Theory Generic_Push_Relabel
section ‹Generic Push Relabel Algorithm›
theory Generic_Push_Relabel
subsection ‹Labeling›
text ‹The central idea of the push-relabel algorithm is to add natural number
labels ‹l : node ⇒ nat› to each node, and maintain the invariant that for
all edges ‹(u,v)› in the residual graph, we have ‹l u ≤ l v + 1›.›
type_synonym labeling = "node ⇒ nat"
locale Labeling = NPreflow +
fixes l :: labeling
assumes valid: "(u,v) ∈ cf.E ⟹ l(u) ≤ l(v) + 1"
assumes lab_src[simp]: "l s = card V"
assumes lab_sink[simp]: "l t = 0"
text ‹Generalizing validity to paths›
lemma gen_valid: "l(u) ≤ l(x) + length p" if "cf.isPath u p x"
using that by (induction p arbitrary: u; fastforce dest: valid)
text ‹
In a valid labeling, there cannot be an augmenting path~\cormen{26.17}.
The proof works by contradiction, using the validity constraint
to show that any augmenting path would be too long for a simple path.
theorem no_augmenting_path: "¬isAugmentingPath p"
assume "isAugmentingPath p"
hence SP: "cf.isSimplePath s p t" unfolding isAugmentingPath_def .
hence "cf.isPath s p t" unfolding cf.isSimplePath_def by auto
from gen_valid[OF this] have "length p ≥ card V" by auto
with cf.simplePath_length_less_V[OF _ SP] show False by auto
text ‹
The idea of push relabel algorithms is to maintain a valid labeling,
and, ultimately, arrive at a valid flow, i.e., no nodes have excess flow.
We then immediately get that the flow is maximal:
corollary no_excess_imp_maxflow:
assumes "∀u∈V-{s,t}. excess f u = 0"
shows "isMaxFlow f"
proof -
from assms interpret NFlow
apply unfold_locales
using no_deficient_nodes unfolding excess_def by auto
from noAugPath_iff_maxFlow no_augmenting_path show "isMaxFlow f" by auto
subsection ‹Basic Operations›
text ‹
The operations of the push relabel algorithm are local operations on
single nodes and edges.
subsubsection ‹Augmentation of Edges›
context Network
text ‹We define a function to augment a single edge in the residual graph.›
definition augment_edge :: "'capacity flow ⇒ _"
where "augment_edge f ≡ λ(u,v) Δ.
if (u,v)∈E then f( (u,v) := f (u,v) + Δ )
else if (v,u)∈E then f( (v,u) := f (v,u) - Δ )
else f"
lemma augment_edge_zero[simp]: "augment_edge f e 0 = f"
unfolding augment_edge_def by (auto split: prod.split)
lemma augment_edge_same[simp]: "e∈E ⟹ augment_edge f e Δ e = f e + Δ"
unfolding augment_edge_def by (auto split!: prod.splits)
lemma augment_edge_other[simp]:"⟦e∈E; e'≠e ⟧ ⟹ augment_edge f e Δ e' = f e'"
unfolding augment_edge_def by (auto split!: prod.splits)
lemma augment_edge_rev_same[simp]:
"(v,u)∈E ⟹ augment_edge f (u,v) Δ (v,u) = f (v,u) - Δ"
using no_parallel_edge
unfolding augment_edge_def by (auto split!: prod.splits)
lemma augment_edge_rev_other[simp]:
"⟦(u,v)∉E; e'≠(v,u)⟧ ⟹ augment_edge f (u,v) Δ e' = f e'"
unfolding augment_edge_def by (auto split!: prod.splits)
lemma augment_edge_cf[simp]: "(u,v)∈E∪E¯ ⟹
cf_of (augment_edge f (u,v) Δ)
= (cf_of f)( (u,v) := cf_of f (u,v) - Δ, (v,u) := cf_of f (v,u) + Δ)"
apply (intro ext; cases "(u,v)∈E")
subgoal for e'
apply (cases "e'=(u,v)")
subgoal by (simp split!: if_splits add: no_self_loop residualGraph_def)
apply (cases "e'=(v,u)")
subgoal by (simp split!: if_splits add: no_parallel_edge residualGraph_def)
subgoal by (simp
split!: if_splits prod.splits
add: residualGraph_def augment_edge_def)
subgoal for e'
apply (cases "e'=(u,v)")
subgoal by (simp split!: if_splits add: no_self_loop residualGraph_def)
apply (cases "e'=(v,u)")
subgoal by (simp split!: if_splits add: no_self_loop residualGraph_def)
subgoal by (simp
split!: if_splits prod.splits
add: residualGraph_def augment_edge_def)
lemma augment_edge_cf': "(u,v)∈cfE_of f ⟹
cf_of (augment_edge f (u,v) Δ)
= (cf_of f)( (u,v) := cf_of f (u,v) - Δ, (v,u) := cf_of f (v,u) + Δ)"
proof -
assume "(u,v)∈cfE_of f"
hence "(u,v)∈E∪E¯" using cfE_of_ss_invE ..
