Theory Monad_Syntax

(*  Title:      HOL/Library/Monad_Syntax.thy
    Author:     Alexander Krauss, TU Muenchen
    Author:     Christian Sternagel, University of Innsbruck

section ‹Monad notation for arbitrary types›

theory Monad_Syntax
  imports Main

text ‹
We provide a convenient do-notation for monadic expressions well-known from Haskell.
constLet is printed specially in do-expressions.

  bind :: "'a  ('b  'c)  'd" (infixl  54)

notation (ASCII)
  bind (infixl >>= 54)

abbreviation (do_notation)
  bind_do :: "'a  ('b  'c)  'd"
  where "bind_do  bind"

notation (output)
  bind_do (infixl  54)

notation (ASCII output)
  bind_do (infixl >>= 54)

nonterminal do_binds and do_bind
  "_do_block" :: "do_binds  'a"
    ((‹open_block notation=‹mixfix do block››do {//(2  _)//}) [12] 62)
  "_do_bind"  :: "[pttrn, 'a]  do_bind"
    ((‹indent=2 notation=‹infix do bind››_ / _) 13)
  "_do_let" :: "[pttrn, 'a]  do_bind"
    ((‹indent=2 notation=‹infix do let››let _ =/ _) [1000, 13] 13)
  "_do_then" :: "'a  do_bind"  (‹_› [14] 13)
  "_do_final" :: "'a  do_binds"  (‹_›)
  "_do_cons" :: "[do_bind, do_binds]  do_binds"
    ((‹open_block notation=‹infix do next››_;//_) [13, 12] 12)
  "_thenM" :: "['a, 'b]  'c"  (infixl  54)

syntax (ASCII)
  "_do_bind" :: "[pttrn, 'a]  do_bind"
    ((‹indent=2 notation=‹infix do bind››_ <-/ _) 13)
  "_thenM" :: "['a, 'b]  'c"  (infixl >> 54)

  "_do_block" "_do_cons" "_do_bind" "_do_then"  bind and
  "_do_let"  Let

  "_do_block (_do_cons (_do_then t) (_do_final e))"
     "CONST bind_do t (λ_. e)"
  "_do_block (_do_cons (_do_bind p t) (_do_final e))"
     "CONST bind_do t (λp. e)"
  "_do_block (_do_cons (_do_let p t) bs)"
     "let p = t in _do_block bs"
  "_do_block (_do_cons b (_do_cons c cs))"
     "_do_block (_do_cons b (_do_final (_do_block (_do_cons c cs))))"
  "_do_cons (_do_let p t) (_do_final s)"
     "_do_final (let p = t in s)"
  "_do_block (_do_final e)"  "e"
  "(m  n)"  "(m  (λ_. n))"

  bind  Set.bind Predicate.bind Option.bind List.bind
