Theory Propagate
section ‹Local Progress Propagation\label{sec:propagate}›
theory Propagate
subsection ‹Specification›
record (overloaded) ('loc, 't) configuration =
c_work :: "'loc ⇒ 't zmultiset"
c_pts :: "'loc ⇒ 't zmultiset"
c_imp :: "'loc ⇒ 't zmultiset"
type_synonym ('loc, 't) computation = "('loc, 't) configuration stream"
locale dataflow_topology = flow?: graph summary
for summary :: "'loc ⇒ 'loc :: finite ⇒ 'sum :: {order, monoid_add} antichain" +
fixes results_in :: "'t :: order ⇒ 'sum ⇒ 't"
assumes results_in_zero: "results_in t 0 = t"
and results_in_mono_raw: "t1 ≤ t2 ⟹ s1 ≤ s2 ⟹ results_in t1 s1 ≤ results_in t2 s2"
and followed_by_summary: "results_in (results_in t s1) s2 = results_in t (s1 + s2)"
and no_zero_cycle: "path loc loc xs ⟹ xs ≠ [] ⟹ s = sum_path_weights xs ⟹ t < results_in t s"
lemma results_in_mono:
"t1 ≤ t2 ⟹ results_in t1 s ≤ results_in t2 s"
"s1 ≤ s2 ⟹ results_in t s1 ≤ results_in t s2"
using results_in_mono_raw by auto
abbreviation "path_summary ≡ path_weight"
abbreviation followed_by :: "'sum ⇒ 'sum ⇒ 'sum" where
"followed_by ≡ plus"
definition safe :: "('loc, 't) configuration ⇒ bool" where
"safe c ≡ ∀loc1 loc2 t s. zcount (c_pts c loc1) t > 0 ∧ s ∈⇩A path_summary loc1 loc2
⟶ (∃t'≤results_in t s. t' ∈⇩A frontier (c_imp c loc2))"
text ‹Implications are always non-negative.›
definition inv_implications_nonneg where
"inv_implications_nonneg c = (∀loc t. zcount (c_imp c loc) t ≥ 0)"
abbreviation "unchanged f c0 c1 ≡ f c1 = f c0"
abbreviation zmset_frontier where
"zmset_frontier M ≡ zmset_of (mset_set (set_antichain (frontier M)))"
definition init_config where
"init_config c ≡ ∀loc.
c_imp c loc = {#}⇩z ∧
c_work c loc = zmset_frontier (c_pts c loc)"
definition after_summary :: "'t zmultiset ⇒ 'sum antichain ⇒ 't zmultiset" where
"after_summary M S ≡ (∑s ∈ set_antichain S. image_zmset (λt. results_in t s) M)"
abbreviation frontier_changes :: "'t zmultiset ⇒ 't zmultiset ⇒ 't zmultiset" where
"frontier_changes M N ≡ zmset_frontier M - zmset_frontier N"
definition next_change_multiplicity' :: "('loc, 't) configuration ⇒ ('loc, 't) configuration ⇒ 'loc ⇒ 't ⇒ int ⇒ bool" where
"next_change_multiplicity' c0 c1 loc t n ≡
n ≠ 0 ∧
(∃t'. t' ∈⇩A frontier (c_imp c0 loc) ∧ t' ≤ t) ∧
c1 = c0⦇c_pts := (c_pts c0)(loc := update_zmultiset (c_pts c0 loc) t n),
c_work := (c_work c0)(loc := c_work c0 loc +
frontier_changes (update_zmultiset (c_pts c0 loc) t n) (c_pts c0 loc))⦈"
abbreviation next_change_multiplicity :: "('loc, 't) configuration ⇒ ('loc, 't) configuration ⇒ bool" where
"next_change_multiplicity c0 c1 ≡ ∃loc t n. next_change_multiplicity' c0 c1 loc t n"
lemma cm_unchanged_worklist:
assumes "next_change_multiplicity' c0 c1 loc t n"
and "loc' ≠ loc"
shows "c_work c1 loc' = c_work c0 loc'"
using assms unfolding next_change_multiplicity'_def
by auto
definition next_propagate' :: "('loc, 't) configuration ⇒ ('loc, 't) configuration ⇒ 'loc ⇒ 't ⇒ bool" where
"next_propagate' c0 c1 loc t ≡
(t ∈#⇩z c_work c0 loc ∧
(∀t' loc'. t' ∈#⇩z c_work c0 loc' ⟶ ¬ t' < t) ∧
c1 = c0⦇c_imp := (c_imp c0)(loc := c_imp c0 loc + {#t' ∈#⇩z c_work c0 loc. t' = t#}),
c_work := (λloc'.
if loc' = loc then {#t' ∈#⇩z c_work c0 loc'. t' ≠ t#}
else c_work c0 loc'
+ after_summary
(frontier_changes (c_imp c0 loc + {#t' ∈#⇩z c_work c0 loc. t' = t#}) (c_imp c0 loc))
(summary loc loc'))⦈)"
abbreviation next_propagate :: "('loc, 't :: order) configuration ⇒ ('loc, 't) configuration ⇒ bool" where
"next_propagate c0 c1 ≡ ∃loc t. next_propagate' c0 c1 loc t"
definition "next'" where
"next' c0 c1 = (next_propagate c0 c1 ∨ next_change_multiplicity c0 c1 ∨ c1 = c0)"
abbreviation "next" where
"next s ≡ next' (shd s) (shd (stl s))"
abbreviation cm_valid where
"cm_valid ≡ nxt (λs. next_change_multiplicity (shd s) (shd (stl s))) impl
(λs. next_change_multiplicity (shd s) (shd (stl s))) or nxt (holds (λc. (∀l. c_work c l = {#}⇩z)))"
definition spec :: "('loc, 't :: order) computation ⇒ bool" where
"spec ≡ holds init_config aand alw next"
lemma next'_inv[consumes 1, case_names next_change_multiplicity next_propagate next_finish_init]:
assumes "next' c0 c1" "P c0"
and "⋀loc t n. P c0 ⟹ next_change_multiplicity' c0 c1 loc t n ⟹ P c1"
and "⋀loc t. P c0 ⟹ next_propagate' c0 c1 loc t ⟹ P c1"
shows "P c1"
using assms unfolding next'_def by auto
lemma next_change_multiplicity'_unique:
assumes "n ≠ 0"
and "∃t'. t' ∈⇩A frontier (c_imp c loc) ∧ t' ≤ t"
shows "∃!c'. next_change_multiplicity' c c' loc t n"
proof -
let ?pointstamps' = "(c_pts c)(loc := update_zmultiset (c_pts c loc) t n)"
let ?worklist' = "λloc'. c_work c loc' + frontier_changes (?pointstamps' loc') (c_pts c loc')"
let ?c' = "c⦇c_pts := ?pointstamps', c_work := ?worklist'⦈"
from assms have "next_change_multiplicity' c ?c' loc t n"
by (auto simp: next_change_multiplicity'_def intro!: configuration.equality)
then show ?thesis
by (rule ex1I[of _ ?c'])
(auto simp: next_change_multiplicity'_def intro!: configuration.equality)
lemma frontier_change_zmset_frontier:
assumes "t ∈⇩A frontier M1 - frontier M0"
shows "zcount (zmset_frontier M1) t = 1 ∧ zcount (zmset_frontier M0) t = 0"
using assms by (clarsimp simp: ac_Diff_iff) (simp add: member_antichain.rep_eq)
lemma frontier_empty[simp]: "frontier {#}⇩z = {}⇩A"
by transfer' simp
lemma zmset_frontier_empty[simp]: "zmset_frontier {#}⇩z = {#}⇩z"
by simp
lemma after_summary_empty[simp]: "after_summary {#}⇩z S = {#}⇩z"
by (simp add: after_summary_def)
lemma after_summary_empty_summary[simp]: "after_summary M {}⇩A = {#}⇩z"
by (simp add: after_summary_def)
lemma mem_frontier_diff:
assumes "t ∈⇩A frontier M - frontier N"
shows "zcount (frontier_changes M N) t = 1"
proof -
note assms
then have t: "t ∈⇩A frontier M" "t ∉⇩A frontier N"
using ac_Diff_iff by blast+
from t(1) have "zcount (zmset_frontier M) t = 1"
by (simp add: member_antichain.rep_eq)
moreover from t(2) have "zcount (zmset_frontier N) t = 0"
by (simp add: member_antichain.rep_eq)
ultimately show "zcount (frontier_changes M N) t = 1"
by simp
lemma mem_frontier_diff':
assumes "t ∈⇩A frontier N - frontier M"
shows "zcount (frontier_changes M N) t = -1"
proof -
note assms
then have t: "t ∈⇩A frontier N" "t ∉⇩A frontier M"
using ac_Diff_iff by blast+
from t(2) have "zcount (zmset_frontier M) t = 0"
by (simp add: member_antichain.rep_eq)
moreover from t(1) have "zcount (zmset_frontier N) t = 1"
by (simp add: member_antichain.rep_eq)
ultimately show "zcount (frontier_changes M N) t = -1"
by simp
lemma not_mem_frontier_diff:
assumes "t ∉⇩A frontier M - frontier N"
and "t ∉⇩A frontier N - frontier M"
shows "zcount (frontier_changes M N) t = 0"
proof -
{ assume M: "t ∈⇩A frontier M"
with assms have N: "t ∈⇩A frontier N"
by (auto dest: ac_notin_Diff)
from M N have "zcount (zmset_frontier M) t = 1" "zcount (zmset_frontier N) t = 1"
by (simp_all add: member_antichain.rep_eq)
then have "zcount (frontier_changes M N) t = 0"
by simp
{ assume M: "t ∉⇩A frontier M"
with assms have N: "t ∉⇩A frontier N"
by (auto dest: ac_notin_Diff)
from M N have "zcount (zmset_frontier M) t = 0" "zcount (zmset_frontier N) t = 0"
