Theory DBM

theory DBM

type_synonym ('c, 't) cval = "'c  't"

chapter ‹Difference Bound Matrices›

section ‹Definitions›

subsection ‹Definition and Semantics of DBMs›
text ‹
  Difference Bound Matrices (DBMs) constrain differences of clocks
  (or more precisely, the difference of values assigned to individual clocks by a valuation).
  The possible constraints are given by the following datatype:
datatype 't DBMEntry = Le 't | Lt 't | INF ()

text ‹\noindent This yields a simple definition of DBMs:›

type_synonym 't DBM = "nat  nat  't DBMEntry"

text ‹\noindent
  To relate clocks with rows and columns of
  a DBM, we use a clock numbering v› of type @{typ "'c  nat"} to map clocks to indices.
  DBMs will regularly be  accompanied by a natural number $n$,
  which designates the number of clocks constrained by the matrix.
  To be able to represent the full set of clock constraints with DBMs, we add an imaginary
  clock 𝟬›, which shall be assigned to 0 in every valuation.
  In the following predicate we explicitly keep track of 𝟬›.

class time = linordered_ab_group_add +
  assumes dense: "x < y  z. x < z  z < y"
  assumes non_trivial: " x. x  0"


lemma non_trivial_neg: " x. x < 0"
proof -
  from non_trivial obtain x where x: "x  0" by auto
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases "x < 0")
    case False
    with x have "x > 0" by auto
    then have "(-x) < 0" by auto
    then show ?thesis ..
  qed auto


instantiation real :: time
  instance proof
    fix x y :: real
    assume "x < y"
    then show "z>x. z < y" using dense_order_class.dense by blast
    have "(1 :: real)  0" by auto
    then show "x. (x::real)  0" ..

inductive dbm_entry_val :: "('c, 't) cval  'c option  'c option  ('t::time) DBMEntry  bool"
  "u r  d  dbm_entry_val u (Some r) None (Le d)" |
  "-u c  d  dbm_entry_val u None (Some c) (Le d)" |
  "u r < d  dbm_entry_val u (Some r) None (Lt d)" |
  "-u c < d  dbm_entry_val u None (Some c) (Lt d)" |
  "u r - u c  d  dbm_entry_val u (Some r) (Some c) (Le d)" |
  "u r - u c < d  dbm_entry_val u (Some r) (Some c) (Lt d)" |
  "dbm_entry_val _ _ _ "

declare dbm_entry_val.intros[intro]
inductive_cases[elim!]: "dbm_entry_val u None (Some c) (Le d)"
inductive_cases[elim!]: "dbm_entry_val u (Some c) None (Le d)"
inductive_cases[elim!]: "dbm_entry_val u None (Some c) (Lt d)"
inductive_cases[elim!]: "dbm_entry_val u (Some c) None (Lt d)"
inductive_cases[elim!]: "dbm_entry_val u (Some r) (Some c) (Le d)"
inductive_cases[elim!]: "dbm_entry_val u (Some r) (Some c) (Lt d)"

fun dbm_entry_bound :: "('t::time) DBMEntry  't"
  "dbm_entry_bound (Le t) = t" |
  "dbm_entry_bound (Lt t) = t" |
  "dbm_entry_bound  = 0"

inductive dbm_lt :: "('t::linorder) DBMEntry  't DBMEntry  bool"
(‹_  _› [51, 51] 50)
  "dbm_lt (Lt _) " |
  "dbm_lt (Le _) " |
  "a < b   dbm_lt (Le a) (Le b)" |
  "a < b   dbm_lt (Le a) (Lt b)" |
  "a  b   dbm_lt (Lt a) (Le b)" |
  "a < b   dbm_lt (Lt a) (Lt b)"

declare dbm_lt.intros[intro]

definition dbm_le :: "('t::linorder) DBMEntry  't DBMEntry  bool"
(‹_  _› [51, 51] 50)
  "dbm_le a b  (a  b)  a = b"

