Theory Normalized_Zone_Semantics

chapter ‹Forward Analysis with DBMs and Widening›

theory Normalized_Zone_Semantics
  imports DBM_Zone_Semantics Approx_Beta

section ‹DBM-based Semantics with Normalization›

subsection ‹Single Step›

inductive step_z_norm ::
  "('a, 'c, t, 's) ta  's  t DBM  (nat  nat)  ('c  nat)  nat  's  t DBM  bool"
("_  _, _ ↝⇘_,_,_ _, _" [61,61,61,61,61] 61)
where step_z_norm:
  "A  l,D ↝⇘v,nl', D'  A  l,D ↝⇘k,v,nl', norm (FW D' n) k n"

inductive steps_z_norm ::
  "('a, 'c, t, 's) ta  's  t DBM  (nat  nat)  ('c  nat)  nat  's  t DBM  bool"
("_  _, _ ↝⇘_,_,_⇙* _, _" [61,61,61,61,61] 61)
  refl: "A  l, Z  ↝⇘k,v,n⇙* l, Z" |
  step: "A  l, Z  ↝⇘k,v,n⇙* l', Z'  A  l', Z' ↝⇘k,v,nl'', Z''
         A  l, Z ↝⇘k,v,n⇙* l'', Z''"

context Regions

abbreviation "v'  beta_interp.v'"

abbreviation step_z_norm' ("_  _, _ 𝒩 _, _" [61,61,61] 61)
  "A  l, D 𝒩 l', D'  A  l, D ↝⇘(k o v'),v,nl', D'"

abbreviation steps_z_norm' ("_  _, _ 𝒩* _, _" [61,61,61] 61)
  "A  l, D 𝒩* l', D'  A  l, D ↝⇘(k o v'),v,n⇙* l', D'"

inductive_cases[elim!]: "A  l, u 𝒩 l',u'"

declare step_z_norm.intros[intro]

lemma apx_empty_iff'':
  assumes "canonical M1 n" "[M1]⇘v,n V" "dbm_int M1 n"
  shows "[M1]⇘v,n= {}  [norm M1 (k o v') n]⇘v,n= {}"
using beta_interp.apx_norm_eq[OF assms] apx_empty_iff'[of "[M1]⇘v,n⇙"] assms unfolding V'_def by blast

inductive valid_dbm where
  "[M]⇘v,n V  dbm_int M n  valid_dbm M"

inductive_cases valid_dbm_cases[elim]: "valid_dbm M"

declare valid_dbm.intros[intro]

lemma step_z_valid_dbm:
  assumes "A  l, D ↝⇘v,nl', D'"
    and "global_clock_numbering A v n" "valid_abstraction A X k" "valid_dbm D"
  shows "valid_dbm D'"
proof -
  from alpha_interp.step_z_V step_z_dbm_sound[OF assms(1,2)] step_z_dbm_preserves_int[OF assms(1,2)]
    "dbm_int D' n" "A  l, [D]⇘v,n  l', [D']⇘v,n"
  by fastforce+
  with alpha_interp.step_z_V[OF this(2)] assms(4) show ?thesis by auto

lemma FW_zone_equiv_spec:
  shows "[M]⇘v,n= [FW M n]⇘v,n⇙"
apply (rule FW_zone_equiv) using clock_numbering(2) by auto

lemma cn_weak: "kn. 0 < k  (c. v c = k)" using clock_numbering(2) by blast

lemma valid_dbm_non_empty_diag:
  assumes "valid_dbm M" "[M]⇘v,n {}"
  shows " k  n. M k k  𝟭"
proof safe
  fix k assume k: "k  n"
  have "kn. 0 < k  (c. v c = k)" using clock_numbering(2) by blast
  from k not_empty_cyc_free[OF this assms(2)] show "𝟭  M k k" by (simp add: cyc_free_diag_dest')

lemma non_empty_cycle_free:
  assumes "[M]⇘v,n {}"
  shows "cycle_free M n"
by (meson assms clock_numbering(2) neg_cycle_empty negative_cycle_dest_diag)

lemma norm_empty_diag_preservation:
  assumes "i  n"
  assumes "M i i < Le 0"
  shows "norm M (k o v') n i i < Le 0"
proof -
  have "¬ Le (k (v' i))  Le 0" by auto
  with assms show ?thesis unfolding norm_def by (auto simp: Let_def less)

