Theory Shadow_DOM
section‹The Shadow DOM›
theory Shadow_DOM
abbreviation "safe_shadow_root_element_types ≡ {''article'', ''aside'', ''blockquote'', ''body'',
''div'', ''footer'', ''h1'', ''h2'', ''h3'', ''h4'', ''h5'', ''h6'', ''header'', ''main'',
''nav'', ''p'', ''section'', ''span''}"
subsection ‹Function Definitions›
subsubsection ‹get\_child\_nodes›
locale l_get_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs =
CD: l_get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs
definition get_child_nodes⇩s⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩r⇩o⇩o⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r :: "(_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒ unit
⇒ (_, (_) node_ptr list) dom_prog" where
"get_child_nodes⇩s⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩r⇩o⇩o⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r shadow_root_ptr _ = get_M shadow_root_ptr RShadowRoot.child_nodes"
definition a_get_child_nodes_tups :: "(((_) object_ptr ⇒ bool) × ((_) object_ptr ⇒ unit
⇒ (_, (_) node_ptr list) dom_prog)) list" where
"a_get_child_nodes_tups ≡ [(is_shadow_root_ptr⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r, get_child_nodes⇩s⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩r⇩o⇩o⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ∘ the ∘ cast)]"
definition a_get_child_nodes :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_, (_) node_ptr list) dom_prog" where
"a_get_child_nodes ptr = invoke (CD.a_get_child_nodes_tups @ a_get_child_nodes_tups) ptr ()"
definition a_get_child_nodes_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set" where
"a_get_child_nodes_locs ptr ≡
(if is_shadow_root_ptr_kind ptr
then {preserved (get_M (the (cast ptr)) RShadowRoot.child_nodes)} else {}) ∪
CD.a_get_child_nodes_locs ptr"
definition first_child :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_, (_) node_ptr option) dom_prog"
"first_child ptr = do {
children ← a_get_child_nodes ptr;
return (case children of [] ⇒ None | child#_ ⇒ Some child)}"
global_interpretation l_get_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs defines
get_child_nodes = l_get_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_get_child_nodes and
get_child_nodes_locs = l_get_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_get_child_nodes_locs
locale l_get_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_type_wf type_wf +
l_known_ptr known_ptr +
l_get_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs +
l_get_child_nodes_defs get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs +
CD: l_get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M known_ptr⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
for type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and known_ptr :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ bool"
and type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and known_ptr⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ bool"
and get_child_nodes :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_, (_) node_ptr list) dom_prog"
and get_child_nodes_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_, (_) node_ptr list) dom_prog"
and get_child_nodes_locs⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set" +
assumes known_ptr_impl: "known_ptr = ShadowRootClass.known_ptr"
assumes type_wf_impl: "type_wf = ShadowRootClass.type_wf"
assumes get_child_nodes_impl: "get_child_nodes = a_get_child_nodes"
assumes get_child_nodes_locs_impl: "get_child_nodes_locs = a_get_child_nodes_locs"
lemmas get_child_nodes_def = get_child_nodes_impl[unfolded a_get_child_nodes_def get_child_nodes_def]
lemmas get_child_nodes_locs_def = get_child_nodes_locs_impl[unfolded a_get_child_nodes_locs_def
get_child_nodes_locs_def, folded CD.get_child_nodes_locs_impl]
lemma get_child_nodes_ok:
assumes "known_ptr ptr"
assumes "type_wf h"
assumes "ptr |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
shows "h ⊢ ok (get_child_nodes ptr)"
using assms[unfolded known_ptr_impl type_wf_impl]
apply(auto simp add: get_child_nodes_def)[1]
apply(split CD.get_child_nodes_splits, rule conjI)+
using ShadowRootClass.type_wf⇩D⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t CD.get_child_nodes_ok CD.known_ptr_impl CD.type_wf_impl
apply blast
apply(auto simp add: CD.known_ptr_impl a_get_child_nodes_tups_def get_child_nodes⇩s⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩r⇩o⇩o⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def
dest!: known_ptr_new_shadow_root_ptr intro!: bind_is_OK_I2)[1]
by (metis is_shadow_root_ptr_kind_none l_get_M⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_lemmas.get_M⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_ok
l_get_M⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_lemmas_axioms option.case_eq_if shadow_root_ptr_casts_commute3
lemma get_child_nodes_ptr_in_heap:
assumes "h ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r children"
shows "ptr |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
using assms
by(auto simp add: get_child_nodes_def invoke_ptr_in_heap dest: is_OK_returns_result_I)
lemma get_child_nodes_pure [simp]:
"pure (get_child_nodes ptr) h"
unfolding get_child_nodes_def a_get_child_nodes_tups_def
proof(split CD.get_child_nodes_splits, rule conjI; clarify)
assume "known_ptr⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M ptr"
then show "pure (get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M ptr) h"
by simp
assume "¬ known_ptr⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M ptr"
then show "pure (invoke [(is_shadow_root_ptr⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r,
get_child_nodes⇩s⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩r⇩o⇩o⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ∘ the ∘ cast⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩s⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩r⇩o⇩o⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r)]
ptr ()) h"
by(auto simp add: get_child_nodes⇩s⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩r⇩o⇩o⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def intro: bind_pure_I split: invoke_splits)
lemma get_child_nodes_reads: "reads (get_child_nodes_locs ptr) (get_child_nodes ptr) h h'"
apply (simp add: get_child_nodes_def a_get_child_nodes_tups_def get_child_nodes_locs_def
apply(split CD.get_child_nodes_splits, rule conjI)+
apply(auto intro!: reads_subset[OF CD.get_child_nodes_reads[unfolded CD.get_child_nodes_locs_def]]
split: if_splits)[1]
apply(split invoke_splits, rule conjI)+
apply(auto simp add: get_child_nodes⇩s⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩r⇩o⇩o⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def
intro: reads_subset[OF reads_singleton] reads_subset[OF check_in_heap_reads]
intro!: reads_bind_pure reads_subset[OF return_reads] split: option.splits)[1]
interpretation i_get_child_nodes?: l_get_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf known_ptr DocumentClass.type_wf
DocumentClass.known_ptr get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs Core_DOM_Functions.get_child_nodes
by(simp add: l_get_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def l_get_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms_def instances)
declare l_get_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
lemma get_child_nodes_is_l_get_child_nodes [instances]: "l_get_child_nodes type_wf known_ptr
get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs"
apply(auto simp add: l_get_child_nodes_def instances)[1]
using get_child_nodes_reads get_child_nodes_ok get_child_nodes_ptr_in_heap get_child_nodes_pure
by blast+
paragraph ‹new\_document›
locale l_new_document_get_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
CD: l_new_document_get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M known_ptr⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
+ l_get_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf known_ptr type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M known_ptr⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_child_nodes
get_child_nodes_locs get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_child_nodes_locs⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
for type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and known_ptr :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ bool"
and get_child_nodes :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_child_nodes_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and known_ptr⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ bool"
and get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_child_nodes_locs⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
lemma get_child_nodes_new_document:
"ptr' ≠ cast new_document_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new_document →⇩r new_document_ptr
⟹ h ⊢ new_document →⇩h h' ⟹ r ∈ get_child_nodes_locs ptr' ⟹ r h h'"
apply(auto simp add: get_child_nodes_locs_def)[1]
using CD.get_child_nodes_new_document
apply (metis document_ptr_casts_commute3 empty_iff is_document_ptr_kind_none
new_document_get_M⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t option.case_eq_if shadow_root_ptr_casts_commute3
by (simp add: CD.get_child_nodes_new_document)
lemma new_document_no_child_nodes:
"h ⊢ new_document →⇩r new_document_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new_document →⇩h h'
⟹ h' ⊢ get_child_nodes (cast new_document_ptr) →⇩r []"
apply(auto simp add: get_child_nodes_def)[1]
apply(split CD.get_child_nodes_splits, rule conjI)+
using CD.new_document_no_child_nodes apply auto[1]
by(auto simp add: DocumentClass.a_known_ptr_def CD.known_ptr_impl known_ptr_def
dest!: new_document_is_document_ptr)
interpretation i_new_document_get_child_nodes?:
l_new_document_get_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf known_ptr get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs
DocumentClass.type_wf DocumentClass.known_ptr Core_DOM_Functions.get_child_nodes
declare l_new_document_get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma new_document_get_child_nodes_is_l_new_document_get_child_nodes [instances]:
"l_new_document_get_child_nodes type_wf known_ptr get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs"
using new_document_is_l_new_document get_child_nodes_is_l_get_child_nodes
apply(simp add: l_new_document_get_child_nodes_def l_new_document_get_child_nodes_axioms_def)
using get_child_nodes_new_document new_document_no_child_nodes
by fast
paragraph ‹new\_shadow\_root›
locale l_new_shadow_root_get_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_get_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf known_ptr type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M known_ptr⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_child_nodes
get_child_nodes_locs get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_child_nodes_locs⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
for type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and known_ptr :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ bool"
and get_child_nodes :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_child_nodes_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and known_ptr⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ bool"
and get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_child_nodes_locs⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
lemma get_child_nodes_new_shadow_root:
"ptr' ≠ cast new_shadow_root_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_M →⇩r new_shadow_root_ptr
⟹ h ⊢ new⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_M →⇩h h' ⟹ r ∈ get_child_nodes_locs ptr' ⟹ r h h'"
apply(auto simp add: get_child_nodes_locs_def)[1]
apply (metis document_ptr_casts_commute3 insert_absorb insert_not_empty is_document_ptr_kind_none
new_shadow_root_get_M⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t option.case_eq_if shadow_root_ptr_casts_commute3 singletonD)
apply(auto simp add: CD.get_child_nodes_locs_def)[1]
using new_shadow_root_get_M⇩O⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t apply blast
apply (metis empty_iff insertE new_shadow_root_get_M⇩E⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t)
apply (metis empty_iff new_shadow_root_get_M⇩D⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t singletonD)
lemma new_shadow_root_no_child_nodes:
"h ⊢ new⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_M →⇩r new_shadow_root_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_M →⇩h h'
⟹ h' ⊢ get_child_nodes (cast new_shadow_root_ptr) →⇩r []"
apply(auto simp add: get_child_nodes_def )[1]
apply(split CD.get_child_nodes_splits, rule conjI)+
apply(auto simp add: CD.get_child_nodes_def CD.a_get_child_nodes_tups_def)[1]
apply(split invoke_splits, rule conjI)+
using NodeClass.a_known_ptr_def known_ptr_not_character_data_ptr known_ptr_not_document_ptr
known_ptr_not_element_ptr local.CD.known_ptr_impl apply blast
apply(auto simp add: is_document_ptr_def split: option.splits document_ptr.splits)[1]
apply(auto simp add: is_character_data_ptr_def split: option.splits document_ptr.splits)[1]
apply(auto simp add: is_element_ptr_def split: option.splits document_ptr.splits)[1]
apply(auto simp add: a_get_child_nodes_tups_def)[1]
apply(split invoke_splits, rule conjI)+
apply(auto simp add: is_shadow_root_ptr_def split: shadow_root_ptr.splits
dest!: new⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_M_is_shadow_root_ptr)[1]
apply(auto intro!: bind_pure_returns_result_I)[1]
apply(drule(1) new⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_M_ptr_in_heap)
apply(auto simp add: shadow_root_ptr_kinds_def document_ptr_kinds_def)[1]
apply (metis check_in_heap_ptr_in_heap is_OK_returns_result_E old.unit.exhaust)
using new_shadow_root_children
by (simp add: new_shadow_root_children get_child_nodes⇩s⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩r⇩o⇩o⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def)
interpretation i_new_shadow_root_get_child_nodes?:
l_new_shadow_root_get_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf known_ptr get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs
DocumentClass.type_wf DocumentClass.known_ptr Core_DOM_Functions.get_child_nodes
declare l_new_shadow_root_get_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def[instances]
locale l_new_shadow_root_get_child_nodes = l_get_child_nodes +
assumes get_child_nodes_new_shadow_root:
"ptr' ≠ cast new_shadow_root_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_M →⇩r new_shadow_root_ptr
⟹ h ⊢ new⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_M →⇩h h' ⟹ r ∈ get_child_nodes_locs ptr' ⟹ r h h'"
assumes new_shadow_root_no_child_nodes:
"h ⊢ new⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_M →⇩r new_shadow_root_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_M →⇩h h'
⟹ h' ⊢ get_child_nodes (cast new_shadow_root_ptr) →⇩r []"
lemma new_shadow_root_get_child_nodes_is_l_new_shadow_root_get_child_nodes [instances]:
"l_new_shadow_root_get_child_nodes type_wf known_ptr get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs"
apply(simp add: l_new_shadow_root_get_child_nodes_def l_new_shadow_root_get_child_nodes_axioms_def
using get_child_nodes_new_shadow_root new_shadow_root_no_child_nodes
by fast
paragraph ‹new\_element›
locale l_new_element_get_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_get_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
l_new_element_get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M known_ptr⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
lemma get_child_nodes_new_element:
"ptr' ≠ cast new_element_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new_element →⇩r new_element_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new_element →⇩h h'
⟹ r ∈ get_child_nodes_locs ptr' ⟹ r h h'"
by (auto simp add: get_child_nodes_locs_def CD.get_child_nodes_locs_def new_element_get_M⇩O⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t
new_element_get_M⇩E⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t new_element_get_M⇩D⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t new_element_get_M⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t
split: prod.splits if_splits option.splits
elim!: bind_returns_result_E bind_returns_heap_E
intro: is_element_ptr_kind_obtains)
lemma new_element_no_child_nodes:
"h ⊢ new_element →⇩r new_element_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new_element →⇩h h'
⟹ h' ⊢ get_child_nodes (cast new_element_ptr) →⇩r []"
apply(auto simp add: get_child_nodes_def a_get_child_nodes_tups_def
split: prod.splits elim!: bind_returns_result_E bind_returns_heap_E)[1]
apply(split CD.get_child_nodes_splits, rule conjI)+
using local.new_element_no_child_nodes apply auto[1]
apply(auto simp add: invoke_def)[1]
apply(auto simp add: new_element_ptr_in_heap get_child_nodes⇩e⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def check_in_heap_def
new_element_child_nodes intro!: bind_pure_returns_result_I
intro: new_element_is_element_ptr elim!: new_element_ptr_in_heap)[1]
proof -
assume " h ⊢ new_element →⇩r new_element_ptr"
assume "h ⊢ new_element →⇩h h'"
assume "¬ known_ptr⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M (cast⇩e⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r new_element_ptr)"
have "known_ptr (cast new_element_ptr)"
using new_element_is_element_ptr ‹h ⊢ new_element →⇩r new_element_ptr›
by(auto simp add: known_ptr_impl ShadowRootClass.a_known_ptr_def DocumentClass.a_known_ptr_def
CharacterDataClass.a_known_ptr_def ElementClass.a_known_ptr_def)
ultimately show "False"
by(simp add: known_ptr_impl CD.known_ptr_impl ShadowRootClass.a_known_ptr_def
interpretation i_new_element_get_child_nodes?:
l_new_element_get_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf known_ptr DocumentClass.type_wf
DocumentClass.known_ptr get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs Core_DOM_Functions.get_child_nodes
declare l_new_element_get_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma new_element_get_child_nodes_is_l_new_element_get_child_nodes [instances]:
"l_new_element_get_child_nodes type_wf known_ptr get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs"
using new_element_is_l_new_element get_child_nodes_is_l_get_child_nodes
apply(auto simp add: l_new_element_get_child_nodes_def l_new_element_get_child_nodes_axioms_def)[1]
using get_child_nodes_new_element new_element_no_child_nodes
by fast+
subsubsection ‹delete\_shadow\_root›
locale l_delete_shadow_root_get_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
lemma get_child_nodes_delete_shadow_root:
"ptr' ≠ cast shadow_root_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ delete⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_M shadow_root_ptr →⇩h h' ⟹
r ∈ get_child_nodes_locs ptr' ⟹ r h h'"
by(auto simp add: get_child_nodes_locs_def CD.get_child_nodes_locs_def
delete_shadow_root_get_M⇩O⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t delete_shadow_root_get_M⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t
delete_shadow_root_get_M⇩D⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t delete_shadow_root_get_M⇩E⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t
split: if_splits option.splits
intro: is_shadow_root_ptr_kind_obtains)
locale l_delete_shadow_root_get_child_nodes = l_get_child_nodes_defs +
assumes get_child_nodes_delete_shadow_root:
"ptr' ≠ cast shadow_root_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ delete⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_M shadow_root_ptr →⇩h h' ⟹
r ∈ get_child_nodes_locs ptr' ⟹ r h h'"
interpretation l_delete_shadow_root_get_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf known_ptr DocumentClass.type_wf
DocumentClass.known_ptr get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs Core_DOM_Functions.get_child_nodes
by(auto simp add: l_delete_shadow_root_get_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances)
lemma l_delete_shadow_root_get_child_nodes_get_child_nodes_locs [instances]: "l_delete_shadow_root_get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs"
apply(auto simp add: l_delete_shadow_root_get_child_nodes_def)[1]
using get_child_nodes_delete_shadow_root apply fast
subsubsection ‹set\_child\_nodes›
locale l_set_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs =
CD: l_set_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs
definition set_child_nodes⇩s⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩r⇩o⇩o⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r :: "(_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr list
⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog" where
"set_child_nodes⇩s⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩r⇩o⇩o⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r shadow_root_ptr = put_M shadow_root_ptr RShadowRoot.child_nodes_update"
definition a_set_child_nodes_tups :: "(((_) object_ptr ⇒ bool) × ((_) object_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr list
⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog)) list" where
"a_set_child_nodes_tups ≡ [(is_shadow_root_ptr⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r, set_child_nodes⇩s⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩r⇩o⇩o⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ∘ the ∘ cast)]"
definition a_set_child_nodes :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr list ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog" where
"a_set_child_nodes ptr children = invoke (CD.a_set_child_nodes_tups @ a_set_child_nodes_tups)
ptr children"
definition a_set_child_nodes_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog set"
"a_set_child_nodes_locs ptr ≡
(if is_shadow_root_ptr_kind ptr
then all_args (put_M (the (cast ptr)) RShadowRoot.child_nodes_update)
else {}) ∪ CD.a_set_child_nodes_locs ptr"
global_interpretation l_set_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs defines
set_child_nodes = l_set_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_set_child_nodes and
set_child_nodes_locs = l_set_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_set_child_nodes_locs
locale l_set_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_type_wf type_wf +
l_known_ptr known_ptr +
l_set_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs +
l_set_child_nodes_defs set_child_nodes set_child_nodes_locs +
CD: l_set_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M known_ptr⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M set_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
for type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and known_ptr :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ bool"
and type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and known_ptr⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ bool"
and set_child_nodes :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr list ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
and set_child_nodes_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog set"
and set_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr list ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
and set_child_nodes_locs⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog set" +
assumes known_ptr_impl: "known_ptr = ShadowRootClass.known_ptr"
assumes type_wf_impl: "type_wf = ShadowRootClass.type_wf"
assumes set_child_nodes_impl: "set_child_nodes = a_set_child_nodes"
assumes set_child_nodes_locs_impl: "set_child_nodes_locs = a_set_child_nodes_locs"
lemmas set_child_nodes_def = set_child_nodes_impl[unfolded a_set_child_nodes_def set_child_nodes_def]
lemmas set_child_nodes_locs_def = set_child_nodes_locs_impl[unfolded a_set_child_nodes_locs_def
set_child_nodes_locs_def, folded CD.set_child_nodes_locs_impl]
lemma set_child_nodes_writes: "writes (set_child_nodes_locs ptr) (set_child_nodes ptr children) h h'"
apply (simp add: set_child_nodes_def a_set_child_nodes_tups_def set_child_nodes_locs_def)
apply(split CD.set_child_nodes_splits, rule conjI)+
apply (simp add: CD.set_child_nodes_writes writes_union_right_I)
apply(split invoke_splits, rule conjI)+
apply(auto simp add: a_set_child_nodes_def)[1]
apply(auto simp add: set_child_nodes⇩s⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩r⇩o⇩o⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def
intro!: writes_bind_pure
intro: writes_union_right_I writes_union_left_I
split: list.splits)[1]
by (simp add: is_shadow_root_ptr_kind_none)
lemma set_child_nodes_pointers_preserved:
assumes "w ∈ set_child_nodes_locs object_ptr"
assumes "h ⊢ w →⇩h h'"
shows "object_ptr_kinds h = object_ptr_kinds h'"
using assms(1) object_ptr_kinds_preserved[OF writes_singleton2 assms(2)]
by(auto simp add: all_args_def set_child_nodes_locs_def CD.set_child_nodes_locs_def
split: if_splits)
lemma set_child_nodes_types_preserved:
assumes "w ∈ set_child_nodes_locs object_ptr"
assumes "h ⊢ w →⇩h h'"
shows "type_wf h = type_wf h'"
using assms(1) type_wf_preserved[OF writes_singleton2 assms(2)]
by(auto simp add: all_args_def type_wf_impl a_set_child_nodes_tups_def set_child_nodes_locs_def
split: if_splits option.splits)
i_set_child_nodes?: l_set_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf known_ptr DocumentClass.type_wf
DocumentClass.known_ptr set_child_nodes set_child_nodes_locs Core_DOM_Functions.set_child_nodes
by (auto simp add: set_child_nodes_def set_child_nodes_locs_def)
declare l_set_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma set_child_nodes_is_l_set_child_nodes [instances]: "l_set_child_nodes type_wf set_child_nodes
using instances Shadow_DOM.i_set_child_nodes.set_child_nodes_pointers_preserved Shadow_DOM.i_set_child_nodes.set_child_nodes_writes i_set_child_nodes.set_child_nodes_types_preserved
unfolding l_set_child_nodes_def
by blast
paragraph ‹get\_child\_nodes›
locale l_set_child_nodes_get_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
type_wf known_ptr type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M known_ptr⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs
get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_child_nodes_locs⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
+ l_set_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
type_wf known_ptr type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M known_ptr⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M set_child_nodes set_child_nodes_locs
set_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M set_child_nodes_locs⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
+ CD: l_set_child_nodes_get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M known_ptr⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_child_nodes_locs⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
set_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M set_child_nodes_locs⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
for type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and known_ptr :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ bool"
and type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and known_ptr⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ bool"
and get_child_nodes :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_child_nodes_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_child_nodes_locs⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and set_child_nodes :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and set_child_nodes_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
and set_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and set_child_nodes_locs⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
lemma set_child_nodes_get_child_nodes:
assumes "known_ptr ptr"
assumes "type_wf h"
assumes "h ⊢ set_child_nodes ptr children →⇩h h'"
shows "h' ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r children"
proof -
have "h ⊢ check_in_heap ptr →⇩r ()"
using assms set_child_nodes_def invoke_ptr_in_heap
by (metis (full_types) check_in_heap_ptr_in_heap is_OK_returns_heap_I is_OK_returns_result_E
then have ptr_in_h: "ptr |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
by (simp add: check_in_heap_ptr_in_heap is_OK_returns_result_I)
have "type_wf h'"
apply(unfold type_wf_impl)
apply(rule subst[where P=id, OF type_wf_preserved[OF set_child_nodes_writes assms(3),
unfolded all_args_def], simplified])
by(auto simp add: all_args_def assms(2)[unfolded type_wf_impl] set_child_nodes_locs_def
split: if_splits)
have "h' ⊢ check_in_heap ptr →⇩r ()"
using check_in_heap_reads set_child_nodes_writes assms(3) ‹h ⊢ check_in_heap ptr →⇩r ()›
apply(rule reads_writes_separate_forwards)
apply(auto simp add: all_args_def set_child_nodes_locs_def CD.set_child_nodes_locs_def)[1]
then have "ptr |∈| object_ptr_kinds h'"
using check_in_heap_ptr_in_heap by blast
with assms ptr_in_h ‹type_wf h'› show ?thesis
apply(auto simp add: type_wf_impl known_ptr_impl get_child_nodes_def a_get_child_nodes_tups_def
set_child_nodes_def a_set_child_nodes_tups_def
del: bind_pure_returns_result_I2
intro!: bind_pure_returns_result_I2)[1]
apply(split CD.get_child_nodes_splits, (rule conjI impI)+)+
apply(split CD.set_child_nodes_splits)+
apply(auto simp add: CD.set_child_nodes_get_child_nodes type_wf_impl CD.type_wf_impl
dest: ShadowRootClass.type_wf⇩D⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t)[1]
apply(auto simp add: CD.set_child_nodes_get_child_nodes type_wf_impl CD.type_wf_impl
dest: ShadowRootClass.type_wf⇩D⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t)[1]
apply(split CD.set_child_nodes_splits)+
by(auto simp add: known_ptr_impl CD.known_ptr_impl set_child_nodes⇩s⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩r⇩o⇩o⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def
get_child_nodes⇩s⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩r⇩o⇩o⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def CD.type_wf_impl ShadowRootClass.type_wf⇩D⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t
dest: known_ptr_new_shadow_root_ptr)[2]
lemma set_child_nodes_get_child_nodes_different_pointers:
assumes "ptr ≠ ptr'"
assumes "w ∈ set_child_nodes_locs ptr"
assumes "h ⊢ w →⇩h h'"
assumes "r ∈ get_child_nodes_locs ptr'"
shows "r h h'"
using assms
apply(auto simp add: set_child_nodes_locs_def CD.set_child_nodes_locs_def
get_child_nodes_locs_def CD.get_child_nodes_locs_def)[1]
by(auto simp add: all_args_def
elim!: is_document_ptr_kind_obtains is_shadow_root_ptr_kind_obtains
split: if_splits option.splits)
i_set_child_nodes_get_child_nodes?: l_set_child_nodes_get_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf known_ptr
DocumentClass.type_wf DocumentClass.known_ptr get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs
Core_DOM_Functions.get_child_nodes Core_DOM_Functions.get_child_nodes_locs set_child_nodes
set_child_nodes_locs Core_DOM_Functions.set_child_nodes Core_DOM_Functions.set_child_nodes_locs
using instances
by(auto simp add: l_set_child_nodes_get_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def )
declare l_set_child_nodes_get_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma set_child_nodes_get_child_nodes_is_l_set_child_nodes_get_child_nodes [instances]:
"l_set_child_nodes_get_child_nodes type_wf known_ptr get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs
set_child_nodes set_child_nodes_locs"
apply(auto simp add: instances l_set_child_nodes_get_child_nodes_def
using set_child_nodes_get_child_nodes apply fast
using set_child_nodes_get_child_nodes_different_pointers apply fast
subsubsection ‹set\_tag\_type›
locale l_set_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
CD: l_set_tag_name⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M set_tag_name set_tag_name_locs +
l_type_wf type_wf
for type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and set_tag_name :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ tag_name ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
and set_tag_name_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog set" +
assumes type_wf_impl: "type_wf = ShadowRootClass.type_wf"
lemmas set_tag_name_def = CD.set_tag_name_impl[unfolded CD.a_set_tag_name_def set_tag_name_def]
lemmas set_tag_name_locs_def = CD.set_tag_name_locs_impl[unfolded CD.a_set_tag_name_locs_def
lemma set_tag_name_ok:
"type_wf h ⟹ element_ptr |∈| element_ptr_kinds h ⟹ h ⊢ ok (set_tag_name element_ptr tag)"
apply(unfold type_wf_impl)
unfolding set_tag_name_impl[unfolded a_set_tag_name_def] using get_M⇩E⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t_ok put_M⇩E⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t_ok
using CD.set_tag_name_ok CD.type_wf_impl ShadowRootClass.type_wf⇩D⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t by blast
lemma set_tag_name_writes:
"writes (set_tag_name_locs element_ptr) (set_tag_name element_ptr tag) h h'"
using CD.set_tag_name_writes .
lemma set_tag_name_pointers_preserved:
assumes "w ∈ set_tag_name_locs element_ptr"
assumes "h ⊢ w →⇩h h'"
shows "object_ptr_kinds h = object_ptr_kinds h'"
using assms
by(simp add: CD.set_tag_name_pointers_preserved)
lemma set_tag_name_typess_preserved:
assumes "w ∈ set_tag_name_locs element_ptr"
assumes "h ⊢ w →⇩h h'"
shows "type_wf h = type_wf h'"
apply(unfold type_wf_impl)
apply(rule type_wf_preserved[OF writes_singleton2 assms(2)])
using assms(1) set_tag_name_locs_def
by(auto simp add: all_args_def set_tag_name_locs_def
split: if_splits)
interpretation i_set_tag_name?: l_set_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf DocumentClass.type_wf set_tag_name
by(auto simp add: l_set_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def l_set_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms_def instances)
declare l_set_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
lemma set_tag_name_is_l_set_tag_name [instances]:
"l_set_tag_name type_wf set_tag_name set_tag_name_locs"
apply(auto simp add: l_set_tag_name_def)[1]
using set_tag_name_writes apply fast
using set_tag_name_ok apply fast
using set_tag_name_pointers_preserved apply (fast, fast)
using set_tag_name_typess_preserved apply (fast, fast)
paragraph ‹get\_child\_nodes›
locale l_set_tag_name_get_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_set_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
l_get_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
CD: l_set_tag_name_get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M set_tag_name set_tag_name_locs
known_ptr⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_child_nodes_locs⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
lemma set_tag_name_get_child_nodes:
"∀w ∈ set_tag_name_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_child_nodes_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
apply(auto simp add: get_child_nodes_locs_def)[1]
apply(auto simp add: set_tag_name_locs_def all_args_def)[1]
using CD.set_tag_name_get_child_nodes apply(blast)
using CD.set_tag_name_get_child_nodes apply(blast)
i_set_tag_name_get_child_nodes?: l_set_tag_name_get_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf
DocumentClass.type_wf set_tag_name set_tag_name_locs known_ptr DocumentClass.known_ptr
get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs Core_DOM_Functions.get_child_nodes
by unfold_locales
declare l_set_tag_name_get_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma set_tag_name_get_child_nodes_is_l_set_tag_name_get_child_nodes [instances]:
"l_set_tag_name_get_child_nodes type_wf set_tag_name set_tag_name_locs known_ptr get_child_nodes
using set_tag_name_is_l_set_tag_name get_child_nodes_is_l_get_child_nodes
apply(simp add: l_set_tag_name_get_child_nodes_def
using set_tag_name_get_child_nodes
by fast
subsubsection ‹get\_shadow\_root›
locale l_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs
definition a_get_shadow_root :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ (_, (_) shadow_root_ptr option) dom_prog"
"a_get_shadow_root element_ptr = get_M element_ptr shadow_root_opt"
definition a_get_shadow_root_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
"a_get_shadow_root_locs element_ptr ≡ {preserved (get_M element_ptr shadow_root_opt)}"
global_interpretation l_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs
defines get_shadow_root = a_get_shadow_root
and get_shadow_root_locs = a_get_shadow_root_locs
locale l_get_shadow_root_defs =
fixes get_shadow_root :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ (_, (_) shadow_root_ptr option) dom_prog"
fixes get_shadow_root_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
locale l_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs +
l_get_shadow_root_defs get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs +
l_type_wf type_wf
for type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and get_shadow_root :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) shadow_root_ptr option) prog"
and get_shadow_root_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set" +
assumes type_wf_impl: "type_wf = ShadowRootClass.type_wf"
assumes get_shadow_root_impl: "get_shadow_root = a_get_shadow_root"
assumes get_shadow_root_locs_impl: "get_shadow_root_locs = a_get_shadow_root_locs"
lemmas get_shadow_root_def = get_shadow_root_impl[unfolded get_shadow_root_def a_get_shadow_root_def]
lemmas get_shadow_root_locs_def = get_shadow_root_locs_impl[unfolded get_shadow_root_locs_def
lemma get_shadow_root_ok:
"type_wf h ⟹ element_ptr |∈| element_ptr_kinds h ⟹ h ⊢ ok (get_shadow_root element_ptr)"
unfolding get_shadow_root_def type_wf_impl
using ShadowRootMonad.get_M⇩E⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t_ok by blast
lemma get_shadow_root_pure [simp]: "pure (get_shadow_root element_ptr) h"
unfolding get_shadow_root_def by simp
lemma get_shadow_root_ptr_in_heap:
assumes "h ⊢ get_shadow_root element_ptr →⇩r children"
shows "element_ptr |∈| element_ptr_kinds h"
using assms
by(auto simp add: get_shadow_root_def get_M⇩E⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t_ptr_in_heap dest: is_OK_returns_result_I)
lemma get_shadow_root_reads:
"reads (get_shadow_root_locs element_ptr) (get_shadow_root element_ptr) h h'"
by(simp add: get_shadow_root_def get_shadow_root_locs_def reads_bind_pure
interpretation i_get_shadow_root?: l_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf get_shadow_root
using instances
by (auto simp add: l_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def)
declare l_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
locale l_get_shadow_root = l_type_wf + l_get_shadow_root_defs +
assumes get_shadow_root_reads:
"reads (get_shadow_root_locs element_ptr) (get_shadow_root element_ptr) h h'"
assumes get_shadow_root_ok:
"type_wf h ⟹ element_ptr |∈| element_ptr_kinds h ⟹ h ⊢ ok (get_shadow_root element_ptr)"
assumes get_shadow_root_ptr_in_heap:
"h ⊢ ok (get_shadow_root element_ptr) ⟹ element_ptr |∈| element_ptr_kinds h"
assumes get_shadow_root_pure [simp]:
"pure (get_shadow_root element_ptr) h"
lemma get_shadow_root_is_l_get_shadow_root [instances]:
"l_get_shadow_root type_wf get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs"
using instances
unfolding l_get_shadow_root_def
by (metis (no_types, lifting) ElementClass.l_type_wf⇩E⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t_axioms get_shadow_root_ok get_shadow_root_pure get_shadow_root_reads l_get_M⇩E⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t_lemmas.get_M⇩E⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t_ptr_in_heap l_get_M⇩E⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t_lemmas.intro l_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.get_shadow_root_def)
paragraph ‹set\_disconnected\_nodes›
locale l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_set_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs +
l_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs
for type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and set_disconnected_nodes
:: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and set_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
and get_shadow_root :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) shadow_root_ptr option) prog"
and get_shadow_root_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
lemma set_disconnected_nodes_get_shadow_root:
"∀w ∈ set_disconnected_nodes_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_shadow_root_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
by(auto simp add: set_disconnected_nodes_locs_def get_shadow_root_locs_def all_args_def)
locale l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_shadow_root =
l_set_disconnected_nodes_defs +
l_get_shadow_root_defs +
assumes set_disconnected_nodes_get_shadow_root:
"∀w ∈ set_disconnected_nodes_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_shadow_root_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
i_set_disconnected_nodes_get_shadow_root?: l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
type_wf DocumentClass.type_wf set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs get_shadow_root
by(auto simp add: l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances)
declare l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma set_disconnected_nodes_get_shadow_root_is_l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_shadow_root [instances]:
"l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_shadow_root set_disconnected_nodes_locs get_shadow_root_locs"
apply(auto simp add: l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_shadow_root_def)[1]
using set_disconnected_nodes_get_shadow_root apply fast
paragraph ‹set\_tag\_type›
locale l_set_tag_name_get_shadow_root⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_set_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
lemma set_tag_name_get_shadow_root:
"∀w ∈ set_tag_name_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_shadow_root_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
by(auto simp add: set_tag_name_locs_def
get_shadow_root_locs_def all_args_def
intro: element_put_get_preserved[where setter=tag_name_update and getter=shadow_root_opt])
locale l_set_tag_name_get_shadow_root = l_set_tag_name + l_get_shadow_root +
assumes set_tag_name_get_shadow_root:
"∀w ∈ set_tag_name_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_shadow_root_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
i_set_tag_name_get_shadow_root?: l_set_tag_name_get_shadow_root⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf DocumentClass.type_wf
set_tag_name set_tag_name_locs
get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs
apply(auto simp add: l_set_tag_name_get_shadow_root⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances)[1]
using l_set_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms
by unfold_locales
declare l_set_tag_name_get_shadow_root⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma set_tag_name_get_shadow_root_is_l_set_tag_name_get_shadow_root [instances]:
"l_set_tag_name_get_shadow_root type_wf set_tag_name set_tag_name_locs get_shadow_root
using set_tag_name_is_l_set_tag_name get_shadow_root_is_l_get_shadow_root
apply(simp add: l_set_tag_name_get_shadow_root_def l_set_tag_name_get_shadow_root_axioms_def)
using set_tag_name_get_shadow_root
by fast
paragraph ‹set\_child\_nodes›
locale l_set_child_nodes_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_set_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf known_ptr type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M known_ptr⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M set_child_nodes
set_child_nodes_locs set_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M set_child_nodes_locs⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
l_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs
for type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and known_ptr :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ bool"
and type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and known_ptr⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ bool"
and set_child_nodes :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and set_child_nodes_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
and set_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and set_child_nodes_locs⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
and get_shadow_root :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) shadow_root_ptr option) prog"
and get_shadow_root_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
lemma set_child_nodes_get_shadow_root: "∀w ∈ set_child_nodes_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶
(∀r ∈ get_shadow_root_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
apply(auto simp add: set_child_nodes_locs_def get_shadow_root_locs_def CD.set_child_nodes_locs_def
by(auto intro!: element_put_get_preserved[where getter=shadow_root_opt and
locale l_set_child_nodes_get_shadow_root = l_set_child_nodes_defs + l_get_shadow_root_defs +
assumes set_child_nodes_get_shadow_root:
"∀w ∈ set_child_nodes_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_shadow_root_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
i_set_child_nodes_get_shadow_root?: l_set_child_nodes_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf known_ptr
DocumentClass.type_wf DocumentClass.known_ptr set_child_nodes set_child_nodes_locs
Core_DOM_Functions.set_child_nodes Core_DOM_Functions.set_child_nodes_locs get_shadow_root
by(auto simp add: l_set_child_nodes_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances)
declare l_set_child_nodes_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma set_child_nodes_get_shadow_root_is_l_set_child_nodes_get_shadow_root [instances]:
"l_set_child_nodes_get_shadow_root set_child_nodes_locs get_shadow_root_locs"
apply(auto simp add: l_set_child_nodes_get_shadow_root_def)[1]
using set_child_nodes_get_shadow_root apply fast
paragraph ‹delete\_shadow\_root›
locale l_delete_shadow_root_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
lemma get_shadow_root_delete_shadow_root: "h ⊢ delete⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_M shadow_root_ptr →⇩h h'
⟹ r ∈ get_shadow_root_locs ptr' ⟹ r h h'"
by(auto simp add: get_shadow_root_locs_def delete_shadow_root_get_M⇩E⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t)
locale l_delete_shadow_root_get_shadow_root = l_get_shadow_root_defs +
assumes get_shadow_root_delete_shadow_root: "h ⊢ delete⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_M shadow_root_ptr →⇩h h'
⟹ r ∈ get_shadow_root_locs ptr' ⟹ r h h'"
interpretation l_delete_shadow_root_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf get_shadow_root
by(auto simp add: l_delete_shadow_root_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances)
lemma l_delete_shadow_root_get_shadow_root_get_shadow_root_locs [instances]: "l_delete_shadow_root_get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs"
apply(auto simp add: l_delete_shadow_root_get_shadow_root_def)[1]
using get_shadow_root_delete_shadow_root apply fast
paragraph ‹new\_character\_data›
locale l_new_character_data_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs
for type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and get_shadow_root :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) shadow_root_ptr option) prog"
and get_shadow_root_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
lemma get_shadow_root_new_character_data:
"h ⊢ new_character_data →⇩r new_character_data_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new_character_data →⇩h h'
⟹ r ∈ get_shadow_root_locs ptr' ⟹ r h h'"
by (auto simp add: get_shadow_root_locs_def new_character_data_get_M⇩O⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t
split: prod.splits if_splits option.splits
elim!: bind_returns_result_E bind_returns_heap_E
intro: is_element_ptr_kind_obtains)
locale l_new_character_data_get_shadow_root = l_new_character_data + l_get_shadow_root +
assumes get_shadow_root_new_character_data:
"h ⊢ new_character_data →⇩r new_character_data_ptr
⟹ h ⊢ new_character_data →⇩h h' ⟹ r ∈ get_shadow_root_locs ptr' ⟹ r h h'"
interpretation i_new_character_data_get_shadow_root?:
l_new_character_data_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs
declare l_new_character_data_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
lemma new_character_data_get_shadow_root_is_l_new_character_data_get_shadow_root [instances]:
"l_new_character_data_get_shadow_root type_wf get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs"
using new_character_data_is_l_new_character_data get_shadow_root_is_l_get_shadow_root
apply(auto simp add: l_new_character_data_get_shadow_root_def
l_new_character_data_get_shadow_root_axioms_def instances)[1]
using get_shadow_root_new_character_data
by fast
paragraph ‹new\_document›
locale l_new_document_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs
for type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and get_shadow_root :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) shadow_root_ptr option) prog"
and get_shadow_root_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
lemma get_shadow_root_new_document:
"h ⊢ new_document →⇩r new_document_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new_document →⇩h h'
⟹ r ∈ get_shadow_root_locs ptr' ⟹ r h h'"
by (auto simp add: get_shadow_root_locs_def new_document_get_M⇩O⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t new_document_get_M⇩E⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t
split: prod.splits if_splits option.splits
elim!: bind_returns_result_E bind_returns_heap_E intro: is_element_ptr_kind_obtains)
locale l_new_document_get_shadow_root = l_new_document + l_get_shadow_root +
assumes get_shadow_root_new_document:
"h ⊢ new_document →⇩r new_document_ptr
⟹ h ⊢ new_document →⇩h h' ⟹ r ∈ get_shadow_root_locs ptr' ⟹ r h h'"
interpretation i_new_document_get_shadow_root?:
l_new_document_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs
declare l_new_document_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
lemma new_document_get_shadow_root_is_l_new_document_get_shadow_root [instances]:
"l_new_document_get_shadow_root type_wf get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs"
using new_document_is_l_new_document get_shadow_root_is_l_get_shadow_root
apply(auto simp add: l_new_document_get_shadow_root_def l_new_document_get_shadow_root_axioms_def
using get_shadow_root_new_document
by fast
paragraph ‹new\_element›
locale l_new_element_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs
for type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and get_shadow_root :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) shadow_root_ptr option) prog"
and get_shadow_root_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
lemma get_shadow_root_new_element:
"ptr' ≠ new_element_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new_element →⇩r new_element_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new_element →⇩h h'
⟹ r ∈ get_shadow_root_locs ptr' ⟹ r h h'"
by (auto simp add: get_shadow_root_locs_def new_element_get_M⇩O⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t new_element_get_M⇩E⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t
new_element_get_M⇩D⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t split: prod.splits if_splits option.splits
elim!: bind_returns_result_E bind_returns_heap_E intro: is_element_ptr_kind_obtains)
lemma new_element_no_shadow_root:
"h ⊢ new_element →⇩r new_element_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new_element →⇩h h'
⟹ h' ⊢ get_shadow_root new_element_ptr →⇩r None"
by(simp add: get_shadow_root_def new_element_shadow_root_opt)
locale l_new_element_get_shadow_root = l_new_element + l_get_shadow_root +
assumes get_shadow_root_new_element:
"ptr' ≠ new_element_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new_element →⇩r new_element_ptr
⟹ h ⊢ new_element →⇩h h' ⟹ r ∈ get_shadow_root_locs ptr' ⟹ r h h'"
assumes new_element_no_shadow_root:
"h ⊢ new_element →⇩r new_element_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new_element →⇩h h'
⟹ h' ⊢ get_shadow_root new_element_ptr →⇩r None"
interpretation i_new_element_get_shadow_root?:
l_new_element_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs
declare l_new_element_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
lemma new_element_get_shadow_root_is_l_new_element_get_shadow_root [instances]:
"l_new_element_get_shadow_root type_wf get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs"
using new_element_is_l_new_element get_shadow_root_is_l_get_shadow_root
apply(auto simp add: l_new_element_get_shadow_root_def l_new_element_get_shadow_root_axioms_def
using get_shadow_root_new_element new_element_no_shadow_root
by fast+
paragraph ‹new\_shadow\_root›
locale l_new_shadow_root_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs
for type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and get_shadow_root :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) shadow_root_ptr option) prog"
and get_shadow_root_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
lemma get_shadow_root_new_shadow_root:
"h ⊢ new⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_M →⇩r new_shadow_root_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_M →⇩h h'
⟹ r ∈ get_shadow_root_locs ptr' ⟹ r h h'"
by (auto simp add: get_shadow_root_locs_def new_shadow_root_get_M⇩O⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t new_shadow_root_get_M⇩E⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t
split: prod.splits if_splits option.splits
elim!: bind_returns_result_E bind_returns_heap_E intro: is_element_ptr_kind_obtains)
locale l_new_shadow_root_get_shadow_root = l_get_shadow_root +
assumes get_shadow_root_new_shadow_root:
"h ⊢ new⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_M →⇩r new_shadow_root_ptr
⟹ h ⊢ new⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_M →⇩h h' ⟹ r ∈ get_shadow_root_locs ptr' ⟹ r h h'"
interpretation i_new_shadow_root_get_shadow_root?:
l_new_shadow_root_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs
declare l_new_shadow_root_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
lemma new_shadow_root_get_shadow_root_is_l_new_shadow_root_get_shadow_root [instances]:
"l_new_shadow_root_get_shadow_root type_wf get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs"
using get_shadow_root_is_l_get_shadow_root
apply(auto simp add: l_new_shadow_root_get_shadow_root_def
l_new_shadow_root_get_shadow_root_axioms_def instances)[1]
using get_shadow_root_new_shadow_root
by fast
subsubsection ‹set\_shadow\_root›
locale l_set_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs
definition a_set_shadow_root :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ (_) shadow_root_ptr option ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
"a_set_shadow_root element_ptr = put_M element_ptr shadow_root_opt_update"
definition a_set_shadow_root_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_, unit) dom_prog) set"
"a_set_shadow_root_locs element_ptr ≡ all_args (put_M element_ptr shadow_root_opt_update)"
global_interpretation l_set_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs
defines set_shadow_root = a_set_shadow_root
and set_shadow_root_locs = a_set_shadow_root_locs
locale l_set_shadow_root_defs =
fixes set_shadow_root :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ (_) shadow_root_ptr option ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
fixes set_shadow_root_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog set"
locale l_set_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_type_wf type_wf +
l_set_shadow_root_defs set_shadow_root set_shadow_root_locs +
for type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and set_shadow_root :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ (_) shadow_root_ptr option ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
and set_shadow_root_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog set" +
assumes type_wf_impl: "type_wf = ShadowRootClass.type_wf"
assumes set_shadow_root_impl: "set_shadow_root = a_set_shadow_root"
assumes set_shadow_root_locs_impl: "set_shadow_root_locs = a_set_shadow_root_locs"
lemmas set_shadow_root_def = set_shadow_root_impl[unfolded set_shadow_root_def
lemmas set_shadow_root_locs_def = set_shadow_root_locs_impl[unfolded set_shadow_root_locs_def
lemma set_shadow_root_ok: "type_wf h ⟹ element_ptr |∈| element_ptr_kinds h ⟹
h ⊢ ok (set_shadow_root element_ptr tag)"
apply(unfold type_wf_impl)
unfolding set_shadow_root_def using get_M⇩E⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t_ok put_M⇩E⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t_ok
by (simp add: ShadowRootMonad.put_M⇩E⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t_ok)
lemma set_shadow_root_ptr_in_heap:
"h ⊢ ok (set_shadow_root element_ptr shadow_root) ⟹ element_ptr |∈| element_ptr_kinds h"
by(simp add: set_shadow_root_def ElementMonad.put_M_ptr_in_heap)
lemma set_shadow_root_writes:
"writes (set_shadow_root_locs element_ptr) (set_shadow_root element_ptr tag) h h'"
by(auto simp add: set_shadow_root_def set_shadow_root_locs_def intro: writes_bind_pure)
lemma set_shadow_root_pointers_preserved:
assumes "w ∈ set_shadow_root_locs element_ptr"
assumes "h ⊢ w →⇩h h'"
shows "object_ptr_kinds h = object_ptr_kinds h'"
using assms(1) object_ptr_kinds_preserved[OF writes_singleton2 assms(2)]
by(auto simp add: all_args_def set_shadow_root_locs_def split: if_splits)
lemma set_shadow_root_types_preserved:
assumes "w ∈ set_shadow_root_locs element_ptr"
assumes "h ⊢ w →⇩h h'"
shows "type_wf h = type_wf h'"
apply(unfold type_wf_impl)
using assms(1) type_wf_preserved[OF writes_singleton2 assms(2)]
by(auto simp add: all_args_def set_shadow_root_locs_def split: if_splits)
interpretation i_set_shadow_root?: l_set_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf set_shadow_root
by (auto simp add: l_set_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances)
declare l_set_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
locale l_set_shadow_root = l_type_wf +l_set_shadow_root_defs +
assumes set_shadow_root_writes:
"writes (set_shadow_root_locs element_ptr) (set_shadow_root element_ptr disc_nodes) h h'"
assumes set_shadow_root_ok:
"type_wf h ⟹ element_ptr |∈| element_ptr_kinds h ⟹
h ⊢ ok (set_shadow_root element_ptr shadow_root)"
assumes set_shadow_root_ptr_in_heap:
"h ⊢ ok (set_shadow_root element_ptr shadow_root) ⟹ element_ptr |∈| element_ptr_kinds h"
assumes set_shadow_root_pointers_preserved:
"w ∈ set_shadow_root_locs element_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟹
object_ptr_kinds h = object_ptr_kinds h'"
assumes set_shadow_root_types_preserved:
"w ∈ set_shadow_root_locs element_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟹ type_wf h = type_wf h'"
lemma set_shadow_root_is_l_set_shadow_root [instances]:
"l_set_shadow_root type_wf set_shadow_root set_shadow_root_locs"
apply(auto simp add: l_set_shadow_root_def instances)[1]
using set_shadow_root_writes apply blast
using set_shadow_root_ok apply (blast)
using set_shadow_root_ptr_in_heap apply blast
using set_shadow_root_pointers_preserved apply(blast, blast)
using set_shadow_root_types_preserved apply(blast, blast)
paragraph ‹get\_shadow\_root›
locale l_set_shadow_root_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_set_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
lemma set_shadow_root_get_shadow_root:
"type_wf h ⟹ h ⊢ set_shadow_root ptr shadow_root_ptr_opt →⇩h h' ⟹
h' ⊢ get_shadow_root ptr →⇩r shadow_root_ptr_opt"
by(auto simp add: set_shadow_root_def get_shadow_root_def)
lemma set_shadow_root_get_shadow_root_different_pointers: "ptr ≠ ptr' ⟹
∀w ∈ set_shadow_root_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_shadow_root_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
by(auto simp add: set_shadow_root_locs_def get_shadow_root_locs_def all_args_def)
interpretation i_set_shadow_root_get_shadow_root?: l_set_shadow_root_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf
set_shadow_root set_shadow_root_locs get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs
apply(auto simp add: l_set_shadow_root_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances)[1]
declare l_set_shadow_root_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
locale l_set_shadow_root_get_shadow_root =
l_type_wf +
l_set_shadow_root_defs +
l_get_shadow_root_defs +
assumes set_shadow_root_get_shadow_root:
"type_wf h ⟹ h ⊢ set_shadow_root ptr shadow_root_ptr_opt →⇩h h' ⟹
h' ⊢ get_shadow_root ptr →⇩r shadow_root_ptr_opt"
assumes set_shadow_root_get_shadow_root_different_pointers:
"ptr ≠ ptr' ⟹ w ∈ set_shadow_root_locs ptr ⟹ h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟹
r ∈ get_shadow_root_locs ptr' ⟹ r h h'"
lemma set_shadow_root_get_shadow_root_is_l_set_shadow_root_get_shadow_root [instances]:
"l_set_shadow_root_get_shadow_root type_wf set_shadow_root set_shadow_root_locs get_shadow_root
apply(auto simp add: l_set_shadow_root_get_shadow_root_def instances)[1]
using set_shadow_root_get_shadow_root apply fast
using set_shadow_root_get_shadow_root_different_pointers apply fast
subsubsection ‹set\_mode›
locale l_set_mode⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs
definition a_set_mode :: "(_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒ shadow_root_mode ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
"a_set_mode shadow_root_ptr = put_M shadow_root_ptr mode_update"
definition a_set_mode_locs :: "(_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒ ((_, unit) dom_prog) set"
"a_set_mode_locs shadow_root_ptr ≡ all_args (put_M shadow_root_ptr mode_update)"
global_interpretation l_set_mode⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs
defines set_mode = a_set_mode
and set_mode_locs = a_set_mode_locs
locale l_set_mode_defs =
fixes set_mode :: "(_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒ shadow_root_mode ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
fixes set_mode_locs :: "(_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog set"
locale l_set_mode⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_type_wf type_wf +
l_set_mode_defs set_mode set_mode_locs +
for type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and set_mode :: "(_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒ shadow_root_mode ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
and set_mode_locs :: "(_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog set" +
assumes type_wf_impl: "type_wf = ShadowRootClass.type_wf"
assumes set_mode_impl: "set_mode = a_set_mode"
assumes set_mode_locs_impl: "set_mode_locs = a_set_mode_locs"
lemmas set_mode_def = set_mode_impl[unfolded set_mode_def a_set_mode_def]
lemmas set_mode_locs_def = set_mode_locs_impl[unfolded set_mode_locs_def a_set_mode_locs_def]
lemma set_mode_ok:
"type_wf h ⟹ shadow_root_ptr |∈| shadow_root_ptr_kinds h ⟹
h ⊢ ok (set_mode shadow_root_ptr shadow_root_mode)"
apply(unfold type_wf_impl)
unfolding set_mode_def using get_M⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_ok put_M⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_ok
by (simp add: ShadowRootMonad.put_M⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_ok)
lemma set_mode_ptr_in_heap:
"h ⊢ ok (set_mode shadow_root_ptr shadow_root_mode) ⟹
shadow_root_ptr |∈| shadow_root_ptr_kinds h"
by(simp add: set_mode_def put_M_ptr_in_heap)
lemma set_mode_writes:
"writes (set_mode_locs shadow_root_ptr) (set_mode shadow_root_ptr shadow_root_mode) h h'"
by(auto simp add: set_mode_def set_mode_locs_def intro: writes_bind_pure)
lemma set_mode_pointers_preserved:
assumes "w ∈ set_mode_locs element_ptr"
assumes "h ⊢ w →⇩h h'"
shows "object_ptr_kinds h = object_ptr_kinds h'"
using assms(1) object_ptr_kinds_preserved[OF writes_singleton2 assms(2)]
by(auto simp add: all_args_def set_mode_locs_def split: if_splits)
lemma set_mode_types_preserved:
assumes "w ∈ set_mode_locs element_ptr"
assumes "h ⊢ w →⇩h h'"
shows "type_wf h = type_wf h'"
apply(unfold type_wf_impl)
using assms(1) type_wf_preserved[OF writes_singleton2 assms(2)]
by(auto simp add: all_args_def set_mode_locs_def split: if_splits)
interpretation i_set_mode?: l_set_mode⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf set_mode set_mode_locs
