Theory Abacus

(* Title: thys/Abacus.thy
   Author: Jian Xu, Xingyuan Zhang, and Christian Urban
   Modifications: Sebastiaan Joosten
   Minor adjustments: Franz Regensburger (FABR) 02/2022

section ‹Definition of Abacus Machines›

theory Abacus
  imports Turing_Hoare Abacus_Mopup Turing_HaltingConditions

(* Cleanup simpset: the following proofs depend on a cleaned up simpset *)
declare adjust.simps[simp del]
declare seq_tm.simps [simp del] 
declare shift.simps[simp del]
declare composable_tm.simps[simp del]
declare step.simps[simp del]
declare steps.simps[simp del]
declare fetch.simps[simp del]

(* Abacus instructions *)

datatype abc_inst =
  Inc nat
  | Dec nat nat
  | Goto nat

type_synonym abc_prog = "abc_inst list"

type_synonym abc_state = nat

text ‹
  The memory of Abacus machine is defined as a list of contents, with 
  every units addressed by index into the list.
type_synonym abc_lm = "nat list"

text ‹
  Fetching contents out of memory. Units not represented by list elements are considered
  as having content 0›.
fun abc_lm_v :: "abc_lm  nat  nat"
    "abc_lm_v lm n = (if (n < length lm) then (lm!n) else 0)"         

text ‹
  Set the content of memory unit n› to value v›.
  am› is the Abacus memory before setting.
  If address n› is outside to scope of am›, am› 
  is extended so that n› becomes in scope.

fun abc_lm_s :: "abc_lm  nat  nat  abc_lm"
    "abc_lm_s am n v = (if (n < length am) then (am[n:=v]) else 
                           am@ (replicate (n - length am) 0) @ [v])"

text ‹
  The configuration of Abacus machines consists of its current state and its
  current memory:
type_synonym abc_conf = "abc_state × abc_lm"

text ‹
  Fetch instruction out of Abacus program:

fun abc_fetch :: "nat  abc_prog  abc_inst option" 
    "abc_fetch s p = (if (s < length p) then Some (p ! s) else None)"

text ‹
  Single step execution of Abacus machine. If no instruction is fetched, 
  configuration does not change.
fun abc_step_l :: "abc_conf  abc_inst option  abc_conf"
    "abc_step_l (s, lm) a = (case a of 
               None  (s, lm) |
               Some (Inc n)   (let nv = abc_lm_v lm n in
                       (s + 1, abc_lm_s lm n (nv + 1))) |
               Some (Dec n e)  (let nv = abc_lm_v lm n in
                       if (nv = 0) then (e, abc_lm_s lm n 0) 
                       else (s + 1,  abc_lm_s lm n (nv - 1))) |
               Some (Goto n)  (n, lm) 

text ‹
  Multi-step execution of Abacus Machines.
fun abc_steps_l :: "abc_conf  abc_prog  nat  abc_conf"
    "abc_steps_l (s, lm) p 0 = (s, lm)" |
    "abc_steps_l (s, lm) p (Suc n) = abc_steps_l (abc_step_l (s, lm) (abc_fetch s p)) p n"

section ‹
  Compiling Abacus Machines into Turing Machines

subsection ‹
  Functions used for compilation

text findnth n› returns the TM which locates the represention of
  memory cell n› on the tape and changes representation of zero
  on the way.

fun findnth :: "nat  instr list"
    "findnth 0 = []" |
    "findnth (Suc n) = (findnth n @ [(WO, 2 * n + 1), 
           (R, 2 * n + 2), (R, 2 * n + 3), (R, 2 * n + 2)])"

text tinc_b› returns the TM which increments the representation 
  of the memory cell under rw-head by one and move the representation 
  of cells afterwards to the right accordingly.

definition tinc_b :: "instr list"
    "tinc_b  [(WO, 1), (R, 2), (WO, 3), (R, 2), (WO, 3), (R, 4), 
             (L, 7), (WB, 5), (R, 6), (WB, 5), (WO, 3), (R, 6),
             (L, 8), (L, 7), (R, 9), (L, 7), (R, 10), (WB, 9)]" 

text tinc ss n› returns the TM which simulates the execution of 
  Abacus instruction Inc n›, assuming that TM is located at
  location ss› in the final TM complied from the whole
  Abacus program.

fun tinc :: "nat  nat  instr list"
    "tinc ss n = shift (findnth n @ shift tinc_b (2 * n)) (ss - 1)"

text tdec_b› returns the TM which decrements the representation 
  of the memory cell under rw-head by one and move the representation 
  of cells afterwards to the left accordingly.

definition tdec_b :: "instr list"
    "tdec_b   [(WO, 1), (R, 2), (L, 14), (R, 3), (L, 4), (R, 3),
              (R, 5), (WB, 4), (R, 6), (WB, 5), (L, 7), (L, 8),
              (L, 11), (WB, 7), (WO, 8), (R, 9), (L, 10), (R, 9),
              (R, 5), (WB, 10), (L, 12), (L, 11), (R, 13), (L, 11),
              (R, 17), (WB, 13), (L, 15), (L, 14), (R, 16), (L, 14),
              (R, 0), (WB, 16)]"

text tdec ss n label› returns the TM which simulates the execution of 
  Abacus instruction Dec n label›, assuming that TM is located at
  location ss› in the final TM complied from the whole
  Abacus program.

fun tdec :: "nat  nat  nat  instr list"
    "tdec ss n e = shift (findnth n) (ss - 1) @ adjust (shift (shift tdec_b (2 * n)) (ss - 1)) e"

text tgoto f(label)› returns the TM simulating the execution of Abacus instruction
  Goto label›, where f(label)› is the corresponding location of
  label› in the final TM compiled from the overall Abacus program.

fun tgoto :: "nat  instr list"
    "tgoto n = [(Nop, n), (Nop, n)]"

text ‹
  The layout of the final TM compiled from an Abacus program is represented
  as a list of natural numbers, where the list element at index n› represents the 
  starting state of the TM simulating the execution of n›-th instruction
  in the Abacus program.

type_synonym layout = "nat list"

text length_of i› is the length of the 
  TM simulating the Abacus instruction i›.
fun length_of :: "abc_inst  nat"
    "length_of i = (case i of 
                    Inc n    2 * n + 9 |
                    Dec n e  2 * n + 16 |
                    Goto n   1)"

text layout_of ap› returns the layout of Abacus program ap›.
fun layout_of :: "abc_prog  layout"
  where "layout_of ap = map length_of ap"

text start_of layout n› looks out the starting state of n›-th
  TM in the finall TM.

fun start_of :: "nat list  nat  nat"
    "start_of ly x = (Suc (sum_list (take x ly))) "

text ci lo ss i› compiles the Abacus instruction i›
  assuming the TM of i› starts from state ss› 
  within the overal layout lo›.

fun ci :: "layout  nat  abc_inst  instr list"
    "ci ly ss (Inc n) = tinc ss n"
  | "ci ly ss (Dec n e) = tdec ss n (start_of ly e)"
  | "ci ly ss (Goto n) = tgoto (start_of ly n)"

text tpairs_of ap› transfroms Abacus program ap› pairing
  every instruction with its starting state.

fun tpairs_of :: "abc_prog  (nat × abc_inst) list"
  where "tpairs_of ap = (zip (map (start_of (layout_of ap)) 
                         [0..<(length ap)]) ap)"

text tms_of ap› returns the list of TMs, where every one of them simulates
  the corresponding Abacus intruction in ap›.

fun tms_of :: "abc_prog  (instr list) list"
  where "tms_of ap = map (λ (n, tm). ci (layout_of ap) n tm) 
                         (tpairs_of ap)"

text tm_of ap› returns the final TM machine compiled from Abacus program ap›.
fun tm_of :: "abc_prog  instr list"
  where "tm_of ap = concat (tms_of ap)"

(* --- *)
lemma length_findnth: 
  "length (findnth n) = 4 * n"
  by (induct n, auto)

lemma ci_length : "length (ci ns n ai) div 2 = length_of ai"
  apply(auto simp: tinc_b_def tdec_b_def length_findnth
      split: abc_inst.splits)

subsection ‹Representation of Abacus Memory by TM tapes›

text crsp acf tcf› means the abacus configuration acf›
  is corretly represented by the TM configuration tcf›.

fun crsp :: "layout  abc_conf  config  cell list  bool"
    "crsp ly (as, lm) (s, l, r) inres = 
           (s = start_of ly as  ( x. r = <lm> @ Bkx)  
            l = Bk # Bk # inres)"

declare crsp.simps[simp del]

text ‹
  The type of invariants expressing correspondence between 
  Abacus configuration and TM configuration.

type_synonym inc_inv_t = "abc_conf  config  cell list  bool"

declare tms_of.simps[simp del] tm_of.simps[simp del]
  abc_fetch.simps [simp del]  
  tpairs_of.simps[simp del] start_of.simps[simp del]
  ci.simps [simp del] length_of.simps[simp del] 
  layout_of.simps[simp del]

text ‹
  The lemmas in this section lead to the correctness of 
  the compilation of Inc n› instruction.

declare abc_step_l.simps[simp del] abc_steps_l.simps[simp del]
lemma start_of_nonzero[simp]: "start_of ly as > 0" "(start_of ly as = 0) = False"
   apply(auto simp: start_of.simps)

lemma abc_steps_l_0: "abc_steps_l ac ap 0 = ac"
  by(cases ac, simp add: abc_steps_l.simps)

lemma abc_step_red: 
  "abc_steps_l (as, am) ap stp = (bs, bm)  
  abc_steps_l (as, am) ap (Suc stp) = abc_step_l (bs, bm) (abc_fetch bs ap) "
proof(induct stp arbitrary: as am bs bm)
  case 0
  thus "?case"
    by(simp add: abc_steps_l.simps abc_steps_l_0)
  case (Suc stp as am bs bm)
  have ind: "as am bs bm. abc_steps_l (as, am) ap stp = (bs, bm)  
    abc_steps_l (as, am) ap (Suc stp) = abc_step_l (bs, bm) (abc_fetch bs ap)"
    by fact
  have h:" abc_steps_l (as, am) ap (Suc stp) = (bs, bm)" by fact
  obtain as' am' where g: "abc_step_l (as, am) (abc_fetch as ap) = (as', am')"
    by(cases "abc_step_l (as, am) (abc_fetch as ap)", auto)
  then have "abc_steps_l (as', am') ap (Suc stp) = abc_step_l (bs, bm) (abc_fetch bs ap)"
    using h
    by(intro ind, simp add: abc_steps_l.simps)
  thus "?case"
    using g
    by(simp add: abc_steps_l.simps)

lemma tm_shift_fetch: 
  "fetch A s b = (ac, ns); ns  0 
   fetch (shift A off) s b = (ac, ns + off)"
  apply(cases b;cases s)
     apply(auto simp: fetch.simps shift.simps)

lemma tm_shift_eq_step:
  assumes exec: "step (s, l, r) (A, 0) = (s', l', r')"
    and notfinal: "s'  0"
  shows "step (s + off, l, r) (shift A off, off) = (s' + off, l', r')"
  using assms
  apply(simp add: step.simps)
  apply(cases "fetch A s (read r)", auto)
   apply(drule_tac [!] off = off in tm_shift_fetch, simp_all)

lemma tm_shift_eq_steps: 
  assumes exec: "steps (s, l, r) (A, 0) stp = (s', l', r')"
    and notfinal: "s'  0"
  shows "steps (s + off, l, r) (shift A off, off) stp = (s' + off, l', r')"
  using exec notfinal
proof(induct stp arbitrary: s' l' r', simp add: steps.simps)
  fix stp s' l' r'
  assume ind: "s' l' r'. steps (s, l, r) (A, 0) stp = (s', l', r'); s'  0 
      steps (s + off, l, r) (shift A off, off) stp = (s' + off, l', r')"
    and h: " steps (s, l, r) (A, 0) (Suc stp) = (s', l', r')" "s'  0"
  obtain s1 l1 r1 where g: "steps (s, l, r) (A, 0) stp = (s1, l1, r1)" 
    apply(cases "steps (s, l, r) (A, 0) stp") by blast
  moreover then have "s1  0"
    using h
    apply(cases "0 < s1", auto)
  ultimately have "steps (s + off, l, r) (shift A off, off) stp =
                   (s1 + off, l1, r1)"
    apply(intro ind, simp_all)
  thus "steps (s + off, l, r) (shift A off, off) (Suc stp) = (s' + off, l', r')"
    using h g assms
    apply(intro tm_shift_eq_step, auto)

lemma startof_ge1[simp]: "Suc 0  start_of ly as"
  apply(simp add: start_of.simps)

lemma start_of_Suc1: "ly = layout_of ap; 
       abc_fetch as ap = Some (Inc n)
        start_of ly (Suc as) = start_of ly as + 2 * n + 9"
  apply(auto simp: start_of.simps layout_of.simps  
      length_of.simps abc_fetch.simps 
      take_Suc_conv_app_nth split: if_splits)

lemma start_of_Suc2:
  "ly = layout_of ap;
  abc_fetch as ap = Some (Dec n e)  
        start_of ly (Suc as) = 
            start_of ly as + 2 * n + 16"
  apply(auto simp: start_of.simps layout_of.simps  
      length_of.simps abc_fetch.simps 
      take_Suc_conv_app_nth split: if_splits)

lemma start_of_Suc3:
  "ly = layout_of ap;
  abc_fetch as ap = Some (Goto n)  
  start_of ly (Suc as) = start_of ly as + 1"
  apply(auto simp: start_of.simps layout_of.simps  
      length_of.simps abc_fetch.simps 
      take_Suc_conv_app_nth split: if_splits)

lemma length_ci_inc: 
  "length (ci ly ss (Inc n)) = 4*n + 18"
  apply(auto simp: ci.simps length_findnth tinc_b_def)

lemma length_ci_dec: 
  "length (ci ly ss (Dec n e)) = 4*n + 32"
  apply(auto simp: ci.simps length_findnth tdec_b_def)

lemma length_ci_goto: 
  "length (ci ly ss (Goto n )) = 2"
  apply(auto simp: ci.simps length_findnth tdec_b_def)

lemma take_Suc_last[elim]: "Suc as  length xs  
            take (Suc as) xs = take as xs @ [xs ! as]"
proof(induct xs arbitrary: as)
  case (Cons a xs)
  then show ?case by ( simp, cases as;simp)
qed simp

lemma concat_suc: "Suc as  length xs  
       concat (take (Suc as) xs) = concat (take as xs) @ xs! as"
  apply(subgoal_tac "take (Suc as) xs = take as xs @ [xs ! as]", simp)
  by auto

lemma concat_drop_suc_iff: 
  "Suc n < length tps  concat (drop (Suc n) tps) = 
           tps ! Suc n @ concat (drop (Suc (Suc n)) tps)"
proof(induct tps arbitrary: n)
  case (Cons a tps)
  then show ?case 
    apply(cases tps, simp, simp)
    apply(cases n, simp, simp)
qed simp

declare append_assoc[simp del]

lemma  tm_append:
  "n < length tps; tp = tps ! n  
   tp1 tp2. concat tps = tp1 @ tp @ tp2  tp1 = 
  concat (take n tps)  tp2 = concat (drop (Suc n) tps)"
  apply(rule_tac x = "concat (take n tps)" in exI)
  apply(rule_tac x = "concat (drop (Suc n) tps)" in exI)
proof(induct n)
  case 0
  then show ?case by(cases tps; simp)
  case (Suc n)
  then show ?case 
    apply(subgoal_tac "concat (take n tps) @ (tps ! n) = 
               concat (take (Suc n) tps)")
     apply(simp only: append_assoc[THEN sym], simp only: append_assoc)
     apply(subgoal_tac " concat (drop (Suc n) tps) = tps ! Suc n @ 
                  concat (drop (Suc (Suc n)) tps)")
      apply (metis append_take_drop_id concat_append)
     apply(rule concat_drop_suc_iff,force)
    by (simp add: concat_suc)

declare append_assoc[simp]

lemma length_tms_of[simp]: "length (tms_of aprog) = length aprog"
  apply(auto simp: tms_of.simps tpairs_of.simps)

lemma ci_nth: 
  "ly = layout_of aprog; 
  abc_fetch as aprog = Some ins
   ci ly (start_of ly as) ins = tms_of aprog ! as"
  apply(simp add: tms_of.simps tpairs_of.simps 
      abc_fetch.simps del: map_append split: if_splits)

lemma t_split:"
        ly = layout_of aprog;
        abc_fetch as aprog = Some ins
        tp1 tp2. concat (tms_of aprog) = 
            tp1 @ (ci ly (start_of ly as) ins) @ tp2
             tp1 = concat (take as (tms_of aprog))  
              tp2 = concat (drop (Suc as) (tms_of aprog))"
  apply(insert tm_append[of "as" "tms_of aprog" 
        "ci ly (start_of ly as) ins"], simp)
  apply(subgoal_tac "ci ly (start_of ly as) ins = (tms_of aprog) ! as")
   apply(subgoal_tac "length (tms_of aprog) = length aprog")
    apply(simp add: abc_fetch.simps split: if_splits, simp)
  apply(intro ci_nth, auto)

lemma div_apart: "x mod (2::nat) = 0; y mod 2 = 0 
           (x + y) div 2 = x div 2 + y div 2"

lemma length_layout_of[simp]: "length (layout_of aprog) = length aprog"
  by(auto simp: layout_of.simps)

lemma length_tms_of_elem_even[intro]:  "n < length ap  length (tms_of ap ! n) mod 2 = 0"
  apply(cases "ap ! n")
  by (auto simp: tms_of.simps tpairs_of.simps ci.simps length_findnth tinc_b_def tdec_b_def)

lemma compile_mod2: "length (concat (take n (tms_of ap))) mod 2 = 0"
proof(induct n)
  case 0
  then show ?case by (auto simp add: take_Suc_conv_app_nth)
  case (Suc n)
  hence "n < length (tms_of ap)  is_even (length (concat (take (Suc n) (tms_of ap))))"
    unfolding take_Suc_conv_app_nth by fastforce
  with Suc show ?case by(cases "n < length (tms_of ap)", auto)

lemma tpa_states:
  "tp = concat (take as (tms_of ap));
  as  length ap  
  start_of (layout_of ap) as = Suc (length tp div 2)"
proof(induct as arbitrary: tp)
  case 0
  thus "?case"
    by(simp add: start_of.simps)
  case (Suc as tp)
  have ind: "tp. tp = concat (take as (tms_of ap)); as  length ap 
    start_of (layout_of ap) as = Suc (length tp div 2)" by fact
  have tp: "tp = concat (take (Suc as) (tms_of ap))" by fact
  have le: "Suc as  length ap" by fact
  have a: "start_of (layout_of ap) as = Suc (length (concat (take as (tms_of ap))) div 2)"
    using le
    by(intro ind, simp_all)
  from a tp le show "?case"
    apply(simp add: start_of.simps take_Suc_conv_app_nth)
    apply(subgoal_tac "length (concat (take as (tms_of ap))) mod 2= 0")
     apply(subgoal_tac " length (tms_of ap ! as) mod 2 = 0")
      apply(simp add: Abacus.div_apart) 
      apply(simp add: layout_of.simps ci_length  tms_of.simps tpairs_of.simps)
     apply(auto  intro: compile_mod2)

declare fetch.simps[simp]
lemma append_append_fetch: 
  "length tp1 mod 2 = 0; length tp mod 2 = 0;
      length tp1 div 2 < a  a  length tp1 div 2 + length tp div 2
    fetch (tp1 @ tp @ tp2) a b = fetch tp (a - length tp1 div 2) b "
  apply(subgoal_tac " x. a = length tp1 div 2 + x", erule exE)
   apply(rename_tac x)
   apply(case_tac x, simp)
   apply(subgoal_tac "length tp1 div 2 + Suc nat = 
             Suc (length tp1 div 2 + nat)")
    apply(simp only: fetch.simps nth_of.simps, auto)
   apply(cases b, simp)
    apply(subgoal_tac "2 * (length tp1 div 2) = length tp1", simp)
     apply(subgoal_tac "2 * nat < length tp", simp add: nth_append, simp)
    apply(subgoal_tac "2 * (length tp1 div 2) = length tp1", simp)
    apply(subgoal_tac "2 * nat < length tp", simp add: nth_append, auto)
   apply(auto simp: nth_append)
  apply(rule_tac x = "a - length tp1 div 2" in exI, simp)