lemma norm_FW_empty:
  assumes "valid_dbm M"
  assumes "[M]⇘v,n= {}"
  shows "[norm (FW M n) (k o v') n]⇘v,n= {}" (is "[?M]⇘v,n= {}")
proof -
  from assms(2) cyc_free_not_empty clock_numbering(1) cycle_free_diag_equiv have "¬ cycle_free M n"
  by metis
  from FW_neg_cycle_detect[OF this] obtain i where i: "i  n" "FW M n i i < 𝟭" by auto
  with norm_empty_diag_preservation[folded neutral] have "?M i i < 𝟭" .
  with i  n show ?thesis using beta_interp.neg_diag_empty_spec by auto 

lemma apx_norm_eq_spec:
  assumes "valid_dbm M"
    and "[M]⇘v,n {}"
  shows "beta_interp.Approxβ ([M]⇘v,n) = [norm (FW M n) (k o v') n]⇘v,n⇙"
proof -
  note cyc_free = non_empty_cycle_free[OF assms(2)]
  from assms(1) FW_zone_equiv_spec[of M] have "[M]⇘v,n= [FW M n]⇘v,n⇙" by (auto simp: neutral)
  with beta_interp.apx_norm_eq[OF fw_canonical[OF cyc_free] _ FW_int_preservation]
      valid_dbm_non_empty_diag[OF assms(1,2)] assms(1)
 show "Approxβ ([M]⇘v,n) = [norm (FW M n) (k o v') n]⇘v,n⇙" by auto

print_statement step_z_norm.inducts

(* Crudely copied from step_z_norm.inducts *)
lemma step_z_norm_induct[case_names _ step_z_norm step_z_refl]:
  assumes "x1  x2, x3 ↝⇘(k o v'),v,nx7,x8"
    and step_z_norm:
    "A l D l' D'.
        A  l, D ↝⇘v,nl',D' 
        P A l D l' (norm (FW D' n) (k o v') n)"
  shows "P x1 x2 x3 x7 x8"
using assms by (induction rule: step_z_norm.inducts) auto

lemma FW_valid_preservation:
  assumes "valid_dbm M"
  shows "valid_dbm (FW M n)"
proof standard
  from FW_int_preservation assms show "dbm_int (FW M n) n" by blast
  from FW_zone_equiv_spec[of M, folded neutral] assms show "[FW M n]⇘v,n V" by fastforce

text ‹Obsolete›
lemma norm_diag_preservation:
  assumes "ln. M1 l l  𝟭"
  shows "ln. (norm M1 (k o v') n) l l  𝟭" (is " l  n. ?M l l  𝟭")
proof safe
  fix j assume j: "j  n"
  show "?M j j  𝟭"
  proof (cases "j = 0")
    case True
    with j assms show ?thesis unfolding norm_def neutral less_eq dbm_le_def by auto
    case False
    have *: "real ((k  v') j)  0" by auto
    from j assms have **: "M1 j j  Le 0" unfolding neutral by auto
    have "norm_upper (M1 j j) (real ((k  v') j)) = M1 j j"
    using * ** apply (cases "M1 j j") apply auto by fastforce+
    with assms(1) j False have
      "?M j j = norm_lower (M1 j j) (- real ((k  v') j))"
    unfolding norm_def by auto
    with ** show ?thesis unfolding neutral by auto

lemma norm_FW_valid_preservation_non_empty:
  assumes "valid_dbm M" "[M]⇘v,n {}"
  shows "valid_dbm (norm (FW M n) (k o v') n)" (is "valid_dbm ?M")
proof -
  from FW_valid_preservation[OF assms(1)] have valid: "valid_dbm (FW M n)" .
  show ?thesis
  proof standard
    from valid beta_interp.norm_int_preservation show "dbm_int ?M n" by blast
    from fw_canonical[OF non_empty_cycle_free] assms have "canonical (FW M n) n" by auto
    from beta_interp.norm_V_preservation[OF _ this ] valid show "[?M]⇘v,n V" by fast

lemma norm_FW_valid_preservation_empty:
  assumes "valid_dbm M" "[M]⇘v,n= {}"
  shows "valid_dbm (norm (FW M n) (k o v') n)" (is "valid_dbm ?M")
proof -
  from FW_valid_preservation[OF assms(1)] have valid: "valid_dbm (FW M n)" .
  show ?thesis
  proof standard
    from valid beta_interp.norm_int_preservation show "dbm_int ?M n" by blast
    from norm_FW_empty[OF assms(1,2)] show "[?M]⇘v,n V" by fast