thus ?thesis by simp
text ‹The effect of augmenting an edge on the residual graph›
definition (in -) augment_edge_cf :: "_ flow ⇒ _" where
"augment_edge_cf cf
≡ λ(u,v) Δ. (cf)( (u,v) := cf (u,v) - Δ, (v,u) := cf (v,u) + Δ)"
lemma cf_of_augment_edge:
assumes A: "(u,v)∈cfE_of f"
shows "cf_of (augment_edge f (u,v) Δ) = augment_edge_cf (cf_of f) (u,v) Δ"
proof -
show "cf_of (augment_edge f (u, v) Δ) = augment_edge_cf (cf_of f) (u, v) Δ"
by (simp add: augment_edge_cf_def A augment_edge_cf')
lemma cfE_augment_ss:
assumes EDGE: "(u,v)∈cfE_of f"
shows "cfE_of (augment_edge f (u,v) Δ) ⊆ insert (v,u) (cfE_of f)"
using EDGE
apply (clarsimp simp: augment_edge_cf')
unfolding Graph.E_def
apply (auto split: if_splits)
context NPreflow begin
text ‹Augmenting an edge ‹(u,v)› with a flow ‹Δ› that does not exceed the
available edge capacity, nor the available excess flow on the source node,
preserves the preflow property.
lemma augment_edge_preflow_preserve: "⟦0≤Δ; Δ ≤ cf (u,v); Δ ≤ excess f u⟧
⟹ Preflow c s t (augment_edge f (u,v) Δ)"
apply unfold_locales
unfolding residualGraph_def augment_edge_def
using capacity_const
by (fastforce split!: if_splits)
proof (intro ballI; clarsimp)
assume "0≤Δ" "Δ ≤ cf (u,v)" "Δ ≤ excess f u"
fix v'
assume V': "v'∈V" "v'≠s" "v'≠t"
show "sum (augment_edge f (u, v) Δ) (outgoing v')
≤ sum (augment_edge f (u, v) Δ) (incoming v')"
proof (cases)
assume "Δ = 0"
with no_deficient_nodes show ?thesis using V' by auto
assume "Δ ≠ 0" with ‹0≤Δ› have "0<Δ" by auto
with ‹Δ ≤ cf (u,v)› have "(u,v)∈cf.E" unfolding Graph.E_def by auto
show ?thesis
proof (cases)
assume [simp]: "(u,v)∈E"
hence AE: "augment_edge f (u,v) Δ = f ( (u,v) := f (u,v) + Δ )"
unfolding augment_edge_def by auto
have 1: "∀e∈outgoing v'. augment_edge f (u,v) Δ e = f e" if "v'≠u"
using that unfolding outgoing_def AE by auto
have 2: "∀e∈incoming v'. augment_edge f (u,v) Δ e = f e" if "v'≠v"
using that unfolding incoming_def AE by auto
from ‹(u,v)∈E› no_self_loop have "u≠v" by blast
assume "v' ≠ u" "v' ≠ v"
with 1 2 V' no_deficient_nodes have ?thesis by auto
} moreover {
assume [simp]: "v'=v"
have "sum (augment_edge f (u, v) Δ) (outgoing v')
= sum f (outgoing v)"
using 1 ‹u≠v› V' by auto
also have "… ≤ sum f (incoming v)"
using V' no_deficient_nodes by auto
also have "… ≤ sum (augment_edge f (u, v) Δ) (incoming v)"
apply (rule sum_mono)
using ‹0≤Δ›
by (auto simp: incoming_def augment_edge_def split!: if_split)
finally have ?thesis by simp
} moreover {
assume [simp]: "v'=u"
have A1: "sum (augment_edge f (u,v) Δ) (incoming v')
= sum f (incoming u)"
using 2 ‹u≠v› by auto
have "(u,v) ∈ outgoing u" using ‹(u,v)∈E›
by (auto simp: outgoing_def)
note AUX = sum.remove[OF _ this, simplified]
have A2: "sum (augment_edge f (u,v) Δ) (outgoing u)
= sum f (outgoing u) + Δ"
using AUX[of "augment_edge f (u,v) Δ"] AUX[of "f"] by auto
from A1 A2 ‹Δ ≤ excess f u› no_deficient_nodes V' have ?thesis
unfolding excess_def by auto
} ultimately show ?thesis by blast
assume [simp]: ‹(u,v)∉E›
hence [simp]: "(v,u)∈E" using cfE_ss_invE ‹(u,v)∈cf.E› by auto
from ‹(u,v)∉E› ‹(v,u)∈E› have "u≠v" by blast
have AE: "augment_edge f (u,v) Δ = f ( (v,u) := f (v,u) - Δ )"
unfolding augment_edge_def by simp
have 1: "∀e∈outgoing v'. augment_edge f (u,v) Δ e = f e" if "v'≠v"
using that unfolding outgoing_def AE by auto
have 2: "∀e∈incoming v'. augment_edge f (u,v) Δ e = f e" if "v'≠u"
using that unfolding incoming_def AE by auto
assume "v' ≠ u" "v' ≠ v"
with 1 2 V' no_deficient_nodes have ?thesis by auto
} moreover {
assume [simp]: "v'=u"
have A1: "sum (augment_edge f (u, v) Δ) (outgoing v')
= sum f (outgoing u)"
using 1 ‹u≠v› V' by auto
have "(v,u) ∈ incoming u"
using ‹(v,u)∈E› by (auto simp: incoming_def)
note AUX = sum.remove[OF _ this, simplified]
have A2: "sum (augment_edge f (u,v) Δ) (incoming u)
= sum f (incoming u) - Δ"
using AUX[of "augment_edge f (u,v) Δ"] AUX[of "f"] by auto
from A1 A2 ‹Δ ≤ excess f u› no_deficient_nodes V' have ?thesis
unfolding excess_def by auto
} moreover {
assume [simp]: "v'=v"
have "sum (augment_edge f (u,v) Δ) (outgoing v')
≤ sum f (outgoing v')"
apply (rule sum_mono)
using ‹0<Δ›
by (auto simp: augment_edge_def)
also have "… ≤ sum f (incoming v)"
using no_deficient_nodes V' by auto
also have "… ≤ sum (augment_edge f (u,v) Δ) (incoming v')"
using 2 ‹u≠v› by auto
finally have ?thesis by simp
} ultimately show ?thesis by blast
subsubsection ‹Push Operation›
context Network
text ‹The push operation pushes as much flow as possible flow from an active
node over an admissible edge.