by (auto simp add: l_set_mode⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances)
declare l_set_mode⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
locale l_set_mode = l_type_wf +l_set_mode_defs +
assumes set_mode_writes:
"writes (set_mode_locs shadow_root_ptr) (set_mode shadow_root_ptr shadow_root_mode) h h'"
assumes set_mode_ok:
"type_wf h ⟹ shadow_root_ptr |∈| shadow_root_ptr_kinds h ⟹
h ⊢ ok (set_mode shadow_root_ptr shadow_root_mode)"
assumes set_mode_ptr_in_heap:
"h ⊢ ok (set_mode shadow_root_ptr shadow_root_mode) ⟹
shadow_root_ptr |∈| shadow_root_ptr_kinds h"
assumes set_mode_pointers_preserved:
"w ∈ set_mode_locs shadow_root_ptr ⟹
h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟹ object_ptr_kinds h = object_ptr_kinds h'"
assumes set_mode_types_preserved:
"w ∈ set_mode_locs shadow_root_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟹ type_wf h = type_wf h'"
lemma set_mode_is_l_set_mode [instances]: "l_set_mode type_wf set_mode set_mode_locs"
apply(auto simp add: l_set_mode_def instances)[1]
using set_mode_writes apply blast
using set_mode_ok apply (blast)
using set_mode_ptr_in_heap apply blast
using set_mode_pointers_preserved apply(blast, blast)
using set_mode_types_preserved apply(blast, blast)
paragraph ‹get\_child\_nodes›
locale l_set_shadow_root_get_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_get_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
lemma set_shadow_root_get_child_nodes:
"∀w ∈ set_shadow_root_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_child_nodes_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
by(auto simp add: get_child_nodes_locs_def set_shadow_root_locs_def CD.get_child_nodes_locs_def
intro: element_put_get_preserved[where setter=shadow_root_opt_update])
interpretation i_set_shadow_root_get_child_nodes?: l_set_shadow_root_get_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf
known_ptr DocumentClass.type_wf DocumentClass.known_ptr get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs
Core_DOM_Functions.get_child_nodes Core_DOM_Functions.get_child_nodes_locs set_shadow_root
declare l_set_shadow_root_get_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
locale l_set_shadow_root_get_child_nodes = l_set_shadow_root + l_get_child_nodes +
assumes set_shadow_root_get_child_nodes:
"∀w ∈ set_shadow_root_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_child_nodes_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
lemma set_shadow_root_get_child_nodes_is_l_set_shadow_root_get_child_nodes [instances]:
"l_set_shadow_root_get_child_nodes type_wf set_shadow_root set_shadow_root_locs known_ptr
get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs"
apply(auto simp add: l_set_shadow_root_get_child_nodes_def
l_set_shadow_root_get_child_nodes_axioms_def instances)[1]
using set_shadow_root_get_child_nodes apply blast
paragraph ‹get\_shadow\_root›
locale l_set_mode_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_set_mode⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
lemma set_mode_get_shadow_root:
"∀w ∈ set_mode_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_shadow_root_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
by(auto simp add: set_mode_locs_def get_shadow_root_locs_def all_args_def)
i_set_mode_get_shadow_root?: l_set_mode_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf
set_mode set_mode_locs get_shadow_root
by unfold_locales
declare l_set_mode_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
locale l_set_mode_get_shadow_root = l_set_mode + l_get_shadow_root +
assumes set_mode_get_shadow_root:
"∀w ∈ set_mode_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_shadow_root_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
lemma set_mode_get_shadow_root_is_l_set_mode_get_shadow_root [instances]:
"l_set_mode_get_shadow_root type_wf set_mode set_mode_locs get_shadow_root
using set_mode_is_l_set_mode get_shadow_root_is_l_get_shadow_root
apply(simp add: l_set_mode_get_shadow_root_def
using set_mode_get_shadow_root
by fast
paragraph ‹get\_child\_nodes›
locale l_set_mode_get_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_set_mode⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
lemma set_mode_get_child_nodes:
"∀w ∈ set_mode_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_child_nodes_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
by(auto simp add: get_child_nodes_locs_def CD.get_child_nodes_locs_def set_mode_locs_def
interpretation i_set_mode_get_child_nodes?: l_set_mode_get_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf set_mode
set_mode_locs known_ptr DocumentClass.type_wf DocumentClass.known_ptr get_child_nodes
get_child_nodes_locs Core_DOM_Functions.get_child_nodes Core_DOM_Functions.get_child_nodes_locs
by unfold_locales
declare l_set_mode_get_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
locale l_set_mode_get_child_nodes = l_set_mode + l_get_child_nodes +
assumes set_mode_get_child_nodes:
"∀w ∈ set_mode_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_child_nodes_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
lemma set_mode_get_child_nodes_is_l_set_mode_get_child_nodes [instances]:
"l_set_mode_get_child_nodes type_wf set_mode set_mode_locs known_ptr get_child_nodes
using set_mode_is_l_set_mode get_child_nodes_is_l_get_child_nodes
apply(simp add: l_set_mode_get_child_nodes_def
using set_mode_get_child_nodes
by fast
subsubsection ‹get\_host›
locale l_get_host⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs =
l_get_shadow_root_defs get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs
for get_shadow_root
:: "(_::linorder) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) shadow_root_ptr option) prog"
and get_shadow_root_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
definition a_get_host :: "(_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒ (_, (_) element_ptr) dom_prog" where
"a_get_host shadow_root_ptr = do {
host_ptrs ← element_ptr_kinds_M ⤜ filter_M (λelement_ptr. do {
shadow_root_opt ← get_shadow_root element_ptr;
return (shadow_root_opt = Some shadow_root_ptr)
(case host_ptrs of host_ptr#[] ⇒ return host_ptr | _ ⇒ error HierarchyRequestError)
definition "a_get_host_locs ≡ (⋃element_ptr. (get_shadow_root_locs element_ptr)) ∪
(⋃ptr. {preserved (get_M⇩O⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t ptr RObject.nothing)})"
global_interpretation l_get_host⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs
defines get_host = "a_get_host"
and get_host_locs = "a_get_host_locs"
locale l_get_host_defs =
fixes get_host :: "(_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒ (_, (_) element_ptr) dom_prog"
fixes get_host_locs :: "((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
locale l_get_host⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_get_host⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs +
l_get_host_defs +
l_get_shadow_root +
assumes get_host_impl: "get_host = a_get_host"
assumes get_host_locs_impl: "get_host_locs = a_get_host_locs"
lemmas get_host_def = get_host_impl[unfolded a_get_host_def]
lemmas get_host_locs_def = get_host_locs_impl[unfolded a_get_host_locs_def]
lemma get_host_pure [simp]: "pure (get_host element_ptr) h"
by(auto simp add: get_host_def intro!: bind_pure_I filter_M_pure_I split: list.splits)
lemma get_host_reads: "reads get_host_locs (get_host element_ptr) h h'"
using get_shadow_root_reads[unfolded reads_def]
by(auto simp add: get_host_def get_host_locs_def
intro!: reads_bind_pure reads_subset[OF check_in_heap_reads] reads_subset[OF error_reads]
reads_subset[OF get_shadow_root_reads] reads_subset[OF return_reads]
reads_subset[OF element_ptr_kinds_M_reads] filter_M_reads filter_M_pure_I
split: list.splits)
locale l_get_host = l_get_host_defs +
assumes get_host_pure [simp]: "pure (get_host element_ptr) h"
assumes get_host_reads: "reads get_host_locs (get_host node_ptr) h h'"
interpretation i_get_host?: l_get_host⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs get_host
get_host_locs type_wf
using instances
by (simp add: l_get_host⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def l_get_host⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms_def get_host_def get_host_locs_def)
declare l_get_host⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
lemma get_host_is_l_get_host [instances]: "l_get_host get_host get_host_locs"
apply(auto simp add: l_get_host_def)[1]
using get_host_reads apply fast
subsubsection ‹get\_mode›
locale l_get_mode⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs
definition a_get_mode :: "(_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒ (_, shadow_root_mode) dom_prog"
"a_get_mode shadow_root_ptr = get_M shadow_root_ptr mode"
definition a_get_mode_locs :: "(_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
"a_get_mode_locs shadow_root_ptr ≡ {preserved (get_M shadow_root_ptr mode)}"
global_interpretation l_get_mode⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs
defines get_mode = a_get_mode
and get_mode_locs = a_get_mode_locs
locale l_get_mode_defs =
fixes get_mode :: "(_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒ (_, shadow_root_mode) dom_prog"
fixes get_mode_locs :: "(_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
locale l_get_mode⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_get_mode⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs +
l_get_mode_defs get_mode get_mode_locs +
l_type_wf type_wf
for get_mode :: "(_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, shadow_root_mode) prog"
and get_mode_locs :: "(_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool" +
assumes type_wf_impl: "type_wf = ShadowRootClass.type_wf"
assumes get_mode_impl: "get_mode = a_get_mode"
assumes get_mode_locs_impl: "get_mode_locs = a_get_mode_locs"
lemmas get_mode_def = get_mode_impl[unfolded get_mode_def a_get_mode_def]
lemmas get_mode_locs_def = get_mode_locs_impl[unfolded get_mode_locs_def a_get_mode_locs_def]
lemma get_mode_ok: "type_wf h ⟹ shadow_root_ptr |∈| shadow_root_ptr_kinds h ⟹
h ⊢ ok (get_mode shadow_root_ptr)"
unfolding get_mode_def type_wf_impl
using ShadowRootMonad.get_M⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_ok by blast
lemma get_mode_pure [simp]: "pure (get_mode element_ptr) h"
unfolding get_mode_def by simp
lemma get_mode_ptr_in_heap:
assumes "h ⊢ get_mode shadow_root_ptr →⇩r children"
shows "shadow_root_ptr |∈| shadow_root_ptr_kinds h"
using assms
by(auto simp add: get_mode_def get_M⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_ptr_in_heap dest: is_OK_returns_result_I)
lemma get_mode_reads: "reads (get_mode_locs element_ptr) (get_mode element_ptr) h h'"
by(simp add: get_mode_def get_mode_locs_def reads_bind_pure reads_insert_writes_set_right)
interpretation i_get_mode?: l_get_mode⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_mode get_mode_locs type_wf
using instances
by (auto simp add: l_get_mode⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def)
declare l_get_mode⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
locale l_get_mode = l_type_wf + l_get_mode_defs +
assumes get_mode_reads: "reads (get_mode_locs shadow_root_ptr) (get_mode shadow_root_ptr) h h'"
assumes get_mode_ok:
"type_wf h ⟹ shadow_root_ptr |∈| shadow_root_ptr_kinds h ⟹ h ⊢ ok (get_mode shadow_root_ptr)"
assumes get_mode_ptr_in_heap:
"h ⊢ ok (get_mode shadow_root_ptr) ⟹ shadow_root_ptr |∈| shadow_root_ptr_kinds h"
assumes get_mode_pure [simp]: "pure (get_mode shadow_root_ptr) h"
lemma get_mode_is_l_get_mode [instances]: "l_get_mode type_wf get_mode get_mode_locs"
apply(auto simp add: l_get_mode_def instances)[1]
using get_mode_reads apply blast
using get_mode_ok apply blast
using get_mode_ptr_in_heap apply blast
subsubsection ‹get\_shadow\_root\_safe›
locale l_get_shadow_root_safe⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs =
l_get_shadow_root_defs get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs +
l_get_mode_defs get_mode get_mode_locs
for get_shadow_root :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ (_, (_) shadow_root_ptr option) dom_prog"
and get_shadow_root_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_mode :: "(_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒ (_, shadow_root_mode) dom_prog"
and get_mode_locs :: "(_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
definition a_get_shadow_root_safe :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ (_, (_) shadow_root_ptr option) dom_prog"
"a_get_shadow_root_safe element_ptr = do {
shadow_root_ptr_opt ← get_shadow_root element_ptr;
(case shadow_root_ptr_opt of
Some shadow_root_ptr ⇒ do {
mode ← get_mode shadow_root_ptr;
(if mode = Open then
return (Some shadow_root_ptr)
return None
} | None ⇒ return None)
definition a_get_shadow_root_safe_locs
:: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ (_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set" where
"a_get_shadow_root_safe_locs element_ptr shadow_root_ptr ≡
(get_shadow_root_locs element_ptr) ∪ (get_mode_locs shadow_root_ptr)"
global_interpretation l_get_shadow_root_safe⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs
get_mode get_mode_locs
defines get_shadow_root_safe = a_get_shadow_root_safe
and get_shadow_root_safe_locs = a_get_shadow_root_safe_locs
locale l_get_shadow_root_safe_defs =
fixes get_shadow_root_safe :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ (_, (_) shadow_root_ptr option) dom_prog"
fixes get_shadow_root_safe_locs ::
"(_) element_ptr ⇒ (_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
locale l_get_shadow_root_safe⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_get_shadow_root_safe⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs get_mode get_mode_locs +
l_get_shadow_root_safe_defs get_shadow_root_safe get_shadow_root_safe_locs +
l_get_shadow_root type_wf get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs +
l_get_mode type_wf get_mode get_mode_locs +
l_type_wf type_wf
for type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and get_shadow_root_safe ::
"(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) shadow_root_ptr option) prog"
and get_shadow_root_safe_locs ::
"(_) element_ptr ⇒ (_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_shadow_root :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ (_, (_) shadow_root_ptr option) dom_prog"
and get_shadow_root_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_mode :: "(_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒ (_, shadow_root_mode) dom_prog"
and get_mode_locs :: "(_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set" +
assumes type_wf_impl: "type_wf = ShadowRootClass.type_wf"
assumes get_shadow_root_safe_impl: "get_shadow_root_safe = a_get_shadow_root_safe"
assumes get_shadow_root_safe_locs_impl: "get_shadow_root_safe_locs = a_get_shadow_root_safe_locs"
lemmas get_shadow_root_safe_def =
get_shadow_root_safe_impl[unfolded get_shadow_root_safe_def a_get_shadow_root_safe_def]
lemmas get_shadow_root_safe_locs_def =
get_shadow_root_safe_locs_impl[unfolded get_shadow_root_safe_locs_def a_get_shadow_root_safe_locs_def]
lemma get_shadow_root_safe_pure [simp]: "pure (get_shadow_root_safe element_ptr) h"
by (auto simp add: get_shadow_root_safe_def bind_pure_I option.case_eq_if)
interpretation i_get_shadow_root_safe?: l_get_shadow_root_safe⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf get_shadow_root_safe
get_shadow_root_safe_locs get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs get_mode get_mode_locs
using instances
by (auto simp add: l_get_shadow_root_safe⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def l_get_shadow_root_safe⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms_def
get_shadow_root_safe_def get_shadow_root_safe_locs_def)
declare l_get_shadow_root_safe⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
locale l_get_shadow_root_safe = l_get_shadow_root_safe_defs +
assumes get_shadow_root_safe_pure [simp]: "pure (get_shadow_root_safe element_ptr) h"
lemma get_shadow_root_safe_is_l_get_shadow_root_safe [instances]:
"l_get_shadow_root_safe get_shadow_root_safe"
using instances
apply(auto simp add: l_get_shadow_root_safe_def)[1]
subsubsection ‹set\_disconnected\_nodes›
locale l_set_disconnected_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
CD: l_set_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs +
l_type_wf type_wf
for type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and set_disconnected_nodes ::
"(_) document_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and set_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set" +
assumes type_wf_impl: "type_wf = ShadowRootClass.type_wf"
lemma set_disconnected_nodes_ok:
"type_wf h ⟹ document_ptr |∈| document_ptr_kinds h ⟹
h ⊢ ok (set_disconnected_nodes document_ptr node_ptrs)"
using CD.set_disconnected_nodes_ok CD.type_wf_impl ShadowRootClass.type_wf_defs local.type_wf_impl
by blast
lemma set_disconnected_nodes_typess_preserved:
assumes "w ∈ set_disconnected_nodes_locs object_ptr"
assumes "h ⊢ w →⇩h h'"
shows "type_wf h = type_wf h'"
using assms(1) type_wf_preserved[OF writes_singleton2 assms(2)]
apply(unfold type_wf_impl)
by(auto simp add: all_args_def CD.set_disconnected_nodes_locs_def split: if_splits)
interpretation i_set_disconnected_nodes?: l_set_disconnected_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf
DocumentClass.type_wf set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs
by(auto simp add: l_set_disconnected_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def
l_set_disconnected_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms_def instances)
declare l_set_disconnected_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
lemma set_disconnected_nodes_is_l_set_disconnected_nodes [instances]:
"l_set_disconnected_nodes type_wf set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs"
apply(auto simp add: l_set_disconnected_nodes_def)[1]
apply (simp add: i_set_disconnected_nodes.set_disconnected_nodes_writes)
using set_disconnected_nodes_ok apply blast
apply (simp add: i_set_disconnected_nodes.set_disconnected_nodes_ptr_in_heap)
using i_set_disconnected_nodes.set_disconnected_nodes_pointers_preserved apply (blast, blast)
using set_disconnected_nodes_typess_preserved apply(blast, blast)
paragraph ‹get\_child\_nodes›
locale l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_set_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs +
l_get_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf known_ptr type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M known_ptr⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_child_nodes
get_child_nodes_locs get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_child_nodes_locs⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
for type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and set_disconnected_nodes :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit)
and set_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
and known_ptr :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ bool"
and type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and known_ptr⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ bool"
and get_child_nodes :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_child_nodes_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_child_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_child_nodes_locs⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
lemma set_disconnected_nodes_get_child_nodes:
"∀w ∈ set_disconnected_nodes_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_child_nodes_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
by(auto simp add: set_disconnected_nodes_locs_def get_child_nodes_locs_def
CD.get_child_nodes_locs_def all_args_def)
interpretation i_set_disconnected_nodes_get_child_nodes?:
l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf set_disconnected_nodes
set_disconnected_nodes_locs known_ptr DocumentClass.type_wf DocumentClass.known_ptr get_child_nodes
get_child_nodes_locs Core_DOM_Functions.get_child_nodes Core_DOM_Functions.get_child_nodes_locs
by(auto simp add: l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances)
declare l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma set_disconnected_nodes_get_child_nodes_is_l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_child_nodes [instances]:
"l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_child_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs get_child_nodes_locs"
apply(auto simp add: l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_child_nodes_def)[1]
using set_disconnected_nodes_get_child_nodes apply fast
paragraph ‹get\_host›
locale l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_host⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_set_disconnected_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
l_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
lemma set_disconnected_nodes_get_host:
"∀w ∈ set_disconnected_nodes_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_host_locs. r h h'))"
by(auto simp add: CD.set_disconnected_nodes_locs_def get_shadow_root_locs_def get_host_locs_def all_args_def)
interpretation i_set_disconnected_nodes_get_host?: l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_host⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf
DocumentClass.type_wf set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs get_shadow_root
get_shadow_root_locs get_host get_host_locs
by(auto simp add: l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_host⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances)
declare l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_host⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
locale l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_host = l_set_disconnected_nodes_defs + l_get_host_defs +
assumes set_disconnected_nodes_get_host:
"∀w ∈ set_disconnected_nodes_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_host_locs. r h h'))"
lemma set_disconnected_nodes_get_host_is_l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_host [instances]:
"l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_host set_disconnected_nodes_locs get_host_locs"
apply(auto simp add: l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_host_def instances)[1]
using set_disconnected_nodes_get_host
by fast
subsubsection ‹get\_tag\_name›
locale l_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
CD: l_get_tag_name⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs +
l_type_wf type_wf
for type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and get_tag_name :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ (_, tag_name) dom_prog"
and get_tag_name_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set" +
assumes type_wf_impl: "type_wf = ShadowRootClass.type_wf"
lemma get_tag_name_ok:
"type_wf h ⟹ element_ptr |∈| element_ptr_kinds h ⟹ h ⊢ ok (get_tag_name element_ptr)"
apply(unfold type_wf_impl get_tag_name_impl[unfolded a_get_tag_name_def])
using CD.get_tag_name_ok CD.type_wf_impl ShadowRootClass.type_wf⇩D⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t
by blast
interpretation i_get_tag_name?: l_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf DocumentClass.type_wf get_tag_name
by(auto simp add: l_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def l_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms_def instances)
declare l_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
lemma get_tag_name_is_l_get_tag_name [instances]: "l_get_tag_name type_wf get_tag_name
apply(auto simp add: l_get_tag_name_def)[1]
using get_tag_name_reads apply fast
using get_tag_name_ok apply fast
paragraph ‹set\_disconnected\_nodes›
locale l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_set_disconnected_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
lemma set_disconnected_nodes_get_tag_name:
"∀w ∈ set_disconnected_nodes_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_tag_name_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
by(auto simp add: CD.set_disconnected_nodes_locs_def CD.get_tag_name_locs_def all_args_def)
interpretation i_set_disconnected_nodes_get_tag_name?: l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
type_wf DocumentClass.type_wf set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs get_tag_name
by(auto simp add: l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances)
declare l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
lemma set_disconnected_nodes_get_tag_name_is_l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_tag_name [instances]:
"l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_tag_name type_wf set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs
get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs"
apply(auto simp add: l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_tag_name_def
l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_tag_name_axioms_def instances)[1]
using set_disconnected_nodes_get_tag_name
by fast
paragraph ‹set\_child\_nodes›
locale l_set_child_nodes_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_set_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
lemma set_child_nodes_get_tag_name:
"∀w ∈ set_child_nodes_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_tag_name_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
by(auto simp add: CD.set_child_nodes_locs_def set_child_nodes_locs_def CD.get_tag_name_locs_def
intro: element_put_get_preserved[where getter=tag_name and
interpretation i_set_child_nodes_get_tag_name?: l_set_child_nodes_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf
known_ptr DocumentClass.type_wf DocumentClass.known_ptr set_child_nodes set_child_nodes_locs
Core_DOM_Functions.set_child_nodes Core_DOM_Functions.set_child_nodes_locs get_tag_name
by(auto simp add: l_set_child_nodes_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances)
declare l_set_child_nodes_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
lemma set_child_nodes_get_tag_name_is_l_set_child_nodes_get_tag_name [instances]:
"l_set_child_nodes_get_tag_name type_wf set_child_nodes set_child_nodes_locs get_tag_name
apply(auto simp add: l_set_child_nodes_get_tag_name_def l_set_child_nodes_get_tag_name_axioms_def
using set_child_nodes_get_tag_name
by fast
paragraph ‹delete\_shadow\_root›
locale l_delete_shadow_root_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
lemma get_tag_name_delete_shadow_root: "h ⊢ delete⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_M shadow_root_ptr →⇩h h'
⟹ r ∈ get_tag_name_locs ptr' ⟹ r h h'"
by(auto simp add: CD.get_tag_name_locs_def delete_shadow_root_get_M⇩E⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t)
locale l_delete_shadow_root_get_tag_name = l_get_tag_name_defs +
assumes get_tag_name_delete_shadow_root: "h ⊢ delete⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_M shadow_root_ptr →⇩h h'
⟹ r ∈ get_tag_name_locs ptr' ⟹ r h h'"
interpretation l_delete_shadow_root_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf DocumentClass.type_wf get_tag_name
by(auto simp add: l_delete_shadow_root_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances)
lemma l_delete_shadow_root_get_tag_name_get_tag_name_locs [instances]: "l_delete_shadow_root_get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs"
apply(auto simp add: l_delete_shadow_root_get_tag_name_def)[1]
using get_tag_name_delete_shadow_root apply fast
paragraph ‹set\_shadow\_root›
locale l_set_shadow_root_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_set_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
lemma set_shadow_root_get_tag_name:
"∀w ∈ set_shadow_root_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_tag_name_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
by(auto simp add: set_shadow_root_locs_def CD.get_tag_name_locs_def all_args_def
element_put_get_preserved[where setter=shadow_root_opt_update])
interpretation i_set_shadow_root_get_tag_name?: l_set_shadow_root_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf
set_shadow_root set_shadow_root_locs DocumentClass.type_wf get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs
apply(auto simp add: l_set_shadow_root_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances)[1]
declare l_set_shadow_root_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
locale l_set_shadow_root_get_tag_name = l_set_shadow_root_defs + l_get_tag_name_defs +
assumes set_shadow_root_get_tag_name:
"∀w ∈ set_shadow_root_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_tag_name_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
lemma set_shadow_root_get_tag_name_is_l_set_shadow_root_get_tag_name [instances]:
"l_set_shadow_root_get_tag_name set_shadow_root_locs get_tag_name_locs"
using set_shadow_root_is_l_set_shadow_root get_tag_name_is_l_get_tag_name
apply(simp add: l_set_shadow_root_get_tag_name_def )
using set_shadow_root_get_tag_name
by fast
paragraph ‹new\_element›
locale l_new_element_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs
for type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and get_tag_name :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ (_, tag_name) dom_prog"
and get_tag_name_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
lemma get_tag_name_new_element:
"ptr' ≠ new_element_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new_element →⇩r new_element_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new_element →⇩h h'
⟹ r ∈ get_tag_name_locs ptr' ⟹ r h h'"
by (auto simp add: CD.get_tag_name_locs_def new_element_get_M⇩O⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t new_element_get_M⇩E⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t
new_element_get_M⇩D⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t split: prod.splits if_splits option.splits
elim!: bind_returns_result_E bind_returns_heap_E intro: is_element_ptr_kind_obtains)
lemma new_element_empty_tag_name:
"h ⊢ new_element →⇩r new_element_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new_element →⇩h h'
⟹ h' ⊢ get_tag_name new_element_ptr →⇩r ''''"
by(simp add: CD.get_tag_name_def new_element_tag_name)
locale l_new_element_get_tag_name = l_new_element + l_get_tag_name +
assumes get_tag_name_new_element:
"ptr' ≠ new_element_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new_element →⇩r new_element_ptr
⟹ h ⊢ new_element →⇩h h' ⟹ r ∈ get_tag_name_locs ptr' ⟹ r h h'"
assumes new_element_empty_tag_name:
"h ⊢ new_element →⇩r new_element_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new_element →⇩h h'
⟹ h' ⊢ get_tag_name new_element_ptr →⇩r ''''"
interpretation i_new_element_get_tag_name?:
l_new_element_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf DocumentClass.type_wf get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs
by(auto simp add: l_new_element_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances)
declare l_new_element_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
lemma new_element_get_tag_name_is_l_new_element_get_tag_name [instances]:
"l_new_element_get_tag_name type_wf get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs"
using new_element_is_l_new_element get_tag_name_is_l_get_tag_name
apply(auto simp add: l_new_element_get_tag_name_def l_new_element_get_tag_name_axioms_def
using get_tag_name_new_element new_element_empty_tag_name
by fast+
paragraph ‹get\_shadow\_root›
locale l_set_mode_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_set_mode⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
lemma set_mode_get_tag_name:
"∀w ∈ set_mode_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_tag_name_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
by(auto simp add: set_mode_locs_def CD.get_tag_name_locs_def all_args_def)
i_set_mode_get_tag_name?: l_set_mode_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf
set_mode set_mode_locs DocumentClass.type_wf get_tag_name
by unfold_locales
declare l_set_mode_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
locale l_set_mode_get_tag_name = l_set_mode + l_get_tag_name +
assumes set_mode_get_tag_name:
"∀w ∈ set_mode_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_tag_name_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
lemma set_mode_get_tag_name_is_l_set_mode_get_tag_name [instances]:
"l_set_mode_get_tag_name type_wf set_mode set_mode_locs get_tag_name
using set_mode_is_l_set_mode get_tag_name_is_l_get_tag_name
apply(simp add: l_set_mode_get_tag_name_def
using set_mode_get_tag_name
by fast
paragraph ‹new\_document›
locale l_new_document_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs
for type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and get_tag_name :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, tag_name) prog"
and get_tag_name_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
lemma get_tag_name_new_document:
"h ⊢ new_document →⇩r new_document_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new_document →⇩h h'
⟹ r ∈ get_tag_name_locs ptr' ⟹ r h h'"
by(auto simp add: CD.get_tag_name_locs_def new_document_get_M⇩E⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t)
locale l_new_document_get_tag_name = l_get_tag_name_defs +
assumes get_tag_name_new_document:
"h ⊢ new_document →⇩r new_document_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new_document →⇩h h'
⟹ r ∈ get_tag_name_locs ptr' ⟹ r h h'"
interpretation i_new_document_get_tag_name?:
l_new_document_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf DocumentClass.type_wf get_tag_name
by unfold_locales
declare l_new_document_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def[instances]
lemma new_document_get_tag_name_is_l_new_document_get_tag_name [instances]:
"l_new_document_get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs"
unfolding l_new_document_get_tag_name_def
unfolding get_tag_name_locs_def
using new_document_get_M⇩E⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t by blast
paragraph ‹new\_shadow\_root›
locale l_new_shadow_root_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
lemma get_tag_name_new_shadow_root:
"h ⊢ new⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_M →⇩r new_shadow_root_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_M →⇩h h'
⟹ r ∈ get_tag_name_locs ptr' ⟹ r h h'"
by (auto simp add: CD.get_tag_name_locs_def new_shadow_root_get_M⇩O⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t new_shadow_root_get_M⇩E⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t
split: prod.splits if_splits option.splits
elim!: bind_returns_result_E bind_returns_heap_E intro: is_element_ptr_kind_obtains)
locale l_new_shadow_root_get_tag_name = l_get_tag_name +
assumes get_tag_name_new_shadow_root:
"h ⊢ new⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_M →⇩r new_shadow_root_ptr
⟹ h ⊢ new⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_M →⇩h h' ⟹ r ∈ get_tag_name_locs ptr' ⟹ r h h'"
interpretation i_new_shadow_root_get_tag_name?:
l_new_shadow_root_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf DocumentClass.type_wf get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs
declare l_new_shadow_root_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
lemma new_shadow_root_get_tag_name_is_l_new_shadow_root_get_tag_name [instances]:
"l_new_shadow_root_get_tag_name type_wf get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs"
using get_tag_name_is_l_get_tag_name
apply(auto simp add: l_new_shadow_root_get_tag_name_def l_new_shadow_root_get_tag_name_axioms_def
using get_tag_name_new_shadow_root
by fast
paragraph ‹new\_character\_data›
locale l_new_character_data_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs
for type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and get_tag_name :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, tag_name) prog"
and get_tag_name_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
lemma get_tag_name_new_character_data:
"h ⊢ new_character_data →⇩r new_character_data_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new_character_data →⇩h h'
⟹ r ∈ get_tag_name_locs ptr' ⟹ r h h'"
by(auto simp add: CD.get_tag_name_locs_def new_character_data_get_M⇩E⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t)
locale l_new_character_data_get_tag_name = l_get_tag_name_defs +
assumes get_tag_name_new_character_data:
"h ⊢ new_character_data →⇩r new_character_data_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new_character_data →⇩h h'
⟹ r ∈ get_tag_name_locs ptr' ⟹ r h h'"
interpretation i_new_character_data_get_tag_name?:
l_new_character_data_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf DocumentClass.type_wf get_tag_name
by unfold_locales
declare l_new_character_data_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def[instances]
lemma new_character_data_get_tag_name_is_l_new_character_data_get_tag_name [instances]:
"l_new_character_data_get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs"
unfolding l_new_character_data_get_tag_name_def
unfolding get_tag_name_locs_def
using new_character_data_get_M⇩E⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t by blast
paragraph ‹get\_tag\_type›
locale l_set_tag_name_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M = l_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
+ l_set_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
lemma set_tag_name_get_tag_name:
assumes "h ⊢ CD.a_set_tag_name element_ptr tag →⇩h h'"
shows "h' ⊢ CD.a_get_tag_name element_ptr →⇩r tag"
using assms
by(auto simp add: CD.a_get_tag_name_def CD.a_set_tag_name_def)
lemma set_tag_name_get_tag_name_different_pointers:
assumes "ptr ≠ ptr'"
assumes "w ∈ CD.a_set_tag_name_locs ptr"
assumes "h ⊢ w →⇩h h'"
assumes "r ∈ CD.a_get_tag_name_locs ptr'"
shows "r h h'"
using assms
by(auto simp add: all_args_def CD.a_set_tag_name_locs_def CD.a_get_tag_name_locs_def
split: if_splits option.splits )
interpretation i_set_tag_name_get_tag_name?:
l_set_tag_name_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf DocumentClass.type_wf get_tag_name
get_tag_name_locs set_tag_name set_tag_name_locs
by unfold_locales
declare l_set_tag_name_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma set_tag_name_get_tag_name_is_l_set_tag_name_get_tag_name [instances]:
"l_set_tag_name_get_tag_name type_wf get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs
set_tag_name set_tag_name_locs"
using set_tag_name_is_l_set_tag_name get_tag_name_is_l_get_tag_name
apply(simp add: l_set_tag_name_get_tag_name_def
using set_tag_name_get_tag_name
by fast+
subsubsection ‹attach\_shadow\_root›
locale l_attach_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs =
l_set_shadow_root_defs set_shadow_root set_shadow_root_locs +
l_set_mode_defs set_mode set_mode_locs +
l_get_tag_name_defs get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs +
l_get_shadow_root_defs get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs
for set_shadow_root ::
"(_) element_ptr ⇒ (_) shadow_root_ptr option ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and set_shadow_root_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
and set_mode :: "(_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒ shadow_root_mode ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and set_mode_locs :: "(_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
and get_tag_name :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ (_, char list) dom_prog"
and get_tag_name_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_shadow_root :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) shadow_root_ptr option) prog"
and get_shadow_root_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
definition a_attach_shadow_root ::
"(_) element_ptr ⇒ shadow_root_mode ⇒ (_, (_) shadow_root_ptr) dom_prog"
"a_attach_shadow_root element_ptr shadow_root_mode = do {
tag ← get_tag_name element_ptr;
(if tag ∉ safe_shadow_root_element_types then error NotSupportedError else return ());
prev_shadow_root ← get_shadow_root element_ptr;
(if prev_shadow_root ≠ None then error NotSupportedError else return ());
new_shadow_root_ptr ← new⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_M;
set_mode new_shadow_root_ptr shadow_root_mode;
set_shadow_root element_ptr (Some new_shadow_root_ptr);
return new_shadow_root_ptr
locale l_attach_shadow_root_defs =
fixes attach_shadow_root ::
"(_) element_ptr ⇒ shadow_root_mode ⇒ (_, (_) shadow_root_ptr) dom_prog"
global_interpretation l_attach_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs set_shadow_root set_shadow_root_locs
set_mode set_mode_locs get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs
defines attach_shadow_root = a_attach_shadow_root
locale l_attach_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_attach_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs set_shadow_root set_shadow_root_locs set_mode set_mode_locs
get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs +
l_attach_shadow_root_defs attach_shadow_root +
l_set_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf set_shadow_root set_shadow_root_locs +
l_set_mode type_wf set_mode set_mode_locs +
l_get_tag_name type_wf get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs +
l_get_shadow_root type_wf get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs +
l_known_ptr known_ptr
for known_ptr :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ bool"
and set_shadow_root ::
"(_) element_ptr ⇒ (_) shadow_root_ptr option ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and set_shadow_root_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
and set_mode :: "(_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒ shadow_root_mode ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and set_mode_locs :: "(_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
and attach_shadow_root ::
"(_) element_ptr ⇒ shadow_root_mode ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) shadow_root_ptr) prog"
and type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and get_tag_name :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ (_, char list) dom_prog"
and get_tag_name_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_shadow_root :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) shadow_root_ptr option) prog"
and get_shadow_root_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set" +
assumes known_ptr_impl: "known_ptr = a_known_ptr"
assumes attach_shadow_root_impl: "attach_shadow_root = a_attach_shadow_root"
lemmas attach_shadow_root_def = a_attach_shadow_root_def[folded attach_shadow_root_impl]
lemma attach_shadow_root_element_ptr_in_heap:
assumes "h ⊢ ok (attach_shadow_root element_ptr shadow_root_mode)"
shows "element_ptr |∈| element_ptr_kinds h"
proof -
obtain h' where "h ⊢ attach_shadow_root element_ptr shadow_root_mode →⇩h h'"
using assms by auto
obtain h2 h3 new_shadow_root_ptr where
h2: "h ⊢ new⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_M →⇩h h2" and
new_shadow_root_ptr: "h ⊢ new⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_M →⇩r new_shadow_root_ptr" and
h3: "h2 ⊢ set_mode new_shadow_root_ptr shadow_root_mode →⇩h h3" and
"h3 ⊢ set_shadow_root element_ptr (Some new_shadow_root_ptr) →⇩h h'"
by(auto simp add: attach_shadow_root_def
elim!: bind_returns_heap_E bind_returns_heap_E2[rotated, OF get_tag_name_pure, rotated]
bind_returns_heap_E2[rotated, OF get_shadow_root_pure, rotated] split: if_splits)
then have "element_ptr |∈| element_ptr_kinds h3"
using set_shadow_root_ptr_in_heap by blast
have "object_ptr_kinds h2 = object_ptr_kinds h |∪| {|cast new_shadow_root_ptr|}"
using h2 new⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_M_new_ptr new_shadow_root_ptr by auto
have "object_ptr_kinds h2 = object_ptr_kinds h3"
apply(rule writes_small_big[where P="λh h'. object_ptr_kinds h = object_ptr_kinds h'",
OF set_mode_writes h3])
using set_mode_pointers_preserved
apply blast
by (auto simp add: reflp_def transp_def)
show ?thesis
by(auto simp add: element_ptr_kinds_def node_ptr_kinds_def)
lemma create_shadow_root_known_ptr:
assumes "h ⊢ attach_shadow_root element_ptr shadow_root_mode →⇩r new_shadow_root_ptr"
shows "known_ptr (cast⇩s⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩r⇩o⇩o⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r new_shadow_root_ptr)"
using assms
by(auto simp add: attach_shadow_root_def known_ptr_impl ShadowRootClass.a_known_ptr_def
new⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_M_def new⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_def Let_def
elim!: bind_returns_result_E)
locale l_attach_shadow_root = l_attach_shadow_root_defs
i_attach_shadow_root?: l_attach_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M known_ptr set_shadow_root set_shadow_root_locs
set_mode set_mode_locs attach_shadow_root type_wf get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs get_shadow_root
by(auto simp add: l_attach_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def l_attach_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms_def
attach_shadow_root_def instances)
declare l_attach_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
subsubsection ‹get\_parent›
global_interpretation l_get_parent⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs
defines get_parent = "l_get_parent⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_get_parent get_child_nodes"
and get_parent_locs = "l_get_parent⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_get_parent_locs get_child_nodes_locs"
interpretation i_get_parent?: l_get_parent⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M known_ptr type_wf get_child_nodes
get_child_nodes_locs known_ptrs get_parent get_parent_locs
by(simp add: l_get_parent⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def l_get_parent⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms_def get_parent_def
get_parent_locs_def instances)
declare l_get_parent⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
lemma get_parent_is_l_get_parent [instances]: "l_get_parent type_wf known_ptr known_ptrs get_parent
get_parent_locs get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs"
apply(simp add: l_get_parent_def l_get_parent_axioms_def instances)
using get_parent_reads get_parent_ok get_parent_ptr_in_heap get_parent_pure
get_parent_parent_in_heap get_parent_child_dual get_parent_reads_pointers
by blast
paragraph ‹set\_disconnected\_nodes›
locale l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_parent⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
+ l_set_disconnected_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
+ l_get_parent⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
lemma set_disconnected_nodes_get_parent [simp]:
"∀w ∈ set_disconnected_nodes_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_parent_locs. r h h'))"
by(auto simp add: get_parent_locs_def CD.set_disconnected_nodes_locs_def all_args_def)
interpretation i_set_disconnected_nodes_get_parent?: l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_parent⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs type_wf
DocumentClass.type_wf known_ptr known_ptrs get_parent get_parent_locs
by (simp add: l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_parent⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances)
declare l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_parent⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma set_disconnected_nodes_get_parent_is_l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_parent [instances]:
"l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_parent set_disconnected_nodes_locs get_parent_locs"
by(simp add: l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_parent_def)
subsubsection ‹get\_root\_node›
global_interpretation l_get_root_node⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs get_parent get_parent_locs
defines get_root_node = "l_get_root_node⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_get_root_node get_parent"
and get_root_node_locs = "l_get_root_node⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_get_root_node_locs get_parent_locs"
and get_ancestors = "l_get_root_node⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_get_ancestors get_parent"
and get_ancestors_locs = "l_get_root_node⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_get_ancestors_locs get_parent_locs"
declare a_get_ancestors.simps [code]
interpretation i_get_root_node?: l_get_root_node⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf known_ptr known_ptrs get_parent
get_parent_locs get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs get_ancestors get_ancestors_locs
get_root_node get_root_node_locs
by(simp add: l_get_root_node⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def l_get_root_node⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms_def get_root_node_def
get_root_node_locs_def get_ancestors_def get_ancestors_locs_def instances)
declare l_get_root_node⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
lemma get_ancestors_is_l_get_ancestors [instances]: "l_get_ancestors get_ancestors"
apply(auto simp add: l_get_ancestors_def)[1]
using get_ancestors_ptr_in_heap apply fast
using get_ancestors_ptr apply fast
lemma get_root_node_is_l_get_root_node [instances]: "l_get_root_node get_root_node get_parent"
by (simp add: l_get_root_node_def Shadow_DOM.i_get_root_node.get_root_node_no_parent)
subsubsection ‹get\_root\_node\_si›
locale l_get_root_node_si⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs =
l_get_parent_defs get_parent get_parent_locs +
l_get_host_defs get_host get_host_locs
for get_parent :: "(_) node_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_::linorder) object_ptr option) prog"
and get_parent_locs :: "((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_host :: "(_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) element_ptr) prog"
and get_host_locs :: "((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
partial_function (dom_prog) a_get_ancestors_si ::
"(_::linorder) object_ptr ⇒ (_, (_) object_ptr list) dom_prog"
"a_get_ancestors_si ptr = do {
check_in_heap ptr;
ancestors ← (case cast⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ptr of
Some node_ptr ⇒ do {
parent_ptr_opt ← get_parent node_ptr;
(case parent_ptr_opt of
Some parent_ptr ⇒ a_get_ancestors_si parent_ptr
| None ⇒ return [])
| None ⇒ (case cast ptr of
Some shadow_root_ptr ⇒ do {
host ← get_host shadow_root_ptr;
a_get_ancestors_si (cast host)
} |
None ⇒ return []));
return (ptr # ancestors)
definition "a_get_ancestors_si_locs = get_parent_locs ∪ get_host_locs"
definition a_get_root_node_si :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_, (_) object_ptr) dom_prog"
"a_get_root_node_si ptr = do {
ancestors ← a_get_ancestors_si ptr;
return (last ancestors)
definition "a_get_root_node_si_locs = a_get_ancestors_si_locs"
locale l_get_ancestors_si_defs =
fixes get_ancestors_si :: "(_::linorder) object_ptr ⇒ (_, (_) object_ptr list) dom_prog"
fixes get_ancestors_si_locs :: "((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
locale l_get_root_node_si_defs =
fixes get_root_node_si :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_, (_) object_ptr) dom_prog"
fixes get_root_node_si_locs :: "((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
locale l_get_root_node_si⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_get_parent +
l_get_host +
l_get_root_node_si⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs +
l_get_ancestors_si_defs +
l_get_root_node_si_defs +
assumes get_ancestors_si_impl: "get_ancestors_si = a_get_ancestors_si"
assumes get_ancestors_si_locs_impl: "get_ancestors_si_locs = a_get_ancestors_si_locs"
assumes get_root_node_si_impl: "get_root_node_si = a_get_root_node_si"
assumes get_root_node_si_locs_impl: "get_root_node_si_locs = a_get_root_node_si_locs"
lemmas get_ancestors_si_def = a_get_ancestors_si.simps[folded get_ancestors_si_impl]
lemmas get_ancestors_si_locs_def = a_get_ancestors_si_locs_def[folded get_ancestors_si_locs_impl]
lemmas get_root_node_si_def =
a_get_root_node_si_def[folded get_root_node_si_impl get_ancestors_si_impl]
lemmas get_root_node_si_locs_def =
a_get_root_node_si_locs_def[folded get_root_node_si_locs_impl get_ancestors_si_locs_impl]
lemma get_ancestors_si_pure [simp]:
"pure (get_ancestors_si ptr) h"
proof -
have "∀ptr h h' x. h ⊢ get_ancestors_si ptr →⇩r x ⟶ h ⊢ get_ancestors_si ptr →⇩h h' ⟶ h = h'"
proof (induct rule: a_get_ancestors_si.fixp_induct[folded get_ancestors_si_impl])
case 1
then show ?case
by(rule admissible_dom_prog)
case 2
then show ?case
by simp
case (3 f)
then show ?case
using get_parent_pure get_host_pure
apply(auto simp add: pure_returns_heap_eq pure_def
split: option.splits
elim!: bind_returns_heap_E bind_returns_result_E
dest!: pure_returns_heap_eq[rotated, OF check_in_heap_pure])[1]
apply (meson option.simps(3) returns_result_eq)
apply(metis get_parent_pure pure_returns_heap_eq)
apply(metis get_host_pure pure_returns_heap_eq)
then show ?thesis
by (meson pure_eq_iff)
lemma get_root_node_si_pure [simp]: "pure (get_root_node_si ptr) h"
by(auto simp add: get_root_node_si_def bind_pure_I)
lemma get_ancestors_si_ptr_in_heap:
assumes "h ⊢ ok (get_ancestors_si ptr)"
shows "ptr |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
using assms
by(auto simp add: get_ancestors_si_def check_in_heap_ptr_in_heap elim!: bind_is_OK_E
dest: is_OK_returns_result_I)
lemma get_ancestors_si_ptr:
assumes "h ⊢ get_ancestors_si ptr →⇩r ancestors"
shows "ptr ∈ set ancestors"
using assms
by(simp add: get_ancestors_si_def)
(auto elim!: bind_returns_result_E2
split: option.splits
intro!: bind_pure_I)
lemma get_ancestors_si_never_empty:
assumes "h ⊢ get_ancestors_si child →⇩r ancestors"
shows "ancestors ≠ []"
using assms
apply(simp add: get_ancestors_si_def)
by(auto elim!: bind_returns_result_E2 split: option.splits)
lemma get_root_node_si_no_parent:
"h ⊢ get_parent node_ptr →⇩r None ⟹ h ⊢ get_root_node_si (cast node_ptr) →⇩r cast node_ptr"
apply(auto simp add: check_in_heap_def get_root_node_si_def get_ancestors_si_def
intro!: bind_pure_returns_result_I )[1]
using get_parent_ptr_in_heap by blast
lemma get_root_node_si_root_not_shadow_root:
assumes "h ⊢ get_root_node_si ptr →⇩r root"
shows "¬ is_shadow_root_ptr⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r root"
using assms
proof(auto simp add: get_root_node_si_def elim!: bind_returns_result_E2)
fix y
assume "h ⊢ get_ancestors_si ptr →⇩r y"
and "is_shadow_root_ptr⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r (last y)"
and "root = last y"
show False
proof(induct y arbitrary: ptr)
case Nil
then show ?case
using assms(1) get_ancestors_si_never_empty by blast
case (Cons a x)
then show ?case
apply(auto simp add: get_ancestors_si_def[of ptr]
elim!: bind_returns_result_E2
split: option.splits if_splits)[1]
using get_ancestors_si_never_empty apply blast
using Cons.prems(2) apply auto[1]
using ‹is_shadow_root_ptr⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r (last y)› ‹root = last y› by auto
global_interpretation l_get_root_node_si⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs get_parent get_parent_locs get_host get_host_locs
defines get_root_node_si = a_get_root_node_si
and get_root_node_si_locs = a_get_root_node_si_locs
and get_ancestors_si = a_get_ancestors_si
and get_ancestors_si_locs = a_get_ancestors_si_locs
declare a_get_ancestors_si.simps [code]
interpretation i_get_root_node_si?: l_get_root_node_si⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf known_ptr known_ptrs
get_parent get_parent_locs get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs get_host get_host_locs
get_ancestors_si get_ancestors_si_locs get_root_node_si get_root_node_si_locs
apply(auto simp add: l_get_root_node_si⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def l_get_root_node_si⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms_def
by(auto simp add: get_root_node_si_def get_root_node_si_locs_def get_ancestors_si_def
declare l_get_root_node_si⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma get_ancestors_si_is_l_get_ancestors [instances]: "l_get_ancestors get_ancestors_si"
unfolding l_get_ancestors_def
using get_ancestors_si_pure get_ancestors_si_ptr get_ancestors_si_ptr_in_heap
by blast
lemma get_root_node_si_is_l_get_root_node [instances]: "l_get_root_node get_root_node_si get_parent"
apply(simp add: l_get_root_node_def)
using get_root_node_si_no_parent
by fast
paragraph ‹set\_disconnected\_nodes›
locale l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_ancestors_si⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
+ l_get_root_node_si⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
+ l_set_disconnected_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
+ l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_host
lemma set_disconnected_nodes_get_ancestors_si:
"∀w ∈ set_disconnected_nodes_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_ancestors_si_locs. r h h'))"
by(auto simp add: get_parent_locs_def set_disconnected_nodes_locs_def
set_disconnected_nodes_get_host get_ancestors_si_locs_def all_args_def)
locale l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_ancestors_si =
l_set_disconnected_nodes_defs +
l_get_ancestors_si_defs +
assumes set_disconnected_nodes_get_ancestors_si:
"∀w ∈ set_disconnected_nodes_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_ancestors_si_locs. r h h'))"
interpretation i_set_disconnected_nodes_get_ancestors_si?:
l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_ancestors_si⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs
get_parent get_parent_locs type_wf known_ptr known_ptrs get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs
get_host get_host_locs get_ancestors_si get_ancestors_si_locs get_root_node_si
get_root_node_si_locs DocumentClass.type_wf
by (auto simp add: l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_ancestors_si⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances)
declare l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_ancestors_si⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma set_disconnected_nodes_get_ancestors_si_is_l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_ancestors_si [instances]:
"l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_ancestors_si set_disconnected_nodes_locs get_ancestors_si_locs"
using instances
apply(simp add: l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_ancestors_si_def)
using set_disconnected_nodes_get_ancestors_si
by fast
subsubsection ‹get\_attribute›
lemma get_attribute_is_l_get_attribute [instances]:
"l_get_attribute type_wf get_attribute get_attribute_locs"
apply(auto simp add: l_get_attribute_def)[1]
using i_get_attribute.get_attribute_reads apply fast
using type_wf⇩D⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t i_get_attribute.get_attribute_ok apply blast
using i_get_attribute.get_attribute_ptr_in_heap apply fast
subsubsection ‹to\_tree\_order›
global_interpretation l_to_tree_order⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs defines
to_tree_order = "l_to_tree_order⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_to_tree_order get_child_nodes" .
declare a_to_tree_order.simps [code]
interpretation i_to_tree_order?: l_to_tree_order⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M ShadowRootClass.known_ptr
ShadowRootClass.type_wf Shadow_DOM.get_child_nodes Shadow_DOM.get_child_nodes_locs to_tree_order
by(auto simp add: l_to_tree_order⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def l_to_tree_order⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms_def to_tree_order_def
declare l_to_tree_order⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
subsubsection ‹to\_tree\_order\_si›
locale l_to_tree_order_si⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs =
l_get_child_nodes_defs get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs +
l_get_shadow_root_defs get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs
for get_child_nodes :: "(_::linorder) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_child_nodes_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_shadow_root :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) shadow_root_ptr option) prog"
and get_shadow_root_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
partial_function (dom_prog) a_to_tree_order_si :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_, (_) object_ptr list) dom_prog"
"a_to_tree_order_si ptr = (do {
children ← get_child_nodes ptr;
shadow_root_part ← (case cast ptr of
Some element_ptr ⇒ do {
shadow_root_opt ← get_shadow_root element_ptr;
(case shadow_root_opt of
Some shadow_root_ptr ⇒ return [cast shadow_root_ptr]
| None ⇒ return [])
} |
None ⇒ return []);
treeorders ← map_M a_to_tree_order_si ((map (cast) children) @ shadow_root_part);
return (ptr # concat treeorders)
locale l_to_tree_order_si_defs =
fixes to_tree_order_si :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_, (_) object_ptr list) dom_prog"
global_interpretation l_to_tree_order_si⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs
get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs
defines to_tree_order_si = "a_to_tree_order_si" .
declare a_to_tree_order_si.simps [code]
locale l_to_tree_order_si⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_to_tree_order_si_defs +
l_to_tree_order_si⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs +
l_get_child_nodes +
l_get_shadow_root +
assumes to_tree_order_si_impl: "to_tree_order_si = a_to_tree_order_si"
lemmas to_tree_order_si_def = a_to_tree_order_si.simps[folded to_tree_order_si_impl]
lemma to_tree_order_si_pure [simp]: "pure (to_tree_order_si ptr) h"
proof -
have "∀ptr h h' x. h ⊢ to_tree_order_si ptr →⇩r x ⟶ h ⊢ to_tree_order_si ptr →⇩h h' ⟶ h = h'"
proof (induct rule: a_to_tree_order_si.fixp_induct[folded to_tree_order_si_impl])
case 1
then show ?case
by (rule admissible_dom_prog)
case 2
then show ?case
by simp
case (3 f)
then have "⋀x h. pure (f x) h"
by (metis is_OK_returns_heap_E is_OK_returns_result_E pure_def)
then have "⋀xs h. pure (map_M f xs) h"
by(rule map_M_pure_I)
then show ?case
by(auto elim!: bind_returns_heap_E2 split: option.splits)
then show ?thesis
unfolding pure_def
by (metis is_OK_returns_heap_E is_OK_returns_result_E)
interpretation i_to_tree_order_si?: l_to_tree_order_si⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M to_tree_order_si get_child_nodes
get_child_nodes_locs get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs type_wf known_ptr
by(auto simp add: l_to_tree_order_si⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def l_to_tree_order_si⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms_def
to_tree_order_si_def instances)
declare l_to_tree_order_si⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
subsubsection ‹first\_in\_tree\_order›
global_interpretation l_first_in_tree_order⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs to_tree_order defines
first_in_tree_order = "l_first_in_tree_order⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_first_in_tree_order to_tree_order" .
interpretation i_first_in_tree_order?: l_first_in_tree_order⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M to_tree_order first_in_tree_order
by(auto simp add: l_first_in_tree_order⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def first_in_tree_order_def)
declare l_first_in_tree_order⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
lemma to_tree_order_is_l_to_tree_order [instances]: "l_to_tree_order to_tree_order"
by(auto simp add: l_to_tree_order_def)
subsubsection ‹first\_in\_tree\_order›
global_interpretation l_dummy defines
first_in_tree_order_si = "l_first_in_tree_order⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_first_in_tree_order to_tree_order_si"
subsubsection ‹get\_element\_by›
global_interpretation l_get_element_by⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs to_tree_order first_in_tree_order get_attribute
get_element_by_id =
"l_get_element_by⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_get_element_by_id first_in_tree_order get_attribute" and
get_elements_by_class_name =
"l_get_element_by⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_get_elements_by_class_name to_tree_order get_attribute" and
get_elements_by_tag_name =
"l_get_element_by⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_get_elements_by_tag_name to_tree_order" .
