Theory Probability_Misc

  File:      Probability_Misc.thy
  Authors:   Max Haslbeck, Manuel Eberl

  Miscellaneous facts about measures and probability that are missing from the library and
  should perhaps be moved there at some point.
section ‹Auxiliary material›
theory Probability_Misc
  imports "HOL-Probability.Probability"

lemma measure_eqI_countable_AE':
  assumes [simp]: "sets M = Pow B" "sets N = Pow B" and subset: "Ω  B"
  assumes ae: "AE x in M. x  Ω" "AE x in N. x  Ω" and [simp]: "countable Ω"
  assumes eq: "x. x  Ω  emeasure M {x} = emeasure N {x}"
  shows "M = N"
proof (rule measure_eqI)
  fix A assume A: "A  sets M"
  have "emeasure N A = emeasure N {xΩ. x  A}"
    using ae subset A by (intro emeasure_eq_AE) auto
  also have " = (+x. emeasure N {x} count_space {xΩ. x  A})"
    using A subset by (intro emeasure_countable_singleton) auto
  also have " = (+x. emeasure M {x} count_space {xΩ. x  A})"
    by (intro nn_integral_cong eq[symmetric]) auto
  also have " = emeasure M {xΩ. x  A}"
    using A subset by (intro emeasure_countable_singleton[symmetric]) auto
  also have " = emeasure M A"
    using ae A subset by (intro emeasure_eq_AE) auto
  finally show "emeasure M A = emeasure N A" ..
qed simp

lemma measurable_le[measurable (raw)]:
  fixes f :: "'a  'b::{second_countable_topology, linorder_topology}"
  assumes "f  borel_measurable M" "g  borel_measurable M"
  shows "Measurable.pred M (λx. f x  g x)"
  unfolding pred_def by (intro borel_measurable_le assms)

lemma measurable_eq[measurable (raw)]:
  fixes f :: "'a  'b::{second_countable_topology, linorder_topology}"
  assumes "f  borel_measurable M" "g  borel_measurable M"
  shows "Measurable.pred M (λx. f x = g x)"
  unfolding pred_def by (intro borel_measurable_eq assms)

  fixes M :: "'a measure"
  assumes singleton_null_set: "x  space M  {x}  null_sets M"

lemma countable_null_set:
  assumes "countable A" "A  space M"
  shows   "A  null_sets M"
proof -
  have "(xA. {x})  null_sets M" using assms 
    by (intro null_sets_UN' assms singleton_null_set) auto
  also have "(xA. {x}) = A" by simp
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma finite_null_set:
  assumes "finite A" "A  space M"
  shows   "A  null_sets M"
  using countable_finite[OF assms(1)] countable_null_set[OF _ assms(2)] by simp

lemma measurable_inj_on_finite:
  assumes fin [measurable]: "finite I"
  assumes [measurable]: "i j. Measurable.pred (M i M M j) (λ(x,y). x = y)"
  shows   "Measurable.pred (PiM I M) (λx. inj_on x I)" unfolding inj_on_def
  by measurable
lemma almost_everywhere_not_in_countable_set:
  assumes "countable A"
  assumes [measurable]: "Measurable.pred (M M M) (λ(x,y). x = y)"
  assumes null: "x. x  space M  {x}  null_sets M"
  shows   "AE x in M. x  A"
proof -
  have "A  space M  null_sets M"
    by (rule countable_null_set) (insert assms(1), auto intro: null)
  hence "AE x in M. yA. x  y" by (rule AE_I') auto
  also have "?this  ?thesis" by (intro AE_cong) auto
  finally show ?thesis .
lemma almost_everywhere_inj_on_PiM:
  assumes fin: "finite I" and prob_space: "i. i  I  prob_space (M i)"
  assumes [measurable]: "i j. Measurable.pred (M i M M j) (λ(x,y). x = y)"
  assumes null: "i x. i  I  x  space (M i)  {x}  null_sets (M i)"
  shows   "AE f in (ΠM iI. M i). inj_on f I"
proof -
  note [measurable] = measurable_inj_on_finite
  define I' where "I' = I"
  hence "I  I'" by simp
  from fin and this show ?thesis
  proof (induction I rule: finite_induct)
    case (insert i I)
    interpret pair_sigma_finite "M i" "PiM I M"
      unfolding pair_sigma_finite_def using insert.prems
      by (auto intro!: prob_space_imp_sigma_finite prob_space prob_space_PiM simp: I'_def)
    from insert.hyps have [measurable]: "finite (insert i I)" by simp
    have "PiM (insert i I) M = distr (M i M PiM I M) (PiM (insert i I) M) (λ(x, X). X(i := x))"
      using insert.prems 
      by (intro distr_pair_PiM_eq_PiM [symmetric] prob_space) (auto simp: I'_def)
    also have "(AE f in . inj_on f (insert i I))  
                 (AE x in M i M PiM I M. inj_on ((snd x)(i := fst x)) (insert i I))"
      by (subst AE_distr_iff; measurable) (simp add: case_prod_unfold)?
    also have " = (AE x in M i. AE y in PiM I M. inj_on (y(i := x)) (insert i I))"
      by (rule AE_pair_iff [symmetric]) measurable
    also have "  (AE x in M i. AE y in PiM I M. inj_on (y(i := x)) I) 
                      (AE x in M i. AE y in PiM I M. x  y(i := x) ` (I - {i}))" by simp
    also have 
    proof (rule conjI, goal_cases)
      case 1
      from insert.prems have "AE f in PiM I M. inj_on f I" by (intro insert.IH) auto
      hence "AE f in PiM I M. inj_on (f(i := x)) I" for x
        by eventually_elim (insert insert.hyps, auto simp: inj_on_def)
      thus ?case by blast
      note [measurable] = finite I
        fix f
        have "f ` I  space (M i)  null_sets (M i)"
          by (rule finite_null_set) 
             (insert insert.hyps insert.prems, auto intro!: null simp: I'_def)
        hence "AE x in M i. x  f(i := x) ` I"
          by (rule AE_I') (insert insert.hyps, auto split: if_splits)
        also have "(AE x in M i. x  f(i := x) ` I)  (AE x in M i. yI. f y  x)"
          using insert.hyps by (intro AE_cong) (auto split: if_splits)
        finally have "" .
      hence "AE f in PiM I M. AE x in M i. yI. f y  x" by blast
      hence "AE x in M i. AE f in PiM I M. yI. f y  x"
        by (subst AE_commute) simp_all
      also have "?this  (AE x in M i. AE y in PiM I M. x  y(i := x) ` (I - {i}))"
        using insert.hyps by (intro AE_cong) (auto split: if_splits)
      finally show  .
    finally show ?case .
  qed auto