lemma step_eq_fetch':
  assumes layout: "ly = layout_of ap"
    and compile: "tp = tm_of ap"
    and fetch: "abc_fetch as ap = Some ins"
    and range1: "s  start_of ly as"
    and range2: "s < start_of ly (Suc as)"
  shows "fetch tp s b = fetch (ci ly (start_of ly as) ins)
       (Suc s - start_of ly as) b "
proof -
  have "tp1 tp2. concat (tms_of ap) = tp1 @ ci ly (start_of ly as) ins @ tp2 
    tp1 = concat (take as (tms_of ap))  tp2 = concat (drop (Suc as) (tms_of ap))"
    using assms
    by(intro t_split, simp_all)
  then obtain tp1 tp2 where a: "concat (tms_of ap) = tp1 @ ci ly (start_of ly as) ins @ tp2 
    tp1 = concat (take as (tms_of ap))  tp2 = concat (drop (Suc as) (tms_of ap))" by blast
  then have b: "start_of (layout_of ap) as = Suc (length tp1 div 2)"
    using fetch
    by(intro tpa_states, simp, simp add: abc_fetch.simps split: if_splits)
  have "fetch (tp1 @ (ci ly (start_of ly as) ins) @ tp2)  s b = 
        fetch (ci ly (start_of ly as) ins) (s - length tp1 div 2) b"
  proof(intro append_append_fetch)
    show "length tp1 mod 2 = 0"
      using a
      by(auto, rule_tac compile_mod2)
    show "length (ci ly (start_of ly as) ins) mod 2 = 0"
      by(cases ins, auto simp: ci.simps length_findnth tinc_b_def tdec_b_def)
    show "length tp1 div 2 < s  s  
      length tp1 div 2 + length (ci ly (start_of ly as) ins) div 2"
    proof -
      have "length (ci ly (start_of ly as) ins) div 2 = length_of ins"
        using ci_length by simp
      moreover have "start_of ly (Suc as) = start_of ly as + length_of ins"
        using fetch layout
        apply(simp add: start_of.simps abc_fetch.simps List.take_Suc_conv_app_nth 
            split: if_splits)
        apply(simp add: layout_of.simps)
      ultimately show "?thesis"
        using b layout range1 range2
  thus "?thesis"
    using b layout a compile  
    apply(simp add: tm_of.simps)

lemma step_eq_fetch: 
  assumes layout: "ly = layout_of ap"
    and compile: "tp = tm_of ap"
    and abc_fetch: "abc_fetch as ap = Some ins" 
    and fetch: "fetch (ci ly (start_of ly as) ins)
       (Suc s - start_of ly as) b = (ac, ns)"
    and notfinal: "ns  0"
  shows "fetch tp s b = (ac, ns)"
proof -
  have "s  start_of ly as"
  proof(cases "s  start_of ly as")
    case True thus "?thesis" by simp
    case False 
    have "¬ start_of ly as  s" by fact
    then have "Suc s - start_of ly as = 0"
      by arith
    then have "fetch (ci ly (start_of ly as) ins)
       (Suc s - start_of ly as) b = (Nop, 0)"
      by simp
    with notfinal fetch show "?thesis"
  moreover have "s < start_of ly (Suc as)"
  proof(cases "s < start_of ly (Suc as)")
    case True thus "?thesis" by simp
    case False
    have h: "¬ s < start_of ly (Suc as)"
      by fact
    then have "s > start_of ly as"
      using abc_fetch layout
      apply(simp add: start_of.simps abc_fetch.simps split: if_splits)
      apply(simp add: List.take_Suc_conv_app_nth, auto)
      apply(subgoal_tac "layout_of ap ! as > 0") 
       apply arith
      apply(simp add: layout_of.simps)
      apply(cases "ap!as", auto simp: length_of.simps)
    from this and h have "fetch (ci ly (start_of ly as) ins) (Suc s - start_of ly as) b = (Nop, 0)"
      using abc_fetch layout
      apply(cases b;cases ins)
           apply(simp_all add:Suc_diff_le start_of_Suc2 start_of_Suc1 start_of_Suc3)
      by (simp_all only: length_ci_inc length_ci_dec length_ci_goto, auto)
    from fetch and notfinal this show "?thesis"by simp
  ultimately show "?thesis"
    using assms
    by(drule_tac b= b and ins = ins in step_eq_fetch', auto)

lemma step_eq_in:
  assumes layout: "ly = layout_of ap"
    and compile: "tp = tm_of ap"
    and fetch: "abc_fetch as ap = Some ins"    
    and exec: "step (s, l, r) (ci ly (start_of ly as) ins, start_of ly as - 1) 
  = (s', l', r')"
    and notfinal: "s'  0"
  shows "step (s, l, r) (tp, 0) = (s', l', r')"
  using assms
  apply(simp add: step.simps)
  apply(cases "fetch (ci (layout_of ap) (start_of (layout_of ap) as) ins)
    (Suc s - start_of (layout_of ap) as) (read r)", simp)
  using layout
  apply(drule_tac s = s and b = "read r" and ac = a in step_eq_fetch, auto)

lemma steps_eq_in:
  assumes layout: "ly = layout_of ap"
    and compile: "tp = tm_of ap"
    and crsp: "crsp ly (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires"
    and fetch: "abc_fetch as ap = Some ins"    
    and exec: "steps (s, l, r) (ci ly (start_of ly as) ins, start_of ly as - 1) stp 
  = (s', l', r')"
    and notfinal: "s'  0"
  shows "steps (s, l, r) (tp, 0) stp = (s', l', r')"
  using exec notfinal
proof(induct stp arbitrary: s' l' r', simp add: steps.simps)
  fix stp s' l' r'
  assume ind: 
    "s' l' r'. steps (s, l, r) (ci ly (start_of ly as) ins, start_of ly as - 1) stp = (s', l', r'); s'  0
               steps (s, l, r) (tp, 0) stp = (s', l', r')"
    and h: "steps (s, l, r) (ci ly (start_of ly as) ins, start_of ly as - 1) (Suc stp) = (s', l', r')" "s'  0"
  obtain s1 l1 r1 where g: "steps (s, l, r) (ci ly (start_of ly as) ins, start_of ly as - 1) stp = 
                        (s1, l1, r1)"
    apply(cases "steps (s, l, r) (ci ly (start_of ly as) ins, start_of ly as - 1) stp") by blast
  moreover hence "s1  0"
    using h
    apply simp
    apply (cases "0 < s1", simp_all)
  ultimately have "steps (s, l, r) (tp, 0) stp = (s1, l1, r1)"
    apply(rule_tac ind, auto)
  thus "steps (s, l, r) (tp, 0) (Suc stp) = (s', l', r')"
    using h g assms
    apply simp
    apply(rule_tac step_eq_in, auto)

lemma tm_append_fetch_first: 
  "fetch A s b = (ac, ns); ns  0  
    fetch (A @ B) s b = (ac, ns)"
  by(cases b;cases s;force simp: nth_append split: if_splits)

lemma tm_append_first_step_eq: 
  assumes "step (s, l, r) (A, off) = (s', l', r')"
    and "s'  0"
  shows "step (s, l, r) (A @ B, off) = (s', l', r')"
  using assms
  apply(simp add: step.simps)
  apply(cases "fetch A (s - off) (read r)")
  apply(frule_tac  B = B and b = "read r" in tm_append_fetch_first, auto)

lemma tm_append_first_steps_eq: 
  assumes "steps (s, l, r) (A, off) stp = (s', l', r')"
    and "s'  0"
  shows "steps (s, l, r) (A @ B, off) stp = (s', l', r')"
  using assms
proof(induct stp arbitrary: s' l' r', simp add: steps.simps)
  fix stp s' l' r'
  assume ind: "s' l' r'. steps (s, l, r) (A, off) stp = (s', l', r'); s'  0
     steps (s, l, r) (A @ B, off) stp = (s', l', r')"
    and h: "steps (s, l, r) (A, off) (Suc stp) = (s', l', r')" "s'  0"
  obtain sa la ra where a: "steps (s, l, r) (A, off) stp = (sa, la, ra)"
    apply(cases "steps (s, l, r) (A, off) stp") by blast
  hence "steps (s, l, r) (A @ B, off) stp = (sa, la, ra)  sa  0"
    using h ind[of sa la ra]
    apply(cases sa, simp_all)
  thus "steps (s, l, r) (A @ B, off) (Suc stp) = (s', l', r')"
    using h a
    apply simp
    apply (intro tm_append_first_step_eq, simp_all)

lemma tm_append_second_fetch_eq:
    even: "length A mod 2 = 0"
    and off: "off = length A div 2"
    and fetch: "fetch B s b = (ac, ns)"
    and notfinal: "ns  0"
  shows "fetch (A @ shift B off) (s + off) b = (ac, ns + off)"
  using assms
  by(cases b;cases s,auto simp: nth_append shift.simps split: if_splits)

lemma tm_append_second_step_eq: 
    exec: "step0 (s, l, r) B = (s', l', r')"
    and notfinal: "s'  0"
    and off: "off = length A div 2"
    and even: "length A mod 2 = 0"
  shows "step0 (s + off, l, r) (A @ shift B off) = (s' + off, l', r')"
  using assms
  apply(simp add: step.simps)
  apply(cases "fetch B s (read r)")
  apply(frule_tac tm_append_second_fetch_eq, simp_all, auto)

lemma tm_append_second_steps_eq: 
    exec: "steps (s, l, r) (B, 0) stp = (s', l', r')"
    and notfinal: "s'  0"
    and off: "off = length A div 2"
    and even: "length A mod 2 = 0"
  shows "steps (s + off, l, r) (A @ shift B off, 0) stp = (s' + off, l', r')"
  using exec notfinal
proof(induct stp arbitrary: s' l' r')
  case 0
  thus "steps0 (s + off, l, r) (A @ shift B off) 0 = (s' + off, l', r')"
    by(simp add: steps.simps)
  case (Suc stp s' l' r')
  have ind: "s' l' r'. steps0 (s, l, r) B stp = (s', l', r'); s'  0  
    steps0 (s + off, l, r) (A @ shift B off) stp = (s' + off, l', r')"
    by fact
  have h: "steps0 (s, l, r) B (Suc stp) = (s', l', r')" by fact
  have k: "s'  0" by fact
  obtain s'' l'' r'' where a: "steps0 (s, l, r) B stp = (s'', l'', r'')"
    by (metis prod_cases3)
  then have b: "s''  0"
    using h k
    by(intro notI, auto)
  from a b have c: "steps0 (s + off, l, r) (A @ shift B off) stp = (s'' + off, l'', r'')"
    by(erule_tac ind, simp)
  from c b h a k assms show "?case"
    by(auto intro:tm_append_second_step_eq)

lemma tm_append_second_fetch0_eq:
    even: "length A mod 2 = 0"
    and off: "off = length A div 2"
    and fetch: "fetch B s b = (ac, 0)"
    and notfinal: "s  0"
  shows "fetch (A @ shift B off) (s + off) b = (ac, 0)"
  using assms
  apply(cases b;cases s)
     apply(auto simp: nth_append shift.simps split: if_splits)

lemma tm_append_second_halt_eq:
    exec: "steps (Suc 0, l, r) (B, 0) stp = (0, l', r')"
    and "composable_tm (B, 0)"
    and off: "off = length A div 2"
    and even: "length A mod 2 = 0"
  shows "steps (Suc off, l, r) (A @ shift B off, 0) stp = (0, l', r')"
proof -
  have "n. ¬ is_final (steps0 (1, l, r) B n)  steps0 (1, l, r) B (Suc n) = (0, l', r')"
    using exec by(rule_tac before_final, simp)
  then obtain n where a: 
    "¬ is_final (steps0 (1, l, r) B n)  steps0 (1, l, r) B (Suc n) = (0, l', r')" ..
  obtain s'' l'' r'' where b: "steps0 (1, l, r) B n = (s'', l'', r'')  s'' >0"
    using a
    by(cases "steps0 (1, l, r) B n", auto)
  have c: "steps (Suc 0 + off, l, r) (A @ shift B off, 0) n = (s'' + off, l'', r'')"
    using a b assms
    by(rule_tac tm_append_second_steps_eq, simp_all)
  obtain ac where d: "fetch B s'' (read r'') = (ac, 0)"
    using  b a
    by(cases "fetch B s'' (read r'')", auto simp: step.simps)
  then have "fetch (A @ shift B off) (s'' + off) (read r'') = (ac, 0)"
    using assms b
    by(rule_tac tm_append_second_fetch0_eq, simp_all)
  then have e: "steps (Suc 0 + off, l, r) (A @ shift B off, 0) (Suc n) = (0, l', r')"
    using a b assms c d
    by(simp add: step.simps)
  from a have "n < stp"
    using exec
  proof(cases "n < stp")
    case  True thus "?thesis" by simp
    case False
    have "¬ n < stp" by fact
    then obtain d where  "n = stp + d"
      by (metis add.comm_neutral less_imp_add_positive nat_neq_iff)
    thus "?thesis"
      using a e exec
  then obtain d where "stp = Suc n + d"
    by(metis add_Suc less_iff_Suc_add)
  thus "?thesis"
    using e
    by(simp only: steps_add, simp)

lemma tm_append_steps: 
    aexec: "steps (s, l, r) (A, 0) stpa = (Suc (length A div 2), la, ra)"
    and bexec: "steps (Suc 0, la, ra) (B, 0) stpb =  (sb, lb, rb)"
    and notfinal: "sb  0"
    and off: "off = length A div 2"
    and even: "length A mod 2 = 0"
  shows "steps (s, l, r) (A @ shift B off, 0) (stpa + stpb) = (sb + off, lb, rb)"
proof -
  have "steps (s, l, r) (A@shift B off, 0) stpa = (Suc (length A div 2), la, ra)"
    apply(intro tm_append_first_steps_eq)
     apply(auto simp: assms)
  moreover have "steps (1 + off, la, ra) (A @ shift B off, 0) stpb = (sb + off, lb, rb)"
    apply(intro tm_append_second_steps_eq)
       apply(auto simp: assms)
  ultimately show "steps (s, l, r) (A @ shift B off, 0) (stpa + stpb) = (sb + off, lb, rb)"
    apply(simp add: off)

subsection ‹Compilation of instruction Inc›

fun at_begin_fst_bwtn :: "inc_inv_t"
    "at_begin_fst_bwtn (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires = 
      ( lm1 tn rn. lm1 = (lm @ 0tn)  length lm1 = s  
          (if lm1 = [] then l = Bk # Bk # ires
           else l = [Bk]@<rev lm1>@Bk#Bk#ires)  r = Bkrn)" 

fun at_begin_fst_awtn :: "inc_inv_t"
    "at_begin_fst_awtn (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires = 
      ( lm1 tn rn. lm1 = (lm @ 0tn)  length lm1 = s 
         (if lm1 = []  then l = Bk # Bk # ires
          else l = [Bk]@<rev lm1>@Bk#Bk#ires)  r = [Oc]@Bkrn)"

fun at_begin_norm :: "inc_inv_t"
    "at_begin_norm (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires= 
      ( lm1 lm2 rn. lm = lm1 @ lm2  length lm1 = s  
        (if lm1 = [] then l = Bk # Bk # ires
         else l = Bk # <rev lm1> @ Bk # Bk # ires )  r = <lm2>@Bkrn)"

fun in_middle :: "inc_inv_t"
    "in_middle (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires = 
      ( lm1 lm2 tn m ml mr rn. lm @ 0tn = lm1 @ [m] @ lm2
        length lm1 = s  m + 1 = ml + mr   
         ml  0  tn = s + 1 - length lm  
       (if lm1 = [] then l = Ocml @ Bk # Bk # ires 
        else l = Ocml@[Bk]@<rev lm1>@
                 Bk # Bk # ires)  (r = Ocmr @ [Bk] @ <lm2>@ Bkrn  
      (lm2 = []  r = Ocmr))

fun inv_locate_a :: "inc_inv_t"
  where "inv_locate_a (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires = 
     (at_begin_norm (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires 
      at_begin_fst_bwtn (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires 
      at_begin_fst_awtn (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires

fun inv_locate_b :: "inc_inv_t"
  where "inv_locate_b (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires = 
        (in_middle (as, lm) (s, l, r)) ires "

fun inv_after_write :: "inc_inv_t"
  where "inv_after_write (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires = 
           ( rn m lm1 lm2. lm = lm1 @ m # lm2 
             (if lm1 = [] then l = Ocm @ Bk # Bk # ires
              else Oc # l = OcSuc m@ Bk # <rev lm1> @ 
                      Bk # Bk # ires)  r = [Oc] @ <lm2> @ Bkrn)"

fun inv_after_move :: "inc_inv_t"
  where "inv_after_move (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires = 
      ( rn m lm1 lm2. lm = lm1 @ m # lm2 
        (if lm1 = [] then l = OcSuc m @ Bk # Bk # ires
         else l = OcSuc m@ Bk # <rev lm1> @ Bk # Bk # ires)  
        r = <lm2> @ Bkrn)"

fun inv_after_clear :: "inc_inv_t"
  where "inv_after_clear (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires =
       ( rn m lm1 lm2 r'. lm = lm1 @ m # lm2  
        (if lm1 = [] then l = OcSuc m @ Bk # Bk # ires
         else l = OcSuc m @ Bk # <rev lm1> @ Bk # Bk # ires)  
          r = Bk # r'  Oc # r' = <lm2> @ Bkrn)"

fun inv_on_right_moving :: "inc_inv_t"
  where "inv_on_right_moving (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires = 
       ( lm1 lm2 m ml mr rn. lm = lm1 @ [m] @ lm2  
            ml + mr = m  
          (if lm1 = [] then l = Ocml @ Bk # Bk # ires
          else l = Ocml  @ [Bk] @ <rev lm1> @ Bk # Bk # ires)  
         ((r = Ocmr @ [Bk] @ <lm2> @ Bkrn)  
          (r = Ocmr  lm2 = [])))"

fun inv_on_left_moving_norm :: "inc_inv_t"
  where "inv_on_left_moving_norm (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires =
      ( lm1 lm2 m ml mr rn. lm = lm1 @ [m] @ lm2   
             ml + mr = Suc m  mr > 0  (if lm1 = [] then l = Ocml @ Bk # Bk # ires
                                         else l =  Ocml @ Bk # <rev lm1> @ Bk # Bk # ires)
         (r = Ocmr @ Bk # <lm2> @ Bkrn  
           (lm2 = []  r = Ocmr)))"

fun inv_on_left_moving_in_middle_B:: "inc_inv_t"
  where "inv_on_left_moving_in_middle_B (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires =
                ( lm1 lm2 rn. lm = lm1 @ lm2   
                     (if lm1 = [] then l = Bk # ires
                      else l = <rev lm1> @ Bk # Bk # ires)  
                      r = Bk # <lm2> @ Bkrn)"

fun inv_on_left_moving :: "inc_inv_t"
  where "inv_on_left_moving (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires = 
       (inv_on_left_moving_norm  (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires 
        inv_on_left_moving_in_middle_B (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires)"

fun inv_check_left_moving_on_leftmost :: "inc_inv_t"
  where "inv_check_left_moving_on_leftmost (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires = 
                ( rn. l = ires  r = [Bk, Bk] @ <lm> @  Bkrn)"

fun inv_check_left_moving_in_middle :: "inc_inv_t"
  where "inv_check_left_moving_in_middle (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires = 
              ( lm1 lm2 r' rn. lm = lm1 @ lm2 
                 (Oc # l = <rev lm1> @ Bk # Bk # ires)  r = Oc # Bk # r'  
                           r' = <lm2> @  Bkrn)"

fun inv_check_left_moving :: "inc_inv_t"
  where "inv_check_left_moving (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires = 
             (inv_check_left_moving_on_leftmost (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires 
             inv_check_left_moving_in_middle (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires)"

fun inv_after_left_moving :: "inc_inv_t"
  where "inv_after_left_moving (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires= 
              ( rn. l = Bk # ires  r = Bk # <lm> @  Bkrn)"

fun inv_stop :: "inc_inv_t"
  where "inv_stop (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires= 
              ( rn. l = Bk # Bk # ires  r = <lm> @  Bkrn)"

