Theory WeakCopyTM
subsection ‹Machines that duplicate a single Numeral›
subsubsection ‹A Turing machine that duplicates its input if the input is a single numeral›
text‹The Machine WeakCopyTM does not check the number of its arguments on the initial tape.
If it is provided a single numeral it does a perfect job. However, if it gets no or more than
one argument, it does not complain but produces some result.›
theory WeakCopyTM
declare adjust.simps[simp del]
tm_copy_begin_orig :: "instr list"
"tm_copy_begin_orig ≡
[(WB,0),(R,2), (R,3),(R,2), (WO,3),(L,4), (L,4),(L,0)]"
inv_begin0 :: "nat ⇒ tape ⇒ bool" and
inv_begin1 :: "nat ⇒ tape ⇒ bool" and
inv_begin2 :: "nat ⇒ tape ⇒ bool" and
inv_begin3 :: "nat ⇒ tape ⇒ bool" and
inv_begin4 :: "nat ⇒ tape ⇒ bool"
"inv_begin0 n (l, r) = ((n > 1 ∧ (l, r) = (Oc ↑ (n - 2), [Oc, Oc, Bk, Oc])) ∨
(n = 1 ∧ (l, r) = ([], [Bk, Oc, Bk, Oc])))"
| "inv_begin1 n (l, r) = ((l, r) = ([], Oc ↑ n))"
| "inv_begin2 n (l, r) = (∃ i j. i > 0 ∧ i + j = n ∧ (l, r) = (Oc ↑ i, Oc ↑ j))"
| "inv_begin3 n (l, r) = (n > 0 ∧ (l, tl r) = (Bk # Oc ↑ n, []))"
| "inv_begin4 n (l, r) = (n > 0 ∧ (l, r) = (Oc ↑ n, [Bk, Oc]) ∨ (l, r) = (Oc ↑ (n - 1), [Oc, Bk, Oc]))"
fun inv_begin :: "nat ⇒ config ⇒ bool"
"inv_begin n (s, tap) =
(if s = 0 then inv_begin0 n tap else
if s = 1 then inv_begin1 n tap else
if s = 2 then inv_begin2 n tap else
if s = 3 then inv_begin3 n tap else
if s = 4 then inv_begin4 n tap
else False)"
lemma inv_begin_step_E: "⟦0 < i; 0 < j⟧ ⟹
∃ia>0. ia + j - Suc 0 = i + j ∧ Oc # Oc ↑ i = Oc ↑ ia"
by (rule_tac x = "Suc i" in exI, simp)
lemma inv_begin_step:
assumes "inv_begin n cf"
and "n > 0"
shows "inv_begin n (step0 cf tm_copy_begin_orig)"
using assms
unfolding tm_copy_begin_orig_def
apply(cases cf)
apply(auto simp: numeral_eqs_upto_12 split: if_splits elim:inv_begin_step_E)
apply(cases "hd (snd (snd cf))";cases "(snd (snd cf))",auto)
lemma inv_begin_steps:
assumes "inv_begin n cf"
and "n > 0"
shows "inv_begin n (steps0 cf tm_copy_begin_orig stp)"
apply(induct stp)
apply(simp add: assms)
apply(auto simp del: steps.simps)
apply(rule_tac inv_begin_step)
apply(simp_all add: assms)
lemma begin_partial_correctness:
assumes "is_final (steps0 (1, [], Oc ↑ n) tm_copy_begin_orig stp)"
shows "0 < n ⟹ ⦃inv_begin1 n⦄ tm_copy_begin_orig ⦃inv_begin0 n⦄"
proof(rule_tac Hoare_haltI)
fix l r
assume h: "0 < n" "inv_begin1 n (l, r)"
have "inv_begin n (steps0 (1, [], Oc ↑ n) tm_copy_begin_orig stp)"
using h by (rule_tac inv_begin_steps) (simp_all)
then show
"∃stp. is_final (steps0 (1, l, r) tm_copy_begin_orig stp) ∧
inv_begin0 n holds_for steps (1, l, r) (tm_copy_begin_orig, 0) stp"
using h assms
apply(rule_tac x = stp in exI)
apply(case_tac "(steps0 (1, [], Oc ↑ n) tm_copy_begin_orig stp)", simp)
fun measure_begin_state :: "config ⇒ nat"
"measure_begin_state (s, l, r) = (if s = 0 then 0 else 5 - s)"
fun measure_begin_step :: "config ⇒ nat"
"measure_begin_step (s, l, r) =
(if s = 2 then length r else
if s = 3 then (if r = [] ∨ r = [Bk] then 1 else 0) else
if s = 4 then length l
else 0)"
"measure_begin = measures [measure_begin_state, measure_begin_step]"
lemma wf_measure_begin:
shows "wf measure_begin"
unfolding measure_begin_def
by auto
lemma measure_begin_induct [case_names Step]:
"⟦⋀n. ¬ P (f n) ⟹ (f (Suc n), (f n)) ∈ measure_begin⟧ ⟹ ∃n. P (f n)"
using wf_measure_begin
by (metis wf_iff_no_infinite_down_chain)
lemma begin_halts:
assumes h: "x > 0"
shows "∃ stp. is_final (steps0 (1, [], Oc ↑ x) tm_copy_begin_orig stp)"
proof (induct rule: measure_begin_induct)
case (Step n)
have "¬ is_final (steps0 (1, [], Oc ↑ x) tm_copy_begin_orig n)" by fact
have "inv_begin x (steps0 (1, [], Oc ↑ x) tm_copy_begin_orig n)"
by (rule_tac inv_begin_steps) (simp_all add: h)
obtain s l r where eq: "(steps0 (1, [], Oc ↑ x) tm_copy_begin_orig n) = (s, l, r)"
by (metis measure_begin_state.cases)
have "(step0 (s, l, r) tm_copy_begin_orig, s, l, r) ∈ measure_begin"
apply(auto simp: measure_begin_def tm_copy_begin_orig_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 split: if_splits)
apply(subgoal_tac "r = [Oc]")
by (metis cell.exhaust list.exhaust list.sel(3))
show "(steps0 (1, [], Oc ↑ x) tm_copy_begin_orig (Suc n), steps0 (1, [], Oc ↑ x) tm_copy_begin_orig n) ∈ measure_begin"
using eq by (simp only: step_red)
lemma begin_correct:
shows "0 < n ⟹ ⦃inv_begin1 n⦄ tm_copy_begin_orig ⦃inv_begin0 n⦄"
using begin_partial_correctness begin_halts by blast
lemma begin_correct2:
assumes "0 < (n::nat)"
shows "⦃λtap. tap = ([]::cell list, Oc ↑ n)⦄
⦃λtap. (n > 1 ∧ tap = (Oc ↑ (n - 2), [Oc, Oc, Bk, Oc])) ∨
(n = 1 ∧ tap = ([]::cell list, [Bk, Oc, Bk, Oc])) ⦄"
proof -
from assms have "⦃inv_begin1 n⦄ tm_copy_begin_orig ⦃inv_begin0 n⦄"
using begin_partial_correctness begin_halts by blast
with assms have "⦃λtap. tap = ([]::cell list, Oc ↑ n)⦄ tm_copy_begin_orig ⦃inv_begin0 n⦄"
using Hoare_haltE Hoare_haltI inv_begin1.simps by presburger
with assms show ?thesis
by (smt (verit) Hoare_haltI Hoare_halt_def Pair_inject
holds_for.elims(2) holds_for.simps inv_begin0.simps is_final.elims(2))
declare seq_tm.simps [simp del]
declare shift.simps[simp del]
declare composable_tm.simps[simp del]
declare step.simps[simp del]
declare steps.simps[simp del]
tm_copy_loop_orig :: "instr list"
"tm_copy_loop_orig ≡
[ (R, 0),(R, 2), (R, 3),(WB, 2), (R, 3),(R, 4), (WO, 5),(R, 4), (L, 6),(L, 5), (L, 6),(L, 1) ]"
inv_loop1_loop :: "nat ⇒ tape ⇒ bool" and
inv_loop1_exit :: "nat ⇒ tape ⇒ bool" and
inv_loop5_loop :: "nat ⇒ tape ⇒ bool" and
inv_loop5_exit :: "nat ⇒ tape ⇒ bool" and
inv_loop6_loop :: "nat ⇒ tape ⇒ bool" and
inv_loop6_exit :: "nat ⇒ tape ⇒ bool"
"inv_loop1_loop n (l, r) = (∃ i j. i + j + 1 = n ∧ (l, r) = (Oc↑i, Oc#Oc#Bk↑j @ Oc↑j) ∧ j > 0)"
| "inv_loop1_exit n (l, r) = (0 < n ∧ (l, r) = ([], Bk#Oc#Bk↑n @ Oc↑n))"
| "inv_loop5_loop x (l, r) =
(∃ i j k t. i + j = Suc x ∧ i > 0 ∧ j > 0 ∧ k + t = j ∧ t > 0 ∧ (l, r) = (Oc↑k@Bk↑j@Oc↑i, Oc↑t))"
| "inv_loop5_exit x (l, r) =
(∃ i j. i + j = Suc x ∧ i > 0 ∧ j > 0 ∧ (l, r) = (Bk↑(j - 1)@Oc↑i, Bk # Oc↑j))"
| "inv_loop6_loop x (l, r) =
(∃ i j k t. i + j = Suc x ∧ i > 0 ∧ k + t + 1 = j ∧ (l, r) = (Bk↑k @ Oc↑i, Bk↑(Suc t) @ Oc↑j))"
| "inv_loop6_exit x (l, r) =
(∃ i j. i + j = x ∧ j > 0 ∧ (l, r) = (Oc↑i, Oc#Bk↑j @ Oc↑j))"
inv_loop0 :: "nat ⇒ tape ⇒ bool" and
inv_loop1 :: "nat ⇒ tape ⇒ bool" and
inv_loop2 :: "nat ⇒ tape ⇒ bool" and
inv_loop3 :: "nat ⇒ tape ⇒ bool" and
inv_loop4 :: "nat ⇒ tape ⇒ bool" and
inv_loop5 :: "nat ⇒ tape ⇒ bool" and
inv_loop6 :: "nat ⇒ tape ⇒ bool"
"inv_loop0 n (l, r) = (0 < n ∧ (l, r) = ([Bk], Oc # Bk↑n @ Oc↑n))"
| "inv_loop1 n (l, r) = (inv_loop1_loop n (l, r) ∨ inv_loop1_exit n (l, r))"
| "inv_loop2 n (l, r) = (∃ i j any. i + j = n ∧ n > 0 ∧ i > 0 ∧ j > 0 ∧ (l, r) = (Oc↑i, any#Bk↑j@Oc↑j))"
| "inv_loop3 n (l, r) =
(∃ i j k t. i + j = n ∧ i > 0 ∧ j > 0 ∧ k + t = Suc j ∧ (l, r) = (Bk↑k@Oc↑i, Bk↑t@Oc↑j))"
| "inv_loop4 n (l, r) =
(∃ i j k t. i + j = n ∧ i > 0 ∧ j > 0 ∧ k + t = j ∧ (l, r) = (Oc↑k @ Bk↑(Suc j)@Oc↑i, Oc↑t))"
| "inv_loop5 n (l, r) = (inv_loop5_loop n (l, r) ∨ inv_loop5_exit n (l, r))"
| "inv_loop6 n (l, r) = (inv_loop6_loop n (l, r) ∨ inv_loop6_exit n (l, r))"
fun inv_loop :: "nat ⇒ config ⇒ bool"
"inv_loop x (s, l, r) =
(if s = 0 then inv_loop0 x (l, r)
else if s = 1 then inv_loop1 x (l, r)
else if s = 2 then inv_loop2 x (l, r)
else if s = 3 then inv_loop3 x (l, r)
else if s = 4 then inv_loop4 x (l, r)
else if s = 5 then inv_loop5 x (l, r)
else if s = 6 then inv_loop6 x (l, r)
else False)"
declare inv_loop.simps[simp del] inv_loop1.simps[simp del]
inv_loop2.simps[simp del] inv_loop3.simps[simp del]
inv_loop4.simps[simp del] inv_loop5.simps[simp del]
inv_loop6.simps[simp del]
lemma inv_loop3_Bk_empty_via_2[elim]: "⟦0 < x; inv_loop2 x (b, [])⟧ ⟹ inv_loop3 x (Bk # b, [])"
by (auto simp: inv_loop2.simps inv_loop3.simps)
lemma inv_loop3_Bk_empty[elim]: "⟦0 < x; inv_loop3 x (b, [])⟧ ⟹ inv_loop3 x (Bk # b, [])"
by (auto simp: inv_loop3.simps)
lemma inv_loop5_Oc_empty_via_4[elim]: "⟦0 < x; inv_loop4 x (b, [])⟧ ⟹ inv_loop5 x (b, [Oc])"
by(auto simp: inv_loop4.simps inv_loop5.simps;force)
lemma inv_loop1_Bk[elim]: "⟦0 < x; inv_loop1 x (b, Bk # list)⟧ ⟹ list = Oc # Bk ↑ x @ Oc ↑ x"
by (auto simp: inv_loop1.simps)
lemma inv_loop3_Bk_via_2[elim]: "⟦0 < x; inv_loop2 x (b, Bk # list)⟧ ⟹ inv_loop3 x (Bk # b, list)"
by(auto simp: inv_loop2.simps inv_loop3.simps;force)
lemma inv_loop3_Bk_move[elim]: "⟦0 < x; inv_loop3 x (b, Bk # list)⟧ ⟹ inv_loop3 x (Bk # b, list)"
apply(auto simp: inv_loop3.simps)
apply (rename_tac i j k t)
apply(rule_tac [!] x = i in exI,
rule_tac [!] x = j in exI, simp_all)
apply(case_tac [!] t, auto)
lemma inv_loop5_Oc_via_4_Bk[elim]: "⟦0 < x; inv_loop4 x (b, Bk # list)⟧ ⟹ inv_loop5 x (b, Oc # list)"
by (auto simp: inv_loop4.simps inv_loop5.simps)
lemma inv_loop6_Bk_via_5[elim]: "⟦0 < x; inv_loop5 x ([], Bk # list)⟧ ⟹ inv_loop6 x ([], Bk # Bk # list)"
by (auto simp: inv_loop6.simps inv_loop5.simps)
