Theory StrongCopyTM

(* Title: thys/StrongCopyTM.thy
   Author: Franz Regensburger (FABR) 02/2022

subsubsection ‹A Turing machine that duplicates its input iff the input is a single numeral›

theory StrongCopyTM

text ‹If we run tm_strong_copy› on a single numeral, it behaves like the original weak version tm_weak_copy›.
However, if we run the strong machine on an empty list, the result is an empty list.
If we run the machine on a list with more than two numerals, this
strong variant will just return the first numeral of the list (a singleton list).

Thus, the result will be a list of two numerals only if we run it on a singleton list.

This is exactly the property, we need for the reduction of problem K1› to problem H1›.

(* ---------- tm_skip_first_arg ---------- *)

tm_skip_first_arg = from_raw [
  (L,0),(R,2),     --  1  on Bk stop and delegate to tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left, on Oc investigate further
  (R,3),(R,2),     --  2  'go right until Bk': on Bk check for further args, on Oc continue loop 'go right until Bk'
  (L,4),(WO,0),    --  3  on 2nd Bk go for OK path, on Oc delegate to tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left
  (L,5),(L,5),     --  4  skip 1st Bk
  (R,0),(L,5)      --  5  'go left until Bk': on 2nd Bk stop, on Oc continue loop 'go left until Bk'

  tm_skip_first_arg :: "instr list"
    [ (L,0),(R,2), (R,3),(R,2), (L,4),(WO,0), (L,5),(L,5), (R,0),(L,5) ]"

(* Prove partial correctness and termination for tm_skip_first_arg *)

(* ERROR case: length nl = 0 *)

lemma tm_skip_first_arg_correct_Nil:
  "λtap. tap = ([], []) tm_skip_first_arg λtap. tap = ([], [Bk]) "
proof -
  have "steps0 (1, [], []) tm_skip_first_arg 1 = (0::nat, [], [Bk])"
    by (simp add: step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12  tm_skip_first_arg_def)
  then show ?thesis
    by (smt (verit) Hoare_haltI holds_for.simps is_final_eq)

corollary tm_skip_first_arg_correct_Nil':
  "length nl = 0
     λtap. tap = ([], <nl::nat list> ) tm_skip_first_arg λtap. tap = ([], [Bk]) "
  using tm_skip_first_arg_correct_Nil
  by (simp add: tm_skip_first_arg_correct_Nil )

(*  OK cases: length nl = 1 *)

ctxrunTM tm_skip_first_arg (1, [], [Oc])

0: [] _1_ [Oc]
1: [Oc] _2_ []
2: [Oc,Bk] _3_ []
3: [Oc] _4_ [Bk]
4: [] _5_ [Oc,Bk]
5: [] _5_ [Bk,Oc,Bk]
6: [Bk] _0_ [Oc,Bk]

ctxrunTM tm_skip_first_arg (1, [], [Oc, Oc, Oc, Oc])

0: [] _1_ [Oc,Oc,Oc,Oc]
1: [Oc] _2_ [Oc,Oc,Oc]
2: [Oc,Oc] _2_ [Oc,Oc]
3: [Oc,Oc,Oc] _2_ [Oc]
4: [Oc,Oc,Oc,Oc] _2_ []
5: [Oc,Oc,Oc,Oc,Bk] _3_ []
6: [Oc,Oc,Oc,Oc] _4_ [Bk]
7: [Oc,Oc,Oc] _5_ [Oc,Bk]
8: [Oc,Oc] _5_ [Oc,Oc,Bk]
9: [Oc] _5_ [Oc,Oc,Oc,Bk]
10: [] _5_ [Oc,Oc,Oc,Oc,Bk]
11: [] _5_ [Bk,Oc,Oc,Oc,Oc,Bk]
12: [Bk] _0_ [Oc,Oc,Oc,Oc,Bk]


  inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_s0 :: "nat  tape  bool" and
  inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_s1 :: "nat  tape  bool" and
  inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_s2 :: "nat  tape  bool" and
  inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_s3 :: "nat  tape  bool" and
  inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_s4 :: "nat  tape  bool" and
  inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_s5 :: "nat  tape  bool"
    "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_s0 n (l, r) = (
      l = [Bk]  r = Oc  (Suc n) @ [Bk])"
  | "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_s1 n (l, r) = ( 
      l = []  r = Oc  Suc n)"
  | "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_s2 n (l, r) = 
      (n1 n2. l = Oc  (Suc n1)  r = Oc  n2  Suc n1 + n2 = Suc n)"
  | "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_s3 n (l, r) = (
      l = Bk # Oc  (Suc n)  r = [])"
  | "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_s4 n (l, r) = ( 
      l = Oc  (Suc n)  r = [Bk])"
  | "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_s5 n (l, r) = 
       (n1 n2. (l = Oc  Suc n1  r = Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk]  Suc n1 + Suc n2 = Suc n) 
                (l = []  r = Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk]  Suc n2 = Suc n) 
                (l = []  r = Bk # Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk]  Suc n2 = Suc n) )"

fun inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1 :: "nat  config  bool"
    "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1 n (s, tap) = 
        (if s = 0 then inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_s0 n tap else
         if s = 1 then inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_s1 n tap else
         if s = 2 then inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_s2 n tap else
         if s = 3 then inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_s3 n tap else
         if s = 4 then inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_s4 n tap else
         if s = 5 then inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_s5 n tap 
         else False)"

lemma tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_cases: 
  fixes s::nat
  assumes "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1 n (s,l,r)"
    and "s=0  P"
    and "s=1  P"
    and "s=2  P"
    and "s=3  P"
    and "s=4  P"
    and "s=5  P"
  shows "P"
proof -
  have "s < 6"
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume "¬ s < 6"
    with inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1 n (s,l,r) show False by auto
  then have "s = 0  s = 1  s = 2  s = 3   s = 4  s = 5" by auto
  with assms show ?thesis by auto

lemma inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_step: 
  assumes "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1 n cf" 
  shows "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1 n (step0 cf tm_skip_first_arg)"
proof (cases cf)
  case (fields s l r)
  then have cf_cases: "cf = (s, l, r)" .
  show "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1 n (step0 cf tm_skip_first_arg)"
  proof (rule tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_cases)
    from cf_cases and assms
    show "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1 n (s, l, r)" by auto
    assume "s = 0"
    with cf_cases and assms
    show ?thesis by (auto simp add: tm_skip_first_arg_def)
    assume "s = 1"
    show ?thesis
    proof -
      have "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1 n (step0 (1, l, r) tm_skip_first_arg)"
      proof (cases r)
        case Nil
        then have "r = []" .
        with assms and cf_cases and s = 1 show ?thesis
          by (auto simp add: tm_skip_first_arg_def step.simps steps.simps)
        case (Cons a rs)
        then have "r = a # rs" .
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases a)
          case Bk
          then have "a = Bk" .
          with assms and r = a # rs and cf_cases and s = 1
          show ?thesis 
            by (auto simp add: tm_skip_first_arg_def step.simps steps.simps)
          case Oc
          then have "a = Oc" .
          with assms and r = a # rs and cf_cases and s = 1
          show ?thesis
            by (auto simp add: tm_skip_first_arg_def step.simps steps.simps)
      with cf_cases and s=1 show ?thesis by auto
    assume "s = 2"
    show ?thesis
    proof -
      have "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1 n (step0 (2, l, r) tm_skip_first_arg)"
      proof (cases r)
        case Nil
        then have "r = []" .
        with assms and cf_cases and s = 2
        have "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_s2 n (l, r)" by auto
        then have "(n1 n2. l = Oc  (Suc n1)  r = Oc  n2  Suc n1 + n2 = Suc n)"
          by (auto simp add: tm_skip_first_arg_def step.simps steps.simps)

        then obtain n1 n2 where
          w_n1_n2: "l = Oc  (Suc n1)  r = Oc  n2  Suc n1 + n2 = Suc n" by blast

        with r = [] have "n2 = 0" by auto 

        then have "step0 (2, Oc  (Suc n1),  Oc  n2) tm_skip_first_arg = (3, Bk # Oc  (Suc n1), [])"
          by (simp add:  tm_skip_first_arg_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)

        moreover with n2 = 0 and w_n1_n2
        have "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1 n (3, Bk # Oc  (Suc n1), [])" 
          by fastforce
        ultimately show ?thesis using  w_n1_n2
          by auto
        case (Cons a rs)
        then have "r = a # rs" .
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases a)
          case Bk (* not possible due to invariant in state 2 *)
          then have "a = Bk" .
          with assms and r = a # rs and cf_cases and s = 2
          show ?thesis 
            by (auto simp add: tm_skip_first_arg_def step.simps steps.simps)
          case Oc
          then have "a = Oc" .

          with assms and cf_cases and s = 2
          have "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_s2 n (l, r)" by auto
          then have "n1 n2. l = Oc  (Suc n1)  r = Oc  n2  Suc n1 + n2 = Suc n"
            by (auto simp add: tm_skip_first_arg_def step.simps steps.simps)
          then obtain n1 n2 where
            w_n1_n2: "l = Oc  (Suc n1)  r = Oc  n2  Suc n1 + n2 = Suc n" by blast

          with r = a # rs and a = Oc have "Oc # rs = Oc  n2" by auto
          then have "n2 > 0" by (meson Cons_replicate_eq)

          then have "step0 (2, Oc  (Suc n1),  Oc  n2) tm_skip_first_arg = (2, Oc # Oc  (Suc n1), Oc  (n2-1))"
            by (simp add:  tm_skip_first_arg_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)

          moreover have "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1 n (2, Oc # Oc  (Suc n1), Oc  (n2-1))"
          proof -
            from n2 > 0 and w_n1_n2
            have "Oc # Oc  (Suc n1) =  Oc  (Suc (Suc n1))  Oc  (n2-1) = Oc  (n2-1) 
              Suc (Suc n1) + (n2-1) = Suc n" by auto
            then have "(n1' n2'. Oc # Oc  (Suc n1) =  Oc  (Suc n1')  Oc  (n2-1) = Oc  n2' 
              Suc n1' + n2' = Suc n)" by auto
            then show "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1 n (2, Oc # Oc  (Suc n1), Oc  (n2-1))"
              by auto
          ultimately show ?thesis
            using  assms and r = a # rs and cf_cases and s = 2 and w_n1_n2
            by auto
      with cf_cases and s=2 show ?thesis by auto
    assume "s = 3"
    show ?thesis
    proof -
      have "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1 n (step0 (3, l, r) tm_skip_first_arg)"
      proof (cases r)
        case Nil
        then have "r = []" .
        with assms and cf_cases and s = 3
        have "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_s3 n (l, r)" by auto
        then have "l = Bk # Oc  (Suc n)  r = []"
          by auto
        have "step0 (3, Bk # Oc  (Suc n), []) tm_skip_first_arg = (4, Oc  (Suc n), [Bk])"
          by (simp add:  tm_skip_first_arg_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)
        have "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1 n (4, Oc  (Suc n), [Bk])" 
          by fastforce
        ultimately show ?thesis
          using l = Bk # Oc  (Suc n)  r = [] by auto
        case (Cons a rs) (* not possible due to invariant in state 3 *)
        then have "r = a # rs" .

        with assms and cf_cases and s = 3
        have "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_s3 n (l, r)" by auto
        then have "l = Bk # Oc  (Suc n)  r = []"
          by auto

        with r = a # rs have False by auto
        then show ?thesis by auto
      with cf_cases and s=3 show ?thesis by auto
    assume "s = 4"
    show ?thesis
    proof -
      have "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1 n (step0 (4, l, r) tm_skip_first_arg)"
      proof (cases r)
        case Nil  (* not possible due to invariant in state 4 *)
        then have "r = []" .
        with assms and cf_cases and s = 4 show ?thesis
          by (auto simp add: tm_skip_first_arg_def step.simps steps.simps)
        case (Cons a rs)
        then have "r = a # rs" .
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases a)
          case Bk
          then have "a = Bk" .
          with assms and r = a # rs and cf_cases and s = 4
          have "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_s4 n (l, r)" by auto
          then have "l = Oc  (Suc n)  r = [Bk]" by auto

          then have F0: "step0 (4,  Oc  (Suc n), [Bk]) tm_skip_first_arg = (5, Oc  n, Oc  (Suc 0) @ [Bk])"
            by (simp add:  tm_skip_first_arg_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)
          have "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_s5 n (Oc  n, Oc  (Suc 0) @ [Bk])"
          proof (cases n)
            case 0
            then have "n=0" .
            then have "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_s5 0 ([], Oc  (Suc 0) @ [Bk])"
              by auto
            moreover with n=0 have "(5, Oc  n, Oc  (Suc 0) @ [Bk]) = (5, [], Oc  (Suc 0) @ [Bk])" by auto
            ultimately show ?thesis by auto
            case (Suc n')
            then have "n = Suc n'" .
            then have "(5, Oc  n, Oc  (Suc 0) @ [Bk]) = (5, Oc  Suc n', Oc  (Suc 0) @ [Bk])" by auto
            with n=Suc n' have "Suc n' + Suc 0 = Suc n" by arith
            then have "(Oc  Suc n' = Oc  Suc n'  Oc  (Suc 0) @ [Bk] = Oc  Suc 0 @ [Bk]  Suc n' + Suc 0 = Suc n)" by auto
            with (5, Oc  n, Oc  (Suc 0) @ [Bk]) = (5, Oc  Suc n', Oc  (Suc 0) @ [Bk])
            show ?thesis
              by (simp add: Suc Suc n' + Suc 0 = Suc n)
          then have "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1 n (5, Oc  n, Oc  (Suc 0) @ [Bk])" by auto
          ultimately show ?thesis
            using l = Oc  (Suc n)  r = [Bk] by auto
          case Oc (* not possible due to invariant in state 4 *)
          then have "a = Oc" . 
          with assms and r = a # rs and cf_cases and s = 4
          show ?thesis 
            by (auto simp add: tm_skip_first_arg_def step.simps steps.simps)
      with cf_cases and s=4 show ?thesis by auto
    assume "s = 5"
    show ?thesis
    proof -
      have "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1 n (step0 (5, l, r) tm_skip_first_arg)"
      proof (cases r)
        case Nil  (* not possible due to invariant in state 5 *)
        then have "r = []" .
        with assms and cf_cases and s = 5 show ?thesis
          by (auto simp add: tm_skip_first_arg_def step.simps steps.simps)
        case (Cons a rs)
        then have "r = a # rs" .
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases a)

          case Bk
          then have "a = Bk" .
          with assms and r = a # rs and cf_cases and s = 5
          have "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_s5 n (l, r)" by auto
          then have "n1 n2. (l = Oc  Suc n1  r = Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk]  Suc n1 + Suc n2 = Suc n) 
                             (l = []  r = Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk]  Suc n2 = Suc n) 
                             (l = []  r = Bk # Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk]  Suc n2 = Suc n)" 
            by (auto simp add: tm_skip_first_arg_def step.simps steps.simps)
          then obtain n1 n2 where
            w_n1_n2: "(l = Oc  Suc n1  r = Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk]  Suc n1 + Suc n2 = Suc n) 
                      (l = []  r = Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk]  Suc n2 = Suc n) 
                      (l = []  r = Bk # Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk]  Suc n2 = Suc n)" by blast

          with a = Bk and r = a # rs
          have "l = []  r = Bk # Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk]  Suc n2 = Suc n"            
            by auto

          then have "step0 (5, [], Bk#Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk]) tm_skip_first_arg = (0, [Bk], Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk])"
            by (simp add:  tm_skip_first_arg_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)

          moreover have "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1 n (0, [Bk], Oc  Suc n @ [Bk])"
          proof - 
            have  "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_s0 n ([Bk], Oc  Suc n @ [Bk])"
              by (simp)
            then show "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1 n (0, [Bk], Oc  Suc n @ [Bk])"
              by auto
          ultimately show ?thesis
            using  assms and a = Bk and r = a # rs and cf_cases and s = 5
              and l = []  r = Bk # Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk]  Suc n2 = Suc n
            by (simp)
          case Oc
          then have "a = Oc" .
          with assms and r = a # rs and cf_cases and s = 5
          have "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_s5 n (l, r)" by auto
          then have "n1 n2. (l = Oc  Suc n1  r = Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk]  Suc n1 + Suc n2 = Suc n) 
                             (l = []  r = Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk]  Suc n2 = Suc n) 
                             (l = []  r = Bk # Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk]  Suc n2 = Suc n)" 
            by (auto simp add: tm_skip_first_arg_def step.simps steps.simps)
          then obtain n1 n2 where
            w_n1_n2: "(l = Oc  Suc n1  r = Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk]  Suc n1 + Suc n2 = Suc n) 
                      (l = []  r = Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk]  Suc n2 = Suc n) 
                      (l = []  r = Bk # Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk]  Suc n2 = Suc n)" by blast

          with a = Oc and r = a # rs
          have "(l = Oc  Suc n1  r = Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk]  Suc n1 + Suc n2 = Suc n) 
                (l = []  r = Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk]  Suc n2 = Suc n)" by auto

          then show ?thesis
            assume "l = Oc  Suc n1  r = Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk]  Suc n1 + Suc n2 = Suc n"
            then have "step0 (5, l, r) tm_skip_first_arg = (5, Oc  n1 , Oc  Suc (Suc n2) @ [Bk])"
              by (simp add:  tm_skip_first_arg_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)

            moreover have "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1 n (5, Oc  n1 , Oc  Suc (Suc n2) @ [Bk])"
            proof -
              from l = Oc  Suc n1  r = Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk]  Suc n1 + Suc n2 = Suc n 
              have  "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_s5 n (Oc  n1, Oc  Suc (Suc n2) @ [Bk])"
                by (cases n1) auto
              then show "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1 n (5, Oc  n1 , Oc  Suc (Suc n2) @ [Bk])"
                by auto
            ultimately show "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1 n (step0 (5, l, r) tm_skip_first_arg)"
              by auto
            assume "l = []  r = Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk]  Suc n2 = Suc n"
            then have "step0 (5, l, r) tm_skip_first_arg = (5, [], Bk # Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk])"
              by (simp add:  tm_skip_first_arg_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)

            moreover have "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1 n (step0 (5, l, r) tm_skip_first_arg)"
            proof -
              from l = []  r = Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk]  Suc n2 = Suc n
              have "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_s5 n (l, r)"                
                by simp
              then show "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1 n (step0 (5, l, r) tm_skip_first_arg)"
                using l = []  r = Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk]  Suc n2 = Suc n
                  and step0 (5, l, r) tm_skip_first_arg = (5, [], Bk # Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk])
                by simp

            ultimately show ?thesis
              using  assms and a = Oc and r = a # rs and cf_cases and s = 5
                and l = []  r = Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk]  Suc n2 = Suc n
              by (simp )
      with cf_cases and s=5 show ?thesis by auto


lemma inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_steps: 
  assumes "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1 n cf" 
  shows "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1 n (steps0 cf tm_skip_first_arg stp)"
proof (induct stp)
  case 0
  with assms show ?case
    by (auto simp add: inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_step step.simps steps.simps)
  case (Suc stp)
  with assms show ?case
    using inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_step step_red by auto 

lemma tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_partial_correctness:
  assumes "stp. is_final (steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg stp)"
  shows " λtap. tap = ([], <[n::nat]>)  
          λtap. tap = ([Bk], <[n::nat]> @[Bk]) "
proof (rule Hoare_consequence)
  show "(λtap. tap = ([], <[n::nat]>))  (λtap. tap = ([], <[n::nat]>))"
    by auto
  show "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_s0 n  (λtap. tap = ([Bk], <[n::nat]> @ [Bk]))"
    by (simp add: assert_imp_def  tape_of_list_def tape_of_nat_def)
  show "λtap. tap = ([], <[n]>) tm_skip_first_arg inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_s0 n"
  proof (rule Hoare_haltI)
    fix l::"cell list"
    fix r:: "cell list"
    assume major: "(l, r) = ([], <[n]>)"
    show "stp. is_final (steps0 (1, l, r) tm_skip_first_arg stp) 
                inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_s0 n holds_for steps0 (1, l, r) tm_skip_first_arg stp"
    proof -
      from major and assms have "stp. is_final (steps0 (1, l, r) tm_skip_first_arg stp)" by auto
      then obtain stp where
        w_stp: "is_final (steps0 (1, l, r) tm_skip_first_arg stp)" by blast

      moreover have "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_s0 n holds_for steps0 (1, l, r) tm_skip_first_arg stp"
      proof -
        have "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1 n (1, l, r)"
          by (simp add: major tape_of_list_def tape_of_nat_def)

        then have "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1 n (steps0 (1, l, r) tm_skip_first_arg stp)"
          using inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_steps by auto

        then show ?thesis
          by (smt (verit) holds_for.elims(3) inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1.simps is_final_eq w_stp)
      ultimately show ?thesis by auto

(* --- now, we prove termination of tm_skip_first_arg on singleton lists --- *)
    Lexicographic orders (See List.measures)
    quote: "These are useful for termination proofs"
    lemma in_measures[simp]:
      "(x, y) ∈ measures [] = False"
      "(x, y) ∈ measures (f # fs)
             = (f x < f y ∨ (f x = f y ∧ (x, y) ∈ measures fs))"

(* Assemble a lexicographic measure function *)

definition measure_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1 :: "(config × config) set"
    "measure_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1 = measures [
      λ(s, l, r). (if s = 0 then 0 else 5 - s),
      λ(s, l, r). (if s = 2 then length r else 0),
      λ(s, l, r). (if s = 5 then length l + (if hd r = Oc then 2 else 1) else 0)

lemma wf_measure_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1: "wf measure_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1"
  unfolding measure_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_def
  by (auto)

lemma measure_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_induct [case_names Step]: 
  "n. ¬ P (f n)  (f (Suc n), (f n))  measure_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1  n. P (f n)"
  using wf_measure_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1
  by (metis wf_iff_no_infinite_down_chain)

(* Machine tm_skip_first_arg always halts on a singleton list *)

lemma tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_halts:
  "stp. is_final (steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg stp)"
proof (induct rule: measure_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_induct)
  case (Step stp)
  then have not_final: "¬ is_final (steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg stp)" .

  have INV: "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1 n (steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg stp)"
  proof (rule_tac inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_steps)
    show  "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1 n (1, [], <[n::nat]>)"
      by (simp add: tape_of_list_def tape_of_nat_def  )

  have SUC_STEP_RED: "steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg (Suc stp) =
        step0 (steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg stp) tm_skip_first_arg"
    by (rule step_red)

  show "( steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg (Suc stp),
          steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg stp
        )  measure_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1"
  proof (cases "steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg stp")
    case (fields s l r)
    then have cf_cases: "steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg stp = (s, l, r)" .

    show ?thesis
    proof (rule tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_cases)
      from INV and cf_cases
      show "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1 n (s, l, r)" by auto
      assume "s=0" (* not possible *)
      with cf_cases not_final
      show ?thesis by auto
      assume "s=1"
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases r)
        case Nil        
        then have "r = []" .

        with cf_cases and s=1
        have "steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg stp = (1, l, [])"
          by auto
        with INV have False by auto (* not possible due to invariant in s=1 *)
        then show ?thesis by auto
        case (Cons a rs)
        then have "r = a # rs" .
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases "a")
          case Bk
          then have "a=Bk" .
          with cf_cases and s=1 and r = a # rs
          have "steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg stp = (1, l, Bk#rs)"
            by auto       

          with INV have False by auto (* not possible due to invariant in s=1 *)
          then show ?thesis by auto
          case Oc
          then have "a=Oc" .
          with cf_cases and s=1 and r = a # rs
          have "steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg stp = (1, l, Oc#rs)"
            by auto   

          with SUC_STEP_RED
          have "steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg (Suc stp) =
                step0 (1, l, Oc#rs) tm_skip_first_arg"
            by auto

          also have "... = (2,Oc#l,rs)"
            by (auto simp add: tm_skip_first_arg_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
          finally have "steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg (Suc stp) = (2,Oc#l,rs)"
            by auto

          with steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg stp = (1, l, Oc#rs)
          show ?thesis           
            by (auto simp add: measure_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_def)
      assume "s=2"
      show ?thesis
      proof -
        from cf_cases and s=2
        have "steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg stp = (2, l, r)"
          by auto

        with cf_cases  and s=2 and INV
        have "(n1 n2. l = Oc  (Suc n1)  r = Oc  n2  Suc n1 + n2 = Suc n)"
          by auto
        then have "(n2. r = Oc  n2)" by blast
        then obtain n2 where w_n2: "r = Oc  n2" by blast
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases n2)
          case 0
          then have "n2 = 0" .
          with w_n2 have "r = []" by auto
          with steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg stp = (2, l, r)
          have "steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg stp = (2, l, [])"
            by auto

          with SUC_STEP_RED
          have "steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg (Suc stp) =
                step0 (2, l, []) tm_skip_first_arg"
            by auto

          also have "... = (3,Bk#l,[])"
            by (auto simp add: tm_skip_first_arg_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
          finally have "steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg (Suc stp) = (3,Bk#l,[])"
            by auto

          with steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg stp = (2, l, [])
          show ?thesis           
            by (auto simp add: measure_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_def)
          case (Suc n2')
          then have "n2 = Suc n2'" .

          with w_n2 have "r = Oc  Suc n2'" by auto
          with steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg stp = (2, l, r)
          have "steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg stp = (2, l, Oc#Oc  n2')"
            by auto

          with SUC_STEP_RED
          have "steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg (Suc stp) =
                step0 (2, l, Oc#Oc  n2') tm_skip_first_arg"
            by auto

          also have "... = (2,Oc#l,Oc  n2')"
            by (auto simp add: tm_skip_first_arg_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
          finally have "steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg (Suc stp) = (2,Oc#l,Oc  n2')"
            by auto

          with steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg stp = (2, l, Oc#Oc  n2')
          show ?thesis           
            by (auto simp add: measure_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_def)
      assume "s=3"
      show ?thesis
      proof -
        from cf_cases and s=3
        have "steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg stp = (3, l, r)"
          by auto

        with cf_cases  and s=3 and INV

        have "l = Bk # Oc  (Suc n)  r = []"
          by auto

        with steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg stp = (3, l, r)
        have "steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg stp = (3, Bk # Oc  (Suc n), [])"
          by auto

        with SUC_STEP_RED
        have "steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg (Suc stp) =
                step0 (3, Bk # Oc  (Suc n), []) tm_skip_first_arg"
          by auto

        also have "... = (4,Oc  (Suc n),[Bk])"
          by (auto simp add: tm_skip_first_arg_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
        finally have "steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg (Suc stp) = (4,Oc  (Suc n),[Bk])"
          by auto

        with steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg stp = (3, Bk # Oc  (Suc n), [])
        show ?thesis           
          by (auto simp add: measure_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_def)
      assume "s=4"
      show ?thesis
      proof -
        from cf_cases and s=4
        have "steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg stp = (4, l, r)"
          by auto

        with cf_cases  and s=4 and INV

        have "l = Oc  (Suc n)  r = [Bk]"
          by auto

        with steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg stp = (4, l, r)
        have "steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg stp = (4, Oc  (Suc n), [Bk])"
          by auto

        with SUC_STEP_RED
        have "steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg (Suc stp) =
                step0 (4, Oc  (Suc n), [Bk]) tm_skip_first_arg"
          by auto

        also have "... = (5,Oc  n,[Oc, Bk])"
          by (auto simp add: tm_skip_first_arg_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
        finally have "steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg (Suc stp) = (5,Oc  n,[Oc, Bk])"
          by auto

        with steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg stp = (4, Oc  (Suc n), [Bk])
        show ?thesis           
          by (auto simp add: measure_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_def)
      assume "s=5"
      show ?thesis
      proof -
        from cf_cases and s=5
        have "steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg stp = (5, l, r)"
          by auto

        with cf_cases  and s=5 and INV

        have "(n1 n2.
                (l = Oc  Suc n1  r = Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk]  Suc n1 + Suc n2 = Suc n) 
                (l = []  r = Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk]  Suc n2 = Suc n) 
                (l = []  r = Bk # Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk]  Suc n2 = Suc n) )"
          by auto

        then obtain n1 n2 where
          w_n1_n2: "(l = Oc  Suc n1  r = Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk]  Suc n1 + Suc n2 = Suc n) 
                    (l = []  r = Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk]  Suc n2 = Suc n) 
                    (l = []  r = Bk # Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk]  Suc n2 = Suc n)"
          by blast
        then show ?thesis
          assume "l = Oc  Suc n1  r = Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk]  Suc n1 + Suc n2 = Suc n"

          with steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg stp = (5, l, r)
          have "steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg stp = (5, Oc  Suc n1, Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk])"
            by auto

          with SUC_STEP_RED
          have "steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg (Suc stp) =
                step0 (5, Oc  Suc n1, Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk]) tm_skip_first_arg"
            by auto

          also have "... = (5,Oc  n1,Oc#Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk])"
            by (auto simp add: tm_skip_first_arg_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
          finally have "steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg (Suc stp) =
                        (5,Oc  n1,Oc#Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk])"
            by auto

          with steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg stp = (5, Oc  Suc n1, Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk])
          show ?thesis           
            by (auto simp add: measure_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_def)
          assume "l = []  r = Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk]  Suc n2 = Suc n 
                  l = []  r = Bk # Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk]  Suc n2 = Suc n"
          then show ?thesis
            assume "l = []  r = Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk]  Suc n2 = Suc n"

            with steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg stp = (5, l, r)
            have "steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg stp = (5, [], Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk])"
              by auto

            with SUC_STEP_RED
            have "steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg (Suc stp) =
                step0 (5, [], Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk]) tm_skip_first_arg"
              by auto

            also have "... = (5,[],Bk#Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk])"
              by (auto simp add: tm_skip_first_arg_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
            finally have "steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg (Suc stp) =
                        (5,[],Bk#Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk])"
              by auto

            with steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg stp = (5, [], Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk])
            show ?thesis           
              by (auto simp add: measure_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_def)
            assume "l = []  r = Bk # Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk]  Suc n2 = Suc n"

            with steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg stp = (5, l, r)
            have "steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg stp = (5, [], Bk # Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk])"
              by auto

            with SUC_STEP_RED
            have "steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg (Suc stp) =
                step0 (5, [], Bk # Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk]) tm_skip_first_arg"
              by auto

            also have "... = (0,[Bk], Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk])"
              by (auto simp add: tm_skip_first_arg_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
            finally have "steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg (Suc stp) =
                        (0,[Bk], Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk])"
              by auto

            with steps0 (1, [], <[n::nat]>) tm_skip_first_arg stp = (5, [], Bk # Oc  Suc n2 @ [Bk])
            show ?thesis         
              by (auto simp add: measure_tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_def)

lemma tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_total_correctness:
  " λtap. tap = ([], <[n::nat]>)
    λtap. tap = ([Bk], <[n::nat]> @[Bk])"
proof (rule tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_partial_correctness)
  show "stp. is_final (steps0 (1, [], <[n]>) tm_skip_first_arg stp)"
    using  tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_halts by auto

lemma tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_total_correctness':
  "length nl = 1
    λtap. tap = ([], <nl::nat list> ) tm_skip_first_arg  λtap. tap = ([Bk],  <[hd nl]> @[Bk])"
proof -
  assume "length nl = 1"
  then have "nl = [hd nl]"
    by (metis One_nat_def diff_Suc_1 length_0_conv length_greater_0_conv length_tl list.distinct(1)
        list.expand list.sel(1) list.sel(3) list.size(3) zero_neq_one)
  moreover have " λtap. tap = ([], <[hd nl]>) tm_skip_first_arg  λtap. tap = ([Bk], <[hd nl]> @[Bk])"
    by (rule tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_total_correctness)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by (simp add: Hoare_haltE Hoare_haltI tape_of_list_def)