lemma halt_lemma2': 
  "wf LE;   n. ((¬ P (f n)  Q (f n))  
    (Q (f (Suc n))  (f (Suc n), (f n))  LE)); Q (f 0) 
        n. P (f n)"
  apply(intro exCI, simp)
  apply(subgoal_tac " n. Q (f n)")
   apply(drule_tac f = f in wf_inv_image)
   apply(erule wf_induct)
  apply(rename_tac n,induct_tac n; simp)

lemma halt_lemma2'': 
  "P (f n); ¬ P (f (0::nat))  
          n. (P (f n)  ( i < n. ¬ P (f i)))"
  apply(induct n rule: nat_less_induct, auto)

lemma halt_lemma2''':
  "n. ¬ P (f n)  Q (f n)  Q (f (Suc n))  (f (Suc n), f n)  LE;
                 Q (f 0);  i<na. ¬ P (f i)  Q (f na)"
  apply(induct na, simp, simp)

lemma halt_lemma2: 
  "wf LE;  
    Q (f 0); ¬ P (f 0);
     n. ((¬ P (f n)  Q (f n))  (Q (f (Suc n))  (f (Suc n), (f n))  LE)) 
    n. P (f n)  Q (f n)"
  apply(insert halt_lemma2' [of LE P f Q], simp, erule_tac exE)
  apply(subgoal_tac " n. (P (f n)  ( i < n. ¬ P (f i)))")
   apply(erule_tac exE)+
   apply(rename_tac n na)
   apply(rule_tac x = na in exI, auto)
   apply(rule halt_lemma2''', simp, simp, simp)
  apply(erule_tac halt_lemma2'', simp)

fun findnth_inv :: "layout  nat  inc_inv_t"
    "findnth_inv ly n (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires =
              (if s = 0 then False
               else if s  Suc (2*n) then 
                  if s mod 2 = 1 then inv_locate_a (as, lm) ((s - 1) div 2, l, r) ires
                  else inv_locate_b (as, lm) ((s - 1) div 2, l, r) ires
               else False)"

fun findnth_state :: "config  nat  nat"
    "findnth_state (s, l, r) n = (Suc (2*n) - s)"

fun findnth_step :: "config  nat  nat"
    "findnth_step (s, l, r) n = 
           (if s mod 2 = 1 then
                   (if (r  []  hd r = Oc) then 0
                    else 1)
            else length r)"

fun findnth_measure :: "config × nat  nat × nat"
    "findnth_measure (c, n) = 
     (findnth_state c n, findnth_step c n)"

definition lex_pair :: "((nat × nat) × nat × nat) set"
    "lex_pair  less_than <*lex*> less_than"

definition findnth_LE :: "((config × nat) × (config × nat)) set"
    "findnth_LE  (inv_image lex_pair findnth_measure)"

lemma wf_findnth_LE: "wf findnth_LE"
  by(auto simp: findnth_LE_def lex_pair_def)

declare findnth_inv.simps[simp del]

lemma x_is_2n_arith[simp]: 
  "x < Suc (Suc (2 * n)); Suc x mod 2 = Suc 0; ¬ x < 2 * n
  x = 2*n"
  by arith

lemma between_sucs:"x < Suc n  ¬ x < n  x = n" by auto

lemma fetch_findnth[simp]: 
  "0 < a; a < Suc (2 * n); a mod 2 = Suc 0  fetch (findnth n) a Oc = (R, Suc a)"
  "0 < a; a < Suc (2 * n); a mod 2  Suc 0  fetch (findnth n) a Oc = (R, a)"
  "0 < a; a < Suc (2 * n); a mod 2  Suc 0  fetch (findnth n) a Bk = (R, Suc a)"
  "0 < a; a < Suc (2 * n); a mod 2 = Suc 0  fetch (findnth n) a Bk = (WO, a)"
  by(cases a;induct n;force simp: length_findnth nth_append dest!:between_sucs)+

declare at_begin_norm.simps[simp del] at_begin_fst_bwtn.simps[simp del] 
  at_begin_fst_awtn.simps[simp del] in_middle.simps[simp del] 
  abc_lm_s.simps[simp del] abc_lm_v.simps[simp del]  
  inv_after_move.simps[simp del] 
  inv_on_left_moving_norm.simps[simp del] 
  inv_on_left_moving_in_middle_B.simps[simp del]
  inv_after_clear.simps[simp del] 
  inv_after_write.simps[simp del] inv_on_left_moving.simps[simp del]
  inv_on_right_moving.simps[simp del] 
  inv_check_left_moving.simps[simp del] 
  inv_check_left_moving_in_middle.simps[simp del]
  inv_check_left_moving_on_leftmost.simps[simp del] 
  inv_after_left_moving.simps[simp del]
  inv_stop.simps[simp del] inv_locate_a.simps[simp del] 
  inv_locate_b.simps[simp del]

lemma replicate_once[intro]: "rn. [Bk] = Bk  rn"
  by (metis replicate.simps)

lemma at_begin_norm_Bk[intro]:  "at_begin_norm (as, am) (q, aaa, []) ires
              at_begin_norm (as, am) (q, aaa, [Bk]) ires"
  apply(simp add: at_begin_norm.simps)
  by fastforce

lemma at_begin_fst_bwtn_Bk[intro]: "at_begin_fst_bwtn (as, am) (q, aaa, []) ires 
             at_begin_fst_bwtn (as, am) (q, aaa, [Bk]) ires"
  apply(simp only: at_begin_fst_bwtn.simps)
  using replicate_once by blast

lemma at_begin_fst_awtn_Bk[intro]: "at_begin_fst_awtn (as, am) (q, aaa, []) ires
            at_begin_fst_awtn (as, am) (q, aaa, [Bk]) ires"
  apply(auto simp: at_begin_fst_awtn.simps)

lemma inv_locate_a_Bk[intro]: "inv_locate_a (as, am) (q, aaa, []) ires
             inv_locate_a (as, am) (q, aaa, [Bk]) ires"
  apply(simp only: inv_locate_a.simps)
  apply(erule disj_forward)
   apply(erule disj_forward, auto)

lemma locate_a_2_locate_a[simp]: "inv_locate_a (as, am) (q, aaa, Bk # xs) ires
        inv_locate_a (as, am) (q, aaa, Oc # xs) ires"
  apply(simp only: inv_locate_a.simps at_begin_norm.simps 
      at_begin_fst_bwtn.simps at_begin_fst_awtn.simps)
  apply(erule_tac disjE, erule exE, erule exE, erule exE, 
      rule disjI2, rule disjI2)
   apply(erule_tac disjE, erule exE, erule exE, 
      erule exE, rule disjI2, rule disjI2)
    prefer 2
  fix lm1 tn rn
  assume k: "lm1 = am @ 0tn  length lm1 = q  (if lm1 = [] then aaa = Bk # Bk # 
    ires else aaa = [Bk] @ <rev lm1> @ Bk # Bk # ires)  Bk # xs = Bkrn"
  thus "lm1 tn rn. lm1 = am @ 0  tn  length lm1 = q  
    (if lm1 = [] then aaa = Bk # Bk # ires else aaa = [Bk] @ <rev lm1> @ Bk # Bk # ires)  Oc # xs = [Oc] @ Bk  rn"
    (is "lm1 tn rn. ?P lm1 tn rn")
  proof -
    from k have "?P lm1 tn (rn - 1)"
      by (auto simp: Cons_replicate_eq)
    thus ?thesis by blast
  fix lm1 lm2 rn
  assume h1: "am = lm1 @ lm2  length lm1 = q  (if lm1 = [] 
    then aaa = Bk # Bk # ires else aaa = Bk # <rev lm1> @ Bk # Bk # ires) 
    Bk # xs = <lm2> @ Bkrn"
  from h1 have h2: "lm2 = []"
    apply(auto split: if_splits;cases lm2;simp add: tape_of_nl_cons split: if_splits)
  from h1 and h2 show "lm1 tn rn. lm1 = am @ 0tn  length lm1 = q  
    (if lm1 = [] then aaa = Bk # Bk # ires else aaa = [Bk] @ <rev lm1> @ Bk # Bk # ires) 
    Oc # xs = [Oc] @ Bkrn" 
    (is "lm1 tn rn. ?P lm1 tn rn")
  proof -
    from h1 and h2  have "?P lm1 0 (rn - 1)"
      apply(auto simp:tape_of_nat_def)
      by(cases rn, simp, simp)
    thus ?thesis by blast

lemma inv_locate_a[simp]: "inv_locate_a (as, am) (q, aaa, []) ires  
               inv_locate_a (as, am) (q, aaa, [Oc]) ires"
  apply(insert locate_a_2_locate_a [of as am q aaa "[]"])
  apply(subgoal_tac "inv_locate_a (as, am) (q, aaa, [Bk]) ires", auto)

(*inv: from locate_b to locate_b*)
lemma inv_locate_b[simp]: "inv_locate_b (as, am) (q, aaa, Oc # xs) ires
          inv_locate_b (as, am) (q, Oc # aaa, xs) ires"
  apply(simp only: inv_locate_b.simps in_middle.simps)
  apply(erule exE)+
  apply(rename_tac lm1 lm2 tn m ml mr rn)
  apply(rule_tac x = lm1 in exI, rule_tac x = lm2 in exI, 
      rule_tac x = tn in exI, rule_tac x = m in exI)
  apply(rule_tac x = "Suc ml" in exI, rule_tac x = "mr - 1" in exI,
      rule_tac x = rn in exI)
  apply(case_tac mr)
  apply simp_all

lemma tape_nat[simp]:  "<[x::nat]> = Oc(Suc x)"
  apply(simp add: tape_of_nat_def tape_of_list_def)

lemma inv_locate[simp]: "inv_locate_b (as, am) (q, aaa, Bk # xs) ires; n. xs = Bkn
             inv_locate_a (as, am) (Suc q, Bk # aaa, xs) ires"
  apply(simp add: inv_locate_b.simps inv_locate_a.simps)
  apply(rule_tac disjI2, rule_tac disjI1)
  apply(simp only: in_middle.simps at_begin_fst_bwtn.simps)
  apply(erule_tac exE)+
  apply(rename_tac lm1 n lm2 tn m ml mr rn)
  apply(rule_tac x = "lm1 @ [m]" in exI, rule_tac x = tn in exI, simp split: if_splits)
  apply(case_tac mr, simp_all)
  apply(cases "length am", simp_all)
  apply(case_tac lm2, simp_all add: tape_of_nl_cons split: if_splits)
  apply(cases am, simp_all)
  apply(case_tac n, simp_all)
  apply(case_tac n, simp_all)
  apply(case_tac mr, simp_all)
  apply(case_tac lm2, simp_all add: tape_of_nl_cons split: if_splits, auto)
  apply(case_tac [!] n, simp_all)

lemma repeat_Bk_no_Oc[simp]: "(Oc # r = Bk  rn) = False"
  apply(cases rn, simp_all)

lemma repeat_Bk[simp]: "(rna. Bk  rn = Bk # Bk  rna)  rn = 0"
  apply(cases rn, auto)

lemma inv_locate_b_Oc_via_a[simp]: 
  assumes "inv_locate_a (as, lm) (q, l, Oc # r) ires"
  shows "inv_locate_b (as, lm) (q, Oc # l, r) ires"
proof -
  show ?thesis using assms unfolding inv_locate_a.simps inv_locate_b.simps
      at_begin_norm.simps at_begin_fst_bwtn.simps at_begin_fst_awtn.simps
    apply(simp only:in_middle.simps)
    apply(erule disjE, erule exE, erule exE, erule exE)
     apply(rename_tac Lm1 Lm2 Rn)
     apply(rule_tac x = Lm1 in exI, rule_tac x = "tl Lm2" in exI)
     apply(rule_tac x = 0 in exI, rule_tac x = "hd Lm2" in exI)
     apply(rule_tac x = 1 in exI, rule_tac x = "hd Lm2" in exI)
     apply(case_tac Lm2, force simp: tape_of_nl_cons )
     apply(case_tac "tl Lm2", simp_all)
     apply(case_tac Rn, auto simp: tape_of_nl_cons )
    apply(rename_tac tn rn)
    apply(rule_tac x = "lm @ replicate tn 0" in exI, 
        rule_tac x = "[]" in exI, 
        rule_tac x = "Suc tn" in exI, 
        rule_tac x = 0 in exI, auto simp add: replicate_append_same)
    apply(rule_tac x = "Suc 0" in exI, auto)

lemma length_equal: "xs = ys  length xs = length ys"
  by auto

lemma inv_locate_a_Bk_via_b[simp]: "inv_locate_b (as, am) (q, aaa, Bk # xs) ires; 
                ¬ (n. xs = Bkn) 
        inv_locate_a (as, am) (Suc q, Bk # aaa, xs) ires"
  supply [[simproc del: defined_all]]
  apply(simp add: inv_locate_b.simps inv_locate_a.simps)
  apply(rule_tac disjI1)
  apply(simp only: in_middle.simps at_begin_norm.simps)
  apply(erule_tac exE)+
  apply(rename_tac lm1 lm2 tn m ml mr rn)
  apply(rule_tac x = "lm1 @ [m]" in exI, rule_tac x = lm2 in exI, simp)
  apply(subgoal_tac "tn = 0", simp , auto split: if_splits)
  apply(simp add: tape_of_nl_cons)
  apply(drule_tac length_equal, simp)
  apply(cases "length am", simp_all, erule_tac x = rn in allE, simp)
  apply(drule_tac length_equal, simp)
  apply(case_tac "(Suc (length lm1) - length am)", simp_all)
  apply(case_tac lm2, simp, simp)

lemma locate_b_2_a[intro]: 
  "inv_locate_b (as, am) (q, aaa, Bk # xs) ires
     inv_locate_a (as, am) (Suc q, Bk # aaa, xs) ires"
  apply(cases " n. xs = Bkn", simp, simp)

lemma inv_locate_b_Bk[simp]:  "inv_locate_b (as, am) (q, l, []) ires 
             inv_locate_b (as, am) (q, l, [Bk]) ires"
  by(force simp add: inv_locate_b.simps in_middle.simps)

(*inv: from locate_b to after_write*)

lemma div_rounding_down[simp]: "(2*q - Suc 0) div 2 = (q - 1)" "(Suc (2*q)) div 2 = q"
  by arith+

lemma even_plus_one_odd[simp]: "x mod 2 = 0  Suc x mod 2 = Suc 0"
  by arith

lemma odd_plus_one_even[simp]: "x mod 2 = Suc 0  Suc x mod 2 = 0"
  by arith

lemma locate_b_2_locate_a[simp]: 
  "q > 0;  inv_locate_b (as, am) (q - Suc 0, aaa, Bk # xs) ires
     inv_locate_a (as, am) (q, Bk # aaa, xs) ires"
  apply(insert locate_b_2_a [of as am "q - 1" aaa xs ires], simp)

(*inv: from locate_b to after_write*)

lemma findnth_inv_layout_of_via_crsp[simp]:
  "crsp (layout_of ap) (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires
   findnth_inv (layout_of ap) n (as, lm) (Suc 0, l, r) ires"
  by(auto simp: crsp.simps findnth_inv.simps inv_locate_a.simps
      at_begin_norm.simps at_begin_fst_awtn.simps at_begin_fst_bwtn.simps)

lemma findnth_correct_pre: 
  assumes layout: "ly = layout_of ap"
    and crsp: "crsp ly (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires"
    and not0: "n > 0"
    and f: "f = (λ stp. (steps (Suc 0, l, r) (findnth n, 0) stp, n))"
    and P: "P = (λ ((s, l, r), n). s = Suc (2 * n))"
    and Q: "Q = (λ ((s, l, r), n). findnth_inv ly n (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires)"
  shows " stp. P (f stp)  Q (f stp)"
proof(rule_tac LE = findnth_LE in halt_lemma2)
  show "wf findnth_LE"  by(intro wf_findnth_LE)
  show "Q (f 0)"
    using crsp layout
    apply(simp add: f P Q steps.simps)
  show "¬ P (f 0)"
    using not0
    apply(simp add: f P steps.simps)
  have "¬ P (f na)  Q (f na)  Q (f (Suc na))  (f (Suc na), f na) 
         findnth_LE" for na
  proof(simp add: f, 
      cases "steps (Suc 0, l, r) (findnth n, 0) na", simp add: P)
    fix na a b c
    assume "a  Suc (2 * n)  Q ((a, b, c), n)"
    thus  "Q (step (a, b, c) (findnth n, 0), n)  
        ((step (a, b, c) (findnth n, 0), n), (a, b, c), n)  findnth_LE"
      apply(cases c, case_tac [2] "hd c")
        apply(simp_all add: step.simps findnth_LE_def Q findnth_inv.simps mod_2  lex_pair_def split: if_splits)
         apply(auto simp: mod_ex1 mod_ex2)
  thus "n. ¬ P (f n)  Q (f n) 
        Q (f (Suc n))  (f (Suc n), f n)  findnth_LE" by blast

lemma inv_locate_a_via_crsp[simp]:
  "crsp ly (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires  inv_locate_a (as, lm) (0, l, r) ires"
  apply(auto simp: crsp.simps inv_locate_a.simps at_begin_norm.simps)

lemma findnth_correct: 
  assumes layout: "ly = layout_of ap"
    and crsp: "crsp ly (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires"
  shows " stp l' r'. steps (Suc 0, l, r) (findnth n, 0) stp = (Suc (2 * n), l', r')
               inv_locate_a (as, lm) (n, l', r') ires"
  using crsp
  apply(cases "n = 0")
   apply(rule_tac x = 0 in exI, auto simp: steps.simps)
  using assms
  apply(drule_tac findnth_correct_pre, auto)
  using findnth_inv.simps by auto

fun inc_inv :: "nat  inc_inv_t"
    "inc_inv n (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires =
              (let lm' = abc_lm_s lm n (Suc (abc_lm_v lm n)) in
                if s = 0 then False
                else if s = 1 then 
                   inv_locate_a (as, lm) (n, l, r) ires
                else if s = 2 then 
                   inv_locate_b (as, lm) (n, l, r) ires
                else if s = 3 then 
                   inv_after_write (as, lm') (s, l, r) ires
                else if s = Suc 3 then 
                   inv_after_move (as, lm') (s, l, r) ires
                else if s = Suc 4 then 
                   inv_after_clear (as, lm') (s, l, r) ires
                else if s = Suc (Suc 4) then 
                   inv_on_right_moving (as, lm') (s, l, r) ires
                else if s = Suc (Suc 5) then 
                   inv_on_left_moving (as, lm') (s, l, r) ires
                else if s = Suc (Suc (Suc 5)) then 
                   inv_check_left_moving (as, lm') (s, l, r) ires
                else if s = Suc (Suc (Suc (Suc 5))) then 
                   inv_after_left_moving (as, lm') (s, l, r) ires
                else if s = Suc (Suc (Suc (Suc (Suc 5)))) then 
                   inv_stop (as, lm') (s, l, r) ires
                else False)"

fun abc_inc_stage1 :: "config  nat"
    "abc_inc_stage1 (s, l, r) = 
            (if s = 0 then 0
             else if s  2 then 5
             else if s  6 then 4
             else if s  8 then 3
             else if s = 9 then 2
             else 1)"

fun abc_inc_stage2 :: "config  nat"
    "abc_inc_stage2 (s, l, r) =
                (if s = 1 then 2
                 else if s = 2 then 1
                 else if s = 3 then length r
                 else if s = 4 then length r
                 else if s = 5 then length r
                 else if s = 6 then 
                                  if r  [] then length r
                                  else 1
                 else if s = 7 then length l
                 else if s = 8 then length l
                 else 0)"

fun abc_inc_stage3 :: "config   nat"
    "abc_inc_stage3 (s, l, r) = (
              if s = 4 then 4
              else if s = 5 then 3
              else if s = 6 then 
                   if r  []  hd r = Oc then 2
                   else 1
              else if s = 3 then 0
              else if s = 2 then length r
              else if s = 1 then 
                      if (r  []  hd r = Oc) then 0
                      else 1
              else 10 - s)"

definition inc_measure :: "config  nat × nat × nat"
    "inc_measure c = 
    (abc_inc_stage1 c, abc_inc_stage2 c, abc_inc_stage3 c)"

definition lex_triple :: 
  "((nat × (nat × nat)) × (nat × (nat × nat))) set"
  where "lex_triple  less_than <*lex*> lex_pair"

definition inc_LE :: "(config × config) set"
    "inc_LE  (inv_image lex_triple inc_measure)"

declare inc_inv.simps[simp del]

lemma wf_inc_le[intro]: "wf inc_LE"
  by(auto simp: inc_LE_def lex_triple_def lex_pair_def)

lemma inv_locate_b_2_after_write[simp]:
  assumes "inv_locate_b (as, am) (n, aaa, Bk # xs) ires"
  shows "inv_after_write (as, abc_lm_s am n (Suc (abc_lm_v am n))) (s, aaa, Oc # xs) ires"
proof -
  from assms show ?thesis
    apply(auto simp: in_middle.simps inv_after_write.simps 
        abc_lm_v.simps abc_lm_s.simps inv_locate_b.simps simp del:split_head_repeat)
     apply(rename_tac lm1 lm2 m ml mr rn)
     apply(case_tac [!] mr, auto split: if_splits)
    apply(rename_tac lm1 lm2 m rn)
    apply(rule_tac x = rn in exI, rule_tac x = "Suc m" in exI,
        rule_tac x = "lm1" in exI, simp)
    apply(rule_tac x = "lm2" in exI)
    apply(simp only: Suc_diff_le exp_ind)
    by(subgoal_tac "lm2 = []"; force dest:length_equal)