interpretation i_get_element_by?: l_get_element_by⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M to_tree_order first_in_tree_order
get_attribute get_attribute_locs get_element_by_id get_elements_by_class_name
get_elements_by_tag_name type_wf
by(auto simp add: l_get_element_by⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def l_get_element_by⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms_def
get_element_by_id_def get_elements_by_class_name_def get_elements_by_tag_name_def
declare l_get_element_by⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma get_element_by_is_l_get_element_by [instances]:
"l_get_element_by get_element_by_id get_elements_by_tag_name to_tree_order"
apply(auto simp add: l_get_element_by_def)[1]
using get_element_by_id_result_in_tree_order apply fast
subsubsection ‹get\_element\_by\_si›
global_interpretation l_dummy defines
get_element_by_id_si =
"l_get_element_by⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_get_element_by_id first_in_tree_order_si get_attribute" and
get_elements_by_class_name_si =
"l_get_element_by⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_get_elements_by_class_name to_tree_order_si get_attribute" and
get_elements_by_tag_name_si =
"l_get_element_by⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_get_elements_by_tag_name to_tree_order_si"
subsubsection ‹find\_slot›
locale l_find_slot⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs =
l_get_parent_defs get_parent get_parent_locs +
l_get_shadow_root_defs get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs +
l_get_mode_defs get_mode get_mode_locs +
l_get_attribute_defs get_attribute get_attribute_locs +
l_get_tag_name_defs get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs +
l_first_in_tree_order_defs first_in_tree_order
for get_parent :: "(_) node_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_::linorder) object_ptr option) prog"
and get_parent_locs :: "((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_shadow_root :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) shadow_root_ptr option) prog"
and get_shadow_root_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_mode :: "(_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, shadow_root_mode) prog"
and get_mode_locs :: "(_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_attribute :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ char list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, char list option) prog"
and get_attribute_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_tag_name :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, char list) prog"
and get_tag_name_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and first_in_tree_order ::
"(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) element_ptr option) prog) ⇒
((_) heap, exception, (_) element_ptr option) prog"
definition a_find_slot :: "bool ⇒ (_) node_ptr ⇒ (_, (_) element_ptr option) dom_prog"
"a_find_slot open_flag slotable = do {
parent_opt ← get_parent slotable;
(case parent_opt of
Some parent ⇒
if is_element_ptr_kind parent
then do {
shadow_root_ptr_opt ← get_shadow_root (the (cast parent));
(case shadow_root_ptr_opt of
Some shadow_root_ptr ⇒ do {
shadow_root_mode ← get_mode shadow_root_ptr;
if open_flag ∧ shadow_root_mode ≠ Open
then return None
else first_in_tree_order (cast shadow_root_ptr) (λptr. if is_element_ptr_kind ptr
then do {
tag ← get_tag_name (the (cast ptr));
name_attr ← get_attribute (the (cast ptr)) ''name'';
slotable_name_attr ← (if is_element_ptr_kind slotable
then get_attribute (the (cast slotable)) ''slot''
else return None);
(if (tag = ''slot'' ∧ (name_attr = slotable_name_attr ∨
(name_attr = None ∧ slotable_name_attr = Some '''') ∨
(name_attr = Some '''' ∧ slotable_name_attr = None)))
then return (Some (the (cast ptr)))
else return None)}
else return None)}
| None ⇒ return None)}
else return None
| _ ⇒ return None)}"
definition a_assigned_slot :: "(_) node_ptr ⇒ (_, (_) element_ptr option) dom_prog"
"a_assigned_slot = a_find_slot True"
global_interpretation l_find_slot⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs get_parent get_parent_locs get_shadow_root
get_shadow_root_locs get_mode get_mode_locs get_attribute get_attribute_locs get_tag_name
get_tag_name_locs first_in_tree_order
defines find_slot = a_find_slot
and assigned_slot = a_assigned_slot
locale l_find_slot_defs =
fixes find_slot :: "bool ⇒ (_) node_ptr ⇒ (_, (_) element_ptr option) dom_prog"
and assigned_slot :: "(_) node_ptr ⇒ (_, (_) element_ptr option) dom_prog"
locale l_find_slot⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_find_slot⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs +
l_find_slot_defs +
l_get_parent +
l_get_shadow_root +
l_get_mode +
l_get_attribute +
l_get_tag_name +
l_to_tree_order +
l_first_in_tree_order⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
assumes find_slot_impl: "find_slot = a_find_slot"
assumes assigned_slot_impl: "assigned_slot = a_assigned_slot"
lemmas find_slot_def = find_slot_impl[unfolded a_find_slot_def]
lemmas assigned_slot_def = assigned_slot_impl[unfolded a_assigned_slot_def]
lemma find_slot_ptr_in_heap:
assumes "h ⊢ find_slot open_flag slotable →⇩r slot_opt"
shows "slotable |∈| node_ptr_kinds h"
using assms
apply(auto simp add: find_slot_def elim!: bind_returns_result_E2)[1]
using get_parent_ptr_in_heap by blast
lemma find_slot_slot_in_heap:
assumes "h ⊢ find_slot open_flag slotable →⇩r Some slot"
shows "slot |∈| element_ptr_kinds h"
using assms
apply(auto simp add: find_slot_def first_in_tree_order_def
elim!: bind_returns_result_E2 map_filter_M_pure_E[where y=slot]
split: option.splits if_splits list.splits
intro!: map_filter_M_pure bind_pure_I)[1]
using get_tag_name_ptr_in_heap by blast+
lemma find_slot_pure [simp]: "pure (find_slot open_flag slotable) h"
by(auto simp add: find_slot_def first_in_tree_order_def
intro!: bind_pure_I map_filter_M_pure
split: option.splits list.splits)
interpretation i_find_slot?: l_find_slot⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_parent get_parent_locs get_shadow_root
get_shadow_root_locs get_mode get_mode_locs get_attribute get_attribute_locs get_tag_name
get_tag_name_locs first_in_tree_order find_slot assigned_slot type_wf known_ptr known_ptrs
get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs to_tree_order
by (auto simp add: find_slot_def assigned_slot_def l_find_slot⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def
l_find_slot⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms_def instances)
declare l_find_slot⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
locale l_find_slot = l_find_slot_defs +
assumes find_slot_ptr_in_heap:
"h ⊢ find_slot open_flag slotable →⇩r slot_opt ⟹ slotable |∈| node_ptr_kinds h"
assumes find_slot_slot_in_heap:
"h ⊢ find_slot open_flag slotable →⇩r Some slot ⟹ slot |∈| element_ptr_kinds h"
assumes find_slot_pure [simp]:
"pure (find_slot open_flag slotable) h"
lemma find_slot_is_l_find_slot [instances]: "l_find_slot find_slot"
apply(auto simp add: l_find_slot_def)[1]
using find_slot_ptr_in_heap apply fast
using find_slot_slot_in_heap apply fast
subsubsection ‹get\_disconnected\_nodes›
locale l_get_disconnected_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
CD: l_get_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_disconnected_nodes
get_disconnected_nodes_locs +
l_type_wf type_wf
for type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and get_disconnected_nodes :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ (_, (_) node_ptr list) dom_prog"
and get_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set" +
assumes type_wf_impl: "type_wf = ShadowRootClass.type_wf"
lemma get_disconnected_nodes_ok:
"type_wf h ⟹ document_ptr |∈| document_ptr_kinds h ⟹
h ⊢ ok (get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr)"
apply(unfold type_wf_impl get_disconnected_nodes_impl[unfolded a_get_disconnected_nodes_def])
using CD.get_disconnected_nodes_ok CD.type_wf_impl ShadowRootClass.type_wf⇩D⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t
by blast
interpretation i_get_disconnected_nodes?: l_get_disconnected_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf
DocumentClass.type_wf get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
by(auto simp add: l_get_disconnected_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def l_get_disconnected_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms_def
declare l_get_disconnected_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
lemma get_disconnected_nodes_is_l_get_disconnected_nodes [instances]:
"l_get_disconnected_nodes type_wf get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs"
apply(auto simp add: l_get_disconnected_nodes_def)[1]
using i_get_disconnected_nodes.get_disconnected_nodes_reads apply fast
using get_disconnected_nodes_ok apply fast
using i_get_disconnected_nodes.get_disconnected_nodes_ptr_in_heap apply fast
paragraph ‹set\_child\_nodes›
locale l_set_child_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_set_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
lemma set_child_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes:
"∀w ∈ set_child_nodes_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_disconnected_nodes_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
by(auto simp add: set_child_nodes_locs_def CD.set_child_nodes_locs_def
CD.get_disconnected_nodes_locs_def all_args_def)
i_set_child_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes?: l_set_child_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf
known_ptr DocumentClass.type_wf DocumentClass.known_ptr set_child_nodes set_child_nodes_locs
Core_DOM_Functions.set_child_nodes Core_DOM_Functions.set_child_nodes_locs
get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
apply(auto simp add: l_set_child_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances)[1]
declare l_set_child_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma set_child_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes_is_l_set_child_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes [instances]:
"l_set_child_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes type_wf set_child_nodes set_child_nodes_locs
get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs"
using set_child_nodes_is_l_set_child_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_is_l_get_disconnected_nodes
apply(simp add: l_set_child_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes_def
using set_child_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes
by fast
paragraph ‹set\_disconnected\_nodes›
lemma set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes_l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes
"l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes ShadowRootClass.type_wf get_disconnected_nodes
get_disconnected_nodes_locs set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs"
apply(auto simp add: l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes_def
l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes_axioms_def instances)[1]
using i_set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes.set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes
apply fast
using i_set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes.set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes_different_pointers
apply fast
paragraph ‹delete\_shadow\_root›
locale l_delete_shadow_root_get_disconnected_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
lemma get_disconnected_nodes_delete_shadow_root: "h ⊢ delete⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_M shadow_root_ptr →⇩h h'
⟹ r ∈ get_disconnected_nodes_locs ptr' ⟹ r h h'"
by(auto simp add: CD.get_disconnected_nodes_locs_def delete_shadow_root_get_M⇩D⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t)
locale l_delete_shadow_root_get_disconnected_nodes = l_get_disconnected_nodes_defs +
assumes get_disconnected_nodes_delete_shadow_root: "h ⊢ delete⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_M shadow_root_ptr →⇩h h'
⟹ r ∈ get_disconnected_nodes_locs ptr' ⟹ r h h'"
interpretation l_delete_shadow_root_get_disconnected_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf DocumentClass.type_wf
get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
by(auto simp add: l_delete_shadow_root_get_disconnected_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances)
lemma l_delete_shadow_root_get_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes_locs [instances]: "l_delete_shadow_root_get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs"
apply(auto simp add: l_delete_shadow_root_get_disconnected_nodes_def)[1]
using get_disconnected_nodes_delete_shadow_root apply fast
paragraph ‹set\_shadow\_root›
locale l_set_shadow_root_get_disconnected_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_set_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
lemma set_shadow_root_get_disconnected_nodes:
"∀w ∈ set_shadow_root_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_disconnected_nodes_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
by(auto simp add: set_shadow_root_locs_def CD.get_disconnected_nodes_locs_def all_args_def)
interpretation i_set_shadow_root_get_disconnected_nodes?:
l_set_shadow_root_get_disconnected_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf set_shadow_root set_shadow_root_locs
DocumentClass.type_wf get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
apply(auto simp add: l_set_shadow_root_get_disconnected_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances)[1]
declare l_set_shadow_root_get_disconnected_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
locale l_set_shadow_root_get_disconnected_nodes =
l_set_shadow_root_defs +
l_get_disconnected_nodes_defs +
assumes set_shadow_root_get_disconnected_nodes:
"∀w ∈ set_shadow_root_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_disconnected_nodes_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
lemma set_shadow_root_get_disconnected_nodes_is_l_set_shadow_root_get_disconnected_nodes [instances]:
"l_set_shadow_root_get_disconnected_nodes set_shadow_root_locs get_disconnected_nodes_locs"
using set_shadow_root_is_l_set_shadow_root get_disconnected_nodes_is_l_get_disconnected_nodes
apply(simp add: l_set_shadow_root_get_disconnected_nodes_def )
using set_shadow_root_get_disconnected_nodes
by fast
paragraph ‹set\_mode›
locale l_set_mode_get_disconnected_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_set_mode⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
lemma set_mode_get_disconnected_nodes:
"∀w ∈ set_mode_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_disconnected_nodes_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
by(auto simp add: set_mode_locs_def
CD.get_disconnected_nodes_locs_impl[unfolded CD.a_get_disconnected_nodes_locs_def]
interpretation i_set_mode_get_disconnected_nodes?: l_set_mode_get_disconnected_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf
set_mode set_mode_locs DocumentClass.type_wf get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
by unfold_locales
declare l_set_mode_get_disconnected_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
locale l_set_mode_get_disconnected_nodes = l_set_mode + l_get_disconnected_nodes +
assumes set_mode_get_disconnected_nodes:
"∀w ∈ set_mode_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_disconnected_nodes_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
lemma set_mode_get_disconnected_nodes_is_l_set_mode_get_disconnected_nodes [instances]:
"l_set_mode_get_disconnected_nodes type_wf set_mode set_mode_locs get_disconnected_nodes
using set_mode_is_l_set_mode get_disconnected_nodes_is_l_get_disconnected_nodes
apply(simp add: l_set_mode_get_disconnected_nodes_def
using set_mode_get_disconnected_nodes
by fast
paragraph ‹new\_shadow\_root›
locale l_new_shadow_root_get_disconnected_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_get_disconnected_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_disconnected_nodes
for type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and get_disconnected_nodes :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ (_, (_) node_ptr list) dom_prog"
and get_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
lemma get_disconnected_nodes_new_shadow_root:
"h ⊢ new⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_M →⇩r new_shadow_root_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_M →⇩h h'
⟹ r ∈ get_disconnected_nodes_locs ptr' ⟹ r h h'"
by(auto simp add: CD.get_disconnected_nodes_locs_def new_shadow_root_get_M⇩D⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t)
interpretation i_new_shadow_root_get_disconnected_nodes?:
l_new_shadow_root_get_disconnected_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf DocumentClass.type_wf
get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
by unfold_locales
declare l_new_shadow_root_get_disconnected_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
locale l_new_shadow_root_get_disconnected_nodes = l_get_disconnected_nodes_defs +
assumes get_disconnected_nodes_new_shadow_root:
"h ⊢ new⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_M →⇩r new_shadow_root_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ new⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_M →⇩h h'
⟹ r ∈ get_disconnected_nodes_locs ptr' ⟹ r h h'"
lemma new_shadow_root_get_disconnected_nodes_is_l_new_shadow_root_get_disconnected_nodes [instances]:
"l_new_shadow_root_get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs"
apply (auto simp add: l_new_shadow_root_get_disconnected_nodes_def)[1]
using get_disconnected_nodes_new_shadow_root apply fast
subsubsection ‹remove\_shadow\_root›
locale l_remove_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs =
l_get_child_nodes_defs get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs +
l_get_shadow_root_defs get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs +
l_set_shadow_root_defs set_shadow_root set_shadow_root_locs +
l_get_disconnected_nodes_defs get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
for get_child_nodes :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_child_nodes_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_shadow_root :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) shadow_root_ptr option) prog"
and get_shadow_root_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and set_shadow_root ::
"(_) element_ptr ⇒ (_) shadow_root_ptr option ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and set_shadow_root_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
and get_disconnected_nodes :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
definition a_remove_shadow_root :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog" where
"a_remove_shadow_root element_ptr = do {
shadow_root_ptr_opt ← get_shadow_root element_ptr;
(case shadow_root_ptr_opt of
Some shadow_root_ptr ⇒ do {
children ← get_child_nodes (cast shadow_root_ptr);
(if children = []
then do {
set_shadow_root element_ptr None;
delete_M shadow_root_ptr
} else do {
error HierarchyRequestError
} |
None ⇒ error HierarchyRequestError)
definition a_remove_shadow_root_locs ::
"(_) element_ptr ⇒ (_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒ ((_, unit) dom_prog) set"
"a_remove_shadow_root_locs element_ptr shadow_root_ptr ≡
set_shadow_root_locs element_ptr ∪ {delete_M shadow_root_ptr}"
global_interpretation l_remove_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs
get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs set_shadow_root set_shadow_root_locs get_disconnected_nodes
defines remove_shadow_root = "a_remove_shadow_root"
and remove_shadow_root_locs = a_remove_shadow_root_locs
locale l_remove_shadow_root_defs =
fixes remove_shadow_root :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
fixes remove_shadow_root_locs ::
"(_) element_ptr ⇒ (_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒ ((_, unit) dom_prog) set"
locale l_remove_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_remove_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs +
l_remove_shadow_root_defs +
l_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
l_set_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
l_get_child_nodes +
l_get_disconnected_nodes type_wf get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs +
assumes remove_shadow_root_impl: "remove_shadow_root = a_remove_shadow_root"
assumes remove_shadow_root_locs_impl: "remove_shadow_root_locs = a_remove_shadow_root_locs"
lemmas remove_shadow_root_def =
remove_shadow_root_impl[unfolded remove_shadow_root_def a_remove_shadow_root_def]
lemmas remove_shadow_root_locs_def =
remove_shadow_root_locs_impl[unfolded remove_shadow_root_locs_def a_remove_shadow_root_locs_def]
lemma remove_shadow_root_writes:
"writes (remove_shadow_root_locs element_ptr (the |h ⊢ get_shadow_root element_ptr|⇩r))
(remove_shadow_root element_ptr) h h'"
apply(auto simp add: remove_shadow_root_locs_def remove_shadow_root_def all_args_def
writes_union_right_I writes_union_left_I set_shadow_root_writes
intro!: writes_bind writes_bind_pure[OF get_shadow_root_pure]
writes_bind_pure[OF get_child_nodes_pure]
intro: writes_subset[OF set_shadow_root_writes] writes_subset[OF writes_singleton2]
split: option.splits)[1]
using writes_union_left_I[OF set_shadow_root_writes]
apply (metis inf_sup_aci(5) insert_is_Un)
using writes_union_right_I[OF writes_singleton[of delete⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_M]]
by (smt (verit, best) insert_is_Un writes_singleton2 writes_union_left_I)
interpretation i_remove_shadow_root?: l_remove_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_child_nodes
get_child_nodes_locs get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs set_shadow_root set_shadow_root_locs
get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs remove_shadow_root remove_shadow_root_locs
type_wf known_ptr
by(auto simp add: l_remove_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def l_remove_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms_def
remove_shadow_root_def remove_shadow_root_locs_def instances)
declare l_remove_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
paragraph ‹get\_child\_nodes›
locale l_remove_shadow_root_get_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_get_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
lemma remove_shadow_root_get_child_nodes_different_pointers:
assumes "ptr ≠ cast shadow_root_ptr"
assumes "w ∈ remove_shadow_root_locs element_ptr shadow_root_ptr"
assumes "h ⊢ w →⇩h h'"
assumes "r ∈ get_child_nodes_locs ptr"
shows "r h h'"
using assms
apply(auto simp add: all_args_def get_child_nodes_locs_def CD.get_child_nodes_locs_def
remove_shadow_root_locs_def set_shadow_root_locs_def
delete_shadow_root_get_M⇩O⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t delete_shadow_root_get_M⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t
delete_shadow_root_get_M⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t delete_shadow_root_get_M⇩E⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t
element_put_get_preserved[where setter=shadow_root_opt_update]
intro: is_shadow_root_ptr_kind_obtains
elim: is_document_ptr_kind_obtains is_shadow_root_ptr_kind_obtains
split: if_splits option.splits)[1]
locale l_remove_shadow_root_get_child_nodes = l_get_child_nodes_defs + l_remove_shadow_root_defs +
assumes remove_shadow_root_get_child_nodes_different_pointers:
"ptr ≠ cast shadow_root_ptr ⟹ w ∈ remove_shadow_root_locs element_ptr shadow_root_ptr ⟹
h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟹ r ∈ get_child_nodes_locs ptr ⟹ r h h'"
interpretation i_remove_shadow_root_get_child_nodes?: l_remove_shadow_root_get_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
type_wf known_ptr DocumentClass.type_wf DocumentClass.known_ptr get_child_nodes
get_child_nodes_locs Core_DOM_Functions.get_child_nodes Core_DOM_Functions.get_child_nodes_locs
get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs set_shadow_root set_shadow_root_locs get_disconnected_nodes
get_disconnected_nodes_locs remove_shadow_root remove_shadow_root_locs
by(auto simp add: l_remove_shadow_root_get_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances)
declare l_remove_shadow_root_get_child_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma remove_shadow_root_get_child_nodes_is_l_remove_shadow_root_get_child_nodes [instances]:
"l_remove_shadow_root_get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs remove_shadow_root_locs"
apply(auto simp add: l_remove_shadow_root_get_child_nodes_def instances )[1]
using remove_shadow_root_get_child_nodes_different_pointers apply fast
paragraph ‹get\_tag\_name›
locale l_remove_shadow_root_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
lemma remove_shadow_root_get_tag_name:
assumes "w ∈ remove_shadow_root_locs element_ptr shadow_root_ptr"
assumes "h ⊢ w →⇩h h'"
assumes "r ∈ get_tag_name_locs ptr"
shows "r h h'"
using assms
by(auto simp add: all_args_def remove_shadow_root_locs_def set_shadow_root_locs_def
CD.get_tag_name_locs_def delete_shadow_root_get_M⇩E⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t
element_put_get_preserved[where setter=shadow_root_opt_update]
split: if_splits option.splits)
locale l_remove_shadow_root_get_tag_name = l_get_tag_name_defs + l_remove_shadow_root_defs +
assumes remove_shadow_root_get_tag_name:
"w ∈ remove_shadow_root_locs element_ptr shadow_root_ptr ⟹ h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟹
r ∈ get_tag_name_locs ptr ⟹ r h h'"
interpretation i_remove_shadow_root_get_tag_name?: l_remove_shadow_root_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf
DocumentClass.type_wf get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs
get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs set_shadow_root set_shadow_root_locs get_disconnected_nodes
get_disconnected_nodes_locs remove_shadow_root remove_shadow_root_locs known_ptr
by(auto simp add: l_remove_shadow_root_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances)
declare l_remove_shadow_root_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma remove_shadow_root_get_tag_name_is_l_remove_shadow_root_get_tag_name [instances]:
"l_remove_shadow_root_get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs remove_shadow_root_locs"
apply(auto simp add: l_remove_shadow_root_get_tag_name_def instances )[1]
using remove_shadow_root_get_tag_name apply fast
subsubsection ‹get\_owner\_document›
locale l_get_owner_document⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs =
l_get_host_defs get_host get_host_locs +
CD: l_get_owner_document⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs get_root_node get_root_node_locs get_disconnected_nodes
for get_root_node :: "(_::linorder) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) object_ptr) prog"
and get_root_node_locs :: "((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_disconnected_nodes :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_host :: "(_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) element_ptr) prog"
and get_host_locs :: "((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
definition a_get_owner_document⇩s⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩r⇩o⇩o⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ::
"(_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒ unit ⇒ (_, (_) document_ptr) dom_prog"
"a_get_owner_document⇩s⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩r⇩o⇩o⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r shadow_root_ptr _ = do {
host ← get_host shadow_root_ptr;
CD.a_get_owner_document⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r (cast host) ()
definition a_get_owner_document_tups :: "(((_) object_ptr ⇒ bool) × ((_) object_ptr ⇒ unit
⇒ (_, (_) document_ptr) dom_prog)) list"
"a_get_owner_document_tups = [(is_shadow_root_ptr, a_get_owner_document⇩s⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩r⇩o⇩o⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ∘ the ∘ cast)]"
definition a_get_owner_document :: "(_::linorder) object_ptr ⇒ (_, (_) document_ptr) dom_prog"
"a_get_owner_document ptr = invoke (CD.a_get_owner_document_tups @ a_get_owner_document_tups) ptr ()"
global_interpretation l_get_owner_document⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs get_root_node_si get_root_node_si_locs
get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs get_host get_host_locs
defines get_owner_document_tups = a_get_owner_document_tups
and get_owner_document = a_get_owner_document
and get_owner_document⇩s⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩r⇩o⇩o⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r = a_get_owner_document⇩s⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩r⇩o⇩o⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r
and get_owner_document_tups⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
get_root_node_si get_disconnected_nodes"
and get_owner_document⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r =
get_root_node_si get_disconnected_nodes"
locale l_get_owner_document⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_known_ptr known_ptr +
l_get_owner_document⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs get_root_node_si get_root_node_si_locs get_disconnected_nodes
get_disconnected_nodes_locs get_host get_host_locs +
l_get_owner_document_defs get_owner_document +
l_get_host get_host get_host_locs +
CD: l_get_owner_document⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
get_parent get_parent_locs known_ptr⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf get_disconnected_nodes
get_disconnected_nodes_locs get_root_node_si get_root_node_si_locs get_owner_document⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
for known_ptr :: "(_::linorder) object_ptr ⇒ bool"
and known_ptr⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_::linorder) object_ptr ⇒ bool"
and get_parent :: "(_) node_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) object_ptr option) prog"
and get_parent_locs :: "((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and get_disconnected_nodes :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_root_node_si :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) object_ptr) prog"
and get_root_node_si_locs :: "((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_owner_document⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) document_ptr) prog"
and get_host :: "(_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) element_ptr) prog"
and get_host_locs :: "((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_owner_document :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) document_ptr) prog" +
assumes known_ptr_impl: "known_ptr = a_known_ptr"
assumes get_owner_document_impl: "get_owner_document = a_get_owner_document"
lemmas known_ptr_def = known_ptr_impl[unfolded a_known_ptr_def]
lemmas get_owner_document_def = a_get_owner_document_def[folded get_owner_document_impl]
lemma get_owner_document_pure [simp]:
"pure (get_owner_document ptr) h"
proof -
have "⋀shadow_root_ptr. pure (a_get_owner_document⇩s⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩r⇩o⇩o⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r shadow_root_ptr ()) h"
apply(auto simp add: a_get_owner_document⇩s⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩r⇩o⇩o⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def
intro!: bind_pure_I filter_M_pure_I
split: option.splits)[1]
by(auto simp add: CD.a_get_owner_document⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def
intro!: bind_pure_I filter_M_pure_I
split: option.splits)
then show ?thesis
apply(auto simp add: get_owner_document_def)[1]
apply(split CD.get_owner_document_splits, rule conjI)+
apply(auto simp add: a_get_owner_document_tups_def)[1]
apply(split invoke_splits, rule conjI)+
apply simp
by(auto intro!: bind_pure_I)
lemma get_owner_document_ptr_in_heap:
assumes "h ⊢ ok (get_owner_document ptr)"
shows "ptr |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
using assms
by(auto simp add: get_owner_document_def invoke_ptr_in_heap dest: is_OK_returns_heap_I)
interpretation i_get_owner_document?: l_get_owner_document⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M known_ptr DocumentClass.known_ptr
get_parent get_parent_locs type_wf get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
get_root_node_si get_root_node_si_locs CD.a_get_owner_document get_host get_host_locs
by(auto simp add: instances l_get_owner_document⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def l_get_owner_document⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms_def
l_get_owner_document⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def l_get_owner_document⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms_def
get_owner_document_def Core_DOM_Functions.get_owner_document_def)
declare l_get_owner_document⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
lemma get_owner_document_is_l_get_owner_document [instances]:
"l_get_owner_document get_owner_document"
apply(auto simp add: l_get_owner_document_def)[1]
using get_owner_document_ptr_in_heap apply fast
subsubsection ‹remove\_child›
global_interpretation l_remove_child⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs set_child_nodes
set_child_nodes_locs get_parent get_parent_locs get_owner_document get_disconnected_nodes
get_disconnected_nodes_locs set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs
defines remove = "l_remove_child⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_remove get_child_nodes set_child_nodes get_parent
get_owner_document get_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes"
and remove_child = "l_remove_child⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_remove_child get_child_nodes set_child_nodes
get_owner_document get_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes"
and remove_child_locs = "l_remove_child⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_remove_child_locs set_child_nodes_locs
interpretation i_remove_child?: l_remove_child⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M Shadow_DOM.get_child_nodes
Shadow_DOM.get_child_nodes_locs Shadow_DOM.set_child_nodes Shadow_DOM.set_child_nodes_locs
Shadow_DOM.get_parent Shadow_DOM.get_parent_locs Shadow_DOM.get_owner_document
get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs set_disconnected_nodes
set_disconnected_nodes_locs remove_child remove_child_locs remove ShadowRootClass.type_wf
ShadowRootClass.known_ptr ShadowRootClass.known_ptrs
by(auto simp add: l_remove_child⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def l_remove_child⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms_def remove_child_def
remove_child_locs_def remove_def instances)
declare l_remove_child⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
subsubsection ‹get\_disconnected\_document›
locale l_get_disconnected_document⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs =
l_get_disconnected_nodes_defs get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
for get_disconnected_nodes ::
"(_::linorder) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
definition a_get_disconnected_document :: "(_) node_ptr ⇒ (_, (_) document_ptr) dom_prog"
"a_get_disconnected_document node_ptr = do {
check_in_heap (cast node_ptr);
ptrs ← document_ptr_kinds_M;
candidates ← filter_M (λdocument_ptr. do {
disconnected_nodes ← get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr;
return (node_ptr ∈ set disconnected_nodes)
}) ptrs;
(case candidates of
Cons document_ptr [] ⇒ return document_ptr |
_ ⇒ error HierarchyRequestError
definition "a_get_disconnected_document_locs =
(⋃document_ptr. get_disconnected_nodes_locs document_ptr) ∪
(⋃ptr. {preserved (get_M⇩O⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t ptr RObject.nothing)})"
locale l_get_disconnected_document_defs =
fixes get_disconnected_document :: "(_) node_ptr ⇒ (_, (_::linorder) document_ptr) dom_prog"
fixes get_disconnected_document_locs :: "((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
locale l_get_disconnected_document⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_get_disconnected_document⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs +
l_get_disconnected_document_defs +
l_get_disconnected_nodes +
assumes get_disconnected_document_impl:
"get_disconnected_document = a_get_disconnected_document"
assumes get_disconnected_document_locs_impl:
"get_disconnected_document_locs = a_get_disconnected_document_locs"
lemmas get_disconnected_document_def =
get_disconnected_document_impl[unfolded a_get_disconnected_document_def]
lemmas get_disconnected_document_locs_def =
get_disconnected_document_locs_impl[unfolded a_get_disconnected_document_locs_def]
lemma get_disconnected_document_pure [simp]: "pure (get_disconnected_document ptr) h"
using get_disconnected_nodes_pure
by(auto simp add: get_disconnected_document_def
intro!: bind_pure_I filter_M_pure_I
split: list.splits)
lemma get_disconnected_document_ptr_in_heap [simp]:
"h ⊢ ok (get_disconnected_document node_ptr) ⟹ node_ptr |∈| node_ptr_kinds h"
using get_disconnected_document_def is_OK_returns_result_I check_in_heap_ptr_in_heap
by (metis (no_types, lifting) bind_returns_heap_E get_disconnected_document_pure
node_ptr_kinds_commutes pure_pure)
lemma get_disconnected_document_disconnected_document_in_heap:
assumes "h ⊢ get_disconnected_document child_node →⇩r disconnected_document"
shows "disconnected_document |∈| document_ptr_kinds h"
using assms get_disconnected_nodes_pure
by(auto simp add: get_disconnected_document_def elim!: bind_returns_result_E2
dest!: filter_M_not_more_elements[where x=disconnected_document]
intro!: filter_M_pure_I bind_pure_I
split: if_splits list.splits)
lemma get_disconnected_document_reads:
"reads get_disconnected_document_locs (get_disconnected_document node_ptr) h h'"
using get_disconnected_nodes_reads[unfolded reads_def]
by(auto simp add: get_disconnected_document_def get_disconnected_document_locs_def
intro!: reads_bind_pure reads_subset[OF check_in_heap_reads]
reads_subset[OF error_reads]
reads_subset[OF get_disconnected_nodes_reads] reads_subset[OF return_reads]
reads_subset[OF document_ptr_kinds_M_reads] filter_M_reads filter_M_pure_I
split: list.splits)
locale l_get_disconnected_document = l_get_disconnected_document_defs +
assumes get_disconnected_document_reads:
"reads get_disconnected_document_locs (get_disconnected_document node_ptr) h h'"
assumes get_disconnected_document_ptr_in_heap:
"h ⊢ ok (get_disconnected_document node_ptr) ⟹ node_ptr |∈| node_ptr_kinds h"
assumes get_disconnected_document_pure [simp]:
"pure (get_disconnected_document node_ptr) h"
assumes get_disconnected_document_disconnected_document_in_heap:
"h ⊢ get_disconnected_document child_node →⇩r disconnected_document ⟹
disconnected_document |∈| document_ptr_kinds h"
global_interpretation l_get_disconnected_document⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs get_disconnected_nodes
get_disconnected_nodes_locs defines
get_disconnected_document = a_get_disconnected_document and
get_disconnected_document_locs = a_get_disconnected_document_locs .
interpretation i_get_disconnected_document?: l_get_disconnected_document⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs get_disconnected_document
get_disconnected_document_locs type_wf
by(auto simp add: l_get_disconnected_document⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def l_get_disconnected_document⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms_def
get_disconnected_document_def get_disconnected_document_locs_def instances)
declare l_get_disconnected_document⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
lemma get_disconnected_document_is_l_get_disconnected_document [instances]:
"l_get_disconnected_document get_disconnected_document get_disconnected_document_locs"
apply(auto simp add: l_get_disconnected_document_def instances)[1]
using get_disconnected_document_ptr_in_heap get_disconnected_document_pure
get_disconnected_document_disconnected_document_in_heap get_disconnected_document_reads
by blast+
paragraph ‹get\_disconnected\_nodes›
locale l_set_tag_name_get_disconnected_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_set_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
lemma set_tag_name_get_disconnected_nodes:
"∀w ∈ set_tag_name_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_disconnected_nodes_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
by(auto simp add: CD.set_tag_name_locs_impl[unfolded CD.a_set_tag_name_locs_def]
CD.get_disconnected_nodes_locs_impl[unfolded CD.a_get_disconnected_nodes_locs_def]
i_set_tag_name_get_disconnected_nodes?: l_set_tag_name_get_disconnected_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf
DocumentClass.type_wf set_tag_name set_tag_name_locs get_disconnected_nodes
by unfold_locales
declare l_set_tag_name_get_disconnected_nodes⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma set_tag_name_get_disconnected_nodes_is_l_set_tag_name_get_disconnected_nodes [instances]:
"l_set_tag_name_get_disconnected_nodes type_wf set_tag_name set_tag_name_locs
get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs"
using set_tag_name_is_l_set_tag_name get_disconnected_nodes_is_l_get_disconnected_nodes
apply(simp add: l_set_tag_name_get_disconnected_nodes_def
using set_tag_name_get_disconnected_nodes
by fast
subsubsection ‹adopt\_node›
global_interpretation l_adopt_node⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs get_owner_document get_parent get_parent_locs
remove_child remove_child_locs get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs
defines adopt_node = a_adopt_node
and adopt_node_locs = a_adopt_node_locs
interpretation i_adopt_node?: l_adopt_node⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_owner_document get_parent get_parent_locs
remove_child remove_child_locs get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs adopt_node adopt_node_locs known_ptr type_wf
get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs known_ptrs set_child_nodes set_child_nodes_locs remove
by(auto simp add: l_adopt_node⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def l_adopt_node⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms_def adopt_node_def
adopt_node_locs_def instances)
declare l_adopt_node⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma adopt_node_is_l_adopt_node [instances]: "l_adopt_node type_wf known_ptr known_ptrs get_parent
adopt_node adopt_node_locs get_child_nodes get_owner_document"
apply(auto simp add: l_adopt_node_def l_adopt_node_axioms_def instances)[1]
using adopt_node_writes apply fast
using adopt_node_pointers_preserved apply (fast, fast)
using adopt_node_types_preserved apply (fast, fast)
using adopt_node_child_in_heap apply fast
using adopt_node_children_subset apply fast
paragraph ‹get\_shadow\_root›
locale l_adopt_node_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_set_child_nodes_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
lemma adopt_node_get_shadow_root:
"∀w ∈ adopt_node_locs parent owner_document document_ptr.
(h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_shadow_root_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
by(auto simp add: adopt_node_locs_def remove_child_locs_def all_args_def
set_disconnected_nodes_get_shadow_root set_child_nodes_get_shadow_root)
locale l_adopt_node_get_shadow_root = l_adopt_node_defs + l_get_shadow_root_defs +
assumes adopt_node_get_shadow_root:
"∀w ∈ adopt_node_locs parent owner_document document_ptr.
(h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_shadow_root_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
interpretation i_adopt_node_get_shadow_root?: l_adopt_node_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf known_ptr
DocumentClass.type_wf DocumentClass.known_ptr set_child_nodes set_child_nodes_locs
Core_DOM_Functions.set_child_nodes Core_DOM_Functions.set_child_nodes_locs get_shadow_root
get_shadow_root_locs set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs get_owner_document
get_parent get_parent_locs remove_child remove_child_locs get_disconnected_nodes
get_disconnected_nodes_locs adopt_node adopt_node_locs get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs
known_ptrs remove
by(auto simp add: l_adopt_node_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances)
declare l_adopt_node_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma adopt_node_get_shadow_root_is_l_adopt_node_get_shadow_root [instances]:
"l_adopt_node_get_shadow_root adopt_node_locs get_shadow_root_locs"
apply(auto simp add: l_adopt_node_get_shadow_root_def)[1]
using adopt_node_get_shadow_root apply fast
subsubsection ‹insert\_before›
global_interpretation l_insert_before⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs get_parent get_parent_locs get_child_nodes
get_child_nodes_locs set_child_nodes set_child_nodes_locs get_ancestors_si get_ancestors_si_locs
adopt_node adopt_node_locs set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs
get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs get_owner_document
next_sibling = a_next_sibling and
insert_node = a_insert_node and
ensure_pre_insertion_validity = a_ensure_pre_insertion_validity and
insert_before = a_insert_before and
insert_before_locs = a_insert_before_locs
global_interpretation l_append_child⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs insert_before
defines append_child = "l_append_child⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs.a_append_child insert_before"
interpretation i_insert_before?: l_insert_before⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_parent get_parent_locs get_child_nodes
get_child_nodes_locs set_child_nodes set_child_nodes_locs get_ancestors_si get_ancestors_si_locs
adopt_node adopt_node_locs set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs get_disconnected_nodes
get_disconnected_nodes_locs get_owner_document insert_before insert_before_locs append_child type_wf
known_ptr known_ptrs
by(auto simp add: l_insert_before⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def l_insert_before⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms_def insert_before_def
insert_before_locs_def instances)
declare l_insert_before⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
interpretation i_append_child?: l_append_child⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M append_child insert_before insert_before_locs
by(simp add: l_append_child⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances append_child_def)
declare l_append_child⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
subsubsection ‹get\_assigned\_nodes›
fun map_filter_M2 :: "('x ⇒ ('heap, 'e, 'y option) prog) ⇒ 'x list
⇒ ('heap, 'e, 'y list) prog"
"map_filter_M2 f [] = return []" |
"map_filter_M2 f (x # xs) = do {
res ← f x;
remainder ← map_filter_M2 f xs;
return ((case res of Some r ⇒ [r] | None ⇒ []) @ remainder)
lemma map_filter_M2_pure [simp]:
assumes "⋀x. x ∈ set xs ⟹ pure (f x) h"
shows "pure (map_filter_M2 f xs) h"
using assms
apply(induct xs arbitrary: h)
by(auto elim!: bind_returns_result_E2 intro!: bind_pure_I)
lemma map_filter_pure_no_monad:
assumes "⋀x. x ∈ set xs ⟹ pure (f x) h"
assumes "h ⊢ map_filter_M2 f xs →⇩r ys"
"ys = map the (filter (λx. x ≠ None) (map (λx. |h ⊢ f x|⇩r) xs))" and
"⋀x. x ∈ set xs ⟹ h ⊢ ok (f x)"
using assms
apply(induct xs arbitrary: h ys)
by(auto elim!: bind_returns_result_E2)
lemma map_filter_pure_foo:
assumes "⋀x. x ∈ set xs ⟹ pure (f x) h"
assumes "h ⊢ map_filter_M2 f xs →⇩r ys"
assumes "y ∈ set ys"
obtains x where "h ⊢ f x →⇩r Some y" and "x ∈ set xs"
using assms
apply(induct xs arbitrary: ys)
by(auto elim!: bind_returns_result_E2)
lemma map_filter_M2_in_result:
assumes "h ⊢ map_filter_M2 P xs →⇩r ys"
assumes "a ∈ set xs"
assumes "⋀x. x ∈ set xs ⟹ pure (P x) h"
assumes "h ⊢ P a →⇩r Some b"
shows "b ∈ set ys"
using assms
apply(induct xs arbitrary: h ys)
by(auto elim!: bind_returns_result_E2 )
locale l_assigned_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs =
l_get_tag_name_defs get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs +
l_get_root_node_defs get_root_node get_root_node_locs +
l_get_host_defs get_host get_host_locs +
l_get_child_nodes_defs get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs +
l_find_slot_defs find_slot assigned_slot +
l_remove_defs remove +
l_insert_before_defs insert_before insert_before_locs +
l_append_child_defs append_child +
l_remove_shadow_root_defs remove_shadow_root remove_shadow_root_locs
for get_child_nodes :: "(_::linorder) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_child_nodes_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_tag_name :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, char list) prog"
and get_tag_name_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_root_node :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) object_ptr) prog"
and get_root_node_locs :: "((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_host :: "(_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) element_ptr) prog"
and get_host_locs :: "((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and find_slot :: "bool ⇒ (_) node_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) element_ptr option) prog"
and assigned_slot :: "(_) node_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) element_ptr option) prog"
and remove :: "(_) node_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and insert_before ::
"(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr option ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and insert_before_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_) object_ptr option ⇒ (_) document_ptr ⇒
(_) document_ptr ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog set"
and append_child :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and remove_shadow_root :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and remove_shadow_root_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ (_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒
((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
definition a_assigned_nodes :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ (_, (_) node_ptr list) dom_prog"
"a_assigned_nodes slot = do {
tag ← get_tag_name slot;
(if tag ≠ ''slot''
then error HierarchyRequestError
else return ());
root ← get_root_node (cast slot);
if is_shadow_root_ptr_kind root
then do {
host ← get_host (the (cast root));
children ← get_child_nodes (cast host);
filter_M (λslotable. do {
found_slot ← find_slot False slotable;
return (found_slot = Some slot)}) children}
else return []}"
partial_function (dom_prog) a_assigned_nodes_flatten ::
"(_) element_ptr ⇒ (_, (_) node_ptr list) dom_prog"
"a_assigned_nodes_flatten slot = do {
tag ← get_tag_name slot;
(if tag ≠ ''slot''
then error HierarchyRequestError
else return ());
root ← get_root_node (cast slot);
(if is_shadow_root_ptr_kind root
then do {
slotables ← a_assigned_nodes slot;
slotables_or_child_nodes ← (if slotables = []
then do {
get_child_nodes (cast slot)
} else do {
return slotables
list_of_lists ← map_M (λnode_ptr. do {
(case cast node_ptr of
Some element_ptr ⇒ do {
tag ← get_tag_name element_ptr;
(if tag = ''slot''
then do {
root ← get_root_node (cast element_ptr);
(if is_shadow_root_ptr_kind root
then do {
a_assigned_nodes_flatten element_ptr
} else do {
return [node_ptr]
} else do {
return [node_ptr]
| None ⇒ return [node_ptr])
}) slotables_or_child_nodes;
return (concat list_of_lists)
} else return [])
definition a_flatten_dom :: "(_, unit) dom_prog" where
"a_flatten_dom = do {
tups ← element_ptr_kinds_M ⤜ map_filter_M2 (λelement_ptr. do {
tag ← get_tag_name element_ptr;
assigned_nodes ← a_assigned_nodes element_ptr;
(if tag = ''slot'' ∧ assigned_nodes ≠ []
then return (Some (element_ptr, assigned_nodes))
else return None)});
forall_M (λ(slot, assigned_nodes). do {
get_child_nodes (cast slot) ⤜ forall_M remove;
forall_M (append_child (cast slot)) assigned_nodes
}) tups;
shadow_root_ptr_kinds_M ⤜ forall_M (λshadow_root_ptr. do {
host ← get_host shadow_root_ptr;
get_child_nodes (cast host) ⤜ forall_M remove;
get_child_nodes (cast shadow_root_ptr) ⤜ forall_M (append_child (cast host));
remove_shadow_root host
return ()
global_interpretation l_assigned_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs
get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs get_root_node get_root_node_locs get_host get_host_locs find_slot
assigned_slot remove insert_before insert_before_locs append_child remove_shadow_root
defines assigned_nodes = a_assigned_nodes
and assigned_nodes_flatten = a_assigned_nodes_flatten
and flatten_dom = a_flatten_dom
declare a_assigned_nodes_flatten.simps [code]
locale l_assigned_nodes_defs =
fixes assigned_nodes :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ (_, (_) node_ptr list) dom_prog"
fixes assigned_nodes_flatten :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ (_, (_) node_ptr list) dom_prog"
fixes flatten_dom :: "(_, unit) dom_prog"
locale l_assigned_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
assigned_nodes assigned_nodes_flatten flatten_dom
+ l_assigned_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs
get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs get_root_node
get_root_node_locs get_host get_host_locs find_slot assigned_slot remove insert_before
insert_before_locs append_child remove_shadow_root remove_shadow_root_locs
+ l_get_shadow_root
type_wf get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs
+ l_set_shadow_root
type_wf set_shadow_root set_shadow_root_locs
+ l_remove
+ l_insert_before
insert_before insert_before_locs
+ l_find_slot
find_slot assigned_slot
+ l_get_tag_name
type_wf get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs
+ l_get_root_node
get_root_node get_root_node_locs get_parent get_parent_locs
+ l_get_host
get_host get_host_locs
+ l_get_child_nodes
type_wf known_ptr get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs
+ l_to_tree_order
for known_ptr :: "(_::linorder) object_ptr ⇒ bool"
and assigned_nodes :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and assigned_nodes_flatten :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and flatten_dom :: "((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and get_child_nodes :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_child_nodes_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_tag_name :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, char list) prog"
and get_tag_name_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_root_node :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) object_ptr) prog"
and get_root_node_locs :: "((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_host :: "(_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) element_ptr) prog"
and get_host_locs :: "((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and find_slot :: "bool ⇒ (_) node_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) element_ptr option) prog"
and assigned_slot :: "(_) node_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) element_ptr option) prog"
and remove :: "(_) node_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and insert_before ::
"(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr option ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and insert_before_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_) object_ptr option ⇒ (_) document_ptr ⇒
(_) document_ptr ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog set"
and append_child :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and remove_shadow_root :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and remove_shadow_root_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ (_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒
((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
and type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and get_shadow_root ::
"(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) shadow_root_ptr option) prog"
and get_shadow_root_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and set_shadow_root ::
"(_) element_ptr ⇒ (_) shadow_root_ptr option ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and set_shadow_root_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
and get_parent :: "(_) node_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) object_ptr option) prog"
and get_parent_locs :: "((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and to_tree_order :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) object_ptr list) prog" +
assumes assigned_nodes_impl: "assigned_nodes = a_assigned_nodes"
assumes flatten_dom_impl: "flatten_dom = a_flatten_dom"
lemmas assigned_nodes_def = assigned_nodes_impl[unfolded a_assigned_nodes_def]
lemmas flatten_dom_def = flatten_dom_impl[unfolded a_flatten_dom_def, folded assigned_nodes_impl]
lemma assigned_nodes_pure [simp]: "pure (assigned_nodes slot) h"
by(auto simp add: assigned_nodes_def intro!: bind_pure_I filter_M_pure_I)
lemma assigned_nodes_ptr_in_heap:
assumes "h ⊢ ok (assigned_nodes slot)"
shows "slot |∈| element_ptr_kinds h"
using assms
apply(auto simp add: assigned_nodes_def)[1]
by (meson bind_is_OK_E is_OK_returns_result_I local.get_tag_name_ptr_in_heap)
lemma assigned_nodes_slot_is_slot:
assumes "h ⊢ ok (assigned_nodes slot)"
shows "h ⊢ get_tag_name slot →⇩r ''slot''"
using assms
by(auto simp add: assigned_nodes_def elim!: bind_is_OK_E split: if_splits)
lemma assigned_nodes_different_ptr:
assumes "h ⊢ assigned_nodes slot →⇩r nodes"
assumes "h ⊢ assigned_nodes slot' →⇩r nodes'"
assumes "slot ≠ slot'"
shows "set nodes ∩ set nodes' = {}"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "set nodes ∩ set nodes' ≠ {} "
then obtain common_ptr where "common_ptr ∈ set nodes" and "common_ptr ∈ set nodes'"
by auto
have "h ⊢ find_slot False common_ptr →⇩r Some slot"
using ‹common_ptr ∈ set nodes›
using assms(1)
by(auto simp add: assigned_nodes_def
elim!: bind_returns_result_E2
split: if_splits
dest!: filter_M_holds_for_result[where x=common_ptr]
intro!: bind_pure_I)
have "h ⊢ find_slot False common_ptr →⇩r Some slot'"
using ‹common_ptr ∈ set nodes'›
using assms(2)
by(auto simp add: assigned_nodes_def
elim!: bind_returns_result_E2
split: if_splits
dest!: filter_M_holds_for_result[where x=common_ptr]
intro!: bind_pure_I)
show False
using assms(3)
by (meson option.inject returns_result_eq)
interpretation i_assigned_nodes?: l_assigned_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M known_ptr assigned_nodes
assigned_nodes_flatten flatten_dom get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs get_tag_name
get_tag_name_locs get_root_node get_root_node_locs get_host get_host_locs find_slot
assigned_slot remove insert_before insert_before_locs append_child remove_shadow_root
remove_shadow_root_locs type_wf get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs set_shadow_root
set_shadow_root_locs get_parent get_parent_locs to_tree_order
by(auto simp add: instances l_assigned_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def l_assigned_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms_def
assigned_nodes_def flatten_dom_def)
declare l_assigned_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
locale l_assigned_nodes = l_assigned_nodes_defs +
assumes assigned_nodes_pure [simp]: "pure (assigned_nodes slot) h"
assumes assigned_nodes_ptr_in_heap:
"h ⊢ ok (assigned_nodes slot) ⟹ slot |∈| element_ptr_kinds h"
assumes assigned_nodes_slot_is_slot:
"h ⊢ ok (assigned_nodes slot) ⟹ h ⊢ get_tag_name slot →⇩r ''slot''"
assumes assigned_nodes_different_ptr:
"h ⊢ assigned_nodes slot →⇩r nodes ⟹ h ⊢ assigned_nodes slot' →⇩r nodes' ⟹
slot ≠ slot' ⟹ set nodes ∩ set nodes' = {}"
lemma assigned_nodes_is_l_assigned_nodes [instances]: "l_assigned_nodes assigned_nodes"
apply(auto simp add: l_assigned_nodes_def)[1]
using assigned_nodes_ptr_in_heap apply fast
using assigned_nodes_slot_is_slot apply fast
using assigned_nodes_different_ptr apply fast
subsubsection ‹set\_val›
locale l_set_val⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
CD: l_set_val⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M set_val set_val_locs +
l_type_wf type_wf
for type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and set_val :: "(_) character_data_ptr ⇒ char list ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
and set_val_locs :: "(_) character_data_ptr ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog set" +
assumes type_wf_impl: "type_wf = ShadowRootClass.type_wf"
lemma set_val_ok:
"type_wf h ⟹ character_data_ptr |∈| character_data_ptr_kinds h ⟹
h ⊢ ok (set_val character_data_ptr tag)"
using CD.set_val_ok CD.type_wf_impl ShadowRootClass.type_wf⇩D⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t local.type_wf_impl by blast
lemma set_val_writes:
"writes (set_val_locs character_data_ptr) (set_val character_data_ptr tag) h h'"
using CD.set_val_writes .
lemma set_val_pointers_preserved:
assumes "w ∈ set_val_locs character_data_ptr"
assumes "h ⊢ w →⇩h h'"
shows "object_ptr_kinds h = object_ptr_kinds h'"
using assms CD.set_val_pointers_preserved by simp
lemma set_val_typess_preserved:
assumes "w ∈ set_val_locs character_data_ptr"
assumes "h ⊢ w →⇩h h'"
shows "type_wf h = type_wf h'"
apply(unfold type_wf_impl)
using assms(1) type_wf_preserved[OF writes_singleton2 assms(2)]
by(auto simp add: all_args_def CD.set_val_locs_impl[unfolded CD.a_set_val_locs_def]
split: if_splits)
i_set_val?: l_set_val⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf DocumentClass.type_wf set_val set_val_locs
by (auto simp add: set_val_def set_val_locs_def)
declare l_set_val⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma set_val_is_l_set_val [instances]: "l_set_val type_wf set_val set_val_locs"
apply(simp add: l_set_val_def)
using set_val_ok set_val_writes set_val_pointers_preserved set_val_typess_preserved
by blast
paragraph ‹get\_shadow\_root›
locale l_set_val_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_set_val⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
lemma set_val_get_shadow_root:
"∀w ∈ set_val_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_shadow_root_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
by(auto simp add: CD.set_val_locs_impl[unfolded CD.a_set_val_locs_def]
get_shadow_root_locs_def all_args_def)
locale l_set_val_get_shadow_root = l_set_val + l_get_shadow_root +
assumes set_val_get_shadow_root:
"∀w ∈ set_val_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_shadow_root_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
i_set_val_get_shadow_root?: l_set_val_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf DocumentClass.type_wf
set_val set_val_locs
get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs
apply(auto simp add: l_set_val_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances)[1]
using l_set_val⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms
by unfold_locales
declare l_set_val_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma set_val_get_shadow_root_is_l_set_val_get_shadow_root [instances]:
"l_set_val_get_shadow_root type_wf set_val set_val_locs get_shadow_root
using set_val_is_l_set_val get_shadow_root_is_l_get_shadow_root
apply(simp add: l_set_val_get_shadow_root_def l_set_val_get_shadow_root_axioms_def)
using set_val_get_shadow_root
by fast
paragraph ‹get\_tag\_type›
locale l_set_val_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_set_val⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
lemma set_val_get_tag_name:
"∀w ∈ set_val_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_tag_name_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
by(auto simp add: CD.set_val_locs_impl[unfolded CD.a_set_val_locs_def]
CD.get_tag_name_locs_impl[unfolded CD.a_get_tag_name_locs_def]
locale l_set_val_get_tag_name = l_set_val + l_get_tag_name +
assumes set_val_get_tag_name:
"∀w ∈ set_val_locs ptr. (h ⊢ w →⇩h h' ⟶ (∀r ∈ get_tag_name_locs ptr'. r h h'))"
i_set_val_get_tag_name?: l_set_val_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf DocumentClass.type_wf set_val
set_val_locs get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs
by unfold_locales
declare l_set_val_get_tag_name⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma set_val_get_tag_name_is_l_set_val_get_tag_name [instances]:
"l_set_val_get_tag_name type_wf set_val set_val_locs get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs"
using set_val_is_l_set_val get_tag_name_is_l_get_tag_name
apply(simp add: l_set_val_get_tag_name_def l_set_val_get_tag_name_axioms_def)
using set_val_get_tag_name
by fast
subsubsection ‹create\_character\_data›
locale l_create_character_data⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
CD: l_create_character_data⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M _ _ _ _ _ _ type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M _ known_ptr⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
l_known_ptr known_ptr
for known_ptr :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ bool"
and type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and known_ptr⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ bool" +
assumes known_ptr_impl: "known_ptr = a_known_ptr"
lemma create_character_data_document_in_heap:
assumes "h ⊢ ok (create_character_data document_ptr text)"
shows "document_ptr |∈| document_ptr_kinds h"
using assms CD.create_character_data_document_in_heap by simp
lemma create_character_data_known_ptr:
assumes "h ⊢ create_character_data document_ptr text →⇩r new_character_data_ptr"
shows "known_ptr (cast new_character_data_ptr)"
using assms CD.create_character_data_known_ptr
by(simp add: known_ptr_impl CD.known_ptr_impl ShadowRootClass.a_known_ptr_def)
locale l_create_character_data = l_create_character_data_defs
interpretation i_create_character_data?: l_create_character_data⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_disconnected_nodes
get_disconnected_nodes_locs set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs set_val set_val_locs
create_character_data known_ptr DocumentClass.type_wf DocumentClass.known_ptr
by(auto simp add: l_create_character_data⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def l_create_character_data⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms_def
declare l_create_character_data⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
subsubsection ‹create\_element›
locale l_create_element⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
CD: l_create_element⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs set_disconnected_nodes
set_disconnected_nodes_locs set_tag_name set_tag_name_locs type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M create_element
known_ptr⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
l_known_ptr known_ptr
for get_disconnected_nodes :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and set_disconnected_nodes ::
"(_) document_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and set_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
and set_tag_name :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ char list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and set_tag_name_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
and type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and create_element ::
"(_) document_ptr ⇒ char list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) element_ptr) prog"
and known_ptr :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ bool"
and type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and known_ptr⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ bool" +
assumes known_ptr_impl: "known_ptr = a_known_ptr"
lemmas create_element_def = CD.create_element_def
lemma create_element_document_in_heap:
assumes "h ⊢ ok (create_element document_ptr tag)"
shows "document_ptr |∈| document_ptr_kinds h"
using CD.create_element_document_in_heap assms .
lemma create_element_known_ptr:
assumes "h ⊢ create_element document_ptr tag →⇩r new_element_ptr"
shows "known_ptr (cast new_element_ptr)"
proof -
have "is_element_ptr new_element_ptr"
using assms
apply(auto simp add: create_element_def elim!: bind_returns_result_E)[1]
using new_element_is_element_ptr
by blast
then show ?thesis
by(auto simp add: known_ptr_impl known_ptr_defs DocumentClass.known_ptr_defs
CharacterDataClass.known_ptr_defs ElementClass.known_ptr_defs)
interpretation i_create_element?: l_create_element⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_disconnected_nodes
get_disconnected_nodes_locs set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs set_tag_name
set_tag_name_locs type_wf create_element known_ptr DocumentClass.type_wf DocumentClass.known_ptr
by(auto simp add: l_create_element⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def l_create_element⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms_def instances)
declare l_create_element⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
subsection ‹A wellformed heap (Core DOM)›
subsubsection ‹wellformed\_heap›
locale l_heap_is_wellformed⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs =
CD: l_heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs get_disconnected_nodes
get_disconnected_nodes_locs +
l_get_shadow_root_defs get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs +
l_get_tag_name_defs get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs
for get_child_nodes :: "(_::linorder) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_child_nodes_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_disconnected_nodes :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_shadow_root :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) shadow_root_ptr option) prog"
and get_shadow_root_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_tag_name :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, char list) prog"
and get_tag_name_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
definition a_host_shadow_root_rel :: "(_) heap ⇒ ((_) object_ptr × (_) object_ptr) set"
"a_host_shadow_root_rel h = (λ(x, y). (cast x, cast y)) ` {(host, shadow_root).
host |∈| element_ptr_kinds h ∧ |h ⊢ get_shadow_root host|⇩r = Some shadow_root}"
lemma a_host_shadow_root_rel_code [code]: "a_host_shadow_root_rel h = set (concat (map
(λhost. (case |h ⊢ get_shadow_root host|⇩r of
Some shadow_root ⇒ [(cast host, cast shadow_root)] |
None ⇒ []))
(sorted_list_of_fset (element_ptr_kinds h)))
by(auto simp add: a_host_shadow_root_rel_def)
definition a_all_ptrs_in_heap :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool" where
"a_all_ptrs_in_heap h = ((∀host shadow_root_ptr.
(h ⊢ get_shadow_root host →⇩r Some shadow_root_ptr) ⟶
shadow_root_ptr |∈| shadow_root_ptr_kinds h))"
definition a_distinct_lists :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
"a_distinct_lists h = distinct (concat (
map (λelement_ptr. (case |h ⊢ get_shadow_root element_ptr|⇩r of
Some shadow_root_ptr ⇒ [shadow_root_ptr] | None ⇒ []))
|h ⊢ element_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r
definition a_shadow_root_valid :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool" where
"a_shadow_root_valid h = (∀shadow_root_ptr ∈ fset (shadow_root_ptr_kinds h).
(∃host ∈ fset(element_ptr_kinds h).
|h ⊢ get_tag_name host|⇩r ∈ safe_shadow_root_element_types ∧
|h ⊢ get_shadow_root host|⇩r = Some shadow_root_ptr))"
definition a_heap_is_wellformed :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
"a_heap_is_wellformed h ⟷ CD.a_heap_is_wellformed h ∧
acyclic (CD.a_parent_child_rel h ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h) ∧
a_all_ptrs_in_heap h ∧
a_distinct_lists h ∧
a_shadow_root_valid h"
global_interpretation l_heap_is_wellformed⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_defs get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs
get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs
get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs
defines heap_is_wellformed = a_heap_is_wellformed
and parent_child_rel = CD.a_parent_child_rel
and host_shadow_root_rel = a_host_shadow_root_rel
and all_ptrs_in_heap = a_all_ptrs_in_heap
and distinct_lists = a_distinct_lists
and shadow_root_valid = a_shadow_root_valid
and heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M = CD.a_heap_is_wellformed
and parent_child_rel⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M = CD.a_parent_child_rel
and acyclic_heap⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M = CD.a_acyclic_heap
and all_ptrs_in_heap⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M = CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap
and distinct_lists⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M = CD.a_distinct_lists
and owner_document_valid⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M = CD.a_owner_document_valid
interpretation i_heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M: l_heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M known_ptr type_wf
get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M parent_child_rel
by (auto simp add: l_heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def l_heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms_def
heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def parent_child_rel_def instances)
declare i_heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.l_heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_is_l_heap_is_wellformed [instances]:
"l_heap_is_wellformed type_wf known_ptr heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M parent_child_rel get_child_nodes
apply(auto simp add: l_heap_is_wellformed_def)[1]
using i_heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.heap_is_wellformed_children_in_heap apply blast
using i_heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.heap_is_wellformed_disc_nodes_in_heap apply blast
using i_heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.heap_is_wellformed_one_parent apply blast
using i_heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.heap_is_wellformed_one_disc_parent apply blast
using i_heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.heap_is_wellformed_children_disc_nodes_different apply blast
using i_heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.heap_is_wellformed_disconnected_nodes_distinct apply blast
using i_heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.heap_is_wellformed_children_distinct apply blast
using i_heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.heap_is_wellformed_children_disc_nodes apply blast
using i_heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.parent_child_rel_child apply (blast, blast)
using i_heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.parent_child_rel_finite apply blast
using i_heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.parent_child_rel_acyclic apply blast
using i_heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.parent_child_rel_node_ptr apply blast
using i_heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.parent_child_rel_parent_in_heap apply blast
using i_heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.parent_child_rel_child_in_heap apply blast
locale l_heap_is_wellformed⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs
+ CD: l_heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
known_ptr type_wf get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs get_disconnected_nodes
get_disconnected_nodes_locs heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M parent_child_rel
+ l_heap_is_wellformed_defs
heap_is_wellformed parent_child_rel
+ l_get_host⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs get_host get_host_locs type_wf
+ l_get_disconnected_document⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
get_disconnected_document get_disconnected_document_locs type_wf
+ l_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs
for get_child_nodes :: "(_::linorder) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_child_nodes_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_disconnected_nodes :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_shadow_root :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) shadow_root_ptr option) prog"
and get_shadow_root_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_tag_name :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, char list) prog"
and get_tag_name_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and known_ptr :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ bool"
and type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and heap_is_wellformed :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and parent_child_rel :: "(_) heap ⇒ ((_) object_ptr × (_) object_ptr) set"
and heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and get_host :: "(_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) element_ptr) prog"
and get_host_locs :: "((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_disconnected_document :: "(_) node_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) document_ptr) prog"
and get_disconnected_document_locs :: "((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set" +
assumes heap_is_wellformed_impl: "heap_is_wellformed = a_heap_is_wellformed"
lemmas heap_is_wellformed_def =
heap_is_wellformed_impl[unfolded a_heap_is_wellformed_def,
folded CD.heap_is_wellformed_impl CD.parent_child_rel_impl]
lemma a_distinct_lists_code [code]:
"a_all_ptrs_in_heap h = ((∀host ∈ fset (element_ptr_kinds h).
h ⊢ ok (get_shadow_root host) ⟶ (case |h ⊢ get_shadow_root host|⇩r of
Some shadow_root_ptr ⇒ shadow_root_ptr |∈| shadow_root_ptr_kinds h |
None ⇒ True)))"
apply(auto simp add: a_all_ptrs_in_heap_def split: option.splits)[1]
by (meson is_OK_returns_result_I local.get_shadow_root_ptr_in_heap select_result_I2)
lemma get_shadow_root_shadow_root_ptr_in_heap:
assumes "heap_is_wellformed h"
assumes "h ⊢ get_shadow_root host →⇩r Some shadow_root_ptr"
shows "shadow_root_ptr |∈| shadow_root_ptr_kinds h"
using assms
by(auto simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def a_all_ptrs_in_heap_def)
lemma get_host_ptr_in_heap:
assumes "heap_is_wellformed h"
assumes "h ⊢ get_host shadow_root_ptr →⇩r host"
shows "shadow_root_ptr |∈| shadow_root_ptr_kinds h"
using assms get_shadow_root_shadow_root_ptr_in_heap
by(auto simp add: get_host_def
elim!: bind_returns_result_E2
dest!: filter_M_holds_for_result
intro!: bind_pure_I
split: list.splits)
lemma shadow_root_same_host:
assumes "heap_is_wellformed h" and "type_wf h"
assumes "h ⊢ get_shadow_root host →⇩r Some shadow_root_ptr"
assumes "h ⊢ get_shadow_root host' →⇩r Some shadow_root_ptr"
shows "host = host'"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume " host ≠ host'"
have "host |∈| element_ptr_kinds h"
using assms(3)
by (meson is_OK_returns_result_I local.get_shadow_root_ptr_in_heap)
have "host' |∈| element_ptr_kinds h"
using assms(4)
by (meson is_OK_returns_result_I local.get_shadow_root_ptr_in_heap)
ultimately show False
using assms
apply(auto simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def a_distinct_lists_def)[1]
apply(drule distinct_concat_map_E(1)[where x=host and y=host'])
using ‹host ≠ host'› apply(simp)
lemma shadow_root_host_dual:
assumes "h ⊢ get_host shadow_root_ptr →⇩r host"
shows "h ⊢ get_shadow_root host →⇩r Some shadow_root_ptr"
using assms
by(auto simp add: get_host_def
dest: filter_M_holds_for_result
elim!: bind_returns_result_E2
intro!: bind_pure_I split: list.splits)
lemma disc_doc_disc_node_dual:
assumes "h ⊢ get_disconnected_document disc_node →⇩r disc_doc"
obtains disc_nodes where
"h ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes disc_doc →⇩r disc_nodes" and
"disc_node ∈ set disc_nodes"
using assms get_disconnected_nodes_pure
by(auto simp add: get_disconnected_document_def bind_pure_I
dest!: filter_M_holds_for_result
elim!: bind_returns_result_E2
intro!: filter_M_pure_I
split: if_splits list.splits)
lemma get_host_valid_tag_name:
assumes "heap_is_wellformed h" and "type_wf h"
assumes "h ⊢ get_host shadow_root_ptr →⇩r host"
assumes "h ⊢ get_tag_name host →⇩r tag"
shows "tag ∈ safe_shadow_root_element_types"
proof -
obtain host' where
"host' |∈| element_ptr_kinds h" and
"|h ⊢ get_tag_name host'|⇩r ∈ safe_shadow_root_element_types"
and "h ⊢ get_shadow_root host' →⇩r Some shadow_root_ptr"
using assms
by (metis get_host_ptr_in_heap local.a_shadow_root_valid_def
local.get_shadow_root_ok local.heap_is_wellformed_def returns_result_select_result)
then have "host = host'"
by (meson assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) shadow_root_host_dual shadow_root_same_host)
then show ?thesis
using ‹|h ⊢ get_tag_name host'|⇩r ∈ safe_shadow_root_element_types› assms(4) by auto
lemma a_host_shadow_root_rel_finite: "finite (a_host_shadow_root_rel h)"
proof -
have "a_host_shadow_root_rel h = (⋃host ∈ fset (element_ptr_kinds h).
(case |h ⊢ get_shadow_root host|⇩r of
Some shadow_root ⇒ {(cast host, cast shadow_root)} | None ⇒ {}))"
by(auto simp add: a_host_shadow_root_rel_def split: option.splits)
moreover have "finite (⋃host ∈ fset (element_ptr_kinds h).
