  shows "(fix_jumps smax tm)!n = ins"
proof -
  have "n < length tm  tm!n = ins  (snd ins)  smax  (fix_jumps smax tm)!n = ins"
  proof (induct tm arbitrary: n ins)
    case Nil
    then show ?case by auto
    fix a tm n ins
    assume IV: "n' ins'. n' < length tm  tm ! n' = ins'  snd ins'  smax  fix_jumps smax tm ! n' = ins'"
    show "n < length (a # tm)  (a # tm) ! n = ins  snd ins  smax  fix_jumps smax (a # tm) ! n = ins"
    proof (cases n)
      case 0
      then show ?thesis by auto
      fix nat
      assume "n = Suc nat"
      show "n < length (a # tm)  (a # tm) ! n = ins  snd ins  smax  fix_jumps smax (a # tm) ! n = ins"
        assume A: "n < length (a # tm)  (a # tm) ! n = ins  snd ins  smax"
        show "fix_jumps smax (a # tm) ! n = ins"
        proof (cases "(snd a)  smax")
          case True
          then have "fix_jumps smax (a # tm) ! (Suc nat) =  (a # (fix_jumps smax tm)) ! Suc nat" by auto
          also have "... = (fix_jumps smax tm) !nat" by auto
          finally have "fix_jumps smax (a # tm) ! Suc nat = (fix_jumps smax tm) !nat" by auto
          also with n = Suc nat A and IV have "... = ins" by auto
          finally have "fix_jumps smax (a # tm) ! Suc nat = ins" by auto
          with n = Suc nat show "fix_jumps smax (a # tm) ! n = ins" by auto
          case False
          then have "fix_jumps smax (a # tm) ! (Suc nat) =  (((fst a),0) # (fix_jumps smax tm)) ! Suc nat" by auto
          also have "... = (fix_jumps smax tm) !nat" by auto
          finally have "fix_jumps smax (a # tm) ! Suc nat = (fix_jumps smax tm) !nat" by auto
          also with n = Suc nat A and IV have "... = ins" by auto
          finally have "fix_jumps smax (a # tm) ! Suc nat = ins" by auto
          with n = Suc nat show "fix_jumps smax (a # tm) ! n = ins" by auto
  with assms show ?thesis by auto

lemma fix_jumps_nth_fix:
  assumes "n < length tm" and "tm!n = ins" and "¬(snd ins)  smax"
  shows "(fix_jumps smax tm)!n = ((fst ins),0)"
proof -
  have "n < length tm  tm!n = ins  ¬(snd ins)  smax  (fix_jumps smax tm)!n = ((fst ins),0)"
  proof (induct tm arbitrary: n ins)
    case Nil
    then show ?case by auto
    fix a tm n ins
    assume IV: "n' ins'. n' < length tm  tm ! n' = ins'  ¬(snd ins')  smax  fix_jumps smax tm ! n' = (fst ins', 0)"
    show "n < length (a # tm)  (a # tm) ! n = ins  ¬ snd ins  smax  fix_jumps smax (a # tm) ! n = (fst ins, 0)"
    proof (cases n)
      case 0
      then show ?thesis by auto
      fix nat
      assume "n = Suc nat"
      show "n < length (a # tm)  (a # tm) ! n = ins  ¬ snd ins  smax  fix_jumps smax (a # tm) ! n = (fst ins, 0)"
        assume A: "n < length (a # tm)  (a # tm) ! n = ins  ¬ snd ins  smax"
        show "fix_jumps smax (a # tm) ! n = (fst ins, 0)"
        proof (cases "(snd a)  smax")
          case True
          then have "fix_jumps smax (a # tm) ! (Suc nat) =  (a # (fix_jumps smax tm)) ! Suc nat" by auto
          also have "... = (fix_jumps smax tm) !nat" by auto
          finally have "fix_jumps smax (a # tm) ! Suc nat = (fix_jumps smax tm) !nat" by auto
          also with n = Suc nat A and IV have "... = (fst ins, 0)" by auto
          finally have "fix_jumps smax (a # tm) ! Suc nat = (fst ins, 0)" by auto
          with n = Suc nat show "fix_jumps smax (a # tm) ! n = (fst ins, 0)" by auto
          case False
          then have "fix_jumps smax (a # tm) ! (Suc nat) =  (((fst a),0) # (fix_jumps smax tm)) ! Suc nat" by auto
          also have "... = (fix_jumps smax tm) !nat" by auto
          finally have "fix_jumps smax (a # tm) ! Suc nat = (fix_jumps smax tm) !nat" by auto
          also with n = Suc nat A and IV have "... = (fst ins, 0)" by auto
          finally have "fix_jumps smax (a # tm) ! Suc nat = (fst ins, 0)" by auto
          with n = Suc nat show "fix_jumps smax (a # tm) ! n = (fst ins, 0)" by auto
  with assms show ?thesis by auto

subsection ‹Functions fix\_jumps and mk\_composable0 generate composable Turing Machines.›

lemma composable_tm0_fix_jumps_pre:
  assumes "length tm  2" and "is_even (length tm)"
  shows "length (fix_jumps (length tm div 2) tm)  2 
          is_even (length (fix_jumps (length tm div 2) tm))  
          (x  set (fix_jumps (length tm div 2) tm).
             (snd x)  length (fix_jumps (length tm div 2) tm) div 2 + 0  (snd x)  0)"
  show "2  length (fix_jumps (length tm div 2) tm)"
    using assms by (auto simp add: fix_jumps_len)
  show "is_even (length (fix_jumps (length tm div 2) tm)) 
        (xset (fix_jumps (length tm div 2) tm). snd x  length (fix_jumps (length tm div 2) tm) div 2 + 0  0  snd x)"
    show "is_even (length (fix_jumps (length tm div 2) tm))"
      using assms by (auto simp add: fix_jumps_len)
    show "xset (fix_jumps (length tm div 2) tm). snd x  length (fix_jumps (length tm div 2) tm) div 2 + 0  0  snd x"
      by (auto simp add: fix_jumps_le_smax fix_jumps_len)

lemma composable_tm0_fix_jumps:
  assumes "length tm  2" and "is_even (length tm)"
  shows "composable_tm0 (fix_jumps (length tm div 2) tm)"
proof -
  from assms have "length (fix_jumps (length tm div 2) tm)  2 
                   is_even (length (fix_jumps (length tm div 2) tm))  
                   (x  set (fix_jumps (length tm div 2) tm).
                      (snd x)  length (fix_jumps (length tm div 2) tm) div 2 + 0  (snd x)  0)"
    by (rule composable_tm0_fix_jumps_pre)
  then show ?thesis by auto

lemma fix_jumps_composable0_eq:
  assumes "composable_tm0 tm"
  shows "(fix_jumps (length tm div 2) tm) = tm"
proof -
  from assms have major: "(a, s)  set tm. s  length tm div 2" by auto
  then show "(fix_jumps (length tm div 2) tm) = tm"
    by  (induct rule: fix_jumps.induct)(auto)

lemma composable_tm0_mk_composable0: "composable_tm0 (mk_composable0 tm)"
proof (rule mk_composable0.cases)
  assume "tm = []"
  then show "composable_tm0 (mk_composable0 tm)"
    by (auto simp add: composable_tm0_fix_jumps)
  fix i1
  assume "tm = [i1]"
  then show "composable_tm0 (mk_composable0 tm)"
    by (auto simp add: composable_tm0_fix_jumps)
  fix i1 i2 ins
  assume A: "tm = i1 # i2 # ins"
  then show "composable_tm0 (mk_composable0 tm)"
  proof (cases "is_even (2 + length ins)")
    case True
    then have "is_even (2 + length ins)" .
    then have "mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins) = fix_jumps ((2 + length ins) div 2) (i1#i2#ins)"
      by auto
    also have "... = fix_jumps (length (i1#i2#ins) div 2) (i1#i2#ins)"
      by auto
    finally have "mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins) = fix_jumps (length (i1#i2#ins) div 2) (i1#i2#ins)"
      by auto
    moreover have "composable_tm0 (fix_jumps (length (i1#i2#ins) div 2) (i1#i2#ins))"
    proof (rule composable_tm0_fix_jumps)
      show "2  length (i1 # i2 # ins)" by auto
      from is_even (2 + length ins) show "is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins))" 
        by (auto)
    ultimately show "composable_tm0 (mk_composable0 tm)" using A by auto
    case False
    then have "(2 + length ins) mod 2  0" .
    then have "mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins) = fix_jumps (((2 + length ins) div 2) +1) ((i1#i2#ins)@[(Nop,0)])"
      by auto
    also have "... = fix_jumps ((length (i1#i2#ins) div 2) +1) ((i1#i2#ins)@[(Nop,0)])"
      by auto
    also have "... = fix_jumps (length (i1#i2#ins@[(Nop,0)]) div 2) ((i1#i2#ins)@[(Nop,0)])"
    proof -
      from (2 + length ins) mod 2  0
      have "length ins mod 2  0" by arith
      then have "length (i1 # i2 # ins ) mod 2   0" by auto