A node is called \emph{active} if it has positive excess, and an edge ‹(u,v)›
of the residual graph is called admissible, if @{term ‹l u = l v + 1›}.
definition push_precond :: "'capacity flow ⇒ labeling ⇒ edge ⇒ bool"
where "push_precond f l
≡ λ(u,v). excess f u > 0 ∧ (u,v)∈cfE_of f ∧ l u = l v + 1"
text ‹The maximum possible flow is determined by the available excess flow at
the source node and the available capacity of the edge.›
definition push_effect :: "'capacity flow ⇒ edge ⇒ 'capacity flow"
where "push_effect f
≡ λ(u,v). augment_edge f (u,v) (min (excess f u) (cf_of f (u,v)))"
lemma push_precondI[intro?]:
"⟦excess f u > 0; (u,v)∈cfE_of f; l u = l v + 1⟧ ⟹ push_precond f l (u,v)"
unfolding push_precond_def by auto
subsubsection ‹Relabel Operation›
text ‹
An active node (not the sink) without any outgoing admissible edges
can be relabeled.
definition relabel_precond :: "'capacity flow ⇒ labeling ⇒ node ⇒ bool"
where "relabel_precond f l u
≡ u≠t ∧ excess f u > 0 ∧ (∀v. (u,v)∈cfE_of f ⟶ l u ≠ l v + 1)"
text ‹The new label is computed from the neighbour's labels, to be the minimum
value that will create an outgoing admissible edge.›
definition relabel_effect :: "'capacity flow ⇒ labeling ⇒ node ⇒ labeling"
where "relabel_effect f l u
≡ l( u := Min { l v | v. (u,v)∈cfE_of f } + 1 )"
subsubsection ‹Initialization›
text ‹
The initial preflow exhausts all outgoing edges of the source node.
definition "pp_init_f ≡ λ(u,v). if (u=s) then c (u,v) else 0"
text ‹
The initial labeling labels the source with ‹|V|›, and all other nodes
with ‹0›.
definition "pp_init_l ≡ (λx. 0)(s := card V)"
subsection ‹Abstract Correctness›
text ‹We formalize the abstract correctness argument of the algorithm.
It consists of two parts:
▸ Execution of push and relabel operations maintain a valid labeling
▸ If no push or relabel operations can be executed, the preflow is actually
a flow.
This section corresponds to the proof of \cormen{26.18}.
subsubsection ‹Maintenance of Invariants›
context Network
lemma pp_init_invar: "Labeling c s t pp_init_f pp_init_l"
apply (unfold_locales;
((auto simp: pp_init_f_def pp_init_l_def cap_non_negative; fail)
| (intro ballI)?))
proof -
fix v
assume "v∈V - {s,t}"
hence "∀e∈outgoing v. pp_init_f e = 0"
by (auto simp: outgoing_def pp_init_f_def)
hence [simp]: "sum pp_init_f (outgoing v) = 0" by auto
have "0 ≤ pp_init_f e" for e
by (auto simp: pp_init_f_def cap_non_negative split: prod.split)
from sum_bounded_below[of "incoming v" 0 pp_init_f, OF this]
have "0 ≤ sum pp_init_f (incoming v)" by auto
thus "sum pp_init_f (outgoing v) ≤ sum pp_init_f (incoming v)"
by auto
fix u v
assume "(u, v) ∈ Graph.E (residualGraph c pp_init_f)"
thus "pp_init_l u ≤ pp_init_l v + 1"
unfolding pp_init_l_def Graph.E_def pp_init_f_def residualGraph_def
by (auto split: if_splits)
lemma pp_init_f_preflow: "NPreflow c s t pp_init_f"
proof -
from pp_init_invar interpret Labeling c s t pp_init_f pp_init_l .
