Theory Simulation_Graphs

theory Simulation_Graphs

lemmas [simp] = holds.simps

chapter ‹Simulation Graphs›

section ‹Simulation Graphs›

locale Simulation_Graph_Defs = Graph_Defs C for C :: "'a  'a  bool" +
  fixes A :: "'a set  'a set  bool"

sublocale Steps: Graph_Defs A .

abbreviation "Steps  Steps.steps"
abbreviation "Run"

lemmas Steps_appendD1 = Steps.steps_appendD1

lemmas Steps_appendD2 = Steps.steps_appendD2

lemmas steps_alt_induct = Steps.steps_alt_induct

lemmas Steps_appendI = Steps.steps_appendI

lemmas Steps_cases = Steps.steps.cases

end (* Simulation Graph *)

locale Simulation_Graph_Poststable = Simulation_Graph_Defs +
  assumes poststable: "A S T   s'  T.  s  S. C s s'"

locale Simulation_Graph_Prestable = Simulation_Graph_Defs +
  assumes prestable: "A S T   s  S.  s'  T. C s s'"

locale Double_Simulation_Defs =
  fixes C :: "'a  'a  bool" ― ‹Concrete step relation›
    and A1 :: "'a set  'a set  bool" ― ‹Step relation for the first abstraction layer›
    and P1 :: "'a set  bool" ― ‹Valid states of the first abstraction layer›
    and A2 :: "'a set  'a set  bool" ― ‹Step relation for the second abstraction layer›
    and P2 :: "'a set  bool" ― ‹Valid states of the second abstraction layer›

sublocale Simulation_Graph_Defs C A2 .

sublocale pre_defs: Simulation_Graph_Defs C A1 .

definition "closure a = {x. P1 x  a  x  {}}"

definition "A2' a b   x y. a = closure x  b = closure y  A2 x y"

sublocale post_defs: Simulation_Graph_Defs A1 A2' .

lemma closure_mono:
  "closure a  closure b" if "a  b"
  using that unfolding closure_def by auto

lemma closure_intD:
  "x  closure a  x  closure b" if "x  closure (a  b)"
  using that closure_mono by blast

end (* Double Simulation Graph Defs *)

locale Double_Simulation = Double_Simulation_Defs +
  assumes prestable: "A1 S T   s  S.  s'  T. C s s'"
      and closure_poststable: "s'  closure y  A2 x y  sclosure x. A1 s s'"
      and P1_distinct: "P1 x  P1 y  x  y  x  y = {}"
      and P1_finite: "finite {x. P1 x}"
      and P2_cover: "P2 a   x. P1 x  x  a  {}"

sublocale post: Simulation_Graph_Poststable A1 A2'
  unfolding A2'_def by standard (auto dest: closure_poststable)

sublocale pre: Simulation_Graph_Prestable C A1
  by standard (rule prestable)

end (* Double Simulation *)

locale Finite_Graph = Graph_Defs +
  fixes x0
  assumes finite_reachable: "finite {x. E** x0 x}"

locale Simulation_Graph_Complete_Defs =
  Simulation_Graph_Defs C A for C :: "'a  'a  bool" and A :: "'a set  'a set  bool" +
  fixes P :: "'a set  bool" ― ‹well-formed abstractions›

locale Simulation_Graph_Complete = Simulation_Graph_Complete_Defs +
  simulation: Simulation_Invariant C A "(∈)" "λ _. True" P

lemmas complete = simulation.A_B_step
lemmas P_invariant = simulation.B_invariant


locale Simulation_Graph_Finite_Complete = Simulation_Graph_Complete +
  fixes a0
  assumes finite_abstract_reachable: "finite {a. A** a0 a}"

sublocale Steps_finite: Finite_Graph A a0
  by standard (rule finite_abstract_reachable)

end (* Simulation Graph Finite Complete *)

locale Double_Simulation_Complete = Double_Simulation +
  fixes a0
  assumes complete: "C x y  x  S  P2 S   T. A2 S T  y  T"
  assumes P2_invariant: "P2 a  A2 a a'  P2 a'"
      and P2_a0: "P2 a0"

sublocale Simulation_Graph_Complete C A2 P2
  by standard (blast intro: complete P2_invariant)+

sublocale P2_invariant: Graph_Invariant_Start A2 a0 P2
  by (standard; blast intro: P2_invariant P2_a0)

end (* Double Simulation Finite Complete *)

locale Double_Simulation_Finite_Complete = Double_Simulation_Complete +
  assumes finite_abstract_reachable: "finite {a. A2** a0 a}"

sublocale Simulation_Graph_Finite_Complete C A2 P2 a0
  by standard (blast intro: complete finite_abstract_reachable P2_invariant)+

end (* Double Simulation Finite Complete *)

locale Simulation_Graph_Complete_Prestable = Simulation_Graph_Complete + Simulation_Graph_Prestable

sublocale Graph_Invariant A P by standard (rule P_invariant)

end (* Simulation Graph Complete Prestable *)

locale Double_Simulation_Complete_Bisim = Double_Simulation_Complete +
assumes A1_complete: "C x y  P1 S  x  S   T. A1 S T  y  T"
      and P1_invariant: "P1 S  A1 S T  P1 T"

sublocale bisim: Simulation_Graph_Complete_Prestable C A1 P1
  by standard (blast intro: A1_complete P1_invariant)+

end (* Double Simulation Finite Complete Bisim *)

locale Double_Simulation_Finite_Complete_Bisim =
  Double_Simulation_Finite_Complete + Double_Simulation_Complete_Bisim

locale Double_Simulation_Complete_Bisim_Cover = Double_Simulation_Complete_Bisim +
  assumes P2_P1_cover: "P2 a  x  a   a'. a  a'  {}  P1 a'  x  a'"

locale Double_Simulation_Finite_Complete_Bisim_Cover =
  Double_Simulation_Finite_Complete_Bisim + Double_Simulation_Complete_Bisim_Cover

locale Double_Simulation_Complete_Abstraction_Prop =
  Double_Simulation_Complete +
  fixes φ :: "'a  bool" ― ‹The property we want to check›
  assumes φ_A1_compatible: "A1 a b  b  {x. φ x}  b  {x. φ x} = {}"
      and φ_P2_compatible: "P2 a  a  {x. φ x}  {}  P2 (a  {x. φ x})"
      and φ_A2_compatible: "A2** a0 a  a  {x. φ x}  {}  A2** a0 (a  {x. φ x})"
      and P2_non_empty: "P2 a  a  {}"

locale Double_Simulation_Complete_Abstraction_Prop_Bisim =
  Double_Simulation_Complete_Abstraction_Prop + Double_Simulation_Complete_Bisim

locale Double_Simulation_Finite_Complete_Abstraction_Prop =
  Double_Simulation_Complete_Abstraction_Prop + Double_Simulation_Finite_Complete

locale Double_Simulation_Finite_Complete_Abstraction_Prop_Bisim =
  Double_Simulation_Finite_Complete_Abstraction_Prop + Double_Simulation_Finite_Complete_Bisim

section ‹Poststability›

context Simulation_Graph_Poststable

lemma Steps_poststable:
  " xs. steps xs  list_all2 (∈) xs as  last xs = x" if "Steps as" "x  last as"
  using that
proof induction
  case (Single a)
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Cons a b as)
  then obtain xs where "A a b" "steps xs" "list_all2 (∈) xs (b # as)" "x = last xs"
    by clarsimp
  then have "hd xs  b" by (cases xs) auto
  with poststable[OF A a b] obtain y where "y  a" "C y (hd xs)" by auto
  with list_all2 _ _ _ steps _ x = _ show ?case by (cases xs) auto

lemma reaches_poststable:
  " x  a. reaches x y" if "Steps.reaches a b" "y  b"
  using that unfolding reaches_steps_iff Steps.reaches_steps_iff
  apply clarify
  apply (drule Steps_poststable, assumption)
  apply clarify
  subgoal for as xs
    apply (cases "xs = []")
     apply force
    apply (rule bexI[where x = "hd xs"])
    using list.rel_sel by (auto dest: Graph_Defs.steps_non_empty')

lemma Steps_steps_cycle:
  " x xs. steps (x # xs @ [x])  ( x  set xs.  a  set as  {a}. x  a)  x  a"
  if assms: "Steps (a # as @ [a])" "finite a" "a  {}"
proof -
  define E where
    "E x y = ( xs. steps (x # xs @ [y])  ( x  set xs  {x, y}.  a  set as  {a}. x  a))"
    for x y
  from assms(2-) have " x. E x y  x  a" if "y  a" for y
    using that unfolding E_def
    apply simp
    apply (drule Steps_poststable[OF assms(1), simplified])
    apply clarify
    subgoal for xs
      apply (inst_existentials "hd xs" "tl (butlast xs)")
      subgoal by (cases xs) auto
      subgoal by (auto elim: steps.cases dest!: list_all2_set1)
      subgoal by (drule list_all2_set1) (cases xs, auto dest: in_set_butlastD)
      by (cases xs) auto
  with finite a a  {} obtain x y where cycle: "E x y" "E** y x" "x  a"
    by (force dest!: Graph_Defs.directed_graph_indegree_ge_1_cycle')
  have trans[intro]: "E x z" if "E x y" "E y z" for x y z
    using that unfolding E_def
    apply safe
    subgoal for xs ys
      apply (inst_existentials "xs @ y # ys")
       apply (drule steps_append, assumption; simp; fail)
      by (cases ys, auto dest: list.set_sel(2)[rotated] elim: steps.cases)
  have "E x z" if "E** y z" "E x y" "x  a" for x y z
  using that proof induction
    case base
    then show ?case unfolding E_def by force
    case (step y z)
    then show ?case by auto
  with cycle have "E x x" by blast
  with x  a show ?thesis unfolding E_def by auto

end (* Simulation Graph Poststable *)

section ‹Prestability›

context Simulation_Graph_Prestable

lemma Steps_prestable:
  " xs. steps (x # xs)  list_all2 (∈) (x # xs) as" if "Steps as" "x  hd as"
  using that
proof (induction arbitrary: x)
  case (Single a)
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Cons a b as)
  from prestable[OF A a b] x  _ obtain y where "y  b" "C x y" by auto
  with Cons.IH[of y] obtain xs where "y  b" "C x y" "steps (y # xs)" "list_all2 (∈) xs as"
    by clarsimp
  with x  _ show ?case by auto

lemma reaches_prestable:
  " y. reaches x y  y  b" if "Steps.reaches a b" "x  a"
  using that unfolding reaches_steps_iff Steps.reaches_steps_iff
  by (force simp: hd_map last_map dest: list_all2_last dest!: Steps_prestable)

text ‹Abstract cycles lead to concrete infinite runs.›
lemma Steps_run_cycle_buechi:
  " xs. run (x ## xs)  stream_all2 (∈) xs (cycle (as @ [a]))"
  if assms: "Steps (a # as @ [a])" "x  a"
proof -
  note C = Steps_prestable[OF assms(1), simplified]
  define P where "P  λ x xs. steps (last x # xs)  list_all2 (∈) xs (as @ [a])"
  define f where "f  λ x. SOME xs. P x xs"
  from Steps_prestable[OF assms(1)] x  a obtain ys where ys:
    "steps (x # ys)" "list_all2 (∈) (x # ys) (a # as @ [a])"
    by auto
  define xs where "xs = flat (siterate f ys)"
  from ys have "P [x] ys" unfolding P_def by auto
  from P _ _ have *: " xs. P xs ys" by blast
  have P_1[intro]:"ys  []" if "P xs ys" for xs ys using that unfolding P_def by (cases ys) auto
  have P_2[intro]: "last ys  a" if "P xs ys" for xs ys
    using that P_1[OF that] unfolding P_def by (auto dest:  list_all2_last)
  from * have "stream_all2 (∈) xs (cycle (as @ [a]))"
    unfolding xs_def proof (coinduction arbitrary: ys rule: stream_rel_coinduct_shift)
    case prems: stream_rel
    then have "ys  []" "last ys  a" by (blast dest: P_1 P_2)+
    from ys  [] C[OF last ys  a] have " xs. P ys xs" unfolding P_def by auto
    from someI_ex[OF this] have "P ys (f ys)" unfolding f_def .
    with ys  [] prems show ?case
      apply (inst_existentials ys "flat (siterate f (f ys))" "as @ [a]" "cycle (as @ [a])")
           apply (subst siterate.ctr; simp; fail)
          apply (subst cycle_decomp; simp; fail)
       by (auto simp: P_def)
  from * have "run xs"
    unfolding xs_def proof (coinduction arbitrary: ys rule: run_flat_coinduct)
    case prems: (run_shift xs ws xss ys)
    then have "ys  []" "last ys  a" by (blast dest: P_1 P_2)+
    from ys  [] C[OF last ys  a] have " xs. P ys xs" unfolding P_def by auto
    from someI_ex[OF this] have "P ys (f ys)" unfolding f_def .
    with ys  [] prems show ?case by (auto elim: steps.cases simp: P_def)
  with P_1[OF P _ _] steps (x # ys) have "run (x ## xs)"
    unfolding xs_def
    by (subst siterate.ctr, subst (asm) siterate.ctr) (cases ys; auto elim: steps.cases)
  with stream_all2 _ _ _ show ?thesis by blast

lemma Steps_run_cycle_buechi'':
  " xs. run (x ## xs)  ( x  sset xs.  a  set as  {a}. x  a)  infs (λx. x  b) (x ## xs)"
  if assms: "Steps (a # as @ [a])" "x  a" "b  set (a # as @ [a])"
  using Steps_run_cycle_buechi[OF that(1,2)] that(2,3)
  apply safe
  apply (rule exI conjI)+
   apply assumption
  apply (subst alw_ev_stl[symmetric])
  by (force dest: alw_ev_HLD_cycle[of _ _ b] stream_all2_sset1)

lemma Steps_run_cycle_buechi':
  " xs. run (x ## xs)  ( x  sset xs.  a  set as  {a}. x  a)  infs (λx. x  a) (x ## xs)"
  if assms: "Steps (a # as @ [a])" "x  a"
  using Steps_run_cycle_buechi''[OF that] x  a by auto

lemma Steps_run_cycle':
  " xs. run (x ## xs)  ( x  sset xs.  a  set as  {a}. x  a)"
  if assms: "Steps (a # as @ [a])" "x  a"
  using Steps_run_cycle_buechi'[OF assms] by auto

lemma Steps_run_cycle:
  " xs. run xs  ( x  sset xs.  a  set as  {a}. x  a)  shd xs  a"
  if assms: "Steps (a # as @ [a])" "a  {}"
  using Steps_run_cycle'[OF assms(1)] assms(2) by force

paragraph ‹Unused›

lemma Steps_cycle_every_prestable':
  " b y. C x y  y  b  b  set as  {a}"
  if assms: "Steps (as @ [a])" "x  b" "b  set as"
  using assms
proof (induction "as @ [a]" arbitrary: as)
  case Single
  then show ?case by simp
  case (Cons a c xs)
  show ?case
  proof (cases "a = b")
    case True
    with prestable[OF A a c] x  b obtain y where "y  c" "C x y"
      by auto
    with a # c # _ = _ show ?thesis
      apply (inst_existentials c y)
    proof (assumption+, cases as, goal_cases)
      case (2 a list)
      then show ?case by (cases list) auto
    qed simp
    case False
    with Cons.hyps(3)[of "tl as"] Cons.prems Cons.hyps(1,2,4-) show ?thesis by (cases as) auto