lemma null_sets_uniform_measure:
  assumes "A  sets M" "emeasure M A  "
  shows   "null_sets (uniform_measure M A) = (λB. A  B) -` null_sets M  sets M"
  using assms by (auto simp: null_sets_def)

lemma almost_everywhere_avoid_finite:
  assumes fin: "finite I"
  shows   "AE f in (ΠM iI. uniform_measure lborel {(0::real)..1}). inj_on f I"
proof (intro almost_everywhere_inj_on_PiM fin prob_space_uniform_measure)
  fix x :: real
  show "{x}  null_sets (uniform_measure lborel {0..1})"
    by (cases "x  {0..1}") (auto simp: null_sets_uniform_measure)
qed auto
lemma almost_everywhere_avoid_countable:
  assumes "countable A"
  shows   "AE x in uniform_measure lborel {(0::real)..1}. x  A"
proof (intro almost_everywhere_not_in_countable_set assms prob_space_uniform_measure)
  fix x :: real
  show "{x}  null_sets (uniform_measure lborel {0..1})"
    by (cases "x  {0..1}") (auto simp: null_sets_uniform_measure)
qed auto

lemma measure_pmf_of_set:
  assumes "A  {}" and "finite A" 
  shows   "measure_pmf (pmf_of_set A) = uniform_measure (count_space UNIV) A"
    using assms
  by (intro measure_eqI)
     (auto simp: emeasure_pmf_of_set divide_ennreal [symmetric] card_gt_0_iff

lemma emeasure_distr_restrict:
  assumes "f  M M N" "f  M' M N'" "A  sets N'" "sets M'  sets M" "sets N'  sets N"
  assumes "X. X  sets M'  emeasure M X = emeasure M' X"
  assumes "X. X  sets M  X  space M - space M'  emeasure M X = 0"
  shows   "emeasure (distr M N f) A= emeasure (distr M' N' f) A"
proof -
  have space_subset: "space M'  space M"
    using sets M'  sets M by (simp add: sets_le_imp_space_le)
  have "emeasure (distr M N f) A = emeasure M (f -` A  space M)"
    using assms by (subst emeasure_distr) auto
  also have "f -` A  space M = f -` A  space M'  f -` A  (space M - space M')"
    using space_subset by blast
  also have "emeasure M  = emeasure M (f -` A  space M')"
  proof (intro emeasure_Un_null_set)
    show "f -` A  space M'  sets M"
      using assms by auto
    have "f -` A  (space M - space M')  sets M"
      using assms by (metis Int_Diff measurable_sets sets.Diff subsetCE)
    moreover from this have "emeasure M (f -` A  (space M - space M')) = 0"
      by (intro assms) auto
    ultimately show "f -` A  (space M - space M')  null_sets M"
      unfolding null_sets_def by blast
  also have " = emeasure M' (f -` A  space M')"
    using assms by (intro assms) auto
  also have " = emeasure (distr M' N' f) A"
    using assms by (subst emeasure_distr) auto
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma distr_uniform_measure_count_space_inj:
  assumes "inj_on f A'" "A'  A" "f ` A  B" "finite A'"
  shows   "distr (uniform_measure (count_space A) A') (count_space B) f =
             uniform_measure (count_space B) (f ` A')" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof (rule measure_eqI, goal_cases)
  case (2 X)
  hence X_subset: "X  B" by simp
  from assms have eq: "f ` A'  X = f ` (A'  (f -` X  A))"
    by auto
  from assms have [measurable]: "f  count_space A M count_space B"
    by (subst measurable_count_space_eq1) auto
  from X_subset have "emeasure ?lhs X = 
                        emeasure (uniform_measure (count_space A) A') (f -` X  A)"
    by (subst emeasure_distr) auto
  also from assms X_subset 
    have " = emeasure (count_space A) (A'  (f -` X  A)) / emeasure (count_space A) A'"
    by (intro emeasure_uniform_measure) auto
  also from assms have " = of_nat (card (A'  (f -` X  A))) / of_nat (card A')"
    by (subst (1 2) emeasure_count_space) auto
  also have "card (A'  (f -` X  A)) = card (f ` (A'  (f -` X  A)))"
    using assms by (intro card_image [symmetric]) (auto simp: inj_on_def)
  also have "f ` (A'  (f -` X  A)) = f ` A'  X"
    using assms by auto
  also have "of_nat (card A') = of_nat (card (f ` A'))"
    using assms by (subst card_image) auto
  also have "of_nat (card (f ` A'  X)) /  = 
               emeasure (count_space B) (f ` A'  X) / emeasure (count_space B) (f ` A')"
    using assms by (subst (1 2) emeasure_count_space) auto
  also from assms X_subset have " = emeasure ?rhs X" 
    by (intro emeasure_uniform_measure [symmetric]) auto
  finally show ?case .
qed simp_all