(*inv: from after_write to after_move*)
lemma inv_after_move_Oc_via_write[simp]: "inv_after_write (as, lm) (x, l, Oc # r) ires
                 inv_after_move (as, lm) (y, Oc # l, r) ires"
  apply(auto simp:inv_after_move.simps inv_after_write.simps split: if_splits)

lemma inv_after_write_Suc[simp]: "inv_after_write (as, abc_lm_s am n (Suc (abc_lm_v am n)
                )) (x, aaa, Bk # xs) ires = False"
  "inv_after_write (as, abc_lm_s am n (Suc (abc_lm_v am n))) 
                        (x, aaa, []) ires = False"
   apply(auto simp: inv_after_write.simps )

(*inv: from after_move to after_clear*)
lemma inv_after_clear_Bk_via_Oc[simp]: "inv_after_move (as, lm) (s, l, Oc # r) ires
                 inv_after_clear (as, lm) (s', l, Bk # r) ires"
  apply(auto simp: inv_after_move.simps inv_after_clear.simps split: if_splits)

lemma inv_after_move_2_inv_on_left_moving[simp]:  
  assumes "inv_after_move (as, lm) (s, l, Bk # r) ires"
  shows "(l = []  
         inv_on_left_moving (as, lm) (s', [], Bk # Bk # r) ires) 
      (l  []  
         inv_on_left_moving (as, lm) (s', tl l, hd l # Bk # r) ires)"
proof (cases l)
  case (Cons a list)
  from assms Cons show ?thesis
    apply(simp only: inv_after_move.simps inv_on_left_moving.simps)
    apply(rule conjI, force, rule impI, rule disjI1, simp only: inv_on_left_moving_norm.simps)
    apply(erule exE)+
    apply(rename_tac rn m lm1 lm2)
    apply(subgoal_tac "lm2 = []")
     apply(rule_tac x = lm1 in exI, rule_tac x = lm2 in exI,  
        rule_tac x = m in exI, rule_tac x = m in exI, 
        rule_tac x = 1 in exI,  
        rule_tac x = "rn - 1" in exI)
     apply (auto split:if_splits)
       apply(case_tac [1-2] rn, simp_all)
    by(case_tac [!] lm2, simp_all add: tape_of_nl_cons split: if_splits)
  case Nil thus ?thesis using assms
    unfolding inv_after_move.simps inv_on_left_moving.simps
    by (auto split:if_splits)

lemma inv_after_move_2_inv_on_left_moving_B[simp]: 
  "inv_after_move (as, lm) (s, l, []) ires
       (l = []  inv_on_left_moving (as, lm) (s', [], [Bk]) ires) 
          (l  []  inv_on_left_moving (as, lm) (s', tl l, [hd l]) ires)"
  apply(simp only: inv_after_move.simps inv_on_left_moving.simps)
  apply(subgoal_tac "l  []", rule conjI, simp, rule impI, rule disjI1,
      simp only: inv_on_left_moving_norm.simps)
   apply(erule exE)+
   apply(rename_tac rn m lm1 lm2)
   apply(subgoal_tac "lm2 = []")
    apply(rule_tac x = lm1 in exI, rule_tac x = lm2 in exI,  
      rule_tac x = m in exI, rule_tac x = m in exI, 
      rule_tac x = 1 in exI, rule_tac x = "rn - 1" in exI, force)
   apply(metis append_Cons list.distinct(1) list.exhaust replicate_Suc tape_of_nl_cons)
  apply(metis append_Cons list.distinct(1) replicate_Suc)

lemma inv_after_clear_2_inv_on_right_moving[simp]: 
  "inv_after_clear (as, lm) (x, l, Bk # r) ires
       inv_on_right_moving (as, lm) (y, Bk # l, r) ires"
  apply(auto simp: inv_after_clear.simps inv_on_right_moving.simps simp del:split_head_repeat)
  apply(rename_tac rn m lm1 lm2)
  apply(subgoal_tac "lm2  []")
   apply(rule_tac x = "lm1 @ [m]" in exI, rule_tac x = "tl lm2" in exI, 
      rule_tac x = "hd lm2" in exI, simp del:split_head_repeat)
   apply(rule_tac x = 0 in exI, rule_tac x = "hd lm2" in exI)
   apply(simp, rule conjI)
    apply(case_tac [!] "lm2::nat list", auto)
    apply(case_tac rn, auto split: if_splits simp: tape_of_nl_cons)
   apply(case_tac [!] rn, simp_all)

(*inv: from on_right_moving to on_right_moving*)
lemma inv_on_right_moving_Oc[simp]: "inv_on_right_moving (as, lm) (x, l, Oc # r) ires
       inv_on_right_moving (as, lm) (y, Oc # l, r) ires"
  apply(auto simp: inv_on_right_moving.simps)
   apply(rename_tac lm1 lm2 ml mr rn)
   apply(rule_tac x = lm1 in exI, rule_tac x = lm2 in exI, 
      rule_tac x = "ml + mr" in exI, simp)
   apply(rule_tac x = "Suc ml" in exI, 
      rule_tac x = "mr - 1" in exI, simp) 
   apply (metis One_nat_def Suc_pred cell.distinct(1) empty_replicate list.inject
      list.sel(3) neq0_conv self_append_conv2 tl_append2 tl_replicate)
  apply(rule_tac x = lm1 in exI, rule_tac x = "[]" in exI, 
      rule_tac x = "ml + mr" in exI, simp)
  apply(rule_tac x = "Suc ml" in exI, 
      rule_tac x = "mr - 1" in exI)
  apply (auto simp add: Cons_replicate_eq)

lemma inv_on_right_moving_2_inv_on_right_moving[simp]: 
  "inv_on_right_moving (as, lm) (x, l, Bk # r) ires
      inv_after_write (as, lm) (y, l, Oc # r) ires"
  apply(auto simp: inv_on_right_moving.simps inv_after_write.simps)
  by (metis append.left_neutral append_Cons )

lemma inv_on_right_moving_singleton_Bk[simp]: "inv_on_right_moving (as, lm) (x, l, []) ires 
             inv_on_right_moving (as, lm) (y, l, [Bk]) ires"
  apply(auto simp: inv_on_right_moving.simps)
  by fastforce

(*inv: from on_left_moving to on_left_moving*)
lemma no_inv_on_left_moving_in_middle_B_Oc[simp]: "inv_on_left_moving_in_middle_B (as, lm) 
               (s, l, Oc # r) ires = False"
  by(auto simp: inv_on_left_moving_in_middle_B.simps )

lemma no_inv_on_left_moving_norm_Bk[simp]: "inv_on_left_moving_norm (as, lm) (s, l, Bk # r) ires 
             = False"
  by(auto simp: inv_on_left_moving_norm.simps)

lemma inv_on_left_moving_in_middle_B_Bk[simp]: 
  "inv_on_left_moving_norm (as, lm) (s, l, Oc # r) ires;
    hd l = Bk; l  []  
     inv_on_left_moving_in_middle_B (as, lm) (s, tl l, Bk # Oc # r) ires"
  apply(cases l, simp, simp)
  apply(simp only: inv_on_left_moving_norm.simps 
  apply(erule_tac exE)+ unfolding tape_of_nl_cons
  apply(rename_tac a list lm1 lm2 m ml mr rn)
  apply(rule_tac x = lm1 in exI, rule_tac x = "m # lm2" in exI, auto)
   apply(auto simp: tape_of_nl_cons split: if_splits)

lemma inv_on_left_moving_norm_Oc_Oc[simp]: "inv_on_left_moving_norm (as, lm) (s, l, Oc # r) ires; 
                hd l = Oc; l  []
             inv_on_left_moving_norm (as, lm) 
                                        (s, tl l, Oc # Oc # r) ires"
  apply(simp only: inv_on_left_moving_norm.simps)
  apply(erule exE)+
  apply(rename_tac lm1 lm2 m ml mr rn)
  apply(rule_tac x = lm1 in exI, rule_tac x = lm2 in exI, 
      rule_tac x = m in exI, rule_tac x = "ml - 1" in exI,
      rule_tac x = "Suc mr" in exI, rule_tac x = rn in exI, simp)
  apply(case_tac ml, auto simp: split: if_splits)

lemma inv_on_left_moving_in_middle_B_Bk_Oc[simp]: "inv_on_left_moving_norm (as, lm) (s, [], Oc # r) ires
      inv_on_left_moving_in_middle_B (as, lm) (s, [], Bk # Oc # r) ires"
  by(auto simp: inv_on_left_moving_norm.simps 
      inv_on_left_moving_in_middle_B.simps split: if_splits)

lemma inv_on_left_moving_Oc_cases[simp]:"inv_on_left_moving (as, lm) (s, l, Oc # r) ires
     (l = []  inv_on_left_moving (as, lm) (s, [], Bk # Oc # r) ires)
   (l  []  inv_on_left_moving (as, lm) (s, tl l, hd l # Oc # r) ires)"
  apply(simp add: inv_on_left_moving.simps)
  apply(cases "l  []", rule conjI, simp, simp)
   apply(cases "hd l", simp, simp, simp)

lemma from_on_left_moving_to_check_left_moving[simp]: "inv_on_left_moving_in_middle_B (as, lm) 
                                      (s, Bk # list, Bk # r) ires
           inv_check_left_moving_on_leftmost (as, lm) 
                                      (s', list, Bk # Bk # r) ires"
  apply(simp only: inv_on_left_moving_in_middle_B.simps inv_check_left_moving_on_leftmost.simps)
  apply(erule_tac exE)+
  apply(rename_tac lm1 lm2 rn)
  apply(case_tac "rev lm1", simp_all)
  apply(case_tac "tl (rev lm1)", simp_all add: tape_of_nat_def tape_of_list_def)

lemma inv_check_left_moving_in_middle_no_Bk[simp]:
  "inv_check_left_moving_in_middle (as, lm) (s, l, Bk # r) ires= False"
  by(auto simp: inv_check_left_moving_in_middle.simps )

lemma inv_check_left_moving_on_leftmost_Bk_Bk[simp]: 
  "inv_on_left_moving_in_middle_B (as, lm) (s, [], Bk # r) ires 
  inv_check_left_moving_on_leftmost (as, lm) (s', [], Bk # Bk # r) ires"
  apply(auto simp: inv_on_left_moving_in_middle_B.simps 
      inv_check_left_moving_on_leftmost.simps split: if_splits)

lemma inv_check_left_moving_on_leftmost_no_Oc[simp]: "inv_check_left_moving_on_leftmost (as, lm) 
                                       (s, list, Oc # r) ires= False"
  by(auto simp: inv_check_left_moving_on_leftmost.simps split: if_splits)

lemma inv_check_left_moving_in_middle_Oc_Bk[simp]: "inv_on_left_moving_in_middle_B (as, lm) 
                                         (s, Oc # list, Bk # r) ires
  inv_check_left_moving_in_middle (as, lm) (s', list, Oc # Bk # r) ires"
  apply(auto simp: inv_on_left_moving_in_middle_B.simps 
      inv_check_left_moving_in_middle.simps  split: if_splits)

lemma inv_on_left_moving_2_check_left_moving[simp]:
  "inv_on_left_moving (as, lm) (s, l, Bk # r) ires
  (l = []  inv_check_left_moving (as, lm) (s', [], Bk # Bk # r) ires)
  (l  []  
      inv_check_left_moving (as, lm) (s', tl l, hd l # Bk # r) ires)"
  by (cases l;cases "hd l", auto simp: inv_on_left_moving.simps inv_check_left_moving.simps)

lemma inv_on_left_moving_norm_no_empty[simp]: "inv_on_left_moving_norm (as, lm) (s, l, []) ires = False"
  apply(auto simp: inv_on_left_moving_norm.simps)

lemma inv_on_left_moving_no_empty[simp]: "inv_on_left_moving (as, lm) (s, l, []) ires = False"
  apply(simp add: inv_on_left_moving.simps)
  apply(simp add: inv_on_left_moving_in_middle_B.simps)

  assumes "inv_check_left_moving_in_middle (as, lm) (s, Bk # list, Oc # r) ires"
  shows "inv_on_left_moving_in_middle_B (as, lm) (s', list, Bk # Oc # r) ires"
  using assms
  apply(simp only: inv_check_left_moving_in_middle.simps 
  apply(erule_tac exE)+
  apply(rename_tac lm1 lm2 r' rn)
  apply(rule_tac x = "rev (tl (rev lm1))" in exI, 
      rule_tac x = "[hd (rev lm1)] @ lm2" in exI, auto)
  apply(case_tac [!] "rev lm1",case_tac [!] "tl (rev lm1)")
  apply(simp_all add: tape_of_nat_def tape_of_list_def)
  apply(case_tac [1] lm2, auto simp:tape_of_nat_def)
  apply(case_tac lm2, auto simp:tape_of_nat_def)

lemma inv_check_left_moving_in_middle_Bk_Oc[simp]: 
  "inv_check_left_moving_in_middle (as, lm) (s, [], Oc # r) ires
     inv_check_left_moving_in_middle (as, lm) (s', [Bk], Oc # r) ires"
  apply(auto simp: inv_check_left_moving_in_middle.simps )

lemma inv_on_left_moving_norm_Oc_Oc_via_middle[simp]: "inv_check_left_moving_in_middle (as, lm) 
                       (s, Oc # list, Oc # r) ires
    inv_on_left_moving_norm (as, lm) (s', list, Oc # Oc # r) ires"
  apply(auto simp: inv_check_left_moving_in_middle.simps 
  apply(rename_tac lm1 lm2 rn)
  apply(rule_tac x = "rev (tl (rev lm1))" in exI, 
      rule_tac x = lm2 in exI, rule_tac x = "hd (rev lm1)" in exI)
  apply(rule_tac conjI)
   apply(case_tac "rev lm1", simp, simp)
  apply(rule_tac x = "hd (rev lm1) - 1" in exI, auto)
   apply(rule_tac [!] x = "Suc (Suc 0)" in exI, simp)
   apply(case_tac [!] "rev lm1", simp_all)
   apply(case_tac [!] "last lm1", simp_all add: tape_of_nl_cons split: if_splits)

lemma inv_check_left_moving_Oc_cases[simp]: "inv_check_left_moving (as, lm) (s, l, Oc # r) ires
 (l = []  inv_on_left_moving (as, lm) (s', [], Bk # Oc # r) ires) 
   (l  []  inv_on_left_moving (as, lm) (s', tl l, hd l # Oc # r) ires)"
  apply(cases l;cases "hd l", auto simp: inv_check_left_moving.simps inv_on_left_moving.simps)

(*inv: check_left_moving to after_left_moving*)
lemma inv_after_left_moving_Bk_via_check[simp]: "inv_check_left_moving (as, lm) (s, l, Bk # r) ires
                 inv_after_left_moving (as, lm) (s', Bk # l, r) ires"
  apply(auto simp: inv_check_left_moving.simps 
      inv_check_left_moving_on_leftmost.simps inv_after_left_moving.simps)

lemma inv_after_left_moving_Bk_empty_via_check[simp]:"inv_check_left_moving (as, lm) (s, l, []) ires
       inv_after_left_moving (as, lm) (s', Bk # l, []) ires"
  by(simp add: inv_check_left_moving.simps  

(*inv: after_left_moving to inv_stop*)
lemma inv_stop_Bk_move[simp]: "inv_after_left_moving (as, lm) (s, l, Bk # r) ires
        inv_stop (as, lm) (s', Bk # l, r) ires"
  apply(auto simp: inv_after_left_moving.simps inv_stop.simps)

lemma inv_stop_Bk_empty[simp]: "inv_after_left_moving (as, lm) (s, l, []) ires
              inv_stop (as, lm) (s', Bk # l, []) ires"
  by(auto simp: inv_after_left_moving.simps)

(*inv: stop to stop*)
lemma inv_stop_indep_fst[simp]: "inv_stop (as, lm) (x, l, r) ires  
               inv_stop (as, lm) (y, l, r) ires"
  apply(simp add: inv_stop.simps)

lemma inv_after_clear_no_Oc[simp]: "inv_after_clear (as, lm) (s, aaa, Oc # xs) ires= False"
  apply(auto simp: inv_after_clear.simps )

lemma inv_after_left_moving_no_Oc[simp]: 
  "inv_after_left_moving (as, lm) (s, aaa, Oc # xs) ires = False"
  by(auto simp: inv_after_left_moving.simps  )

lemma inv_after_clear_Suc_nonempty[simp]:
  "inv_after_clear (as, abc_lm_s lm n (Suc (abc_lm_v lm n))) (s, b, []) ires = False"
  apply(auto simp: inv_after_clear.simps)

lemma inv_on_left_moving_Suc_nonempty[simp]: "inv_on_left_moving (as, abc_lm_s lm n (Suc (abc_lm_v lm n))) 
           (s, b, Oc # list) ires  b  []"
  apply(auto simp: inv_on_left_moving.simps inv_on_left_moving_norm.simps split: if_splits)

lemma inv_check_left_moving_Suc_nonempty[simp]:
  "inv_check_left_moving (as, abc_lm_s lm n (Suc (abc_lm_v lm n))) (s, b, Oc # list) ires  b  []"
  apply(auto simp: inv_check_left_moving.simps inv_check_left_moving_in_middle.simps split: if_splits)

lemma tinc_correct_pre:
  assumes layout: "ly = layout_of ap"
    and inv_start: "inv_locate_a (as, lm) (n, l, r) ires"
    and lm': "lm' = abc_lm_s lm n (Suc (abc_lm_v lm n))"
    and f: "f = steps (Suc 0, l, r) (tinc_b, 0)"
    and P: "P = (λ (s, l, r). s = 10)"
    and Q: "Q = (λ (s, l, r). inc_inv n (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires)" 
  shows " stp. P (f stp)  Q (f stp)"
proof(rule_tac LE = inc_LE in halt_lemma2)
  show "wf inc_LE" by(auto)
  show "Q (f 0)"
    using inv_start
    apply(simp add: f P Q steps.simps inc_inv.simps)
  show "¬ P (f 0)"
    apply(simp add: f P steps.simps)
  have "¬ P (f n)  Q (f n)  Q (f (Suc n))  (f (Suc n), f n) 
         inc_LE" for n
  proof(simp add: f, 
      cases "steps (Suc 0, l, r) (tinc_b, 0) n", simp add: P)
    fix n a b c
    assume "a  10  Q (a, b, c)"
    thus  "Q (step (a, b, c) (tinc_b, 0))  (step (a, b, c) (tinc_b, 0), a, b, c)  inc_LE"
      apply(simp add:Q)
      apply(simp add: inc_inv.simps)
      apply(cases c; cases "hd c")
         apply(auto simp: Let_def step.simps tinc_b_def split: if_splits) (* ~ 12 sec *)
                          apply(simp_all add: inc_inv.simps inc_LE_def lex_triple_def lex_pair_def
          inc_measure_def numeral_eqs_upto_12)         
  thus "n. ¬ P (f n)  Q (f n)  Q (f (Suc n))  (f (Suc n), f n)  inc_LE" by blast