lemma Steps_cycle_first_prestable:
  " b y. C x y  x  b  b  set as  {a}" if assms: "Steps (a # as @ [a])" "x  a"
proof (cases as)
  case Nil
  with assms show ?thesis by (auto elim!: Steps_cases dest: prestable)
  case (Cons b as)
  with assms show ?thesis by (auto 4 4 elim: Steps_cases dest: prestable)

lemma Steps_cycle_every_prestable:
  " b y. C x y  y  b  b  set as  {a}"
  if assms: "Steps (a # as @ [a])" "x  b" "b  set as  {a}"
  using assms Steps_cycle_every_prestable'[of "a # as" a] Steps_cycle_first_prestable by auto

end (* Simulation Graph Prestable *)

section ‹Double Simulation›

context Double_Simulation

lemma closure_involutive:
  "closure ( (closure x)) = closure x"
  unfolding closure_def by (auto dest: P1_distinct)

lemma closure_finite:
  "finite (closure x)"
  using P1_finite unfolding closure_def by auto

lemma closure_non_empty:
  "closure x  {}" if "P2 x"
  using that unfolding closure_def by (auto dest!: P2_cover)

lemma P1_closure_id:
  "closure R = {R}" if "P1 R" "R  {}"
  unfolding closure_def using that P1_distinct by blast

lemma A2'_A2_closure:
  "A2' (closure x) (closure y)" if "A2 x y"
  using that unfolding A2'_def by auto

lemma Steps_Union:
  "post_defs.Steps (map closure xs)" if "Steps xs"
using that proof (induction xs rule: rev_induct)
  case Nil
  then show ?case by auto
  case (snoc y xs)
  show ?case
  proof (cases xs rule: rev_cases)
    case Nil
    then show ?thesis by auto
    case (snoc ys z)
    with Steps_appendD1[OF Steps (xs @ [y])] have "Steps xs" by simp
    then have *: "post_defs.Steps (map closure xs)" by (rule snoc.IH)
    with xs = _ snoc.prems have "A2 z y"
      by (metis Steps.steps_appendD3 append_Cons append_assoc append_self_conv2)
    with A2 z y have "A2' (closure z) (closure y)" by (auto dest!: A2'_A2_closure)
    with * post_defs.Steps_appendI show ?thesis
      by (simp add: xs = _)

lemma closure_reaches:
  "post_defs.Steps.reaches (closure x) (closure y)" if "Steps.reaches x y"
  using that
  unfolding Steps.reaches_steps_iff post_defs.Steps.reaches_steps_iff
  apply clarify
  apply (drule Steps_Union)
  subgoal for xs
    by (cases "xs = []"; force simp: hd_map last_map)

lemma post_Steps_non_empty:
  "x  {}" if "post_defs.Steps (a # as)" "x  b" "b  set as"
  using that
proof (induction "a # as" arbitrary: a as)
  case Single
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Cons a c as)
  then show ?case by (auto simp: A2'_def closure_def)

lemma Steps_run_cycle':
  " xs. run xs  ( x  sset xs.  a  set as  {a}. x   a)  shd xs   a"
  if assms: "post_defs.Steps (a # as @ [a])" "finite a" "a  {}"
proof -
  from post.Steps_steps_cycle[OF assms] obtain a1 as1 where guessed:
    "pre_defs.Steps (a1 # as1 @ [a1])"
    "xset as1. aset as  {a}. x  a"
    "a1  a"
    by atomize_elim
  from assms(1) a1  a have "a1  {}" by (auto dest!: post_Steps_non_empty)
  with guessed pre.Steps_run_cycle[of a1 as1] obtain xs where
    "run xs" "xsset xs. aset as1  {a1}. x  a" "shd xs  a1"
    by atomize_elim auto
  with guessed(2,3) show ?thesis
    by (inst_existentials xs) (metis Un_iff UnionI empty_iff insert_iff)+

lemma Steps_run_cycle:
  " xs. run xs  ( x  sset xs.  a  set as  {a}. x   (closure a))  shd xs   (closure a)"
  if assms: "Steps (a # as @ [a])" "P2 a"
proof -
  from Steps_Union[OF assms(1)] have "post_defs.Steps (closure a # map closure as @ [closure a])"
    by simp
  from Steps_run_cycle'[OF this closure_finite closure_non_empty[OF P2 a]]
    show ?thesis by (force dest: list_all2_set2)

lemma Steps_run_cycle2:
  " x xs. run (x ## xs)  x   (closure a0)
   ( x  sset xs.  a  set as  {a}  set bs. x   a)
   infs (λx. x   a) (x ## xs)"
  if assms: "post_defs.Steps (closure a0 # as @ a # bs @ [a])" "a  {}"
proof -
  note as1 = assms
    post_defs.Steps.steps_decomp[of "closure a0 # as" "a # bs @ [a]"]
    as1(1)[unfolded this]
  have *:
    "post_defs.Steps (closure a0 # as)"
    "post_defs.Steps (a # bs @ [a])"
    "A2' (last (closure a0 # as)) (a)"
    by (simp split: if_split_asm add: last_map)+
  then have "finite a"
    unfolding A2'_def by (metis closure_finite)
  from post.Steps_steps_cycle[OF *(2) finite a a  {}] obtain a1 as1 where as1:
    "pre_defs.Steps (a1 # as1 @ [a1])"
    "xset as1. aset bs  {a}. x  a"
    "a1  a"
    by atomize_elim
  with post.poststable[OF *(3)] obtain a2 where "a2  last (closure a0 # as)" "A1 a2 a1"
    by auto
  with post.Steps_poststable[OF *(1), of a2] obtain as2 where as2:
    "pre_defs.Steps as2" "list_all2 (∈) as2 (closure a0 # as)" "last as2 = a2"
    by (auto split: if_split_asm simp: last_map)
  from as2(2) have "hd as2  closure a0" by (cases as2) auto
  then have "hd as2  {}" unfolding closure_def by auto
  then obtain x0 where "x0  hd as2" by auto
  from pre.Steps_prestable[OF as2(1) x0  _] obtain xs where xs:
    "steps (x0 # xs)" "list_all2 (∈) (x0 # xs) as2"
    by auto
  with last as2 = a2 have "last (x0 # xs)  a2"
    unfolding list_all2_Cons1 by (auto intro: list_all2_last)
  with pre.prestable[OF A1 a2 a1] obtain y where "C (last (x0 # xs)) y" "y  a1" by auto
  from pre.Steps_run_cycle_buechi'[OF as1(1) y  a1] obtain ys where ys:
    "run (y ## ys)" "xsset ys. aset as1  {a1}. x  a" "infs (λx. x  a1) (y ## ys)"
    by auto
  from ys(3) a1  a have "infs (λx. x   a) (y ## ys)"
    by (auto simp: HLD_iff elim!: alw_ev_mono)
  from extend_run[OF xs(1) C _ _ run (y ## ys)] have "run ((x0 # xs) @- y ## ys)" by simp
  then show ?thesis
    apply (inst_existentials x0 "xs @- y ## ys")
      apply (simp; fail)
    using x0  _ hd as2  _ apply (auto; fail)
    using xs(2) as2(2) *(2) y  a1 a1  _ ys(2) as1(2)
    unfolding list_all2_op_map_iff list_all2_Cons1 list_all2_Cons2
      apply auto
       apply (fastforce dest!: list_all2_set1)
     apply blast
    using infs (λx. x   a) (y ## ys)
    by (simp add: sdrop_shift)

lemma Steps_run_cycle'':
  " x xs. run (x ## xs)  x   (closure a0)
   ( x  sset xs.  a  set as  {a}  set bs. x   (closure a))
   infs (λx. x   (closure a)) (x ## xs)"
  if assms: "Steps (a0 # as @ a # bs @ [a])" "P2 a"
proof -
  from Steps_Union[OF assms(1)] have "post_defs.Steps (map closure (a0 # as @ a # bs @ [a]))"
    by simp
  from Steps_run_cycle2[OF this[simplified] closure_non_empty[OF P2 a]] show ?thesis
    by clarify (auto simp: image_def intro!: exI conjI)

paragraph ‹Unused›

lemma post_Steps_P1:
  "P1 x" if "post_defs.Steps (a # as)" "x  b" "b  set as"
  using that
proof (induction "a # as" arbitrary: a as)
  case Single
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Cons a c as)
  then show ?case by (auto simp: A2'_def closure_def)

lemma strong_compatibility_impl_weak:
  fixes φ :: "'a  bool" ― ‹The property we want to check›
  assumes φ_closure_compatible: " x a. x  a  φ x  ( x   (closure a). φ x)"
  shows "φ x  x  a  y  a  P1 a  φ y"
  by (auto simp: closure_def dest: φ_closure_compatible)

end (* Double Simulation Graph *)

section ‹Finite Graphs›

context Finite_Graph

subsection ‹Infinite Büchi Runs Correspond to Finite Cycles›

lemma run_finite_state_set:
  assumes "run (x0 ## xs)"
  shows "finite (sset (x0 ## xs))"
proof -
  let ?S = "{x. E** x0 x}"
  from run_reachable[OF assms] have "sset xs  ?S" unfolding stream.pred_set by auto
  moreover have "finite ?S" using finite_reachable by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis by (auto intro: finite_subset)

lemma run_finite_state_set_cycle:
  assumes "run (x0 ## xs)"
    " ys zs. run (x0 ## ys @- cycle zs)  set ys  set zs  {x0}  sset xs  zs  []"
proof -
  from run_finite_state_set[OF assms] have "finite (sset (x0 ## xs))" .
  with sdistinct_infinite_sset[of "x0 ## xs"] not_sdistinct_decomp[of "x0 ## xs"] obtain x ws ys zs
    where "x0 ## xs = ws @- x ## ys @- x ## zs"
    by force
  then have decomp: "x0 ## xs = (ws @ [x]) @- ys @- x ## zs" by simp
  from run_decomp[OF assms[unfolded decomp]] have decomp_first:
    "steps (ws @ [x])"
    "run (ys @- x ## zs)"
    "x  (if ys = [] then shd (x ## zs) else hd ys)"
    by auto
  from run_sdrop[OF assms, of "length (ws @ [x])"] have "run (sdrop (length ws) xs)"
    by simp
  moreover from decomp have "sdrop (length ws) xs = ys @- x ## zs"
    by (cases ws; simp add: sdrop_shift)
  ultimately have "run ((ys @ [x]) @- zs)" by simp
  from run_decomp[OF this] have "steps (ys @ [x])" "run zs" "x  shd zs"
    by auto
  from run_cycle[OF this(1)] decomp_first have
    "run (cycle (ys @ [x]))"
    by (force split: if_split_asm)
    extend_run[of "(ws @ [x])" "if ys = [] then shd (x ## zs) else hd ys" "stl (cycle (ys @ [x]))"]
    "run ((ws @ [x]) @- cycle (ys @ [x]))"
    apply (simp split: if_split_asm)
      using cycle_Cons[of x "[]", simplified] by auto
    apply (cases ys)
     apply (simp; fail)
    by (simp add: cycle_Cons)
  with decomp show ?thesis
    apply (inst_existentials "tl (ws @ [x])" "(ys @ [x])")
    by (cases ws; force)+

(* XXX Duplication *)
lemma buechi_run_finite_state_set_cycle:
  assumes "run (x0 ## xs)" "alw (ev (holds φ)) (x0 ## xs)"
  " ys zs.
    run (x0 ## ys @- cycle zs)  set ys  set zs  {x0}  sset xs
     zs  []  ( x  set zs. φ x)"
proof -
  from run_finite_state_set[OF assms(1)] have "finite (sset (x0 ## xs))" .
  with sset_sfilter[OF alw (ev _) _] have "finite (sset (sfilter φ (x0 ## xs)))"
    by (rule finite_subset)
  from finite_sset_sfilter_decomp[OF this assms(2)] obtain x ws ys zs where
    decomp: "x0 ## xs = (ws @ [x]) @- ys @- x ## zs" and "φ x"
    by simp metis
  from run_decomp[OF assms(1)[unfolded decomp]] have decomp_first:
    "steps (ws @ [x])"
    "run (ys @- x ## zs)"
    "x  (if ys = [] then shd (x ## zs) else hd ys)"
    by auto
  from run_sdrop[OF assms(1), of "length (ws @ [x])"] have "run (sdrop (length ws) xs)"
    by simp
  moreover from decomp have "sdrop (length ws) xs = ys @- x ## zs"
    by (cases ws; simp add: sdrop_shift)
  ultimately have "run ((ys @ [x]) @- zs)" by simp
  from run_decomp[OF this] have "steps (ys @ [x])" "run zs" "x  shd zs"
    by auto
  from run_cycle[OF this(1)] decomp_first have
    "run (cycle (ys @ [x]))"
    by (force split: if_split_asm)
    extend_run[of "(ws @ [x])" "if ys = [] then shd (x ## zs) else hd ys" "stl (cycle (ys @ [x]))"]
    "run ((ws @ [x]) @- cycle (ys @ [x]))"
    apply (simp split: if_split_asm)
      using cycle_Cons[of x "[]", simplified] by auto
    apply (cases ys)
     apply (simp; fail)
    by (simp add: cycle_Cons)
  with decomp φ x show ?thesis
    apply (inst_existentials "tl (ws @ [x])" "(ys @ [x])")
    by (cases ws; force)+

lemma run_finite_state_set_cycle_steps:
  assumes "run (x0 ## xs)"
  shows " x ys zs. steps (x0 # ys @ x # zs @ [x])  {x}  set ys  set zs  {x0}  sset xs"
proof -
  from run_finite_state_set_cycle[OF assms] obtain ys zs where guessed:
    "run (x0 ## ys @- cycle zs)"
    "set ys  set zs  {x0}  sset xs"
    "zs  []"
    by auto
  from zs  [] have "cycle zs = (hd zs # tl zs @ [hd zs]) @- cycle (tl zs @ [hd zs])"
    apply (cases zs)
     apply (simp; fail)
    apply simp
    apply (subst cycle_Cons[symmetric])
    apply (subst cycle_decomp)
    by simp+
  from guessed(1)[unfolded this] have
    "run ((x0 # ys @ hd zs # tl zs @ [hd zs]) @- cycle (tl zs @ [hd zs]))"
    by simp
  from run_decomp[OF this] guessed(2,3) show ?thesis
    by (inst_existentials "hd zs" ys "tl zs") (auto dest: list.set_sel)