show ?thesis by unfold_locales
context Labeling
text ‹Push operations preserve a valid labeling~\cormen{26.16}.›
theorem push_pres_Labeling:
assumes "push_precond f l e"
shows "Labeling c s t (push_effect f e) l"
unfolding push_effect_def
proof (cases e; clarsimp)
fix u v
assume [simp]: "e=(u,v)"
let ?f' = "(augment_edge f (u, v) (min (excess f u) (cf (u, v))))"
from assms have
ACTIVE: "excess f u > 0"
and EDGE: "(u,v)∈cf.E"
and ADM: "l u = l v + 1"
unfolding push_precond_def by auto
interpret cf': Preflow c s t ?f'
apply (rule augment_edge_preflow_preserve)
using ACTIVE resE_nonNegative
by auto
show "Labeling c s t ?f' l"
apply unfold_locales using valid
using cfE_augment_ss[OF EDGE] ADM
apply (fastforce)
by auto
lemma finite_min_cf_outgoing[simp, intro!]: "finite {l v |v. (u, v) ∈ cf.E}"
proof -
have "{l v |v. (u, v) ∈ cf.E} = l`snd`cf.outgoing u"
by (auto simp: cf.outgoing_def)
moreover have "finite (l`snd`cf.outgoing u)" by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
text ‹Relabel operations preserve a valid labeling~\cormen{26.16}.
Moreover, they increase the label of the relabeled node~\cormen{26.15}.
assumes PRE: "relabel_precond f l u"
shows relabel_increase_u: "relabel_effect f l u u > l u" (is ?G1)
and relabel_pres_Labeling: "Labeling c s t f (relabel_effect f l u)" (is ?G2)
proof -
from PRE have
NOT_SINK: "u≠t"
and ACTIVE: "excess f u > 0"
and NO_ADM: "⋀v. (u,v)∈cf.E ⟹ l u ≠ l v + 1"
unfolding relabel_precond_def by auto
from ACTIVE have [simp]: "s≠u" using excess_s_non_pos by auto
from active_has_cf_outgoing[OF ACTIVE] have [simp]: "∃v. (u, v) ∈ cf.E"
by (auto simp: cf.outgoing_def)
from NO_ADM valid have "l u < l v + 1" if "(u,v)∈cf.E" for v
by (simp add: nat_less_le that)
hence LU_INCR: "l u ≤ Min { l v | v. (u,v)∈cf.E }"
by (auto simp: less_Suc_eq_le)
with valid have "∀u'. (u',u)∈cf.E ⟶ l u' ≤ Min { l v | v. (u,v)∈cf.E } + 1"
by (smt ab_semigroup_add_class.add.commute add_le_cancel_left le_trans)
moreover have "∀v. (u,v)∈cf.E ⟶ Min { l v | v. (u,v)∈cf.E } + 1 ≤ l v + 1"
using Min_le by auto
ultimately show ?G1 ?G2
unfolding relabel_effect_def
apply (clarsimp_all simp: PRE)
subgoal using LU_INCR by (simp add: less_Suc_eq_le)
apply (unfold_locales)
subgoal for u' v' using valid by auto
subgoal by auto
subgoal using NOT_SINK by auto
lemma relabel_preserve_other: "u≠v ⟹ relabel_effect f l u v = l v"
unfolding relabel_effect_def by auto
subsubsection ‹Maxflow on Termination›
text ‹
If no push or relabel operations can be performed any more,
we have arrived at a maximal flow.
theorem push_relabel_term_imp_maxflow:
assumes no_push: "∀(u,v)∈cf.E. ¬push_precond f l (u,v)"
assumes no_relabel: "∀u. ¬relabel_precond f l u"
shows "isMaxFlow f"
proof -
from assms have "∀u∈V-{t}. excess f u ≤ 0"
unfolding push_precond_def relabel_precond_def
by force
with excess_non_negative have "∀u∈V-{s,t}. excess f u = 0" by force
with no_excess_imp_maxflow show ?thesis .
subsection ‹Convenience Lemmas›
text ‹We define a locale to reflect the effect of a push operation›
locale push_effect_locale = Labeling +
fixes u v
assumes PRE: "push_precond f l (u,v)"
abbreviation "f' ≡ push_effect f (u,v)"
sublocale l': Labeling c s t f' l
using push_pres_Labeling[OF PRE] .