lemma inv_loop5_loop_no_Bk[simp]: "inv_loop5_loop x (b, Bk # list) = False"
by (auto simp: inv_loop5.simps)
lemma inv_loop6_exit_no_Bk[simp]: "inv_loop6_exit x (b, Bk # list) = False"
by (auto simp: inv_loop6.simps)
declare inv_loop5_loop.simps[simp del] inv_loop5_exit.simps[simp del]
inv_loop6_loop.simps[simp del] inv_loop6_exit.simps[simp del]
lemma inv_loop6_loopBk_via_5[elim]:"⟦0 < x; inv_loop5_exit x (b, Bk # list); b ≠ []; hd b = Bk⟧
⟹ inv_loop6_loop x (tl b, Bk # Bk # list)"
apply(simp only: inv_loop5_exit.simps inv_loop6_loop.simps )
apply(erule_tac exE)+
apply(rename_tac i j)
apply(rule_tac x = i in exI,
rule_tac x = j in exI,
rule_tac x = "j - Suc (Suc 0)" in exI,
rule_tac x = "Suc 0" in exI, auto)
apply(case_tac [!] j, simp_all)
apply(case_tac [!] "j-1", simp_all)
lemma inv_loop6_loop_no_Oc_Bk[simp]: "inv_loop6_loop x (b, Oc # Bk # list) = False"
by (auto simp: inv_loop6_loop.simps)
lemma inv_loop6_exit_Oc_Bk_via_5[elim]: "⟦x > 0; inv_loop5_exit x (b, Bk # list); b ≠ []; hd b = Oc⟧ ⟹
inv_loop6_exit x (tl b, Oc # Bk # list)"
apply(simp only: inv_loop5_exit.simps inv_loop6_exit.simps)
apply(erule_tac exE)+
apply(rule_tac x = "x - 1" in exI, rule_tac x = 1 in exI, simp)
apply(rename_tac i j)
apply(case_tac j;case_tac "j-1", auto)
lemma inv_loop6_Bk_tail_via_5[elim]: "⟦0 < x; inv_loop5 x (b, Bk # list); b ≠ []⟧ ⟹ inv_loop6 x (tl b, hd b # Bk # list)"
apply(simp add: inv_loop5.simps inv_loop6.simps)
apply(cases "hd b", simp_all, auto)
lemma inv_loop6_loop_Bk_Bk_drop[elim]: "⟦0 < x; inv_loop6_loop x (b, Bk # list); b ≠ []; hd b = Bk⟧
⟹ inv_loop6_loop x (tl b, Bk # Bk # list)"
apply(simp only: inv_loop6_loop.simps)
apply(erule_tac exE)+
apply(rename_tac i j k t)
apply(rule_tac x = i in exI, rule_tac x = j in exI,
rule_tac x = "k - 1" in exI, rule_tac x = "Suc t" in exI, auto)
apply(case_tac [!] k, auto)
lemma inv_loop6_exit_Oc_Bk_via_loop6[elim]: "⟦0 < x; inv_loop6_loop x (b, Bk # list); b ≠ []; hd b = Oc⟧
⟹ inv_loop6_exit x (tl b, Oc # Bk # list)"
apply(simp only: inv_loop6_loop.simps inv_loop6_exit.simps)
apply(erule_tac exE)+
apply(rename_tac i j k t)
apply(rule_tac x = "i - 1" in exI, rule_tac x = j in exI, auto)
apply(case_tac [!] k, auto)
lemma inv_loop6_Bk_tail[elim]: "⟦0 < x; inv_loop6 x (b, Bk # list); b ≠ []⟧ ⟹ inv_loop6 x (tl b, hd b # Bk # list)"
apply(simp add: inv_loop6.simps)
apply(case_tac "hd b", simp_all, auto)
lemma inv_loop2_Oc_via_1[elim]: "⟦0 < x; inv_loop1 x (b, Oc # list)⟧ ⟹ inv_loop2 x (Oc # b, list)"
apply(auto simp: inv_loop1.simps inv_loop2.simps,force)
lemma inv_loop2_Bk_via_Oc[elim]: "⟦0 < x; inv_loop2 x (b, Oc # list)⟧ ⟹ inv_loop2 x (b, Bk # list)"
by (auto simp: inv_loop2.simps)
lemma inv_loop4_Oc_via_3[elim]: "⟦0 < x; inv_loop3 x (b, Oc # list)⟧ ⟹ inv_loop4 x (Oc # b, list)"
apply(auto simp: inv_loop3.simps inv_loop4.simps)
apply(rename_tac i j)
apply(rule_tac [!] x = i in exI, auto)
apply(rule_tac [!] x = "Suc 0" in exI, rule_tac [!] x = "j - 1" in exI)
apply(case_tac [!] j, auto)
lemma inv_loop4_Oc_move[elim]:
assumes "0 < x" "inv_loop4 x (b, Oc # list)"
shows "inv_loop4 x (Oc # b, list)"
proof -
from assms[unfolded inv_loop4.simps] obtain i j k t where
"i + j = x"
"0 < i" "0 < j" "k + t = j" "(b, Oc # list) = (Oc ↑ k @ Bk ↑ Suc j @ Oc ↑ i, Oc ↑ t)"
by auto
thus ?thesis unfolding inv_loop4.simps
apply(rule_tac [!] x = "i" in exI,rule_tac [!] x = "j" in exI)
apply(rule_tac [!] x = "Suc k" in exI,rule_tac [!] x = "t - 1" in exI)
by(cases t,auto)
lemma inv_loop5_exit_no_Oc[simp]: "inv_loop5_exit x (b, Oc # list) = False"
by (auto simp: inv_loop5_exit.simps)
lemma inv_loop5_exit_Bk_Oc_via_loop[elim]: " ⟦inv_loop5_loop x (b, Oc # list); b ≠ []; hd b = Bk⟧
⟹ inv_loop5_exit x (tl b, Bk # Oc # list)"
apply(simp only: inv_loop5_loop.simps inv_loop5_exit.simps)
apply(erule_tac exE)+
apply(rename_tac i j k t)
apply(rule_tac x = i in exI)
apply(case_tac k, auto)
lemma inv_loop5_loop_Oc_Oc_drop[elim]: "⟦inv_loop5_loop x (b, Oc # list); b ≠ []; hd b = Oc⟧
⟹ inv_loop5_loop x (tl b, Oc # Oc # list)"
apply(simp only: inv_loop5_loop.simps)
apply(erule_tac exE)+
apply(rename_tac i j k t)
apply(rule_tac x = i in exI, rule_tac x = j in exI)
apply(rule_tac x = "k - 1" in exI, rule_tac x = "Suc t" in exI)
apply(case_tac k, auto)
lemma inv_loop5_Oc_tl[elim]: "⟦inv_loop5 x (b, Oc # list); b ≠ []⟧ ⟹ inv_loop5 x (tl b, hd b # Oc # list)"
apply(simp add: inv_loop5.simps)
apply(cases "hd b", simp_all, auto)