by (simp_all add: member_antichain.rep_eq)
then have "zcount (frontier_changes M N) t = 0"
by simp
ultimately show "zcount (frontier_changes M N) t = 0"
by blast
lemma mset_neg_after_summary: "mset_neg M = {#} ⟹ mset_neg (after_summary M S) = {#}"
by (auto intro: mset_neg_image_zmset mset_neg_sum_set simp: after_summary_def)
lemma next_p_frontier_change:
assumes "next_propagate' c0 c1 loc t"
and "summary loc loc' ≠ {}⇩A"
shows "c_work c1 loc' =
c_work c0 loc'
+ after_summary
(frontier_changes (c_imp c1 loc) (c_imp c0 loc))
(summary loc loc')"
using assms by (auto simp: summary_self next_propagate'_def intro!: configuration.equality)
lemma after_summary_union: "after_summary (M + N) S = after_summary M S + after_summary N S"
by (simp add: sum.distrib after_summary_def)
subsubsection‹Invariant: @{term inv_imps_work_sum}›
abbreviation union_frontiers :: "('loc, 't) configuration ⇒ 'loc ⇒ 't zmultiset" where
"union_frontiers c loc ≡
(∑loc'∈UNIV. after_summary (zmset_frontier (c_imp c loc')) (summary loc' loc))"
definition inv_imps_work_sum :: "('loc, 't) configuration ⇒ bool" where
"inv_imps_work_sum c ≡
∀loc. c_imp c loc + c_work c loc
= zmset_frontier (c_pts c loc) + union_frontiers c loc"
definition inv_imps_work_sum_zcount :: "('loc, 't) configuration ⇒ bool" where
"inv_imps_work_sum_zcount c ≡
∀loc t. zcount (c_imp c loc + c_work c loc) t
= zcount (zmset_frontier (c_pts c loc) + union_frontiers c loc) t"
lemma inv_imps_work_sum_zcount: "inv_imps_work_sum c ⟷ inv_imps_work_sum_zcount c"
unfolding inv_imps_work_sum_zcount_def inv_imps_work_sum_def
by (simp add: zmultiset_eq_iff)
lemma union_frontiers_nonneg: "0 ≤ zcount (union_frontiers c loc) t"
apply (subst zcount_sum)
apply (rule sum_nonneg)
apply simp
apply (rule mset_neg_zcount_nonneg)
apply (rule mset_neg_after_summary)
apply simp
lemma next_p_union_frontier_change:
assumes "next_propagate' c0 c1 loc t"
and "summary loc loc' ≠ {}⇩A"
shows "union_frontiers c1 loc' =
union_frontiers c0 loc'
+ after_summary
(frontier_changes (c_imp c1 loc) (c_imp c0 loc))
(summary loc loc')"
using assms
apply (subst zmultiset_eq_iff)
apply (rule allI)
subgoal for x
apply (simp del: zcount_of_mset image_zmset_Diff)
apply (subst (1 2) zcount_sum)
apply (rule Sum_eq_pick_changed_elem[of UNIV loc])
apply simp
apply simp
apply (subst zcount_union[symmetric])
apply (subst after_summary_union[symmetric])
apply simp
apply (auto simp: next_propagate'_def)
lemma init_imp_inv_imps_work_sum: "init_config c ⟹ inv_imps_work_sum c"
by (simp add: inv_imps_work_sum_def init_config_def)
lemma cm_preserves_inv_imps_work_sum:
assumes "next_change_multiplicity' c0 c1 loc t n"
and "inv_imps_work_sum c0"
shows "inv_imps_work_sum c1"
proof -
{ fix loc t loc' t' n
assume cm': "next_change_multiplicity' c0 c1 loc t n"
note cm = this[unfolded next_change_multiplicity'_def]
from cm have unchanged_imps: "unchanged c_imp c0 c1"
by simp
assume "inv_imps_work_sum c0"
then have iiws': "inv_imps_work_sum_zcount c0"
by (simp add: inv_imps_work_sum_zcount)
note iiws = iiws'[unfolded inv_imps_work_sum_zcount_def, THEN spec2]
have unchanged_union: "union_frontiers c1 locX = union_frontiers c0 locX" for locX
using unchanged_imps by (auto intro: sum.cong)
{ assume loc: "loc' ≠ loc"
note iiws = iiws'[unfolded inv_imps_work_sum_zcount_def, THEN spec2, of loc' t']
from loc cm have unchanged_worklist:
"zcount (c_work c1 loc') t' = zcount (c_work c0 loc') t'"
by simp
from loc cm have unchanged_frontier:
"zcount (zmset_frontier (c_pts c1 loc')) t'
= zcount (zmset_frontier (c_pts c0 loc')) t'"
by simp
with loc have
"zcount (c_imp c1 loc' + c_work c1 loc') t'
= zcount (zmset_frontier (c_pts c1 loc')
+ union_frontiers c1 loc') t'"
apply (subst (1 2) zcount_union)
apply (subst (1 2) zcount_union[symmetric])
apply (rule iiws)
{ assume loc: "loc' = loc"
note iiws = iiws'[unfolded inv_imps_work_sum_zcount_def, simplified, THEN spec, of loc, simplified]
{ assume t': "t' ∈⇩A frontier (c_pts c1 loc) - frontier (c_pts c0 loc)"
note t'[THEN mem_frontier_diff]
then have "zcount (c_work c1 loc) t' = zcount (c_work c0 loc) t' + 1"
using cm by auto
have "zcount (zmset_frontier (c_pts c1 loc)) t'
= zcount (zmset_frontier (c_pts c0 loc)) t' + 1"
using t'[THEN frontier_change_zmset_frontier] by simp
moreover note unchanged_union
ultimately have
"zcount (c_imp c1 loc + c_work c1 loc) t'
= zcount (zmset_frontier (c_pts c1 loc)
+ union_frontiers c1 loc) t'"
using iiws unchanged_imps by simp
{ assume t': "t' ∈⇩A frontier (c_pts c0 loc) - frontier (c_pts c1 loc)"
note t'[THEN mem_frontier_diff']
then have "zcount (c_work c1 loc) t' = zcount (c_work c0 loc) t' - 1"
using cm by (auto simp: ac_Diff_iff)
have "zcount (zmset_frontier (c_pts c1 loc)) t'
= zcount (zmset_frontier (c_pts c0 loc)) t' - 1"
using t'[THEN frontier_change_zmset_frontier] by simp
moreover note unchanged_union
ultimately have
"zcount (c_imp c1 loc + c_work c1 loc) t'
= zcount (zmset_frontier (c_pts c1 loc)
+ union_frontiers c1 loc) t'"
using iiws unchanged_imps by simp
{ assume a1: "¬ t' ∈⇩A frontier (c_pts c1 loc) - frontier (c_pts c0 loc)"
assume a2: "¬ t' ∈⇩A frontier (c_pts c0 loc) - frontier (c_pts c1 loc)"
from a1 a2 have "zcount (frontier_changes (c_pts c1 loc) (c_pts c0 loc)) t' = 0"
by (intro not_mem_frontier_diff)
with cm have "zcount (c_work c1 loc) t' = zcount (c_work c0 loc) t'"
by (auto simp: ac_Diff_iff)
have "zcount (zmset_frontier (c_pts c1 loc)) t'
= zcount (zmset_frontier (c_pts c0 loc)) t'"
using a1 a2
apply (clarsimp simp: member_antichain.rep_eq dest!: ac_notin_Diff)
apply (metis ac_Diff_iff count_mset_set(1) count_mset_set(3) finite_set_antichain member_antichain.rep_eq)
moreover note unchanged_union
ultimately have
"zcount (c_imp c1 loc + c_work c1 loc) t'
= zcount (zmset_frontier (c_pts c1 loc)
+ union_frontiers c1 loc) t'"
using iiws unchanged_imps by simp
ultimately have
"zcount (c_imp c1 loc' + c_work c1 loc') t'
= zcount (zmset_frontier (c_pts c1 loc')
+ union_frontiers c1 loc') t'"
using loc by auto
ultimately have
"zcount (c_imp c1 loc' + c_work c1 loc') t'
= zcount (zmset_frontier (c_pts c1 loc')
+ union_frontiers c1 loc') t'"
by auto
with assms show ?thesis
by (auto simp: Let_def inv_imps_work_sum_zcount inv_imps_work_sum_zcount_def)
lemma p_preserves_inv_imps_work_sum:
assumes "next_propagate' c0 c1 loc t"
and "inv_imps_work_sum c0"
shows "inv_imps_work_sum c1"
proof -
{ fix loc t loc' t'
assume p': "next_propagate' c0 c1 loc t"
note p = this[unfolded next_propagate'_def]
from p have unchanged_ps: "unchanged c_pts c0 c1"
by simp
assume "inv_imps_work_sum c0"
then have iiws': "inv_imps_work_sum_zcount c0"
by (simp add: inv_imps_work_sum_zcount)
note iiws = iiws'[unfolded inv_imps_work_sum_zcount_def, THEN spec2]
{ assume loc: "loc=loc'"
note iiws
moreover note unchanged_ps
moreover from p have "zcount (c_work c1 loc) t = 0"
by simp
moreover from p have
"zcount (c_imp c1 loc) t
= zcount (c_imp c0 loc) t + zcount (c_work c0 loc) t"
by simp
moreover from p have "union_frontiers c1 loc = union_frontiers c0 loc"