lemma uv_cf_edge[simp, intro!]: "(u,v)∈cf.E"
using PRE unfolding push_precond_def by auto
lemma excess_u_pos: "excess f u > 0"
using PRE unfolding push_precond_def by auto
lemma l_u_eq[simp]: "l u = l v + 1"
using PRE unfolding push_precond_def by auto
lemma uv_edge_cases:
obtains (par) "(u,v)∈E" "(v,u)∉E"
| (rev) "(v,u)∈E" "(u,v)∉E"
using uv_cf_edge cfE_ss_invE no_parallel_edge by blast
lemma uv_nodes[simp, intro!]: "u∈V" "v∈V"
using E_ss_VxV cfE_ss_invE no_parallel_edge by auto
lemma uv_not_eq[simp]: "u≠v" "v≠u"
using E_ss_VxV cfE_ss_invE[THEN subsetD, OF uv_cf_edge] no_parallel_edge
by auto
definition "Δ = min (excess f u) (cf_of f (u,v))"
lemma Δ_positive: "Δ > 0"
unfolding Δ_def
using excess_u_pos uv_cf_edge[unfolded cf.E_def] resE_positive
by auto
lemma f'_alt: "f' = augment_edge f (u,v) Δ"
unfolding push_effect_def Δ_def by auto
lemma cf'_alt: "l'.cf = augment_edge_cf cf (u,v) Δ"
unfolding push_effect_def Δ_def augment_edge_cf_def
by (auto simp: augment_edge_cf')
lemma excess'_u[simp]: "excess f' u = excess f u - Δ"
unfolding excess_def[where f=f']
proof -
show "sum f' (incoming u) - sum f' (outgoing u) = excess f u - Δ"
proof (cases rule: uv_edge_cases)
case [simp]: par
hence UV_ONI:"(u,v)∈outgoing u - incoming u"
by (auto simp: incoming_def outgoing_def no_self_loop)
have 1: "sum f' (incoming u) = sum f (incoming u)"
apply (rule sum.cong[OF refl])
using UV_ONI unfolding f'_alt
apply (subst augment_edge_other)
by auto
have "sum f' (outgoing u)
= sum f (outgoing u) + (∑x∈outgoing u. if x = (u, v) then Δ else 0)"
unfolding f'_alt augment_edge_def sum.distrib[symmetric]
by (rule sum.cong) auto
also have "… = sum f (outgoing u) + Δ"
using UV_ONI by (auto simp:
finally show ?thesis using 1 unfolding excess_def by simp
case [simp]: rev
have UV_INO:"(v,u)∈incoming u - outgoing u"
by (auto simp: incoming_def outgoing_def no_self_loop)
have 1: "sum f' (outgoing u) = sum f (outgoing u)"
apply (rule sum.cong[OF refl])
using UV_INO unfolding f'_alt
apply (subst augment_edge_rev_other)
by (auto)
have "sum f' (incoming u)
= sum f (incoming u) + (∑x∈incoming u. if x = (v, u) then - Δ else 0)"
unfolding f'_alt augment_edge_def sum.distrib[symmetric]
by (rule sum.cong) auto
also have "… = sum f (incoming u) - Δ"
using UV_INO by (auto simp:
finally show ?thesis using 1 unfolding excess_def by auto
lemma excess'_v[simp]: "excess f' v = excess f v + Δ"
unfolding excess_def[where f=f']
proof -
show "sum f' (incoming v) - sum f' (outgoing v) = excess f v + Δ"
proof (cases rule: uv_edge_cases)
case [simp]: par
have UV_INO: "(u,v)∈incoming v - outgoing v"
unfolding incoming_def outgoing_def by (auto simp: no_self_loop)
have 1: "sum f' (outgoing v) = sum f (outgoing v)"
using UV_INO unfolding f'_alt
by (auto simp: augment_edge_def intro: sum.cong)
have "sum f' (incoming v)
= sum f (incoming v) + (∑x∈incoming v. if x=(u,v) then Δ else 0)"
unfolding f'_alt augment_edge_def sum.distrib[symmetric]
apply (rule sum.cong)
using UV_INO unfolding f'_alt by auto
also have "… = sum f (incoming v) + Δ"
using UV_INO by (auto simp:
finally show ?thesis using 1 by (auto simp: excess_def)
case [simp]: rev
have UV_INO:"(v,u)∈outgoing v - incoming v"
by (auto simp: incoming_def outgoing_def no_self_loop)
have 1: "sum f' (incoming v) = sum f (incoming v)"
using UV_INO unfolding f'_alt
by (auto simp: augment_edge_def intro: sum.cong)
have "sum f' (outgoing v)
= sum f (outgoing v) + (∑x∈outgoing v. if x=(v,u) then - Δ else 0)"
unfolding f'_alt augment_edge_def sum.distrib[symmetric]
apply (rule sum.cong)
using UV_INO unfolding f'_alt by auto
also have "… = sum f (outgoing v) - Δ"
using UV_INO by (auto simp:
finally show ?thesis using 1 by (auto simp: excess_def)
lemma excess'_other[simp]:
assumes "x ≠ u" "x ≠ v"
shows "excess f' x = excess f x"
proof -
have NE: "(u,v)∉incoming x" "(u,v)∉outgoing x"
"(v,u)∉incoming x" "(v,u)∉outgoing x"
using assms unfolding incoming_def outgoing_def by auto
"sum f' (outgoing x) = sum f (outgoing x)"
"sum f' (incoming x) = sum f (incoming x)"
by (auto
simp: augment_edge_def f'_alt NE
split!: if_split
intro: sum.cong)
thus ?thesis
unfolding excess_def by auto
lemma excess'_if:
"excess f' x = (
if x=u then excess f u - Δ
else if x=v then excess f v + Δ
else excess f x)"
by simp
subsection ‹Complexity›
text ‹
Next, we analyze the complexity of the generic push relabel algorithm.
We will show that it has a complexity of ‹O(V⇧2E)› basic operations.
Here, we often trade precise estimation of constant factors for simplicity
of the proof.
subsubsection ‹Auxiliary Lemmas›
context Network
lemma cardE_nz_aux[simp, intro!]:
"card E ≠ 0" "card E ≥ Suc 0" "card E > 0"
proof -
show "card E ≠ 0" by (simp add: E_not_empty)
thus "card E ≥ Suc 0" by linarith
thus "card E > 0" by auto
text ‹The number of nodes can be estimated by the number of edges.