lemma inv_loop1_Bk_Oc_via_6[elim]: "⟦0 < x; inv_loop6 x ([], Oc # list)⟧ ⟹ inv_loop1 x ([], Bk # Oc # list)"
by(auto simp: inv_loop6.simps inv_loop1.simps inv_loop6_loop.simps inv_loop6_exit.simps)
lemma inv_loop1_Oc_via_6[elim]: "⟦0 < x; inv_loop6 x (b, Oc # list); b ≠ []⟧
⟹ inv_loop1 x (tl b, hd b # Oc # list)"
by(auto simp: inv_loop6.simps inv_loop1.simps inv_loop6_loop.simps inv_loop6_exit.simps)
lemma inv_loop_nonempty[simp]:
"inv_loop1 x (b, []) = False"
"inv_loop2 x ([], b) = False"
"inv_loop2 x (l', []) = False"
"inv_loop3 x (b, []) = False"
"inv_loop4 x ([], b) = False"
"inv_loop5 x ([], list) = False"
"inv_loop6 x ([], Bk # xs) = False"
by (auto simp: inv_loop1.simps inv_loop2.simps inv_loop3.simps inv_loop4.simps
inv_loop5.simps inv_loop6.simps inv_loop5_exit.simps inv_loop5_loop.simps
lemma inv_loop_nonemptyE[elim]:
"⟦inv_loop5 x (b, [])⟧ ⟹ RR" "inv_loop6 x (b, []) ⟹ RR"
"⟦inv_loop1 x (b, Bk # list)⟧ ⟹ b = []"
by (auto simp: inv_loop4.simps inv_loop5.simps inv_loop5_exit.simps inv_loop5_loop.simps
inv_loop6.simps inv_loop6_exit.simps inv_loop6_loop.simps inv_loop1.simps)
lemma inv_loop6_Bk_Bk_drop[elim]: "⟦inv_loop6 x ([], Bk # list)⟧ ⟹ inv_loop6 x ([], Bk # Bk # list)"
by (simp)
lemma inv_loop_step:
"⟦inv_loop x cf; x > 0⟧ ⟹ inv_loop x (step cf (tm_copy_loop_orig, 0))"
apply(cases cf, cases "snd (snd cf)"; cases "hd (snd (snd cf))")
apply(auto simp: inv_loop.simps step.simps tm_copy_loop_orig_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 split: if_splits)
lemma inv_loop_steps:
"⟦inv_loop x cf; x > 0⟧ ⟹ inv_loop x (steps cf (tm_copy_loop_orig, 0) stp)"
apply(induct stp, simp add: steps.simps, simp)
apply(erule_tac inv_loop_step, simp)
fun loop_stage :: "config ⇒ nat"
"loop_stage (s, l, r) = (if s = 0 then 0
else (Suc (length (takeWhile (λa. a = Oc) (rev l @ r)))))"
fun loop_state :: "config ⇒ nat"
"loop_state (s, l, r) = (if s = 2 ∧ hd r = Oc then 0
else if s = 1 then 1
else 10 - s)"
fun loop_step :: "config ⇒ nat"
"loop_step (s, l, r) = (if s = 3 then length r
else if s = 4 then length r
else if s = 5 then length l
else if s = 6 then length l
else 0)"
definition measure_loop :: "(config × config) set"
"measure_loop = measures [loop_stage, loop_state, loop_step]"
lemma wf_measure_loop: "wf measure_loop"
unfolding measure_loop_def
by (auto)
lemma measure_loop_induct [case_names Step]:
"⟦⋀n. ¬ P (f n) ⟹ (f (Suc n), (f n)) ∈ measure_loop⟧ ⟹ ∃n. P (f n)"
using wf_measure_loop
by (metis wf_iff_no_infinite_down_chain)
lemma inv_loop4_not_just_Oc[elim]:
"⟦inv_loop4 x (l', []);
length (takeWhile (λa. a = Oc) (rev l' @ [Oc])) ≠
length (takeWhile (λa. a = Oc) (rev l'))⟧
⟹ RR"
"⟦inv_loop4 x (l', Bk # list);
length (takeWhile (λa. a = Oc) (rev l' @ Oc # list)) ≠
length (takeWhile (λa. a = Oc) (rev l' @ Bk # list))⟧
⟹ RR"
apply(auto simp: inv_loop4.simps)
apply(rename_tac i j)
apply(case_tac [!] j, simp_all add: List.takeWhile_tail)
lemma takeWhile_replicate_append:
"P a ⟹ takeWhile P (a↑x @ ys) = a↑x @ takeWhile P ys"
by (induct x, auto)
lemma takeWhile_replicate:
"P a ⟹ takeWhile P (a↑x) = a↑x"
by (induct x, auto)
lemma inv_loop5_Bk_E[elim]:
"⟦inv_loop5 x (l', Bk # list); l' ≠ [];
length (takeWhile (λa. a = Oc) (rev (tl l') @ hd l' # Bk # list)) ≠
length (takeWhile (λa. a = Oc) (rev l' @ Bk # list))⟧
⟹ RR"
apply(cases "length list";cases "length list - 1"
,auto simp: inv_loop5.simps inv_loop5_exit.simps
takeWhile_replicate_append takeWhile_replicate)
apply(cases "length list - 2"; force simp add: List.takeWhile_tail)+
lemma inv_loop1_hd_Oc[elim]: "⟦inv_loop1 x (l', Oc # list)⟧ ⟹ hd list = Oc"
by (auto simp: inv_loop1.simps)
lemma inv_loop6_not_just_Bk[dest!]:
"⟦length (takeWhile P (rev (tl l') @ hd l' # list)) ≠
length (takeWhile P (rev l' @ list))⟧
⟹ l' = []"
apply(cases l', simp_all)
lemma inv_loop2_OcE[elim]:
"⟦inv_loop2 x (l', Oc # list); l' ≠ []⟧ ⟹
length (takeWhile (λa. a = Oc) (rev l' @ Bk # list)) <
length (takeWhile (λa. a = Oc) (rev l' @ Oc # list))"
apply(auto simp: inv_loop2.simps takeWhile_tail takeWhile_replicate_append
lemma loop_halts:
assumes h: "n > 0" "inv_loop n (1, l, r)"
shows "∃ stp. is_final (steps0 (1, l, r) tm_copy_loop_orig stp)"
proof (induct rule: measure_loop_induct)
case (Step stp)
have "¬ is_final (steps0 (1, l, r) tm_copy_loop_orig stp)" by fact
have "inv_loop n (steps0 (1, l, r) tm_copy_loop_orig stp)"
by (rule_tac inv_loop_steps) (simp_all only: h)
obtain s l' r' where eq: "(steps0 (1, l, r) tm_copy_loop_orig stp) = (s, l', r')"