(* ERROR cases: length nl > 1 *)

ctxrunTM tm_skip_first_arg (1,[],[Oc, Bk, Oc])
0: [] _1_ [Oc,Bk,Oc]
1: [Oc] _2_ [Bk,Oc]
2: [Oc,Bk] _3_ [Oc]
3: [Oc,Bk] _0_ [Oc]

ctxrunTM tm_skip_first_arg (1,[],[Oc,Oc, Bk, Oc,Oc])
0: [] _1_ [Oc,Oc,Bk,Oc,Oc]
1: [Oc] _2_ [Oc,Bk,Oc,Oc]
2: [Oc,Oc] _2_ [Bk,Oc,Oc]
3: [Oc,Oc,Bk] _3_ [Oc,Oc]
4: [Oc,Oc,Bk] _0_ [Oc,Oc]

ctxrunTM tm_skip_first_arg (1,[],[Oc,Oc,Oc, Bk, Oc,Oc])
0: [] _1_ [Oc,Oc,Oc,Bk,Oc,Oc]
1: [Oc] _2_ [Oc,Oc,Bk,Oc,Oc]
2: [Oc,Oc] _2_ [Oc,Bk,Oc,Oc]
3: [Oc,Oc,Oc] _2_ [Bk,Oc,Oc]
4: [Oc,Oc,Oc,Bk] _3_ [Oc,Oc]
5: [Oc,Oc,Oc,Bk] _0_ [Oc,Oc]

ctxrunTM tm_skip_first_arg (1, [], [Oc,Oc,Bk, Oc,Bk, Oc,Oc])
0: [] _1_ [Oc,Oc,Bk,Oc,Bk,Oc,Oc]
1: [Oc] _2_ [Oc,Bk,Oc,Bk,Oc,Oc]
2: [Oc,Oc] _2_ [Bk,Oc,Bk,Oc,Oc]
3: [Bk,Oc,Oc] _3_ [Oc,Bk,Oc,Oc]
4: [Bk,Oc,Oc] _0_ [Oc,Bk,Oc,Oc]


  inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1_s0 :: "nat  nat list  tape  bool" and
  inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1_s1 :: "nat  nat list tape  bool" and
  inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1_s2 :: "nat  nat list tape  bool" and
  inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1_s3 :: "nat  nat list tape  bool"
   "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1_s1 n ns (l, r) = (
      l = []  r = Oc  Suc n @ [Bk] @ (<ns::nat list>) )"
  | "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1_s2 n ns (l, r) = 
      (n1 n2. l = Oc  (Suc n1)  r = Oc  n2 @ [Bk] @ (<ns::nat list>) 
                Suc n1 + n2 = Suc n)"
  | "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1_s3 n ns (l, r) = (
      l = Bk # Oc  (Suc n)  r = (<ns::nat list>)
  |  "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1_s0 n ns (l, r) = (
      l = Bk# Oc  (Suc n)  r = (<ns::nat list>)

fun inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1 :: "nat  nat list  config  bool"
    "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1 n ns (s, tap) = 
        (if s = 0 then inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1_s0 n ns tap else
         if s = 1 then inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1_s1 n ns tap else
         if s = 2 then inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1_s2 n ns tap else
         if s = 3 then inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1_s3 n ns tap
         else False)"

lemma tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1_cases: 
  fixes s::nat
  assumes "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1 n ns (s,l,r)"
    and "s=0  P"
    and "s=1  P"
    and "s=2  P"
    and "s=3  P"
    and "s=4  P"
    and "s=5  P"
  shows "P"
proof -
  have "s < 6"
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume "¬ s < 6"
    with inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1 n ns (s,l,r) show False by auto
  then have "s = 0  s = 1  s = 2  s = 3   s = 4  s = 5" by auto
  with assms show ?thesis by auto

lemma inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1_step: 
  assumes "length ns > 0"
    and "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1 n ns cf" 
  shows "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1 n ns (step0 cf tm_skip_first_arg)"
proof (cases cf)
  case (fields s l r)
  then have cf_cases: "cf = (s, l, r)" .
  show "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1 n ns (step0 cf tm_skip_first_arg)"
  proof (rule tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1_cases)
    from cf_cases and assms
    show "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1 n ns (s, l, r)" by auto
    assume "s = 0"
    with cf_cases and assms
    show ?thesis by (auto simp add: tm_skip_first_arg_def)
    assume "s = 4"
    with cf_cases and assms
    show ?thesis by (auto simp add: tm_skip_first_arg_def)
    assume "s = 5"
    with cf_cases and assms
    show ?thesis by (auto simp add: tm_skip_first_arg_def)
    assume "s = 1"
    with cf_cases and assms
    have "l = []  r = Oc  Suc n @ [Bk] @ (<ns::nat list>)"
      by auto
    with assms and cf_cases and s = 1 show ?thesis
      by (auto simp add: tm_skip_first_arg_def step.simps steps.simps)
    assume "s = 2"
    with cf_cases and assms
    have "(n1 n2. l = Oc  (Suc n1)  r = Oc  n2 @ [Bk] @ (<ns::nat list>)  Suc n1 + n2 = Suc n)"
      by auto
    then obtain n1 n2
      where w_n1_n2: "l = Oc  (Suc n1)  r = Oc  n2 @ [Bk] @ (<ns::nat list>)  Suc n1 + n2 = Suc n" by blast
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases n2)
      case 0
      then have "n2 = 0" .
      with w_n1_n2 have "l = Oc  (Suc n1)  r = [Bk] @ (<ns::nat list>)  Suc n1 = Suc n"
        by auto

      then have "step0 (2, Oc  (Suc n1),  [Bk] @ (<ns::nat list>)) tm_skip_first_arg = (3, Bk # Oc  (Suc n1), (<ns::nat list>))"
        by (simp add:  tm_skip_first_arg_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)

      moreover have "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1 n ns (3, Bk # Oc  (Suc n1), (<ns::nat list>))"
      proof -
        from l = Oc  (Suc n1)  r = [Bk] @ (<ns::nat list>)  Suc n1 = Suc n
        have "Oc  (Suc n1) = Oc  (Suc n1)  Bk # Oc  (Suc n1) = Bk#Oc#Oc  n1  Suc n1 + 0 = Suc n" by auto
        then show "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1 n ns (3, Bk # Oc  (Suc n1), (<ns::nat list>))" by auto

      ultimately show ?thesis
        using  assms and cf_cases and s = 2 and w_n1_n2
        by auto
      case (Suc n2')
      then have "n2 = Suc n2'" .
      with w_n1_n2 have "l = Oc  (Suc n1)  r = Oc  Suc n2' @ [Bk] @ (<ns::nat list>)  Suc n1 + n2 = Suc n"
        by auto

      then have "step0 (2, Oc  (Suc n1),  Oc  Suc n2' @ [Bk] @ (<ns::nat list>)) tm_skip_first_arg
                  = (2, Oc # Oc  (Suc n1), Oc  n2' @ [Bk] @ (<ns::nat list>))"
        by (simp add:  tm_skip_first_arg_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)

      moreover have "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1 n ns (2, Oc # Oc  (Suc n1), Oc  n2' @ [Bk] @ (<ns::nat list>))"
      proof -
        from l = Oc  (Suc n1)  r = Oc  Suc n2' @ [Bk] @ (<ns::nat list>)  Suc n1 + n2 = Suc n
        have "Oc # Oc  (Suc n1) = Oc  Suc (Suc n1)  Oc  n2' @ [Bk] @ (<ns::nat list>)
                 = Oc  n2' @ [Bk] @ (<ns::nat list>)  Suc (Suc n1) + n2' = Suc n"
          by (simp add: Suc add_Suc_shift)
        then show "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1 n ns (2, Oc # Oc  (Suc n1), Oc  n2' @ [Bk] @ (<ns::nat list>))" 
          by force

      ultimately show ?thesis
        using  assms and cf_cases and s = 2 and w_n1_n2
        using l = Oc  (Suc n1)  r = Oc  Suc n2' @ [Bk] @ (<ns::nat list>)  Suc n1 + n2 = Suc n
        by force
    assume "s = 3"
    with cf_cases and assms
    have unpackedINV: "l = Bk # Oc  (Suc n)  r = (<ns::nat list>)"
      by auto
    moreover with length ns > 0 have "(ns::nat list)  []  hd (<ns::nat list>) = Oc"
      using numeral_list_head_is_Oc
      by force
    moreover from this have "<ns::nat list> = Oc#(tl (<ns::nat list>))"
      by (metis append_Nil list.exhaust_sel tape_of_list_empty
    ultimately have "step0 (3, Bk # Oc  (Suc n),  (<ns::nat list>)) tm_skip_first_arg
                     = (0, Bk # Oc  (Suc n), (<ns::nat list>))"
    proof -
      from <ns> = Oc # tl (<ns>)
      have "step0 (3, Bk # Oc  (Suc n),  (<ns::nat list>)) tm_skip_first_arg
            = step0 (3, Bk # Oc  (Suc n), Oc # tl (<ns>)) tm_skip_first_arg"
        by auto
      also have "... = (0, Bk # Oc  (Suc n),  Oc # tl (<ns>))"
        by (simp add:  tm_skip_first_arg_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)
      also with  <ns> = Oc # tl (<ns>) have "... =  (0, Bk # Oc  (Suc n),  (<ns::nat list>))" by auto
      finally show "step0 (3, Bk # Oc  (Suc n),  (<ns::nat list>)) tm_skip_first_arg
                    = (0, Bk # Oc  (Suc n), (<ns::nat list>))"
        by auto

    moreover with l = Bk # Oc  (Suc n)  r = (<ns::nat list>)
    have "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1 n ns (0, Bk # Oc  (Suc n), (<ns::nat list>))"
      by auto

    ultimately show ?thesis
      using  assms and cf_cases and s = 3 and unpackedINV
      by auto

lemma inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1_steps: 
  assumes "length ns > 0"
  and "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1 n ns cf" 
  shows "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1 n ns (steps0 cf tm_skip_first_arg stp)"
proof (induct stp)
  case 0
  with assms show ?case
    by (auto simp add: inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1_step step.simps steps.simps)
  case (Suc stp)
  with assms show ?case
    using inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1_step step_red by auto 

lemma tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1_partial_correctness:
  assumes "stp. is_final (steps0 (1, [], Oc  Suc n @ [Bk] @ (<ns::nat list>) ) tm_skip_first_arg stp)"
  and "0 < length ns"
  shows "λtap. tap = ([], Oc  Suc n @ [Bk] @ (<ns::nat list>) )  
          λtap. tap = (Bk# Oc  Suc n, (<ns::nat list>) ) "
proof (rule Hoare_consequence)
  show " (λtap. tap = ([],  Oc  Suc n @ [Bk] @ (<ns::nat list>)))
          (λtap. tap = ([],  Oc  Suc n @ [Bk] @ (<ns::nat list>)))"
    by (simp add: assert_imp_def tape_of_nat_def)
  show "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1_s0 n ns  (λtap. tap = (Bk # Oc  Suc n, <ns>))"
    using assert_imp_def inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1_s0.simps rev_numeral tape_of_nat_def by auto
  show "λtap. tap = ([], Oc  Suc n @ [Bk] @ <ns>) tm_skip_first_arg inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1_s0 n ns"
  proof (rule Hoare_haltI)
    fix l::"cell list"
    fix r:: "cell list"
    assume major: "(l, r) = ([], Oc  Suc n @ [Bk] @ <ns::nat list>)"
    show "stp. is_final (steps0 (1, l, r) tm_skip_first_arg stp) 
            inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1_s0 n ns holds_for steps0 (1, l, r) tm_skip_first_arg stp"
    proof -
      from major and assms have "stp. is_final (steps0 (1, l, r) tm_skip_first_arg stp)" by auto
      then obtain stp where
        w_stp: "is_final (steps0 (1, l, r) tm_skip_first_arg stp)" by blast

      moreover have "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1_s0 n ns holds_for steps0 (1, l, r) tm_skip_first_arg stp"
      proof -
        have "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1 n ns (1, l, r)"
          by (simp add: major tape_of_list_def tape_of_nat_def)

        with assms  have "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1 n ns (steps0 (1, l, r) tm_skip_first_arg stp)"
          using inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1_steps by auto

        then show ?thesis
          by (smt (verit) holds_for.elims(3) inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1.simps is_final_eq w_stp)
      ultimately show ?thesis by auto

(* --- now, we prove termination of tm_skip_first_arg on arguments containing more than one numeral --- *)
    Lexicographic orders (See List.measures)
    quote: "These are useful for termination proofs"
    lemma in_measures[simp]:
      "(x, y) ∈ measures [] = False"
      "(x, y) ∈ measures (f # fs)
             = (f x < f y ∨ (f x = f y ∧ (x, y) ∈ measures fs))"

(* Assemble a lexicographic measure function *)

definition measure_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1 :: "(config × config) set"
    "measure_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1 = measures [
      λ(s, l, r). (if s = 0 then 0 else 4 - s),
      λ(s, l, r). (if s = 2 then length r else 0)

lemma wf_measure_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1: "wf measure_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1"
  unfolding measure_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1_def
  by (auto)

lemma measure_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1_induct [case_names Step]: 
  "n. ¬ P (f n)  (f (Suc n), (f n))  measure_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1  n. P (f n)"
  using wf_measure_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1
  by (metis wf_iff_no_infinite_down_chain)

lemma tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1_halts:
  "0 < length ns  stp. is_final (steps0 (1, [], Oc  Suc n @ [Bk] @ <ns::nat list>) tm_skip_first_arg stp)"
proof -
  assume A:  "0 < length ns"
  show "stp. is_final (steps0 (1, [], Oc  Suc n @ [Bk] @ <ns::nat list>) tm_skip_first_arg stp)"
  proof (induct rule: measure_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1_induct)
    case (Step stp)
    then have not_final: "¬ is_final (steps0 (1, [], Oc  Suc n @ [Bk] @ <ns>) tm_skip_first_arg stp)" .

    have INV: "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1 n ns (steps0 (1, [], Oc  Suc n @ [Bk] @ <ns>) tm_skip_first_arg stp)"
    proof (rule_tac inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1_steps)
      from A show "0 < length ns " .
      then show  "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1 n ns (1, [], Oc  Suc n @ [Bk] @ <ns>)"
        by (simp add: tape_of_list_def tape_of_nat_def)

    have SUC_STEP_RED:
      "steps0 (1, [], Oc  Suc n @ [Bk] @ <ns>) tm_skip_first_arg (Suc stp) =
         step0 (steps0 (1, [], Oc  Suc n @ [Bk] @ <ns>) tm_skip_first_arg stp) tm_skip_first_arg"
      by (rule step_red)

    show "( steps0 (1, [], Oc  Suc n @ [Bk] @ <ns>) tm_skip_first_arg (Suc stp),
          steps0 (1, [], Oc  Suc n @ [Bk] @ <ns>) tm_skip_first_arg stp
        )  measure_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1"

    proof (cases "steps0 (1, [], Oc  Suc n @ [Bk] @ <ns>) tm_skip_first_arg stp")
      case (fields s l r2)
      then have
        cf_cases: "steps0 (1, [], Oc  Suc n @ [Bk] @ <ns>) tm_skip_first_arg stp = (s, l, r2)" .
      show ?thesis
      proof (rule tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1_cases)
        from INV and cf_cases
        show "inv_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1 n ns (s, l, r2)" by auto
        assume "s=0" (* not possible *)
        with cf_cases not_final
        show ?thesis by auto
        assume "s=4" (* not possible *)
        with cf_cases not_final INV
        show ?thesis by auto
        assume "s=5" (* not possible *)
        with cf_cases not_final INV
        show ?thesis by auto
        assume "s=1"
        show ?thesis
        proof -
          from cf_cases and s=1
          have "steps0 (1, [], Oc  Suc n @ [Bk] @ (<ns>)) tm_skip_first_arg stp = (1, l, r2)"
            by auto

          with cf_cases  and s=1 and INV
          have unpackedINV: "l = []  r2 = Oc  Suc n @ [Bk] @ (<ns>)"
            by auto          

          with cf_cases and s=1 and SUC_STEP_RED
          have "steps0 (1, [], Oc  Suc n @ [Bk] @ (<ns>)) tm_skip_first_arg (Suc stp) =
                step0 (1, [],  Oc  Suc n @ [Bk] @ (<ns>)) tm_skip_first_arg"
            by auto
          also have "... = (2,[Oc],Oc  n @ [Bk] @ (<ns>))"
            by (auto simp add: tm_skip_first_arg_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
          finally have "steps0 (1, [], Oc  Suc n @ [Bk] @ (<ns>)) tm_skip_first_arg (Suc stp)
                       = (2,[Oc],Oc  n @ [Bk] @ (<ns>))"
            by auto

          with steps0 (1, [], Oc  Suc n @ [Bk] @ (<ns>)) tm_skip_first_arg stp = (1, l, r2)
          show ?thesis
            by (auto simp add: measure_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1_def)
        assume "s=2"
        show ?thesis
        proof -
          from cf_cases and s=2
          have "steps0 (1, [],Oc  Suc n @ [Bk] @ (<ns>)) tm_skip_first_arg stp = (2, l, r2)"
            by auto

          with cf_cases  and s=2 and INV
          have "(n1 n2. l = Oc  (Suc n1)  r2 = Oc  n2 @ [Bk] @ (<ns::nat list>) 
                Suc n1 + n2 = Suc n)"
            by auto
          then obtain n1 n2 where
            w_n1_n2: "l = Oc  (Suc n1)  r2 = Oc  n2 @ [Bk] @ (<ns::nat list>)  Suc n1 + n2 = Suc n" by blast
          show ?thesis
          proof (cases n2)
            case 0
            then have "n2 = 0" .
            with w_n1_n2 have "r2 = [Bk] @ (<ns::nat list>)" by auto
            with steps0 (1, [],Oc  Suc n @ [Bk] @ (<ns>)) tm_skip_first_arg stp = (2, l, r2)
            have "steps0 (1, [],Oc  Suc n @ [Bk] @ (<ns>)) tm_skip_first_arg stp = (2, l, [Bk] @ (<ns::nat list>))"
              by auto

            with SUC_STEP_RED
            have "steps0 (1, [],Oc  Suc n @ [Bk] @ (<ns>)) tm_skip_first_arg (Suc stp) =
                step0 (2, l, [Bk] @ (<ns::nat list>)) tm_skip_first_arg"
              by auto
            also have "... = (3,Bk#l,(<ns>))"
              by (auto simp add: tm_skip_first_arg_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
            finally have "steps0 (1, [],Oc  Suc n @ [Bk] @ (<ns>)) tm_skip_first_arg (Suc stp) = (3,Bk#l,(<ns>))"
              by auto

            with steps0 (1, [],Oc  Suc n @ [Bk] @ (<ns>)) tm_skip_first_arg stp = (2, l, [Bk] @ (<ns::nat list>))
            show ?thesis           
              by (auto simp add: measure_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1_def)
            case (Suc n2')
            then have "n2 = Suc n2'" .
            with w_n1_n2 have "r2 = Oc  Suc n2'@Bk#(<ns>)" by auto

            with steps0 (1, [], Oc  Suc n @ [Bk] @ (<ns>)) tm_skip_first_arg stp = (2, l, r2)
            have "steps0 (1, [], Oc  Suc n @ [Bk] @ (<ns>)) tm_skip_first_arg stp = (2, l, Oc  Suc n2'@Bk#(<ns>))"
              by auto

            with SUC_STEP_RED
            have "steps0 (1, [], Oc  Suc n @ [Bk] @ (<ns>)) tm_skip_first_arg (Suc stp) =
                step0 (2, l, Oc  Suc n2'@Bk#(<ns>)) tm_skip_first_arg"
              by auto
            also have "... = (2,Oc#l,Oc  n2'@Bk#(<ns>))"
              by (auto simp add: tm_skip_first_arg_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
            finally have "steps0 (1, [], Oc  Suc n @ [Bk] @ (<ns>)) tm_skip_first_arg (Suc stp)
                         = (2,Oc#l,Oc  n2'@Bk#(<ns>))"
              by auto

            with steps0 (1, [], Oc  Suc n @ [Bk] @ (<ns>)) tm_skip_first_arg stp = (2, l, Oc  Suc n2'@Bk#(<ns>))
            show ?thesis           
              by (auto simp add: measure_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1_def)
        assume "s=3"
        show ?thesis
        proof -
          from cf_cases and s=3
          have "steps0 (1, [], Oc  Suc n @ [Bk] @ (<ns>)) tm_skip_first_arg stp = (3, l, r2)"
            by auto

          with cf_cases  and s=3 and INV

          have unpacked_INV: "l = Bk # Oc  (Suc n)  r2 = (<ns::nat list>)"
            by auto
          with steps0 (1, [], Oc  Suc n @ [Bk] @ (<ns>)) tm_skip_first_arg stp = (3, l, r2)

          have "steps0 (1, [], Oc  Suc n @ [Bk] @ (<ns>)) tm_skip_first_arg stp = (3,  Bk # Oc  (Suc n), (<ns::nat list>))"
            by auto

          with SUC_STEP_RED
          have "steps0 (1, [], Oc  Suc n @ [Bk] @ (<ns>)) tm_skip_first_arg (Suc stp) =
                step0 (3,  Bk # Oc  (Suc n), (<ns::nat list>)) tm_skip_first_arg"
            by auto

          also have "... = (0, Bk # Oc  (Suc n),(<ns::nat list>))"
          proof -
            from length ns > 0 have "(ns::nat list)  []  hd (<ns::nat list>) = Oc"
              using numeral_list_head_is_Oc
              by force
            then have "<ns::nat list> = Oc#(tl (<ns::nat list>))"
              by (metis append_Nil list.exhaust_sel tape_of_list_empty

            then have "step0 (3,  Bk # Oc  (Suc n), (<ns::nat list>)) tm_skip_first_arg
                     = step0 (3,  Bk # Oc  (Suc n), Oc#(tl (<ns::nat list>))) tm_skip_first_arg"
              by auto
            also have "... = (0, Bk # Oc  (Suc n), Oc#(tl (<ns::nat list>)))"
              by (auto simp add: tm_skip_first_arg_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
            also with <ns::nat list> = Oc#(tl (<ns::nat list>))
            have "... = (0, Bk # Oc  (Suc n), <ns::nat list>)"
              by auto
            finally show "step0 (3,  Bk # Oc  (Suc n), (<ns::nat list>)) tm_skip_first_arg
                     = (0, Bk # Oc  (Suc n), <ns::nat list>)" by auto
          finally have "steps0 (1, [], Oc  Suc n @ [Bk] @ (<ns>)) tm_skip_first_arg (Suc stp) =
                      (0, Bk # Oc  (Suc n),(<ns::nat list>))"
            by auto

          with steps0 (1, [], Oc  Suc n @ [Bk] @ (<ns>)) tm_skip_first_arg stp = (3,  Bk # Oc  (Suc n), (<ns::nat list>))
          show ?thesis
            by (auto simp add: measure_tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1_def)

lemma tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1_total_correctness_pre:
  assumes "0 < length ns"
  shows "λtap. tap = ([], Oc  Suc n @ [Bk] @ (<ns::nat list>) )  
          λtap. tap = (Bk# Oc  Suc n, (<ns::nat list>) ) "
proof (rule tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1_partial_correctness)
  from assms show "0 < length ns" .
  from assms show "stp. is_final (steps0 (1, [], Oc  Suc n @ [Bk] @ (<ns::nat list>) ) tm_skip_first_arg stp)"
    using  tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1_halts by auto

lemma tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1_total_correctness:
  assumes "1 < length (nl::nat list)"
  shows "λtap. tap = ([], <nl::nat list> ) tm_skip_first_arg  λtap. tap = (Bk# <rev [hd nl]>, <tl nl>) "
proof -
  from assms have major: "(nl::nat list) = hd nl # tl nl"
    by (metis list.exhaust_sel list.size(3)  not_one_less_zero)
  from assms have "tl nl  []"
    using list_length_tl_neq_Nil by auto
  from assms have "(nl::nat list)  []" by auto

  from (nl::nat list) = hd nl # tl nl
  have "<nl::nat list> = <hd nl # tl nl>"
    by auto
  also with tl nl  [] have "... = <hd nl> @ [Bk] @ (<tl nl>)"
    by (simp add:  tape_of_nat_list_cons_eq)
  also with (nl::nat list)  [] have "... = Oc  Suc (hd nl) @ [Bk] @ (<tl nl>)"
    using tape_of_nat_def by blast
  finally have "<nl::nat list> = Oc  Suc (hd nl) @ [Bk] @ (<tl nl>)"
    by auto

  from tl nl  [] have "0 < length (tl nl)"
    using length_greater_0_conv by blast
  with assms have 
    "λtap. tap = ([], Oc  Suc (hd nl) @ [Bk] @ (<tl nl>) )  
      λtap. tap = (Bk# Oc  Suc (hd nl), (<tl nl>) ) "
    using tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1_total_correctness_pre
    by force
  with <nl::nat list> = Oc  Suc (hd nl) @ [Bk] @ (<tl nl>) have 
    "λtap. tap = ([], <nl::nat list> )  
      λtap. tap = (Bk# Oc  Suc (hd nl), (<tl nl>) ) "
    by force
  moreover have "<rev [hd nl]> = Oc  Suc (hd nl)"
    by (simp add: tape_of_list_def tape_of_nat_def)
  show ?thesis
    by (simp add: rev_numeral rev_numeral_list tape_of_list_def )

(* ---------- tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left ---------- *)

(* We will prove:

-- DO_NOTHING path, the eraser should do nothing

lemma tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp_total_correctness:
 "⦃ λtap. tap = ([], r ) ⦄ 
  ⦃ λtap. tap = ([Bk,Bk], r ) ⦄"

-- ERASE path

lemma tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_total_correctness_one_arg:
  assumes "1 ≤ length (nl::nat list)"
  shows "⦃ λtap. tap = (Bk# rev(<hd nl>), <tl nl>) ⦄ 
         ⦃ λtap. ∃rex. tap = ([], [Bk,Bk] @ (<hd nl>) @ [Bk] @ Bk ↑ rex ) ⦄"


(* Test runs for the formulation of invariants:
 * See file EngineeringOf_StrongCopy2.hs for more test runs

ctxrunTM tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (1, [Bk,Oc], [Oc])
0: [Bk,Oc] _1_ [Oc]
1: [Oc] _2_ [Bk,Oc]
2: [] _3_ [Oc,Bk,Oc]
3: [Oc] _5_ [Bk,Oc]
4: [Bk,Oc] _6_ [Oc]
5: [Bk,Oc] _6_ [Bk]
6: [Bk,Bk,Oc] _7_ []
7: [Bk,Bk,Bk,Oc] _9_ []
8: [Bk,Bk,Oc] _10_ [Bk]
9: [Bk,Oc] _10_ [Bk,Bk]
10: [Oc] _10_ [Bk,Bk,Bk]
11: [] _10_ [Oc,Bk,Bk,Bk]
12: [] _11_ [Bk,Oc,Bk,Bk,Bk]
13: [] _12_ [Bk,Bk,Oc,Bk,Bk,Bk]
14: [] _0_ [Bk,Bk,Oc,Bk,Bk,Bk]

ctxrunTM tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (1, [Bk,Oc,Oc], [Oc,Oc,Oc])
0: [Bk,Oc,Oc] _1_ [Oc,Oc,Oc]
1: [Oc,Oc] _2_ [Bk,Oc,Oc,Oc]
2: [Oc] _3_ [Oc,Bk,Oc,Oc,Oc]
3: [Oc,Oc] _5_ [Bk,Oc,Oc,Oc]
4: [Bk,Oc,Oc] _6_ [Oc,Oc,Oc]
5: [Bk,Oc,Oc] _6_ [Bk,Oc,Oc]
6: [Bk,Bk,Oc,Oc] _7_ [Oc,Oc]
7: [Bk,Bk,Oc,Oc] _8_ [Bk,Oc]
8: [Bk,Bk,Bk,Oc,Oc] _7_ [Oc]
9: [Bk,Bk,Bk,Oc,Oc] _8_ [Bk]
10: [Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk,Oc,Oc] _7_ []
11: [Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk,Oc,Oc] _9_ []
12: [Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk,Oc,Oc] _10_ [Bk]
13: [Bk,Bk,Bk,Oc,Oc] _10_ [Bk,Bk]
14: [Bk,Bk,Oc,Oc] _10_ [Bk,Bk,Bk]
15: [Bk,Oc,Oc] _10_ [Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk]
16: [Oc,Oc] _10_ [Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk]
17: [Oc] _10_ [Oc,Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk]
18: [] _11_ [Oc,Oc,Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk]
19: [] _11_ [Bk,Oc,Oc,Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk]
20: [] _12_ [Bk,Bk,Oc,Oc,Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk]
21: [] _0_ [Bk,Bk,Oc,Oc,Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk]


(*  Commented definition of tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left

tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left = from_raw [
  -- 'check the left tape':
  (L, 2),(L, 2), -- 1   one step left
  (L, 3),(R, 5), -- 2   on Bk do one more step left, on Oc right towards 'check the right tape'
  (R, 4),(R, 5), -- 3   on 2nd Bk right to towards termination, on Oc right towards 'check the right tape'
  (R, 0),(R, 0), -- 4   one step right and terminate
  (R, 6),(R, 6), -- 5   one more step right to erase path
  -- 'check the right tape':
  (R, 7),(WB,6), -- 6   on Bk goto loop 'erase all to the right', on Oc erase
  (R, 9),(WB,8), -- 7   loop 'erase all to the right': on Bk leave loop, on Oc erase
  (R, 7),(R, 7), -- 8   move right and continue loop 'erase all to the right'
  (L,10),(WB,8), -- 9   on 2nd Bk start loop 'move to left until Oc', on Oc continue 'erase all to the right'
  (L,10),(L,11), -- 10  loop 'move to left until Oc': on Bk continue loop 'move to left until Oc', on Oc goto loop 'move left until DblBk'
  (L,12),(L,11), -- 11  loop 'move left until DblBk': on 1st Bk move once more to the left, on Oc continue loop  'move left until DblBk' 
  (WB,0),(L,11)  -- 12  on 2nd Bk stop, on Oc (possible in generic case) continue loop 'move left until DblBk'

-- Note:
-- In a more generic context, the 'move left until DblBk' may see an Oc in state 12.
-- However, in our context of tm_check_for_one_arg there cannot be an Oc in state 12.