This estimation is done in various places to get smoother bounds.
lemma card_V_est_E: "card V ≤ 2 * card E"
proof -
have "card V ≤ card (fst`E) + card (snd`E)"
by (auto simp: card_Un_le V_alt)
also note card_image_le[OF finite_E]
also note card_image_le[OF finite_E]
finally show "card V ≤ 2 * card E" by auto
subsubsection ‹Height Bound›
text ‹A crucial idea of estimating the complexity is the insight that
no label will exceed ‹2|V|-1› during the algorithm.
We define a locale that states this invariant, and show that the algorithm
maintains it. The corresponds to the proof of \cormen{26.20}.
locale Height_Bounded_Labeling = Labeling +
assumes height_bound: "∀u∈V. l u ≤ 2*card V - 1"
lemma height_bound': "u∈V ⟹ l u ≤ 2*card V - 1"
using height_bound by auto
lemma (in Network) pp_init_height_bound:
"Height_Bounded_Labeling c s t pp_init_f pp_init_l"
proof -
interpret Labeling c s t pp_init_f pp_init_l by (rule pp_init_invar)
show ?thesis by unfold_locales (auto simp: pp_init_l_def)
context Height_Bounded_Labeling
text ‹As push does not change the labeling, it trivially preserves the
height bound.›
lemma push_pres_height_bound:
assumes "push_precond f l e"
shows "Height_Bounded_Labeling c s t (push_effect f e) l"
proof -
from push_pres_Labeling[OF assms]
interpret l': Labeling c s t "push_effect f e" l .
show ?thesis using height_bound by unfold_locales
text ‹
In a valid labeling,
any active node has a (simple) path to the source node in
the residual graph~\cormen{26.19}.
lemma (in Labeling) excess_imp_source_path:
assumes "excess f u > 0"
obtains p where "cf.isSimplePath u p s"
proof -
obtain U where U_def: "U = {v|p v. cf.isSimplePath u p v}" by blast
have fct1: "U ⊆ V"
fix v
assume "v ∈ U"
then have "(u, v) ∈ cf.E⇧*"
using U_def cf.isSimplePath_def cf.isPath_rtc by auto
then obtain u' where "u = v ∨ ((u, u') ∈ cf.E⇧* ∧ (u', v) ∈ cf.E)"
by (meson rtranclE)
thus "v ∈ V"
assume "u = v"
thus ?thesis using excess_nodes_only[OF assms] by blast
assume "(u, u') ∈ cf.E⇧* ∧ (u', v) ∈ cf.E"
then have "v ∈ cf.V" unfolding cf.V_def by blast
thus ?thesis by simp
have "s ∈ U"
proof(rule ccontr)
assume "s ∉ U"
obtain U' where U'_def: "U' = V - U" by blast
have "(∑u∈U. excess f u)
= (∑u∈U. (∑v∈U'. f (v, u))) - (∑u∈U. (∑v∈U'. f (u, v)))"
proof -
have "(∑u∈U. excess f u)
= (∑u∈U. (∑v∈incoming u. f v)) - (∑u∈U.(∑v∈outgoing u. f v))"
(is "_ = ?R1 - ?R2") unfolding excess_def by (simp add: sum_subtractf)
also have "?R1 = (∑u∈U. (∑v∈V. f (v, u)))"
using sum_incoming_alt_flow fct1 by (meson subsetCE sum.cong)
also have "… = (∑u∈U. (∑v∈U. f (v, u))) + (∑u∈U. (∑v∈U'. f (v, u)))"
proof -
have "(∑v∈V. f (v, u)) = (∑v∈U. f (v, u)) + (∑v∈U'. f (v, u))" for u
using U'_def fct1 finite_V
by (metis ab_semigroup_add_class.add.commute sum.subset_diff)
thus ?thesis by (simp add: sum.distrib)
also have "?R2 = (∑u∈U. (∑v∈V. f (u, v)))"
using sum_outgoing_alt_flow fct1 by (meson subsetCE sum.cong)
also have "… = (∑u∈U. (∑v∈U. f (u, v))) + (∑u∈U. (∑v∈U'. f (u, v)))"
proof -
have "(∑v∈V. f (u, v)) = (∑v∈U. f (u, v)) + (∑v∈U'. f (u, v))" for u
using U'_def fct1 finite_V
by (metis ab_semigroup_add_class.add.commute sum.subset_diff)
thus ?thesis by (simp add: sum.distrib)
also have "(∑u∈U. (∑v∈U. f (u, v))) = (∑u∈U. (∑v∈U. f (v, u)))"
proof -
fix A :: "nat set"
assume "finite A"
then have "(∑u∈A. (∑v∈A. f (u, v))) = (∑u∈A. (∑v∈A. f (v, u)))"
proof (induction "card A" arbitrary: A)
case 0
then show ?case by auto
case (Suc x)
then obtain A' a
where o1:"A = insert a A'" and o2:"x = card A'" and o3:"finite A'"
by (metis card_insert_disjoint card_le_Suc_iff le_refl nat.inject)
then have lm:"(∑e∈A. g e) = (∑e∈A'. g e) + g a"
for g :: "nat ⇒ 'a"
using Suc.hyps(2)