by (metis measure_begin_state.cases)
have "(step0 (s, l', r') tm_copy_loop_orig, s, l', r') ∈ measure_loop"
using h(1)
apply(cases r';cases "hd r'")
apply(auto simp: inv_loop.simps step.simps tm_copy_loop_orig_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 measure_loop_def split: if_splits)
show "(steps0 (1, l, r) tm_copy_loop_orig (Suc stp), steps0 (1, l, r) tm_copy_loop_orig stp) ∈ measure_loop"
using eq by (simp only: step_red)
lemma loop_correct:
assumes "0 < n"
shows "⦃inv_loop1 n⦄ tm_copy_loop_orig ⦃inv_loop0 n⦄"
using assms
proof(rule_tac Hoare_haltI)
fix l r
assume h: "0 < n" "inv_loop1 n (l, r)"
then obtain stp where k: "is_final (steps0 (1, l, r) tm_copy_loop_orig stp)"
using loop_halts
apply(simp add: inv_loop.simps)
have "inv_loop n (steps0 (1, l, r) tm_copy_loop_orig stp)"
using h
by (rule_tac inv_loop_steps) (simp_all add: inv_loop.simps)
ultimately show
"∃stp. is_final (steps0 (1, l, r) tm_copy_loop_orig stp) ∧
inv_loop0 n holds_for steps0 (1, l, r) tm_copy_loop_orig stp"
using h(1)
apply(rule_tac x = stp in exI)
apply(case_tac "(steps0 (1, l, r) tm_copy_loop_orig stp)")
apply(simp add: inv_loop.simps)
tm_copy_end_orig :: "instr list"
"tm_copy_end_orig ≡
[ (L, 0),(R, 2), (WO, 3),(L, 4), (R, 2),(R, 2), (L, 5),(WB, 4), (R, 0),(L, 5) ]"
tm_copy_end_new :: "instr list"
"tm_copy_end_new ≡
[ (R, 0),(R, 2), (WO, 3),(L, 4), (R, 2),(R, 2), (L, 5),(WB, 4), (R, 0),(L, 5) ]"
inv_end5_loop :: "nat ⇒ tape ⇒ bool" and
inv_end5_exit :: "nat ⇒ tape ⇒ bool"
"inv_end5_loop x (l, r) =
(∃ i j. i + j = x ∧ x > 0 ∧ j > 0 ∧ l = Oc↑i @ [Bk] ∧ r = Oc↑j @ Bk # Oc↑x)"
| "inv_end5_exit x (l, r) = (x > 0 ∧ l = [] ∧ r = Bk # Oc↑x @ Bk # Oc↑x)"
inv_end0 :: "nat ⇒ tape ⇒ bool" and
inv_end1 :: "nat ⇒ tape ⇒ bool" and
inv_end2 :: "nat ⇒ tape ⇒ bool" and
inv_end3 :: "nat ⇒ tape ⇒ bool" and
inv_end4 :: "nat ⇒ tape ⇒ bool" and
inv_end5 :: "nat ⇒ tape ⇒ bool"
"inv_end0 n (l, r) = (n > 0 ∧ (l, r) = ([Bk], Oc↑n @ Bk # Oc↑n))"
| "inv_end1 n (l, r) = (n > 0 ∧ (l, r) = ([Bk], Oc # Bk↑n @ Oc↑n))"
| "inv_end2 n (l, r) = (∃ i j. i + j = Suc n ∧ n > 0 ∧ l = Oc↑i @ [Bk] ∧ r = Bk↑j @ Oc↑n)"
| "inv_end3 n (l, r) =
(∃ i j. n > 0 ∧ i + j = n ∧ l = Oc↑i @ [Bk] ∧ r = Oc # Bk↑j@ Oc↑n)"
| "inv_end4 n (l, r) = (∃ any. n > 0 ∧ l = Oc↑n @ [Bk] ∧ r = any#Oc↑n)"
| "inv_end5 n (l, r) = (inv_end5_loop n (l, r) ∨ inv_end5_exit n (l, r))"
inv_end :: "nat ⇒ config ⇒ bool"
"inv_end n (s, l, r) = (if s = 0 then inv_end0 n (l, r)
else if s = 1 then inv_end1 n (l, r)
else if s = 2 then inv_end2 n (l, r)
else if s = 3 then inv_end3 n (l, r)
else if s = 4 then inv_end4 n (l, r)
else if s = 5 then inv_end5 n (l, r)
else False)"
declare inv_end.simps[simp del] inv_end1.simps[simp del]
inv_end0.simps[simp del] inv_end2.simps[simp del]
inv_end3.simps[simp del] inv_end4.simps[simp del]
inv_end5.simps[simp del]
lemma inv_end_nonempty[simp]:
"inv_end1 x (b, []) = False"
"inv_end1 x ([], list) = False"
"inv_end2 x (b, []) = False"
"inv_end3 x (b, []) = False"
"inv_end4 x (b, []) = False"
"inv_end5 x (b, []) = False"
"inv_end5 x ([], Oc # list) = False"
by (auto simp: inv_end1.simps inv_end2.simps inv_end3.simps inv_end4.simps inv_end5.simps)
lemma inv_end0_Bk_via_1[elim]: "⟦0 < x; inv_end1 x (b, Bk # list); b ≠ []⟧
⟹ inv_end0 x (tl b, hd b # Bk # list)"
by (auto simp: inv_end1.simps inv_end0.simps)
lemma inv_end3_Oc_via_2[elim]: "⟦0 < x; inv_end2 x (b, Bk # list)⟧
⟹ inv_end3 x (b, Oc # list)"
apply(auto simp: inv_end2.simps inv_end3.simps)
by (metis Cons_replicate_eq One_nat_def Suc_inject Suc_pred add_Suc_right cell.distinct(1)
empty_replicate list.sel(3) neq0_conv self_append_conv2 tl_append2 tl_replicate)
lemma inv_end2_Bk_via_3[elim]: "⟦0 < x; inv_end3 x (b, Bk # list)⟧ ⟹ inv_end2 x (Bk # b, list)"
by (auto simp: inv_end2.simps inv_end3.simps)
lemma inv_end5_Bk_via_4[elim]: "⟦0 < x; inv_end4 x ([], Bk # list)⟧ ⟹
inv_end5 x ([], Bk # Bk # list)"
by (auto simp: inv_end4.simps inv_end5.simps)
lemma inv_end5_Bk_tail_via_4[elim]: "⟦0 < x; inv_end4 x (b, Bk # list); b ≠ []⟧ ⟹
inv_end5 x (tl b, hd b # Bk # list)"
apply(auto simp: inv_end4.simps inv_end5.simps)
apply(rule_tac x = 1 in exI, simp)
lemma inv_end0_Bk_via_5[elim]: "⟦0 < x; inv_end5 x (b, Bk # list)⟧ ⟹ inv_end0 x (Bk # b, list)"
by(auto simp: inv_end5.simps inv_end0.simps gr0_conv_Suc)
lemma inv_end2_Oc_via_1[elim]: "⟦0 < x; inv_end1 x (b, Oc # list)⟧ ⟹ inv_end2 x (Oc # b, list)"
by (auto simp: inv_end1.simps inv_end2.simps)