using summary_self by (auto intro!: sum.cong arg_cong[where f = Sum])
moreover from p have
"tX ≠ t ⟹ zcount (c_work c1 loc) tX = zcount (c_work c0 loc) tX" for tX
by simp
moreover from p have
"tX ≠ t ⟹ zcount (c_imp c1 loc) tX = zcount (c_imp c0 loc) tX" for tX
by simp
ultimately have
"zcount (c_imp c1 loc' + c_work c1 loc') t'
= zcount (zmset_frontier (c_pts c1 loc') + union_frontiers c1 loc') t'"
unfolding loc
by (cases "t=t'") simp_all
{ assume loc: "loc≠loc'"
from p loc have unchanged_imps: "c_imp c1 loc' = c_imp c0 loc'"
by simp
{ assume sum: "summary loc loc' = {}⇩A"
note iiws
moreover note unchanged_ps
moreover note unchanged_imps
moreover from p loc sum have "c_work c1 loc' = c_work c0 loc'"
by simp
moreover from p loc sum have "union_frontiers c1 loc' = union_frontiers c0 loc'"
by (auto intro!: sum.cong arg_cong[where f = Sum])
ultimately have
"zcount (c_imp c1 loc' + c_work c1 loc') t'
= zcount (zmset_frontier (c_pts c1 loc') + union_frontiers c1 loc') t'"
by simp
{ assume sum: "summary loc loc' ≠ {}⇩A"
note iiws
moreover from p' sum have
"union_frontiers c1 loc' =
union_frontiers c0 loc'
+ after_summary
(zmset_frontier (c_imp c1 loc) - zmset_frontier (c_imp c0 loc))
(summary loc loc')"
by (auto intro!: next_p_union_frontier_change)
moreover from p' sum have
"c_work c1 loc' =
c_work c0 loc'
+ after_summary
(zmset_frontier (c_imp c1 loc) - zmset_frontier (c_imp c0 loc))
(summary loc loc')"
by (auto intro!: next_p_frontier_change)
ultimately have
"zcount (c_imp c1 loc' + c_work c1 loc') t'
= zcount (zmset_frontier (c_pts c1 loc') + union_frontiers c1 loc') t'"
by simp
ultimately have
"zcount (c_imp c1 loc' + c_work c1 loc') t'
= zcount (zmset_frontier (c_pts c1 loc') + union_frontiers c1 loc') t'"
by auto
ultimately have
"zcount (c_imp c1 loc' + c_work c1 loc') t'
= zcount (zmset_frontier (c_pts c1 loc') + union_frontiers c1 loc') t'"
by (cases "loc=loc'") auto
with assms show ?thesis
by (auto simp: next_propagate'_def Let_def inv_imps_work_sum_zcount inv_imps_work_sum_zcount_def)
lemma next_preserves_inv_imps_work_sum:
assumes "next s"
and "holds inv_imps_work_sum s"
shows "nxt (holds inv_imps_work_sum) s"
using assms
by (simp, cases rule: next'_inv)
lemma spec_imp_iiws: "spec s ⟹ alw (holds inv_imps_work_sum) s"
using init_imp_inv_imps_work_sum next_preserves_inv_imps_work_sum
by (auto intro: alw_invar simp: alw_mono spec_def)
subsubsection‹Invariant: @{term inv_imp_plus_work_nonneg}›
text ‹There is never an update in the worklist that could cause implications to become negative.›
definition inv_imp_plus_work_nonneg where
"inv_imp_plus_work_nonneg c ≡ ∀loc t. 0 ≤ zcount (c_imp c loc) t + zcount (c_work c loc) t"
lemma iiws_imp_iipwn:
assumes "inv_imps_work_sum c"
shows "inv_imp_plus_work_nonneg c"
proof -
fix loc
fix t
assume "inv_imps_work_sum c"
then have iiws': "inv_imps_work_sum_zcount c"
by (simp add: inv_imps_work_sum_zcount)
note iiws = iiws'[unfolded inv_imps_work_sum_zcount_def, THEN spec2]
have "0 ≤ zcount (union_frontiers c loc) t"
by (simp add: union_frontiers_nonneg)
with iiws have "0 ≤ zcount (c_imp c loc + c_work c loc) t"
by simp
with assms show ?thesis
by (simp add: inv_imp_plus_work_nonneg_def)
lemma spec_imp_iipwn: "spec s ⟹ alw (holds inv_imp_plus_work_nonneg) s"
using spec_imp_iiws iiws_imp_iipwn
alw_mono holds_mono
by blast
subsubsection‹Invariant: @{term inv_implications_nonneg}›
lemma init_imp_inv_implications_nonneg:
assumes "init_config c"
shows "inv_implications_nonneg c"
using assms by (simp add: init_config_def inv_implications_nonneg_def)
lemma cm_preserves_inv_implications_nonneg:
assumes "next_change_multiplicity' c0 c1 loc t n"
and "inv_implications_nonneg c0"
shows "inv_implications_nonneg c1"
using assms by (simp add: next_change_multiplicity'_def inv_implications_nonneg_def)
lemma p_preserves_inv_implications_nonneg:
assumes "next_propagate' c0 c1 loc t"
and "inv_implications_nonneg c0"
and "inv_imp_plus_work_nonneg c0"
shows "inv_implications_nonneg c1"
using assms
by (auto simp: next_propagate'_def Let_def inv_implications_nonneg_def inv_imp_plus_work_nonneg_def)
lemma next_preserves_inv_implications_nonneg:
assumes "next s"
and "holds inv_implications_nonneg s"
and "holds inv_imp_plus_work_nonneg s"
shows "nxt (holds inv_implications_nonneg) s"
using assms
by (simp, cases rule: next'_inv)
lemma alw_inv_implications_nonneg: "spec s ⟹ alw (holds inv_implications_nonneg) s"
apply (frule spec_imp_iipwn)
unfolding spec_def
apply (rule alw_invar)
using init_imp_inv_implications_nonneg apply auto []
using next_preserves_inv_implications_nonneg
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) alw_iff_sdrop)
lemma after_summary_Diff: "after_summary (M - N) S = after_summary M S - after_summary N S"
by (simp add: sum_subtractf after_summary_def)
lemma mem_zmset_frontier: "x ∈#⇩z zmset_frontier M ⟷ x ∈⇩A frontier M"
by transfer simp
lemma obtain_frontier_elem:
assumes "0 < zcount M t"
obtains u where "u ∈⇩A frontier M" "u ≤ t"
using assms by (atomize_elim, transfer)
(auto simp: minimal_antichain_def dest: order_zmset_exists_foundation)
lemma frontier_unionD: "t ∈⇩A frontier (M+N) ⟹ 0 < zcount M t ∨ 0 < zcount N t"
by transfer' (auto simp: minimal_antichain_def)
lemma ps_frontier_in_imps_wl:
assumes "inv_imps_work_sum c"
and "0 < zcount (zmset_frontier (c_pts c loc)) t"
shows "0 < zcount (c_imp c loc + c_work c loc) t"
proof -
have "0 ≤ zcount (union_frontiers c loc) t"
by (rule union_frontiers_nonneg)
with assms(2) show ?thesis
using assms(1)[unfolded inv_imps_work_sum_def, THEN spec, of loc]
by fastforce
lemma obtain_elem_frontier:
assumes "0 < zcount M t"
obtains s where "s ≤ t ∧ s ∈⇩A frontier M"
by (rule order_finite_set_obtain_foundation[of "{s. zcount M s > 0}" t thesis])
(auto simp: assms antichain_inverse frontier_def member_antichain.rep_eq
lemma obtain_elem_zmset_frontier:
assumes "0 < zcount M t"
obtains s where "s ≤ t ∧ 0 < zcount (zmset_frontier M) s"
using assms by (auto simp: member_antichain.rep_eq intro: obtain_elem_frontier)
lemma ps_in_imps_wl:
assumes "inv_imps_work_sum c"
and "0 < zcount (c_pts c loc) t"
obtains s where "s ≤ t ∧ 0 < zcount (c_imp c loc + c_work c loc) s"
proof atomize_elim
note iiws = assms(1)[unfolded inv_imps_work_sum_def, THEN spec, of loc]
obtain u where u: " u ≤ t ∧ u ∈⇩A frontier (c_pts c loc)"
using assms(2) obtain_elem_frontier by blast
with assms(1) have "0 < zcount (c_imp c loc + c_work c loc) u"
apply (intro ps_frontier_in_imps_wl[of c loc u])
apply (auto intro: iffD1[OF member_antichain.rep_eq])
with u show "∃s≤t. 0 < zcount (c_imp c loc + c_work c loc) s"
by (auto intro: exI[of _ u])
lemma zero_le_after_summary_single[simp]: "0 ≤ zcount (after_summary {#t#}⇩z S) x"
by (auto intro: zero_le_sum_single simp: after_summary_def)
lemma one_le_zcount_after_summary: "s ∈⇩A S ⟹ 1 ≤ zcount (after_summary {#t#}⇩z S) (results_in t s)"
unfolding image_zmset_single after_summary_def
apply (subst zcount_sum)
apply (subst forw_subst[of 1 "zcount {#results_in t s#}⇩z (results_in t s)"])
apply simp
apply (rule sum_nonneg_leq_bound[of "set_antichain S" "λu. zcount {#results_in t u#}⇩z (results_in t s)" _ s])