(case |h ⊢ get_shadow_root host|⇩r of
Some shadow_root ⇒ {(cast⇩e⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r host, cast⇩s⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩r⇩o⇩o⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r shadow_root)} |
None ⇒ {}))"
by(auto split: option.splits)
ultimately show ?thesis
by auto
lemma heap_is_wellformed_children_in_heap:
"heap_is_wellformed h ⟹ h ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r children ⟹ child ∈ set children ⟹
child |∈| node_ptr_kinds h"
using CD.heap_is_wellformed_children_in_heap local.heap_is_wellformed_def by blast
lemma heap_is_wellformed_disc_nodes_in_heap:
"heap_is_wellformed h ⟹ h ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes ⟹
node ∈ set disc_nodes ⟹ node |∈| node_ptr_kinds h"
using CD.heap_is_wellformed_disc_nodes_in_heap local.heap_is_wellformed_def by blast
lemma heap_is_wellformed_one_parent:
"heap_is_wellformed h ⟹ h ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r children ⟹
h ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr' →⇩r children' ⟹ set children ∩ set children' ≠ {} ⟹ ptr = ptr'"
using CD.heap_is_wellformed_one_parent local.heap_is_wellformed_def by blast
lemma heap_is_wellformed_one_disc_parent:
"heap_is_wellformed h ⟹ h ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes ⟹
h ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr' →⇩r disc_nodes' ⟹ set disc_nodes ∩ set disc_nodes' ≠ {}
⟹ document_ptr = document_ptr'"
using CD.heap_is_wellformed_one_disc_parent local.heap_is_wellformed_def by blast
lemma heap_is_wellformed_children_disc_nodes_different:
"heap_is_wellformed h ⟹ h ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r children ⟹
h ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes ⟹ set children ∩ set disc_nodes = {}"
using CD.heap_is_wellformed_children_disc_nodes_different local.heap_is_wellformed_def by blast
lemma heap_is_wellformed_disconnected_nodes_distinct:
"heap_is_wellformed h ⟹ h ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes ⟹
distinct disc_nodes"
using CD.heap_is_wellformed_disconnected_nodes_distinct local.heap_is_wellformed_def by blast
lemma heap_is_wellformed_children_distinct:
"heap_is_wellformed h ⟹ h ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r children ⟹ distinct children"
using CD.heap_is_wellformed_children_distinct local.heap_is_wellformed_def by blast
lemma heap_is_wellformed_children_disc_nodes:
"heap_is_wellformed h ⟹ node_ptr |∈| node_ptr_kinds h ⟹
¬(∃parent ∈ fset (object_ptr_kinds h). node_ptr ∈ set |h ⊢ get_child_nodes parent|⇩r) ⟹
(∃document_ptr ∈ fset (document_ptr_kinds h).
node_ptr ∈ set |h ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr|⇩r)"
using CD.heap_is_wellformed_children_disc_nodes local.heap_is_wellformed_def by blast
lemma parent_child_rel_finite: "heap_is_wellformed h ⟹ finite (parent_child_rel h)"
using CD.parent_child_rel_finite by blast
lemma parent_child_rel_acyclic: "heap_is_wellformed h ⟹ acyclic (parent_child_rel h)"
using CD.parent_child_rel_acyclic heap_is_wellformed_def by blast
lemma parent_child_rel_child_in_heap:
"heap_is_wellformed h ⟹ type_wf h ⟹ known_ptr parent ⟹
(parent, child_ptr) ∈ parent_child_rel h ⟹ child_ptr |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
using CD.parent_child_rel_child_in_heap local.heap_is_wellformed_def by blast
interpretation i_heap_is_wellformed?: l_heap_is_wellformed⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_child_nodes
get_child_nodes_locs get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs get_shadow_root
get_shadow_root_locs get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs known_ptr type_wf heap_is_wellformed
parent_child_rel heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_host get_host_locs get_disconnected_document
by(auto simp add: l_heap_is_wellformed⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def l_heap_is_wellformed⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms_def
l_heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def l_heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms_def
heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def parent_child_rel_def heap_is_wellformed_def
declare l_heap_is_wellformed⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
lemma heap_is_wellformed_is_l_heap_is_wellformed [instances]:
"l_heap_is_wellformed ShadowRootClass.type_wf ShadowRootClass.known_ptr
Shadow_DOM.heap_is_wellformed Shadow_DOM.parent_child_rel Shadow_DOM.get_child_nodes
apply(auto simp add: l_heap_is_wellformed_def instances)[1]
using heap_is_wellformed_children_in_heap apply metis
using heap_is_wellformed_disc_nodes_in_heap apply metis
using heap_is_wellformed_one_parent apply blast
using heap_is_wellformed_one_disc_parent apply blast
using heap_is_wellformed_children_disc_nodes_different apply blast
using heap_is_wellformed_disconnected_nodes_distinct apply metis
using heap_is_wellformed_children_distinct apply metis
using heap_is_wellformed_children_disc_nodes apply metis
using i_heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.parent_child_rel_child apply(blast, blast)
using i_heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.parent_child_rel_finite apply blast
using parent_child_rel_acyclic apply blast
using i_heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.parent_child_rel_node_ptr apply blast
using i_heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.parent_child_rel_parent_in_heap apply blast
using parent_child_rel_child_in_heap apply metis
subsubsection ‹get\_parent›
interpretation i_get_parent_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M: l_get_parent_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M known_ptr type_wf get_child_nodes
get_child_nodes_locs known_ptrs get_parent get_parent_locs heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
parent_child_rel get_disconnected_nodes
by(simp add: l_get_parent_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances)
declare i_get_parent_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.l_get_parent_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
interpretation i_get_parent_wf2⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M: l_get_parent_wf2⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M known_ptr type_wf get_child_nodes
get_child_nodes_locs known_ptrs get_parent get_parent_locs heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
parent_child_rel get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
by(auto simp add: l_get_parent_wf2⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances)
declare i_get_parent_wf2⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.l_get_parent_wf2⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma get_parent_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_is_l_get_parent_wf [instances]: "l_get_parent_wf type_wf known_ptr
known_ptrs heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M parent_child_rel get_child_nodes get_parent"
apply(auto simp add: l_get_parent_wf_def l_get_parent_wf_axioms_def instances)[1]
using i_get_parent_wf2⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.child_parent_dual apply fast
using i_get_parent_wf2⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.heap_wellformed_induct apply metis
using i_get_parent_wf2⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.heap_wellformed_induct_rev apply metis
using i_get_parent_wf2⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.parent_child_rel_parent apply fast
subsubsection ‹get\_disconnected\_nodes›
subsubsection ‹set\_disconnected\_nodes›
paragraph ‹get\_disconnected\_nodes›
interpretation i_set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M:
l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M known_ptr type_wf
get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs set_disconnected_nodes
set_disconnected_nodes_locs heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M parent_child_rel get_child_nodes
by (simp add: l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances)
declare i_set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_is_l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes_wf [instances]:
"l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes_wf type_wf known_ptr heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
parent_child_rel get_child_nodes get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs"
apply(auto simp add: l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes_wf_def
l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes_wf_axioms_def instances)[1]
using i_set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.remove_from_disconnected_nodes_removes
apply fast
paragraph ‹get\_root\_node›
interpretation i_get_root_node_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M:l_get_root_node_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M known_ptr type_wf known_ptrs
heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M parent_child_rel get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs get_disconnected_nodes
get_disconnected_nodes_locs get_parent get_parent_locs get_ancestors get_ancestors_locs
get_root_node get_root_node_locs
by(simp add: l_get_root_node_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances)
declare i_get_root_node_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.l_get_root_node_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma get_ancestors_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_is_l_get_ancestors_wf [instances]:
"l_get_ancestors_wf heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M parent_child_rel known_ptr known_ptrs type_wf
get_ancestors get_ancestors_locs get_child_nodes get_parent"
apply(auto simp add: l_get_ancestors_wf_def l_get_ancestors_wf_axioms_def instances)[1]
using i_get_root_node_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.get_ancestors_never_empty apply blast
using i_get_root_node_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.get_ancestors_ok apply blast
using i_get_root_node_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.get_ancestors_reads apply blast
using i_get_root_node_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.get_ancestors_ptrs_in_heap apply blast
using i_get_root_node_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.get_ancestors_remains_not_in_ancestors apply blast
using i_get_root_node_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.get_ancestors_also_parent apply blast
using i_get_root_node_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.get_ancestors_obtains_children apply blast
using i_get_root_node_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.get_ancestors_parent_child_rel apply blast
using i_get_root_node_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.get_ancestors_parent_child_rel apply blast
lemma get_root_node_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_is_l_get_root_node_wf [instances]:
"l_get_root_node_wf heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_root_node type_wf known_ptr known_ptrs
get_ancestors get_parent"
apply(auto simp add: l_get_root_node_wf_def l_get_root_node_wf_axioms_def instances)[1]
using i_get_root_node_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.get_root_node_ok apply blast
using i_get_root_node_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.get_root_node_ptr_in_heap apply blast
using i_get_root_node_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.get_root_node_root_in_heap apply blast
using i_get_root_node_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.get_ancestors_same_root_node apply(blast, blast)
using i_get_root_node_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.get_root_node_same_no_parent apply blast
using i_get_root_node_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.get_root_node_parent_same apply (blast, blast)
subsubsection ‹to\_tree\_order›
interpretation i_to_tree_order_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M: l_to_tree_order_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M known_ptr type_wf get_child_nodes
get_child_nodes_locs to_tree_order known_ptrs get_parent get_parent_locs heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
parent_child_rel get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
apply(simp add: l_to_tree_order_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances)
declare i_to_tree_order_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.l_to_tree_order_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
lemma to_tree_order_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_is_l_to_tree_order_wf [instances]:
"l_to_tree_order_wf heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M parent_child_rel type_wf known_ptr known_ptrs
to_tree_order get_parent get_child_nodes"
apply(auto simp add: l_to_tree_order_wf_def l_to_tree_order_wf_axioms_def instances)[1]
using i_to_tree_order_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.to_tree_order_ok apply blast
using i_to_tree_order_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.to_tree_order_ptrs_in_heap apply blast
using i_to_tree_order_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.to_tree_order_parent_child_rel apply(blast, blast)
using i_to_tree_order_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.to_tree_order_child2 apply blast
using i_to_tree_order_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.to_tree_order_node_ptrs apply blast
using i_to_tree_order_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.to_tree_order_child apply blast
using i_to_tree_order_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.to_tree_order_ptr_in_result apply blast
using i_to_tree_order_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.to_tree_order_parent apply blast
using i_to_tree_order_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.to_tree_order_subset apply blast
paragraph ‹get\_root\_node›
interpretation i_to_tree_order_wf_get_root_node_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M: l_to_tree_order_wf_get_root_node_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
known_ptr type_wf known_ptrs heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M parent_child_rel get_child_nodes
get_child_nodes_locs get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs get_parent get_parent_locs
get_ancestors get_ancestors_locs get_root_node get_root_node_locs to_tree_order
by(auto simp add: l_to_tree_order_wf_get_root_node_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances)
declare i_to_tree_order_wf_get_root_node_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.l_to_tree_order_wf_get_root_node_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
lemma to_tree_order_wf_get_root_node_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_is_l_to_tree_order_wf_get_root_node_wf [instances]:
"l_to_tree_order_wf_get_root_node_wf type_wf known_ptr known_ptrs to_tree_order get_root_node
apply(auto simp add: l_to_tree_order_wf_get_root_node_wf_def
l_to_tree_order_wf_get_root_node_wf_axioms_def instances)[1]
using i_to_tree_order_wf_get_root_node_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.to_tree_order_get_root_node apply blast
using i_to_tree_order_wf_get_root_node_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.to_tree_order_same_root apply blast
subsubsection ‹remove\_child›
interpretation i_remove_child_wf2⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M: l_remove_child_wf2⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs
set_child_nodes set_child_nodes_locs get_parent
get_parent_locs get_owner_document get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs remove_child remove_child_locs remove type_wf
known_ptr known_ptrs heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M parent_child_rel
by unfold_locales
declare i_remove_child_wf2⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.l_remove_child_wf2⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
lemma remove_child_wf2⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_is_l_remove_child_wf2 [instances]: "l_remove_child_wf2 type_wf known_ptr
known_ptrs remove_child heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_child_nodes remove"
apply(auto simp add: l_remove_child_wf2_def l_remove_child_wf2_axioms_def instances)[1]
using i_remove_child_wf2⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.remove_child_heap_is_wellformed_preserved apply(fast, fast, fast)
using i_remove_child_wf2⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.remove_heap_is_wellformed_preserved apply(fast, fast, fast)
using i_remove_child_wf2⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.remove_child_removes_child apply fast
using i_remove_child_wf2⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.remove_child_removes_first_child apply fast
using i_remove_child_wf2⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.remove_removes_child apply fast
using i_remove_child_wf2⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.remove_for_all_empty_children apply fast
subsection ‹A wellformed heap›
subsubsection ‹get\_parent›
interpretation i_get_parent_wf?: l_get_parent_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M known_ptr type_wf get_child_nodes
get_child_nodes_locs known_ptrs get_parent get_parent_locs heap_is_wellformed parent_child_rel
using instances
by(simp add: l_get_parent_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def)
declare l_get_parent_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma get_parent_wf_is_l_get_parent_wf [instances]:
"l_get_parent_wf ShadowRootClass.type_wf ShadowRootClass.known_ptr ShadowRootClass.known_ptrs
heap_is_wellformed parent_child_rel Shadow_DOM.get_child_nodes Shadow_DOM.get_parent"
apply(auto simp add: l_get_parent_wf_def l_get_parent_wf_axioms_def instances)[1]
using child_parent_dual apply blast
using heap_wellformed_induct apply metis
using heap_wellformed_induct_rev apply metis
using parent_child_rel_parent apply metis
subsubsection ‹remove\_shadow\_root›
locale l_remove_shadow_root_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_get_tag_name +
l_get_disconnected_nodes +
l_set_shadow_root_get_tag_name +
l_get_child_nodes +
l_heap_is_wellformed⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
l_remove_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
l_delete_shadow_root_get_disconnected_nodes +
l_delete_shadow_root_get_child_nodes +
l_set_shadow_root_get_disconnected_nodes +
l_set_shadow_root_get_child_nodes +
l_delete_shadow_root_get_tag_name +
l_set_shadow_root_get_shadow_root +
l_delete_shadow_root_get_shadow_root +
lemma remove_shadow_root_preserves:
assumes "heap_is_wellformed h" and "type_wf h" and "known_ptrs h"
assumes "h ⊢ remove_shadow_root ptr →⇩h h'"
shows "known_ptrs h'" and "type_wf h'" "heap_is_wellformed h'"
proof -
obtain shadow_root_ptr h2 where
"h ⊢ get_shadow_root ptr →⇩r Some shadow_root_ptr" and
"h ⊢ get_child_nodes (cast shadow_root_ptr) →⇩r []" and
h2: "h ⊢ set_shadow_root ptr None →⇩h h2" and
h': "h2 ⊢ delete_M shadow_root_ptr →⇩h h'"
using assms(4)
by(auto simp add: remove_shadow_root_def
elim!: bind_returns_heap_E bind_returns_heap_E2[rotated, OF get_shadow_root_pure, rotated]
bind_returns_heap_E2[rotated, OF get_child_nodes_pure, rotated]
split: option.splits if_splits)
have "type_wf h2"
using writes_small_big[where P="λh h'. type_wf h ⟶ type_wf h'", OF set_shadow_root_writes h2]
using ‹type_wf h› set_shadow_root_types_preserved
by(auto simp add: reflp_def transp_def)
then show "type_wf h'"
using h' delete_shadow_root_type_wf_preserved local.type_wf_impl
by blast
have object_ptr_kinds_eq_h: "object_ptr_kinds h = object_ptr_kinds h2"
apply(rule writes_small_big[where P="λh h'. object_ptr_kinds h = object_ptr_kinds h'",
OF set_shadow_root_writes h2])
using set_shadow_root_pointers_preserved
apply blast
by (auto simp add: reflp_def transp_def)
have node_ptr_kinds_eq_h: "node_ptr_kinds h = node_ptr_kinds h2"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h
by (simp add: node_ptr_kinds_def)
have element_ptr_kinds_eq_h: "element_ptr_kinds h = element_ptr_kinds h2"
using node_ptr_kinds_eq_h
by (simp add: element_ptr_kinds_def)
have document_ptr_kinds_eq_h: "document_ptr_kinds h = document_ptr_kinds h2"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h
by (simp add: document_ptr_kinds_def)
have shadow_root_ptr_kinds_eq_h: "shadow_root_ptr_kinds h = shadow_root_ptr_kinds h2"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h
by (simp add: shadow_root_ptr_kinds_def)
have "known_ptrs h2"
using ‹known_ptrs h› object_ptr_kinds_eq_h known_ptrs_subset
by blast
have object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2: "object_ptr_kinds h' |⊆| object_ptr_kinds h2"
using h' delete_shadow_root_pointers
by auto
have object_ptr_kinds_eq2_h2:
"object_ptr_kinds h2 = object_ptr_kinds h' |∪| {|cast shadow_root_ptr|}"
using h' delete_shadow_root_pointers
by auto
have node_ptr_kinds_eq_h2: "node_ptr_kinds h2 = node_ptr_kinds h'"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2
by(auto simp add: node_ptr_kinds_def delete_shadow_root_pointers[OF h'])
have element_ptr_kinds_eq_h2: "element_ptr_kinds h2 = element_ptr_kinds h'"
using node_ptr_kinds_eq_h2
by (simp add: element_ptr_kinds_def)
have document_ptr_kinds_eq_h2: "document_ptr_kinds h2 = document_ptr_kinds h'"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2
by(auto simp add: document_ptr_kinds_def delete_shadow_root_pointers[OF h'])
have shadow_root_ptr_kinds_eq_h2: "shadow_root_ptr_kinds h' |⊆| shadow_root_ptr_kinds h2"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2
by (auto simp add: shadow_root_ptr_kinds_def)
have shadow_root_ptr_kinds_eq2_h2:
"shadow_root_ptr_kinds h2 = shadow_root_ptr_kinds h' |∪| {|shadow_root_ptr|}"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq2_h2
by (auto simp add: shadow_root_ptr_kinds_def)
show "known_ptrs h'"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2 ‹known_ptrs h2› known_ptrs_subset
by blast
have disconnected_nodes_eq_h:
"⋀doc_ptr disc_nodes. h ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes =
h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes"
using get_disconnected_nodes_reads set_shadow_root_writes h2 set_shadow_root_get_disconnected_nodes
by(rule reads_writes_preserved)
then have disconnected_nodes_eq2_h:
"⋀doc_ptr. |h ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr|⇩r = |h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr|⇩r"
using select_result_eq by force
have disconnected_nodes_eq_h2:
"⋀doc_ptr disc_nodes. h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes =
h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes"
using get_disconnected_nodes_reads get_disconnected_nodes_delete_shadow_root[OF h']
apply(auto simp add: reads_def reflp_def transp_def preserved_def)[1]
by blast+
then have disconnected_nodes_eq2_h2:
"⋀doc_ptr. |h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr|⇩r = |h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr|⇩r"
using select_result_eq by force
have tag_name_eq_h:
"⋀doc_ptr disc_nodes. h ⊢ get_tag_name doc_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes =
h2 ⊢ get_tag_name doc_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes"
using get_tag_name_reads set_shadow_root_writes h2 set_shadow_root_get_tag_name
by(rule reads_writes_preserved)
then have tag_name_eq2_h: "⋀doc_ptr. |h ⊢ get_tag_name doc_ptr|⇩r = |h2 ⊢ get_tag_name doc_ptr|⇩r"
using select_result_eq by force
have tag_name_eq_h2:
"⋀doc_ptr disc_nodes. h2 ⊢ get_tag_name doc_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes =
h' ⊢ get_tag_name doc_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes"
using get_tag_name_reads get_tag_name_delete_shadow_root[OF h']
apply(auto simp add: reads_def reflp_def transp_def preserved_def)[1]
by blast+
then have tag_name_eq2_h2: "⋀doc_ptr. |h2 ⊢ get_tag_name doc_ptr|⇩r = |h' ⊢ get_tag_name doc_ptr|⇩r"
using select_result_eq by force
have children_eq_h:
"⋀ptr' children. h ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr' →⇩r children = h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr' →⇩r children"
using get_child_nodes_reads set_shadow_root_writes h2 set_shadow_root_get_child_nodes
by(rule reads_writes_preserved)
then have children_eq2_h: "⋀ptr'. |h ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr'|⇩r = |h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr'|⇩r"
using select_result_eq by force
have children_eq_h2:
"⋀ptr' children. ptr' ≠ cast shadow_root_ptr ⟹ h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr' →⇩r children =
h' ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr' →⇩r children"
using get_child_nodes_reads h' get_child_nodes_delete_shadow_root
apply(auto simp add: reads_def reflp_def transp_def preserved_def)[1]
by blast+
then have children_eq2_h2:
"⋀ptr'. ptr' ≠ cast shadow_root_ptr ⟹ |h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr'|⇩r =
|h' ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr'|⇩r"
using select_result_eq by force
have "cast shadow_root_ptr |∉| object_ptr_kinds h'"
using h' delete⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_M_ptr_not_in_heap
by auto
have get_shadow_root_eq_h:
"⋀shadow_root_opt ptr'. ptr ≠ ptr' ⟹ h ⊢ get_shadow_root ptr' →⇩r shadow_root_opt =
h2 ⊢ get_shadow_root ptr' →⇩r shadow_root_opt"
using get_shadow_root_reads set_shadow_root_writes h2
apply(rule reads_writes_preserved)
using set_shadow_root_get_shadow_root_different_pointers
by fast
have get_shadow_root_eq_h2:
"⋀shadow_root_opt ptr'. h2 ⊢ get_shadow_root ptr' →⇩r shadow_root_opt =
h' ⊢ get_shadow_root ptr' →⇩r shadow_root_opt"
using get_shadow_root_reads get_shadow_root_delete_shadow_root[OF h']
apply(auto simp add: reads_def reflp_def transp_def preserved_def)[1]
by blast+
have get_shadow_root_eq2_h2: "⋀ptr'. |h2 ⊢ get_shadow_root ptr'|⇩r =
|h' ⊢ get_shadow_root ptr'|⇩r"
using select_result_eq by force
have "acyclic (parent_child_rel h)"
using ‹heap_is_wellformed h›
by (simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def CD.heap_is_wellformed_def CD.acyclic_heap_def)
have "parent_child_rel h = parent_child_rel h2"
by(auto simp add: CD.parent_child_rel_def object_ptr_kinds_eq_h children_eq2_h)
have "parent_child_rel h' ⊆ parent_child_rel h2"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2
apply(auto simp add: CD.parent_child_rel_def)[1]
by (metis ‹cast⇩s⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩r⇩o⇩o⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r shadow_root_ptr |∉| object_ptr_kinds h'› children_eq2_h2)
have "CD.a_acyclic_heap h'"
using acyclic_subset
by (auto simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def CD.heap_is_wellformed_def CD.acyclic_heap_def)
have "CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap h"
using ‹heap_is_wellformed h›
by (simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def CD.heap_is_wellformed_def)
then have "CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap h2"
by(auto simp add: children_eq2_h disconnected_nodes_eq2_h document_ptr_kinds_eq_h
CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap_def object_ptr_kinds_eq_h node_ptr_kinds_def
children_eq_h disconnected_nodes_eq_h)
then have "CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap h'"
using disconnected_nodes_eq2_h2 document_ptr_kinds_eq_h2
apply(auto simp add: CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap_def node_ptr_kinds_eq_h2 children_eq_h2
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) ‹cast⇩s⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩r⇩o⇩o⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r shadow_root_ptr |∉| object_ptr_kinds h'›
children_eq2_h2 fsubsetD in_mono object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2)
have "CD.a_distinct_lists h"
using ‹heap_is_wellformed h›
by (simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def CD.heap_is_wellformed_def)
then have "CD.a_distinct_lists h2"
by(auto simp add: CD.a_distinct_lists_def object_ptr_kinds_eq_h document_ptr_kinds_eq_h
children_eq2_h disconnected_nodes_eq2_h)
then have "CD.a_distinct_lists h'"
apply(auto simp add: CD.a_distinct_lists_def document_ptr_kinds_eq_h2
apply(auto simp add: intro!: distinct_concat_map_I)[1]
apply(case_tac "x = cast shadow_root_ptr")
using ‹cast shadow_root_ptr |∉| object_ptr_kinds h'› apply simp
using children_eq_h2 concat_map_all_distinct[of "(λptr. |h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr|⇩r)"]
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) children_eq2_h2 finite_fset fset_mp
object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2 set_sorted_list_of_set)
apply(case_tac "x = cast shadow_root_ptr")
using ‹cast shadow_root_ptr |∉| object_ptr_kinds h'› apply simp
apply(case_tac "y = cast shadow_root_ptr")
using ‹cast shadow_root_ptr |∉| object_ptr_kinds h'› apply simp
using children_eq_h2 distinct_concat_map_E(1)[of "(λptr. |h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr|⇩r)"]
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) IntI ‹known_ptrs h'› ‹type_wf h'› children_eq2_h2 empty_iff
finite_fset is_OK_returns_result_I l_get_child_nodes.get_child_nodes_ptr_in_heap
local.get_child_nodes_ok local.known_ptrs_known_ptr local.l_get_child_nodes_axioms
returns_result_select_result sorted_list_of_set.set_sorted_key_list_of_set)
apply(case_tac "xa = cast shadow_root_ptr")
using ‹cast shadow_root_ptr |∉| object_ptr_kinds h'› apply simp
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) CD.distinct_lists_no_parent ‹known_ptrs h'›
‹local.CD.a_distinct_lists h2› ‹type_wf h'› children_eq2_h2 children_eq_h2
disconnected_nodes_eq_h2 is_OK_returns_result_I l_get_child_nodes.get_child_nodes_ptr_in_heap
local.get_child_nodes_ok local.get_disconnected_nodes_ok local.known_ptrs_known_ptr
local.l_get_child_nodes_axioms returns_result_select_result)
have "CD.a_owner_document_valid h"
using ‹heap_is_wellformed h›
by (simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def CD.heap_is_wellformed_def)
then have "CD.a_owner_document_valid h2"
by(auto simp add: CD.a_owner_document_valid_def object_ptr_kinds_eq_h document_ptr_kinds_eq_h
node_ptr_kinds_eq_h children_eq2_h disconnected_nodes_eq2_h)
then have "CD.a_owner_document_valid h'"
apply(auto simp add: CD.a_owner_document_valid_def document_ptr_kinds_eq_h2 node_ptr_kinds_eq_h2
proof -
fix node_ptr
assume 0: "∀node_ptr∈fset (node_ptr_kinds h').
(∃document_ptr. document_ptr |∈| document_ptr_kinds h' ∧
node_ptr ∈ set |h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr|⇩r) ∨
(∃parent_ptr. parent_ptr |∈| object_ptr_kinds h2 ∧
node_ptr ∈ set |h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes parent_ptr|⇩r)"
and 1: "node_ptr |∈| node_ptr_kinds h'"
and 2: "∀parent_ptr. parent_ptr |∈| object_ptr_kinds h' ⟶
node_ptr ∉ set |h' ⊢ get_child_nodes parent_ptr|⇩r"
then have "∀parent_ptr. parent_ptr |∈| object_ptr_kinds h2 ⟶
node_ptr ∉ set |h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes parent_ptr|⇩r"
apply(case_tac "parent_ptr = cast shadow_root_ptr")
using ‹h ⊢ get_child_nodes (cast shadow_root_ptr) →⇩r []› children_eq_h
apply auto[1]
using children_eq2_h2 object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2 h' delete_shadow_root_pointers
by (metis fempty_iff finsert_iff funionE)
then show "∃document_ptr. document_ptr |∈| document_ptr_kinds h' ∧
node_ptr ∈ set |h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr|⇩r"
using 0 1
by auto
ultimately have "heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M h'"
by(simp add: CD.heap_is_wellformed_def)
have "acyclic (parent_child_rel h ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h)"
using ‹heap_is_wellformed h›
by(simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def)
have "acyclic (parent_child_rel h2 ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h2)"
proof -
have "a_host_shadow_root_rel h2 ⊆ a_host_shadow_root_rel h"
apply(auto simp add: a_host_shadow_root_rel_def element_ptr_kinds_eq_h)[1]
apply(case_tac "aa = ptr")
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) ‹type_wf h2› assms(2) h2 local.get_shadow_root_ok
local.type_wf_impl option.distinct(1) returns_result_eq
returns_result_select_result set_shadow_root_get_shadow_root)
using get_shadow_root_eq_h
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) ‹type_wf h2› image_eqI is_OK_returns_result_E
local.get_shadow_root_ok mem_Collect_eq prod.simps(2) select_result_I2)
then show ?thesis
using ‹parent_child_rel h = parent_child_rel h2›
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) ‹acyclic (parent_child_rel h ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h)›
acyclic_subset order_refl sup_mono)
have "acyclic (parent_child_rel h' ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h')"
proof -
have "a_host_shadow_root_rel h' ⊆ a_host_shadow_root_rel h2"
by(auto simp add: a_host_shadow_root_rel_def element_ptr_kinds_eq_h2 get_shadow_root_eq2_h2)
then show ?thesis
using ‹parent_child_rel h' ⊆ parent_child_rel h2›
‹acyclic (parent_child_rel h2 ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h2)›
using acyclic_subset sup_mono
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting))
have "a_all_ptrs_in_heap h"
using ‹heap_is_wellformed h›
by(simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def)
have "a_all_ptrs_in_heap h2"
apply(auto simp add: a_all_ptrs_in_heap_def shadow_root_ptr_kinds_eq_h)[1]
apply(case_tac "host = ptr")
apply (metis assms(2) h2 local.type_wf_impl option.distinct(1) returns_result_eq
using get_shadow_root_eq_h
by fastforce
have "a_all_ptrs_in_heap h'"
apply(auto simp add: a_all_ptrs_in_heap_def get_shadow_root_eq_h2)[1]
apply(auto simp add: shadow_root_ptr_kinds_eq2_h2)[1]
by (metis (no_types, lifting) ‹h ⊢ get_shadow_root ptr →⇩r Some shadow_root_ptr› assms(1)
assms(2) get_shadow_root_eq_h get_shadow_root_eq_h2 h2 local.shadow_root_same_host
local.type_wf_impl option.distinct(1) select_result_I2 set_shadow_root_get_shadow_root)
have "a_distinct_lists h"
using ‹heap_is_wellformed h›
by(simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def)
have "a_distinct_lists h2"
apply(auto simp add: a_distinct_lists_def element_ptr_kinds_eq_h)[1]
apply(auto intro!: distinct_concat_map_I split: option.splits)[1]
apply(case_tac "x = ptr")
apply (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) assms(2) h2 is_OK_returns_result_I
l_set_shadow_root_get_shadow_root_axioms local.type_wf_impl option.discI
returns_result_eq returns_result_select_result)
apply(case_tac "y = ptr")
apply (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) assms(2) h2 is_OK_returns_result_I
l_set_shadow_root_get_shadow_root_axioms local.type_wf_impl option.discI
returns_result_eq returns_result_select_result)
by (metis ‹type_wf h2› assms(1) assms(2) get_shadow_root_eq_h local.get_shadow_root_ok
local.shadow_root_same_host returns_result_select_result)
have "a_distinct_lists h'"
by(auto simp add: a_distinct_lists_def element_ptr_kinds_eq_h2 get_shadow_root_eq2_h2)
have "a_shadow_root_valid h"
using ‹heap_is_wellformed h›
by(simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def)
have "a_shadow_root_valid h'"
by (smt (verit) ‹h ⊢ get_shadow_root ptr →⇩r Some shadow_root_ptr› assms(2)
delete⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_M_ptr_not_in_heap element_ptr_kinds_eq_h element_ptr_kinds_eq_h2
finsert_iff funion_finsert_right get_shadow_root_eq2_h2 get_shadow_root_eq_h h'
local.a_shadow_root_valid_def local.get_shadow_root_ok object_ptr_kinds_eq2_h2
object_ptr_kinds_eq_h option.sel returns_result_select_result select_result_I2
shadow_root_ptr_kinds_commutes sup_bot.right_neutral tag_name_eq2_h tag_name_eq2_h2)
ultimately show "heap_is_wellformed h'"
by(simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def)
interpretation i_remove_shadow_root_wf?: l_remove_shadow_root_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
type_wf get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
set_shadow_root set_shadow_root_locs known_ptr get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs get_shadow_root
get_shadow_root_locs heap_is_wellformed parent_child_rel heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_host
get_host_locs get_disconnected_document get_disconnected_document_locs remove_shadow_root
remove_shadow_root_locs known_ptrs get_parent get_parent_locs
by(auto simp add: l_remove_shadow_root_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances)
declare l_remove_shadow_root_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
subsubsection ‹get\_root\_node›
interpretation i_get_root_node_wf?: l_get_root_node_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M known_ptr type_wf known_ptrs
heap_is_wellformed parent_child_rel get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs get_disconnected_nodes
get_disconnected_nodes_locs get_parent get_parent_locs get_ancestors get_ancestors_locs
get_root_node get_root_node_locs
by(simp add: l_get_root_node_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances)
declare l_get_root_node_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms[instances]
lemma get_ancestors_wf_is_l_get_ancestors_wf [instances]:
"l_get_ancestors_wf heap_is_wellformed parent_child_rel known_ptr known_ptrs type_wf get_ancestors
get_ancestors_locs get_child_nodes get_parent"
apply(auto simp add: l_get_ancestors_wf_def l_get_ancestors_wf_axioms_def instances)[1]
using get_ancestors_never_empty apply blast
using get_ancestors_ok apply blast
using get_ancestors_reads apply blast
using get_ancestors_ptrs_in_heap apply blast
using get_ancestors_remains_not_in_ancestors apply blast
using get_ancestors_also_parent apply blast
using get_ancestors_obtains_children apply blast
using get_ancestors_parent_child_rel apply blast
using get_ancestors_parent_child_rel apply blast
lemma get_root_node_wf_is_l_get_root_node_wf [instances]:
"l_get_root_node_wf heap_is_wellformed get_root_node type_wf known_ptr known_ptrs get_ancestors
using known_ptrs_is_l_known_ptrs
apply(auto simp add: l_get_root_node_wf_def l_get_root_node_wf_axioms_def)[1]
using get_root_node_ok apply blast
using get_root_node_ptr_in_heap apply blast
using get_root_node_root_in_heap apply blast
using get_ancestors_same_root_node apply(blast, blast)
using get_root_node_same_no_parent apply blast
using get_root_node_parent_same apply (blast, blast)
subsubsection ‹get\_parent\_get\_host›
locale l_get_parent_get_host_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_heap_is_wellformed⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
l_get_parent_wf +
l_get_shadow_root +
l_get_host +
lemma host_shadow_root_rel_finite: "finite (a_host_shadow_root_rel h)"
proof -
have "a_host_shadow_root_rel h = (⋃host ∈ fset (element_ptr_kinds h).
(case |h ⊢ get_shadow_root host|⇩r of
Some shadow_root ⇒ {(cast host, cast shadow_root)} | None ⇒ {}))"
by(auto simp add: a_host_shadow_root_rel_def split: option.splits)
moreover have "finite (⋃host ∈ fset (element_ptr_kinds h).
(case |h ⊢ get_shadow_root host|⇩r of
Some shadow_root ⇒ {(cast⇩e⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r host, cast⇩s⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩r⇩o⇩o⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r shadow_root)} |
None ⇒ {}))"
by(auto split: option.splits)
ultimately show ?thesis
by auto
lemma host_shadow_root_rel_shadow_root:
"h ⊢ get_shadow_root host →⇩r shadow_root_option ⟹
shadow_root_option = Some shadow_root ⟷ ((cast host, cast shadow_root) ∈ a_host_shadow_root_rel h)"
apply(auto simp add: a_host_shadow_root_rel_def)[1]
by(metis (mono_tags, lifting) case_prodI is_OK_returns_result_I
l_get_shadow_root.get_shadow_root_ptr_in_heap local.l_get_shadow_root_axioms
mem_Collect_eq pair_imageI select_result_I2)
lemma host_shadow_root_rel_host:
"heap_is_wellformed h ⟹ h ⊢ get_host shadow_root →⇩r host ⟹
(cast host, cast shadow_root) ∈ a_host_shadow_root_rel h"
apply(auto simp add: a_host_shadow_root_rel_def)[1]
using shadow_root_host_dual
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Collect_cong host_shadow_root_rel_shadow_root
local.a_host_shadow_root_rel_def split_cong)
lemma heap_wellformed_induct_si [consumes 1, case_names step]:
assumes "heap_is_wellformed h"
assumes "⋀parent. (⋀children child. h ⊢ get_child_nodes parent →⇩r children ⟹
child ∈ set children ⟹ P (cast child)) ⟹ (⋀shadow_root host. parent = cast host ⟹
h ⊢ get_shadow_root host →⇩r Some shadow_root ⟹ P (cast shadow_root)) ⟹ P parent"
shows "P ptr"
proof -
fix ptr
have "finite (parent_child_rel h ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h)"
using host_shadow_root_rel_finite
using local.CD.parent_child_rel_finite local.CD.parent_child_rel_impl
by auto
have "wf ((parent_child_rel h ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h)¯)"
using assms(1)
apply(simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def)
by (simp add: finite_acyclic_wf_converse local.CD.parent_child_rel_impl)
then show "?thesis"
proof (induct rule: wf_induct_rule)
case (less parent)
then show ?case
using assms host_shadow_root_rel_shadow_root local.CD.parent_child_rel_child
by blast
lemma heap_wellformed_induct_rev_si [consumes 1, case_names step]:
assumes "heap_is_wellformed h"
assumes "⋀child. (⋀parent child_node. child = cast child_node ⟹
h ⊢ get_parent child_node →⇩r Some parent ⟹ P parent) ⟹
(⋀host shadow_root. child = cast shadow_root ⟹ h ⊢ get_host shadow_root →⇩r host ⟹
P (cast host)) ⟹ P child"
shows "P ptr"
proof -
fix ptr
have "finite (parent_child_rel h ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h)"
using host_shadow_root_rel_finite
using local.CD.parent_child_rel_finite local.CD.parent_child_rel_impl
by auto
have "wf (parent_child_rel h ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h)"
using assms(1)
apply(simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def)
by (simp add: finite_acyclic_wf)
then show "?thesis"
proof (induct rule: wf_induct_rule)
case (less parent)
then show ?case
using parent_child_rel_parent host_shadow_root_rel_host
using assms(1) assms(2) by auto
interpretation i_get_parent_get_host_wf?: l_get_parent_get_host_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs known_ptr type_wf
heap_is_wellformed parent_child_rel heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_host get_host_locs
get_disconnected_document get_disconnected_document_locs known_ptrs get_parent get_parent_locs
by(auto simp add: l_get_parent_get_host_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances)
declare l_get_parent_get_host_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
locale l_get_parent_get_host_wf =
l_heap_is_wellformed_defs +
l_get_parent_defs +
l_get_shadow_root_defs +
l_get_host_defs +
l_get_child_nodes_defs +
assumes heap_wellformed_induct_si [consumes 1, case_names step]:
"heap_is_wellformed h
⟹ (⋀parent. (⋀children child. h ⊢ get_child_nodes parent →⇩r children ⟹ child ∈ set children
⟹ P (cast child))
⟹ (⋀shadow_root host. parent = cast host ⟹ h ⊢ get_shadow_root host →⇩r Some shadow_root
⟹ P (cast shadow_root))
⟹ P parent)
⟹ P ptr"
assumes heap_wellformed_induct_rev_si [consumes 1, case_names step]:
"heap_is_wellformed h
⟹ (⋀child. (⋀parent child_node. child = cast child_node ⟹
h ⊢ get_parent child_node →⇩r Some parent ⟹ P parent)
⟹ (⋀host shadow_root. child = cast shadow_root ⟹ h ⊢ get_host shadow_root →⇩r host
⟹ P (cast host))
⟹ P child)
⟹ P ptr"
lemma l_get_parent_get_host_wf_is_get_parent_get_host_wf [instances]:
"l_get_parent_get_host_wf heap_is_wellformed get_parent get_shadow_root get_host get_child_nodes"
apply(auto simp add: l_get_parent_get_host_wf_def instances)[1]
using heap_wellformed_induct_si apply metis
using heap_wellformed_induct_rev_si apply blast
subsubsection ‹get\_host›
locale l_get_host_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_heap_is_wellformed⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs get_disconnected_nodes
get_disconnected_nodes_locs get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs
known_ptr type_wf heap_is_wellformed parent_child_rel heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_host
get_host_locs +
l_type_wf type_wf +
l_get_host⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs get_host get_host_locs type_wf +
l_get_shadow_root type_wf get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs
for known_ptr :: "(_::linorder) object_ptr ⇒ bool"
and known_ptrs :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and get_host :: "(_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) element_ptr) prog"
and get_host_locs :: "((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_shadow_root :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) shadow_root_ptr option) prog"
and get_shadow_root_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_child_nodes :: "(_::linorder) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_child_nodes_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_disconnected_nodes :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_tag_name :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, char list) prog"
and get_tag_name_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and heap_is_wellformed :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and parent_child_rel :: "(_) heap ⇒ ((_) object_ptr × (_) object_ptr) set"
and heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
lemma get_host_ok [simp]:
assumes "heap_is_wellformed h"
assumes "type_wf h"
assumes "known_ptrs h"
assumes "shadow_root_ptr |∈| shadow_root_ptr_kinds h"
shows "h ⊢ ok (get_host shadow_root_ptr)"
proof -
obtain host where host: "host |∈| element_ptr_kinds h"
and "|h ⊢ get_tag_name host|⇩r ∈ safe_shadow_root_element_types"
and shadow_root: "h ⊢ get_shadow_root host →⇩r Some shadow_root_ptr"
using assms(1) assms(4) get_shadow_root_ok assms(2)
apply(auto simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def a_shadow_root_valid_def)[1]
by (smt returns_result_select_result)
obtain host_candidates where
host_candidates: "h ⊢ filter_M (λelement_ptr. Heap_Error_Monad.bind (get_shadow_root element_ptr)
(λshadow_root_opt. return (shadow_root_opt = Some shadow_root_ptr)))
(sorted_list_of_set (fset (element_ptr_kinds h)))
→⇩r host_candidates"
apply(drule is_OK_returns_result_E[rotated])
using get_shadow_root_ok assms(2)
by(auto intro!: filter_M_is_OK_I bind_pure_I bind_is_OK_I2)
then have "host_candidates = [host]"
apply(rule filter_M_ex1)
apply (simp add: host)
apply (smt (verit) assms(1) assms(2) bind_pure_returns_result_I2 finite_fset
host local.get_shadow_root_ok local.get_shadow_root_pure local.shadow_root_same_host
return_returns_result returns_result_eq shadow_root sorted_list_of_set(1))
by (simp_all add: assms(2) bind_pure_I bind_pure_returns_result_I2 host local.get_shadow_root_ok
returns_result_eq shadow_root)
show ?thesis
using host_candidates host assms(1) get_shadow_root_ok
apply(auto simp add: get_host_def known_ptrs_known_ptr
intro!: bind_is_OK_pure_I filter_M_pure_I filter_M_is_OK_I bind_pure_I split: list.splits)[1]
using assms(2) apply blast
apply (meson list.distinct(1) returns_result_eq)
by (meson list.distinct(1) list.inject returns_result_eq)
interpretation i_get_host_wf?: l_get_host_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_disconnected_document
get_disconnected_document_locs known_ptr known_ptrs type_wf get_host get_host_locs get_shadow_root
get_shadow_root_locs get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs get_disconnected_nodes
get_disconnected_nodes_locs get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs heap_is_wellformed parent_child_rel
by(auto simp add: l_get_host_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances)
declare l_get_host_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
locale l_get_host_wf = l_heap_is_wellformed_defs + l_known_ptrs + l_type_wf + l_get_host_defs +
assumes get_host_ok:
"heap_is_wellformed h ⟹ known_ptrs h ⟹ type_wf h ⟹
shadow_root_ptr |∈| shadow_root_ptr_kinds h ⟹ h ⊢ ok (get_host shadow_root_ptr)"
lemma get_host_wf_is_l_get_host_wf [instances]:
"l_get_host_wf heap_is_wellformed known_ptr known_ptrs type_wf get_host"
by(auto simp add: l_get_host_wf_def l_get_host_wf_axioms_def instances)
subsubsection ‹get\_root\_node\_si›
locale l_get_root_node_si_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_get_root_node_si⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
l_heap_is_wellformed⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
l_get_parent_wf +
l_get_parent_get_host_wf +
lemma get_root_node_si_ptr_in_heap:
assumes "h ⊢ ok (get_root_node_si ptr)"
shows "ptr |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
using assms
unfolding get_root_node_si_def
using get_ancestors_si_ptr_in_heap
by auto
lemma get_ancestors_si_ok:
assumes "heap_is_wellformed h" and "known_ptrs h" and "type_wf h"
and "ptr |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
shows "h ⊢ ok (get_ancestors_si ptr)"
proof (insert assms(1) assms(4), induct rule: heap_wellformed_induct_rev_si)
case (step child)
then show ?case
using assms(2) assms(3)
apply(auto simp add: get_ancestors_si_def[of child] assms(1) get_parent_parent_in_heap
intro!: bind_is_OK_pure_I
split: option.splits)[1]
using local.get_parent_ok apply blast
using get_host_ok assms(1) apply blast
by (meson assms(1) is_OK_returns_result_I local.get_shadow_root_ptr_in_heap
lemma get_ancestors_si_remains_not_in_ancestors:
assumes "heap_is_wellformed h"
and "heap_is_wellformed h'"
and "h ⊢ get_ancestors_si ptr →⇩r ancestors"
and "h' ⊢ get_ancestors_si ptr →⇩r ancestors'"
and "⋀p children children'. h ⊢ get_child_nodes p →⇩r children
⟹ h' ⊢ get_child_nodes p →⇩r children' ⟹ set children' ⊆ set children"
and "⋀p shadow_root_option shadow_root_option'. h ⊢ get_shadow_root p →⇩r shadow_root_option ⟹
h' ⊢ get_shadow_root p →⇩r shadow_root_option' ⟹ (if shadow_root_option = None
then shadow_root_option' = None else shadow_root_option' = None ∨
shadow_root_option' = shadow_root_option)"
and "node ∉ set ancestors"
and object_ptr_kinds_eq3: "object_ptr_kinds h = object_ptr_kinds h'"
and known_ptrs: "known_ptrs h"
and type_wf: "type_wf h"
and type_wf': "type_wf h'"
shows "node ∉ set ancestors'"
proof -
have object_ptr_kinds_M_eq:
"⋀ptrs. h ⊢ object_ptr_kinds_M →⇩r ptrs = h' ⊢ object_ptr_kinds_M →⇩r ptrs"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq3
by(simp add: object_ptr_kinds_M_defs)
then have object_ptr_kinds_eq: "|h ⊢ object_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r = |h' ⊢ object_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r"
show ?thesis
proof (insert assms(1) assms(3) assms(4) assms(7), induct ptr arbitrary: ancestors ancestors'
rule: heap_wellformed_induct_rev_si)
case (step child)
obtain ancestors_remains where ancestors_remains:
"ancestors = child # ancestors_remains"
using ‹h ⊢ get_ancestors_si child →⇩r ancestors› get_ancestors_si_never_empty
by(auto simp add: get_ancestors_si_def[of child]
elim!: bind_returns_result_E2
split: option.splits)
obtain ancestors_remains' where ancestors_remains':
"ancestors' = child # ancestors_remains'"
using ‹h' ⊢ get_ancestors_si child →⇩r ancestors'› get_ancestors_si_never_empty
by(auto simp add: get_ancestors_si_def[of child]
elim!: bind_returns_result_E2
split: option.splits)
have "child |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
using local.get_ancestors_si_ptr_in_heap object_ptr_kinds_eq3 step.prems(2) by fastforce
have "node ≠ child"
using ancestors_remains step.prems(3) by auto
have 1: "⋀p parent. h' ⊢ get_parent p →⇩r Some parent ⟹ h ⊢ get_parent p →⇩r Some parent"
proof -
fix p parent
assume "h' ⊢ get_parent p →⇩r Some parent"
then obtain children' where
children': "h' ⊢ get_child_nodes parent →⇩r children'" and
p_in_children': "p ∈ set children'"
using get_parent_child_dual by blast
obtain children where children: "h ⊢ get_child_nodes parent →⇩r children"
using get_child_nodes_ok assms(1) get_child_nodes_ptr_in_heap object_ptr_kinds_eq children'
using type_wf type_wf'
by (metis ‹h' ⊢ get_parent p →⇩r Some parent› get_parent_parent_in_heap is_OK_returns_result_E
local.known_ptrs_known_ptr object_ptr_kinds_eq3)
have "p ∈ set children"
using assms(5) children children' p_in_children'
by blast
then show "h ⊢ get_parent p →⇩r Some parent"
using child_parent_dual assms(1) children known_ptrs type_wf by blast
have 2: "⋀p host. h' ⊢ get_host p →⇩r host ⟹ h ⊢ get_host p →⇩r host"
proof -
fix p host
assume "h' ⊢ get_host p →⇩r host"
then have "h' ⊢ get_shadow_root host →⇩r Some p"
using local.shadow_root_host_dual by blast
then have "h ⊢ get_shadow_root host →⇩r Some p"
by (metis assms(6) element_ptr_kinds_commutes is_OK_returns_result_I local.get_shadow_root_ok
local.get_shadow_root_ptr_in_heap node_ptr_kinds_commutes object_ptr_kinds_eq3
option.distinct(1) returns_result_select_result type_wf)
then show "h ⊢ get_host p →⇩r host"
by (metis assms(1) is_OK_returns_result_E known_ptrs local.get_host_ok
local.get_shadow_root_shadow_root_ptr_in_heap local.shadow_root_host_dual
local.shadow_root_same_host type_wf)
show ?case
proof (cases "cast⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r child")
case None
then show ?thesis
using step(3) step(4) ‹node ≠ child›
apply(auto simp add: get_ancestors_si_def[of child]
elim!: bind_returns_result_E2
split: option.splits)[1]
by (metis "2" assms(1) l_heap_is_wellformed⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.shadow_root_same_host list.set_intros(2)
local.l_heap_is_wellformed⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms local.shadow_root_host_dual step.hyps(2)
step.prems(3) type_wf)
case (Some node_child)
show ?thesis
using step(3) step(4) ‹node ≠ child›
apply(auto simp add: get_ancestors_si_def[of child]
elim!: bind_returns_result_E2
split: option.splits)[1]
apply (meson "1" option.distinct(1) returns_result_eq)
by (metis "1" list.set_intros(2) option.inject returns_result_eq step.hyps(1) step.prems(3))
lemma get_ancestors_si_ptrs_in_heap:
assumes "heap_is_wellformed h" and "type_wf h" and "known_ptrs h"
assumes "h ⊢ get_ancestors_si ptr →⇩r ancestors"
assumes "ptr' ∈ set ancestors"
shows "ptr' |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
proof (insert assms(4) assms(5), induct ancestors arbitrary: ptr)
case Nil
then show ?case
case (Cons a ancestors)
then obtain x where x: "h ⊢ get_ancestors_si x →⇩r a # ancestors"
by(auto simp add: get_ancestors_si_def[of a] elim!: bind_returns_result_E2 split: option.splits)
then have "x = a"
by(auto simp add: get_ancestors_si_def[of x] elim!: bind_returns_result_E2 split: option.splits)
then show ?case
proof (cases "ptr' = a")
case True
then show ?thesis
using Cons.hyps Cons.prems(2) get_ancestors_si_ptr_in_heap x
using ‹x = a› by blast
case False
obtain ptr'' where ptr'': "h ⊢ get_ancestors_si ptr'' →⇩r ancestors"
using ‹ h ⊢ get_ancestors_si x →⇩r a # ancestors› Cons.prems(2) False
by(auto simp add: get_ancestors_si_def[of x] elim!: bind_returns_result_E2 split: option.splits)
then show ?thesis
using Cons.hyps Cons.prems(2) False by auto
lemma get_ancestors_si_reads:
assumes "heap_is_wellformed h"
shows "reads get_ancestors_si_locs (get_ancestors_si node_ptr) h h'"
proof (insert assms(1), induct rule: heap_wellformed_induct_rev_si)
case (step child)
then show ?case
using [[simproc del: Product_Type.unit_eq]] get_parent_reads[unfolded reads_def]
get_host_reads[unfolded reads_def]
apply(simp (no_asm) add: get_ancestors_si_def)
by(auto simp add: get_ancestors_si_locs_def get_parent_reads_pointers
intro!: reads_bind_pure reads_subset[OF check_in_heap_reads]
reads_subset[OF return_reads] reads_subset[OF get_parent_reads]
reads_subset[OF get_child_nodes_reads] reads_subset[OF get_host_reads]
split: option.splits)
lemma get_ancestors_si_subset:
assumes "heap_is_wellformed h"
and "h ⊢ get_ancestors_si ptr →⇩r ancestors"
and "ancestor ∈ set ancestors"
and "h ⊢ get_ancestors_si ancestor →⇩r ancestor_ancestors"
and type_wf: "type_wf h"
and known_ptrs: "known_ptrs h"
shows "set ancestor_ancestors ⊆ set ancestors"
proof (insert assms(1) assms(2) assms(3), induct ptr arbitrary: ancestors
rule: heap_wellformed_induct_rev_si)
case (step child)
have "child |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
using get_ancestors_si_ptr_in_heap step(3) by auto
obtain tl_ancestors where tl_ancestors: "ancestors = child # tl_ancestors"
using step(3)
by(auto simp add: get_ancestors_si_def[of child] intro!: bind_pure_I
elim!: bind_returns_result_E2 split: option.splits)
show ?case
proof (induct "cast⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r child")
case None
show ?case
proof (induct "cast⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩s⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩r⇩o⇩o⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r child")
case None
then show ?case
using step(3) ‹None = cast⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r child›
apply(auto simp add: get_ancestors_si_def[of child] elim!: bind_returns_result_E2)[1]
by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms(4) empty_iff empty_set select_result_I2 set_ConsD
step.prems(1) step.prems(2))
case (Some shadow_root_child)
have "shadow_root_child |∈| shadow_root_ptr_kinds h"
using ‹child |∈| object_ptr_kinds h›
by (metis (no_types, lifting) shadow_root_ptr_casts_commute shadow_root_ptr_kinds_commutes)
obtain host where host: "h ⊢ get_host shadow_root_child →⇩r host"
using get_host_ok assms
by (meson ‹shadow_root_child |∈| shadow_root_ptr_kinds h› is_OK_returns_result_E)
have "h ⊢ get_ancestors_si (cast host) →⇩r tl_ancestors"
using Some step(3) tl_ancestors None
by(auto simp add: get_ancestors_si_def[of child] intro!: bind_pure_returns_result_I
elim!: bind_returns_result_E2 split: option.splits dest: returns_result_eq)
show ?case
using step(2) Some host step(4) tl_ancestors
by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms(4) dual_order.trans eq_iff returns_result_eq set_ConsD
set_subset_Cons shadow_root_ptr_casts_commute step.prems(1))
case (Some child_node)
note s1 = Some
obtain parent_opt where parent_opt: "h ⊢ get_parent child_node →⇩r parent_opt"
using ‹child |∈| object_ptr_kinds h› assms(1) Some[symmetric]
get_parent_ok[OF type_wf known_ptrs]
by (metis (no_types, lifting) is_OK_returns_result_E known_ptrs get_parent_ok
l_get_parent⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms node_ptr_casts_commute node_ptr_kinds_commutes)
then show ?case
proof (induct parent_opt)
case None
then have "ancestors = [child]"
using step(3) s1
apply(simp add: get_ancestors_si_def)
by(auto elim!: bind_returns_result_E2 split: option.splits dest: returns_result_eq)
show ?case
using step(3) step(4)
apply(auto simp add: ‹ancestors = [child]›)[1]
using assms(4) returns_result_eq by fastforce
case (Some parent)
have "h ⊢ get_ancestors_si parent →⇩r tl_ancestors"
using s1 tl_ancestors step(3)
by(auto simp add: get_ancestors_si_def[of child]
elim!: bind_returns_result_E2
split: option.splits dest: returns_result_eq)
show ?case
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Some.prems ‹h ⊢ get_ancestors_si parent →⇩r tl_ancestors›
assms(4) eq_iff node_ptr_casts_commute order_trans s1 select_result_I2 set_ConsD
set_subset_Cons step.hyps(1) step.prems(1) step.prems(2) tl_ancestors)
lemma get_ancestors_si_also_parent:
assumes "heap_is_wellformed h"
and "h ⊢ get_ancestors_si some_ptr →⇩r ancestors"
and "cast child ∈ set ancestors"
and "h ⊢ get_parent child →⇩r Some parent"
and type_wf: "type_wf h"
and known_ptrs: "known_ptrs h"
shows "parent ∈ set ancestors"
proof -
obtain child_ancestors where child_ancestors:
"h ⊢ get_ancestors_si (cast child) →⇩r child_ancestors"
by (meson assms(1) assms(4) get_ancestors_si_ok is_OK_returns_result_I known_ptrs
local.get_parent_ptr_in_heap node_ptr_kinds_commutes returns_result_select_result
then have "parent ∈ set child_ancestors"
apply(simp add: get_ancestors_si_def)
by(auto elim!: bind_returns_result_E2 split: option.splits dest!: returns_result_eq[OF assms(4)]
then show ?thesis
using assms child_ancestors get_ancestors_si_subset by blast
lemma get_ancestors_si_also_host:
assumes "heap_is_wellformed h"
and "h ⊢ get_ancestors_si some_ptr →⇩r ancestors"
and "cast shadow_root ∈ set ancestors"
and "h ⊢ get_host shadow_root →⇩r host"
and type_wf: "type_wf h"
and known_ptrs: "known_ptrs h"
shows "cast host ∈ set ancestors"
proof -
obtain child_ancestors where child_ancestors:
"h ⊢ get_ancestors_si (cast shadow_root) →⇩r child_ancestors"
by (meson assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) get_ancestors_si_ok get_ancestors_si_ptrs_in_heap
is_OK_returns_result_E known_ptrs type_wf)
then have "cast host ∈ set child_ancestors"
apply(simp add: get_ancestors_si_def)
by(auto elim!: bind_returns_result_E2 split: option.splits dest!: returns_result_eq[OF assms(4)]
then show ?thesis
using assms child_ancestors get_ancestors_si_subset by blast
lemma get_ancestors_si_parent_child_rel:
assumes "heap_is_wellformed h" and "known_ptrs h" and "type_wf h"
assumes "h ⊢ get_ancestors_si child →⇩r ancestors"
assumes "((ptr, child) ∈ (parent_child_rel h)⇧*)"
shows "ptr ∈ set ancestors"
proof (insert assms(5), induct ptr rule: heap_wellformed_induct_si[OF assms(1)])
case (1 ptr)
then show ?case
proof (cases "ptr = child")
case True
then show ?thesis
using assms(4) local.get_ancestors_si_ptr by blast
case False
obtain ptr_child where
ptr_child: "(ptr, ptr_child) ∈ (parent_child_rel h) ∧ (ptr_child, child) ∈ (parent_child_rel h)⇧*"
using converse_rtranclE[OF 1(3)] ‹ptr ≠ child›
by metis
then obtain ptr_child_node
where ptr_child_ptr_child_node: "ptr_child = cast⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ptr_child_node"
using ptr_child node_ptr_casts_commute3 CD.parent_child_rel_node_ptr
by (metis )
then obtain children where
children: "h ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r children" and
ptr_child_node: "ptr_child_node ∈ set children"
proof -
assume a1: "⋀children. ⟦h ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r children; ptr_child_node ∈ set children⟧
⟹ thesis"
have "ptr |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
using CD.parent_child_rel_parent_in_heap ptr_child by blast
moreover have "ptr_child_node ∈ set |h ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr|⇩r"
by (metis calculation ‹known_ptrs h› local.get_child_nodes_ok local.known_ptrs_known_ptr
CD.parent_child_rel_child ptr_child ptr_child_ptr_child_node
returns_result_select_result ‹type_wf h›)
ultimately show ?thesis
using a1 get_child_nodes_ok ‹type_wf h› ‹known_ptrs h›
by (meson local.known_ptrs_known_ptr returns_result_select_result)
moreover have "(cast⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ptr_child_node, child) ∈ (parent_child_rel h)⇧*"
using ptr_child ptr_child_ptr_child_node by auto
ultimately have "cast⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ptr_child_node ∈ set ancestors"
using 1 by auto
moreover have "h ⊢ get_parent ptr_child_node →⇩r Some ptr"
using assms(1) children ptr_child_node child_parent_dual
using ‹known_ptrs h› ‹type_wf h› by blast
ultimately show ?thesis
using get_ancestors_si_also_parent assms ‹type_wf h› by blast
lemma get_ancestors_si_parent_child_host_shadow_root_rel:
assumes "heap_is_wellformed h" and "known_ptrs h" and "type_wf h"
assumes "h ⊢ get_ancestors_si child →⇩r ancestors"
assumes "((ptr, child) ∈ (parent_child_rel h ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h)⇧*)"
shows "ptr ∈ set ancestors"
proof (insert assms(5), induct ptr rule: heap_wellformed_induct_si[OF assms(1)])
case (1 ptr)
then show ?case
proof (cases "ptr = child")
case True
then show ?thesis
using assms(4) local.get_ancestors_si_ptr by blast
case False
obtain ptr_child where
ptr_child: "(ptr, ptr_child) ∈ (parent_child_rel h ∪ local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h) ∧
(ptr_child, child) ∈ (parent_child_rel h ∪ local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h)⇧*"
using converse_rtranclE[OF 1(3)] ‹ptr ≠ child›
by metis
then show ?thesis
proof(cases "(ptr, ptr_child) ∈ parent_child_rel h")
case True
then obtain ptr_child_node
where ptr_child_ptr_child_node: "ptr_child = cast⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ptr_child_node"
using ptr_child node_ptr_casts_commute3 CD.parent_child_rel_node_ptr
by (metis)
then obtain children where
children: "h ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r children" and
ptr_child_node: "ptr_child_node ∈ set children"
proof -
assume a1: "⋀children. ⟦h ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r children; ptr_child_node ∈ set children⟧
⟹ thesis"
have "ptr |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
using CD.parent_child_rel_parent_in_heap True by blast
moreover have "ptr_child_node ∈ set |h ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr|⇩r"
by (metis True assms(2) assms(3) calculation local.CD.parent_child_rel_child
local.get_child_nodes_ok local.known_ptrs_known_ptr ptr_child_ptr_child_node
ultimately show ?thesis
using a1 get_child_nodes_ok ‹type_wf h› ‹known_ptrs h›
by (meson local.known_ptrs_known_ptr returns_result_select_result)
moreover have "(cast⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ptr_child_node, child) ∈
(parent_child_rel h ∪ local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h)⇧*"
using ptr_child True ptr_child_ptr_child_node by auto
ultimately have "cast⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ptr_child_node ∈ set ancestors"
using 1 by auto
moreover have "h ⊢ get_parent ptr_child_node →⇩r Some ptr"
using assms(1) children ptr_child_node child_parent_dual
using ‹known_ptrs h› ‹type_wf h› by blast
ultimately show ?thesis
using get_ancestors_si_also_parent assms ‹type_wf h› by blast
case False
obtain host where host: "ptr = cast⇩e⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r host"
using ptr_child
by(auto simp add: a_host_shadow_root_rel_def)
then obtain shadow_root where shadow_root: "h ⊢ get_shadow_root host →⇩r Some shadow_root"
and ptr_child_shadow_root: "ptr_child = cast shadow_root"
using ptr_child False
apply(auto simp add: a_host_shadow_root_rel_def)[1]
by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms(3) local.get_shadow_root_ok select_result_I)
moreover have "(cast shadow_root, child) ∈ (parent_child_rel h ∪ local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h)⇧*"
using ptr_child ptr_child_shadow_root by blast
ultimately have "cast shadow_root ∈ set ancestors"
using "1.hyps"(2) host by blast
moreover have "h ⊢ get_host shadow_root →⇩r host"
by (metis assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) is_OK_returns_result_E local.get_host_ok
local.get_shadow_root_shadow_root_ptr_in_heap local.shadow_root_host_dual
local.shadow_root_same_host shadow_root)
ultimately show ?thesis
using get_ancestors_si_also_host assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) assms(4) host
by blast
lemma get_root_node_si_ok:
assumes "heap_is_wellformed h" and "known_ptrs h" and "type_wf h"
and "ptr |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
shows "h ⊢ ok (get_root_node_si ptr)"
using assms get_ancestors_si_ok
by(auto simp add: get_root_node_si_def)
lemma get_root_node_si_root_in_heap:
assumes "heap_is_wellformed h" and "type_wf h" and "known_ptrs h"
assumes "h ⊢ get_root_node_si ptr →⇩r root"
shows "root |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
using assms
apply(auto simp add: get_root_node_si_def elim!: bind_returns_result_E2)[1]
by (simp add: get_ancestors_si_never_empty get_ancestors_si_ptrs_in_heap)
lemma get_root_node_si_same_no_parent:
assumes "heap_is_wellformed h" and "type_wf h" and "known_ptrs h"
assumes "h ⊢ get_root_node_si ptr →⇩r cast child"
shows "h ⊢ get_parent child →⇩r None"
proof (insert assms(1) assms(4), induct ptr rule: heap_wellformed_induct_rev_si)
case (step c)
then show ?case
proof (cases "cast⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r c")
case None
then show ?thesis
using step(3)
by(auto simp add: get_root_node_si_def get_ancestors_si_def[of c]
elim!: bind_returns_result_E2
split: if_splits option.splits
intro!: step(2) bind_pure_returns_result_I)
case (Some child_node)
note s = this
then obtain parent_opt where parent_opt: "h ⊢ get_parent child_node →⇩r parent_opt"
using step(3)
apply(auto simp add: get_root_node_si_def get_ancestors_si_def
intro!: bind_pure_I
elim!: bind_returns_result_E2)[1]
by(auto split: option.splits)
then show ?thesis
proof(induct parent_opt)
case None
then show ?case
using Some get_root_node_si_no_parent returns_result_eq step.prems by fastforce
case (Some parent)
then show ?case
using step(3) s
apply(auto simp add: get_root_node_si_def get_ancestors_si_def[of c]
elim!: bind_returns_result_E2 split: option.splits list.splits if_splits)[1]
using assms(1) get_ancestors_si_never_empty apply blast
by(auto simp add: get_root_node_si_def
dest: returns_result_eq
intro!: step(1) bind_pure_returns_result_I)
interpretation i_get_root_node_si_wf?: l_get_root_node_si_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf known_ptr known_ptrs
get_parent get_parent_locs get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs get_host get_host_locs
get_ancestors_si get_ancestors_si_locs get_root_node_si get_root_node_si_locs
get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs
get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs heap_is_wellformed parent_child_rel heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
get_disconnected_document get_disconnected_document_locs
by(auto simp add: instances l_get_root_node_si_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def)
declare l_get_root_node_si_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
subsubsection ‹get\_disconnected\_document›
locale l_get_disconnected_document_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_heap_is_wellformed⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
l_get_disconnected_document⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
l_get_parent_wf +
lemma get_disconnected_document_ok:
assumes "heap_is_wellformed h" and "type_wf h" and "known_ptrs h"
assumes "h ⊢ get_parent node_ptr →⇩r None"
shows "h ⊢ ok (get_disconnected_document node_ptr)"
proof -
have "node_ptr |∈| node_ptr_kinds h"
by (meson assms(4) is_OK_returns_result_I local.get_parent_ptr_in_heap)
have "¬(∃parent ∈ fset (object_ptr_kinds h). node_ptr ∈ set |h ⊢ get_child_nodes parent|⇩r)"
using assms(4) child_parent_dual[OF assms(1)]
assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) known_ptrs_known_ptr option.simps(3)
returns_result_eq returns_result_select_result
by (metis (no_types, lifting) CD.get_child_nodes_ok)
have "(∃document_ptr ∈ fset (document_ptr_kinds h). node_ptr ∈
set |h ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr|⇩r)"
using heap_is_wellformed_children_disc_nodes
using ‹node_ptr |∈| node_ptr_kinds h› assms(1) by blast
then obtain some_owner_document where
"some_owner_document ∈ set (sorted_list_of_set (fset (document_ptr_kinds h)))" and
"node_ptr ∈ set |h ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes some_owner_document|⇩r"
by auto
have h5: "∃!x. x ∈ set (sorted_list_of_set (fset (document_ptr_kinds h))) ∧
h ⊢ Heap_Error_Monad.bind (get_disconnected_nodes x)
(λchildren. return (node_ptr ∈ set children)) →⇩r True"
apply(auto intro!: bind_pure_returns_result_I)[1]
apply (smt (verit, best) CD.get_disconnected_nodes_ok CD.get_disconnected_nodes_pure
‹∃document_ptr∈fset (document_ptr_kinds h). node_ptr ∈ set |h ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes
document_ptr|⇩r› assms(2) bind_pure_returns_result_I return_returns_result
apply(auto elim!: bind_returns_result_E2 intro!: bind_pure_returns_result_I)[1]
using heap_is_wellformed_one_disc_parent assms(1)
by blast
let ?filter_M = "filter_M
Heap_Error_Monad.bind (get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr)
(λdisconnected_nodes. return (node_ptr ∈ set disconnected_nodes)))
(sorted_list_of_set (fset (document_ptr_kinds h)))"
have "h ⊢ ok (?filter_M)"
using CD.get_disconnected_nodes_ok
by (smt (verit) CD.get_disconnected_nodes_pure DocumentMonad.ptr_kinds_M_ptr_kinds
DocumentMonad.ptr_kinds_ptr_kinds_M assms(2) bind_is_OK_pure_I bind_pure_I
document_ptr_kinds_M_def filter_M_is_OK_I l_ptr_kinds_M.ptr_kinds_M_ok return_ok
return_pure returns_result_select_result)
obtain candidates where candidates: "h ⊢ filter_M
Heap_Error_Monad.bind (get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr)
(λdisconnected_nodes. return (node_ptr ∈ set disconnected_nodes)))
(sorted_list_of_set (fset (document_ptr_kinds h)))
→⇩r candidates"
by auto
have "candidates = [some_owner_document]"
apply(rule filter_M_ex1[OF candidates ‹some_owner_document ∈
set (sorted_list_of_set (fset (document_ptr_kinds h)))› h5])
using ‹node_ptr ∈ set |h ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes some_owner_document|⇩r›
‹some_owner_document ∈ set (sorted_list_of_set (fset (document_ptr_kinds h)))›
by(auto simp add: CD.get_disconnected_nodes_ok assms(2)
intro!: bind_pure_I
intro!: bind_pure_returns_result_I)
then show ?thesis
using candidates ‹node_ptr |∈| node_ptr_kinds h›
apply(auto simp add: get_disconnected_document_def
intro!: bind_is_OK_pure_I filter_M_pure_I bind_pure_I
split: list.splits)[1]
apply (meson not_Cons_self2 returns_result_eq)
by (meson list.distinct(1) list.inject returns_result_eq)
interpretation i_get_disconnected_document_wf?: l_get_disconnected_document_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs known_ptr type_wf
heap_is_wellformed parent_child_rel heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_host get_host_locs
get_disconnected_document get_disconnected_document_locs known_ptrs get_parent get_parent_locs
by(auto simp add: l_get_disconnected_document_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances)
declare l_get_disconnected_document_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
subsubsection ‹get\_owner\_document›
locale l_get_owner_document_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_get_disconnected_nodes +
l_get_child_nodes +
l_get_owner_document⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
l_heap_is_wellformed⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
l_get_parent_wf +
l_known_ptrs +
l_get_root_node_si_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
l_get_parent⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
assumes known_ptr_impl: "known_ptr = ShadowRootClass.known_ptr"
lemma get_owner_document_disconnected_nodes:
assumes "heap_is_wellformed h"
assumes "h ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes"
assumes "node_ptr ∈ set disc_nodes"
assumes known_ptrs: "known_ptrs h"
assumes type_wf: "type_wf h"
shows "h ⊢ get_owner_document (cast node_ptr) →⇩r document_ptr"
proof -
have 2: "node_ptr |∈| node_ptr_kinds h"
using assms
apply(auto simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def CD.heap_is_wellformed_def CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap_def)[1]
using assms(1) local.heap_is_wellformed_disc_nodes_in_heap by blast
have 3: "document_ptr |∈| document_ptr_kinds h"
using assms(2) get_disconnected_nodes_ptr_in_heap by blast
then have 4: "¬(∃parent_ptr. parent_ptr |∈| object_ptr_kinds h ∧
node_ptr ∈ set |h ⊢ get_child_nodes parent_ptr|⇩r)"
using CD.distinct_lists_no_parent assms
unfolding heap_is_wellformed_def CD.heap_is_wellformed_def by simp
moreover have "(∃document_ptr. document_ptr |∈| document_ptr_kinds h ∧
node_ptr ∈ set |h ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr|⇩r) ∨
(∃parent_ptr. parent_ptr |∈| object_ptr_kinds h ∧
node_ptr ∈ set |h ⊢ get_child_nodes parent_ptr|⇩r)"
using assms(1) 2 "3" assms(2) assms(3) by auto
ultimately have 0: "∃!document_ptr∈set |h ⊢ document_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r.