text ‹
  Now a valuation is contained in the zone represented by a DBM if it fulfills all individual
definition DBM_val_bounded :: "('c  nat)  ('c, 't) cval  ('t::time) DBM  nat  bool"
  "DBM_val_bounded v u m n  Le 0  m 0 0 
    ( c. v c  n  (dbm_entry_val u None (Some c) (m 0 (v c))
                       dbm_entry_val u (Some c) None (m (v c) 0)))
     ( c1 c2. v c1  n  v c2  n  dbm_entry_val u (Some c1) (Some c2) (m (v c1) (v c2)))"

abbreviation DBM_val_bounded_abbrev ::
  "('c, 't) cval  ('c  nat)  nat  ('t::time) DBM  bool"
(‹_ ⊢⇘_,_ _› [48, 48, 48, 48] 48)
  "u ⊢⇘v,nM  DBM_val_bounded v u M n"

subsection ‹Ordering DBM Entries›
  "dmin a b  if a  b then a else b"

lemma dbm_le_dbm_min:
  "a  b  a = dmin a b" unfolding dbm_le_def
by auto

lemma dbm_lt_asym:
  assumes "e  f"
  shows "~ f  e"
using assms
proof (safe, cases e f rule: dbm_lt.cases, goal_cases)
  case 1 from this(2) show ?case using 1(3-) by (cases f e rule: dbm_lt.cases) auto
  case 2 from this(2) show ?case using 2(3-) by (cases f e rule: dbm_lt.cases) auto
  case 3 from this(2) show ?case using 3(3-) by (cases f e rule: dbm_lt.cases) auto
  case 4 from this(2) show ?case using 4(3-) by (cases f e rule: dbm_lt.cases) auto
  case 5 from this(2) show ?case using 5(3-) by (cases f e rule: dbm_lt.cases) auto
  case 6 from this(2) show ?case using 6(3-) by (cases f e rule: dbm_lt.cases) auto

lemma dbm_le_dbm_min2:
  "a  b  a = dmin b a"
using dbm_lt_asym by (auto simp: dbm_le_def)

lemma dmb_le_dbm_entry_bound_inf:
  "a  b  a =   b = "
  by (auto simp: dbm_le_def elim: dbm_lt.cases)

lemma dbm_not_lt_eq: "¬ a  b  ¬ b  a  a = b"
  by (cases a; cases b; fastforce)

lemma dbm_not_lt_impl: "¬ a  b  b  a  a = b" using dbm_not_lt_eq by auto

lemma "dmin a b = dmin b a"
proof (cases "a  b")
  case True thus ?thesis by (simp add: dbm_lt_asym)
  case False thus ?thesis by (simp add: dbm_not_lt_eq)

lemma dbm_lt_trans: "a  b  b  c  a  c"
proof (cases a b rule: dbm_lt.cases, goal_cases)
  case 1 thus ?case by simp
  case 2 from this(2-) show ?case by (cases rule: dbm_lt.cases) simp+
  case 3 from this(2-) show ?case by (cases rule: dbm_lt.cases) simp+
  case 4 from this(2-) show ?case by (cases rule: dbm_lt.cases) auto
  case 5 from this(2-) show ?case by (cases rule: dbm_lt.cases) auto
  case 6 from this(2-) show ?case by (cases rule: dbm_lt.cases) auto
  case 7 from this(2-) show ?case by (cases rule: dbm_lt.cases) auto

lemma aux_3: "¬ a  b  ¬ b  c  a  c  c = a"
proof goal_cases
  case 1 thus ?case
  proof (cases "c  b")
    case True
    with a  c have "a  b" by (rule dbm_lt_trans)
    thus ?thesis using 1 by auto
    case False thus ?thesis using dbm_not_lt_eq 1 by auto

inductive_cases[elim!]: "  x"

lemma dbm_lt_asymmetric[simp]: "x  y  y  x  False"
by (cases x y rule: dbm_lt.cases) (auto elim: dbm_lt.cases)

lemma le_dbm_le: "Le a  Le b  a  b" unfolding dbm_le_def by (auto elim: dbm_lt.cases)

lemma le_dbm_lt: "Le a  Lt b  a < b" unfolding dbm_le_def by (auto elim: dbm_lt.cases)

lemma lt_dbm_le: "Lt a  Le b  a  b" unfolding dbm_le_def by (auto elim: dbm_lt.cases)