lemma norm_FW_valid_preservation:
  assumes "valid_dbm M"
  shows "valid_dbm (norm (FW M n) (k o v') n)"
using assms norm_FW_valid_preservation_empty norm_FW_valid_preservation_non_empty by metis

lemma norm_beta_sound:
  assumes "A  l,D 𝒩 l',D'" "global_clock_numbering A v n" "valid_abstraction A X k"
  and     "valid_dbm D"
  shows   "A  l,[D]⇘v,n β l',[D']⇘v,n" using assms(2-)
proof (induction A l D l' D' rule: step_z_norm_induct, intro assms(1))
  case (step_z_norm A l D l' D')
  from step_z_dbm_sound[OF step_z_norm(1,2)] have "A  l, [D]⇘v,n  l',[D']⇘v,n" by blast
  then have *: "A  l, [D]⇘v,n β l',Approxβ ([D']⇘v,n)" by force
  show ?case
  proof (cases "[D']⇘v,n= {}")
    case False
    from apx_norm_eq_spec[OF step_z_valid_dbm[OF step_z_norm] False] *
    show ?thesis by auto
    case True
    with norm_FW_empty[OF step_z_valid_dbm[OF step_z_norm] this] beta_interp.apx_empty *
    show ?thesis by auto

lemma step_z_norm_valid_dbm:
  assumes "A  l, D 𝒩 l',D'" "global_clock_numbering A v n" "valid_abstraction A X k" "valid_dbm D"
  shows "valid_dbm D'" using assms(2-)
proof (induction A l D l' D' rule: step_z_norm_induct, intro assms(1))
  case (step_z_norm A l D l' D')
  with norm_FW_valid_preservation[OF step_z_valid_dbm[OF step_z_norm]] show ?case by fast

lemma norm_beta_complete:
  assumes "A  l,[D]⇘v,n β l',Z" "global_clock_numbering A v n" "valid_abstraction A X k"
  and     "valid_dbm D"
  obtains D' where "A  l,D 𝒩 l',D'" "[D']⇘v,n= Z" "valid_dbm D'"
proof -
  from assms(1) obtain Z' where Z': "A  l,[D]⇘v,n  l',Z'" "Z = Approxβ Z'" by auto
  from assms(4) have "dbm_int D n" by auto
  with step_z_dbm_DBM[OF Z'(1) assms(2)] step_z_dbm_preserves_int[OF _ assms(2,3)] obtain D' where
    D': "A  l, D ↝⇘v,nl',D'" "Z' = [D']⇘v,n⇙" "dbm_int D' n"
  by auto
  note valid_D' = step_z_valid_dbm[OF D'(1) assms(2,3)]
  obtain D'' where D'': "D'' = norm (FW D' n) (k  v') n" by auto
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases "Z' = {}")
    case False
    with D' have *: "[D']⇘v,n {}" by auto
    from apx_norm_eq_spec[OF valid_D' this] D'' D'(2) Z'(2) assms(4) have "Z = [D'']⇘v,n⇙" by auto
    with norm_FW_valid_preservation[OF valid_D'] D' D'' * that[of D''] assms(4)
    show thesis by blast
    case True
    with norm_FW_empty[OF valid_D'[OF assms(4)]] D'' D' Z'(2)
         norm_FW_valid_preservation[OF valid_D'[OF assms(4)]] beta_interp.apx_empty
    show thesis
    apply -
    apply (rule that[of D''])
      apply blast
    by fastforce+

subsection ‹Multi step›

declare steps_z_norm.intros[intro]

lemma steps_z_norm_induct[case_names _ refl step]:
  assumes "x1  x2, x3 ↝⇘(k o v'),v,n⇙* x7,x8"
    and "A l Z. P A l Z l Z"
    "A l Z l' Z' l'' Z''.
        A  l, Z ↝⇘(k o v'),v,n⇙* l',Z' 
        P A l Z l' Z' 
        A  l', Z' ↝⇘(k o v'),v,nl'',Z''  P A l Z l'' Z''"
  shows "P x1 x2 x3 x7 x8"
using assms by (induction rule: steps_z_norm.induct) auto