      have "(length (i1 # i2 # ins ) div 2) + 1 = length (i1 # i2 # ins @ [(Nop, 0)]) div 2"
      proof -
        from length (i1 # i2 # ins ) mod 2   0
        have "(length (i1 # i2 # ins ) div 2) + 1 = (length (i1 # i2 # ins) +1) div 2"
          by (rule odd_div2_plus_1_eq)
        also have "... = length (i1 # i2 # ins @ [(Nop, 0)]) div 2" by auto
        finally show ?thesis by auto

      then show "fix_jumps (length (i1 # i2 # ins) div 2 + 1) ((i1 # i2 # ins) @ [(Nop, 0)]) =
                 fix_jumps (length (i1 # i2 # ins @ [(Nop, 0)]) div 2) ((i1 # i2 # ins) @ [(Nop, 0)])"
        by auto
    finally have "mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins) =
                   fix_jumps (length (i1 # i2 # ins @ [(Nop, 0)]) div 2) ((i1 # i2 # ins) @ [(Nop, 0)])"
      by auto

    moreover have "composable_tm0 (fix_jumps (length (i1 # i2 # ins @ [(Nop, 0)]) div 2) (i1 # i2 # ins @ [(Nop, 0)]))"
    proof (rule composable_tm0_fix_jumps)
      show " 2  length (i1 # i2 # ins @ [(Nop, 0)])" by auto
      show "is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins @ [(Nop, 0)]))"
      proof -
        from (2 + length ins) mod 2  0 have "length (i1 # i2 # ins) mod 2   0" by auto
        then have "is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins) +1)" by arith
        moreover have "length (i1 # i2 # ins) +1 = length (i1 # i2 # ins @ [(Nop, 0)])" by auto
        ultimately show "is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins @ [(Nop, 0)]))" by auto
    ultimately show "composable_tm0 (mk_composable0 tm)" using A by auto

subsection ‹Functions mk\_composable0 is the identity on composable Turing Machines›

lemma mk_composable0_eq:
  assumes "composable_tm0 tm"
  shows "mk_composable0 tm = tm"
proof -
  from assms have major: "length tm  2  is_even (length tm)" by auto
  show "mk_composable0 tm = tm"
  proof (rule mk_composable0.cases)
    assume "tm = []"
    with major have False by auto
    then show "mk_composable0 tm = tm" by auto
    fix i1
    assume "tm = [i1]"
    with major have False by auto
    then show "mk_composable0 tm = tm" by auto
    fix i1 i2 ins
    assume A: "tm = i1 # i2 # ins"
    then show " mk_composable0 tm = tm"
    proof (cases "is_even (2 + length ins)")
      case True
      then have "is_even (2 + length ins)" .
      then have "mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins) = fix_jumps ((2 + length ins) div 2) (i1#i2#ins)"
        by auto
      also have "... = fix_jumps (length (i1#i2#ins) div 2) (i1#i2#ins)"
        by auto
      finally have "mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins) = fix_jumps (length (i1#i2#ins) div 2) (i1#i2#ins)"
        by auto
      also have "fix_jumps (length (i1#i2#ins) div 2) (i1#i2#ins) = (i1#i2#ins)"
      proof (rule fix_jumps_composable0_eq)
        from assms and A show "composable_tm0 (i1 # i2 # ins)"
          by auto
      finally have "mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins) = i1 # i2 # ins" by auto
      with A show "mk_composable0 tm = tm" by auto
      case False
      then have "(2 + length ins) mod 2  0" by auto
      then have "length (i1 # i2 # ins) mod 2  0" by auto
      with A have "length tm   mod 2  0" by auto
      with assms have False by auto
      then show ?thesis by auto

(* ----------------------------------------------- *)
(* About the length of (mk_composable0 tm)                 *)
(* ----------------------------------------------- *)

subsection ‹About the length of mk\_composable0 tm›

lemma length_mk_composable0_nil: "length (mk_composable0 []) = 2"
  by auto

lemma length_mk_composable0_singleton: "length (mk_composable0 [i1]) = 2"
  by auto

lemma length_mk_composable0_gt2_even: "is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins))  length (mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins)) = length (i1#i2#ins)"
proof -
  assume "is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins))"
  then have "length (mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins)) = length (fix_jumps ((length (i1 # i2 # ins)) div 2) (i1#i2#ins))" by auto
  also have "... = length (i1#i2#ins)" by (auto simp add: fix_jumps_len)
  finally show "length (mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins)) = length (i1#i2#ins)" by auto

lemma length_mk_composable0_gt2_odd: "¬is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins))  length (mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins)) = length (i1#i2#ins)+1"
proof -
  assume "¬is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins))"
  then have "length (mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins)) = length (fix_jumps (((length (i1 # i2 # ins)) div 2)+1) ((i1#i2#ins)@[(Nop,0)]))" by auto
  also have "... = length ((i1#i2#ins)@[(Nop,0)])" by (auto simp add: fix_jumps_len)
  finally show "length (mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins)) = length (i1#i2#ins) + 1" by auto

lemma length_mk_composable0_even: "0 < length tm ; is_even (length tm)   length (mk_composable0 tm) = length tm"
proof (rule mk_composable0.cases[of tm])
  assume "0 < length tm"
    and  "is_even (length tm)"
    and "tm = []"
  then show ?thesis by auto
  fix i1
  assume "0 < length tm" and "is_even (length tm)" and "tm = [i1]"
  then show ?thesis by auto
  fix i1 i2 ins
  assume "0 < length tm" and "is_even (length tm)" and "tm = i1 # i2 # ins"
  then show ?thesis
  proof (cases "is_even (2 + length ins)")
    case True
    then have "is_even (2 + length ins)" .
    then have "mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins) = fix_jumps ((2 + length ins) div 2) (i1#i2#ins)" by auto
    moreover have "length (fix_jumps ((2 + length ins) div 2) (i1#i2#ins)) = length (i1#i2#ins)"
      by (rule fix_jumps_len)
    ultimately have "length (mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins)) =  length (i1#i2#ins)" by auto
    with tm = i1 # i2 # ins show ?thesis by auto
    case False
    with is_even (length tm) and  tm = i1 # i2 # ins have False by auto
    then show ?thesis by auto

lemma length_mk_composable0_odd: "0 < length tm ; ¬is_even (length tm)   length (mk_composable0 tm) = 1 + length tm"
proof (rule mk_composable0.cases[of tm])
  assume "0 < length tm"
    and  "¬ is_even (length tm)"
    and "tm = []"
  then show ?thesis by auto
  fix i1
  assume "0 < length tm" and "¬is_even (length tm)" and "tm = [i1]"
  then show ?thesis by auto
  fix i1 i2 ins
  assume "0 < length tm" and "¬is_even (length tm)" and "tm = i1 # i2 # ins"
  then show ?thesis
  proof (cases "is_even (2 + length ins)")
    case True
    with ¬is_even (length tm) and tm = i1 # i2 # ins have False by auto
    then show ?thesis by auto
    case False
    then have "¬is_even (2 + length ins)" by auto
    then have "mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins) = fix_jumps (((2 + length ins) div 2)+1 ) ((i1#i2#ins)@[(Nop,0)])"
      by auto
    moreover have "length (fix_jumps ( ((2 + length ins) div 2)+1 ) ((i1#i2#ins)@[(Nop,0)])) = length ((i1#i2#ins)@[(Nop,0)])"
      by (rule fix_jumps_len)
    ultimately have "length (mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins)) =  1 + length (i1#i2#ins)" by auto
    with tm = i1 # i2 # ins show ?thesis by auto

lemma length_tm_le_mk_composable0: "length tm  length (mk_composable0 tm)"
proof (cases "length tm")
  case 0
  then show ?thesis by auto
  case (Suc nat)
  then have A: "length tm = Suc nat" .
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases "is_even (length tm)")
    case True
    with A show ?thesis by (auto simp add: length_mk_composable0_even)
    case False
    with A show ?thesis by (auto simp add: length_mk_composable0_odd)

subsection ‹Properties of function fetch with respect to function mk\_composable0›