lemma tinc_correct: 
  assumes layout: "ly = layout_of ap"
    and inv_start: "inv_locate_a (as, lm) (n, l, r) ires"
    and lm': "lm' = abc_lm_s lm n (Suc (abc_lm_v lm n))"
  shows " stp l' r'. steps (Suc 0, l, r) (tinc_b, 0) stp = (10, l', r')
               inv_stop (as, lm') (10, l', r') ires"
  using assms
  apply(drule_tac tinc_correct_pre, auto)
  apply(rule_tac x = stp in exI, simp)
  apply(simp add: inc_inv.simps)

lemma is_even_4[simp]: "(4::nat) * n mod 2 = 0"

lemma crsp_step_inc_pre:
  assumes layout: "ly = layout_of ap"
    and crsp: "crsp ly (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires"
    and aexec: "abc_step_l (as, lm) (Some (Inc n)) = (asa, lma)"
  shows " stp k. steps (Suc 0, l, r) (findnth n @ shift tinc_b (2 * n), 0) stp 
        = (2*n + 10, Bk # Bk # ires, <lma> @ Bkk)  stp > 0"
proof -
  have " stp l' r'. steps (Suc 0, l, r) (findnth n, 0) stp = (Suc (2 * n), l', r')
     inv_locate_a (as, lm) (n, l', r') ires"
    using assms
    apply(rule_tac findnth_correct, simp_all add: crsp layout)
  from this obtain stp l' r' where a:
    "steps (Suc 0, l, r) (findnth n, 0) stp = (Suc (2 * n), l', r')
     inv_locate_a (as, lm) (n, l', r') ires" by blast
  moreover have
    " stp la ra. steps (Suc 0, l', r') (tinc_b, 0) stp = (10, la, ra)
                         inv_stop (as, lma) (10, la, ra) ires"
    using assms a
  proof(rule_tac lm' = lma and n = n and lm = lm and ly = ly and ap = ap in tinc_correct,
      simp, simp)
    show "lma = abc_lm_s lm n (Suc (abc_lm_v lm n))"
      using aexec
      apply(simp add: abc_step_l.simps)
  from this obtain stpa la ra where b:
    "steps (Suc 0, l', r') (tinc_b, 0) stpa = (10, la, ra)
     inv_stop (as, lma) (10, la, ra) ires" by blast
  from a b show "stp k. steps (Suc 0, l, r) (findnth n @ shift tinc_b (2 * n), 0) stp
    = (2 * n + 10, Bk # Bk # ires, <lma> @ Bk  k)  stp > 0"
    apply(rule_tac x = "stp + stpa" in exI)
    using tm_append_steps[of "Suc 0" l r "findnth n" stp l' r' tinc_b stpa 10 la ra "length (findnth n) div 2"]
    apply(simp add: length_findnth inv_stop.simps)
    apply(cases stpa, simp_all add: steps.simps)

lemma crsp_step_inc:
  assumes layout: "ly = layout_of ap"
    and crsp: "crsp ly (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires"
    and fetch: "abc_fetch as ap = Some (Inc n)"
  shows "stp > 0. crsp ly (abc_step_l (as, lm) (Some (Inc n)))
  (steps (s, l, r) (ci ly (start_of ly as) (Inc n), start_of ly as - Suc 0) stp) ires"
proof(cases "(abc_step_l (as, lm) (Some (Inc n)))")
  fix a b
  assume aexec: "abc_step_l (as, lm) (Some (Inc n)) = (a, b)"
  then have " stp k. steps (Suc 0, l, r) (findnth n @ shift tinc_b (2 * n), 0) stp 
        = (2*n + 10, Bk # Bk # ires, <b> @ Bkk)  stp > 0"
    using assms
    apply(rule_tac crsp_step_inc_pre, simp_all)
  thus "?thesis"
    using assms aexec
    apply(erule_tac exE)
    apply(erule_tac exE)
    apply(erule_tac conjE)
    apply(rename_tac stp k)
    apply(rule_tac x = stp in exI, simp add: ci.simps tm_shift_eq_steps)
    apply(drule_tac off = "(start_of (layout_of ap) as - Suc 0)" in tm_shift_eq_steps)
     apply(auto simp: crsp.simps abc_step_l.simps fetch start_of_Suc1)

subsection‹Compilation of instruction Dec n e›

type_synonym dec_inv_t = "(nat * nat list)  config  cell list   bool"

fun dec_first_on_right_moving :: "nat  dec_inv_t"
    "dec_first_on_right_moving n (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires = 
               ( lm1 lm2 m ml mr rn. lm = lm1 @ [m] @ lm2  
         ml + mr = Suc m  length lm1 = n  ml > 0  m > 0 
             (if lm1 = [] then l = Ocml @ Bk # Bk # ires
                          else  l = Ocml @ [Bk] @ <rev lm1> @ Bk # Bk # ires)  
    ((r = Ocmr @ [Bk] @ <lm2> @ Bkrn)  (r = Ocmr  lm2 = [])))"

fun dec_on_right_moving :: "dec_inv_t"
    "dec_on_right_moving (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires =  
   ( lm1 lm2 m ml mr rn. lm = lm1 @ [m] @ lm2  
                             ml + mr = Suc (Suc m) 
   (if lm1 = [] then l = Ocml@ Bk # Bk # ires
                else  l = Ocml @ [Bk] @ <rev lm1> @ Bk # Bk # ires)  
   ((r = Ocmr @ [Bk] @ <lm2> @ Bkrn)  (r = Ocmr  lm2 = [])))"

fun dec_after_clear :: "dec_inv_t"
    "dec_after_clear (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires = 
              ( lm1 lm2 m ml mr rn. lm = lm1 @ [m] @ lm2  
                ml + mr = Suc m  ml = Suc m  r  []  r  [] 
               (if lm1 = [] then l = Ocml@ Bk # Bk # ires
                            else l = Ocml @ [Bk] @ <rev lm1> @ Bk # Bk # ires)  
               (tl r = Bk # <lm2> @ Bkrn  tl r = []  lm2 = []))"

fun dec_after_write :: "dec_inv_t"
    "dec_after_write (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires = 
         ( lm1 lm2 m ml mr rn. lm = lm1 @ [m] @ lm2  
       ml + mr = Suc m  ml = Suc m  lm2  [] 
       (if lm1 = [] then l = Bk # Ocml @ Bk # Bk # ires
                    else l = Bk # Ocml @ [Bk] @ <rev lm1> @ Bk # Bk # ires)  
       tl r = <lm2> @ Bkrn)"

fun dec_right_move :: "dec_inv_t"
    "dec_right_move (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires = 
        ( lm1 lm2 m ml mr rn. lm = lm1 @ [m] @ lm2 
             ml = Suc m  mr = (0::nat)  
              (if lm1 = [] then l = Bk # Ocml @ Bk # Bk # ires
                          else l = Bk # Ocml @ [Bk] @ <rev lm1> @ Bk # Bk # ires) 
            (r = Bk # <lm2> @ Bkrn  r = []  lm2 = []))"

fun dec_check_right_move :: "dec_inv_t"
    "dec_check_right_move (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires = 
        ( lm1 lm2 m ml mr rn. lm = lm1 @ [m] @ lm2  
           ml = Suc m  mr = (0::nat)  
           (if lm1 = [] then l = Bk # Bk # Ocml @ Bk # Bk # ires
                       else l = Bk # Bk # Ocml @ [Bk] @ <rev lm1> @ Bk # Bk # ires)  
           r = <lm2> @ Bkrn)"

fun dec_left_move :: "dec_inv_t"
    "dec_left_move (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires = 
    ( lm1 m rn. (lm::nat list) = lm1 @ [m::nat]    
    rn > 0  
   (if lm1 = [] then l = Bk # OcSuc m @ Bk # Bk # ires
    else l = Bk # OcSuc m @ Bk # <rev lm1> @ Bk # Bk # ires)  r = Bkrn)"

  dec_on_right_moving.simps[simp del] dec_after_clear.simps[simp del] 
  dec_after_write.simps[simp del] dec_left_move.simps[simp del] 
  dec_check_right_move.simps[simp del] dec_right_move.simps[simp del] 
  dec_first_on_right_moving.simps[simp del]

fun inv_locate_n_b :: "inc_inv_t"
    "inv_locate_n_b (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires= 
    ( lm1 lm2 tn m ml mr rn. lm @ 0tn = lm1 @ [m] @ lm2  
     length lm1 = s  m + 1 = ml + mr  
     ml = 1  tn = s + 1 - length lm 
     (if lm1 = [] then l = Ocml @ Bk # Bk # ires
      else l = Ocml @ Bk # <rev lm1> @ Bk # Bk # ires)  
     (r = Ocmr @ [Bk] @ <lm2>@ Bkrn  (lm2 = []  r = Ocmr))

fun dec_inv_1 :: "layout  nat  nat  dec_inv_t"
    "dec_inv_1 ly n e (as, am) (s, l, r) ires = 
           (let ss = start_of ly as in
            let am' = abc_lm_s am n (abc_lm_v am n - Suc 0) in
            let am'' = abc_lm_s am n (abc_lm_v am n) in
              if s = start_of ly e then inv_stop (as, am'') (s, l, r) ires
              else if s = ss then False
              else if s = ss + 2 * n + 1 then 
                  inv_locate_b (as, am) (n, l, r) ires
              else if s = ss + 2 * n + 13 then 
                  inv_on_left_moving (as, am'') (s, l, r) ires
              else if s = ss + 2 * n + 14 then 
                  inv_check_left_moving (as, am'') (s, l, r) ires
              else if s = ss + 2 * n + 15 then 
                  inv_after_left_moving (as, am'') (s, l, r) ires
              else False)"

declare fetch.simps[simp del]

lemma x_plus_helpers:
  "x + 4 = Suc (x + 3)"
  "x + 5 = Suc (x + 4)"
  "x + 6 = Suc (x + 5)"
  "x + 7 = Suc (x + 6)"
  "x + 8 = Suc (x + 7)"
  "x + 9 = Suc (x + 8)"
  "x + 10 = Suc (x + 9)"
  "x + 11 = Suc (x + 10)"
  "x + 12 = Suc (x + 11)"
  "x + 13 = Suc (x + 12)"
  "14 + x = Suc (x + 13)"
  "15 + x = Suc (x + 14)"
  "16 + x = Suc (x + 15)"
  by auto

lemma fetch_Dec[simp]: 
  "fetch (ci ly (start_of ly as) (Dec n e)) (Suc (2 * n)) Bk = (WO,  start_of ly as + 2 *n)"
  "fetch (ci ly (start_of ly as) (Dec n e)) (Suc (2 * n)) Oc = (R,  Suc (start_of ly as) + 2 *n)"
  "fetch (ci (ly) (start_of ly as) (Dec n e)) (Suc (Suc (2 * n))) Oc
     = (R, start_of ly as + 2*n + 2)"
  "fetch (ci (ly) (start_of ly as) (Dec n e)) (Suc (Suc (2 * n))) Bk
     = (L, start_of ly as + 2*n + 13)"
  "fetch (ci (ly) (start_of ly as) (Dec n e)) (Suc (Suc (Suc (2 * n)))) Oc
     = (R, start_of ly as + 2*n + 2)"
  "fetch (ci (ly) (start_of ly as) (Dec n e)) (Suc (Suc (Suc (2 * n)))) Bk
     = (L, start_of ly as + 2*n + 3)"
  "fetch (ci (ly) (start_of ly as) (Dec n e)) (2 * n + 4) Oc = (WB, start_of ly as + 2*n + 3)"
  "fetch (ci (ly) (start_of ly as) (Dec n e)) (2 * n + 4) Bk = (R, start_of ly as + 2*n + 4)"
  "fetch (ci (ly) (start_of ly as) (Dec n e)) (2 * n + 5) Bk = (R, start_of ly as + 2*n + 5)"
  "fetch (ci (ly) (start_of ly as) (Dec n e)) (2 * n + 6) Bk = (L, start_of ly as + 2*n + 6)"
  "fetch (ci (ly) (start_of ly as) (Dec n e)) (2 * n + 6) Oc = (L, start_of ly as + 2*n + 7)"
  "fetch (ci (ly) (start_of ly as) (Dec n e)) (2 * n + 7) Bk = (L, start_of ly as + 2*n + 10)"
  "fetch (ci (ly) (start_of ly as) (Dec n e)) (2 * n + 8) Bk = (WO, start_of ly as + 2*n + 7)"
  "fetch (ci (ly) (start_of ly as) (Dec n e)) (2 * n + 8) Oc = (R, start_of ly as + 2*n + 8)"
  "fetch (ci (ly) (start_of ly as) (Dec n e)) (2 * n + 9) Bk = (L, start_of ly as + 2*n + 9)"
  "fetch (ci (ly) (start_of ly as) (Dec n e)) (2 * n + 9) Oc = (R, start_of ly as + 2*n + 8)"
  "fetch (ci (ly) (start_of ly as) (Dec n e)) (2 * n + 10) Bk = (R, start_of ly as + 2*n + 4)"
  "fetch (ci (ly) (start_of ly as) (Dec n e)) (2 * n + 10) Oc = (WB, start_of ly as + 2*n + 9)"
  "fetch (ci (ly) (start_of ly as) (Dec n e)) (2 * n + 11) Oc = (L, start_of ly as + 2*n + 10)"
  "fetch (ci (ly) (start_of ly as) (Dec n e)) (2 * n + 11) Bk = (L, start_of ly as + 2*n + 11)"
  "fetch (ci (ly) (start_of ly as) (Dec n e)) (2 * n + 12) Oc = (L, start_of ly as + 2*n + 10)"
  "fetch (ci (ly) (start_of ly as) (Dec n e)) (2 * n + 12) Bk = (R, start_of ly as + 2*n + 12)"
  "fetch (ci (ly) (start_of ly as) (Dec n e)) (2 * n + 13) Bk = (R, start_of ly as + 2*n + 16)"
  "fetch (ci (ly) (start_of ly as) (Dec n e)) (14 + 2 * n) Oc = (L, start_of ly as + 2*n + 13)"
  "fetch (ci (ly) (start_of ly as) (Dec n e)) (14 + 2 * n) Bk = (L, start_of ly as + 2*n + 14)"
  "fetch (ci (ly) (start_of ly as) (Dec n e)) (15 + 2 * n) Oc = (L, start_of ly as + 2*n + 13)"
  "fetch (ci (ly) (start_of ly as) (Dec n e)) (15 + 2 * n) Bk = (R, start_of ly as + 2*n + 15)"
  "fetch (ci (ly) (start_of (ly) as) (Dec n e)) (16 + 2 * n) Bk = (R, start_of (ly) e)"
  unfolding x_plus_helpers fetch.simps
  by(auto simp: ci.simps shift.simps nth_append tdec_b_def length_findnth adjust.simps)

lemma steps_start_of_invb_inv_locate_a1[simp]: 
  "r = []  hd r = Bk; inv_locate_a (as, lm) (n, l, r) ires
     stp la ra.
  steps (start_of ly as + 2 * n, l, r) (ci ly (start_of ly as) (Dec n e), 
  start_of ly as - Suc 0) stp = (Suc (start_of ly as + 2 * n), la, ra) 
  inv_locate_b (as, lm) (n, la, ra) ires"
  apply(rule_tac x = "Suc (Suc 0)" in exI)
  apply(auto simp: steps.simps step.simps length_ci_dec)
  apply(cases r, simp_all)

lemma steps_start_of_invb_inv_locate_a2[simp]: 
  "inv_locate_a (as, lm) (n, l, r) ires; r  []  hd r  Bk
     stp la ra.
  steps (start_of ly as + 2 * n, l, r) (ci ly (start_of ly as) (Dec n e), 
  start_of ly as - Suc 0) stp = (Suc (start_of ly as + 2 * n), la, ra) 
  inv_locate_b (as, lm) (n, la, ra) ires"
  apply(rule_tac x = "(Suc 0)" in exI, cases "hd r", simp_all)
  apply(auto simp: steps.simps step.simps length_ci_dec)
  apply(cases r, simp_all)

fun abc_dec_1_stage1:: "config  nat  nat  nat"
    "abc_dec_1_stage1 (s, l, r) ss n = 
       (if s > ss  s  ss + 2*n + 1 then 4
        else if s = ss + 2 * n + 13  s = ss + 2*n + 14 then 3
        else if s = ss + 2*n + 15 then 2
        else 0)"

fun abc_dec_1_stage2:: "config  nat  nat  nat"
    "abc_dec_1_stage2 (s, l, r) ss n = 
       (if s  ss + 2 * n + 1 then (ss + 2 * n + 16 - s)
        else if s = ss + 2*n + 13 then length l
        else if s = ss + 2*n + 14 then length l
        else 0)"

fun abc_dec_1_stage3 :: "config  nat  nat  nat"
    "abc_dec_1_stage3 (s, l, r) ss n  = 
        (if s  ss + 2*n + 1 then 
             if (s - ss) mod 2 = 0 then 
                         if r  []  hd r = Oc then 0 else 1  
                         else length r
         else if s = ss + 2 * n + 13 then 
             if r  []  hd r = Oc then 2 
             else 1
         else if s = ss + 2 * n + 14 then 
             if r  []  hd r = Oc then 3 else 0 
         else 0)"

fun abc_dec_1_measure :: "(config × nat × nat)  (nat × nat × nat)"
    "abc_dec_1_measure (c, ss, n) = (abc_dec_1_stage1 c ss n, 
                   abc_dec_1_stage2 c ss n, abc_dec_1_stage3 c ss n)"

definition abc_dec_1_LE ::
  "((config × nat ×
  nat) × (config × nat × nat)) set"
  where "abc_dec_1_LE  (inv_image lex_triple abc_dec_1_measure)"

lemma wf_dec_le: "wf abc_dec_1_LE"
  by(auto simp:abc_dec_1_LE_def lex_triple_def lex_pair_def)

lemma startof_Suc2:
  "abc_fetch as ap = Some (Dec n e)  
        start_of (layout_of ap) (Suc as) = 
            start_of (layout_of ap) as + 2 * n + 16"
  apply(auto simp: start_of.simps layout_of.simps  
      length_of.simps abc_fetch.simps 
      take_Suc_conv_app_nth split: if_splits)

lemma start_of_less_2: 
  "start_of ly e  start_of ly (Suc e)"
  apply(cases "e < length ly")
   apply(auto simp: start_of.simps take_Suc take_Suc_conv_app_nth)

lemma start_of_less_1: "start_of ly e  start_of ly (e + d)"
proof(induct d)
  case 0 thus "?case" by simp
  case (Suc d)
  have "start_of ly e  start_of ly (e + d)"  by fact
  moreover have "start_of ly (e + d)  start_of ly (Suc (e + d))"
    by(rule_tac start_of_less_2)
  ultimately show"?case"

lemma start_of_less: 
  assumes "e < as"
  shows "start_of ly e  start_of ly as"
proof -
  obtain d where " as = e + d"
    using assms by (metis less_imp_add_positive)
  thus "?thesis"
    by(simp add: start_of_less_1)

lemma start_of_ge: 
  assumes fetch: "abc_fetch as ap = Some (Dec n e)"
    and layout: "ly = layout_of ap"
    and great: "e > as"
  shows "start_of ly e  start_of ly as + 2*n + 16"
proof(cases "e = Suc as")
  case True
  have "e = Suc as" by fact
  moreover hence "start_of ly (Suc as) = start_of ly as + 2*n + 16"
    using layout fetch
    by(simp add: startof_Suc2)
  ultimately show "?thesis" by (simp)
  case False
  have "e  Suc as" by fact
  then have "e > Suc as" using great by arith
  then have "start_of ly (Suc as)  start_of ly e"
    by(simp add: start_of_less)
  moreover have "start_of ly (Suc as) = start_of ly as + 2*n + 16"
    using layout fetch
    by(simp add: startof_Suc2)
  ultimately show "?thesis"
    by arith

declare dec_inv_1.simps[simp del]