  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left :: "instr list"
    [ (L, 2),(L, 2),
      (L, 3),(R, 5),
      (R, 4),(R, 5),
      (R, 0),(R, 0),
      (R, 6),(R, 6),
      (R, 7),(WB,6),
      (R, 9),(WB,8),

      (R, 7),(R, 7),



(* Partial and total correctness for tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left
 * The leading 2 symbols on the left tape are used to differentiate!
 * [Bk,Bk] ⟶ DO NOTHING path
 * [Bk,Oc] ⟶ ERASE path

(* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* DO NOTHING path tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp                *)
(* Sequence of states on the DO NOTHING path: 1,2,3 then 4, 0        *)
(* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 *   "⦃ λtap. tap = ([], r ) ⦄ 
 *      tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left
 *    ⦃ λtap. tap = ([Bk,Bk], r ) ⦄"

(* Definition of invariants for the DO_NOTHING path *)

  inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp_s0 :: "(cell list)  tape  bool" and
  inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp_s1 :: "(cell list)  tape  bool" and
  inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp_s2 :: "(cell list)  tape  bool" and
  inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp_s3 :: "(cell list)  tape  bool" and
  inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp_s4 :: "(cell list)  tape  bool"
    "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp_s0 CR (l, r) = (l = [Bk, Bk]  CR = r)"
  | "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp_s1 CR (l, r) = (l = []        CR = r)"
  | "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp_s2 CR (l, r) = (l = []        r = Bk#CR)"
  | "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp_s3 CR (l, r) = (l = []        r = Bk#Bk#CR)"
  | "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp_s4 CR (l, r) = (l = [Bk]      r = Bk#CR)"

fun inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp :: "(cell list)  config  bool"
    "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp CR (s, tap) = 
        (if s = 0 then inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp_s0 CR tap else
         if s = 1 then inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp_s1 CR tap else
         if s = 2 then inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp_s2 CR tap else
         if s = 3 then inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp_s3 CR tap else
         if s = 4 then inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp_s4 CR tap
         else False)"

lemma tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp_cases: 
  fixes s::nat
  assumes "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp CR (s,l,r)"
    and "s=0  P"
    and "s=1  P"
    and "s=2  P"
    and "s=3  P"
    and "s=4  P"
  shows "P"
proof -
  have "s < 5"
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume "¬ s < 5"
    with inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp CR (s,l,r) show False by auto
  then have "s = 0  s = 1  s = 2  s = 3   s = 4" by auto
  with assms show ?thesis by auto

lemma inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp_step: 
  assumes "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp CR cf" 
  shows "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp CR (step0 cf tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left)"
proof (cases cf)
  case (fields s l r)
  then have cf_cases: "cf = (s, l, r)" .
  show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp CR (step0 cf tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left)"
  proof (rule tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp_cases)
    from cf_cases and assms
    show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp CR (s, l, r)" by auto
    assume "s = 0"
    with cf_cases and assms
    show ?thesis by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def)
    assume "s = 1"
    with cf_cases and assms
    have "l = []"
      by auto
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases r)
      case Nil
      then have "r = []" .
      with assms and cf_cases and s = 1 show ?thesis
        by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps)
      case (Cons a rs)
      then have "r = a # rs" .
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases a)
        case Bk
        with assms and cf_cases and s = 1 and r = a # rs show ?thesis
          by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps)
        case Oc
        with assms and cf_cases and s = 1 and r = a # rs show ?thesis
          by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps)
    assume "s = 2"
    with cf_cases and assms
    have "l = []  r = Bk#CR" by auto

    then have "step0 (2, [], Bk#CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left = (3, [], Bk# Bk # CR)"
      by (simp add:  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)

    moreover have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp CR (3, [], Bk# Bk # CR)"
    proof -
      from l = []  r = Bk#CR
      show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp CR (3, [], Bk# Bk # CR)" by auto

    ultimately show ?thesis
      using  assms and cf_cases and s = 2 and l = []  r = Bk#CR
      by auto
    assume "s = 3"
    with cf_cases and assms
    have "l = []  r = Bk#Bk#CR"
      by auto

    then have "step0 (3, [], Bk#Bk#CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left = (4, [Bk], Bk # CR)"
      by (simp add:  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)

    moreover have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp CR (4, [Bk], Bk # CR)"
    proof -
      from l = []  r = Bk#Bk#CR
      show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp CR (4, [Bk], Bk # CR)" by auto

    ultimately show ?thesis
      using  assms and cf_cases and s = 3 and l = []  r = Bk#Bk#CR
      by auto
    assume "s = 4"
    with cf_cases and assms
    have "l = [Bk]  r = Bk#CR"
      by auto

    then have "step0 (4, [Bk], Bk#CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left = (0, [Bk,Bk], CR)"
      by (simp add:  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)

    moreover have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp CR (0, [Bk,Bk], CR)"
    proof -
      from l = [Bk]  r = Bk#CR
      show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp  CR (0, [Bk,Bk], CR)" by auto

    ultimately show ?thesis
      using  assms and cf_cases and s = 4 and l = [Bk]  r = Bk#CR
      by auto

lemma inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp_steps: 
  assumes "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp CR cf" 
  shows "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp CR (steps0 cf tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp)"
proof (induct stp)
  case 0
  with assms show ?case
    by (auto simp add: inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp_step step.simps steps.simps)
  case (Suc stp)
  with assms show ?case
    using inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp_step step_red by auto 

lemma tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp_partial_correctness:
  assumes "stp. is_final (steps0 (1, [], r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp)"
  shows " λtap. tap = ([], r )  
          λtap. tap = ([Bk,Bk], r ) "
proof (rule Hoare_consequence)
  show "(λtap. tap = ([], r) )  (λtap. tap = ([], r) )"
    by auto
  show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp_s0 r   (λtap. tap = ([Bk,Bk], r ))"
    by (simp add: assert_imp_def  tape_of_list_def tape_of_nat_def)
  show "λtap. tap = ([], r)
        inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp_s0 r "
  proof (rule Hoare_haltI)
    fix l::"cell list"
    fix r'':: "cell list"
    assume major: "(l, r'') = ([], r)"
    show "stp. is_final (steps0 (1, l, r'') tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp) 
                inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp_s0 r holds_for steps0 (1, l, r'') tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp"
    proof -
      from major and assms have "stp. is_final (steps0 (1, l, r'') tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp)" by auto
      then obtain stp where
        w_stp: "is_final (steps0 (1, l, r'') tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp)" by blast

      moreover have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp_s0 r holds_for steps0 (1, l, r'') tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp"
      proof -
        have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp r (1, l, r'')"
          by (simp add: major tape_of_list_def tape_of_nat_def)

        then have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp r (steps0 (1, l, r'') tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp)"
          using inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp_steps by auto

        then show ?thesis
          by (smt (verit) holds_for.elims(3) inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp.simps is_final_eq w_stp)
      ultimately show ?thesis by auto

(* Total correctness of tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left for DO NOTHING path *)

(* Assemble a lexicographic measure function  for the DO NOTHING path *)

definition measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp :: "(config × config) set"
    "measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp = measures [
      λ(s, l, r). (if s = 0 then 0 else 5 - s)

lemma wf_measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp: "wf measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp"
  unfolding measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp_def
  by (auto)

lemma measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp_induct [case_names Step]: 
  "n. ¬ P (f n)  (f (Suc n), (f n))  measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp  n. P (f n)"
  using wf_measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp
  by (metis wf_iff_no_infinite_down_chain)

lemma tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp_halts:
  "stp. is_final (steps0 (1, [], r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp)"
proof (induct rule: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp_induct)
  case (Step stp)
  then have not_final: "¬ is_final (steps0 (1, [], r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp)" .

  have INV: "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp r (steps0 (1, [], r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp)"
  proof (rule_tac inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp_steps)
    show  "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp r (1, [], r)"
      by (simp add: tape_of_list_def tape_of_nat_def  )

  have SUC_STEP_RED: "steps0 (1, [], r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =
        step0 (steps0 (1, [], r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"
    by (rule step_red)

  show "( steps0 (1, [], r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp),
          steps0 (1, [], r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp
        )  measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp"

  proof (cases "steps0 (1, [], r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp")
    case (fields s l r2)
    then have
      cf_cases: "steps0 (1, [], r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp = (s, l, r2)" .
    show ?thesis
    proof (rule tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp_cases)
      from INV and cf_cases
      show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp r (s, l, r2)" by auto
      assume "s=0" (* not possible *)
      with cf_cases not_final
      show ?thesis by auto
      assume "s=1"
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases r)
        case Nil
        then have "r = []" .
        from cf_cases and s=1
        have "steps0 (1, [], r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp = (1, l, r2)"
          by auto
        with cf_cases  and s=1 and INV
        have "l = []  r = r2"
          by auto          
        with cf_cases and s=1 and SUC_STEP_RED
        have "steps0 (1, [], r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =
                step0 (1, [],  r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"
          by auto
        also with r = [] and l = []  r = r2 have "... = (2,[],Bk#r2)"
          by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)

        finally have "steps0 (1, [], r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =  (2,[],Bk#r2)"
          by auto

        with steps0 (1, [], r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp = (1, l, r2)
        show ?thesis
          by (auto simp add: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp_def)
        case (Cons a rs)
        then have "r = a # rs" .
        then show ?thesis
        proof (cases a)
          case Bk
          then have "a = Bk" .
          from cf_cases and s=1
          have "steps0 (1, [], r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp = (1, l, r2)"
            by auto
          with cf_cases  and s=1 and INV
          have "l = []  r = r2"
            by auto          
          with cf_cases and s=1 and SUC_STEP_RED
          have "steps0 (1, [], r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =
                step0 (1, [],  r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"
            by auto
          also with r = a # rs and a=Bk and l = []  r = r2 have "... = (2,[],Bk#r2)"
            by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)

          finally have "steps0 (1, [], r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =  (2,[],Bk#r2)"
            by auto

          with steps0 (1, [], r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp = (1, l, r2)
          show ?thesis
            by (auto simp add: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp_def)
          case Oc
          then have "a = Oc" .
          from cf_cases and s=1
          have "steps0 (1, [], r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp = (1, l, r2)"
            by auto
          with cf_cases  and s=1 and INV
          have "l = []  r = r2"
            by auto          
          with cf_cases and s=1 and SUC_STEP_RED
          have "steps0 (1, [], r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =
                step0 (1, [],  r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"
            by auto
          also with r = a # rs and a=Oc and l = []  r = r2 have "... = (2,[],Bk#r2)"
            by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)

          finally have "steps0 (1, [], r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =  (2,[],Bk#r2)"
            by auto

          with steps0 (1, [], r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp = (1, l, r2)
          show ?thesis
            by (auto simp add: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp_def)
      assume "s=2"
      with cf_cases
      have "steps0 (1, [], r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp = (2, l, r2)"
        by auto

      with cf_cases  and s=2 and INV
      have "(l = []        r2 = Bk#r)"
        by auto      

      with cf_cases and s=2 and SUC_STEP_RED
      have "steps0 (1, [], r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =
                step0 (2, l,  r2) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"
        by auto

      also with s=2 and (l = []        r2 = Bk#r) have "... = (3,[],Bk#r2)"
        by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)

      finally have "steps0 (1, [], r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =  (3,[],Bk#r2)"
        by auto

      with steps0 (1, [], r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp = (2, l, r2)
      show ?thesis
        by (auto simp add: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp_def)
      assume "s=3"
      with cf_cases
      have "steps0 (1, [], r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp = (3, l, r2)"
        by auto

      with cf_cases  and s=3 and INV
      have "(l = []        r2 = Bk#Bk#r)"
        by auto      

      with cf_cases and s=3 and SUC_STEP_RED
      have "steps0 (1, [], r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =
                step0 (3, l,  r2) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"
        by auto

      also with s=3 and (l = []        r2 = Bk#Bk#r) have "... = (4,[Bk],Bk#r)"
        by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)

      finally have "steps0 (1, [], r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =  (4,[Bk],Bk#r)"
        by auto

      with steps0 (1, [], r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp = (3, l, r2)
      show ?thesis
        by (auto simp add: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp_def)
      assume "s=4"
      with cf_cases
      have "steps0 (1, [], r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp = (4, l, r2)"
        by auto

      with cf_cases  and s=4 and INV
      have "(l = [Bk]        r2 = Bk#r)"
        by auto      

      with cf_cases and s=4 and SUC_STEP_RED
      have "steps0 (1, [], r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =
                step0 (4, l,  r2) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"
        by auto

      also with s=4 and (l = [Bk]        r2 = Bk#r) have "... = (0,[Bk,Bk],r)"
        by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)

      finally have "steps0 (1, [], r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =  (0,[Bk,Bk],r)"
        by auto

      with steps0 (1, [], r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp = (4, l, r2)
      show ?thesis
        by (auto simp add: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp_def)

lemma tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp_total_correctness:
 " λtap. tap = ([], r )  
   λtap. tap = ([Bk,Bk], r ) "
proof (rule tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp_partial_correctness)
  show "stp. is_final (steps0 (1, [], r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp)"
    using  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp_halts by auto

(* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* ERASE path tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp                     *)
(* Sequence of states on the      ERASE path: 1,2,3 then 5...        *)
(* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 *        ⦃ λtap. tap = (Bk# rev(<hd nl>), <tl nl>) ⦄ 
 *          tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left
 *        ⦃ λtap. ∃rex. tap = ([], [Bk,Bk] @ (<hd nl>) @ [Bk] @ Bk ↑ rex ) ⦄"

(* Definition of invariants for the ERASE path: had to split definitions *)

fun inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s1  :: "(cell list)  (cell list)  tape  bool"
    "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s1  CL CR (l, r) =
        (l = [Bk,Oc] @ CL  r = CR)"
fun inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s2  :: "(cell list)  (cell list)  tape  bool"
    "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s2  CL CR (l, r) = 
        (l = [Oc]    @ CL  r = Bk#CR)"
fun inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s3  :: "(cell list)  (cell list)  tape  bool"
    "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s3  CL CR (l, r) = 
        (l =           CL  r = Oc#Bk#CR)"

fun inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s5  :: "(cell list)  (cell list)  tape  bool"
    "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s5  CL CR (l, r) = 
        (l = [Oc]    @ CL  r = Bk#CR)"

fun inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s6  :: "(cell list)  (cell list)  tape  bool"
    "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s6  CL CR (l, r) =
        (l = [Bk,Oc] @ CL  ( (CR = []  r = CR)  (CR  []  (r = CR  r = Bk # tl CR)) )  )"

(* ENHANCE: simplify invariant of s6 (simpler to use for proof by cases

    "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s6  CL CR (l, r) =
         (l = [Bk,Oc] @ CL ∧ CR = [] ∧ r = CR ∨
          l = [Bk,Oc] @ CL ∧ CR ≠ [] ∧ r = Oc # tl CR ∨
          l = [Bk,Oc] @ CL ∧ CR ≠ [] ∧ r = Bk # tl CR   )"

fun inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s7  :: "(cell list)  (cell list)  tape  bool"
    "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s7  CL CR (l, r) =
        ((lex. l = Bk  Suc lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL)  (rs. CR = rs @ r) )"

fun inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s8  :: "(cell list)  (cell list)  tape  bool"
    "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s8  CL CR (l, r) = 
        ((lex. l = Bk  Suc lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL) 
         (rs1 rs2. CR = rs1 @ [Oc] @ rs2  r = Bk#rs2) )"

fun inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s9  :: "(cell list)  (cell list)  tape  bool"
    "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s9  CL CR (l, r) = 
        ((lex. l = Bk  Suc lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL)  (rs. CR = rs @ [Bk] @ r  CR = rs  r = []) )"

fun inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s10 :: "(cell list)  (cell list)  tape  bool"
    "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s10  CL CR (l, r) = 
          (lex rex. l = Bk  lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL  r = Bk  Suc rex) 
          (rex. l = [Oc] @ CL  r = Bk  Suc rex) 
          (rex. l = CL  r = Oc # Bk  Suc rex)

fun inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s11 :: "(cell list)  (cell list)  tape  bool"
    "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s11  CL CR (l, r) = 
          (rex.         l = []          r = Bk# rev CL    @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  (CL = []  last CL = Oc))              

          (rex.         l = []          r = rev CL        @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL  []  last CL = Bk ) 
          (rex.         l = []          r = rev CL        @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL  []  last CL = Oc ) 

          (rex.         l = [Bk]        r = rev [Oc]      @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = [Oc, Bk]) 

          (rex ls1 ls2. l = Bk#Oc#ls2   r = rev ls1       @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = ls1 @ Bk#Oc#ls2  ls1 = [Oc] ) 
          (rex ls1 ls2. l =    Oc#ls2   r = rev ls1       @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = ls1 @ Oc#ls2     ls1 = [Bk] ) 
          (rex ls1 ls2. l =    Oc#ls2   r = rev ls1       @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = ls1 @ Oc#ls2     ls1 = [Oc] ) 

          (rex ls1 ls2. l =       ls2   r = rev ls1       @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = ls1 @ ls2        tl ls1  [])



YYYY1'    (∃rex.         l =        []  ∧ r = Bk# rev CL    @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex ∧ (CL = [] ∨ last CL = Oc) ) ∨       (s11 ⟶ s11)                  

YYYY2'    (∃rex.         l =        []  ∧ r = rev CL        @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex ∧ CL ≠ []  ∧ last CL = Bk) ∨  (s11 ⟶ s11)
YYYY2''   (∃rex.         l =        []  ∧ r = rev CL        @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex ∧ CL ≠ []  ∧ last CL = Oc) ∨  (s11 ⟶ s11)

YYYY5     (∃rex.         l =      [Bk]  ∧ r = rev [Oc] @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex ∧ CL = [Oc, Bk]) ∨            (s10 ⟶ s11)

YYYY6     (∃rex ls1 ls2. l = Bk#Oc#ls2  ∧ r = rev ls1       @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex ∧ CL = ls1 @ Bk#Oc#ls2 ∧ ls1 = [Oc] ) ∨                           (s10 ⟶ s11)
YYYY3     (∃rex ls1 ls2. l =    Oc#ls2  ∧ r = rev ls1       @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex ∧ CL = ls1 @ Oc#ls2    ∧ ls1 = [Bk] ) ∨                           (s10 ⟶ s11)
YYYY7     (∃rex ls1 ls2. l =    Oc#ls2  ∧ r = rev ls1       @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex ∧ CL = ls1 @ Oc#ls2    ∧ ls1 = [Oc] ) ∨                           (s10 ⟶ s11)
YYYY8     (∃rex ls1 ls2. l =       ls2  ∧ r = rev ls1       @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex ∧ CL = ls1 @ ls2       ∧ tl ls1 ≠ [])              (s11 ⟶ s11)


fun inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s12 :: "(cell list)  (cell list)  tape  bool"
    "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s12  CL CR (l, r) = 
          (rex ls1 ls2. l = ls2  r = rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = ls1 @ ls2   tl ls1  []  last ls1 = Oc) 

          (rex. l = []   r = Bk#rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL  []  last CL = Bk) 
          (rex. l = []   r = Bk#Bk#rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  (CL = []  last CL = Oc) ) 

     YYYY4      (∃rex ls1 ls2. l = ls2 ∧ r = rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex ∧ CL = ls1 @ ls2  ∧ tl ls1 ≠ [] ∧ last ls1 = Oc)

     YYYY6'''   (∃rex. l = []  ∧ r = Bk#rev CL @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex ∧ CL ≠ [] ∧ last CL = Bk)

     YYYY9      (∃rex. l = []  ∧ r = Bk#Bk#rev CL @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex) ∨


fun inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s0  :: "(cell list)  (cell list)  tape  bool"
    "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s0  CL CR (l, r) =
        (rex. l = []   r = [Bk, Bk] @ (rev CL) @ [Oc, Bk] @ Bk  rex  (CL = []  last CL = Oc)  ) 
        (rex. l = []   r = [Bk]     @ (rev CL) @ [Oc, Bk] @ Bk  rex   CL  []  last CL = Bk )

fun inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp :: "(cell list)  (cell list)  config  bool"
    "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (s, tap) = 
        (if s = 0 then inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s0 CL CR tap else
         if s = 1 then inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s1 CL CR tap else
         if s = 2 then inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s2 CL CR tap else
         if s = 3 then inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s3 CL CR tap else
         if s = 5 then inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s5 CL CR tap else
         if s = 6 then inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s6 CL CR tap else
         if s = 7 then inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s7 CL CR tap else
         if s = 8 then inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s8 CL CR tap else
         if s = 9 then inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s9 CL CR tap else
         if s = 10 then inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s10 CL CR tap else
         if s = 11 then inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s11 CL CR tap else
         if s = 12 then inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s12 CL CR tap
         else False)"

lemma tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_cases: 
  fixes s::nat
  assumes "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (s,l,r)"
    and "s=0  P"
    and "s=1  P"
    and "s=2  P"
    and "s=3  P"
    and "s=5  P"
    and "s=6  P"
    and "s=7  P"
    and "s=8  P"
    and "s=9  P"
    and "s=10  P"
    and "s=11  P"
    and "s=12  P"
  shows "P"
proof -
  have "s < 4  4 < s  s < 13"
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume "¬ (s < 4  4 < s  s < 13)"
    with inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (s,l,r) show False by auto
  then have "s = 0  s = 1  s = 2  s = 3   s = 5   s = 6  s = 7 
             s = 8  s = 9  s = 10  s = 11  s = 12"
    by arith
  with assms show ?thesis by auto

(* -------------- step - lemma for the invariants of the ERASE path of tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left ------------------ *)

lemma inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_step: 
  assumes "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR cf"
    and "noDblBk CL"
    and "noDblBk CR"
  shows "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (step0 cf tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left)"
proof (cases cf)
  case (fields s l r)
  then have cf_cases: "cf = (s, l, r)" .
  show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (step0 cf tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left)"
  proof (rule tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_cases)
    from cf_cases and assms
    show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (s, l, r)" by auto
    assume "s = 1"
    with cf_cases and assms
    have "(l = [Bk,Oc] @ CL  r = CR)" by auto
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases r)
      case Nil
      then have "r = []" .
      with assms and cf_cases and s = 1 show ?thesis
        by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps)
      case (Cons a rs)
      then have "r = a # rs" .
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases a)
        case Bk
        with assms and cf_cases and r = a # rs and s = 1 show ?thesis
          by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps)
        case Oc
        with assms and cf_cases and r = a # rs and s = 1 show ?thesis
          by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps)
    assume "s = 2"
    with cf_cases and assms
    have "l = [Oc] @ CL  r = Bk#CR" by auto

    then have "step0 (2, [Oc]    @ CL, Bk#CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left = (3, CL, Oc# Bk # CR)"
      by (simp add:  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)

    moreover have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (3, CL, Oc# Bk # CR)"
      by auto

    ultimately show ?thesis
      using  assms and cf_cases and s = 2 and l = [Oc] @ CL  r = Bk#CR
      by auto
    assume "s = 3"
    with cf_cases and assms
    have "l = CL  r = Oc#Bk#CR" by auto

    then have "step0 (3, CL, Oc#Bk#CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left = (5, Oc#CL, Bk # CR)"
      by (simp add:  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)

    moreover have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (5, Oc#CL, Bk # CR)"
      by auto
    ultimately show ?thesis
      using  assms and cf_cases and s = 3 and l = CL  r = Oc#Bk#CR
      by auto
    assume "s = 5"
    with cf_cases and assms
    have "l = [Oc] @ CL  r = Bk#CR" by auto

    then have "step0 (5, [Oc] @ CL, Bk#CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left = (6, Bk#Oc#CL, CR)"
      by (simp add:  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)

    moreover have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (6, Bk#Oc#CL, CR)"
    proof (cases CR)
      case Nil
      then show ?thesis by auto
      case (Cons a cs)
      then have "CR = a # cs" .

