Theory Resumption_Transformer
section ‹Resumption monad transformer›
theory Resumption_Transformer
imports Monad_Plus
subsection ‹Type definition›
text ‹The standard Haskell libraries do not include a resumption
monad transformer type; below is the Haskell definition for the one we
will use here.›
text_raw ‹
data ResT m a = Done a | More (m (ResT m a))
text ‹The above datatype definition can be translated directly into
HOLCF using ‹tycondef›. \medskip›
tycondef 'a⋅('f::"functor") resT =
Done (lazy "'a") | More (lazy "('a⋅'f resT)⋅'f")
lemma coerce_resT_abs [simp]: "coerce⋅(resT_abs⋅x) = resT_abs⋅(coerce⋅x)"
apply (simp add: resT_abs_def coerce_def)
apply (simp add: emb_prj_emb prj_emb_prj DEFL_eq_resT)
lemma coerce_Done [simp]: "coerce⋅(Done⋅x) = Done⋅(coerce⋅x)"
unfolding Done_def by simp
lemma coerce_More [simp]: "coerce⋅(More⋅m) = More⋅(coerce⋅m)"
unfolding More_def by simp
lemma resT_induct [case_names adm bottom Done More]:
fixes P :: "'a⋅'f::functor resT ⇒ bool"
assumes adm: "adm P"
assumes bottom: "P ⊥"
assumes Done: "⋀x. P (Done⋅x)"
assumes More: "⋀m f. (⋀(r::'a⋅'f resT). P (f⋅r)) ⟹ P (More⋅(fmap⋅f⋅m))"
shows "P r"
proof (induct r rule: resT.take_induct [OF adm])
fix n show "P (resT_take n⋅r)"
apply (induct n arbitrary: r)
apply (simp add: bottom)
apply (case_tac r rule: resT.exhaust)
apply (simp add: bottom)
apply (simp add: Done)
apply (simp add: More)
subsection ‹Class instance proofs›
lemma fmapU_resT_simps [simp]:
"fmapU⋅f⋅(⊥::udom⋅'f::functor resT) = ⊥"
"fmapU⋅f⋅(Done⋅x) = Done⋅(f⋅x)"
"fmapU⋅f⋅(More⋅m) = More⋅(fmap⋅(fmapU⋅f)⋅m)"
unfolding fmapU_resT_def resT_map_def
apply (subst fix_eq, simp)
apply (subst fix_eq, simp add: Done_def)
apply (subst fix_eq, simp add: More_def)
instance resT :: ("functor") "functor"
fix f g :: "udom → udom" and xs :: "udom⋅'a resT"
show "fmapU⋅f⋅(fmapU⋅g⋅xs) = fmapU⋅(Λ x. f⋅(g⋅x))⋅xs"
by (induct xs rule: resT_induct, simp_all add: fmap_fmap)
instantiation resT :: ("functor") monad
fixrec bindU_resT :: "udom⋅'a resT → (udom → udom⋅'a resT) → udom⋅'a resT"
where "bindU_resT⋅(Done⋅x)⋅f = f⋅x"
| "bindU_resT⋅(More⋅m)⋅f = More⋅(fmap⋅(Λ r. bindU_resT⋅r⋅f)⋅m)"
lemma bindU_resT_strict [simp]: "bindU⋅⊥⋅k = (⊥::udom⋅'a resT)"
by fixrec_simp
"returnU = Done"
instance proof
fix f :: "udom → udom" and xs :: "udom⋅'a resT"
show "fmapU⋅f⋅xs = bindU⋅xs⋅(Λ x. returnU⋅(f⋅x))"
by (induct xs rule: resT_induct)
(simp_all add: fmap_fmap returnU_resT_def)
fix f :: "udom → udom⋅'a resT" and x :: "udom"
show "bindU⋅(returnU⋅x)⋅f = f⋅x"
by (simp add: returnU_resT_def)
fix xs :: "udom⋅'a resT" and h k :: "udom → udom⋅'a resT"
show "bindU⋅(bindU⋅xs⋅h)⋅k = bindU⋅xs⋅(Λ x. bindU⋅(h⋅x)⋅k)"
by (induct xs rule: resT_induct)
(simp_all add: fmap_fmap)
subsection ‹Transfer properties to polymorphic versions›
lemma fmap_resT_simps [simp]:
"fmap⋅f⋅(⊥::'a⋅'f::functor resT) = ⊥"
"fmap⋅f⋅(Done⋅x :: 'a⋅'f::functor resT) = Done⋅(f⋅x)"
"fmap⋅f⋅(More⋅m :: 'a⋅'f::functor resT) = More⋅(fmap⋅(fmap⋅f)⋅m)"
unfolding fmap_def [where 'f="'f resT"]
by (simp_all add: coerce_simp)
lemma return_resT_def: "return = Done"