by (metis card_insert_if n_not_Suc_n
semiring_normalization_rules(24) sum.insert)
have "(∑u∈A. (∑v∈A. f (u, v)))
= (∑u∈A'. (∑v∈A. f (u, v))) + (∑v∈A. f (a, v))"
(is "_ = ?R1 + ?R2") using lm by auto
also have "?R1 = (∑u∈A'. (∑v∈A'. f (u, v))) + (∑u∈A'. f(u, a))"
(is "_ = ?R1_1 + ?R1_2") using lm sum.distrib by force
also note add.assoc
also have "?R1_2 + ?R2 = (∑u∈A'. f(a, u)) + (∑v∈A. f(v, a))"
(is "_ = ?R1_2' + ?R2'") using lm by auto
also have "?R1_1 = (∑u∈A'. (∑v∈A'. f (v, u)))"
(is "_ = ?R1_1'") using Suc.hyps(1)[of A'] o2 o3 by auto
also note add.assoc[symmetric]
also have "?R1_1' + ?R1_2' = (∑u∈A'. (∑v∈A. f (v, u)))"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) lm sum.cong sum.distrib)
finally show ?case using lm[symmetric] by auto
} note this[of U]
thus ?thesis using fct1 finite_V finite_subset by auto
finally show ?thesis by arith
moreover have "(∑u∈U. excess f u) > 0"
proof -
have "u ∈ U" using U_def by simp
moreover have "u ∈ U ⟹ excess f u ≥ 0" for u
using fct1 excess_non_negative' ‹s ∉ U› by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using assms fct1 finite_V
by (metis Diff_cancel Diff_eq_empty_iff
Diff_infinite_finite finite_Diff sum_pos2)
ultimately have
fct2: "(∑u∈U. (∑v∈U'. f (v, u))) - (∑u∈U. (∑v∈U'. f (u, v))) > 0"
by simp
have fct3: "(∑u∈U. (∑v∈U'. f (v, u))) > 0"
proof -
have "(∑u∈U. (∑v∈U'. f (v, u))) ≥ 0"
using capacity_const by (simp add: sum_nonneg)
moreover have "(∑u∈U. (∑v∈U'. f (u, v))) ≥ 0"
using capacity_const by (simp add: sum_nonneg)
ultimately show ?thesis using fct2 by simp
have "∃u' v'. (u' ∈ U ∧ v' ∈ U' ∧ f (v', u') > 0)"
proof(rule ccontr)
assume "¬ (∃u' v'. u' ∈ U ∧ v' ∈ U' ∧ f (v', u') > 0)"
then have "(∀u' v'. (u' ∈ U ∧ v' ∈ U' ⟶ f (v', u') = 0))"
using capacity_const by (metis le_neq_trans)
thus False using fct3 by simp
then obtain u' v' where "u' ∈ U" and "v' ∈ U'" and "f (v', u') > 0"
by blast
obtain p1 where "cf.isSimplePath u p1 u'" using U_def ‹u' ∈ U› by auto
moreover have "(u', v') ∈ cf.E"
proof -
have "(v', u') ∈ E"
using capacity_const ‹f (v', u') > 0›
by (metis not_less zero_flow_simp)
then have "cf (u', v') > 0" unfolding cf_def
using no_parallel_edge ‹f (v', u') > 0› by (auto split: if_split)
thus ?thesis unfolding cf.E_def by simp
ultimately have "cf.isPath u (p1 @ [(u', v')]) v'"
using Graph.isPath_append_edge Graph.isSimplePath_def by blast
then obtain p2 where "cf.isSimplePath u p2 v'"
using cf.isSPath_pathLE by blast
then have "v' ∈ U" using U_def by auto
thus False using ‹v' ∈ U'› and U'_def by simp
then obtain p' where "cf.isSimplePath u p' s" using U_def by auto
thus ?thesis ..
text ‹Relabel operations preserve the height bound~\cormen{26.20}.›
lemma relabel_pres_height_bound:
assumes "relabel_precond f l u"
shows "Height_Bounded_Labeling c s t f (relabel_effect f l u)"
proof -
let ?l' = "relabel_effect f l u"
from relabel_pres_Labeling[OF assms]
interpret l': Labeling c s t f ?l' .
from assms have "excess f u > 0" unfolding relabel_precond_def by auto
with l'.excess_imp_source_path obtain p where p_obt: "cf.isSimplePath u p s" .
have "u ∈ V" using excess_nodes_only ‹excess f u > 0› .
then have "length p < card V"
using cf.simplePath_length_less_V[of u p] p_obt by auto
moreover have "?l' u ≤ ?l' s + length p"
using p_obt l'.gen_valid[of u p s] p_obt
unfolding cf.isSimplePath_def by auto
moreover have "?l' s = card V"
using l'.Labeling_axioms Labeling_def Labeling_axioms_def by auto
ultimately have "?l' u ≤ 2*card V - 1" by auto
thus "Height_Bounded_Labeling c s t f ?l'"
apply unfold_locales
using height_bound relabel_preserve_other
by metis
text ‹Thus, the total number of relabel operations is
bounded by ‹O(V⇧2)›~\cormen{26.21}.