      with l = [Oc] @ CL  r = Bk#CR and s = 5 and CR = a # cs
      have  "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s6 CL CR (Bk#Oc#CL, CR)"        
        by simp
      with s=5 
      show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (6, Bk#Oc#CL, CR)"
        by auto     
    ultimately show ?thesis
      using  assms and cf_cases and s = 5 and l = [Oc] @ CL  r = Bk#CR
      by auto
    assume "s = 6"
    with cf_cases and assms
    have "l = [Bk,Oc] @ CL" and "( (CR = []  r = CR)  (CR  []  (r = CR  r = Bk # tl CR)) )"
      by auto
    from ( (CR = []  r = CR)  (CR  []  (r = CR  r = Bk # tl CR)) ) show ?thesis
      assume "CR = []  r = CR"
      have "step0 (6, [Bk,Oc] @ CL, []) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left = (7, Bk  Suc 0 @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, [])"
        by (simp add:  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)

      moreover have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (7, Bk  Suc 0 @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, [])"
        by auto
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using  assms and cf_cases and s = 6 and l = [Bk,Oc] @ CL and CR = []  r = CR
        by auto
      assume "CR  []  (r = CR  r = Bk # tl CR)"
      then have "CR  []" and "r = CR  r = Bk # tl CR" by auto
      from r = CR  r = Bk # tl CR
      show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (step0 cf tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left)"
        assume "r = CR"
        show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (step0 cf tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left)"
        proof (cases r)
          case Nil
          then have "r = []" .
          then have "step0 (6, [Bk,Oc] @ CL, []) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left = (7, Bk  Suc 0 @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, [])"
            by (simp add:  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)

          moreover have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (7, Bk  Suc 0 @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, [])"
            by auto
          ultimately show ?thesis
            using  assms and cf_cases and s = 6 and l = [Bk,Oc] @ CL and r = [] 
            by auto
          case (Cons a rs')
          then have "r = a # rs'" .
          with r = CR  have "r = a # tl CR" by auto
          show ?thesis
          proof (cases a)
            case Bk
            then have "a = Bk" .
            then have "step0 (6, [Bk,Oc] @ CL, Bk # tl CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left = (7, Bk  Suc 0 @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, tl CR)"
              by (simp add:  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)

            moreover have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (7, Bk  Suc 0 @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, tl CR)"
            proof -
              from CR  [] and r = CR and a = Bk and r = a # tl CR and l = [Bk,Oc] @ CL 
              have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s7 CL CR (Bk  Suc 0 @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, tl CR)"                
                by (metis append.left_neutral append_Cons  empty_replicate inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s7.simps
                    replicate_Suc )
              then show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (7, Bk  Suc 0 @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, tl CR)" by auto
            ultimately show ?thesis
              using CR  [] and r = CR and a = Bk and r = a # tl CR and l = [Bk,Oc] @ CL and s = 6 and cf_cases
              by auto
            case Oc
            then have "a = Oc" .
            then have "step0 (6, [Bk,Oc] @ CL, Oc # rs') tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left = (6, [Bk,Oc] @ CL, Bk # rs')"
              by (simp add:  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)

            moreover have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (6, [Bk,Oc] @ CL, Bk # rs')"
            proof -
              from CR  [] and r = CR and a = Oc and r = a # tl CR and l = [Bk,Oc] @ CL 
              have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s6 CL CR ([Bk,Oc] @ CL, Bk # rs')"
                using inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s6.simps list.sel(3) local.Cons by blast
              then show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (6, [Bk,Oc] @ CL, Bk # rs')"
                by auto
            ultimately show ?thesis
              using CR  [] and r = CR and a = Oc and r = a # tl CR and l = [Bk,Oc] @ CL and s = 6 and cf_cases
              by auto
        assume "r = Bk # tl CR"

        have "step0 (6, [Bk,Oc] @ CL, Bk # tl CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left = (7, Bk  Suc 0 @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, tl CR)"
          by (simp add:  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)

        moreover with CR  [] and r = Bk # tl CR
        have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (7, Bk  Suc 0 @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, tl CR)"
        proof -
          have "(lex. Bk  Suc 0 @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL = Bk  Suc lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL) " by blast
          moreover with CR  [] have "(rs. CR = rs @ tl CR)"
            by (metis append_Cons append_Nil list.exhaust list.sel(3))
          show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (7, Bk  Suc 0 @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, tl CR)"
            by auto
        ultimately show ?thesis
          using  assms and cf_cases and s = 6 and CR  [] and r = Bk # tl CR and l = [Bk,Oc] @ CL and cf_cases        
          by auto
    assume "s = 7"
    with cf_cases and assms
    have "(lex. l = Bk  Suc lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL)  (rs. CR = rs @ r)" by auto
    then obtain lex rs where
      w_lex_rs: "l = Bk  Suc lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL  CR = rs @ r" by blast
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases r)
      case Nil
      then have "r=[]" .
      with w_lex_rs have "CR = rs" by auto
      have "step0 (7, Bk  Suc lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, []) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left =
             (9, Bk  Suc (Suc lex) @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, [])"
        by (simp add:  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)
      moreover with CR = rs
      have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (9, Bk  Suc (Suc lex) @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, [])"
      proof -
        have "(lex'. Bk  Suc (Suc lex) @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL = Bk  Suc lex' @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL)" by blast
        moreover have "rs. CR = rs" by auto
        show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (9, Bk  Suc (Suc lex) @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, [])"
          by auto
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using  assms and cf_cases and s = 7 and w_lex_rs and CR = rs and r=[]
        by auto
      case (Cons a rs')
      then have "r = a # rs'" .
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases a)
        case Bk
        then have "a = Bk" .
        with w_lex_rs and r = a # rs' have "CR = rs@(Bk#rs')" by auto

        have "step0 (7, Bk  Suc lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, Bk#rs') tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left = (9, Bk  Suc (Suc lex) @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, rs')"
          by (simp add:  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)
        moreover with CR = rs@(Bk#rs')
        have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (9, Bk  Suc (Suc lex) @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, rs')"
        proof -
          have "(lex'. Bk  Suc (Suc lex) @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL = Bk  Suc lex' @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL)" by blast
          moreover with r = a # rs' and a = Bk and CR = rs@(Bk#rs') have "rs. CR = rs @ [Bk] @ rs'" by auto
          show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (9, Bk  Suc (Suc lex) @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, rs')"
            by auto
        ultimately show ?thesis
          using  assms and cf_cases and s = 7 and w_lex_rs and a = Bk and r = a # rs'
          by simp
        case Oc
        then have "a = Oc" .
        with w_lex_rs and r = a # rs' have "CR = rs@(Oc#rs')" by auto

        have "step0 (7, Bk  Suc lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, Oc#rs') tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left = (8, Bk  Suc lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, Bk#rs')"
          by (simp add:  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)
        have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (8, Bk  Suc lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, Bk#rs')"
        proof -
          have "(lex'. Bk  Suc lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL = Bk  Suc lex' @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL)" by blast
          moreover with r = a # rs' and a = Oc and CR = rs@(Oc#rs')         
          have "rs1 rs2. CR = rs1 @ [Oc] @ rs2  Bk#rs' = Bk#rs2" by auto
          show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (8, Bk  Suc lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, Bk#rs')"
            by auto
        ultimately show ?thesis
          using  assms and cf_cases and s = 7 and w_lex_rs and a = Oc and r = a # rs'
          by simp
    assume "s = 8"
    with cf_cases and assms
    have "((lex. l = Bk  Suc lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL)  (rs1 rs2. CR = rs1 @ [Oc] @ rs2  r = Bk#rs2) )" by auto
    then obtain lex rs1 rs2 where
      w_lex_rs1_rs2: "l = Bk  Suc lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL  CR = rs1 @ [Oc] @ rs2  r = Bk#rs2"
      by blast
    have "step0 (8, Bk  Suc lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, Bk#rs2) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left = (7, Bk  Suc (Suc lex) @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, rs2)"
      by (simp add:  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)

    moreover have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (7, Bk  Suc (Suc lex) @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, rs2)"
    proof -
      have "(lex'. Bk  Suc (Suc lex) @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL = Bk  Suc lex' @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL)" by blast
      moreover have "rs. CR = rs @ []" by auto
      show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (7, Bk  Suc (Suc lex) @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, rs2)"
        using w_lex_rs1_rs2
        by auto
    ultimately show ?thesis
      using  assms and cf_cases and s = 8 and w_lex_rs1_rs2
      by auto
    assume "s = 9"
    with cf_cases and assms
    have "(lex. l = Bk  Suc lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL)  (rs. CR = rs @ [Bk] @ r  CR = rs  r = [])" by auto
    then obtain lex rs where
      w_lex_rs: "l = Bk  Suc lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL  (CR = rs @ [Bk] @ r  CR = rs  r = [])" by blast

    then have "CR = rs @ [Bk] @ r  CR = rs  r = []" by auto
    then show ?thesis
      assume "CR = rs  r = []"
      have "step0 (9, Bk  Suc lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, []) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left
                = (10, Bk  lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, [Bk])"
        by (simp add:  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)
      moreover with CR = rs  r = []
      have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (10, Bk  lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, [Bk])"
      proof -
        from w_lex_rs and CR = rs  r = []
        have "lex' rex.  Bk  lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL = Bk  lex' @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL  [Bk] = Bk  Suc rex"
          by (simp)
        then show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (10, Bk  lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, [Bk])"
          by auto
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using  assms and cf_cases and s = 9 and w_lex_rs and CR = rs  r = []
        by auto
      assume "CR = rs @ [Bk] @ r"
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases r)
        case Nil
        then have "r=[]" .
        have "step0 (9, Bk  Suc lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, []) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left
                = (10, Bk  lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, [Bk])"
          by (simp add:  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)
        moreover with CR = rs @ [Bk] @ r
        have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (10, Bk  lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, [Bk])"
        proof -
          from w_lex_rs and CR = rs @ [Bk] @ r
          have "lex' rex.  Bk  lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL = Bk  lex' @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL  [Bk] = Bk  Suc rex"
            by (simp)
          with s=9 show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (10, Bk  lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, [Bk])"
            by auto
        ultimately show ?thesis
          using  assms and cf_cases and s = 9 and w_lex_rs and r=[]
          by auto
        case (Cons a rs')
        then have "r = a # rs'" .
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases a)
          case Bk
          then have "a = Bk" .
          with CR = rs @ [Bk] @ r and r = a # rs' have "CR = rs @ [Bk] @ Bk # rs'" by auto
          moreover from assms  have "noDblBk CR" by auto
          ultimately have False using hasDblBk_L1 by auto
          then show ?thesis by auto
          case Oc
          then have "a = Oc" .
          with CR = rs @ [Bk] @ r and r = a # rs' have "CR = rs @ [Bk] @ Oc # rs'" by auto

          have "step0 (9, Bk  Suc lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, Oc # rs') tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left
                = (8, Bk  Suc lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, Bk # rs')"
            by (simp add:  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)

          have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (8, Bk  Suc lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, Bk # rs')"
          proof -
            have "(lex'. Bk  Suc lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL = Bk  Suc lex' @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL)" by blast
            moreover with r = a # rs' and a = Oc and CR = rs @ [Bk] @ Oc # rs'         
            have "rs1 rs2. CR = rs1 @ [Oc] @ rs2  Bk#rs' = Bk#rs2" by auto
            show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (8, Bk  Suc lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, Bk#rs')"
              by auto
          ultimately show ?thesis
            using  assms and cf_cases and s = 9 and w_lex_rs and a = Oc and r = a # rs'
            by simp
    assume "s = 10"
    with cf_cases and assms
    have "(lex rex. l = Bk  lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL  r = Bk  Suc rex) 
          (rex. l = [Oc] @ CL  r = Bk  Suc rex) 
          (rex. l = CL  r = Oc # Bk  Suc rex)" by auto
    then obtain lex rex where
      w_lex_rex: "l = Bk  lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL  r = Bk  Suc rex 
                  l = [Oc] @ CL  r = Bk  Suc rex 
                  l = CL  r = Oc # Bk  Suc rex" by blast
    then show ?thesis
      assume "l = Bk  lex @ [Bk, Oc] @ CL  r = Bk  Suc rex"
      then have "l = Bk  lex @ [Bk, Oc] @ CL" and "r = Bk  Suc rex" by auto
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases lex)
        case 0
        with l = Bk  lex @ [Bk, Oc] @ CL have "l = [Bk, Oc] @ CL" by auto
        have "step0 (10, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, Bk  Suc rex) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left
                 = (10, [Oc] @ CL, Bk  Suc (Suc rex))"
          by (simp add:  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)
        have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (10, [Oc] @ CL, Bk  Suc (Suc rex))"
        proof -
          from l = [Bk, Oc] @ CL and r = Bk  Suc rex
          have "rex'. [Oc] @ CL = [Oc] @ CL  Bk  Suc (Suc rex) = Bk  Suc rex'"
            by blast
          with l = [Bk, Oc] @ CL
          show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (10, [Oc] @ CL, Bk  Suc (Suc rex))"    
            by auto
        ultimately show ?thesis
          using  assms and cf_cases and s = 10 and  l = [Bk, Oc] @ CL and r = Bk  Suc rex
          by auto
        case (Suc nat)
        then have "lex = Suc nat" .
        with l = Bk  lex @ [Bk, Oc] @ CL have "l= Bk  Suc nat @ [Bk, Oc] @ CL" by auto
        have "step0 (10, Bk  Suc nat @ [Bk, Oc] @ CL, Bk  Suc rex) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left
                 = (10, Bk  nat @ [Bk, Oc] @ CL, Bk  Suc (Suc rex))"
          by (simp add:  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)
        have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (10, Bk  nat @ [Bk, Oc] @ CL, Bk  Suc (Suc rex))"
        proof -
          from l= Bk  Suc nat @ [Bk, Oc] @ CL and r = Bk  Suc rex
          have  "lex' rex'. Bk  Suc nat @ [Bk, Oc] @ CL = Bk  lex' @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL  Bk  Suc (Suc rex) = Bk  Suc rex'"
            by blast
          with l= Bk  Suc nat @ [Bk, Oc] @ CL
          show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (10, Bk  nat @ [Bk, Oc] @ CL, Bk  Suc (Suc rex))"
            by auto
        ultimately show ?thesis
          using  assms and cf_cases and s = 10 and l= Bk  Suc nat @ [Bk, Oc] @ CL and r = Bk  Suc rex
          by auto
      assume "l = [Oc] @ CL  r = Bk  Suc rex  l = CL  r = Oc # Bk  Suc rex"
      then show ?thesis
        assume "l = [Oc] @ CL  r = Bk  Suc rex"
        then have "l = [Oc] @ CL" and "r = Bk  Suc rex" by auto

        have "step0 (10, [Oc] @ CL, Bk  Suc rex) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left
                 = (10, CL, Oc# Bk  (Suc rex))"
          by (simp add:  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)
        have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (10, CL, Oc# Bk  (Suc rex))"
        proof -
          from l = [Oc] @ CL and r = Bk  Suc rex
          have "rex'. [Oc] @ CL = [Oc] @ CL  Bk  Suc rex = Bk  Suc rex'"
            by blast
          with l = [Oc] @ CL
          show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (10, CL, Oc# Bk  (Suc rex))"    
            by auto
        ultimately show ?thesis
          using  assms and cf_cases and s = 10 and  l = [Oc] @ CL and r = Bk  Suc rex
          by auto
        assume "l = CL  r = Oc # Bk  Suc rex"
        then have "l = CL" and "r = Oc # Bk  Suc rex" by auto
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases CL) (* here, we start decomposing CL in the loop 'move to left until Oc *)
          case Nil
          then have "CL = []" .
          with l = CL have "l = []" by auto
          have "step0 (10, [], Oc # Bk  Suc rex) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left
                 = (11, [], Bk#Oc# Bk  (Suc rex))"
            by (simp add:  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)
          have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (11, [], Bk#Oc# Bk  (Suc rex))"
          proof -
            (* Special case: CL = [] 
               from call (1, [Oc, Bk], []) we get 11: [] _11_ [Bk,Oc,Bk,Bk,Bk]

               YYYY1' "∃rex'. ] = [] ∧ Bk# Oc# Bk ↑ Suc rex = [Bk] @ rev CL @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex' ∧ (CL = [] ∨ last CL = Oc)" 
            from CL = []
            have "rex'. [] = []  Bk# Oc# Bk  Suc rex = [Bk] @ rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex'  (CL = []  last CL = Oc)"
              by auto           
            with l = []
            show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (11, [], Bk#Oc# Bk  (Suc rex))"    
              by auto
          ultimately show ?thesis
            using  assms and cf_cases and s = 10 and  l = [] and r = Oc # Bk  Suc rex
            by auto
          case (Cons a cls)
          then have "CL = a # cls" .
          with l = CL have "l =  a # cls" by auto
          then show ?thesis
          proof (cases a)
            case Bk
            then have "a = Bk" .
            with l =  a # cls have "l =  Bk # cls" by auto
            with a = Bk CL = a # cls have "CL = Bk # cls" by auto

            have "step0 (10,  Bk # cls, Oc # Bk  Suc rex) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left
                 = (11, cls, Bk# Oc # Bk  Suc rex)"
              by (simp add:  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)
            have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (11, cls, Bk# Oc # Bk  Suc rex)"

            proof (cases cls)
              case Nil
              then have "cls = []" .
              with CL = Bk # cls have "CL = [Bk]" by auto
                  (* Special case: CL ends with a blank 
                     from call ctxrunTM tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (1, [Bk, Oc,Bk], [Bk,Oc,Oc,Bk,Oc,Oc])
                          24: [Bk] _10_ [Oc,Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk]
                          25: [] _11_ [Bk,Oc,Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk]

                     YYYY2' "∃rex'.         [] = []  ∧     Bk# Oc# Bk ↑ Suc rex = rev CL        @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex' ∧ ∧ CL ≠ [] ∧ last CL = Bk" 

              then have "rex'. [] = []  Bk# Oc# Bk  Suc rex = rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex'  CL  []  last CL = Bk"
                by auto
              with l =  Bk # cls and cls = []
              show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (11, cls, Bk# Oc # Bk  Suc rex)"    
                by auto
              case (Cons a cls')
              then have "cls = a # cls'" .
              then show ?thesis
              proof (cases a)
                case Bk
                with CL = Bk # cls and cls = a # cls' have "CL = Bk# Bk# cls'" by auto
                with noDblBk CL have False using noDblBk_def by auto
                then show ?thesis by auto
                case Oc
                then have "a = Oc" .
                with CL = Bk # cls and cls = a # cls' and l =  Bk # cls
                have "CL = Bk# Oc# cls'  l =  Bk # Oc # cls'" by auto
                    (* from call (1, [Oc,Oc,Bk,Oc,Bk], [Oc,Oc,Oc,Bk,Oc,Oc])
                       we get 26: [Oc,Oc] _11_ [Bk,Oc,Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk]
                       YYYY3 "∃rex' ls1 ls2. Oc#cls' = Oc#ls2 ∧ Bk# Oc# Bk ↑ Suc rex = rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex' ∧
                                    CL = ls1 @ Oc#ls2    ∧ ls1 = [Bk]"
                with cls = a # cls' and a=Oc
                have "rex' ls1 ls2. Oc#cls' = Oc#ls2  Bk# Oc# Bk  Suc rex = rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex' 
                                     CL = ls1 @ Oc#ls2     ls1 = [Bk]"
                  by auto
                with cls = a # cls' and a=Oc
                show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (11, cls, Bk# Oc # Bk  Suc rex)"    
                  by auto
            ultimately show ?thesis
              using  assms and cf_cases and s = 10 and  l =  Bk # cls and r = Oc # Bk  Suc rex
              by auto
            case Oc
            then have "a = Oc" .
            with l =  a # cls have "l =  Oc # cls" by auto
            with a = Oc CL = a # cls have "CL = Oc # cls" by auto  (* a normal case *)

            have "step0 (10,  Oc # cls, Oc # Bk  Suc rex) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left
                 = (11, cls, Oc # Oc # Bk  Suc rex)"
              by (simp add:  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)
            have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (11, cls, Oc # Oc # Bk  Suc rex)"
            proof (cases cls)
              case Nil
              then have "cls = []" .
              with CL = Oc # cls have "CL = [Oc]" by auto
               (* from call (1, [Oc,Oc,Bk], [Oc,Oc,Oc,Bk,Oc,Oc])
                    we get 26: [] _11_ [Oc,Oc,Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk]

                   YYYY2''   "∃rex'. [] = [] ∧ Oc# Oc# Bk ↑ Suc rex = rev CL @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex' ∧
                                     CL ≠ [] ∧ last CL = Oc"
              then have "rex'. [] = []  Oc# Oc# Bk  Suc rex = rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex'  CL  []  last CL = Oc"
                by auto
              with l =  Oc # cls and cls = []
              show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (11, cls, Oc# Oc # Bk  Suc rex)"    
                by auto
              case (Cons a cls')
              then have "cls = a # cls'" .
              then show ?thesis
              proof (cases a)
                case Bk
                then have "a=Bk" .
                with CL = Oc # cls and cls = a # cls' and l =  Oc # cls
                have "CL = Oc# Bk# cls'" and "l =  Oc # Bk # cls'" and "CL = l" and cls = Bk # cls' by auto

                from CL = Oc# Bk# cls' and noDblBk CL
                have "cls' = []  (cls''. cls' = Oc# cls'')"
                  by (metis (full_types) CL = Oc # cls cls = Bk # cls' append_Cons append_Nil cell.exhaust hasDblBk_L1 neq_Nil_conv)

                then show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (11, cls, Oc # Oc # Bk  Suc rex)"
                  assume "cls' = []"
                  with CL = Oc# Bk# cls' and CL = l and cls = Bk # cls'
                  have "CL = Oc# Bk# []" and "l = Oc# Bk# []" and "cls = [Bk]" by auto
                      (* from call (1, [Bk,Oc,Oc,Bk], [Oc,Oc,Oc,Bk,Oc,Oc])
                        we get 26: [Bk] _11_ [Oc,Oc,Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk]

                        YYYY5 "∃rex'.     cls = [Bk] ∧ Oc# Oc# Bk ↑ Suc rex = rev [Oc] @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex' ∧ CL = [Oc, Bk]"

                  then have "rex'.     cls = [Bk]  Oc# Oc# Bk  Suc rex = rev [Oc] @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex'  CL = [Oc, Bk]"
                    by auto
                  with CL = Oc# Bk# [] show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (11, cls, Oc # Oc # Bk  Suc rex)" 
                    by auto
                  assume "cls''. cls' = Oc # cls''"
                  then obtain cls'' where "cls' = Oc # cls''" by blast
                  with CL = Oc# Bk# cls' and CL = l and cls = Bk # cls'
                  have "CL = Oc# Bk# Oc # cls''" and "l = Oc# Bk# Oc # cls''" and "cls = Bk#Oc # cls''" by auto
                      (* very special case  call (1, [*,Oc,Bk, Oc,Oc,Bk], [Oc,Oc,Oc,Bk,Oc,Oc])
                         trailing Bk on initial left tape
                         from call (1, [Oc,Bk, Oc,Oc,Bk], [Oc,Oc,Oc,Bk,Oc,Oc])
                            we get 26: [Oc,Bk] _11_ [Oc,Oc,Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk]
                         from call (1, [Oc,Oc,Bk,Oc,Bk, Oc,Oc,Bk], [Oc,Oc,Oc,Bk,Oc,Oc])
                            we get 26: [Oc,Oc,Bk,Oc,Bk] _11_ [Oc,Oc,Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk]

                        YYYY6   "∃rex' ls1 ls2. cls     = Bk#Oc#ls2  ∧ Oc# Oc# Bk ↑ Suc rex = rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex'
                                                ∧ CL = ls1 @ Bk#Oc#ls2 ∧ ls1 = [Oc]"
                  then have "rex' ls1 ls2. cls     = Bk#Oc#ls2   Oc# Oc# Bk  Suc rex = rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex'
                                                 CL = ls1 @ Bk#Oc#ls2  ls1 = [Oc]"
                    by auto
                  then show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (11, cls, Oc # Oc # Bk  Suc rex)"
                    by auto

                case Oc
                then have "a=Oc" .
                with CL = Oc # cls and cls = a # cls' and l =  Oc # cls
                have "CL = Oc# Oc# cls'" and "l =  Oc # Oc # cls'" and "CL = l" and cls = Oc # cls' by auto
                (* We know more : ls1 = [Oc]
                   YYYY7   "∃rex' ls1 ls2. cls = Oc#ls2 ∧ Oc# Oc# Bk ↑ Suc rex = rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex' ∧
                                           CL = ls1 @ Oc#ls2    ∧ ls1 = [Oc]"

                           "∃rex' ls1 ls2. cls = Oc#ls2 ∧ Oc# Oc# Bk ↑ Suc rex = rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex' ∧
                                           CL = ls1 @ Oc#ls2    ∧ ls1 = [Oc]"
                then have "rex' ls1 ls2. cls = Oc#ls2  Oc# Oc# Bk  Suc rex = rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex' 
                                           CL = ls1 @ Oc#ls2     ls1 = [Oc]"
                  by auto
                then show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (11, cls, Oc # Oc # Bk  Suc rex)"
                  by auto
            ultimately show ?thesis
              using  assms and cf_cases and s = 10 and  l =  Oc # cls and r = Oc # Bk  Suc rex
              by auto
    assume "s = 11"
    with cf_cases and assms
    have "(rex.         l = []          r = Bk# rev CL    @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  (CL = []  last CL = Oc))              
          (rex.         l = []          r = rev CL        @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL  []  last CL = Bk ) 
          (rex.         l = []          r = rev CL        @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL  []  last CL = Oc ) 

          (rex.         l = [Bk]        r = rev [Oc]      @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = [Oc, Bk]) 

          (rex ls1 ls2. l = Bk#Oc#ls2   r = rev ls1       @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = ls1 @ Bk#Oc#ls2  ls1 = [Oc] ) 
          (rex ls1 ls2. l =    Oc#ls2   r = rev ls1       @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = ls1 @ Oc#ls2     ls1 = [Bk] ) 
          (rex ls1 ls2. l =    Oc#ls2   r = rev ls1       @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = ls1 @ Oc#ls2     ls1 = [Oc] ) 
          (rex ls1 ls2. l =       ls2   r = rev ls1       @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = ls1 @ ls2        tl ls1  [])"
      by auto

    then have s11_cases:
      "P.  rex.         l = []          r = Bk# rev CL    @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  (CL = []  last CL = Oc)  P;
             rex.         l = []          r = rev CL        @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL  []  last CL = Bk  P;
             rex.         l = []          r = rev CL        @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL  []  last CL = Oc  P;

             rex.         l = [Bk]        r = rev [Oc]      @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = [Oc, Bk]  P;

             rex ls1 ls2. l = Bk#Oc#ls2   r = rev ls1       @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = ls1 @ Bk#Oc#ls2  ls1 = [Oc]  P;
             rex ls1 ls2. l =    Oc#ls2   r = rev ls1       @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = ls1 @ Oc#ls2     ls1 = [Bk]  P;
             rex ls1 ls2. l =    Oc#ls2   r = rev ls1       @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = ls1 @ Oc#ls2     ls1 = [Oc]  P;

             rex ls1 ls2. l =       ls2   r = rev ls1       @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = ls1 @ ls2        tl ls1  []  P
      by blast

    show ?thesis
    proof (rule s11_cases)
      assume "rex ls1 ls2. l = Bk # Oc # ls2  r = rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = ls1 @ Bk # Oc # ls2  ls1 = [Oc]"
      then obtain rex ls1 ls2 where A_case: "l = Bk#Oc#ls2   r = rev ls1       @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = ls1 @ Bk#Oc#ls2  ls1 = [Oc]" by blast

      then have "step0 (11,  Bk # Oc # ls2, r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left
                 = (11, Oc # ls2, Bk # r)"
        by (simp add:  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)

      have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (11, Oc # ls2, Bk # r)"
      proof -         
        from A_case   (* YYYY8 *)
        have "rex' ls1' ls2'. Oc#ls2 = ls2'   Bk# Oc# Oc# Bk  Suc rex' = rev ls1' @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex' 
                                         CL = ls1' @ ls2'  tl ls1'  []"
          by force
        with A_case
        show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (11, Oc # ls2, Bk # r)"
          by auto
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using  assms and cf_cases and s = 11 and A_case
        by simp
      assume "rex ls1 ls2. l = Oc # ls2  r = rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = ls1 @ Oc # ls2  ls1 = [Oc]"
      then obtain rex ls1 ls2 where
        A_case: "l = Oc # ls2  r = rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = ls1 @ Oc # ls2  ls1 = [Oc]" by blast
      then have "step0 (11, Oc # ls2, r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left
                 = (11, ls2, Oc#r)"
        by (simp add:  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)
      have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (11, ls2, Oc#r)"
      proof (rule noDblBk_cases)
        from noDblBk CL show "noDblBk CL" .
        from A_case show "CL = [Oc,Oc] @ ls2" by auto
        assume "ls2 = []" 
        with A_case  (* YYYY7''' *)
        have "∃rex'. ls2 = [] ∧ [Oc,Oc] @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex = rev CL @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex' ∧ CL = [Oc, Oc]"
          by force
        with A_case  (* YYYY2'' *)
        have "rex'. ls2 = []  [Oc,Oc] @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex = rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex'"
          by force
        with A_case and ls2 = [] show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (11, ls2, Oc#r)"
          by auto
        assume "ls2 = [Bk]"
        (* YYYY8 *)
        with A_case
        have "rex' ls1' ls2'.    ls2 = ls2'           Oc#Oc# Oc# Bk  Suc rex  = rev ls1'       @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex'  CL = ls1' @ ls2'        hd ls1' = Oc  tl ls1'  []"
          by simp