apply (auto simp: member_antichain.rep_eq)
lemma zero_lt_zcount_after_summary: "s ∈⇩A S ⟹ 0 < zcount (after_summary {#t#}⇩z S) (results_in t s)"
apply (subst int_one_le_iff_zero_less[symmetric])
apply (intro one_le_zcount_after_summary)
apply simp
lemma pos_zcount_after_summary:
"(⋀t. 0 ≤ zcount M t) ⟹ 0 < zcount M t ⟹ s ∈⇩A S ⟹ 0 < zcount (after_summary M S) (results_in t s)"
by (auto intro!: sum_pos2 pos_zcount_image_zmset simp: member_antichain.rep_eq zcount_sum after_summary_def)
lemma after_summary_nonneg: "(⋀t. 0 ≤ zcount M t) ⟹ 0 ≤ zcount (after_summary M S) t"
by (auto simp: zcount_sum after_summary_def intro: sum_nonneg)
lemma after_summary_zmset_of_nonneg[simp, intro]: "0 ≤ zcount (after_summary (zmset_of M) S) t"
by (simp add: mset_neg_image_zmset mset_neg_sum_set mset_neg_zcount_nonneg after_summary_def)
lemma pos_zcount_union_frontiers:
"zcount (after_summary (zmset_frontier (c_imp c l1)) (summary l1 l2)) (results_in t s)
≤ zcount (union_frontiers c l2) (results_in t s)"
apply (subst zcount_sum)
apply (rule member_le_sum)
apply (auto intro!: pos_zcount_image_zmset)
lemma after_summary_Sum_fun: "finite MM ⟹ after_summary (∑M∈MM. f M) A = (∑M∈MM. after_summary (f M) A)"
by (induct MM rule: finite_induct) (auto simp: after_summary_union)
lemma after_summary_obtain_pre:
assumes "⋀t. 0 ≤ zcount M t"
and "0 < zcount (after_summary M S) t"
obtains t' s where "0 < zcount M t'" "results_in t' s = t" "s ∈⇩A S"
using assms unfolding after_summary_def
apply atomize_elim
apply (subst (asm) zcount_sum)
apply (drule sum_pos_ex_elem_pos)
apply clarify
subgoal for s
apply (subst ex_comm)
apply (rule exI[of _ s])
apply (drule pos_image_zmset_obtain_pre[rotated])
apply simp
apply (simp add: member_antichain.rep_eq)
lemma empty_antichain[dest]: "x ∈⇩A antichain {} ⟹ False"
by (metis empty_antichain.abs_eq mem_antichain_nonempty)
definition impWitnessPath where
"impWitnessPath c loc1 loc2 xs t = (
path loc1 loc2 xs ∧
distinct xs ∧
(∃t'. t' ∈⇩A frontier (c_imp c loc1) ∧ t = results_in t' (sum_path_weights xs) ∧
(∀k<length xs. (∃t. t ∈⇩A frontier (c_imp c (TO (xs ! k))) ∧ t = results_in t' (sum_path_weights (take (k+1) xs))))))"
lemma impWitnessPathEx:
assumes "t ∈⇩A frontier (c_imp c loc2)"
shows "(∃loc1 xs. impWitnessPath c loc1 loc2 xs t)"
proof -
have 1: "path loc2 loc2 []" by (simp add: path0)
have 2: "distinct []" by auto
have "0 = sum_path_weights []" using foldr_Nil by auto
then have 3: "t = results_in t (sum_path_weights [])" by (simp add: results_in_zero)
with 1 2 assms show ?thesis
unfolding impWitnessPath_def
by (force simp: results_in_zero)
definition longestImpWitnessPath where
"longestImpWitnessPath c loc1 loc2 xs t = (
impWitnessPath c loc1 loc2 xs t ∧
(∀loc' xs'. impWitnessPath c loc' loc2 xs' t ⟶ length (xs') ≤ length (xs)))"
lemma finite_edges: "finite {(loc1,s,loc2). s ∈⇩A summary loc1 loc2}"
proof -
let ?sums = "(⋃ ((λ(loc1,loc2). set_antichain (summary loc1 loc2)) ` UNIV))"
have "finite ?sums"
by auto
then have "finite ((UNIV::'loc set) × ?sums × (UNIV::'loc set))"
by auto
moreover have "{(loc1,s,loc2). s ∈⇩A summary loc1 loc2} ⊆ ((UNIV::'loc set) × ?sums × (UNIV::'loc set))"
by (force simp: member_antichain.rep_eq)
ultimately show ?thesis
by (rule rev_finite_subset)
lemma longestImpWitnessPathEx:
assumes "t ∈⇩A frontier (c_imp c loc2)"
shows "(∃loc1 xs. longestImpWitnessPath c loc1 loc2 xs t)"
proof -
define paths where "paths = {(loc1, xs). impWitnessPath c loc1 loc2 xs t}"
with impWitnessPathEx[OF assms] obtain p where "p ∈ paths" by auto
have "∀p. p ∈ paths ⟶ (length ∘ snd) p < card {(loc1,s,loc2). s ∈⇩A summary loc1 loc2} + 1"
proof (intro allI impI)
fix p
assume p: "p ∈ paths"
then show "(length ∘ snd) p < card {(loc1,s,loc2). s ∈⇩A summary loc1 loc2} + 1"
by (auto simp: paths_def impWitnessPath_def less_Suc_eq_le finite_edges path_edge
dest!: distinct_card[symmetric] intro!: card_mono)
from ex_has_greatest_nat[OF ‹p ∈ paths› this] show ?thesis
by (auto simp: paths_def longestImpWitnessPath_def)
lemma path_first_loc: "path l1 l2 xs ⟹ xs ≠ [] ⟹ xs ! 0 = (l1',s,l2') ⟹ l1 = l1'"
proof (induct arbitrary: l1' s l2 rule: path.induct)
case (path0 l1 l2)
then show ?case by auto
case (path l1 l2 xs lbl l3)
then show ?case
apply (cases "xs=[]")
apply (auto elim: path0E) []
apply (rule path(2)[of l1' s])
by (auto simp: nth_append)
lemma find_witness_from_frontier:
assumes "t ∈⇩A frontier (c_imp c loc2)"
and "inv_imps_work_sum c"
shows "∃t' loc1 xs. (path loc1 loc2 xs ∧ t = results_in t' (sum_path_weights xs) ∧
(t' ∈⇩A frontier (c_pts c loc1) ∨ 0 > zcount (c_work c loc1) t'))"
proof -
obtain loc1 xs where longestP: "longestImpWitnessPath c loc1 loc2 xs t"
using assms(1) longestImpWitnessPathEx by blast
then obtain t' where t': "t' ∈⇩A frontier (c_imp c loc1)" "t = results_in t' (sum_path_weights xs)"
"(∀k<length xs. (∃t. t ∈⇩A frontier (c_imp c (TO (xs ! k))) ∧ t = results_in t' (sum_path_weights (take (k+1) xs))))"
by (auto simp add: longestImpWitnessPath_def impWitnessPath_def)
from t'(1) have cases: "0 > zcount (c_work c loc1) t' ∨
(t' ∈#⇩z (zmset_frontier (c_pts c loc1) + union_frontiers c loc1))"
using assms(2)
apply (clarsimp intro!: verit_forall_inst(6) simp: inv_imps_work_sum_def not_less)
apply (metis add_pos_nonneg mem_zmset_frontier member_frontier_pos_zmset obtain_frontier_elem zcount_empty zcount_ne_zero_iff zcount_union zmset_frontier_empty)
then show ?thesis
proof cases
assume case1: "0 > zcount (c_work c loc1) t'"
then show ?thesis using t' longestP
using impWitnessPath_def longestImpWitnessPath_def dataflow_topology_axioms by blast
assume case2: "¬0 > zcount (c_work c loc1) t'"
have "(t' ∈#⇩z (zmset_frontier (c_pts c loc1) + union_frontiers c loc1))"
using case2 cases by auto
then have case_split2: "(t' ∈#⇩z zmset_frontier (c_pts c loc1)) ∨ (t' ∈#⇩z union_frontiers c loc1)"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) add_diff_cancel_left' in_diff_zcount zcount_ne_zero_iff)
then show ?thesis
proof cases
assume case2_1: "t' ∈#⇩z zmset_frontier (c_pts c loc1)"
have "t' ∈⇩A frontier (c_pts c loc1)"
using case2_1 mem_zmset_frontier by blast
then show ?thesis
using t' impWitnessPath_def longestImpWitnessPath_def dataflow_topology_axioms longestP by blast
assume "¬t' ∈#⇩z zmset_frontier (c_pts c loc1)"
then have case2_2: "t' ∈#⇩z union_frontiers c loc1" using case_split2 by blast
then obtain loc0 t0 s0 where loc0 : "t0 ∈⇩A frontier (c_imp c loc0)"
"s0 ∈⇩A (summary loc0 loc1)"
"t' = results_in t0 s0"
by (fastforce simp: after_summary_def set_zmset_def zcount_sum
member_antichain.rep_eq[symmetric] zcount_image_zmset card_gt_0_iff
simp del: zcount_ne_zero_iff
elim!: sum.not_neutral_contains_not_neutral)
let ?xs' = "(loc0, s0, loc1) # xs"
have path_xs: "path loc1 loc2 xs"
using impWitnessPath_def longestImpWitnessPath_def longestP by blast
have is_path_xs': "path loc0 loc2 ?xs'" using longestP
apply (simp add: longestImpWitnessPath_def impWitnessPath_def)
by (metis append_Cons append_Nil path_singleton path_trans loc0(2))
have "∀k<length ?xs'.