We express this bound by defining a measure function, and show that
it is decreased by relabel operations.
definition (in Network) "sum_heights_measure l ≡ ∑v∈V. 2*card V - l v"
corollary relabel_measure:
assumes "relabel_precond f l u"
shows "sum_heights_measure (relabel_effect f l u) < sum_heights_measure l"
proof -
let ?l' = "relabel_effect f l u"
from relabel_pres_height_bound[OF assms]
interpret l': Height_Bounded_Labeling c s t f ?l' .
from assms have "u∈V"
by (simp add: excess_nodes_only relabel_precond_def)
hence V_split: "V = insert u V" by auto
show ?thesis
using relabel_increase_u[OF assms] relabel_preserve_other[of u]
using l'.height_bound
unfolding sum_heights_measure_def
apply (rewrite at "∑_∈⌑. _" V_split)+
apply (subst sum.insert_remove[OF finite_V])+
using ‹u∈V›
by auto
lemma (in Network) sum_height_measure_is_OV2:
"sum_heights_measure l ≤ 2*(card V)⇧2"
unfolding sum_heights_measure_def
proof -
have "2 * card V - l v ≤ 2 * card V" for v by auto
then have "(∑v∈V. 2 * card V - l v) ≤ (∑v∈V. 2 * card V)"
by (meson sum_mono)
also have "(∑v∈V. 2 * card V) = card V * (2 * card V)"
using finite_V by auto
finally show "(∑v∈V. 2 * card V - l v) ≤ 2 * (card V)^2"
by (simp add: power2_eq_square)
subsubsection ‹Formulation of the Abstract Algorithm›
text ‹We give a simple relational characterization
of the abstract algorithm as a labeled transition system,
where the labels indicate the type of operation (push or relabel) that
have been executed.
context Network
datatype pr_operation = is_PUSH: PUSH | is_RELABEL: RELABEL
inductive_set pr_algo_lts
:: "(('capacity flow×labeling) × pr_operation × ('capacity flow×labeling)) set"
push: "⟦push_precond f l e⟧
⟹ ((f,l),PUSH,(push_effect f e,l))∈pr_algo_lts"
| relabel: "⟦relabel_precond f l u⟧
⟹ ((f,l),RELABEL,(f,relabel_effect f l u))∈pr_algo_lts"
text ‹We show invariant maintenance and correctness on termination›
lemma (in Height_Bounded_Labeling) pr_algo_maintains_hb_labeling:
assumes "((f,l),a,(f',l')) ∈ pr_algo_lts"
shows "Height_Bounded_Labeling c s t f' l'"
using assms
by cases (simp_all add: push_pres_height_bound relabel_pres_height_bound)
lemma (in Height_Bounded_Labeling) pr_algo_term_maxflow:
assumes "(f,l)∉Domain pr_algo_lts"
shows "isMaxFlow f"
proof -
from assms have "∄e. push_precond f l e" and "∄u. relabel_precond f l u"
by (auto simp: Domain_iff dest: pr_algo_lts.intros)
with push_relabel_term_imp_maxflow show ?thesis by blast
subsubsection ‹Saturating and Non-Saturating Push Operations›
context Network
text ‹
For complexity estimation, it is distinguished whether a push operation
saturates the edge or not.
definition sat_push_precond :: "'capacity flow ⇒ labeling ⇒ edge ⇒ bool"
where "sat_push_precond f l
≡ λ(u,v). excess f u > 0
∧ excess f u ≥ cf_of f (u,v)
∧ (u,v)∈cfE_of f
∧ l u = l v + 1"
definition nonsat_push_precond :: "'capacity flow ⇒ labeling ⇒ edge ⇒ bool"
where "nonsat_push_precond f l
≡ λ(u,v). excess f u > 0
∧ excess f u < cf_of f (u,v)
∧ (u,v)∈cfE_of f
∧ l u = l v + 1"
lemma push_precond_eq_sat_or_nonsat:
"push_precond f l e ⟷ sat_push_precond f l e ∨ nonsat_push_precond f l e"
unfolding push_precond_def sat_push_precond_def nonsat_push_precond_def
by auto
lemma sat_nonsat_push_disj:
"sat_push_precond f l e ⟹ ¬nonsat_push_precond f l e"
"nonsat_push_precond f l e ⟹ ¬sat_push_precond f l e"
unfolding sat_push_precond_def nonsat_push_precond_def
by auto
lemma sat_push_alt: "sat_push_precond f l e
⟹ push_effect f e = augment_edge f e (cf_of f e)"
unfolding push_effect_def push_precond_eq_sat_or_nonsat sat_push_precond_def
by (auto simp: min_absorb2)
lemma nonsat_push_alt: "nonsat_push_precond f l (u,v)
⟹ push_effect f (u,v) = augment_edge f (u,v) (excess f u)"
unfolding push_effect_def push_precond_eq_sat_or_nonsat nonsat_push_precond_def
by (auto simp: min_absorb1)
context push_effect_locale
lemma nonsat_push_Δ: "nonsat_push_precond f l (u,v) ⟹ Δ = excess f u"
unfolding Δ_def nonsat_push_precond_def by auto
lemma sat_push_Δ: "sat_push_precond f l (u,v) ⟹ Δ = cf (u,v)"
unfolding Δ_def sat_push_precond_def by auto
subsubsection ‹Refined Labeled Transition System›
context Network
text ‹For simpler reasoning, we make explicit the different push operations,
and integrate the invariant into the LTS›