        with A_case and ls2 = [Bk] show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (11, ls2, Oc#r)"
          by force
        fix C3
        assume "ls2 = Bk # Oc # C3"
        (* YYYY8 *)
        with A_case
        have "rex' ls1' ls2'.    ls2 = ls2'           Oc#Oc# Oc# Bk  Suc rex  = rev ls1'       @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex'  CL = ls1' @ ls2'        hd ls1' = Oc  tl ls1'  []"
          by simp
        with A_case and ls2 = Bk # Oc # C3 show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (11, ls2, Oc#r)"
          by force
        fix C3
        assume "ls2 = Oc # C3"
        (* YYYY8 *)
        with A_case
        have "rex' ls1' ls2'.    ls2 = ls2'           Oc#Oc# Oc# Bk  Suc rex  = rev ls1'       @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex'  CL = ls1' @ ls2'        hd ls1' = Oc  tl ls1'  []"
          by simp
        with A_case and ls2 = Oc # C3 show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (11, ls2, Oc#r)"
          by force
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using  assms and cf_cases and s = 11 and A_case
        by simp
      assume "rex. l = [Bk]  r = rev [Oc] @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = [Oc, Bk]"
      then obtain rex where
        A_case: "l = [Bk]  r = rev [Oc] @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = [Oc, Bk]" by blast
      then have "step0 (11, [Bk] , r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left
                 = (11, [], Bk#r)"
        by (simp add:  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)
      moreover have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (11, [], Bk#r)"
      proof -
        from A_case
        have "∃rex'.         [] = []         ∧ Bk#rev [Oc] @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex = rev CL        @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex' ∧ CL = [Oc, Bk]" (* YYYY5' *)
          by simp
        have "rex'.         [] = []          Bk#rev [Oc] @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex = rev CL        @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex'" (* YYYY2' *)
          by simp
        with A_case  show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (11, [], Bk#r)"
          by force
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using  assms and cf_cases and s = 11 and A_case
        by simp
      (* YYYY8 for s11 *)
      assume "rex ls1 ls2. l = ls2  r = rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = ls1 @ ls2  tl ls1  []"
      then obtain rex ls1 ls2 where
        A_case: "l = ls2  r = rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = ls1 @ ls2  tl ls1  []" by blast
      then have "z b bs. ls1 = z#bs@[b]"  (* the symbol z does not matter *) 
        by (metis Nil_tl list.exhaust_sel rev_exhaust)
      then have "z bs. ls1 = z#bs@[Bk]  ls1 = z#bs@[Oc]"
        using cell.exhaust by blast
      then obtain z bs where w_z_bs: "ls1 = z#bs@[Bk]  ls1 = z#bs@[Oc]" by blast
      then show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (step0 cf tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left)"
        assume major1: "ls1 = z # bs @ [Bk]"
        then have major2: "rev ls1 = Bk#(rev bs)@[z]" by auto  (* in this case all transitions will be s11 ⟶ s12 *)
        show ?thesis
        proof  (rule noDblBk_cases)
          from noDblBk CL show "noDblBk CL" .
          from A_case show "CL = ls1 @ ls2" by auto
          assume "ls2 = []"
          with A_case have "step0 (11, [] , Bk#(rev bs)@[z] @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left
                          = (12, [], Bk#Bk#(rev bs)@[z] @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
            by (simp add:  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)
          moreover have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (12, [], Bk#Bk#(rev bs)@[z] @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
          proof -
            from A_case rev ls1 = Bk#(rev bs)@[z] and ls2 = []
            have "ls1 = z#bs@[Bk]" and "CL = ls1" and "r = rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex" by auto
            (*  YYYY6'''    ∃rex. l = []  ∧ r = Bk#rev CL @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex ∧ CL ≠ [] ∧ last CL = Bk *)
            with A_case rev ls1 = Bk#(rev bs)@[z] and ls2 = []
            have "rex'. [] = []   Bk#Bk#(rev bs)@[z] @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex = Bk#rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex'  CL  []  last CL = Bk"
              by simp
            with A_case rev ls1 = Bk#(rev bs)@[z] and ls2 = []
            show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (12, [], Bk#Bk#(rev bs)@[z] @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
              by force
          ultimately show ?thesis
            using  assms and cf_cases and s = 11 and A_case and rev ls1 = Bk#(rev bs)@[z] and ls2 = []
            by simp
          assume "ls2 = [Bk]"
            (* A_case: l = ls2 ∧ r = rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex ∧ CL = ls1 @ ls2 ∧ hd ls1 = Oc ∧ tl ls1 ≠ [] *)
          with A_case rev ls1 = Bk#(rev bs)@[z] and ls2 = [Bk]
          have "ls1 = z#bs@[Bk]" and "CL = z#bs@[Bk]@[Bk]" by auto
          with noDblBk CL have False               
            by (metis A_case  ls2 = [Bk] append_Cons hasDblBk_L5 major2)
          then show ?thesis by auto
          fix C3
          assume minor: "ls2 = Bk # Oc # C3"
          with A_case and major2 have "CL = z # bs @ [Bk] @ Bk # Oc # C3" by auto
          with noDblBk CL have False
            by (metis append.left_neutral append_Cons append_assoc hasDblBk_L1 major1 minor)
          then show ?thesis by auto     
          fix C3
          assume minor: "ls2 = Oc # C3"
               A_case: "l = ls2 ∧ r = rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex ∧ CL = ls1 @ ls2 ∧ hd ls1 = Oc ∧ tl ls1 ≠ []"
                  major1: "ls1 = Oc # bs @ [Bk]"
                  major2: "rev ls1 = Bk # rev bs @ [Oc]"
                  minor1: "ls2 = Oc # C3"
                          l =  Oc # C3
                          r = rev ls1           @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex
                          r = Bk#(rev bs)@[Oc]  @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex
                  thus: s11 ⟶ s12
                          (12, C3, Oc#Bk#(rev bs)@[Oc]  @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex )
                          l' = C3
                          r' = Oc#Bk#(rev bs)@[Oc]  @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex
                          ls2' = C3
                          rev ls1' = Oc#Bk#(rev bs)@[Oc]
                          ls1' = Oc# bs @ [Bk] @ [Oc] = ls1@[Oc]
                          CL = ls1 @ ls2 = ls1 @ Oc # C3 = ls1 @ [Oc] @ [C3] = ls1' @ ls2'
                              ∧ hd ls1 = Oc ∧ tl ls1 ≠ []
                           (∃rex' ls1' ls2'. C3 = ls2'  ∧ Oc#Bk#(rev bs)@[Oc]  @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex = rev ls1'       @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex' ∧
                                                         CL =  ls1' @ ls2'  ∧ hd ls1' = Oc ∧ tl ls1' ≠ [] ∧ last ls1' = Oc)
               again       YYYY4 (∃rex ls1 ls2. l = ls2 ∧ r = rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex ∧ CL = ls1 @ ls2  ∧ hd ls1 = Oc ∧ tl ls1 ≠ [] ∧ last ls1 = Oc)

          with A_case have "step0 (11, Oc # C3 , Bk#(rev bs)@[z]  @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left
                          = (12, C3, Oc#Bk#(rev bs)@[z]  @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
            by (simp add:  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)

          moreover have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (12, C3, Oc#Bk#(rev bs)@[z]  @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
          proof -
            from A_case and rev ls1 = Bk # rev bs @ [z] and ls2 = Oc # C3 and ls1 = z # bs @ [Bk]
            have "rex' ls1' ls2'. C3 = ls2'   Oc#Bk#(rev bs)@[z]  @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex = rev ls1'       @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex' 
                                                 CL =  ls1' @ ls2'   hd ls1' = z  tl ls1'  []  last ls1' = Oc"            
              by simp

            with A_case rev ls1 = Bk # rev bs @ [z] and ls2 = Oc # C3 and ls1 = z # bs @ [Bk]
            show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (12, C3, Oc#Bk#(rev bs)@[z]  @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"           
              by simp
          ultimately show ?thesis
            using  assms and cf_cases and s = 11 and A_case and rev ls1 = Bk#(rev bs)@[z] and  ls2 = Oc # C3
            by simp      
        assume major1: "ls1 = z # bs @ [Oc]"
        then have major2: "rev ls1 = Oc#(rev bs)@[z]" by auto (* in this case all transitions will be s11 ⟶ s11 *)
        show ?thesis
        proof  (rule noDblBk_cases)
          from noDblBk CL show "noDblBk CL" .
          from A_case show "CL = ls1 @ ls2" by auto
          assume "ls2 = []"
            (* A_case: l = ls2 ∧ r = rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex ∧ CL = ls1 @ ls2 ∧ hd ls1 = Oc ∧ tl ls1 ≠ [] 

              l = []
              r = rev ls1          @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex
              r = Oc#(rev bs)@[Oc] @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex

              l' = []
              r' = Bk#Oc#(rev bs)@[Oc] @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex

              ls1 = Oc # bs @ [Oc]
              rev ls1 = Oc#(rev bs)@[Oc]
              rev ls1' =  Bk#Oc#(rev bs)@[Oc]

              ls1' = Oc # bs @ [Oc] @ [Bk]

              ls2' = []

              CL = ls1 @ ls2 = (Oc # bs @ [Oc]) @ [] = Oc # bs @ [Oc] = ls1

              rev ls1 = rev CL

              ∃rex'. [] = []  ∧ Bk#Oc#(rev bs)@[Oc] @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex = Bk#rev CL @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex' ∧ last CL = Oc

                      (∃rex. l = []  ∧ r = Bk# rev CL @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex ∧ last CL = Oc) 

              we simplify
              YYYY1'  (∃rex. l = []  ∧ r = Bk# rev CL @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex)

              now, we generalize to 
              YYYY1'  (∃rex. l = []  ∧ r = Bk# rev CL @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex) ∧ (CL = [] ∨ last CL = Oc)


          with A_case have "step0 (11, [] , Oc#(rev bs)@[z] @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left
                          = (11, [], Bk#Oc#(rev bs)@[z] @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex)"
            by (simp add:  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)

          moreover have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (11, [], Bk#Oc#(rev bs)@[z] @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
          proof -
            from A_case rev ls1 = Oc#(rev bs)@[z] and ls2 = []
            have "ls1 = z # bs @ [Oc]" and "CL = ls1" and "r = rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex" by auto
                (*  new invariant for s11:
                    YYYY1'  (∃rex. l = []  ∧ r = Bk# rev CL @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex ∧ (CL = [] ∨ last CL = Oc))
            with A_case rev ls1 = Oc#(rev bs)@[z] and ls2 = []
            have "rex'. [] = []   Bk#Oc#(rev bs)@[z] @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex = Bk#rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex'  (CL = []  last CL = Oc)"              
              by simp
            with A_case rev ls1 = Oc#(rev bs)@[z] and ls2 = []
            show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (11, [], Bk#Oc#(rev bs)@[z] @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
              by force
          ultimately show ?thesis
            using  assms and cf_cases and s = 11 and A_case and rev ls1 = Oc#(rev bs)@[z] and ls2 = []
            by simp
          assume "ls2 = [Bk]"
            (* A_case: l = ls2 ∧ r = rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex ∧ CL = ls1 @ ls2 ∧ hd ls1 = Oc ∧ tl ls1 ≠ [] 

              l = [Bk]
              r = rev ls1          @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex
              r = Oc#(rev bs)@[Oc] @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex

              l' = []
              r' = Bk#Oc#(rev bs)@[Oc] @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex

              ls1 = Oc # bs @ [Oc]
              rev ls1 = Oc#(rev bs)@[Oc]
              rev ls1' =  Bk#Oc#(rev bs)@[Oc]

              ls1' = Oc # bs @ [Oc] @ [Bk] = ls1 @ [Bk]

              ls2' = []

              CL = ls1 @ ls2 = (Oc # bs @ [Oc]) @ [Bk] = ls1 @ [Bk] = ls1'

              list functions (hd ls) and (last ls) are only usefull if ls ≠ [] is known! 

              new invariant for s11:
              YYYY2'    (∃rex.         l =        []  ∧ r = rev CL        @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex ∧ CL ≠ []  ∧ last CL = Bk) ∨  (s11 ⟶ s11)
              YYYY2''   (∃rex.         l =        []  ∧ r = rev CL        @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex ∧ CL ≠ []  ∧ last CL = Oc) ∨  (s11 ⟶ s11)
          with A_case have "step0 (11, [Bk] , Oc#(rev bs)@[z] @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left
                          = (11, [], Bk#Oc#(rev bs)@[z] @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
            by (simp add:  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)

          moreover have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (11, [], Bk#Oc#(rev bs)@[z] @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
          proof -
            from A_case rev ls1 = Oc#(rev bs)@[z] and ls2 = [Bk]
            have "ls1 = z # bs @ [Oc]" and "CL = ls1@[Bk]" by auto
                (*  new invariant for s11:
                    YYYY2'   (∃rex.         l =        []  ∧ r = rev CL        @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex ∧ CL ≠ []  ∧ last CL = Bk)
            with A_case rev ls1 = Oc#(rev bs)@[z] and ls2 = [Bk]
            have "rex'. [] = []   Bk#Oc#(rev bs)@[z] @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex = rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex'  CL  []  last CL = Bk"              
              by simp

            with A_case rev ls1 = Oc#(rev bs)@[z] and ls2 = [Bk] and CL = ls1@[Bk]
            show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (11, [], Bk#Oc#(rev bs)@[z] @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"

              by force
          ultimately show ?thesis
            using  assms and cf_cases and s = 11 and A_case and rev ls1 = Oc#(rev bs)@[z] and ls2 = [Bk]
            by simp
          fix C3
          assume minor: "ls2 = Bk # Oc # C3"

(* thm A_case: l = ls2 ∧ r = rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex ∧ CL = ls1 @ ls2 ∧ hd ls1 = Oc ∧ tl ls1 ≠ []
             thm major1: ls1 = Oc # bs @ [Oc]
             thm major2: rev ls1 = Oc # rev bs @ [Oc]

              minor1: "ls2 = Bk # Oc # C3"
                      l = Bk # Oc # C3
                      r = Oc#(rev bs)@[Oc]  @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex
              thus: s11 ⟶ s11
                      (11, Oc # C3, Bk#Oc#(rev bs)@[Oc]  @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex )
                      l' = Oc # C3
                      r' = Bk#Oc#(rev bs)@[Oc]  @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex
                      ls2' = Oc # C3
                      rev ls1' = Bk#Oc#(rev bs)@[Oc]
                      ls1' = Oc# bs @ [Oc] @ [Bk] = ls1@[Bk]
                      CL = ls1 @ ls2 = ls1 @ Bk # Oc # C3 = ls1 @ [Bk] @ [Oc ,C3] = ls1' @ ls2'
                          ∧ hd ls1 = Oc ∧ tl ls1 ≠ []
                       (∃rex' ls1' ls2'. Oc # C3 = ls2'  ∧ Bk#Oc#(rev bs)@[Oc]  @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex = rev ls1'       @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex' ∧
                                                     CL =  ls1' @ ls2'  ∧ hd ls1' = Oc ∧ tl ls1' ≠ [])
              again  YYYY8    (∃rex ls1 ls2. l = ls2 ∧ r = rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex ∧ CL = ls1 @ ls2  ∧ hd ls1 = Oc ∧ tl ls1 ≠ [])

          with A_case have "step0 (11, Bk # Oc # C3 , Oc # rev bs @ [z]  @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left
                          = (11, Oc # C3, Bk#Oc # rev bs @ [z]  @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
            by (simp add:  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)

          moreover have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (11, Oc # C3, Bk#Oc # rev bs @ [z]  @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
          proof -
            from A_case and rev ls1 = Oc # rev bs @ [z] and ls2 = Bk # Oc # C3 and ls1 = z # bs @ [Oc]
            have "rex' ls1' ls2'. Oc # C3 = ls2'   Bk#Oc#(rev bs)@[z]  @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex = rev ls1'       @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex' 
                                                     CL =  ls1' @ ls2'   hd ls1' = z  tl ls1'  [] "
              by simp

            with A_case rev ls1 = Oc # rev bs @ [z] and ls2 = Bk # Oc # C3 and ls1 = z # bs @ [Oc]
            show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (11, Oc # C3, Bk#Oc # rev bs @ [z]  @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"         
              by simp
          ultimately show ?thesis
            using  assms and cf_cases and s = 11 and A_case and rev ls1 = Oc # rev bs @ [z] and ls2 = Bk # Oc # C3
            by simp      
          fix C3
          assume minor: "ls2 = Oc # C3"
               A_case: "l = ls2 ∧ r = rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex ∧ CL = ls1 @ ls2 ∧ hd ls1 = Oc ∧ tl ls1 ≠ []"
                  major1: "ls1 = Oc # bs @ [Oc]"
                  major2: "rev ls1 = Oc # rev bs @ [Oc]"
                  minor1: "ls2 = Oc # C3"
                          l =  Oc # C3
                          r = rev ls1           @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex
                          r = Oc#(rev bs)@[Oc]  @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex
                  thus: s11 ⟶ s11
                          (11, C3, Oc#Oc#(rev bs)@[Oc]  @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex )

                          l' = C3
                          r' = Oc#Oc#(rev bs)@[Oc]  @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex
                          ls2' = C3
                          rev ls1' = Oc#Oc#(rev bs)@[Oc]
                          ls1' = Oc# bs @ [Oc] @ [Oc] = ls1@[Oc]
                          CL = ls1 @ ls2 = ls1 @ Oc # C3 = ls1 @ [Oc] @ [C3] = ls1' @ ls2'
                              ∧ hd ls1 = Oc ∧ tl ls1 ≠ []
                           (∃rex' ls1' ls2'. C3 = ls2'  ∧ Oc#Oc#(rev bs)@[Oc]  @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex = rev ls1'       @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex' ∧
                                                         CL =  ls1' @ ls2'  ∧ hd ls1' = Oc ∧ tl ls1' ≠ [])
               again       YYYY8    (∃rex ls1 ls2. l = ls2 ∧ r = rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex ∧ CL = ls1 @ ls2  ∧ hd ls1 = Oc ∧ tl ls1 ≠ [])

          with A_case have "step0 (11, Oc # C3 , Oc#(rev bs)@[z]  @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left
                          = (11, C3, Oc#Oc#(rev bs)@[z]  @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex)"
            by (simp add:  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)

          moreover have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (11, C3, Oc#Oc#(rev bs)@[z]  @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
          proof -
            from A_case and rev ls1 = Oc # rev bs @ [z] and ls2 = Oc # C3 and ls1 = z # bs @ [Oc]
            have "rex' ls1' ls2'. C3 = ls2'   Oc#Oc#(rev bs)@[z]  @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex = rev ls1'       @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex' 
                                                         CL =  ls1' @ ls2'   hd ls1' = z  tl ls1'  []"            
              by simp

            with A_case rev ls1 = Oc # rev bs @ [z] and ls2 = Oc # C3 and ls1 = z # bs @ [Oc]
            show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (11, C3, Oc#Oc#(rev bs)@[z]  @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"          
              by simp
          ultimately show ?thesis
            using  assms and cf_cases and s = 11 and A_case and rev ls1 = Oc # rev bs @ [z] and  ls2 = Oc # C3
            by simp      
      (* YYYY3 *)
      assume "rex ls1 ls2. l = Oc # ls2  r = rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = ls1 @ Oc # ls2  ls1 = [Bk]"
      then obtain rex ls1 ls2 where
        A_case: "l = Oc # ls2  r = rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = ls1 @ Oc # ls2  ls1 = [Bk]" by blast
      then have major2: "rev ls1 = [Bk]" by auto
          (* "l = Oc # ls2 ∧ r = rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex ∧ CL = ls1 @ Oc # ls2 ∧ ls1 = [Bk]"

              l = Oc # ls2
              r = rev ls1          @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex
              r = [Bk] @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex

              l' = ls2
              r' = Oc#[Bk] @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex

              ⟶ s12: (12, ls2, Oc#[Bk] @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex )

              ls1 = [Bk]
              rev ls1 = [Bk]
              rev ls1' =   Oc#[Bk]

              ls1' = Bk#[Oc]
              ls2' = ls2

              CL =  ls1 @ Oc # ls2 = [Bk] @ Oc # ls2 =  (ls1 @ [Oc]) @ ls2 = ls1'@ls2'

              ∧ ls1' = Bk#[Oc]

              r' = Oc#[Bk] @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex = rev ls1'  @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex

               ∃rex' ls1' ls2'. ls2 = ls2'  ∧ Oc#[Bk] @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex = rev ls1'  @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex' ∧ CL = ls1' @ ls2' ∧  ls1' = [Bk,Oc]

              YYYY4  (∃rex ls1 ls2. l = ls2 ∧ r = rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex ∧ CL = ls1 @ ls2 ∧ tl ls1 ≠ [] ∧ last ls1 = Oc)

      with A_case have "step0 (11, Oc # ls2 , [Bk] @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left
                          = (12, ls2, Oc#[Bk] @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
        by (simp add:  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)

      moreover have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (12, ls2, Oc#[Bk] @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
      proof -
        from A_case and rev ls1 = [Bk] 
        have "rex' ls1' ls2'. ls2 = ls2'   Oc#[Bk] @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex = rev ls1'  @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex' 
                               CL = ls1' @ ls2'  tl ls1'  []  last ls1' = Oc" (* YYYY4 *)           
          by simp

        with A_case rev ls1 = [Bk]
        show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (12, ls2, Oc#[Bk] @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"         
          by simp
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using  assms and cf_cases and s = 11 and A_case and rev ls1 = [Bk] 
        by simp
      assume "rex. l = []  r = Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  (CL = []  last CL = Oc)"  (* YYYY1' *)
      then obtain rex where
        A_case: "l = []  r = Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  (CL = []  last CL = Oc)" by blast
      then have "step0 (11, [] , Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left
                          = (12, [], Bk#Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
        by (simp add:  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)
      moreover have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (12, [], Bk#Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
      proof -
        from A_case
        have "rex'. [] = []  Bk#Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  = Bk# Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex'  (CL = []  last CL = Oc)"  (* YYYY9 *)
          by simp

        with A_case
        show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (12, [], Bk#Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
          by force
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using  assms and cf_cases and s = 11 and A_case
        by simp
      assume "rex. l = []  r = rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL  []  last CL = Bk" (* YYYY2' *)
      then obtain rex where
        A_case: "l = []  r = rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL  []  last CL = Bk" by blast
      then have "hd (rev CL) = Bk"
        by (simp add: hd_rev)
      with A_case  have "step0 (11, [] , rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left
                          = (12, [], Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
        by (simp add:  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)
      moreover have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (12, [], Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
      proof -
        from A_case 
        have "rex'. [] = []  Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  = Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex'  CL  []  last CL = Bk" (*  YYYY6''' *)
          by simp

        with A_case
        show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (12, [], Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
          by force
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using  assms and cf_cases and s = 11 and A_case
        by simp
      assume "rex. l = []  r = rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL  []  last CL = Oc" (* YYYY2'' *)
      then obtain rex where
        A_case: "l = []  r = rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL  []  last CL = Oc" by blast
      then have "hd (rev CL) = Oc"
        by (simp add: hd_rev)
      with A_case  have "step0 (11, [] , rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left
                          = (11, [], Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
        by (simp add:  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)
      moreover have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (11, [], Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
      proof -
        from A_case
        have "rex'. [] = []  Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  = Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex'  (CL = []  last CL = Oc)" (*  YYYY1' *)
          by simp

        with A_case
        show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (11, [], Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
          by force
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using  assms and cf_cases and s = 11 and A_case
        by simp

    assume "s = 12"
    with cf_cases and assms
    have "
          (rex ls1 ls2. l = ls2  r = rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = ls1 @ ls2   tl ls1  []  last ls1 = Oc) 
          (rex.         l = []   r = Bk#rev CL    @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL  []  last CL = Bk) 
          (rex.         l = []   r = Bk#Bk#rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  (CL = []  last CL = Oc))"
      by auto

    then have s12_cases:
      "P.  rex ls1 ls2. l = ls2  r = rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = ls1 @ ls2   tl ls1  []  last ls1 = Oc  P;
             rex. l = []   r = Bk#rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL  []  last CL = Bk  P;
             rex. l = []   r = Bk#Bk#rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  (CL = []  last CL = Oc)  P 
      by blast

    show ?thesis
    proof (rule s12_cases)
      (* YYYY4 *)
      assume "rex ls1 ls2. l = ls2  r = rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = ls1 @ ls2  tl ls1  []  last ls1 = Oc"
      then obtain rex ls1 ls2 where
        A_case: "l = ls2  r = rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = ls1 @ ls2 tl ls1  []  last ls1 = Oc" by blast
      then have "ls1  []" by auto 
      with A_case have major: "hd (rev ls1) = Oc"
        by (simp add: hd_rev)
      show ?thesis
      proof (rule noDblBk_cases)
        from noDblBk CL show "noDblBk CL" .
        from A_case show "CL = ls1 @ ls2" by auto
        assume "ls2 = []"
          A_case: "l = ls2 ∧ r = rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex ∧ CL = ls1 @ ls2 ∧ hd ls1 = Oc ∧ tl ls1 ≠ [] ∧ last ls1 = Oc"
          major: "hd (rev ls1) = Oc
          ls1 ≠ []

          ass: ls2 = []

          l = []
          r = rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex   where "hd (rev ls1) = Oc"
          ⟶ s11
          l' = []
          r' = Bk#rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex

        from A_case have "step0 (12, [] ,   Oc#tl (rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex)) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left
                              = (11, [], Bk#Oc#tl (rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex ))"
          by (simp add:  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)

        moreover from  A_case and major have "r = Oc#tl (rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex)"
          by (metis Nil_is_append_conv ls1  [] hd_Cons_tl hd_append2 list.simps(3) rev_is_Nil_conv)

        ultimately have "step0 (12, [] , rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left
                             = (11, [], Bk# rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
          by (simp add: A_case)
            CL = ls1 @ ls2 ∧ tl ls1 ≠ []
            CL = ls1

            l' = []
            r' = Bk# (rev CL) @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex 
        moreover have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (11, [], Bk# rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
        proof -
          from A_case and ls2 = [] have "rev ls1 = rev CL" by auto
          with  A_case and ls2 = [] have "rex'. [] = []   Bk# rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex = Bk# rev CL    @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex'  (CL = []  last CL = Oc)" (* YYYY1' *)
            by simp
          with A_case r = Oc#tl (rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex) and ls2 = []
          show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (11, [], Bk# rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
            by force
        ultimately show ?thesis
          using  assms and cf_cases and s = 12 and A_case and ls2 = []
          by simp
        assume "ls2 = [Bk]"
        from A_case have "step0 (12, [Bk] ,   Oc#tl (rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex)) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left
                              = (11, [], Bk#Oc#tl (rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex ))"
          by (simp add:  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)

        moreover from  A_case and major have "r = Oc#tl (rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex)"
          by (metis Nil_is_append_conv ls1  [] hd_Cons_tl hd_append2 list.simps(3) rev_is_Nil_conv)

        ultimately have "step0 (12, [Bk] , rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left
                             = (11, [], Bk# rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
          by (simp add: A_case)
            CL = ls1 @ ls2 ∧ tl ls1 ≠ []
            CL = ls1 @ [Bk] = (ls1 @ [Bk]) = ls1'

            l' = []
            r' = rev ls1' = rev CL

            l' = []
            r' = rev CL @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex 
        moreover have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (11, [], Bk# rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
        proof -
          from A_case and ls2 = [Bk] have "CL = ls1 @ [Bk]" by auto
          then have "rex'. [] = []   Bk#rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex = rev CL    @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex'  CL  []   last CL = Bk" (* YYYY2' *)
            by simp
          with A_case r = Oc#tl (rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex) and ls2 = [Bk]
          show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (11, [], Bk# rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
            by force
        ultimately show ?thesis
          using  assms and cf_cases and s = 12 and A_case and ls2 = [Bk]
          by simp
        fix C3
        assume minor: "ls2 = Bk # Oc # C3"
          A_case: "l = ls2 ∧ r = rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex ∧ CL = ls1 @ ls2 ∧ hd ls1 = Oc ∧ tl ls1 ≠ [] ∧ last ls1 = Oc"
          major: "hd (rev ls1) = Oc
          ls1 ≠ []

          ass: ls2 = Bk # Oc # C3

          l = Bk # Oc # C3
          r = rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex   where "hd (rev ls1) = Oc"
          ⟶ s11
          l' = Oc # C3
          r' = Bk#rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex

        from A_case have "step0 (12, Bk # Oc # C3 ,   Oc#tl (rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex)) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left
                              = (11, Oc # C3, Bk#Oc#tl (rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex ))"
          by (simp add:  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)

        moreover from  A_case and major have "r = Oc#tl (rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex)"
          by (metis Nil_is_append_conv ls1  [] hd_Cons_tl hd_append2 list.simps(3) rev_is_Nil_conv)

        ultimately have "step0 (12, Bk # Oc # C3 , rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left
                             = (11, Oc # C3, Bk# rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
          by (simp add: A_case)
            CL = ls1 @ ls2 ∧ tl ls1 ≠ []
            CL = ls1 @ (Bk # Oc # C3) = ls1 @ [Bk] @ (Oc # C3)

            ls1' = ls1 @ [Bk]
            ls2' = Oc # C3

            rev ls1' = Bk# (rev ls1)

            l' =  Oc # C3
            r' = rev ls1' @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex ∧

            CL = ls1' @ ls2'  ∧ hd ls1' = Oc ∧ tl ls1' ≠ []

              (∃rex ls1 ls2. l =       ls2  ∧ r = rev ls1       @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex ∧ CL = ls1 @ ls2       ∧ hd ls1 = Oc ∧ tl ls1 ≠ [])
        moreover have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (11, Oc # C3, Bk# rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
        proof -
          from A_case and ls2 = Bk # Oc # C3 have "CL = ls1 @ [Bk] @ (Oc # C3)" and "rev (ls1 @ [Bk]) = Bk # rev ls1" by auto
          with  ls1  []
          have "rex' ls1' ls2'. Oc # C3 = ls2'   Bk# rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex = rev ls1' @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex'  CL = ls1' @ ls2'  tl ls1'  []" (* YYYY8 *)          
            by (simp add: A_case )
          with A_case r = Oc#tl (rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex) and ls2 = Bk # Oc # C3
          show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (11, Oc # C3, Bk# rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
            by force
        ultimately show ?thesis
          using  assms and cf_cases and s = 12 and A_case and ls2 = Bk # Oc # C3
          by simp
        fix C3
        assume minor: "ls2 = Oc # C3"
          A_case: "l = ls2 ∧ r = rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex ∧ CL = ls1 @ ls2 ∧ hd ls1 = Oc ∧ tl ls1 ≠ [] ∧ last ls1 = Oc"
          major: "hd (rev ls1) = Oc
          ls1 ≠ []

          ass: ls2 = Bk # Oc # C3

          l = ls2 = Oc # C3
          r = rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex   where "hd (rev ls1) = Oc"
          ⟶ s11
          l' = C3
          r' = Oc#rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex

        from A_case have "step0 (12, Oc # C3 ,   Oc#tl (rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex)) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left
                              = (11, C3, Oc#Oc#tl (rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex ))"
          by (simp add:  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)

        moreover from  A_case and major have "r = Oc#tl (rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex)"
          by (metis Nil_is_append_conv ls1  [] hd_Cons_tl hd_append2 list.simps(3) rev_is_Nil_conv)

        ultimately have "step0 (12, Oc # C3 , rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left
                             = (11, C3, Oc# rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
          by (simp add: A_case)
            CL = ls1 @ ls2 ∧ tl ls1 ≠ []
            CL = ls1 @ (Oc # C3) = ls1 @ [Oc] @ (C3)

            ls1' = ls1 @ [Oc]
            ls2' = C3

            rev ls1' = Oc# (rev ls1)

            l' = C3
            r' = rev ls1' @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex ∧

            CL = ls1' @ ls2'  ∧ hd ls1' = Oc ∧ tl ls1' ≠ []