results_in t0 (sum_path_weights (take (k+1) ?xs'))
∈⇩A frontier (c_imp c (TO (?xs' ! k)))"
apply clarify
subgoal for k
apply (cases "k=0")
using loc0(3) t'(1) by (auto simp: results_in_zero)
using t'(3)[rule_format, unfolded loc0(3) followed_by_summary, of "k-1", simplified]
by auto
note r = this[rule_format]
have distinctxs: "distinct xs"
using longestP
by (simp add: longestImpWitnessPath_def impWitnessPath_def)
then show ?thesis
proof cases
assume case_distinct: "distinct ?xs'"
have "t = results_in t0 (sum_path_weights ?xs')" using longestP loc0(3)
apply (simp add: longestImpWitnessPath_def impWitnessPath_def)
by (simp add: followed_by_summary t'(2))
then have impPath: "impWitnessPath c loc0 loc2 ?xs' t"
using is_path_xs' case_distinct loc0(1)
apply (simp add: impWitnessPath_def)
using r by auto
have "length ?xs' > length xs" by auto
then have "¬ longestImpWitnessPath c loc1 loc2 xs t"
using impPath leD unfolding longestImpWitnessPath_def by blast
then show ?thesis using longestP by blast
assume "¬ distinct ?xs'"
with distinctxs obtain k where k: "TO (?xs' ! k) = loc0" "k < length ?xs'"
apply atomize_elim
apply clarsimp
apply (subst (asm) in_set_conv_nth)
apply clarify
subgoal for i
apply (cases "i=0")
using path_first_loc[OF path_xs]
by force
apply (rule exI[of _ i])
using path_xs
apply (auto dest: path_to_eq_from[of _ _ xs "i-1"])
have "results_in t0 (sum_path_weights (take (k+1) ?xs')) ∈⇩A frontier (c_imp c loc0)"
by (rule r[OF k(2), unfolded k(1)])
moreover have "t0 < results_in t0 (sum_path_weights (take (k+1) ?xs'))"
apply simp
apply (rule no_zero_cycle[of loc0 "take (k+1) ?xs'" "sum_path_weights (take (k+1) ?xs')" t0, simplified])
using is_path_xs' k path_take_to by fastforce
ultimately show ?thesis
using loc0(1) frontier_comparable_False by blast
lemma implication_implies_pointstamp:
assumes "t ∈⇩A frontier (c_imp c loc)"
and "inv_imps_work_sum c"
shows "∃t' loc' s. s ∈⇩A path_summary loc' loc ∧ t ≥ results_in t' s ∧
(t' ∈⇩A frontier (c_pts c loc') ∨ 0 > zcount (c_work c loc') t')"
proof -
obtain loc' t' xs where witness:
"path loc' loc xs"
"t = results_in t' (sum_path_weights xs)"
"t' ∈⇩A frontier (c_pts c loc') ∨ 0 > zcount (c_work c loc') t'"
using assms find_witness_from_frontier by blast
obtain s where s: "s ∈⇩A path_summary loc' loc" "s ≤ (sum_path_weights xs)"
using witness(1) path_path_weight by blast
then have "t ≥ results_in t' s"
using witness(2) results_in_mono(2) by blast
then show ?thesis
using witness(3) s by auto
subsection‹Proof of Safety›
lemma results_in_sum_path_weights_append:
"results_in t (sum_path_weights (xs @ [(loc2, s, loc3)])) = results_in (results_in t (sum_path_weights xs)) s"
by (metis followed_by_summary sum_path_weights_append_singleton)
fixes c :: "('loc, 't) configuration"
inductive loc_imps_fw where
"loc_imps_fw loc loc (c_imp c loc) []" |
"loc_imps_fw loc1 loc2 M xs ⟹ s ∈⇩A summary loc2 loc3 ⟹ distinct (xs @ [(loc2,s,loc3)]) ⟹
loc_imps_fw loc1 loc3 ({# results_in t s. t ∈#⇩z M #} + c_imp c loc3) (xs @ [(loc2,s,loc3)])"
lemma loc_imps_fw_conv_path: "loc_imps_fw c loc1 loc2 M xs ⟹ path loc1 loc2 xs"
by (induct rule: loc_imps_fw.induct) (auto intro: path.intros)
lemma path_conv_loc_imps_fw: "path loc1 loc2 xs ⟹ distinct xs ⟹ ∃M. loc_imps_fw c loc1 loc2 M xs"
proof (induct rule: path.induct)
case (path0 l1 l2)
then show ?case by (auto intro: loc_imps_fw.intros)
case (path l1 l2 xs lbl l3)
then obtain M where "loc_imps_fw c l1 l2 M xs"
by auto
with path show ?case
by (force intro: loc_imps_fw.intros(2))
lemma path_summary_conv_loc_imps_fw:
"s ∈⇩A path_summary loc1 loc2 ⟹ ∃M xs. loc_imps_fw c loc1 loc2 M xs ∧ sum_path_weights xs = s"
proof -
assume path_sum: "s ∈⇩A path_summary loc1 loc2"
then obtain M xs where le: "path loc1 loc2 xs" "loc_imps_fw c loc1 loc2 M xs" "sum_path_weights xs ≤ s" "distinct xs"
apply atomize_elim
apply (drule path_weight_conv_path)
apply clarsimp
apply (drule path_distinct)
apply clarsimp
subgoal for ys xs
apply (rule exI[of _ xs])
apply (rule conjI, assumption)
apply (drule path_conv_loc_imps_fw[of loc1 loc2 xs c])
using subseq_sum_weights_le apply auto
show ?thesis
proof (cases "sum_path_weights xs = s")
case True
with le show ?thesis by auto
case False
with le have "sum_path_weights xs < s"
by auto
with le(1) path_sum have False
by (auto dest: path_weight_conv_path)
then show ?thesis
by blast
lemma image_zmset_id[simp]: "{#x. x ∈#⇩z M#} = M"
by transfer (auto simp: equiv_zmset_def)
lemma sum_pos: "finite M ⟹ ∀x∈M. 0 ≤ f x ⟹ y ∈ M ⟹ 0 < (f y::_::ordered_comm_monoid_add) ⟹ 0 < (∑x∈M. f x)"
proof (induct M rule: finite_induct)
case empty
then show ?case by simp
case (insert x F)
then show ?case
by (cases "0 < f x") (auto intro: sum_nonneg add_pos_nonneg add_nonneg_pos)
lemma loc_imps_fw_M_in_implications:
assumes "loc_imps_fw c loc1 loc2 M xs"
and "inv_imps_work_sum c"
and "inv_implications_nonneg c"
and "⋀loc. c_work c loc = {#}⇩z"
and "0 < zcount M t"
shows "∃s. s ≤ t ∧ s ∈⇩A frontier (c_imp c loc2)"
using assms(1,5)
proof (induct arbitrary: t rule: loc_imps_fw.induct)
note iiws = assms(2)[unfolded inv_imps_work_sum_def assms(4), simplified, rule_format]
case (1 loc t)
then show ?case
by (auto elim: obtain_elem_frontier)
note iiws = assms(2)[unfolded inv_imps_work_sum_def assms(4), simplified, rule_format]
case (2 loc1 loc2 M xs s loc3 t)
from 2(5) have disj: "0 < zcount {# results_in t s. t ∈#⇩z M #} t ∨ 0 < zcount (c_imp c loc3) t"
by auto
show ?case
proof -
{ assume "0 < zcount {# results_in t s. t ∈#⇩z M #} t"
then obtain t' where t': "results_in t' s = t" "0 < zcount M t'"
apply atomize_elim
apply (rule ccontr)
apply (subst (asm) zcount_image_zmset)
apply (clarsimp simp: vimage_def)
apply (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Int_iff mem_Collect_eq sum_pos_ex_elem_pos)
obtain u where u: "u ≤ t'" "u ∈⇩A frontier (c_imp c loc2)"
by atomize_elim (rule 2(2)[OF t'(2)])
then have riu_le_rit': "results_in u s ≤ t"
by (simp add: t'(1)[symmetric] results_in_mono)
from u have "0 < zcount (union_frontiers c loc3) (results_in u s)"
apply (subst zcount_sum)
apply (rule sum_pos[where y=loc2])
apply simp_all [3]
apply (clarsimp simp: after_summary_def)
apply (subst zcount_sum)
apply (rule sum_pos[where y=s])
using 2(3) apply simp_all [3]
apply (subst zcount_image_zmset)
apply simp
apply (subst card_eq_sum)
apply (rule sum_pos[where y=u])
apply simp_all
then have "0 < zcount (zmset_frontier (c_pts c loc3)) (results_in u s) + zcount (union_frontiers c loc3) (results_in u s)"
by (auto intro: add_nonneg_pos)
with riu_le_rit' have ?thesis
apply (subst (asm) zcount_union[symmetric])
apply (subst iiws)
apply (erule obtain_elem_frontier)
subgoal for u'
by (auto intro!: exI[of _ u'])
assume "0 < zcount (c_imp c loc3) t"
then have ?thesis
by (auto elim: obtain_elem_frontier)
moreover note disj
ultimately show ?thesis
by blast
lemma loc_imps_fw_M_nonneg[simp]:
assumes "loc_imps_fw c loc1 loc2 M xs"
and "inv_implications_nonneg c"
shows "0 ≤ zcount M t"
using assms
by (induct arbitrary: t rule: loc_imps_fw.induct)
(auto intro!: add_nonneg_nonneg sum_nonneg simp: zcount_image_zmset assms(2)[unfolded inv_implications_nonneg_def])
lemma loc_imps_fw_implication_in_M:
assumes "inv_imps_work_sum c"
and "inv_implications_nonneg c"
and "loc_imps_fw c loc1 loc2 M xs"
and "0 < zcount (c_imp c loc1) t"