lemma lt_dbm_lt: "Lt a  Lt b  a  b" unfolding dbm_le_def by (auto elim: dbm_lt.cases)

lemma not_dbm_le_le_impl: "¬ Le a  Le b  a  b" by (metis dbm_lt.intros(3) not_less)

lemma not_dbm_lt_le_impl: "¬ Lt a  Le b  a > b" by (metis dbm_lt.intros(5) not_less)

lemma not_dbm_lt_lt_impl: "¬ Lt a  Lt b  a  b" by (metis dbm_lt.intros(6) not_less)

lemma not_dbm_le_lt_impl: "¬ Le a  Lt b  a  b" by (metis dbm_lt.intros(4) not_less)

subsection ‹Addition on DBM Entries›

fun dbm_add :: "('t::linordered_cancel_ab_semigroup_add) DBMEntry  't DBMEntry  't DBMEntry" (infixl  70)
  "dbm_add      _      = " |
  "dbm_add _           = " |
  "dbm_add (Le a) (Le b) = (Le (a+b))" |
  "dbm_add (Le a) (Lt b) = (Lt (a+b))" |
  "dbm_add (Lt a) (Le b) = (Lt (a+b))" |
  "dbm_add (Lt a) (Lt b) = (Lt (a+b))"

lemma aux_4: "x  y  ¬ dbm_add x z  dbm_add y z  dbm_add x z = dbm_add y z"
by (cases x y rule: dbm_lt.cases; cases z; auto)

lemma aux_5: "¬ x  y  dbm_add x z  dbm_add y z  dbm_add y z = dbm_add x z"
proof -
  assume lt: "dbm_add x z  dbm_add y z" "¬ x  y"
  hence "x = y  y  x" by (auto simp: dbm_not_lt_eq)
  thus ?thesis
    assume "x = y" thus ?thesis by simp
    assume "y  x"
    thus ?thesis
    proof (cases y x rule: dbm_lt.cases, goal_cases)
      case 1 thus ?case using lt by auto
      case 2 thus ?case using lt by auto
      case 3 thus ?case using dbm_lt_asymmetric lt(1) by (cases z) fastforce+
      case 4 thus ?case using dbm_lt_asymmetric lt(1) by (cases z) fastforce+
      case 5 thus ?case using dbm_lt_asymmetric lt(1) by (cases z) fastforce+
      case 6 thus ?case using dbm_lt_asymmetric lt(1) by (cases z) fastforce+

lemma aux_42: "x  y  ¬ dbm_add z x  dbm_add z y  dbm_add z x = dbm_add z y"
by (cases x y rule: dbm_lt.cases) ((cases z), auto)+

lemma aux_52: "¬ x  y  dbm_add z x  dbm_add z y  dbm_add z y = dbm_add z x"
proof -
  assume lt: "dbm_add z x  dbm_add z y" "¬ x  y"
  hence "x = y  y  x" by (auto simp: dbm_not_lt_eq)
  thus ?thesis
    assume "x = y" thus ?thesis by simp
    assume "y  x"
    thus ?thesis
    proof (cases y x rule: dbm_lt.cases, goal_cases)
      case 1 thus ?case using lt by (cases z) fastforce+
      case 2 thus ?case using lt by (cases z) fastforce+
      case 3 thus ?case using dbm_lt_asymmetric lt(1) by (cases z) fastforce+
      case 4 thus ?case using dbm_lt_asymmetric lt(1) by (cases z) fastforce+
      case 5 thus ?case using dbm_lt_asymmetric lt(1) by (cases z) fastforce+
      case 6 thus ?case using dbm_lt_asymmetric lt(1) by (cases z) fastforce+

lemma dbm_add_not_inf:
  "a    b    dbm_add a b  "
  by (cases a; cases b; auto)

lemma dbm_le_not_inf:
  "a  b  b    a  "
  by (cases "a = b") (auto simp: dbm_le_def)

subsection ‹Negation of DBM Entries›

fun neg_dbm_entry where
  "neg_dbm_entry (Le a) = Lt (-a)" |
  "neg_dbm_entry (Lt a) = Le (-a)" |
  "neg_dbm_entry  = "
  ― ‹This case does not make sense but we make this definition for technical convenience.›

lemma neg_entry:
  "{u. ¬ dbm_entry_val u a b e} = {u. dbm_entry_val u b a (neg_dbm_entry e)}"
  if "e  ( :: _ DBMEntry)" "a  None  b  None"
  using that by (cases e; cases a; cases b; auto 4 3 simp: le_minus_iff less_minus_iff)

instantiation DBMEntry :: (uminus) uminus
  definition uminus: "uminus = neg_dbm_entry"
  instance ..