lemma inv_end4_Bk_Oc_via_2[elim]: "⟦0 < x; inv_end2 x ([], Oc # list)⟧ ⟹
inv_end4 x ([], Bk # Oc # list)"
by (auto simp: inv_end2.simps inv_end4.simps)
lemma inv_end4_Oc_via_2[elim]: "⟦0 < x; inv_end2 x (b, Oc # list); b ≠ []⟧ ⟹
inv_end4 x (tl b, hd b # Oc # list)"
by(auto simp: inv_end2.simps inv_end4.simps gr0_conv_Suc)
lemma inv_end2_Oc_via_3[elim]: "⟦0 < x; inv_end3 x (b, Oc # list)⟧ ⟹ inv_end2 x (Oc # b, list)"
by (auto simp: inv_end2.simps inv_end3.simps)
lemma inv_end4_Bk_via_Oc[elim]: "⟦0 < x; inv_end4 x (b, Oc # list)⟧ ⟹ inv_end4 x (b, Bk # list)"
by (auto simp: inv_end2.simps inv_end4.simps)
lemma inv_end5_Bk_drop_Oc[elim]: "⟦0 < x; inv_end5 x ([], Oc # list)⟧ ⟹ inv_end5 x ([], Bk # Oc # list)"
by (auto simp: inv_end2.simps inv_end5.simps)
declare inv_end5_loop.simps[simp del]
inv_end5_exit.simps[simp del]
lemma inv_end5_exit_no_Oc[simp]: "inv_end5_exit x (b, Oc # list) = False"
by (auto simp: inv_end5_exit.simps)
lemma inv_end5_loop_no_Bk_Oc[simp]: "inv_end5_loop x (tl b, Bk # Oc # list) = False"
by (auto simp: inv_end5_loop.simps)
lemma inv_end5_exit_Bk_Oc_via_loop[elim]:
"⟦0 < x; inv_end5_loop x (b, Oc # list); b ≠ []; hd b = Bk⟧ ⟹
inv_end5_exit x (tl b, Bk # Oc # list)"
apply(auto simp: inv_end5_loop.simps inv_end5_exit.simps)
using hd_replicate apply fastforce
by (metis cell.distinct(1) hd_append2 hd_replicate list.sel(3) self_append_conv2
lemma inv_end5_loop_Oc_Oc_drop[elim]:
"⟦0 < x; inv_end5_loop x (b, Oc # list); b ≠ []; hd b = Oc⟧ ⟹
inv_end5_loop x (tl b, Oc # Oc # list)"
apply(simp only: inv_end5_loop.simps inv_end5_exit.simps)
apply(erule_tac exE)+
apply(rename_tac i j)
apply(rule_tac x = "i - 1" in exI,
rule_tac x = "Suc j" in exI, auto)
apply(case_tac [!] i, simp_all)
lemma inv_end5_Oc_tail[elim]: "⟦0 < x; inv_end5 x (b, Oc # list); b ≠ []⟧ ⟹
inv_end5 x (tl b, hd b # Oc # list)"
apply(simp add: inv_end2.simps inv_end5.simps)
apply(case_tac "hd b", simp_all, auto)
lemma inv_end_step:
"⟦x > 0; inv_end x cf⟧ ⟹ inv_end x (step cf (tm_copy_end_new, 0))"
apply(cases cf, cases "snd (snd cf)"; cases "hd (snd (snd cf))")
apply(auto simp: inv_end.simps step.simps tm_copy_end_new_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 split: if_splits)
apply (simp add: inv_end1.simps)
lemma inv_end_steps:
"⟦x > 0; inv_end x cf⟧ ⟹ inv_end x (steps cf (tm_copy_end_new, 0) stp)"
apply(induct stp, simp add:steps.simps, simp)
apply(erule_tac inv_end_step, simp)
fun end_state :: "config ⇒ nat"
"end_state (s, l, r) =
(if s = 0 then 0
else if s = 1 then 5
else if s = 2 ∨ s = 3 then 4
else if s = 4 then 3
else if s = 5 then 2
else 0)"
fun end_stage :: "config ⇒ nat"
"end_stage (s, l, r) =
(if s = 2 ∨ s = 3 then (length r) else 0)"
fun end_step :: "config ⇒ nat"
"end_step (s, l, r) =
(if s = 4 then (if hd r = Oc then 1 else 0)
else if s = 5 then length l
else if s = 2 then 1
else if s = 3 then 0
else 0)"
definition end_LE :: "(config × config) set"
"end_LE = measures [end_state, end_stage, end_step]"
lemma wf_end_le: "wf end_LE"
unfolding end_LE_def by auto
lemma end_halt:
"⟦x > 0; inv_end x (Suc 0, l, r)⟧ ⟹
∃ stp. is_final (steps (Suc 0, l, r) (tm_copy_end_new, 0) stp)"
proof(rule halt_lemma[OF wf_end_le])
assume great: "0 < x"
and inv_start: "inv_end x (Suc 0, l, r)"
show "∀n. ¬ is_final (steps (Suc 0, l, r) (tm_copy_end_new, 0) n) ⟶
(steps (Suc 0, l, r) (tm_copy_end_new, 0) (Suc n), steps (Suc 0, l, r) (tm_copy_end_new, 0) n) ∈ end_LE"
proof(rule_tac allI, rule_tac impI)
fix n
assume notfinal: "¬ is_final (steps (Suc 0, l, r) (tm_copy_end_new, 0) n)"
obtain s' l' r' where d: "steps (Suc 0, l, r) (tm_copy_end_new, 0) n = (s', l', r')"
apply(case_tac "steps (Suc 0, l, r) (tm_copy_end_new, 0) n", auto)
hence "inv_end x (s', l', r') ∧ s' ≠ 0"
using great inv_start notfinal
apply(drule_tac stp = n in inv_end_steps, auto)
hence "(step (s', l', r') (tm_copy_end_new, 0), s', l', r') ∈ end_LE"
apply(cases r'; cases "hd r'")
apply(auto simp: inv_end.simps step.simps tm_copy_end_new_def numeral_eqs_upto_12 end_LE_def split: if_splits)
thus "(steps (Suc 0, l, r) (tm_copy_end_new, 0) (Suc n),
steps (Suc 0, l, r) (tm_copy_end_new, 0) n) ∈ end_LE"
using d
by simp
lemma end_correct:
"n > 0 ⟹ ⦃inv_end1 n⦄ tm_copy_end_new ⦃inv_end0 n⦄"
proof(rule_tac Hoare_haltI)
fix l r
assume h: "0 < n"
"inv_end1 n (l, r)"
then have "∃ stp. is_final (steps0 (1, l, r) tm_copy_end_new stp)"
by (simp add: end_halt inv_end.simps)
then obtain stp where "is_final (steps0 (1, l, r) tm_copy_end_new stp)" ..