node_ptr ∈ set |h ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr|⇩r"
by (meson DocumentMonad.ptr_kinds_ptr_kinds_M assms(1) disjoint_iff
local.get_disconnected_nodes_ok local.heap_is_wellformed_one_disc_parent
returns_result_select_result type_wf)
have "h ⊢ get_parent node_ptr →⇩r None"
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) "2" "4" known_ptrs local.get_parent_child_dual
local.get_parent_ok local.get_parent_parent_in_heap returns_result_select_result
select_result_I2 split_option_ex type_wf)
then have 4: "h ⊢ get_root_node_si (cast node_ptr) →⇩r cast node_ptr"
using get_root_node_si_no_parent
by simp
obtain document_ptrs where document_ptrs: "h ⊢ document_ptr_kinds_M →⇩r document_ptrs"
by simp
then have "h ⊢ ok (filter_M (λdocument_ptr. do {
disconnected_nodes ← get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr;
return (((cast⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r node_ptr)) ∈ cast ` set disconnected_nodes)
}) document_ptrs)"
using assms(1) get_disconnected_nodes_ok type_wf
by(auto intro!: bind_is_OK_I2 filter_M_is_OK_I bind_pure_I)
then obtain candidates where
candidates: "h ⊢ filter_M (λdocument_ptr. do {
disconnected_nodes ← get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr;
return (((cast⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r node_ptr)) ∈ cast ` set disconnected_nodes)
}) document_ptrs →⇩r candidates"
by auto
have filter: "filter (λdocument_ptr. |h ⊢ do {
disconnected_nodes ← get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr;
return (cast⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r node_ptr ∈ cast ` set disconnected_nodes)
}|⇩r) document_ptrs = [document_ptr]"
apply(rule filter_ex1)
using 0 document_ptrs
apply (smt (verit) DocumentMonad.ptr_kinds_ptr_kinds_M bind_pure_returns_result_I2
local.get_disconnected_nodes_ok local.get_disconnected_nodes_pure node_ptr_inclusion
return_returns_result select_result_I2 type_wf)
using assms(2) assms(3)
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) bind_pure_returns_result_I2 is_OK_returns_result_I
local.get_disconnected_nodes_pure node_ptr_inclusion return_returns_result select_result_I2)
using document_ptrs 3 apply(simp)
using document_ptrs
by simp
have "h ⊢ filter_M (λdocument_ptr. do {
disconnected_nodes ← get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr;
return (((cast⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r node_ptr)) ∈ cast ` set disconnected_nodes)
}) document_ptrs →⇩r [document_ptr]"
apply(rule filter_M_filter2)
using get_disconnected_nodes_ok document_ptrs 3 assms(1) type_wf filter
by(auto intro: bind_pure_I bind_is_OK_I2)
with 4 document_ptrs have "h ⊢ CD.a_get_owner_document⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r node_ptr () →⇩r document_ptr"
by(auto simp add: CD.a_get_owner_document⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def
intro!: bind_pure_returns_result_I filter_M_pure_I bind_pure_I split: option.splits)
moreover have "known_ptr (cast node_ptr)"
using known_ptrs_known_ptr[OF known_ptrs, where ptr="cast⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r node_ptr"] 2
ultimately show ?thesis
using 2
apply(auto simp add: CD.a_get_owner_document_tups_def get_owner_document_def
a_get_owner_document_tups_def known_ptr_impl)[1]
apply(split invoke_splits, (rule conjI | rule impI)+)+
apply(drule(1) known_ptr_not_shadow_root_ptr)
apply(drule(1) known_ptr_not_document_ptr)
apply(drule(1) known_ptr_not_character_data_ptr)
apply(drule(1) known_ptr_not_element_ptr)
apply(simp add: NodeClass.known_ptr_defs)
by(auto split: option.splits intro!: bind_pure_returns_result_I)
lemma in_disconnected_nodes_no_parent:
assumes "heap_is_wellformed h"
assumes "h ⊢ get_parent node_ptr →⇩r None"
assumes "h ⊢ get_owner_document (cast node_ptr) →⇩r owner_document"
assumes "h ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes owner_document →⇩r disc_nodes"
assumes "known_ptrs h"
assumes "type_wf h"
shows "node_ptr ∈ set disc_nodes"
proof -
have "⋀parent. parent |∈| object_ptr_kinds h ⟹ node_ptr ∉ set |h ⊢ get_child_nodes parent|⇩r"
using assms(2)
by (meson get_child_nodes_ok assms(1) assms(5) assms(6) local.child_parent_dual
local.known_ptrs_known_ptr option.distinct(1) returns_result_eq returns_result_select_result)
then show ?thesis
by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) assms(4) assms(5) assms(6)
is_OK_returns_result_I local.get_disconnected_nodes_ok
local.get_owner_document_disconnected_nodes local.get_parent_ptr_in_heap
local.heap_is_wellformed_children_disc_nodes returns_result_eq returns_result_select_result)
lemma get_owner_document_owner_document_in_heap_node:
assumes "heap_is_wellformed h" and "type_wf h" and "known_ptrs h"
assumes "h ⊢ CD.a_get_owner_document⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r node_ptr () →⇩r owner_document"
shows "owner_document |∈| document_ptr_kinds h"
proof -
obtain root where
root: "h ⊢ get_root_node_si (cast node_ptr) →⇩r root"
using assms(4)
by(auto simp add: CD.a_get_owner_document⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def
elim!: bind_returns_result_E2
split: option.splits)
then show ?thesis
proof (cases "is_document_ptr root")
case True
then show ?thesis
using assms(4) root
apply(auto simp add: CD.a_get_owner_document⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def elim!: bind_returns_result_E2
intro!: filter_M_pure_I bind_pure_I split: option.splits)[1]
apply(drule(1) returns_result_eq) apply(auto)[1]
using assms document_ptr_kinds_commutes get_root_node_si_root_in_heap
by blast
case False
have "known_ptr root"
using assms local.get_root_node_si_root_in_heap local.known_ptrs_known_ptr root by blast
have "root |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
using root
using assms local.get_root_node_si_root_in_heap
by blast
have "¬is_shadow_root_ptr root"
using root
using local.get_root_node_si_root_not_shadow_root by blast
then have "is_node_ptr_kind root"
using False ‹known_ptr root› ‹root |∈| object_ptr_kinds h›
apply(simp add: known_ptr_impl known_ptr_defs DocumentClass.known_ptr_defs
CharacterDataClass.known_ptr_defs ElementClass.known_ptr_defs NodeClass.known_ptr_defs)
using is_node_ptr_kind_none by force
have "(∃document_ptr ∈ fset (document_ptr_kinds h).
root ∈ cast ` set |h ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr|⇩r)"
using local.child_parent_dual local.get_child_nodes_ok local.get_root_node_si_same_no_parent
local.heap_is_wellformed_children_disc_nodes local.known_ptrs_known_ptr node_ptr_casts_commute3
node_ptr_inclusion node_ptr_kinds_commutes option.distinct(1) returns_result_eq
returns_result_select_result root
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) assms ‹root |∈| object_ptr_kinds h›)
then obtain some_owner_document where
"some_owner_document |∈| document_ptr_kinds h" and
"root ∈ cast ` set |h ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes some_owner_document|⇩r"
by auto
obtain candidates where
candidates: "h ⊢ filter_M
Heap_Error_Monad.bind (get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr)
(λdisconnected_nodes. return (root ∈ cast⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ` set disconnected_nodes)))
(sorted_list_of_set (fset (document_ptr_kinds h)))
→⇩r candidates"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms bind_is_OK_I2 bind_pure_I filter_M_is_OK_I finite_fset
is_OK_returns_result_E local.get_disconnected_nodes_ok local.get_disconnected_nodes_pure
return_ok return_pure sorted_list_of_set(1))
then have "some_owner_document ∈ set candidates"
apply(rule filter_M_in_result_if_ok)
using ‹some_owner_document |∈| document_ptr_kinds h›
‹root ∈ cast ` set |h ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes some_owner_document|⇩r›
apply(auto intro!: bind_pure_I bind_pure_returns_result_I)[1]
using ‹some_owner_document |∈| document_ptr_kinds h›
‹root ∈ cast ` set |h ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes some_owner_document|⇩r›
apply(auto intro!: bind_pure_I bind_pure_returns_result_I)[1]
using ‹some_owner_document |∈| document_ptr_kinds h›
‹root ∈ cast ` set |h ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes some_owner_document|⇩r›
apply(auto simp add: assms local.get_disconnected_nodes_ok
intro!: bind_pure_I bind_pure_returns_result_I)[1]
then have "candidates ≠ []"
by auto
then have "owner_document ∈ set candidates"
using assms(4) root
apply(auto simp add: CD.a_get_owner_document⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def elim!: bind_returns_result_E2
intro!: filter_M_pure_I bind_pure_I split: option.splits)[1]
apply (metis candidates list.set_sel(1) returns_result_eq)
by (metis ‹is_node_ptr_kind root› node_ptr_no_document_ptr_cast returns_result_eq)
then show ?thesis
using candidates
by (meson bind_pure_I bind_returns_result_E2 filter_M_holds_for_result is_OK_returns_result_I
local.get_disconnected_nodes_ptr_in_heap local.get_disconnected_nodes_pure return_pure)
lemma get_owner_document_owner_document_in_heap:
assumes "heap_is_wellformed h" and "type_wf h" and "known_ptrs h"
assumes "h ⊢ get_owner_document ptr →⇩r owner_document"
shows "owner_document |∈| document_ptr_kinds h"
using assms
apply(auto simp add: get_owner_document_def a_get_owner_document_tups_def
apply(split invoke_split_asm)+
proof -
assume "h ⊢ invoke [] ptr () →⇩r owner_document"
then show "owner_document |∈| document_ptr_kinds h"
by (meson invoke_empty is_OK_returns_result_I)
assume "h ⊢ Heap_Error_Monad.bind (check_in_heap ptr)
(λ_. (CD.a_get_owner_document⇩d⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ∘ the ∘ cast⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩d⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r) ptr ())
→⇩r owner_document"
then show "owner_document |∈| document_ptr_kinds h"
by(auto simp add: CD.a_get_owner_document⇩d⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def
elim!: bind_returns_result_E2
split: if_splits)
assume 0: "heap_is_wellformed h"
and 1: "type_wf h"
and 2: "known_ptrs h"
and 3: "¬ is_element_ptr⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ptr"
and 4: "is_character_data_ptr⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ptr"
and 5: "h ⊢ Heap_Error_Monad.bind (check_in_heap ptr)
(λ_. (CD.a_get_owner_document⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ∘ the ∘ cast⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r) ptr ()) →⇩r owner_document"
then show ?thesis
by (metis bind_returns_result_E2 check_in_heap_pure comp_apply
assume 0: "heap_is_wellformed h"
and 1: "type_wf h"
and 2: "known_ptrs h"
and 3: "is_element_ptr⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ptr"
and 4: "h ⊢ Heap_Error_Monad.bind (check_in_heap ptr)
(λ_. (CD.a_get_owner_document⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ∘ the ∘ cast⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r) ptr ()) →⇩r owner_document"
then show ?thesis
by (metis bind_returns_result_E2 check_in_heap_pure comp_apply
assume 0: "heap_is_wellformed h"
and 1: "type_wf h"
and 2: "known_ptrs h"
and 3: "¬ is_element_ptr⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ptr"
and 4: "¬ is_character_data_ptr⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ptr"
and 5: "¬ is_document_ptr⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ptr"
and 6: "is_shadow_root_ptr⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ptr"
and 7: "h ⊢ Heap_Error_Monad.bind (check_in_heap ptr)
(λ_. (local.a_get_owner_document⇩s⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩r⇩o⇩o⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ∘ the ∘ cast⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩s⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩r⇩o⇩o⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r) ptr ())
→⇩r owner_document"
then show "owner_document |∈| document_ptr_kinds h"
apply(auto simp add: CD.a_get_owner_document⇩d⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def a_get_owner_document⇩s⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩r⇩o⇩o⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def
intro!: filter_M_pure_I bind_pure_I
elim!: bind_returns_result_E2
split: if_splits option.splits)[1]
using get_owner_document_owner_document_in_heap_node by blast
lemma get_owner_document_ok:
assumes "heap_is_wellformed h" "known_ptrs h" "type_wf h"
assumes "ptr |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
shows "h ⊢ ok (get_owner_document ptr)"
proof -
have "known_ptr ptr"
using assms(2) assms(4) local.known_ptrs_known_ptr
by blast
then show ?thesis
apply(simp add: get_owner_document_def a_get_owner_document_tups_def CD.a_get_owner_document_tups_def)
apply(split invoke_splits, (rule conjI | rule impI)+)+
proof -
assume 0: "known_ptr ptr"
and 1: "¬ is_element_ptr⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ptr"
and 2: "¬ is_character_data_ptr⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ptr"
and 3: "¬ is_document_ptr⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ptr"
and 4: "¬ is_shadow_root_ptr⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ptr"
then show "h ⊢ ok invoke [] ptr ()"
using NodeClass.a_known_ptr_def known_ptr_not_character_data_ptr known_ptr_not_document_ptr
known_ptr_not_shadow_root_ptr known_ptr_not_element_ptr known_ptr_impl
by blast
assume 0: "known_ptr ptr"
and 1: "¬ is_element_ptr⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ptr"
and 2: "¬ is_character_data_ptr⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ptr"
and 3: "¬ is_document_ptr⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ptr"
then show "is_shadow_root_ptr⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ptr ⟶ h ⊢ ok Heap_Error_Monad.bind (check_in_heap ptr)
(λ_. (local.a_get_owner_document⇩s⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩r⇩o⇩o⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ∘ the ∘ cast⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩s⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩r⇩o⇩o⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r) ptr ())"
using assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) assms(4)
by(auto simp add: local.get_host_ok get_root_node_def
CD.a_get_owner_document⇩d⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def CD.a_get_owner_document⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def
intro!: bind_is_OK_pure_I filter_M_pure_I bind_pure_I filter_M_is_OK_I get_root_node_si_ok
intro!: local.get_shadow_root_ptr_in_heap local.shadow_root_host_dual
split: option.splits)
show "is_document_ptr⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ptr ⟶ h ⊢ ok Heap_Error_Monad.bind (check_in_heap ptr)
(λ_. (local.CD.a_get_owner_document⇩d⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ∘ the ∘ cast⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩d⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r) ptr ())"
using assms(4)
by(auto simp add: CD.a_get_owner_document⇩d⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def split: option.splits)
show "is_character_data_ptr⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ptr ⟶ h ⊢ ok Heap_Error_Monad.bind (check_in_heap ptr)
(λ_. (local.CD.a_get_owner_document⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ∘ the ∘ cast⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r) ptr ())"
using assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) assms(4)
by(auto simp add: local.get_host_ok get_root_node_def
CD.a_get_owner_document⇩d⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def CD.a_get_owner_document⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def
intro!: bind_is_OK_pure_I filter_M_pure_I bind_pure_I filter_M_is_OK_I get_root_node_si_ok
intro!: local.get_shadow_root_ptr_in_heap local.shadow_root_host_dual split: option.splits)
show "is_element_ptr⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ptr ⟶ h ⊢ ok Heap_Error_Monad.bind (check_in_heap ptr)
(λ_. (local.CD.a_get_owner_document⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r ∘ the ∘ cast⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r) ptr ())"
using assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) assms(4)
by(auto simp add: local.get_host_ok get_root_node_def
CD.a_get_owner_document⇩d⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def CD.a_get_owner_document⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r_def
intro!: bind_is_OK_pure_I filter_M_pure_I bind_pure_I filter_M_is_OK_I get_root_node_si_ok
intro!: local.get_shadow_root_ptr_in_heap local.shadow_root_host_dual
split: option.splits)
interpretation i_get_owner_document_wf?: l_get_owner_document_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
type_wf get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs known_ptr
get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs DocumentClass.known_ptr get_parent get_parent_locs
get_root_node_si get_root_node_si_locs CD.a_get_owner_document get_host get_host_locs
get_owner_document get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs
heap_is_wellformed parent_child_rel heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_disconnected_document
get_disconnected_document_locs known_ptrs get_ancestors_si get_ancestors_si_locs
by(auto simp add: l_get_owner_document_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def l_get_owner_document_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms_def
declare l_get_owner_document_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
lemma get_owner_document_wf_is_l_get_owner_document_wf [instances]: "l_get_owner_document_wf
heap_is_wellformed type_wf known_ptr known_ptrs get_disconnected_nodes get_owner_document
apply(auto simp add: l_get_owner_document_wf_def l_get_owner_document_wf_axioms_def instances)[1]
using get_owner_document_disconnected_nodes apply fast
using in_disconnected_nodes_no_parent apply fast
using get_owner_document_owner_document_in_heap apply fast
using get_owner_document_ok apply fast
subsubsection ‹remove\_child›
locale l_remove_child_wf2⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes +
l_get_child_nodes +
l_heap_is_wellformed⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
l_get_owner_document_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
l_remove_child⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
l_set_child_nodes_get_shadow_root +
l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_shadow_root +
l_set_child_nodes_get_tag_name +
l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_tag_name +
CD: l_remove_child_wf2⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
lemma remove_child_preserves_type_wf:
assumes "heap_is_wellformed h" and "type_wf h" and "known_ptrs h"
assumes "h ⊢ remove_child ptr child →⇩h h'"
shows "type_wf h'"
using CD.remove_child_heap_is_wellformed_preserved(1) assms
unfolding heap_is_wellformed_def
by auto
lemma remove_child_preserves_known_ptrs:
assumes "heap_is_wellformed h" and "type_wf h" and "known_ptrs h"
assumes "h ⊢ remove_child ptr child →⇩h h'"
shows "known_ptrs h'"
using CD.remove_child_heap_is_wellformed_preserved(2) assms
unfolding heap_is_wellformed_def
by auto
lemma remove_child_heap_is_wellformed_preserved:
assumes "heap_is_wellformed h" and "type_wf h" and "known_ptrs h"
assumes "h ⊢ remove_child ptr child →⇩h h'"
shows "heap_is_wellformed h'"
proof -
have "heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M h'"
using CD.remove_child_heap_is_wellformed_preserved(3) assms
unfolding heap_is_wellformed_def
by auto
have shadow_root_eq: "⋀ptr' shadow_root_ptr_opt. h ⊢ get_shadow_root ptr' →⇩r shadow_root_ptr_opt =
h' ⊢ get_shadow_root ptr' →⇩r shadow_root_ptr_opt"
using get_shadow_root_reads remove_child_writes assms(4)
apply(rule reads_writes_preserved)
by(auto simp add: remove_child_locs_def set_child_nodes_get_shadow_root
have shadow_root_eq2: "⋀ptr'. |h ⊢ get_shadow_root ptr'|⇩r = |h' ⊢ get_shadow_root ptr'|⇩r"
by (meson select_result_eq)
have tag_name_eq: "⋀ptr' tag. h ⊢ get_tag_name ptr' →⇩r tag = h' ⊢ get_tag_name ptr' →⇩r tag"
using get_tag_name_reads remove_child_writes assms(4)
apply(rule reads_writes_preserved)
by(auto simp add: remove_child_locs_def set_child_nodes_get_tag_name
have tag_name_eq2: "⋀ptr'. |h ⊢ get_tag_name ptr'|⇩r = |h' ⊢ get_tag_name ptr'|⇩r"
by (meson select_result_eq)
have object_ptr_kinds_eq: "object_ptr_kinds h = object_ptr_kinds h'"
apply(rule writes_small_big[where P="λh h'. object_ptr_kinds h = object_ptr_kinds h'",
OF remove_child_writes assms(4)])
unfolding remove_child_locs_def
using set_disconnected_nodes_pointers_preserved set_child_nodes_pointers_preserved
by (auto simp add: reflp_def transp_def)
have shadow_root_ptr_kinds_eq: "shadow_root_ptr_kinds h = shadow_root_ptr_kinds h'"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq
by(auto simp add: shadow_root_ptr_kinds_def)
have element_ptr_kinds_eq: "element_ptr_kinds h = element_ptr_kinds h'"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq
by(auto simp add: element_ptr_kinds_def node_ptr_kinds_def)
have "parent_child_rel h' ⊆ parent_child_rel h"
using ‹heap_is_wellformed h› heap_is_wellformed_def
using CD.remove_child_parent_child_rel_subset
using ‹known_ptrs h› ‹type_wf h› assms(4)
by simp
show ?thesis
using ‹heap_is_wellformed h›
using ‹heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M h'› ‹parent_child_rel h' ⊆ parent_child_rel h›
apply(auto simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def CD.heap_is_wellformed_def CD.acyclic_heap_def
a_host_shadow_root_rel_def a_all_ptrs_in_heap_def a_distinct_lists_def a_shadow_root_valid_def
object_ptr_kinds_eq element_ptr_kinds_eq shadow_root_ptr_kinds_eq shadow_root_eq shadow_root_eq2
tag_name_eq tag_name_eq2)[1]
by (meson acyclic_subset order_refl sup_mono)
lemma remove_preserves_type_wf:
assumes "heap_is_wellformed h" and "type_wf h" and "known_ptrs h"
assumes "h ⊢ remove child →⇩h h'"
shows "type_wf h'"
using CD.remove_heap_is_wellformed_preserved(1) assms
unfolding heap_is_wellformed_def
by auto
lemma remove_preserves_known_ptrs:
assumes "heap_is_wellformed h" and "type_wf h" and "known_ptrs h"
assumes "h ⊢ remove child →⇩h h'"
shows "known_ptrs h'"
using CD.remove_heap_is_wellformed_preserved(2) assms
unfolding heap_is_wellformed_def
by auto
lemma remove_heap_is_wellformed_preserved:
assumes "heap_is_wellformed h" and "type_wf h" and "known_ptrs h"
assumes "h ⊢ remove child →⇩h h'"
shows "heap_is_wellformed h'"
using assms
by(auto simp add: remove_def elim!: bind_returns_heap_E2
intro: remove_child_heap_is_wellformed_preserved
split: option.splits)
lemma remove_child_removes_child:
"heap_is_wellformed h ⟹ h ⊢ remove_child ptr' child →⇩h h'
⟹ h' ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r children
⟹ known_ptrs h ⟹ type_wf h
⟹ child ∉ set children"
using CD.remove_child_removes_child local.heap_is_wellformed_def by blast
lemma remove_child_removes_first_child: "heap_is_wellformed h ⟹ type_wf h ⟹ known_ptrs h ⟹
h ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r node_ptr # children ⟹ h ⊢ remove_child ptr node_ptr →⇩h h' ⟹
h' ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r children"
using CD.remove_child_removes_first_child local.heap_is_wellformed_def by blast
lemma remove_removes_child: "heap_is_wellformed h ⟹ type_wf h ⟹ known_ptrs h ⟹
h ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r node_ptr # children ⟹ h ⊢ remove node_ptr →⇩h h' ⟹
h' ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r children"
using CD.remove_removes_child local.heap_is_wellformed_def by blast
lemma remove_for_all_empty_children: "heap_is_wellformed h ⟹ type_wf h ⟹ known_ptrs h ⟹
h ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r children ⟹ h ⊢ forall_M remove children →⇩h h' ⟹
h' ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r []"
using CD.remove_for_all_empty_children local.heap_is_wellformed_def by blast
interpretation i_remove_child_wf2?: l_remove_child_wf2⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
type_wf get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs set_disconnected_nodes
set_disconnected_nodes_locs known_ptr get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs get_shadow_root
get_shadow_root_locs get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs heap_is_wellformed parent_child_rel
heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_host get_host_locs get_disconnected_document
get_disconnected_document_locs DocumentClass.known_ptr get_parent get_parent_locs get_root_node_si
get_root_node_si_locs CD.a_get_owner_document get_owner_document known_ptrs get_ancestors_si
get_ancestors_si_locs set_child_nodes set_child_nodes_locs remove_child remove_child_locs remove
by(auto simp add: l_remove_child_wf2⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances)
declare l_remove_child_wf2⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
lemma remove_child_wf2_is_l_remove_child_wf2 [instances]:
"l_remove_child_wf2 type_wf known_ptr known_ptrs remove_child heap_is_wellformed get_child_nodes remove"
apply(auto simp add: l_remove_child_wf2_def l_remove_child_wf2_axioms_def instances)[1]
using remove_child_preserves_type_wf apply fast
using remove_child_preserves_known_ptrs apply fast
using remove_child_heap_is_wellformed_preserved apply (fast)
using remove_preserves_type_wf apply fast
using remove_preserves_known_ptrs apply fast
using remove_heap_is_wellformed_preserved apply (fast)
using remove_child_removes_child apply fast
using remove_child_removes_first_child apply fast
using remove_removes_child apply fast
using remove_for_all_empty_children apply fast
subsubsection ‹adopt\_node›
locale l_adopt_node_wf2⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_get_child_nodes +
l_get_disconnected_nodes +
l_set_child_nodes_get_shadow_root +
l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_shadow_root +
l_set_child_nodes_get_tag_name +
l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_tag_name +
l_heap_is_wellformed⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
l_get_root_node +
l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_child_nodes +
l_get_owner_document_wf +
l_remove_child_wf2 +
l_adopt_node_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
l_adopt_node⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
lemma adopt_node_removes_child:
assumes wellformed: "heap_is_wellformed h"
and adopt_node: "h ⊢ adopt_node owner_document node_ptr →⇩h h2"
and children: "h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r children"
and known_ptrs: "known_ptrs h"
and type_wf: "type_wf h"
shows "node_ptr ∉ set children"
proof -
obtain old_document parent_opt h' where
old_document: "h ⊢ get_owner_document (cast node_ptr) →⇩r old_document" and
parent_opt: "h ⊢ get_parent node_ptr →⇩r parent_opt" and
h': "h ⊢ (case parent_opt of Some parent ⇒ remove_child parent node_ptr | None ⇒ return () ) →⇩h h'"
using adopt_node
by(auto simp add: adopt_node_def elim!: bind_returns_heap_E bind_returns_heap_E2[rotated,
OF get_owner_document_pure, rotated] bind_returns_heap_E2[rotated, OF get_parent_pure, rotated]
bind_returns_heap_E2[rotated, OF get_disconnected_nodes_pure, rotated] split: if_splits)
then have "h' ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r children"
using adopt_node
apply(auto simp add: adopt_node_def dest!: bind_returns_heap_E3[rotated, OF old_document, rotated]
bind_returns_heap_E3[rotated, OF parent_opt, rotated] elim!: bind_returns_heap_E4[rotated, OF h', rotated])[1]
apply(auto split: if_splits elim!: bind_returns_heap_E
bind_returns_heap_E2[rotated, OF get_disconnected_nodes_pure, rotated])[1]
apply (simp add: set_disconnected_nodes_get_child_nodes children
reads_writes_preserved[OF get_child_nodes_reads set_disconnected_nodes_writes])
using children by blast
show ?thesis
proof(insert parent_opt h', induct parent_opt)
case None
then show ?case
using child_parent_dual wellformed known_ptrs type_wf
‹h' ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r children› returns_result_eq by fastforce
case (Some option)
then show ?case
using remove_child_removes_child ‹h' ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r children› known_ptrs type_wf
by auto
lemma adopt_node_preserves_wellformedness:
assumes "heap_is_wellformed h"
and "h ⊢ adopt_node document_ptr child →⇩h h'"
and known_ptrs: "known_ptrs h"
and type_wf: "type_wf h"
shows "heap_is_wellformed h'" and "known_ptrs h'" and "type_wf h'"
proof -
obtain old_document parent_opt h2 where
old_document: "h ⊢ get_owner_document (cast child) →⇩r old_document" and
parent_opt: "h ⊢ get_parent child →⇩r parent_opt" and
h2: "h ⊢ (case parent_opt of Some parent ⇒ remove_child parent child | None ⇒ return ()) →⇩h h2" and
h': "h2 ⊢ (if document_ptr ≠ old_document then do {
old_disc_nodes ← get_disconnected_nodes old_document;
set_disconnected_nodes old_document (remove1 child old_disc_nodes);
disc_nodes ← get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr;
set_disconnected_nodes document_ptr (child # disc_nodes)
} else do {
return ()
}) →⇩h h'"
using assms(2)
by(auto simp add: adopt_node_def elim!: bind_returns_heap_E
dest!: pure_returns_heap_eq[rotated, OF get_owner_document_pure]
pure_returns_heap_eq[rotated, OF get_parent_pure])
have object_ptr_kinds_h_eq3: "object_ptr_kinds h = object_ptr_kinds h2"
using h2 apply(simp split: option.splits)
apply(rule writes_small_big[where P="λh h'. object_ptr_kinds h = object_ptr_kinds h'",
OF remove_child_writes])
using remove_child_pointers_preserved
by (auto simp add: reflp_def transp_def)
then have object_ptr_kinds_M_eq_h:
"⋀ptrs. h ⊢ object_ptr_kinds_M →⇩r ptrs = h2 ⊢ object_ptr_kinds_M →⇩r ptrs"
unfolding object_ptr_kinds_M_defs by simp
then have object_ptr_kinds_eq_h: "|h ⊢ object_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r = |h2 ⊢ object_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r"
by simp
then have node_ptr_kinds_eq_h: "|h ⊢ node_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r = |h2 ⊢ node_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r"
using node_ptr_kinds_M_eq by blast
have wellformed_h2: "heap_is_wellformed h2"
using h2 remove_child_heap_is_wellformed_preserved known_ptrs type_wf
by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms(1) option.case_eq_if pure_returns_heap_eq return_pure)
have "type_wf h2"
using h2 remove_child_preserves_type_wf assms
by(auto split: option.splits)
have "known_ptrs h2"
using h2 remove_child_preserves_known_ptrs assms
by(auto split: option.splits)
then have "heap_is_wellformed h' ∧ known_ptrs h' ∧ type_wf h'"
proof(cases "document_ptr = old_document")
case True
then show "heap_is_wellformed h' ∧ known_ptrs h' ∧ type_wf h'"
using h' wellformed_h2 ‹known_ptrs h2› ‹type_wf h2› by auto
case False
then obtain h3 old_disc_nodes disc_nodes_document_ptr_h3 where
docs_neq: "document_ptr ≠ old_document" and
old_disc_nodes: "h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes old_document →⇩r old_disc_nodes" and
h3: "h2 ⊢ set_disconnected_nodes old_document (remove1 child old_disc_nodes) →⇩h h3" and
disc_nodes_document_ptr_h3: "h3 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes_document_ptr_h3" and
h': "h3 ⊢ set_disconnected_nodes document_ptr (child # disc_nodes_document_ptr_h3) →⇩h h'"
using h'
by(auto elim!: bind_returns_heap_E
bind_returns_heap_E2[rotated, OF get_disconnected_nodes_pure, rotated] )
have object_ptr_kinds_h2_eq3: "object_ptr_kinds h2 = object_ptr_kinds h3"
apply(rule writes_small_big[where P="λh h'. object_ptr_kinds h = object_ptr_kinds h'",
OF set_disconnected_nodes_writes h3])
using set_disconnected_nodes_pointers_preserved set_child_nodes_pointers_preserved
by (auto simp add: reflp_def transp_def)
then have object_ptr_kinds_M_eq_h2:
"⋀ptrs. h2 ⊢ object_ptr_kinds_M →⇩r ptrs = h3 ⊢ object_ptr_kinds_M →⇩r ptrs"
by(simp add: object_ptr_kinds_M_defs)
then have object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2: "|h2 ⊢ object_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r = |h3 ⊢ object_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r"
then have node_ptr_kinds_eq_h2: "|h2 ⊢ node_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r = |h3 ⊢ node_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r"
using node_ptr_kinds_M_eq by blast
then have node_ptr_kinds_eq3_h2: "node_ptr_kinds h2 = node_ptr_kinds h3"
by auto
have document_ptr_kinds_eq2_h2: "|h2 ⊢ document_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r = |h3 ⊢ document_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2 document_ptr_kinds_M_eq by auto
then have document_ptr_kinds_eq3_h2: "document_ptr_kinds h2 = document_ptr_kinds h3"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2 document_ptr_kinds_M_eq by auto
have children_eq_h2:
"⋀ptr children. h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r children = h3 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r children"
using get_child_nodes_reads set_disconnected_nodes_writes h3
apply(rule reads_writes_preserved)
by (simp add: set_disconnected_nodes_get_child_nodes)
then have children_eq2_h2: "⋀ptr. |h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr|⇩r = |h3 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr|⇩r"
using select_result_eq by force
have object_ptr_kinds_h3_eq3: "object_ptr_kinds h3 = object_ptr_kinds h'"
apply(rule writes_small_big[where P="λh h'. object_ptr_kinds h = object_ptr_kinds h'",
OF set_disconnected_nodes_writes h'])
using set_disconnected_nodes_pointers_preserved set_child_nodes_pointers_preserved
by (auto simp add: reflp_def transp_def)
then have object_ptr_kinds_M_eq_h3:
"⋀ptrs. h3 ⊢ object_ptr_kinds_M →⇩r ptrs = h' ⊢ object_ptr_kinds_M →⇩r ptrs"
by(simp add: object_ptr_kinds_M_defs)
then have object_ptr_kinds_eq_h3: "|h3 ⊢ object_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r = |h' ⊢ object_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r"
then have node_ptr_kinds_eq_h3: "|h3 ⊢ node_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r = |h' ⊢ node_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r"
using node_ptr_kinds_M_eq by blast
then have node_ptr_kinds_eq3_h3: "node_ptr_kinds h3 = node_ptr_kinds h'"
by auto
have document_ptr_kinds_eq2_h3: "|h3 ⊢ document_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r = |h' ⊢ document_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 document_ptr_kinds_M_eq by auto
then have document_ptr_kinds_eq3_h3: "document_ptr_kinds h3 = document_ptr_kinds h'"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 document_ptr_kinds_M_eq by auto
have children_eq_h3:
"⋀ptr children. h3 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r children = h' ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r children"
using get_child_nodes_reads set_disconnected_nodes_writes h'
apply(rule reads_writes_preserved)
by (simp add: set_disconnected_nodes_get_child_nodes)
then have children_eq2_h3: "⋀ptr. |h3 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr|⇩r = |h' ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr|⇩r"
using select_result_eq by force
have disconnected_nodes_eq_h2: "⋀doc_ptr disc_nodes. old_document ≠ doc_ptr ⟹
h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes =
h3 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes"
using get_disconnected_nodes_reads set_disconnected_nodes_writes h3
apply(rule reads_writes_preserved)
by (simp add: set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes_different_pointers)
then have disconnected_nodes_eq2_h2: "⋀doc_ptr. old_document ≠ doc_ptr ⟹
|h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr|⇩r = |h3 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr|⇩r"
using select_result_eq by force
obtain disc_nodes_old_document_h2 where disc_nodes_old_document_h2:
"h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes old_document →⇩r disc_nodes_old_document_h2"
using old_disc_nodes by blast
then have disc_nodes_old_document_h3:
"h3 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes old_document →⇩r remove1 child disc_nodes_old_document_h2"
using h3 old_disc_nodes returns_result_eq set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes
by fastforce
have "distinct disc_nodes_old_document_h2"
using disc_nodes_old_document_h2 local.heap_is_wellformed_disconnected_nodes_distinct
wellformed_h2 by blast
have "type_wf h2"
proof (insert h2, induct parent_opt)
case None
then show ?case
using type_wf by simp
case (Some option)
then show ?case
using writes_small_big[where P="λh h'. type_wf h ⟶ type_wf h'", OF remove_child_writes]
type_wf remove_child_types_preserved
by (simp add: reflp_def transp_def)
then have "type_wf h3"
using writes_small_big[where P="λh h'. type_wf h ⟶ type_wf h'",
OF set_disconnected_nodes_writes h3]
using set_disconnected_nodes_types_preserved
by(auto simp add: reflp_def transp_def)
then have "type_wf h'"
using writes_small_big[where P="λh h'. type_wf h ⟶ type_wf h'",
OF set_disconnected_nodes_writes h']
using set_disconnected_nodes_types_preserved
by(auto simp add: reflp_def transp_def)
have disconnected_nodes_eq_h3: "⋀doc_ptr disc_nodes. document_ptr ≠ doc_ptr ⟹
h3 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes =
h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes"
using get_disconnected_nodes_reads set_disconnected_nodes_writes h'
apply(rule reads_writes_preserved)
by (simp add: set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes_different_pointers)
then have disconnected_nodes_eq2_h3: "⋀doc_ptr. document_ptr ≠ doc_ptr ⟹
|h3 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr|⇩r = |h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr|⇩r"
using select_result_eq by force
have disc_nodes_document_ptr_h2:
"h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes_document_ptr_h3"
using disconnected_nodes_eq_h2 docs_neq disc_nodes_document_ptr_h3 by auto
have disc_nodes_document_ptr_h':
"h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr →⇩r child # disc_nodes_document_ptr_h3"
using h' disc_nodes_document_ptr_h3
using set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes by blast
have document_ptr_in_heap: "document_ptr |∈| document_ptr_kinds h2"
using disc_nodes_document_ptr_h3 document_ptr_kinds_eq2_h2 get_disconnected_nodes_ok assms(1)
unfolding heap_is_wellformed_def
using disc_nodes_document_ptr_h2 get_disconnected_nodes_ptr_in_heap by blast
have old_document_in_heap: "old_document |∈| document_ptr_kinds h2"
using disc_nodes_old_document_h3 document_ptr_kinds_eq2_h2 get_disconnected_nodes_ok assms(1)
unfolding heap_is_wellformed_def
using get_disconnected_nodes_ptr_in_heap old_disc_nodes by blast
have "child ∈ set disc_nodes_old_document_h2"
proof (insert parent_opt h2, induct parent_opt)
case None
then have "h = h2"
moreover have "CD.a_owner_document_valid h"
using assms(1) by(simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def CD.heap_is_wellformed_def)
ultimately show ?case
using old_document disc_nodes_old_document_h2 None(1) child_parent_dual[OF assms(1)]
in_disconnected_nodes_no_parent assms(1) known_ptrs type_wf by blast
case (Some option)
then show ?case
apply(simp split: option.splits)
using assms(1) disc_nodes_old_document_h2 old_document remove_child_in_disconnected_nodes
known_ptrs by blast
have "child ∉ set (remove1 child disc_nodes_old_document_h2)"
using disc_nodes_old_document_h3 h3 known_ptrs wellformed_h2
‹distinct disc_nodes_old_document_h2› by auto
have "child ∉ set disc_nodes_document_ptr_h3"
proof -
have "CD.a_distinct_lists h2"
using heap_is_wellformed_def CD.heap_is_wellformed_def wellformed_h2 by blast
then have 0: "distinct (concat (map (λdocument_ptr.
|h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr|⇩r) |h2 ⊢ document_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r))"
by(simp add: CD.a_distinct_lists_def)
show ?thesis
using distinct_concat_map_E(1)[OF 0] ‹child ∈ set disc_nodes_old_document_h2›
disc_nodes_old_document_h2 disc_nodes_document_ptr_h2
by (meson ‹type_wf h2› docs_neq known_ptrs local.get_owner_document_disconnected_nodes
local.known_ptrs_preserved object_ptr_kinds_h_eq3 returns_result_eq wellformed_h2)
have child_in_heap: "child |∈| node_ptr_kinds h"
using get_owner_document_ptr_in_heap[OF is_OK_returns_result_I[OF old_document]]
node_ptr_kinds_commutes by blast
have "CD.a_acyclic_heap h2"
using wellformed_h2 by (simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def CD.heap_is_wellformed_def)
have "parent_child_rel h' ⊆ parent_child_rel h2"
fix x
assume "x ∈ parent_child_rel h'"
then show "x ∈ parent_child_rel h2"
using object_ptr_kinds_h2_eq3 object_ptr_kinds_h3_eq3 children_eq2_h2 children_eq2_h3
mem_Collect_eq object_ptr_kinds_M_eq_h3 select_result_eq split_cong
unfolding CD.parent_child_rel_def
then have " CD.a_acyclic_heap h'"
using ‹ CD.a_acyclic_heap h2› CD.acyclic_heap_def acyclic_subset by blast
moreover have " CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap h2"
using wellformed_h2 by (simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def CD.heap_is_wellformed_def)
then have "CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap h3"
apply(auto simp add: CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap_def node_ptr_kinds_eq3_h2 children_eq_h2)[1]
apply (metis ‹type_wf h'› children_eq2_h3 children_eq_h2 children_eq_h3 known_ptrs
l_heap_is_wellformed.heap_is_wellformed_children_in_heap local.get_child_nodes_ok
local.known_ptrs_known_ptr local.l_heap_is_wellformed_axioms node_ptr_kinds_eq3_h2
object_ptr_kinds_h2_eq3 object_ptr_kinds_h3_eq3 object_ptr_kinds_h_eq3
returns_result_select_result wellformed_h2)
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) disc_nodes_old_document_h2 disc_nodes_old_document_h3
disconnected_nodes_eq2_h2 document_ptr_kinds_eq3_h2 select_result_I2
set_remove1_subset subsetD)
then have "CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap h'"
apply(auto simp add: CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap_def node_ptr_kinds_eq3_h3 children_eq_h3)[1]
apply (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) children_eq2_h3 object_ptr_kinds_h3_eq3 subsetD)
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) ‹child ∈ set disc_nodes_old_document_h2› disc_nodes_document_ptr_h'
disc_nodes_document_ptr_h2 disc_nodes_old_document_h2 disconnected_nodes_eq2_h3
document_ptr_kinds_eq3_h3 local.heap_is_wellformed_disc_nodes_in_heap
node_ptr_kinds_eq3_h2 node_ptr_kinds_eq3_h3 select_result_I2 set_ConsD subsetD wellformed_h2)
moreover have "CD.a_owner_document_valid h2"
using wellformed_h2 by (simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def CD.heap_is_wellformed_def)
then have "CD.a_owner_document_valid h'"
apply(simp add: CD.a_owner_document_valid_def node_ptr_kinds_eq_h2 node_ptr_kinds_eq3_h3
object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2 object_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 document_ptr_kinds_eq2_h2 document_ptr_kinds_eq2_h3
children_eq2_h2 children_eq2_h3 )
by (metis (no_types) disc_nodes_document_ptr_h' disc_nodes_document_ptr_h2
disc_nodes_old_document_h2 disc_nodes_old_document_h3 disconnected_nodes_eq2_h2
disconnected_nodes_eq2_h3 document_ptr_in_heap document_ptr_kinds_eq3_h2 document_ptr_kinds_eq3_h3
in_set_remove1 list.set_intros(1) list.set_intros(2) node_ptr_kinds_eq3_h2 node_ptr_kinds_eq3_h3
object_ptr_kinds_h2_eq3 object_ptr_kinds_h3_eq3 select_result_I2)
have a_distinct_lists_h2: "CD.a_distinct_lists h2"
using wellformed_h2 by (simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def CD.heap_is_wellformed_def)
then have "CD.a_distinct_lists h'"
apply(auto simp add: CD.a_distinct_lists_def object_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2
children_eq2_h2 children_eq2_h3)[1]
proof -
assume 1: "distinct (concat (map (λptr. |h' ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr|⇩r)
(sorted_list_of_set (fset (object_ptr_kinds h')))))"
and 2: "distinct (concat (map (λdocument_ptr. |h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr|⇩r)
(sorted_list_of_set (fset (document_ptr_kinds h2)))))"
and 3: "(⋃x∈fset (object_ptr_kinds h'). set |h' ⊢ get_child_nodes x|⇩r) ∩
(⋃x∈fset (document_ptr_kinds h2). set |h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes x|⇩r) = {}"
show "distinct (concat (map (λdocument_ptr. |h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr|⇩r)
(sorted_list_of_set (fset (document_ptr_kinds h')))))"
proof(rule distinct_concat_map_I)
show "distinct (sorted_list_of_set (fset (document_ptr_kinds h')))"
by(auto simp add: document_ptr_kinds_M_def )
fix x
assume a1: "x ∈ set (sorted_list_of_set (fset (document_ptr_kinds h')))"
have 4: "distinct |h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes x|⇩r"
using a_distinct_lists_h2 "2" a1 concat_map_all_distinct document_ptr_kinds_eq2_h2
document_ptr_kinds_eq2_h3 by fastforce
then show "distinct |h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes x|⇩r"
proof (cases "old_document ≠ x")
case True
then show ?thesis
proof (cases "document_ptr ≠ x")
case True
then show ?thesis
using disconnected_nodes_eq2_h2[OF ‹old_document ≠ x›]
disconnected_nodes_eq2_h3[OF ‹document_ptr ≠ x›] 4
case False
then show ?thesis
using disc_nodes_document_ptr_h3 disc_nodes_document_ptr_h' 4
‹child ∉ set disc_nodes_document_ptr_h3›
by(auto simp add: disconnected_nodes_eq2_h2[OF ‹old_document ≠ x›] )
case False
then show ?thesis
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) ‹distinct disc_nodes_old_document_h2›
disc_nodes_old_document_h3 disconnected_nodes_eq2_h3 distinct_remove1 docs_neq select_result_I2)
fix x y
assume a0: "x ∈ set (sorted_list_of_set (fset (document_ptr_kinds h')))"
and a1: "y ∈ set (sorted_list_of_set (fset (document_ptr_kinds h')))"
and a2: "x ≠ y"
moreover have 5: "set |h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes x|⇩r ∩
set |h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes y|⇩r = {}"
using 2 calculation
by (auto simp add: document_ptr_kinds_eq3_h2 document_ptr_kinds_eq3_h3
dest: distinct_concat_map_E(1))
ultimately show "set |h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes x|⇩r ∩
set |h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes y|⇩r = {}"
proof(cases "old_document = x")
case True
have "old_document ≠ y"
using ‹x ≠ y› ‹old_document = x› by simp
have "document_ptr ≠ x"
using docs_neq ‹old_document = x› by auto
show ?thesis
proof(cases "document_ptr = y")
case True
then show ?thesis
using 5 True select_result_I2[OF disc_nodes_document_ptr_h']
select_result_I2[OF disc_nodes_document_ptr_h2]
select_result_I2[OF disc_nodes_old_document_h2]
select_result_I2[OF disc_nodes_old_document_h3] ‹old_document = x›
by (metis (no_types, lifting) ‹child ∉ set (remove1 child disc_nodes_old_document_h2)›
‹document_ptr ≠ x› disconnected_nodes_eq2_h3 disjoint_iff_not_equal notin_set_remove1 set_ConsD)
case False
then show ?thesis
using 5 select_result_I2[OF disc_nodes_document_ptr_h']
select_result_I2[OF disc_nodes_document_ptr_h2]
select_result_I2[OF disc_nodes_old_document_h2]
select_result_I2[OF disc_nodes_old_document_h3]
disconnected_nodes_eq2_h2 disconnected_nodes_eq2_h3 ‹old_document = x› docs_neq
‹old_document ≠ y›
by (metis (no_types, lifting) disjoint_iff_not_equal notin_set_remove1)
case False
then show ?thesis
proof(cases "old_document = y")
case True
then show ?thesis
proof(cases "document_ptr = x")
case True
show ?thesis
using 5 select_result_I2[OF disc_nodes_document_ptr_h']
select_result_I2[OF disc_nodes_document_ptr_h2]
select_result_I2[OF disc_nodes_old_document_h2]
select_result_I2[OF disc_nodes_old_document_h3]
‹old_document ≠ x› ‹old_document = y› ‹document_ptr = x›
by (metis (no_types, lifting)
‹child ∉ set (remove1 child disc_nodes_old_document_h2)›
disconnected_nodes_eq2_h3 disjoint_iff_not_equal notin_set_remove1)
case False
then show ?thesis
using 5 select_result_I2[OF disc_nodes_document_ptr_h']
select_result_I2[OF disc_nodes_document_ptr_h2]
select_result_I2[OF disc_nodes_old_document_h2]
select_result_I2[OF disc_nodes_old_document_h3] ‹old_document ≠ x›
‹old_document = y› ‹document_ptr ≠ x›
by (metis (no_types, lifting) disconnected_nodes_eq2_h2
disconnected_nodes_eq2_h3 disjoint_iff_not_equal docs_neq notin_set_remove1)
case False
have "set |h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes y|⇩r ∩ set disc_nodes_old_document_h2 = {}"
by (metis DocumentMonad.ptr_kinds_M_ok DocumentMonad.ptr_kinds_M_ptr_kinds False
‹type_wf h2› a1 disc_nodes_old_document_h2 document_ptr_kinds_M_def document_ptr_kinds_eq2_h2
document_ptr_kinds_eq2_h3 l_ptr_kinds_M.ptr_kinds_ptr_kinds_M local.get_disconnected_nodes_ok
local.heap_is_wellformed_one_disc_parent returns_result_select_result wellformed_h2)
then show ?thesis
proof(cases "document_ptr = x")
case True
then have "document_ptr ≠ y"
using ‹x ≠ y› by auto
have "set |h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes y|⇩r ∩ set disc_nodes_old_document_h2 = {}"
using ‹set |h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes y|⇩r ∩ set disc_nodes_old_document_h2 = {}›
by blast
then show ?thesis
using 5 select_result_I2[OF disc_nodes_document_ptr_h']
select_result_I2[OF disc_nodes_document_ptr_h2]
select_result_I2[OF disc_nodes_old_document_h2]
select_result_I2[OF disc_nodes_old_document_h3] ‹old_document ≠ x›
‹old_document ≠ y› ‹document_ptr = x› ‹document_ptr ≠ y›
‹child ∈ set disc_nodes_old_document_h2› disconnected_nodes_eq2_h2
disconnected_nodes_eq2_h3 ‹set |h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes y|⇩r ∩ set disc_nodes_old_document_h2 = {}›
case False
then show ?thesis
proof(cases "document_ptr = y")
case True
have f1: "set |h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes x|⇩r ∩ set disc_nodes_document_ptr_h3 = {}"
using 2 a1 document_ptr_in_heap document_ptr_kinds_eq2_h2
document_ptr_kinds_eq2_h3 ‹document_ptr ≠ x›
select_result_I2[OF disc_nodes_document_ptr_h3, symmetric]
disconnected_nodes_eq2_h2[OF docs_neq[symmetric], symmetric]
by (simp add: "5" True)
moreover have f1: "set |h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes x|⇩r ∩
set |h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes old_document|⇩r = {}"
using 2 a1 old_document_in_heap document_ptr_kinds_eq2_h2
document_ptr_kinds_eq2_h3 ‹old_document ≠ x›
by (metis (no_types, lifting) a0 distinct_concat_map_E(1)
document_ptr_kinds_eq3_h2 document_ptr_kinds_eq3_h3 finite_fset
ultimately show ?thesis
using 5 select_result_I2[OF disc_nodes_document_ptr_h']
select_result_I2[OF disc_nodes_old_document_h2] ‹old_document ≠ x›
‹document_ptr ≠ x› ‹document_ptr = y›
‹child ∈ set disc_nodes_old_document_h2› disconnected_nodes_eq2_h2
by auto
case False
then show ?thesis
using 5
select_result_I2[OF disc_nodes_old_document_h2] ‹old_document ≠ x›
‹document_ptr ≠ x› ‹document_ptr ≠ y›
‹child ∈ set disc_nodes_old_document_h2› disconnected_nodes_eq2_h2
by (metis ‹set |h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes y|⇩r ∩
set disc_nodes_old_document_h2 = {}› empty_iff inf.idem)
fix x xa xb
assume 0: "distinct (concat (map (λptr. |h' ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr|⇩r)
(sorted_list_of_set (fset (object_ptr_kinds h')))))"
and 1: "distinct (concat (map (λdocument_ptr. |h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr|⇩r)
(sorted_list_of_set (fset (document_ptr_kinds h2)))))"
and 2: "(⋃x∈fset (object_ptr_kinds h'). set |h' ⊢ get_child_nodes x|⇩r) ∩
(⋃x∈fset (document_ptr_kinds h2). set |h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes x|⇩r) = {}"
and 3: "xa |∈| object_ptr_kinds h'"
and 4: "x ∈ set |h' ⊢ get_child_nodes xa|⇩r"
and 5: "xb |∈| document_ptr_kinds h'"
and 6: "x ∈ set |h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes xb|⇩r"
then show False
using ‹child ∈ set disc_nodes_old_document_h2› disc_nodes_document_ptr_h'
disc_nodes_document_ptr_h2 disc_nodes_old_document_h2 disc_nodes_old_document_h3
disconnected_nodes_eq2_h2 disconnected_nodes_eq2_h3 document_ptr_kinds_eq2_h2
document_ptr_kinds_eq2_h3 old_document_in_heap
apply(cases "xb = old_document")
proof -
assume a1: "xb = old_document"
assume a2: "h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes old_document →⇩r disc_nodes_old_document_h2"
assume a3: "h3 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes old_document →⇩r remove1 child disc_nodes_old_document_h2"
assume a4: "x ∈ set |h' ⊢ get_child_nodes xa|⇩r"
assume "document_ptr_kinds h2 = document_ptr_kinds h'"
assume a5: "(⋃x∈fset (object_ptr_kinds h'). set |h' ⊢ get_child_nodes x|⇩r) ∩
(⋃x∈fset (document_ptr_kinds h'). set |h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes x|⇩r) = {}"
have f6: "old_document |∈| document_ptr_kinds h'"
using a1 ‹xb |∈| document_ptr_kinds h'› by blast
have f7: "|h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes old_document|⇩r = disc_nodes_old_document_h2"
using a2 by simp
have "x ∈ set disc_nodes_old_document_h2"
using f6 a3 a1 by (metis (no_types) ‹type_wf h'›
‹x ∈ set |h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes xb|⇩r› disconnected_nodes_eq_h3 docs_neq
get_disconnected_nodes_ok returns_result_eq returns_result_select_result set_remove1_subset subsetCE)
then have "set |h' ⊢ get_child_nodes xa|⇩r ∩ set |h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes xb|⇩r = {}"
using f7 f6 a5 a4 ‹xa |∈| object_ptr_kinds h'›
by fastforce
then show ?thesis
using ‹x ∈ set disc_nodes_old_document_h2› a1 a4 f7 by blast
assume a1: "xb ≠ old_document"
assume a2: "h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes_document_ptr_h3"
assume a3: "h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes old_document →⇩r disc_nodes_old_document_h2"
assume a4: "xa |∈| object_ptr_kinds h'"
assume a5: "h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr →⇩r child # disc_nodes_document_ptr_h3"
assume a6: "old_document |∈| document_ptr_kinds h'"
assume a7: "x ∈ set |h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes xb|⇩r"
assume a8: "x ∈ set |h' ⊢ get_child_nodes xa|⇩r"
assume a9: "document_ptr_kinds h2 = document_ptr_kinds h'"
assume a10: "⋀doc_ptr. old_document ≠ doc_ptr ⟹
|h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr|⇩r = |h3 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr|⇩r"
assume a11: "⋀doc_ptr. document_ptr ≠ doc_ptr ⟹ |h3 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr|⇩r =
|h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr|⇩r"
assume a12: "(⋃x∈fset (object_ptr_kinds h'). set |h' ⊢ get_child_nodes x|⇩r) ∩
(⋃x∈fset (document_ptr_kinds h'). set |h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes x|⇩r) = {}"
have f13: "⋀d. d ∉ set |h' ⊢ document_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r ∨ h2 ⊢ ok get_disconnected_nodes d"
using a9 ‹type_wf h2› get_disconnected_nodes_ok
by simp
then have f14: "|h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes old_document|⇩r = disc_nodes_old_document_h2"
using a6 a3 by simp
have "x ∉ set |h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes xb|⇩r"
using a12 a8 a4 ‹xb |∈| document_ptr_kinds h'›
by (meson UN_I disjoint_iff_not_equal)
then have "x = child"
using f13 a11 a10 a7 a5 a2 a1
by (metis (no_types, lifting) select_result_I2 set_ConsD)
then have "child ∉ set disc_nodes_old_document_h2"
using f14 a12 a8 a6 a4
by (metis ‹type_wf h'› adopt_node_removes_child assms(1) assms(2) type_wf
get_child_nodes_ok known_ptrs local.known_ptrs_known_ptr object_ptr_kinds_h2_eq3
object_ptr_kinds_h3_eq3 object_ptr_kinds_h_eq3 returns_result_select_result)
then show ?thesis
using ‹child ∈ set disc_nodes_old_document_h2› by fastforce
ultimately have "heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M h'"
using ‹CD.a_owner_document_valid h'› CD.heap_is_wellformed_def
by simp
have shadow_root_eq_h2:
"⋀ptr' shadow_root_ptr_opt. h2 ⊢ get_shadow_root ptr' →⇩r shadow_root_ptr_opt =
h3 ⊢ get_shadow_root ptr' →⇩r shadow_root_ptr_opt"
using get_shadow_root_reads set_disconnected_nodes_writes h3
apply(rule reads_writes_preserved)
by(auto simp add: adopt_node_locs_def remove_child_locs_def set_child_nodes_get_shadow_root
have shadow_root_eq2_h2: "⋀ptr'. |h2 ⊢ get_shadow_root ptr'|⇩r = |h3 ⊢ get_shadow_root ptr'|⇩r"
by (meson select_result_eq)
have shadow_root_eq_h3:
"⋀ptr' shadow_root_ptr_opt. h3 ⊢ get_shadow_root ptr' →⇩r shadow_root_ptr_opt =
h' ⊢ get_shadow_root ptr' →⇩r shadow_root_ptr_opt"
using get_shadow_root_reads set_disconnected_nodes_writes h'
apply(rule reads_writes_preserved)
by(auto simp add: adopt_node_locs_def remove_child_locs_def set_child_nodes_get_shadow_root
have shadow_root_eq2_h3: "⋀ptr'. |h3 ⊢ get_shadow_root ptr'|⇩r = |h' ⊢ get_shadow_root ptr'|⇩r"
by (meson select_result_eq)
have tag_name_eq_h2: "⋀ptr' tag. h2 ⊢ get_tag_name ptr' →⇩r tag = h3 ⊢ get_tag_name ptr' →⇩r tag"
using get_tag_name_reads set_disconnected_nodes_writes h3
apply(rule reads_writes_preserved)
by(auto simp add: adopt_node_locs_def remove_child_locs_def set_child_nodes_get_tag_name
have tag_name_eq2_h2: "⋀ptr'. |h2 ⊢ get_tag_name ptr'|⇩r = |h3 ⊢ get_tag_name ptr'|⇩r"
by (meson select_result_eq)
have tag_name_eq_h3: "⋀ptr' tag. h3 ⊢ get_tag_name ptr' →⇩r tag = h' ⊢ get_tag_name ptr' →⇩r tag"
using get_tag_name_reads set_disconnected_nodes_writes h'
apply(rule reads_writes_preserved)
by(auto simp add: adopt_node_locs_def remove_child_locs_def set_child_nodes_get_tag_name
have tag_name_eq2_h3: "⋀ptr'. |h3 ⊢ get_tag_name ptr'|⇩r = |h' ⊢ get_tag_name ptr'|⇩r"
by (meson select_result_eq)
have object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2: "object_ptr_kinds h2 = object_ptr_kinds h3"
apply(rule writes_small_big[where P="λh h'. object_ptr_kinds h = object_ptr_kinds h'",
OF set_disconnected_nodes_writes h3])
unfolding adopt_node_locs_def remove_child_locs_def
using set_disconnected_nodes_pointers_preserved set_child_nodes_pointers_preserved
by (auto simp add: reflp_def transp_def split: if_splits)
have object_ptr_kinds_eq_h3: "object_ptr_kinds h3 = object_ptr_kinds h'"
apply(rule writes_small_big[where P="λh h'. object_ptr_kinds h = object_ptr_kinds h'",
OF set_disconnected_nodes_writes h'])
unfolding adopt_node_locs_def remove_child_locs_def
using set_disconnected_nodes_pointers_preserved set_child_nodes_pointers_preserved
by (auto simp add: reflp_def transp_def split: if_splits)
have shadow_root_ptr_kinds_eq_h2: "shadow_root_ptr_kinds h2 = shadow_root_ptr_kinds h3"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2
by(auto simp add: shadow_root_ptr_kinds_def)
have element_ptr_kinds_eq_h2: "element_ptr_kinds h2 = element_ptr_kinds h3"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2
by(auto simp add: element_ptr_kinds_def node_ptr_kinds_def)
have shadow_root_ptr_kinds_eq_h3: "shadow_root_ptr_kinds h3 = shadow_root_ptr_kinds h'"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h3
by(auto simp add: shadow_root_ptr_kinds_def)
have element_ptr_kinds_eq_h3: "element_ptr_kinds h3 = element_ptr_kinds h'"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h3
by(auto simp add: element_ptr_kinds_def node_ptr_kinds_def)
have "known_ptrs h3"
using known_ptrs local.known_ptrs_preserved object_ptr_kinds_h2_eq3 object_ptr_kinds_h_eq3
by blast
then have "known_ptrs h'"
using local.known_ptrs_preserved object_ptr_kinds_h3_eq3 by blast
show "heap_is_wellformed h' ∧ known_ptrs h' ∧ type_wf h'"
using ‹heap_is_wellformed h2›
using ‹heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M h'› ‹known_ptrs h'› ‹type_wf h'›
using ‹parent_child_rel h' ⊆ parent_child_rel h2›
apply(auto simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def CD.heap_is_wellformed_def CD.acyclic_heap_def
a_host_shadow_root_rel_def a_all_ptrs_in_heap_def a_distinct_lists_def a_shadow_root_valid_def
object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2 object_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 element_ptr_kinds_eq_h2 element_ptr_kinds_eq_h3
shadow_root_ptr_kinds_eq_h2 shadow_root_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 shadow_root_eq_h2 shadow_root_eq_h3
shadow_root_eq2_h2 shadow_root_eq2_h3 tag_name_eq_h2 tag_name_eq_h3 tag_name_eq2_h2
tag_name_eq2_h3 CD.parent_child_rel_def children_eq2_h2 children_eq2_h3 object_ptr_kinds_h2_eq3
then show "heap_is_wellformed h'" and "known_ptrs h'" and "type_wf h'"
by auto
lemma adopt_node_node_in_disconnected_nodes:
assumes wellformed: "heap_is_wellformed h"
and adopt_node: "h ⊢ adopt_node owner_document node_ptr →⇩h h'"
and "h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes owner_document →⇩r disc_nodes"
and known_ptrs: "known_ptrs h"
and type_wf: "type_wf h"
shows "node_ptr ∈ set disc_nodes"
proof -
obtain old_document parent_opt h2 where
old_document: "h ⊢ get_owner_document (cast node_ptr) →⇩r old_document" and
parent_opt: "h ⊢ get_parent node_ptr →⇩r parent_opt" and
h2: "h ⊢ (case parent_opt of Some parent ⇒ remove_child parent node_ptr | None ⇒ return ()) →⇩h h2" and
h': "h2 ⊢ (if owner_document ≠ old_document then do {
old_disc_nodes ← get_disconnected_nodes old_document;
set_disconnected_nodes old_document (remove1 node_ptr old_disc_nodes);
disc_nodes ← get_disconnected_nodes owner_document;
set_disconnected_nodes owner_document (node_ptr # disc_nodes)
} else do {
return ()
}) →⇩h h'"
using assms(2)
by(auto simp add: adopt_node_def elim!: bind_returns_heap_E
dest!: pure_returns_heap_eq[rotated, OF get_owner_document_pure]
pure_returns_heap_eq[rotated, OF get_parent_pure])
show ?thesis
proof (cases "owner_document = old_document")
case True
then show ?thesis
proof (insert parent_opt h2, induct parent_opt)
case None
then have "h = h'"
using h2 h' by(auto)
then show ?case
using in_disconnected_nodes_no_parent assms None old_document by blast
case (Some parent)
then show ?case
using remove_child_in_disconnected_nodes known_ptrs True h' assms(3) old_document
by auto
case False
then show ?thesis
using assms(3) h' list.set_intros(1) select_result_I2
apply(auto elim!: bind_returns_heap_E
bind_returns_heap_E2[rotated, OF get_disconnected_nodes_pure, rotated])[1]
proof -
fix x and h'a and xb
assume a1: "h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes owner_document →⇩r disc_nodes"
assume a2: "⋀h document_ptr disc_nodes h'.