(* XXX Duplication *)
lemma buechi_run_finite_state_set_cycle_steps:
  assumes "run (x0 ## xs)" "alw (ev (holds φ)) (x0 ## xs)"
  " x ys zs.
    steps (x0 # ys @ x # zs @ [x])  {x}  set ys  set zs  {x0}  sset xs
     ( y  set (x # zs). φ y)"
proof -
  from buechi_run_finite_state_set_cycle[OF assms] obtain ys zs x where guessed:
    "run (x0 ## ys @- cycle zs)"
    "set ys  set zs  {x0}  sset xs"
    "zs  []"
    "x  set zs"
    "φ x"
    by safe
  from zs  [] have "cycle zs = (hd zs # tl zs @ [hd zs]) @- cycle (tl zs @ [hd zs])"
    apply (cases zs)
     apply (simp; fail)
    apply simp
    apply (subst cycle_Cons[symmetric])
    apply (subst cycle_decomp)
    by simp+
  from guessed(1)[unfolded this] have
    "run ((x0 # ys @ hd zs # tl zs @ [hd zs]) @- cycle (tl zs @ [hd zs]))"
    by simp
  from run_decomp[OF this] guessed(2,3,4,5) show ?thesis
    by (inst_existentials "hd zs" ys "tl zs") (auto 4 4 dest: list.set_sel)

lemma cycle_steps_run:
  assumes "steps (x0 # ys @ x # zs @ [x])"
  shows " xs. run (x0 ## xs)  sset xs = {x}  set ys  set zs"
proof -
  from assms have "steps (x0 # ys @ [x])" "steps (x # zs @ [x])"
    (* apply (smt Graph_Defs.stepsI append_eq_append_conv2 append_is_Nil_conv hd_append2 list.inject list.sel(1) list.simps(3) steps.cases steps_append_single steps_decomp) *)
     apply (metis Graph_Defs.steps_appendD1 append.assoc append_Cons append_Nil snoc_eq_iff_butlast)
    by (metis Graph_Defs.steps_appendD2 append_Cons assms snoc_eq_iff_butlast)
  proof -
    have f1: "∀as asa asb p. ((asb::'a list) @ asa = [] ∨ Graph_Defs.steps p (asb @ asa)) ∨ ¬ Graph_Defs.steps p (asb @ asa @ as)"
      by (metis (no_types) Graph_Defs.steps_appendD1 append.assoc)
    have f2: "∀as a. [a::'a] @ as = a # as"
      by simp
    have f3: "steps ((x0 # ys) @ (x # zs) @ [x])"
      using assms by fastforce
    have "(x0 # ys) @ x # zs ≠ []"
      by force
    then have "steps ((x0 # ys) @ [x])"
      using f3 f2 f1 by (metis snoc_eq_iff_butlast)
    then show "steps (x0 # ys @ [x])"
      by auto
  from this(2) have "x  hd (zs @ [x])" "steps (zs @ [x])"
     apply (metis Graph_Defs.steps_decomp last_snoc list.sel(1) list.sel(3) snoc_eq_iff_butlast steps_ConsD steps_append')
    by (meson steps_ConsD steps (x # zs @ [x]) snoc_eq_iff_butlast)
  from run_cycle[OF this(2)] this(1) have "run (cycle (zs @ [x]))" by auto
  with extend_run[OF steps (x0 # ys @ [x]), of "hd (zs @ [x])" "stl (cycle (zs @ [x]))"] x  _
  have "run (x0 ## ys @- x ## cycle (zs @ [x]))"
    by simp (metis cycle.ctr)
  then show ?thesis
    by auto

lemma buechi_run_lasso:
  assumes "run (x0 ## xs)" "alw (ev (holds φ)) (x0 ## xs)"
  obtains x where "reaches x0 x" "reaches1 x x" "φ x"
proof -
  from buechi_run_finite_state_set_cycle_steps[OF assms] obtain x ys zs y where
    "steps (x0 # ys @ x # zs @ [x])" "y  set (x # zs)" "φ y"
    by safe
  from y  _ consider "y = x" | as bs where "zs = as @ y # bs"
    by (meson set_ConsD split_list)
  then have " as bs. steps (x0 # as @ [y])  steps (y # bs @ [y])"
  proof cases
    case 1
    (* XXX Decision procedure *)
    with steps _ show ?thesis
      by simp (metis Graph_Defs.steps_appendD2 append.assoc append_Cons list.distinct(1))
  case 2
  with steps _ show ?thesis
    by simp (metis (no_types)
        reaches1_steps steps_reaches append_Cons last_appendR list.distinct(1) list.sel(1)
        reaches1_reaches_iff2 reaches1_steps_append steps_decomp)
  with φ y show ?thesis
    including graph_automation by (intro that[of y]) (auto intro: steps_reaches1)

end (* Finite Graph *)

section ‹Complete Simulation Graphs›

context Simulation_Graph_Defs

definition "abstract_run x xs = x ## sscan (λ y a. SOME b. A a b  y  b) xs x"

lemma abstract_run_ctr:
  "abstract_run x xs = x ## abstract_run (SOME b. A x b  shd xs  b) (stl xs)"
  unfolding abstract_run_def by (subst sscan.ctr) (rule HOL.refl)


context Simulation_Graph_Complete

lemma steps_complete:
  " as. Steps (a # as)  list_all2 (∈) xs as" if "steps (x # xs)" "x  a" "P a"
  using that by (induction xs arbitrary: x a) (erule steps.cases; fastforce dest!: complete)+

lemma abstract_run_Run:
  "Run (abstract_run a xs)" if "run (x ## xs)" "x  a" "P a"
  using that
proof (coinduction arbitrary: a x xs)
  case (run a x xs)
  obtain y ys where "xs = y ## ys" by (metis stream.collapse)
  with run have "C x y" "run (y ## ys)" by (auto elim: run.cases)
  from complete[OF C x y _ P a x  a] obtain b where "A a b  y  b" by auto
  then have "A a (SOME b. A a b  y  b)  y  (SOME b. A a b  y  b)" by (rule someI)
  moreover with P a have "P (SOME b. A a b  y  b)" by (blast intro: P_invariant)
  ultimately show ?case using run (y ## ys) unfolding xs = _
    apply (subst abstract_run_ctr, simp)
    apply (subst abstract_run_ctr, simp)
    by (auto simp: abstract_run_ctr[symmetric])

lemma abstract_run_abstract:
  "stream_all2 (∈) (x ## xs) (abstract_run a xs)" if "run (x ## xs)" "x  a" "P a"
using that proof (coinduction arbitrary: a x xs)
  case run: (stream_rel x' u b' v a x xs)
  obtain y ys where "xs = y ## ys" by (metis stream.collapse)
  with run have "C x y" "run (y ## ys)" by (auto elim: run.cases)
  from complete[OF C x y _ P a x  a] obtain b where "A a b  y  b" by auto
  then have "A a (SOME b. A a b  y  b)  y  (SOME b. A a b  y  b)" by (rule someI)
  with run (y ## ys) x  a P a run(1,2) xs = _ show ?case
    by (subst (asm) abstract_run_ctr) (auto intro: P_invariant)

lemma run_complete:
  " as. Run (a ## as)  stream_all2 (∈) xs as" if "run (x ## xs)" "x  a" "P a"
  using abstract_run_Run[OF that] abstract_run_abstract[OF that]
  apply (subst (asm) abstract_run_ctr)
  apply (subst (asm) (2) abstract_run_ctr)
  by auto

end (* Simulation Graph Complete Abstraction *)

subsection ‹Runs in Finite Complete Graphs›

context Simulation_Graph_Finite_Complete

lemma run_finite_state_set_cycle_steps:
  assumes "run (x0 ## xs)" "x0  a0" "P a0"
  shows " x ys zs.
    Steps (a0 # ys @ x # zs @ [x])  ( a  {x}  set ys  set zs.  x  {x0}  sset xs. x  a)"
  using run_complete[OF assms]
  apply safe
  apply (drule Steps_finite.run_finite_state_set_cycle_steps)
  apply safe
  subgoal for as x ys zs
    apply (inst_existentials x ys zs)
    using assms(2) by (auto dest: stream_all2_sset2)

lemma buechi_run_finite_state_set_cycle_steps:
  assumes "run (x0 ## xs)" "x0  a0" "P a0" "alw (ev (holds φ)) (x0 ## xs)"
  shows " x ys zs.
    Steps (a0 # ys @ x # zs @ [x])
     ( a  {x}  set ys  set zs.  x  {x0}  sset xs. x  a)
     ( y  set (x # zs).  a  y. φ a)"
  using run_complete[OF assms(1-3)]
  apply safe
  apply (drule Steps_finite.buechi_run_finite_state_set_cycle_steps[where φ = "λ S.  x  S. φ x"])
  subgoal for as
    using assms(4)
    apply (subst alw_ev_stl[symmetric], simp)
    apply (erule alw_stream_all2_mono[where Q = "ev (holds φ)"], fastforce)
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) ev_holds_sset stream_all2_sset1)
  apply safe
  subgoal for as x ys zs y a
    apply (inst_existentials x ys zs)
    using assms(2) by (auto dest: stream_all2_sset2)

lemma buechi_run_finite_state_set_cycle_lasso:
  assumes "run (x0 ## xs)" "x0  a0" "P a0" "alw (ev (holds φ)) (x0 ## xs)"
  shows "a. Steps.reaches a0 a  Steps.reaches1 a a  (y  a. φ y)"
proof -
  from buechi_run_finite_state_set_cycle_steps[OF assms] obtain b as bs a y where lasso:
    "Steps (a0 # as @ b # bs @ [b])" "a  set (b # bs)" "y  a" "φ y"
    by safe
  from a  set _ consider "b = a" | bs1 bs2 where "bs = bs1 @ a # bs2"
    using split_list by fastforce
  then have "Steps.reaches a0 a  Steps.reaches1 a a"
    using Steps _
    apply cases
     apply safe
      by (simp add: Steps.steps_reaches')
      by (blast dest: Steps.stepsD intro: Steps.steps_reaches1)
    subgoal for bs1 bs2
      by (subgoal_tac "Steps ((a0 # as @ b # bs1 @ [a]) @ (bs2 @ [b]))")
        (drule Steps.stepsD, auto elim: Steps.steps_reaches')
      by (metis (no_types)
          Steps.steps_reaches1 Steps.steps_rotate Steps_appendD2 append_Cons append_eq_append_conv2
  with lasso show ?thesis
    by auto

end (* Simulation Graph Finite Complete Abstraction *)

section ‹Finite Complete Double Simulations›

context Double_Simulation

lemma Run_closure:
  "post_defs.Run (smap closure xs)" if "Run xs"
using that proof (coinduction arbitrary: xs)
  case prems: run
  then obtain x y ys where "xs = x ## y ## ys" "A2 x y" "Run (y ## ys)"
    by (auto elim:
  with A2'_A2_closure[OF A2 x y] show ?case
    by force

lemma closure_set_finite:
  "finite (closure ` UNIV)" (is "finite ?S")
proof -
  have "?S  {x. x  {x. P1 x}}"
    unfolding closure_def by auto
  also have "finite "
    using P1_finite by auto
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma A2'_empty_step:
  "b = {}" if "A2' a b" "a = {}"
  using that closure_poststable unfolding A2'_def by auto

lemma A2'_empty_invariant:
  "Graph_Invariant A2' (λ x. x = {})"
  by standard (rule A2'_empty_step)

end (* Double Simulation *)

context Double_Simulation_Complete

lemmas P2_invariant_Steps = P2_invariant.invariant_steps

interpretation Steps_finite: Finite_Graph A2' "closure a0"
  have "{x. post_defs.Steps.reaches (closure a0) x}  closure ` UNIV"
    by (auto 4 3 simp: A2'_def elim: rtranclp.cases)
  also have "finite "
    by (fact closure_set_finite)
  finally show "finite {x. post_defs.Steps.reaches (closure a0) x}" .

theorem infinite_run_cycle_iff':
  assumes " x xs. run (x ## xs)  x  (closure a0)   y ys. y  a0  run (y ## ys)"
    "( x0 xs. x0   (closure a0)  run (x0 ## xs)) 
     ( as a bs. post_defs.Steps (closure a0 # as @ a # bs @ [a])  a  {})"
proof (safe, goal_cases)
  case prems: (1 x0 X xs)
  from assms[OF prems(1)] prems(2,3) obtain y ys where "y  a0" "run (y ## ys)"
    by auto
  from run_complete[OF this(2,1) P2_a0] obtain as where "Run (a0 ## as)" "stream_all2 (∈) ys as"
    by auto
  from P2_invariant.invariant_run[OF Run _] have *: " a  sset (a0 ## as). P2 a"
    unfolding stream.pred_set by auto
  from Steps_finite.run_finite_state_set_cycle_steps[OF Run_closure[OF Run _, simplified]] show ?case
    using stream_all2 _ _ _ y  _  * closure_non_empty by force+
  case prems: (2 as a bs x)
  with post_defs.Steps.steps_decomp[of "closure a0 # as @ [a]" "bs @ [a]"] have
    "post_defs.Steps (closure a0 # as @ [a])" "post_defs.Steps (bs @ [a])" "A2' a (hd (bs @ [a]))"
    by auto
  from prems(2,3) Steps_run_cycle2[OF prems(1)] show ?case
    by auto

corollary infinite_run_cycle_iff:
  "( x0 xs. x0  a0  run (x0 ## xs)) 
   ( as a bs. post_defs.Steps (closure a0 # as @ a # bs @ [a])  a  {})"
  if "(closure a0) = a0" "P2 a0"
  by (subst _ = a0[symmetric]) (rule infinite_run_cycle_iff', auto simp: that)

  fixes φ :: "'a  bool" ― ‹The property we want to check›
  assumes φ_closure_compatible: "P2 a  x   (closure a)  φ x  ( x   (closure a). φ x)"

text ‹
  We need the condition a ≠ {}› in the following theorem because we cannot prove a lemma like this:

  " bs. Steps bs  closure a # as = map closure bs" if "post_defs.Steps (closure a # as)"
  using that

text ‹One possible fix would be to add the stronger assumption A2 a b ⟹ P2 b›.›

theorem infinite_buechi_run_cycle_iff_closure:
    " x xs. run (x ## xs)  x  (closure a0)  alw (ev (holds φ)) xs
        y ys. y  a0  run (y ## ys)  alw (ev (holds φ)) ys"
      and " a. P2 a  a   (closure a)"
  "( x0 xs. x0   (closure a0)  run (x0 ## xs)  alw (ev (holds φ)) (x0 ## xs))
   ( as a bs. a  {}  post_defs.Steps (closure a0 # as @ a # bs @ [a])  ( x   a. φ x))"
proof (safe, goal_cases)
  case prems: (1 x0 xs)
  from assms(1)[OF prems(3)] prems(1,2,4) obtain y ys where
    "y  a0" "run (y ## ys)" "alw (ev (holds φ)) ys"
    by auto
  from run_complete[OF this(2,1) P2_a0] obtain as where "Run (a0 ## as)" "stream_all2 (∈) ys as"
    by auto
  from P2_invariant.invariant_run[OF Run _] have "pred_stream P2 (a0 ## as)"
    by auto
  from Run_closure[OF Run _] have "post_defs.Run (closure a0 ## smap closure as)"
    by simp
  from alw (ev (holds φ)) ys stream_all2 _ _ _ have "alw (ev (holds (λ a.  x  a. φ x))) as"
    by (rule alw_ev_lockstep) auto
  then have "alw (ev (holds (λ a.  x   a. φ x))) (closure a0 ## smap closure as)"
    apply -
    apply rule
    apply (rule alw_ev_lockstep[where Q = "λ a b. b = closure a  P2 a"], assumption)
      using Run (a0 ## as)
      by - (rule stream_all2_combine[where P = "eq_onp P2" and Q = "λ a b. b = closure a"],
            subst stream.pred_rel[symmetric],
            auto dest: P2_invariant.invariant_run simp: stream.rel_refl eq_onp_def
    subgoal for a x
      by (auto dest!: assms(2))
  from Steps_finite.buechi_run_finite_state_set_cycle_steps[OF post_defs.Run (_ ## _) this]
  obtain a ys zs where guessed:
    "post_defs.Steps (closure a0 # ys @ a # zs @ [a])"
    "a = closure a0  a  closure ` sset as"
    "set ys  insert (closure a0) (closure ` sset as)"
    "set zs  insert (closure a0) (closure ` sset as)"
    "(ya. xy. φ x)  (yset zs. y'y. xy'. φ x)"
    by clarsimp
  from guessed(5) show ?case
  proof (standard, goal_cases)
    case prems: 1
    from guessed(1) have "post_defs.Steps (closure a0 # ys @ [a])"
      by (metis
          Graph_Defs.graphI(3) Graph_Defs.steps_decomp append.simps(2) list.sel(1) list.simps(3)
    from pred_stream _ _ guessed(2) obtain a' where "a = closure a'" "P2 a'"
      by (auto simp: stream.pred_set)
    from prems obtain x R where "x  R" "R  a" "φ x" by auto
    with P2 a' have " x   a. φ x"
      unfolding a = _ by (subst φ_closure_compatible[symmetric]) auto
    with guessed(1,2) show ?case
      using R  a by blast
    case prems: 2
    then obtain R b x where *: "x  R" "R  b" "b  set zs" "φ x"
      by auto
    from b  set zs obtain zs1 zs2 where "zs = zs1 @ b # zs2" by (force simp: split_list)
    with guessed(1) have "post_defs.Steps ((closure a0 # ys @ a # zs1 @ [b]) @ zs2 @ [a])"
      by simp
    with guessed(1) have "post_defs.Steps (closure a0 # ys @ a # zs1 @ [b])"
      by - (drule Graph_Defs.steps_decomp, auto)
    from pred_stream _ _ guessed(4) zs = _ obtain b' where "b = closure b'" "P2 b'"
      by (auto simp: stream.pred_set)
    with * have *: " x   b. φ x"
      unfolding b = _ by (subst φ_closure_compatible[symmetric]) auto
    from zs = _ guessed(1) have "post_defs.Steps ((closure a0 # ys) @ (a # zs1 @ [b]) @ zs2 @ [a])"
      by simp
    then have "post_defs.Steps (a # zs1 @ [b])" by (blast dest!: post_defs.Steps.steps_decomp)
    with zs = _ guessed * show ?case
        R  b
        post_defs.Steps.steps_append[of "closure a0 # ys @ a # zs1 @ b # zs2 @ [a]" "a # zs1 @ [b]"]
      by (inst_existentials "ys @ a # zs1" b "zs2 @ a # zs1") auto
  case prems: (2 as a bs x)
  then have "a  {}"
    by auto
  from prems post_defs.Steps.steps_decomp[of "closure a0 # as @ [a]" "bs @ [a]"] have
    "post_defs.Steps (closure a0 # as @ [a])"
    by auto
  with Steps_run_cycle2[OF prems(1) a  {}] prems show ?case
    unfolding HLD_iff by clarify (drule alw_ev_mono[where ψ = "holds φ"], auto)

end (* Context for Fixed Formula *)

end (* Double Simulation Finite Complete Abstraction *)

context Double_Simulation_Finite_Complete

lemmas P2_invariant_Steps = P2_invariant.invariant_steps

theorem infinite_run_cycle_iff':
  assumes "P2 a0" " x xs. run (x ## xs)  x  (closure a0)   y ys. y  a0  run (y ## ys)"
  shows "( x0 xs. x0  a0  run (x0 ## xs))  ( as a bs. Steps (a0 # as @ a # bs @ [a]))"
proof (safe, goal_cases)
  case (1 x0 xs)
  from run_finite_state_set_cycle_steps[OF this(2,1)] P2 a0 show ?case by auto
  case prems: (2 as a bs)
  with Steps.steps_decomp[of "a0 # as @ [a]" "bs @ [a]"] have "Steps (a0 # as @ [a])" by auto
  from P2_invariant_Steps[OF this] have "P2 a" by auto
  from Steps_run_cycle''[OF prems this] assms(2) show ?case by auto

corollary infinite_run_cycle_iff:
  "( x0 xs. x0  a0  run (x0 ## xs))  ( as a bs. Steps (a0 # as @ a # bs @ [a]))"
  if "(closure a0) = a0" "P2 a0"
  by (rule infinite_run_cycle_iff', auto simp: that)

  fixes φ :: "'a  bool" ― ‹The property we want to check›
  assumes φ_closure_compatible: "x  a  φ x  ( x  (closure a). φ x)"

theorem infinite_buechi_run_cycle_iff:
  "( x0 xs. x0  a0  run (x0 ## xs)  alw (ev (holds φ)) (x0 ## xs))
   ( as a bs. Steps (a0 # as @ a # bs @ [a])  ( x  (closure a). φ x))"
  if "(closure a0) = a0"
proof (safe, goal_cases)
  case (1 x0 xs)
  from buechi_run_finite_state_set_cycle_steps[OF this(2,1) P2_a0, of φ] this(3) obtain a ys zs
    "infs φ xs"
    "Steps (a0 # ys @ a # zs @ [a])"
    "x0  a  (xsset xs. x  a)"
    "aset ys  set zs. x0  a  (xsset xs. x  a)"
    "(xa. φ x)  (yset zs. xy. φ x)"
    by clarsimp
  note guessed = this(2-)
  from guessed(4) show ?case
  proof (standard, goal_cases)
    case 1
    then obtain x where "x  a" "φ x" by auto
    with φ_closure_compatible have " x  (closure a). φ x" by blast
    with guessed(1,2) show ?case by auto
    case 2
    then obtain b x where "x  b" "b  set zs" "φ x" by auto
    with φ_closure_compatible have *: " x  (closure b). φ x" by blast
    from b  set zs obtain zs1 zs2 where "zs = zs1 @ b # zs2" by (force simp: split_list)
    with guessed(1) have "Steps ((a0 # ys) @ (a # zs1 @ [b]) @ zs2 @ [a])" by simp
    then have "Steps (a # zs1 @ [b])" by (blast dest!: Steps.steps_decomp)
    with zs = _ guessed * show ?case
      apply (inst_existentials "ys @ a # zs1" b "zs2 @ a # zs1")
      using Steps.steps_append[of "a0 # ys @ a # zs1 @ b # zs2 @ [a]" "a # zs1 @ [b]"]
      by auto
  case prems: (2 as a bs)
  with Steps.steps_decomp[of "a0 # as @ [a]" "bs @ [a]"] have "Steps (a0 # as @ [a])" by auto
  from P2_invariant_Steps[OF this] have "P2 a" by auto
  from Steps_run_cycle''[OF prems(1) this] prems this that show ?case
    apply safe
    subgoal for x xs b
      by (inst_existentials x xs) (auto elim!: alw_ev_mono)

end (* Context for Fixed Formula *)

end (* Double Simulation Finite Complete Abstraction *)

section ‹Encoding of Properties in Runs›

text ‹
  This approach only works if we assume strong compatibility of the property.
  For weak compatibility, encoding in the automaton is likely the right way.

context Double_Simulation_Complete_Abstraction_Prop

definition "C_φ x y  C x y  φ y"
definition "A1_φ a b  A1 a b  b  {x. φ x}"
definition "A2_φ S S'   S''. A2 S S''  S''  {x. φ x} = S'  S'  {}"

lemma A2_φ_P2_invariant:
  "P2 a" if "A2_φ** a0 a"
proof -
  interpret invariant: Graph_Invariant_Start A2_φ a0 P2
    by standard (auto intro: φ_P2_compatible P2_invariant P2_a0 simp: A2_φ_def)
  from invariant.invariant_reaches[OF that] show ?thesis .

sublocale phi: Double_Simulation_Complete C_φ A1_φ P1 A2_φ P2 a0
proof (standard, goal_cases)
  case (1 S T)
  then show ?case unfolding A1_φ_def C_φ_def by (auto 4 4 dest: φ_A1_compatible prestable)
  case (2 y b a)
  then obtain c where "A2 a c" "c  {x. φ x} = b" unfolding A2_φ_def by auto
  with y  _ have "y  closure c" by (auto dest: closure_intD)
  moreover have "y  {x. φ x}"
    by (smt "2"(1) φ_A1_compatible A2 a c c  {x. φ x} = b y  closure c closure_def
        closure_poststable inf_assoc inf_bot_right inf_commute mem_Collect_eq)
  ultimately show ?case using A2 a c unfolding A1_φ_def A2_φ_def
    by (auto dest: closure_poststable)
  case (3 x y)
  then show ?case by (rule P1_distinct)
  case 4
  then show ?case by (rule P1_finite)
  case (5 a)
  then show ?case by (rule P2_cover)
  case (6 x y S)
  then show ?case unfolding C_φ_def A2_φ_def by (auto dest!: complete)
  case (7 a a')
  then show ?case unfolding A2_φ_def by (auto intro: P2_invariant φ_P2_compatible)
  case 8
  then show ?case by (rule P2_a0)

lemma phi_run_iff:
  " (x ## xs)  φ x  run (x ## xs)  pred_stream φ (x ## xs)"
proof -
  have " xs" if "run xs" "pred_stream φ xs" for xs
    using that by (coinduction arbitrary: xs) (auto elim: run.cases simp: C_φ_def)
  moreover have "run xs" if " xs" for xs
    using that by (coinduction arbitrary: xs) (auto elim: simp: C_φ_def)
  moreover have "pred_stream φ xs" if " (x ## xs)" "φ x"
    using that by (coinduction arbitrary: xs x) (auto 4 3 elim: simp: C_φ_def)
  ultimately show ?thesis by auto

end (* Double Simulation Complete Abstraction Prop *)

context Double_Simulation_Finite_Complete_Abstraction_Prop

sublocale phi: Double_Simulation_Finite_Complete C_φ A1_φ P1 A2_φ P2 a0
proof (standard, goal_cases)
  case 1
  have "{a. A2_φ** a0 a}  {a. Steps.reaches a0 a}"
    apply safe
    subgoal premises prems for x
        using prems
        proof (induction x1  a0 x rule: rtranclp.induct)
          case rtrancl_refl
          then show ?case by blast
          case prems: (rtrancl_into_rtrancl b c)
          then have "c  {}"
            by - (rule P2_non_empty, auto intro: A2_φ_P2_invariant)
          from A2_φ b c obtain S'' x where
            "A2 b S''" "c = S''  {x. φ x}" "x  S''" "φ x"
            unfolding A2_φ_def by auto
          with prems c  {} φ_A2_compatible[of S''] show ?case
            including graph_automation_aggressive by auto
  then show ?case (is "finite ?S") using finite_abstract_reachable by (rule finite_subset)

corollary infinite_run_cycle_iff:
  "( x0 xs. x0  a0  run (x0 ## xs)  pred_stream φ (x0 ## xs)) 
   ( as a bs. phi.Steps (a0 # as @ a # bs @ [a]))"
  if "(closure a0) = a0" "a0  {x. φ x}"
  unfolding phi.infinite_run_cycle_iff[OF that(1) P2_a0, symmetric] phi_run_iff[symmetric]
  using that(2) by auto

theorem Alw_ev_mc:
  "( x0  a0. Alw_ev (Not o φ) x0)  ¬ ( as a bs. phi.Steps (a0 # as @ a # bs @ [a]))"
  if "(closure a0) = a0" "a0  {x. φ x}"
  unfolding Alw_ev alw_holds_pred_stream_iff infinite_run_cycle_iff[OF that, symmetric]
  by (auto simp: comp_def)

end (* Double Simulation Finite Complete Abstraction Prop *)

context Simulation_Graph_Defs

definition "represent_run x as = x ## sscan (λ b x. SOME y. C x y  y  b) as x"

lemma represent_run_ctr:
  "represent_run x as = x ## represent_run (SOME y. C x y  y  shd as) (stl as)"
  unfolding represent_run_def by (subst sscan.ctr) (rule HOL.refl)

end (* Simulation Graph Defs *)

context Simulation_Graph_Prestable

lemma represent_run_Run:
  "run (represent_run x as)" if "Run (a ## as)" "x  a"
using that
proof (coinduction arbitrary: a x as)
  case (run a x as)
  obtain b bs where "as = b ## bs" by (metis stream.collapse)
  with run have "A a b" "Run (b ## bs)" by (auto elim:
  from prestable[OF A a b] x  a obtain y where "C x y  y  b" by auto
  then have "C x (SOME y. C x y  y  b)  (SOME y. C x y  y  b)  b" by (rule someI)
  then show ?case using Run (b ## bs) unfolding as = _
    apply (subst represent_run_ctr, simp)
    apply (subst represent_run_ctr, simp)
    by (auto simp: represent_run_ctr[symmetric])

lemma represent_run_represent:
  "stream_all2 (∈) (represent_run x as) (a ## as)" if "Run (a ## as)" "x  a"
using that
proof (coinduction arbitrary: a x as)
  case (stream_rel x' xs a' as' a x as)
  obtain b bs where "as = b ## bs" by (metis stream.collapse)
  with stream_rel have "A a b" "Run (b ## bs)" by (auto elim:
  from prestable[OF A a b] x  a obtain y where "C x y  y  b" by auto
  then have "C x (SOME y. C x y  y  b)  (SOME y. C x y  y  b)  b" by (rule someI)
  with x' ## xs = _ a' ## as' = _ x  a Run (b ## bs) show ?case unfolding as = _
    by (subst (asm) represent_run_ctr) auto

end (* Simulation Graph Prestable *)

context Simulation_Graph_Complete_Prestable

lemma step_bisim:
  "y'. C x' y'  (a. P a  y  a  y'  a)" if "C x y" "x  a" "x'  a" "P a"
proof -
  from complete[OF C x y _ P a x  a] obtain b' where "A a b'" "y  b'"
    by auto
  from prestable[OF A a b'] x'  a obtain y' where "y'  b'" "C x' y'"
    by auto
  with P a A a b' y  b' show ?thesis
    by auto

sublocale steps_bisim:
  Bisimulation_Invariant C C "λ x y.  a. P a  x  a  y  a" "λ _. True" "λ _. True"
  by (standard; meson step_bisim)

lemma runs_bisim:
  " ys. run (y ## ys)  stream_all2 (λ x y.  a. x  a  y  a  P a) xs ys"
  if "run (x ## xs)" "x  a" "y  a" "P a"
  using that
  by - (drule steps_bisim.bisim.A_B.simulation_run[of _ _ y],
        auto elim!: stream_all2_weaken simp: steps_bisim.equiv'_def

lemma runs_bisim':
  " ys. run (y ## ys)" if "run (x ## xs)" "x  a" "y  a" "P a"
  using runs_bisim[OF that] by blast