moreover have "inv_end n (steps0 (1, l, r) tm_copy_end_new stp)"
apply(rule_tac inv_end_steps)
using h by(simp_all add: inv_end.simps)
ultimately show
"∃stp. is_final (steps (1, l, r) (tm_copy_end_new, 0) stp) ∧
inv_end0 n holds_for steps (1, l, r) (tm_copy_end_new, 0) stp"
using h
apply(rule_tac x = stp in exI)
apply(cases "(steps0 (1, l, r) tm_copy_end_new stp)")
apply(simp add: inv_end.simps)
tm_weak_copy :: "instr list"
"tm_weak_copy ≡ (tm_copy_begin_orig |+| tm_copy_loop_orig) |+| tm_copy_end_new"
lemma [intro]:
"composable_tm (tm_copy_begin_orig, 0)"
"composable_tm (tm_copy_loop_orig, 0)"
"composable_tm (tm_copy_end_new, 0)"
by (auto simp: composable_tm.simps tm_copy_end_new_def tm_copy_loop_orig_def tm_copy_begin_orig_def)
lemma composable_tm0_tm_weak_copy[intro, simp]: "composable_tm0 tm_weak_copy"
by (auto simp: tm_weak_copy_def)
lemma tm_weak_copy_correct_pre:
assumes "0 < x"
shows "⦃inv_begin1 x⦄ tm_weak_copy ⦃inv_end0 x⦄"
proof -
have "⦃inv_begin1 x⦄ tm_copy_begin_orig ⦃inv_begin0 x⦄"
by (metis assms begin_correct)
have "inv_begin0 x ↦ inv_loop1 x"
unfolding assert_imp_def
unfolding inv_begin0.simps inv_loop1.simps
unfolding inv_loop1_loop.simps inv_loop1_exit.simps
apply(auto simp add: numeral_eqs_upto_12 Cons_eq_append_conv)
by (rule_tac x = "Suc 0" in exI, auto)
ultimately have "⦃inv_begin1 x⦄ tm_copy_begin_orig ⦃inv_loop1 x⦄"
by (rule_tac Hoare_consequence) (auto)
have "⦃inv_loop1 x⦄ tm_copy_loop_orig ⦃inv_loop0 x⦄"
by (metis assms loop_correct)
have "⦃inv_begin1 x⦄ (tm_copy_begin_orig |+| tm_copy_loop_orig) ⦃inv_loop0 x⦄"
by (rule_tac Hoare_plus_halt) (auto)
have "⦃inv_end1 x⦄ tm_copy_end_new ⦃inv_end0 x⦄"
by (metis assms end_correct)
have "inv_loop0 x = inv_end1 x"
by(auto simp: inv_end1.simps inv_loop1.simps assert_imp_def)
show "⦃inv_begin1 x⦄ tm_weak_copy ⦃inv_end0 x⦄"
unfolding tm_weak_copy_def
by (rule_tac Hoare_plus_halt) (auto)
lemma tm_weak_copy_correct:
shows "⦃λtap. tap = ([]::cell list, Oc ↑ (Suc n))⦄ tm_weak_copy ⦃λtap. tap= ([Bk], <(n, n::nat)>)⦄"
proof -
have "⦃inv_begin1 (Suc n)⦄ tm_weak_copy ⦃inv_end0 (Suc n)⦄"
by (rule tm_weak_copy_correct_pre) (simp)
have "(λtap. tap = ([]::cell list, Oc ↑ (Suc n))) = inv_begin1 (Suc n)"
by (auto)
have "inv_end0 (Suc n) = (λtap. tap= ([Bk], <(n, n::nat)>))"
unfolding fun_eq_iff
by (auto simp add: inv_end0.simps tape_of_nat_def tape_of_prod_def)
show "⦃λtap. tap = ([]::cell list, Oc ↑ (Suc n))⦄ tm_weak_copy ⦃λtap. tap= ([Bk], <(n, n::nat)>)⦄"
by simp
lemma tm_weak_copy_correct5: "⦃λtap. tap = ([], <[n::nat]>)⦄ tm_weak_copy ⦃λtap. ∃k l. tap = (Bk ↑ k, <[n, n]> @ Bk ↑ l) ⦄"
proof -
have "⦃λtap. tap = ([], <n::nat>)⦄ tm_weak_copy ⦃λtap. tap = ([Bk], <(n, n)>)⦄"
using tape_of_list_def tape_of_nat_def tape_of_nat_list.simps(2) tm_weak_copy_correct by auto
then have "⦃λtap. tap = ([], <n::nat>)⦄ tm_weak_copy ⦃λtap. tap = ([Bk], <[n, n]>)⦄"
proof -
assume "⦃λtap. tap = ([], <n>)⦄ tm_weak_copy ⦃λtap. tap = ([Bk], <(n, n)>)⦄"
moreover have "<(n, n)> = <[n, n]>"
by (simp add: tape_of_list_def tape_of_nat_list.elims tape_of_prod_def)
ultimately show ?thesis
by auto
then have "⦃λtap. tap = ([], <[n::nat]>)⦄ tm_weak_copy ⦃λtap. tap = ([Bk], <[n, n]>)⦄"
by (metis tape_of_list_def tape_of_nat_list.simps(2))
then show ?thesis
by (smt (verit, del_insts) Hoare_halt_iff append_Nil2 empty_replicate replicate_Suc)
lemma tm_weak_copy_correct6:
"⦃λtap. ∃z4. tap = (Bk ↑ z4, <[n::nat]> @[Bk])⦄ tm_weak_copy ⦃λtap. ∃k l. tap = (Bk ↑ k, <[n::nat, n]> @ Bk ↑ l) ⦄"
proof -
have "⦃λtap. tap = ([], <[n::nat]>)⦄ tm_weak_copy ⦃λtap. ∃k l. tap = (Bk ↑ k, <[n::nat, n]> @ Bk ↑ l) ⦄"
by (rule tm_weak_copy_correct5)
then have "⦃λtap. ∃kl ll. tap = (Bk ↑ kl, <[n::nat]> @ Bk ↑ ll)⦄ tm_weak_copy ⦃λtap. ∃kr lr. tap = (Bk ↑ kr, <[n::nat, n]> @ Bk ↑ lr)⦄"
using TMC_has_num_res_list_without_initial_Bks_imp_TMC_has_num_res_list_after_adding_Bks_to_initial_left_and_right_tape by auto
then have "⦃λtap. ∃z4. tap = (Bk ↑ z4, <[n::nat]> @ Bk ↑ (Suc 0))⦄ tm_weak_copy ⦃λtap. ∃kr lr. tap = (Bk ↑ kr, <[n::nat, n]> @ Bk ↑ lr)⦄"
by (smt (verit) Hoare_haltE Hoare_haltI)
then show ?thesis
by auto
strong_copy_post :: "instr list"
"strong_copy_post ≡ [
(WB,5),(R,2), (R,3),(R,2), (WO,3),(L,4), (L,4),(L,5), (R,11),(R,6),
(R,7),(WB,6), (R,7),(R,8), (WO,9),(R,8), (L,10),(L,9), (L,10),(L,5),
(R,0),(R,12), (WO,13),(L,14), (R,12),(R,12), (L,15),(WB,14), (R,0),(L,15)
value "steps0 (1, [Bk,Bk], [Bk]) strong_copy_post 3 = (0::nat, [Bk, Bk, Bk, Bk], [])"
lemma "steps0 (1, [Bk,Bk], [Bk]) strong_copy_post 3 = (0::nat, [Bk, Bk, Bk, Bk], [])"
by (simp add: step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12 strong_copy_post_def)
lemma tm_weak_copy_eq_strong_copy_post: "tm_weak_copy = strong_copy_post"
unfolding tm_weak_copy_def strong_copy_post_def
tm_copy_begin_orig_def tm_copy_loop_orig_def tm_copy_end_new_def
by (simp add: adjust.simps shift.simps seq_tm.simps)
lemma tm_weak_copy_correct11:
"⦃λtap. tap = ([Bk,Bk], [Bk]) ⦄ tm_weak_copy ⦃λtap. tap = ([Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk],[]) ⦄"
proof -