text ‹
Note that it is not clear that this is the only sensible definition for negation of DBM entries.
The following would also have been quite viable:
  ‹fun neg_dbm_entry where
  "neg_dbm_entry (Le a) = Le (-a)" |
  "neg_dbm_entry (Lt a) = Lt (-a)" |
  "neg_dbm_entry ∞ = ∞"›

For most practical proofs using arithmetic on DBM entries we have found that this
does not make much of a difference. Lemma @{thm neg_entry} would not hold any longer, however.

section ‹DBM Entries Form a Linearly Ordered Abelian Monoid›

instantiation DBMEntry :: (linorder) linorder
  definition less_eq: "(≤)  dbm_le"
  definition less: "(<) = dbm_lt"
  proof ((standard; unfold less less_eq), goal_cases)
    case 1 thus ?case unfolding dbm_le_def using dbm_lt_asymmetric by auto
    case 2 thus ?case by (simp add: dbm_le_def)
    case 3 thus ?case unfolding dbm_le_def using dbm_lt_trans by auto
    case 4 thus ?case unfolding dbm_le_def using dbm_lt_asymmetric by auto
    case 5 thus ?case unfolding dbm_le_def using dbm_not_lt_eq by auto

class linordered_cancel_ab_monoid_add =
  linordered_cancel_ab_semigroup_add + zero +
    assumes neutl[simp]: "0 + x = x"
    assumes neutr[simp]: "x + 0 = x"

  subclass linordered_ab_monoid_add
    by standard (rule neutl)


instantiation DBMEntry :: (zero) zero
  definition neutral: "0 = Le 0"
  instance ..

instantiation DBMEntry :: (linordered_cancel_ab_monoid_add) linordered_ab_monoid_add

  definition add: "(+) = dbm_add"

  instance proof ((standard; unfold add neutral less less_eq), goal_cases)
    case (1 a b c) thus ?case by (cases a; cases b; cases c; auto simp: add.assoc)
    case (2 a b) thus ?case by (cases a; cases b; auto simp: add.commute)
    case (3 a) thus ?case by (cases a) auto
    case (4 a b c)
    thus ?case unfolding dbm_le_def
    apply safe
     apply (rule dbm_lt.cases)
          apply assumption
      by (cases c; fastforce)+


interpretation linordered_monoid:
  linordered_ab_monoid_add dbm_add "Le (0::'t::linordered_cancel_ab_monoid_add)" dbm_le dbm_lt
  apply (standard, fold neutral add less_eq less)
  using add.commute by (auto intro: add_left_mono simp: add.assoc)

instance time  linordered_cancel_ab_monoid_add by (standard; simp)

lemma dbm_add_strict_right_mono_neutral: "a < Le (d :: 't :: time)  a + Le (-d) < Le 0"
unfolding less add by (cases a) (auto elim!: dbm_lt.cases)

lemma dbm_lt_not_inf_less[intro]: "A    A  " by (cases A) auto

lemma add_inf[simp]:
  "a +  = " " + a = "
unfolding add by (cases a) auto

lemma inf_lt[simp,dest!]:
  " < x  False"
  by (cases x) (auto simp: less)

lemma inf_lt_impl_False[simp]:
  " < x = False"
  by auto

lemma Le_Le_dbm_lt_D[dest]: "Le a  Lt b  a < b" by (cases rule: dbm_lt.cases) auto
lemma Le_Lt_dbm_lt_D[dest]: "Le a  Le b  a < b" by (cases rule: dbm_lt.cases) auto
lemma Lt_Le_dbm_lt_D[dest]: "Lt a  Le b  a  b" by (cases rule: dbm_lt.cases) auto
lemma Lt_Lt_dbm_lt_D[dest]: "Lt a  Lt b  a < b" by (cases rule: dbm_lt.cases) auto