  fixes Q :: "'a  bool"
  assumes compatible: "Q x  x  a  y  a  P a  Q y"

lemma Alw_ev_compatible':
  assumes "xs. run (x ## xs)  ev (holds Q) (x ## xs)" "run (y ## xs)" "x  a" "y  a" "P a"
  shows "ev (holds Q) (y ## xs)"
proof -
  from assms obtain ys where "run (x ## ys)" "stream_all2 steps_bisim.equiv' xs ys"
    by (auto 4 3 simp: steps_bisim.equiv'_def dest: steps_bisim.bisim.A_B.simulation_run)
  with assms(1) have "ev (holds Q) (x ## ys)"
    by auto
  from stream_all2 _ _ _ assms have "stream_all2 steps_bisim.B_A.equiv' (x ## ys) (y ## xs)"
    by (fastforce
          simp: steps_bisim.equiv'_def steps_bisim.A_B.equiv'_def
          intro: steps_bisim.stream_all2_rotate_2
  then show ?thesis
    by - (rule steps_bisim.ev_ψ_φ[OF _ _ ev _ _],
          auto dest: compatible simp: steps_bisim.A_B.equiv'_def

lemma Alw_ev_compatible:
  "Alw_ev Q x  Alw_ev Q y" if "x  a" "y  a" "P a"
  unfolding Alw_ev_def using that by (auto intro: Alw_ev_compatible')

end (* Context for Compatibility *)

lemma steps_bisim:
  " ys. steps (y # ys)  list_all2 (λ x y.  a. x  a  y  a  P a) xs ys"
  if "steps (x # xs)" "x  a" "y  a" "P a"
  using that
  by (auto 4 4
      dest: steps_bisim.bisim.A_B.simulation_steps
      intro: list_all2_mono simp: steps_bisim.equiv'_def

end (* Simulation Graph Complete Prestable *)

context Subgraph_Node_Defs

lemma subgraph_runD:
  "run xs" if "G'.run xs"
  by (metis G'.run.cases run.coinduct subgraph that)

lemma subgraph_V_all:
  "pred_stream V xs" if "G'.run xs"
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) G'.run.simps Subgraph_Node_Defs.E'_V1 stream.inject stream_pred_coinduct that)

lemma subgraph_runI:
  "G'.run xs" if "pred_stream V xs" "run xs"
  using that 
  by (coinduction arbitrary: xs) (metis Subgraph_Node_Defs.E'_def run.cases stream.pred_inject)

lemma subgraph_run_iff:
  "G'.run xs  pred_stream V xs  run xs"
  using subgraph_V_all subgraph_runD subgraph_runI by blast


context Double_Simulation_Finite_Complete_Abstraction_Prop_Bisim

sublocale sim_complete: Simulation_Graph_Complete_Prestable C_φ A1_φ P1
  by (standard; force dest: P1_invariant φ_A1_compatible A1_complete simp: C_φ_def A1_φ_def)

lemma runs_closure_bisim:
  "y ys. y  a0 (y ## ys)" if " (x ## xs)" "x  (phi.closure a0)"
  using that(2) sim_complete.runs_bisim'[OF that(1)] unfolding phi.closure_def by auto

lemma infinite_run_cycle_iff':
  "(x0 xs. x0  a0 (x0 ## xs)) = (as a bs. phi.Steps (a0 # as @ a # bs @ [a]))"
  by (intro phi.infinite_run_cycle_iff' P2_a0 runs_closure_bisim)

corollary infinite_run_cycle_iff:
  "( x0 xs. x0  a0  run (x0 ## xs)  pred_stream φ (x0 ## xs)) 
   ( as a bs. phi.Steps (a0 # as @ a # bs @ [a]))"
  if "a0  {x. φ x}"
  unfolding infinite_run_cycle_iff'[symmetric] phi_run_iff[symmetric] using that by auto

theorem Alw_ev_mc:
  "( x0  a0. Alw_ev (Not o φ) x0)  ¬ ( as a bs. phi.Steps (a0 # as @ a # bs @ [a]))"
  if "a0  {x. φ x}"
  unfolding Alw_ev alw_holds_pred_stream_iff infinite_run_cycle_iff[OF that, symmetric]
  by (auto simp: comp_def)

(* XXX Move? *)
lemma phi_Steps_Alw_ev:
  "¬ ( as a bs. phi.Steps (a0 # as @ a # bs @ [a]))  phi.Steps.Alw_ev (λ _. False) a0"
  unfolding phi.Steps.Alw_ev
  by (auto 4 3 dest:
      sdrop_wait phi.Steps_finite.run_finite_state_set_cycle_steps phi.Steps_finite.cycle_steps_run
      simp: not_alw_iff comp_def

theorem Alw_ev_mc':
  "( x0  a0. Alw_ev (Not o φ) x0)  phi.Steps.Alw_ev (λ _. False) a0"
  if "a0  {x. φ x}"
  unfolding Alw_ev_mc[OF that] phi_Steps_Alw_ev[symmetric] ..

end (* Double Simulation Finite Complete Abstraction Prop *)

context Graph_Start_Defs

interpretation Bisimulation_Invariant E E "(=)" reachable reachable
  including graph_automation by standard auto

lemma Alw_alw_iff_default:
  "Alw_alw φ x  Alw_alw ψ x" if " x. reachable x  φ x  ψ x" "reachable x"
  by (rule Alw_alw_iff_strong) (auto simp: that A_B.equiv'_def)

lemma Alw_ev_iff_default:
  "Alw_ev φ x  Alw_ev ψ x" if " x. reachable x  φ x  ψ x" "reachable x"
  by (rule Alw_ev_iff) (auto simp: that A_B.equiv'_def)

end (* Graph Start Defs *)

context Double_Simulation_Complete_Bisim_Cover

lemma P2_closure_subs:
  "a  (closure a)" if "P2 a"
  using P2_P1_cover[OF that] unfolding closure_def by fastforce

lemma (in Double_Simulation_Complete) P2_Steps_last:
  "P2 (last as)" if "Steps as" "a0 = hd as"
  using that by - (cases as, auto dest!: P2_invariant_Steps simp: list_all_iff P2_a0)

lemma (in Double_Simulation) compatible_closure:
  assumes compatible: " a x y. x  a  y  a  P1 a  P x  P y"
      and " x  a. P x"
    shows " x  (closure a). P x"
  unfolding closure_def using assms(2) by (auto dest: compatible)

lemma compatible_closure_all_iff:
  assumes compatible: " a x y. x  a  y  a  P1 a  P x  P y" and "P2 a"
  shows "( x  a. P x)  ( x  (closure a). P x)"
  using P2 a by (auto dest!: P2_closure_subs dest: compatible simp: closure_def)

lemma compatible_closure_ex_iff:
  assumes compatible: " a x y. x  a  y  a  P1 a  P x  P y" and "P2 a"
  shows "( x  a. P x)  ( x  (closure a). P x)"
  using P2 a by (auto 4 3 dest!: P2_closure_subs dest: compatible P2_cover simp: closure_def)

lemma (in Double_Simulation_Complete_Bisim) no_deadlock_closureI:
  " x0  (closure a0). ¬ deadlock x0" if " x0  a0. ¬ deadlock x0"
  using that by - (rule compatible_closure, simp, rule bisim.steps_bisim.deadlock_iff, auto)

  fixes P
  assumes P1_P: " a x y. x  a  y  a  P1 a  P x  P y"

lemma reaches_all_1:
  fixes b :: "'a set" and y :: "'a" and as :: "'a set list"
  assumes A: "y. (x0(closure (hd as)). xs. hd xs = x0  last xs = y  steps xs)  P y"
     and "y  last as" and "a0 = hd as" and "Steps as"
  shows "P y"
proof -
  from assms obtain bs where [simp]: "as = a0 # bs" by (cases as) auto
  from Steps_Union[OF Steps _] have "post_defs.Steps (map closure as)" .
  from Steps as a0 = _ have "P2 (last as)"
    by (rule P2_Steps_last)
  obtain b2 where b2: "y  b2" "b2  last (closure a0 # map closure bs)"
    apply atomize_elim
    apply simp
    apply safe
    using y  _ P2_closure_subs[OF P2 (last as)]
    by (auto simp: last_map)
  with post.Steps_poststable[OF post_defs.Steps _, of b2] obtain as' where as':
    "pre_defs.Steps as'" "list_all2 (∈) as' (closure a0 # map closure bs)" "last as' = b2"
    by auto
  then obtain x0 where "x0  hd as'"
    by (cases as') (auto split: if_split_asm simp: closure_def)
  from pre.Steps_prestable[OF pre_defs.Steps _ x0  _] obtain xs where
    "steps (x0 # xs)" "list_all2 (∈) (x0 # xs) as'"
    by auto
  from x0  _ list_all2 (∈) as' _ have "x0  (closure a0)"
    by (cases as') auto
  with A steps _ have "P (last (x0 # xs))"
    by fastforce
  from as' have "P1 b2"
    using b2 by (auto simp: closure_def last_map split: if_split_asm)
  from list_all2 (∈) as' _ list_all2 (∈) _ as' _ = b2 have "last (x0 # xs)  b2"
     by (fastforce dest!: list_all2_last)
  from P1_P[OF this y  b2 P1 b2] P _ show "P y" ..

lemma reaches_all_2:
  fixes x0 a xs
  assumes A: "b y. (xs. hd xs = a0  last xs = b  Steps xs)  y  b  P y"
    and "hd xs  a" and "a  closure a0" and "steps xs"
  shows "P (last xs)"
proof -
    fix y x0 xs
    assume "hd xs  a0" and "steps xs"
    then obtain x ys where [simp]: "xs = x # ys" "x  a0" by (cases xs) auto
    from steps_complete[of x ys a0] steps xs P2_a0 obtain as where
      "Steps (a0 # as)" "list_all2 (∈) ys as"
      by auto
    then have "last xs  last (a0 # as)"
      by (fastforce dest: list_all2_last)
    with A Steps _ x  _ have "P (last xs)"
      by (force split: if_split_asm)
  } note * = this
  from a  closure a0 obtain x where x: "x  a" "x  a0" "P1 a"
    by (auto simp: closure_def)
  with hd xs  a steps xs bisim.steps_bisim[of "hd xs" "tl xs" a x] obtain xs' where
    "hd xs' = x" "steps xs'" "list_all2 (λ x y.  a. x  a  y  a  P1 a) xs xs'"
    apply atomize_elim
    apply clarsimp
    subgoal for ys
      by (inst_existentials "x # ys"; force simp: list_all2_Cons2)
  with *[of xs'] x have "P (last xs')"
    by auto
  from steps xs list_all2 _ xs xs' obtain b where "last xs  b" "last xs'  b" "P1 b"
    by atomize_elim (fastforce dest!: list_all2_last)
  from P1_P[OF this] P (last xs') show "P (last xs)" ..

lemma reaches_all:
  "( y. ( x0(closure a0). reaches x0 y)  P y)  ( b y. Steps.reaches a0 b  y  b  P y)"
  unfolding reaches_steps_iff Steps.reaches_steps_iff using reaches_all_1 reaches_all_2 by auto

lemma reaches_all':
  "(x0(closure a0). y. reaches x0 y  P y) = (y. Steps.reaches a0 y  (xy. P x))"
  using reaches_all by auto

lemma reaches_all'':
  "( y.  x0a0. reaches x0 y  P y)  ( b y. Steps.reaches a0 b  y  b  P y)"
proof -
  have "(x0a0. y. reaches x0 y  P y)  (x0(closure a0). y. reaches x0 y  P y)"
    apply (rule compatible_closure_all_iff[OF _ P2_a0])
    apply safe
    subgoal for a x y y'
      by (blast dest: P1_P bisim.steps_bisim.A_B.simulation_reaches[of _ _ x])
    subgoal for a x y y'
      by (blast dest: P1_P bisim.steps_bisim.A_B.simulation_reaches[of _ _ y])
  from this[unfolded reaches_all'] show ?thesis
    by auto

lemma reaches_ex:
  "(y. x0(closure a0). reaches x0 y  P y) = (b y. Steps.reaches a0 b  y  b  P y)"
proof (safe, goal_cases)
  case (1 y x0 X)
  then obtain x where "x  X" "x  a0" "P1 X"
    unfolding closure_def by auto
  with x0  _ reaches _ _ obtain y' Y where "reaches x y'" "P1 Y" "y'  Y" "y  Y"
    by (auto dest: bisim.steps_bisim.A_B.simulation_reaches[of _ _ x])
  with simulation.simulation_reaches[OF reaches x y' x  a0 _ P2_a0] P _ show ?case
    by (auto dest: P1_P)
  case (2 b y)
  with y  b obtain Y where "y  Y" "Y  closure b" "P1 Y"
    unfolding closure_def
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) P2_P1_cover P2_invariant.invariant_reaches mem_Collect_eq)
  from closure_reaches[OF Steps.reaches _ _] have
    "post_defs.Steps.reaches (closure a0) (closure b)"
    by auto
  from post.reaches_poststable[OF this Y  _] obtain X where
    "X  closure a0 " "pre_defs.Steps.reaches X Y"
    by auto
  then obtain x where "x  X" "x  a0"
    unfolding closure_def by auto
  from pre.reaches_prestable[OF pre_defs.Steps.reaches X Y x  X] obtain y' where
    "reaches x y'" "y'  Y"
    by auto
  with x  X X  _ P y P1 Y y  Y show ?case
    by (auto dest: P1_P)

lemma reaches_ex':
  "( y.  x0a0. reaches x0 y  P y)  ( b y. Steps.reaches a0 b  y  b  P y)"
proof -
  (* XXX Move this one and others *)
  have "(x0a0. y. reaches x0 y  P y)  (x0(closure a0). y. reaches x0 y  P y)"
    apply (rule compatible_closure_ex_iff[OF _ P2_a0])
    apply safe
    subgoal for a x y y'
      by (blast dest: P1_P bisim.steps_bisim.A_B.simulation_reaches[of _ _ y])
    subgoal for a x y y'
      by (blast dest: P1_P bisim.steps_bisim.A_B.simulation_reaches[of _ _ x])
  from this reaches_ex show ?thesis
    by auto

end (* Context for Compatibility *)

lemma (in Double_Simulation_Complete_Bisim) P1_deadlocked_compatible:
  "deadlocked x = deadlocked y" if "x  a" "y  a" "P1 a" for x y a
  unfolding deadlocked_def using that apply auto
    using A1_complete prestable by blast
  subgoal using A1_complete prestable by blast

lemma steps_Steps_no_deadlock:
  "¬ Steps.deadlock a0"
  if no_deadlock: " x0  (closure a0). ¬ deadlock x0"
proof -
  from P1_deadlocked_compatible have
    "(y. (x0(closure a0). reaches x0 y)  (Not  deadlocked) y) =
     (b y. Steps.reaches a0 b  y  b  (Not  deadlocked) y)"
    using reaches_all[of "Not o deadlocked"] unfolding comp_def by blast
  then show "¬ Steps.deadlock a0"
    using no_deadlock
    unfolding Steps.deadlock_def deadlock_def
    apply safe
      by (simp add: Graph_Defs.deadlocked_def)
         (metis  P2_cover P2_invariant.invariant_reaches disjoint_iff_not_equal simulation.A_B_step)
      by auto

lemma steps_Steps_no_deadlock1:
  "¬ Steps.deadlock a0"
  if no_deadlock: " x0  a0. ¬ deadlock x0" and closure_simp: "(closure a0) = a0"
  using steps_Steps_no_deadlock[unfolded closure_simp, OF no_deadlock] .