(* ----------------------------------------------- *)
(* Fetching instructions from  (mk_composable0 tm)         *)
(* ----------------------------------------------- *)

lemma fetch_mk_composable0_Bk_too_short_Suc:
  assumes "b = Bk" and "length tm  2*s"
  shows "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (Nop, 0::nat)"
proof (rule mk_composable0.cases[of tm])
  assume "tm = []"
  then have "length (mk_composable0 tm) = 2" by auto
  with tm = [] have "(mk_composable0 tm) = [(Nop,0),(Nop,0)]" by auto
  show "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (Nop, 0)"
  proof (cases s)
    assume "s=0"
    with length (mk_composable0 tm) = 2 
    have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) Bk = ((mk_composable0 tm) ! (2*s))"
      by (auto)
    also with s=0 and  (mk_composable0 tm) = [(Nop,0),(Nop,0)] have "... = (Nop, 0::nat)" by auto
    finally have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) Bk = (Nop, 0::nat)" by auto
    with b = Bk show ?thesis by auto
    case (Suc nat)
    then have "s = Suc nat" .
    with length (mk_composable0 tm) = 2 have "length (mk_composable0 tm)  2*s" by auto
    with b = Bk show ?thesis by (auto)
  fix i1
  assume "tm = [i1]"
  then have "mk_composable0 tm = fix_jumps 1 [i1,(Nop,0)]" by auto
  moreover have "length (fix_jumps 1 [i1,(Nop,0)]) = length [i1] +1" using fix_jumps_len by auto
  ultimately  have "length (mk_composable0 tm) = 2" using tm = [i1] by auto
  show "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (Nop, 0)"
  proof (cases s)
    case 0
    with tm = [i1] and length tm  2*s have False by auto
    then show ?thesis by auto
    case (Suc nat)
    then have "s = Suc nat" .
    with length (mk_composable0 tm) = 2 have "length (mk_composable0 tm)  2*s" by arith
    with b = Bk show ?thesis by (auto)
  fix i1 i2 ins
  assume "tm = i1 # i2 # ins"
  show "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (Nop, 0)"
  proof (cases "is_even (2 + length ins)")
    case True
    then have "is_even (2 + length ins)" .
    with tm = i1 # i2 # ins have "mk_composable0 tm = fix_jumps ((2 + length ins) div 2) tm" by auto
    moreover have "length(fix_jumps ((2 + length ins) div 2) tm) = length tm" using fix_jumps_len by auto
    ultimately have "length (mk_composable0 tm) = length tm" by auto  
    with length tm  2*s have "length (mk_composable0 tm)  2*s" by auto
    with b = Bk show ?thesis by auto
    case False
    then have "¬is_even (2 + length ins)" .
    with tm = i1 # i2 # ins
    have "mk_composable0 tm = fix_jumps (((2 + length ins) div 2)+1) (tm@[(Nop,0)])" by auto
    have "length(fix_jumps (((2 + length ins) div 2)+1) (tm@[(Nop,0)])) = length (tm@[(Nop,0)])" using fix_jumps_len by auto
    ultimately have "length (mk_composable0 tm) = length tm +1" by auto  
    moreover from ¬is_even (2 + length ins) and  tm = i1 # i2 # ins have "¬is_even (length tm)" by auto
    with length tm  2*s have "length tm +1  2*s" by arith
    with length (mk_composable0 tm) = length tm +1 have "length (mk_composable0 tm)  2*s" by auto
    with b = Bk show ?thesis by auto

lemma fetch_mk_composable0_Oc_too_short_Suc:
  assumes "b = Oc" and "length tm  2*s+1"
  shows "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (Nop, 0::nat)"
proof (rule mk_composable0.cases[of tm])
  assume "tm = []"
  then have "length (mk_composable0 tm) = 2" by auto
  with tm = [] have "(mk_composable0 tm) = [(Nop,0),(Nop,0)]" by auto
  show "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (Nop, 0)"
  proof (cases s)
    assume "s=0"
    with length (mk_composable0 tm) = 2 
    have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) Oc = ((mk_composable0 tm) ! (2*s+1))"
      by (auto)
    also with s=0 and  (mk_composable0 tm) = [(Nop,0),(Nop,0)] have "... = (Nop, 0::nat)" by auto
    finally have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) Oc = (Nop, 0::nat)" by auto
    with b = Oc show ?thesis by auto
    case (Suc nat)
    then have "s = Suc nat" .
    with length (mk_composable0 tm) = 2 have "length (mk_composable0 tm)  2*s" by auto
    with b = Oc show ?thesis by (auto)
  fix i1
  assume "tm = [i1]"
  then have "mk_composable0 tm = fix_jumps 1 [i1,(Nop,0)]" by auto
  moreover have "length (fix_jumps 1 [i1,(Nop,0)]) = length [i1] +1" using fix_jumps_len by auto
  ultimately  have "length (mk_composable0 tm) = 2" using tm = [i1] by auto
  show "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (Nop, 0)"
  proof (cases s)
    case 0
    then have "s=0" .
    with length (mk_composable0 tm) = 2 have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) Oc = ((mk_composable0 tm) ! 1)"
      by (auto)
    also with mk_composable0 tm = fix_jumps 1 [i1,(Nop,0)] have "... = ((fix_jumps 1 [i1,(Nop,0)]) ! 1)"
      by auto
    also have "... = (Nop, 0)" by (cases "(snd i1)  1")(auto)
    finally have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) Oc = (Nop, 0)" by auto
    with b = Oc show ?thesis by auto
    case (Suc nat)
    then have "s = Suc nat" .
    with length (mk_composable0 tm) = 2 have "length (mk_composable0 tm)  2*s+1" by arith
    with b = Oc show ?thesis by (auto)
  fix i1 i2 ins
  assume "tm = i1 # i2 # ins"
  show "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (Nop, 0)"
  proof (cases "is_even (2 + length ins)")
    case True
    then have "is_even (2 + length ins)" .
    with tm = i1 # i2 # ins have "mk_composable0 tm = fix_jumps ((2 + length ins) div 2) tm" by auto
    moreover have "length(fix_jumps ((2 + length ins) div 2) tm) = length tm" using fix_jumps_len by auto
    ultimately have "length (mk_composable0 tm) = length tm" by auto  
    with length tm  2*s+1 have "length (mk_composable0 tm)  2*s+1" by auto
    with b = Oc show ?thesis by auto
    case False
    then have "¬is_even (2 + length ins)" .
    with tm = i1 # i2 # ins
    have F1: "mk_composable0 tm = fix_jumps (((2 + length ins) div 2)+1) (tm@[(Nop,0)])" by auto
    have "length(fix_jumps (((2 + length ins) div 2)+1) (tm@[(Nop,0)])) = length (tm@[(Nop,0)])"
      using fix_jumps_len by auto
    ultimately have "length (mk_composable0 tm) = length tm +1" by auto

    moreover from ¬is_even (2 + length ins) and  tm = i1 # i2 # ins
    have "¬is_even (length tm)" by auto

    from length tm  2*s+1 have  "(length tm) = (2*s+1)  (length tm) < 2*s+1" by auto
    then show ?thesis
      assume "length tm = 2 * s + 1"
      from length tm = 2 * s + 1 and length (mk_composable0 tm) = length tm +1 have "length (mk_composable0 tm) = 2*s + 2" by auto
      from length tm = 2 * s + 1 and length (mk_composable0 tm) = length tm +1 have "length (mk_composable0 tm) > 2*s+1" by arith
      with b = Oc have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = ((mk_composable0 tm) ! (2*s+1))" by (auto )
      also with length (mk_composable0 tm) = 2 * s + 2 have "... = (mk_composable0 tm) ! (length (mk_composable0 tm)-1)" by auto
      also with F1 have "... = (fix_jumps (((2 + length ins) div 2)+1) (tm@[(Nop,0)])) ! (length (mk_composable0 tm)-1)" by auto
      also have "... = (Nop, 0)"
      proof (rule fix_jumps_nth_no_fix)
        show "snd (Nop, 0)  (2 + length ins) div 2 + 1" by auto
        from length (mk_composable0 tm) = length tm +1 show "length (mk_composable0 tm) - 1 < length (tm @ [(Nop, 0)])" by auto
        from  length (mk_composable0 tm) = length tm +1 show "(tm @ [(Nop, 0)]) ! (length (mk_composable0 tm) - 1) = (Nop, 0)" by auto
      finally show "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b =  (Nop, 0)" by auto
      assume "length tm < 2 * s + 1 "
      with ¬is_even (length tm) have "length tm +1  2 * s + 1" by auto
      with length (mk_composable0 tm) = length tm +1 have "length (mk_composable0 tm)   2 * s + 1" by auto
      with b = Oc show "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (Nop, 0::nat)"
        by (auto)

lemma nth_append': "n < length xs  (xs @ ys) ! n = xs ! n" by (auto simp add: nth_append)