h ⊢ set_disconnected_nodes document_ptr disc_nodes →⇩h h' ⟹
h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes"
assume "h'a ⊢ set_disconnected_nodes owner_document (node_ptr # xb) →⇩h h'"
then have "node_ptr # xb = disc_nodes"
using a2 a1 by (meson returns_result_eq)
then show ?thesis
by (meson list.set_intros(1))
interpretation l_adopt_node_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M Shadow_DOM.get_owner_document Shadow_DOM.get_parent
Shadow_DOM.get_parent_locs Shadow_DOM.remove_child Shadow_DOM.remove_child_locs
get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs Shadow_DOM.adopt_node Shadow_DOM.adopt_node_locs
ShadowRootClass.known_ptr ShadowRootClass.type_wf Shadow_DOM.get_child_nodes
ShadowRootClass.known_ptrs Shadow_DOM.set_child_nodes Shadow_DOM.set_child_nodes_locs
Shadow_DOM.remove Shadow_DOM.heap_is_wellformed Shadow_DOM.parent_child_rel
by(auto simp add: l_adopt_node_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances)
declare l_adopt_node_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
interpretation i_adopt_node_wf2?: l_adopt_node_wf2⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
type_wf known_ptr get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs get_disconnected_nodes
get_disconnected_nodes_locs set_child_nodes set_child_nodes_locs get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs
set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs heap_is_wellformed
parent_child_rel heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_host get_host_locs get_disconnected_document
get_disconnected_document_locs get_root_node get_root_node_locs get_parent get_parent_locs known_ptrs
get_owner_document remove_child remove_child_locs remove adopt_node adopt_node_locs
by(auto simp add: l_adopt_node_wf2⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances)
declare l_adopt_node_wf2⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
lemma adopt_node_wf_is_l_adopt_node_wf [instances]:
"l_adopt_node_wf type_wf known_ptr heap_is_wellformed parent_child_rel get_child_nodes
get_disconnected_nodes known_ptrs adopt_node"
apply(auto simp add: l_adopt_node_wf_def l_adopt_node_wf_axioms_def instances)[1]
using adopt_node_preserves_wellformedness apply blast
using adopt_node_removes_child apply blast
using adopt_node_node_in_disconnected_nodes apply blast
using adopt_node_removes_first_child apply blast
using adopt_node_document_in_heap apply blast
using adopt_node_preserves_wellformedness apply blast
using adopt_node_preserves_wellformedness apply blast
subsubsection ‹insert\_before›
locale l_insert_before_wf2⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_get_child_nodes +
l_get_disconnected_nodes +
l_set_child_nodes_get_shadow_root +
l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_shadow_root +
l_set_child_nodes_get_tag_name +
l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_tag_name +
l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes +
l_set_child_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes +
l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes_wf +
l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_ancestors_si +
l_insert_before⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M _ _ _ _ _ _ get_ancestors_si get_ancestors_si_locs +
l_get_root_node_si_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
l_get_owner_document +
l_adopt_node +
l_adopt_node_wf +
l_heap_is_wellformed⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
lemma insert_before_child_preserves:
assumes "heap_is_wellformed h" and "type_wf h" and "known_ptrs h"
assumes "h ⊢ insert_before ptr node child →⇩h h'"
shows "type_wf h'" and "known_ptrs h'" and "heap_is_wellformed h'"
proof -
obtain ancestors reference_child owner_document h2 h3 disconnected_nodes_h2 where
ancestors: "h ⊢ get_ancestors_si ptr →⇩r ancestors" and
node_not_in_ancestors: "cast node ∉ set ancestors" and
"h ⊢ (if Some node = child then a_next_sibling node else return child) →⇩r reference_child" and
owner_document: "h ⊢ get_owner_document ptr →⇩r owner_document" and
h2: "h ⊢ adopt_node owner_document node →⇩h h2" and
disconnected_nodes_h2: "h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes owner_document →⇩r disconnected_nodes_h2" and
h3: "h2 ⊢ set_disconnected_nodes owner_document (remove1 node disconnected_nodes_h2) →⇩h h3" and
h': "h3 ⊢ a_insert_node ptr node reference_child →⇩h h'"
using assms(4)
by(auto simp add: insert_before_def a_ensure_pre_insertion_validity_def
elim!: bind_returns_heap_E bind_returns_result_E
bind_returns_heap_E2[rotated, OF get_parent_pure, rotated]
bind_returns_heap_E2[rotated, OF get_child_nodes_pure, rotated]
bind_returns_heap_E2[rotated, OF get_disconnected_nodes_pure, rotated]
bind_returns_heap_E2[rotated, OF get_ancestors_pure, rotated]
bind_returns_heap_E2[rotated, OF next_sibling_pure, rotated]
bind_returns_heap_E2[rotated, OF get_owner_document_pure, rotated]
split: if_splits option.splits)
have "type_wf h2"
using ‹type_wf h›
using writes_small_big[where P="λh h'. type_wf h ⟶ type_wf h'", OF adopt_node_writes h2]
using adopt_node_types_preserved
by(auto simp add: reflp_def transp_def)
then have "type_wf h3"
using writes_small_big[where P="λh h'. type_wf h ⟶ type_wf h'", OF set_disconnected_nodes_writes h3]
using set_disconnected_nodes_types_preserved
by(auto simp add: reflp_def transp_def)
then show "type_wf h'"
using writes_small_big[where P="λh h'. type_wf h ⟶ type_wf h'", OF insert_node_writes h']
using set_child_nodes_types_preserved
by(auto simp add: reflp_def transp_def)
have "object_ptr_kinds h = object_ptr_kinds h2"
using adopt_node_writes h2
apply(rule writes_small_big)
using adopt_node_pointers_preserved
by(auto simp add: reflp_def transp_def)
moreover have "… = object_ptr_kinds h3"
using set_disconnected_nodes_writes h3
apply(rule writes_small_big)
using set_disconnected_nodes_pointers_preserved
by(auto simp add: reflp_def transp_def)
moreover have "… = object_ptr_kinds h'"
using insert_node_writes h'
apply(rule writes_small_big)
using set_child_nodes_pointers_preserved
by(auto simp add: reflp_def transp_def)
show "known_ptrs h'"
using ‹known_ptrs h› known_ptrs_preserved
by blast
have "known_ptrs h2"
using ‹known_ptrs h› known_ptrs_preserved ‹object_ptr_kinds h = object_ptr_kinds h2›
by blast
have "known_ptrs h3"
using known_ptrs_preserved ‹object_ptr_kinds h2 = object_ptr_kinds h3›
by blast
have "known_ptr ptr"
by (meson get_owner_document_ptr_in_heap is_OK_returns_result_I ‹known_ptrs h›
l_known_ptrs.known_ptrs_known_ptr l_known_ptrs_axioms owner_document)
have object_ptr_kinds_M_eq3_h: "object_ptr_kinds h = object_ptr_kinds h2"
apply(rule writes_small_big[where P="λh h'. object_ptr_kinds h = object_ptr_kinds h'",
OF adopt_node_writes h2])
using adopt_node_pointers_preserved
apply blast
by (auto simp add: reflp_def transp_def)
then have object_ptr_kinds_M_eq_h:
"⋀ptrs. h ⊢ object_ptr_kinds_M →⇩r ptrs = h2 ⊢ object_ptr_kinds_M →⇩r ptrs"
by(simp add: object_ptr_kinds_M_defs )
then have object_ptr_kinds_M_eq2_h: "|h ⊢ object_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r = |h2 ⊢ object_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r"
by simp
then have node_ptr_kinds_eq2_h: "|h ⊢ node_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r = |h2 ⊢ node_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r"
using node_ptr_kinds_M_eq by blast
have wellformed_h2: "heap_is_wellformed h2"
using adopt_node_preserves_wellformedness[OF ‹heap_is_wellformed h› h2] ‹known_ptrs h›
‹type_wf h›
have object_ptr_kinds_M_eq3_h2: "object_ptr_kinds h2 = object_ptr_kinds h3"
apply(rule writes_small_big[where P="λh h'. object_ptr_kinds h = object_ptr_kinds h'",
OF set_disconnected_nodes_writes h3])
unfolding a_remove_child_locs_def
using set_disconnected_nodes_pointers_preserved
by (auto simp add: reflp_def transp_def)
then have object_ptr_kinds_M_eq_h2:
"⋀ptrs. h2 ⊢ object_ptr_kinds_M →⇩r ptrs = h3 ⊢ object_ptr_kinds_M →⇩r ptrs"
by(simp add: object_ptr_kinds_M_defs)
then have object_ptr_kinds_M_eq2_h2: "|h2 ⊢ object_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r = |h3 ⊢ object_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r"
by simp
then have node_ptr_kinds_eq2_h2: "|h2 ⊢ node_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r = |h3 ⊢ node_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r"
using node_ptr_kinds_M_eq by blast
have document_ptr_kinds_eq2_h2: "|h2 ⊢ document_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r = |h3 ⊢ document_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r"
using object_ptr_kinds_M_eq2_h2 document_ptr_kinds_M_eq by auto
have object_ptr_kinds_M_eq3_h': "object_ptr_kinds h3 = object_ptr_kinds h'"
apply(rule writes_small_big[where P="λh h'. object_ptr_kinds h = object_ptr_kinds h'",
OF insert_node_writes h']) unfolding a_remove_child_locs_def
using set_child_nodes_pointers_preserved
by (auto simp add: reflp_def transp_def)
then have object_ptr_kinds_M_eq_h3:
"⋀ptrs. h3 ⊢ object_ptr_kinds_M →⇩r ptrs = h' ⊢ object_ptr_kinds_M →⇩r ptrs"
by(simp add: object_ptr_kinds_M_defs)
then have object_ptr_kinds_M_eq2_h3: "|h3 ⊢ object_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r = |h' ⊢ object_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r"
by simp
then have node_ptr_kinds_eq2_h3: "|h3 ⊢ node_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r = |h' ⊢ node_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r"
using node_ptr_kinds_M_eq by blast
have document_ptr_kinds_eq2_h3: "|h3 ⊢ document_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r = |h' ⊢ document_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r"
using object_ptr_kinds_M_eq2_h3 document_ptr_kinds_M_eq by auto
have shadow_root_eq_h2:
"⋀ptr' shadow_root. h ⊢ get_shadow_root ptr' →⇩r shadow_root =
h2 ⊢ get_shadow_root ptr' →⇩r shadow_root"
using get_shadow_root_reads adopt_node_writes h2
apply(rule reads_writes_preserved)
using local.adopt_node_get_shadow_root by blast
have disconnected_nodes_eq_h2:
"⋀doc_ptr disc_nodes. owner_document ≠ doc_ptr ⟹
h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes =
h3 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes"
using get_disconnected_nodes_reads set_disconnected_nodes_writes h3
apply(rule reads_writes_preserved)
by (auto simp add: set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes_different_pointers)
then have disconnected_nodes_eq2_h2:
"⋀doc_ptr. doc_ptr ≠ owner_document ⟹
|h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr|⇩r =
|h3 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr|⇩r"
using select_result_eq by force
have disconnected_nodes_h3:
"h3 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes owner_document →⇩r remove1 node disconnected_nodes_h2"
using h3 set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes
by blast
have disconnected_nodes_eq_h3:
"⋀doc_ptr disc_nodes. h3 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes =
h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes"
using get_disconnected_nodes_reads insert_node_writes h'
apply(rule reads_writes_preserved)
using set_child_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes by fast
then have disconnected_nodes_eq2_h3:
"⋀doc_ptr. |h3 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr|⇩r = |h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr|⇩r"
using select_result_eq by force
have children_eq_h2:
"⋀ptr' children. h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr' →⇩r children = h3 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr' →⇩r children"
using get_child_nodes_reads set_disconnected_nodes_writes h3
apply(rule reads_writes_preserved)
by (auto simp add: set_disconnected_nodes_get_child_nodes)
then have children_eq2_h2: "⋀ptr'. |h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr'|⇩r = |h3 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr'|⇩r"
using select_result_eq by force
have children_eq_h3:
"⋀ptr' children. ptr ≠ ptr' ⟹
h3 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr' →⇩r children = h' ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr' →⇩r children"
using get_child_nodes_reads insert_node_writes h'
apply(rule reads_writes_preserved)
by (auto simp add: set_child_nodes_get_child_nodes_different_pointers)
then have children_eq2_h3:
"⋀ptr'. ptr ≠ ptr' ⟹ |h3 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr'|⇩r = |h' ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr'|⇩r"
using select_result_eq by force
obtain children_h3 where children_h3: "h3 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r children_h3"
using h' a_insert_node_def by auto
have children_h': "h' ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r insert_before_list node reference_child children_h3"
using h' ‹type_wf h3› ‹known_ptr ptr›
by(auto simp add: a_insert_node_def elim!: bind_returns_heap_E2
dest!: set_child_nodes_get_child_nodes returns_result_eq[OF children_h3])
have ptr_in_heap: "ptr |∈| object_ptr_kinds h3"
using children_h3 get_child_nodes_ptr_in_heap by blast
have node_in_heap: "node |∈| node_ptr_kinds h"
using h2 adopt_node_child_in_heap by fast
have child_not_in_any_children:
"⋀p children. h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes p →⇩r children ⟹ node ∉ set children"
using ‹heap_is_wellformed h› h2 adopt_node_removes_child ‹type_wf h› ‹known_ptrs h› by auto
have "node ∈ set disconnected_nodes_h2"
using disconnected_nodes_h2 h2 adopt_node_node_in_disconnected_nodes assms(1)
‹type_wf h› ‹known_ptrs h› by blast
have node_not_in_disconnected_nodes:
"⋀d. d |∈| document_ptr_kinds h3 ⟹ node ∉ set |h3 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes d|⇩r"
proof -
fix d
assume "d |∈| document_ptr_kinds h3"
show "node ∉ set |h3 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes d|⇩r"
proof (cases "d = owner_document")
case True
then show ?thesis
using disconnected_nodes_h2 wellformed_h2 h3 remove_from_disconnected_nodes_removes
wellformed_h2 ‹d |∈| document_ptr_kinds h3› disconnected_nodes_h3
by fastforce
case False
then have "set |h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes d|⇩r ∩ set |h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes owner_document|⇩r = {}"
using distinct_concat_map_E(1) wellformed_h2
by (metis (no_types, lifting) ‹d |∈| document_ptr_kinds h3› ‹type_wf h2›
disconnected_nodes_h2 document_ptr_kinds_M_def document_ptr_kinds_eq2_h2
l_ptr_kinds_M.ptr_kinds_ptr_kinds_M local.get_disconnected_nodes_ok
local.heap_is_wellformed_one_disc_parent returns_result_select_result select_result_I2)
then show ?thesis
using disconnected_nodes_eq2_h2[OF False] ‹node ∈ set disconnected_nodes_h2›
disconnected_nodes_h2 by fastforce
have "cast node ≠ ptr"
using ancestors node_not_in_ancestors get_ancestors_ptr
by fast
obtain ancestors_h2 where ancestors_h2: "h2 ⊢ get_ancestors_si ptr →⇩r ancestors_h2"
using get_ancestors_si_ok
by (metis ‹known_ptrs h2› ‹type_wf h2› is_OK_returns_result_E
object_ptr_kinds_M_eq3_h2 ptr_in_heap wellformed_h2)
have ancestors_h3: "h3 ⊢ get_ancestors_si ptr →⇩r ancestors_h2"
using get_ancestors_si_reads set_disconnected_nodes_writes h3
apply(rule reads_writes_separate_forwards)
using ‹heap_is_wellformed h2› apply simp
using ancestors_h2 apply simp
apply(auto simp add: get_ancestors_si_locs_def get_parent_locs_def)[1]
apply (simp add: local.get_ancestors_si_locs_def local.get_parent_reads_pointers
using local.get_ancestors_si_locs_def local.set_disconnected_nodes_get_ancestors_si by blast
have node_not_in_ancestors_h2: "cast node ∉ set ancestors_h2"
using ‹heap_is_wellformed h› ‹heap_is_wellformed h2› ancestors ancestors_h2
apply(rule get_ancestors_si_remains_not_in_ancestors)
using assms(2) assms(3) h2 local.adopt_node_children_subset apply blast
using shadow_root_eq_h2 node_not_in_ancestors object_ptr_kinds_M_eq2_h assms(2) assms(3)
‹type_wf h2›
by(auto dest: returns_result_eq)
have "parent_child_rel h2 = parent_child_rel h3"
by(auto simp add: CD.parent_child_rel_def object_ptr_kinds_M_eq3_h2 children_eq2_h2)
have "parent_child_rel h' = insert (ptr, cast node) ((parent_child_rel h3))"
using children_h3 children_h' ptr_in_heap
apply(auto simp add: CD.parent_child_rel_def object_ptr_kinds_M_eq3_h' children_eq2_h3
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) children_eq2_h3 insert_before_list_in_set select_result_I2)
by (metis (no_types, lifting) children_eq2_h3 imageI insert_before_list_in_set select_result_I2)
have "CD.a_acyclic_heap h'"
proof -
have "acyclic (parent_child_rel h2)"
using wellformed_h2
by (simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def CD.heap_is_wellformed_def CD.acyclic_heap_def)
then have "acyclic (parent_child_rel h3)"
by(auto simp add: CD.parent_child_rel_def object_ptr_kinds_M_eq3_h2 children_eq2_h2)
moreover have "cast node ∉ {x. (x, ptr) ∈ (parent_child_rel h2)⇧*}"
using get_ancestors_si_parent_child_rel
using ‹known_ptrs h2› ‹type_wf h2› ancestors_h2 node_not_in_ancestors_h2 wellformed_h2
by blast
then have "cast node ∉ {x. (x, ptr) ∈ (parent_child_rel h3)⇧*}"
by(auto simp add: CD.parent_child_rel_def object_ptr_kinds_M_eq3_h2 children_eq2_h2)
ultimately show ?thesis
using ‹parent_child_rel h' = insert (ptr, cast node) ((parent_child_rel h3))›
by(auto simp add: CD.acyclic_heap_def)
moreover have "CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap h2"
using wellformed_h2 by (simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def CD.heap_is_wellformed_def)
have "CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap h'"
proof -
have "CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap h3"
using ‹CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap h2›
apply(auto simp add: CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap_def object_ptr_kinds_M_eq2_h2
node_ptr_kinds_eq2_h2 children_eq_h2)[1]
using disconnected_nodes_eq2_h2 disconnected_nodes_h2 disconnected_nodes_h3
using node_ptr_kinds_eq2_h2 apply auto[1]
apply (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) children_eq2_h2 in_mono object_ptr_kinds_M_eq3_h2)
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) NodeMonad.ptr_kinds_ptr_kinds_M disconnected_nodes_eq2_h2
disconnected_nodes_h2 disconnected_nodes_h3 document_ptr_kinds_commutes
node_ptr_kinds_eq2_h2 object_ptr_kinds_M_eq3_h2 select_result_I2 set_remove1_subset subsetD)
have "set children_h3 ⊆ set |h' ⊢ node_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r"
using children_h3 ‹CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap h3›
apply(auto simp add: CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap_def node_ptr_kinds_eq2_h3)[1]
using CD.parent_child_rel_child_nodes2 ‹known_ptr ptr›
‹parent_child_rel h2 = parent_child_rel h3› ‹type_wf h2›
local.parent_child_rel_child_in_heap node_ptr_kinds_commutes object_ptr_kinds_M_eq3_h'
object_ptr_kinds_M_eq3_h2 wellformed_h2 by blast
then have "set (insert_before_list node reference_child children_h3) ⊆ set |h' ⊢ node_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r"
using node_in_heap
apply(auto simp add: node_ptr_kinds_eq2_h node_ptr_kinds_eq2_h2 node_ptr_kinds_eq2_h3)[1]
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) contra_subsetD insert_before_list_in_set
node_ptr_kinds_commutes object_ptr_kinds_M_eq3_h object_ptr_kinds_M_eq3_h' object_ptr_kinds_M_eq3_h2)
then show ?thesis
using ‹CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap h3›
apply(auto simp add: object_ptr_kinds_M_eq3_h' CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap_def node_ptr_kinds_def
node_ptr_kinds_eq2_h3 disconnected_nodes_eq_h3)[1]
using children_eq_h3 children_h'
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) children_eq2_h3 select_result_I2 subsetD)
by (metis (no_types, lifting) DocumentMonad.ptr_kinds_ptr_kinds_M disconnected_nodes_eq2_h3
document_ptr_kinds_eq2_h3 subsetD)
moreover have "CD.a_distinct_lists h2"
using wellformed_h2 by (simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def CD.heap_is_wellformed_def )
then have "CD.a_distinct_lists h3"
proof(auto simp add: CD.a_distinct_lists_def object_ptr_kinds_M_eq2_h2 document_ptr_kinds_eq2_h2
children_eq2_h2 intro!: distinct_concat_map_I)
fix x
assume 1: "x |∈| document_ptr_kinds h3"
and 2: "distinct (concat (map (λdocument_ptr. |h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr|⇩r)
(sorted_list_of_set (fset (document_ptr_kinds h3)))))"
show "distinct |h3 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes x|⇩r"
using distinct_concat_map_E(2)[OF 2] select_result_I2[OF disconnected_nodes_h3]
disconnected_nodes_eq2_h2 select_result_I2[OF disconnected_nodes_h2] 1
by (metis (full_types) distinct_remove1 finite_fset set_sorted_list_of_set)
fix x y xa
assume 1: "distinct (concat (map (λdocument_ptr. |h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr|⇩r)
(sorted_list_of_set (fset (document_ptr_kinds h3)))))"
and 2: "x |∈| document_ptr_kinds h3"
and 3: "y |∈| document_ptr_kinds h3"
and 4: "x ≠ y"
and 5: "xa ∈ set |h3 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes x|⇩r"
and 6: "xa ∈ set |h3 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes y|⇩r"
show False
proof (cases "x = owner_document")
case True
then have "y ≠ owner_document"
using 4 by simp
show ?thesis
using distinct_concat_map_E(1)[OF 1]
using 2 3 4 5 6 select_result_I2[OF disconnected_nodes_h3]
select_result_I2[OF disconnected_nodes_h2]
apply(auto simp add: True disconnected_nodes_eq2_h2[OF ‹y ≠ owner_document›])[1]
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) disconnected_nodes_eq2_h2 disjoint_iff_not_equal
case False
then show ?thesis
proof (cases "y = owner_document")
case True
then show ?thesis
using distinct_concat_map_E(1)[OF 1]
using 2 3 4 5 6 select_result_I2[OF disconnected_nodes_h3]
select_result_I2[OF disconnected_nodes_h2]
apply(auto simp add: True disconnected_nodes_eq2_h2[OF ‹x ≠ owner_document›])[1]
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) disconnected_nodes_eq2_h2 disjoint_iff_not_equal
case False
then show ?thesis
using distinct_concat_map_E(1)[OF 1, simplified, OF 2 3 4] 5 6
using disconnected_nodes_eq2_h2 disconnected_nodes_h2 disconnected_nodes_h3
disjoint_iff_not_equal notin_set_remove1 select_result_I2
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting))
fix x xa xb
assume 1: "(⋃x∈fset (object_ptr_kinds h3). set |h3 ⊢ get_child_nodes x|⇩r) ∩
(⋃x∈fset (document_ptr_kinds h3). set |h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes x|⇩r) = {}"
and 2: "xa |∈| object_ptr_kinds h3"
and 3: "x ∈ set |h3 ⊢ get_child_nodes xa|⇩r"
and 4: "xb |∈| document_ptr_kinds h3"
and 5: "x ∈ set |h3 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes xb|⇩r"
have 6: "set |h3 ⊢ get_child_nodes xa|⇩r ∩ set |h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes xb|⇩r = {}"
using 1 2 4
by (metis ‹type_wf h2› children_eq2_h2 document_ptr_kinds_commutes ‹known_ptrs h›
local.get_child_nodes_ok local.get_disconnected_nodes_ok
local.heap_is_wellformed_children_disc_nodes_different local.known_ptrs_known_ptr
object_ptr_kinds_M_eq3_h object_ptr_kinds_M_eq3_h2 returns_result_select_result wellformed_h2)
show False
proof (cases "xb = owner_document")
case True
then show ?thesis
using select_result_I2[OF disconnected_nodes_h3,folded select_result_I2[OF disconnected_nodes_h2]]
by (metis (no_types, lifting) "3" "5" "6" disjoint_iff_not_equal notin_set_remove1)
case False
show ?thesis
using 2 3 4 5 6 unfolding disconnected_nodes_eq2_h2[OF False] by auto
then have "CD.a_distinct_lists h'"
proof(auto simp add: CD.a_distinct_lists_def document_ptr_kinds_eq2_h3 object_ptr_kinds_M_eq2_h3
disconnected_nodes_eq2_h3 intro!: distinct_concat_map_I)
fix x
assume 1: "distinct (concat (map (λptr. |h3 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr|⇩r)
(sorted_list_of_set (fset (object_ptr_kinds h')))))" and
2: "x |∈| object_ptr_kinds h'"
have 3: "⋀p. p |∈| object_ptr_kinds h' ⟹ distinct |h3 ⊢ get_child_nodes p|⇩r"
using 1 by (auto elim: distinct_concat_map_E)
show "distinct |h' ⊢ get_child_nodes x|⇩r"
proof(cases "ptr = x")
case True
show ?thesis
using 3[OF 2] children_h3 children_h'
by(auto simp add: True insert_before_list_distinct
dest: child_not_in_any_children[unfolded children_eq_h2])
case False
show ?thesis
using children_eq2_h3[OF False] 3[OF 2] by auto
fix x y xa
assume 1:"distinct (concat (map (λptr. |h3 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr|⇩r)
(sorted_list_of_set (fset (object_ptr_kinds h')))))"
and 2: "x |∈| object_ptr_kinds h'"
and 3: "y |∈| object_ptr_kinds h'"
and 4: "x ≠ y"
and 5: "xa ∈ set |h' ⊢ get_child_nodes x|⇩r"
and 6: "xa ∈ set |h' ⊢ get_child_nodes y|⇩r"
have 7:"set |h3 ⊢ get_child_nodes x|⇩r ∩ set |h3 ⊢ get_child_nodes y|⇩r = {}"
using distinct_concat_map_E(1)[OF 1] 2 3 4 by auto
show False
proof (cases "ptr = x")
case True
then have "ptr ≠ y"
using 4 by simp
then show ?thesis
using children_h3 children_h' child_not_in_any_children[unfolded children_eq_h2] 5 6
apply(auto simp add: True children_eq2_h3[OF ‹ptr ≠ y›])[1]
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) "3" "7" ‹type_wf h3› children_eq2_h3 disjoint_iff_not_equal
get_child_nodes_ok insert_before_list_in_set ‹known_ptrs h› local.known_ptrs_known_ptr
object_ptr_kinds_M_eq3_h object_ptr_kinds_M_eq3_h' object_ptr_kinds_M_eq3_h2
returns_result_select_result select_result_I2)
case False
then show ?thesis
proof (cases "ptr = y")
case True
then show ?thesis
using children_h3 children_h' child_not_in_any_children[unfolded children_eq_h2] 5 6
apply(auto simp add: True children_eq2_h3[OF ‹ptr ≠ x›])[1]
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) "2" "4" "7" IntI ‹known_ptrs h3› ‹type_wf h'›
children_eq_h3 empty_iff insert_before_list_in_set local.get_child_nodes_ok
local.known_ptrs_known_ptr object_ptr_kinds_M_eq3_h' returns_result_select_result select_result_I2)
case False
then show ?thesis
using children_eq2_h3[OF ‹ptr ≠ x›] children_eq2_h3[OF ‹ptr ≠ y›] 5 6 7 by auto
fix x xa xb
assume 1: " (⋃x∈fset (object_ptr_kinds h'). set |h3 ⊢ get_child_nodes x|⇩r) ∩
(⋃x∈fset (document_ptr_kinds h'). set |h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes x|⇩r) = {} "
and 2: "xa |∈| object_ptr_kinds h'"
and 3: "x ∈ set |h' ⊢ get_child_nodes xa|⇩r"
and 4: "xb |∈| document_ptr_kinds h'"
and 5: "x ∈ set |h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes xb|⇩r"
have 6: "set |h3 ⊢ get_child_nodes xa|⇩r ∩ set |h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes xb|⇩r = {}"
using 1 2 3 4 5
proof -
have "∀h d. ¬ type_wf h ∨ d |∉| document_ptr_kinds h ∨ h ⊢ ok get_disconnected_nodes d"
using local.get_disconnected_nodes_ok by satx
then have "h' ⊢ ok get_disconnected_nodes xb"
using "4" ‹type_wf h'› by fastforce
then have f1: "h3 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes xb →⇩r |h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes xb|⇩r"
by (simp add: disconnected_nodes_eq_h3)
have "xa |∈| object_ptr_kinds h3"
using "2" object_ptr_kinds_M_eq3_h' by blast
then show ?thesis
using f1 ‹local.CD.a_distinct_lists h3› CD.distinct_lists_no_parent by fastforce
show False
proof (cases "ptr = xa")
case True
show ?thesis
using 6 node_not_in_disconnected_nodes 3 4 5 select_result_I2[OF children_h']
select_result_I2[OF children_h3] True disconnected_nodes_eq2_h3
by (metis (no_types, lifting) "2" DocumentMonad.ptr_kinds_ptr_kinds_M
‹CD.a_distinct_lists h3› ‹type_wf h'› disconnected_nodes_eq_h3 CD.distinct_lists_no_parent
document_ptr_kinds_eq2_h3 get_disconnected_nodes_ok insert_before_list_in_set
object_ptr_kinds_M_eq3_h' returns_result_select_result)
case False
then show ?thesis
using 1 2 3 4 5 children_eq2_h3[OF False] by fastforce
moreover have "CD.a_owner_document_valid h2"
using wellformed_h2 by (simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def CD.heap_is_wellformed_def)
then have "CD.a_owner_document_valid h'"
apply(auto simp add: CD.a_owner_document_valid_def object_ptr_kinds_M_eq2_h2
object_ptr_kinds_M_eq2_h3 node_ptr_kinds_eq2_h2 node_ptr_kinds_eq2_h3 document_ptr_kinds_eq2_h2
document_ptr_kinds_eq2_h3 children_eq2_h2 )[1] thm children_eq2_h3
apply(auto simp add: document_ptr_kinds_eq2_h2[simplified] document_ptr_kinds_eq2_h3[simplified]
object_ptr_kinds_M_eq2_h2[simplified] object_ptr_kinds_M_eq2_h3[simplified]
node_ptr_kinds_eq2_h2[simplified] node_ptr_kinds_eq2_h3[simplified])[1]
apply(auto simp add: disconnected_nodes_eq2_h3[symmetric])[1]
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) Core_DOM_Functions.i_insert_before.insert_before_list_in_set
children_eq2_h3 children_h' children_h3 disconnected_nodes_eq2_h2 disconnected_nodes_h2
disconnected_nodes_h3 in_set_remove1 is_OK_returns_result_I object_ptr_kinds_M_eq3_h'
ptr_in_heap returns_result_eq returns_result_select_result)
ultimately have "heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M h'"
by (simp add: CD.heap_is_wellformed_def)
have shadow_root_eq_h2:
"⋀ptr' shadow_root_ptr_opt. h2 ⊢ get_shadow_root ptr' →⇩r shadow_root_ptr_opt =
h3 ⊢ get_shadow_root ptr' →⇩r shadow_root_ptr_opt"
using get_shadow_root_reads set_disconnected_nodes_writes h3
apply(rule reads_writes_preserved)
by(auto simp add: adopt_node_locs_def remove_child_locs_def set_child_nodes_get_shadow_root
have shadow_root_eq2_h2: "⋀ptr'. |h2 ⊢ get_shadow_root ptr'|⇩r = |h3 ⊢ get_shadow_root ptr'|⇩r"
by (meson select_result_eq)
have shadow_root_eq_h3:
"⋀ptr' shadow_root_ptr_opt. h3 ⊢ get_shadow_root ptr' →⇩r shadow_root_ptr_opt =
h' ⊢ get_shadow_root ptr' →⇩r shadow_root_ptr_opt"
using get_shadow_root_reads insert_node_writes h'
apply(rule reads_writes_preserved)
by(auto simp add: adopt_node_locs_def remove_child_locs_def set_child_nodes_get_shadow_root
have shadow_root_eq2_h3: "⋀ptr'. |h3 ⊢ get_shadow_root ptr'|⇩r = |h' ⊢ get_shadow_root ptr'|⇩r"
by (meson select_result_eq)
have tag_name_eq_h2: "⋀ptr' tag. h2 ⊢ get_tag_name ptr' →⇩r tag = h3 ⊢ get_tag_name ptr' →⇩r tag"
using get_tag_name_reads set_disconnected_nodes_writes h3
apply(rule reads_writes_preserved)
by(auto simp add: adopt_node_locs_def remove_child_locs_def set_child_nodes_get_tag_name
have tag_name_eq2_h2: "⋀ptr'. |h2 ⊢ get_tag_name ptr'|⇩r = |h3 ⊢ get_tag_name ptr'|⇩r"
by (meson select_result_eq)
have tag_name_eq_h3: "⋀ptr' tag. h3 ⊢ get_tag_name ptr' →⇩r tag = h' ⊢ get_tag_name ptr' →⇩r tag"
using get_tag_name_reads insert_node_writes h'
apply(rule reads_writes_preserved)
by(auto simp add: adopt_node_locs_def remove_child_locs_def set_child_nodes_get_tag_name
have tag_name_eq2_h3: "⋀ptr'. |h3 ⊢ get_tag_name ptr'|⇩r = |h' ⊢ get_tag_name ptr'|⇩r"
by (meson select_result_eq)
have object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2: "object_ptr_kinds h2 = object_ptr_kinds h3"
apply(rule writes_small_big[where P="λh h'. object_ptr_kinds h = object_ptr_kinds h'",
OF set_disconnected_nodes_writes h3])
unfolding adopt_node_locs_def remove_child_locs_def
using set_disconnected_nodes_pointers_preserved set_child_nodes_pointers_preserved
by (auto simp add: reflp_def transp_def split: if_splits)
have object_ptr_kinds_eq_h3: "object_ptr_kinds h3 = object_ptr_kinds h'"
apply(rule writes_small_big[where P="λh h'. object_ptr_kinds h = object_ptr_kinds h'",
OF insert_node_writes h'])
using set_disconnected_nodes_pointers_preserved set_child_nodes_pointers_preserved
by (auto simp add: reflp_def transp_def split: if_splits)
have shadow_root_ptr_kinds_eq_h2: "shadow_root_ptr_kinds h2 = shadow_root_ptr_kinds h3"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2
by(auto simp add: shadow_root_ptr_kinds_def)
have element_ptr_kinds_eq_h2: "element_ptr_kinds h2 = element_ptr_kinds h3"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2
by(auto simp add: element_ptr_kinds_def node_ptr_kinds_def)
have shadow_root_ptr_kinds_eq_h3: "shadow_root_ptr_kinds h3 = shadow_root_ptr_kinds h'"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h3
by(auto simp add: shadow_root_ptr_kinds_def)
have element_ptr_kinds_eq_h3: "element_ptr_kinds h3 = element_ptr_kinds h'"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h3
by(auto simp add: element_ptr_kinds_def node_ptr_kinds_def)
have "a_host_shadow_root_rel h2 = a_host_shadow_root_rel h3"
by(auto simp add: a_host_shadow_root_rel_def element_ptr_kinds_eq_h2 shadow_root_eq2_h2)
have "a_host_shadow_root_rel h3 = a_host_shadow_root_rel h'"
by(auto simp add: a_host_shadow_root_rel_def element_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 shadow_root_eq2_h3)
have "cast node ∉ {x. (x, ptr) ∈ (parent_child_rel h3 ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h3)⇧*}"
using get_ancestors_si_parent_child_host_shadow_root_rel
using ‹known_ptrs h2› ‹local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h2 = local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h3›
‹parent_child_rel h2 = parent_child_rel h3› ‹type_wf h2› ancestors_h2 node_not_in_ancestors_h2
by auto
have "acyclic (parent_child_rel h3 ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h3)"
using ‹heap_is_wellformed h2›
by(auto simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def ‹parent_child_rel h2 = parent_child_rel h3›
‹a_host_shadow_root_rel h2 = a_host_shadow_root_rel h3›)
have "acyclic (parent_child_rel h' ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h')"
apply(auto simp add: ‹a_host_shadow_root_rel h3 = a_host_shadow_root_rel h'›
‹parent_child_rel h' = insert (ptr, cast node) ((parent_child_rel h3))›)[1]
using ‹cast node ∉ {x. (x, ptr) ∈ (parent_child_rel h3 ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h3)⇧*}›
by (simp add: ‹local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h3 = local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h'›)
show "heap_is_wellformed h'"
using ‹heap_is_wellformed h2›
using ‹heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M h'›
apply(auto simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def CD.heap_is_wellformed_def CD.acyclic_heap_def
a_all_ptrs_in_heap_def a_distinct_lists_def a_shadow_root_valid_def)[1]
by(auto simp add: object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2 object_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 element_ptr_kinds_eq_h2
element_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 shadow_root_ptr_kinds_eq_h2 shadow_root_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 shadow_root_eq_h2
shadow_root_eq_h3 shadow_root_eq2_h2 shadow_root_eq2_h3 tag_name_eq_h2 tag_name_eq_h3
tag_name_eq2_h2 tag_name_eq2_h3)
interpretation i_insert_before_wf?: l_insert_before_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_parent get_parent_locs
get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs set_child_nodes set_child_nodes_locs get_ancestors_si
get_ancestors_si_locs adopt_node adopt_node_locs set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs
get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs get_owner_document insert_before
insert_before_locs append_child type_wf known_ptr known_ptrs heap_is_wellformed parent_child_rel
by(simp add: l_insert_before_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances)
declare l_insert_before_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
lemma insert_before_wf_is_l_insert_before_wf [instances]:
"l_insert_before_wf Shadow_DOM.heap_is_wellformed ShadowRootClass.type_wf
ShadowRootClass.known_ptr ShadowRootClass.known_ptrs
Shadow_DOM.insert_before Shadow_DOM.get_child_nodes"
apply(auto simp add: l_insert_before_wf_def l_insert_before_wf_axioms_def instances)[1]
using insert_before_removes_child apply fast
lemma l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes_wf [instances]: "l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes_wf ShadowRootClass.type_wf
ShadowRootClass.known_ptr Shadow_DOM.heap_is_wellformed Shadow_DOM.parent_child_rel Shadow_DOM.get_child_nodes
get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs"
apply(auto simp add: l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes_wf_def
l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes_wf_axioms_def instances)[1]
by (metis Diff_iff Shadow_DOM.i_heap_is_wellformed.heap_is_wellformed_disconnected_nodes_distinct
Shadow_DOM.i_remove_child.set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes insert_iff
returns_result_eq set_remove1_eq)
interpretation l_get_root_node_si_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
type_wf known_ptr known_ptrs get_parent get_parent_locs get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs
get_host get_host_locs get_ancestors_si get_ancestors_si_locs get_root_node_si get_root_node_si_locs
get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs
get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs heap_is_wellformed parent_child_rel heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
get_disconnected_document get_disconnected_document_locs
by(auto simp add: l_get_root_node_si_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances)
declare l_get_root_node_si_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
interpretation i_insert_before_wf2?: l_insert_before_wf2⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf known_ptr get_child_nodes
get_child_nodes_locs get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs set_child_nodes set_child_nodes_locs get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs heap_is_wellformed parent_child_rel get_ancestors_si get_ancestors_si_locs get_parent get_parent_locs adopt_node adopt_node_locs get_owner_document insert_before insert_before_locs append_child known_ptrs get_host get_host_locs get_root_node_si get_root_node_si_locs heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_disconnected_document get_disconnected_document_locs
by(auto simp add: l_insert_before_wf2⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances)
declare l_insert_before_wf2⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
lemma insert_before_wf2_is_l_insert_before_wf2 [instances]:
"l_insert_before_wf2 ShadowRootClass.type_wf ShadowRootClass.known_ptr ShadowRootClass.known_ptrs
apply(auto simp add: l_insert_before_wf2_def l_insert_before_wf2_axioms_def instances)[1]
using insert_before_child_preserves apply(fast, fast, fast)
subsubsection ‹append\_child›
interpretation i_append_child_wf?: l_append_child_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_owner_document get_parent
get_parent_locs remove_child remove_child_locs
get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs
adopt_node adopt_node_locs known_ptr type_wf get_child_nodes
get_child_nodes_locs known_ptrs set_child_nodes
set_child_nodes_locs remove get_ancestors_si get_ancestors_si_locs
insert_before insert_before_locs append_child heap_is_wellformed
by(auto simp add: l_append_child_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances)
declare l_append_child_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
lemma append_child_wf_is_l_append_child_wf [instances]:
"l_append_child_wf type_wf known_ptr known_ptrs append_child heap_is_wellformed"
apply(auto simp add: l_append_child_wf_def l_append_child_wf_axioms_def instances)[1]
using append_child_heap_is_wellformed_preserved by fast+
subsubsection ‹to\_tree\_order›
interpretation i_to_tree_order_wf?: l_to_tree_order_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M known_ptr type_wf get_child_nodes
get_child_nodes_locs to_tree_order known_ptrs get_parent get_parent_locs heap_is_wellformed
parent_child_rel get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
apply(auto simp add: l_to_tree_order_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances)[1]
declare l_to_tree_order_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
lemma to_tree_order_wf_is_l_to_tree_order_wf [instances]:
"l_to_tree_order_wf heap_is_wellformed parent_child_rel type_wf known_ptr known_ptrs
to_tree_order get_parent get_child_nodes"
apply(auto simp add: l_to_tree_order_wf_def l_to_tree_order_wf_axioms_def instances)[1]
using to_tree_order_ok apply fast
using to_tree_order_ptrs_in_heap apply fast
using to_tree_order_parent_child_rel apply(fast, fast)
using to_tree_order_child2 apply blast
using to_tree_order_node_ptrs apply fast
using to_tree_order_child apply fast
using to_tree_order_ptr_in_result apply fast
using to_tree_order_parent apply fast
using to_tree_order_subset apply fast
paragraph ‹get\_root\_node›
interpretation i_to_tree_order_wf_get_root_node_wf?: l_to_tree_order_wf_get_root_node_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
known_ptr type_wf known_ptrs heap_is_wellformed parent_child_rel
get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
get_parent get_parent_locs get_ancestors get_ancestors_locs get_root_node get_root_node_locs
by(auto simp add: l_to_tree_order_wf_get_root_node_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances)
declare l_to_tree_order_wf_get_root_node_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
lemma to_tree_order_wf_get_root_node_wf_is_l_to_tree_order_wf_get_root_node_wf [instances]:
"l_to_tree_order_wf_get_root_node_wf ShadowRootClass.type_wf ShadowRootClass.known_ptr
ShadowRootClass.known_ptrs to_tree_order Shadow_DOM.get_root_node
apply(auto simp add: l_to_tree_order_wf_get_root_node_wf_def
l_to_tree_order_wf_get_root_node_wf_axioms_def instances)[1]
using to_tree_order_get_root_node apply fast
using to_tree_order_same_root apply fast
subsubsection ‹to\_tree\_order\_si›
locale l_to_tree_order_si_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_get_child_nodes +
l_get_parent_get_host_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
lemma to_tree_order_si_ok:
assumes "heap_is_wellformed h" and "known_ptrs h" and "type_wf h"
and "ptr |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
shows "h ⊢ ok (to_tree_order_si ptr)"
proof(insert assms(1) assms(4), induct rule: heap_wellformed_induct_si)
case (step parent)
have "known_ptr parent"
using assms(2) local.known_ptrs_known_ptr step.prems
by blast
then show ?case
using step
using assms(1) assms(2) assms(3)
using local.heap_is_wellformed_children_in_heap local.get_shadow_root_shadow_root_ptr_in_heap
by(auto simp add: to_tree_order_si_def[of parent] intro: get_child_nodes_ok get_shadow_root_ok
intro!: bind_is_OK_pure_I map_M_pure_I bind_pure_I map_M_ok_I split: option.splits)
interpretation i_to_tree_order_si_wf?: l_to_tree_order_si_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
type_wf known_ptr get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs get_disconnected_nodes
get_disconnected_nodes_locs get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs get_tag_name
get_tag_name_locs heap_is_wellformed parent_child_rel heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
get_host get_host_locs get_disconnected_document get_disconnected_document_locs
known_ptrs get_parent get_parent_locs to_tree_order_si
by(auto simp add: l_to_tree_order_si_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances)
declare l_to_tree_order_si_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
subsubsection ‹get\_assigned\_nodes›
lemma forall_M_small_big: "h ⊢ forall_M f xs →⇩h h' ⟹ P h ⟹
(⋀h h' x. x ∈ set xs ⟹ h ⊢ f x →⇩h h' ⟹ P h ⟹ P h') ⟹ P h'"
by(induct xs arbitrary: h) (auto elim!: bind_returns_heap_E)
locale l_assigned_nodes_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_assigned_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
l_heap_is_wellformed +
l_remove_child_wf2 +
l_append_child_wf +
lemma assigned_nodes_distinct:
assumes "heap_is_wellformed h"
assumes "h ⊢ assigned_nodes slot →⇩r nodes"
shows "distinct nodes"
proof -
have "⋀ptr children. h ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr →⇩r children ⟹ distinct children"
using assms(1) local.heap_is_wellformed_children_distinct by blast
then show ?thesis
using assms
apply(auto simp add: assigned_nodes_def elim!: bind_returns_result_E2 split: if_splits)[1]
by (simp add: filter_M_distinct)
lemma flatten_dom_preserves:
assumes "heap_is_wellformed h" and "known_ptrs h" and "type_wf h"
assumes "h ⊢ flatten_dom →⇩h h'"
shows "heap_is_wellformed h'" and "known_ptrs h'" and "type_wf h'"
proof -
obtain tups h2 element_ptrs shadow_root_ptrs where
"h ⊢ element_ptr_kinds_M →⇩r element_ptrs" and
tups: "h ⊢ map_filter_M2 (λelement_ptr. do {
tag ← get_tag_name element_ptr;
assigned_nodes ← assigned_nodes element_ptr;
(if tag = ''slot'' ∧ assigned_nodes ≠ [] then
return (Some (element_ptr, assigned_nodes)) else return None)}) element_ptrs →⇩r tups"
(is "h ⊢ map_filter_M2 ?f element_ptrs →⇩r tups") and
h2: "h ⊢ forall_M (λ(slot, assigned_nodes). do {
get_child_nodes (cast slot) ⤜ forall_M remove;
forall_M (append_child (cast slot)) assigned_nodes
}) tups →⇩h h2" and
"h2 ⊢ shadow_root_ptr_kinds_M →⇩r shadow_root_ptrs" and
h': "h2 ⊢ forall_M (λshadow_root_ptr. do {
host ← get_host shadow_root_ptr;
get_child_nodes (cast host) ⤜ forall_M remove;
get_child_nodes (cast shadow_root_ptr) ⤜ forall_M (append_child (cast host));
remove_shadow_root host
}) shadow_root_ptrs →⇩h h'"
using ‹h ⊢ flatten_dom →⇩h h'›
apply(auto simp add: flatten_dom_def elim!: bind_returns_heap_E
bind_returns_heap_E2[rotated, OF ElementMonad.ptr_kinds_M_pure, rotated]
bind_returns_heap_E2[rotated, OF ShadowRootMonad.ptr_kinds_M_pure, rotated])[1]
apply(drule pure_returns_heap_eq)
by(auto intro!: map_filter_M2_pure bind_pure_I)
have "heap_is_wellformed h2 ∧ known_ptrs h2 ∧ type_wf h2"
using h2 ‹heap_is_wellformed h› ‹known_ptrs h› ‹type_wf h›
by(auto elim!: bind_returns_heap_E bind_returns_heap_E2[rotated,
OF get_child_nodes_pure, rotated]
elim!: forall_M_small_big[where P = "λh. heap_is_wellformed h ∧ known_ptrs h ∧ type_wf h",
intro: remove_preserves_known_ptrs remove_heap_is_wellformed_preserved
append_child_preserves_known_ptrs append_child_heap_is_wellformed_preserved
show "heap_is_wellformed h'" and "known_ptrs h'" and "type_wf h'"
using h'
by(auto elim!: bind_returns_heap_E bind_returns_heap_E2[rotated, OF get_host_pure, rotated]
bind_returns_heap_E2[rotated, OF get_child_nodes_pure, rotated]
dest!: forall_M_small_big[where P = "λh. heap_is_wellformed h ∧ known_ptrs h ∧ type_wf h",
intro: remove_preserves_known_ptrs remove_heap_is_wellformed_preserved
append_child_preserves_known_ptrs append_child_heap_is_wellformed_preserved
interpretation i_assigned_nodes_wf?: l_assigned_nodes_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
known_ptr assigned_nodes assigned_nodes_flatten flatten_dom get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs
get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs get_root_node get_root_node_locs get_host get_host_locs find_slot
assigned_slot remove insert_before insert_before_locs append_child remove_shadow_root
remove_shadow_root_locs type_wf get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs set_shadow_root
set_shadow_root_locs get_parent get_parent_locs to_tree_order heap_is_wellformed parent_child_rel
get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs known_ptrs remove_child remove_child_locs
heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_disconnected_document get_disconnected_document_locs
by(auto simp add: l_assigned_nodes_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances)
declare l_assigned_nodes_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
subsubsection ‹get\_shadow\_root\_safe›
locale l_get_shadow_root_safe_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_heap_is_wellformed⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs get_disconnected_nodes
get_disconnected_nodes_locs get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs
known_ptr type_wf heap_is_wellformed parent_child_rel heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_host
get_host_locs +
l_type_wf type_wf +
l_get_shadow_root_safe⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf get_shadow_root_safe get_shadow_root_safe_locs
get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs get_mode get_mode_locs
for known_ptr :: "(_::linorder) object_ptr ⇒ bool"
and known_ptrs :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and get_host :: "(_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) element_ptr) prog"
and get_host_locs :: "((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_shadow_root ::
"(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) shadow_root_ptr option) prog"
and get_shadow_root_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_shadow_root_safe ::
"(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) shadow_root_ptr option) prog"
and get_shadow_root_safe_locs ::
"(_) element_ptr ⇒ (_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_child_nodes :: "(_::linorder) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_child_nodes_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_disconnected_nodes :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_tag_name :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, char list) prog"
and get_tag_name_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and heap_is_wellformed :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and parent_child_rel :: "(_) heap ⇒ ((_) object_ptr × (_) object_ptr) set"
and heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and get_mode :: "(_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, shadow_root_mode) prog"
and get_mode_locs :: "(_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
subsubsection ‹create\_element›
locale l_create_element_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_get_disconnected_nodes type_wf get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs +
l_set_tag_name type_wf set_tag_name set_tag_name_locs +
l_create_element_defs create_element +
l_heap_is_wellformed⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs get_disconnected_nodes
get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs known_ptr type_wf
heap_is_wellformed parent_child_rel
heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_host get_host_locs get_disconnected_document
get_disconnected_document_locs +
l_new_element_get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs +
l_set_tag_name_get_disconnected_nodes type_wf set_tag_name set_tag_name_locs
get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs +
l_create_element⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs set_disconnected_nodes
set_disconnected_nodes_locs set_tag_name set_tag_name_locs type_wf create_element known_ptr
type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M known_ptr⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M +
l_new_element_get_child_nodes type_wf known_ptr get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs +
l_set_tag_name_get_child_nodes type_wf set_tag_name set_tag_name_locs known_ptr
get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs +
l_set_tag_name_get_tag_name type_wf get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs set_tag_name set_tag_name_locs +
l_new_element_get_tag_name type_wf get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs +
l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_child_nodes set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs
get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs +
l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_shadow_root set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs
get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs +
l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_tag_name type_wf set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs
get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs +
l_set_disconnected_nodes type_wf set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs +
l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes type_wf get_disconnected_nodes
get_disconnected_nodes_locs set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs +
l_new_element_get_shadow_root type_wf get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs +
l_set_tag_name_get_shadow_root type_wf set_tag_name set_tag_name_locs get_shadow_root
get_shadow_root_locs +
l_new_element type_wf +
l_known_ptrs known_ptr known_ptrs
for known_ptr :: "(_::linorder) object_ptr ⇒ bool"
and known_ptrs :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and get_child_nodes :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_child_nodes_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_disconnected_nodes :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and heap_is_wellformed :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and parent_child_rel :: "(_) heap ⇒ ((_) object_ptr × (_) object_ptr) set"
and set_tag_name :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ char list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and set_tag_name_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
and set_disconnected_nodes ::
"(_) document_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and set_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
and create_element ::
"(_) document_ptr ⇒ char list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) element_ptr) prog"
and get_shadow_root :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) shadow_root_ptr option) prog"
and get_shadow_root_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_tag_name :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, char list) prog"
and get_tag_name_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and get_host :: "(_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) element_ptr) prog"
and get_host_locs :: "((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_disconnected_document :: "(_) node_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) document_ptr) prog"
and get_disconnected_document_locs :: "((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and known_ptr⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_::linorder) object_ptr ⇒ bool"
and type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
lemma create_element_preserves_wellformedness:
assumes "heap_is_wellformed h"
and "h ⊢ create_element document_ptr tag →⇩h h'"
and "type_wf h"
and "known_ptrs h"
shows "heap_is_wellformed h'" and "type_wf h'" and "known_ptrs h'"
proof -
obtain new_element_ptr h2 h3 disc_nodes_h3 where
new_element_ptr: "h ⊢ new_element →⇩r new_element_ptr" and
h2: "h ⊢ new_element →⇩h h2" and
h3: "h2 ⊢ set_tag_name new_element_ptr tag →⇩h h3" and
disc_nodes_h3: "h3 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes_h3" and
h': "h3 ⊢ set_disconnected_nodes document_ptr (cast new_element_ptr # disc_nodes_h3) →⇩h h'"
using assms(2)
by(auto simp add: create_element_def
elim!: bind_returns_heap_E
bind_returns_heap_E2[rotated, OF CD.get_disconnected_nodes_pure, rotated] )
then have "h ⊢ create_element document_ptr tag →⇩r new_element_ptr"
apply(auto simp add: create_element_def intro!: bind_returns_result_I)[1]
apply (metis is_OK_returns_heap_I is_OK_returns_result_E old.unit.exhaust)
apply (metis is_OK_returns_heap_E is_OK_returns_result_I CD.get_disconnected_nodes_pure
by (metis is_OK_returns_heap_I is_OK_returns_result_E old.unit.exhaust)
have "new_element_ptr ∉ set |h ⊢ element_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r"
using new_element_ptr ElementMonad.ptr_kinds_ptr_kinds_M h2
using new_element_ptr_not_in_heap by blast
then have "cast new_element_ptr ∉ set |h ⊢ node_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r"
by simp
then have "cast new_element_ptr ∉ set |h ⊢ object_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r"
by simp
have object_ptr_kinds_eq_h: "object_ptr_kinds h2 = object_ptr_kinds h |∪| {|cast new_element_ptr|}"
using new_element_new_ptr h2 new_element_ptr by blast
then have node_ptr_kinds_eq_h: "node_ptr_kinds h2 = node_ptr_kinds h |∪| {|cast new_element_ptr|}"
apply(simp add: node_ptr_kinds_def)
by force
then have element_ptr_kinds_eq_h: "element_ptr_kinds h2 = element_ptr_kinds h |∪| {|new_element_ptr|}"
apply(simp add: element_ptr_kinds_def)
by force
have character_data_ptr_kinds_eq_h: "character_data_ptr_kinds h2 = character_data_ptr_kinds h"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h
by(auto simp add: node_ptr_kinds_def character_data_ptr_kinds_def)
have document_ptr_kinds_eq_h: "document_ptr_kinds h2 = document_ptr_kinds h"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h
by(auto simp add: document_ptr_kinds_def)
have object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2: "object_ptr_kinds h3 = object_ptr_kinds h2"
apply(rule writes_small_big[where P="λh h'. object_ptr_kinds h' = object_ptr_kinds h",
OF set_tag_name_writes h3])
using set_tag_name_pointers_preserved
by (auto simp add: reflp_def transp_def)
then have document_ptr_kinds_eq_h2: "document_ptr_kinds h3 = document_ptr_kinds h2"
by (auto simp add: document_ptr_kinds_def)
have node_ptr_kinds_eq_h2: "node_ptr_kinds h3 = node_ptr_kinds h2"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2
by(auto simp add: node_ptr_kinds_def)
then have element_ptr_kinds_eq_h2: "element_ptr_kinds h3 = element_ptr_kinds h2"
by(simp add: element_ptr_kinds_def)
have object_ptr_kinds_eq_h3: "object_ptr_kinds h' = object_ptr_kinds h3"
apply(rule writes_small_big[where P="λh h'. object_ptr_kinds h' = object_ptr_kinds h",
OF set_disconnected_nodes_writes h'])
using set_disconnected_nodes_pointers_preserved
by (auto simp add: reflp_def transp_def)
then have document_ptr_kinds_eq_h3: "document_ptr_kinds h' = document_ptr_kinds h3"
by (auto simp add: document_ptr_kinds_def)
have node_ptr_kinds_eq_h3: "node_ptr_kinds h' = node_ptr_kinds h3"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h3
by(auto simp add: node_ptr_kinds_def)
then have element_ptr_kinds_eq_h3: "element_ptr_kinds h' = element_ptr_kinds h3"
by(simp add: element_ptr_kinds_def)
have "known_ptr (cast new_element_ptr)"
using ‹h ⊢ create_element document_ptr tag →⇩r new_element_ptr› local.create_element_known_ptr
by blast
have "known_ptrs h2"
using known_ptrs_new_ptr object_ptr_kinds_eq_h ‹known_ptrs h› h2
by blast
have "known_ptrs h3"
using known_ptrs_preserved object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2 by blast
show "known_ptrs h'"
using known_ptrs_preserved object_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 by blast
have "document_ptr |∈| document_ptr_kinds h"
using disc_nodes_h3 document_ptr_kinds_eq_h object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2
CD.get_disconnected_nodes_ptr_in_heap ‹type_wf h› document_ptr_kinds_def
by (metis is_OK_returns_result_I)
have children_eq_h: "⋀(ptr'::(_) object_ptr) children. ptr' ≠ cast new_element_ptr
⟹ h ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr' →⇩r children = h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr' →⇩r children"
using CD.get_child_nodes_reads h2 get_child_nodes_new_element[rotated, OF new_element_ptr h2]
apply(auto simp add: reads_def reflp_def transp_def preserved_def)[1]
by blast+
then have children_eq2_h: "⋀ptr'. ptr' ≠ cast new_element_ptr
⟹ |h ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr'|⇩r = |h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr'|⇩r"
using select_result_eq by force
have "h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes (cast new_element_ptr) →⇩r []"
using new_element_ptr h2 new_element_ptr_in_heap[OF h2 new_element_ptr]
new_element_is_element_ptr[OF new_element_ptr] new_element_no_child_nodes
by blast
have tag_name_eq_h:
"⋀ptr' disc_nodes. ptr' ≠ new_element_ptr
⟹ h ⊢ get_tag_name ptr' →⇩r disc_nodes
= h2 ⊢ get_tag_name ptr' →⇩r disc_nodes"
using get_tag_name_reads h2 get_tag_name_new_element[rotated, OF new_element_ptr h2]
apply(auto simp add: reads_def reflp_def transp_def preserved_def)[1]
then have tag_name_eq2_h: "⋀ptr'. ptr' ≠ new_element_ptr
⟹ |h ⊢ get_tag_name ptr'|⇩r = |h2 ⊢ get_tag_name ptr'|⇩r"
using select_result_eq by force
have "h2 ⊢ get_tag_name new_element_ptr →⇩r ''''"
using new_element_ptr h2 new_element_ptr_in_heap[OF h2 new_element_ptr]
new_element_is_element_ptr[OF new_element_ptr] new_element_empty_tag_name
by blast
have disconnected_nodes_eq_h:
"⋀doc_ptr disc_nodes. h ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes
= h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes"
using CD.get_disconnected_nodes_reads h2 get_disconnected_nodes_new_element[OF new_element_ptr h2]
apply(auto simp add: reads_def reflp_def transp_def preserved_def)[1]
by blast+
then have disconnected_nodes_eq2_h:
"⋀doc_ptr. |h ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr|⇩r = |h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr|⇩r"
using select_result_eq by force
have children_eq_h2:
"⋀ptr' children. h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr' →⇩r children = h3 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr' →⇩r children"
using CD.get_child_nodes_reads set_tag_name_writes h3
apply(rule reads_writes_preserved)
by(auto simp add: set_tag_name_get_child_nodes)
then have children_eq2_h2: "⋀ptr'. |h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr'|⇩r = |h3 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr'|⇩r"
using select_result_eq by force
have disconnected_nodes_eq_h2:
"⋀doc_ptr disc_nodes. h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes
= h3 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes"
using CD.get_disconnected_nodes_reads set_tag_name_writes h3
apply(rule reads_writes_preserved)
by(auto simp add: set_tag_name_get_disconnected_nodes)
then have disconnected_nodes_eq2_h2:
"⋀doc_ptr. |h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr|⇩r = |h3 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr|⇩r"
using select_result_eq by force
have tag_name_eq_h2:
"⋀ptr' disc_nodes. ptr' ≠ new_element_ptr
⟹ h2 ⊢ get_tag_name ptr' →⇩r disc_nodes
= h3 ⊢ get_tag_name ptr' →⇩r disc_nodes"
apply(rule reads_writes_preserved[OF get_tag_name_reads set_tag_name_writes h3])
by (metis local.set_tag_name_get_tag_name_different_pointers)
then have tag_name_eq2_h2: "⋀ptr'. ptr' ≠ new_element_ptr
⟹ |h2 ⊢ get_tag_name ptr'|⇩r = |h3 ⊢ get_tag_name ptr'|⇩r"
using select_result_eq by force
have "h2 ⊢ get_tag_name new_element_ptr →⇩r ''''"
using new_element_ptr h2 new_element_ptr_in_heap[OF h2 new_element_ptr]
new_element_is_element_ptr[OF new_element_ptr] new_element_empty_tag_name
by blast
have "type_wf h2"
using ‹type_wf h› new_element_types_preserved h2 by blast
then have "type_wf h3"
using writes_small_big[where P="λh h'. type_wf h ⟶ type_wf h'", OF set_tag_name_writes h3]
using set_tag_name_types_preserved
by(auto simp add: reflp_def transp_def)
then show "type_wf h'"
using writes_small_big[where P="λh h'. type_wf h ⟶ type_wf h'", OF set_disconnected_nodes_writes h']
using set_disconnected_nodes_types_preserved
by(auto simp add: reflp_def transp_def)
have children_eq_h3:
"⋀ptr' children. h3 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr' →⇩r children = h' ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr' →⇩r children"
using CD.get_child_nodes_reads set_disconnected_nodes_writes h'
apply(rule reads_writes_preserved)
by(auto simp add: set_disconnected_nodes_get_child_nodes)
then have children_eq2_h3: "⋀ptr'. |h3 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr'|⇩r = |h' ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr'|⇩r"
using select_result_eq by force
have disconnected_nodes_eq_h3:
"⋀doc_ptr disc_nodes. document_ptr ≠ doc_ptr
⟹ h3 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes
= h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes"
using CD.get_disconnected_nodes_reads set_disconnected_nodes_writes h'
apply(rule reads_writes_preserved)
by(auto simp add: set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes_different_pointers)
then have disconnected_nodes_eq2_h3:
"⋀doc_ptr. document_ptr ≠ doc_ptr
⟹ |h3 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr|⇩r = |h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr|⇩r"
using select_result_eq by force
have tag_name_eq_h2:
"⋀ptr' disc_nodes. ptr' ≠ new_element_ptr
⟹ h2 ⊢ get_tag_name ptr' →⇩r disc_nodes
= h3 ⊢ get_tag_name ptr' →⇩r disc_nodes"
apply(rule reads_writes_preserved[OF get_tag_name_reads set_tag_name_writes h3])
by (metis local.set_tag_name_get_tag_name_different_pointers)
then have tag_name_eq2_h2: "⋀ptr'. ptr' ≠ new_element_ptr
⟹ |h2 ⊢ get_tag_name ptr'|⇩r = |h3 ⊢ get_tag_name ptr'|⇩r"
using select_result_eq by force
have disc_nodes_document_ptr_h2: "h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes_h3"
using disconnected_nodes_eq_h2 disc_nodes_h3 by auto
then have disc_nodes_document_ptr_h: "h ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes_h3"
using disconnected_nodes_eq_h by auto
then have "cast new_element_ptr ∉ set disc_nodes_h3"
using ‹heap_is_wellformed h›
using ‹cast⇩e⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r new_element_ptr ∉ set |h ⊢ node_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r›
a_all_ptrs_in_heap_def heap_is_wellformed_def
using NodeMonad.ptr_kinds_ptr_kinds_M local.heap_is_wellformed_disc_nodes_in_heap by blast
have tag_name_eq_h3:
"⋀ptr' disc_nodes. h3 ⊢ get_tag_name ptr' →⇩r disc_nodes
= h' ⊢ get_tag_name ptr' →⇩r disc_nodes"
apply(rule reads_writes_preserved[OF get_tag_name_reads set_disconnected_nodes_writes h'])
using set_disconnected_nodes_get_tag_name
by blast
then have tag_name_eq2_h3: "⋀ptr'. |h3 ⊢ get_tag_name ptr'|⇩r = |h' ⊢ get_tag_name ptr'|⇩r"
using select_result_eq by force
have "acyclic (parent_child_rel h)"
using ‹heap_is_wellformed h›
by (simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def CD.heap_is_wellformed_def CD.acyclic_heap_def)
also have "parent_child_rel h = parent_child_rel h2"
proof(auto simp add: CD.parent_child_rel_def)[1]
fix a x
assume 0: "a |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
and 1: "x ∈ set |h ⊢ get_child_nodes a|⇩r"
then show "a |∈| object_ptr_kinds h2"
by (simp add: object_ptr_kinds_eq_h)
fix a x
assume 0: "a |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
and 1: "x ∈ set |h ⊢ get_child_nodes a|⇩r"
then show "x ∈ set |h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes a|⇩r"
by (metis ObjectMonad.ptr_kinds_ptr_kinds_M
‹cast⇩e⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r new_element_ptr ∉ set |h ⊢ object_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r› children_eq2_h)
fix a x
assume 0: "a |∈| object_ptr_kinds h2"
and 1: "x ∈ set |h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes a|⇩r"
then show "a |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h ‹h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes (cast⇩e⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r new_element_ptr) →⇩r []›
fix a x
assume 0: "a |∈| object_ptr_kinds h2"
and 1: "x ∈ set |h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes a|⇩r"
then show "x ∈ set |h ⊢ get_child_nodes a|⇩r"
by (metis (no_types, lifting)