lemma Le_le_LeI[intro]: "a  b  Le a  Le b" unfolding less_eq dbm_le_def by auto
lemma Lt_le_LeI[intro]: "a  b  Lt a  Le b" unfolding less_eq dbm_le_def by auto
lemma Lt_le_LtI[intro]: "a  b  Lt a  Lt b" unfolding less_eq dbm_le_def by auto
lemma Le_le_LtI[intro]: "a < b  Le a  Lt b" unfolding less_eq dbm_le_def by auto
lemma Lt_lt_LeI: "x  y  Lt x < Le y" unfolding less by auto

lemma Le_le_LeD[dest]: "Le a  Le b  a  b" unfolding dbm_le_def less_eq by auto
lemma Le_le_LtD[dest]: "Le a  Lt b  a < b" unfolding dbm_le_def less_eq by auto
lemma Lt_le_LeD[dest]: "Lt a  Le b  a  b" unfolding less_eq dbm_le_def by auto
lemma Lt_le_LtD[dest]: "Lt a  Lt b  a  b" unfolding less_eq dbm_le_def by auto

lemma inf_not_le_Le[simp]: "  Le x = False" unfolding less_eq dbm_le_def by auto
lemma inf_not_le_Lt[simp]: "  Lt x = False" unfolding less_eq dbm_le_def by auto
lemma inf_not_lt[simp]: "  x = False" by auto

lemma any_le_inf: "x  ( :: _ DBMEntry)" by (metis less_eq dmb_le_dbm_entry_bound_inf le_cases)

lemma dbm_lt_code_simps[code]:
  "dbm_lt (Lt a)  = True"
  "dbm_lt (Le a)  = True"
  "dbm_lt (Le a) (Le b) = (a < b)"
  "dbm_lt (Le a) (Lt b) = (a < b)"
  "dbm_lt (Lt a) (Le b) = (a  b)"
  "dbm_lt (Lt a) (Lt b) = (a < b)"
  "dbm_lt  x = False"
  by auto

section ‹Basic Properties of DBMs›

subsection ‹DBMs and Length of Paths›

lemma dbm_entry_val_add_1: "dbm_entry_val u (Some c) (Some d) a   dbm_entry_val u (Some d) None b
        dbm_entry_val u (Some c) None (dbm_add a b)"
proof (cases a, goal_cases)
  case 1 thus ?thesis
    apply (cases b)
    using add_mono_thms_linordered_semiring(1) add_le_less_mono by auto fastforce+
  case 2 thus ?thesis
  apply (cases b)
      apply (clarsimp simp: dbm_entry_val.intros(3) diff_less_eq less_le_trans)
     apply (clarsimp, metis add_le_less_mono dbm_entry_val.intros(3) diff_add_cancel less_imp_le)
    apply auto
  case 3 thus ?thesis by (cases b) auto

lemma dbm_entry_val_add_2: "dbm_entry_val u None (Some c) a  dbm_entry_val u (Some c) (Some d) b
        dbm_entry_val u None (Some d) (dbm_add a b)"
proof (cases a, goal_cases)
  case 1 thus ?thesis
    apply (cases b)
    using add_mono_thms_linordered_semiring(1) add_le_less_mono by fastforce+
  case 2 thus ?thesis
    apply (cases b)
    using add_mono_thms_linordered_field(3) apply fastforce
    using add_strict_mono by fastforce+
  case 3 thus ?thesis by (cases b) auto

lemma dbm_entry_val_add_3:
  "dbm_entry_val u (Some c) (Some d) a   dbm_entry_val u (Some d) (Some e) b
    dbm_entry_val u (Some c) (Some e) (dbm_add a b)"
proof (cases a, goal_cases)
  case 1 thus ?thesis
    apply (cases b)
    using add_mono_thms_linordered_semiring(1) apply fastforce
    using add_le_less_mono by fastforce+
  case 2 thus ?thesis
    apply (cases b)
    using add_mono_thms_linordered_field(3) apply fastforce
    using add_strict_mono by fastforce+
  case 3 thus ?thesis by (cases b) auto

