Theory Relabel_To_Front
section ‹Relabel-to-Front Algorithm›
theory Relabel_To_Front
text ‹As an example for an implementation, Cormen et al.\ discuss the
relabel-to-front algorithm.
It iterates over a queue of nodes, discharging each node, and putting
a node to the front of the queue if it has been relabeled.
subsection ‹Admissible Network›
text ‹The admissible network consists of those edges over which we
can push flow. ›
context Network
definition adm_edges :: "'capacity flow ⇒ (nat⇒nat) ⇒ _"
where "adm_edges f l ≡ {(u,v)∈cfE_of f. l u = l v + 1}"
lemma adm_edges_inv_disj: "adm_edges f l ∩ (adm_edges f l)¯ = {}"
unfolding adm_edges_def by auto
lemma finite_adm_edges[simp, intro!]: "finite (adm_edges f l)"
apply (rule finite_subset[of _ "cfE_of f"])
by (auto simp: adm_edges_def)
text ‹The edge of a push operation is admissible.›
lemma (in push_effect_locale) uv_adm: "(u,v)∈adm_edges f l"
unfolding adm_edges_def by auto
text ‹
A push operation will not create new admissible edges, but the
edge that we pushed over may become inadmissible \cormen{26.27}.
lemma (in Labeling) push_adm_edges:
assumes "push_precond f l e"
shows "adm_edges f l - {e} ⊆ adm_edges (push_effect f e) l" (is ?G1)
and "adm_edges (push_effect f e) l ⊆ adm_edges f l" (is ?G2)
proof -
from assms consider (sat) "sat_push_precond f l e"
| (nonsat) "nonsat_push_precond f l e"
by (auto simp: push_precond_eq_sat_or_nonsat)
hence "?G1 ∧ ?G2"
proof cases
case sat have "adm_edges (push_effect f e) l = adm_edges f l - {e}"
unfolding sat_push_alt[OF sat]
proof -
let ?f'="(augment_edge f e (cf e))"
interpret l': Labeling c s t ?f' l
using push_pres_Labeling[OF assms]
unfolding sat_push_alt[OF sat] .
from sat have G1: "e∈adm_edges f l"
unfolding sat_push_precond_def adm_edges_def by auto
have "l'.cf.E ⊆ insert (prod.swap e) cf.E - {e}" "l'.cf.E ⊇ cf.E - {e}"
unfolding l'.cf_def cf_def
unfolding augment_edge_def residualGraph_def Graph.E_def
by (auto split!: if_splits prod.splits)
hence "l'.cf.E = insert (prod.swap e) cf.E - {e} ∨ l'.cf.E = cf.E - {e}"
by auto
thus "adm_edges ?f' l = adm_edges f l - {e}"
proof (cases rule: disjE[consumes 1])
case 1
from sat have "e ∈ adm_edges f l" unfolding sat_push_precond_def adm_edges_def by auto
with adm_edges_inv_disj have "prod.swap e ∉ adm_edges f l" by (auto simp: swap_in_iff_inv)
thus "adm_edges ?f' l = adm_edges f l - {e}" using G1
unfolding adm_edges_def 1
by auto
case 2
thus "adm_edges ?f' l = adm_edges f l - {e}"
unfolding adm_edges_def 2
by auto
thus ?thesis by auto
case nonsat
hence "adm_edges (push_effect f e) l = adm_edges f l"
proof (cases e; simp add: nonsat_push_alt)
fix u v assume [simp]: "e=(u,v)"
let ?f'="(augment_edge f (u,v) (excess f u))"
interpret l': Labeling c s t ?f' l
using push_pres_Labeling[OF assms] nonsat_push_alt nonsat
by auto
from nonsat have "e ∈ adm_edges f l"
unfolding nonsat_push_precond_def adm_edges_def by auto
with adm_edges_inv_disj have AUX: "prod.swap e ∉ adm_edges f l"
by (auto simp: swap_in_iff_inv)
from nonsat have
"excess f u < cf (u,v)" "0 < excess f u"
and [simp]: "l u = l v + 1"
unfolding nonsat_push_precond_def by auto
hence "l'.cf.E ⊆ insert (prod.swap e) cf.E" "l'.cf.E ⊇ cf.E"
unfolding l'.cf_def cf_def
unfolding augment_edge_def residualGraph_def Graph.E_def
apply (safe)
apply (simp split: if_splits)
apply (simp split: if_splits)
by (metis (full_types) capacity_const diff_0_right
diff_strict_left_mono not_less)
by (metis add_le_same_cancel1 f_non_negative linorder_not_le)
hence "l'.cf.E = insert (prod.swap e) cf.E ∨ l'.cf.E = cf.E"
by auto
thus "adm_edges ?f' l = adm_edges f l" using AUX
unfolding adm_edges_def
by auto
thus ?thesis by auto
thus ?G1 ?G2 by auto
text ‹After a relabel operation, there is at least
one admissible edge leaving the relabeled node,
but no admissible edges do enter the relabeled node~\cormen{26.28}.