‹h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes (cast⇩e⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r new_element_ptr) →⇩r []›
children_eq2_h empty_iff empty_set image_eqI select_result_I2)
also have "… = parent_child_rel h3"
by(auto simp add: CD.parent_child_rel_def object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2 children_eq2_h2)
also have "… = parent_child_rel h'"
by(auto simp add: CD.parent_child_rel_def object_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 children_eq2_h3)
finally have "CD.a_acyclic_heap h'"
by (simp add: CD.acyclic_heap_def)
have "CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap h"
using ‹heap_is_wellformed h› by (simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def CD.heap_is_wellformed_def)
then have "CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap h2"
apply(auto simp add: CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap_def)[1]
apply (metis ‹known_ptrs h2› ‹parent_child_rel h = parent_child_rel h2› ‹type_wf h2› assms(1)
assms(3) funion_iff CD.get_child_nodes_ok local.known_ptrs_known_ptr
local.parent_child_rel_child_in_heap CD.parent_child_rel_child_nodes2 node_ptr_kinds_commutes
node_ptr_kinds_eq_h returns_result_select_result)
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) CD.get_child_nodes_ok CD.get_child_nodes_ptr_in_heap
‹h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes (cast⇩e⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r new_element_ptr) →⇩r []› assms(3) assms(4)
children_eq_h disconnected_nodes_eq2_h document_ptr_kinds_eq_h is_OK_returns_result_I
local.known_ptrs_known_ptr node_ptr_kinds_commutes returns_result_select_result subsetD)
then have "CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap h3"
by (simp add: children_eq2_h2 disconnected_nodes_eq2_h2 document_ptr_kinds_eq_h2
CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap_def node_ptr_kinds_eq_h2 object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2)
then have "CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap h'"
by (smt (verit) children_eq2_h3 disc_nodes_document_ptr_h2 disconnected_nodes_eq2_h2
disconnected_nodes_eq2_h3 document_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 finsertCI funion_finsert_right
h' insert_iff list.simps(15) local.CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap_def
local.set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes node_ptr_kinds_eq_h node_ptr_kinds_eq_h2
node_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 object_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 select_result_I2 subsetD subsetI)
have "⋀p. p |∈| object_ptr_kinds h ⟹ cast new_element_ptr ∉ set |h ⊢ get_child_nodes p|⇩r"
using ‹heap_is_wellformed h› ‹cast⇩e⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r new_element_ptr ∉ set |h ⊢ node_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r›
by (meson NodeMonad.ptr_kinds_ptr_kinds_M CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap_def assms(3) assms(4) fset_mp
fset_of_list_elem CD.get_child_nodes_ok known_ptrs_known_ptr returns_result_select_result)
then have "⋀p. p |∈| object_ptr_kinds h2 ⟹ cast new_element_ptr ∉ set |h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes p|⇩r"
using children_eq2_h
apply(auto simp add: object_ptr_kinds_eq_h)[1]
using ‹h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes (cast⇩e⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r new_element_ptr) →⇩r []› apply auto[1]
by (metis ObjectMonad.ptr_kinds_ptr_kinds_M
‹cast⇩e⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r new_element_ptr ∉ set |h ⊢ object_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r›)
then have "⋀p. p |∈| object_ptr_kinds h3 ⟹ cast new_element_ptr ∉ set |h3 ⊢ get_child_nodes p|⇩r"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2 children_eq2_h2 by auto
then have new_element_ptr_not_in_any_children:
"⋀p. p |∈| object_ptr_kinds h' ⟹ cast new_element_ptr ∉ set |h' ⊢ get_child_nodes p|⇩r"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 children_eq2_h3 by auto
have "CD.a_distinct_lists h"
using ‹heap_is_wellformed h›
by (simp add: CD.heap_is_wellformed_def heap_is_wellformed_def)
then have "CD.a_distinct_lists h2"
using ‹h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes (cast new_element_ptr) →⇩r []›
apply(auto simp add: CD.a_distinct_lists_def object_ptr_kinds_eq_h document_ptr_kinds_eq_h
disconnected_nodes_eq2_h intro!: distinct_concat_map_I)[1]
apply (metis distinct_sorted_list_of_set finite_fset sorted_list_of_set_insert_remove)
apply(case_tac "x=cast new_element_ptr")
apply(auto simp add: children_eq2_h[symmetric] insort_split dest: distinct_concat_map_E(2))[1]
apply(auto simp add: children_eq2_h[symmetric] insort_split dest: distinct_concat_map_E(2))[1]
apply(auto simp add: children_eq2_h[symmetric] insort_split dest: distinct_concat_map_E(2))[1]
apply (metis IntI assms(1) assms(3) assms(4) empty_iff CD.get_child_nodes_ok
local.heap_is_wellformed_one_parent local.known_ptrs_known_ptr returns_result_select_result)
apply(auto simp add: children_eq2_h[symmetric] insort_split dest: distinct_concat_map_E(2))[1]
by (metis ‹ CD.a_distinct_lists h› ‹type_wf h2› disconnected_nodes_eq_h document_ptr_kinds_eq_h
CD.distinct_lists_no_parent get_disconnected_nodes_ok returns_result_select_result)
then have " CD.a_distinct_lists h3"
by(auto simp add: CD.a_distinct_lists_def disconnected_nodes_eq2_h2 document_ptr_kinds_eq_h2
children_eq2_h2 object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2)
then have " CD.a_distinct_lists h'"
proof(auto simp add: CD.a_distinct_lists_def disconnected_nodes_eq2_h3 children_eq2_h3
object_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 document_ptr_kinds_eq_h3
intro!: distinct_concat_map_I)[1]
fix x
assume "distinct (concat (map (λdocument_ptr. |h3 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr|⇩r)
(sorted_list_of_set (fset (document_ptr_kinds h3)))))"
and "x |∈| document_ptr_kinds h3"
then show "distinct |h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes x|⇩r"
using document_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 disconnected_nodes_eq_h3 h'
by (metis (no_types, lifting) ‹cast⇩e⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r new_element_ptr ∉ set disc_nodes_h3›
‹ CD.a_distinct_lists h3› ‹type_wf h'› disc_nodes_h3 distinct.simps(2)
CD.distinct_lists_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_ok returns_result_eq
fix x y xa
assume "distinct (concat (map (λdocument_ptr. |h3 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr|⇩r)
(sorted_list_of_set (fset (document_ptr_kinds h3)))))"
and "x |∈| document_ptr_kinds h3"
and "y |∈| document_ptr_kinds h3"
and "x ≠ y"
and "xa ∈ set |h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes x|⇩r"
and "xa ∈ set |h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes y|⇩r"
moreover have "set |h3 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes x|⇩r ∩ set |h3 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes y|⇩r = {}"
using calculation by(auto dest: distinct_concat_map_E(1))
ultimately show "False"
by (smt (verit) NodeMonad.ptr_kinds_ptr_kinds_M ‹cast⇩e⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r
new_element_ptr ∉ set |h ⊢ node_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r› ‹local.CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap h›
disc_nodes_document_ptr_h disconnected_nodes_eq2_h disconnected_nodes_eq2_h2
disconnected_nodes_eq2_h3 disjoint_iff document_ptr_kinds_eq_h document_ptr_kinds_eq_h2 h'
local.CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap_def local.l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes_axioms
select_result_I2 set_ConsD subsetD)
fix x xa xb
assume 2: "(⋃x∈fset (object_ptr_kinds h3). set |h' ⊢ get_child_nodes x|⇩r)
∩ (⋃x∈fset (document_ptr_kinds h3). set |h3 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes x|⇩r) = {}"
and 3: "xa |∈| object_ptr_kinds h3"
and 4: "x ∈ set |h' ⊢ get_child_nodes xa|⇩r"
and 5: "xb |∈| document_ptr_kinds h3"
and 6: "x ∈ set |h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes xb|⇩r"
show "False"
using disc_nodes_document_ptr_h disconnected_nodes_eq2_h3
apply -
apply(cases "xb = document_ptr")
apply (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) "3" "4" "6"
‹⋀p. p |∈| object_ptr_kinds h3
⟹ cast⇩e⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r new_element_ptr ∉ set |h3 ⊢ get_child_nodes p|⇩r›
‹ CD.a_distinct_lists h3› children_eq2_h3 disc_nodes_h3 CD.distinct_lists_no_parent h'
select_result_I2 set_ConsD set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes)
by (metis "3" "4" "5" "6" ‹ CD.a_distinct_lists h3› ‹type_wf h3› children_eq2_h3
CD.distinct_lists_no_parent get_disconnected_nodes_ok returns_result_select_result)
have "CD.a_owner_document_valid h"
using ‹heap_is_wellformed h› by (simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def CD.heap_is_wellformed_def)
then have "CD.a_owner_document_valid h'"
using disc_nodes_h3 ‹document_ptr |∈| document_ptr_kinds h›
apply(auto simp add: CD.a_owner_document_valid_def)[1]
apply(auto simp add: object_ptr_kinds_eq_h object_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 )[1]
apply(auto simp add: object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2)[1]
apply(auto simp add: document_ptr_kinds_eq_h document_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 )[1]
apply(auto simp add: document_ptr_kinds_eq_h2)[1]
apply(auto simp add: node_ptr_kinds_eq_h node_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 )[1]
apply(auto simp add: node_ptr_kinds_eq_h2 node_ptr_kinds_eq_h )[1]
apply(auto simp add: children_eq2_h2[symmetric] children_eq2_h3[symmetric]
disconnected_nodes_eq2_h disconnected_nodes_eq2_h2
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) document_ptr_kinds_eq_h h' list.set_intros(1)
local.set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes select_result_I2)
apply(simp add: object_ptr_kinds_eq_h)
by(metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) NodeMonad.ptr_kinds_ptr_kinds_M
‹cast⇩e⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r new_element_ptr ∉ set |h ⊢ node_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r› children_eq2_h children_eq2_h2
children_eq2_h3 disconnected_nodes_eq2_h disconnected_nodes_eq2_h2 disconnected_nodes_eq2_h3
document_ptr_kinds_eq_h h'
list.set_intros(2) local.l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes_axioms
node_ptr_kinds_commutes select_result_I2)
have "CD.a_heap_is_wellformed h'"
using ‹CD.a_acyclic_heap h'› ‹CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap h'› ‹CD.a_distinct_lists h'›
‹CD.a_owner_document_valid h'›
by(simp add: CD.a_heap_is_wellformed_def)
have shadow_root_ptr_kinds_eq_h: "shadow_root_ptr_kinds h2 = shadow_root_ptr_kinds h"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h
by(auto simp add: shadow_root_ptr_kinds_def)
have shadow_root_ptr_kinds_eq_h2: "shadow_root_ptr_kinds h3 = shadow_root_ptr_kinds h2"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2
by(auto simp add: shadow_root_ptr_kinds_def)
have shadow_root_ptr_kinds_eq_h3: "shadow_root_ptr_kinds h' = shadow_root_ptr_kinds h3"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h3
by(auto simp add: shadow_root_ptr_kinds_def)
have shadow_root_eq_h: "⋀element_ptr shadow_root_opt. element_ptr ≠ new_element_ptr
⟹ h ⊢ get_shadow_root element_ptr →⇩r shadow_root_opt =
h2 ⊢ get_shadow_root element_ptr →⇩r shadow_root_opt"
proof -
fix element_ptr shadow_root_opt
assume "element_ptr ≠ new_element_ptr "
have "∀P ∈ get_shadow_root_locs element_ptr. P h h2"
using get_shadow_root_new_element new_element_ptr h2
using ‹element_ptr ≠ new_element_ptr› by blast
have "preserved (get_shadow_root element_ptr) h h2"
using get_shadow_root_new_element[rotated, OF new_element_ptr h2]
using get_shadow_root_reads
by(simp add: reads_def)
then show "h ⊢ get_shadow_root element_ptr →⇩r shadow_root_opt =
h2 ⊢ get_shadow_root element_ptr →⇩r shadow_root_opt"
by (simp add: preserved_def)
have shadow_root_none: "h2 ⊢ get_shadow_root (new_element_ptr) →⇩r None"
using new_element_ptr h2 new_element_ptr_in_heap[OF h2 new_element_ptr]
new_element_is_element_ptr[OF new_element_ptr] new_element_no_shadow_root
by blast
have shadow_root_eq_h2:
"⋀ptr' children. h2 ⊢ get_shadow_root ptr' →⇩r children = h3 ⊢ get_shadow_root ptr' →⇩r children"
using get_shadow_root_reads set_tag_name_writes h3
apply(rule reads_writes_preserved)
by(auto simp add: set_tag_name_get_shadow_root)
have shadow_root_eq_h3:
"⋀ptr' children. h3 ⊢ get_shadow_root ptr' →⇩r children = h' ⊢ get_shadow_root ptr' →⇩r children"
using get_shadow_root_reads set_disconnected_nodes_writes h'
apply(rule reads_writes_preserved)
using set_disconnected_nodes_get_shadow_root
by(auto simp add: set_disconnected_nodes_get_shadow_root)
have "a_all_ptrs_in_heap h"
by (simp add: assms(1) local.a_all_ptrs_in_heap_def local.get_shadow_root_shadow_root_ptr_in_heap)
then have "a_all_ptrs_in_heap h2"
apply(auto simp add: a_all_ptrs_in_heap_def shadow_root_ptr_kinds_eq_h)[1]
using returns_result_eq shadow_root_eq_h shadow_root_none by fastforce
then have "a_all_ptrs_in_heap h3"
apply(auto simp add: a_all_ptrs_in_heap_def shadow_root_ptr_kinds_eq_h2)[1]
using shadow_root_eq_h2 by blast
then have "a_all_ptrs_in_heap h'"
apply(auto simp add: a_all_ptrs_in_heap_def shadow_root_ptr_kinds_eq_h3)[1]
by (simp add: shadow_root_eq_h3)
have "a_distinct_lists h"
using assms(1)
by (simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def)
then have "a_distinct_lists h2"
apply(auto simp add: a_distinct_lists_def element_ptr_kinds_eq_h)[1]
apply(auto simp add: distinct_insort intro!: distinct_concat_map_I split: option.splits)[1]
apply(case_tac "x = new_element_ptr")
using shadow_root_none apply auto[1]
using shadow_root_eq_h
by (smt (verit) Diff_empty Diff_insert0 ElementMonad.ptr_kinds_M_ptr_kinds
ElementMonad.ptr_kinds_ptr_kinds_M assms(1) assms(3) h2 insort_split
local.get_shadow_root_ok local.shadow_root_same_host new_element_ptr new_element_ptr_not_in_heap
option.distinct(1) returns_result_select_result select_result_I2 shadow_root_none)
then have "a_distinct_lists h3"
by(auto simp add: a_distinct_lists_def element_ptr_kinds_eq_h2 select_result_eq[OF shadow_root_eq_h2])
then have "a_distinct_lists h'"
by(auto simp add: a_distinct_lists_def element_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 select_result_eq[OF shadow_root_eq_h3])
have "a_shadow_root_valid h"
using assms(1)
by (simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def)
then have "a_shadow_root_valid h2"
proof (unfold a_shadow_root_valid_def; safe)
fix shadow_root_ptr
assume "∀shadow_root_ptr∈fset (shadow_root_ptr_kinds h). ∃host∈fset (element_ptr_kinds h).
|h ⊢ get_tag_name host|⇩r ∈ safe_shadow_root_element_types ∧ |h ⊢ get_shadow_root host|⇩r = Some shadow_root_ptr"
assume "shadow_root_ptr ∈ fset (shadow_root_ptr_kinds h2)"
obtain previous_host where
"previous_host ∈ fset (element_ptr_kinds h)" and
"|h ⊢ get_tag_name previous_host|⇩r ∈ safe_shadow_root_element_types" and
"|h ⊢ get_shadow_root previous_host|⇩r = Some shadow_root_ptr"
by (metis ‹local.a_shadow_root_valid h› ‹shadow_root_ptr ∈ fset (shadow_root_ptr_kinds h2)›
local.a_shadow_root_valid_def shadow_root_ptr_kinds_eq_h)
moreover have "previous_host ≠ new_element_ptr"
using calculation(1) h2 new_element_ptr new_element_ptr_not_in_heap by auto
ultimately have "|h2 ⊢ get_tag_name previous_host|⇩r ∈ safe_shadow_root_element_types" and
"|h2 ⊢ get_shadow_root previous_host|⇩r = Some shadow_root_ptr"
using shadow_root_eq_h
apply (simp add: tag_name_eq2_h)
by (metis ‹previous_host ≠ new_element_ptr›
‹|h ⊢ get_shadow_root previous_host|⇩r = Some shadow_root_ptr›
select_result_eq shadow_root_eq_h)
show "∃host∈fset (element_ptr_kinds h2).
|h2 ⊢ get_tag_name host|⇩r ∈ safe_shadow_root_element_types ∧
|h2 ⊢ get_shadow_root host|⇩r = Some shadow_root_ptr"
by (meson ‹previous_host ∈ fset (element_ptr_kinds h)› ‹previous_host ≠ new_element_ptr›
assms(3) local.get_shadow_root_ok local.get_shadow_root_ptr_in_heap
returns_result_select_result shadow_root_eq_h)
then have "a_shadow_root_valid h3"
proof (unfold a_shadow_root_valid_def; safe)
fix shadow_root_ptr
assume "∀shadow_root_ptr∈fset (shadow_root_ptr_kinds h2). ∃host∈fset (element_ptr_kinds h2).
|h2 ⊢ get_tag_name host|⇩r ∈ safe_shadow_root_element_types ∧
|h2 ⊢ get_shadow_root host|⇩r = Some shadow_root_ptr"
assume "shadow_root_ptr ∈ fset (shadow_root_ptr_kinds h3)"
obtain previous_host where
"previous_host ∈ fset (element_ptr_kinds h2)" and
"|h2 ⊢ get_tag_name previous_host|⇩r ∈ safe_shadow_root_element_types" and
"|h2 ⊢ get_shadow_root previous_host|⇩r = Some shadow_root_ptr"
by (metis ‹local.a_shadow_root_valid h2› ‹shadow_root_ptr ∈ fset (shadow_root_ptr_kinds h3)›
local.a_shadow_root_valid_def shadow_root_ptr_kinds_eq_h2)
moreover have "previous_host ≠ new_element_ptr"
using calculation(1) h3 new_element_ptr new_element_ptr_not_in_heap
using calculation(3) shadow_root_none by auto
ultimately have "|h2 ⊢ get_tag_name previous_host|⇩r ∈ safe_shadow_root_element_types" and
"|h2 ⊢ get_shadow_root previous_host|⇩r = Some shadow_root_ptr"
using shadow_root_eq_h2
apply (simp add: tag_name_eq2_h2)
by (metis ‹previous_host ≠ new_element_ptr›
‹|h2 ⊢ get_shadow_root previous_host|⇩r = Some shadow_root_ptr› select_result_eq
show "∃host∈fset (element_ptr_kinds h3).
|h3 ⊢ get_tag_name host|⇩r ∈ safe_shadow_root_element_types ∧
|h3 ⊢ get_shadow_root host|⇩r = Some shadow_root_ptr"
by (metis ‹previous_host ∈ fset (element_ptr_kinds h2)› ‹previous_host ≠ new_element_ptr›
element_ptr_kinds_eq_h2 select_result_eq shadow_root_eq_h2 tag_name_eq2_h2)
then have "a_shadow_root_valid h'"
by (smt (verit) ‹type_wf h3› element_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 local.a_shadow_root_valid_def
local.get_shadow_root_ok returns_result_select_result select_result_I2 shadow_root_eq_h3
shadow_root_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 tag_name_eq2_h3)
have "a_host_shadow_root_rel h = a_host_shadow_root_rel h2"
apply(auto simp add: a_host_shadow_root_rel_def element_ptr_kinds_eq_h shadow_root_eq_h)[1]
apply (smt (verit, del_insts) assms(3) case_prodI h2 local.get_shadow_root_ok mem_Collect_eq
new_element_ptr new_element_ptr_not_in_heap pair_imageI returns_result_select_result
select_result_I2 shadow_root_eq_h)
using shadow_root_none apply auto[1]
by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms(3) h2 host_shadow_root_rel_def
host_shadow_root_rel_shadow_root local.a_host_shadow_root_rel_def local.get_shadow_root_impl
local.get_shadow_root_ok local.new_element_no_shadow_root new_element_ptr option.distinct(1)
returns_result_select_result select_result_I2 shadow_root_eq_h)
have "a_host_shadow_root_rel h2 = a_host_shadow_root_rel h3"
apply(auto simp add: a_host_shadow_root_rel_def element_ptr_kinds_eq_h2 shadow_root_eq_h2)[1]
apply (metis (mono_tags, lifting) ‹type_wf h2› case_prodI local.get_shadow_root_ok
mem_Collect_eq pair_imageI returns_result_select_result select_result_I2 shadow_root_eq_h2)
apply (metis (mono_tags, lifting) case_prodI mem_Collect_eq pair_imageI select_result_eq shadow_root_eq_h2)
have "a_host_shadow_root_rel h3 = a_host_shadow_root_rel h'"
apply(auto simp add: a_host_shadow_root_rel_def element_ptr_kinds_eq_h2 shadow_root_eq_h2)[1]
apply (metis (mono_tags, lifting) ‹type_wf h'› case_prodI element_ptr_kinds_eq_h2
element_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 local.get_shadow_root_ok mem_Collect_eq pair_imageI
returns_result_select_result select_result_I2 shadow_root_eq_h3)
apply (metis (mono_tags, lifting) ‹type_wf h'› case_prodI element_ptr_kinds_eq_h2
element_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 local.get_shadow_root_ok mem_Collect_eq pair_imageI
returns_result_select_result select_result_I2 shadow_root_eq_h3)
have "acyclic (parent_child_rel h ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h)"
using ‹heap_is_wellformed h›
by (simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def)
have "parent_child_rel h ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h =
parent_child_rel h2 ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h2"
using ‹local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h = local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h2›
‹parent_child_rel h = parent_child_rel h2› by auto
have "parent_child_rel h2 ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h2 =
parent_child_rel h3 ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h3"
using ‹local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h2 = local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h3›
‹parent_child_rel h2 = parent_child_rel h3› by auto
have "parent_child_rel h' ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h' =
parent_child_rel h3 ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h3"
by (simp add: ‹local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h3 = local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h'›
‹parent_child_rel h3 = parent_child_rel h'›)
have "acyclic (parent_child_rel h3 ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h3)"
using ‹acyclic (parent_child_rel h ∪ local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h)›
‹parent_child_rel h ∪ local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h =
parent_child_rel h2 ∪ local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h2›
‹parent_child_rel h2 ∪ local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h2 =
parent_child_rel h3 ∪ local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h3›
by auto
then have "acyclic (parent_child_rel h' ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h')"
by(simp add: ‹parent_child_rel h' ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h' =
parent_child_rel h3 ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h3›)
show " heap_is_wellformed h' "
using ‹acyclic (parent_child_rel h' ∪ local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h')›
by(simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def CD.heap_is_wellformed_impl
‹local.CD.a_heap_is_wellformed h'› ‹local.a_all_ptrs_in_heap h'› ‹local.a_distinct_lists h'›
‹local.a_shadow_root_valid h'›)
interpretation i_create_element_wf?: l_create_element_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M known_ptr known_ptrs type_wf
get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
heap_is_wellformed parent_child_rel set_tag_name set_tag_name_locs set_disconnected_nodes
set_disconnected_nodes_locs create_element get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs get_tag_name
get_tag_name_locs heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_host get_host_locs get_disconnected_document
get_disconnected_document_locs DocumentClass.known_ptr DocumentClass.type_wf
by(auto simp add: l_create_element_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances)
declare l_create_element_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]
subsubsection ‹create\_character\_data›
locale l_create_character_data_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_get_disconnected_nodes type_wf get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs +
l_heap_is_wellformed⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs get_disconnected_nodes
get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs known_ptr type_wf
heap_is_wellformed parent_child_rel
heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_host get_host_locs get_disconnected_document
get_disconnected_document_locs +
l_create_character_data⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs set_val set_val_locs create_character_data
known_ptr type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M known_ptr⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
+ l_new_character_data_get_disconnected_nodes
get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
+ l_set_val_get_disconnected_nodes
type_wf set_val set_val_locs get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
+ l_new_character_data_get_child_nodes
type_wf known_ptr get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs
+ l_set_val_get_child_nodes
type_wf set_val set_val_locs known_ptr get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs
+ l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_child_nodes
set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs
+ l_set_disconnected_nodes
type_wf set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs
+ l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes
type_wf get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs set_disconnected_nodes
+ l_set_val_get_shadow_root type_wf set_val set_val_locs get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs
+ l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_shadow_root set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs
get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs
+ l_new_character_data_get_tag_name
get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs
+ l_set_val_get_tag_name type_wf set_val set_val_locs get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs
+ l_get_tag_name type_wf get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs
+ l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_tag_name type_wf set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs
get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs
+ l_new_character_data
+ l_known_ptrs
known_ptr known_ptrs
for known_ptr :: "(_::linorder) object_ptr ⇒ bool"
and known_ptrs :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and get_child_nodes :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_child_nodes_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_disconnected_nodes :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and heap_is_wellformed :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and parent_child_rel :: "(_) heap ⇒ ((_) object_ptr × (_) object_ptr) set"
and set_tag_name :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ char list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and set_tag_name_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
and set_disconnected_nodes :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and set_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
and create_element :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ char list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) element_ptr) prog"
and get_shadow_root :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) shadow_root_ptr option) prog"
and get_shadow_root_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_tag_name :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, char list) prog"
and get_tag_name_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and get_host :: "(_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) element_ptr) prog"
and get_host_locs :: "((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_disconnected_document :: "(_) node_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) document_ptr) prog"
and get_disconnected_document_locs :: "((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and set_val :: "(_) character_data_ptr ⇒ char list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and set_val_locs :: "(_) character_data_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
and create_character_data ::
"(_) document_ptr ⇒ char list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) character_data_ptr) prog"
and known_ptr⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_::linorder) object_ptr ⇒ bool"
and type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
lemma create_character_data_preserves_wellformedness:
assumes "heap_is_wellformed h"
and "h ⊢ create_character_data document_ptr text →⇩h h'"
and "type_wf h"
and "known_ptrs h"
shows "heap_is_wellformed h'" and "type_wf h'" and "known_ptrs h'"
proof -
obtain new_character_data_ptr h2 h3 disc_nodes_h3 where
new_character_data_ptr: "h ⊢ new_character_data →⇩r new_character_data_ptr" and
h2: "h ⊢ new_character_data →⇩h h2" and
h3: "h2 ⊢ set_val new_character_data_ptr text →⇩h h3" and
disc_nodes_h3: "h3 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes_h3" and
h': "h3 ⊢ set_disconnected_nodes document_ptr (cast new_character_data_ptr # disc_nodes_h3) →⇩h h'"
using assms(2)
by(auto simp add: CD.create_character_data_def
elim!: bind_returns_heap_E
bind_returns_heap_E2[rotated, OF CD.get_disconnected_nodes_pure, rotated] )
then have "h ⊢ create_character_data document_ptr text →⇩r new_character_data_ptr"
apply(auto simp add: CD.create_character_data_def intro!: bind_returns_result_I)[1]
apply (metis is_OK_returns_heap_I is_OK_returns_result_E old.unit.exhaust)
apply (metis is_OK_returns_heap_E is_OK_returns_result_I local.CD.get_disconnected_nodes_pure
by (metis is_OK_returns_heap_I is_OK_returns_result_E old.unit.exhaust)
have "new_character_data_ptr ∉ set |h ⊢ character_data_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r"
using new_character_data_ptr CharacterDataMonad.ptr_kinds_ptr_kinds_M h2
using new_character_data_ptr_not_in_heap by blast
then have "cast new_character_data_ptr ∉ set |h ⊢ node_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r"
by simp
then have "cast new_character_data_ptr ∉ set |h ⊢ object_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r"
by simp
have object_ptr_kinds_eq_h:
"object_ptr_kinds h2 = object_ptr_kinds h |∪| {|cast new_character_data_ptr|}"
using new_character_data_new_ptr h2 new_character_data_ptr by blast
then have node_ptr_kinds_eq_h:
"node_ptr_kinds h2 = node_ptr_kinds h |∪| {|cast new_character_data_ptr|}"
apply(simp add: node_ptr_kinds_def)
by force
then have character_data_ptr_kinds_eq_h:
"character_data_ptr_kinds h2 = character_data_ptr_kinds h |∪| {|new_character_data_ptr|}"
apply(simp add: character_data_ptr_kinds_def)
by force
have element_ptr_kinds_eq_h: "element_ptr_kinds h2 = element_ptr_kinds h"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h
by(auto simp add: node_ptr_kinds_def element_ptr_kinds_def)
have document_ptr_kinds_eq_h: "document_ptr_kinds h2 = document_ptr_kinds h"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h
by(auto simp add: document_ptr_kinds_def)
have object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2: "object_ptr_kinds h3 = object_ptr_kinds h2"
apply(rule writes_small_big[where P="λh h'. object_ptr_kinds h' = object_ptr_kinds h",
OF CD.set_val_writes h3])
using CD.set_val_pointers_preserved
by (auto simp add: reflp_def transp_def)
then have document_ptr_kinds_eq_h2: "document_ptr_kinds h3 = document_ptr_kinds h2"
by (auto simp add: document_ptr_kinds_def)
have node_ptr_kinds_eq_h2: "node_ptr_kinds h3 = node_ptr_kinds h2"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2
by(auto simp add: node_ptr_kinds_def)
have object_ptr_kinds_eq_h3: "object_ptr_kinds h' = object_ptr_kinds h3"
apply(rule writes_small_big[where P="λh h'. object_ptr_kinds h' = object_ptr_kinds h",
OF set_disconnected_nodes_writes h'])
using set_disconnected_nodes_pointers_preserved
by (auto simp add: reflp_def transp_def)
then have document_ptr_kinds_eq_h3: "document_ptr_kinds h' = document_ptr_kinds h3"
by (auto simp add: document_ptr_kinds_def)
have node_ptr_kinds_eq_h3: "node_ptr_kinds h' = node_ptr_kinds h3"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h3
by(auto simp add: node_ptr_kinds_def)
have "known_ptr (cast new_character_data_ptr)"
using ‹h ⊢ create_character_data document_ptr text →⇩r new_character_data_ptr›
local.create_character_data_known_ptr by blast
have "known_ptrs h2"
using known_ptrs_new_ptr object_ptr_kinds_eq_h ‹known_ptrs h› h2
by blast
have "known_ptrs h3"
using known_ptrs_preserved object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2 by blast
show "known_ptrs h'"
using known_ptrs_preserved object_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 by blast
have "document_ptr |∈| document_ptr_kinds h"
using disc_nodes_h3 document_ptr_kinds_eq_h object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2
CD.get_disconnected_nodes_ptr_in_heap ‹type_wf h› document_ptr_kinds_def
by (metis is_OK_returns_result_I)
have children_eq_h: "⋀(ptr'::(_) object_ptr) children. ptr' ≠ cast new_character_data_ptr
⟹ h ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr' →⇩r children = h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr' →⇩r children"
using CD.get_child_nodes_reads h2
get_child_nodes_new_character_data[rotated, OF new_character_data_ptr h2]
apply(auto simp add: reads_def reflp_def transp_def preserved_def)[1]
by blast+
then have children_eq2_h:
"⋀ptr'. ptr' ≠ cast new_character_data_ptr
⟹ |h ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr'|⇩r = |h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr'|⇩r"
using select_result_eq by force
have object_ptr_kinds_eq_h:
"object_ptr_kinds h2 = object_ptr_kinds h |∪| {|cast new_character_data_ptr|}"
using new_character_data_new_ptr h2 new_character_data_ptr by blast
then have node_ptr_kinds_eq_h:
"node_ptr_kinds h2 = node_ptr_kinds h |∪| {|cast new_character_data_ptr|}"
apply(simp add: node_ptr_kinds_def)
by force
then have character_data_ptr_kinds_eq_h:
"character_data_ptr_kinds h2 = character_data_ptr_kinds h |∪| {|new_character_data_ptr|}"
apply(simp add: character_data_ptr_kinds_def)
by force
have element_ptr_kinds_eq_h: "element_ptr_kinds h2 = element_ptr_kinds h"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h
by(auto simp add: node_ptr_kinds_def element_ptr_kinds_def)
have document_ptr_kinds_eq_h: "document_ptr_kinds h2 = document_ptr_kinds h"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h
by(auto simp add: document_ptr_kinds_def)
have object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2: "object_ptr_kinds h3 = object_ptr_kinds h2"
apply(rule writes_small_big[where P="λh h'. object_ptr_kinds h' = object_ptr_kinds h",
OF CD.set_val_writes h3])
using CD.set_val_pointers_preserved
by (auto simp add: reflp_def transp_def)
then have document_ptr_kinds_eq_h2: "document_ptr_kinds h3 = document_ptr_kinds h2"
by (auto simp add: document_ptr_kinds_def)
have node_ptr_kinds_eq_h2: "node_ptr_kinds h3 = node_ptr_kinds h2"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2
by(auto simp add: node_ptr_kinds_def)
then have character_data_ptr_kinds_eq_h2: "character_data_ptr_kinds h3 = character_data_ptr_kinds h2"
by(simp add: character_data_ptr_kinds_def)
have element_ptr_kinds_eq_h2: "element_ptr_kinds h3 = element_ptr_kinds h2"
using node_ptr_kinds_eq_h2
by(simp add: element_ptr_kinds_def)
have object_ptr_kinds_eq_h3: "object_ptr_kinds h' = object_ptr_kinds h3"
apply(rule writes_small_big[where P="λh h'. object_ptr_kinds h' = object_ptr_kinds h",
OF set_disconnected_nodes_writes h'])
using set_disconnected_nodes_pointers_preserved
by (auto simp add: reflp_def transp_def)
then have document_ptr_kinds_eq_h3: "document_ptr_kinds h' = document_ptr_kinds h3"
by (auto simp add: document_ptr_kinds_def)
have node_ptr_kinds_eq_h3: "node_ptr_kinds h' = node_ptr_kinds h3"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h3
by(auto simp add: node_ptr_kinds_def)
then have character_data_ptr_kinds_eq_h3: "character_data_ptr_kinds h' = character_data_ptr_kinds h3"
by(simp add: character_data_ptr_kinds_def)
have element_ptr_kinds_eq_h3: "element_ptr_kinds h' = element_ptr_kinds h3"
using node_ptr_kinds_eq_h3
by(simp add: element_ptr_kinds_def)
have "document_ptr |∈| document_ptr_kinds h"
using disc_nodes_h3 document_ptr_kinds_eq_h object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2
CD.get_disconnected_nodes_ptr_in_heap ‹type_wf h› document_ptr_kinds_def
by (metis is_OK_returns_result_I)
have children_eq_h: "⋀(ptr'::(_) object_ptr) children. ptr' ≠ cast new_character_data_ptr
⟹ h ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr' →⇩r children = h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr' →⇩r children"
using CD.get_child_nodes_reads h2
get_child_nodes_new_character_data[rotated, OF new_character_data_ptr h2]
apply(auto simp add: reads_def reflp_def transp_def preserved_def)[1]
by blast+
then have children_eq2_h: "⋀ptr'. ptr' ≠ cast new_character_data_ptr
⟹ |h ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr'|⇩r = |h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr'|⇩r"
using select_result_eq by force
have "h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes (cast new_character_data_ptr) →⇩r []"
using new_character_data_ptr h2 new_character_data_ptr_in_heap[OF h2 new_character_data_ptr]
new_character_data_is_character_data_ptr[OF new_character_data_ptr]
by blast
have disconnected_nodes_eq_h:
"⋀doc_ptr disc_nodes. h ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes
= h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes"
using CD.get_disconnected_nodes_reads h2
get_disconnected_nodes_new_character_data[OF new_character_data_ptr h2]
apply(auto simp add: reads_def reflp_def transp_def preserved_def)[1]
by blast+
then have disconnected_nodes_eq2_h:
"⋀doc_ptr. |h ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr|⇩r = |h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr|⇩r"
using select_result_eq by force
have tag_name_eq_h:
"⋀ptr' disc_nodes. h ⊢ get_tag_name ptr' →⇩r disc_nodes
= h2 ⊢ get_tag_name ptr' →⇩r disc_nodes"
using get_tag_name_reads h2
get_tag_name_new_character_data[OF new_character_data_ptr h2]
apply(auto simp add: reads_def reflp_def transp_def preserved_def)[1]
by blast+
then have tag_name_eq2_h: "⋀ptr'. |h ⊢ get_tag_name ptr'|⇩r = |h2 ⊢ get_tag_name ptr'|⇩r"
using select_result_eq by force
have children_eq_h2:
"⋀ptr' children. h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr' →⇩r children = h3 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr' →⇩r children"
using CD.get_child_nodes_reads CD.set_val_writes h3
apply(rule reads_writes_preserved)
by(auto simp add: set_val_get_child_nodes)
then have children_eq2_h2:
"⋀ptr'. |h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr'|⇩r = |h3 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr'|⇩r"
using select_result_eq by force
have disconnected_nodes_eq_h2:
"⋀doc_ptr disc_nodes. h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes
= h3 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes"
using CD.get_disconnected_nodes_reads CD.set_val_writes h3
apply(rule reads_writes_preserved)
by(auto simp add: set_val_get_disconnected_nodes)
then have disconnected_nodes_eq2_h2:
"⋀doc_ptr. |h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr|⇩r = |h3 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr|⇩r"
using select_result_eq by force
have tag_name_eq_h2:
"⋀ptr' disc_nodes. h2 ⊢ get_tag_name ptr' →⇩r disc_nodes
= h3 ⊢ get_tag_name ptr' →⇩r disc_nodes"
using get_tag_name_reads CD.set_val_writes h3
apply(rule reads_writes_preserved)
by(auto simp add: set_val_get_tag_name)
then have tag_name_eq2_h2: "⋀ptr'. |h2 ⊢ get_tag_name ptr'|⇩r = |h3 ⊢ get_tag_name ptr'|⇩r"
using select_result_eq by force
have "type_wf h2"
using ‹type_wf h› new_character_data_types_preserved h2 by blast
then have "type_wf h3"
using writes_small_big[where P="λh h'. type_wf h ⟶ type_wf h'", OF CD.set_val_writes h3]
using set_val_types_preserved
by(auto simp add: reflp_def transp_def)
then show "type_wf h'"
using writes_small_big[where P="λh h'. type_wf h ⟶ type_wf h'", OF set_disconnected_nodes_writes h']
using set_disconnected_nodes_types_preserved
by(auto simp add: reflp_def transp_def)
have children_eq_h3:
"⋀ptr' children. h3 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr' →⇩r children = h' ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr' →⇩r children"
using CD.get_child_nodes_reads set_disconnected_nodes_writes h'
apply(rule reads_writes_preserved)
by(auto simp add: set_disconnected_nodes_get_child_nodes)
then have children_eq2_h3:
" ⋀ptr'. |h3 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr'|⇩r = |h' ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr'|⇩r"
using select_result_eq by force
have disconnected_nodes_eq_h3: "⋀doc_ptr disc_nodes. document_ptr ≠ doc_ptr
⟹ h3 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes
= h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes"
using CD.get_disconnected_nodes_reads set_disconnected_nodes_writes h'
apply(rule reads_writes_preserved)
by(auto simp add: set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes_different_pointers)
then have disconnected_nodes_eq2_h3: "⋀doc_ptr. document_ptr ≠ doc_ptr
⟹ |h3 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr|⇩r = |h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr|⇩r"
using select_result_eq by force
have tag_name_eq_h3:
"⋀ptr' disc_nodes. h3 ⊢ get_tag_name ptr' →⇩r disc_nodes
= h' ⊢ get_tag_name ptr' →⇩r disc_nodes"
using get_tag_name_reads set_disconnected_nodes_writes h'
apply(rule reads_writes_preserved)
by(auto simp add: set_disconnected_nodes_get_tag_name)
then have tag_name_eq2_h3: "⋀ptr'. |h3 ⊢ get_tag_name ptr'|⇩r = |h' ⊢ get_tag_name ptr'|⇩r"
using select_result_eq by force
have disc_nodes_document_ptr_h2: "h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes_h3"
using disconnected_nodes_eq_h2 disc_nodes_h3 by auto
then have disc_nodes_document_ptr_h: "h ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes_h3"
using disconnected_nodes_eq_h by auto
then have "cast new_character_data_ptr ∉ set disc_nodes_h3"
using ‹heap_is_wellformed h› using ‹cast new_character_data_ptr ∉ set |h ⊢ node_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r›
a_all_ptrs_in_heap_def heap_is_wellformed_def
using NodeMonad.ptr_kinds_ptr_kinds_M local.heap_is_wellformed_disc_nodes_in_heap by blast
have "acyclic (parent_child_rel h)"
using ‹heap_is_wellformed h›
by (simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def CD.heap_is_wellformed_def CD.acyclic_heap_def)
also have "parent_child_rel h = parent_child_rel h2"
proof(auto simp add: CD.parent_child_rel_def)[1]
fix a x
assume 0: "a |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
and 1: "x ∈ set |h ⊢ get_child_nodes a|⇩r"
then show "a |∈| object_ptr_kinds h2"
by (simp add: object_ptr_kinds_eq_h)
fix a x
assume 0: "a |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
and 1: "x ∈ set |h ⊢ get_child_nodes a|⇩r"
then show "x ∈ set |h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes a|⇩r"
by (metis ObjectMonad.ptr_kinds_ptr_kinds_M
‹cast new_character_data_ptr ∉ set |h ⊢ object_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r› children_eq2_h)
fix a x
assume 0: "a |∈| object_ptr_kinds h2"
and 1: "x ∈ set |h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes a|⇩r"
then show "a |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h ‹h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes (cast new_character_data_ptr) →⇩r []›
fix a x
assume 0: "a |∈| object_ptr_kinds h2"
and 1: "x ∈ set |h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes a|⇩r"
then show "x ∈ set |h ⊢ get_child_nodes a|⇩r"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) ‹h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes (cast new_character_data_ptr) →⇩r []›
children_eq2_h empty_iff empty_set image_eqI select_result_I2)
also have "… = parent_child_rel h3"
by(auto simp add: CD.parent_child_rel_def object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2 children_eq2_h2)
also have "… = parent_child_rel h'"
by(auto simp add: CD.parent_child_rel_def object_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 children_eq2_h3)
finally have "CD.a_acyclic_heap h'"
by (simp add: CD.acyclic_heap_def)
have "CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap h"
using ‹heap_is_wellformed h› by (simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def CD.heap_is_wellformed_def)
then have "CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap h2"
apply(auto simp add: CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap_def)[1]
using node_ptr_kinds_eq_h ‹cast new_character_data_ptr ∉ set |h ⊢ node_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r›
‹h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes (cast new_character_data_ptr) →⇩r []›
apply (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) NodeMonad.ptr_kinds_ptr_kinds_M
‹parent_child_rel h = parent_child_rel h2›
children_eq2_h finsert_iff funion_finsert_right CD.parent_child_rel_child
CD.parent_child_rel_parent_in_heap node_ptr_kinds_commutes object_ptr_kinds_eq_h
select_result_I2 subsetD sup_bot.right_neutral)
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) CD.get_child_nodes_ok CD.get_child_nodes_ptr_in_heap
‹h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes (cast⇩c⇩h⇩a⇩r⇩a⇩c⇩t⇩e⇩r⇩_⇩d⇩a⇩t⇩a⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r new_character_data_ptr) →⇩r []› assms(3) assms(4)
children_eq_h disconnected_nodes_eq2_h document_ptr_kinds_eq_h
is_OK_returns_result_I local.known_ptrs_known_ptr node_ptr_kinds_commutes
returns_result_select_result subset_code(1))
then have "CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap h3"
by (simp add: children_eq2_h2 disconnected_nodes_eq2_h2 document_ptr_kinds_eq_h2
CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap_def node_ptr_kinds_eq_h2 object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2)
then have "CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap h'"
by (smt (verit) children_eq2_h3 disc_nodes_document_ptr_h2 disconnected_nodes_eq2_h2
disconnected_nodes_eq2_h3 document_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 finsertCI funion_finsert_right
h' local.CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap_def local.set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes
node_ptr_kinds_eq_h node_ptr_kinds_eq_h2 node_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 object_ptr_kinds_eq_h3
select_result_I2 set_ConsD subsetD subsetI)
have "⋀p. p |∈| object_ptr_kinds h ⟹ cast new_character_data_ptr ∉ set |h ⊢ get_child_nodes p|⇩r"
using ‹heap_is_wellformed h› ‹cast new_character_data_ptr ∉ set |h ⊢ node_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r›
by (meson NodeMonad.ptr_kinds_ptr_kinds_M CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap_def assms(3) assms(4) fset_mp
fset_of_list_elem CD.get_child_nodes_ok known_ptrs_known_ptr returns_result_select_result)
then have "⋀p. p |∈| object_ptr_kinds h2 ⟹
cast new_character_data_ptr ∉ set |h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes p|⇩r"
using children_eq2_h
apply(auto simp add: object_ptr_kinds_eq_h)[1]
using ‹h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes (cast new_character_data_ptr) →⇩r []› apply auto[1]
by (metis ObjectMonad.ptr_kinds_ptr_kinds_M
‹cast new_character_data_ptr ∉ set |h ⊢ object_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r›)
then have "⋀p. p |∈| object_ptr_kinds h3 ⟹
cast new_character_data_ptr ∉ set |h3 ⊢ get_child_nodes p|⇩r"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2 children_eq2_h2 by auto
then have new_character_data_ptr_not_in_any_children:
"⋀p. p |∈| object_ptr_kinds h' ⟹ cast new_character_data_ptr ∉ set |h' ⊢ get_child_nodes p|⇩r"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 children_eq2_h3 by auto
have "CD.a_distinct_lists h"
using ‹heap_is_wellformed h›
by (simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def CD.heap_is_wellformed_def)
then have "CD.a_distinct_lists h2"
using ‹h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes (cast new_character_data_ptr) →⇩r []›
apply(auto simp add: CD.a_distinct_lists_def object_ptr_kinds_eq_h document_ptr_kinds_eq_h
disconnected_nodes_eq2_h intro!: distinct_concat_map_I)[1]
apply (metis distinct_sorted_list_of_set finite_fset sorted_list_of_set_insert_remove)
apply(case_tac "x=cast new_character_data_ptr")
apply(auto simp add: children_eq2_h[symmetric] insort_split dest: distinct_concat_map_E(2))[1]
apply(auto simp add: children_eq2_h[symmetric] insort_split dest: distinct_concat_map_E(2))[1]
apply(auto simp add: children_eq2_h[symmetric] insort_split dest: distinct_concat_map_E(2))[1]
apply (metis IntI assms(1) assms(3) assms(4) empty_iff CD.get_child_nodes_ok
local.heap_is_wellformed_one_parent local.known_ptrs_known_ptr
apply(auto simp add: children_eq2_h[symmetric] insort_split dest: distinct_concat_map_E(2))[1]
thm children_eq2_h
using ‹CD.a_distinct_lists h› ‹type_wf h2› disconnected_nodes_eq_h document_ptr_kinds_eq_h
CD.distinct_lists_no_parent get_disconnected_nodes_ok returns_result_select_result
by metis
then have "CD.a_distinct_lists h3"
by(auto simp add: CD.a_distinct_lists_def disconnected_nodes_eq2_h2 document_ptr_kinds_eq_h2
children_eq2_h2 object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2)[1]
then have "CD.a_distinct_lists h'"
proof(auto simp add: CD.a_distinct_lists_def disconnected_nodes_eq2_h3 children_eq2_h3
object_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 document_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 intro!: distinct_concat_map_I)[1]
fix x
assume "distinct (concat (map (λdocument_ptr. |h3 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr|⇩r)
(sorted_list_of_set (fset (document_ptr_kinds h3)))))"
and "x |∈| document_ptr_kinds h3"
then show "distinct |h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes x|⇩r"
using document_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 disconnected_nodes_eq_h3 h'
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting)
‹cast⇩c⇩h⇩a⇩r⇩a⇩c⇩t⇩e⇩r⇩_⇩d⇩a⇩t⇩a⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r new_character_data_ptr ∉ set disc_nodes_h3› ‹type_wf h2› assms(1)
disc_nodes_document_ptr_h disconnected_nodes_eq2_h2 disconnected_nodes_eq2_h3
disconnected_nodes_eq_h distinct.simps(2) document_ptr_kinds_eq_h2 local.get_disconnected_nodes_ok
local.heap_is_wellformed_disconnected_nodes_distinct returns_result_select_result select_result_I2)
fix x y xa
assume "distinct (concat (map (λdocument_ptr. |h3 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr|⇩r)
(sorted_list_of_set (fset (document_ptr_kinds h3)))))"
and "x |∈| document_ptr_kinds h3"
and "y |∈| document_ptr_kinds h3"
and "x ≠ y"
and "xa ∈ set |h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes x|⇩r"
and "xa ∈ set |h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes y|⇩r"
moreover have "set |h3 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes x|⇩r ∩ set |h3 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes y|⇩r = {}"
using calculation by(auto dest: distinct_concat_map_E(1))
ultimately show "False"
using NodeMonad.ptr_kinds_ptr_kinds_M
‹cast⇩c⇩h⇩a⇩r⇩a⇩c⇩t⇩e⇩r⇩_⇩d⇩a⇩t⇩a⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩n⇩o⇩d⇩e⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r new_character_data_ptr ∉ set |h ⊢ node_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r›
by (smt (verit) ‹local.CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap h› disc_nodes_document_ptr_h
disconnected_nodes_eq2_h disconnected_nodes_eq2_h2 disconnected_nodes_eq2_h3 disjoint_iff
document_ptr_kinds_eq_h document_ptr_kinds_eq_h2 h'
local.CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap_def local.l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes_axioms
select_result_I2 set_ConsD subsetD)
fix x xa xb
assume 2: "(⋃x∈fset (object_ptr_kinds h3). set |h' ⊢ get_child_nodes x|⇩r)
∩ (⋃x∈fset (document_ptr_kinds h3). set |h3 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes x|⇩r) = {}"
and 3: "xa |∈| object_ptr_kinds h3"
and 4: "x ∈ set |h' ⊢ get_child_nodes xa|⇩r"
and 5: "xb |∈| document_ptr_kinds h3"
and 6: "x ∈ set |h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes xb|⇩r"
show "False"
using disc_nodes_document_ptr_h disconnected_nodes_eq2_h3
apply(cases "document_ptr = xb")
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) "3" "4" "5" "6" CD.distinct_lists_no_parent
‹local.CD.a_distinct_lists h2› ‹type_wf h'› children_eq2_h2 children_eq2_h3
disc_nodes_document_ptr_h2 document_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 h' local.get_disconnected_nodes_ok
local.set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes new_character_data_ptr_not_in_any_children
object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2 object_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 returns_result_eq returns_result_select_result
by (metis "3" "4" "5" "6" CD.distinct_lists_no_parent ‹local.CD.a_distinct_lists h3›
‹type_wf h3› children_eq2_h3 local.get_disconnected_nodes_ok returns_result_select_result)
have "CD.a_owner_document_valid h"
using ‹heap_is_wellformed h› by (simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def CD.heap_is_wellformed_def)
then have "CD.a_owner_document_valid h'"
using disc_nodes_h3 ‹document_ptr |∈| document_ptr_kinds h›
apply(simp add: CD.a_owner_document_valid_def)
apply(simp add: object_ptr_kinds_eq_h object_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 )
apply(simp add: object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2)
apply(simp add: document_ptr_kinds_eq_h document_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 )
apply(simp add: document_ptr_kinds_eq_h2)
apply(simp add: node_ptr_kinds_eq_h node_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 )
apply(simp add: node_ptr_kinds_eq_h2 node_ptr_kinds_eq_h )
apply(auto simp add: children_eq2_h2[symmetric] children_eq2_h3[symmetric]
disconnected_nodes_eq2_h2 disconnected_nodes_eq2_h3)[1]
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) document_ptr_kinds_eq_h h' list.set_intros(1)
local.set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes select_result_I2)
apply(simp add: object_ptr_kinds_eq_h)
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting)
‹cast⇩c⇩h⇩a⇩r⇩a⇩c⇩t⇩e⇩r⇩_⇩d⇩a⇩t⇩a⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r new_character_data_ptr ∉ set |h ⊢ object_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r›
children_eq2_h disconnected_nodes_eq2_h3 document_ptr_kinds_eq_h h'
list.set_intros(2) local.l_set_disconnected_nodes_get_disconnected_nodes_axioms
have shadow_root_ptr_kinds_eq_h: "shadow_root_ptr_kinds h2 = shadow_root_ptr_kinds h"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h
by(auto simp add: shadow_root_ptr_kinds_def)
have shadow_root_ptr_kinds_eq_h2: "shadow_root_ptr_kinds h3 = shadow_root_ptr_kinds h2"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2
by(auto simp add: shadow_root_ptr_kinds_def)
have shadow_root_ptr_kinds_eq_h3: "shadow_root_ptr_kinds h' = shadow_root_ptr_kinds h3"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h3
by(auto simp add: shadow_root_ptr_kinds_def)
have shadow_root_eq_h:
"⋀character_data_ptr shadow_root_opt. h ⊢ get_shadow_root character_data_ptr →⇩r shadow_root_opt =
h2 ⊢ get_shadow_root character_data_ptr →⇩r shadow_root_opt"
using get_shadow_root_reads h2 get_shadow_root_new_character_data[rotated, OF h2]
apply(auto simp add: reads_def reflp_def transp_def preserved_def)[1]
using local.get_shadow_root_locs_impl new_character_data_ptr apply blast
using local.get_shadow_root_locs_impl new_character_data_ptr by blast
have shadow_root_eq_h2:
"⋀ptr' children. h2 ⊢ get_shadow_root ptr' →⇩r children = h3 ⊢ get_shadow_root ptr' →⇩r children"
using get_shadow_root_reads set_val_writes h3
apply(rule reads_writes_preserved)
by(auto simp add: set_val_get_shadow_root)
have shadow_root_eq_h3:
"⋀ptr' children. h3 ⊢ get_shadow_root ptr' →⇩r children = h' ⊢ get_shadow_root ptr' →⇩r children"
using get_shadow_root_reads set_disconnected_nodes_writes h'
apply(rule reads_writes_preserved)
using set_disconnected_nodes_get_shadow_root
by(auto simp add: set_disconnected_nodes_get_shadow_root)
have "a_all_ptrs_in_heap h"
by (simp add: assms(1) local.a_all_ptrs_in_heap_def local.get_shadow_root_shadow_root_ptr_in_heap)
then have "a_all_ptrs_in_heap h2"
apply(auto simp add: a_all_ptrs_in_heap_def shadow_root_ptr_kinds_eq_h)[1]
using returns_result_eq shadow_root_eq_h by fastforce
then have "a_all_ptrs_in_heap h3"
apply(auto simp add: a_all_ptrs_in_heap_def shadow_root_ptr_kinds_eq_h2)[1]
using shadow_root_eq_h2 by blast
then have "a_all_ptrs_in_heap h'"
apply(auto simp add: a_all_ptrs_in_heap_def shadow_root_ptr_kinds_eq_h3)[1]
by (simp add: shadow_root_eq_h3)
have "a_distinct_lists h"
using assms(1)
by (simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def)
then have "a_distinct_lists h2"
apply(auto simp add: a_distinct_lists_def character_data_ptr_kinds_eq_h)[1]
apply(auto simp add: distinct_insort intro!: distinct_concat_map_I split: option.splits)[1]
by (metis ‹type_wf h2› assms(1) assms(3) local.get_shadow_root_ok local.shadow_root_same_host
returns_result_select_result shadow_root_eq_h)
then have "a_distinct_lists h3"
by(auto simp add: a_distinct_lists_def element_ptr_kinds_eq_h2
select_result_eq[OF shadow_root_eq_h2])
then have "a_distinct_lists h'"
by(auto simp add: a_distinct_lists_def element_ptr_kinds_eq_h3
select_result_eq[OF shadow_root_eq_h3])
have "a_shadow_root_valid h"
using assms(1)
by (simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def)
then have "a_shadow_root_valid h2"
by(auto simp add: a_shadow_root_valid_def shadow_root_ptr_kinds_eq_h element_ptr_kinds_eq_h
select_result_eq[OF shadow_root_eq_h] tag_name_eq2_h)
then have "a_shadow_root_valid h3"
by(auto simp add: a_shadow_root_valid_def shadow_root_ptr_kinds_eq_h2 element_ptr_kinds_eq_h2
select_result_eq[OF shadow_root_eq_h2] tag_name_eq2_h2)
then have "a_shadow_root_valid h'"
by(auto simp add: a_shadow_root_valid_def shadow_root_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 element_ptr_kinds_eq_h3
select_result_eq[OF shadow_root_eq_h3] tag_name_eq2_h3)
have "a_host_shadow_root_rel h = a_host_shadow_root_rel h2"
by(auto simp add: a_host_shadow_root_rel_def element_ptr_kinds_eq_h
select_result_eq[OF shadow_root_eq_h])
have "a_host_shadow_root_rel h2 = a_host_shadow_root_rel h3"
by(auto simp add: a_host_shadow_root_rel_def element_ptr_kinds_eq_h2
select_result_eq[OF shadow_root_eq_h2])
have "a_host_shadow_root_rel h3 = a_host_shadow_root_rel h'"
by(auto simp add: a_host_shadow_root_rel_def element_ptr_kinds_eq_h3
select_result_eq[OF shadow_root_eq_h3])
have "acyclic (parent_child_rel h ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h)"
using ‹heap_is_wellformed h›
by (simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def)
have "parent_child_rel h ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h =
parent_child_rel h2 ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h2"
using ‹local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h = local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h2›
‹parent_child_rel h = parent_child_rel h2› by auto
have "parent_child_rel h2 ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h2 =
parent_child_rel h3 ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h3"
using ‹local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h2 = local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h3›
‹parent_child_rel h2 = parent_child_rel h3› by auto
have "parent_child_rel h' ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h' =
parent_child_rel h3 ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h3"
by (simp add: ‹local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h3 = local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h'›
‹parent_child_rel h3 = parent_child_rel h'›)
have "acyclic (parent_child_rel h3 ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h3)"
using ‹acyclic (parent_child_rel h ∪ local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h)›
‹parent_child_rel h ∪ local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h = parent_child_rel h2 ∪
local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h2› ‹parent_child_rel h2 ∪ local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h2 =
parent_child_rel h3 ∪ local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h3› by auto
then have "acyclic (parent_child_rel h' ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h')"
by(simp add: ‹parent_child_rel h' ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h' =
parent_child_rel h3 ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h3›)
have "CD.a_heap_is_wellformed h'"
apply(simp add: CD.a_heap_is_wellformed_def)
by (simp add: ‹local.CD.a_acyclic_heap h'› ‹local.CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap h'›
‹local.CD.a_distinct_lists h'› ‹local.CD.a_owner_document_valid h'›)
show "heap_is_wellformed h' "
using ‹acyclic (parent_child_rel h' ∪ local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h')›
by(simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def CD.heap_is_wellformed_impl
‹local.CD.a_heap_is_wellformed h'› ‹local.a_all_ptrs_in_heap h'› ‹local.a_distinct_lists h'›
‹local.a_shadow_root_valid h'›)
subsubsection ‹create\_document›
locale l_create_document_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
l_heap_is_wellformed⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs get_disconnected_nodes
get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs known_ptr type_wf
heap_is_wellformed parent_child_rel
heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_host get_host_locs get_disconnected_document
+ l_new_document_get_disconnected_nodes
get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
+ l_create_document⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
+ l_new_document_get_child_nodes
type_wf known_ptr get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs
+ l_get_tag_name type_wf get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs
+ l_new_document_get_tag_name get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs
+ l_get_disconnected_nodes⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M type_wf type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_disconnected_nodes
+ l_new_document
+ l_known_ptrs
known_ptr known_ptrs
for known_ptr :: "(_::linorder) object_ptr ⇒ bool"
and type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and get_child_nodes :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_child_nodes_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_disconnected_nodes :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_shadow_root :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) shadow_root_ptr option) prog"
and get_shadow_root_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_tag_name :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, char list) prog"
and get_tag_name_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and get_host :: "(_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) element_ptr) prog"
and get_host_locs :: "((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_disconnected_document :: "(_) node_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) document_ptr) prog"
and get_disconnected_document_locs :: "((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and heap_is_wellformed :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and parent_child_rel :: "(_) heap ⇒ ((_) object_ptr × (_) object_ptr) set"
and set_val :: "(_) character_data_ptr ⇒ char list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and set_val_locs :: "(_) character_data_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
and set_disconnected_nodes ::
"(_) document_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and set_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
and create_document :: "((_) heap, exception, (_) document_ptr) prog"
and known_ptrs :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
lemma create_document_preserves_wellformedness:
assumes "heap_is_wellformed h"
and "h ⊢ create_document →⇩h h'"
and "type_wf h"
and "known_ptrs h"
shows "heap_is_wellformed h'"
proof -
obtain new_document_ptr where
new_document_ptr: "h ⊢ new_document →⇩r new_document_ptr" and
h': "h ⊢ new_document →⇩h h'"
using assms(2)
apply(simp add: create_document_def)
using new_document_ok by blast
have "new_document_ptr ∉ set |h ⊢ document_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r"
using new_document_ptr DocumentMonad.ptr_kinds_ptr_kinds_M
using new_document_ptr_not_in_heap h' by blast
then have "cast new_document_ptr ∉ set |h ⊢ object_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r"
by simp
have "new_document_ptr |∉| document_ptr_kinds h"
using new_document_ptr DocumentMonad.ptr_kinds_ptr_kinds_M
using new_document_ptr_not_in_heap h' by blast
then have "cast new_document_ptr |∉| object_ptr_kinds h"
by simp
have object_ptr_kinds_eq: "object_ptr_kinds h' = object_ptr_kinds h |∪| {|cast new_document_ptr|}"
using new_document_new_ptr h' new_document_ptr by blast
then have node_ptr_kinds_eq: "node_ptr_kinds h' = node_ptr_kinds h"
apply(simp add: node_ptr_kinds_def)
by force
then have character_data_ptr_kinds_eq_h: "character_data_ptr_kinds h' = character_data_ptr_kinds h"
by(simp add: character_data_ptr_kinds_def)
have element_ptr_kinds_eq_h: "element_ptr_kinds h' = element_ptr_kinds h"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq
by(auto simp add: node_ptr_kinds_def element_ptr_kinds_def)
have document_ptr_kinds_eq_h: "document_ptr_kinds h' = document_ptr_kinds h |∪| {|new_document_ptr|}"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq
by (auto simp add: document_ptr_kinds_def)
have shadow_root_ptr_kinds_eq: "shadow_root_ptr_kinds h' = shadow_root_ptr_kinds h"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq
apply(simp add: shadow_root_ptr_kinds_def)
by force
have children_eq:
"⋀(ptr'::(_) object_ptr) children. ptr' ≠ cast new_document_ptr
⟹ h ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr' →⇩r children = h' ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr' →⇩r children"
using CD.get_child_nodes_reads h' get_child_nodes_new_document[rotated, OF new_document_ptr h']
apply(auto simp add: reads_def reflp_def transp_def preserved_def)[1]
by blast+
then have children_eq2: "⋀ptr'. ptr' ≠ cast new_document_ptr
⟹ |h ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr'|⇩r = |h' ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr'|⇩r"
using select_result_eq by force
have "h' ⊢ get_child_nodes (cast new_document_ptr) →⇩r []"
using new_document_ptr h' new_document_ptr_in_heap[OF h' new_document_ptr]
new_document_is_document_ptr[OF new_document_ptr] new_document_no_child_nodes
by blast
have disconnected_nodes_eq_h:
"⋀doc_ptr disc_nodes. doc_ptr ≠ new_document_ptr
⟹ h ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes =
h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes"
using CD.get_disconnected_nodes_reads h' get_disconnected_nodes_new_document_different_pointers
apply(auto simp add: reads_def reflp_def transp_def preserved_def)[1]
by (metis(full_types) ‹⋀thesis. (⋀new_document_ptr.