lemma fetch_mk_composable0_Bk_Suc_no_fix:
  assumes "b = Bk"
    and "2*s < length tm"
    and "fetch tm (Suc s) b = (a, s')"
    and "s'  length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2"
  shows "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = fetch tm (Suc s) b"
proof (rule mk_composable0.cases[of tm])
  assume "tm = []"
  with length tm > 2*s show ?thesis by auto
  fix i1
  assume "tm = [i1]"
  have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (mk_composable0 tm)!(2*s)"
    using tm = [i1] assms by auto
  also have "(mk_composable0 tm)!(2*s) = (a, s')"
  proof -
    from tm = [i1] have "length (mk_composable0 tm) = 2" by auto
    have "(mk_composable0 [i1])!(2*s) = (fix_jumps 1 [i1,(Nop,0)])!(2*s)" by auto
    also have "... = (a, s')"
    proof (rule fix_jumps_nth_no_fix)
      from assms and  tm = [i1] show "2 * s < length [i1, (Nop, 0)]" by auto
      from assms and  tm = [i1] show "[i1, (Nop, 0)] ! (2 * s) = (a, s')" by auto
      from assms and  tm = [i1] and length (mk_composable0 tm) = 2 show "snd (a, s')  1" by auto
    finally have "(mk_composable0 [i1])!(2*s) = (a, s')" by auto
    with  tm = [i1] show ?thesis by auto
  finally have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (a, s')" by auto
  with assms show ?thesis by auto
  fix i1 i2 ins
  assume "tm = i1 # i2 # ins"
  have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (mk_composable0 tm)!(2*s)"
  proof -
    have "¬ length (mk_composable0 tm)  2 * Suc s - 2"
      by (metis (no_types) add_diff_cancel_left' assms(2) le_trans length_tm_le_mk_composable0 mult_Suc_right not_less)
    then show ?thesis
      by (simp add: assms(1))
    also have "(mk_composable0 tm)!(2*s) = (a, s')"
  proof (cases "is_even (length tm)")
    case True
    then have "is_even (length tm)" .
    with tm = i1 # i2 # ins have  "is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins))" by auto
    then have "length (mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins)) = length (i1#i2#ins)" by (rule length_mk_composable0_gt2_even)

    from is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins))
    have "(mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins))!(2*s) = (fix_jumps ((length (i1 # i2 # ins)) div 2) (i1#i2#ins))!(2*s)" by auto
    also have "... = (a, s')"
    proof (rule fix_jumps_nth_no_fix)
      from assms and  tm = i1 # i2 # ins show "2 * s < length (i1 # i2 # ins)" by auto
      from assms and  tm = i1 # i2 # ins show "(i1 # i2 # ins) ! (2 * s) = (a, s')" by auto
      from assms and  tm = i1 # i2 # ins and length (mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins)) = length (i1#i2#ins)
      show "snd (a, s')  length (i1 # i2 # ins) div 2" by auto
    finally have "(mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins))!(2*s) = (a, s')" by auto
    with tm = i1 # i2 # ins show ?thesis by auto
    case False
    then have "¬is_even (length tm)" .
    with tm = i1 # i2 # ins have  "¬is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins))" by auto
    then have "length (mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins)) = length (i1#i2#ins) +1" by (rule length_mk_composable0_gt2_odd)

    from ¬is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins))
    have "(mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins))!(2*s) = (fix_jumps (((length (i1 # i2 # ins)) div 2)+1) ((i1#i2#ins)@[(Nop,0)]))!(2*s)" by auto
    also have "... = (a, s')"
    proof (rule fix_jumps_nth_no_fix)
      from assms and tm = i1 # i2 # ins show "2 * s < length ((i1 # i2 # ins) @ [(Nop, 0)])" by auto
      have "((i1 # i2 # ins)@ [(Nop, 0)]) ! (2 * s) = ((i1 # i2 # ins)) ! (2 * s)"
      proof (rule nth_append')
        from assms and tm = i1 # i2 # ins show "2 * s < length (i1 # i2 # ins)" by auto
      also from assms and tm = i1 # i2 # ins have "((i1 # i2 # ins)) ! (2 * s) = (a, s')" by auto
      finally show "((i1 # i2 # ins)@ [(Nop, 0)]) ! (2 * s) = (a, s')" by auto
      from assms and  tm = i1 # i2 # ins and length (mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins)) = length ((i1#i2#ins)) + 1
      show "snd (a, s')  length (i1 # i2 # ins) div 2 + 1" by auto 
    finally have "(mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins))!(2*s) = (a, s')" by auto
    with tm = i1 # i2 # ins show ?thesis by auto
  finally have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (a, s')" by auto
  with assms show ?thesis by auto

lemma fetch_mk_composable0_Bk_Suc_fix:
assumes "b = Bk"
    and "2*s < length tm"
    and "fetch tm (Suc s) b = (a, s')"
    and "length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2 < s'"
shows "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (a, 0)"
proof (rule mk_composable0.cases[of tm])
  assume "tm = []"
  with length tm > 2*s show ?thesis by auto
  fix i1
  assume "tm = [i1]"
  have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (mk_composable0 tm)!(2*s)"
    using tm = [i1] assms(1) assms(2) by auto
  also have "(mk_composable0 tm)!(2*s) = (a, 0)"
  proof -
    from tm = [i1] have "length (mk_composable0 tm) = 2" by auto
    have "(mk_composable0 [i1])!(2*s) = (fix_jumps 1 [i1,(Nop,0)])!(2*s)" by auto
    also have "... = (fst(a,s'), 0)"
    proof (rule fix_jumps_nth_fix)
      from assms and  tm = [i1] show "2 * s < length [i1, (Nop, 0)]" by auto
      from assms and  tm = [i1] show "[i1, (Nop, 0)] ! (2 * s) = (a, s')" by auto
      from assms and  tm = [i1] and length (mk_composable0 tm) = 2 show "¬snd (a, s')  1" by auto
    finally have "(mk_composable0 [i1])!(2*s) = (a, 0)" by auto
    with  tm = [i1] show ?thesis by auto
  finally have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (a, 0)" by auto
  with assms show ?thesis by auto
  fix i1 i2 ins
  assume "tm = i1 # i2 # ins"
  from assms have "fetch tm (Suc s) b = (tm ! (2*s))"
    by (auto)
  have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (mk_composable0 tm)!(2*s)"
    using assms(1) assms(3) assms(4) le_trans length_tm_le_mk_composable0
    by fastforce
  also have "(mk_composable0 tm)!(2*s) = (a, 0)"
  proof (cases "is_even (length tm)")
    case True
    then have "is_even (length tm)" .
    with tm = i1 # i2 # ins have  "is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins))" by auto
    then have "length (mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins)) = length (i1#i2#ins)" by (rule length_mk_composable0_gt2_even)

    from is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins))
    have "(mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins))!(2*s) = (fix_jumps ((length (i1 # i2 # ins)) div 2) (i1#i2#ins))!(2*s)" by auto
    also have "... = (fst(a,s'),0)"

    proof (rule fix_jumps_nth_fix)
      from assms and  tm = i1 # i2 # ins show "2 * s < length (i1 # i2 # ins)" by auto
      from assms and  tm = i1 # i2 # ins show "(i1 # i2 # ins) ! (2 * s) = (a, s')" by auto
      from assms and  tm = i1 # i2 # ins and length (mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins)) = length (i1#i2#ins)
      show "¬snd (a, s')  length (i1 # i2 # ins) div 2" by auto
    finally have "(mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins))!(2*s) = (fst(a,s'),0)" by auto
    then have "(mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins))!(2*s) = (a,0)" by auto
    with tm = i1 # i2 # ins show ?thesis by auto
    case False
    then have "¬is_even (length tm)" .
    with tm = i1 # i2 # ins have  "¬is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins))" by auto
    then have "length (mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins)) = length (i1#i2#ins) +1" by (rule length_mk_composable0_gt2_odd)
    from ¬is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins))
    have "(mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins))!(2*s) = (fix_jumps (((length (i1 # i2 # ins)) div 2)+1) ((i1#i2#ins)@[(Nop,0)]))!(2*s)" by auto
    also have "... = (fst(a,s'), 0)"
    proof (rule fix_jumps_nth_fix)
      from assms and tm = i1 # i2 # ins show "2 * s < length ((i1 # i2 # ins) @ [(Nop, 0)])" by auto
      have "((i1 # i2 # ins)@ [(Nop, 0)]) ! (2 * s) = ((i1 # i2 # ins)) ! (2 * s)"
      proof (rule nth_append')
        from assms and tm = i1 # i2 # ins show "2 * s < length (i1 # i2 # ins)" by auto
      also from assms and tm = i1 # i2 # ins have "((i1 # i2 # ins)) ! (2 * s) = (a, s')" by auto
      finally show "((i1 # i2 # ins)@ [(Nop, 0)]) ! (2 * s) = (a, s')" by auto
      from assms and tm = i1 # i2 # ins and length (mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins)) = length ((i1#i2#ins)) + 1
      have "s' > (length (i1 # i2 # ins) + 1) div 2" by auto
      with ¬is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins)) have "s' > length (i1 # i2 # ins) div 2 + 1" by arith
      then show "¬ snd (a, s')  length (i1 # i2 # ins) div 2 + 1" by auto 
    finally have "(mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins))!(2*s) = (a, 0)" by auto
    with tm = i1 # i2 # ins show ?thesis by auto
  finally have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (a, 0)" by auto
  with assms show ?thesis by auto

lemma fetch_mk_composable0_Oc_Suc_no_fix:
  assumes "b = Oc"
    and "2*s+1 < length tm"
    and "fetch tm (Suc s) b = (a, s')"