lemma norm_beta_sound_multi:
  assumes "A  l,D 𝒩* l',D'" "global_clock_numbering A v n" "valid_abstraction A X k" "valid_dbm D"
  shows "A  l,[D]⇘v,n β* l',[D']⇘v,n  valid_dbm D'" using assms(2-)
proof (induction A l D l' D' rule: steps_z_norm_induct, intro assms(1))
  case refl then show ?case by fast
  case (step A l Z l' Z' l'' Z'')
  then have "A  l, [Z]⇘v,n β* l',[Z']⇘v,n" "valid_dbm Z'" by fast+
  with norm_beta_sound[OF step(2,4,5)] step_z_norm_valid_dbm[OF step(2,4,5)] show ?case by force

lemma norm_beta_complete_multi:
  assumes "A  l,[D]⇘v,n β* l',Z" "global_clock_numbering A v n" "valid_abstraction A X k"
  and     "valid_dbm D"
  obtains D' where "A  l,D 𝒩* l',D'" "[D']⇘v,n= Z" "valid_dbm D'"
using assms
proof (induction A l "[D]⇘v,n⇙" l' Z arbitrary: thesis rule: steps_z_beta.induct)
  case refl
  from this(1)[OF steps_z_norm.refl] this(4) show thesis by fast
  case (step A l l' Z' l'' Z'')
  from step(2)[OF _ step(5,6,7)] obtain D' where D':
    "A  l, D 𝒩* l',D'" "[D']⇘v,n= Z'" "valid_dbm D'"
  with norm_beta_complete[OF _ step(5,6), of l' D' l'' Z''] step(3) obtain D'' where D'':
    "A  l', D' 𝒩 l'',D''" "[D'']⇘v,n= Z''" "valid_dbm D''"
  by auto
  with D'(1) step(4)[of D''] show thesis by blast

lemma norm_beta_equiv_multi:
  assumes "global_clock_numbering A v n" "valid_abstraction A X k"
  and     "valid_dbm D"
  shows "( D'. A  l,D 𝒩* l',D'  Z = [D']⇘v,n)  A  l,[D]⇘v,n β* l',Z"
using norm_beta_complete_multi[OF _ assms] norm_beta_sound_multi[OF _ assms] by metis

subsection ‹Connecting with Correctness Results for Approximating Semantics›

lemma steps_z_norm_complete':
  assumes "A  l,[D]⇘v,n ↝* l',Z" "global_clock_numbering A v n" "valid_abstraction A X k"
  and "valid_dbm D"
  shows " D'. A  l, D 𝒩* l',D'   Z  [D']⇘v,n⇙"
proof -
  from steps_z_beta_complete[OF assms(1,3)] assms(4) obtain Z'' where Z'':
    "A  l, [D]⇘v,n β* l',Z''" "Z  Z''"
  by auto
  from this(2) norm_beta_complete_multi[OF this(1) assms(2,3,4)] show ?thesis by metis

lemma valid_dbm_V':
  assumes "valid_dbm M"
  shows "[M]⇘v,n V'"
using assms unfolding V'_def by force

lemma steps_z_norm_sound':
  assumes "A  l,D 𝒩* l',D'"
    and "global_clock_numbering A v n"
    and "valid_abstraction A X k"
    and "valid_dbm D"
    and "[D']⇘v,n {}"
  shows "Z. A  l,[D]⇘v,n ↝* l',Z  Z  {}"
proof -
  from norm_beta_sound_multi[OF assms(1-4)] have "A  l, [D]⇘v,n β* l',[D']⇘v,n" by fast
  from steps_z_beta_sound[OF this _ assms(3) valid_dbm_V'] assms(2,4,5) show ?thesis by blast

section ‹The Final Result About Language Emptiness›

lemma steps_z_norm_complete:
  assumes "A  l, u →* l', u'" "u  [D]⇘v,n⇙"
    and   "global_clock_numbering A v n" "valid_abstraction A X k" "valid_dbm D"
  shows " D'. A  l, D 𝒩* l',D'  u'  [D']⇘v,n⇙"
using steps_z_norm_complete'[OF _ assms(3-)] steps_z_complete[OF assms(1,2)] by fast