shows "0 < zcount M (results_in t (sum_path_weights xs))"
using assms(3,4)
proof (induct rule: loc_imps_fw.induct)
note iiws = assms(1)[unfolded inv_imps_work_sum_def assms(3), simplified, rule_format]
case (1 loc)
then show ?case
by (simp add: results_in_zero)
case (2 loc1 loc2 M xs s loc3)
have "0 < zcount M (results_in t (sum_path_weights xs))"
by (rule 2(2)[OF 2(5)])
then show ?case
apply (subst results_in_sum_path_weights_append)
apply (subst zcount_union)
apply (rule add_pos_nonneg)
apply (subst zcount_image_zmset)
apply (rule sum_pos[where y = "results_in t (sum_weights (map (λ(s, l, t). l) xs))"])
apply simp
apply (auto simp: loc_imps_fw_M_nonneg[OF 2(1) assms(2)] zcount_inI) [3]
apply (auto simp: assms(2)[unfolded inv_implications_nonneg_def])
definition impl_safe :: "('loc, 't) configuration ⇒ bool" where
"impl_safe c ≡ ∀loc1 loc2 t s. zcount (c_imp c loc1) t > 0 ∧ s ∈⇩A path_summary loc1 loc2
⟶ (∃t'. t' ∈⇩A frontier (c_imp c loc2) ∧ t' ≤ results_in t s)"
lemma impl_safe:
assumes "inv_imps_work_sum c"
and "inv_implications_nonneg c"
and "⋀loc. c_work c loc = {#}⇩z"
shows "impl_safe c"
unfolding impl_safe_def
apply clarify
proof -
note iiws = assms(1)[unfolded inv_imps_work_sum_def assms(3), simplified, rule_format]
fix loc1 loc2 t s
assume "0 < zcount (c_imp c loc1) t"
then obtain t' where t': "t' ∈⇩A frontier (c_imp c loc1)" "t' ≤ t"
by (auto elim: obtain_elem_frontier)
then have t'_zcount: "0 < zcount (c_imp c loc1) t'"
by (simp add: member_frontier_pos_zmset)
assume path_sum: "s ∈⇩A path_summary loc1 loc2"
obtain M xs where Mxs: "loc_imps_fw c loc1 loc2 M xs" "sum_path_weights xs = s"
by atomize_elim (rule path_summary_conv_loc_imps_fw[OF path_sum])
have inM: "0 < zcount M (results_in t' (sum_path_weights xs))"
by (rule loc_imps_fw_implication_in_M[OF assms(1,2) Mxs(1) t'_zcount])
obtain u where u: "u ≤ results_in t' (sum_path_weights xs)" "u ∈⇩A frontier (c_imp c loc2)"
by atomize_elim (rule loc_imps_fw_M_in_implications[OF Mxs(1) assms(1,2,3) inM])
then show "∃t'. t' ∈⇩A frontier (c_imp c loc2) ∧ t' ≤ results_in t s"
apply (intro exI[of _ u])
apply (simp add: Mxs(2))
using t'(2) apply (meson order.trans results_in_mono(1))
lemma cm_preserves_impl_safe:
assumes "impl_safe c0"
and "next_change_multiplicity' c0 c1 loc t n"
shows "impl_safe c1"
using assms
by (auto simp: impl_safe_def next_change_multiplicity'_def)
lemma cm_preserves_safe:
assumes "safe c0"
and "impl_safe c0"
and "next_change_multiplicity' c0 c1 loc t n"
shows "safe c1"
proof -
from assms(1) have safe: "0 < zcount (c_pts c0 loc1) t ⟹ s ∈⇩A path_summary loc1 loc2
⟹ ∃t'≤results_in t s. t' ∈⇩A frontier (c_imp c0 loc2)" for loc1 loc2 t s
by (auto simp: safe_def)
from assms(2) have impl_safe: "0 < zcount (c_imp c0 loc1) t ⟹ s ∈⇩A path_summary loc1 loc2
⟹ ∃t'. t' ∈⇩A frontier (c_imp c0 loc2) ∧ t' ≤ results_in t s" for loc1 loc2 t s
by (auto simp: impl_safe_def)
from assms(3) have imps: "c_imp c1 = c_imp c0"
unfolding next_change_multiplicity'_def by auto
{ fix loc1 loc2 u s
assume u: "0 < zcount (c_pts c1 loc1) u"
then obtain u' where u': "u' ∈⇩A frontier (c_pts c1 loc1)" "u' ≤ u"
using obtain_frontier_elem by blast
assume path_sum: "s ∈⇩A path_summary loc1 loc2"
assume n_neq_zero: "n ≠ 0"
assume impl: "∃t'. t' ∈⇩A frontier (c_imp c0 loc) ∧ t' ≤ t"
assume pointstamps:
"∀loc'. c_pts c1 loc' =
(if loc' = loc then update_zmultiset (c_pts c0 loc') t n
else c_pts c0 loc')"
have "∃t'≤results_in u s. t' ∈⇩A frontier (c_imp c1 loc2)"
proof (cases "n < 0")
case True
with u have u_c0: "0 < zcount (c_pts c0 loc1) u"
unfolding pointstamps[rule_format]
by (cases "loc1=loc"; cases "t=u") (auto simp: zcount_update_zmultiset)
show ?thesis
unfolding imps
by (rule safe[OF u_c0 path_sum])
case False
with n_neq_zero have "n > 0"
by linarith
then show ?thesis
unfolding imps
apply (cases "loc=loc1"; cases "t=u")
using impl
apply (elim exE conjE)
subgoal for t'
apply simp
apply (drule member_frontier_pos_zmset)
apply (drule impl_safe[rotated, OF path_sum])
apply (elim exE)
subgoal for t''
apply (rule exI[of _ t''])
using results_in_mono(1) order_trans apply blast
using u path_sum apply (auto simp: zcount_update_zmultiset pointstamps[rule_format] intro: safe)
note r = this
show ?thesis
unfolding safe_def
apply clarify
subgoal for loc1 loc2 t s
using assms(3)[unfolded next_change_multiplicity'_def]
by (intro r[of loc1 t s loc2]) auto
subsection‹A Better (More Invariant) Safety›
definition worklists_vacant_to :: "('loc, 't) configuration ⇒ 't ⇒ bool" where
"worklists_vacant_to c t =
(∀loc1 loc2 s t'. s ∈⇩A path_summary loc1 loc2 ∧ t' ∈#⇩z c_work c loc1 ⟶ ¬ results_in t' s ≤ t)"
definition inv_safe :: "('loc, 't) configuration ⇒ bool" where
"inv_safe c = (∀loc1 loc2 t s. 0 < zcount (c_pts c loc1) t
∧ s ∈⇩A path_summary loc1 loc2
∧ worklists_vacant_to c (results_in t s)
⟶ (∃t' ≤ results_in t s. t' ∈⇩A frontier (c_imp c loc2)))"
text‹Intuition: Unlike safe, @{term inv_safe} is an invariant because it only claims the safety property
@{term "t' ∈⇩A frontier (c_imp c loc2)"} for pointstamps that can't be modified by future propagated
updates anymore (i.e. there are no upstream worklist entries which can result in a less or equal pointstamp).›
lemma in_frontier_diff: "∀y∈#⇩zN. ¬ y ≤ x ⟹ x ∈⇩A frontier (M - N) ⟷ x ∈⇩A frontier M"
apply transfer'
unfolding in_minimal_antichain
apply (metis (mono_tags, lifting) diff_zero le_less mem_Collect_eq set_zmset_def zcount_diff)
lemma worklists_vacant_to_trans:
"worklists_vacant_to c t ⟹ t' ≤ t ⟹ worklists_vacant_to c t'"
unfolding worklists_vacant_to_def
using order.trans by blast
lemma loc_imps_fw_M_in_implications':
assumes "loc_imps_fw c loc1 loc2 M xs"
and "inv_imps_work_sum c"
and "inv_implications_nonneg c"
and "worklists_vacant_to c t"
and "0 < zcount M t"
shows "∃s≤t. s ∈⇩A frontier (c_imp c loc2)"
using assms(1,4,5)
proof (induct arbitrary: t rule: loc_imps_fw.induct)
note iiws = assms(2)[unfolded inv_imps_work_sum_def, rule_format]
case (1 loc t)
then show ?case
by (auto elim: obtain_elem_frontier)
note iiws = assms(2)[unfolded inv_imps_work_sum_def eq_diff_eq[symmetric], rule_format]
case (2 loc1 loc2 M xs s loc3 t)
from 2(6) consider "0 < zcount {# results_in t s. t ∈#⇩z M #} t" | "0 < zcount (c_imp c loc3) t"
by atomize_elim auto
then show ?case
proof cases
case 1
then obtain t' where t': "results_in t' s = t" "0 < zcount M t'"
apply atomize_elim
apply (rule ccontr)
apply (subst (asm) zcount_image_zmset)
apply (clarsimp simp: vimage_def)
apply (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Int_iff mem_Collect_eq sum_pos_ex_elem_pos)
have vacant_to: "worklists_vacant_to c t'"
apply (rule worklists_vacant_to_trans)
apply (rule 2(5))
using zero_le results_in_mono(2) results_in_zero t'(1) apply fastforce
obtain u where u: "u ≤ t'" "u ∈⇩A frontier (c_imp c loc2)"
using 2(2)[OF vacant_to t'(2)] by fast
then have riu_le_rit': "results_in u s ≤ t"
by (simp add: t'(1)[symmetric] results_in_mono)
from u have "0 < zcount (union_frontiers c loc3) (results_in u s)"
apply (subst zcount_sum)
apply (rule sum_pos[where y=loc2])
apply simp_all [3]
apply (clarsimp simp: after_summary_def)
apply (subst zcount_sum)
apply (rule sum_pos[where y=s])
using 2(3) apply simp_all [3]
apply (subst zcount_image_zmset)
apply simp
apply (subst card_eq_sum)
apply (rule sum_pos[where y=u])
apply simp_all