              (∃rex ls1 ls2. l =       ls2  ∧ r = rev ls1       @ Oc # Bk ↑ Suc rex ∧ CL = ls1 @ ls2       ∧ hd ls1 = Oc ∧ tl ls1 ≠ [])
        moreover have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (11, C3, Oc# rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
        proof -
          from A_case and ls2 = Oc # C3 have "CL = ls1 @ [Oc] @ (C3)" and "rev (ls1 @ [Oc]) = Oc # rev ls1" by auto
          with  ls1  []
          have "rex' ls1' ls2'. C3 = ls2'   Oc# rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex = rev ls1' @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex'  CL = ls1' @ ls2'   tl ls1'  []" (* YYYY8 *)          
            by (simp add: A_case )
          with A_case r = Oc#tl (rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex) and ls2 = Oc # C3
          show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (11, C3, Oc# rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
            by force
        ultimately show ?thesis
          using  assms and cf_cases and s = 12 and A_case and ls2 = Oc # C3
          by simp
      (* YYYY6''' *)
      assume "rex. l = []  r = Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL  []  last CL = Bk"
      then obtain rex where
        A_case: "l = []  r = Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL  []  last CL = Bk" by blast
      then have "step0 (12, [] , Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left
                              = (0, [], Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex)"
        by (simp add:  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)
      moreover with A_case have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (0, [], Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex)"
        by auto
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using  assms and cf_cases and s = 12 and A_case 
        by simp
      (* YYYY9 *)
      assume "rex. l = []  r = Bk # Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  (CL = []  last CL = Oc)"
      then obtain rex where
        A_case: "l = []  r = Bk # Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  (CL = []  last CL = Oc)" by blast
      then have "step0 (12, [] , Bk # Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left
                              = (0, [], Bk# Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex)"
        by (simp add:  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)
      moreover with A_case have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (0, [], Bk# Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex)"
        by auto
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using  assms and cf_cases and s = 12 and A_case 
        by simp
    assume "s = 0"
    with cf_cases and assms
    have "(rex. l = []   r = [Bk, Bk] @ (rev CL) @ [Oc, Bk] @ Bk  rex  (CL = []  last CL = Oc) ) 
          (rex. l = []   r = [Bk]     @ (rev CL) @ [Oc, Bk] @ Bk  rex  CL  []  last CL = Bk)"
      by auto
    then have s0_cases:
      "P.  rex. l = []   r = [Bk, Bk] @ (rev CL) @ [Oc, Bk] @ Bk  rex  (CL = []  last CL = Oc)  P;
             rex. l = []   r = [Bk]     @ (rev CL) @ [Oc, Bk] @ Bk  rex  CL  []  last CL = Bk  P 
      by blast

    show ?thesis
    proof (rule s0_cases)
      assume "rex. l = []  r = [Bk, Bk] @ rev CL @ [Oc, Bk] @ Bk  rex  (CL = []  last CL = Oc)"
      then obtain rex where
        A_case: "l = []  r = [Bk, Bk] @ rev CL @ [Oc, Bk] @ Bk  rex  (CL = []  last CL = Oc)" by blast
      then have "step0 (0, [] , [Bk, Bk] @ rev CL @ [Oc, Bk] @ Bk  rex) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left
                              = (0, [], Bk# Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex)"
        by (simp add:  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)
      moreover with A_case have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (0, [], Bk# Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex)"
        by auto
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using  assms and cf_cases and s = 0 and A_case 
        by simp
      assume "rex. l = []  r = [Bk] @ rev CL @ [Oc, Bk] @ Bk  rex  CL  []  last CL = Bk"
      then obtain rex where
        A_case: "l = []  r = [Bk] @ rev CL @ [Oc, Bk] @ Bk  rex  CL  []  last CL = Bk" by blast
      then have "step0 (0, [] , [Bk] @ rev CL @ [Oc, Bk] @ Bk  rex) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left
                              = (0, [], Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex)"
        by (simp add:  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)
      moreover with A_case have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (0, [], Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex)"
        by auto
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using  assms and cf_cases and s = 0 and A_case 
        by simp

(* -------------- steps - lemma for the invariants of the ERASE path of tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left ------------------ *)

lemma inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_steps: 
  assumes "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR cf"
  and "noDblBk CL" and "noDblBk CR"
  shows "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (steps0 cf tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp)"
proof (induct stp)
  case 0
  with assms show ?case
    by (auto simp add: inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_step step.simps steps.simps)
  case (Suc stp)
  with assms show ?case
    using inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_step step_red by auto 

(* -------------- Partial correctness for the ERASE path of tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left ------------------ *)

lemma tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_partial_correctness_CL_is_Nil:
  assumes "stp. is_final (steps0 (1, [Bk,Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp)"
  and "noDblBk CL"
  and "noDblBk CR"
  and "CL = []"
  shows " λtap. tap = ([Bk,Oc] @ CL, CR)  
          λtap. rex. tap = ([], [Bk,Bk] @ (rev CL) @ [Oc, Bk] @ Bk  rex ) "
proof (rule Hoare_consequence)
  show "( λtap. tap = ([Bk,Oc] @ CL, CR) )  ( λtap. tap = ([Bk,Oc] @ CL, CR) )"
    by auto
  from assms show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s0 CL CR
                     ( λtap. rex. tap = ([], [Bk,Bk] @ rev CL @ [Oc, Bk] @ Bk  rex) )"
    by (simp add: assert_imp_def  tape_of_list_def tape_of_nat_def)
  show " λtap. tap = ([Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR)
         inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s0 CL CR"
  proof (rule Hoare_haltI)
    fix l::"cell list"
    fix r:: "cell list"
    assume major: "(l, r) = ([Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR)"
    show "n. is_final (steps0 (1, l, r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left n) 
                inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s0 CL CR
                 holds_for steps0 (1, l, r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left n"
    proof -
      from major and assms
      have "stp. is_final (steps0 (1, l, r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp)"
        by blast
      then obtain stp where
        w_stp: "is_final (steps0 (1, l, r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp)" by blast
      moreover have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s0 CL CR
                       holds_for steps0 (1, l, r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp"
      proof -
        have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (1, l, r)"
          by (simp add: major tape_of_list_def tape_of_nat_def)
        with assms
        have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (steps0 (1, l, r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp)"
          using inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_steps by auto
        then show ?thesis
          by (smt (verit) holds_for.elims(3) inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp.simps is_final_eq w_stp)
      ultimately show ?thesis by auto

lemma tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_partial_correctness_CL_ew_Bk:
  assumes "stp. is_final (steps0 (1, [Bk,Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp)"
  and "noDblBk CL"
  and "noDblBk CR"
  and "CL  []"
  and "last CL = Bk"   
  shows " λtap. tap = ([Bk,Oc] @ CL, CR)  
          λtap. rex. tap = ([], [Bk] @ (rev CL) @ [Oc, Bk] @ Bk  rex ) "
proof (rule Hoare_consequence)
  show "( λtap. tap = ([Bk,Oc] @ CL, CR) )  ( λtap. tap = ([Bk,Oc] @ CL, CR) )"
    by auto
  from assms show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s0 CL CR
                     ( λtap. rex. tap = ([], [Bk] @ rev CL @ [Oc, Bk] @ Bk  rex) )"
    by (simp add: assert_imp_def  tape_of_list_def tape_of_nat_def)
  show " λtap. tap = ([Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR)
         inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s0 CL CR"
  proof (rule Hoare_haltI)
    fix l::"cell list"
    fix r:: "cell list"
    assume major: "(l, r) = ([Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR)"
    show "n. is_final (steps0 (1, l, r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left n) 
                inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s0 CL CR
                 holds_for steps0 (1, l, r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left n"
    proof -
      from major and assms
      have "stp. is_final (steps0 (1, l, r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp)"
        by blast
      then obtain stp where
        w_stp: "is_final (steps0 (1, l, r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp)" by blast
      moreover have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s0 CL CR
                       holds_for steps0 (1, l, r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp"
      proof -
        have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (1, l, r)"
          by (simp add: major tape_of_list_def tape_of_nat_def)
        with assms
        have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (steps0 (1, l, r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp)"
          using inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_steps by auto
        then show ?thesis
          by (smt (verit) holds_for.elims(3) inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp.simps is_final_eq w_stp)
      ultimately show ?thesis by auto

lemma tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_partial_correctness_CL_ew_Oc:
  assumes "stp. is_final (steps0 (1, [Bk,Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp)"
    and "noDblBk CL"
    and "noDblBk CR"
    and "CL  []"
    and "last CL = Oc"   
  shows " λtap. tap = ([Bk,Oc] @ CL, CR)  
          λtap. rex. tap = ([], [Bk, Bk] @ (rev CL) @ [Oc, Bk] @ Bk  rex ) "
proof (rule Hoare_consequence)
  show "( λtap. tap = ([Bk,Oc] @ CL, CR) )  ( λtap. tap = ([Bk,Oc] @ CL, CR) )"
    by auto
  from assms show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s0 CL CR
                     ( λtap. rex. tap = ([], [Bk, Bk] @ rev CL @ [Oc, Bk] @ Bk  rex) )"
    by (simp add: assert_imp_def  tape_of_list_def tape_of_nat_def)
  show " λtap. tap = ([Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR)
         inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s0 CL CR"
  proof (rule Hoare_haltI)
    fix l::"cell list"
    fix r:: "cell list"
    assume major: "(l, r) = ([Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR)"
    show "n. is_final (steps0 (1, l, r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left n) 
                inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s0 CL CR
                 holds_for steps0 (1, l, r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left n"
    proof -
      from major and assms
      have "stp. is_final (steps0 (1, l, r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp)"
        by blast
      then obtain stp where
        w_stp: "is_final (steps0 (1, l, r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp)" by blast
      moreover have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_s0 CL CR
                       holds_for steps0 (1, l, r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp"
      proof -
        have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (1, l, r)"
          by (simp add: major tape_of_list_def tape_of_nat_def)
        with assms
        have "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (steps0 (1, l, r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp)"
          using inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_steps by auto
        then show ?thesis
          by (smt (verit) holds_for.elims(3) inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp.simps is_final_eq w_stp)
      ultimately show ?thesis by auto

(* -------------- Termination for the ERASE path of tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left ------------------ *)
    Lexicographic orders (See List.measures)
    quote: "These are useful for termination proofs"
    lemma in_measures[simp]:
      "(x, y) ∈ measures [] = False"
      "(x, y) ∈ measures (f # fs)
             = (f x < f y ∨ (f x = f y ∧ (x, y) ∈ measures fs))"

(* Assemble a lexicographic measure function for the ERASE path *)

definition measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp :: "(config × config) set"
    "measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp = measures [
         λ(s, l, r). (
              if s = 0
              then 0
              else if s < 6
                   then 13 - s
                   else 1),

         λ(s, l, r). (
              if s = 6
              then if r = []  (hd r) = Bk
                   then 1
                   else 2
              else 0 ),

         λ(s, l, r). (
              if 7  s  s  9
              then 2+ length r
              else 1), 

         λ(s, l, r). (
              if 7  s  s  9
                if r = []  hd r = Bk
                then 2
                else 3
              else 1),

         λ(s, l, r).(
              if 7  s  s  10
              then 13 - s
              else 1),

         λ(s, l, r). (
              if 10  s 
              then 2+ length l
              else 1),

         λ(s, l, r). (
              if 11  s
              then if hd r = Oc
                   then 3
                   else 2
              else 1),

         λ(s, l, r).(
              if 11  s
              then 13 - s
              else 1)


lemma wf_measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp: "wf measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp"
  unfolding measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_def
  by (auto)

lemma measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_induct [case_names Step]: 
  "n. ¬ P (f n)  (f (Suc n), (f n))  measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp
    n. P (f n)"
  using wf_measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp
  by (metis wf_iff_no_infinite_down_chain)

lemma spike_erp_cases:
"CL  []  last CL = Bk  CL  []  last CL = Oc  CL = []"
  using cell.exhaust by blast

lemma tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_halts:
  assumes "noDblBk CL"
    and "noDblBk CR"
    "stp. is_final (steps0 (1, [Bk,Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp)"
proof (induct rule: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_induct)
  case (Step stp)
  then have not_final: "¬ is_final (steps0 (1, [Bk,Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp)" .

  have INV: "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (steps0 (1, [Bk,Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp)"
  proof (rule_tac inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_steps)
    show  "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (1, [Bk,Oc] @ CL, CR)"
      by (simp add: tape_of_list_def tape_of_nat_def )
    from assms show "noDblBk CL" by auto
    from assms show "noDblBk CR" by auto
  have SUC_STEP_RED: "steps0 (1, [Bk,Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =
        step0 (steps0 (1, [Bk,Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"
    by (rule step_red)
  show "( steps0 (1, [Bk,Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp),
          steps0 (1, [Bk,Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp
        )  measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp"
  proof (cases "steps0 (1, [Bk,Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp")
    case (fields s l r)
    then have
      cf_at_stp: "steps0 (1, [Bk,Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp = (s, l, r)" .
    show ?thesis
    proof (rule tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_cases)
      from INV and cf_at_stp
      show "inv_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp CL CR (s, l, r)" by auto
      assume "s=0" (* not possible *)
      with cf_at_stp not_final
      show ?thesis by auto
      assume "s=1"
        (* get the invariant of the state *)
      with cf_at_stp
      have cf_at_current: "steps0 (1, [Bk,Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp = (1, l, r)"
        by auto
      with cf_at_stp  and s=1 and INV
      have unpacked_INV: "(l = [Bk,Oc] @ CL  r = CR)"
        by auto      
          (* compute the next state *)
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases CR)
        case Nil
        then have minor: "CR = []" .

        with unpacked_INV cf_at_stp and s=1 and SUC_STEP_RED
        have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =
                step0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"
          by auto
        also with minor and unpacked_INV
        have "... = (2,Oc#CL, Bk#CR)"
          by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
        finally have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) = (2,Oc#CL, Bk#CR)"
          by auto
            (* establish measure *)
        with cf_at_current show ?thesis
          by (auto simp add: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_def)
        case (Cons a rs)
        then have major: "CR = a # rs" .
        then show ?thesis
        proof (cases a)
          case Bk
          with major have minor: "CR = Bk#rs" by auto
          with unpacked_INV cf_at_stp and s=1 and SUC_STEP_RED
          have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =
                step0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"
            by auto
          also with minor and unpacked_INV
          have "... = (2,Oc#CL, Bk#CR)"
            by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
          finally have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) = (2,Oc#CL, Bk#CR)"
            by auto
              (* establish measure *)
          with cf_at_current show ?thesis
            by (auto simp add: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_def)
          case Oc
          with major have minor: "CR = Oc#rs" by auto
          with unpacked_INV cf_at_stp and s=1 and SUC_STEP_RED
          have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =
                step0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"
            by auto
          also with minor and unpacked_INV
          have "... = (2,Oc#CL, Bk#CR)"
            by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
          finally have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) = (2,Oc#CL, Bk#CR)"
            by auto
              (* establish measure *)
          with cf_at_current show ?thesis
            by (auto simp add: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_def)
      assume "s=2"
        (* get the invariant of the state *)
      with cf_at_stp
      have cf_at_current: "steps0 (1, [Bk,Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp = (2, l, r)"
        by auto
      with cf_at_stp  and s=2 and INV
      have unpacked_INV: "(l = [Oc]    @ CL  r = Bk#CR)"
        by auto
          (* compute the next state *)
      then have minor: "r = Bk#CR" by auto
      with unpacked_INV cf_at_stp and s=2 and SUC_STEP_RED
      have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =
                step0 (2, [Oc] @ CL, Bk#CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"
        by auto
      also with minor and unpacked_INV
      have "... = (3,CL, Oc#Bk#CR)"
        by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
      finally have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) = (3,CL, Oc#Bk#CR)"
        by auto
          (* establish measure *)
      with cf_at_current show ?thesis
        by (auto simp add: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_def)
      assume "s=3"
        (* get the invariant of the state *)
      with cf_at_stp
      have cf_at_current: "steps0 (1, [Bk,Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp = (3, l, r)"
        by auto
      with cf_at_stp  and s=3 and INV
      have unpacked_INV: "(l =           CL  r = Oc#Bk#CR)"
        by auto
          (* compute the next state *)
      then have minor: "r = Oc#Bk#CR" by auto
      with unpacked_INV cf_at_stp and s=3 and SUC_STEP_RED
      have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =
                step0 (3, CL, Oc#Bk#CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"
        by auto
      also with minor and unpacked_INV
      have "... = (5,[Oc] @ CL, Bk#CR)"
        by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
      finally have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) = (5,[Oc] @ CL, Bk#CR)"
        by auto
          (* establish measure *)
      with cf_at_current show ?thesis
        by (auto simp add: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_def)
      assume "s=5"
        (* get the invariant of the state *)
      with cf_at_stp
      have cf_at_current: "steps0 (1, [Bk,Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp = (5, l, r)"
        by auto
      with cf_at_stp  and s=5 and INV
      have unpacked_INV: "(l = [Oc]    @ CL  r = Bk#CR)"
        by auto
          (* compute the next state *)
      then have minor: "r = Bk#CR" by auto
      with unpacked_INV cf_at_stp and s=5 and SUC_STEP_RED
      have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =
                step0 (5, [Oc]    @ CL, Bk#CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"
        by auto
      also with minor and unpacked_INV
      have "... = (6, [Bk,Oc] @ CL, CR)"
        by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
      finally have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) = (6, [Bk,Oc] @ CL, CR)"
        by auto
          (* establish measure *)
      with cf_at_current show ?thesis
        by (auto simp add: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_def)
      assume "s=6"
        (* get the invariant of the state *)
      with cf_at_stp
      have cf_at_current: "steps0 (1, [Bk,Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp = (6, l, r)"
        by auto
      with cf_at_stp  and s=6 and INV
      have unpacked_INV: "(l = [Bk,Oc] @ CL  ( (CR = []  r = CR) 
                                                (CR  []  (r = CR  r = Bk # tl CR))
        by auto
      then have unpacked_INV': "l = [Bk,Oc] @ CL  CR = []  r = CR 
                               l = [Bk,Oc] @ CL  CR  []  r = Oc # tl CR 
                               l = [Bk,Oc] @ CL  CR  []  r = Bk # tl CR"
        by (metis (full_types) cell.exhaust list.sel(3) neq_Nil_conv)
      then show ?thesis
        assume minor: "l = [Bk, Oc] @ CL  CR = []  r = CR"
        with unpacked_INV cf_at_stp and s=6 and SUC_STEP_RED
        have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =
                step0 (6, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"
          by auto
        also with minor and unpacked_INV
        have "... = (7,Bk#[Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR)"
          by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
        finally have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) = (7,Bk#[Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR)"
          by auto
            (* establish measure *)
        with cf_at_current show ?thesis
          by (auto simp add: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_def)
        assume "l = [Bk, Oc] @ CL  CR  []  r = Oc # tl CR  l = [Bk, Oc] @ CL  CR  []  r = Bk # tl CR"
        then show ?thesis
          assume minor: "l = [Bk, Oc] @ CL  CR  []  r = Bk # tl CR"
          with unpacked_INV cf_at_stp and s=6 and SUC_STEP_RED
          have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =
                step0 (6, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, Bk # tl CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"
            by auto
          also with minor
          have "... = (7,Bk#[Bk, Oc] @ CL, tl CR)"
            by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
          finally have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) = (7,Bk#[Bk, Oc] @ CL, tl CR)"
            by auto
              (* establish measure *)
          with cf_at_current show ?thesis
            by (auto simp add: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_def)
          assume minor: "l = [Bk, Oc] @ CL  CR  []  r = Oc # tl CR"
          with unpacked_INV cf_at_stp and s=6 and SUC_STEP_RED
          have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =
                step0 (6, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, Oc # tl CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"
            by auto
          also with minor
          have "... = (6, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, Bk # tl CR)"
            by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
          finally have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) = (6, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, Bk # tl CR)"
            by auto
              (* establish measure *)
          with cf_at_current and minor show ?thesis
            by (auto simp add: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_def)
      assume "s=7"
        (* get the invariant of the state *)
      with cf_at_stp
      have cf_at_current: "steps0 (1, [Bk,Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp = (7, l, r)"
        by auto
      with cf_at_stp  and s=7 and INV
      have  "(lex. l = Bk  Suc lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL)  (rs. CR = rs @ r)"
        by auto
      then obtain lex rs where
        unpacked_INV: "l = Bk  Suc lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL  CR = rs @ r" by blast
          (* compute the next state *)
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases r)
        case Nil
        then have minor: "r = []" .
        with unpacked_INV cf_at_stp and s=7 and SUC_STEP_RED
        have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =
                step0 (7, Bk  Suc lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"
          by auto
        also with minor and unpacked_INV
        have "... = (9, Bk  Suc (Suc lex) @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, r)"
          by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
        finally have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) = (9, Bk  Suc (Suc lex) @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, r)"
          by auto
            (* establish measure *)
        with cf_at_current and minor show ?thesis
          by (auto simp add: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_def)
        case (Cons a rs')
        then have major: "r = a # rs'" .
        then show ?thesis
        proof (cases a)
          case Bk
          with major have minor: "r = Bk#rs'" by auto

          with unpacked_INV cf_at_stp and s=7 and SUC_STEP_RED
          have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =
                step0 (7,  Bk  Suc lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"
            by auto
          also with minor and unpacked_INV
          have "... = (9, Bk  Suc (Suc lex) @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, rs')"
            by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
          finally have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) = (9, Bk  Suc (Suc lex) @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, rs')"
            by auto
              (* establish measure *)
          with cf_at_current and minor show ?thesis
            by (auto simp add: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_def)
          case Oc
          with major have minor: "r = Oc#rs'" by auto

          with unpacked_INV cf_at_stp and s=7 and SUC_STEP_RED
          have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =
                step0 (7,  Bk  Suc lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, Oc#rs') tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"
            by auto
          also with minor and unpacked_INV
          have "... = (8, Bk  Suc lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, Bk#rs')"
            by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
          finally have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) = (8, Bk  Suc lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, Bk#rs')"
            by auto
              (* establish measure *)
          with cf_at_current and minor show ?thesis
            by (auto simp add: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_def)
      assume "s=8"
        (* get the invariant of the state *)
      with cf_at_stp
      have cf_at_current: "steps0 (1, [Bk,Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp = (8, l, r)"
        by auto
      with cf_at_stp  and s=8 and INV
      have  "(lex. l = Bk  Suc lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL)  (rs1 rs2. CR = rs1 @ [Oc] @ rs2  r = Bk#rs2)"
        by auto
      then obtain lex rs1 rs2 where
        unpacked_INV: "l = Bk  Suc lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL  CR = rs1 @ [Oc] @ rs2  r = Bk#rs2 " by blast
          (* compute the next state *)
      with  cf_at_stp and s=8 and SUC_STEP_RED
      have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =
                step0 (8,  Bk  Suc lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, Bk#rs2) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"
        by auto
      also with unpacked_INV
      have "... = (7, Bk  Suc (Suc lex) @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, rs2)"
        by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
      finally have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp)
                      = (7, Bk  Suc (Suc lex) @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, rs2)"
        by auto
          (* establish measure *)
      with cf_at_current and unpacked_INV show ?thesis
        by (auto simp add: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_def)
      assume "s=9"
        (* get the invariant of the state *)
      with cf_at_stp
      have cf_at_current: "steps0 (1, [Bk,Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp = (9, l, r)"
        by auto
      with cf_at_stp  and s=9 and INV
      have  "(lex. l = Bk  Suc lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL)  (rs. CR = rs @ [Bk] @ r  CR = rs  r = [])"
        by auto
      then obtain lex rs where
        "l = Bk  Suc lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL  (CR = rs @ [Bk] @ r  CR = rs  r = [])" by blast
      then have unpacked_INV: "l = Bk  Suc lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL  CR = rs @ [Bk] @ r 
                               l = Bk  Suc lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL  CR = rs  r = []" by auto
      then show ?thesis
        (* compute the next state *)
        assume major: "l = Bk  Suc lex @ [Bk, Oc] @ CL  CR = rs @ [Bk] @ r"
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases r)
          case Nil
          then have minor: "r = []" .
          with unpacked_INV cf_at_stp and s=9 and SUC_STEP_RED
          have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =
                step0 (9, Bk  Suc lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"
            by auto
          also with minor and unpacked_INV
          have "... = (10, Bk  lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, Bk#r)"
            by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
          finally have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) = (10, Bk  lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, Bk#r)"
            by auto
              (* establish measure *)
          with cf_at_current and minor show ?thesis
            by (auto simp add: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_def)
          case (Cons a rs')
          then have major2: "r = a # rs'" .
          then show ?thesis
          proof (cases a)
            case Bk
            with major2 have minor: "r = Bk#rs'" by auto
            with unpacked_INV cf_at_stp and s=9 and SUC_STEP_RED
            have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =
                step0 (9,  Bk  Suc lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, Bk#rs') tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"
              by auto
            also with minor and unpacked_INV
            have "... = (10, Bk  lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, Bk#Bk#rs')"
              by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
            finally have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) = (10, Bk  lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, Bk#Bk#rs')"
              by auto
                (* establish measure *)
            with cf_at_current and minor show ?thesis
              by (auto simp add: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_def)
            case Oc
            with major2 have minor: "r = Oc#rs'" by auto
            with unpacked_INV cf_at_stp and s=9 and SUC_STEP_RED
            have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =
                step0 (9,  Bk  Suc lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, Oc#rs') tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"
              by auto
            also with minor and unpacked_INV
            have "... = (8,  Bk  Suc lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, Bk#rs')"
              by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
            finally have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) = (8,  Bk  Suc lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, Bk#rs')"
              by auto
                (* establish measure *)
            with cf_at_current and minor show ?thesis
              by (auto simp add: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_def)
        (* compute the next state *)
        assume major: "l = Bk  Suc lex @ [Bk, Oc] @ CL  CR = rs  r = []"
        with unpacked_INV cf_at_stp and s=9 and SUC_STEP_RED
        have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =
                step0 (9,  Bk  Suc lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, []) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"
          by auto
        also with unpacked_INV
        have "... = (10,  Bk  lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, [Bk])"
          by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
        finally have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) = (10,  Bk  lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL, [Bk])"
          by auto
            (* establish measure *)
        with cf_at_current show ?thesis
          by (auto simp add: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_def)
      assume "s=10"
        (* get the invariant of the state *)
      with cf_at_stp
      have cf_at_current: "steps0 (1, [Bk,Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp = (10, l, r)"
        by auto
      with cf_at_stp  and s=10 and INV
      have  "(lex rex. l = Bk  lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL  r = Bk  Suc rex) 
             (rex. l = [Oc] @ CL  r = Bk  Suc rex) 
             (rex. l = CL  r = Oc # Bk  Suc rex)"
        by auto
      then have s10_cases:
        "P.  lex rex. l = Bk  lex @ [Bk,Oc] @ CL  r = Bk  Suc rex  P;
             rex. l = [Oc] @ CL  r = Bk  Suc rex  P;
             rex. l = CL  r = Oc # Bk  Suc rex  P
        by blast
      show ?thesis
      proof (rule s10_cases)
        assume "lex rex. l = Bk  lex @ [Bk, Oc] @ CL  r = Bk  Suc rex"
        then obtain lex rex where
          unpacked_INV: "l = Bk  lex @ [Bk, Oc] @ CL  r = Bk  Suc rex" by blast
        with unpacked_INV cf_at_stp and s=10 and SUC_STEP_RED
        have todo_step: "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =
                         step0 (10, Bk  lex @ [Bk, Oc] @ CL, Bk  Suc rex) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"
          by auto
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases lex)
          case 0
          then have "lex = 0" .
              (* compute the next state *)
          then have "step0 (10, Bk  lex @ [Bk, Oc] @ CL, Bk  Suc rex) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left
                     = (10, [Oc] @ CL, Bk  Suc (Suc rex))"
            by (simp add:  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)
          with todo_step 
          have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) = (10, [Oc] @ CL, Bk  Suc (Suc rex))"
            by auto
              (* establish measure *)
          with lex = 0 and cf_at_current and unpacked_INV show ?thesis
            by (auto simp add: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_def)
          case (Suc nat)
          then have "lex = Suc nat" .
              (* compute the next state *)
          then have "step0 (10, Bk  lex @ [Bk, Oc] @ CL, Bk  Suc rex) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left
                     = (10, Bk  nat @ [Bk, Oc] @ CL, Bk  Suc (Suc rex))"
            by (simp add:  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)
          with todo_step 
          have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) = (10, Bk  nat @ [Bk, Oc] @ CL, Bk  Suc (Suc rex))"
            by auto
              (* establish measure *)
          with lex = Suc nat cf_at_current and unpacked_INV show ?thesis
            by (auto simp add: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_def)
        assume "rex. l = [Oc] @ CL  r = Bk  Suc rex"
        then obtain rex where
          unpacked_INV: "l = [Oc] @ CL  r = Bk  Suc rex" by blast
            (* compute the next state *)
        with unpacked_INV cf_at_stp and s=10 and SUC_STEP_RED
        have todo_step: "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =
                         step0 (10, [Oc] @ CL, Bk  Suc rex) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"
          by auto
        also with unpacked_INV
        have "... = (10, CL, Oc# Bk  (Suc rex))"
          by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
        finally have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) = (10, CL, Oc# Bk  (Suc rex))"
          by auto
            (* establish measure *)
        with cf_at_current and unpacked_INV show ?thesis
          by (auto simp add: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_def)
        assume "rex. l = CL  r = Oc # Bk  Suc rex"
        then obtain rex where
          unpacked_INV: "l = CL  r = Oc # Bk  Suc rex" by blast
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases CL) (* here, we start decomposing CL in the loop 'move to left until Oc *)
          case Nil
          then have minor: "CL = []" .
          with unpacked_INV cf_at_stp and s=10 and SUC_STEP_RED
            (* compute the next state *)
          have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =
                step0 (10, [], Oc # Bk  Suc rex) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"
            by auto
          also with minor and unpacked_INV
          have "... = (11, [], Bk#Oc# Bk  (Suc rex))"  (* YYYY1' *)
            by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
          finally have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) = (11, [], Bk#Oc# Bk  (Suc rex))"
            by auto
              (* establish measure *)
          with cf_at_current show ?thesis
            by (auto simp add: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_def)
          case (Cons a rs')
          then have major2: "CL = a # rs'" .
          then show ?thesis
          proof (cases a)
            case Bk
            with major2 have minor: "CL = Bk#rs'" by auto
            with unpacked_INV cf_at_stp and s=10 and SUC_STEP_RED
              (* compute the next state *)
            have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =
                step0 (10,  Bk#rs', Oc # Bk  Suc rex) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"
              by auto
            also with minor and unpacked_INV
            have "... = (11, rs', Bk# Oc # Bk  Suc rex)" (* YYYY2',YYYY3 *)
              by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
            finally have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) = (11, rs', Bk# Oc # Bk  Suc rex)"
              by auto
                (* establish measure *)
            with cf_at_current and minor show ?thesis
              by (auto simp add: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_def)
            case Oc
            with major2 have minor: "CL = Oc#rs'" by auto
            with unpacked_INV cf_at_stp and s=10 and SUC_STEP_RED
              (* compute the next state *)
            have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =
                step0 (10,  Oc#rs', Oc # Bk  Suc rex) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"
              by auto
            also with minor and unpacked_INV
            have "... = (11, rs', Oc# Oc # Bk  Suc rex)" (* YYYY2'', YYYY5, YYYY6, YYYY7 *)
              by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
            finally have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) = (11, rs', Oc# Oc # Bk  Suc rex)"
              by auto
                (* establish measure *)
            with cf_at_current and minor show ?thesis
              by (auto simp add: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_def)
      assume "s=11"
        (* get the invariant of the state *)
      with cf_at_stp
      have cf_at_current: "steps0 (1, [Bk,Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp = (11, l, r)"
        by auto
      with cf_at_stp  and s=11 and INV
      have "(rex.         l = []          r = Bk# rev CL    @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  (CL = []  last CL = Oc))              
          (rex.         l = []          r = rev CL        @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL  []  last CL = Bk ) 
          (rex.         l = []          r = rev CL        @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL  []  last CL = Oc ) 