lemma steps_z_norm_sound:
  assumes "A  l,D 𝒩* l',D'"
    and   "global_clock_numbering A v n" "valid_abstraction A X k" "valid_dbm D"
    and   "[D']⇘v,n {}"
  shows " u  [D]⇘v,n.  u'. A  l, u →* l', u'"
using steps_z_norm_sound'[OF assms] steps_z_sound by fast

theorem steps_z_norm_decides_emptiness:
  assumes "global_clock_numbering A v n" "valid_abstraction A X k" "valid_dbm D"
  shows "( D'. A  l, D 𝒩* l',D'  [D']⇘v,n {})
      ( u  [D]⇘v,n.  u'. A  l, u →* l', u')"
using steps_z_norm_sound[OF _ assms] steps_z_norm_complete[OF _ _ assms] by fast

section ‹Finiteness of the Search Space›

abbreviation "dbm_default M  ( i > n.  j. M i j = 𝟭)  ( j > n.  i. M i j = 𝟭)"

lemma "a     b. a = real_of_int b" using Ints_cases by auto

lemma norm_default_preservation:
  "dbm_default M  dbm_default (norm M (k o v') n)"
by (simp add: norm_def)

lemma normalized_integral_dbms_finite:
  "finite {norm M (k o v') n | M. dbm_int M n  dbm_default M}"
proof -
  let ?u = "Max {(k o v') i | i. i  n}" let ?l = "- ?u"
  let ?S = "(Le ` {d :: int. ?l  d  d  ?u})  (Lt ` {d :: int. ?l  d  d  ?u})  {}"
  from finite_set_of_finite_funs2[of "{0..n}" "{0..n}" ?S] have fin:
    "finite {f. x y. (x  {0..n}  y  {0..n}  f x y  ?S)
                 (x  {0..n}  f x y = 𝟭)  (y  {0..n}  f x y = 𝟭)}" (is "finite ?R")
  by auto
  { fix M :: "t DBM" assume A: "dbm_int M n" "dbm_default M"
    let ?M = "norm M (k o v') n"
    from beta_interp.norm_int_preservation[OF A(1)] norm_default_preservation[OF A(2)] have
      A: "dbm_int ?M n" "dbm_default ?M"
    by blast+
    { fix i j assume "i  {0..n}" "j  {0..n}"
      then have B: "i  n" "j  n" by auto
      have "?M i j  ?S"
      proof (cases "?M i j = ")
        case True then show ?thesis by auto
        case False
        note not_inf = this
        with B A(1) have "get_const (?M i j)  " by auto
        moreover have "?l  get_const (?M i j)  get_const (?M i j)  ?u"
        proof (cases "i = 0")
          case True
          show ?thesis
          proof (cases "j = 0")
            case True
            with i = 0 A(1) B have
              "?M i j = norm_lower (norm_upper (M 0 0) 0) 0"
            unfolding norm_def by auto
            also have "    get_const  = 0" by (cases "M 0 0"; fastforce)
            finally show ?thesis using not_inf by auto
            case False
            with i = 0 B not_inf have "?M i j  Le 0" "Lt (-real (k (v' j)))  ?M i j"
            by (unfold norm_def, auto simp: Let_def, unfold less[symmetric], auto)
            with not_inf have "get_const (?M i j)  0" "-k (v' j)  get_const (?M i j)"
            by (cases "?M i j"; auto)+
            moreover from j  n have "- (k o v') j  ?l" by (auto intro: Max_ge)
            ultimately show ?thesis by auto
          case False
          then have "i > 0" by simp
          show ?thesis
          proof (cases "j = 0")
            case True
            with i > 0 A(1) B not_inf have "Lt 0  ?M i j" "?M i j  Le (real ((k  v') i))"
            by (unfold norm_def, auto simp: Let_def, unfold less[symmetric], auto)
            with not_inf have "0  get_const (?M i j)" "get_const (?M i j)  k (v' i)"
            by (cases "?M i j"; auto)+
            moreover from i  n have "(k o v') i  ?u" by (auto intro: Max_ge)
            ultimately show ?thesis by auto
            case False
            with i > 0 A(1) B not_inf have
              "Lt (-real ((k  v') j))  ?M i j" "?M i j  Le (real ((k  v') i))"
            by (unfold norm_def, auto simp: Let_def, unfold less[symmetric], auto)
            with not_inf have "- k (v' j)  get_const (?M i j)" "get_const (?M i j)  k (v' i)"
            by (cases "?M i j"; auto)+
            moreover from i  n j  n have "(k o v') i  ?u" "(k o v') j  ?u" by (auto intro: Max_ge)
            ultimately show ?thesis by auto
        ultimately show ?thesis by (cases "?M i j"; auto elim: Ints_cases)
    } moreover
    { fix i j assume "i  {0..n}"
      with A(2) have "?M i j = 𝟭" by auto
    } moreover
    { fix i j assume "j  {0..n}"
      with A(2) have "?M i j = 𝟭" by auto
    } moreover note the = calculation
  } then have "{norm M (k o v') n | M. dbm_int M n  dbm_default M}  ?R" by blast
  with fin show ?thesis by (blast intro: finite_subset)