lemma Alw_alw_iff:
  "( x0  (closure a0). Alw_alw P x0)  Steps.Alw_alw (λ a.  c  a. P c) a0"
  if P1_P: " a x y. x  a  y  a  P1 a  P x  P y"
  and no_deadlock: " x0  (closure a0). ¬ deadlock x0"
proof -
  from steps_Steps_no_deadlock[OF no_deadlock] show ?thesis
  by (simp add: Alw_alw_iff Steps.Alw_alw_iff no_deadlock  Steps.Ex_ev Ex_ev)
     (rule reaches_all'[simplified]; erule P1_P; assumption)

lemma Alw_alw_iff1:
  "( x0  a0. Alw_alw P x0)  Steps.Alw_alw (λ a.  c  a. P c) a0"
  if P1_P: " a x y. x  a  y  a  P1 a  P x  P y"
  and no_deadlock: " x0  a0. ¬ deadlock x0" and closure_simp: "(closure a0) = a0"
  using Alw_alw_iff[OF P1_P] no_deadlock unfolding closure_simp by auto

lemma Alw_alw_iff2:
  "( x0  a0. Alw_alw P x0)  Steps.Alw_alw (λ a.  c  a. P c) a0"
  if P1_P: " a x y. x  a  y  a  P1 a  P x  P y"
  and no_deadlock: " x0  a0. ¬ deadlock x0"
proof -
  have "( x0  a0. Alw_alw P x0)  ( x0  (closure a0). Alw_alw P x0)"
    apply -
    apply (rule compatible_closure_all_iff, rule bisim.steps_bisim.Alw_alw_iff_strong)
    unfolding bisim.steps_bisim.A_B.equiv'_def
    by (blast intro: P2_a0 dest: P1_P)+
  also have "  Steps.Alw_alw (λ a.  c  a. P c) a0"
    by (rule Alw_alw_iff[OF P1_P no_deadlock_closureI[OF no_deadlock]])
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma Steps_all_Alw_ev:
  " x0  a0. Alw_ev P x0" if "Steps.Alw_ev (λ a.  c  a. P c) a0"
  using that unfolding Alw_ev_def Steps.Alw_ev_def
  apply safe
  apply (drule run_complete[OF _ _ P2_a0], assumption)
  apply safe
  apply (elim allE impE, assumption)
  subgoal premises prems for x xs as
    using prems(4,3,1)
    by (induction "a0 ## as" arbitrary: a0 as x xs rule: ev.induct)
       (auto 4 3 elim: stream.rel_cases intro: ev_Stream)

lemma closure_compatible_Steps_all_ex_iff:
  "Steps.Alw_ev (λ a.  c  a. P c) a0  Steps.Alw_ev (λ a.  c  a. P c) a0"
  if closure_P: " a x y. x  a  y  a  P2 a  P x  P y"
proof -
  interpret Bisimulation_Invariant A2 A2 "(=)" P2 P2
    by standard auto
  show ?thesis
    using P2_a0
    by - (rule Alw_ev_iff, unfold A_B.equiv'_def; meson P2_cover closure_P disjoint_iff_not_equal)

lemma (in -) compatible_imp:
  assumes " a x y. x  a  y  a  P1 a  P x  P y"
      and " a x y. x  a  y  a  P1 a  Q x  Q y"
    shows " a x y. x  a  y  a  P1 a  (Q x  P x)  (Q y  P y)"
  using assms by metis

lemma Leadsto_iff:
  "( x0  (closure a0). leadsto P Q x0)  Steps.Alw_alw (λa. ca. P c  Alw_ev Q c) a0"
  if  P1_P: " a x y. x  a  y  a  P1 a  P x  P y"
  and P1_Q: " a x y. x  a  y  a  P1 a  Q x  Q y"
  and no_deadlock: " x0  (closure a0). ¬ deadlock x0"
  unfolding leadsto_def
  by (subst Alw_alw_iff[OF _ no_deadlock],
      intro compatible_imp bisim.Alw_ev_compatible,
      (subst (asm) P1_Q; force), (assumption | intro HOL.refl P1_P)+

lemma Leadsto_iff1:
  "( x0  a0. leadsto P Q x0)  Steps.Alw_alw (λa. ca. P c  Alw_ev Q c) a0"
  if  P1_P: " a x y. x  a  y  a  P1 a  P x  P y"
  and P1_Q: " a x y. x  a  y  a  P1 a  Q x  Q y"
  and no_deadlock: " x0  a0. ¬ deadlock x0" and closure_simp: "(closure a0) = a0"
  by (subst closure_simp[symmetric], rule Leadsto_iff)
     (auto simp: closure_simp no_deadlock dest: P1_Q P1_P)

lemma Leadsto_iff2:
  "( x0  a0. leadsto P Q x0)  Steps.Alw_alw (λa. ca. P c  Alw_ev Q c) a0"
  if  P1_P: " a x y. x  a  y  a  P1 a  P x  P y"
  and P1_Q: " a x y. x  a  y  a  P1 a  Q x  Q y"
  and no_deadlock: " x0  a0. ¬ deadlock x0"
proof -
  have "( x0  a0. leadsto P Q x0)  ( x0  (closure a0). leadsto P Q x0)"
    apply -
    apply (rule compatible_closure_all_iff, rule bisim.steps_bisim.Leadsto_iff)
    unfolding bisim.steps_bisim.A_B.equiv'_def by (blast intro: P2_a0 dest: P1_P P1_Q)+
  also have "  Steps.Alw_alw (λa. ca. P c  Alw_ev Q c) a0"
    by (rule Leadsto_iff[OF _ _ no_deadlock_closureI[OF no_deadlock]]; rule P1_P P1_Q)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma (in -) compatible_convert1:
  assumes " x y a. P x  x  a  y  a  P1 a  P y"
  shows " a x y. x  a  y  a  P1 a  P x  P y"
    by (auto intro: assms)

lemma (in -) compatible_convert2:
  assumes " a x y. x  a  y  a  P1 a  P x  P y"
  shows " x y a. P x  x  a  y  a  P1 a  P y"
  using assms by meson

lemma (in Double_Simulation_Defs)
  assumes compatible: " x y a. P x  x  a  y  a  P1 a  P y"
    and that: " x  a. P x"
  shows " x  (closure a). P x"
  using that unfolding closure_def by (auto dest: compatible)

end (* Double Simulation Finite Complete Bisim *)

context Double_Simulation_Finite_Complete_Bisim_Cover

lemma Alw_ev_Steps_ex:
  "( x0  (closure a0). Alw_ev P x0)  Steps.Alw_ev (λ a.  c  a. P c) a0"
  if closure_P: " a x y. x  (closure a)  y  (closure a)  P2 a  P x  P y"
  unfolding Alw_ev Steps.Alw_ev
  apply safe
  apply (frule Steps_finite.run_finite_state_set_cycle_steps)
  apply clarify
  apply (frule Steps_run_cycle'')
   apply (auto dest!: P2_invariant.invariant_run simp: stream.pred_set; fail)
  unfolding that
   apply clarify
  subgoal premises prems for xs x ys zs x' xs' R
  proof -
    from x'  R R  _ that have x'  (closure a0)
      by auto
    with prems(5,9) have
      " c  {x'}  sset xs'.  y  {a0}  sset xs. c  (closure y)"
      by fast
    with prems(3) have *:
      " c  {x'}  sset xs'.  y  {a0}  sset xs. c  (closure y)  ( c  y. ¬ P c)"
      unfolding alw_holds_sset by simp
    from Run _ have **: "P2 y" if "y  {a0}  sset xs" for y
      using that by (auto dest!: P2_invariant.invariant_run simp: stream.pred_set)
    have ***: "¬ P c" if "c  (closure y)" " d  y. ¬ P d" "P2 y" for c y
    proof -
      from that P2_cover[OF P2 y] obtain d where "d  y" "d  (closure y)"
        by (fastforce dest!: P2_closure_subs)
      with that closure_P show ?thesis
        by blast
    from * have " c  {x'}  sset xs'. ¬ P c"
      by (fastforce intro: ** dest!: ***[rotated])
    with prems(1) run _ x'  (closure _) show ?thesis
      unfolding alw_holds_sset by auto

lemma Alw_ev_Steps_ex2:
  "( x0  a0. Alw_ev P x0)  Steps.Alw_ev (λ a.  c  a. P c) a0"
  if  closure_P: " a x y. x  (closure a)  y  (closure a)  P2 a  P x  P y"
  and P1_P: " a x y. x  a  y  a  P1 a  P x  P y"
proof -
  have "( x0  a0. Alw_ev P x0)  ( x0  (closure a0). Alw_ev P x0)"
    by (intro compatible_closure_all_iff bisim.Alw_ev_compatible; auto dest: P1_P simp: P2_a0)
  also have "  Steps.Alw_ev (λ a.  c  a. P c) a0"
    by (intro Alw_ev_Steps_ex that)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma Alw_ev_Steps_ex1:
  "( x0  a0. Alw_ev P x0)  Steps.Alw_ev (λ a.  c  a. P c) a0" if "(closure a0) = a0"
  and closure_P: " a x y. x  (closure a)  y  (closure a)  P2 a  P x  P y"
  by (subst that(1)[symmetric]) (intro Alw_ev_Steps_ex closure_P; assumption)

lemma closure_compatible_Alw_ev_Steps_iff:
  "( x0  a0. Alw_ev P x0)  Steps.Alw_ev (λ a.  c  a. P c) a0"
  if closure_P: " a x y. x  (closure a)  y  (closure a)  P2 a  P x  P y"
    and P1_P: " a x y. x  a  y  a  P1 a  P x  P y"
  apply standard
    apply (subst closure_compatible_Steps_all_ex_iff[OF closure_P])
       prefer 4
       apply (rule Alw_ev_Steps_ex2[OF that, rule_format])
    by (auto dest!: P2_closure_subs)
  by (rule Steps_all_Alw_ev) (auto dest: P2_closure_subs)

lemma Leadsto_iff':
  "( x0  a0. leadsto P Q x0)
    Steps.Alw_alw (λ a. ( c  a. P c)  Steps.Alw_ev (λ a.  c  a. Q c) a) a0"
  if  P1_P: " a x y. x  a  y  a  P1 a  P x  P y"
    and P1_Q: " a x y. x  a  y  a  P1 a  Q x  Q y"
    and closure_Q: " a x y. x  (closure a)  y  (closure a)  P2 a  Q x  Q y"
    and closure_P: " a x y. x  a  y  a  P2 a  P x  P y"
    and no_deadlock: " x0  a0. ¬ deadlock x0" and closure_simp: "(closure a0) = a0"
  apply (subst Leadsto_iff1, (rule that; assumption)+)
    apply (rule P2_invariant.Alw_alw_iff_default)
    subgoal premises prems for a
    proof -
      have "P2 a"
        by (rule P2_invariant.invariant_reaches[OF prems[unfolded Graph_Start_Defs.reachable_def]])
      interpret a: Double_Simulation_Finite_Complete_Bisim_Cover C A1 P1 A2 P2 a
        apply standard
              apply (rule complete; assumption; fail)
             apply (rule P2_invariant; assumption)
          by (fact P2 a)
        proof -
          have "{b. Steps.reaches a b}  {b. Steps.reaches a0 b}"
            by (blast intro: rtranclp_trans prems[unfolded Graph_Start_Defs.reachable_def])
          with finite_abstract_reachable show ?thesis
            by - (rule finite_subset)

          apply (rule A1_complete; assumption)
         apply (rule P1_invariant; assumption)
        apply (rule P2_P1_cover; assumption)
      from P2 a show ?thesis
        by - (subst a.closure_compatible_Alw_ev_Steps_iff[symmetric], (rule that; assumption)+,
            auto dest: closure_P intro: that

  fixes P :: "'a  bool" ― ‹The property we want to check›
  assumes closure_P: " a x y. x  (closure a)  y  (closure a)  P2 a  P x  P y"
  and P1_P: " a x y. P x  x  a  y  a  P1 a  P y"

lemma run_alw_ev_bisim:
  "run (x ## xs)  x  (closure a0)  alw (ev (holds P)) xs
        y ys. y  a0  run (y ## ys)  alw (ev (holds P)) ys"
  unfolding closure_def
  apply safe
  apply (rotate_tac 3)
  apply (drule bisim.runs_bisim, assumption+)
  apply (auto elim: P1_P dest: alw_ev_lockstep[of P _ _ _ P])

lemma φ_closure_compatible:
  "P2 a  x  (closure a)  P x  ( x  (closure a). P x)"
  using closure_P by blast

theorem infinite_buechi_run_cycle_iff:
  "( x0 xs. x0  (closure a0)  run (x0 ## xs)  alw (ev (holds P)) (x0 ## xs))
   ( as a bs. a  {}  post_defs.Steps (closure a0 # as @ a # bs @ [a])  ( x   a. P x))"
  by (rule
        φ_closure_compatible run_alw_ev_bisim P2_closure_subs
end (* Property *)

end (* Double Simulation Finite Complete Bisim Cover *)

text ‹Possible Solution›
context Graph_Invariant

definition "E_inv x y  E x y  P x  P y"

lemma bisim_E_inv:
  "Bisimulation_Invariant E E_inv (=) P P"
  by standard (auto intro: invariant simp: E_inv_def)

interpretation G_inv: Graph_Defs E_inv .

lemma steps_G_inv_steps:
  "steps (x # xs)  G_inv.steps (x # xs)" if "P x"
proof -
  interpret Bisimulation_Invariant E E_inv "(=)" P P
    by (rule bisim_E_inv)
  from P x show ?thesis
    by (auto 4 3 simp: equiv'_def list.rel_eq
        dest: bisim.A_B.simulation_steps bisim.B_A.simulation_steps
          list_all2_mono[of _ _ _ "(=)"]

end (* Graph Invariant *)

paragraph R_of›/from_R›

definition "R_of lR = snd ` lR"

definition "from_R l R = {(l, u) | u. u  R}"

lemma from_R_fst:
  "xfrom_R l R. fst x = l"
  unfolding from_R_def by auto

lemma R_of_from_R [simp]:
  "R_of (from_R l R) = R"
  unfolding R_of_def from_R_def image_def by auto

lemma from_R_loc:
  "l' = l" if "(l', u)  from_R l Z"
  using that unfolding from_R_def by auto

lemma from_R_val:
  "u  Z" if "(l', u)  from_R l Z"
  using that unfolding from_R_def by auto

lemma from_R_R_of:
  "from_R l (R_of S) = S" if " x  S. fst x = l"
  using that unfolding from_R_def R_of_def by force

lemma R_ofI[intro]:
  "Z  R_of S" if "(l, Z)  S"
  using that unfolding R_of_def by force

lemma from_R_I[intro]:
  "(l', u')  from_R l' Z'" if "u'  Z'"
  using that unfolding from_R_def by auto

lemma R_of_non_emptyD:
  "a  {}" if "R_of a  {}"
  using that unfolding R_of_def by simp

lemma R_of_empty[simp]:
  "R_of {} = {}"
  using R_of_non_emptyD by metis

lemma fst_simp:
  "x = l" if "xa. fst x = l" "(x, y)  a"
  using that by auto

lemma from_R_D:
  "u  Z" if "(l', u)  from_R l Z"
  using that unfolding from_R_def by auto

locale Double_Simulation_paired_Defs =
  fixes C :: "('a × 'b)  ('a × 'b)  bool" ― ‹Concrete step relation›
    and A1 :: "('a × 'b set)  ('a × 'b set)  bool"
    ― ‹Step relation for the first abstraction layer›
    and P1 :: "('a × 'b set)  bool" ― ‹Valid states of the first abstraction layer›
    and A2 :: "('a × 'b set)  ('a × 'b set)  bool"
    ― ‹Step relation for the second abstraction layer›
    and P2 :: "('a × 'b set)  bool" ― ‹Valid states of the second abstraction layer›

