Theory DRA_Refine

section ‹Relations on Deterministic Rabin Automata›

theory DRA_Refine

  definition dra_rel :: "('label1 × 'label2) set  ('state1 × 'state2) set 
    (('label1, 'state1) dra × ('label2, 'state2) dra) set" where
    [to_relAPP]: "dra_rel L S  {(A1, A2).
      (alphabet A1, alphabet A2)  L set_rel 
      (initial A1, initial A2)  S 
      (transition A1, transition A2)  L  S  S 
      (condition A1, condition A2)  rabin_rel S list_rel}"

  lemma dra_param[param]:
    "(dra, dra)  L set_rel  S  (L  S  S)  rabin_rel S list_rel 
      L, S dra_rel"
    "(alphabet, alphabet)  L, S dra_rel  L set_rel"
    "(initial, initial)  L, S dra_rel  S"
    "(transition, transition)  L, S dra_rel  L  S  S"
    "(condition, condition)  L, S dra_rel  rabin_rel S list_rel"
    unfolding dra_rel_def fun_rel_def by auto

  lemma dra_rel_id[simp]: "Id, Id dra_rel = Id" unfolding dra_rel_def using dra.expand by auto
  lemma dra_rel_comp[trans]:
    assumes [param]: "(A, B)  L1, S1 dra_rel" "(B, C)  L2, S2 dra_rel"
    shows "(A, C)  L1 O L2, S1 O S2 dra_rel"
  proof -
    have "(condition A, condition B)  rabin_rel S1 list_rel" by parametricity
    also have "(condition B, condition C)  rabin_rel S2 list_rel" by parametricity
    finally have 1: "(condition A, condition C)  rabin_rel S1 O rabin_rel S2 list_rel" by simp
    have 2: "rabin_rel S1 O rabin_rel S2  rabin_rel (S1 O S2)" by (force simp: fun_rel_def)
    have 3: "(condition A, condition C)  rabin_rel (S1 O S2) list_rel" using 1 2 list_rel_mono by blast
    have "(transition A, transition B)  L1  S1  S1" by parametricity
    also have "(transition B, transition C)  L2  S2  S2" by parametricity
    finally have 4: "(transition A, transition C)  L1 O L2  S1 O S2  S1 O S2" by this
    show ?thesis
      unfolding dra_rel_def mem_Collect_eq set_rel_compp
      using 3 4
      using dra_param(2 - 5)[THEN fun_relD, OF assms(1)]
      using dra_param(2 - 5)[THEN fun_relD, OF assms(2)]
      by auto
  lemma dra_rel_converse[simp]: "(L, S dra_rel)¯ = L¯, S¯ dra_rel"
  proof -
    have 1: "L set_rel = (L¯ set_rel)¯" by simp
    have 2: "S set_rel = (S¯ set_rel)¯" by simp
    have 3: "L  S  S = (L¯  S¯  S¯)¯" by simp
    have 4: "rabin_rel S list_rel = (rabin_rel (S¯) list_rel)¯" by simp
    show ?thesis unfolding dra_rel_def unfolding 3 unfolding 1 2 4 by fastforce

  lemma dra_rel_eq: "(A, A)  Id_on (alphabet A), Id_on (nodes A) dra_rel"
    unfolding dra_rel_def prod_rel_def using list_all2_same[to_set] by auto

  lemma enableds_param[param]: "(dra.enableds, dra.enableds)  L, S dra_rel  S  L set_rel"
    unfolding dra.enableds_def Collect_mem_eq by parametricity
  lemma paths_param[param]: "(dra.paths, dra.paths)  L, S dra_rel  S  L list_rel set_rel"
    using enableds_param[param_fo] by parametricity
  lemma runs_param[param]: "(dra.runs, dra.runs)  L, S dra_rel  S  L stream_rel set_rel"
    using enableds_param[param_fo] by parametricity

  lemma reachable_param[param]: "(reachable, reachable)  L, S dra_rel  S  S set_rel"
  proof -
    have 1: "reachable A p = (λ w. target A w p) ` dra.paths A p" for A :: "('label, 'state) dra" and p
      unfolding dra.reachable_alt_def dra.paths_def by auto
    show ?thesis unfolding 1 using enableds_param[param_fo] by parametricity
  lemma nodes_param[param]: "(nodes, nodes)  L, S dra_rel  S set_rel"
  proof -
    have 1: "nodes A = reachable A (initial A)" for A :: "('label, 'state) dra"
      unfolding dra.nodes_alt_def by simp
    show ?thesis unfolding 1 by parametricity

  lemma language_param[param]: "(language, language)  L, S dra_rel  L stream_rel set_rel"
  proof -
    have 1: "language A = ( w  dra.runs A (initial A).
      if cogen rabin (condition A) (initial A ## trace A w (initial A)) then {w} else {})"
      for A :: "('label, 'state) dra"
      unfolding dra.language_def dra.runs_def by auto
    show ?thesis unfolding 1 using enableds_param[param_fo] by parametricity