lemma (in pair_prob_space) pair_measure_bind:
  assumes [measurable]: "f  M1 M M2 M subprob_algebra N"
  shows "(M1 M M2)  f = do {x  M1; y  M2; f (x, y)}"
proof -
  note M1 = M1.prob_space_axioms and M2 = M2.prob_space_axioms
  have [measurable]: "M1  space (subprob_algebra M1)"
    by (rule M1.M_in_subprob)
  have [measurable]: "M2  space (subprob_algebra M2)"
    by (rule M2.M_in_subprob)
  have "(M1 M M2) = M1  (λx. M2  (λy. return (M1 M M2) (x, y)))"
    by (subst pair_measure_eq_bind) simp_all
  also have "  f = M1  (λx. (M2  (λy. return (M1 M M2) (x, y)))  f)"
    by (rule bind_assoc) measurable
  also have " = M1  (λx. M2  (λxa. return (M1 M M2) (x, xa)  f))"
    by (intro bind_cong refl bind_assoc) measurable
  also have " = do {x  M1; y  M2; f (x, y)}"
    by (intro bind_cong refl bind_return)
       (measurable, simp_all add: space_pair_measure)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma count_space_singleton_conv_return: 
  "count_space {x} = return (count_space {x}) x"
proof (rule measure_eqI)
  fix A assume "A  sets (count_space {x})"
  hence "A  {x}" by auto
  hence "A = {}  A = {x}" by (cases "x  A") auto
  thus "emeasure (count_space {x}) A = emeasure (return (count_space {x}) x) A"
    by auto
qed auto
lemma distr_count_space_singleton [simp]:
    "f x  space M  distr (count_space {x}) M f = return M (f x)"
  by (subst count_space_singleton_conv_return, subst distr_return) simp_all

lemma uniform_measure_count_space_singleton [simp]:
  assumes "{x}  sets M" "emeasure M {x}  0" "emeasure M {x} < "
  shows   "uniform_measure M {x} = return M x"
proof (rule measure_eqI)
  fix A assume A: "A  sets (uniform_measure M {x})"
  show "emeasure (uniform_measure M {x}) A = emeasure (return M x) A"
    by (cases "x  A") (insert assms A, auto)
qed simp_all

lemma PiM_uniform_measure_permute:
  fixes a b :: real
  assumes "g permutes A" "a < b"
  shows   "distr (PiM A (λ_. uniform_measure lborel {a..b})) (PiM A (λ_. lborel)) (λf. f  g) =
             PiM A (λ_. uniform_measure lborel {a..b})"
proof -
  have "distr (PiM A (λ_. uniform_measure lborel {a..b})) (PiM A (λ_. lborel)) (λf. f  g) =
          distr (PiM A (λ_. uniform_measure lborel {a..b})) 
            (PiM A (λ_. uniform_measure lborel {a..b})) (λf. λxA. f (g x))" using assms
    by (intro distr_cong sets_PiM_cong refl) 
       (auto simp: fun_eq_iff space_PiM PiE_def extensional_def permutes_in_image[of g A])  
  also from assms have " = PiM A (λi. uniform_measure lborel {a..b})"
    by (intro distr_PiM_reindex)
       (auto simp: permutes_inj_on permutes_in_image[of g A] intro!: prob_space_uniform_measure)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma ennreal_fact [simp]: "ennreal (fact n) = fact n"
  by (induction n) (auto simp: algebra_simps ennreal_mult' ennreal_of_nat_eq_real_of_nat)

lemma inverse_ennreal_unique:
  assumes "a * (b :: ennreal) = 1"
  shows   "b = inverse a"
  using assms
  by (metis divide_ennreal_def ennreal_inverse_1 ennreal_top_eq_mult_iff mult.comm_neutral 
        mult_divide_eq_ennreal mult_eq_0_iff semiring_normalization_rules(7))