Moreover, the part of the admissible network not adjacent to the relabeled
node does not change.
lemma (in Labeling) relabel_adm_edges:
assumes PRE: "relabel_precond f l u"
defines "l' ≡ relabel_effect f l u"
shows "adm_edges f l' ∩ cf.outgoing u ≠ {}" (is ?G1)
and "adm_edges f l' ∩ cf.incoming u = {}" (is ?G2)
and "adm_edges f l' - cf.adjacent u = adm_edges f l - cf.adjacent u" (is ?G3)
proof -
from PRE have
NOT_SINK: "u≠t"
and ACTIVE: "excess f u > 0"
and NO_ADM: "⋀v. (u,v)∈cf.E ⟹ l u ≠ l v + 1"
unfolding relabel_precond_def by auto
have NE: "{l v |v. (u, v) ∈ cf.E} ≠ {}"
using active_has_cf_outgoing[OF ACTIVE] cf.outgoing_def by blast
obtain v
where VUE: "(u,v)∈cf.E" and [simp]: "l v = Min {l v |v. (u, v) ∈ cf.E}"
using Min_in[OF finite_min_cf_outgoing[of u] NE] by auto
hence "(u,v) ∈ adm_edges f l' ∩ cf.outgoing u"
unfolding l'_def relabel_effect_def adm_edges_def cf.outgoing_def
by (auto simp: cf_no_self_loop)
thus ?G1 by blast
fix uh
assume "(uh,u) ∈ adm_edges f l'"
hence 1: "l' uh = l' u + 1" and UHUE: "(uh,u) ∈ cf.E"
unfolding adm_edges_def by auto
hence "uh ≠ u" using cf_no_self_loop by auto
hence [simp]: "l' uh = l uh" unfolding l'_def relabel_effect_def by simp
from 1 relabel_increase_u[OF PRE, folded l'_def] have "l uh > l u + 1"
by simp
with valid[OF UHUE] have False by auto
thus ?G2 by (auto simp: cf.incoming_def)
show ?G3
unfolding adm_edges_def
by (auto
simp: l'_def relabel_effect_def cf.adjacent_def
simp: cf.incoming_def cf.outgoing_def
split: if_splits)
subsection ‹Neighbor Lists›
text ‹
For each node, the algorithm will cycle through the adjacent edges
when discharging. This cycling takes place across the boundaries of
discharge operations, i.e.\ when a node is discharged, discharging will
start at the edge where the last discharge operation stopped.
The crucial invariant for the neighbor lists is that already visited
edges are not admissible.
Formally, we maintain a function ‹n :: node ⇒ node set› from
each node to the set of target nodes of not yet visited edges.
locale neighbor_invar = Height_Bounded_Labeling +
fixes n :: "node ⇒ node set"
assumes neighbors_adm: "⟦v ∈ adjacent_nodes u - n u⟧ ⟹ (u,v) ∉ adm_edges f l"
assumes neighbors_adj: "n u ⊆ adjacent_nodes u"
assumes neighbors_finite[simp, intro!]: "finite (n u)"
lemma nbr_is_hbl: "Height_Bounded_Labeling c s t f l" by unfold_locales
lemma push_pres_nbr_invar:
assumes PRE: "push_precond f l e"
shows "neighbor_invar c s t (push_effect f e) l n"
proof (cases e)
case [simp]: (Pair u v)
show ?thesis proof simp
from PRE interpret push_effect_locale c s t f l u v
by unfold_locales simp
from push_pres_height_bound[OF PRE]
interpret l': Height_Bounded_Labeling c s t f' l .
show "neighbor_invar c s t f' l n"
apply unfold_locales
using push_adm_edges[OF PRE] neighbors_adm neighbors_adj
by auto
lemma relabel_pres_nbr_invar:
assumes PRE: "relabel_precond f l u"
shows "neighbor_invar c s t f (relabel_effect f l u) (n(u:=adjacent_nodes u))"
proof -
let ?l' = "relabel_effect f l u"
from relabel_pres_height_bound[OF PRE]
interpret l': Height_Bounded_Labeling c s t f ?l' .