lemma start_of_ineq1[simp]: 
  "abc_fetch as aprog = Some (Dec n e); ly = layout_of aprog
    (start_of ly e  Suc (start_of ly as + 2 * n) 
        start_of ly e  Suc (Suc (start_of ly as + 2 * n))   
        start_of ly e  start_of ly as + 2 * n + 3  
        start_of ly e  start_of ly as + 2 * n + 4 
        start_of ly e  start_of ly as + 2 * n + 5  
        start_of ly e  start_of ly as + 2 * n + 6  
        start_of ly e  start_of ly as + 2 * n + 7 
        start_of ly e  start_of ly as + 2 * n + 8  
        start_of ly e  start_of ly as + 2 * n + 9  
        start_of ly e  start_of ly as + 2 * n + 10 
        start_of ly e  start_of ly as + 2 * n + 11  
        start_of ly e  start_of ly as + 2 * n + 12  
        start_of ly e  start_of ly as + 2 * n + 13 
        start_of ly e  start_of ly as + 2 * n + 14  
        start_of ly e  start_of ly as + 2 * n + 15)"
  using start_of_ge[of as aprog n e ly] start_of_less[of e as ly]
  apply(cases "e < as", simp)
  apply(cases "e = as", simp, simp)

lemma start_of_ineq2[simp]: "abc_fetch as aprog = Some (Dec n e); ly = layout_of aprog
       (Suc (start_of ly as + 2 * n)  start_of ly e 
          Suc (Suc (start_of ly as + 2 * n))  start_of ly e  
          start_of ly as + 2 * n + 3  start_of ly e  
          start_of ly as + 2 * n + 4  start_of ly e 
          start_of ly as + 2 * n + 5 start_of ly e  
          start_of ly as + 2 * n + 6  start_of ly e 
          start_of ly as + 2 * n + 7  start_of ly e  
          start_of ly as + 2 * n + 8  start_of ly e  
          start_of ly as + 2 * n + 9  start_of ly e  
          start_of ly as + 2 * n + 10  start_of ly e 
          start_of ly as + 2 * n + 11  start_of ly e  
          start_of ly as + 2 * n + 12  start_of ly e  
          start_of ly as + 2 * n + 13  start_of ly e  
          start_of ly as + 2 * n + 14  start_of ly e  
          start_of ly as + 2 * n + 15  start_of ly e)"
  using start_of_ge[of as aprog n e ly] start_of_less[of e as ly]
  apply(cases "e < as", simp, simp)
  apply(cases "e = as", simp, simp)

lemma inv_locate_b_nonempty[simp]: "inv_locate_b (as, lm) (n, [], []) ires = False"
  apply(auto simp: inv_locate_b.simps in_middle.simps split: if_splits)

lemma inv_locate_b_no_Bk[simp]: "inv_locate_b (as, lm) (n, [], Bk # list) ires = False"
  apply(auto simp: inv_locate_b.simps in_middle.simps split: if_splits)

lemma dec_first_on_right_moving_Oc[simp]: 
  "dec_first_on_right_moving n (as, am) (s, aaa, Oc # xs) ires
    dec_first_on_right_moving n (as, am) (s', Oc # aaa, xs) ires"
  apply(simp only: dec_first_on_right_moving.simps)
  apply(erule exE)+
  apply(rename_tac lm1 lm2 m ml mr rn)
  apply(rule_tac x = lm1 in exI, rule_tac x = lm2 in exI, 
      rule_tac x = m in exI, rule_tac x = "Suc ml" in exI, 
      rule_tac x = "mr - 1" in exI)
  apply(case_tac [!] mr, auto)

lemma dec_first_on_right_moving_Bk_nonempty[simp]: 
  "dec_first_on_right_moving n (as, am) (s, l, Bk # xs) ires  l  []"
  apply(auto simp: dec_first_on_right_moving.simps split: if_splits)

lemma replicateE: 
  "¬ length lm1 < length am; 
    am @ replicate (length lm1 - length am) 0 @ [0::nat] = 
                                                lm1 @ m # lm2;
    0 < m
  apply(subgoal_tac "lm2 = []", simp)
  apply(drule_tac length_equal, simp)

lemma dec_after_clear_Bk_strip_hd[simp]: 
  "dec_first_on_right_moving n (as, 
                   abc_lm_s am n (abc_lm_v am n)) (s, l, Bk # xs) ires
 dec_after_clear (as, abc_lm_s am n 
                 (abc_lm_v am n - Suc 0)) (s', tl l, hd l # Bk # xs) ires"
  apply(simp only: dec_first_on_right_moving.simps 
      dec_after_clear.simps abc_lm_s.simps abc_lm_v.simps)
  apply(erule_tac exE)+
  apply(rename_tac lm1 lm2 m ml mr rn)
  apply(cases "n < length am")
  by(rule_tac x = lm1 in exI, rule_tac x = lm2 in exI, 
      rule_tac x = "m - 1" in exI, auto elim:replicateE)

lemma dec_first_on_right_moving_dec_after_clear_cases[simp]: 
  "dec_first_on_right_moving n (as, 
                   abc_lm_s am n (abc_lm_v am n)) (s, l, []) ires
 (l = []  dec_after_clear (as, 
             abc_lm_s am n (abc_lm_v am n - Suc 0)) (s', [], [Bk]) ires) 
    (l  []  dec_after_clear (as, abc_lm_s am n 
                      (abc_lm_v am n - Suc 0)) (s', tl l, [hd l]) ires)"
  apply(subgoal_tac "l  []", 
      simp only: dec_first_on_right_moving.simps 
      dec_after_clear.simps abc_lm_s.simps abc_lm_v.simps)
   apply(erule_tac exE)+
   apply(rename_tac lm1 lm2 m ml mr rn)
   apply(cases "n < length am", simp)
    apply(rule_tac x = lm1 in exI, rule_tac x = "m - 1" in exI, auto)
    apply(case_tac [1-2] m, auto)
  apply(auto simp: dec_first_on_right_moving.simps split: if_splits)

lemma dec_after_clear_Bk_via_Oc[simp]: "dec_after_clear (as, am) (s, l, Oc # r) ires
                 dec_after_clear (as, am) (s', l, Bk # r) ires"
  apply(auto simp: dec_after_clear.simps)

lemma dec_right_move_Bk_via_clear_Bk[simp]: "dec_after_clear (as, am) (s, l, Bk # r) ires
                 dec_right_move (as, am) (s', Bk # l, r) ires"
  apply(auto simp: dec_after_clear.simps dec_right_move.simps split: if_splits)

lemma dec_right_move_Bk_Bk_via_clear[simp]: "dec_after_clear (as, am) (s, l, []) ires
              dec_right_move (as, am) (s', Bk # l, [Bk]) ires"
  apply(auto simp: dec_after_clear.simps dec_right_move.simps split: if_splits)

lemma dec_right_move_no_Oc[simp]:"dec_right_move (as, am) (s, l, Oc # r) ires = False"
  apply(auto simp: dec_right_move.simps)

lemma dec_right_move_2_check_right_move[simp]:
  "dec_right_move (as, am) (s, l, Bk # r) ires
       dec_check_right_move (as, am) (s', Bk # l, r) ires"
  apply(auto simp: dec_right_move.simps dec_check_right_move.simps split: if_splits)

lemma lm_iff_empty[simp]: "(<lm::nat list> = []) = (lm = [])"
  apply(cases lm, simp_all add: tape_of_nl_cons)

lemma dec_right_move_asif_Bk_singleton[simp]: 
  "dec_right_move (as, am) (s, l, []) ires= 
  dec_right_move (as, am) (s, l, [Bk]) ires"
  apply(simp add: dec_right_move.simps)

lemma dec_check_right_move_nonempty[simp]: "dec_check_right_move (as, am) (s, l, r) ires l  []"
  apply(auto simp: dec_check_right_move.simps split: if_splits)

lemma dec_check_right_move_Oc_tail[simp]: "dec_check_right_move (as, am) (s, l, Oc # r) ires
              dec_after_write (as, am) (s', tl l, hd l # Oc # r) ires"
  apply(auto simp: dec_check_right_move.simps dec_after_write.simps)
  apply(rename_tac lm1 lm2 m rn)
  apply(rule_tac x = lm1 in exI, rule_tac x = lm2 in exI, rule_tac x = m in exI, auto)

lemma dec_left_move_Bk_tail[simp]: "dec_check_right_move (as, am) (s, l, Bk # r) ires
                 dec_left_move (as, am) (s', tl l, hd l # Bk # r) ires"
  apply(auto simp: dec_check_right_move.simps dec_left_move.simps inv_after_move.simps)
  apply(rename_tac lm1 lm2 m rn)
  apply(rule_tac x = lm1 in exI, rule_tac x = m in exI, auto split: if_splits)
     apply(case_tac [!] lm2, simp_all add: tape_of_nl_cons split: if_splits)
   apply(rule_tac [!] x = "(Suc rn)" in exI, simp_all)

lemma dec_left_move_tail[simp]: "dec_check_right_move (as, am) (s, l, []) ires
              dec_left_move (as, am) (s', tl l, [hd l]) ires"
  apply(auto simp: dec_check_right_move.simps dec_left_move.simps inv_after_move.simps)
  apply(rename_tac lm1 m)
  apply(rule_tac x = lm1 in exI, rule_tac x = m in exI, auto)

lemma dec_left_move_no_Oc[simp]: "dec_left_move (as, am) (s, aaa, Oc # xs) ires = False"
  apply(auto simp: dec_left_move.simps inv_after_move.simps)

lemma dec_left_move_nonempty[simp]: "dec_left_move (as, am) (s, l, r) ires
              l  []"
  apply(auto simp: dec_left_move.simps split: if_splits)

lemma inv_on_left_moving_in_middle_B_Oc_Bk_Bks[simp]: "inv_on_left_moving_in_middle_B (as, [m])
  (s', Oc # Ocm @ Bk # Bk # ires, Bk # Bkrn) ires"
  apply(simp add: inv_on_left_moving_in_middle_B.simps)
  apply(rule_tac x = "[m]" in exI, auto)

lemma inv_on_left_moving_in_middle_B_Oc_Bk_Bks_rev[simp]: "lm1  []  
  inv_on_left_moving_in_middle_B (as, lm1 @ [m]) (s', 
  Oc # Ocm @ Bk # <rev lm1> @ Bk # Bk # ires, Bk # Bkrn) ires"
  apply(simp only: inv_on_left_moving_in_middle_B.simps)
  apply(rule_tac x = "lm1 @ [m ]" in exI, rule_tac x = "[]" in exI, simp)
  apply(simp add: tape_of_nl_cons split: if_splits)

lemma inv_on_left_moving_Bk_tail[simp]: "dec_left_move (as, am) (s, l, Bk # r) ires
        inv_on_left_moving (as, am) (s', tl l, hd l # Bk # r) ires"
  apply(auto simp: dec_left_move.simps inv_on_left_moving.simps split: if_splits)

lemma inv_on_left_moving_tail[simp]: "dec_left_move (as, am) (s, l, []) ires
              inv_on_left_moving (as, am) (s', tl l, [hd l]) ires"
  apply(auto simp: dec_left_move.simps inv_on_left_moving.simps split: if_splits)

lemma dec_on_right_moving_Oc_mv[simp]: "dec_after_write (as, am) (s, l, Oc # r) ires
        dec_on_right_moving (as, am) (s', Oc # l, r) ires"
  apply(auto simp: dec_after_write.simps dec_on_right_moving.simps)
  apply(rename_tac lm1 lm2 m rn)
  apply(rule_tac x = "lm1 @ [m]" in exI, rule_tac x = "tl lm2" in exI, 
      rule_tac x = "hd lm2" in exI, simp)
  apply(rule_tac x = "Suc 0" in exI,rule_tac x =  "Suc (hd lm2)" in exI)
  apply(case_tac lm2, auto split: if_splits simp: tape_of_nl_cons)

lemma dec_after_write_Oc_via_Bk[simp]: "dec_after_write (as, am) (s, l, Bk # r) ires
        dec_after_write (as, am) (s', l, Oc # r) ires"
  apply(auto simp: dec_after_write.simps)

lemma dec_after_write_Oc_empty[simp]: "dec_after_write (as, am) (s, aaa, []) ires
              dec_after_write (as, am) (s', aaa, [Oc]) ires"
  apply(auto simp: dec_after_write.simps)

lemma dec_on_right_moving_Oc_move[simp]: "dec_on_right_moving (as, am) (s, l, Oc # r) ires
        dec_on_right_moving (as, am) (s', Oc # l, r) ires"
  apply(simp only: dec_on_right_moving.simps)
  apply(erule_tac exE)+
  apply(rename_tac lm1 lm2 m ml mr rn)
  apply(erule conjE)+
  apply(rule_tac x = lm1 in exI, rule_tac x = lm2 in exI,
      rule_tac x = "m" in exI, rule_tac x = "Suc ml" in exI, 
      rule_tac x = "mr - 1" in exI, simp)
  apply(case_tac mr, auto)

lemma dec_on_right_moving_nonempty[simp]: "dec_on_right_moving (as, am) (s, l, r) ires  l  []"
  apply(auto simp: dec_on_right_moving.simps split: if_splits)

lemma dec_after_clear_Bk_tail[simp]: "dec_on_right_moving (as, am) (s, l, Bk # r) ires
        dec_after_clear (as, am) (s', tl l, hd l # Bk # r) ires"
  apply(auto simp: dec_on_right_moving.simps dec_after_clear.simps simp del:split_head_repeat)
  apply(rename_tac lm1 lm2 m ml mr rn)
  apply(case_tac mr, auto split: if_splits)

lemma dec_after_clear_tail[simp]: "dec_on_right_moving (as, am) (s, l, []) ires
              dec_after_clear (as, am) (s', tl l, [hd l]) ires"
  apply(auto simp: dec_on_right_moving.simps dec_after_clear.simps)
  apply(simp_all split: if_splits)
  apply(rule_tac x = lm1 in exI, simp)

lemma dec_false_1[simp]:
  "abc_lm_v am n = 0; inv_locate_b (as, am) (n, aaa, Oc # xs) ires
  apply(auto simp: inv_locate_b.simps in_middle.simps)
   apply(rename_tac lm1 lm2 m ml Mr rn)
   apply(case_tac "length lm1  length am", auto)
    apply(subgoal_tac "lm2 = []", simp, subgoal_tac "m = 0", simp)
      apply(case_tac Mr, auto simp: )
     apply(subgoal_tac "Suc (length lm1) - length am = 
                   Suc (length lm1 - length am)", 
      simp add: exp_ind del: replicate.simps, simp)
    apply(drule_tac xs = "am @ replicate (Suc (length lm1) - length am) 0"
      and ys = "lm1 @ m # lm2" in length_equal, simp)
   apply(case_tac Mr, auto simp: abc_lm_v.simps)
  apply(rename_tac lm1 m ml Mr)
  apply(case_tac "Mr = 0", simp_all split: if_splits)
  apply(subgoal_tac "Suc (length lm1) - length am = 
                       Suc (length lm1 - length am)", 
      simp add: exp_ind del: replicate.simps, simp)

lemma inv_on_left_moving_Bk_tl[simp]: 
  "inv_locate_b (as, am) (n, aaa, Bk # xs) ires; 
   abc_lm_v am n = 0
    inv_on_left_moving (as, abc_lm_s am n 0) 
                         (s, tl aaa, hd aaa # Bk # xs) ires"
  apply(simp add: inv_on_left_moving.simps)
  apply(simp only: inv_locate_b.simps in_middle.simps) 
  apply(erule_tac exE)+
  apply(rename_tac Lm1 Lm2 tn M ml Mr rn)
  apply(subgoal_tac "¬ inv_on_left_moving_in_middle_B 
         (as, abc_lm_s am n 0) (s, tl aaa, hd aaa # Bk # xs) ires", simp)
   apply(simp only: inv_on_left_moving_norm.simps)
   apply(erule_tac conjE)+
   apply(rule_tac x = Lm1 in exI, rule_tac x = Lm2 in exI, 
      rule_tac x =  M in exI, rule_tac x = M in exI, 
      rule_tac x = "Suc 0" in exI, simp add: abc_lm_s.simps)
   apply(case_tac Mr, auto simp: abc_lm_v.simps)
   apply(simp only: exp_ind[THEN sym] replicate_Suc Nat.Suc_diff_le)
  apply(auto simp: inv_on_left_moving_in_middle_B.simps split: if_splits)

lemma inv_on_left_moving_tl[simp]:
  "abc_lm_v am n = 0; inv_locate_b (as, am) (n, aaa, []) ires
    inv_on_left_moving (as, abc_lm_s am n 0) (s, tl aaa, [hd aaa]) ires"
  supply [[simproc del: defined_all]]
  apply(simp add: inv_on_left_moving.simps)
  apply(simp only: inv_locate_b.simps in_middle.simps) 
  apply(erule_tac exE)+
  apply(rename_tac Lm1 Lm2 tn M ml Mr rn)
  apply(simp add: inv_on_left_moving.simps)
  apply(subgoal_tac "¬ inv_on_left_moving_in_middle_B 
         (as, abc_lm_s am n 0) (s, tl aaa, [hd aaa]) ires", simp)
   apply(simp only: inv_on_left_moving_norm.simps)
   apply(erule_tac conjE)+
   apply(rule_tac x = Lm1 in exI, rule_tac x = Lm2 in exI, 
      rule_tac x =  M in exI, rule_tac x = M in exI, 
      rule_tac x = "Suc 0" in exI, simp add: abc_lm_s.simps)
   apply(case_tac Mr, simp_all, auto simp: abc_lm_v.simps)
    apply(simp_all only: exp_ind Nat.Suc_diff_le)
  apply(auto simp: inv_on_left_moving_in_middle_B.simps split: if_splits)
   apply(case_tac [!] M, simp_all)