⟦h ⊢ new_document →⇩r new_document_ptr; h ⊢ new_document →⇩h h'⟧ ⟹ thesis) ⟹ thesis›
local.get_disconnected_nodes_new_document_different_pointers new_document_ptr)+
then have disconnected_nodes_eq2_h: "⋀doc_ptr. doc_ptr ≠ new_document_ptr
⟹ |h ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr|⇩r = |h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr|⇩r"
using select_result_eq by force
have "h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes new_document_ptr →⇩r []"
using h' local.new_document_no_disconnected_nodes new_document_ptr by blast
have "type_wf h'"
using ‹type_wf h› new_document_types_preserved h' by blast
have "acyclic (parent_child_rel h)"
using ‹heap_is_wellformed h›
by (auto simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def CD.heap_is_wellformed_def CD.acyclic_heap_def)
also have "parent_child_rel h = parent_child_rel h'"
proof(auto simp add: CD.parent_child_rel_def)[1]
fix a x
assume 0: "a |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
and 1: "x ∈ set |h ⊢ get_child_nodes a|⇩r"
then show "a |∈| object_ptr_kinds h'"
by (simp add: object_ptr_kinds_eq)
fix a x
assume 0: "a |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
and 1: "x ∈ set |h ⊢ get_child_nodes a|⇩r"
then show "x ∈ set |h' ⊢ get_child_nodes a|⇩r"
by (metis ObjectMonad.ptr_kinds_ptr_kinds_M
‹cast new_document_ptr ∉ set |h ⊢ object_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r› children_eq2)
fix a x
assume 0: "a |∈| object_ptr_kinds h'"
and 1: "x ∈ set |h' ⊢ get_child_nodes a|⇩r"
then show "a |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq ‹h' ⊢ get_child_nodes (cast new_document_ptr) →⇩r []›
fix a x
assume 0: "a |∈| object_ptr_kinds h'"
and 1: "x ∈ set |h' ⊢ get_child_nodes a|⇩r"
then show "x ∈ set |h ⊢ get_child_nodes a|⇩r"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) ‹h' ⊢ get_child_nodes (cast new_document_ptr) →⇩r []›
children_eq2 empty_iff empty_set image_eqI select_result_I2)
finally have "CD.a_acyclic_heap h'"
by (simp add: CD.acyclic_heap_def)
have "CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap h"
using ‹heap_is_wellformed h› by (simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def CD.heap_is_wellformed_def )
then have "CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap h'"
apply(auto simp add: CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap_def)[1]
using ObjectMonad.ptr_kinds_ptr_kinds_M
‹cast⇩d⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r new_document_ptr ∉ set |h ⊢ object_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r›
‹parent_child_rel h = parent_child_rel h'› assms(1) children_eq fset_of_list_elem
local.heap_is_wellformed_children_in_heap CD.parent_child_rel_child
CD.parent_child_rel_parent_in_heap node_ptr_kinds_eq
apply (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting)
‹h' ⊢ get_child_nodes (cast⇩d⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r new_document_ptr) →⇩r []›
children_eq2 finsert_iff funion_finsert_right object_ptr_kinds_eq
select_result_I2 subsetD sup_bot.right_neutral)
by (metis (no_types, lifting) ‹h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes new_document_ptr →⇩r []› ‹type_wf h'›
assms(1) disconnected_nodes_eq_h empty_iff empty_set local.get_disconnected_nodes_ok
local.heap_is_wellformed_disc_nodes_in_heap node_ptr_kinds_eq returns_result_select_result
have "CD.a_distinct_lists h"
using ‹heap_is_wellformed h›
by (simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def CD.heap_is_wellformed_def)
then have "CD.a_distinct_lists h'"
using ‹h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes new_document_ptr →⇩r []›
‹h' ⊢ get_child_nodes (cast new_document_ptr) →⇩r []›
apply(auto simp add: children_eq2[symmetric] CD.a_distinct_lists_def insort_split
document_ptr_kinds_eq_h disconnected_nodes_eq2_h intro!: distinct_concat_map_I)[1]
apply (metis distinct_sorted_list_of_set finite_fset sorted_list_of_set_insert_remove)
apply(auto simp add: dest: distinct_concat_map_E)[1]
apply(auto simp add: dest: distinct_concat_map_E)[1]
using ‹new_document_ptr |∉| document_ptr_kinds h›
apply(auto simp add: distinct_insort dest: distinct_concat_map_E)[1]
apply (metis assms(1) assms(3) disconnected_nodes_eq2_h get_disconnected_nodes_ok
proof -
fix x :: "(_) document_ptr" and y :: "(_) document_ptr" and xa :: "(_) node_ptr"
assume a1: "x ≠ y"
assume a2: "x |∈| document_ptr_kinds h"
assume a3: "x ≠ new_document_ptr"
assume a4: "y |∈| document_ptr_kinds h"
assume a5: "y ≠ new_document_ptr"
assume a6: "distinct (concat (map (λdocument_ptr. |h ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr|⇩r)
(sorted_list_of_set (fset (document_ptr_kinds h)))))"
assume a7: "xa ∈ set |h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes x|⇩r"
assume a8: "xa ∈ set |h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes y|⇩r"
have f9: "xa ∈ set |h ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes x|⇩r"
using a7 a3 disconnected_nodes_eq2_h by presburger
have f10: "xa ∈ set |h ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes y|⇩r"
using a8 a5 disconnected_nodes_eq2_h by presburger
have f11: "y ∈ set (sorted_list_of_set (fset (document_ptr_kinds h)))"
using a4 by simp
have "x ∈ set (sorted_list_of_set (fset (document_ptr_kinds h)))"
using a2 by simp
then show False
using f11 f10 f9 a6 a1 by (meson disjoint_iff_not_equal distinct_concat_map_E(1))
fix x xa xb
assume 0: "h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes new_document_ptr →⇩r []"
and 1: "h' ⊢ get_child_nodes (cast⇩d⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r new_document_ptr) →⇩r []"
and 2: "distinct (concat (map (λptr. |h ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr|⇩r)
(sorted_list_of_set (fset (object_ptr_kinds h)))))"
and 3: "distinct (concat (map (λdocument_ptr. |h ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes document_ptr|⇩r)
(sorted_list_of_set (fset (document_ptr_kinds h)))))"
and 4: "(⋃x∈fset (object_ptr_kinds h). set |h ⊢ get_child_nodes x|⇩r)
∩ (⋃x∈fset (document_ptr_kinds h). set |h ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes x|⇩r) = {}"
and 5: "x ∈ set |h ⊢ get_child_nodes xa|⇩r"
and 6: "x ∈ set |h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes xb|⇩r"
and 7: "xa |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
and 8: "xa ≠ cast⇩d⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r new_document_ptr"
and 9: "xb |∈| document_ptr_kinds h"
and 10: "xb ≠ new_document_ptr"
then show "False"
by (metis ‹CD.a_distinct_lists h› assms(3) disconnected_nodes_eq2_h
CD.distinct_lists_no_parent get_disconnected_nodes_ok
have "CD.a_owner_document_valid h"
using ‹heap_is_wellformed h› by (simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def CD.heap_is_wellformed_def)
then have "CD.a_owner_document_valid h'"
apply(auto simp add: CD.a_owner_document_valid_def)[1]
by (metis ‹cast⇩d⇩o⇩c⇩u⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r new_document_ptr |∉| object_ptr_kinds h›
children_eq2 disconnected_nodes_eq2_h document_ptr_kinds_commutes funion_iff
node_ptr_kinds_eq object_ptr_kinds_eq)
have shadow_root_eq_h: "⋀character_data_ptr shadow_root_opt.
h ⊢ get_shadow_root character_data_ptr →⇩r shadow_root_opt =
h' ⊢ get_shadow_root character_data_ptr →⇩r shadow_root_opt"
using get_shadow_root_reads assms(2) get_shadow_root_new_document[rotated, OF h']
apply(auto simp add: reads_def reflp_def transp_def preserved_def)[1]
using local.get_shadow_root_locs_impl new_document_ptr apply blast
using local.get_shadow_root_locs_impl new_document_ptr by blast
have "a_all_ptrs_in_heap h"
by (simp add: assms(1) local.a_all_ptrs_in_heap_def local.get_shadow_root_shadow_root_ptr_in_heap)
then have "a_all_ptrs_in_heap h'"
apply(auto simp add: a_all_ptrs_in_heap_def shadow_root_ptr_kinds_eq document_ptr_kinds_eq_h)[1]
using shadow_root_eq_h by fastforce
have "a_distinct_lists h"
using assms(1)
by (simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def)
then have "a_distinct_lists h'"
apply(auto simp add: a_distinct_lists_def character_data_ptr_kinds_eq_h)[1]
apply(auto simp add: distinct_insort intro!: distinct_concat_map_I split: option.splits)[1]
by (metis ‹type_wf h'› assms(1) assms(3) local.get_shadow_root_ok local.shadow_root_same_host
returns_result_select_result shadow_root_eq_h)
have tag_name_eq_h:
"⋀ptr' disc_nodes. h ⊢ get_tag_name ptr' →⇩r disc_nodes
= h' ⊢ get_tag_name ptr' →⇩r disc_nodes"
using get_tag_name_reads h'
get_tag_name_new_document[OF new_document_ptr h']
apply(auto simp add: reads_def reflp_def transp_def preserved_def)[1]
by blast+
have "a_shadow_root_valid h"
using assms(1)
by (simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def)
then have "a_shadow_root_valid h'"
using new_document_is_document_ptr[OF new_document_ptr]
by(auto simp add: a_shadow_root_valid_def element_ptr_kinds_eq_h document_ptr_kinds_eq_h
shadow_root_ptr_kinds_eq select_result_eq[OF shadow_root_eq_h] select_result_eq[OF tag_name_eq_h])
have "a_host_shadow_root_rel h = a_host_shadow_root_rel h'"
by(auto simp add: a_host_shadow_root_rel_def element_ptr_kinds_eq_h
select_result_eq[OF shadow_root_eq_h])
have "acyclic (parent_child_rel h ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h)"
using ‹heap_is_wellformed h›
by (simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def)
have "parent_child_rel h ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h =
parent_child_rel h' ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h'"
by (simp add: ‹local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h = local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h'›
‹parent_child_rel h = parent_child_rel h'›)
ultimately have "acyclic (parent_child_rel h' ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h')"
by simp
have "CD.a_heap_is_wellformed h'"
apply(simp add: CD.a_heap_is_wellformed_def)
by (simp add: ‹local.CD.a_acyclic_heap h'› ‹local.CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap h'›
‹local.CD.a_distinct_lists h'› ‹local.CD.a_owner_document_valid h'›)
show "heap_is_wellformed h'"
using CD.heap_is_wellformed_impl ‹acyclic (parent_child_rel h' ∪ local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h')›
‹local.CD.a_heap_is_wellformed h'› ‹local.a_all_ptrs_in_heap h'› ‹local.a_distinct_lists h'›
‹local.a_shadow_root_valid h'› local.heap_is_wellformed_def by auto
interpretation l_create_document_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M known_ptr type_wf DocumentClass.type_wf get_child_nodes
get_child_nodes_locs get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs get_shadow_root
get_shadow_root_locs get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs
heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_host get_host_locs get_disconnected_document
get_disconnected_document_locs heap_is_wellformed parent_child_rel set_val set_val_locs
set_disconnected_nodes set_disconnected_nodes_locs create_document known_ptrs
by(auto simp add: l_create_document_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances)
subsubsection ‹attach\_shadow\_root›
locale l_attach_shadow_root_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M =
type_wf get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
+ l_heap_is_wellformed⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M
get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs known_ptr type_wf
heap_is_wellformed parent_child_rel
heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_host get_host_locs get_disconnected_document
+ l_attach_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M known_ptr set_shadow_root set_shadow_root_locs set_mode
set_mode_locs attach_shadow_root type_wf get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs get_shadow_root
+ l_new_shadow_root_get_disconnected_nodes
get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
+ l_set_mode_get_disconnected_nodes
type_wf set_mode set_mode_locs get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
+ l_new_shadow_root_get_child_nodes
type_wf known_ptr get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs
+ l_new_shadow_root_get_tag_name
type_wf get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs
+ l_set_mode_get_child_nodes
type_wf set_mode set_mode_locs known_ptr get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs
+ l_set_shadow_root_get_child_nodes
type_wf set_shadow_root set_shadow_root_locs known_ptr get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs
+ l_set_shadow_root
type_wf set_shadow_root set_shadow_root_locs
+ l_set_shadow_root_get_disconnected_nodes
set_shadow_root set_shadow_root_locs get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
+ l_set_mode_get_shadow_root type_wf set_mode set_mode_locs get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs
+ l_set_shadow_root_get_shadow_root type_wf set_shadow_root set_shadow_root_locs
get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs
+ l_new_character_data_get_tag_name
get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs
+ l_set_mode_get_tag_name type_wf set_mode set_mode_locs get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs
+ l_get_tag_name type_wf get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs
+ l_set_shadow_root_get_tag_name set_shadow_root set_shadow_root_locs get_tag_name get_tag_name_locs
+ l_new_shadow_root
+ l_known_ptrs
known_ptr known_ptrs
for known_ptr :: "(_::linorder) object_ptr ⇒ bool"
and known_ptrs :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and type_wf :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and get_child_nodes :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_child_nodes_locs :: "(_) object_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_disconnected_nodes :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) node_ptr list) prog"
and get_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and heap_is_wellformed :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and parent_child_rel :: "(_) heap ⇒ ((_) object_ptr × (_) object_ptr) set"
and set_tag_name :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ char list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and set_tag_name_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
and set_disconnected_nodes :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ (_) node_ptr list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and set_disconnected_nodes_locs :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
and create_element :: "(_) document_ptr ⇒ char list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) element_ptr) prog"
and get_shadow_root :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) shadow_root_ptr option) prog"
and get_shadow_root_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_tag_name :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, char list) prog"
and get_tag_name_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and get_host :: "(_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) element_ptr) prog"
and get_host_locs :: "((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and get_disconnected_document :: "(_) node_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) document_ptr) prog"
and get_disconnected_document_locs :: "((_) heap ⇒ (_) heap ⇒ bool) set"
and set_val :: "(_) character_data_ptr ⇒ char list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog"
and set_val_locs :: "(_) character_data_ptr ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, unit) prog set"
and create_character_data ::
"(_) document_ptr ⇒ char list ⇒ ((_) heap, exception, (_) character_data_ptr) prog"
and known_ptr⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_::linorder) object_ptr ⇒ bool"
and type_wf⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M :: "(_) heap ⇒ bool"
and set_shadow_root :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ (_) shadow_root_ptr option ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
and set_shadow_root_locs :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog set"
and set_mode :: "(_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒ shadow_root_mode ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog"
and set_mode_locs :: "(_) shadow_root_ptr ⇒ (_, unit) dom_prog set"
and attach_shadow_root :: "(_) element_ptr ⇒ shadow_root_mode ⇒ (_, (_) shadow_root_ptr) dom_prog"
lemma attach_shadow_root_child_preserves:
assumes "heap_is_wellformed h" and "type_wf h" and "known_ptrs h"
assumes "h ⊢ attach_shadow_root element_ptr new_mode →⇩h h'"
shows "type_wf h'" and "known_ptrs h'" and "heap_is_wellformed h'"
proof -
obtain h2 h3 new_shadow_root_ptr element_tag_name where
element_tag_name: "h ⊢ get_tag_name element_ptr →⇩r element_tag_name" and
"element_tag_name ∈ safe_shadow_root_element_types" and
prev_shadow_root: "h ⊢ get_shadow_root element_ptr →⇩r None" and
h2: "h ⊢ new⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_M →⇩h h2" and
new_shadow_root_ptr: "h ⊢ new⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_M →⇩r new_shadow_root_ptr" and
h3: "h2 ⊢ set_mode new_shadow_root_ptr new_mode →⇩h h3" and
h': "h3 ⊢ set_shadow_root element_ptr (Some new_shadow_root_ptr) →⇩h h'"
using assms(4)
by(auto simp add: attach_shadow_root_def elim!: bind_returns_heap_E
bind_returns_heap_E2[rotated, OF get_tag_name_pure, rotated]
bind_returns_heap_E2[rotated, OF get_shadow_root_pure, rotated] split: if_splits)
have "h ⊢ attach_shadow_root element_ptr new_mode →⇩r new_shadow_root_ptr"
thm bind_pure_returns_result_I[OF get_tag_name_pure]
apply(unfold attach_shadow_root_def)[1]
using element_tag_name
apply(rule bind_pure_returns_result_I[OF get_tag_name_pure])
apply(rule bind_pure_returns_result_I)
using ‹element_tag_name ∈ safe_shadow_root_element_types› apply(simp)
using ‹element_tag_name ∈ safe_shadow_root_element_types› apply(simp)
using prev_shadow_root
apply(rule bind_pure_returns_result_I[OF get_shadow_root_pure])
apply(rule bind_pure_returns_result_I)
using h2 new_shadow_root_ptr h3 h'
by(auto intro!: bind_returns_result_I
intro: is_OK_returns_result_E[OF is_OK_returns_heap_I[OF h3]]
is_OK_returns_result_E[OF is_OK_returns_heap_I[OF h']])
have "new_shadow_root_ptr ∉ set |h ⊢ shadow_root_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r"
using new_shadow_root_ptr ShadowRootMonad.ptr_kinds_ptr_kinds_M h2
using new⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_M_ptr_not_in_heap by blast
then have "cast new_shadow_root_ptr ∉ set |h ⊢ object_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r"
by simp
have object_ptr_kinds_eq_h:
"object_ptr_kinds h2 = object_ptr_kinds h |∪| {|cast new_shadow_root_ptr|}"
using new⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_M_new_ptr h2 new_shadow_root_ptr by blast
then have document_ptr_kinds_eq_h:
"document_ptr_kinds h2 = document_ptr_kinds h"
apply(simp add: document_ptr_kinds_def)
by force
have shadow_root_ptr_kinds_eq_h:
"shadow_root_ptr_kinds h2 = shadow_root_ptr_kinds h |∪| {|new_shadow_root_ptr|}"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h
apply(simp add: shadow_root_ptr_kinds_def)
by force
have element_ptr_kinds_eq_h: "element_ptr_kinds h2 = element_ptr_kinds h"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h
by(auto simp add: node_ptr_kinds_def element_ptr_kinds_def)
have object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2: "object_ptr_kinds h3 = object_ptr_kinds h2"
apply(rule writes_small_big[where P="λh h'. object_ptr_kinds h' = object_ptr_kinds h",
OF set_mode_writes h3])
using set_mode_pointers_preserved
by (auto simp add: reflp_def transp_def)
then have document_ptr_kinds_eq_h2: "document_ptr_kinds h3 = document_ptr_kinds h2"
by (auto simp add: document_ptr_kinds_def)
have shadow_root_ptr_kinds_eq_h2: "shadow_root_ptr_kinds h3 = shadow_root_ptr_kinds h2"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2
by (auto simp add: shadow_root_ptr_kinds_def)
have node_ptr_kinds_eq_h2: "node_ptr_kinds h3 = node_ptr_kinds h2"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2
by(auto simp add: node_ptr_kinds_def)
have object_ptr_kinds_eq_h3: "object_ptr_kinds h' = object_ptr_kinds h3"
apply(rule writes_small_big[where P="λh h'. object_ptr_kinds h' = object_ptr_kinds h",
OF set_shadow_root_writes h'])
using set_shadow_root_pointers_preserved
by (auto simp add: reflp_def transp_def)
then have document_ptr_kinds_eq_h3: "document_ptr_kinds h' = document_ptr_kinds h3"
by (auto simp add: document_ptr_kinds_def)
have shadow_root_ptr_kinds_eq_h3: "shadow_root_ptr_kinds h' = shadow_root_ptr_kinds h3"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h3
by (auto simp add: shadow_root_ptr_kinds_def)
have node_ptr_kinds_eq_h3: "node_ptr_kinds h' = node_ptr_kinds h3"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h3
by(auto simp add: node_ptr_kinds_def)
have "known_ptr (cast new_shadow_root_ptr)"
using ‹h ⊢ attach_shadow_root element_ptr new_mode →⇩r new_shadow_root_ptr›
create_shadow_root_known_ptr by blast
have "known_ptrs h2"
using known_ptrs_new_ptr object_ptr_kinds_eq_h ‹known_ptrs h› h2
by blast
have "known_ptrs h3"
using known_ptrs_preserved object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2 by blast
show "known_ptrs h'"
using known_ptrs_preserved object_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 by blast
have "element_ptr |∈| element_ptr_kinds h"
by (meson ‹h ⊢ attach_shadow_root element_ptr new_mode →⇩r new_shadow_root_ptr›
is_OK_returns_result_I local.attach_shadow_root_element_ptr_in_heap)
have children_eq_h: "⋀(ptr'::(_) object_ptr) children. ptr' ≠ cast new_shadow_root_ptr
⟹ h ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr' →⇩r children = h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr' →⇩r children"
using CD.get_child_nodes_reads h2 get_child_nodes_new_shadow_root[rotated, OF new_shadow_root_ptr h2]
apply(auto simp add: reads_def reflp_def transp_def preserved_def)[1]
by blast+
then have children_eq2_h:
"⋀ptr'. ptr' ≠ cast new_shadow_root_ptr
⟹ |h ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr'|⇩r = |h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr'|⇩r"
using select_result_eq by force
have object_ptr_kinds_eq_h:
"object_ptr_kinds h2 = object_ptr_kinds h |∪| {|cast new_shadow_root_ptr|}"
using new⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_new_ptr h2 new_shadow_root_ptr object_ptr_kinds_eq_h by blast
then have node_ptr_kinds_eq_h:
"node_ptr_kinds h2 = node_ptr_kinds h"
apply(simp add: node_ptr_kinds_def)
by force
then have character_data_ptr_kinds_eq_h:
"character_data_ptr_kinds h2 = character_data_ptr_kinds h"
apply(simp add: character_data_ptr_kinds_def)
have element_ptr_kinds_eq_h: "element_ptr_kinds h2 = element_ptr_kinds h"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h
by(auto simp add: node_ptr_kinds_def element_ptr_kinds_def)
have object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2: "object_ptr_kinds h3 = object_ptr_kinds h2"
apply(rule writes_small_big[where P="λh h'. object_ptr_kinds h' = object_ptr_kinds h",
OF set_mode_writes h3])
using set_mode_pointers_preserved
by (auto simp add: reflp_def transp_def)
then have document_ptr_kinds_eq_h2: "document_ptr_kinds h3 = document_ptr_kinds h2"
by (auto simp add: document_ptr_kinds_def)
have node_ptr_kinds_eq_h2: "node_ptr_kinds h3 = node_ptr_kinds h2"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2
by(auto simp add: node_ptr_kinds_def)
then have character_data_ptr_kinds_eq_h2: "character_data_ptr_kinds h3 = character_data_ptr_kinds h2"
by(simp add: character_data_ptr_kinds_def)
have element_ptr_kinds_eq_h2: "element_ptr_kinds h3 = element_ptr_kinds h2"
using node_ptr_kinds_eq_h2
by(simp add: element_ptr_kinds_def)
have object_ptr_kinds_eq_h3: "object_ptr_kinds h' = object_ptr_kinds h3"
apply(rule writes_small_big[where P="λh h'. object_ptr_kinds h' = object_ptr_kinds h",
OF set_shadow_root_writes h'])
using set_shadow_root_pointers_preserved
by (auto simp add: reflp_def transp_def)
then have document_ptr_kinds_eq_h3: "document_ptr_kinds h' = document_ptr_kinds h3"
by (auto simp add: document_ptr_kinds_def)
have node_ptr_kinds_eq_h3: "node_ptr_kinds h' = node_ptr_kinds h3"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h3
by(auto simp add: node_ptr_kinds_def)
then have character_data_ptr_kinds_eq_h3: "character_data_ptr_kinds h' = character_data_ptr_kinds h3"
by(simp add: character_data_ptr_kinds_def)
have element_ptr_kinds_eq_h3: "element_ptr_kinds h' = element_ptr_kinds h3"
using node_ptr_kinds_eq_h3
by(simp add: element_ptr_kinds_def)
have children_eq_h: "⋀(ptr'::(_) object_ptr) children. ptr' ≠ cast new_shadow_root_ptr
⟹ h ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr' →⇩r children = h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr' →⇩r children"
using CD.get_child_nodes_reads h2 get_child_nodes_new_shadow_root[rotated, OF new_shadow_root_ptr h2]
apply(auto simp add: reads_def reflp_def transp_def preserved_def)[1]
by blast+
then have children_eq2_h: "⋀ptr'. ptr' ≠ cast new_shadow_root_ptr
⟹ |h ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr'|⇩r = |h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr'|⇩r"
using select_result_eq by force
have "h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes (cast new_shadow_root_ptr) →⇩r []"
using h2 local.new_shadow_root_no_child_nodes new_shadow_root_ptr by auto
have disconnected_nodes_eq_h:
"⋀doc_ptr disc_nodes. h ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes
= h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes"
using get_disconnected_nodes_reads h2
get_disconnected_nodes_new_shadow_root[rotated, OF h2,rotated,OF new_shadow_root_ptr]
apply(auto simp add: reads_def reflp_def transp_def preserved_def)[1]
by (metis (no_types, lifting))+
then have disconnected_nodes_eq2_h:
"⋀doc_ptr. |h ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr|⇩r = |h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr|⇩r"
using select_result_eq by force
have tag_name_eq_h:
"⋀ptr' disc_nodes. h ⊢ get_tag_name ptr' →⇩r disc_nodes
= h2 ⊢ get_tag_name ptr' →⇩r disc_nodes"
using get_tag_name_reads h2
get_tag_name_new_shadow_root[OF new_shadow_root_ptr h2]
apply(auto simp add: reads_def reflp_def transp_def preserved_def)[1]
by blast+
then have tag_name_eq2_h: "⋀ptr'. |h ⊢ get_tag_name ptr'|⇩r = |h2 ⊢ get_tag_name ptr'|⇩r"
using select_result_eq by force
have children_eq_h2:
"⋀ptr' children. h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr' →⇩r children = h3 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr' →⇩r children"
using CD.get_child_nodes_reads set_mode_writes h3
apply(rule reads_writes_preserved)
by(auto simp add: set_mode_get_child_nodes)
then have children_eq2_h2:
"⋀ptr'. |h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr'|⇩r = |h3 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr'|⇩r"
using select_result_eq by force
have disconnected_nodes_eq_h2:
"⋀doc_ptr disc_nodes. h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes
= h3 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes"
using get_disconnected_nodes_reads set_mode_writes h3
apply(rule reads_writes_preserved)
by(auto simp add: set_mode_get_disconnected_nodes)
then have disconnected_nodes_eq2_h2:
"⋀doc_ptr. |h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr|⇩r = |h3 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr|⇩r"
using select_result_eq by force
have tag_name_eq_h2:
"⋀ptr' disc_nodes. h2 ⊢ get_tag_name ptr' →⇩r disc_nodes
= h3 ⊢ get_tag_name ptr' →⇩r disc_nodes"
using get_tag_name_reads set_mode_writes h3
apply(rule reads_writes_preserved)
by(auto simp add: set_mode_get_tag_name)
then have tag_name_eq2_h2: "⋀ptr'. |h2 ⊢ get_tag_name ptr'|⇩r = |h3 ⊢ get_tag_name ptr'|⇩r"
using select_result_eq by force
have "type_wf h2"
using ‹type_wf h› new_shadow_root_types_preserved h2 by blast
then have "type_wf h3"
using writes_small_big[where P="λh h'. type_wf h ⟶ type_wf h'", OF set_mode_writes h3]
using set_mode_types_preserved
by(auto simp add: reflp_def transp_def)
then show "type_wf h'"
using writes_small_big[where P="λh h'. type_wf h ⟶ type_wf h'", OF set_shadow_root_writes h']
using set_shadow_root_types_preserved
by(auto simp add: reflp_def transp_def)
have children_eq_h3:
"⋀ptr' children. h3 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr' →⇩r children = h' ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr' →⇩r children"
using CD.get_child_nodes_reads set_shadow_root_writes h'
apply(rule reads_writes_preserved)
by(auto simp add: set_shadow_root_get_child_nodes)
then have children_eq2_h3:
" ⋀ptr'. |h3 ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr'|⇩r = |h' ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr'|⇩r"
using select_result_eq by force
have disconnected_nodes_eq_h3: "⋀doc_ptr disc_nodes. h3 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes
= h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr →⇩r disc_nodes"
using get_disconnected_nodes_reads set_shadow_root_writes h'
apply(rule reads_writes_preserved)
by(auto simp add: set_shadow_root_get_disconnected_nodes)
then have disconnected_nodes_eq2_h3:
"⋀doc_ptr. |h3 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr|⇩r = |h' ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes doc_ptr|⇩r"
using select_result_eq by force
have tag_name_eq_h3:
"⋀ptr' disc_nodes. h3 ⊢ get_tag_name ptr' →⇩r disc_nodes
= h' ⊢ get_tag_name ptr' →⇩r disc_nodes"
using get_tag_name_reads set_shadow_root_writes h'
apply(rule reads_writes_preserved)
by(auto simp add: set_shadow_root_get_tag_name)
then have tag_name_eq2_h3: "⋀ptr'. |h3 ⊢ get_tag_name ptr'|⇩r = |h' ⊢ get_tag_name ptr'|⇩r"
using select_result_eq by force
have "acyclic (parent_child_rel h)"
using ‹heap_is_wellformed h›
by (simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def CD.heap_is_wellformed_def CD.acyclic_heap_def)
also have "parent_child_rel h = parent_child_rel h2"
proof(auto simp add: CD.parent_child_rel_def)[1]
fix a x
assume 0: "a |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
and 1: "x ∈ set |h ⊢ get_child_nodes a|⇩r"
then show "a |∈| object_ptr_kinds h2"
by (simp add: object_ptr_kinds_eq_h)
fix a x
assume 0: "a |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
and 1: "x ∈ set |h ⊢ get_child_nodes a|⇩r"
then show "x ∈ set |h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes a|⇩r"
by (metis ObjectMonad.ptr_kinds_ptr_kinds_M
‹cast new_shadow_root_ptr ∉ set |h ⊢ object_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r› children_eq2_h)
fix a x
assume 0: "a |∈| object_ptr_kinds h2"
and 1: "x ∈ set |h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes a|⇩r"
then show "a |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
using object_ptr_kinds_eq_h ‹h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes (cast new_shadow_root_ptr) →⇩r []›
fix a x
assume 0: "a |∈| object_ptr_kinds h2"
and 1: "x ∈ set |h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes a|⇩r"
then show "x ∈ set |h ⊢ get_child_nodes a|⇩r"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) ‹h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes (cast new_shadow_root_ptr) →⇩r []›
children_eq2_h empty_iff empty_set image_eqI select_result_I2)
also have "… = parent_child_rel h3"
by(auto simp add: CD.parent_child_rel_def object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2 children_eq2_h2)
also have "… = parent_child_rel h'"
by(auto simp add: CD.parent_child_rel_def object_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 children_eq2_h3)
finally have "CD.a_acyclic_heap h'"
by (simp add: CD.acyclic_heap_def)
have "CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap h"
using ‹heap_is_wellformed h› by (simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def CD.heap_is_wellformed_def)
then have "CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap h2"
apply(auto simp add: CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap_def)[1]
using node_ptr_kinds_eq_h
‹h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes (cast new_shadow_root_ptr) →⇩r []›
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) CD.get_child_nodes_ok CD.l_heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms
‹known_ptrs h2› ‹parent_child_rel h = parent_child_rel h2› ‹type_wf h2› assms(1) assms(2)
l_heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.parent_child_rel_child local.known_ptrs_known_ptr
local.parent_child_rel_child_in_heap node_ptr_kinds_commutes returns_result_select_result)
by (metis assms(1) assms(2) disconnected_nodes_eq2_h document_ptr_kinds_eq_h
local.get_disconnected_nodes_ok local.heap_is_wellformed_disc_nodes_in_heap node_ptr_kinds_eq_h
then have "CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap h3"
by (simp add: children_eq2_h2 disconnected_nodes_eq2_h2 document_ptr_kinds_eq_h2
CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap_def node_ptr_kinds_eq_h2 object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2)
then have "CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap h'"
by (simp add: children_eq2_h3 disconnected_nodes_eq2_h3 document_ptr_kinds_eq_h3
CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap_def node_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 object_ptr_kinds_eq_h3)
have "CD.a_distinct_lists h"
using ‹heap_is_wellformed h›
by (simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def CD.heap_is_wellformed_def)
then have "CD.a_distinct_lists h2"
using ‹h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes (cast new_shadow_root_ptr) →⇩r []› children_eq2_h
apply(auto simp add: select_result_eq[OF disconnected_nodes_eq_h] CD.a_distinct_lists_def
insort_split object_ptr_kinds_eq_h
document_ptr_kinds_eq_h disconnected_nodes_eq2_h intro!: distinct_concat_map_I
dest: distinct_concat_map_E)[1]
apply (metis distinct_sorted_list_of_set finite_fset sorted_list_of_set_insert_remove)
apply(auto simp add: dest: distinct_concat_map_E)[1]
apply(case_tac "x = cast new_shadow_root_ptr")
using ‹h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes (cast new_shadow_root_ptr) →⇩r []› children_eq2_h apply blast
apply(case_tac "y = cast new_shadow_root_ptr")
using ‹h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes (cast new_shadow_root_ptr) →⇩r []› children_eq2_h apply blast
proof -
fix x y :: "(_) object_ptr"
fix xa :: "(_) node_ptr"
assume a1: "distinct (concat (map (λptr. |h ⊢ get_child_nodes ptr|⇩r)
(sorted_list_of_set (fset (object_ptr_kinds h)))))"
assume "x ≠ y"
assume "xa ∈ set |h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes x|⇩r"
assume "xa ∈ set |h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes y|⇩r"
assume "x |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
assume "x ≠ cast⇩s⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩r⇩o⇩o⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r new_shadow_root_ptr"
assume "y |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
assume "y ≠ cast⇩s⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩r⇩o⇩o⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r new_shadow_root_ptr"
show False
using distinct_concat_map_E(1)[OF a1, of x y]
using ‹x |∈| object_ptr_kinds h› ‹y |∈| object_ptr_kinds h›
using ‹xa ∈ set |h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes x|⇩r› ‹xa ∈ set |h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes y|⇩r›
using ‹x ≠ y›
by(auto simp add: children_eq2_h[OF ‹x ≠ cast⇩s⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩r⇩o⇩o⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r new_shadow_root_ptr›]
children_eq2_h[OF ‹y ≠ cast⇩s⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩r⇩o⇩o⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r new_shadow_root_ptr›])
fix x :: "(_) node_ptr"
fix xa :: "(_) object_ptr"
fix xb :: "(_) document_ptr"
assume "(⋃x∈fset (object_ptr_kinds h). set |h ⊢ get_child_nodes x|⇩r) ∩
(⋃x∈fset (document_ptr_kinds h). set |h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes x|⇩r) = {}"
assume "x ∈ set |h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes xa|⇩r"
assume "xb |∈| document_ptr_kinds h"
assume "x ∈ set |h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes xb|⇩r"
assume "xa |∈| object_ptr_kinds h"
assume "xa ≠ cast⇩s⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩r⇩o⇩o⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r new_shadow_root_ptr"
have "set |h ⊢ get_child_nodes xa|⇩r ∩ set |h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes xb|⇩r = {}"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) CD.get_child_nodes_ok ‹xa |∈| object_ptr_kinds h›
‹xb |∈| document_ptr_kinds h› assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) disconnected_nodes_eq2_h
is_OK_returns_result_E local.get_disconnected_nodes_ok
local.heap_is_wellformed_children_disc_nodes_different local.known_ptrs_known_ptr select_result_I2)
show "False"
using ‹x ∈ set |h2 ⊢ get_child_nodes xa|⇩r› ‹x ∈ set |h2 ⊢ get_disconnected_nodes xb|⇩r›
‹xa ≠ cast⇩s⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩r⇩o⇩o⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r new_shadow_root_ptr› children_eq2_h by auto
then have "CD.a_distinct_lists h3"
by(auto simp add: CD.a_distinct_lists_def disconnected_nodes_eq2_h2 document_ptr_kinds_eq_h2
children_eq2_h2 object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2)[1]
then have "CD.a_distinct_lists h'"
by(auto simp add: CD.a_distinct_lists_def disconnected_nodes_eq2_h3 children_eq2_h3
object_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 document_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 intro!: distinct_concat_map_I)
have "CD.a_owner_document_valid h"
using ‹heap_is_wellformed h› by (simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def CD.heap_is_wellformed_def)
then have "CD.a_owner_document_valid h'"
apply(simp add: CD.a_owner_document_valid_def)
apply(simp add: object_ptr_kinds_eq_h object_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 )
apply(simp add: object_ptr_kinds_eq_h2)
apply(simp add: document_ptr_kinds_eq_h document_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 )
apply(simp add: document_ptr_kinds_eq_h2)
apply(simp add: node_ptr_kinds_eq_h node_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 )
apply(simp add: node_ptr_kinds_eq_h2 node_ptr_kinds_eq_h )
apply(auto simp add: children_eq2_h2[symmetric] children_eq2_h3[symmetric]
disconnected_nodes_eq2_h2 disconnected_nodes_eq2_h3)[1]
by (metis CD.get_child_nodes_ok CD.get_child_nodes_ptr_in_heap
‹cast⇩s⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩r⇩o⇩o⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r new_shadow_root_ptr ∉ set |h ⊢ object_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r› assms(2) assms(3)
children_eq2_h children_eq_h document_ptr_kinds_eq_h is_OK_returns_result_I
l_ptr_kinds_M.ptr_kinds_ptr_kinds_M local.known_ptrs_known_ptr object_ptr_kinds_M_def
have shadow_root_eq_h:
"⋀character_data_ptr shadow_root_opt. h ⊢ get_shadow_root character_data_ptr →⇩r shadow_root_opt =
h2 ⊢ get_shadow_root character_data_ptr →⇩r shadow_root_opt"
using get_shadow_root_reads h2 get_shadow_root_new_shadow_root[rotated, OF h2]
apply(auto simp add: reads_def reflp_def transp_def preserved_def)[1]
using local.get_shadow_root_locs_impl new_shadow_root_ptr apply blast
using local.get_shadow_root_locs_impl new_shadow_root_ptr by blast
have shadow_root_eq_h2:
"⋀ptr' children. h2 ⊢ get_shadow_root ptr' →⇩r children = h3 ⊢ get_shadow_root ptr' →⇩r children"
using get_shadow_root_reads set_mode_writes h3
apply(rule reads_writes_preserved)
by(auto simp add: set_mode_get_shadow_root)
have shadow_root_eq_h3:
"⋀ptr' children. element_ptr ≠ ptr' ⟹ h3 ⊢ get_shadow_root ptr' →⇩r children =
h' ⊢ get_shadow_root ptr' →⇩r children"
using get_shadow_root_reads set_shadow_root_writes h'
apply(rule reads_writes_preserved)
by(auto simp add: set_shadow_root_get_shadow_root_different_pointers)
have shadow_root_h3: "h' ⊢ get_shadow_root element_ptr →⇩r Some new_shadow_root_ptr"
using ‹type_wf h3› h' local.set_shadow_root_get_shadow_root by blast
have "a_all_ptrs_in_heap h"
by (simp add: assms(1) local.a_all_ptrs_in_heap_def local.get_shadow_root_shadow_root_ptr_in_heap)
then have "a_all_ptrs_in_heap h2"
apply(auto simp add: a_all_ptrs_in_heap_def shadow_root_ptr_kinds_eq_h)[1]
using returns_result_eq shadow_root_eq_h by fastforce
then have "a_all_ptrs_in_heap h3"
apply(auto simp add: a_all_ptrs_in_heap_def shadow_root_ptr_kinds_eq_h2)[1]
using shadow_root_eq_h2 by blast
then have "a_all_ptrs_in_heap h'"
apply(auto simp add: a_all_ptrs_in_heap_def shadow_root_ptr_kinds_eq_h3)[1]
apply(case_tac "shadow_root_ptr = new_shadow_root_ptr")
using h2 new⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_M_ptr_in_heap new_shadow_root_ptr shadow_root_ptr_kinds_eq_h2 apply blast
using ‹type_wf h3› h' local.set_shadow_root_get_shadow_root returns_result_eq shadow_root_eq_h3
apply fastforce
have "a_distinct_lists h"
using assms(1)
by (simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def)
then have "a_distinct_lists h2"
apply(auto simp add: a_distinct_lists_def character_data_ptr_kinds_eq_h)[1]
apply(auto simp add: distinct_insort intro!: distinct_concat_map_I split: option.splits)[1]
by (metis ‹type_wf h2› assms(1) assms(2) local.get_shadow_root_ok local.shadow_root_same_host
returns_result_select_result shadow_root_eq_h)
then have "a_distinct_lists h3"
by(auto simp add: a_distinct_lists_def element_ptr_kinds_eq_h2
select_result_eq[OF shadow_root_eq_h2])
then have "a_distinct_lists h'"
apply(auto simp add: a_distinct_lists_def element_ptr_kinds_eq_h3
select_result_eq[OF shadow_root_eq_h3])[1]
apply(auto simp add: distinct_insort intro!: distinct_concat_map_I split: option.splits)[1]
by (smt (verit, best) ShadowRootMonad.ptr_kinds_ptr_kinds_M ‹new_shadow_root_ptr ∉ set |h ⊢
shadow_root_ptr_kinds_M|⇩r› ‹type_wf h'› assms(1) assms(2) element_ptr_kinds_eq_h3
l_heap_is_wellformed⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M.shadow_root_same_host local.get_shadow_root_ok
local.l_heap_is_wellformed⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms returns_result_select_result
select_result_I2 shadow_root_eq_h shadow_root_eq_h2 shadow_root_eq_h3 shadow_root_h3)
have "a_shadow_root_valid h"
using assms(1)
by (simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def)
have "a_shadow_root_valid h'"
proof(unfold a_shadow_root_valid_def; safe)
fix shadow_root_ptr
assume "∀shadow_root_ptr∈fset (shadow_root_ptr_kinds h). ∃host∈fset (element_ptr_kinds h).
|h ⊢ get_tag_name host|⇩r ∈ safe_shadow_root_element_types ∧
|h ⊢ get_shadow_root host|⇩r = Some shadow_root_ptr"
assume "a_shadow_root_valid h"
assume "shadow_root_ptr ∈ fset (shadow_root_ptr_kinds h')"
show "∃host∈fset (element_ptr_kinds h').
|h' ⊢ get_tag_name host|⇩r ∈ safe_shadow_root_element_types ∧ |h' ⊢ get_shadow_root host|⇩r =
Some shadow_root_ptr"
proof (cases "shadow_root_ptr = new_shadow_root_ptr")
case True
have "element_ptr ∈ fset (element_ptr_kinds h')"
by (simp add: ‹element_ptr |∈| element_ptr_kinds h› element_ptr_kinds_eq_h
element_ptr_kinds_eq_h2 element_ptr_kinds_eq_h3)
moreover have "|h' ⊢ get_tag_name element_ptr|⇩r ∈ safe_shadow_root_element_types"
by (smt (verit, best) ‹⋀thesis. (⋀h2 h3 new_shadow_root_ptr element_tag_name. ⟦h ⊢
get_tag_name element_ptr →⇩r element_tag_name; element_tag_name ∈
safe_shadow_root_element_types; h ⊢ get_shadow_root element_ptr →⇩r None; h ⊢
new⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_M →⇩h h2; h ⊢ new⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_M →⇩r new_shadow_root_ptr; h2
⊢ set_mode new_shadow_root_ptr new_mode →⇩h h3; h3 ⊢ set_shadow_root element_ptr (Some
new_shadow_root_ptr) →⇩h h'⟧ ⟹ thesis) ⟹ thesis› select_result_I2 tag_name_eq2_h2
tag_name_eq2_h3 tag_name_eq_h)
moreover have "|h' ⊢ get_shadow_root element_ptr|⇩r = Some shadow_root_ptr"
using shadow_root_h3
by (simp add: True)
show ?thesis
by meson
case False
then obtain host where host: "host ∈ fset (element_ptr_kinds h)" and
"|h ⊢ get_tag_name host|⇩r ∈ safe_shadow_root_element_types" and
"|h ⊢ get_shadow_root host|⇩r = Some shadow_root_ptr"
using ‹shadow_root_ptr ∈ fset (shadow_root_ptr_kinds h')›
using ‹∀shadow_root_ptr∈fset (shadow_root_ptr_kinds h). ∃host∈fset (element_ptr_kinds h).
|h ⊢ get_tag_name host|⇩r ∈ safe_shadow_root_element_types ∧
|h ⊢ get_shadow_root host|⇩r = Some shadow_root_ptr›
apply(simp add: shadow_root_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 shadow_root_ptr_kinds_eq_h2
by meson
moreover have "host ≠ element_ptr"
using calculation(3) prev_shadow_root by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
using element_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 element_ptr_kinds_eq_h2 element_ptr_kinds_eq_h
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) assms(2)
local.l_get_shadow_root⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms returns_result_select_result
select_result_I2 shadow_root_eq_h shadow_root_eq_h2 shadow_root_eq_h3 tag_name_eq2_h
tag_name_eq2_h2 tag_name_eq2_h3)
have "a_host_shadow_root_rel h = a_host_shadow_root_rel h2"
by(auto simp add: a_host_shadow_root_rel_def element_ptr_kinds_eq_h
select_result_eq[OF shadow_root_eq_h])
have "a_host_shadow_root_rel h2 = a_host_shadow_root_rel h3"
by(auto simp add: a_host_shadow_root_rel_def element_ptr_kinds_eq_h2
select_result_eq[OF shadow_root_eq_h2])
have "a_host_shadow_root_rel h' = {(cast element_ptr, cast new_shadow_root_ptr)} ∪
a_host_shadow_root_rel h3"
apply(auto simp add: a_host_shadow_root_rel_def element_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 )[1]
apply(case_tac "element_ptr ≠ aa")
using select_result_eq[OF shadow_root_eq_h3] apply (simp add: image_iff)
using select_result_eq[OF shadow_root_eq_h3]
apply (metis (no_types, lifting)
‹local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h = local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h2›
‹local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h2 = local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h3› ‹type_wf h3›
host_shadow_root_rel_def local.get_shadow_root_impl local.get_shadow_root_ok
option.distinct(1) prev_shadow_root returns_result_select_result)
apply (metis (mono_tags, lifting) ‹⋀ptr'. (⋀x. element_ptr ≠ ptr') ⟹
|h3 ⊢ get_shadow_root ptr'|⇩r = |h' ⊢ get_shadow_root ptr'|⇩r› case_prod_conv image_iff
is_OK_returns_result_I mem_Collect_eq option.inject returns_result_eq
returns_result_select_result shadow_root_h3)
using element_ptr_kinds_eq_h3 local.get_shadow_root_ptr_in_heap shadow_root_h3 apply fastforce
using Shadow_DOM.a_host_shadow_root_rel_def ‹⋀ptr'. (⋀x. element_ptr ≠ ptr') ⟹
|h3 ⊢ get_shadow_root ptr'|⇩r = |h' ⊢ get_shadow_root ptr'|⇩r› ‹type_wf h3› case_prodE case_prodI
host_shadow_root_rel_shadow_root image_iff local.get_shadow_root_impl local.get_shadow_root_ok
mem_Collect_eq option.discI prev_shadow_root returns_result_select_result select_result_I2
shadow_root_eq_h shadow_root_eq_h2
by (smt (verit))
have "acyclic (parent_child_rel h ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h)"
using ‹heap_is_wellformed h›
by (simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def)
have "parent_child_rel h ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h =
parent_child_rel h2 ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h2"
using ‹local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h = local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h2›
‹parent_child_rel h = parent_child_rel h2› by auto
have "parent_child_rel h2 ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h2 =
parent_child_rel h3 ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h3"
using ‹local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h2 = local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h3›
‹parent_child_rel h2 = parent_child_rel h3› by auto
have "parent_child_rel h' ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h' =
{(cast element_ptr, cast new_shadow_root_ptr)} ∪ parent_child_rel h3 ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h3"
by (simp add: ‹local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h' =
{(cast⇩e⇩l⇩e⇩m⇩e⇩n⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r element_ptr, cast⇩s⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩r⇩o⇩o⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r⇩2⇩o⇩b⇩j⇩e⇩c⇩t⇩_⇩p⇩t⇩r new_shadow_root_ptr)} ∪
local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h3› ‹parent_child_rel h3 = parent_child_rel h'›)
have "⋀a b. (a, b) ∈ parent_child_rel h3 ⟹ a ≠ cast new_shadow_root_ptr"
using CD.parent_child_rel_parent_in_heap ‹parent_child_rel h = parent_child_rel h2›
‹parent_child_rel h2 = parent_child_rel h3› document_ptr_kinds_commutes
by (metis h2 new⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩R⇩o⇩o⇩t_M_ptr_not_in_heap new_shadow_root_ptr shadow_root_ptr_kinds_commutes)
have "⋀a b. (a, b) ∈ a_host_shadow_root_rel h3 ⟹ a ≠ cast new_shadow_root_ptr"
using shadow_root_eq_h2
by(auto simp add: a_host_shadow_root_rel_def)
have "cast new_shadow_root_ptr ∉ {x. (x, cast element_ptr) ∈ (parent_child_rel h3 ∪
a_host_shadow_root_rel h3)⇧*}"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) UnE calculation(1) calculation(2)
cast_shadow_root_ptr_not_node_ptr(1) converse_rtranclE mem_Collect_eq)
have "acyclic (parent_child_rel h3 ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h3)"
using ‹acyclic (parent_child_rel h ∪ local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h)›
‹parent_child_rel h ∪ local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h =
parent_child_rel h2 ∪ local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h2› ‹parent_child_rel h2 ∪
local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h2 = parent_child_rel h3 ∪ local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h3›
by auto
ultimately have "acyclic (parent_child_rel h' ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h')"
by(simp add: ‹parent_child_rel h' ∪ a_host_shadow_root_rel h' =
{(cast element_ptr, cast new_shadow_root_ptr)} ∪ parent_child_rel h3 ∪
a_host_shadow_root_rel h3›)
have "CD.a_heap_is_wellformed h'"
apply(simp add: CD.a_heap_is_wellformed_def)
by (simp add: ‹local.CD.a_acyclic_heap h'› ‹local.CD.a_all_ptrs_in_heap h'›
‹local.CD.a_distinct_lists h'› ‹local.CD.a_owner_document_valid h'›)
show "heap_is_wellformed h' "
using ‹acyclic (parent_child_rel h' ∪ local.a_host_shadow_root_rel h')›
by(simp add: heap_is_wellformed_def CD.heap_is_wellformed_impl ‹local.CD.a_heap_is_wellformed h'›
‹local.a_all_ptrs_in_heap h'› ‹local.a_distinct_lists h'› ‹local.a_shadow_root_valid h'›)
interpretation l_attach_shadow_root_wf?: l_attach_shadow_root_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M known_ptr known_ptrs type_wf
get_child_nodes get_child_nodes_locs get_disconnected_nodes get_disconnected_nodes_locs
heap_is_wellformed parent_child_rel set_tag_name set_tag_name_locs set_disconnected_nodes
set_disconnected_nodes_locs create_element get_shadow_root get_shadow_root_locs get_tag_name
get_tag_name_locs heap_is_wellformed⇩C⇩o⇩r⇩e⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M get_host get_host_locs get_disconnected_document
get_disconnected_document_locs set_val set_val_locs create_character_data DocumentClass.known_ptr
DocumentClass.type_wf set_shadow_root set_shadow_root_locs set_mode set_mode_locs attach_shadow_root
by(auto simp add: l_attach_shadow_root_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_def instances)
declare l_attach_shadow_root_wf⇩S⇩h⇩a⇩d⇩o⇩w⇩_⇩D⇩O⇩M_axioms [instances]