show ?thesis
using neighbors_adj
proof (unfold_locales; clarsimp split: if_splits)
fix a b
assume A: "a≠u" "b∈adjacent_nodes a" "b ∉ n a" "(a,b)∈adm_edges f ?l'"
hence "(a,b)∈cf.E" unfolding adm_edges_def by auto
with A relabel_adm_edges(2,3)[OF PRE] neighbors_adm
show False
apply (auto)
by (smt DiffD2 Diff_triv adm_edges_def cf.incoming_def
mem_Collect_eq prod.simps(2) relabel_preserve_other)
lemma excess_nz_iff_gz: "⟦ u∈V; u≠s ⟧ ⟹ excess f u ≠ 0 ⟷ excess f u > 0"
using excess_non_negative' by force
lemma no_neighbors_relabel_precond:
assumes "n u = {}" "u≠t" "u≠s" "u∈V" "excess f u ≠ 0"
shows "relabel_precond f l u"
using assms neighbors_adm cfE_ss_invE
unfolding relabel_precond_def adm_edges_def
by (auto simp: adjacent_nodes_def excess_nz_iff_gz)
lemma remove_neighbor_pres_nbr_invar: "(u,v)∉adm_edges f l
⟹ neighbor_invar c s t f l (n (u := n u - {v}))"
apply unfold_locales
using neighbors_adm neighbors_adj
by (auto split: if_splits)
subsection ‹Discharge Operation›
context Network
text ‹The discharge operation performs push and relabel operations on a
node until it becomes inactive.
The lemmas in this section are based on the ideas described in
the proof of \cormen{26.29}.
definition "discharge f l n u ≡ do {
assert (u ∈ V - {s,t});
while⇩T (λ(f,l,n). excess f u ≠ 0) (λ(f,l,n). do {
v ← select v. v∈n u;
case v of
None ⇒ do {
l ← relabel f l u;
return (f,l,n(u := adjacent_nodes u))
| Some v ⇒ do {
assert (v∈V ∧ (u,v)∈E∪E¯);
if ((u,v) ∈ cfE_of f ∧ l u = l v + 1) then do {
f ← push f l (u,v);
return (f,l,n)
} else do {
assert ( (u,v) ∉ adm_edges f l );
return (f,l,n( u := n u - {v} ))
}) (f,l,n)
text ‹Invariant for the discharge loop›
locale discharge_invar =
neighbor_invar c s t f l n
+ lo: neighbor_invar c s t fo lo no
for c s t and u :: node and fo lo no f l n +
assumes lu_incr: "lo u ≤ l u"
assumes u_node: "u∈V-{s,t}"
assumes no_relabel_adm_edges: "lo u = l u ⟹ adm_edges f l ⊆ adm_edges fo lo"
assumes no_relabel_excess:
"⟦lo u = l u; u≠v; excess fo v ≠ excess f v⟧ ⟹ (u,v)∈adm_edges fo lo"
assumes adm_edges_leaving_u: "(u',v)∈adm_edges f l - adm_edges fo lo ⟹ u'=u"
assumes relabel_u_no_incoming_adm: "lo u ≠ l u ⟹ (v,u)∉adm_edges f l"
assumes algo_rel: "((f,l),(fo,lo)) ∈ pr_algo_rel⇧*"
lemma u_node_simp1[simp]: "u≠s" "u≠t" "s≠u" "t≠u" using u_node by auto
lemma u_node_simp2[simp, intro!]: "u∈V" using u_node by auto
lemma dis_is_lbl: "Labeling c s t f l" by unfold_locales
lemma dis_is_hbl: "Height_Bounded_Labeling c s t f l" by unfold_locales
lemma dis_is_nbr: "neighbor_invar c s t f l n" by unfold_locales
lemma new_adm_imp_relabel:
"(u',v)∈adm_edges f l - adm_edges fo lo ⟹ lo u ≠ l u"
using no_relabel_adm_edges adm_edges_leaving_u by auto
lemma push_pres_dis_invar:
assumes PRE: "push_precond f l (u,v)"
shows "discharge_invar c s t u fo lo no (push_effect f (u,v)) l n"
proof -
from PRE interpret push_effect_locale by unfold_locales
from push_pres_nbr_invar[OF PRE] interpret neighbor_invar c s t f' l n .
show "discharge_invar c s t u fo lo no f' l n"
apply unfold_locales
subgoal using lu_incr by auto
subgoal by auto
subgoal using no_relabel_adm_edges push_adm_edges(2)[OF PRE] by auto
subgoal for v' proof -
assume LOU: "lo u = l u"
assume EXNE: "excess fo v' ≠ excess f' v'"
assume UNV': "u≠v'"
assume "excess fo v' ≠ excess f v'"
from no_relabel_excess[OF LOU UNV' this] have ?thesis .