then have "0 < zcount (zmset_frontier (c_pts c loc3)) (results_in u s) + zcount (union_frontiers c loc3) (results_in u s)"
by (auto intro: add_nonneg_pos)
with riu_le_rit' show ?thesis
apply (subst (asm) zcount_union[symmetric])
apply (subst iiws)
apply (erule obtain_elem_frontier)
subgoal for u'
apply (rule exI[of _ u'])
apply (subst in_frontier_diff)
apply clarify
subgoal for t'
using 2(5)[unfolded worklists_vacant_to_def, rule_format, of 0 loc3 loc3 t']
apply -
apply (drule meta_mp)
apply (intro conjI)
apply simp
apply simp
apply (metis order_trans results_in_zero)
apply auto
case 2
then show ?thesis
by (auto elim: obtain_elem_frontier)
lemma inv_safe:
assumes "inv_imps_work_sum c"
and "inv_implications_nonneg c"
shows "inv_safe c"
unfolding inv_safe_def
apply clarify
proof -
note iiws = assms(1)[unfolded inv_imps_work_sum_def, rule_format]
fix loc1 loc2 t s
assume vacant: "worklists_vacant_to c (results_in t s)"
assume "0 < zcount (c_pts c loc1) t"
then obtain t' where t': "t' ∈⇩A frontier (c_pts c loc1)" "t' ≤ t"
using obtain_frontier_elem by blast
have zcount_wl: "zcount (c_work c loc1) t' = 0"
using vacant[unfolded worklists_vacant_to_def, rule_format, of 0 loc1 loc1 t', simplified]
by (metis add.left_neutral order.trans le_plus(1) results_in_mono(2) results_in_zero t'(2) zcount_ne_zero_iff)
obtain t'' where t'': "t'' ∈⇩A frontier (c_imp c loc1)" "t'' ≤ t'"
proof atomize_elim
from t'(1) have "0 < zcount (zmset_frontier (c_pts c loc1)) t' + zcount (union_frontiers c loc1) t'"
by (auto intro: add_pos_nonneg simp: union_frontiers_nonneg)
then show "∃t''. t'' ∈⇩A frontier (c_imp c loc1) ∧ t'' ≤ t'"
apply (subst (asm) zcount_union[symmetric])
apply (subst (asm) iiws[symmetric])
using zcount_wl
apply (auto elim: obtain_frontier_elem)
then have t''_zcount: "0 < zcount (c_imp c loc1) t''"
by (simp add: member_frontier_pos_zmset)
assume path_sum: "s ∈⇩A path_summary loc1 loc2"
obtain M xs where Mxs: "loc_imps_fw c loc1 loc2 M xs" "sum_path_weights xs = s"
by atomize_elim (rule path_summary_conv_loc_imps_fw[OF path_sum])
have inM: "0 < zcount M (results_in t'' (sum_path_weights xs))"
by (rule loc_imps_fw_implication_in_M[OF assms(1,2) Mxs(1) t''_zcount])
have vacant2: "worklists_vacant_to c (results_in t'' (sum_weights (map (λ(s, l, t). l) xs)))"
apply (subst Mxs(2))
apply (meson results_in_mono(1) worklists_vacant_to_trans t''(2) t'(2) vacant)
obtain u where u: "u ≤ results_in t'' (sum_path_weights xs)" "u ∈⇩A frontier (c_imp c loc2)"
by atomize_elim (rule loc_imps_fw_M_in_implications'[OF Mxs(1) assms(1,2) vacant2 inM])
then show "∃t'≤results_in t s. t' ∈⇩A frontier (c_imp c loc2)"
apply (intro exI[of _ u])
apply (simp add: Mxs(2))
using t''(2) t'(2) apply (meson order.trans results_in_mono(1))
lemma alw_conjI: "alw P s ⟹ alw Q s ⟹ alw (λs. P s ∧ Q s) s"
by (coinduction arbitrary: s) auto
lemma alw_inv_safe: "spec s ⟹ alw (holds inv_safe) s"
apply (frule spec_imp_iiws)
apply (drule alw_inv_implications_nonneg)
apply (rule alw_mp[where φ = "λs. holds inv_imps_work_sum s ∧ holds inv_implications_nonneg s"])
apply (rule alw_conjI)
apply assumption+
apply (simp add: alw_mono inv_safe)
lemma empty_worklists_vacant_to: "∀loc. c_work c loc = {#}⇩z ⟹ worklists_vacant_to c t"
unfolding worklists_vacant_to_def
by auto
lemma inv_safe_safe: "(⋀loc. c_work c loc = {#}⇩z) ⟹ inv_safe c ⟹ safe c"
unfolding inv_safe_def safe_def worklists_vacant_to_def by auto
lemma safe:
assumes "inv_imps_work_sum c"
and "inv_implications_nonneg c"
and "⋀loc. c_work c loc = {#}⇩z"
shows "safe c"
by (rule inv_safe_safe[OF assms(3) inv_safe[OF assms(1,2)]])
subsection ‹Implied Frontier›
abbreviation zmset_pos where "zmset_pos M ≡ zmset_of (mset_pos M)"
definition implied_frontier where
"implied_frontier P loc = frontier (∑loc'∈UNIV. after_summary (zmset_pos (P loc')) (path_summary loc' loc))"
definition implied_frontier_alt where
"implied_frontier_alt c loc = frontier (∑loc'∈UNIV. after_summary (zmset_frontier (c_pts c loc')) (path_summary loc' loc))"
lemma in_frontier_least: "x ∈⇩A frontier M ⟹ ∀y. 0 < zcount M y ⟶ ¬ y < x"
by transfer' (auto simp: minimal_antichain_def)
lemma in_frontier_trans: "0 < zcount M y ⟹ x ∈⇩A frontier M ⟹ y ≤ x ⟹ y ∈⇩A frontier M"
by transfer (simp add: le_less minimal_antichain_def)
lemma implied_frontier_alt_least:
assumes "b ∈⇩A implied_frontier_alt c loc2"
shows "∀loc a' s'. a' ∈⇩A frontier (c_pts c loc) ⟶ s' ∈⇩A path_summary loc loc2 ⟶ ¬ results_in a' s' < b"
proof (intro allI impI notI)
fix loc a' s'
assume a': "a' ∈⇩A frontier (c_pts c loc)"
assume s': "s' ∈⇩A path_summary loc loc2"
assume lt: "results_in a' s' < b"
have "0 < zcount (after_summary (zmset_frontier (c_pts c loc)) (path_summary loc loc2)) (results_in a' s')"
using a' s' by (auto intro!: pos_zcount_after_summary)
then have "0 < zcount (∑loc'∈UNIV. after_summary (zmset_frontier (c_pts c loc')) (path_summary loc' loc2)) (results_in a' s')"
by (auto intro!: sum_pos[where y = loc] simp: zcount_sum)
then have "results_in a' s' ∈⇩A implied_frontier_alt c loc2"
using assms lt unfolding implied_frontier_alt_def
by (auto dest!: in_frontier_trans[where y = "results_in a' s'" and x = b])
with lt assms show "False"
unfolding implied_frontier_alt_def
using frontier_comparable_False
by blast
lemma implied_frontier_alt_in_pointstamps:
assumes "b ∈⇩A implied_frontier_alt c loc2"
obtains a s loc1 where
"a ∈⇩A frontier (c_pts c loc1)" "s ∈⇩A path_summary loc1 loc2" "results_in a s = b"
using assms apply atomize_elim
unfolding implied_frontier_alt_def
apply (drule member_frontier_pos_zmset)
apply (subst (asm) zcount_sum)
apply (drule sum_pos_ex_elem_pos)
apply clarify
apply (rule after_summary_obtain_pre[rotated])
apply simp
subgoal for loc1 a s
by (auto intro!: exI[of _ loc1] exI[of _ a] exI[of _ s])
apply simp
lemma in_implied_frontier_alt_in_implication_frontier:
assumes "inv_imps_work_sum c"
and "inv_implications_nonneg c"
and "worklists_vacant_to c b"
and "b ∈⇩A implied_frontier_alt c loc2"
shows "b ∈⇩A frontier (c_imp c loc2)"
proof -
have safe: "0 < zcount (c_pts c loc1) t ⟹ s ∈⇩A path_summary loc1 loc2 ⟹ results_in t s ≤ b
⟹ ∃t'≤results_in t s. t' ∈⇩A frontier (c_imp c loc2)" for loc1 loc2 t s
by (rule inv_safe[OF assms(1,2), unfolded inv_safe_def, rule_format])
(auto elim: worklists_vacant_to_trans[OF assms(3)])
from assms(4) obtain loc1 a s where loc1_a_s:
"a ∈⇩A frontier (c_pts c loc1)" "s ∈⇩A path_summary loc1 loc2" "results_in a s = b"
"∀loc a' s'. a' ∈⇩A frontier (c_pts c loc) ⟶ s' ∈⇩A path_summary loc loc2 ⟶ ¬ results_in a' s' < b"
apply atomize_elim
apply (rule implied_frontier_alt_in_pointstamps)
apply simp
apply (drule implied_frontier_alt_least)
apply fast
then have zcount_ps: "0 < zcount (c_pts c loc1) a"
using member_frontier_pos_zmset by blast
obtain b' where b': "b' ∈⇩A frontier (c_imp c loc2)" "b' ≤ results_in a s"
using safe[OF zcount_ps loc1_a_s(2)] loc1_a_s(3) by blast
have "b' = results_in a s"
proof -
have "zcount (c_work c loc) t = 0" if "results_in t s ≤ b'" for t s loc
proof -
have "results_in t s ≤ b"
using b'(2) loc1_a_s(3) that by force
then show ?thesis
by (meson assms(3) results_in_mono(2) worklists_vacant_to_def flow.zero_le order_trans
path_weight_refl zcount_inI)
then obtain a' loc1' s' where a':
"s' ∈⇩A path_summary loc1' loc2" "results_in a' s' ≤ b'" "a' ∈⇩A frontier (c_pts c loc1')"
using implication_implies_pointstamp[OF b'(1) assms(1), simplified] by force