    and "s'  length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2"
  shows "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = fetch tm (Suc s) b"
proof (rule mk_composable0.cases[of tm])
  assume "tm = []"
  with 2*s+1 < length tm show ?thesis by auto
  fix i1
  assume "tm = [i1]"
  have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (mk_composable0 tm)!(2*s+1)"
    using tm = [i1] assms(2) by auto
  also have "(mk_composable0 tm)!(2*s+1) = (a, s')"
  proof -
    from tm = [i1] have "length (mk_composable0 tm) = 2" by auto
    have "(mk_composable0 [i1])!(2*s+1) = (fix_jumps 1 [i1,(Nop,0)])!(2*s+1)" by auto
    also have "... = (a, s')"
    proof (rule fix_jumps_nth_no_fix)
      from assms and  tm = [i1] show "2 * s  +1 < length [i1, (Nop, 0)]" by auto
      from assms and  tm = [i1] show "[i1, (Nop, 0)] ! (2 * s +1) = (a, s')" by auto
      from assms and  tm = [i1] and length (mk_composable0 tm) = 2 show "snd (a, s')  1" by auto
    finally have "(mk_composable0 [i1])!(2*s+1) = (a, s')" by auto
    with  tm = [i1] show ?thesis by auto
  finally have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (a, s')" by auto
  with assms show ?thesis by auto
  fix i1 i2 ins
  assume "tm = i1 # i2 # ins"
  have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (mk_composable0 tm)!(2*s+1)"
  proof -
    have "¬ length (mk_composable0 tm)  2 * s + 1"
      by (meson assms(2) le_trans length_tm_le_mk_composable0 not_less)
    then show ?thesis
      by (simp add: assms(1))
  also have "(mk_composable0 tm)!(2*s+1) = (a, s')"
  proof (cases "is_even (length tm)")
    case True
    then have "is_even (length tm)" .
    with tm = i1 # i2 # ins have  "is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins))" by auto
    then have "length (mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins)) = length (i1#i2#ins)" by (rule length_mk_composable0_gt2_even)

    from is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins))
    have "(mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins))!(2*s+1) = (fix_jumps ((length (i1 # i2 # ins)) div 2) (i1#i2#ins))!(2*s+1)" by auto
    also have "... = (a, s')"
    proof (rule fix_jumps_nth_no_fix)
      from assms and  tm = i1 # i2 # ins show "2 * s+1 < length (i1 # i2 # ins)" by auto
      from assms and  tm = i1 # i2 # ins show "(i1 # i2 # ins) ! (2 * s+1) = (a, s')" by auto
      from assms and  tm = i1 # i2 # ins and length (mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins)) = length (i1#i2#ins)
      show "snd (a, s')  length (i1 # i2 # ins) div 2" by auto
    finally have "(mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins))!(2*s+1) = (a, s')" by auto
    with tm = i1 # i2 # ins show ?thesis by auto
    case False
    then have "¬is_even (length tm)" .
    with tm = i1 # i2 # ins have  "¬is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins))" by auto
    then have "length (mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins)) = length (i1#i2#ins) +1" by (rule length_mk_composable0_gt2_odd)

    from ¬is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins))
    have "(mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins))!(2*s+1) = (fix_jumps (((length (i1 # i2 # ins)) div 2)+1) ((i1#i2#ins)@[(Nop,0)]))!(2*s+1)" by auto
    also have "... = (a, s')"
    proof (rule fix_jumps_nth_no_fix)
      from assms and tm = i1 # i2 # ins show "2 * s +1< length ((i1 # i2 # ins) @ [(Nop, 0)])" by auto
      have "((i1 # i2 # ins)@ [(Nop, 0)]) ! (2 * s+1) = ((i1 # i2 # ins)) ! (2 * s+1)"
      proof (rule nth_append')
        from assms and tm = i1 # i2 # ins show "2 * s+1 < length (i1 # i2 # ins)" by auto
      also from assms and tm = i1 # i2 # ins have "((i1 # i2 # ins)) ! (2 * s+1) = (a, s')" by auto
      finally show "((i1 # i2 # ins)@ [(Nop, 0)]) ! (2 * s+1) = (a, s')" by auto
      from assms and  tm = i1 # i2 # ins and length (mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins)) = length ((i1#i2#ins)) + 1
      show "snd (a, s')  length (i1 # i2 # ins) div 2 + 1" by auto 
    finally have "(mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins))!(2*s+1) = (a, s')" by auto
    with tm = i1 # i2 # ins show ?thesis by auto
  finally have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (a, s')" by auto
  with assms show ?thesis by auto

lemma fetch_mk_composable0_Oc_Suc_fix:
assumes "b = Oc"
    and "2*s+1 < length tm"
    and "fetch tm (Suc s) b = (a, s')"

    and "length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2 < s'"
shows "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (a, 0)"
proof (rule mk_composable0.cases[of tm])
  assume "tm = []"
  with length tm > 2*s+1 show ?thesis by auto
  fix i1
  assume "tm = [i1]"
  have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (mk_composable0 tm)!(2*s+1)"
    using tm = [i1] assms(2) by auto
  also have "(mk_composable0 tm)!(2*s+1) = (a, 0)"
  proof -
    from tm = [i1] have "length (mk_composable0 tm) = 2" by auto
    have "(mk_composable0 [i1])!(2*s+1) = (fix_jumps 1 [i1,(Nop,0)])!(2*s+1)" by auto
    also have "... = (fst(a,s'), 0)"
    proof (rule fix_jumps_nth_fix)
      from assms and  tm = [i1] show "2 * s+1 < length [i1, (Nop, 0)]" by auto
      from assms and  tm = [i1] show "[i1, (Nop, 0)] ! (2 * s+1) = (a, s')" by auto
      from assms and  tm = [i1] and length (mk_composable0 tm) = 2 show "¬snd (a, s')  1" by auto
    finally have "(mk_composable0 [i1])!(2*s+1) = (a, 0)" by auto
    with  tm = [i1] show ?thesis by auto
  finally have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (a, 0)" by auto
  with assms show ?thesis by auto
  fix i1 i2 ins
  assume "tm = i1 # i2 # ins"
  from assms have "fetch tm (Suc s) b = (tm ! (2*s+1))"
    by (auto)
  have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (mk_composable0 tm)!(2*s+1)"
  proof -
    have "¬ length (mk_composable0 tm)  2 * s + 1"
      by (meson assms(2) le_trans length_tm_le_mk_composable0 not_less)
    then show ?thesis
      by (simp add: assms(1))
  also have "(mk_composable0 tm)!(2*s+1) = (a, 0)"
  proof (cases "is_even (length tm)")
    case True
    then have "is_even (length tm)" .
    with tm = i1 # i2 # ins have  "is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins))" by auto
    then have "length (mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins)) = length (i1#i2#ins)" by (rule length_mk_composable0_gt2_even)

    from is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins))
    have "(mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins))!(2*s+1) = (fix_jumps ((length (i1 # i2 # ins)) div 2) (i1#i2#ins))!(2*s+1)" by auto
    also have "... = (fst(a,s'),0)"

    proof (rule fix_jumps_nth_fix)
      from assms and  tm = i1 # i2 # ins show "2 * s +1 < length (i1 # i2 # ins)" by auto
      from assms and  tm = i1 # i2 # ins show "(i1 # i2 # ins) ! (2 * s +1) = (a, s')" by auto
      from assms and  tm = i1 # i2 # ins and length (mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins)) = length (i1#i2#ins)
      show "¬snd (a, s')  length (i1 # i2 # ins) div 2" by auto
    finally have "(mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins))!(2*s+1) = (fst(a,s'),0)" by auto
    then have "(mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins))!(2*s+1) = (a,0)" by auto
    with tm = i1 # i2 # ins show ?thesis by auto
    case False
    then have "¬is_even (length tm)" .
    with tm = i1 # i2 # ins have  "¬is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins))" by auto
    then have "length (mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins)) = length (i1#i2#ins) +1" by (rule length_mk_composable0_gt2_odd)
    from ¬is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins))
    have "(mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins))!(2*s+1) = (fix_jumps (((length (i1 # i2 # ins)) div 2)+1) ((i1#i2#ins)@[(Nop,0)]))!(2*s+1)" by auto
    also have "... = (fst(a,s'), 0)"
    proof (rule fix_jumps_nth_fix)
      from assms and tm = i1 # i2 # ins show "2 * s+1 < length ((i1 # i2 # ins) @ [(Nop, 0)])" by auto
      have "((i1 # i2 # ins)@ [(Nop, 0)]) ! (2 * s +1) = ((i1 # i2 # ins)) ! (2 * s +1)"
      proof (rule nth_append')
        from assms and tm = i1 # i2 # ins show "2 * s +1 < length (i1 # i2 # ins)" by auto
      also from assms and tm = i1 # i2 # ins have "((i1 # i2 # ins)) ! (2 * s +1) = (a, s')" by auto
      finally show "((i1 # i2 # ins)@ [(Nop, 0)]) ! (2 * s +1) = (a, s')" by auto
      from assms and tm = i1 # i2 # ins and length (mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins)) = length ((i1#i2#ins)) + 1
      have "s' > (length (i1 # i2 # ins) + 1) div 2" by auto
      with ¬is_even (length (i1 # i2 # ins)) have "s' > length (i1 # i2 # ins) div 2 + 1" by arith
      then show "¬ snd (a, s')  length (i1 # i2 # ins) div 2 + 1" by auto 
    finally have "(mk_composable0 (i1 # i2 # ins))!(2*s+1) = (a, 0)" by auto
    with tm = i1 # i2 # ins show ?thesis by auto
  finally have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s) b = (a, 0)" by auto
  with assms show ?thesis by auto

subsection ‹Properties of function step0 with respect to function mk\_composable0›

lemma length_mk_composable0_div2_lt_imp_length_tm_le_times2:
  assumes "length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2 < s'"
    and "s' = Suc s2"
  shows "length tm  2 * s2"
proof (cases "length tm")
  case 0
  then show ?thesis by auto
  case (Suc nat)
  then have "length tm = Suc nat" .
  then show ?thesis
  proof (cases  "is_even (length tm)")
    case True
    then have "is_even (length tm)" .