} moreover {
assume "excess fo v' = excess f v'"
with EXNE have "excess f v' ≠ excess f' v'" by simp
hence "v'=v" using UNV' by (auto simp: excess'_if split: if_splits)
hence ?thesis using no_relabel_adm_edges[OF LOU] uv_adm by auto
} ultimately show ?thesis by blast
by (meson Diff_iff push_adm_edges(2)[OF PRE] adm_edges_leaving_u subsetCE)
using push_adm_edges(2)[OF PRE] relabel_u_no_incoming_adm by blast
using converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl[
OF pr_algo_rel.push[OF dis_is_hbl PRE] algo_rel]
lemma relabel_pres_dis_invar:
assumes PRE: "relabel_precond f l u"
shows "discharge_invar c s t u fo lo no f
(relabel_effect f l u) (n(u := adjacent_nodes u))"
proof -
let ?l' = "relabel_effect f l u"
let ?n' = "n(u := adjacent_nodes u)"
from relabel_pres_nbr_invar[OF PRE]
interpret l': neighbor_invar c s t f ?l' ?n' .
note lu_incr
also note relabel_increase_u[OF PRE]
finally have INCR: "lo u < ?l' u" .
show ?thesis
apply unfold_locales
using INCR
apply simp_all
subgoal for u' v
proof clarsimp
assume IN': "(u', v) ∈ adm_edges f ?l'"
and NOT_INO: "(u', v) ∉ adm_edges fo lo"
assume IN: "(u', v) ∈ adm_edges f l"
with adm_edges_leaving_u NOT_INO have "u'=u" by auto
} moreover {
assume NOT_IN: "(u', v) ∉ adm_edges f l"
with IN' relabel_adm_edges[OF PRE] have "u'=u"
unfolding cf.incoming_def cf.outgoing_def cf.adjacent_def
by auto
} ultimately show ?thesis by blast
using relabel_adm_edges(2)[OF PRE]
unfolding adm_edges_def cf.incoming_def
by fastforce
using converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl[
OF pr_algo_rel.relabel[OF dis_is_hbl PRE] algo_rel]
lemma push_precondI_nz:
"⟦excess f u ≠ 0; (u,v)∈cfE_of f; l u = l v + 1⟧ ⟹ push_precond f l (u,v)"
unfolding push_precond_def by (auto simp: excess_nz_iff_gz)
lemma remove_neighbor_pres_dis_invar:
assumes PRE: "(u,v)∉adm_edges f l"
defines "n' ≡ n (u := n u - {v})"
shows "discharge_invar c s t u fo lo no f l n'"
proof -
from remove_neighbor_pres_nbr_invar[OF PRE]
interpret neighbor_invar c s t f l n' unfolding n'_def .
show ?thesis
apply unfold_locales
using lu_incr no_relabel_adm_edges no_relabel_excess adm_edges_leaving_u
relabel_u_no_incoming_adm algo_rel
by auto
lemma neighbors_in_V: "v∈n u ⟹ v∈V"
using neighbors_adj[of u] E_ss_VxV unfolding adjacent_nodes_def by auto
lemma neighbors_in_E: "v∈n u ⟹ (u,v)∈E∪E¯"
using neighbors_adj[of u] E_ss_VxV unfolding adjacent_nodes_def by auto
lemma relabeled_node_has_outgoing:
assumes "relabel_precond f l u"
shows "∃v. (u,v)∈cfE_of f"
using assms unfolding relabel_precond_def
using active_has_cf_outgoing unfolding cf.outgoing_def by auto
lemma (in neighbor_invar) discharge_invar_init:
assumes "u∈V-{s,t}"
shows "discharge_invar c s t u f l n f l n"
using assms
by unfold_locales auto
context Network begin
text ‹
The discharge operation preserves the invariant, and discharges the node.
