Theory TuringReducible

(* Title: thys/TuringReducible.thy
   Author: Franz Regensburger (FABR) 02/2022

section ‹Turing Reducibility›

theory TuringReducible

subsection ‹Definition of Turing Reducibility of Sets and Relations of Natural Numbers›

(* See the book
   Computability, Complexity, and Languages,
   Davis, Sigal, Weyuker,
   Academic Press, 1983,
   ISBN 0-12-206382-1

   Chapter 4: Diagonalization and Reducibility, pp 91 

text ‹Let @{term A} and @{term B} be two sets of lists of natural numbers.

The set @{term A} is called many-one reducible to set @{term B},
if there is a Turing machine @{term tm} such that
  for all @{term "a"} we have:

  \item the Turing machine always computes a list @{term "b"} of natural numbers
      from the list @{term "b"} of natural numbers

  \item @{term "a  A"} if and only if
      the value @{term "b"} computed by @{term tm} from @{term "a"}
      is an element of set @{term "B"}.

We generalized our definition to lists, which eliminates the need to encode lists of natural numbers into a single natural number.
Compare this to the theory of recursive functions, where all values computed must be a single natural number.

Note however, that our notion of reducibility is not stronger than the one used in recursion theory.
Every finite list of natural numbers can be encoded into a single natural number.
Our definition is just more convenient for Turing machines, which are capable of producing lists of values.

definition turing_reducible :: "(nat list) set  (nat list) set   bool"

    "turing_reducible A B 
         (tm. nl::nat list. ml::nat list.
              (λtap. tap = ([], <nl>)) tm (λtap. k l. tap = (Bk  k, <ml> @ Bk l)) 
              (nl  A  ml  B)

(* This is for documentation and explanation: turing_reducible_unfolded_into_TMC_yields_condition *)

lemma turing_reducible_unfolded_into_TMC_yields_condition:
    "turing_reducible A B 
         (tm. nl::nat list. ml::nat list.
              TMC_yields_num_list_res tm nl ml  (nl  A  ml  B)
  unfolding TMC_yields_num_list_res_unfolded_into_Hoare_halt
  by (simp add: turing_reducible_def)

subsection ‹Theorems about Turing Reducibility of Sets and Relations of Natural Numbers›

(* A convenience lemma for the main proof *)

lemma turing_reducible_A_B_imp_composable_reducer_ex: "turing_reducible A B
       Red. composable_tm0 Red 
             (nl::nat list. ml::nat list. TMC_yields_num_list_res Red nl ml  (nl  A  ml  B))"
proof -
  assume "turing_reducible A B"
  then have "tm. nl::nat list. ml::nat list. TMC_yields_num_list_res tm nl ml  (nl  A  ml  B)"
    using turing_reducible_unfolded_into_TMC_yields_condition by auto

  then obtain Red' where
    w_RedTM': "nl::nat list. ml::nat list. TMC_yields_num_list_res Red' nl ml  (nl  A  ml  B)"
    by blast

  (* create a composable version Red from the potentially non-composable machine Red' *)

  then have "composable_tm0 (mk_composable0 Red') 
             (nl::nat list. ml::nat list. TMC_yields_num_list_res (mk_composable0 Red') nl ml  (nl  A  ml  B))"
    using w_RedTM' Hoare_halt_tm_impl_Hoare_halt_mk_composable0_cell_list_rev Hoare_halt_tm_impl_Hoare_halt_mk_composable0_cell_list composable_tm0_mk_composable0
    using TMC_yields_num_list_res_unfolded_into_Hoare_halt by blast

  then show "Red. composable_tm0 Red 
             (nl::nat list. ml::nat list. TMC_yields_num_list_res Red nl ml  (nl  A  ml  B))"
    by (rule exI)

(* The main theorem about problem reduction *)

theorem turing_reducible_AB_and_decB_imp_decA:
  " turing_reducible A B; turing_decidable B   turing_decidable A"
proof -
  assume "turing_reducible A B"
    and  "turing_decidable B"

  (* first, obtain a composable reducer machine Red *)

  from turing_reducible A B
  have "Red. composable_tm0 Red 
               (nl::nat list. ml::nat list. TMC_yields_num_list_res Red nl ml  (nl  A  ml  B))"
    by (rule turing_reducible_A_B_imp_composable_reducer_ex)

  then obtain Red where
    w_RedTM: "composable_tm0 Red 
               (nl::nat list. ml::nat list. TMC_yields_num_list_res Red nl ml  (nl  A  ml  B))"
    by blast

  (* second, obtain a decider DB for problem B *)

  from turing_decidable B
  have "(D. (nl::nat list. 
           (nl  B  TMC_yields_num_res D nl (1::nat))
          (nl  B  TMC_yields_num_res D nl (0::nat))
    unfolding turing_decidable_unfolded_into_TMC_yields_conditions by auto

  then obtain DB where
    w_DB: "(nl. 
           (nl  B  TMC_yields_num_res DB nl (1::nat))
          (nl  B  TMC_yields_num_res DB nl (0::nat))
       )" by blast

  (* third, define the composed machine DA = Red |+| DB that is able to decide A *)

  define DA where "DA = Red |+| DB"

  (* now, go for the main part of the proof *) 
  show "turing_decidable A"
    unfolding turing_decidable_unfolded_into_TMC_yields_conditions
  proof -
    have "nl. (nl  A  TMC_yields_num_res DA nl (1::nat)) 
                 (nl  A  TMC_yields_num_res DA nl (0::nat))"
    proof (rule allI)
      fix nl
      show "(nl  A  TMC_yields_num_res DA nl (1::nat)) 
              (nl  A  TMC_yields_num_res DA nl (0::nat))"
        show "nl  A  TMC_yields_num_res DA nl (1::nat)"
          assume "nl  A" 
          from nl  A and w_RedTM
          obtain ml where w_ml: "composable_tm0 Red  TMC_yields_num_list_res Red nl ml  (nl  A  ml  B)"
            by blast  
          with nl  A w_DB have "TMC_yields_num_res (Red |+| DB) nl  (1::nat)"
            using TMC_yields_num_res_Hoare_plus_halt by auto
          then show "TMC_yields_num_res DA nl 1"
            using DA_def by auto
        show "nl  A   TMC_yields_num_res DA nl 0"
          assume "nl  A"
          from nl  A and w_RedTM
          obtain ml where w_ml: "composable_tm0 Red  TMC_yields_num_list_res Red nl ml  (nl  A  ml  B)"
            by blast
          with nl  A w_DB have "TMC_yields_num_res (Red |+| DB) nl  (0::nat)"
            using TMC_yields_num_res_Hoare_plus_halt by auto
          then show "TMC_yields_num_res DA nl 0"
            using DA_def by auto
    then show "D. nl. (nl  A  TMC_yields_num_res D nl 1)  (nl  A  TMC_yields_num_res D nl 0)"
      by auto

(* The corollary about obtaining undecidability from reducibility *)

corollary turing_reducible_AB_and_non_decA_imp_non_decB:
  "turing_reducible A B; ¬ turing_decidable A   ¬turing_decidable B"
  using turing_reducible_AB_and_decB_imp_decA 
  by blast