lemma dbm_entry_val_add_4:
  "dbm_entry_val u (Some c) None a  dbm_entry_val u None (Some d) b
    dbm_entry_val u (Some c) (Some d) (dbm_add a b)"
proof (cases a, goal_cases)
  case 1 thus ?thesis
    apply (cases b)
    using add_mono_thms_linordered_semiring(1) apply fastforce
    using add_le_less_mono by fastforce+
  case 2 thus ?thesis
    apply (cases b)
    using add_mono_thms_linordered_field(3) apply fastforce
    using add_strict_mono by fastforce+
  case 3 thus ?thesis by (cases b) auto

no_notation dbm_add (infixl  70)

lemma DBM_val_bounded_len_1'_aux:
  assumes "DBM_val_bounded v u m n" "v c  n" " k  set vs. k > 0  k  n  ( c. v c = k)"
  shows "dbm_entry_val u (Some c) None (len m (v c) 0 vs)" using assms
proof (induction vs arbitrary: c)
  case Nil then show ?case unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by auto
  case (Cons k vs)
  then obtain c' where c': "k > 0" "k  n" "v c' = k" by auto
  with Cons have "dbm_entry_val u (Some c') None (len m (v c') 0 vs)" by auto
  moreover have "dbm_entry_val u (Some c) (Some c') (m (v c) (v c'))" using Cons.prems c'
  by (auto simp add: DBM_val_bounded_def)
  ultimately have "dbm_entry_val u (Some c) None (m (v c) (v c') + len m (v c') 0 vs)"
  using dbm_entry_val_add_1 unfolding add by fastforce
  with c' show ?case unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by simp

lemma DBM_val_bounded_len_3'_aux:
  "DBM_val_bounded v u m n  v c  n  v d  n   k  set vs. k > 0  k  n  ( c. v c = k)
    dbm_entry_val u (Some c) (Some d) (len m (v c) (v d) vs)"
proof (induction vs arbitrary: c)
  case Nil thus ?case unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by auto
  case (Cons k vs)
  then obtain c' where c': "k > 0" "k  n" "v c' = k" by auto
  with Cons have "dbm_entry_val u (Some c') (Some d) (len m (v c') (v d) vs)" by auto
  moreover have "dbm_entry_val u (Some c) (Some c') (m (v c) (v c'))" using Cons.prems c'
  by (auto simp add: DBM_val_bounded_def)
  ultimately have "dbm_entry_val u (Some c) (Some d) (m (v c) (v c') + len m (v c') (v d) vs)"
  using dbm_entry_val_add_3 unfolding add by fastforce
  with c' show ?case unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by simp

lemma DBM_val_bounded_len_2'_aux:
  "DBM_val_bounded v u m n  v c  n   k  set vs. k > 0  k  n  ( c. v c = k)
   dbm_entry_val u None (Some c) (len m 0 (v c) vs)"
proof (cases vs, goal_cases)
  case 1 then show ?thesis unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by auto
  case (2 k vs)
  then obtain c' where c': "k > 0" "k  n" "v c' = k" by auto
  with 2 have "dbm_entry_val u (Some c') (Some c) (len m (v c') (v c) vs)"
  using DBM_val_bounded_len_3'_aux by auto
  moreover have "dbm_entry_val u None (Some c') (m 0 (v c'))"
  using 2 c' by (auto simp add: DBM_val_bounded_def)
  ultimately have "dbm_entry_val u None (Some c) (m 0 (v c') + len m (v c') (v c) vs)"
  using dbm_entry_val_add_2 unfolding add by fastforce
  with 2(4) c' show ?case unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by simp

lemma cnt_0_D:
  "cnt x xs = 0  x  set xs"
  apply (induction xs)
   apply simp
  subgoal for a xs
    by (cases "x = a"; simp)

lemma cnt_at_most_1_D:
  "cnt x (xs @ x # ys)  1  x  set xs  x  set ys"
  apply (induction xs)
  apply auto[]
  using cnt_0_D apply force
  subgoal for a xs
    by (cases "x = a"; simp)

lemma nat_list_0 [intro]:
  "x  set xs  0  set (xs :: nat list)  x > 0"
  by (induction xs) auto