section ‹Appendix: Standard Clock Numberings for Concrete Models›

locale Regions' =
  fixes X and k :: "'c  nat" and v :: "'c  nat" and n :: nat and not_in_X
  assumes finite: "finite X"
  assumes clock_numbering': " c  X. v c > 0" " c. c  X  v c > n"
  assumes bij: "bij_betw v X {1..n}"
  assumes non_empty: "X  {}"
  assumes not_in_X: "not_in_X  X"


lemma inj: "inj_on v X" using bij_betw_imp_inj_on bij by simp

lemma cn_weak: " c. v c > 0" using clock_numbering' by force

lemma in_X: assumes "v x  n" shows "x  X" using assms clock_numbering'(2) by force


sublocale Regions'  Regions
proof (unfold_locales, auto simp: finite clock_numbering' non_empty cn_weak not_in_X, goal_cases)
  case (1 x y) with inj in_X show ?case unfolding inj_on_def by auto
  case (2 k)
  from bij have "v ` X = {1..n}" unfolding bij_betw_def by auto
  from 2 have "k  {1..n}" by simp
  then obtain x where "x  X" "v x = k" unfolding image_def
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) v ` X = {1..n} imageE)
  then show ?case by blast
  case (3 x) with bij show ?case unfolding bij_betw_def by auto

(* This is for automata carrying real time annotations *)
lemma standard_abstraction:
  assumes "finite (clkp_set A)" "finite (collect_clkvt (trans_of A))" "(_,m::real)  clkp_set A. m  "
  obtains k :: "'c  nat" where "valid_abstraction A (clk_set A) k"
proof -
  from assms have 1: "finite (clk_set A)" by auto
  have 2: "collect_clkvt (trans_of A)  clk_set A" by auto
  from assms obtain L where L: "distinct L" "set L = clkp_set A" by (meson finite_distinct_list)
  let ?M = "λ c. {m . (c, m)  clkp_set A}"
  let ?X = "clk_set A"
  let ?m = "map_of L"
  let ?k = "λ x. if ?M x = {} then 0 else nat (floor (Max (?M x)) + 1)"
  { fix c m assume A: "(c, m)  clkp_set A"
    from assms(1) have "finite (snd ` clkp_set A)" by auto
    moreover have "?M c  (snd ` clkp_set A)" by force
    ultimately have fin: "finite (?M c)" by (blast intro: finite_subset)
    then have "Max (?M c)  {m . (c, m)  clkp_set A}" using Max_in A by auto
    with assms(3) have "Max (?M c)  " by auto
    then have "floor (Max (?M c)) = Max (?M c)" by (metis Nats_cases floor_of_nat of_int_of_nat_eq)
    with A have *: "?k c = Max (?M c) + 1"
    proof auto
      fix n :: int and x :: real
      assume "Max {m. (c, m)  clkp_set A} = real_of_int n"
      then have "real_of_int (n + 1)  "
        using Max {m. (c, m)  clkp_set A}   by auto
      then show "real (nat (n + 1)) = real_of_int n + 1"
        by (metis Nats_cases ceiling_of_int nat_int of_int_1 of_int_add of_int_of_nat_eq)
    from fin A have "Max (?M c)  m" by auto
    moreover from A assms(3) have "m  " by auto
    ultimately have "m  ?k c" "m  " "c  clk_set A" using A * by force+
  then have "(x, m)clkp_set A. m  ?k x  x  clk_set A  m  " by blast
  with 1 2 have "valid_abstraction A ?X ?k" by - (standard, assumption+)
  then show thesis ..