lemma discharge_correct[THEN order_trans, refine_vcg]:
assumes DINV: "neighbor_invar c s t f l n"
assumes NOT_ST: "u≠t" "u≠s" and UIV: "u∈V"
shows "discharge f l n u
≤ SPEC (λ(f',l',n'). discharge_invar c s t u f l n f' l' n'
∧ excess f' u = 0)"
unfolding discharge_def push_def relabel_def
apply (refine_vcg WHILET_rule[where
I="λ(f',l',n'). discharge_invar c s t u f l n f' l' n'"
and R="inv_image (pr_algo_rel <*lex*> finite_psubset)
(λ(f',l',n'). ((f',l'),n' u))"]
apply (vc_solve
solve: wf_lex_prod DINV
solve: neighbor_invar.discharge_invar_init[OF DINV]
solve: neighbor_invar.no_neighbors_relabel_precond
solve: discharge_invar.relabel_pres_dis_invar
solve: discharge_invar.push_pres_dis_invar
solve: discharge_invar.push_precondI_nz pr_algo_rel.relabel
solve: pr_algo_rel.push[OF discharge_invar.dis_is_hbl]
solve: discharge_invar.remove_neighbor_pres_dis_invar
solve: discharge_invar.neighbors_in_V
solve: discharge_invar.relabeled_node_has_outgoing
solve: discharge_invar.dis_is_hbl
intro: discharge_invar.dis_is_nbr
solve: discharge_invar.dis_is_lbl
simp: NOT_ST
simp: neighbor_invar.neighbors_finite[OF discharge_invar.dis_is_nbr] UIV)
subgoal by (auto dest: discharge_invar.neighbors_in_E)
subgoal unfolding adm_edges_def by auto
subgoal by (auto)
subsection ‹Main Algorithm›
text ‹We state the main algorithm and prove its
termination and correctness›
context Network
text ‹Initially, all edges are unprocessed. ›
definition "rtf_init_n u ≡ if u∈V-{s,t} then adjacent_nodes u else {}"
lemma rtf_init_n_finite[simp, intro!]: "finite (rtf_init_n u)"
unfolding rtf_init_n_def
by auto
lemma init_no_adm_edges[simp]: "adm_edges pp_init_f pp_init_l = {}"
unfolding adm_edges_def pp_init_l_def
using card_V_ge2
by auto
lemma rtf_init_neighbor_invar:
"neighbor_invar c s t pp_init_f pp_init_l rtf_init_n"
proof -
from pp_init_height_bound
interpret Height_Bounded_Labeling c s t pp_init_f pp_init_l .
have [simp]: "rtf_init_n u ⊆ adjacent_nodes u" for u
by (auto simp: rtf_init_n_def)
show ?thesis by unfold_locales auto
definition "relabel_to_front ≡ do {
let f = pp_init_f;
let l = pp_init_l;
let n = rtf_init_n;
let L_left=[];
L_right ← spec l. distinct l ∧ set l = V - {s,t};
(f,l,n,L_left,L_right) ← while⇩T
(λ(f,l,n,L_left,L_right). L_right ≠ [])
(λ(f,l,n,L_left,L_right). do {
let u = hd L_right;
assert (u ∈ V);
let old_lu = l u;
(f,l,n) ← discharge f l n u;
if (l u ≠ old_lu) then do {
let (L_left,L_right) = ([u],L_left @ tl L_right);
return (f,l,n,L_left,L_right)
} else do {
let (L_left,L_right) = (L_left@[u], tl L_right);
return (f,l,n,L_left,L_right)
}) (f,l,n,L_left,L_right);
assert (neighbor_invar c s t f l n);
return f
text ‹Invariant for the main algorithm:
▸ Nodes in the queue left of the current node are not active
▸ The queue is a topological sort of the admissible network
▸ All nodes except source and sink are on the queue
locale rtf_invar = neighbor_invar +
fixes L_left L_right :: "node list"
assumes left_no_excess: "∀u∈set (L_left). excess f u = 0"
assumes L_sorted: "is_top_sorted (adm_edges f l) (L_left @ L_right)"
assumes L_set: "set L_left ∪ set L_right = V-{s,t}"
lemma rtf_is_nbr: "neighbor_invar c s t f l n" by unfold_locales
lemma L_distinct: "distinct (L_left @ L_right)"
using is_top_sorted_distinct[OF L_sorted] .
lemma terminated_imp_maxflow:
assumes [simp]: "L_right = []"
shows "isMaxFlow f"
proof -
from L_set left_no_excess have "∀u∈V-{s,t}. excess f u = 0" by auto
with no_excess_imp_maxflow show ?thesis .