          (rex.         l = [Bk]        r = rev [Oc]      @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = [Oc, Bk]) 

          (rex ls1 ls2. l = Bk#Oc#ls2   r = rev ls1       @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = ls1 @ Bk#Oc#ls2  ls1 = [Oc] ) 
          (rex ls1 ls2. l =    Oc#ls2   r = rev ls1       @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = ls1 @ Oc#ls2     ls1 = [Bk] ) 
          (rex ls1 ls2. l =    Oc#ls2   r = rev ls1       @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = ls1 @ Oc#ls2     ls1 = [Oc] ) 
          (rex ls1 ls2. l =       ls2   r = rev ls1       @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = ls1 @ ls2        tl ls1  [])"
        by auto

      then have s11_cases:
        "P.  rex.         l = []          r = Bk# rev CL    @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  (CL = []  last CL = Oc)  P;
             rex.         l = []          r = rev CL        @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL  []  last CL = Bk  P;
             rex.         l = []          r = rev CL        @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL  []  last CL = Oc  P;

             rex.         l = [Bk]        r = rev [Oc]      @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = [Oc, Bk]  P;

             rex ls1 ls2. l = Bk#Oc#ls2   r = rev ls1       @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = ls1 @ Bk#Oc#ls2  ls1 = [Oc]  P;
             rex ls1 ls2. l =    Oc#ls2   r = rev ls1       @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = ls1 @ Oc#ls2     ls1 = [Bk]  P;
             rex ls1 ls2. l =    Oc#ls2   r = rev ls1       @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = ls1 @ Oc#ls2     ls1 = [Oc]  P;

             rex ls1 ls2. l =       ls2   r = rev ls1       @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = ls1 @ ls2        tl ls1  []  P
        by blast
      show ?thesis
      proof (rule s11_cases)
        assume "rex ls1 ls2. l = Bk # Oc # ls2  r = rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = ls1 @ Bk # Oc # ls2  ls1 = [Oc]" (* YYYY6 *)
        then obtain rex ls1 ls2 where
          unpacked_INV: "l = Bk#Oc#ls2   r = rev ls1       @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = ls1 @ Bk#Oc#ls2  ls1 = [Oc]" by blast
        from unpacked_INV cf_at_stp and s=11 and SUC_STEP_RED
        have todo_step: "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =
                         step0 (11, Bk#Oc#ls2, r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"
          by auto
        also with unpacked_INV
        have "... = (11, Oc # ls2, Bk # r)"
          by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
        finally have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) = (11, Oc # ls2, Bk # r)"
          by auto
            (* establish measure *)
        with cf_at_current and unpacked_INV show ?thesis
          by (auto simp add: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_def)
        assume "rex ls1 ls2. l = Oc # ls2  r = rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = ls1 @ Oc # ls2  ls1 = [Oc]" (* YYYY7 *)
        then obtain rex ls1 ls2 where
          unpacked_INV: "l = Oc # ls2  r = rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = ls1 @ Oc # ls2  ls1 = [Oc]" by blast
        from unpacked_INV cf_at_stp and s=11 and SUC_STEP_RED
        have todo_step: "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =
                         step0 (11, l, r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"
          by auto
        also with unpacked_INV
        have "... = (11, ls2, Oc#r)"
          by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
        finally have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) = (11, ls2, Oc#r)"
          by auto
            (* establish measure *)
        with cf_at_current and unpacked_INV show ?thesis
          by (auto simp add: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_def)
        assume "rex. l = [Bk]  r = rev [Oc] @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = [Oc, Bk]" (* YYYY5 *)
        then obtain rex where
          unpacked_INV: "l = [Bk]  r = rev [Oc] @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = [Oc, Bk]" by blast
            (* compute the next state *)
        from unpacked_INV cf_at_stp and s=11 and SUC_STEP_RED
        have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =
                         step0 (11, l, r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"
          by auto
        also with unpacked_INV
        have "... = (11, [], Bk#r)"
          by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
        finally have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) = (11, [], Bk#r)"
          by auto
            (* establish measure *)
        with cf_at_current and unpacked_INV show ?thesis
          by (auto simp add: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_def)
        assume "rex ls1 ls2. l = ls2  r = rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = ls1 @ ls2  tl ls1  []" (* YYYY8 *)
        then obtain rex ls1 ls2 where
          A_case: "l = ls2  r = rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = ls1 @ ls2  tl ls1  []" by blast
            (* we have to decompose both ls1 and ls2 in order to predict the next step *)
        then have "z b bs. ls1 = z#bs@[b]"  (* the symbol z does not matter *) 
          by (metis Nil_tl list.exhaust_sel rev_exhaust)
        then have "z bs. ls1 = z#bs@[Bk]  ls1 = z#bs@[Oc]"
          using cell.exhaust by blast
        then obtain z bs where w_z_bs: "ls1 = z#bs@[Bk]  ls1 = z#bs@[Oc]" by blast
        then show ?thesis
          assume major1: "ls1 = z # bs @ [Bk]"
          then have major2: "rev ls1 = Bk#(rev bs)@[z]" by auto  (* in this case all transitions will be s11 ⟶ s12 *)
          show ?thesis
          proof  (rule noDblBk_cases)
            from noDblBk CL show "noDblBk CL" .
            from A_case show "CL = ls1 @ ls2" by auto
            assume minor: "ls2 = []"
              (* compute the next state *)
            with A_case major2 cf_at_stp and s=11 and SUC_STEP_RED
            have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =
                step0 (11, [], Bk#(rev bs)@[z] @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"
              by auto
            have "... = (12, [], Bk#Bk#(rev bs)@[z] @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
              by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
            finally have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) = (12, [], Bk#Bk#(rev bs)@[z] @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
              by auto
                (* establish measure *)
            with cf_at_current show ?thesis
              by (auto simp add: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_def)
            assume "ls2 = [Bk]"
            with A_case rev ls1 = Bk#(rev bs)@[z] and ls2 = [Bk]
            have "ls1 = z#bs@[Bk]" and "CL = z#bs@[Bk]@[Bk]" by auto
            with noDblBk CL have False               
              by (metis A_case  ls2 = [Bk] append_Cons hasDblBk_L5 major2)
            then show ?thesis by auto
            fix C3
            assume minor: "ls2 = Bk # Oc # C3"
            with A_case and major2 have "CL = z # bs @ [Bk] @ Bk # Oc # C3" by auto
            with noDblBk CL have False
              by (metis append.left_neutral append_Cons append_assoc hasDblBk_L1 major1 minor)
            then show ?thesis by auto     
            fix C3
            assume minor: "ls2 = Oc # C3"
              (* compute the next state *)
            with A_case major2 cf_at_stp and s=11 and SUC_STEP_RED
            have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =
                step0 (11, Oc # C3 , Bk#(rev bs)@[z]  @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"
              by auto
            have "... = (12, C3, Oc#Bk#(rev bs)@[z]  @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
              by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
            finally have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) = (12, C3, Oc#Bk#(rev bs)@[z]  @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
              by auto
                (* establish measure *)
            with A_case minor cf_at_current  show ?thesis
              by (auto simp add: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_def)
          assume major1: "ls1 = z # bs @ [Oc]"
          then have major2: "rev ls1 = Oc#(rev bs)@[z]" by auto (* in this case all transitions will be s11 ⟶ s11 *)
          show ?thesis
          proof  (rule noDblBk_cases)
            from noDblBk CL show "noDblBk CL" .
            from A_case show "CL = ls1 @ ls2" by auto
            assume minor: "ls2 = []"
              (* compute the next state *)
            with A_case major2 cf_at_stp and s=11 and SUC_STEP_RED
            have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =
                step0 (11, [] , Oc#(rev bs)@[z] @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"
              by auto
            have "... = (11, [], Bk#Oc#(rev bs)@[z] @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex)"
              by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
            finally have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) = (11, [], Bk#Oc#(rev bs)@[z] @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex)"
              by auto
                (* establish measure *)
            with A_case minor major2 cf_at_current show ?thesis
              by (auto simp add: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_def)
            assume minor: "ls2 = [Bk]"
              (* compute the next state *)
            with A_case major2 cf_at_stp and s=11 and SUC_STEP_RED
            have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =
                step0 (11, [Bk] , Oc#(rev bs)@[z] @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"
              by auto
            have "... = (11, [], Bk#Oc#(rev bs)@[z] @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
              by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
            finally have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) = (11, [], Bk#Oc#(rev bs)@[z] @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
              by auto
                (* establish measure *)
            with A_case minor major2 cf_at_current show ?thesis
              by (auto simp add: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_def)
            fix C3
            assume minor: "ls2 = Bk # Oc # C3"
              (* compute the next state *)
            with A_case major2 cf_at_stp and s=11 and SUC_STEP_RED
            have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =
                step0 (11, Bk # Oc # C3 , Oc # rev bs @ [z]  @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"
              by auto
            have "... = (11, Oc # C3, Bk#Oc # rev bs @ [z]  @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
              by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
            finally have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) = (11, Oc # C3, Bk#Oc # rev bs @ [z]  @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
              by auto
                (* establish measure *)
            with A_case minor major2 cf_at_current show ?thesis
              by (auto simp add: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_def)
            fix C3
            assume minor: "ls2 = Oc # C3"
              (* compute the next state *)
            with A_case major2 cf_at_stp and s=11 and SUC_STEP_RED
            have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =
                step0 (11, Oc # C3 , Oc#(rev bs)@[z]  @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"
              by auto
            have "... = (11, C3, Oc#Oc#(rev bs)@[z]  @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex)"
              by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
            finally have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp)
                        = (11, C3, Oc#Oc#(rev bs)@[z]  @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex)"
              by auto
                (* establish measure *)
            with A_case minor major2 cf_at_current show ?thesis
              by (auto simp add: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_def)
        assume "rex ls1 ls2. l = Oc # ls2  r = rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = ls1 @ Oc # ls2  ls1 = [Bk]" (* YYYY3 *)
        then obtain rex ls1 ls2 where
          unpacked_INV: "l = Oc # ls2  r = rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = ls1 @ Oc # ls2  ls1 = [Bk]" by blast
            (* compute the next state *)
        from unpacked_INV cf_at_stp and s=11 and SUC_STEP_RED
        have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =
                         step0 (11, l, r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"
          by auto
        also with unpacked_INV
        have "... = (12, ls2, Oc#[Bk] @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
          by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
        finally have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp)
                    = (12, ls2, Oc#[Bk] @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
          by auto
            (* establish measure *)
        with cf_at_current and unpacked_INV show ?thesis
          by (auto simp add: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_def)
        assume "rex. l = []  r = Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  (CL = []  last CL = Oc)"  (* YYYY1' *)
        then obtain rex where
          unpacked_INV: "l = []  r = Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  (CL = []  last CL = Oc)" by blast
            (* compute the next state *)
        from unpacked_INV cf_at_stp and s=11 and SUC_STEP_RED
        have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =
                         step0 (11, l, r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"
          by auto
        also with unpacked_INV
        have "... = (12, [], Bk#Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
          by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
        finally have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp)
                    = (12, [], Bk#Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
          by auto
            (* establish measure *)
        with cf_at_current and unpacked_INV show ?thesis
          by (auto simp add: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_def)
        assume "rex. l = []  r = rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL  []  last CL = Bk" (* YYYY2' *)
        then obtain rex where
          unpacked_INV: "l = []  r = rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL  []  last CL = Bk" by blast
        then have "hd (rev CL) = Bk"
          by (simp add: hd_rev)
            (* compute the next state *)
        from unpacked_INV cf_at_stp and s=11 and SUC_STEP_RED
        have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =
                         step0 (11, l, r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"
          by auto
        also with unpacked_INV and hd (rev CL) = Bk
        have "... = (12, [], Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
          by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
        finally have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp)
                    = (12, [], Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
          by auto
            (* establish measure *)
        with cf_at_current and unpacked_INV show ?thesis
          by (auto simp add: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_def)
        assume "rex. l = []  r = rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL  []  last CL = Oc" (* YYYY2'' *)
        then obtain rex where
          unpacked_INV: "l = []  r = rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL  []  last CL = Oc" by blast
        then have "hd (rev CL) = Oc"
          by (simp add: hd_rev)
            (* compute the next state *)
        from unpacked_INV cf_at_stp and s=11 and SUC_STEP_RED
        have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =
                         step0 (11, l, r) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"
          by auto
        also with unpacked_INV and hd (rev CL) = Oc
        have "... = (11, [], Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
          by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
        finally have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp)
                    = (11, [], Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
          by auto
            (* establish measure *)
        with cf_at_current and unpacked_INV and hd (rev CL) = Oc show ?thesis
          by (auto simp add: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_def)
      assume "s=12"
        (* get the invariant of the state *)
      with cf_at_stp
      have cf_at_current: "steps0 (1, [Bk,Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp = (12, l, r)"
        by auto
      with cf_at_stp  and s=12 and INV
      have "
          (rex ls1 ls2. l = ls2  r = rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = ls1 @ ls2   tl ls1  []  last ls1 = Oc) 
          (rex.         l = []   r = Bk#rev CL    @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL  []  last CL = Bk) 
          (rex.         l = []   r = Bk#Bk#rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  (CL = []  last CL = Oc))"
        by auto

      then have s12_cases:
        "P.  rex ls1 ls2. l = ls2  r = rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = ls1 @ ls2   tl ls1  []  last ls1 = Oc  P;
             rex. l = []   r = Bk#rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL  []  last CL = Bk  P;
             rex. l = []   r = Bk#Bk#rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  (CL = []  last CL = Oc)  P 
        by blast
      show ?thesis
      proof (rule s12_cases)
        (* YYYY4 *)
        assume "rex ls1 ls2. l = ls2  r = rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = ls1 @ ls2  tl ls1  []  last ls1 = Oc"
        then obtain rex ls1 ls2 where
          unpacked_INV: "l = ls2  r = rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL = ls1 @ ls2 tl ls1  []  last ls1 = Oc" by blast
        then have "ls1  []" by auto 
        with unpacked_INV have major: "hd (rev ls1) = Oc"
          by (simp add: hd_rev)
        with unpacked_INV and major have minor2: "r = Oc#tl ((rev ls1) @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex)"
          by (metis Nil_is_append_conv ls1  [] hd_Cons_tl hd_append2 list.simps(3) rev_is_Nil_conv)

        show ?thesis
        proof  (rule noDblBk_cases)
          from noDblBk CL show "noDblBk CL" .
          from unpacked_INV show "CL = ls1 @ ls2" by auto
          assume minor: "ls2 = []"
            (* compute the next state *)
          with unpacked_INV minor minor2 major cf_at_stp and s=12 and ls1  [] and SUC_STEP_RED
          have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =
                step0 (12, [] ,   Oc#tl ((rev ls1) @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex)) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"
            by auto
          have "... = (11, [], Bk#Oc#tl ((rev ls1) @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex))"
            by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
          also with unpacked_INV and minor2 have "... =  (11, [], Bk# rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
            by auto
          finally have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp)
                 = (11, [], Bk# rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex )"
            by auto
              (* establish measure *)
          with unpacked_INV minor major minor2 cf_at_current ls1  [] show ?thesis
            by (auto simp add: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_def)
          assume minor: "ls2 = [Bk]"
            (* compute the next state *)
          with unpacked_INV minor minor2 major cf_at_stp and s=12 and ls1  [] and SUC_STEP_RED
          have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =
                step0 (12, [Bk] ,   Oc#tl (rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex)) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"
            by auto
          also have "... =  (11, [], Bk#Oc#tl (rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex ))"
            by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
          finally have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp)
                 = (11, [], Bk#Oc#tl (rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex ))"
            by auto
              (* establish measure *)
          with unpacked_INV minor major minor2 cf_at_current ls1  [] show ?thesis
            by (auto simp add: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_def)
          fix C3
          assume minor: "ls2 = Bk # Oc # C3"
            (* compute the next state *)
          with unpacked_INV minor minor2 major cf_at_stp and s=12 and ls1  [] and SUC_STEP_RED
          have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =
                step0 (12, Bk # Oc # C3 ,   Oc#tl (rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex)) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"
            by auto
          also have "... =  (11, Oc # C3, Bk#Oc#tl (rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex ))"
            by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
          finally have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp)
                 = (11, Oc # C3, Bk#Oc#tl (rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex ))"
            by auto
              (* establish measure *)
          with unpacked_INV minor major minor2 cf_at_current ls1  [] show ?thesis
            by (auto simp add: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_def)
          fix C3
          assume minor: "ls2 = Oc # C3"
            (* compute the next state *)
          with unpacked_INV minor minor2 major cf_at_stp and s=12 and ls1  [] and SUC_STEP_RED
          have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =
                step0 (12, Oc # C3 ,   Oc#tl (rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex)) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"
            by auto
          also have "... =  (11, C3, Oc#Oc#tl (rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex ))"
            by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
          finally have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp)
                 = (11, C3, Oc#Oc#tl (rev ls1 @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex ))"
            by auto
              (* establish measure *)
          with unpacked_INV minor major minor2 cf_at_current ls1  [] show ?thesis
            by (auto simp add: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_def)
        (* YYYY6''' *)
        assume "rex. l = []  r = Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL  []  last CL = Bk"
        then obtain rex where
          unpacked_INV: "l = []  r = Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  CL  []  last CL = Bk" by blast
            (* compute the next state *)
        with cf_at_stp and s=12 and SUC_STEP_RED
        have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =
                step0 (12, [] , Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex)  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"
          by auto

        have "... = (0, [], Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex)"
          by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
        finally have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp)
                    = (0, [], Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex)"
          by auto
            (* establish measure *)
        with cf_at_current  show ?thesis
          by (auto simp add: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_def)
        (* YYYY9 *)
        assume "rex. l = []  r = Bk # Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  (CL = []  last CL = Oc)"
        then obtain rex where
          unpacked_INV: "l = []  r = Bk # Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex  (CL = []  last CL = Oc)" by blast
            (* compute the next state *)
        with cf_at_stp and s=12 and SUC_STEP_RED
        have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp) =
                step0 (12, [] , Bk # Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"
          by auto

        have "... = (0, [], Bk# Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex)"
          by (auto simp add: tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 step.simps steps.simps)
        finally have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left (Suc stp)
                    = (0, [], Bk# Bk # rev CL @ Oc # Bk  Suc rex)"
          by auto
            (* establish measure *)
        with cf_at_current  show ?thesis
          by (auto simp add: measure_tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_def)

(* -------------- Total correctness for the ERASE path of tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left ------------------ *)

lemma tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_total_correctness_CL_is_Nil:
  assumes "noDblBk CL"
  and "noDblBk CR"
  and "CL = []"
  shows " λtap. tap = ([Bk,Oc] @ CL, CR)  
          λtap. rex. tap = ([], [Bk,Bk] @ (rev CL) @ [Oc, Bk] @ Bk  rex ) "
proof (rule tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_partial_correctness_CL_is_Nil)
  from assms show "stp. is_final (steps0 (1, [Bk,Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp)"
    using  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_halts by auto
  from assms show "noDblBk CL" by auto
  from assms show "noDblBk CR" by auto
  from assms show "CL = []" by auto

lemma tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_correctness_CL_ew_Bk:
  assumes "noDblBk CL"
  and "noDblBk CR"
  and "CL  []"
  and "last CL = Bk"   
  shows " λtap. tap = ([Bk,Oc] @ CL, CR)  
          λtap. rex. tap = ([], [Bk] @ (rev CL) @ [Oc, Bk] @ Bk  rex ) "
proof (rule tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_partial_correctness_CL_ew_Bk)
  from assms show "stp. is_final (steps0 (1, [Bk,Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp)"
    using  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_halts by auto
  from assms show "noDblBk CL" by auto
  from assms show "noDblBk CR" by auto
  from assms show "CL  []" by auto
  from assms show "last CL = Bk" by auto

lemma tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_total_correctness_CL_ew_Oc:
  assumes "noDblBk CL"
    and "noDblBk CR"
    and "CL  []"
    and "last CL = Oc"   
  shows " λtap. tap = ([Bk,Oc] @ CL, CR)  
          λtap. rex. tap = ([], [Bk, Bk] @ (rev CL) @ [Oc, Bk] @ Bk  rex ) "
proof (rule tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_partial_correctness_CL_ew_Oc)
  from assms show "stp. is_final (steps0 (1, [Bk,Oc] @ CL, CR) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp)"
    using  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_halts by auto
  from assms show "noDblBk CL" by auto
  from assms show "noDblBk CR" by auto
  from assms show "CL  []" by auto
  from assms show "last CL = Oc" by auto

(* --- prove some helper theorems to convert results to lists of numeral        --- *)

(*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* simple case, where we tried to check for exactly one argument and failed         *)
(*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

lemma tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_total_correctness_helper_CL_eq_Nil_n_eq_1_last_eq_0:
  assumes "(nl::nat list)  []"
    and "n=1"
    and "n  length nl"
    and "last (take n nl) = 0"
  shows "CL CR.
           [Oc] @ CL = rev(<take n nl>)  noDblBk CL  CL = [] 
                  CR = (<drop n nl>)     noDblBk CR"
proof -
  have "rev(<take n nl>) = <rev(take n nl)>"
    by (rule rev_numeral_list)
  also with assms have "... = <rev( butlast (take n nl) @ [last (take n nl)] )>"
    by (metis append_butlast_last_id take_eq_Nil zero_neq_one)
  also have "... = < (rev[(last (take n nl))]) @ (rev ( butlast (take n nl)))>"
    by simp
  also with assms have "... = < (rev [0]) @ (rev ( butlast (take n nl)))>" by auto
  finally have major: "rev(<take n nl>) = <(rev [0]) @ (rev ( butlast (take n nl)))>" by auto
  with assms have "butlast (take n nl) = []"
    by (simp add: butlast_take)
  then have "<(rev [0::nat]) @ (rev ( butlast (take n nl)))> = <(rev [0::nat]) @ (rev [])>"
    by auto
  also have "... = <(rev [0::nat])>" by auto
  also have "... = <[0::nat]>" by auto
  also have "... = [Oc]"
    by (simp add: tape_of_list_def tape_of_nat_def )
  finally have "<(rev [0::nat]) @ (rev ( butlast (take n nl)))> =  [Oc]" by auto
  with major have "rev(<take n nl>) = [Oc]" by auto
  then have "[Oc] @ [] = rev(<take n nl>)  noDblBk []  ([] = []  []  []  last [] = Oc) 
                  (<drop n nl>) = (<drop n nl>)     noDblBk (<drop n nl>)"
    by (simp add: noDblBk_Nil noDblBk_tape_of_nat_list)
  then show ?thesis
    by blast

lemma tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_total_correctness_helper_CL_neq_Nil_n_eq_1_last_neq_0:
  assumes "(nl::nat list)  []"
    and "n=1"
    and "n  length nl"
    and "0 < last (take n nl)"
  shows "CL CR.
           [Oc] @ CL = rev(<take n nl>)  noDblBk CL  CL  []  last CL = Oc 
                  CR = (<drop n nl>)     noDblBk CR"
proof -
  have minor: "rev(<take n nl>) = <rev(take n nl)>"
    by (rule rev_numeral_list)
  also with assms have "... = <rev( butlast (take n nl) @ [last (take n nl)] )>"
    by simp
  also have "... = <(rev[last (take n nl)]) @ (rev (butlast (take n nl)))>"
    by simp
  finally have major: "rev(<take n nl>) = <(rev[(last (take n nl))]) @ (rev ( butlast (take n nl)))>"
    by auto

  moreover from assms have "[last (take n nl)]  []" by auto
  moreover from  assms have "butlast (take n nl) = []"
    by (simp add: butlast_take)
  ultimately have "rev(<take n nl>) = <(rev[(last (take n nl))])>"
    by auto

  also have "<(rev[(last (take n nl))])> = Oc Suc  (last (take n nl))"
  proof -
    from assms have "<[(last (take n nl))]> = Oc Suc  (last (take n nl))"
      by (simp add: tape_of_list_def tape_of_nat_def)
    then show "<(rev[(last (take n nl))])> = Oc Suc  (last (take n nl))"
      by simp
  also have "... = Oc# Oc (last (take n nl))" by auto
  finally have "rev(<take n nl>) = Oc# Oc (last (take n nl))" by auto

  moreover from assms have "Oc (last (take n nl))  []"
    by auto

  ultimately have "[Oc] @ (Oc (last (take n nl))) = rev(<take n nl>) 
                   noDblBk (Oc (last (take n nl)))  (Oc (last (take n nl)))  []  last (Oc (last (take n nl))) = Oc 
                  (<drop n nl>) = (<drop n nl>)     noDblBk (<drop n nl>)" using assms
    by (simp add: noDblBk_Bk_Oc_rep noDblBk_tape_of_nat_list)
  then show ?thesis by auto

(* convenient versions using hd and tl for tm_skip_first_arg *)

lemma tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_total_correctness_helper_CL_eq_Nil_last_eq_0':
  assumes "1  length (nl:: nat list)"
    and "hd nl = 0"
  shows "CL CR.
           [Oc] @ CL = rev(<hd nl>)   noDblBk CL  CL = [] 
                  CR = (<tl nl>)  noDblBk CR"
proof -
  from assms
  have  "(nl::nat list)  []  (1::nat)=1  1  length nl  0 = last (take 1 nl)"
    by (metis One_nat_def append.simps(1) append_butlast_last_id butlast_take diff_Suc_1 
        hd_take   le_numeral_extra(4) length_0_conv less_numeral_extra(1) list.sel(1)
        not_one_le_zero take_eq_Nil zero_less_one)
  then have  "n. (nl::nat list)  []  n=1  n  length nl  0 = last (take n nl)"
    by blast
  then obtain n where
    w_n: "(nl::nat list)  []  n=1  n  length nl  0 = last (take n nl)" by blast
  then have "CL CR.
           [Oc] @ CL = rev(<take n nl>)  noDblBk CL  CL = [] 
                  CR = (<drop n nl>)     noDblBk CR"
    using tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_total_correctness_helper_CL_eq_Nil_n_eq_1_last_eq_0
    by auto
  then obtain CL CR where
    w_CL_CR: "[Oc] @ CL = rev (<take n nl>)  noDblBk CL  CL = []  CR = <drop n nl>  noDblBk CR" by blast
  with assms w_n show ?thesis
    by (simp add:  noDblBk_Nil noDblBk_tape_of_nat_list   rev_numeral tape_of_nat_def)

lemma tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_total_correctness_helper_CL_neq_Nil_last_neq_0':
  assumes "1  length (nl::nat list)"
    and "0 < hd nl"
  shows "CL CR.
           [Oc] @ CL = rev(<hd nl>)  noDblBk CL  CL  []  last CL = Oc 
                  CR = (<tl nl>)     noDblBk CR"
proof -
  from assms
  have  "(nl::nat list)  []  (1::nat)=1  1  length nl  0 < last (take 1 nl)"
    by (metis append.simps(1) append_butlast_last_id butlast_take cancel_comm_monoid_add_class.diff_cancel
        ex_least_nat_le hd_take le_trans list.sel(1) list.size(3)
        neq0_conv not_less not_less_zero take_eq_Nil zero_less_one zero_neq_one)
  then have  "n. (nl::nat list)  []  n=1  n  length nl  0 < last (take n nl)"
    by blast
  then obtain n where
    w_n: "(nl::nat list)  []  n=1  n  length nl  0 < last (take n nl)" by blast
  then have "CL CR.
           [Oc] @ CL = rev(<take n nl>)  noDblBk CL  CL  []  last CL = Oc 
                  CR = (<drop n nl>)     noDblBk CR"
    using tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_total_correctness_helper_CL_neq_Nil_n_eq_1_last_neq_0
    by auto
  with assms w_n show ?thesis 
    by (simp add: drop_Suc take_Suc tape_of_list_def )

