Theory Graph_Topological_Ordering
section "Topological Ordering of Graphs"
theory Graph_Topological_Ordering
subsection ‹List-Before Relation›
text ‹
Two elements of a list are in relation if the first element comes (strictly) before
the second element.
definition "list_before_rel l ≡ { (a,b). ∃l1 l2 l3. l=l1@a#l2@b#l3 }"
text ‹list-before only relates elements of the list›
lemma list_before_rel_on_elems: "list_before_rel l ⊆ set l × set l"
unfolding list_before_rel_def by auto
text ‹Irreflexivity of list-before is equivalent to the elements of the list being disjoint.›
lemma list_before_irrefl_eq_distinct: "irrefl (list_before_rel l) ⟷ distinct l"
using not_distinct_decomp[of l]
by (auto simp: irrefl_def list_before_rel_def)
text ‹Alternative characterization via indexes›
lemma list_before_rel_alt: "list_before_rel l = { (l!i, l!j) | i j. i<j ∧ j<length l }"
unfolding list_before_rel_def
apply (rule; clarsimp)
subgoal for a b l1 l2 l3
apply (rule exI[of _ "length l1"]; simp)
apply (rule exI[of _ "length l1 + Suc (length l2)"]; auto simp: nth_append)
subgoal for i j
apply (rule exI[of _ "take i l"])
apply (rule exI[of _ "drop (Suc i) (take j l)"])
apply (rule exI[of _ "drop (Suc j) l"])
by (simp add: Cons_nth_drop_Suc drop_take_drop_unsplit)
text ‹list-before is a strict ordering, i.e., it is transitive and asymmetric.›
lemma list_before_trans[trans]: "distinct l ⟹ trans (list_before_rel l)"
by (clarsimp simp: trans_def list_before_rel_alt) (metis index_nth_id less_trans)
lemma list_before_asym: "distinct l ⟹ asym (list_before_rel l)"
by (meson asymI irrefl_def list_before_irrefl_eq_distinct list_before_trans transE)
text ‹Structural properties on the list›
lemma list_before_rel_empty[simp]: "list_before_rel [] = {}"
unfolding list_before_rel_def by auto
lemma list_before_rel_cons: "list_before_rel (x#l) = ({x}×set l) ∪ list_before_rel l"
apply (intro equalityI subsetI; simp add: split_paired_all)
subgoal for a b proof -
assume "(a,b) ∈ list_before_rel (x # l)"
then obtain i j where IDX_BOUND: "i<j" "j<Suc (length l)" and [simp]: "a=(x#l)!i" "b=(x#l)!j"
unfolding list_before_rel_alt by auto
assume "i=0"
hence "x=a" "b∈set l" using IDX_BOUND
by (auto simp: nth_Cons split: nat.splits)
} moreover {
assume "i≠0"
with IDX_BOUND have "a=l!(i-1)" "b=l!(j-1)" "i-1 < j-1" "j-1 < length l"
by auto
hence "(a, b) ∈ list_before_rel l" unfolding list_before_rel_alt by blast
} ultimately show ?thesis by blast
subgoal premises prems for a b
proof -
assume [simp]: "a=x" and "b∈set l"
then obtain j where "b = l!j" "j<length l" by (auto simp: in_set_conv_nth)
hence "a=(x#l)!0" "b = (x#l)!Suc j" "0 < Suc j" "Suc j < length (x#l)" by auto
hence ?thesis unfolding list_before_rel_alt by blast
} moreover {
assume "(a, b) ∈ list_before_rel l"
hence ?thesis unfolding list_before_rel_alt
by clarsimp (metis Suc_mono nth_Cons_Suc)
} ultimately show ?thesis using prems by blast
subsection ‹Topological Ordering›
text ‹
A topological ordering of a graph (binary relation) is an enumeration of its
nodes, such that for any two nodes ‹x›,‹y› with ‹x› being enumerated earlier than ‹y›,
there is no path from ‹y› to ‹x› in the graph.
We define the predicate ‹is_top_sorted› to capture the sortedness criterion, but
not the completeness criterion, i.e., the list needs not contain all
nodes of the graph.
definition "is_top_sorted R l ≡ list_before_rel l ∩ (R⇧*)¯ = {}"
lemma is_top_sorted_alt: "is_top_sorted R l ⟷ (∀x y. (x,y)∈list_before_rel l ⟶ (y,x)∉R⇧*)"
unfolding is_top_sorted_def by auto
lemma is_top_sorted_empty_rel[simp]: "is_top_sorted {} l ⟷ distinct l"
by (auto simp: is_top_sorted_def list_before_irrefl_eq_distinct[symmetric] irrefl_def)
lemma is_top_sorted_empty_list[simp]: "is_top_sorted R []"
by (auto simp: is_top_sorted_def)
text ‹A topological sorted list must be distinct›
lemma is_top_sorted_distinct:
assumes "is_top_sorted R l"
shows "distinct l"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬distinct l"
with list_before_irrefl_eq_distinct[of l] obtain x where "(x,x)∈(list_before_rel l)"
by (auto simp: irrefl_def)
with assms show False unfolding is_top_sorted_def by auto
lemma is_top_sorted_cons: "is_top_sorted R (x#l) ⟷ ({x}×set l ∩ (R⇧*)¯ = {}) ∧ is_top_sorted R l"
unfolding is_top_sorted_def
by (auto simp: list_before_rel_cons)
lemma is_top_sorted_append: "is_top_sorted R (l1@l2)
⟷ (set l1×set l2 ∩ (R⇧*)¯ = {}) ∧ is_top_sorted R l1 ∧ is_top_sorted R l2"
by (induction l1) (auto simp: is_top_sorted_cons)
lemma is_top_sorted_remove_elem: "is_top_sorted R (l1@x#l2) ⟹ is_top_sorted R (l1@l2)"
by (auto simp: is_top_sorted_cons is_top_sorted_append)
text ‹Removing edges from the graph preserves topological sorting›
lemma is_top_sorted_antimono:
assumes "R⊆R'"
assumes "is_top_sorted R' l"
shows "is_top_sorted R l"
using assms
unfolding is_top_sorted_alt
by (auto dest: rtrancl_mono_mp)
text ‹
Adding a node to the graph, which has no incoming edges preserves topological ordering.
lemma is_top_sorted_isolated_constraint:
assumes "R' ⊆ R ∪ {x}×X" "R'∩UNIV×{x} = {}"
assumes "x∉set l"
assumes "is_top_sorted R l"
shows "is_top_sorted R' l"
proof -
fix a b
assume "(a,b)∈R'⇧*" "a≠x" "b≠x"
hence "(a,b)∈R⇧*"
proof (induction rule: converse_rtrancl_induct)
case base
then show ?case by simp
case (step y z)
with assms(1,2) have "z≠x" "(y,z)∈R" by auto
with step show ?case by auto
} note AUX=this
show ?thesis
using assms(3,4) AUX list_before_rel_on_elems
unfolding is_top_sorted_def by fastforce