context Network begin
lemma rtf_init_invar:
assumes DIS: "distinct L_left" and L_set: "set L_left = V-{s,t}"
shows "rtf_invar c s t pp_init_f pp_init_l rtf_init_n [] L_left"
proof -
from rtf_init_neighbor_invar
interpret neighbor_invar c s t pp_init_f pp_init_l rtf_init_n .
show ?thesis using DIS L_set by unfold_locales auto
theorem relabel_to_front_correct:
"relabel_to_front ≤ SPEC isMaxFlow"
unfolding relabel_to_front_def
apply (rewrite in "while⇩T _ ⌑" vcg_intro_frame)
apply (refine_vcg
I="λ(f,l,n,L_left,L_right). rtf_invar c s t f l n L_left L_right"
and R="inv_image
(pr_algo_rel⇧+ <*lex*> less_than)
(λ(f,l,n,L_left,L_right). ((f,l),length L_right))"
apply (vc_solve simp: rtf_init_invar rtf_invar.rtf_is_nbr)
subgoal by (blast intro: wf_lex_prod wf_trancl)
subgoal for _ f l n L_left L_right proof -
assume "rtf_invar c s t f l n L_left L_right"
then interpret rtf_invar c s t f l n L_left L_right .
assume "L_right ≠ []" then obtain u L_right'
where [simp]: "L_right = u#L_right'" by (cases L_right) auto
from L_set have [simp]: "u∈V" "u≠s" "u≠t" "s≠u" "t≠u" by auto
from L_distinct have [simp]: "u∉set L_left" "u∉set L_right'" by auto
show ?thesis
apply (rule vcg_rem_frame)
apply (rewrite in "do {(_,_,_) ← discharge _ _ _ _; ⌑}" vcg_intro_frame)
apply refine_vcg
apply (vc_solve simp: rtf_is_nbr split del: if_split)
subgoal for f' l' n' proof -
assume "discharge_invar c s t u f l n f' l' n'"
then interpret l': discharge_invar c s t u f l n f' l' n' .
assume [simp]: "excess f' u = 0"
show ?thesis
apply (rule vcg_rem_frame)
apply refine_vcg
apply (vc_solve)
subgoal proof -
assume RELABEL: "l' u ≠ l u"
have AUX1: "x=u" if "(x, u) ∈ (adm_edges f' l')⇧*" for x
using that l'.relabel_u_no_incoming_adm[OF RELABEL[symmetric]]
by (auto elim: rtranclE)
have TS1: "is_top_sorted (adm_edges f l) (L_left @ L_right')"
using L_sorted by (auto intro: is_top_sorted_remove_elem)
from l'.adm_edges_leaving_u
and l'.relabel_u_no_incoming_adm[OF RELABEL[symmetric]]
have "adm_edges f' l' ⊆ adm_edges f l ∪ {u}×UNIV"
and "adm_edges f' l' ∩ UNIV×{u}={}" by auto
from is_top_sorted_isolated_constraint[OF this _ TS1]
have AUX2: "is_top_sorted (adm_edges f' l') (L_left @ L_right')"
by simp
show "rtf_invar c s t f' l' n' [u] (L_left @ L_right')"
apply unfold_locales
subgoal by simp
subgoal using AUX2 by (auto simp: is_top_sorted_cons dest!: AUX1)
subgoal using L_set by auto
subgoal using l'.algo_rel by (auto dest: rtranclD)
subgoal proof -
assume NO_RELABEL[simp]: "l' u = l u"
have AUX: "excess f' v = 0" if "v∈set L_left" for v
proof (rule ccontr)
from that ‹u∉set L_left› have "u ≠ v" by blast
moreover assume "excess f' v ≠ 0"
moreover from that left_no_excess have "excess f v = 0" by auto
ultimately have "(u,v)∈adm_edges f l"
using l'.no_relabel_excess[OF NO_RELABEL[symmetric]]
by auto
with L_sorted that show False
by (auto simp: is_top_sorted_append is_top_sorted_cons)
show "rtf_invar c s t f' l' n' (L_left @ [u]) L_right'"
apply unfold_locales
subgoal by (auto simp: AUX)
apply (rule is_top_sorted_antimono[
OF l'.no_relabel_adm_edges[OF NO_RELABEL[symmetric]]])
using L_sorted by simp
subgoal using L_set by auto
subgoal using l'.algo_rel by (auto dest: rtranclD)
subgoal by (auto intro: rtf_invar.terminated_imp_maxflow)