(*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* generic case , where we tried to check for more than one one argument and failed *)
(*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

lemma tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_total_correctness_helper_CL_neq_Nil_n_gt_1_last_eq_0:
  assumes "(nl::nat list)  []"
    and "1<n"
    and "n  length nl"
    and "last (take n nl) = 0"
  shows "CL CR.
           [Oc] @ CL = rev(<take n nl>)  noDblBk CL  CL  []  last CL = Oc 
                  CR = (<drop n nl>)  noDblBk CR"
proof -
  have minor: "rev(<take n nl>) = <rev(take n nl)>"
    by (rule rev_numeral_list)
  also with assms have "... = <rev( butlast (take n nl) @ [last (take n nl)] )>"   
    by (metis append_butlast_last_id not_one_less_zero take_eq_Nil)
  also have "... = < (rev [(last (take n nl))]) @ (rev ( butlast (take n nl)))>"
    by simp
  also with assms have "... = <(rev [0]) @ (rev ( butlast (take n nl)))>" by auto
  finally have major: "rev(<take n nl>) = <(rev [0]) @ (rev ( butlast (take n nl)))>" by auto

  moreover have "<(rev [0::nat])> = [Oc]"
    by (simp add: tape_of_list_def tape_of_nat_def )
  moreover with assms have not_Nil: "rev (butlast (take n nl))  []"
    by (simp add: butlast_take)
  ultimately have "rev(<take n nl>) = [Oc] @ [Bk] @ <rev (butlast (take n nl))>"
    using  tape_of_nat_def tape_of_nat_list_cons_eq by auto

  then show ?thesis
    using major and minor and not_Nil
    by (metis append_Nil append_is_Nil_conv append_is_Nil_conv  last_append last_appendR  list.sel(3)
        noDblBk_tape_of_nat_list noDblBk_tape_of_nat_list_imp_noDblBk_tl 
        numeral_list_last_is_Oc rev.simps(1) rev_append snoc_eq_iff_butlast tl_append2)

lemma tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_total_correctness_helper_CL_neq_Nil_n_gt_1_last_neq_0:
  assumes "(nl::nat list)  []"
    and "1 < n"
    and "n  length nl"
    and "0 < last (take n nl)"
  shows "CL CR.
           [Oc] @ CL = rev(<take n nl>)  noDblBk CL  CL  []  last CL = Oc 
                  CR = (<drop n nl>)     noDblBk CR"
proof -
  have minor: "rev(<take n nl>) = <rev(take n nl)>"
    by (rule rev_numeral_list)
  also with assms have "... = <rev( butlast (take n nl) @ [last (take n nl)] )>"   
    by (metis append_butlast_last_id not_one_less_zero take_eq_Nil)
  also have "... = <(rev [(last (take n nl))]) @ (rev ( butlast (take n nl)))>"
    by simp
  finally have major: "rev(<take n nl>) = <(rev[(last (take n nl))]) @ (rev ( butlast (take n nl)))>"
    by auto

  moreover from assms have "[last (take n nl)]  []" by auto
  moreover from  assms have "butlast (take n nl)  []"
    by (simp add: butlast_take)
  ultimately have "rev(<take n nl>) = <(rev[(last (take n nl))])> @[Bk] @ <(rev ( butlast (take n nl)))>"
    by (metis append_numeral_list rev.simps(1) rev_rev_ident rev_singleton_conv)

  also have "<(rev[(last (take n nl))])> = Oc Suc  (last (take n nl))"
  proof -
    from assms have "<[(last (take n nl))]> = Oc Suc  (last (take n nl))"
      by (simp add: tape_of_list_def tape_of_nat_def)
    then show "<(rev[(last (take n nl))])> = Oc Suc  (last (take n nl))"
      by simp
  also have "... = Oc# Oc (last (take n nl))" by auto
  finally have "rev(<take n nl>) = Oc# Oc (last (take n nl))  @[Bk] @ <(rev ( butlast (take n nl)))>"
    by auto

  moreover from assms have "Oc (last (take n nl))  []"
    by auto

  ultimately have "[Oc] @ (Oc (last (take n nl))  @[Bk] @ <(rev ( butlast (take n nl)))>)
                    = rev(<take n nl>)  noDblBk (Oc (last (take n nl))  @[Bk] @ <(rev ( butlast (take n nl)))>) 
                    (Oc (last (take n nl))  @[Bk] @ <(rev ( butlast (take n nl)))>)  [] 
                     last (Oc (last (take n nl))  @[Bk] @ <(rev ( butlast (take n nl)))>) = Oc 
                  (<drop n nl>) = (<drop n nl>)     noDblBk (<drop n nl>)"

    using assms 
      <rev [last (take n nl)]> = Oc  Suc (last (take n nl))
      Oc  Suc (last (take n nl)) = Oc # Oc  last (take n nl)
      butlast (take n nl)  [] rev (<take n nl>) = <rev [last (take n nl)]> @ [Bk] @ <rev (butlast (take n nl))>
    by (smt (verit)
        append_Cons append_Nil append_Nil2 append_eq_Cons_conv butlast.simps(1) butlast.simps(2)
        butlast_append last_ConsL last_append last_appendR  list.sel(3) list.simps(3) minor noDblBk_tape_of_nat_list
        noDblBk_tape_of_nat_list_imp_noDblBk_tl numeral_list_last_is_Oc rev_is_Nil_conv self_append_conv)
  then show ?thesis by auto

lemma tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_total_correctness_helper_CL_neq_Nil_n_gt_1:
  assumes "(nl::nat list)  []"
    and "1<n"
    and "n  length nl"
  shows "CL CR.
           [Oc] @ CL = rev(<take n nl>)  noDblBk CL  CL  []  last CL = Oc 
                  CR = (<drop n nl>)  noDblBk CR"
proof (cases  "last (take n nl)")
  case 0
  with assms show ?thesis
    using tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_total_correctness_helper_CL_neq_Nil_n_gt_1_last_eq_0
    by auto
  case (Suc nat)
  with assms show ?thesis
    using tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_total_correctness_helper_CL_neq_Nil_n_gt_1_last_neq_0
    by auto

(*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* For now, we only proof a result for n = 1 supporting tm_check_for_one_arg        *)
(*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* ENHANCE: formalise generic tm_skip_n_args                                                            *)
(* ENHANCE: formalise matching results for tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_total_correctness_one_arg *)
(*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

lemma tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_total_correctness_one_arg:
  assumes "1  length (nl::nat list)"
  shows " λtap. tap = (Bk# rev(<hd nl>), <tl nl>)  
          λtap. rex. tap = ([], [Bk,Bk] @ (<hd nl>) @ [Bk] @ Bk  rex ) "
proof (cases "hd nl")
  case 0
  then have "hd nl = 0" .
  with assms
  have "CL CR.
           [Oc] @ CL = rev(<hd nl>)   noDblBk CL  CL = [] 
                  CR = (<tl nl>)  noDblBk CR"
    using tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_total_correctness_helper_CL_eq_Nil_last_eq_0'
    by blast
  then obtain CL CR where
    w_CL_CR: "[Oc] @ CL = rev(<hd nl>)   noDblBk CL  CL = [] 
                  CR = (<tl nl>)  noDblBk CR" by blast

  show ?thesis
  proof (rule Hoare_consequence)
    (*  1. λtap. tap = (Bk # rev (<hd nl>), <tl nl>) ↦ ?P *)
    from assms and w_CL_CR  show "(λtap. tap = (Bk # rev (<hd nl>), <tl nl>))  (λtap. tap = ([Bk,Oc] @ CL, CR))"
      using Cons_eq_appendI append_self_conv assert_imp_def by auto
    (*  1. ⦃λtap. tap = ([Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR)⦄ tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left ⦃?Q⦄ *)
    from assms and w_CL_CR
      show " λtap. tap = ([Bk,Oc] @ CL, CR)  
          λtap. rex. tap = ([], [Bk,Bk] @ (rev CL) @ [Oc, Bk] @ Bk  rex ) "
      using tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_total_correctness_CL_is_Nil
      by blast
    (*  1. λtap. ∃rex. tap = ([], [Bk, Bk] @ rev CL @ [Oc, Bk] @ Bk ↑ rex) ↦ λtap. ∃rex. tap = ([], [Bk, Bk] @ <hd nl> @ [Bk] @ Bk ↑ rex) *)
    show "(λtap. rex. tap = ([], [Bk, Bk] @ rev CL @ [Oc, Bk] @ Bk  rex))  (λtap. rex. tap = ([], [Bk, Bk] @ <hd nl> @ [Bk] @ Bk  rex))"  
      using Cons_eq_append_conv   assert_imp_def rev_numeral  w_CL_CR by fastforce

  case (Suc nat)
  then have "0 < hd nl" by auto
  with assms
  have "CL CR.
           [Oc] @ CL = rev(<hd nl>)  noDblBk CL  CL  []  last CL = Oc 
                  CR = (<tl nl>)     noDblBk CR"
    using tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_total_correctness_helper_CL_neq_Nil_last_neq_0'
    by auto
  then obtain CL CR where
    w_CL_CR: "[Oc] @ CL = rev(<hd nl>)  noDblBk CL  CL  []  last CL = Oc 
                  CR = (<tl nl>)     noDblBk CR" by blast
  show ?thesis
  proof (rule Hoare_consequence)
    (* 1. λtap. tap = (Bk # rev (<hd nl>), <tl nl>) ↦ ?P *)
    from assms and w_CL_CR show "(λtap. tap = (Bk # rev (<hd nl>), <tl nl>))  (λtap. tap = ([Bk,Oc] @ CL, CR))"
      by (simp add: w_CL_CR assert_imp_def)
    (* ⦃λtap. tap = ([Bk, Oc] @ CL, CR)⦄ tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left ⦃?Q⦄ *)
    from assms and w_CL_CR
    show " λtap. tap = ([Bk,Oc] @ CL, CR)  
          λtap. rex. tap = ([], [Bk, Bk] @ (rev CL) @ [Oc, Bk] @ Bk  rex ) "
      using tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_total_correctness_CL_ew_Oc
      by blast
    (* λtap. ∃rex. tap = ([], [Bk, Bk] @ rev CL @ [Oc, Bk] @ Bk ↑ rex) ↦ λtap. ∃rex. tap = ([], [Bk, Bk] @ <hd nl> @ [Bk] @ Bk ↑ rex) *)
    show "(λtap. rex. tap = ([], [Bk, Bk] @ rev CL @ [Oc, Bk] @ Bk  rex))  (λtap. rex. tap = ([], [Bk, Bk] @ <hd nl> @ [Bk] @ Bk  rex))"
      using Cons_eq_append_conv   assert_imp_def rev_numeral  w_CL_CR  
      by (simp add: assert_imp_def rev_numeral replicate_app_Cons_same  tape_of_nat_def)

(* ----------------------- tm_check_for_one_arg ----------------------- 
 * Prove total correctness for COMPOSED machine tm_check_for_one_arg
 * This is done via the rules for the composition operator seq_tm
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

(* we have


corollary tm_skip_first_arg_correct_Nil':
  "length nl = 0
   ⟹ ⦃λtap. tap = ([], <nl::nat list>) ⦄ tm_skip_first_arg ⦃λtap.       tap = ( []           , [Bk] ) ⦄"

lemma tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_total_correctness':
  "length nl = 1
   ⟹ ⦃λtap. tap = ([], <nl::nat list> )⦄ tm_skip_first_arg ⦃ λtap. tap = ([Bk],  <[hd nl]> @[Bk])⦄"

lemma tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp_total_correctness:
 "⦃ λtap. tap = ([], r ) ⦄ 
  ⦃ λtap. tap = ([Bk,Bk], r ) ⦄"


ERASE path

lemma tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1_total_correctness:
  assumes "1 < length (nl::nat list)"
  shows "⦃λtap. tap = ([], <nl::nat list> )⦄ tm_skip_first_arg ⦃ λtap. tap = (Bk# <rev [hd nl]>, <tl nl>) ⦄"

lemma tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_total_correctness_one_arg:
  assumes "1 ≤ length (nl::nat list)"
  shows "⦃ λtap. tap = (Bk# rev(<hd nl>), <tl nl>) ⦄ 
         ⦃ λtap. ∃rex. tap = ([], [Bk,Bk] @ (<hd nl>) @ [Bk] @ Bk ↑ rex ) ⦄"


let tm_check_for_one_arg = foldl1' seqcomp_tm [ tm_skip_first_arg, tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left ]

  tm_check_for_one_arg :: "instr list"
    "tm_check_for_one_arg  tm_skip_first_arg |+| tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left"

lemma tm_check_for_one_arg_total_correctness_Nil:
  "length nl = 0
    λtap. tap = ([], <nl::nat list>)  tm_check_for_one_arg λtap. tap = ([Bk,Bk], [Bk] ) "
proof -
  assume major: "length nl = 0"
  have "λtap. tap = ([], <nl::nat list>)  (tm_skip_first_arg |+| tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left) λtap. tap = ([Bk,Bk], [Bk] ) "
  proof (rule Hoare_plus_halt)
    show "composable_tm0 tm_skip_first_arg"
      by (simp add: composable_tm.simps adjust.simps shift.simps seq_tm.simps 
          tm_skip_first_arg_def tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def)
    from major show "λtap. tap = ([], <nl::nat list>)  tm_skip_first_arg λtap. tap = ( [] , [Bk] ) "
      using tm_skip_first_arg_correct_Nil'
      by simp
    from major show "λtap. tap = ([], [Bk]) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left λtap. tap = ([Bk, Bk], [Bk])"
      using tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp_total_correctness
      by simp
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding tm_check_for_one_arg_def
    by auto

lemma tm_check_for_one_arg_total_correctness_len_eq_1:
  "length nl = 1
    λtap. tap = ([], <nl::nat list>)  tm_check_for_one_arg λtap. z4. tap = (Bk  z4, <nl> @ [Bk])"
proof -
  assume major: "length nl = 1"
  have " λtap. tap = ([], <nl::nat list>) 
          (tm_skip_first_arg |+| tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left)
         λtap. z4. tap = (Bk  z4, <nl> @ [Bk])"
  proof (rule Hoare_plus_halt)
    show "composable_tm0 tm_skip_first_arg"
      by (simp add: composable_tm.simps adjust.simps shift.simps seq_tm.simps 
          tm_skip_first_arg_def tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def)
    from major have "λtap. tap = ([], <nl::nat list>)  tm_skip_first_arg  λtap. tap = ([Bk],  <[hd nl]> @[Bk])"
      using tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_total_correctness'
      by simp
    moreover from major have  "(nl::nat list) = [hd nl]"
      by (metis diff_self_eq_0 length_0_conv length_tl list.exhaust_sel zero_neq_one)
    show "λtap. tap = ([], <nl::nat list>)  tm_skip_first_arg  λtap. tap = ([Bk],  <nl> @[Bk])" using major
      by auto
    from major
    have "λtap. tap = ([], <nl> @ [Bk]) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left λtap. tap = ([Bk, Bk], <nl> @ [Bk])"
      using tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp_total_correctness
      by simp
        (* Add a blank on the initial left tape *)
    with major have "stp. is_final (steps0 (1, [],<nl::nat list>@ [Bk]) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp) 
                           (steps0 (1, [],<nl::nat list>@ [Bk]) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp = (0, [Bk, Bk], <nl> @ [Bk]))"
      unfolding Hoare_halt_def
      by (smt (verit) Hoare_halt_def Pair_inject  holds_for.elims(2) is_final.elims(2))
    then obtain stp where
      w_stp: "is_final (steps0 (1, [],<nl::nat list>@ [Bk]) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp) 
               (steps0 (1, [],<nl::nat list>@ [Bk]) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp = (0, [Bk, Bk], <nl> @ [Bk]))" by blast

    then have "is_final (steps0 (1, Bk  0,<nl::nat list>@ [Bk]) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp) 
               (steps0 (1, Bk  0,<nl::nat list>@ [Bk]) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp = (0, Bk  2, <nl> @ [Bk]))"
      by (simp add: is_finalI numeral_eqs_upto_12(1))
    then have "z3. z3  0 + 1 
                is_final (steps0 (1, Bk  (0+1),<nl::nat list>@ [Bk]) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp) 
                 (steps0 (1, Bk  (0+1),<nl::nat list>@ [Bk]) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp = (0, Bk  (2+z3), <nl> @ [Bk]))"
      by (metis is_finalI  steps_left_tape_EnlargeBkCtx)
    then have "is_final (steps0 (1, [Bk],<nl::nat list>@ [Bk]) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp) 
                   (z4. steps0 (1, [Bk],<nl::nat list>@ [Bk]) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp = (0, Bk  z4, <nl> @ [Bk]))"
      by (metis One_nat_def add.left_neutral replicate_0 replicate_Suc)
    then have "n. is_final (steps0 (1, [Bk],<nl::nat list>@ [Bk]) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left n) 
                   (z4. steps0 (1, [Bk],<nl::nat list>@ [Bk]) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left n = (0, Bk  z4, <nl> @ [Bk]))"
      by blast
    then show "λtap. tap = ([Bk], <nl::nat list> @ [Bk])
               λtap. z4. tap = (Bk  z4, <nl::nat list> @ [Bk])"
      using Hoare_halt_def Hoare_unhalt_def holds_for.simps by auto
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding tm_check_for_one_arg_def
    by auto

(* Old version of tm_check_for_one_arg_total_correctness_len_eq_1:
 * Keep this proof as an example
 * The proof shows how to add blanks on the initial left tape, if you need some for composition with some predecessor tm

lemma tm_check_for_one_arg_total_correctness_len_eq_1:
  "length nl = 1
   ⟹ ⦃λtap. tap = ([], <nl::nat list>) ⦄ tm_check_for_one_arg ⦃λtap. ∃z4. tap = (Bk ↑ z4, <nl> @ [Bk])⦄"
proof -
  assume major: "length nl = 1"
  have " ⦃λtap. tap = ([], <nl::nat list>) ⦄
          (tm_skip_first_arg |+| tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left)
         ⦃λtap. ∃z4. tap = (Bk ↑ z4, <nl> @ [Bk])⦄"
  proof (rule Hoare_plus_halt)
    show "composable_tm0 tm_skip_first_arg"
      by (simp add: composable_tm.simps adjust.simps shift.simps seq_tm.simps 
          tm_skip_first_arg_def tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def)
    from major have "⦃λtap. tap = ([], <nl::nat list>) ⦄ tm_skip_first_arg ⦃ λtap. tap = ([Bk],  <[hd nl]> @[Bk])⦄"
      using tm_skip_first_arg_len_eq_1_total_correctness'
      by simp
    moreover from major have  "(nl::nat list) = [hd nl]"
      by (metis diff_self_eq_0 length_0_conv length_tl list.exhaust_sel zero_neq_one)
    show "⦃λtap. tap = ([], <nl::nat list>) ⦄ tm_skip_first_arg ⦃ λtap. tap = ([Bk],  <nl> @[Bk])⦄" using major
      by auto
    from major
    have "⦃λtap. tap = ([], <nl> @ [Bk])⦄ tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left ⦃λtap. tap = ([Bk, Bk], <nl> @ [Bk])⦄"
      using tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_dnp_total_correctness
      by simp
        (* Add a blank on the initial left tape *)
        (* Note: since we proved 

              ⦃λtap. tap = ([], <nl> @ [Bk])⦄ tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left ⦃λtap. tap = ([Bk, Bk], <nl> @ [Bk])⦄

           we need to add a blank on the left tape.
           This is no problem, since blanks on the left tape do not matter.
           However, adding blanks also changes the resulting left tape.
           Instead of      ⦃λtap. tap = ([Bk, Bk], <nl> @ [Bk])⦄
           we end up with  ⦃λtap. ∃z4. tap = (Bk ↑ z4, <nl> @ [Bk])⦄

           If we had proved  
              ⦃λtap. tap = ([Bk], <nl> @ [Bk])⦄ tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left ⦃λtap. tap = ([Bk, Bk], <nl> @ [Bk])⦄

           in the first place, there would be no need for this weakened result.

           But since trailing blanks on the final left tape do not matter either, this is no real problem.
    with major have "∃stp. is_final (steps0 (1, [],<nl::nat list>@ [Bk]) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp) ∧
                           (steps0 (1, [],<nl::nat list>@ [Bk]) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp = (0, [Bk, Bk], <nl> @ [Bk]))"
      unfolding Hoare_halt_def
      by (smt Hoare_halt_def Pair_inject  holds_for.elims(2) is_final.elims(2))
    then obtain stp where
      w_stp: "is_final (steps0 (1, [],<nl::nat list>@ [Bk]) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp) ∧
               (steps0 (1, [],<nl::nat list>@ [Bk]) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp = (0, [Bk, Bk], <nl> @ [Bk]))" by blast

    then have "is_final (steps0 (1, Bk ↑ 0,<nl::nat list>@ [Bk]) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp) ∧
               (steps0 (1, Bk ↑ 0,<nl::nat list>@ [Bk]) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp = (0, Bk ↑ 2, <nl> @ [Bk]))"
      by (simp add: is_finalI numeral_eqs_upto_12(1))
    then have "∃z3. z3 ≤ 0 + 1 ∧
                is_final (steps0 (1, Bk ↑ (0+1),<nl::nat list>@ [Bk]) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp) ∧
                 (steps0 (1, Bk ↑ (0+1),<nl::nat list>@ [Bk]) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp = (0, Bk ↑ (2+z3), <nl> @ [Bk]))"
      by (metis is_finalI  steps_left_tape_EnlargeBkCtx)
    then have "is_final (steps0 (1, [Bk],<nl::nat list>@ [Bk]) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp) ∧
                   (∃z4. steps0 (1, [Bk],<nl::nat list>@ [Bk]) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left stp = (0, Bk ↑ z4, <nl> @ [Bk]))"
      by (metis One_nat_def add.left_neutral replicate_0 replicate_Suc)
    then have "∃n. is_final (steps0 (1, [Bk],<nl::nat list>@ [Bk]) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left n) ∧
                   (∃z4. steps0 (1, [Bk],<nl::nat list>@ [Bk]) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left n = (0, Bk ↑ z4, <nl> @ [Bk]))"
      by blast
    then show "⦃λtap. tap = ([Bk], <nl::nat list> @ [Bk])⦄
               ⦃λtap. ∃z4. tap = (Bk ↑ z4, <nl::nat list> @ [Bk])⦄"
      using Hoare_halt_def Hoare_unhalt_def holds_for.simps by auto
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding tm_check_for_one_arg_def
    by auto

lemma tm_check_for_one_arg_total_correctness_len_gt_1:
  "length nl > 1
     λtap. tap = ([], <nl::nat list> ) tm_check_for_one_arg  λtap.  l. tap = ( [],  [Bk,Bk] @ <[hd nl]> @ Bk  l) "
proof -
  assume major: "length nl > 1"
  have " λtap. tap = ([], <nl::nat list> )
          (tm_skip_first_arg |+| tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left)
          λtap.  l. tap = ( [],  [Bk,Bk] @ <[hd nl]> @ Bk  l) "
  proof (rule Hoare_plus_halt)
    show "composable_tm0 tm_skip_first_arg"
      by (simp add: composable_tm.simps adjust.simps shift.simps seq_tm.simps 
          tm_skip_first_arg_def tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_def)
    from major show "λtap. tap = ([], <nl::nat list> ) tm_skip_first_arg  λtap. tap = (Bk# <rev [hd nl]>, <tl nl>) "
      using tm_skip_first_arg_len_gt_1_total_correctness
      by simp
    from major
    have " λtap. tap = (Bk# rev(<hd nl>), <tl nl>)  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left  λtap. rex. tap = ([], [Bk,Bk] @ (<hd nl>) @ [Bk] @ Bk  rex ) "
      using tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left_erp_total_correctness_one_arg
      by simp
    then have " λtap. tap = (Bk# <rev [hd nl]>, <tl nl>)  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left  λtap. rex. tap = ([], [Bk,Bk] @ <[hd nl]> @ [Bk] @ Bk  rex ) "
      by (simp add:  rev_numeral rev_numeral_list tape_of_list_def )
    then have " λtap. tap = (Bk# <rev [hd nl]>, <tl nl>)  tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left  λtap. rex. tap = ([], [Bk,Bk] @ <[hd nl]> @ Bk  (Suc rex) ) "
      by force
    then show "λtap. tap = (Bk # <rev [hd nl]>, <tl nl>) tm_erase_right_then_dblBk_left λtap. l. tap = ([], [Bk, Bk] @ <[hd nl]> @ Bk  l)"
      by (smt (verit) Hoare_haltI Hoare_halt_def holds_for.elims(2) holds_for.simps)
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding tm_check_for_one_arg_def
    by auto

(* ---------- tm_strong_copy ---------- *)

  tm_strong_copy :: "instr list"
    "tm_strong_copy  tm_check_for_one_arg |+| tm_weak_copy"

(* Prove total correctness for COMPOSED machine tm_strong_copy.
 * This is done via the rules for the composition operator seq_tm.

lemma tm_strong_copy_total_correctness_Nil:
  "length nl = 0
    λtap. tap = ([], <nl::nat list>)  tm_strong_copy λtap. tap = ([Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk],[]) "
proof -
  assume major: "length nl = 0"
  have " λtap. tap = ([], <nl::nat list>) 
          tm_check_for_one_arg |+| tm_weak_copy
         λtap. tap = ([Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk],[]) "
  proof (rule Hoare_plus_halt)
    show "composable_tm0 tm_check_for_one_arg"
      by (simp add: composable_tm.simps adjust.simps shift.simps seq_tm.simps 
    from major show "λtap. tap = ([], <nl::nat list>)  tm_check_for_one_arg λtap. tap = ([Bk,Bk], [Bk] ) "
      using tm_check_for_one_arg_total_correctness_Nil
      by simp
    from major show "λtap. tap = ([Bk, Bk], [Bk]) tm_weak_copy λtap. tap = ([Bk, Bk, Bk, Bk], [])"
      using tm_weak_copy_correct11'
      by simp
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding tm_strong_copy_def
    by auto

lemma tm_strong_copy_total_correctness_len_gt_1:
  "1 < length nl
    λtap. tap = ([], <nl::nat list>)  tm_strong_copy  λtap. l. tap = ([Bk,Bk], <[hd nl]> @ Bk  l) "
proof -
  assume major: "1 < length nl"
  have " λtap. tap = ([], <nl::nat list>) 
          tm_check_for_one_arg |+| tm_weak_copy
          λtap.  l. tap = ([Bk,Bk], <[hd nl]> @ Bk  l) "
  proof (rule Hoare_plus_halt)
    show "composable_tm0 tm_check_for_one_arg"
      by (simp add: composable_tm.simps adjust.simps shift.simps seq_tm.simps 
    from major show "λtap. tap = ([], <nl::nat list>)  tm_check_for_one_arg  λtap.  l. tap = ( [],  [Bk,Bk] @ <[hd nl]> @ Bk  l) "
      using tm_check_for_one_arg_total_correctness_len_gt_1
      by simp
    show "λtap. l. tap = ([], [Bk, Bk] @ <[hd nl]> @ Bk  l) tm_weak_copy λtap. l. tap = ([Bk, Bk], <[hd nl]> @ Bk  l)"
    proof -
      have "r.λtap. tap = ([], [Bk,Bk]@r)  tm_weak_copy λtap. tap = ([Bk,Bk], r) "
        using tm_weak_copy_correct13' by simp
      then have "r. stp. is_final (steps0 (1, [],[Bk,Bk]@r) tm_weak_copy stp) 
                           (steps0 (1, [],[Bk,Bk]@r) tm_weak_copy stp = (0, [Bk, Bk], r))"
        unfolding Hoare_halt_def
        by (smt (verit) Hoare_halt_def Pair_inject  holds_for.elims(2) is_final.elims(2))
      then have "l. stp. is_final (steps0 (1, [],[Bk,Bk]@<[hd nl]> @ Bk  l) tm_weak_copy stp) 
                           (steps0 (1, [],[Bk,Bk]@<[hd nl]> @ Bk  l) tm_weak_copy stp = (0, [Bk, Bk], <[hd nl]> @ Bk  l))"
        by blast
      then show ?thesis
        using Hoare_halt_def holds_for.simps by fastforce
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding tm_strong_copy_def
    by auto

lemma tm_strong_copy_total_correctness_len_eq_1:
  "1 = length nl
    λtap. tap = ([], <nl::nat list>)  tm_strong_copy  λtap. k l. tap = (Bk  k, <[hd nl, hd nl]> @ Bk  l) "
proof -
  assume major: "1 = length nl"
  have " λtap. tap = ([], <nl::nat list>) 
           tm_check_for_one_arg |+| tm_weak_copy
          λtap. k l. tap = (Bk  k, <[hd nl, hd nl]> @ Bk  l) "
  proof (rule Hoare_plus_halt)
    show "composable_tm0 tm_check_for_one_arg"
      by (simp add: composable_tm.simps adjust.simps shift.simps seq_tm.simps 
    from major show "λtap. tap = ([], <nl::nat list>)  tm_check_for_one_arg λtap. z4. tap = (Bk  z4, <nl> @ [Bk])"
      using tm_check_for_one_arg_total_correctness_len_eq_1
      by simp
    have "λtap. z4. tap = (Bk  z4, <[hd nl]> @[Bk]) tm_weak_copy λtap. k l. tap = (Bk  k, <[hd nl, hd nl]> @ Bk  l) "
      using tm_weak_copy_correct6
      by simp
    moreover from major have "<nl> = <[hd nl]>" 
      by (metis diff_self_eq_0 length_0_conv length_tl list.exhaust_sel zero_neq_one)
    ultimately show "λtap. z4. tap = (Bk  z4, <nl> @ [Bk]) tm_weak_copy λtap. k l. tap = (Bk  k, <[hd nl, hd nl]> @ Bk  l)"
      by auto
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding tm_strong_copy_def
    by auto