(* declare dec_inv_1.simps[simp del] *)

declare inv_locate_n_b.simps [simp del]

lemma dec_first_on_right_moving_Oc_via_inv_locate_n_b[simp]:
  "inv_locate_n_b (as, am) (n, aaa, Oc # xs) ires
  dec_first_on_right_moving n (as, abc_lm_s am n (abc_lm_v am n))  
                                      (s, Oc # aaa, xs) ires"
  apply(auto simp: inv_locate_n_b.simps dec_first_on_right_moving.simps 
      abc_lm_s.simps abc_lm_v.simps)
     apply(rename_tac Lm1 Lm2 m rn)
     apply(rule_tac x = Lm1 in exI, rule_tac x = Lm2 in exI, 
      rule_tac x = m in exI, simp)
     apply(rule_tac x = "Suc (Suc 0)" in exI, 
      rule_tac x = "m - 1" in exI, simp)
     apply (metis One_nat_def Suc_pred cell.distinct(1) empty_replicate list.inject list.sel(3)
      neq0_conv self_append_conv2 tl_append2 tl_replicate)
    apply(rename_tac Lm1 Lm2 m rn)
    apply(rule_tac x = Lm1 in exI, rule_tac x = Lm2 in exI, 
      rule_tac x = m in exI, 
      simp add: Suc_diff_le exp_ind del: replicate.simps)
    apply(rule_tac x = "Suc (Suc 0)" in exI, 
      rule_tac x = "m - 1" in exI, simp)
    apply (metis cell.distinct(1) empty_replicate gr_zeroI list.inject replicateE self_append_conv2)
   apply(rename_tac Lm1 m)
   apply(rule_tac x = Lm1 in exI, rule_tac x = "[]" in exI, 
      rule_tac x = m in exI, simp)
   apply(rule_tac x = "Suc (Suc 0)" in exI, 
      rule_tac x = "m - 1" in exI, simp)
   apply(case_tac m, auto)
  apply(rename_tac Lm1 m)
  apply(rule_tac x = Lm1 in exI, rule_tac x = "[]" in exI, rule_tac x = m in exI, 
      simp add: Suc_diff_le exp_ind del: replicate.simps, simp)

lemma inv_on_left_moving_nonempty[simp]: "inv_on_left_moving (as, am) (s, [], r) ires 
  = False"
  apply(simp add: inv_on_left_moving.simps inv_on_left_moving_norm.simps

lemma inv_check_left_moving_startof_nonempty[simp]: 
  "inv_check_left_moving (as, abc_lm_s am n 0)
  (start_of (layout_of aprog) as + 2 * n + 14, [], Oc # xs) ires
 = False"
  apply(simp add: inv_check_left_moving.simps inv_check_left_moving_in_middle.simps)

lemma start_of_lessE[elim]: "abc_fetch as ap = Some (Dec n e);
                start_of (layout_of ap) as < start_of (layout_of ap) e; 
                start_of (layout_of ap) e  Suc (start_of (layout_of ap) as + 2 * n)
  using start_of_less[of e as "layout_of ap"] start_of_ge[of as ap n e "layout_of ap"]
  apply(cases "as < e", simp)
  apply(cases "as = e", simp, simp)

lemma crsp_step_dec_b_e_pre':
  assumes layout: "ly = layout_of ap"
    and inv_start: "inv_locate_b (as, lm) (n, la, ra) ires"
    and fetch: "abc_fetch as ap = Some (Dec n e)"
    and dec_0: "abc_lm_v lm n = 0"
    and f: "f = (λ stp. (steps (Suc (start_of ly as) + 2 * n, la, ra) (ci ly (start_of ly as) (Dec n e), 
            start_of ly as - Suc 0) stp, start_of ly as, n))"
    and P: "P = (λ ((s, l, r), ss, x). s = start_of ly e)"
    and Q: "Q = (λ ((s, l, r), ss, x). dec_inv_1 ly x e (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires)"
  shows " stp. P (f stp)  Q (f stp)"
proof(rule_tac LE = abc_dec_1_LE in halt_lemma2)
  show "wf abc_dec_1_LE" by(intro wf_dec_le)
  show "Q (f 0)"
    using layout fetch
    apply(simp add: f steps.simps Q dec_inv_1.simps)
    apply(subgoal_tac "e > as  e = as  e < as")
     apply(auto simp: inv_start)
  show "¬ P (f 0)"
    using layout fetch
    apply(simp add: f steps.simps P)
  show "n. ¬ P (f n)  Q (f n)  Q (f (Suc n))  (f (Suc n), f n)  abc_dec_1_LE"
    using fetch
  proof(rule_tac allI, rule_tac impI)
    fix na
    assume "¬ P (f na)  Q (f na)"
    thus "Q (f (Suc na))  (f (Suc na), f na)  abc_dec_1_LE"
      apply(simp add: f)
      apply(cases "steps (Suc (start_of ly as + 2 * n), la, ra)
        (ci ly (start_of ly as) (Dec n e), start_of ly as - Suc 0) na", simp)
    proof -
      fix a b c 
      assume "¬ P ((a, b, c), start_of ly as, n)  Q ((a, b, c), start_of ly as, n)"
      thus "Q (step (a, b, c) (ci ly (start_of ly as) (Dec n e), start_of ly as - Suc 0), start_of ly as, n) 
               ((step (a, b, c) (ci ly (start_of ly as) (Dec n e), start_of ly as - Suc 0), start_of ly as, n), 
                   (a, b, c), start_of ly as, n)  abc_dec_1_LE"
        apply(simp add: Q)
        apply(cases c;cases "hd c")
        apply(simp_all add: dec_inv_1.simps Let_def split: if_splits)
        using fetch layout dec_0
        apply(auto simp: step.simps P dec_inv_1.simps Let_def abc_dec_1_LE_def
            lex_triple_def lex_pair_def)
        using dec_0
        apply(drule_tac dec_false_1, simp_all)

lemma crsp_step_dec_b_e_pre:
  assumes "ly = layout_of ap"
    and inv_start: "inv_locate_b (as, lm) (n, la, ra) ires"
    and dec_0: "abc_lm_v lm n  = 0"
    and fetch: "abc_fetch as ap = Some (Dec n e)"
  shows "stp lb rb.
       steps (Suc (start_of ly as) + 2 * n, la, ra) (ci ly (start_of ly as) (Dec n e), 
       start_of ly as - Suc 0) stp = (start_of ly e, lb, rb) 
       dec_inv_1 ly n e (as, lm) (start_of ly e, lb, rb) ires"
  using assms
  apply(drule_tac crsp_step_dec_b_e_pre', auto)
  apply(rename_tac stp a b)
  apply(rule_tac x = stp in exI, simp)

lemma crsp_abc_step_via_stop[simp]:
  "abc_lm_v lm n = 0;
  inv_stop (as, abc_lm_s lm n (abc_lm_v lm n)) (start_of ly e, lb, rb) ires
   crsp ly (abc_step_l (as, lm) (Some (Dec n e))) (start_of ly e, lb, rb) ires"
  apply(auto simp: crsp.simps abc_step_l.simps inv_stop.simps)

lemma crsp_step_dec_b_e:
  assumes layout: "ly = layout_of ap"
    and inv_start: "inv_locate_a (as, lm) (n, l, r) ires"
    and dec_0: "abc_lm_v lm n = 0"
    and fetch: "abc_fetch as ap = Some (Dec n e)"
  shows "stp > 0. crsp ly (abc_step_l (as, lm) (Some (Dec n e)))
  (steps (start_of ly as + 2 * n, l, r) (ci ly (start_of ly as) (Dec n e), start_of ly as - Suc 0) stp) ires"
proof -
  let ?P = "ci ly (start_of ly as) (Dec n e)"
  let ?off = "start_of ly as - Suc 0"
  have " stp la ra. steps (start_of ly as + 2 * n, l, r) (?P, ?off) stp = (Suc (start_of ly as) + 2*n, la, ra)
               inv_locate_b (as, lm) (n, la, ra) ires"
    using inv_start
    apply(cases "r = []  hd r = Bk", simp_all)
  from this obtain stpa la ra where a:
    "steps (start_of ly as + 2 * n, l, r) (?P, ?off) stpa = (Suc (start_of ly as) + 2*n, la, ra)
               inv_locate_b (as, lm) (n, la, ra) ires" by blast
  have " stp lb rb. steps (Suc (start_of ly as) + 2 * n, la, ra) (?P, ?off) stp = (start_of ly e, lb, rb)
               dec_inv_1 ly n e (as, lm) (start_of ly e, lb, rb) ires"
    using assms a
    apply(rule_tac crsp_step_dec_b_e_pre, auto)
  from this obtain stpb lb rb where b:
    "steps (Suc (start_of ly as) + 2 * n, la, ra) (?P, ?off) stpb = (start_of ly e, lb, rb)
               dec_inv_1 ly n e (as, lm) (start_of ly e, lb, rb) ires"  by blast
  from a b show "stp > 0. crsp ly (abc_step_l (as, lm) (Some (Dec n e))) 
    (steps (start_of ly as + 2 * n, l, r) (?P, ?off) stp) ires"
    apply(rule_tac x = "stpa + stpb" in exI)
    using dec_0
    apply(simp add: dec_inv_1.simps )
    apply(cases stpa, simp_all add: steps.simps)

fun dec_inv_2 :: "layout  nat  nat  dec_inv_t"
    "dec_inv_2 ly n e (as, am) (s, l, r) ires =
           (let ss = start_of ly as in
            let am' = abc_lm_s am n (abc_lm_v am n - Suc 0) in
            let am'' = abc_lm_s am n (abc_lm_v am n) in
              if s = 0 then False
              else if s = ss + 2 * n then 
                      inv_locate_a (as, am) (n, l, r) ires
              else if s = ss + 2 * n + 1 then 
                      inv_locate_n_b (as, am) (n, l, r) ires
              else if s = ss + 2 * n + 2 then 
                      dec_first_on_right_moving n (as, am'') (s, l, r) ires
              else if s = ss + 2 * n + 3 then 
                      dec_after_clear (as, am') (s, l, r) ires
              else if s = ss + 2 * n + 4 then 
                      dec_right_move (as, am') (s, l, r) ires
              else if s = ss + 2 * n + 5 then 
                      dec_check_right_move (as, am') (s, l, r) ires
              else if s = ss + 2 * n + 6 then 
                      dec_left_move (as, am') (s, l, r) ires
              else if s = ss + 2 * n + 7 then 
                      dec_after_write (as, am') (s, l, r) ires
              else if s = ss + 2 * n + 8 then 
                      dec_on_right_moving (as, am') (s, l, r) ires
              else if s = ss + 2 * n + 9 then 
                      dec_after_clear (as, am') (s, l, r) ires
              else if s = ss + 2 * n + 10 then 
                      inv_on_left_moving (as, am') (s, l, r) ires
              else if s = ss + 2 * n + 11 then 
                      inv_check_left_moving (as, am') (s, l, r) ires
              else if s = ss + 2 * n + 12 then 
                      inv_after_left_moving (as, am') (s, l, r) ires
              else if s = ss + 2 * n + 16 then 
                      inv_stop (as, am') (s, l, r) ires
              else False)"

declare dec_inv_2.simps[simp del]
fun abc_dec_2_stage1 :: "config  nat  nat  nat"
    "abc_dec_2_stage1 (s, l, r) ss n = 
              (if s  ss + 2*n + 1 then 7
               else if s = ss + 2*n + 2 then 6 
               else if s = ss + 2*n + 3 then 5
               else if s  ss + 2*n + 4  s  ss + 2*n + 9 then 4
               else if s = ss + 2*n + 6 then 3
               else if s = ss + 2*n + 10  s = ss + 2*n + 11 then 2
               else if s = ss + 2*n + 12 then 1
               else 0)"

fun abc_dec_2_stage2 :: "config  nat  nat  nat"
    "abc_dec_2_stage2 (s, l, r) ss n = 
       (if s  ss + 2 * n + 1 then (ss + 2 * n + 16 - s)
        else if s = ss + 2*n + 10 then length l
        else if s = ss + 2*n + 11 then length l
        else if s = ss + 2*n + 4 then length r - 1
        else if s = ss + 2*n + 5 then length r 
        else if s = ss + 2*n + 7 then length r - 1
        else if s = ss + 2*n + 8 then  
              length r + length (takeWhile (λ a. a = Oc) l) - 1
        else if s = ss + 2*n + 9 then 
              length r + length (takeWhile (λ a. a = Oc) l) - 1
        else 0)"

fun abc_dec_2_stage3 :: "config  nat  nat  nat"
    "abc_dec_2_stage3 (s, l, r) ss n  =
        (if s  ss + 2*n + 1 then 
            if (s - ss) mod 2 = 0 then if r  []  
                                          hd r = Oc then 0 else 1  
            else length r
         else if s = ss + 2 * n + 10 then 
             if  r  []  hd r = Oc then 2
             else 1
         else if s = ss + 2 * n + 11 then 
             if r  []  hd r = Oc then 3 
             else 0 
         else (ss + 2 * n + 16 - s))"

fun abc_dec_2_stage4 :: "config  nat  nat  nat"
    "abc_dec_2_stage4 (s, l, r) ss n = 
          (if s = ss + 2*n + 2 then length r
           else if s = ss + 2*n + 8 then length r
           else if s = ss + 2*n + 3 then 
               if r  []  hd r = Oc then 1
               else 0
           else if s = ss + 2*n + 7 then 
               if r  []  hd r = Oc then 0 
               else 1
           else if s = ss + 2*n + 9 then 
               if r  []  hd r = Oc then 1
               else 0 
           else 0)"

fun abc_dec_2_measure :: "(config × nat × nat)  (nat × nat × nat × nat)"
    "abc_dec_2_measure (c, ss, n) = 
  (abc_dec_2_stage1 c ss n, 
  abc_dec_2_stage2 c ss n, abc_dec_2_stage3 c ss n,  abc_dec_2_stage4 c ss n)"

definition lex_square:: 
  "((nat × nat × nat × nat) × (nat × nat × nat × nat)) set"
  where "lex_square  less_than <*lex*> lex_triple"

definition abc_dec_2_LE ::
  "((config × nat ×
  nat) × (config × nat × nat)) set"
  where "abc_dec_2_LE  (inv_image lex_square abc_dec_2_measure)"

lemma wf_dec2_le: "wf abc_dec_2_LE"
  by(auto simp:abc_dec_2_LE_def lex_square_def lex_triple_def lex_pair_def)

lemma fix_add: "fetch ap ((x::nat) + 2*n) b = fetch ap (2*n + x) b"
  using Suc_1 add.commute by metis

lemma inv_locate_n_b_Bk_elim[elim]: 
  "0 < abc_lm_v am n; inv_locate_n_b (as, am) (n, aaa, Bk # xs) ires 
  by(auto simp:gr0_conv_Suc inv_locate_n_b.simps abc_lm_v.simps split: if_splits)

lemma inv_locate_n_b_nonemptyE[elim]:
  "0 < abc_lm_v am n; inv_locate_n_b (as, am) 
                                (n, aaa, []) ires  RR"
  apply(auto simp: inv_locate_n_b.simps abc_lm_v.simps split: if_splits)

lemma no_Ocs_dec_after_write[simp]: "dec_after_write (as, am) (s, aa, r) ires
            takeWhile (λa. a = Oc) aa = []"
  apply(simp only : dec_after_write.simps)
  apply(erule exE)+
  apply(erule_tac conjE)+
  apply(cases aa, simp)
  apply(cases "hd aa", simp only: takeWhile.simps , simp_all split: if_splits)

lemma fewer_Ocs_dec_on_right_moving[simp]: 
  "dec_on_right_moving (as, lm) (s, aa, []) ires; 
       length (takeWhile (λa. a = Oc) (tl aa)) 
            length (takeWhile (λa. a = Oc) aa) - Suc 0
     length (takeWhile (λa. a = Oc) (tl aa)) < 
                       length (takeWhile (λa. a = Oc) aa) - Suc 0"
  apply(simp only: dec_on_right_moving.simps)
  apply(erule_tac exE)+
  apply(erule_tac conjE)+
  apply(rename_tac lm1 lm2 m ml Mr rn)
  apply(case_tac Mr, auto split: if_splits)

lemma more_Ocs_dec_after_clear[simp]: 
  "dec_after_clear (as, abc_lm_s am n (abc_lm_v am n - Suc 0)) 
             (start_of (layout_of aprog) as + 2 * n + 9, aa, Bk # xs) ires
  length xs - Suc 0 < length xs + 
                             length (takeWhile (λa. a = Oc) aa)"
  apply(simp only: dec_after_clear.simps)
  apply(erule_tac exE)+
  apply(erule conjE)+
  apply(simp split: if_splits )

lemma more_Ocs_dec_after_clear2[simp]: 
  "dec_after_clear (as, abc_lm_s am n (abc_lm_v am n - Suc 0))
       (start_of (layout_of aprog) as + 2 * n + 9, aa, []) ires
     Suc 0 < length (takeWhile (λa. a = Oc) aa)"
  apply(simp add: dec_after_clear.simps split: if_splits)

lemma inv_check_left_moving_nonemptyE[elim]: 
  "inv_check_left_moving (as, lm) (s, [], Oc # xs) ires
  apply(simp add: inv_check_left_moving.simps inv_check_left_moving_in_middle.simps)

lemma inv_locate_n_b_Oc_via_at_begin_norm[simp]:
  "0 < abc_lm_v am n; 
  at_begin_norm (as, am) (n, aaa, Oc # xs) ires
   inv_locate_n_b (as, am) (n, Oc # aaa, xs) ires"
  apply(simp only: at_begin_norm.simps inv_locate_n_b.simps)
  apply(erule_tac exE)+
  apply(rename_tac lm1 lm2 rn)
  apply(rule_tac x = lm1 in exI, simp)
  apply(case_tac "length lm2", simp)
  apply(case_tac "lm2", simp, simp)
  apply(case_tac "lm2", auto simp: tape_of_nl_cons split: if_splits)

lemma inv_locate_n_b_Oc_via_at_begin_fst_awtn[simp]: 
  "0 < abc_lm_v am n; 
   at_begin_fst_awtn (as, am) (n, aaa, Oc # xs) ires
  inv_locate_n_b (as, am) (n, Oc # aaa, xs) ires"
  apply(simp only: at_begin_fst_awtn.simps inv_locate_n_b.simps )
  apply(erule exE)+
  apply(rename_tac lm1 tn rn)
  apply(erule conjE)+
  apply(rule_tac x = lm1 in exI, rule_tac x = "[]" in exI, 
      rule_tac x = "Suc tn" in exI, rule_tac x = 0 in exI)
  apply(simp add: exp_ind del: replicate.simps)
  apply(rule conjI)+

lemma inv_locate_n_b_Oc_via_inv_locate_n_a[simp]: 
  "0 < abc_lm_v am n; inv_locate_a (as, am) (n, aaa, Oc # xs) ires
  inv_locate_n_b (as, am) (n, Oc#aaa, xs) ires"
  apply(auto simp: inv_locate_a.simps at_begin_fst_bwtn.simps)

lemma more_Oc_dec_on_right_moving[simp]: 
  "dec_on_right_moving (as, am) (s, aa, Bk # xs) ires; 
   Suc (length (takeWhile (λa. a = Oc) (tl aa)))
    length (takeWhile (λa. a = Oc) aa)
   Suc (length (takeWhile (λa. a = Oc) (tl aa))) 
    < length (takeWhile (λa. a = Oc) aa)"
  apply(simp only: dec_on_right_moving.simps)
  apply(erule exE)+
  apply(rename_tac ml mr rn)
  apply(case_tac ml, auto split: if_splits )

lemma crsp_step_dec_b_suc_pre:
  assumes layout: "ly = layout_of ap"
    and crsp: "crsp ly (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires"
    and inv_start: "inv_locate_a (as, lm) (n, la, ra) ires"
    and fetch: "abc_fetch as ap = Some (Dec n e)"
    and dec_suc: "0 < abc_lm_v lm n"
    and f: "f = (λ stp. (steps (start_of ly as + 2 * n, la, ra) (ci ly (start_of ly as) (Dec n e), 
            start_of ly as - Suc 0) stp, start_of ly as, n))"
    and P: "P = (λ ((s, l, r), ss, x). s = start_of ly as + 2*n + 16)"
    and Q: "Q = (λ ((s, l, r), ss, x). dec_inv_2 ly x e (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires)"
  shows " stp. P (f stp)  Q(f stp)"
proof(rule_tac LE = abc_dec_2_LE in halt_lemma2)
  show "wf abc_dec_2_LE" by(intro wf_dec2_le)
  show "Q (f 0)"
    using layout fetch inv_start
    apply(simp add: f steps.simps Q)
    apply(simp only: dec_inv_2.simps)
    apply(auto simp: Let_def start_of_ge start_of_less inv_start dec_inv_2.simps)
  show "¬ P (f 0)"
    using layout fetch
    apply(simp add: f steps.simps P)
  show "n. ¬ P (f n)  Q (f n)  Q (f (Suc n))  (f (Suc n), f n)  abc_dec_2_LE"
    using fetch
  proof(rule_tac allI, rule_tac impI)
    fix na
    assume "¬ P (f na)  Q (f na)"
    thus "Q (f (Suc na))  (f (Suc na), f na)  abc_dec_2_LE"
      apply(simp add: f)
      apply(cases "steps ((start_of ly as + 2 * n), la, ra)
        (ci ly (start_of ly as) (Dec n e), start_of ly as - Suc 0) na", simp)
    proof -
      fix a b c 
      assume "¬ P ((a, b, c), start_of ly as, n)  Q ((a, b, c), start_of ly as, n)"
      thus "Q (step (a, b, c) (ci ly (start_of ly as) (Dec n e), start_of ly as - Suc 0), start_of ly as, n) 
               ((step (a, b, c) (ci ly (start_of ly as) (Dec n e), start_of ly as - Suc 0), start_of ly as, n), 
                   (a, b, c), start_of ly as, n)  abc_dec_2_LE"
        apply(simp add: Q)
        apply(erule_tac conjE)
        apply(cases c; cases "hd c")
           apply(simp_all add: dec_inv_2.simps Let_def)
           apply(simp_all split: if_splits)
        using fetch layout dec_suc
                            apply(auto simp: step.simps P dec_inv_2.simps Let_def abc_dec_2_LE_def lex_triple_def lex_pair_def lex_square_def
            fix_add numeral_3_eq_3) 

lemma crsp_abc_step_l_start_of[simp]: 
  "inv_stop (as, abc_lm_s lm n (abc_lm_v lm n - Suc 0)) 
  (start_of (layout_of ap) as + 2 * n + 16, a, b) ires;
   abc_lm_v lm n > 0;
   abc_fetch as ap = Some (Dec n e)
   crsp (layout_of ap) (abc_step_l (as, lm) (Some (Dec n e))) 
  (start_of (layout_of ap) as + 2 * n + 16, a, b) ires"
  by(auto simp: inv_stop.simps crsp.simps  abc_step_l.simps startof_Suc2)