    from  length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2 < s'
      and s' = Suc s2 have "length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2 < Suc s2" by auto
    moreover from is_even (length tm) and length tm = Suc nat
    have "length (mk_composable0 tm) = length tm"
      by (auto simp add: length_mk_composable0_even)
    ultimately have "length tm div 2 < Suc s2" by auto
    with is_even (length tm) show ?thesis by (auto simp add: even_le_div2_imp_le_times_2)
    case False
    then have "¬ is_even (length tm)" .
    from  length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2 < s' and s' = Suc s2
    have "length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2 < Suc s2" by auto
    moreover from ¬is_even (length tm)
      and length tm = Suc nat have "length (mk_composable0 tm) = length tm +1"
      by (auto simp add: length_mk_composable0_odd)
    ultimately have "(length tm +1) div 2 < Suc s2" by auto
    with ¬is_even (length tm) show ?thesis by (auto simp add: odd_le_div2_imp_le_times_2)

lemma jump_out_of_pgm_is_final_next_step:
  assumes "step0 (s, l, r) tm = (s', update a1 (l, r))"
    and "s' = Suc s2" and "length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2 < s'"
  shows "step0 (step0 (s, l, r) tm) tm = (0, snd (step0 (s, l, r) tm))"
proof -
  from length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2 < s' and s' = Suc s2 have "length tm  2 * s2"
    by (rule length_mk_composable0_div2_lt_imp_length_tm_le_times2)
  with assms have  "step0 (step0 (s, l, r) tm) tm = step0 (s', update a1 (l, r)) tm" by auto
  also have "... = (0::nat, update a1 (l, r))"
  proof (cases "update a1 (l, r)")
    fix l2 r2
    assume "update a1 (l, r) = (l2, r2)"
    then show ?thesis 
    proof (cases "read r2")
      case Bk
      then have "read r2 = Bk" .
      moreover with length tm  2 * s2 and s' = Suc s2 fetch.simps
      have "fetch tm s' Bk = (Nop, 0::nat)" by auto
      ultimately show ?thesis by (auto simp add: update a1 (l, r) = (l2, r2) )
      case Oc
      then have "read r2 = Oc" .
      moreover with length tm  2 * s2 and s' = Suc s2 fetch.simps
      have "fetch tm s' Oc = (Nop, 0::nat)" by auto
      ultimately show ?thesis by (auto simp add: update a1 (l, r) = (l2, r2) )
  finally have "step0 (step0 (s, l, r) tm) tm = (0, update a1 (l, r)) " by auto

  with step0 (s, l, r) tm = (s', update a1 (l, r)) show ?thesis by auto

lemma step0_mk_composable0_after_one_step:
  assumes "step0 (s, (l, r)) tm  step0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm)"
  shows "step0 (step0 (s, (l, r)) tm) tm = (0, snd((step0 (s, (l, r)) tm))) 
         step0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm)     = (0, snd((step0 (s, (l, r)) tm)))"
proof (cases "(read r)"; cases s)
  assume "read r = Bk" and "s = 0"
  show "step0 (step0 (s, l, r) tm) tm = (0, snd (step0 (s, l, r) tm))  step0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) = (0, snd (step0 (s, l, r) tm))"
  proof (cases "length tm  2*s")
    case True
    with s = 0 show ?thesis by auto
    case False
    then have "2 * s < length tm" by auto
    with s = 0 show ?thesis by auto
  assume "read r = Oc" and "s = 0"
  show "step0 (step0 (s, l, r) tm) tm = (0, snd (step0 (s, l, r) tm))  step0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) = (0, snd (step0 (s, l, r) tm))"
  proof (cases "length tm  2*s")
    case True
    then have "length tm  2 * s" .
    with s = 0 show ?thesis by auto
    case False
    then have "2 * s < length tm" by auto
    with s = 0 show ?thesis by auto
  fix s1
  assume "read r = Bk" and "s = Suc s1"
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases "length tm  2*s1")  (* both programs will fetch a Nop *)
    assume "length tm  2 * s1"
    with read r = Bk and s = Suc s1 have "fetch tm (Suc s1) (read r) = (Nop, 0::nat)"
      by (auto)
    moreover have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s1) (read r) = (Nop, 0::nat)"
      by (rule fetch_mk_composable0_Bk_too_short_Suc)(auto simp add: read r = Bk length tm  2 * s1)
    ultimately have "fetch tm (Suc s1) (read r) = fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s1) (read r)" by auto
    with (read r) = Bk and s = Suc s1 have "step0 (s, l, r) tm = step0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm)" by auto
    with assms have False by auto
    then show ?thesis by auto
    assume "¬ length tm  2 * s1"    (* a case hard to prove *)
      (* both programs will fetch some action in state s = Suc s1, which is explicitly specified in tm already*)
    then have  "2*s1 < length tm" by auto
    show "step0 (step0 (s, l, r) tm) tm = (0, snd (step0 (s, l, r) tm)) 
          step0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) = (0, snd (step0 (s, l, r) tm))"
    proof (cases "fetch tm (Suc s1) (read r)")
      fix a1 s'
      assume "fetch tm (Suc s1) (read r) = (a1, s')"
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "s'  length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2")
        assume "s'  length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2"

        from fetch tm (Suc s1) (read r) = (a1, s')
          and 2*s1 < length tm
          and (read r) = Bk
          and s'  length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2
        have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s1) (read r) = fetch tm (Suc s1) (read r)"
          using fetch_mk_composable0_Bk_Suc_no_fix by auto

        with (read r) = Bk and s = Suc s1 have "step0 (s, l, r) tm = step0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm)" by auto
        with assms have False by auto
        then show ?thesis by auto
        assume "¬ s'  length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2"
        then have "length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2 < s'" by auto
        then show ?thesis
        proof (cases s')
          assume "s' = 0"
          with length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2 < s' have False by auto
          then show ?thesis by auto
          fix s2
          assume "s' = Suc s2"

          from (read r) = Bk and s = Suc s1 and fetch tm (Suc s1) (read r) = (a1, s')
          have "step0 (s, l, r) tm = (s', update a1 (l, r))" by auto

          from this and s' = Suc s2 and length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2 < s'
          have "step0 (step0 (s, l, r) tm) tm = (0, snd (step0 (s, l, r) tm))"
            by (rule jump_out_of_pgm_is_final_next_step)
          moreover have "step0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) = (0, snd (step0 (s, l, r) tm))"
          proof -
            from fetch tm (Suc s1) (read r) = (a1, s')
              and 2*s1 < length tm
              and (read r) = Bk
              and length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2 < s'
            have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s1) (read r) = (a1, 0)" using fetch_mk_composable0_Bk_Suc_fix by auto
            with  (read r) = Bk and s = Suc s1 and fetch tm (Suc s1) (read r) = (a1, s')
            show ?thesis by auto
          ultimately  show ?thesis by auto
  fix s1
  assume "read r = Oc" and "s = Suc s1"
  show ?thesis

  proof (cases "length tm  2*s1+1")  (* both programs will fetch a Nop *)
    assume "length tm  2 * s1+1"
    with read r = Oc and s = Suc s1 have "fetch tm (Suc s1) (read r) = (Nop, 0::nat)"
      by (auto)
    moreover have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s1) (read r) = (Nop, 0::nat)"
    proof (rule fetch_mk_composable0_Oc_too_short_Suc)
      from (read r) = Oc show "(read r) = Oc" .
      from length tm  2 * s1+1 show "length tm  2 * s1+1" .
    ultimately have "fetch tm (Suc s1) (read r) = fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s1) (read r)" by auto
    with (read r) = Oc and s = Suc s1 have "step0 (s, l, r) tm = step0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm)" by auto
    with assms have False by auto
    then show ?thesis by auto
    assume "¬ length tm  2 * s1+1"  (* a case hard to prove *)
      (* both programs will fetch some action in state s = Suc s1, which is explicitly specified in tm already*)
    then have  "2*s1+1 < length tm" by auto
    show "step0 (step0 (s, l, r) tm) tm = (0, snd (step0 (s, l, r) tm)) 
          step0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) = (0, snd (step0 (s, l, r) tm))"
    proof (cases "fetch tm (Suc s1) (read r)")
      fix a1 s'
      assume "fetch tm (Suc s1) (read r) = (a1, s')"
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "s'  length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2")
        assume "s'  length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2"