{ assume "b' ≠ results_in a s"
with b'(2) have b'_lt: "b' < results_in a s"
by simp
note loc1_a_s(4)[rule_format, unfolded loc1_a_s(3)[symmetric], OF a'(3,1)]
with b'_lt a'(2) have False
by (simp add: leD less_le order_trans)
then show ?thesis
by (rule ccontr)
with b' show "b ∈⇩A frontier (c_imp c loc2)"
by (auto simp: loc1_a_s(3))
lemma in_implication_frontier_in_implied_frontier_alt:
assumes "inv_imps_work_sum c"
and "inv_implications_nonneg c"
and "worklists_vacant_to c b"
and "b ∈⇩A frontier (c_imp c loc2)"
shows "b ∈⇩A implied_frontier_alt c loc2"
proof -
have safe: "0 < zcount (c_pts c loc1) t ⟹ s ∈⇩A path_summary loc1 loc2 ⟹ results_in t s ≤ b
⟹ ∃t'≤results_in t s. t' ∈⇩A frontier (c_imp c loc2)" for loc1 loc2 t s
by (rule inv_safe[OF assms(1,2), unfolded inv_safe_def, rule_format])
(auto elim: worklists_vacant_to_trans[OF assms(3)])
have "zcount (c_work c loc) t = 0" if "results_in t s ≤ b" for t s loc
using that by (meson assms(3) results_in_mono(2) worklists_vacant_to_def flow.zero_le
order_trans path_weight_refl zcount_inI)
then obtain loc1 a s where loc1_a_s:
"s ∈⇩A path_summary loc1 loc2" "results_in a s ≤ b" "a ∈⇩A frontier (c_pts c loc1)"
using implication_implies_pointstamp[OF assms(4) assms(1), simplified] by force
then have zcount_a: "0 < zcount (c_pts c loc1) a"
using member_frontier_pos_zmset by blast
have b_ria: "results_in a s = b"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "results_in a s ≠ b"
with loc1_a_s(2) have "results_in a s < b"
by simp
then show False
using safe[OF zcount_a loc1_a_s(1)] assms(4) loc1_a_s(2)
using order.strict_trans1 frontier_comparable_False by blast
have "0 < zcount (∑loc'∈UNIV. after_summary (zmset_frontier (c_pts c loc')) (path_summary loc' loc2)) (results_in a s)"
unfolding after_summary_def
apply (subst zcount_sum)
apply (rule sum_pos[of _ _ loc1])
apply simp
apply (clarsimp simp: zcount_sum)
apply (rule sum_nonneg)
apply (subst zcount_image_zmset)
apply auto [2]
apply (subst zcount_sum)
apply (rule sum_pos[of _ _ s])
using loc1_a_s(1) apply simp_all [3]
apply (subst zcount_image_zmset)
apply (rule sum_pos[of _ _ a])
using loc1_a_s(3) apply auto
then obtain b' where b': "b' ∈⇩A implied_frontier_alt c loc2" "b' ≤ results_in a s"
by (auto simp: implied_frontier_alt_def elim: obtain_frontier_elem)
then have "worklists_vacant_to c b'"
using loc1_a_s(2) by (auto intro: worklists_vacant_to_trans[OF assms(3)])
with b' have b'_frontier: "b' ∈⇩A frontier (c_imp c loc2)"
using in_implied_frontier_alt_in_implication_frontier assms by blast
have b'_ria: "b' = results_in a s"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "b' ≠ results_in a s"
with b'(2) have b'_lt: "b' < results_in a s"
by simp
from b'_frontier b'_lt b_ria assms(4) show False
using frontier_comparable_False by blast
from b' b'_ria b_ria show "b ∈⇩A implied_frontier_alt c loc2"
by (auto simp: implied_frontier_alt_def)
lemma implication_frontier_iff_implied_frontier_alt_vacant:
assumes "inv_imps_work_sum c"
and "inv_implications_nonneg c"
and "worklists_vacant_to c b"
shows "b ∈⇩A frontier (c_imp c loc) ⟷ b ∈⇩A implied_frontier_alt c loc"
in_implication_frontier_in_implied_frontier_alt[OF assms]
in_implied_frontier_alt_in_implication_frontier[OF assms]
by blast
lemma next_propagate_implied_frontier_alt_def:
"next_propagate c c' ⟹ implied_frontier_alt c loc = implied_frontier_alt c' loc"
by (auto simp: next_propagate'_def implied_frontier_alt_def)
lemma implication_frontier_eq_implied_frontier_alt:
assumes "inv_imps_work_sum c"
and "inv_implications_nonneg c"
and "⋀loc. c_work c loc = {#}⇩z"
shows "frontier (c_imp c loc) = implied_frontier_alt c loc"
using ac_eq_iff implication_frontier_iff_implied_frontier_alt_vacant empty_worklists_vacant_to assms
by blast
lemma alw_implication_frontier_eq_implied_frontier_alt_empty: "spec s ⟹
alw (holds (λc. (∀loc. c_work c loc = {#}⇩z) ⟶ frontier (c_imp c loc) = implied_frontier_alt c loc)) s"
apply (frule spec_imp_iiws)
apply (drule alw_inv_implications_nonneg)
apply (drule (1) alw_conjI)
apply (erule thin_rl)
apply (auto elim!: alw_mono simp: implication_frontier_eq_implied_frontier_alt)
lemma alw_implication_frontier_eq_implied_frontier_alt_vacant: "spec s ⟹
alw (holds (λc. worklists_vacant_to c b ⟶ b ∈⇩A frontier (c_imp c loc) ⟷ b ∈⇩A implied_frontier_alt c loc)) s"
apply (frule spec_imp_iiws)
apply (drule alw_inv_implications_nonneg)
apply (drule (1) alw_conjI)
apply (erule thin_rl)
apply (auto elim!: alw_mono simp: implication_frontier_iff_implied_frontier_alt_vacant)
lemma antichain_eqI: "(⋀b. b ∈⇩A A ⟷ b ∈⇩A B) ⟹ A = B"
by transfer auto
lemma zmset_frontier_zmset_pos: "zmset_frontier A ⊆#⇩z zmset_pos A"
unfolding subseteq_zmset_def
by transfer' (auto simp: count_mset_set_if minimal_antichain_def)
lemma image_mset_mono_pos:
"∀b. 0 ≤ zcount A b ⟹ ∀b. 0 ≤ zcount B b ⟹ A ⊆#⇩z B ⟹ image_zmset f A ⊆#⇩z image_zmset f B"
unfolding subseteq_zmset_def zcount_image_zmset
apply (intro allI)
apply (rule order_trans[OF sum_mono sum_mono2])
apply simp_all
by (metis Int_subset_iff antisym subsetI zcount_ne_zero_iff)
lemma sum_mono_subseteq:
"(⋀i. i∈K ⟹ f i ⊆#⇩z g i) ⟹ (∑i∈K. f i) ⊆#⇩z (∑i∈K. g i)"
by (simp add: subseteq_zmset_def sum_mono zcount_sum)
lemma after_summary_zmset_frontier:
"after_summary (zmset_frontier A) S ⊆#⇩z after_summary (zmset_pos A) S"
unfolding after_summary_def
apply (rule sum_mono_subseteq)
apply (rule image_mset_mono_pos[OF _ _ zmset_frontier_zmset_pos])
apply auto
lemma frontier_eqI: "∀b. 0 ≤ zcount A b ⟹ ∀b. 0 ≤ zcount B b ⟹
A ⊆#⇩z B ⟹ (⋀b. b ∈#⇩z B ⟹ ∃a. a ∈#⇩z A ∧ a ≤ b) ⟹ frontier A = frontier B"
apply (transfer fixing: A B)
apply (clarsimp simp: minimal_antichain_def subseteq_zmset_def)
apply safe
apply (metis less_le_trans)
apply (metis less_le less_le_trans zcount_ne_zero_iff)
apply (metis antisym less_le zcount_ne_zero_iff)
apply (meson less_le_trans)
lemma implied_frontier_implied_frontier_alt: "implied_frontier (c_pts c) loc = implied_frontier_alt c loc"
unfolding implied_frontier_alt_def implied_frontier_def
apply (rule frontier_eqI[symmetric])
subgoal by (auto simp: zcount_sum sum_nonneg)
subgoal by (auto simp: zcount_sum sum_nonneg)
subgoal by (rule sum_mono_subseteq[OF after_summary_zmset_frontier])
apply (simp flip: zcount_ne_zero_iff add: zcount_sum)
apply (erule sum.not_neutral_contains_not_neutral)
apply (simp flip: zcount_ne_zero_iff add: after_summary_def zcount_sum)
apply (erule sum.not_neutral_contains_not_neutral)
apply (simp flip: zcount_ne_zero_iff add: zcount_image_zmset split: if_splits)
apply (erule sum.not_neutral_contains_not_neutral)
apply (simp flip: zcount_ne_zero_iff)
subgoal for u loc s t
apply (rule obtain_elem_frontier[of "c_pts c loc" t])
apply (metis le_less)
subgoal for a
apply (rule exI[of _ "results_in a s"])
apply (rule conjI[rotated])
using results_in_mono(1) apply blast
apply (subst sum_nonneg_eq_0_iff; simp add: sum_nonneg)
apply (rule exI[of _ loc])
apply (subst sum_nonneg_eq_0_iff; simp)
apply (rule bexI[of _ s])
apply auto
lemmas alw_implication_frontier_eq_implied_frontier_vacant =
alw_implication_frontier_eq_implied_frontier_alt_vacant[folded implied_frontier_implied_frontier_alt]
lemmas implication_frontier_iff_implied_frontier_vacant =
implication_frontier_iff_implied_frontier_alt_vacant[folded implied_frontier_implied_frontier_alt]