lemma crsp_step_dec_b_suc:
  assumes layout: "ly = layout_of ap"
    and crsp: "crsp ly (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires"
    and inv_start: "inv_locate_a (as, lm) (n, la, ra) ires"
    and fetch: "abc_fetch as ap = Some (Dec n e)"
    and dec_suc: "0 < abc_lm_v lm n"
  shows "stp > 0. crsp ly (abc_step_l (as, lm) (Some (Dec n e)))
              (steps (start_of ly as + 2 * n, la, ra) (ci (layout_of ap) 
                  (start_of ly as) (Dec n e), start_of ly as - Suc 0) stp) ires"
  using assms
  apply(drule_tac crsp_step_dec_b_suc_pre, auto)
  apply(rename_tac stp a b)
  apply(rule_tac x = stp in exI)
  apply(case_tac stp, simp_all add: steps.simps dec_inv_2.simps)

lemma crsp_step_dec_b:
  assumes layout: "ly = layout_of ap"
    and crsp: "crsp ly (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires"
    and inv_start: "inv_locate_a (as, lm) (n, la, ra) ires"
    and fetch: "abc_fetch as ap = Some (Dec n e)"
  shows "stp > 0. crsp ly (abc_step_l (as, lm) (Some (Dec n e)))
  (steps (start_of ly as + 2 * n, la, ra) (ci ly (start_of ly as) (Dec n e), start_of ly as - Suc 0) stp) ires"
  using assms
  apply(cases "abc_lm_v lm n = 0")
   apply(rule_tac crsp_step_dec_b_e, simp_all)
  apply(rule_tac crsp_step_dec_b_suc, simp_all)

declare adjust.simps[simp del] 

lemma crsp_step_dec: 
  assumes layout: "ly = layout_of ap"
    and crsp: "crsp ly (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires"
    and fetch: "abc_fetch as ap = Some (Dec n e)"
  shows "stp > 0. crsp ly (abc_step_l (as, lm) (Some (Dec n e)))
  (steps (s, l, r) (ci ly (start_of ly as) (Dec n e), start_of ly as - Suc 0) stp) ires"
proof(simp add: ci.simps)
  let ?off = "start_of ly as - Suc 0"
  let ?A = "findnth n"
  let ?B = "adjust (shift (shift tdec_b (2 * n)) ?off) (start_of ly e)"
  have " stp la ra. steps (s, l, r) (shift ?A ?off @ ?B, ?off) stp = (start_of ly as + 2*n, la, ra)
                     inv_locate_a (as, lm) (n, la, ra) ires"
  proof -
    have "stp l' r'. steps (Suc 0, l, r) (?A, 0) stp = (Suc (2 * n), l', r')  
                     inv_locate_a (as, lm) (n, l', r') ires"
      using assms
      apply(rule_tac findnth_correct, simp_all)
    then obtain stp l' r' where a: 
      "steps (Suc 0, l, r) (?A, 0) stp = (Suc (2 * n), l', r')  
      inv_locate_a (as, lm) (n, l', r') ires" by blast
    then have "steps (Suc 0 + ?off, l, r) (shift ?A ?off, ?off) stp = (Suc (2 * n) + ?off, l', r')"
      apply(rule_tac tm_shift_eq_steps, simp_all)
    moreover have "s = start_of ly as"
      using crsp
      apply(auto simp: crsp.simps)
    ultimately show " stp la ra. steps (s, l, r) (shift ?A ?off @ ?B, ?off) stp = (start_of ly as + 2*n, la, ra)
                     inv_locate_a (as, lm) (n, la, ra) ires"
      using a
      apply(drule_tac B = ?B in tm_append_first_steps_eq, auto)
      apply(rule_tac x = stp in exI, simp)
  from this obtain stpa la ra where a: 
    "steps (s, l, r) (shift ?A ?off @ ?B, ?off) stpa = (start_of ly as + 2*n, la, ra)
                     inv_locate_a (as, lm) (n, la, ra) ires" by blast
  have "stp. crsp ly (abc_step_l (as, lm) (Some (Dec n e)))
           (steps (start_of ly as + 2*n, la, ra) (shift ?A ?off @ ?B, ?off) stp) ires  stp > 0"
    using assms a
    apply(drule_tac crsp_step_dec_b, auto)
    apply(rename_tac stp)
    apply(rule_tac x = stp in exI, simp add: ci.simps)
  then obtain stpb where b: 
    "crsp ly (abc_step_l (as, lm) (Some (Dec n e)))
    (steps (start_of ly as + 2*n, la, ra) (shift ?A ?off @ ?B, ?off) stpb) ires  stpb > 0" ..
  from a b show " stp>0. crsp ly (abc_step_l (as, lm) (Some (Dec n e)))
    (steps (s, l, r) (shift ?A ?off @ ?B, ?off) stp) ires"
    apply(rule_tac x = "stpa + stpb" in exI)

subsection‹Compilation of instruction Goto›

lemma crsp_step_goto:
  assumes layout: "ly = layout_of ap"
    and crsp: "crsp ly (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires"
  shows "stp>0. crsp ly (abc_step_l (as, lm) (Some (Goto n)))
  (steps (s, l, r) (ci ly (start_of ly as) (Goto n), 
            start_of ly as - Suc 0) stp) ires"
  using crsp
  apply(rule_tac x = "Suc 0" in exI)
  apply(cases r;cases "hd r")
     apply(simp_all add: ci.simps steps.simps step.simps crsp.simps fetch.simps abc_step_l.simps)

lemma crsp_step_in:
  assumes layout: "ly = layout_of ap"
    and compile: "tp = tm_of ap"
    and crsp: "crsp ly (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires"
    and fetch: "abc_fetch as ap = Some ins"
  shows " stp>0. crsp ly (abc_step_l (as, lm) (Some ins))
                      (steps (s, l, r) (ci ly (start_of ly as) ins, start_of ly as - 1) stp) ires"
  using assms
  apply(cases ins, simp_all)
    apply(rule crsp_step_inc, simp_all)
   apply(rule crsp_step_dec, simp_all)
  apply(rule_tac crsp_step_goto, simp_all)

lemma crsp_step:
  assumes layout: "ly = layout_of ap"
    and compile: "tp = tm_of ap"
    and crsp: "crsp ly (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires"
    and fetch: "abc_fetch as ap = Some ins"
  shows " stp>0. crsp ly (abc_step_l (as, lm) (Some ins))
                      (steps (s, l, r) (tp, 0) stp) ires"
proof -
  have " stp>0. crsp ly (abc_step_l (as, lm) (Some ins))
                      (steps (s, l, r) (ci ly (start_of ly as) ins, start_of ly as - 1) stp) ires"
    using assms
    apply(rule_tac crsp_step_in, simp_all)
  from this obtain stp where d: "stp > 0  crsp ly (abc_step_l (as, lm) (Some ins))
                      (steps (s, l, r) (ci ly (start_of ly as) ins, start_of ly as - 1) stp) ires" ..
  obtain s' l' r' where e:
    "(steps (s, l, r) (ci ly (start_of ly as) ins, start_of ly as - 1) stp) = (s', l', r')"
    apply(cases "(steps (s, l, r) (ci ly (start_of ly as) ins, start_of ly as - 1) stp)")
    by blast
  then have "steps (s, l, r) (tp, 0) stp = (s', l', r')"
    using assms d
    apply(rule_tac steps_eq_in)
    apply(cases "(abc_step_l (as, lm) (Some ins))", simp add: crsp.simps)
  thus " stp>0. crsp ly (abc_step_l (as, lm) (Some ins)) (steps (s, l, r) (tp, 0) stp) ires"
    using d e
    apply(rule_tac x = stp in exI, simp)

lemma crsp_steps:
  assumes layout: "ly = layout_of ap"
    and compile: "tp = tm_of ap"
    and crsp: "crsp ly (as, lm) (s, l, r) ires"
  shows " stp. crsp ly (abc_steps_l (as, lm) ap n)
                      (steps (s, l, r) (tp, 0) stp) ires"
  using crsp
proof(induct n)
  case 0
  then show ?case  apply(rule_tac x = 0 in exI) 
    by(simp add: steps.simps abc_steps_l.simps)
  case (Suc n)
  then obtain stp where "crsp ly (abc_steps_l (as, lm) ap n) (steps0 (s, l, r) tp stp) ires"
    by blast
  thus ?case  
    apply(cases "(abc_steps_l (as, lm) ap n)", auto)
    apply(frule_tac abc_step_red, simp)
    apply(cases "abc_fetch (fst (abc_steps_l (as, lm) ap n)) ap", simp add: abc_step_l.simps, auto)
    apply(cases "steps (s, l, r) (tp, 0) stp", simp)
    using assms
    apply(drule_tac s = "fst (steps0 (s, l, r) (tm_of ap) stp)"
        and l = "fst (snd (steps0 (s, l, r) (tm_of ap) stp))"
        and r = "snd (snd (steps0 (s, l, r) (tm_of ap) stp))" in crsp_step, auto)
    by (metis steps_add)

lemma tp_correct': 
  assumes layout: "ly = layout_of ap"
    and compile: "tp = tm_of ap"
    and crsp: "crsp ly (0, lm) (Suc 0, l, r) ires"
    and abc_halt: "abc_steps_l (0, lm) ap stp = (length ap, am)"
  shows " stp k. steps (Suc 0, l, r) (tp, 0) stp = (start_of ly (length ap), Bk # Bk # ires, <am> @ Bkk)"
  using assms
  apply(drule_tac n = stp in crsp_steps, auto)
  apply(rename_tac stpA)
  apply(rule_tac x = stpA in exI)
  apply(case_tac "steps (Suc 0, l, r) (tm_of ap, 0) stpA", simp add: crsp.simps)

text‹The tp @ [(Nop, 0), (Nop, 0)] is nomoral turing machines, so we can use Hoare\_plus when composing with Mop machine›

lemma layout_id_cons: "layout_of (ap @ [p]) = layout_of ap @ [length_of p]"
  apply(simp add: layout_of.simps)

lemma map_start_of_layout[simp]:  
  "map (start_of (layout_of xs @ [length_of x])) [0..<length xs] =  (map (start_of (layout_of xs)) [0..<length xs])"
  apply(simp add: layout_of.simps start_of.simps)

lemma tpairs_id_cons: 
  "tpairs_of (xs @ [x]) = tpairs_of xs @ [(start_of (layout_of (xs @ [x])) (length xs), x)]"
  apply(auto simp: tpairs_of.simps layout_id_cons )

lemma map_length_ci:
  "(map (length  (λ(xa, y). ci (layout_of xs @ [length_of x]) xa y)) (tpairs_of xs)) = 
  (map (length  (λ(x, y). ci (layout_of xs) x y)) (tpairs_of xs)) "
  apply(auto simp: ci.simps adjust.simps) apply(rename_tac A B)
  apply(case_tac B, auto simp: ci.simps adjust.simps)

lemma length_tp'[simp]: 
  "ly = layout_of ap; tp = tm_of ap 
       length tp = 2 * sum_list (take (length ap) (layout_of ap))"
proof(induct ap arbitrary: ly tp rule: rev_induct)
  case Nil
  thus "?case"
    by(simp add: tms_of.simps tm_of.simps tpairs_of.simps)
  fix x xs ly tp
  assume ind: "ly tp. ly = layout_of xs; tp = tm_of xs  
    length tp = 2 * sum_list (take (length xs) (layout_of xs))"
    and layout: "ly = layout_of (xs @ [x])"
    and tp: "tp = tm_of (xs @ [x])"
  obtain ly' where a: "ly' = layout_of xs"
    by metis
  obtain tp' where b: "tp' = tm_of xs"
    by metis
  have c: "length tp' = 2 * sum_list (take (length xs) (layout_of xs))"
    using a b
    by(erule_tac ind, simp)
  thus "length tp = 2 * 
    sum_list (take (length (xs @ [x])) (layout_of (xs @ [x])))"
    using tp b
    apply(auto simp: layout_id_cons tm_of.simps tms_of.simps length_concat tpairs_id_cons map_length_ci)
    apply(cases x)
      apply(auto simp: ci.simps tinc_b_def tdec_b_def length_findnth adjust.simps length_of.simps
        split: abc_inst.splits)

lemma length_tp:
  "ly = layout_of ap; tp = tm_of ap  
  start_of ly (length ap) = Suc (length tp div 2)"
  apply(frule_tac length_tp', simp_all)
  apply(simp add: start_of.simps)

lemma compile_correct_halt: 
  assumes layout: "ly = layout_of ap"
    and compile: "tp = tm_of ap"
    and crsp: "crsp ly (0, lm) (Suc 0, l, r) ires"
    and abc_halt: "abc_steps_l (0, lm) ap stp = (length ap, am)"
    and rs_loc: "n < length am"
    and rs: "abc_lm_v am n = rs"
    and off: "off = length tp div 2"
  shows " stp i j. steps (Suc 0, l, r) (tp @ shift (mopup_n_tm n) off, 0) stp = (0, Bki @ Bk # Bk # ires, OcSuc rs @ Bkj)"
proof -
  have " stp k. steps (Suc 0, l, r) (tp, 0) stp = (Suc off, Bk # Bk # ires, <am> @ Bkk)"
    using assms tp_correct'[of ly ap tp lm l r ires stp am]
    by(simp add: length_tp)
  then obtain stp k where "steps (Suc 0, l, r) (tp, 0) stp = (Suc off, Bk # Bk # ires, <am> @ Bkk)"
    by blast
  then have a: "steps (Suc 0, l, r) (tp@shift (mopup_n_tm n) off , 0) stp = (Suc off, Bk # Bk # ires, <am> @ Bkk)"
    using assms
    by(auto intro: tm_append_first_steps_eq)
  have " stp i j. (steps (Suc 0, Bk # Bk # ires, <am> @ Bk  k) (mopup_a n @ shift mopup_b (2 * n), 0) stp)
    = (0, Bki @ Bk # Bk # ires, Oc # Oc rs @ Bkj)"
    using assms
    by(rule_tac mopup_correct, auto simp: abc_lm_v.simps)
  then obtain stpb i j where 
    "steps (Suc 0, Bk # Bk # ires, <am> @ Bk  k) (mopup_a n @ shift mopup_b (2 * n), 0) stpb
    = (0, Bki @ Bk # Bk # ires, Oc # Oc rs @ Bkj)" by blast
  then have b: "steps (Suc 0 + off, Bk # Bk # ires, <am> @ Bk  k) (tp @ shift (mopup_n_tm n) off, 0) stpb
    = (0, Bki @ Bk # Bk # ires, Oc # Oc rs @ Bkj)"
    using assms composable_mopup_n_tm
    apply(drule_tac tm_append_second_halt_eq, auto)
  from a b show "?thesis"
    by(rule_tac x = "stp + stpb" in exI, simp)

declare mopup_n_tm.simps[simp del]
lemma abc_step_red2:
  "abc_steps_l (s, lm) p (Suc n) = (let (as', am') = abc_steps_l (s, lm) p n in
                                    abc_step_l (as', am') (abc_fetch as' p))"
  apply(cases "abc_steps_l (s, lm) p n", simp)
  apply(drule_tac abc_step_red, simp)

lemma crsp_steps2:
    layout: "ly = layout_of ap"
    and compile: "tp = tm_of ap"
    and crsp: "crsp ly (0, lm) (Suc 0, l, r) ires"
    and nothalt: "as < length ap"
    and aexec: "abc_steps_l (0, lm) ap stp = (as, am)"
  shows "stpastp. crsp ly (as, am) (steps (Suc 0, l, r) (tp, 0) stpa) ires"
  using nothalt aexec
proof(induct stp arbitrary: as am)
  case 0
  thus "?case"
    using crsp
    by(rule_tac x = 0 in exI, auto simp: abc_steps_l.simps steps.simps crsp)
  case (Suc stp as am)
  have ind: 
    " as am.  as < length ap; abc_steps_l (0, lm) ap stp = (as, am) 
     stpastp. crsp ly (as, am) (steps (Suc 0, l, r) (tp, 0) stpa) ires" by fact
  have a: "as < length ap" by fact
  have b: "abc_steps_l (0, lm) ap (Suc stp) = (as, am)" by fact
  obtain as' am' where c: "abc_steps_l (0, lm) ap stp = (as', am')" 
    by(cases "abc_steps_l (0, lm) ap stp", auto)
  then have d: "as' < length ap"
    using a b
    by(simp add: abc_step_red2, cases "as' < length ap", simp,
        simp add: abc_fetch.simps abc_steps_l.simps abc_step_l.simps)
  have "stpastp. crsp ly (as', am') (steps (Suc 0, l, r) (tp, 0) stpa) ires"
    using d c ind by simp
  from this obtain stpa where e: 
    "stpa  stp   crsp ly (as', am') (steps (Suc 0, l, r) (tp, 0) stpa) ires"
    by blast
  obtain s' l' r' where f: "steps (Suc 0, l, r) (tp, 0) stpa = (s', l', r')"
    by(cases "steps (Suc 0, l, r) (tp, 0) stpa", auto)
  obtain ins where g: "abc_fetch as' ap = Some ins" using d 
    by(cases "abc_fetch as' ap",auto simp: abc_fetch.simps)
  then have "stp> (0::nat). crsp ly (abc_step_l (as', am') (Some ins)) 
    (steps (s', l', r') (tp, 0) stp) ires "
    using layout compile e f 
    by(rule_tac crsp_step, simp_all)
  then obtain stpb where "stpb > 0  crsp ly (abc_step_l (as', am') (Some ins)) 
    (steps (s', l', r') (tp, 0) stpb) ires" ..
  from this show "?case" using b e g f c
    by(rule_tac x = "stpa + stpb" in exI, simp add: abc_step_red2)

lemma compile_correct_unhalt: 
  assumes layout: "ly = layout_of ap"
    and compile: "tp = tm_of ap"
    and crsp: "crsp ly (0, lm) (1, l, r) ires"
    and off: "off = length tp div 2"
    and abc_unhalt: " stp. (λ (as, am). as < length ap) (abc_steps_l (0, lm) ap stp)"
  shows " stp.¬ is_final (steps (1, l, r) (tp @ shift (mopup_n_tm n) off, 0) stp)"
  using assms
proof(rule_tac allI, rule_tac notI)
  fix stp
  assume h: "is_final (steps (1, l, r) (tp @ shift (mopup_n_tm n) off, 0) stp)"
  obtain as am where a: "abc_steps_l (0, lm) ap stp = (as, am)"
    by(cases "abc_steps_l (0, lm) ap stp", auto)
  then have b: "as < length ap"
    using abc_unhalt
    by(erule_tac x = stp in allE, simp)
  have " stpastp. crsp ly (as, am) (steps (1, l, r) (tp, 0) stpa) ires "
    using assms b a
    apply(simp add: numeral_eqs_upto_12)
    apply(rule_tac crsp_steps2)
  then obtain stpa where 
    "stpastp  crsp ly (as, am) (steps (1, l, r) (tp, 0) stpa) ires" ..
  then obtain s' l' r' where b: "(steps (1, l, r) (tp, 0) stpa) = (s', l', r')  
       stpastp  crsp ly (as, am) (s', l', r') ires"
    by(cases "steps (1, l, r) (tp, 0) stpa", auto)
  hence c:
    "(steps (1, l, r) (tp @ shift (mopup_n_tm n) off, 0) stpa) = (s', l', r')"
    by(rule_tac tm_append_first_steps_eq, simp_all add: crsp.simps)
  from b have d: "s' > 0  stpa  stp"
    by(simp add: crsp.simps)
  then obtain diff where e: "stpa = stp + diff" by (metis le_iff_add)
  obtain s'' l'' r'' where f:
    "steps (1, l, r) (tp @ shift (mopup_n_tm n) off, 0) stp = (s'', l'', r'')  is_final (s'', l'', r'')"
    using h
    by(cases "steps (1, l, r) (tp @ shift (mopup_n_tm n) off, 0) stp", auto)

  then have "is_final (steps (s'', l'', r'') (tp @ shift (mopup_n_tm n) off, 0) diff)"
    by(auto intro: after_is_final)
  then have "is_final (steps (1, l, r) (tp @ shift (mopup_n_tm n) off, 0) stpa)"
    using e f by simp
  from this and c d show "False" by simp

(* Cleanup simpset: the following proofs depend on a cleaned up simpset *)
declare adjust.simps[simp del]
declare seq_tm.simps [simp del] 
declare shift.simps[simp del]
declare composable_tm.simps[simp del]
declare step.simps[simp del]
declare steps.simps[simp del]
declare fetch.simps[simp del]