have "steps0 (1, [Bk,Bk], [Bk]) strong_copy_post 3 = (0::nat, [Bk, Bk, Bk, Bk], [])"
by (simp add: step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12 strong_copy_post_def)
then show ?thesis
by (smt (verit) Hoare_haltI holds_for.simps is_final_eq tm_weak_copy_eq_strong_copy_post)
lemma tm_weak_copy_correct12:
"⦃λtap. tap = ([Bk,Bk], [Bk]) ⦄ tm_weak_copy ⦃λtap. ∃k l. tap = ( Bk ↑ k, Bk ↑ l) ⦄"
proof -
have "Bk ↑ 4 = [Bk, Bk, Bk, Bk]"
by (simp add: numeral_eqs_upto_12)
moreover have "Bk ↑ 0 = []"
by (simp add: numeral_eqs_upto_12)
have "⦃λtap. tap = ([Bk,Bk], [Bk]) ⦄ tm_weak_copy ⦃λtap. tap = ( Bk ↑ 4, Bk ↑ 0) ⦄"
using tm_weak_copy_correct11
by auto
then show ?thesis
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Hoare_halt_def holds_for.elims(2) holds_for.simps)
lemma tm_weak_copy_correct13:
"⦃λtap. tap = ([], [Bk,Bk]@r) ⦄ tm_weak_copy ⦃λtap. tap = ([Bk,Bk], r) ⦄"
proof -
have "steps0 (1, [], [Bk,Bk]@r) strong_copy_post 3 = (0::nat, [Bk,Bk], r)"
by (simp add: step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12 strong_copy_post_def)
then show ?thesis
by (smt (verit) Hoare_haltI holds_for.simps is_final_eq tm_weak_copy_eq_strong_copy_post)
lemma tm_weak_copy_correct11':
"⦃λtap. tap = ([Bk,Bk], [Bk]) ⦄ tm_weak_copy ⦃λtap. tap = ([Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk],[]) ⦄"
proof -
have "⦃λtap. tap = ([Bk,Bk], [Bk]) ⦄
(tm_copy_begin_orig |+| tm_copy_loop_orig) |+| tm_copy_end_new
⦃λtap. tap = ([Bk,Bk,Bk,Bk],[]) ⦄"
proof (rule Hoare_plus_halt)
show "composable_tm0 (tm_copy_begin_orig |+| tm_copy_loop_orig)"
by (simp add: composable_tm.simps adjust.simps shift.simps seq_tm.simps
tm_copy_begin_orig_def tm_copy_loop_orig_def)
show "⦃λtap. tap = ([Bk, Bk, Bk], [])⦄ tm_copy_end_new ⦃λtap. tap = ([Bk, Bk, Bk, Bk], [])⦄"
proof -
have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Bk, Bk], []) tm_copy_end_new 1 = (0, [Bk, Bk, Bk, Bk], [])"
by (simp add: step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12 tm_copy_end_new_def)
then show ?thesis
by (smt (verit) Hoare_haltI holds_for.simps is_final_eq tm_weak_copy_eq_strong_copy_post)
show " ⦃λtap. tap = ([Bk, Bk], [Bk])⦄
tm_copy_begin_orig |+| tm_copy_loop_orig
⦃λtap. tap = ([Bk, Bk, Bk], [])⦄"
proof (rule Hoare_plus_halt)
show "composable_tm0 tm_copy_begin_orig"
by (simp add: composable_tm.simps adjust.simps shift.simps seq_tm.simps
show "⦃λtap. tap = ([Bk, Bk], [Bk])⦄ tm_copy_begin_orig ⦃λtap. tap = ([Bk, Bk], [Bk])⦄"
proof -
have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Bk], [Bk]) tm_copy_begin_orig 1 = (0, [Bk, Bk], [Bk])"
by (simp add: step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12 tm_copy_begin_orig_def)
then show ?thesis
by (smt (verit) Hoare_haltI holds_for.simps is_final_eq tm_weak_copy_eq_strong_copy_post)
show "⦃λtap. tap = ([Bk, Bk], [Bk])⦄ tm_copy_loop_orig ⦃λtap. tap = ([Bk, Bk, Bk], [])⦄"
proof -
have "steps0 (1, [Bk, Bk], [Bk]) tm_copy_loop_orig 1 = (0, [Bk, Bk, Bk], [])"
by (simp add: step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12 tm_copy_loop_orig_def)
then show ?thesis
by (smt (verit) Hoare_haltI holds_for.simps is_final_eq tm_weak_copy_eq_strong_copy_post)
then show ?thesis
unfolding tm_weak_copy_def
by auto
lemma tm_weak_copy_correct13':
"⦃λtap. tap = ([], [Bk,Bk]@r) ⦄ tm_weak_copy ⦃λtap. tap = ([Bk,Bk], r) ⦄"
proof -
have "⦃λtap. tap = ([], [Bk,Bk]@r) ⦄
(tm_copy_begin_orig |+| tm_copy_loop_orig) |+| tm_copy_end_new
⦃λtap. tap = ([Bk,Bk], r) ⦄"
proof (rule Hoare_plus_halt)
show "composable_tm0 (tm_copy_begin_orig |+| tm_copy_loop_orig)"
by (simp add: composable_tm.simps adjust.simps shift.simps seq_tm.simps
tm_copy_begin_orig_def tm_copy_loop_orig_def)
show "⦃λtap. tap = ([Bk], [Bk] @ r)⦄ tm_copy_end_new ⦃λtap. tap = ([Bk, Bk], r)⦄"
proof -
have "steps0 (1, [Bk], [Bk] @ r) tm_copy_end_new 1 = (0, [Bk, Bk], r)"
by (simp add: step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12 tm_copy_end_new_def)
then show ?thesis
by (smt (verit) Hoare_haltI holds_for.simps is_final_eq tm_weak_copy_eq_strong_copy_post)
show " ⦃λtap. tap = ([], [Bk, Bk] @ r)⦄
tm_copy_begin_orig |+| tm_copy_loop_orig
⦃λtap. tap = ([Bk], [Bk] @ r)⦄"
proof (rule Hoare_plus_halt)
show "composable_tm0 tm_copy_begin_orig"
by (simp add: composable_tm.simps adjust.simps shift.simps seq_tm.simps
show "⦃λtap. tap = ([], [Bk, Bk] @ r)⦄ tm_copy_begin_orig ⦃λtap. tap = ([], [Bk,Bk] @ r)⦄"
proof -
have "steps0 (1, [], [Bk, Bk] @ r) tm_copy_begin_orig 1 = (0, [], [Bk,Bk] @ r)"
by (simp add: step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12 tm_copy_begin_orig_def)
then show ?thesis
by (smt (verit) Hoare_haltI holds_for.simps is_final_eq tm_weak_copy_eq_strong_copy_post)
show "⦃λtap. tap = ([], [Bk, Bk] @ r)⦄ tm_copy_loop_orig ⦃λtap. tap = ([Bk], [Bk] @ r)⦄"
proof -
have "steps0 (1, [], [Bk,Bk] @ r) tm_copy_loop_orig 1 = (0, [Bk], [Bk] @ r)"
by (simp add: step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12 tm_copy_loop_orig_def)
then show ?thesis
by (smt (verit) Hoare_haltI holds_for.simps is_final_eq tm_weak_copy_eq_strong_copy_post)
then show ?thesis
unfolding tm_weak_copy_def
by auto