        from fetch tm (Suc s1) (read r) = (a1, s')
          and 2*s1+1 < length tm
          and (read r) = Oc
          and s'  length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2
        have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s1) (read r) = fetch tm (Suc s1) (read r)"
          using fetch_mk_composable0_Oc_Suc_no_fix by auto

        with (read r) = Oc and s = Suc s1 have "step0 (s, l, r) tm = step0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm)" by auto
        with assms have False by auto
        then show ?thesis by auto

        assume "¬ s'  length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2"
        then have "length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2 < s'" by auto
        then show ?thesis
        proof (cases s')
          assume "s' = 0"
          with length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2 < s' have False by auto
          then show ?thesis by auto
          fix s2
          assume "s' = Suc s2"

          from (read r) = Oc and s = Suc s1 and fetch tm (Suc s1) (read r) = (a1, s')
          have "step0 (s, l, r) tm = (s', update a1 (l, r))" by auto

          from this and s' = Suc s2 and length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2 < s'
          have "step0 (step0 (s, l, r) tm) tm = (0, snd (step0 (s, l, r) tm))"
            by (rule jump_out_of_pgm_is_final_next_step)
          moreover have "step0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) = (0, snd (step0 (s, l, r) tm))"
          proof -
            from fetch tm (Suc s1) (read r) = (a1, s')
              and 2*s1+1 < length tm
              and (read r) = Oc
              and length (mk_composable0 tm) div 2 < s'
            have "fetch (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc s1) (read r) = (a1, 0)" using fetch_mk_composable0_Oc_Suc_fix by auto
            with  (read r) = Oc and s = Suc s1 and fetch tm (Suc s1) (read r) = (a1, s')
            show ?thesis by auto
          ultimately  show ?thesis by auto

lemma step0_mk_composable0_eq_after_two_steps:
  assumes "step0 (s, (l, r)) tm  step0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm)"
  shows "step0 (step0 (s, (l, r)) tm) tm = (0, snd((step0 (s, (l, r)) tm))) 
         step0 (step0 (s, (l, r)) (mk_composable0 tm)) (mk_composable0 tm) = step0 (step0 (s, (l, r)) tm) tm"
proof -
  from assms have A: "step0 (step0 (s, (l, r)) tm) tm = (0, snd((step0 (s, (l, r)) tm))) 
         step0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm)     = (0, snd((step0 (s, (l, r)) tm)))"
    by (rule step0_mk_composable0_after_one_step)
  from A have A1: "step0 (step0 (s, (l, r)) tm) tm = (0, snd((step0 (s, (l, r)) tm)))" by auto
  from A have A2: "step0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) = (0, snd((step0 (s, (l, r)) tm)))" by auto

  show ?thesis
  proof (cases "snd((step0 (s, (l, r)) tm))")
    case (Pair a b)
    assume "snd (step0 (s, l, r) tm) = (a, b)"
    show ?thesis
    proof -
      from snd (step0 (s, l, r) tm) = (a, b) and step0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) = (0, snd((step0 (s, (l, r)) tm)))
      have "step0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) = (0, (a,b))" by auto

      then have "step0 (step0 (s, (l, r)) (mk_composable0 tm)) (mk_composable0 tm) = step0 (0, (a,b))  (mk_composable0 tm)" by auto
      also have "... = (0, (a,b))" by auto
      finally have "step0 (step0 (s, (l, r)) (mk_composable0 tm)) (mk_composable0 tm) = (0, (a,b))" by auto

      moreover from A1 and  snd (step0 (s, l, r) tm) = (a, b)
      have "step0 (step0 (s, (l, r)) tm) tm = (0, (a,b))" by auto

      ultimately have "step0 (step0 (s, (l, r)) (mk_composable0 tm)) (mk_composable0 tm) = step0 (step0 (s, (l, r)) tm) tm" by auto
      with A1 show ?thesis by auto

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)

subsection ‹Properties of function steps0 with respect to function mk\_composable0›

lemma "steps0 (s, (l, r)) tm 0 = steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) 0"
  by auto

lemma mk_composable0_tm_at_most_one_diff_pre:
  assumes "steps0 (s, (l, r)) tm stp  steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) stp"
  shows "0<stp  (k. k<stp 
             (i  k. steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) i = steps0 (s, l, r) tm i)
             (j > k+1.
                    steps0 (s, l, r) tm (j) = (0, snd(steps0 (s, l, r) tm (k+1)))  
                    steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) j = steps0 (s, l, r) tm j))"
proof -
  have "k<stp. (ik. ¬ steps0 (s, l, r) tm i  steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) i)  steps0 (s, l, r) tm (Suc k)  steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc k)"
  proof (rule ex_least_nat_less)
    show "¬ steps0 (s, l, r) tm 0  steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) 0" by auto
    from assms show "steps0 (s, l, r) tm stp  steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) stp" by auto
  then obtain k where w_k: "k < stp  (ik. ¬ steps0 (s, l, r) tm i  steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) i)  steps0 (s, l, r) tm (Suc k)  steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc k)" by blast
  from w_k have F1: "k < stp" by auto
  from w_k have F2: "i. ik  ¬ steps0 (s, l, r) tm i  steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) i" by auto
  from w_k have F3: "steps0 (s, l, r) tm (k + 1)  steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) (k + 1)" by auto

  from F3 have F3': "(steps0 (s, l, r) tm (Suc k))  (steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc k))" by auto

  have "¬(steps0 (s, l, r) tm k  steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) k)" using F2 by auto
  then have F4: "steps0 (s, l, r) tm k = steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) k" by auto

  have X1: "steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc k) = step0 (steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) k) (mk_composable0 tm)" by (rule step_red)
  have X2: "steps0 (s, l, r) tm (Suc k) = step0 (steps0 (s, l, r) tm k) tm" by (rule step_red)

  from X1 and X2 and F3'
  have "step0 (steps0 (s, l, r) tm k) tm  step0 (steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) k) (mk_composable0 tm)" by auto

  then have " sk lk rk. steps0 (s, l, r) tm k = (sk, lk, rk) 
                         steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) k = (sk, lk, rk) 
                         step0 (sk, (lk, rk)) tm  step0 (sk, lk, rk) (mk_composable0 tm)"
  proof (cases "steps0 (s, l, r) tm k")
    case (fields s' l' r')
    then have "steps0 (s, l, r) tm k = (s', l', r')" .
    moreover with step0 (steps0 (s, l, r) tm k) tm  step0 (steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) k) (mk_composable0 tm) and F4
    have "step0 (s', (l', r')) tm  step0 (s', l', r') (mk_composable0 tm)" by auto

    moreover from steps0 (s, l, r) tm k = (s', l', r') and F4
    have "steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) k = (s', l', r')" by auto
    ultimately have "steps0 (s, l, r) tm k = (s', l', r')  steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) k = (s', l', r') 
                     step0 (s', (l', r')) tm  step0 (s', l', r') (mk_composable0 tm)" by auto

    then show ?thesis by blast

  then obtain sk lk rk where
    w_sk_lk_rk: "steps0 (s, l, r) tm k = (sk, lk, rk) 
                 steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) k = (sk, lk, rk) 
                 step0 (sk, (lk, rk)) tm  step0 (sk, lk, rk) (mk_composable0 tm)" by blast

  have Y1: "step0 (step0 (sk, (lk, rk)) tm) tm = (0, snd((step0 (sk, (lk, rk)) tm))) 
         step0 (step0 (sk, (lk, rk)) (mk_composable0 tm)) (mk_composable0 tm) = step0 (step0 (sk, (lk, rk)) tm) tm"
  proof (rule  step0_mk_composable0_eq_after_two_steps)
    from w_sk_lk_rk show "step0 (sk, lk, rk) tm  step0 (sk, lk, rk) (mk_composable0 tm)" by auto

  from Y1 and w_sk_lk_rk
  have "step0 (step0 (steps0 (s, l, r) tm k) tm) tm = (0, snd((step0 (steps0 (s, l, r) tm k) tm)))" by auto

  from Y1 and w_sk_lk_rk
  have "step0 (step0 (steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) k) (mk_composable0 tm)) (mk_composable0 tm) = step0 (step0 (steps0 (s, l, r) tm k) tm) tm" by auto