unfolding return_def returnU_resT_def
by (simp add: coerce_simp eta_cfun)
lemma bind_resT_simps [simp]:
"bind⋅(⊥ :: 'a⋅'f::functor resT)⋅f = ⊥"
"bind⋅(Done⋅x :: 'a⋅'f::functor resT)⋅f = f⋅x"
"bind⋅(More⋅m :: 'a⋅'f::functor resT)⋅f = More⋅(fmap⋅(Λ r. bind⋅r⋅f)⋅m)"
unfolding bind_def
by (simp_all add: coerce_simp)
lemma join_resT_simps [simp]:
"join⋅⊥ = (⊥ :: 'a⋅'f::functor resT)"
"join⋅(Done⋅x) = x"
"join⋅(More⋅m) = More⋅(fmap⋅join⋅m)"
unfolding join_def by simp_all
subsection ‹Nondeterministic interleaving›
text ‹In this section we present a more general formalization of the
nondeterministic interleaving operation presented in Chapter 7 of the
author's PhD thesis \<^cite>‹"holcf11"›. If both arguments are ‹Done›, then ‹zipRT› combines the results with the function
‹f› and terminates. While either argument is ‹More›,
‹zipRT› nondeterministically chooses one such argument, runs
it for one step, and then calls itself recursively.›
fixrec zipRT ::
"('a → 'b → 'c) → 'a⋅('m::functor_plus) resT → 'b⋅'m resT → 'c⋅'m resT"
where zipRT_Done_Done:
"zipRT⋅f⋅(Done⋅x)⋅(Done⋅y) = Done⋅(f⋅x⋅y)"
| zipRT_Done_More:
"zipRT⋅f⋅(Done⋅x)⋅(More⋅b) =
More⋅(fmap⋅(Λ r. zipRT⋅f⋅(Done⋅x)⋅r)⋅b)"
| zipRT_More_Done:
"zipRT⋅f⋅(More⋅a)⋅(Done⋅y) =
More⋅(fmap⋅(Λ r. zipRT⋅f⋅r⋅(Done⋅y))⋅a)"
| zipRT_More_More:
"zipRT⋅f⋅(More⋅a)⋅(More⋅b) =
More⋅(fplus⋅(fmap⋅(Λ r. zipRT⋅f⋅(More⋅a)⋅r)⋅b)
⋅(fmap⋅(Λ r. zipRT⋅f⋅r⋅(More⋅b))⋅a))"
lemma zipRT_strict1 [simp]: "zipRT⋅f⋅⊥⋅r = ⊥"
by fixrec_simp
lemma zipRT_strict2 [simp]: "zipRT⋅f⋅r⋅⊥ = ⊥"
by (fixrec_simp, cases r, simp_all)
abbreviation apR (infixl ‹⋄› 70)
where "a ⋄ b ≡ zipRT⋅ID⋅a⋅b"
text ‹Proofs that ‹zipRT› satisfies the applicative functor laws:›
lemma zipRT_homomorphism: "Done⋅f ⋄ Done⋅x = Done⋅(f⋅x)"
by simp
lemma zipRT_identity: "Done⋅ID ⋄ r = r"
by (induct r rule: resT_induct, simp_all add: fmap_fmap eta_cfun)
lemma zipRT_interchange: "r ⋄ Done⋅x = Done⋅(Λ f. f⋅x) ⋄ r"
by (induct r rule: resT_induct, simp_all add: fmap_fmap)
text ‹The associativity rule is the hard one!›
lemma zipRT_associativity: "Done⋅cfcomp ⋄ r1 ⋄ r2 ⋄ r3 = r1 ⋄ (r2 ⋄ r3)"
proof (induct r1 arbitrary: r2 r3 rule: resT_induct)
case (Done x1) thus ?case
proof (induct r2 arbitrary: r3 rule: resT_induct)
case (Done x2) thus ?case
proof (induct r3 rule: resT_induct)
case (More p3 c3) thus ?case
by (simp add: fmap_fmap)
qed simp_all
case (More p2 c2) thus ?case
proof (induct r3 rule: resT_induct)
case (Done x3) thus ?case
by (simp add: fmap_fmap)
case (More p3 c3) thus ?case
by (simp add: fmap_fmap fmap_fplus)
qed simp_all
qed simp_all
case (More p1 c1) thus ?case
proof (induct r2 arbitrary: r3 rule: resT_induct)
case (Done y) thus ?case
proof (induct r3 rule: resT_induct)
case (Done x3) thus ?case
by (simp add: fmap_fmap)
case (More p3 c3) thus ?case
by (simp add: fmap_fmap)
qed simp_all
case (More p2 c2) thus ?case
proof (induct r3 rule: resT_induct)
case (Done x3) thus ?case
by (simp add: fmap_fmap fmap_fplus)
case (More p3 c3) thus ?case
by (simp add: fmap_fmap fmap_fplus fplus_assoc)
qed simp_all
qed simp_all
qed simp_all