lemma DBM_val_bounded_len'1:
  fixes v
  assumes "DBM_val_bounded v u m n" "0  set vs" "v c  n"
          " k  set vs. k > 0  k  n  ( c. v c = k)"
  shows "dbm_entry_val u (Some c) None (len m (v c) 0 vs)"
using DBM_val_bounded_len_1'_aux[OF assms(1,3)] assms(2,4) by fastforce

lemma DBM_val_bounded_len'2:
  fixes v
  assumes "DBM_val_bounded v u m n" "0  set vs" "v c  n"
          " k  set vs. k > 0  k  n  ( c. v c = k)"
  shows "dbm_entry_val u None (Some c) (len m 0 (v c) vs)"
using DBM_val_bounded_len_2'_aux[OF assms(1,3)] assms(2,4) by fastforce

lemma DBM_val_bounded_len'3:
  fixes v
  assumes "DBM_val_bounded v u m n" "cnt 0 vs  1" "v c1  n" "v c2  n"
          " k  set vs. k > 0  k  n  ( c. v c = k)"
  shows "dbm_entry_val u (Some c1) (Some c2) (len m (v c1) (v c2) vs)"
proof -
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases " k  set vs. k > 0")
    case True
    with assms have " k  set vs. k > 0  k  n  ( c. v c = k)" by auto
    with DBM_val_bounded_len_3'_aux[OF assms(1,3,4)] show ?thesis by auto
    case False
    then have " k  set vs. k = 0" by auto
    then obtain us ws where vs: "vs = us @ 0 # ws" by (meson split_list_last)
    with cnt_at_most_1_D[of 0 "us"] assms(2) have
      "0  set us" "0  set ws"
    by auto
    with vs have vs: "vs = us @ 0 # ws" " k  set us. k > 0" " k  set ws. k > 0" by auto
    with assms(5) have v:
      "kset us. 0 < k  k  n  (c. v c = k)" "kset ws. 0 < k  k  n  (c. v c = k)"
    by auto
        DBM_val_bounded_len_1'_aux[OF assms(1,3) v(1)]
        DBM_val_bounded_len_2'_aux[OF assms(1,4) v(2)]
    have "dbm_entry_val u (Some c1) (Some c2) (dbm_add (len m (v c1) 0 us) (len m 0 (v c2) ws))"
      by auto
    moreover from vs have "len m (v c1) (v c2) vs = dbm_add (len m (v c1) 0 us) (len m 0 (v c2) ws)"
      by (simp add: len_comp add)
    ultimately show ?thesis by auto