  have "steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) (k+2) = step0 (step0 (steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) k) (mk_composable0 tm)) (mk_composable0 tm)"
    by (auto simp add: step_red[symmetric])

  have "steps0 (s, l, r) tm (k+2) = step0 (step0 (steps0 (s, l, r) tm k) tm) tm"
    by (auto simp add: step_red[symmetric])

  from step0 (step0 (steps0 (s, l, r) tm k) tm) tm = (0, snd((step0 (steps0 (s, l, r) tm k) tm)))
    and steps0 (s, l, r) tm (k+2) = step0 (step0 (steps0 (s, l, r) tm k) tm) tm
  have "steps0 (s, l, r) tm (k+2) = (0, snd((step0 (steps0 (s, l, r) tm k) tm)))" by auto
  then have N1: "steps0 (s, l, r) tm (k+2) = (0, snd(steps0 (s, l, r) tm (k+1)))" by (auto simp add: step_red[symmetric])

  from step0 (step0 (steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) k) (mk_composable0 tm)) (mk_composable0 tm) = step0 (step0 (steps0 (s, l, r) tm k) tm) tm
  have N2: "steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) (k+2) = steps0 (s, l, r) tm (k+2)" by (auto simp add: step_red[symmetric])

  have N4: "j > k+1.
         steps0 (s, l, r) tm (j) = (0, snd(steps0 (s, l, r) tm (k+1)))  
         steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) j = steps0 (s, l, r) tm j"
    fix j
    show "k + 1 < j  steps0 (s, l, r) tm j = (0, snd (steps0 (s, l, r) tm (k+1)))  steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) j = steps0 (s, l, r) tm j"
    proof (induct j)
      case 0
      then show ?case by auto
      fix  j
      assume IV: "k + 1 < j  steps0 (s, l, r) tm j = (0, snd (steps0 (s, l, r) tm (k+1)))  steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) j = steps0 (s, l, r) tm j"
      show "k + 1 < Suc j  steps0 (s, l, r) tm (Suc j) = (0, snd (steps0 (s, l, r) tm (k+1)))  steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc j) = steps0 (s, l, r) tm (Suc j)"
        assume "k + 1 < Suc j"
        then have "k + 1  j" by arith
        then have "k + 1 = j  k+1 < j" by arith 
        then show "steps0 (s, l, r) tm (Suc j) = (0, snd (steps0 (s, l, r) tm (k+1)))  steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc j) = steps0 (s, l, r) tm (Suc j)"
          assume "k + 1 = j"
          with N1 and N2 show "steps0 (s, l, r) tm (Suc j) = (0, snd (steps0 (s, l, r) tm (k+1))) 
                               steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc j) = steps0 (s, l, r) tm (Suc j)"
            by force
          assume "k + 1 < j"
          with IV
          have Y4: "steps0 (s, l, r) tm j = (0, snd (steps0 (s, l, r) tm (k+1)))  steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) j = steps0 (s, l, r) tm j" by auto
          show "steps0 (s, l, r) tm (Suc j) = (0, snd (steps0 (s, l, r) tm (k+1)))  steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc j) = steps0 (s, l, r) tm (Suc j)"
          proof (cases " snd (steps0 (s, l, r) tm (k+1))")
            case (Pair a b)
            then have "snd (steps0 (s, l, r) tm (k + 1)) = (a, b)" .
            with Y4 have "steps0 (s, l, r) tm j = (0,a,b)  steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) j = (0,a,b)" by auto
            then have "steps0 (s, l, r) tm (j+1) = (0,a,b)  steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) (j+1) = (0,a,b)"
              assume "steps0 (s, l, r) tm j = (0, a, b)" and "steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) j = (0, a, b)"
              show "steps0 (s, l, r) tm (j + 1) = (0, a, b)  steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) (j + 1) = (0, a, b)"
                from steps0 (s, l, r) tm j = (0, a, b) show "steps0 (s, l, r) tm (j + 1) = (0, a, b)" by (rule stable_config_after_final_add_2)
                from steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) j = (0, a, b) show "steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) (j + 1) = (0, a, b)" by (rule stable_config_after_final_add_2)
            then have "steps0 (s, l, r) tm (Suc j) = (0, a, b)  steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) (Suc j) = (0, a, b)" by auto
            with snd (steps0 (s, l, r) tm (k + 1)) = (a, b) show ?thesis by auto

  from F1 and F2 and N4 show ?thesis
    by (metis neq0_conv not_less_zero)

(* ----------------- *)

lemma mk_composable0_tm_at_most_one_diff:
  assumes "steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) stp  steps0 (s, (l, r)) tm stp"
  shows "0<stp   
         (i < stp. steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) i = steps0 (s, l, r) tm i) 
         (j > stp. steps0 (s, l, r) tm (j) = (0, snd(steps0 (s, l, r) tm stp))  
                    steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) j = steps0 (s, l, r) tm j)"
proof -
  from assms have "steps0 (s, (l, r)) tm stp  steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) stp" by auto
  then have A:
    "0<stp  (k. k<stp 
             (i  k. steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) i = steps0 (s, l, r) tm i)
             (j > k+1.
                    steps0 (s, l, r) tm (j) = (0, snd(steps0 (s, l, r) tm (k+1)))  
                    steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) j = steps0 (s, l, r) tm j))"
    by (rule mk_composable0_tm_at_most_one_diff_pre)
  then have F1: "0<stp" by auto
  from A have "(k. k<stp 
             (i  k. steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) i = steps0 (s, l, r) tm i)
             (j > k+1.
                    steps0 (s, l, r) tm (j) = (0, snd(steps0 (s, l, r) tm (k+1)))  
                    steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) j = steps0 (s, l, r) tm j))" by auto
  then obtain k where w_k:
             (i  k. steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) i = steps0 (s, l, r) tm i)
             (j > k+1.
                    steps0 (s, l, r) tm (j) = (0, snd(steps0 (s, l, r) tm (k+1)))  
                    steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) j = steps0 (s, l, r) tm j)" by blast
  then have "stp = k+1  k+1 < stp" by arith
  then show ?thesis
    assume "stp = k+1"
    show ?thesis
      from F1 show "0 < stp" by auto
      from stp = k+1 and w_k
      show  "(i<stp. steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) i = steps0 (s, l, r) tm i) 
    (j>stp. steps0 (s, l, r) tm j = (0, snd (steps0 (s, l, r) tm stp))  steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) j = steps0 (s, l, r) tm j)" by auto
    assume "k+1 < stp"
    with w_k and assms have False by auto
    then show ?thesis by auto

lemma mk_composable0_tm_at_most_one_diff':
  assumes "steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) stp  steps0 (s, (l, r)) tm stp"
  shows "0 < stp  (fl fr. snd(steps0 (s, l, r) tm stp) = (fl, fr)       
                   (i < stp. steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) i = steps0 (s, l, r) tm i) 
                   (j > stp. steps0 (s, l, r)  tm         j = (0, fl, fr)  
                              steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) j = (0, fl, fr) ))"
proof -
  from assms have major: "0 < stp   
         (i < stp. steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) i = steps0 (s, l, r) tm i) 
         (j > stp. steps0 (s, l, r) tm (j) = (0, snd(steps0 (s, l, r) tm stp))  
                    steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) j = steps0 (s, l, r) tm j)"
    by (rule mk_composable0_tm_at_most_one_diff)
  from major have F1: "0 < stp" by auto
  from major have F2: "(i < stp. steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) i = steps0 (s, l, r) tm i) 
                       (j > stp. steps0 (s, l, r) tm (j) = (0, snd(steps0 (s, l, r) tm stp))  
                                  steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) j = steps0 (s, l, r) tm j)" by auto
  then have "snd(steps0 (s, l, r) tm stp) = (fst(snd(steps0 (s, l, r) tm stp)), snd(snd(steps0 (s, l, r) tm stp)) )" by auto
  with F2 have "snd(steps0 (s, l, r) tm stp) = (fst(snd(steps0 (s, l, r) tm stp)), snd(snd(steps0 (s, l, r) tm stp)) ) 
                       (i < stp. steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) i = steps0 (s, l, r) tm i) 
                       (j > stp. steps0 (s, l, r) tm j = (0, (fst(snd(steps0 (s, l, r) tm stp)), snd(snd(steps0 (s, l, r) tm stp)) )) 
                                  steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) j = (0, (fst(snd(steps0 (s, l, r) tm stp)), snd(snd(steps0 (s, l, r) tm stp)) )))"
    by auto
  then have  "(fl fr.  snd(steps0 (s, l, r) tm stp) = (fl, fr) 
                       (i < stp. steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) i = steps0 (s, l, r) tm i) 
                       (j > stp. steps0 (s, l, r) tm j = (0, fl, fr) 
                                  steps0 (s, l, r) (mk_composable0 tm) j = (0, fl, fr)))" by blast
  with F1 show ?thesis by auto