  "A1' = (λ lR lR'.  l l'. ( x  lR. fst x = l)  ( x  lR'. fst x = l')
     P1 (l, R_of lR)  A1 (l, R_of lR) (l', R_of lR')

  "A2' = (λ lR lR'.  l l'. ( x  lR. fst x = l)  ( x  lR'. fst x = l')
     P2 (l, R_of lR)  A2 (l, R_of lR) (l', R_of lR')

  "P1' = (λ lR.  l. ( x  lR. fst x = l)  P1 (l, R_of lR))"

  "P2' = (λ lR.  l. ( x  lR. fst x = l)  P2 (l, R_of lR))"

definition "closure' l a = {x. P1 (l, x)  a  x  {}}"

sublocale sim: Double_Simulation_Defs C A1' P1' A2' P2' .


locale Double_Simulation_paired = Double_Simulation_paired_Defs +
  assumes prestable: "P1 (l, S)  A1 (l, S) (l', T)   s  S.  s'  T. C (l, s) (l', s')"
      and closure_poststable:
        "s'  closure' l' y  P2 (l, x)  A2 (l, x) (l', y)
         sclosure' l x. A1 (l, s) (l', s')"
      and P1_distinct: "P1 (l, x)  P1 (l, y)  x  y  x  y = {}"
      and P1_finite: "finite {(l, x). P1 (l, x)}"
      and P2_cover: "P2 (l, a)   x. P1 (l, x)  x  a  {}"

sublocale sim: Double_Simulation C A1' P1' A2' P2'
proof (standard, goal_cases)
  case (1 S T)
  then show ?case
    unfolding A1'_def by (metis from_R_I from_R_R_of from_R_val prestable prod.collapse)
  case (2 s' y x)
  then show ?case
    unfolding A2'_def A1'_def sim.closure_def
    unfolding P1'_def
    apply clarify
    subgoal premises prems for l l1 l2
    proof -
      from prems have "l2 = l1"
        by force
      from prems have "R_of s'  closure' l1 (R_of y)"
        unfolding closure'_def by auto
      with A2 _ _ P2 _ closure_poststable[of "R_of s'" l1 "R_of y" l "R_of x"] obtain s where
        "s  closure' l (R_of x)" "A1 (l, s) (l1, R_of s')"
        by auto
      with prems from_R_fst R_of_from_R show ?thesis
        apply -
        unfolding l2 = l1
        apply (rule bexI[where x = "from_R l s"])
         apply (inst_existentials l l1)
            apply (simp add: from_R_fst; fail)+
          unfolding closure'_def by auto
         apply (simp; fail)
        unfolding closure'_def
        apply (intro CollectI conjI exI)
          apply fastforce
         apply fastforce
        apply (fastforce simp: R_of_def from_R_def)
  case (3 x y)
  then show ?case
    unfolding P1'_def using P1_distinct
    by (smt disjoint_iff_not_equal eq_fst_iff from_R_R_of from_R_val)
  case 4
  have "{x. l. (xx. fst x = l)  P1 (l, R_of x)}  (λ (l, x). from_R l x) ` {(l, x). P1 (l, x)}"
    using from_R_R_of image_iff by fastforce
  with P1_finite show ?case
    unfolding P1'_def by (auto elim: finite_subset)
  case (5 a)
  then show ?case
    unfolding P1'_def P2'_def
    apply clarify
    apply (frule P2_cover)
    apply clarify
    subgoal for l x
      apply (inst_existentials "from_R l x" l, (simp add: from_R_fst)+)
      using R_of_def by (fastforce simp: from_R_fst)

  assumes P2_invariant: "P2 a  A2 a a'  P2 a'"

(* This lemma could be more general by adding non-emptiness as an invariant
  (see use of double_sim.P2_cover below )
lemma A2_A2'_bisim: "Bisimulation_Invariant A2 A2' (λ (l, Z) b. b = from_R l Z) P2 P2'"
  apply standard
  subgoal A2_A2' for a b a'
    unfolding P2'_def
    apply clarify
    apply (inst_existentials "from_R (fst b) (snd b)")
    subgoal for x y l
      unfolding A2'_def
      apply simp
      apply (inst_existentials l)
      by (auto dest!: P2_cover simp: from_R_def)
    by clarsimp
  subgoal A2'_A2 for a a' b'
    using from_R_fst by (fastforce dest: sim.P2_cover simp: from_R_R_of A2'_def)
  subgoal P2_invariant for a b
    by (fact P2_invariant)
  subgoal P2'_invariant for a b
    unfolding P2'_def A2'_def using P2_invariant by blast

end (* Context for invariance of P2 *)

end (* Double Simulation paired *)

locale Double_Simulation_Complete_paired = Double_Simulation_paired +
  fixes l0 a0
  assumes complete: "C (l, x) (l', y)  x  S  P2 (l, S)   T. A2 (l, S) (l', T)  y  T"
  assumes P2_invariant: "P2 a  A2 a a'  P2 a'"
      and P2_a0': "P2 (l0, a0)"

interpretation Bisimulation_Invariant A2 A2' "λ (l, Z) b. b = from_R l Z" P2 P2'
  by (rule A2_A2'_bisim[OF P2_invariant])

sublocale Double_Simulation_Complete C A1' P1' A2' P2' "from_R l0 a0"
proof (standard, goal_cases)
  case prems: (1 x y S) ― ‹complete›
  then show ?case
    unfolding A2'_def P2'_def using from_R_fst
    by (clarify; cases x; cases y; simp; fastforce dest!: complete[of _ _ _ _ "R_of S"])
  case prems: (2 a a') ― ‹P2 invariant›
  then show ?case
    by (meson A2'_def P2'_def P2_invariant)
  case prems: 3 ― ‹P2 start›
  then show ?case
    using P2'_def P2_a0' from_R_fst by fastforce

sublocale P2_invariant': Graph_Invariant_Start A2 "(l0, a0)" P2
  by (standard; rule P2_a0')

end (* Double Simulation Complete paired *)

locale Double_Simulation_Finite_Complete_paired = Double_Simulation_Complete_paired +
  assumes finite_abstract_reachable: "finite {(l, a). A2** (l0, a0) (l, a)  P2 (l, a)}"

interpretation Bisimulation_Invariant A2 A2' "λ (l, Z) b. b = from_R l Z" P2 P2'
  by (rule A2_A2'_bisim[OF P2_invariant])

sublocale Double_Simulation_Finite_Complete C A1' P1' A2' P2' "from_R l0 a0"
proof (standard, goal_cases)
  case prems: 1 ― ‹The set of abstract reachable states is finite.›
  have *: " l. x = from_R l (R_of x)  A2** (l0, a0) (l, R_of x)"
    if "sim.Steps.reaches (from_R l0 a0) x" for x
    using bisim.B_A_reaches[OF that, of "(l0, a0)"] P2_a0' P2'_def equiv'_def from_R_fst by fastforce 
  have "{a. sim.Steps.reaches (from_R l0 a0) a}
     (λ (l, R). from_R l R) ` {(l, a). A2** (l0, a0) (l, a)  P2 (l, a)}"
    using P2_a0' by (fastforce dest: * intro: P2_invariant'.invariant_reaches)
  then show ?case
    using finite_abstract_reachable by (auto elim!: finite_subset)

end (* Double Simulation Finite Complete paired *)

locale Double_Simulation_Complete_Bisim_paired = Double_Simulation_Complete_paired +
  assumes A1_complete: "C (l, x) (l', y)  P1 (l,S)  x  S   T. A1 (l, S) (l', T)  y  T"
      and P1_invariant: "P1 (l, S)  A1 (l, S) (l', T)  P1 (l', T)"

sublocale Double_Simulation_Complete_Bisim C A1' P1' A2' P2' "from_R l0 a0"
proof (standard, goal_cases)
case (1 x y S)
  then show ?case
    unfolding A1'_def P1'_def
    apply (cases x; cases y; simp)
    apply (drule A1_complete[where S = "R_of S"])
      apply fastforce
     apply fastforce
    apply clarify
    subgoal for a b l' ba l T
      by (inst_existentials "from_R l' T" l l') (auto simp: from_R_fst)
  case (2 S T)
  then show ?case
    unfolding A1'_def P1'_def by (auto intro: P1_invariant)

end (* Double Simulation Complete Bisim paired *)

locale Double_Simulation_Finite_Complete_Bisim_paired = Double_Simulation_Finite_Complete_paired +

sublocale Double_Simulation_Finite_Complete_Bisim C A1' P1' A2' P2' "from_R l0 a0" ..

end (* Double Simulation Finite Complete Bisim paired *)

locale Double_Simulation_Complete_Bisim_Cover_paired =
  Double_Simulation_Complete_Bisim_paired +
  assumes P2_P1_cover: "P2 (l, a)  x  a   a'. a  a'  {}  P1 (l, a')  x  a'"

sublocale Double_Simulation_Complete_Bisim_Cover C A1' P1' A2' P2' "from_R l0 a0"
  apply standard
  unfolding P2'_def P1'_def
  apply clarify
  apply (drule P2_P1_cover, force)
  apply clarify
  subgoal for a aa b l a'
    by (inst_existentials "from_R l a'") (fastforce simp: from_R_fst)+

end (* Double Simulation Complete Bisim Cover paired *)

locale Double_Simulation_Finite_Complete_Bisim_Cover_paired =
  Double_Simulation_Complete_Bisim_Cover_paired +

sublocale Double_Simulation_Finite_Complete_Bisim_Cover C A1' P1' A2' P2' "from_R l0 a0" ..

end (* Double Simulation Finite Complete Bisim Cover paired *)

locale Double_Simulation_Complete_Abstraction_Prop_paired =
  Double_Simulation_Complete_paired +
  fixes P :: "'a  bool" ― ‹The property we want to check›
  assumes P2_non_empty: "P2 (l, a)  a  {}"

definition "φ = P o fst"

lemma P2_φ:
  "a  Collect φ = a" if "P2' a" "a  Collect φ  {}"
  using that unfolding φ_def P2'_def by (auto simp del: fst_conv)

sublocale Double_Simulation_Complete_Abstraction_Prop C A1' P1' A2' P2' "from_R l0 a0" φ
proof (standard, goal_cases)
  case (1 a b)
  then obtain l where "xb. fst x = l"
    unfolding A1'_def by fast
  then show ?case
    unfolding φ_def by (auto simp del: fst_conv)
  case (2 a)
  then show ?case
    by - (frule P2_φ, auto)
  case prems: (3 a)
  then have "P2' a"
    by (simp add: P2_invariant.invariant_reaches)
  from P2_φ[OF this] prems show ?case
    by simp
  case (4 a)
  then show ?case
    unfolding P2'_def by (auto dest!: P2_non_empty)

end (* Double Simulation Complete Abstraction Prop paired *)

locale Double_Simulation_Finite_Complete_Abstraction_Prop_paired =
  Double_Simulation_Complete_Abstraction_Prop_paired +

sublocale Double_Simulation_Finite_Complete_Abstraction_Prop C A1' P1' A2' P2' "from_R l0 a0" φ ..

end (* Double Simulation Finite Complete Abstraction Prop paired *)

locale Double_Simulation_Complete_Abstraction_Prop_Bisim_paired =
  Double_Simulation_Complete_Abstraction_Prop_paired +

interpretation bisim: Bisimulation_Invariant A2 A2' "λ (l, Z) b. b = from_R l Z" P2 P2'
  by (rule A2_A2'_bisim[OF P2_invariant])

sublocale Double_Simulation_Complete_Abstraction_Prop_Bisim
  C A1' P1' A2' P2' "from_R l0 a0" φ ..

lemma P2'_non_empty:
  "P2' a  a  {}"
  using P2_non_empty unfolding P2'_def by force

lemma from_R_int_φ[simp]:
  "from_R l R  Collect φ = from_R l R" if "P l"
  using from_R_fst that unfolding φ_def by fastforce

interpretation Gφ: Graph_Start_Defs
  "λ (l, Z) (l', Z'). A2 (l, Z) (l', Z')  P l'" "(l0, a0)" .

interpretation Bisimulation_Invariant "λ (l, Z) (l', Z'). A2 (l, Z) (l', Z')  P l'"
  A2_φ "λ (l, Z) b. b = from_R l Z" P2 P2'
  apply standard
  unfolding A2_φ_def
     apply clarify
  subgoal for l a l' a'
    apply (drule bisim.A_B_step)
    prefer 3
       apply assumption
      apply safe
    apply (frule P_invariant, assumption+)
    using from_R_fst by (fastforce simp: φ_def P2'_def dest!: P2'_non_empty)+
  subgoal for a a' b'
    apply clarify
    apply (drule bisim.B_A_step)
       prefer 2
       apply assumption
      apply safe
    apply (frule P2_invariant, assumption+)
    apply (subst (asm) (3) φ_def)
    apply simp
    apply (elim allE impE, assumption)
    using from_R_fst apply force
    apply (subst (asm) (2) from_R_int_φ)
    using from_R_fst by fastforce+
    by blast
    using φ_P2_compatible by blast

lemma from_R_subs_φ:
  "from_R l a  Collect φ" if "P l"
  using that unfolding φ_def from_R_def by auto

lemma P2'_from_R:
  " l' Z'. x = from_R l' Z'" if "P2' x"
  using that unfolding P2'_def by (fastforce dest: from_R_R_of)

lemma P2_from_R_list':
  " as'. map (λ(x, y). from_R x y) as' = as" if "list_all P2' as"
  by (rule list_all_map[OF _ that]) (auto dest!: P2'_from_R)

end (* Double Simulation Complete Abstraction Prop Bisim paired *)

locale Double_Simulation_Finite_Complete_Abstraction_Prop_Bisim_paired =
  Double_Simulation_Complete_Abstraction_Prop_Bisim_paired +

interpretation bisim: Bisimulation_Invariant A2 A2' "λ (l, Z) b. b = from_R l Z" P2 P2'
  by (rule A2_A2'_bisim[OF P2_invariant])

sublocale Double_Simulation_Finite_Complete_Abstraction_Prop_Bisim
  C A1' P1' A2' P2' "from_R l0 a0" φ ..