  "finite_ta A  finite (clkp_set A)  finite (collect_clkvt (trans_of A))
                  ((_,m::real)  clkp_set A. m  )  clk_set A  {}  -clk_set A  {}"

lemma finite_ta_Regions':
  fixes A :: "('a, 'c, real, 's) ta"
  assumes "finite_ta A"
  obtains v n x where "Regions' (clk_set A) v n x"
proof -
  from assms obtain x where x: "x  clk_set A" unfolding finite_ta_def by auto
  from assms(1) have "finite (clk_set A)" unfolding finite_ta_def by auto
  with standard_numbering[of "clk_set A"] assms obtain v and n :: nat where
            "bij_betw v (clk_set A) {1..n}"
            "cclk_set A. 0 < v c" "c. c  clk_set A  n < v c"
  by auto
  then have "Regions' (clk_set A) v n x" using x assms unfolding finite_ta_def by - (standard, auto)
  then show ?thesis ..

lemma finite_ta_RegionsD:
  assumes "finite_ta A"
  obtains k :: "'b  nat" and v n x where
    "Regions' (clk_set A) v n x" "valid_abstraction A (clk_set A) k" "global_clock_numbering A v n"
proof -
  from standard_abstraction assms obtain k :: "'b  nat" where k:
    "valid_abstraction A (clk_set A) k" 
  unfolding finite_ta_def by blast
  from finite_ta_Regions'[OF assms] obtain v n x where *: "Regions' (clk_set A) v n x" .
  then interpret interp: Regions' "clk_set A" k v n x .
  from interp.clock_numbering have "global_clock_numbering A v n" by blast
  with * k show ?thesis ..

definition valid_dbm where "valid_dbm M n  dbm_int M n  ( i  n. M 0 i  𝟭)"

lemma dbm_positive:
  assumes "M 0 (v c)  𝟭" "v c  n" "DBM_val_bounded v u M n"
  shows "u c  0"
proof -
  from assms have "dbm_entry_val u None (Some c) (M 0 (v c))" unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by auto
  with assms(1) show ?thesis
  proof (cases "M 0 (v c)", goal_cases)
    case 1
    then show ?case unfolding less_eq neutral using order_trans by (fastforce dest!: le_dbm_le)
    case 2
    then show ?case unfolding less_eq neutral
    by (auto dest!: lt_dbm_le) (meson less_trans neg_0_less_iff_less not_less)
    case 3
    then show ?case unfolding neutral less_eq dbm_le_def by auto

lemma valid_dbm_pos:
  assumes "valid_dbm M n"
  shows "[M]⇘v,n {u.  c. v c  n  u c  0}"
using dbm_positive assms unfolding valid_dbm_def unfolding DBM_zone_repr_def by fast

lemma (in Regions') V_alt_def:
  shows "{u.  c. v c > 0  v c  n  u c  0} = V"
unfolding V_def using clock_numbering by metis

text ‹
  An example of obtaining concrete models from our formalizations.
lemma steps_z_norm_sound_spec:
  assumes "finite_ta A"
  obtains k v n where
  "A  l,D ↝⇘k,v,n⇙* l',D'  valid_dbm D n  [D']⇘v,n {}
   (Z. A  l, [D]⇘v,n ↝* l',Z  Z  {})"
proof -
  from finite_ta_RegionsD[OF assms(1)] obtain k :: "'b  nat" and v n x where *:
    "Regions' (clk_set A) v n x" "valid_abstraction A (clk_set A) k" "global_clock_numbering A v n"
  from this(1) interpret interp: Regions' "clk_set A" k v n x .
  define v' where "v' i = (if i  n then (THE c. c  clk_set A  v c = i) else x)" for i
  { fix l D l' D'
    assume step: "A  l,D ↝⇘(k o v'),v,n⇙* l',D'"
    and valid: "valid_dbm D n" and non_empty: "[D']⇘v,n {}"
    from valid_dbm_pos[OF valid] interp.V_alt_def have "[D]⇘v,n interp.V" by blast
    with valid have valid: "interp.valid_dbm D" unfolding valid_dbm_def by auto
    from step have "interp.steps_z_norm' A l D l' D'" unfolding v'_def interp.beta_interp.v'_def .
    note this = interp.steps_z_norm_sound'[OF this *(3,2) valid non_empty]
  then show thesis by (blast intro: that)