paragraph ‹Now unused›

lemma DBM_val_bounded_len':
  fixes v
  defines "vo  λ k. if k = 0 then None else Some (SOME c. v c = k)"
  assumes "DBM_val_bounded v u m n" "cnt 0 (i # j # vs)  1"
          " k  set (i # j # vs). k > 0  k  n  ( c. v c = k)"
  shows "dbm_entry_val u (vo i) (vo j) (len m i j vs)"
proof -
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases " k  set vs. k > 0")
    case True
    with assms have *: " k  set vs. k > 0  k  n  ( c. v c = k)" by auto
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "i = 0")
      case True
      then have i: "vo i = None" by (simp add: vo_def)
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "j = 0")
        case True with assms i = 0 show ?thesis by auto
        case False
        with assms obtain c2 where c2: "j  n" "v c2 = j" "vo j = Some c2"
        unfolding vo_def by (fastforce intro: someI)
        with i = 0 i DBM_val_bounded_len_2'_aux[OF assms(2) _ *] show ?thesis by auto
      case False
      with assms(4) obtain c1 where c1: "i  n" "v c1 = i" "vo i = Some c1"
      unfolding vo_def by (fastforce intro: someI)
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "j = 0")
        case True
        with DBM_val_bounded_len_1'_aux[OF assms(2) _ *] c1 show ?thesis by (auto simp: vo_def)
        case False
        with assms obtain c2 where c2: "j  n" "v c2 = j" "vo j = Some c2"
        unfolding vo_def by (fastforce intro: someI)
        with c1 DBM_val_bounded_len_3'_aux[OF assms(2) _ _ *] show ?thesis by auto
    case False
    then have " k  set vs. k = 0" by auto
    then obtain us ws where vs: "vs = us @ 0 # ws" by (meson split_list_last)
    with cnt_at_most_1_D[of 0 "i # j # us" ws] assms(3) have
      "0  set us" "0  set ws" "i  0" "j  0"
    by auto
    with vs have vs: "vs = us @ 0 # ws" " k  set us. k > 0" " k  set ws. k > 0" by auto
    with assms(4) have v:
      "kset us. 0 < k  k  n  (c. v c = k)" "kset ws. 0 < k  k  n  (c. v c = k)"
    by auto
    from i  0 j  0 assms obtain c1 c2 where
      c1: "i  n" "v c1 = i" "vo i = Some c1" and c2: "j  n" "v c2 = j" "vo j = Some c2"
    unfolding vo_def by (fastforce intro: someI)
    with dbm_entry_val_add_4 [OF DBM_val_bounded_len_1'_aux[OF assms(2) _ v(1)] DBM_val_bounded_len_2'_aux[OF assms(2) _ v(2)]]
    have "dbm_entry_val u (Some c1) (Some c2) (dbm_add (len m (v c1) 0 us) (len m 0 (v c2) ws))" by auto
    moreover from vs have "len m (v c1) (v c2) vs = dbm_add (len m (v c1) 0 us) (len m 0 (v c2) ws)"
      by (simp add: len_comp add)
    ultimately show ?thesis using c1 c2 by auto

lemma DBM_val_bounded_len_1: "DBM_val_bounded v u m n  v c  n   c  set cs. v c  n
       dbm_entry_val u (Some c) None (len m (v c) 0 (map v cs))"
proof (induction cs arbitrary: c)
  case Nil thus ?case unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by auto
  case (Cons c' cs)
  hence "dbm_entry_val u (Some c') None (len m (v c') 0 (map v cs))" by auto
  moreover have "dbm_entry_val u (Some c) (Some c') (m (v c) (v c'))" using Cons.prems
    by (simp add: DBM_val_bounded_def)
  ultimately have "dbm_entry_val u (Some c) None (m (v c) (v c') + len m (v c') 0 (map v cs))"
    using dbm_entry_val_add_1 unfolding add by fastforce
  thus ?case unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by simp

lemma DBM_val_bounded_len_3: "DBM_val_bounded v u m n  v c  n  v d  n   c  set cs. v c  n
       dbm_entry_val u (Some c) (Some d) (len m (v c) (v d) (map v cs))"
proof (induction cs arbitrary: c)
  case Nil thus ?case unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by auto
  case (Cons c' cs)
  hence "dbm_entry_val u (Some c') (Some d) (len m (v c') (v d) (map v cs))" by auto
  moreover have "dbm_entry_val u (Some c) (Some c') (m (v c) (v c'))" using Cons.prems
    by (simp add: DBM_val_bounded_def)
  ultimately have "dbm_entry_val u (Some c) (Some d) (m (v c) (v c') + len m (v c') (v d) (map v cs))"
    using dbm_entry_val_add_3 unfolding add by fastforce
  thus ?case unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by simp

lemma DBM_val_bounded_len_2: "DBM_val_bounded v u m n  v c  n   c  set cs. v c  n
       dbm_entry_val u None (Some c) (len m 0 (v c) (map v cs))"
proof (cases cs, goal_cases)
  case 1 thus ?thesis unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by auto
  case (2 c' cs)
  hence "dbm_entry_val u (Some c') (Some c) (len m (v c') (v c) (map v cs))"
    using DBM_val_bounded_len_3 by auto
  moreover have "dbm_entry_val u None (Some c') (m 0 (v c'))"
    using 2 by (simp add: DBM_val_bounded_def)
  ultimately have "dbm_entry_val u None (Some c) (m 0 (v c') + len m (v c') (v c) (map v cs))"
    using dbm_entry_val_add_2 unfolding add by fastforce
  thus ?case using 2(4) unfolding DBM_val_bounded_def by simp

lemmas DBM_arith_defs = add neutral uminus

end (* Theory *)