Theory Transition_System_Refine

section ‹Refinement for Transition Systems›

theory Transition_System_Refine

  lemma path_param[param]: "(transition_system.path, transition_system.path) 
    (T  S  S)  (T  S  bool_rel)  T list_rel  S  bool_rel"
  proof (rule, rule)
    fix exa exb ena enb
    assume [param]: "(exa, exb)  T  S  S" "(ena, enb)  T  S  bool_rel"
    interpret A: transition_system exa ena by this
    interpret B: transition_system exb enb by this
    have [param]: "(A.path [] p, B.path [] q)  bool_rel" for p q by auto
    have [param]: "(A.path (a # r) p, B.path (b # s) q)  bool_rel"
      if "(ena a p, enb b q)  bool_rel" "(A.path r (exa a p), B.path s (exb b q))  bool_rel"
      for a r p b s q
      using that by auto
    show "(A.path, B.path)  T list_rel  S  bool_rel"
    proof (intro fun_relI)
      show "(A.path r p, B.path s q)  bool_rel" if "(r, s)  T list_rel" "(p, q)  S" for r s p q
        using that by (induct arbitrary: p q) (parametricity+)
  lemma run_param[param]: "(, 
    (T  S  S)  (T  S  bool_rel)  T stream_rel  S  bool_rel"
  proof (rule, rule)
    fix exa exb ena enb
    assume 1: "(exa, exb)  T  S  S" "(ena, enb)  T  S  bool_rel"
    interpret A: transition_system exa ena by this
    interpret B: transition_system exb enb by this
    show "(,  T stream_rel  S  bool_rel"
    proof safe
      show " s q" if "(r, s)  T stream_rel" "(p, q)  S" " r p" for r s p q
        using 1[param_fo] that by (coinduction arbitrary: r s p q) (blast elim: stream_rel_cases)
      show " r p" if "(r, s)  T stream_rel" "(p, q)  S" " s q" for r s p q
        using 1[param_fo] that by (coinduction arbitrary: r s p q) (blast elim: stream_rel_cases)

  lemma paths_param[param]:
    assumes [param]: "(exa, exb)  T  S  S"
    assumes "(transition_system.enableds ena, transition_system.enableds enb)  S  T set_rel"
    shows "(transition_system.paths exa ena, transition_system.paths exb enb)  S  T list_rel set_rel"
  proof -
    note assms = assms[param_fo, unfolded transition_system.enableds_def]
    interpret A: transition_system exa ena by this
    interpret B: transition_system exb enb by this
    have 1: " s. (r, s)  T list_rel  B.path s q" if "(p, q)  S" "A.path r p" for p q r
    using that(2, 1)
    proof (induct arbitrary: q)
      case (nil p)
      show ?case by auto
      case (cons a p r)
      obtain b where 1: "(a, b)  T" "enb b q" using assms(2) cons(1, 4) by (blast elim: set_relE1)
      have 2: "(exa a p, exb b q)  S" using cons(4) 1(1) by parametricity
      obtain s where 3: "(r, s)  T list_rel" "B.path s (exb b q)" using cons(3) 2 by auto
      show ?case using 1 3 by force
    have 2: " r. (r, s)  T list_rel  A.path r p" if "(p, q)  S" "B.path s q" for p q s
    using that(2, 1)
    proof (induct arbitrary: p)
      case (nil q)
      show ?case by auto
      case (cons b q s)
      obtain a where 1: "(a, b)  T" "ena a p" using assms(2) cons(1, 4) by (blast elim: set_relE2)
      have 2: "(exa a p, exb b q)  S" using cons(4) 1(1) by parametricity
      obtain r where 3: "(r, s)  T list_rel" "A.path r (exa a p)" using cons(3) 2 by auto
      show ?case using 1 3 by force
    show ?thesis unfolding transition_system.paths_def set_rel_def using 1 2 by blast
  lemma runs_param[param]:
    assumes "(exa, exb)  T  S  S"
    assumes "(transition_system.enableds ena, transition_system.enableds enb)  S  T set_rel"
    shows "(transition_system.runs exa ena, transition_system.runs exb enb)  S  T stream_rel set_rel"
  proof -
    note assms = assms[param_fo, unfolded transition_system.enableds_def]
    interpret A: transition_system exa ena by this
    interpret B: transition_system exb enb by this
    have 1: " s. (r, s)  T stream_rel s q" if "(p, q)  S" " r p" for p q r
    proof -
      define P where "P  λ (p, q, r). (p, q)  S r p"
      define Q where "Q  λ (p :: 'b, q, r) a. (shd r, a)  T  enb a q"
      have 1: "P (p, q, r)" using that unfolding P_def by auto
      have " a. Q x a" if "P x" for x
        using assms(2) that unfolding P_def Q_def by (force elim: set_relE1
      then obtain f where 2: " x. P x  Q x (f x)" by metis
      define g where "g  λ (p, q, r). (exa (shd r) p, exb (f (p, q, r)) q, stl r)"
      have 3: "P (g x)" if "P x" for x
        using assms(1) 2 that unfolding P_def Q_def g_def by (auto elim:
      show ?thesis
      proof (intro exI conjI)
        show "(r, smap f (siterate g (p, q, r)))  T stream_rel"
          using 1 2 3 unfolding Q_def g_def by (coinduction arbitrary: p q r) (fastforce)
        show " (smap f (siterate g (p, q, r))) q"
          using 1 2 3 unfolding Q_def g_def by (coinduction arbitrary: p q r) (fastforce)
    have 2: " r. (r, s)  T stream_rel r p" if "(p, q)  S" " s q" for p q s
    proof -
      define P where "P  λ (p, q, s). (p, q)  S s q"
      define Q where "Q  λ (p, q :: 'd, s) b. (b, shd s)  T  ena b p"
      have 1: "P (p, q, s)" using that unfolding P_def by auto
      have " a. Q x a" if "P x" for x
        using assms(2) that unfolding P_def Q_def by (force elim: set_relE2
      then obtain f where 2: " x. P x  Q x (f x)" by metis
      define g where "g  λ (p, q, s). (exa (f (p, q, s)) p, exb (shd s) q, stl s)"
      have 3: "P (g x)" if "P x" for x
        using assms(1) 2 that unfolding P_def Q_def g_def by (auto elim:
      show ?thesis
      proof (intro exI conjI)
        show "(smap f (siterate g (p, q, s)), s)  T stream_rel"
          using 1 2 3 unfolding Q_def g_def by (coinduction arbitrary: p q s) (fastforce)
        show " (smap f (siterate g (p, q, s))) p"
          using 1 2 3 unfolding Q_def g_def by (coinduction arbitrary: p q s) (fastforce)
    show ?thesis unfolding transition_system.runs_def set_rel_def using 1 2 by force