interpretation Gφ: Graph_Start_Defs
  "λ (l, Z) (l', Z'). A2 (l, Z) (l', Z')  P l'" "(l0, a0)" .

interpretation Bisimulation_Invariant "λ (l, Z) (l', Z'). A2 (l, Z) (l', Z')  P l'"
  A2_φ "λ (l, Z) b. b = from_R l Z" P2 P2'
  apply standard
  unfolding A2_φ_def
     apply clarify
  subgoal for l a l' a'
    apply (drule bisim.A_B_step)
    prefer 3
       apply assumption
      apply safe
    apply (frule P_invariant, assumption+)
    using from_R_fst by (fastforce simp: φ_def P2'_def dest!: P2'_non_empty)+
  subgoal for a a' b'
    apply clarify
    apply (drule bisim.B_A_step)
       prefer 2
       apply assumption
      apply safe
    apply (frule P2_invariant, assumption+)
    apply (subst (asm) (3) φ_def)
    apply simp
    apply (elim allE impE, assumption)
    using from_R_fst apply force
    apply (subst (asm) (2) from_R_int_φ)
    using from_R_fst by fastforce+
    by blast
    using φ_P2_compatible by blast

theorem Alw_ev_mc:
  "(x0a0. sim.Alw_ev (Not  φ) (l0, x0)) 
    ¬ P l0  (as a bs. Gφ.steps ((l0, a0) # as @ a # bs @ [a]))"
  apply (subst steps_map_equiv[of "λ (l, Z). from_R l Z" _ "from_R l0 a0"])
       apply force
      apply (clarsimp simp: from_R_def)
    by (fastforce dest!: P2'_non_empty)
     apply (simp; fail)
    apply (rule P2_a0'; fail)
   apply (rule phi.P2_a0; fail)
proof (cases "P l0", goal_cases)
  case 1
  have *: "(x0a0. sim.Alw_ev (Not  φ) (l0, x0))  (x0from_R l0 a0. sim.Alw_ev (Not  φ) x0)"
    unfolding from_R_def by auto
  from P _ show ?case
    unfolding *
    apply (subst Alw_ev_mc[OF from_R_subs_φ], assumption)
    apply (auto simp del: map_map)
    apply (frule phi.P2_invariant.invariant_steps)
    apply (auto dest!: P2'_from_R P2_from_R_list')
  case 2
  then have "x0a0. sim.Alw_ev (Not  φ) (l0, x0)"
    unfolding sim.Alw_ev_def by (force simp: φ_def)
  with ¬ P l0 show ?case
    by auto

theorem Alw_ev_mc1:
  "(x0a0. sim.Alw_ev (Not  φ) (l0, x0))  ¬ (P l0  (a. Gφ.reachable a  Gφ.reaches1 a a))"
  unfolding Alw_ev_mc using Gφ.reachable_cycle_iff by auto

end (* Double Simulation Finite Complete Abstraction Prop Bisim paired *)

context Double_Simulation_Complete_Bisim_Cover_paired

interpretation bisim: Bisimulation_Invariant A2 A2' "λ (l, Z) b. b = from_R l Z" P2 P2'
  by (rule A2_A2'_bisim[OF P2_invariant])

interpretation Start: Double_Simulation_Complete_Abstraction_Prop_Bisim_paired
  C A1 P1 A2 P2 l0 a0 "λ _. True"
  using P2_cover by - (standard, blast)

lemma sim_reaches_equiv:
  "P2_invariant'.reaches (l, Z) (l', Z')  sim.Steps.reaches (from_R l Z) (from_R l' Z')"
  if "P2 (l, Z)"
  apply (subst bisim.reaches_equiv[of "λ (l, Z). from_R l Z"])
      apply force
     apply clarsimp
    by (metis Int_emptyI R_of_from_R from_R_fst sim.P2_cover)
    apply (rule that)
    apply clarsimp
    using P2'_def from_R_fst that by force
  by auto

lemma reaches_all:
    " u u' R l. u  R  u'  R  P1 (l, R)  P l u  P l u'"
    "( u. ( x0(sim.closure (from_R l0 a0)). sim.reaches x0 (l, u))  P l u) 
     ( Z u. P2_invariant'.reaches (l0, a0) (l, Z)  u  Z  P l u)"
proof -
  let ?P = "λ (l, u). P l u"
  have *: "a x y. x  a  y  a  P1' a  ?P x = ?P y"
    unfolding P1'_def by clarsimp (subst assms[rotated 2], force+, metis fst_conv)+
  let ?P = "λ (l', u). l' = l  P l u"
  have *: "x  a  y  a  P1' a  ?P x = ?P y" for a x y
    by (frule *[of x a y], assumption+; auto simp: P1'_def; metis fst_conv)
    "(b. (ysim.closure (from_R l0 a0). x0y. sim.reaches x0 (l, b))  P l b) 
     (b ba. sim.Steps.reaches (from_R l0 a0) b  (l, ba)  b  P l ba)"
    unfolding sim.reaches_steps_iff sim.Steps.reaches_steps_iff
    apply safe
    subgoal for b b' xs
      apply (rule reaches_all_1[of ?P xs "(l, b')", simplified])
          apply (erule *; assumption; fail)
         apply (simp; fail)+

    subgoal premises prems for b y a b' xs
      apply (rule
          reaches_all_2[of ?P xs y, unfolded last xs = (l, b), simplified]
          apply (erule *; assumption; fail)
      using prems by auto
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding sim_reaches_equiv[OF P2_a0']
    apply simp
    subgoal premises prems
      apply safe
      subgoal for Z u
        unfolding from_R_def by auto
      subgoal for a u
        apply (frule P2_invariant.invariant_reaches)
        apply (auto dest!: Start.P2'_from_R simp: from_R_def)

  fixes P Q :: "'a  bool" ― ‹The state properties we want to check›

definition "φ' = P o fst"

definition "ψ = Q o fst"

lemma ψ_closure_compatible:
  "ψ (l, x)  x  a  y  a  P1 (l, a)  ψ (l, y)"
  unfolding φ'_def ψ_def by auto

lemma ψ_closure_compatible':
  "(Not o ψ) (l, x)  x  a  y  a  P1 (l, a)  (Not o ψ) (l, y)"
  by (auto dest: ψ_closure_compatible)

lemma P1_P1':
  "R  {}  P1 (l, R)  P1' (from_R l R)"
  using P1'_def from_R_fst by fastforce

lemma ψ_Alw_ev_compatible:
  assumes "u  R" "u'  R" "P1 (l, R)"
  shows "sim.Alw_ev (Not  ψ) (l, u) = sim.Alw_ev (Not  ψ) (l, u')"
  apply (rule bisim.Alw_ev_compatible[of _ _ "from_R l R"])
  subgoal for x a y
    using ψ_closure_compatible unfolding P1'_def by (metis ψ_def comp_def)
  using assms by (auto intro: P1_P1')

interpretation Graph_Start_Defs A2 "(l0, a0)" .

interpretation Gψ: Graph_Start_Defs
  "λ (l, Z) (l', Z'). A2 (l, Z) (l', Z')  Q l'" "(l0, a0)" .

end (* State *)

end (* Double Simulation Complete Bisim Cover paired *)

context Double_Simulation_Finite_Complete_Bisim_Cover_paired

interpretation bisim: Bisimulation_Invariant A2 A2' "λ (l, Z) b. b = from_R l Z" P2 P2'
  by (rule A2_A2'_bisim[OF P2_invariant])

  fixes P Q :: "'a  bool" ― ‹The state properties we want to check›

interpretation Graph_Start_Defs A2 "(l0, a0)" .

interpretation Gψ: Graph_Start_Defs
  "λ (l, Z) (l', Z'). A2 (l, Z) (l', Z')  Q l'" "(l0, a0)" .

lemma Alw_ev_mc1:
  "(x0from_R l Z. sim.Alw_ev (Not  ψ Q) x0) 
      ¬ (Q l  (a. Gψ.reaches (l, Z) a  Gψ.reaches1 a a))"
  if "P2_invariant'.reachable (l, Z)" for l Z
proof -
  from that have "P2 (l, Z)"
    using P2_invariant'.invariant_reaches unfolding P2_invariant'.reachable_def by auto
  interpret Start': Double_Simulation_Finite_Complete_Abstraction_Prop_Bisim_paired
    C A1 P1 A2 P2 l Z Q
    apply standard
      by (fact complete)
      by (fact P2_invariant)
      by (fact P2 (l, Z))
      using P2_cover by blast
      by (fact A1_complete)
      by (fact P1_invariant)
    proof -
      have "{(l', a). A2** (l,Z) (l',a)  P2 (l',a)}  {(l, a). A2** (l0,a0) (l,a)  P2 (l,a)}"
        using that unfolding P2_invariant'.reachable_def by auto
      with finite_abstract_reachable show ?thesis
        by - (erule finite_subset)
  show ?thesis
    using Start'.Alw_ev_mc1[unfolded Start'.φ_def]
    unfolding ψ_def Graph_Start_Defs.reachable_def from_R_def by auto

theorem leadsto_mc1:
  "(x0a0. sim.leadsto (φ' P) (Not  ψ Q) (l0, x0)) 
   (x. P2_invariant'.reaches (l0, a0) x  P (fst x)  Q (fst x)
       (a. Gψ.reaches x a  Gψ.reaches1 a a)
  if  no_deadlock: "x0a0. ¬ sim.deadlock (l0, x0)"
proof -
  from steps_Steps_no_deadlock[OF no_deadlock_closureI] no_deadlock have
    "¬ sim.Steps.deadlock (from_R l0 a0)"
    unfolding from_R_def by auto
  then have no_deadlock': "¬ P2_invariant'.deadlock (l0, a0)"
    by (subst bisim.deadlock_iff) (auto simp: P2_a0' from_R_fst P2'_def)
  have "(x0a0. sim.leadsto (φ' P) (Not  ψ Q) (l0, x0)) 
    (x0from_R l0 a0. sim.leadsto (φ' P) (Not  ψ Q) x0)
    unfolding from_R_def by auto
  also have "  sim.Steps.Alw_alw (λa. ca. φ' P c  sim.Alw_ev (Not  ψ Q) c) (from_R l0 a0)"
    apply (rule Leadsto_iff2[OF _ _ _])
    subgoal for a x y
      unfolding P1'_def φ'_def by (auto dest: fst_simp)
    subgoal for a x y
      unfolding P1'_def ψ_def by (auto dest: fst_simp)
      using no_deadlock unfolding from_R_def by auto
  also have
    " P2_invariant'.Alw_alw (λ(l,Z).cfrom_R l Z. φ' P c  sim.Alw_ev (Not  ψ Q) c) (l0,a0)"
    by (auto simp: bisim.A_B.equiv'_def P2_a0 P2_a0' intro!: bisim.Alw_alw_iff_strong[symmetric])
  also have
    "  P2_invariant'.Alw_alw
      (λ(l, Z). P l  ¬ (Q l  (a. Gψ.reaches (l, Z) a  Gψ.reaches1 a a))) (l0, a0)"
    by (rule P2_invariant'.Alw_alw_iff_default)
       (auto simp: φ'_def from_R_def dest: Alw_ev_mc1[symmetric])
  also have
    "  (x. P2_invariant'.reaches (l0,a0) x  P (fst x)  Q (fst x)
       (a. Gψ.reaches x a  Gψ.reaches1 a a))"
    unfolding P2_invariant'.Alw_alw_iff by (auto simp: P2_invariant'.Ex_ev no_deadlock')
  finally show ?thesis .

end (* State *)

end (* Double Simulation Finite Complete Bisim Cover paired *)

paragraph ‹The second bisimulation property in prestable and complete simulation graphs.›

context Simulation_Graph_Complete_Prestable

lemma C_A_bisim:
  "Bisimulation_Invariant C A (λ x a. x  a) (λ_. True) P"
  by (standard; blast intro: complete dest: prestable)

interpretation Bisimulation_Invariant C A "λ x a. x  a" "λ _. True" P
  by (rule C_A_bisim)

lemma C_A_Leadsto_iff:
  fixes φ ψ :: "'a  bool"
  assumes φ_compatible: " x y a. φ x  x  a  y  a  P a  φ y"
      and ψ_compatible: " x y a. ψ x  x  a  y  a  P a  ψ y"
      and "x  a" "P a"
    shows "leadsto φ ψ x = Steps.leadsto (λ a.  x  a. φ x) (λ a.  x  a. ψ x) a"
  by (rule Leadsto_iff)
     (auto intro: φ_compatible ψ_compatible simp: x  a P a simulation.equiv'_def)

end (* Simulation Graph Complete Prestable *)

paragraph ‹Comments›

text  Pre-stability can easily be extended to infinite runs (see construction with @{term sscan} above)
 Post-stability can not
 Pre-stability + Completeness means that for every two concrete states in the same abstract class,
  there are equivalent runs
 For Büchi properties, the predicate has to be compatible with whole closures instead of single
  P1›-states. This is because for a finite graph where every node has at least indegree one,
  we cannot necessarily conclude that there is a cycle through ‹every› node.

locale Graph_Abstraction =
  Graph_Defs A for A :: "'a set  'a set  bool" +
fixes α :: "'a set  'a set"
assumes idempotent: "α(α(x)) = α(x)"
assumes enlarging: "x  α(x)"
assumes α_mono: "x  y  α(x)  α(y)"
assumes mono: "a  a'  A a b  b'. b  b'  A a' b'"
assumes finite_abstraction: "finite (α ` UNIV)"

definition E where "E a b  b'. A a b'  b = α(b')"

interpretation sim1: Simulation_Invariant A E "λa b. α(a)  b" "λ_. True" "λ_. True"
  apply standard
  unfolding E_def
    apply auto
  apply (frule mono[rotated])
   apply (erule order.trans[rotated], rule enlarging)
  apply (auto intro!: α_mono)

interpretation sim2: Simulation_Invariant A E "λa b. a  b" "λ_. True" "λx. α(x) = x"
  apply standard
    unfolding E_def
    apply auto
    apply (drule (1) mono)
    apply safe
    apply (intro conjI exI)
      apply assumption
     apply (rule HOL.refl)
    apply (erule order.trans, rule enlarging)
   apply assumption
  unfolding E_def
  apply (elim exE conjE)
  apply (simp add: idempotent)

text ‹This variant needs the least assumptions.›
interpretation sim3: Simulation_Invariant A E "λa b. a  b" "λ_. True" "λ_. True"
  apply standard
  unfolding E_def
    apply auto
  apply (drule (1) mono)
  apply safe
  apply (intro conjI exI)
    apply assumption
   apply (rule HOL.refl)
  apply (erule order.trans, rule enlarging)

interpretation sim4: Simulation_Invariant A E "λa b. a  b" "λ_. True" "λa. a'. α a' = a"
  apply standard
  unfolding E_def
    apply auto
  apply (drule (1) mono)
  apply safe
  apply (intro conjI exI)
    apply assumption
   apply (rule HOL.refl)
  apply (erule order.trans, rule enlarging)

end (* Abstraction Operators *)

lemmas [simp del] = holds.simps

end (* Theory *)